Kirloskar DG 5-30 KVA
Kirloskar DG 5-30 KVA
Kirloskar DG 5-30 KVA
5 kVA 30 kVA
kVA 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30
Prime Rating at rated rpm (as per ISO8528) 1
kW 4 6 8 12 16 20 24
Genset Model KG1-5AS KG1-7.5AS KG1-10AS1 KG1-15AS KG1-20WS KG1-25AS KG1-30WS
Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Power factor lagging 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Voltage V 230 (1 ) 230 (1 ) & 415 (3)
Governing class (As per ISO 8528 Part-V) G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2
Noise level dBA < 75 < 75 < 75 < 75 < 75 < 75 < 75
At 100 % Load 1.6 2.3 3.0 4.0 5.1 6.4 7.8
Fuel Consumption* At 75 % Load Ltrs/Hr 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.8 5.0 6.0
At 50 % Load 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 4.0 4.5
Fuel tank capacity Ltrs 70 30 30 65 65 65 65
Overall dimensions of genset (L x W x H)^ mm 1600x820x1530 1760x820x1330 1760x820x1330 1772x1050x1410 2100x950x1220 2130x1050x1520 2390x950x1230
Dry weight of genset with canopy (approx..)^ Kg 650 750 750 950 950 1050 1200
Wet weight of genset with canopy (approx..)^ Kg 700 800 800 1000 1000 1100 1250
Electrical Battery starting voltage Volts-DC 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Engine Model EA10 G1 EA16 G1 EA16 G1 HA294 G1 2R1040 G1 HA394 TCI G1 3R1040T G1
Rated output (Prime Continuous rating as per ISO kW 7.3 11.8 11.8 15.1 18.8 23.5 30.9
8528-1) HP 10 16 16 20.5 25.5 32 42
No. of cylinder Number 1 2 2 2 2 3 3
Cubic capacity 2 Ltrs 0.95 1.56 1.56 1.88 2.08 2.89 3.12
Bore x Stroke mm 102 x 116 95 x 110 95 x 110 100 x 120 105 x 120 100 x 120 105 x 120
Rated Speed RPM 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Lube Oil change period hrs. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Lube oil Sump Capacity Ltrs 3.5 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.5 8.0 8.0
Coolant Capacity Ltrs NA NA NA NA 9.0 NA 14.5
Insulation Class Class H
Alternator Efciency (at 100% load) 0.8 pf** % 78.1 78.1 78.6 86.0 88.9 88.8 89.0
Max Voltage Dip at Full Load 0.8 pf Lag sec < 20 % < 20 % < 20 % < 20 % < 16 % < 16 % < 16 %
Max Time to build up rated voltage at Rated RPM < 5 sec provided engine reach the rated speed
For intermediate ra ngs, kindly contact nearest KOEL oce
^ Tolerances Apply ** Eciency of Alternator as per standards IS 4722 and IEC 341
*With 0.845 Specic Gravity of diesel ( 5 % Tolerance ) For Site Condi ons other than standard opera ng condi ons consult KOEL for available prime power.
Canopy Engine
Ease of Access and Serviceability O2E Series: Low emission, high
Aesthe cally designed, weather and eciency engines
sound resistant enclosure Compact, Robust and Rugged Design
Insula on conforms to UL94HF1 class 500 hours lubeoil change period
for ammability
Controller Alternator
Microprocessor based fully congured Best In Class Eciency
Graphical bigger LCD display Special Windings to Reduce Harmonics
Best in class monitoring and diagnos c Vacuum Pressure Impregna on and
Integrable with AMF epoxy gel coa ng on winding
KOELs approach to meet revised CPCB norms ^
Revised CPCB norms are aimed at protec ng environment by Op mized fuel eciency as per actual usage: KOEL DG sets
reducing Genset emissions and improving emission quality. are tuned to provide maximum fuel eciency in the most
These are one of the most stringent emission norms in the world. common opera ng band. At KOEL, we call it O2E series
To meet the new norms, KOEL R&D team had choice of mul ple (Op mal Opera ng Eciency).
technologies. While selec ng the technology, KOEL laid Aordable, Onsite support: Proven technology will ensure
signicant emphasis on long term needs of users viz: that product support is available closeby, without wai ng for
a specialist. KOEL team has taken special eorts to keep
High reliability and durability of Gensets: Owing to extreme
complex technologies at bay, which may require high onsite
opera ng condi ons in India, preference has been given to
maintenance costs.
robust congura ons, running successfully for several years.
