The Complete Google Guidebook PDF
The Complete Google Guidebook PDF
The Complete Google Guidebook PDF
The Complete
Learn how to master Google’s unmissable free apps
827 ts
hin de& tips
Enhance & protect Get the best Discover apps for Keep your photos
your privacy applications for free work & play & docs safe
NEW! | Gmail | Drive | Chrome | Maps | Play
The Complete
BDM’s Made Easy Series The Complete
It is very likely how tohave
that you master
been Google’s
using one orunmissable freefor
more Google tools apps
years now,
without really thinking about it; but did you know that you can also use Google
to explore the earth, build yourself a blog or plan your week? Google is about
much more than search and this guide is here to help you discover just what you
can do with these free, browser-based tools, products and services. Learn how to
ts & ps share your images with Photos, discover the best way to configure
hyour Gmail
inside account, find apps, music, books and movies easily on Google Play
and take the first steps towards building yourself a free blog or Google Site.
Guidebook Volume 19
Enhance & protect Get the best Discover apps for Keep your photos
your privacy applications for free work & play & docs safe
Google Guidebook
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Published by: Papercut Limited While we pride ourselves on the quality of the information we provide, BDM’s – The Complete Google Guidebook is an independent publication and
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If you don’t already use one of the Google products such as Gmail, Picasa or YouTube (if
you use any of these, you already have a Google account) or if you want to create a new
account, you can do so easily at any time. Creating an account for any Google product
is the same as creating a main Google account, so you can complete this process via the
sign-up page of any product; or you can go to to get started.
Step 2
Creating a Google ❱ Enter your name into the boxes provided and choose your
preferred email address. If the name you want is already
taken, you will be shown some alternatives; or you can try another
of your own.
Step 1
❱ Using any Internet browser, navigate to
com and click on the Sign Up button in the top right corner of
the screen. Alternatively, search for “Google Account” in any
search engine.
Step 3
❱ Complete the remainder
of the information,
including a phone number
and alternative email
address; useful if you need
to recover your login
info. You will also need to
complete the entire form
and agree to Google Terms
of Service to progress.
Step 4 Step 7
❱ After completed the initial sign up process, you are taken to the ❱ This page shows any message or email requests sent and any
core My Account page. From this page you can customise your devices that have accessed your account. If these details don’t
your entire Google user experience as follows. match your records you can change your password via the link.
Step 5 Step 8
❱ Starting with the Sign- ❱ The second option, Personal info & privacy enables you to view
in & security option. and edit all of your inputted data and details used during this
Here you can check the initial setup process.
activity of your account,
confirming that only
you are using it, change
your password, update
your password and
various other options.
Step 6
❱ There are two key areas of the security options available, that can
quickly give you an insight into the uses of your account. First, the
device activity and notifications options.
Step 9
❱ The Your personal
info link opens a
page that holds a
complete record of the
information you have
shared with Google.
Check to ensure it is
correct. Any issues are
shown as a triangle
symbol containing a
“!” icon, click or tap to
correct them.
Step 10 Step 13
❱ For now we are going to move past the Privacy Check-up and My ❱ You can download or transfer your Google account content such
Activity options as they are both complex and very important and as Internet bookmarks, contents, stored files on Google Drive, etc.,
are covered in greater depth in this guide. should you wish to close your Google account.
Step 11 Step 14
❱ Select the Google ❱ Although better suited to a long term user, even as a new user it
Dashboard option to is advisable to keep an updated archive of your Google data and
view a quick access files should the worst happen to your hardware.
listing of all your current
and historic Google
uses. Each section acts
as a shortcut link to the
app itself, such as Gmail.
Step 12
❱ Ad Settings can’t completely block any adverts from your Google
experience but you can edit the type of adverts you are exposed
to, by selecting the topics you like or dislike from the listings.
Step 15
❱ Finally we have the
Account preferences
option. Here you
can customise how
you use your Google
account, from setting up
purchases from Google
Play to ultimately
deleting your Google
account entirely.
Step 16
❱ You can change the language of your account using the
Language & Input Tools and change the way Google is displayed
via the Accessibility tools, from increased contrast to a text reading.
Multiple Google
It is possible to have more than one Google account
and then sync those accounts on your Android phone
or tablet. Adding and syncing a second account will not
merge those two accounts anywhere but on your phone
Step 17 (and even here, only in certain apps). Nothing is ever
❱ If you wish to give up on Google, we would advise you not to, synced between your Google accounts, allowing you
you can delete your apps and account itself by ticking the two Yes to keep things nicely separate for personal and work
accounts, for example.
boxes at the bottom of this page.
To add another account via your phone or tablet, go
to Settings > Accounts and then tap the Add Account
button. This screen shows all accounts associated with
the device. Choose what sort of account you wish to add
from the options on the screen; as you can see, it is not
just multiple Google accounts that you can add.
Step 18
❱ Finally, return to the
main Google accounts
page. By tapping the
shield icon, you can add a
profile picture if you wish.
Your Google Account
Having a profile picture of
A Google account lets you access all your stuff, including
yourself will help friends Gmail, photos and more, from any mobile device or
and family find you on computer. Search by taking pictures or by voice. Get
their own Google apps. free turn-by-turn navigation, upload your pictures
automatically and even buy things with your phone
using Google Wallet.
Online Passwords stringent security, you risk it being compromised on one and used
to gain access to the other. It is not unusual for criminals to harvest
If you are anything like us, the number of passwords that you passwords from a weak website and then randomly try them on
need to remember grows on an almost daily basis and because more secure sites.
of this, it can be tempting to use the same or similar passwords
for several different websites. This is a bad idea, particularly if 2. Keep Them Random
your chosen password is something easy to guess such as your ❱ Try to avoid using anything that is easy to guess, including
name or date of birth. Here are a few tips to consider when personal information like your name, date of birth or address.
creating passwords. These things are all very easy to discover and often the first things
someone will try to get into your accounts. Also avoid, if possible,
1. Keep Them Unique using real words or sequential strings of numbers, e.g. 123456789.
❱ Having a unique password for each website you are required to
log in to is a very good idea, particularly for things like email and 3. The Longer, the Better
online banking. Although security on a banking website is likely to ❱ Short passwords are much easier to crack than long ones, so be
be very good, if you use the same password on a website with less sure to avoid anything less than eight characters and, if possible,
go for something ten characters long at least. There are 4000
times more possible combinations of ten letters and numbers,
than there are for eight letters and numbers. Most good websites
require at least eight character passwords nowadays.
4. Mix it Up
❱ Once you start adding in symbols and mixed case letters, along
with numbers, into your passwords, the possible variations rise
to over six quadrillion (for an eight character password). The
password A1z7yDbP is many thousands of times more secure
than a1z7ydbp.
Enable/Disable Cookies
Step 2
in Chrome ❱ Select Allow local data to be set to allow both first-party
and third-party cookies. If you only want to accept first-party
Step 1 cookies, check the box next to “Block all third-party cookies
❱ To enable cookies without exception.”
in Chrome, click the
three dots icon or
Menu button in the
top right corner of the
browser window. Select
Settings, scroll to the
bottom and click Show
advanced settings. Now
click Content settings in
the Privacy section.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is the process of trying to find private information such
as PIN numbers, passwords and usernames by trickery. Sometimes
spammers create fake websites that look like the Facebook login
page. When you enter your email and password on one of these Get Involved
pages, the spammer records your information and keeps it. ❱ Take the next step and create an account for yourself on
the social networks your child uses. This not only helps you
When someone has been phished, their account will often start to understand how things work and what features could be a
automatically sending messages or links to a large number of their potential problem but it also allows you to more easily see what
friends. These messages or links are often advertisements telling your child is doing on there. You will be far better informed when
friends to check out videos or products. If you think your friend’s asking questions about the site, than if you simply read about it.
account was phished, tell them to change their password and run
anti-virus software on their computer.
Privacy Settings
❱ Nearly all the well-known
social networking sites offer
Blocking People on
several levels of privacy
settings. Ensure your child Facebook
selects the strongest privacy
setting available when they There may be a time when you want to block another
create their account. This will Facebook user. There are several reasons why you might
help to make sure that their want to do this, from unwanted messages and rude
status updates, to phishing attempts or spam.
personal information is only
seen by people they want
to share it with. Be aware,
however, that some sites are
totally open to the public.
Step 1
14 BDM’s –Made
The Complete
Easy SeriesGoogle
• Volume
Search and
Google Chrome is currently the most used web browser
in the world. This is largely thanks to its simplicity, security
options and speed. Chrome can be completely personalised
by each user with the addition of plug-ins, extensions, web
apps and themes, all designed to help make the things you
need to do quicker, easier or more fun.
Google Search
Searching with Google is easy! You simply enter your
search term, e.g. “cupcake recipes”, on the Google page for
your country and click the Search button. Google will then
display the results of the search in order of relevance. There
are, however, several ways to refine and target your search
for even better results.
Search Categories
1 3
Searching Images
and Videos
As well as being able to search for text in web pages, you can also
search for images and videos amongst other things.
Step 1
❱ Open the Google search page for your country in your Internet
browser. To perform a standard search, type your search term in
the box and click Google Search.
Advanced Search
After searching, while on the results page, notice the
Setting link under the search bar. Clicking this allows you
to select Advanced Search from the dropdown menu. On
the advanced search screen you can refine your search
even further so that the results only show pages which
feature all the words in your search term, or by country
and language. Once you have selected your advanced
search options, scroll to the bottom of the page and click
the blue Advanced Search button.
Step 2 Step 5
❱ To perform a Voice ❱ Alongside the
search, using dictation, search links (Web,
click the Microphone Images, etc.) you will
icon on the right side of see a link for Search
the Search bar and then Tools. Clicking this
simply say the subject will allow you to
you wish to search for on further refine your
this screen, your speech search by image size,
will appear on screen date it was uploaded
and the search will start. and image type.
Step 3 Step 6
❱ The results will now be displayed on screen. At the top of the ❱ Clicking on the image will open it at a larger size and also display
results page there are several links including Maps, News and a link that will allow you to open the web page where the image
Images. Click on the Images link. was found. Click the image again to close the preview.
Step 4 Step 7
❱ Image results for the original search term will now be displayed. ❱ To search for videos instead of images, click the More link and
Move the mouse over any of the images to see a short description, then select Videos from the menu that drops down. Videos have
image dimensions and other image details. their own search tools, including duration and quality.
Google features a safe search option which allows you to select the
age rating of the search results. This applies to web search results,
as well as images, videos and books and can help to remove
sexually explicit content. No filter is 100 per cent accurate, but
SafeSearch should help you avoid most of this type of material.
Step 1
❱ Perform a search and check the results. If there are websites listed Step 4
that you think are inappropriate, click the Setting link in the top ❱ Your browser should
right beneath the search bar and select Search Settings. remember the setting when you
next use Google search. If you
want to make sure that the safe
search setting is not changed,
you will have to sign in to a
Google account.
Step 2
❱ At the top of the search settings screen you should see a
SafeSearch on/off link. Click the turn on SafeSearch link to activate
it. You can lock SafeSearch on by selecting this option too.
Search By Image
You can also search for an image via Google by using
Step 3 the image itself. Before you can access this feature, you
❱ If you want the page to display all results, regardless of content, will need to have a copy of the image you wish to search
DO NOT activate SafeSearch. If you have changed your mind you for available on the same device. In the main search bar
notice the small camera icon next to the microphone.
can deactivate via the Settings link at the top of the page.
