Catalog of RFL PUMP PDF

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Class: Domestic WP - RC010050

Model Item Power Capacity Efficiency Sn. Dn.
Pump Type & application
Code point
1 Phase 3 phase HP KW H(m) Q-l/m H(m) Q-l/m Inch Inch
Domestic: Up to 2nd Floor), Pressure
RPm 60-1 85001 boosting for Top floor, Gardening, 0.50 0.33 5-38 40-5 12 30 1 1
Vehicle washing, .
RSJm 1CE 85007 0.50 0.33 12-24 50-10 15 40 1 1
RSJ 1BE 85006 0.70 0.60 14-30 60-10 17 40 1 1
RSJ 10 M 85002 Self Priming Jet Pump, applicable for 1.00 0.75 18-32 80 - 20 15 50 1 1
RSJ 15 M 85011 dom, civil construction and versatile 1.50 1.10 15-36 85-20 20 60 1 1
RSJ 3 CL 85027 urban requirement 1.50 1.10 30-45 20-90 22 65 1¼ 1
RSJ 3BH 85031 2.00 1.50 15-50 20-90 26 70 1¼ 1
RSJm75HS 85042 1.00 0.75 15-35 60-20 15 50 1 1
RDJ 370-1A 85003 Deep well surface pumps can meet 1.00 0.75 5-28 30-10 14 20 1¼ 1
small requirement of water in urban
RDJ 505A1 85023 area and temporary establishment 1.50 1.10 33-51 30-20 30 20 1¼ 1
RAC - 158 85005 1.00 0.75 21-35 100-20 20 60 1 1
To lift water from UT to OT up to 7th
RAC - 170 85012 1.50 1.10 25-48 140-20 30 60 1¼ 1
floor building
XCM 25/160A 85015 2.00 1.50 18-36 250-50 24 150 1½ 1
Class: Irrigation WP - RC010051
Model Item Power Capacity Efficiency Sn. Dn.
Pump Type & application
Code point
1 Phase 3 phase HP KW H(m) Q-l/m H(m) Q-l/m Inch Inch
RAGm - 1A 85008 1.00 0.75 12-20 300-100 5 250 1½ 1½
RAH 5B 85009 1.00 0.75 3-7 600-100 5 500 2 2
Specially for irrigation in rural areas
RAH 5A 85010 1.50 1.10 6-12 650-100 8 600 2 2
from 7m water level. To get high
RAH 6C 85004 1.50 1.10 3-11 1000-300 3 800 3 3
volume of water against small power
RAH 6B 85014 2.00 1.50 8-11 1000-300 8 900 3 3
these pumps can be applicable
RAH 6AR 85013 3.00 2.20 3-18 1200-300 4 1000 4 4
RAH 7AR 85022 5.50 4.00 4-18 2200-300 5 2000 4 4
Class: Commercial WP - RC010052
Model Item Power Capacity Efficiency Sn. Dn.
Pump Type & application
Code point
1 Phase 3 phase HP KW H(m) Q-l/m H(m) Q-l/m Inch Inch
2XCm 25/160A 85016 Suitable for lifting water up to 6 from 8 3.00 2.20 20-59 200-40 32 120 1½ 1
2XC 25/160A 85017 storied Building 3.00 2.20 20-59 200-40 32 120 1½ 1