All this, while keeping the ini al costs within reach of the smart
Low running costs: An eort to reduce emissions tends to
Genset buyers.
increase the running costs. KOEL succeeded in achieving both
in the same design, a er persistent eorts. Thats what we call WINgineering! We Engineer, You Win !!
Kirloskar Green Gensets oer a unique summer & winter lead to an Actual
combina on of CPCB norm compliance and average 5070% loading on
enhanced fuel eciency. Across the range, KG Gensets. ne
Kirloskar Green Gensets have always been norms, KOEL has carefully selected those technologies which
preferred for their robust design and reliability not only retain, but enhance Gensets durability and onsite
over long usage life. serviceability.
Thus, KG Gensets oer you many years of troublefree
Kirloskar Green range carries the condence of wellestablished performance; backed by the assurance of prompt support.
and proven engine pla orms. For compliance to revised CPCB Peaceofmind driven by product reliability and low cost of
ownership your winning edge!
^As per MOEF norms eec ve from 1 July 2014
The Promise Behind The Product
Kirloskar Green Brand
Kirloskar Green is the Genset brand of Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd (KOEL), the agship company of the
centuryold Kirloskar Group. Kirloskar Green is Indias largest selling and most trusted Genset brand for
over a decade. Providing backup power solu ons from 5 to 5200 kVA for diverse market sectors, Kirloskar
Green has over 1 million Gensets in service across the globe.
Stateoftheart Manufacturing
Kirloskar Green Gensets are manufactured at the stateoftheart manufacturing facili es of KOEL
and authorized GOEMs across India. Common design, modern infrastructure, trained manpower,
stringent process controls and standardized material quality ensure that every Kirloskar Genset
complies with the standards and meets KOELs stringent quality norms.
Sales Network
A welltrained network of authorized KG Dealers and GOEM Sales teams is spread across India to serve
your requirements. KOEL oces at key loca ons provide further technocommercial backup. KG Sales
teams are equipped to carryout load study, Genset sizing and technocommercial support. Installa on
and commissioning ac vi es are also undertaken in line with KOELs stringent guidelines.
Service Network
As Genset cannot be driven to a Service Sta on, service has to come to your doorstep. KG Gensets are
supported by over 5000 trained Engineers and over 450 wellequipped service outlets throughout India.
Standard and custommade maintenance packages oer a totalpeaceofmind ownership experience.
Service response me and quality is centrally monitored for crossindustry bench marking and con nual
improvement. Customers just need to dial our toll free number and service will be available at the
door step.
North: Delhi: 011 - 2871 5826 Jaipur: 0141 - 2370007 Lucknow: 0522 - 274 1442 Ludhiana: 0161 - 254 6668 / 69 Meerut: 0121 - 240 1199
South: Bengaluru: 080 - 2558 7562 Chennai: 044 - 23744624 Kochi: 0484 - 238 5757 Secunderabad: 040 - 2781 9563
East: Bhubaneshwar: 0674 - 258 8047 Guwahati: 0361 - 245 7616 Kolkata: 033 - 217 0858 Patna: 0612 - 222 0412
West: Ahmedabad: 079 - 2692 9687/ 89 Indore: 0731 - 3913100 Mumbai: 022 - 6151 1234 Pune: 020 - 2581 0341
Stamp of
June 14
This Catalog is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form not even parts of it, without previous written permission by copyright owners, Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.