Click this and then drag and drop the image into the
new search bar that has opened. Alternatively you can
choose to search your machine for the image by clicking
Choose file and locating it in the correct folder. Once the
image has uploaded click search and the process starts.
The results are displayed as with a normal Google search
albeit having used an image instead of text.
Step 4
❱ Once the results are shown, you will see that there are several
Step 2 filters down the left-hand side of the screen. These allow you to
❱ You will see that the shopping search screen is very different filter results by specific manufacturer, price, size (depending on the
from a standard Google search screen, with products shown in product type) and several others.
sections such as electronics, clothing and even as specific as Nexus
6. What is shown depends on your search history in Google.
Step 5
❱ Click the title of a product you are interested in and a box will
expand to show more information, including a range of prices.
You can then add the item to a shortlist by clicking the Shortlist
button. This allows you to refer back to it easily later.
• Search all scholarly literature from one
convenient place
Step 6 • Explore related works, citations, authors
❱ If you click the product title a second time when the box is open, and publications
it will expand into a full screen page. This page lists all available • Locate the complete document through your library
prices and sellers, along with reviews of the product if they are or on the web
available online. • Keep up with recent developments in any area
of research
• Create a public author profile
Step 2 Step 4
❱ Using the Show options menu, you can choose to tell Google ❱ To help you avoid an alert email full of low quality results, you
to only provide content of a specific type (videos, for example) or can change the volume of the alerts to “Only the best results”. This
you can request that every type of result is sent to you. Everything allows Google to filter results to those most relevant to your query
alerts include results from Google Web Search, Google Blog Search and those of high quality. If you prefer, you can change this setting
and Google News. to “All results”.
Step 5
❱ Enter the email address to which you want your alerts delivered.
Google will protect your email address and will not use it to spam
you with offers for any other product or service. If you aren’t
signed in to a Google Account when you create an alert, Google
will send you a verification email.
2 3 4 6
7 5
5 Extensions
❱ Many different pieces of software will add extensions to the
Installing Chrome
browser, allowing you to perform specific tasks while viewing
You may find that Chrome is preinstalled on many new
websites. The extension shown here is the AVG toolbar, installed computers but if not, here is how to install it yourself.
as part of the AVG antivirus software. You can disable or remove
Chrome browser extensions simply by right-clicking on the icon
and choosing from the Action menu.
6 Chrome Options
❱ This is where you will find all of the controls and settings for
Chrome, from basic display settings to advanced developer tools.
You can also manage your bookmarks, extensions and search
history from here. We will look at the Chrome Options in more
detail later.
7 Bookmarks Bar
❱ This bar is turned off by default, so must be activated in the
Settings if you want to use it. When saving bookmarks, you have
the option to Save to Bookmarks Bar. Any pages saved to this will
be shown as quick links in the bar. This is very useful for saving
those websites you use most often. Depending on the length of Step 1
the title you give the bookmarks, only about five or six links will be Visit
visible here; the remainder are displayed in a drop-down menu. html and click on the Download Now button to get the
Chrome installer. You can choose to make Chrome your
default browser at this point or you can change that
Chrome Requirements
setting later.
Step 2
Once the download is complete, Chrome will install
automatically. When the installation is complete, a
Chrome browser window will open, giving you the
opportunity to take a tour of Chrome’s main features;
and that’s it, simple eh?
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Open your main Google account page and click on the Personal ❱ Having clicked on Next you will move on to the Google Photo
info & privacy link in the left hand column. From this new page sharing option. Note: Geolocation information contains details
click on the Get Started link which is located below the Privacy of the exact location an image or video was captured. You can
Check-up icon and you can begin this process. choose to remove geo location using the slider on the right.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ Click Start Now and your first option is managing the information ❱ Once again click Next to move on. This option is a little different
complied by using YouTube. You can choose to share or keep the as it allows your telephone number to be used to a way to share
following info private: likes and subscriptions and activity feed; and your details with your contacts, albeit only those who already have
choose to make your uploaded videos public, private or unlisted. your number. Your number is always confidential to new contacts.
Step 5 Step 8
❱ Click Next. These options are a little more in-depth than the ❱ Starting with Web & Activity, use the slider on the right side to
previous ones, as your Google+ profile is viewable to all. First you allow or deny Google access to the following: your search activity
can choose to show or hide the tabs that viewers will see. Untick the via browsers and apps including your Chrome browsing history. If
following: Photos, YouTube/Videos, +1 and Reviews as you wish. you choose to deny you will need to click Pause twice in the pop-
up window. You will not be tracked from this point onward.
Step 6 Step 9
❱ Scrolling down, you can go a little deeper and choose to show ❱ By clicking the Manage Activity link you access current stored
community posts and your photos and videos on your Google+ data from your web and app uses. This information can be tracked
profile. You can also hide any endorsements you have made to back to your first use of the app or search. It can also be erased
products and services you have purchased; if you choose not to do by clicking the Delete activity by link on the left side panel. Now
this your details maybe linked to that item’s search results. select All Time option under Date and All products then Delete.
Step 7 Step 10
❱ Click Next. The following is the most in-depth and arguably ❱ You can allow or deny Google to continue storing your YouTube
the most important section of the Privacy Check-up process, search and watch history, Location History, Device Information and
Personalise your Google experience. Here you can control what Voice & Audio Activity by repeating the process laid out above.
information Google saves about your online experience.
Customising Chrome
There are many different ways you can customise your Chrome experience, from
adding extensions to setting the default home page. If you really want to make Chrome
personal to you, there is no better way than adding a theme. There are thousands of
themes to choose from in the Chrome Web Store, in dozens of different categories, and
all of them completely free.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ From the Settings screen click on Themes from the Appearance ❱ Themes you download aren’t saved on your computer, so
options. This will take you to the Chrome Web Store, which shows applying a new theme will overwrite the previous one. You can
web apps and extensions. To view the available themes, scroll remove a custom theme at any time by clicking the Chrome
down to the left-hand menu and click the Themes link. A selection options button, then selecting Settings. Under the Appearance
of themes will now be displayed on screen. heading you will see the option to Reset to Default Theme.
Step 2
Signing in to Chrome ❱ You will now need to sign in
using the Google account that
Before you can sync your Chrome settings, you will need to sign in you use on your other devices
using a common Google account. (smartphones, tablets, etc.). You
probably only have one account
Step 1 but if you have more than one,
❱ Open Chrome on your computer and click on the Chrome make sure you check this.
User button in the top right corner. Now follow the onscreen
instructions and sign into your account. Click this and a new
window will open.. Step 3
❱ A Sync Settings windows should now open but if not, go to
Chrome Menu > Settings > Advanced Sync Settings. Here you can
select what is synced between devices. Click on Sync Everything
and choose what to sync.
Step 4
❱ You can also choose to
encrypt your synced data.
By default, your Google
Account password is
used to encrypt saved
passwords. If you want,
change this to encrypt
all your synced data and
then create a custom
passphrase for encryption.
Step 3
❱ On Chrome for Android, tap the
Menu button > Settings > Sign in
to Chrome. Once signed in, tap
Sync and make sure the Open tabs
checkbox is selected. You should
now be ready to go.
Step 2
❱ Check your sync
settings on each
device. Open the
Chrome Menu >
Settings, click the
icon to the right of
the Sync opinion
and then check
Open Tabs.
Step 2
❱ Click on the lower right side of the Chrome Web Store icon to
open it. The web store Home screen shows a selection of popular
and trending themes. Roll over any of the images to read a short
description. To see more details, click anywhere on the description
or theme title.
Chrome Themes
Chrome Extensions are web-based programmes that are designed
to be used entirely within the browser. Using apps, you can do
things like create documents, edit photos and listen to music,
without having to install complicated third-party software on
your computer. Themes on the other hand are purely aesthetic as
they change the look of the Chrome browser and do not add any
further functionality. Think of Themes as a way of injecting a little
extra bit of your personality into your web browser. Step 3
❱ To install a theme, click on the Add to Chrome button. Your new
Step 1 theme will instantly install and be present within your current
❱ You can access the Web Store easily by clicking on the Apps Icon Chrome Browser window. You can also share themes with others
in the top left area of the page when you start Chrome. The Apps by clicking on the Share button next to the Add to Chrome
page will slide into view, displaying any apps you currently have button; or Launch Theme button if already installed. Choose the
installed (Gmail and YouTube for example). Share method from the list.
Step 2
❱ Click on the Chrome Web Store icon to open it. The web
store Home screen shows a selection of popular and trending
extensions and themes. To view available extensions, click the
Extensions link at top left. An extended menu will then allow you
to choose a category.
Manage the Toolbar
You can rearrange and customise how the extensions are
displayed in the toolbar. To rearrange the icons, simply
drag extension icons next to the address bar to rearrange
them on the browser toolbar. If you want to see more
extension icons on the browser toolbar, you can expand
the extension icon area. Click the right border of the
address bar and drag it to the left. Similarly, to hide extra
extensions, extend the address bar by dragging its right
border to the right. You can click the arrow button next
to the Chrome menu to see your extra extensions (if they
display icons).
Chrome Plug-ins
Unless they are missing for some reason, many Chrome users will never have to think
about the plug-ins the browser uses. Plug-ins are essential pieces of software that help
the browser to read and display certain types of content, such as Flash or Windows
Media files. Unlike extensions, which add extra features to Chrome, plug-ins are essential
to the smooth running of the browser. Here’s how to check, install, block and disable
plug-ins for Chrome.
Step 2
❱ Click Install plug-in in the message dialog. Some plug-ins begin
the installation process by downloading a setup file to your
computer. For those plug-ins, make sure that you confirm the
download by clicking Save in the downloads bar that appears.
Step 3
Blocking Chrome’s ❱ To block the website(s) that are causing you an issue with the
a specific plug, such as Flash Player for example, click the Add
button and enter the URL of the site that has issues and then Click
Add again to complete the process.
Step 1
❱ Plug-ins are allowed by default. However, since they can
occasionally be a security risk, Google Chrome blocks plug-ins
that are outdated or not widely used. Examples include Java,
RealPlayer, QuickTime and Shockwave. You can also block
all plug-ins on a one by one basis.
Step 4
❱ If you have used previous versions of the Chrome browser you
may notice that you are unable to completely disable a plug-in
in the current Chrome build. You are able to block plug-ins as
detailed here and there is no limit on the number of sites you can
add to the blocked list.
Step 2
❱ To block plug-ins, click the Chrome menu and select Settings.
Click Show advanced settings and in the Privacy section click the
Content settings button. Click the arrow to the right of the plug-in
and select which sites you wish to block from its use.
Chrome Plug-ins
Whether using Windows, Linux or Mac, Chrome supports
many of the most popular and widely used plug-ins.
These include:
Adobe Flash Player Adobe Reader
Java Windows Media Player
Real Player QuickTime
Microsoft Silverlight
Step 1 Step 3
❱ The first time you fill out a form, Google Chrome automatically ❱ If your Chrome Autofill information is correct, you don’t need to
saves the contact information that you enter, like your name, do anything more. If you have changed address recently, or some
address, phone number or email address, as an Autofill entry. You of the other information has changed, it can be frustrating for
can store multiple addresses as separate entries. Chrome to keep suggesting the wrong info.
Step 4
❱ To manage your Autofill entries, open Chrome and click on
Step 2 the Menu button in the top right corner (icon with the three
❱ Chrome can also save your credit card information, with your dots in a column). Select Settings and then click Advanced at the
permission. When you do this on a form, Chrome asks you at the bottom of the page. Find the Passwords and forms section and
top of the page whether you’d like to save the information. click Autofill settings.