XSTm 32/160B 85018 3.00 2.20 10-29 500-80 20 350 2 1¼

Suitable for lifting water up to 4 storied
XST 32/160B 85019 from 10 storied Building & Industrial 3.00 2.20 10-29 500-80 20 350 2 1¼
XST 32/160A 85020 purpose 4.00 3.00 15-36 600-80 24 400 2 1¼
XST 32-200/40A 85021 5.50 4.00 15-54 700-80 35 500 2 1¼
EAZS32/26 - 11002 85024 15.00 11.00 42-62 1000-200 50 700 2½ 1¼
Hi-rise building like 15 to 20 storied
EAZS32/26 18502 85025 25.00 18.50 62-94 1000-200 72 800 2½ 1¼
and industrial & fife fighting application
EAZS80/16 18502 85026 25.00 18.50 23-43 2500-1000 30 2200 4 3
CDL8- 100/ 5.5 HP 5.50 4.00 62-94 200-50 72 160 1½ 1½
85041 Suitable for Hi-rise building like 15 to
CDLF 8-120 5.50 4.00 81-125 200-80 95 160 2 2
20 storied and industrial, fife fighting,
BL 16-6 85043 7.50 5.50 52-83 370-130 70 300 2 2
boiler operation & pressure busting
BL 16-8 85044 10.00 7.50 70-111 370-130 82 300 2 2
BL 32-5 85045 15.00 10.00 47-90 670-270 65 500 2½ 2½
RILL 100-160 85028 20.00 15.00 20-45 2200-600 35 1850 4 4
SGL 80-160A 85721 10.00 7.50 28 783 3 3
SGL 80-160 85722 10.00 7.50 32 833 3 3
SGL 80-200A 85723 15.00 11.00 44 783 3 3
In line pump for Hi-rise multistored
SGL 80-200 85724 20.00 15.00 50 833 3 3
building,treatment plant, Boiler
SGW 80-200 85725 20.00 15.00 50 833 3 3
operation and industrial use
SGL 100-200 85726 30.00 22.00 50 1667 4 4
In line pump for Hi-rise multistored
building,treatment plant, Boiler
operation and industrial use
SGW 100-200 85727 30.00 22.00 50 1667 4 4
SGL 125-160 85728 30.00 22.00 32 1667 5 5
SGW 125-160 85729 30.00 22.00 32 2667 5 5








Class: Submersible Pump Popular SP - RC010060
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
75 QRm 110 85073
Centrifugal, Floating
75 QRm 115 85072
impeller Submersible
75 QRm 122 85071
Pump for domestic
75QRm130 85076
75QRm233 85078

Peripheral Pump for

4 RKm - 100 85051
domestic purpose

EGDa 1.8-50 85074 Screw Pump for

EGDa 1.2-100 85075 domestic purpose
100QRm 3/08 85052
100QRm 3/12 85053
100QRm 3/16 85054
100QRm 8/04 85055 Centrifugal, floating
100QRm 8/05 85056 impeller Submersible
100QRm 8/08 85057 Pump for domestic,
100QRm 8/11 85058 Industrial & light
100QRm 5-15 85067 irrigation purpose
150QRm 30-4 85077
100QR 5-23 85068
150 QR 20/04 85059
Class: Submersible Pump Premium SP - RC010061
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
75 QRm 210 85095 Centrifugal, Floating
75 QRm 215 85096 impeller Submersible
75 QRm 220 85097 Pump for domestic use
75QRm227 85098 (Suitable for 3" well)
100QRm6/7 85080
100QRm6/9 85081
Centrifugal, floating
100QRm6/12 85082
impeller Submersible
100QRm6/16 85083
Pump for domestic,
100QRm10/6 85084
Industrial & light
100QRm10/8 85085
irrigation purpose
100QRm10/10 85086
100QRm10/14 85087
100QRm3/24A 85753 High Head Submersible
100QRm4/25A 85754 Pump for domestic,
90QRm1/22 85088
90QRm1/26 85089
125QRm 30/04 85756 Submersible pumps for
150QRmB/2 85099 multiple use like
industrial irrigation and
urban use
Class: Vibration Pump - RC010063
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
ST/MVP370B 85791

