Irs Satellites
Irs Satellites
Irs Satellites
Jitender Saroha
Associate Professor, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
ABSTRACT Indian Earth Observation Satellite programme, since its commencement is focused on societal
benefits and its ultimate objective is sustainable development. To address this goal it is applications driven and within a
limited time period the applications have significantly diversified. The Department of Space (DOS) to achieve its primary
objective of promoting development and application of space science and technology to assist in all-round development
of the nation started the two major satellite series - INSAT and IRS. The information derived from remotely sensed data
is an essential component of the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS). The Indian Remote Sensing
(IRS) satellite program is to support national and sub national economies in the areas of agriculture , soils, water
resources (surface and ground), forestry and ecology, geology and mineral resources, cartography, rural and urban
development, marine fisheries, watershed management and coastal management. The objectives of the present paper
are – (i) to discuss the evolution of IRS satellites; (ii) to describe characteristics of IRS satellites sensors and (ii) to
highlight the applications of remotely sensed data acquired by IRS series of satellites.
Keywords: IRS, Resources, Applications, Satellite, Sensor
816 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 4 I OCT. – DEC. 2018] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138 Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236
12 IRS P7 10 January In Service Digital Elevation Model (DEM);
(Cartosat 2) 2007 Geo-engineering (mapping) applications
13 Cartosat 2A 28 April In Service
14 IMS 1 28 April In Service To provide remotely sensed data to
2008 students and scientists in developing
counties, previously it was referred as
TWsat (Third World satellite)
15 Oceansat-2 23 In Service Ocean- and atmosphere-related
September applications
16 Cartosat-2B 12 July In Service Geo-engineering (mapping) applications
17 Resourcesat 20 April In Service Integrated land and water resources
-2 2011 management
18 Megha- 12 In Service To understand the tropical weather and
Tropiques October climate and associated energy and
2011 moisture budget of the atmosphere in
tropical regions.
19 RISAT-1 26 April In Service In agriculture, especially paddy
2012 monitoring in kharif season (sensor has
cloud penetration and day-night image
capability) and management of natural
disasters like flood and cyclone.
20 SARAL 25 Feb In Service Marine meteorology and sea state
2013 forecasting; Seasonal forecasting;
Climate monitoring and research;
Continental ice studies; Protection of
biodiversity; Management and
protection of marine ecosystem
21 Resourcesat 07 Dec In Service Integrated land and water resources
-2A 2016 management
22 Cartosat-2D 15 Feb In Service Cartographic applications, urban and
2017 rural applications, coastal land use and
regulation, utility management like road
network monitoring, water distribution
23 Cartosat-2E 23 June In Service and creation of land use maps. Change
2017 detection to bring out geographical and
manmade features and various other
Land Information System (LIS) as well
Cartosat-2 F Jan 12, In service as Geographical Information System
2018 (GIS) applications.
Source: Data compiled by Author from Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space.
2. Characteristics of IRS Satellites:
The quality of data acquired by earth surface observation satellites depends on the sensors used in the
satellites. The four major characteristic features of sensors are spatial resolution, spectral resolution,
radiometric resolution and temporal resolution. Resolution is defined as the ability of the sensor system to
render the information at the smallest discretely separable quantity in terms of distance (spatial),
wavelength band of electromagnetic spectrum (spectral), radiation quantity (radiometric) and revisit
frequency (temporal). In the identical satellites IRS-1A and 1B the Linear Imaging Self-Scanning Sensor
(LISS-I and LISS-IIA/B) of two multispectral cameras were used. Each LISS camera consists of the collecting
optics, imaging detectors, in-flight calibration system, the processing electronics and data formatting
electronics. LISS uses linear array detectors (CCD – charged-couple-devices). These sensors operated in the
visible and near-infrared (NIR) bands. In IRS-P2 satellite LISS-IIM (Linear Imaging Self-Scanning System-II
Modified) sensor was used. It operated in push broom scanning mode as linear CCD line detector in four
spectral bands in VNIR (Visible and near-infrared) bands.
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 817
[ VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 4 I OCT.– DEC. 2018] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
IRS-1C/ID, the identical twin satellites, used LISS-III, PAN (Panchromatic camera) and WiFS (Wide Field
Sensor) camera sensors operating in pushbroom scanning mode using solid state charge-coupled-device
detectors. PAN (Panchromatic camera) is a push broom imager with a very high spatial resolution of 5.8 m.
LISS-III sensor operates in VNIR and SWIR bands with a spatial resolution of 23.5 m and 70.5 m,
respectively. WiFS camera provides two spectral bands in the VNIR range with spatial resolution of 188 m
and temporal resolution of 5 days.
The experimental earth observation satellite IRS-P3 used WiFS and MOS (Multispectral Optoelectronic
Scanner) and IXAE (Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment) experimental sensors. The payload in IRS-P4 or
Oceansat-1 includes OCM (Ocean Color Monitor) and MSMR (Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave
Radiometer). OCM is a solid-state radiometer with high radiometric sensitivity (12 bit quantization level),
which provides multi-spectral imagery with narrow spectral widths in eight bands in VNIR range. MSMR is a
dual-polarized four-frequency radiometer measuring microwave brightness temperature.