Step 5 Step 6
❱ If you have more than one Autofill entry, click the one you want ❱ To remove an entry, click on it in the Autofill settings and then
to edit and then click the Edit button that appears to the right of it. click the X that appears to the right of the entry. If you want to
Complete or edit the information form and then click OK to finish. disable Chrome Autofill altogether, you can do so by unchecking
You can also Add a completely new address using the button here. the box next to the option in the Chrome settings.
Step 7
❱ Now, when you start filling out a form, the Autofill entries that
match what you’re typing appear in a menu. Select an entry to
automatically complete the form with information from it. This
allows you to have multiple entries in Autofill.
Trusted Sites
It’s important that you use Autofill only on websites
you trust, as certain websites might try to capture
your information in hidden or hard to see fields. Some
websites prevent browsers from saving text that you’ve
entered, so Google Chrome won’t be able to complete
forms on those sites.
Ctrl+Shift+N – New
Incognito Window
Alt+Home – Load your Home Page
Ctrl+T – Open a new tab
Ctrl+Shift+T – Open most recently closed tab
Ctrl+Tab – Scroll through open tabs
Ctrl+J – Opens your downloads screen
8. Start-up Preferences
❱ By default, when launching a new window in Chrome, the
browser displays the New Tab page, which is a blank tab with
links to your most visited websites. It is possible to customise this.
5. Adjust Text Size Click the Settings icon and select Settings. Under the On start-up
❱ Having trouble reading small text on a page in Chrome? No section, choose the ‘Open a specific page or set of pages’ radio
problem! Chrome lets you easily zoom both in and out, increasing button and click the Set pages link next to it. Then, either click ‘Use
or decreasing the size of both text and images. You can do this a current pages’ or type an address to set an alternative home page.
couple of ways. The first is to click the Settings menu button and
use the Zoom controls you find there. An easier way to do it is to
hold Ctrl and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and
out; as you do this, a small window will pop out of the address bar
to show you the level of zoom.
9. Syncing Chrome
❱ With Chrome’s sign in feature, you no longer need to fret
about your bookmarks or apps being stuck on one computer.
6. Rearrange Tabs When you sign in to the Chrome browser or a Chrome device,
❱ If you have several tabs open in Chrome, you can rearrange them your bookmarks, extensions, apps, theme and other browser
easily by simply clicking on a tab and dragging it along the row preferences are saved and synced to your Google Account. You
to the position you want. If you want to open one of the tabs as a can then load these
separate window, click on it and drag it to the desktop. Release the settings any time you
mouse button and a new window will open. Right-click on any tab use Chrome on other
to see the tab options menu. Here you can reload tabs, close all computers and devices.
tabs to the right of the selected one and even reopen closed tabs Signing into Chrome
(Chrome remembers the last ten closed tabs). also makes using Google
services, like Gmail,
YouTube and Maps easier
since you generally only
need to sign in once from
your browser.
40 BDM’s –Social
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• Volume
Gmail and
Gmail and Google Calendar are two of the most essential
Google tools available. You can video chat with a friend, Ping
a colleague or add an event to Google Calendar, all without
leaving your inbox. Creating an account only takes minutes
and it’s easy to transfer contacts and emails from an existing
email account.
2 6
1 Mailboxes
Creating a Gmail ❱ These links let you display the messages in those mailboxes.
A number next to any mailbox shows the amount of unread
3 Chat Controls
❱ This section shows a list of your available Chat contacts, as well as
containing the various chat controls: Add Contact, Status Update,
etc. You can read more about Gmail Chat later in this section.
4 Search Box
❱ Search for any message or contact in your Gmail inbox. Clicking
on the small arrow at the end of the search box allows you to
refine your search in several different ways.
5 Message Controls
❱ This set of buttons only appears when viewing a message. They
allow you to archive, delete or report the message as spam, as well
as letting you move the message to a particular mailbox or apply a
label. The More button reveals even more controls.
6 Conversation
❱ Gmail displays multiple messages from a contact in a
conversation format. If someone replies to your message, both the
reply and the original message are shown stacked in the window.
You can expand the conversation to make it easier to read.
7 Quick Reply
❱ Click anywhere in this box to start a quick reply to the last
message in the conversation. To Forward a message, click the
Forward tab in the quick reply window that opens. Quick reply
offers the same formatting options as creating a new
message does.
How to Compose A
New Message
Google has incorporated a unique way to compose a
message in Gmail which allows you to retain on screen
whatever you were looking at, inbox, a message, etc.
while composing a new message in a separate window.
At the time of writing, this was still an optional feature
but could be made standard at any time.
Customise Gmail
Gmail works brilliantly straight out of the box, with an interface that has been tweaked
and improved over the years to be easy to use and to navigate around. There are,
however, several things you can do to Gmail to make it suit your personal preferences
more closely, from adding a theme to customising the layout of the inbox.
Step 3
Apply a Theme ❱ Click on any theme to activate it. You will see the background
change, allowing you to preview the theme without leaving the
OK, so this isn’t going to make Gmail work any better, run any faster themes page. If you find one you like, simply select it and then
or deliver emails in a different way but it does brighten things up a click back to the inbox.
bit and makes Gmail more personal to you.
Step 1
❱ Sign in to Gmail on your computer and open the main inbox.
In the top right corner of the page you will see the Settings
icon (the gear icon). Click this and select Themes from the listings
displayed on this page.
Step 4
❱ Custom themes let you get a bit more creative. Click on either
Light or Dark custom and then choose an image. You can use a
preselected image or use one of your own by clicking My Photos.
Step 2
❱ The available themes are split up into categories, with basic
colour themes at the top of the page, then HD themes that use
background images, custom themes and classic Gmail themes.
Step 5
❱ Once you have chosen the Theme you wish to show on your
Google Mail page, you can also add a customisable level of blur
to the image which may make some text easier to read. To do this
click the third icon to the right of the Cancel button.
Importance Markers
How exactly does Gmail decide if an email is important
to you or not? The answer, is very cleverly and sometimes
with a bit of help from you. Gmail displays different
Customise the Inbox coloured markers next to emails to indicate different
types of messages. A yellow marker means that a
message is important. An empty (white) marker means
You can easily customise the main inbox to show important or that the message is not seen as important.
starred emails in a separate section at the top of the page.
If you want to know why a message was classified
Step 1 as important, you can hover your mouse over the
❱ Log in to Gmail and click on the main inbox to select it. With the importance marker in order to see the main reason why.
main inbox displayed, hover the mouse pointer over the inbox To teach Gmail that messages from a certain contact are
label and you should see a small, downward-pointing arrow. important, all you need to do is find an email from that
person and click on the unfilled importance marker.
Step 2
❱ Click on the arrow to
see a small menu. Here
you can choose the way
emails are displayed in
the inbox. Roll over each
of the settings to read a
short description of how
Show or Hide Labels
they work. On the left-hand side of the Gmail interface is a list of
your different mailboxes and labels. Preset mailboxes (or
Step 3 System Labels) include Important, Starred, Sent Mail and
❱ Choose a display option and Drafts. It is useful to have links to your labels displayed
you will see the inbox split into here, but you can hide them if you wish. Click on Settings
and then click on the Labels tab at the top of the page.
sections. At the right-hand side
You will see a full list of all your labels, with a show and
of each section heading, another
hide link next to each. You can simply go down the list
drop-down menu lets you further hiding those labels you don’t wish to see in the sidebar.
customise the section: number of
emails to display, etc.
Step 2
❱ If you want to remove the spam that is collecting in the spam
mailbox, the spam mailbox will only appear in your labels when
spam has been detected and moved into it, click the mailbox and
then click “Delete all spam messages now”.
Step 3
❱ If you see a message
in the spam mailbox
which has been moved
there incorrectly (i.e. it
Report and
is not spam), you can
correct the mistake by
Remove Spam
selecting it and clicking
Not Spam from the
options above it.
Step 1
❱ Removing spam from your inbox is easy. Click on the message
Creating Filters
you want to remove and look for the ! button above the message
box. Clicking this will remove the spam message and report it
to Google.
Another way to deal with unwanted emails, particularly if you are
getting lots of emails from one particular address, is to set up
a filter.
Step 1
❱ Open the inbox and find a
message from the contact
you want to filter. Click on the
message to open it. Click on the
More button to the right of the
buttons above the message, and
select Filter Messages Like These
from the menu.
Step 2
❱ In the box that appears, the
email address of the sender
will be automatically entered.
You can add extra triggers to
the filter such as certain words
or recipient addresses.
Next, click Create filter with
this search.
Step 3
❱ You can now decide what to
do with messages that trigger
this filter. There are numerous
options, and not just options
for spam messages. For
the purpose of this guide,
choose Delete it. Click Create
Filter to finish.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is the process of trying to find private
information such as PIN numbers, passwords and user
names by trickery. Sometimes spammers create fake
websites that look for example, like a well-known bank’s
login page. You will then get an email pretending to
be from that bank, asking you to confirm your login
Protect Your Email or change some settings by clicking a link to the fake
website. When you enter your email and password
on one of these pages, the spammer records your
Step 3
Using Chat in Gmail ❱ Once someone has accepted your invitation (and if they are
online) you will see a status button to the left of their name in your
Step 1 chat list, which indicates whether they’re available (green); their
❱ Before you can chat with someone, you need to invite them and name will show in bold if they have sent you a message.
they will need to accept the invitation. The people you invite will
see the invitation above their chat list asking if they’d like to be
able to chat with you.
Step 4
❱ To chat with someone
who is available in your
list, click on their name
and a small chat window
will open in the bottom
right corner of the
Gmail window. Click the
arrow to the right of the
contact’s name to undock
Step 2 the chat window.
❱ Press the + icon, then in the search box at the top of this menu,
type your friend’s username. If they’re already in your Contacts,
Gmail will prepopulate their username. If they are not in your
contacts, type their email address and click Invite to Chat.
Step 5 Step 7
❱ Click in the text box at the bottom of the chat window to start ❱ Just as we said previously,
typing. You can type as much as you like, the window will just you can chat using a variety
expand. To add emoticons, either type a recognised emoticon of Google products. If,
symbol or click the smiley face in the chat box. for example, you have an
Android phone, you will
probably also have Google
Talk. As long as they use the
same Google account, they
will share contacts.
Step 6
❱ By default, Gmail will store a copy of your chats in the chat
history label. These are searchable in exactly the same way as
Chat Status
emails. If you prefer not to keep a record of your chats, go to Your chat status controls your availability to chat with
Settings > Chat and turn off the option. your friends. You can manually enter your status which
can be viewed by all of your Chat contacts.
Gmail Conversations
Gmail groups all replies with their original message, creating a single conversation or
thread. In other email systems, responses appear as separate messages in your inbox,
forcing you to wade through all your email to follow the conversation. In Gmail, replies
to emails (and replies to those replies) are displayed in one place. Here’s how to use
Gmail conversations to their best advantage.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ When you open one message in a conversation, all of your ❱ If you like, you can change this setting so that replies aren’t
related messages are stacked neatly on top of each other, called threaded into conversations but appear as individual messages in
Conversation View. In Conversation View, each new message your inbox. To do so, go to the General tab of your Gmail Settings
is stacked on top of the ones that arrived before it, so that the and check the box next to Conversation view off.
newest message is always the one you see first.