AB/VMP D3 PL 85792
Class: Submersible Pump Heavy Duty SP - RC010062
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
250QJ205-19/1+25 85060
250QJ205-24/1+30 85061
200 QJ(R)80A-48/3 85062
150 QJ(R)32-54/9 85065 Centrifugal Bowel type
175 QJ(R)40-48/4 85066 Submersible pumps for
250 QJ(R)200-40/2 85069 multiple use like
250 QJ(R)200-50/2 85070 industrial irrigation and
175QJ40-72/6 85079 urban use
200QJ50-90/5 85100
Class: Submersible Drainage Pump - RC010065
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
WQD10-10-0.75 85090
WQD15-9-1.1 85091 Drainage pumps
WQDS25-7-1.5 CB 85092
WQ40-15-4 85093
Drainage pumps
WQ100-25-11 85094
Class: Classic Submersible Pump - RC010064 (Horizontal)
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
RIPM11/22/1 85771 Horizontal type
RIPm10/35/1 85772 submersible pump for
RIPm15/30/1 85773 domestic use
Class: Classic Submersible Pump - RC010064 (Borewell)
Pump Item Code Type & application
1 Phase 3 phase
RIP20/40-7stg 85774
RIP35/30-6stg 85775
RIP20/60-11stg 85776
RIP20/105-19stg 85758
RIP20/105-19stg 85759
RIP20/140-25stg 85760
RIP40/45-4stg 85761 Borewell type
RIP50/40-4stg 85762 submersible for
RIP50/50-5stg 85763 domestic, Irrigation,
RIP65/45-4stg 85764 industrial etc.
RIP70/60-5stg 85765
RIP35/80-8stg 85766
RIP70/60-5stg 85767
RIP35/130-13stg 85768
RIP90/75-6stg 85769
RIP35/170-17stg 85770

Power Capacity Best efficiency point Cable lng

Suc (Inch) Dn. (Inch)
HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (m)
0.33 0.28 12-56 20 - 70 30 60 3 1 25
0.50 0.33 20-64 20 - 70 40 60 3 1 25
0.75 0.60 22-72 20 - 70 48 60 3 1 25
1.00 0.75 23-87 20 - 70 65 60 3 1 25
1.50 1.10 27-98 20 - 100 75 90 3 1 30

1.00 0.75 5-60 5 - 40 35 30 4 1 30

0.70 0.60 8-58 20 - 90 40 40 4 1 25

1.00 0.75 8-65 20 - 90 46 40 4 1 25
1.00 0.75 20-55 30 - 100 35 70 4 1¼ 30
1.50 1.10 30-66 30 - 100 40 70 4 1¼ 40
2.00 1.50 20-100 20 - 120 65 70 4 1¼ 50
1.00 0.75 10-25 67 - 200 19 130 4 2 25
1.50 1.10 14-32 67 - 200 25 150 4 2 30
2.00 1.50 20-50 67 - 200 30 160 4 2 35
3.00 2.20 35-65 67 - 200 46 160 4 2 45
3.00 2.20 27-98 67 - 150 72 130 4 2 60
5.50 4.00 32-48 200 - 700 38 400 6 3 30
5.50 4.00 41-130 67 - 150 85 140 4 2 60
5.50 4.00 20-65 200 - 600 26 400 4 3 40

Power Capacity Best efficiency point Well Cable lng

Dn. (Inch)
HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (Inch) (m)
0.33 0.28 20-37 40 ~ 20 30 30 3 1 25
0.50 0.33 26-52 40 ~ 20 42 30 3 1 25
0.75 0.60 37-74 40 ~ 20 60 30 3 1 25
1.00 0.75 51-101 40 ~ 20 82 30 3 1 25
0.75 0.55 11-45 120 ~ 20 23 100 4 1½ 30
1.00 0.75 14-57 120 ~ 20 30 100 4 1½ 30
1.50 1.10 19-77 120 ~ 20 50 100 4 1½ 30
2.00 1.50 25-102 120 ~ 20 80 100 4 1½ 30
1.00 0.75 13-37 200 ~ 20 20 200 4 2 30
1.50 1.10 17-39 200 ~ 20 27 200 4 2 30
2.00 1.50 21-62 200 ~ 20 42 200 4 2 30
3.00 2.20 30-86 200 ~ 20 60 200 4 2 30
2.00 1.50 50-70-10 60~53~40 70 56 4 1 1/4 43
3.00 2.20 60-100-130 80~65~30 100 65 4 1 1/4 43
1.50 1.10 34-131 50 ~ 10 100 30 4 1 30
2.00 1.50 37-155 50 ~ 10 120 30 4 1 30
4.00 3.00 35 650 20 500 5 3 30
5.50 4.00 28-24-13 100~500~900 24 500 6 3 20