Cartosat-1 or IRS-P5 has PAN-F (Panchromatic Forward-pointing camera) and PAN-A (Panchromatic After-
pointing camera) cameras to obtain two-line stereo configuration for terrain modeling. Each camera
operates in spectral band of 0.5 to 0.85 µm, a spatial or geometric resolution of 2.5 m, a swath width of 30
km for stereo imagery, and data quantization or radiometric resolution of 10 bits. The Cartosat-1 data
products are to two types – standard product which is radiometrically corrected and georeferenced and
precision product which is ortho rectified product.
ResourceSat-1 or IRS-P6 carries three sensors – LISS-III, LISS-IV and AWiFS (Advanced Wide Field Sensor)
and all are push broom scanners using linear arrays of CCDs. LISS-III camera is identical to the one used in
IRS-1C/1D. The LISS-IV is multispectral high-resolution three band push broom camera in VNIR bands with
a spatial resolution of 5.8 m. It can be operated in multispectral mode i.e. data collected in 3 bands and mono
mode i.e. data collected in single selected band corresponding to a swath of 70 km. AWiFS is a wide-angle
medium resolution (56 m nadir and 70 m at swath edge) camera. The wide swath 804 km of this WiFS
heritage sensor provides temporal resolution or revisit frequency of five-day.
Table 2. Characteristics of IRS Satellites
Satellite Sensor Spectral Spatial Swath Temporal Orbit Characteristics
Resolution Resolution width Resolution and Radiometric
(µm) (m) (km) (days) Resolution or
Quantization Level
IRS-1A/1B LISS-I, 0.45-0.52 72.5 m 148 22 Orbit – Sun-
and 0.52-0.59 LISS-I 74 x 2 synchronous;
LISS-II 0.62-0.68 36 m LISS-II Altitude – 904 km;
A/B 0.77-0.86 Inclination – 99.50;
(3 Equatorial crossing –
sensors) 10.26 a.m.;
Orbit Period – 103.2
minutes. Radiometric
Resolution – 7 bit;
IRS-1C/1D LISS-III 0.52-0.59 23.5 142 24 Orbit – Sun-
0.62-0.68 23.5 142 synchronous,
0.77-0.86 23.5 142 Altitude – 904 km;
1.55-1.70 70 148 Inclination – 98.69 0
PAN 0.50-0.75 5.8 70 24 (5) Equatorial crossing –
WiFS 0.62-0.68 188 804 5 10.30 a.m.
0.77-0.86 Orbit Period = 101.23
Radiometric Resolution
– 7 bit, Pan-6 bit
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 819
[ VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 4 I OCT.– DEC. 2018] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
Applications in Geology and Mineral Resources
Geological applications of IRS series satellites include the following: - (i) mapping of surfacial deposits and
bedrock; (ii) Lithological and structural mapping; (iii) Mineral prospecting and exploration; and (iv) Geo-
hazard mapping, monitoring and zonation.
Applications in Oceanography
The applications of IRS series satellites, especially Oceansat-1 and Oceansat-2, include the following: - (i)
Identification of potential fishery zones; (ii) Phytoplankton abundance and habitat assessment; (iii)
Observation of marine pollution and sedimentation and its impact; and (iv) Assessment of sediment
dynamics, tidal fluctuations, sea level changes and coastal circulations.
Applications in Water Resources
The applications of IRS series satellite data products in water resource include the following: - (i) Mapping
of surface water bodies; (ii) Identification of potential ground water resources; (iii) Wetland mapping and
monitoring; (iv) Snow pack and glacial monitoring; (v) Ice thickness measurements; (vi) Rivers, watersheds
and ice lake monitoring and modelling; (vii) Flood mapping and monitoring; (viii) Monitoring reservoir
extends over seasons and irrigation scheduling and flood management; and (ix) Snowmelt runoff
Applications in Urban Sector
The applications of IRS satellites data products in urban sector are following: - (i) Mapping and Land Use
Land Cover classification; (ii) Urban sprawl analysis; (iii) Identification of illegal encroachment, and
constructions; (iv) Property tax assessment and estimations; (v) Transport and urban planning; (vi)
Mapping of utilities and services; (vii) Population estimation; (viii) Slum detection and monitoring; and (ix)
Site suitability analysis
Applications in Cartography
Mapping constitutes an integral component of the process of resource management and mapped
information is the common product of analysis of remotely sensed data from IRS series satellites. The
Cartosat series is especially oriented towards geo-engineering mapping and DTM (Digital Terrain
Modelling) or DEM (Digital Elevation Modelling). Natural as well as manmade features such as
transportation networks, settlements and administrative boundaries are represented spatially with respect
to geo-referenced data and integrated with attribute information or non-spatial in GIS (Geographical
Information System). Baseline, thematic and 2D and 3D topographical maps are essential for planning,
evaluation and monitoring, for civilian and military reconnaissance and land use planning.
Conclusion: Since inception the IRS satellite series is oriented towards societal benefits and its ultimate
objective is sustainable development of India. To address this goal it is applications driven and has greatly
diversified in applications, that too in a limited time period. The information derived from remotely sensed
data is an essential component of the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS). The Indian
Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite program is to support national and sub national economies in the areas of
agriculture, soils, water resources (surface and ground), forestry and ecology, geology and mineral
resources, cartography, rural and urban development, marine fisheries, watersheds, coastal and disaster
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