Step 4
Step 2 ❱ If you’re part of a long message conversation that isn’t relevant,
❱ To see all the messages in a conversation, just click the Expand you can mute the conversation to keep all future additions out of
all button. A conversation will break off into a new thread if the your inbox. Open or select the conversation and click the More
subject line of the conversation is changed, or if the conversation button above your messages. Select Mute from the options.
reaches over 100 messages.
Step 5
❱ If you need to find a muted conversation or if you accidentally
muted a thread, don’t worry. Muted messages are not marked as
read and are still searchable. You can type is:muted into your Gmail
search box to find all muted conversations.
Step 6
❱ Conversation View in Gmail can be confusing at times.
To make things clearer and focus on a single reply, you can open
a single email from a conversation string. To do this, open the
Conversation and click on the top right options Arrow (next to
the Reply button).
Step 7
❱ From the menu choose Print. This will open a single email in Gmail Usability Tip –
a new tab or window. Close the print dialog window or press
escape. The tab stays open so you can refer to the email and keep
it open. To open a whole email conversation in a new tab, press
Text Buttons
Ctrl when you click on the email. If you are not a fan of the icons within the grey buttons
that appear at the top of Gmail when you select an email,
you can now set them to more descriptive text. To do so,
click the top right cog and select Mail Settings; then in
the General tab, scroll down to Button Labels and check
the Text option. Save your settings and the icons on
the buttons will be replaced by text or have text added
alongside the icon (as on the Reply button).
Step 2
❱ You can also request an invitation directly from Google. Send an
email to and wait for a reply. You might not
receive an invitation straight away but you should do within a
few days.
Step 3
Inbox Labels ❱ You can see if there are any new emails in your labels without
even opening them. After the label heading, if there are new
Upon opening Inbox for the first time, you will notice that it looks messages inside, you will see “1 New” or “2 New”. When you open
very different to Gmail, with messages sorted by label. the label, new emails are shown separately at the top.
Step 1
❱ Labels are like individual inboxes, used to quickly sort different
types of emails into sections. Labels include Promos, Social, Finances,
Purchases and Travel. Marketing emails from online stores will go
into Promos, while invoices go into Finance, for example.
Step 4
❱ You can move emails in and out of labels easily and you can also
pin emails to make them easier to find later. To move emails out
of a label, open the message and click the three dots to see the
“Move to” menu. Click a label name or click “Remove from...”
Step 2
❱ You can move emails in and out of labels, create your own
customised labels and choose when you want to see them in your
inbox. If you don’t want your emails grouped together, you can turn
off bundling so that messages show up individually instead.
Step 5
❱ To pin a message in a label, open the message and click the
pin icon in the top bar of the message window. You can also pin
Setting Inbox Reminders
multiple emails by rolling over the icon in the message list, then Inbox not only lets you keep track of emails more easily but it also
checking the box next to each one you want to pin. The pin icon lets you create and view reminders from the same interface (the
appears at the top. inbox). Here’s how to create reminders and use the snooze option.
Step 1
❱ To create a new reminder, open Inbox and tap the red Create
New button floating at the bottom of the screen. Select Reminder
from the icons which appear. You will also see frequent contacts
listed here.
Features that are only in Inbox won’t carry over. Here are
a couple of examples:
- Reminders won’t show up in Gmail.
- Pinning an email has no effect in Gmail.
Step 3 Step 2
❱ If you clicked Snooze, there are some additional options to ❱ If the email is something you might want to check out later,
choose from. There are default quick options such as Later Today, choose Someday from the Snooze options. You can then go back
Tomorrow and Next Week, or you can tap Pick Time & Date and through your Someday list later and decide what to do with them.
choose a specific time to be reminded.
Step 3
❱ You can add a reminder note before you snooze an email. Open
the email and click Pin. Type where it says “Remember to...” at the
top of the email and then click Save. Now click Snooze and choose
an option.
Snoozing Emails
Snoozing allows you to quickly postpone dealing with an email
until later in the day, helping you keep track of important messages
that you can’t deal with straight away.
Step 1
❱ Open an email or reminder. At the top of the email, select Snooze
and choose a snooze option such as Later Today or set a time and
date. You can also snooze right from your inbox by swiping left on
the message.
Step 4
❱ To view all of your snoozed emails, go to the main menu in the
top left and choose Snoozed. When it’s time for your email or
reminder to come back, it will show up at the top of your inbox.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Open Gmail on your computer and find the email you want to ❱ The latest task will be shown at the top, labelled using the
create the task from. Open the email or select it by checking the subject of the email. Click on the arrow next to the task title and
box next to it in the main inbox list. Both actions will bring up you can change details such as the due date, add notes and move
several new options along the top of the email pane. it to a different task list if you have one.
Step 2 Step 4
Click the More button at the top and then click Add to Tasks. You ❱ To show a task as
can also use Shift-T. When you do this a tasks list panel will appear completed in the list,
in the bottom right corner of Gmail. Any tasks you have added, check the box next to
from any source, will be listed here. it. The task will stay in
the list as a reminder.
If you want to remove
a task from the list,
select it and click
the trash icon at the
bottom of the Tasks
pane. Once a task is
removed, it cannot
be restored.
Step 5 Step 8
❱ Once you add a due date to a created task, it will appear in your ❱ Select the new task and type a title. Like any other task, you can
Google Calendar on that date. If you go into Calendar and can’t use the arrow to go in and set a due date and notes. Go back to
see the task, make sure that the Tasks option is highlighted in the the list and highlight the sub-task. Click Actions and then select
left-hand sidebar. You can change the colour of shown tasks using Indent. The title will indent, showing that it is part of the task
the drop down menu. above it.
Step 6 Step 9
❱ When the Tasks option is selected in Calendar, a new sidebar will ❱ To remove an email association from a to-do item in Gmail Tasks,
open on the right to show all tasks. You can manage tasks from highlight the desired task (click anywhere in its title, for example).
here or from in the main Calendar panel. If you don’t want the Press Shift-Enter and then click the X next to Related email option.
sidebar to be displayed, click the X to close it. Once the related email is removed, it can’t be added again.
Step 7
❱ Once you have created a task from an email, go back to the Tasks
panel in Gmail where you can add additional tasks as part of that
main task. To show that the task is a sub-task, you can indent it.
Click anywhere in the tasks panel and hit Enter to add a task.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ The first thing you need to do is download and install the ❱ From the popup menu, schedule the sending time with either
Boomerang software for Gmail. Open your Chrome browser and the handy calendar picker or text box. The smart menus display
search for “Boomerang for Gmail” or point your browser to www. your most frequently used scheduling times for easy access. In addition to letting you schedule emails, Boomerang will then automatically send your message at the
Boomerang offers several other features that we will look at here. chosen time, without you having to worry about it.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ With Boomerang installed you will see a new Send Later button ❱ You can also set up email reminders. This means taking messages
with a Boomerang icon. You can now write an email when it’s out of your inbox until you actually need them. At the scheduled
convenient, then schedule it to send automatically. Just write the time you chose, the software will bring it back to your inbox,
message as you normally would, then click the Send Later button. marked unread, starred or even at the top of your message list.
Step 5 Step 2
❱ This function is useful to remind yourself about stuff that is weeks ❱ You can schedule your follow-up message as you’re writing
or months away but you may forget why you wanted to keep it the original email. If the person replies to your original email,
in the first place. You can attach a note to the message as you Boomerang will detect the response, and will not send the second
schedule it. When the message returns to your inbox, your note email. If they don’t reply, the software will send the follow-up
will be added to the email thread. message automatically, without you having to think about it.
Step 3
❱ You can also send recurring emails. All you have to do is write a
message as you normally would, then click Schedule Recurring
Message from the bottom of the Send Later menu. From the
menu, you can then choose the start date, frequency, day of the
week to send and end date..
Boomerang Extras
Boomerang is a useful and rather powerful tool that can play an
increasingly important part in how you use your Gmail account.
Here we will be looking at some of the extra functionality it offers.
Step 1
❱ One of Boomerang’s other useful features is tracking responses.
When writing an email, you can set Boomerang to give you a
reminder if you don’t get a reply after a certain amount of days. If
the message comes back to your inbox without a response, you
can then react by sending another email to follow up.
Step 4
❱ To remove Boomerang from your computer, first uninstall the
plug-in from your browser. Now revoke Boomerang’s access to
Gmail data. Right click the Boomerang icon in your browser and
click Manage Extensions. Now disable Boomerang and then click
the Bin icon to delete it.
Google Calendar
Google’s free online calendar app is perfect for keeping track of all the important events
in your life, in one place via And if you use other Google
products such as Android or Gmail, you can set things up so that everything integrates
and syncs perfectly and with barely any effort.
Step 1
❱ At the left-hand side of the Google Calendars screen,
look for the section labelled My Calendars. Click on the
small arrow button and select Create New Calendar.
Step 2
❱ Give your new calendar a title and write a description
if you wish. The location box is useful if the calendar is to
be public, as it makes it easier for your friends or family to
find events on it.
Step 3
❱ All of the calendars you create will be listed under My
Calendars on the left side of your page. Just click on the
name to select it. For each of the calendars, you can add,
delete and edit events any time you like.
Step 2
Sharing Your Calendar ❱ Enter the email address of the person with whom you want to
share your calendar. From the drop-down menu on the right side,
It is possible to share your different calendars with individuals or select a level of permission (view only or view and make changes),
groups. An email invitation is sent and the contact will be able to then click Add Person. Click Save to finish.
view your calendar alongside theirs.
Step 1
❱ Log in to your Google Calendar and look for the calendar list on
the left-hand side of the screen. Roll the mouse over the calendar
you want to share and click the small arrow button. Select Share
this Calendar from the drop-down menu.
Step 3
❱ Once you click Save, the person with whom you selected to
share the calendar will receive an email invitation to view your
calendar. The person will need to click on the link contained in the
email to add the calendar to his/her Other calendars list.
64 BDM’s Social
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• Volume
Google Calendar
Step 3
SMS Reminders ❱ If your carrier is supported, click the Send Verification Code
button and you receive a text message on your phone. Once
If you have Google Calendar on your Android smartphone, your you receive this message, enter the code you received in the
events and reminders can be automatically synced between Verification code field and click the Finish setup button. Click Save.
desktop and mobile. If you don’t have Google Calendar on your
phone, it is still possible to receive reminders on your mobile.
Step 1
❱ The first thing you need to do is obtain a verification code. This
will show you that your phone and carrier is capable of receiving
SMS reminders from Google Calendar. Click on the gear icon at the
top of the page and select Settings from the menu.
Step 2
❱ Click on the Mobile Setup tab at the top of the settings page.
Select your country from the drop-down list and then enter your
full mobile phone number. You may also need to select your
carrier from the menu that appears.
Google Calendar offers a variety of notification options
for both email and SMS. When selected, you receive
notifications when somebody sends you invitations,
updates, replies, or cancellation messages to events.
Event organisers however may still choose not to send
these notifications when they create or change events.
If you deselect the notification options in these settings,
you won’t receive the respective notifications, even when
event creators explicitly click to send invitations
or updates.
66 BDM’s –Social
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Maps, Earth
Using incredible satellite imagery, combined with Google’s
huge database of places and businesses, Google Maps lets
you search the world for the places you want to know more
about. You can find the easiest way from A to B on foot, get
public transport directions and maps for cities around the
world, or just explore the planet in Google Earth.