Power Capacity Best efficiency point Suc Dn. Cable lng

HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (Inch) (Inch) (m)
0.50 0.37 75 20 5 1 10

0.37 70 10 5 1

Power Capacity Best efficiency point Well Cable lng

Dn. (Inch)
HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (Inch) (m)
25.00 18.5 16-48 1200 - 4000 19 3400 10 6 30
30.00 22.00 18-55 1200 - 4000 24 3400 10 6 25
20.00 15.00 30-68 850~ 1700 48 1350 8 4 18

12.50 9.20 25-78 300 ~ 800 54 550 6 3 18

12.50 9.20 28-68 400 ~ 900 48 660 7 3 18
50.00 37.00 28-60 1670 ~ 3850 40 3400 10 6 18
60.00 45.00 35-78 1670 ~ 3850 50 3400 10 6 18
17.00 13.00 35-87 400 - 850 72 670 7 3 30
30.00 22.00 91 850 8 3 30
7.50 5.50 45-35-25 35 900 6 4 30
7.50 5.50 45-35-26 35 900 6 4 30

Power Capacity Best efficiency point Well Dn. Cable lng

HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (Inch) (Inch) (m)
1.00 0.75 10 200 10 200 1½ 30
1.50 1.10 9 250 9 250 2 5
2.00 1.50 7 450 7 450 2½ 5
5.50 4.00 15 1100 12 900 2 10
15.00 11.00 25 1700 20 1400 4 10

Power Capacity Best efficiency point Sn. Dn. Cable lng

HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (Inch) (Inch) (m)
0.5 1" 1"
1 1" 1"
2 1.5" 1.5"
Power Capacity Best efficiency point Well Dn. Cable lng
HP KW H (m) Q (l/m) H (m) Q l/m (Inch) (Inch) (m)
2.00 1.5 39-11 300 4" 2.5" 100
3.00 2.2 30-8 530 4" 2.5" 100
3.00 2.2 61-17 300 4" 2.5" 100
5.50 4.0 105-29 300 4" 2" Nill
5.50 4.0 105-29 300 4" 2" Nill
7.50 5.5 138-38 300 4" 2" Nill
5.50 4.0 43-16 450 6" 3" Nill
5.50 4.0 37-12 510 6" 3" Nill
7.50 5.5 47-15 510 6" 3" Nill
7.50 5.5 43-17 700 6" 4" Nill
10.00 7.5 57-22 1100 6" 3" Nill
10.00 7.5 80-24 575 6" 2" Nill
15.00 11.0 6" 3" Nill
15.00 11.0 130-39 575 6" 2" Nill
20.00 15.0 72-24 1430 6" 3" Nill
20.00 15.0 170-51 575 6" 2" Nill
8,300 9,022
10,300 11,196
10,900 11,848
13,000 14,130
15,000 16,304

9,280 10,087

8,000 8,696
8,500 9,239
13,200 14,348
15,500 16,848
19,300 20,978
12,500 13,587
17,000 18,478
20,000 21,739
24,300 26,413
25,000 27,174
65,000 70,652
34,000 36,957
50,000 54,348

9,000 9,783
10,300 11,196
11,000 11,957
14,000 15,217
13,000 14,130
14,500 15,761
15,500 16,848
22,000 23,913
14,000 15,217
17,000 18,478
22,500 24,457
24,300 26,413
23,000 25,000
28,000 30,435
15,500 16,848
18,000 19,565
50,000 54,350
56,000 60,870

4,500 4,891

5,500 5,978

150,000 163,043
170,000 184,783
122,000 132,609
105,000 114,130
266,700 289,891
121,000 131,522
80,000 86,957
235,000 255,435
270,000 293,478
120,000 130,435
210,000 228,261
80,000 86,957

78,000 84,783

11,000 11,957
12,800 13,913
14,200 15,435
43,000 46,739
144,000 156,522

18,300 19895
24,000 26090
33,000 35870
57,500 62500
58,000 63045
70,500 76630
94,500 102720
85,000 92390
103,000 111960
83,500 90760
84,000 91305
91,000 98915
94500 102720
84000 91305
83500 90760
94000 102175
103000 111960
108500 117935
121500 132065

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