5 4
3 Street View
❱ Click on the little man and drag him onto the map. Any road or
street that is overlaid in blue can be viewed in Street View. You
Your Places
simply drop the man at the location you want to view. Once in Your Places makes it easy for you to organise content
Street View, you can split the map screen so that half shows the relevant to you on Maps, including maps you have
map view and half shows the Street View. To do this, click on the created with My Maps, businesses you have rated in
box in the bottom right corner of Street View. Google+ Local and locations and directions you have
previously searched for.
4 Zoom Controls
Step 1
❱ Click the + and – buttons to zoom in and out of the map. You To access your
can also click on the slider and drag it up and down to zoom more content, open
quickly. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel on it, you can use Google Maps
this to zoom in and out of the map much more easily. and click on the
Your Places link. If
you’re not logged
5 Information Box in to your Google
❱ Many businesses are shown on the map with an icon next to the account, you’ll be
prompted to sign in
name, particularly restaurants, hotels and pubs. Click on the icon to
before continuing.
pop-up the information box. This will show you the address details,
Your content will
links to reviews and to a website if applicable. You can also click appear in the
the Directions link to quickly open the Route Planner menu. left panel.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Click on the Apps icon at the top right of the Google Search ❱ In the start box, type the starting point for your journey. If you
home page and select Maps. The map, normally zoomed out on have added a home address to My Places, and if your journey
the country you live in, will be shown on the page and a search starts at home, you can simply type Home in the first box. If not,
box, which will act as your navigation hub. Note: If you aren’t type your preferred starting locations. This can be an address or
signed in to your Google account, do so now. even just a town or city.
Step 2
❱ Click on the blue arrow on the search box. Two boxes will appear Step 4
in the blue bar, these are start and destination input points, along ❱ Type your destination in the second box. Again, this can be an
with buttons to choose your mode of transport. These include exact address or a town or city. Suggestions will appear as you
travelling by car, on foot, by public transport or by bicycle. Click on type, so make sure you select the correct address; there will almost
the mode of transport you will be using. certainly be more than one instance of your street name to
be found.
Step 5 Step 7
❱ With both starting point and destination completed, Google ❱ The route is shown as a list of directions in the left-hand column
Maps will automatically generate your route. If you want to which is accessed by clicking the Details icon. At the top of the
include additional stopping points to your journey, click on Add list the distance and the estimated journey time is displayed. Roll
Destination and a third box will appear. Remove this box by your mouse over the list and you will see a marker displayed on
clicking the X next to it. the map at different junctions, roundabouts, etc.
Step 8
❱ Scroll to the top of the directions list and you will see three icons,
a link to save the route to My Maps. Share the details and you can
also print directions directly by clicking the printer button. You can
choose to show the map or just the directions on your printout.
Step 6
❱ Having generated your route, the map screen will zoom in to
show the complete journey highlighted in blue. You can zoom in
and out as normal if you want to get a closer look at the route. You
can also alter the route by clicking on any part of it and dragging
the blue line.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ To start using Street View, open the Google Maps page by ❱ Drop the yellow man icon onto any of these blue lines to see that
clicking on the Maps link on the Google Search home page. Type road in Street View. As you hold the man over a marked location,
the name of the street, town or city you want to start viewing in Street View image will remain static, but if you slowly move it you
the search box at the top of the screen. will get additional Street View previews.
Step 4
❱ With Street View now showing, you can move around by moving
Step 2 the mouse pointer onto the road so that it becomes a circle
❱ When the map has zoomed in to show the area you searched for, and then clicking. The camera will pan forward to that position.
click and drag the little yellow man from the bottom of the map Repeating this action lets you follow roads and streets along
zoom controls, onto the map. Blue lines will appear to show which their length.
streets and roads have been captured for Street View.
Step 5 Step 7
❱ Move the mouse pointer up onto the side of a building and it ❱ You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the
turns into a rectangle. Click the mouse and the camera will rotate image in Street View. If you want to view the image in full screen,
to show the building centred on the screen. If, when you move the click in the button with four arrows in the top corner of the
pointer onto a building, it shows a magnifying glass, you can zoom window. Click the X next to that to close Street View and return to
in to the image. the normal map view.
Step 6
❱ In the corner of the Street View window is a small box showing
your position on the map. You can expand or minimise it by
clicking the icon to the bottom left. When you expand the map
box, it will split the screen with Street View. You can also quick
navigate your location by double tapping on the desired location.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Before you share a map, you need to zoom and scroll until the ❱ Directions can be marked on the map, and will be shared when
area you want to share is centred on the window. Only the visible you send it. Right-click on two points on the map to set your
portion is shared. You can also choose to share the map in Map direction to and from those locations. Check that the correct route
view or Earth view. is selected, if alternatives are available.
Step 4
Step 2 ❱ In the top left corner of the screen, click the Menu icon. Select
❱ If you have saved favourites on a map, only you will see them. Share and embed map. Check the box next to Short URL to create
Equally, if you embed the map and view it on your site, you see a shorter link. Double-click the link to highlight it, then copy it by
your saved places on the map. Your site’s visitors won’t see those pressing Ctrl+c (or Cmd+c on Mac). Paste the link wherever you
saved places, they see a map built for them. want to share the map, like an email or Google+ post.
Step 5 Step 8
❱ By using a short URL, you can squeeze a long Google Maps ❱ Ensure that the map you’d like to embed appears in the current
link into fewer characters to leave more room for other text. For map display. Click the settings gear icon in the bottom right. Click
example, the URL is easier to share than the Share and embed map. In the box that appears, make sure the
long URL Embed map tab is selected.
Step 6
❱ When the recipient opens the email, they can paste the link into
their browser and see the map, with directions marked and listed
in a step-by-step format. They will be able to interact with the map
(choose an alternative route, etc.) just as if they created it.
Step 9
❱ Choose the embed size you want, then copy the HTML and
paste the code into the source code of your website or blog. Keep
in mind that traffic information and some other Maps features may
not be available in the embedded map.
Step 7
❱ You can embed a basic map, driving directions or a local search
into your website or blog from the new Google Maps. When your
viewers are signed in to Google, they can also see their home and
work, saved locations and more in your embedded map.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Open Google Maps on your desktop. The map should be centred ❱ Photos, See inside and street views can also be displayed along
on the country you live in, even if you have not shared location the bottom of the map, by clicking the Yellow man icon. Photo
information with Google. Photo tours can be found using the Spheres are marked with a small blue circle, See Inside with an
satellite imagery (Earth view). orange icon and street views with a circular arrow.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ Having entered your search criteria, if photo tours of a location ❱ Not all areas will feature photo points. They are made available
are available, they will be displayed as a series of photo thumbnail when there are several different views of a particular area. Click on
images on the pop-up left side menu. These photos will show a your choice of view and Google Maps will automatically swap to
side facing circular arrow icon in the bottom left. that location and view, here we have selected Photo Sphere.
Step 5
❱ Photo Sphere and See Inside are interactive still photographs
that have been uploaded to Google Maps. The latter allows you
to do exactly as one would expect and give you a view inside the
location, by simply clicking the small orange icon on the map. To
exit to Maps click the back arrow top left.
Step 7
❱ Another fantastic feature
of Maps is the 3D rendered
view point you can access
in key locations by clicking
the 3D button on the
main navigation controls,
Step 6 bottom right. By pressing
❱ If you choose instead to open a photo sphere, you can use and holding the Control
your mouse to grab and drag the image around to see a 360 key you can explore this 3D
degree image of a location. Photo spheres are created using a environment at your will.
smartphone app which, as mentioned, blends multiple photos
together as one.
Step 8
❱ While in 3D mode, zoom into the screen and your viewpoint
will change from the 3D rendered background to Street View
automatically. This offers a perfect showcase of viewpoints with a
single gesture.
Step 1 Step 2
❱ If you have not already installed the Google Earth plug-in on ❱ Click on the link to install the plug-in. When installation is
your computer, you will need to do this before you can begin. complete, you will need to refresh the page to load the Earth view.
From the Google Maps page, click your mouse on the Apps icon You should notice that the view changes to show a much more
in the top right corner of the screen and click on the Earth icon. realistic detail. You can now zoom right out to show the
whole globe.
Step 3
❱ You can search for locations in Google Earth by clicking the
Search icon in the side bar to the left of the screen. Type the name
of a street, town or country in the search box and the view will
zoom in to show it. Search also for landmarks and businesses.
Step 4 Step 6
❱ The view of many locations in Google Earth will be in 3D. To tilt ❱ You can access news, photos, videos and Wikipedia information
the camera, use the controls at the top left of the window: the via Google Earth. Click on the ship’s wheel icon on the left side bar
control with the eye tilts the camera, the control with the hand to switch to the Voyager screen. You can then click on individual
pans the camera. You can pan, zoom and tilt by right-clicking on a piece to read it in full. This information is updated regularly so
point and moving the mouse. remember to check back.
Step 5
❱ Switch to view while using Google Earth by clicking the Menu
options, top right, and then selecting Map Style. Now you can pick
how the Map details are shown. From limited information to in-
depth detail or an option between the two.
Step 3
Setting Up Translate ❱ Just like a standard Google search you can choose to input your
text via the keyboard or using voice input. To use the latter, click
Google Translate is far more than just a basic translate tool. You can on the Microphone icon to the left or if you prefer the former, tap
use this in several different ways. the keyboard icon to the right. Your text will now appear in the
box to the left. By clicking the double arrow icon between these
Step 1 boxes, you can swap the text.
❱ Unlike Google Earth or Maps, the Translate app is far less
graphically intense but its lack of visual gloss is replaced with a
very powerful tool that can prove as essential, so let’s take a look.
Open the Apps menu on the tool bar and select Translate from the
choice of applications.
Step 4
❱ NOTE: You are limited 5000 characters per translation so ensure
you enter your text in small chunks to avoid missing text. For
this first example we have entered an expression in English and
selected Norwegian, from the drop down menu, as the translated
Step 2 language. The translation happens in real time.
❱ This is the main
control window of
Google Translate, from
here you can decipher
any communication
break downs. Notice
the two boxes on
screen. The left (input)
is where you enter the
original text and the
right (output) is where
it is translated.
Step 5 Step 8
❱ If you wish to translate the same piece of text into another ❱ By clicking the Pencil icon in the input box, you enter your text
language, click on the downward arrow icon and select your by writing it, using your mouse, touchscreen on a pointer tool.
language for the list of options. You can also hear both the original Once you have entered your word(s) you can either select from
and the translated expression by clicking the speaker icon in the the options running along the bottom of the input box or press
bottom left of the input or output windows. the blue return icon to enter it.
Step 6
❱ By clicking the Pencil icon in the input box, you enter your text
by writing it, using your mouse, touchscreen on a pointer tool.
Once you have entered your word(s) you can either select from
the options running along the bottom of the input box or press
the blue return icon to enter it.
Translate Documents
To translate a piece of text that is larger than 5000
characters you can upload a full document which will
Step 7 be read and translated by the Translate app. Once
❱ Translated text can be the process is complete you are free to download the
Copied, Shared or Saved translated document. This process is far from complex as
to Phrasebook, the results we will detail below.
using the icon links in the From the “translate a document” link below the text
output box. By clicking input box, click on blue text to bring up a small grey
the Star icon to the top box with a Choose file link on the left side. Click this link
and locate the file you wish to translate and select as is
right you can open your
usual with your OS. You can upload files from a number
Phrasebook and quickly
of formats from Word to HTML files, there is a 1MB file
view all your saved size limit so ensure you doc is compatible. Once your
translations. You can also file is uploaded tap the blue Translate icon to load your
save the file by clicking translated document, leaving you to copy and paste the
Export to Google Sheets. results as you wish.
3. Biking Maps
❱ If you are more of a fan of pedal power than horsepower, you
can use the Google Maps Biking Directions beta. Find dedicated
bike trails, routes without motor vehicles and the best streets for
cycling. Dark green lines indicate bike trails, light green shows
dedicated bike lanes and dotted green lines are bicycle-friendly
roads. Navigate it all with biking directions in Google Maps
Navigation Beta.
5. Sharing Maps
❱ You can share maps via a short URL, an HTML embed, email,
text message and even send maps to certain GPS units and cars.
To generate a customisable embed code or URL, click on the link
icon to the top left of your display. Check the Short URL box (or
whatever you require) or click the link for Customise and Preview 8. Send to Phone
Embedded Map. If you want to send the link out, rather than copy/ ❱ Google Send to Phone enables you to send text messages of
paste the text that’s been generated, click Send for Google Maps content to your mobile phone. For example, you
further options. might text yourself an address or location you’ve found.
To send something you’ve found on Google Maps to your phone,
click the link icon in the left panel. Click Send and choose Phone
from the left side. Enter the required information and hit Send.
You’ll receive a text message with your selection. You can also send
a local search result to your phone, by clicking More > Send from
the place marker’s location information window.
6. MapsGL
❱ MapsGL uses technology
called WebGL (Web-based
Graphics Library) to enhance
the Google Maps experience. 9. My Places
WebGL brings 3D graphics to ❱ Using My Places, you can
your browser without the need create custom, annotated
to install additional software. Google Maps that include
This allows you to provide place marks, lines and
seamless transitions between various levels of imagery and shapes. You can even add
different map views. Some of the MapsGL improvements include descriptive text and embed
3D buildings in Map view mode and 45° aerial imagery, smooth photos and videos in your
transitions between zoom levels and seamless 45° aerial view map; then share your maps
rotations and the ability to Swoop quickly from the Map View to with others. This can be
Street View imagery. With MapsGL, you can experience all of this in handy for mapping out your favourite restaurants, planning an
your browser without a plug-in. upcoming holiday or saving biking routes for future reference.
84 BDM’s –Social
The Complete
Media Series
• Volume
Photos and
Photos makes it easy to share the right photos with the right
people with just a few clicks. For organising photos, Photos
has file importing and tracking features, as well as tags and
facial recognition for further sorting. And once you have
your photos organised, discover how to find, play and even
upload your own videos on YouTube.
Step 3
Uploading to Photos ❱ When you files have uploaded to Photos, they will be displayed
based upon the date the images or videos were captured, newest
Step 1 to oldest being the default setting. Notice the link to the Desktop
❱ Open the Photos app via the App icon and the drop down menu Uploader, ignore that for now as we will cover it later.
accessed from it. The first thing you will need to do with Photos
is upload your images and videos into it. Unlike its predecessor
Google’s Picasa, Photos doesn’t search your computer for
compatible files thus you will need to organise yours first.
Using Photos
We break down the key features and controls of the Google
Photos application to enhance your ease of use.
Step 2
❱ Having placed the
files you wish to 1 Menu
upload to Photos in ❱ By clicking the three lines icon, top left, you can open the
a folder, the quickest main Photos menu panel. Here you can quickly access the key
way to transfer them functionality of the application, from sharing your images and
is to simply drag and videos to clearing out unwanted files.
drop the files on the
Photos window as a
group. Each file will 2 Settings
then upload to the ❱ The Settings link gives you access to Photos customisable
app, the speed of features. From this link you can decide upon your storage options,
which is based on compressed but high quality storage is free, while keeping your
your connection. files at the original size is limited to 15G without a paid upgrade.
1 3 4 5
7 6
3 Search 6 Timeline
❱ By entering the title of your file you can search your image and ❱ Here you can control the images and videos that are displayed
video database for it. If you have a large amount of files stored in in the main Preview window based upon the date they were
Photos, you can narrow the criteria of your search to specific files originally captured. Do to this simply scroll up or down through
from Videos to 360 photos by double clicking the search bar. the Timeline bar, stopping at the date you wish to view.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Starting with a collage, the first task is to select your photos. You ❱ You can edit your image collage by tapping the edit icon located
can select a single folder by clicking on it in the folder panel or you to the top right of this screen. You have a series of options and
can select numerous images by clicking on the tick icon on the filters that you can apply to your new image. To use a filter click the
top left corner of each of the images you want. middle icon and then click on the style you wish to apply.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ Once all the images you want are selected, click the + icon ❱ You can also adjust the level of filter use using the slider bar in
located in the top right of the preview window. A new menu will the middle of the filters listings. The crop and rotate tool enables
open; from the options you are given, select Collage. Photos will you to cut out sections of the collage or rotate the image at either
now auto generate a collage based on your images. 90 degree angles or manually, using the user control.
Step 5 Step 8
❱ When you are happy with the edits to your collage, tap the Done ❱ When you are happy with your collage and or your animated
icon. You have a couple of options for saving it. Click the more slide-show you can send them to your contacts by tapping the
options link on the far right corner of the window. Now choose Share icon. When you see this window, choose how you wish to
how you wish to store your new collage from this list. share the file and click the required icon to make your selection.
Step 6
❱ Moving on to the Animation option, once again select the
images you wish to add and click the + icon and select Animation
for your list of options. Now all you have to do is leave the Photos
application to do the work for you.
Step 7
❱ Photos will now auto Link to Pinterest
generate an Animation
Pinterest is a very popular social networking tool, based
based on your images.
around sharing images, which is closely linked to the
This animation is simply Photos application.
a slideshow, moving If you are already a Pinterest user or simply wish to sign
between a series of still up and share your photos with the world, it couldn’t be
images. This animation easier to get started. Visit and sign in
is automatically saved to using your Google account. Once you are signed in you
your collection of files can upload directly by clicking the icon on any of your
within Photos. images, when you are viewing them full screen.
Light and
Colour Fixes
❱ These controls let you
change the lighting
or colour levels of
your image. You can
either use the sliders to
change Light, Colour
temperature and Pop.
The latter being a
fantastic tool that adds
greater depth to your
images with a simple
Quick Fixes adjustment to the slider.
❱ As stated Google Photo editing isn’t a full optimised and
functional Photoshop alternative but with that said, there are more
than enough options for you to clean up or enhance your digital
photography, with only the most basic understanding of photo-
editing. Photos offers simple tools, designed to help fix common
problems with a few clicks as follows.
Undo Edits
You can easily remove any edits you have made to your
photographs while you are still editing. All you need to
do to remove your edits is click on the Undo Edits button
located at the top of the editing window. By doing this
you will instantly remove any changes you have made to
the image, from applying filters to cropping and rotating,
so make sure you are happy to do so before clicking. You
can copy your edits via the edit menu (three dots) and
paste them on any image in your library.
Adding Information
Each photo or movie file in your Photos library contains
unique information. This includes file size, resolution,
Click and hold to compare date and time it was captured all as default. This data can
❱ When editing or applying filters to your images, it is very be viewed by clicking on the “i” icon on the control bar at
important that you don’t lose sight of the original image; this the top of the window. You can add a custom description
ensures that your edits aren’t actually detrimental. At any time to your files, which will be stored as part of the image’s
during the editing process, you can revert to your original image information. To save this new info tap the X Icon in the
by pressing and holding on the mouse button or screen. Your top right corner of the screen.
altered image can be saved as a copy so you can keep both.
Web Albums
❱ To create a new album folder, click on the tick icon on the files
you want to add to the folder. Now click the + icon in the top right
of the main tool bar and select Album from the drop down list in
The Stream, like the Facebook News Feed, shows you real time the top right corner, as shown here.
updates from your friends, family and other Circles.
Step 1
❱ Open the Photos app and search through your photo folders to
find the images you want. Each file acts as an individual but you
can create new albums containing a mix of files if you wish.
Step 3
❱ You can choose to save to an existing Album to create a new
one. Access to these albums is achieved in the same way, by
clicking the link of your choice.
Step 4
❱ Having chosen to create a new Album, you can now customise
its name by entering your title into the text input box at the top of
the collection of files; click the tick icon to finish . You can also add
files to this folder by dragging and dropping directly.
Album Access
The people you share with are added to the Shared with list
Sharing Web Albums in Google Photos. These people can do the following:
• If your album visibility is limited, they can view it by
signing in to Photos.
There are a couple of different ways to share your files and albums,
depending on whether the recipients have signed up for Google. • They can see the shared album on your Photos Web
gallery, your Google profile and in Google+ (if you’ve
signed up).
Step 1
❱ To share a single file, click • Google+ users: The people you share with have
permission to re-share your album. Within Google+,
on the image to enter full
they can also see who else you’ve shared it with.
screen view and then tap the
Share icon on the right of the
screen. From this menu screen
you can share with a Google Step 4
contact by clicking them. ❱ Alternatively you can
also share via your social
Step 2 networks by tapping the
❱ Alternatively you can share via your social networks by tapping link(s). To share to a non-
the link to Facebook or Twitter. To share to a non-Google contact, Google contact, click Get
click Get Link and then copy and paste it into a message or email. Link and then copy and
paste it into a message
or email and send the
link as per usual.
Step 5
❱ Add a comment if you’d like to add context to your photos. This
text will be posted with your photos in Google+. Add Google+
circles, individual people or email addresses and then click Share.
Step 3
❱ To share an album, click on the
icon in the top right corner of the
album and then click on Share.
Once again you can quickly share
with Google contacts by clicking
on their name.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ Open the Photos app and click on the Albums link. From here ❱ On your mobile device head to the App Store or Google Play and
click on the Movies icon found at the top right corner of the download the Google Photos app. Once complete, open the app
screen. You will need to download this software to progress, and enable access to your photo library. From the Home screen,
namely the Backup and Sync and Photos software from Google. tap Movie and then select the files (photos or videos) to use.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ Download and install the Backup and Sync. Once the software is ❱ You can now set the files to music by tapping the note icon. You
running it will automatically search your computer for the correct can select your music or a default theme. Once you are happy with
photo and video files and place them in your main photo library the video clip, tap add to album to save it to Google Photos. Head
listings in the Photos app. It does all the hard work for you. back to your desktop and the file will be in your Movie folder.
4 Recommended Content
2 Upload Controls ❱ If you are signed in to your account, and have viewed any videos
❱ This drop-down menu contains a direct link to the upload screen previously, content that is recommended for you will be displayed
as well as links to your uploads dashboard; here you can see all of at the top of the home page. You can view more recommended
the content you have uploaded and your analytics, which shows content by clicking the word “recommended”. If you have
how many times your videos have been viewed and, if you have a subscribed to any channels, relevant content from those channels
channel, how many subscribers you have. will also be included here.
Step 2
5 Recommended Channels ❱ You can make changes
❱ The listing here is based on the videos you have watched and to your playlists by
which channels you have previously subscribed to. Roll your visiting your Library.
mouse over the Subscribe button to see how many subscribers This link is found on the
any channel has and click the button to instantly subscribe. A tick left side of the main
next to the name of the channel shows that it is verified as an YouTube user window.
official channel.
Step 3
6 Subscribed Channels ❱ Open the playlist you want to change and click the Edit button
❱ A list of your subscribed channels is shown here. You can click next to the playlist you want to edit. Click Done to save any
the arrow button just above the list to change how it is displayed: changes you make.
new content, A-Z or most relevant. Just below the channel
subscriptions list is a button which takes you to the complete
listing of available channels. You will also find the controls for
managing channels there as well.
7 Latest Content
❱ The most recent content from your subscribed channels is
displayed as a list at the bottom of the screen. If you have not
subscribed to any channels, this list will be populated from the
most viewed content on YouTube, content that is currently
trending and that which is relevant to your geographic location.
Uploading Videos
to YouTube
It may sometimes seem like the whole world is uploading videos to YouTube, from the
random ramblings of retro gamers to budding musicians and comedians who like to
pretend to ride horses. We are not saying that this is a bad thing, variety being the spice of
life after all but you do have to wonder sometimes if a video confession to a love of the 50
Shades movies could have been kept to themselves. If you want to add your own voice to
the varied world of YouTube, here’s how to get started.
Step 1 Step 2
❱ Sign in to your YouTube account if you haven’t already done so. ❱ Click anywhere in the upload window on the next screen to start
At the top right of the screen, wherever you are in YouTube, you browsing for your videos. Alternatively, you can drag videos onto
will see an Upload arrow button. Click this to get started. the browser window from any open folder on your computer.
Step 3
❱ Once you have added a video to the upload window, using
either method, a new page will automatically open. If the video
file has a title, it will automatically be entered in the title box.
Video Formats
Not sure which format to save your video? If you receive
an “invalid file format” error message when you’re
uploading, make sure that you’re using one of the
following formats:
Step 4 Step 7
❱ Fill out the rest of the information, including the description and ❱ To check your video has been added to your account, navigate
the tags, as these help make it easier for the video to be found by back to the main YouTube page and click on your name in the left
searchers. If you wish, you can alter the privacy settings so only hand column. All of your uploaded videos will be displayed there.
certain people can find it.
Step 8
❱ Click the Video Manager button to quickly see and manage all of
Step 5 your uploaded videos. Here you can check the number of views,
❱ When the video has finished processing, several thumbnails will likes and dislikes, as well as being able to share or delete videos.
automatically be grabbed from it and displayed. Click on the one
you want to use as the display thumbnail on YouTube: select the
one that you feel sums up your video clip the best.
Step 6
❱ If the uploader detects that the video is shaky, as it is being
processed, you can choose to stabilise it. A progress bar will
show when the video is uploaded to the site.
Google+ Account
and Profile
If you have ever used any Google product or service such as Gmail, YouTube or Google
Docs, you probably already have access to a Google+ account. Google allows you to use
a single login for all of its products, making getting started on Google+ fairly simple.
If this is the case, you will need to set up a profile but you won’t need to
complete a sign up form.
Step 3
Creating a Google ❱ Now create and
confirm a password;
as with any password,
make sure it is not
If you don’t already have one, you can create a Google account by personal information
signing up to any Google product, including Gmail. We will look at that is easy to guess
signing up via Let’s recap. (such as your name or
date of birth) but does
Step 1 include numbers
❱ Using any Internet and letters.
browser, navigate to www. and Step 4
click on the Sign Up button ❱ Complete the
in the top right corner of remainder of the
the screen. Alternatively, information, including
search for “Google Account” a phone number
in any search engine. and alternative email
address (useful if you
need to recover your
Step 2 login info). You will also
❱ Enter your name into the boxes provided and choose your need to complete a
preferred email address. If the name you want is already Captcha form and agree
taken, you will be shown some alternatives or you can try another to Google Terms of
of your own. Service.
Step 5
❱ Add a profile picture
if you wish or you can
do so later in Google+.
Having a profile picture
of yourself will help
friends and family find
you on Google+.
Step 6 Step 2
❱ The final screen will
confirm that the account Follow People and Pages
is set up, as well as ❱ The next part of your profile setup allows you to quickly follow
reminding you of the people or pages that interest you. The most popular pages and
Gmail address you people, in numerous categories, are shown and you can choose to
chose. You will receive a follow either the category or individual people. You can click View
verification email to the All to see all people in each category.
alternative email address
you entered in the form.
Create a Profile
Once you have set up or logged in to your account, you can start to
customise your Google+ profile. This will make it easier to find and
be found by people you know and will give your account some
personality. These setup pages should only appear the first time
you log in to Google+.
Step 1
Step 3
Add People
❱ There are a couple of different ways to start adding people to
Profile Picture
your profile. Google+ will suggest people to add if you have a ❱ The final step of the profile setup process is to add a profile
Gmail account set up: assuming any of your contacts in Gmail are picture (or avatar) and complete a few more details about yourself.
on Google+. These will be shown, along with any profile pictures, Adding information about your employer, school and city of
when you first start to customise your profile. You can add none, residence helps Google+ to suggest possible friends or colleagues
some or all of them. you might like to add to your Circles. The information also appears
beneath your profile picture when others view your profile,
You can also search for friends, colleagues and family members making it easier for people to add you. Click Finish when ready and
by name or email address, using the search box on the Add you will be taken to the main page of your Google+ account.
People screen. Search results will display as a list along with profile
pictures so you can check to see if you are adding the right person.
Profile Verification
Verification badges help users to confirm the authenticity
of a profile or page. This way when you find a profile or
page about a celebrity or popular business, you can be
sure that the profile or page actually belongs to them. If
you see a tick next to a person, business or brand’s name,
you know they’ve been verified.
Understanding Circles
Google+ Circles helps you to organise everyone you add to your list of friends into
groups, according to your real life social connections. You could create a circle for
your family, a circle for Uni friends and a circle for your football buddies. In addition to
helping you organise your connections, Circles allows you to control who sees what
more easily. Share an engagement announcement with just your friends and family
circles or find a post from a friend from your book club circle about a great new author.
Step 3
Creating Circles ❱ Give your new circle
a name (Book Group,
You can create as many circles as you wish, for any group of University Friends, etc.)
people you wish to categorise. You can also delete or edit circles and click save when you
as you wish. have finished any edits
you have made. This new
Step 1 circle will be added to
❱ Log in to your Google+ account and, from the home page, click your list of circles, at the
on People in the slide out menu on the left-hand side. Click the bottom of the listings.
Your circles tab. This page will be blank if you have yet to add
anybody to your circles.
Step 2
❱ You will have three default circles available on your Google+
account, Friends, Family and Acquaintances. If you want to add
more circles, click on the NEW CIRCLE link.
Step 4 Step 3
❱ As stated there are already circles for family, friends, ❱ You can change the
acquaintances and people you are following. You can delete any of number of posts from
these pre-made circles, or keep them and add any others you wish. the members of your
New circles will appear on this page. Circle that you can
see by clicking the
Menu link and then
selecting the Number
of Posts in your Home
Stream option; make
your selection, then
click Save.
Step 4
❱ To edit the name of
a circle, click on it and
then click the Edit
icon. You can now
change the circle
Managing Circles name. When you are
done, click Save. You
After a while your circles will fill up with friends, family and can rename circles as
colleagues. They will also need to be managed to keep them from many times as you
getting filled with the wrong people or groups. Luckily, managing wish.
your circles is pretty straightforward.
Step 1 Step 5
❱ Open the People page ❱ To remove someone
in Google+ and click on while in the circle editor,
any of the circles links select the person to
at the bottom of the view their Google+
page. The pictures of profile page. From here
the people in that circle uncheck the Circles you
will be displayed on wish to remove them
each one. You can click from. Once you have
on the picture to display taken the person from
their Google+ profile. your circle, click the
Save link to finish.
Step 2 Step 6
❱ All the posts and links ❱ You can completely
that have been shared delete a circle, the
by the members of your members and any posts
circle can be viewed by related to it by clicking
clicking the Menu link the Menu icon and then
(three dots icon) in the select Delete Circle.
right corner of the Circle Finally, confirm your
title bar. Now click on choice on the pop-up
Posts from Circle to view window by clicking
them all. Delete link.
Step 1
❱ When you log in to your Google+ account, your Home page
displays the Stream. By default, your Stream shows you updates,
images, videos and links shared by anyone in any of your circles.
Step 2
❱ You can choose
Step 3
❱ To add new posts
to your Stream you
can search for new
users and topics
by tapping the
Discover link in the
Google+ menu bar.
Alternatively, you
can look for people
to add in various
Step 4
❱ You can see what
content you have
posted to the
Stream by clicking
Google+ Insights
the Profile link on Insights are interactive graphical maps of the public
shares of any public post on your Google+ business
the left of the page
account, showing you how a particular post has rippled
and selecting the
through the network and helping you discover new and
Posts tab. Click next interesting people to follow. Ripples are particularly
to the date of the useful if you are using a Google+ business account to
post to see who can publicise a group, business or event. You can access
see that post: Public, insights from any public post in your business account
Limited, etc. stream. Just click the drop-down arrow at the top of the
post that you’re curious about and click View Insights.
Step 1 Step 3
❱ At the top of the Stream you ❱ You now need to decide with
will see your profile picture and whom you wish to share this
a text box. Click anywhere in this post. If you were viewing posts
box to start typing your post. from a particular circle when you
Unlike some networks, there is started your post, that circle will
no real limit to the amount of be highlighted in the sharing box.
text a post can contain. Click Share to post your update.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ There are four icons below ❱ Alternatively you can add
the text field. These let you add another circle to the sharing box,
photos, videos, events and links or even an individual with whom
to a post. Both the photo and to share. Click Search, enter your
video buttons contain numerous field and select the group or
options regarding from where person to add to your Google+
you can upload media. Circles.
Google+ Communities
Communities are another addition to Google+ suite, but work in a similar way to
Facebook Groups. They allow you to find groups of people with an interest in the
same things as you, whether that is Harry Potter movies, digital photography or Harley
Davidson motorcycles, and then share your thoughts, photos and ideas. You can also
start your own private communities and only invite the people you want to join.
❱ The search box above the grid of community thumbnails lets
you search all communities. Search results are displayed in order of
relevance rather than number of members. Owner info is
Step 1 also shown.
❱ Sign in to or open Google+ and click on the Discover tab on the
left of the screen. A large number of recommended, popular and
trending communities are shown on the main page.
Step 2 Step 4
❱ Click on any of the thumbnail images to enter that community. ❱ Whilst viewing a community you are interested in, you may
Below each thumbnail, the number of members of that notice that there is an additional menu that splits the page up into
community is displayed. If the community is private you will to Ask sections (a bit like Circles within a group) for easier navigation.
To Join, if it is open click Join.
Step 7
❱ Once you have joined a community, new posts by the members
will be shown on your main Google+ Stream. If you want to
turn this off, click the Settings button and scroll down to find
community settings.
Step 5
❱ To join any public
community, click on the
Join button to the left side
of the page. The ones that
you have joined are shown
at the top of the main
communities page, above Step 8
the popular community ❱ You can quickly view and enter into any communities you have
thumbnails. joined by clicking the Communities link on the left side of the
page, you can then see them by clicking the one you wish to view.
You can also find more by clicking the Discover More icon.
Step 6
❱ Once you have joined a community, you will see a Filter menu
for editing the type of content you will receive posts upon. To
leave the community click on the Member icon on the left side.
and confirm you wish to Leave.
Step 3
Creating a Community ❱ Click on the type of community you want to create and give it a
name. For a public community you will need to decide if you want
Step 1 to allow anyone to join or to require approval from a moderator.
❱ From the main Communities screen, click on the green New
Community link. You will then be presented with the choice of
creating a Public or an Ask to Join (private) community.
Step 4
❱ If creating a private community,
you need to decide if you want
to keep it hidden from searches
or make it searchable and allow
people to request to join it.
When you have decided, click
Step 2 the DONE link.
❱ In a private community, only invited members can join and see
what’s shared. Public communities are open to the world. Anyone Step 5
can join, invite others and share information that is posted. ❱ Whichever type of community you create, the following page
will be the same. Here you can choose the image that is displayed,
add a tagline and complete the About section with a description
and location.
Step 6
❱ When you have finished editing the community profile, click
Save or Finished Editing. You can now start to invite people from
the Google+ Circles to join the Community. Add their names and
click Send.
Sharing Communities
There are lots of ways to share with your communities.
Get home welding tips from your DIY pals in a Hangout,
share restaurant reviews with fellow foodies or use
Google+ Events to plan your next party. You can share
with communities from anywhere that you find Google+:
on YouTube, Google Maps or through the +1 button on
any compatible sites across the web.
Step 7
❱ Because you are
the creator of the
Tips for Running a
community, you will
have access to several Community
actions that won’t Do:
be available to other • Promote your community as a place where people
members. Click the Manage button to edit (and also delete) the can have conversations and share ideas
community and manage its members and posts.
• Participate in conversations by posting, leaving
comments and +1’ing posts
Step 8
❱ To make a community member a moderator, click on members • Celebrate and engage with your members
below your community’s photo. Click the drop-down menu to • Add moderators and invite them to manage content
the right of the member you want to add as a moderator. Click and share regularly
on Promote from member to moderator. To remove yourself as
• Add categories to help guide discussions
moderator, repeat the process and select Step down to Member.
• Listen to and learn from your community’s members
• Just broadcast information
• Only pose broad questions in the hope of discussion
and engagement
• Invite people to join an empty community – write
an initial post to set expectations and welcome new
• Leave your community unmoderated – check in daily
on your community to make sure that the right kinds
of conversations are happening.
Step 4
Creating an Event ❱ Next you can add
the location if needed
Step 1 and some additional
❱ To start creating a new event, click on Profile tab on the right details about the
of the About button, then the Menu link and then click the Your event. Be specific
Events click to start this process. with your event
location. For example,
include your address
rather than just
putting ‘my house’.
Step 5
❱ Before you choose who
to invite, you should
click the Event Options
button. Here you can
choose whether guests
can invite others, add
Step 2 their own photos and
❱ First, click on whether the guest list is
the Create Event hidden from others.
button and choose
an image which
best illustrates your
event. If none of
the images work
for you, click Your
Photos to add one
of your own.
Step 3
Add or Remove Guests
Once an Event has been created, you can still go back
❱ Give your event a title into it and add or remove guests. To invite more people,
and set the time and date click the Invite more people button at the top of the
using the drop-down guest list to add more guests to your event at any time.
menus. If you use Google You can remove guests from the guest list under Actions
Calendar, the drop-down > Manage guest list on the event details page. Once a
calendar here will show guest is removed from the guest list, only you, the owner
any appointments or of the event, will be able to re-invite them.
entries you have added.
Step 6
❱ Finally, click in the Invite box and choose to whom the invites
will be sent. You can choose to make it public or choose specific
circles to invite. By clicking the person icon, you can also choose
individuals to invite.
Adding Photos to
an Event
Event Notifications When you add photos or videos to an event, they are
You may decide that you don’t want to be bombarded with new added to a collection shared with all the guests of the
event notifications from your circles. If this is the case, you can event. If you add photos or videos to a public event or
event on air, anyone can see these photos and videos.
change your event notification settings to suit you.
By default, all event guests can contribute to the photo
collection of that event. For public events, anyone can
Step 1 contribute photos.
❱ From your Google+ account,
click on the Settings link, on You can add photos to an event collection any place you
the left side of the screen. You see the Add photos button. This includes on an event
will now have to scroll down page, from a notification or on your phone. When you
the page to the Notifications add photos to an existing album that is part of an event
section and click the link. collection, those photos will also be added to the event
page and shared with the event guests.
Step 2
❱ Under the Events heading,
you will see options to
select how you are notified
of Events. You can choose
to be notified about invites, an Event
reminders and actions.
To delete an event you’ve
created click Events on
the left side of the page.
Step 3 Select the event you
❱ Happy to receive want to delete to open the event details page. Click the
notifications about events Actions menu in the upper right and select Delete Event.
but don’t want constant
reminders? Uncheck the When you delete an event, the photos and videos from
Reminders option. If you the event collection are no longer shared with the event
only want to be notified guests. Guests who added photos to a deleted event still
about things happening have these photos in their albums. Photos from deleted
events are no longer shared with the event guests after
with events you have
the event is deleted.
created, you also have
this option.
Blocking People
Google+ doesn’t have to be an open free-for-all, with anyone
allowed to view your profile and data. If required, you can easily
block other users.
Step 1
❱ Log in to your Google+ account and find a post by the person
you want to block. If the person is in one of your circles, you
can also find them through the Circles tab. Click through to
their profile.
Step 3 Step 2
❱ After you block someone, the content you’ve previously shared ❱ All of the available profile information categories will be
with them will still be visible in their home page. However, they displayed. Click on each one that you want to edit and enter the
can’t engage with the post: comment, etc. relevant information as you see fit to include it.
Step 4
❱ If you want to see
a list of the people
you currently have
blocked, return to
your main Google My
Account. Select View Step 3
Blocked users to see a ❱ Next to each edit box is a drop-down menu. This lets you set
list. You can unblock the privacy setting of each piece of information individually. The
them by tapping the options include Public, Your Circles and Only You.
X icon to the right.
Step 4
❱ The privacy settings
for each section allow
you to keep your phone
number restricted to
friends and family,
while allowing you to
show less important
information to anyone
viewing your profile.
When uploading photos
to your Google+ account
via the smartphone
app, your location may
be shared if a setting in Google+ on your computer
is checked. On your computer, log in to your account Step 2
and click the cog icon at the top of the screen. Select ❱ Notice at the bottom of this pop-up you can see Add photos,
Settings and scroll down to the Photos header. Here you Add link, Add poll and finally Add location. Click on the Add poll
will see “Show photo geo-location information in newly
link and you can start entering content.
uploaded albums and photos”. Make sure this option is
not ticked.
If you want to be sure that your privacy settings are
correctly configured, you can view your profile as other
people see it. Open your Profile page and look for the
Preview button at the top of the page. Click this and
choose either a person or a circle. The display will then
change to show you how that person or circle sees your
profile page.
Step 3
❱ To make this poll more eye-catching, add a relevant image and
add the choices into the boxes (there is a minimum of two), click
Control Who
Add choice for more. Finally enter your poll’s question and click Post.
Contacts You
It is possible to stop individuals or groups sending you
notifications, commenting on your posts or starting a
messenger conversation with you. This is yet another
useful way of controlling your privacy in Google+. To
change who can interact with you, click the Settings
button at the top of the home page. Select Settings from
the drop-down menu and you will see the Interaction
settings at the top of the page. Change the privacy
setting for each to suit your needs.
Step 4
❱ With your poll posted and live, it’s up to the public to decide the
most popular answer to your question. If you are viewing a poll
yourself, click on the answer you want by clicking the respective
blue answer button or leave a comment by clicking below.
Google Notifications
The Google app suite is linked through your main
Google account, which means that any interaction you
have with one of the Google apps will be recognised by
one another.
BDM’s – TheThe
Manual 115
Google Apps for Work & Play
1 5
Step 2
❱ Click on the Download Step 4
button and when asked ❱ You will be asked to sign in again and will then be asked to sync.
to, Agree to the Google This creates a new folder on your computer which is used as the
Terms of Service. You storage folder.
must do this before you
start the download.
Step 3
❱ Click on Download
Backup and sync and
follow the instructions
to install the software on
your computer. The site
will automatically detect
whether it is PC or Mac.
Google Documents
Google Docs is a free, web-based office suite, packaged as part of Google Drive. Using
this software you can create text documents, spreadsheets, complex forms and even
presentations similar to PowerPoint. Everything you create is stored via your Google
Drive account, although you can also download the pages you create onto your
computer. Here’s how to make the most of Google Docs.
Step 2
Creating New ❱ To create a new document, go to your Drive, click the downward
pointing arrow and select Google Docs from the menu, then pick
either Blank or Template. Name the document by entering the text
in the top left corner, this will also start auto-save.
Step 1
❱ There are several different ways of getting started with Google
Docs. You can create a new online document, you can upload
an existing document to edit or you can use a template from the
templates gallery. Let’s start with a new Google doc.
Step 3
❱ Along the top of the document you will find the editing
and formatting tools. If you have ever used Microsoft Word
or OpenOffice Writer, you should be familiar with most of the
formatting options here.
Step 4 Step 2
❱ You can also save a ❱ When the document has uploaded, click the File option, as
copy of any document before. From these links click on Email collaborators and enter the
to your computer if you details of those you wish to share the file. This allows you to edit
wish. To save a copy of and collaborate on the document online.
any document in the
Drive, open it and go to
the File menu. Roll the
mouse pointer over the
Download As... option.
Step 5
❱ Select one of the following
file types: HTML (zipped), RTF,
Word, Open Office, PDF or plain
text. Your document will then
download to your computer. Step 3
The original document will ❱ Having uploaded a compatible document to Google Docs, said
remain in Google Drive. file will instantly be saved to your Google Drive. These files are then
accessible from the main Google docs menu screen, shown here.
NOTE: Files to be converted by Docs can’t be larger than 1 MB.
Import Documents
You can import a variety of documents into Google Drive and then
either keep them as they were originally formatted or convert
them into Google Docs.
Step 1
❱ Open a new Google Doc and click the File link at the top left of
your documents options list. Click Open and then click Upload.
The Upload window will appear leaving you to drag and drop your
file into this window. The file will open automatically.
Time Machine
Google Drive tracks every change you make to files and
documents you store there, so when you hit the Save
button a new revision is saved. You can use the tools in
Google Drive to look back as far as 30 days automatically,
or choose a specific revision to save forever.
Step 3
Restoring Incorrectly ❱ Sign in to Drive at Go to the Bin section
Deleted Documents
on the left side of your screen and right-click the file or folder you
want to restore. Click Restore to return it to its previous location.
To restore a file from the trash that you don’t own, you need to
Step 1 contact the owner of the file.
❱ If you decide that you don’t want to delete a file or folder
that you’ve moved to the trash, you can restore it so that you
can access it again. Once you restore a file, it will be recovered
wherever you use Drive or Docs, Sheets and Slides.
Step 2
❱ At the moment, you can’t restore a file or folder from the Drive
mobile apps or from the Docs, Sheets or Slides home screens. You
can restore your files from Drive on the web or on your computer.
Let’s look at those options here.
Step 4 Step 2
❱ If you permanently delete a file or folder that you realise you ❱ To remove files in Drive online, sign into Drive at
need access to, Google is able to help you recover it for a limited Now click or right-click the file or folder you want to
time. However, after the file has been deleted from Google’s remove and then click the Remove icon; as with removing files on
systems, it’s gone forever. You can request recovery from Google your computer, anything removed will also be removed offline.
themselves at
Removing Files
can delete an individual file or empty your entire trash to delete
all files you have removed. Once a file has been deleted, anyone
you’ve shared the file with will lose access to the file as well.
Step 1
❱ Open the Google Drive folder on the desktop of your computer,
select the file or folder you want to remove and drag it to the trash
on your computer. A file you remove from the Drive folder on your
computer will be moved to the trash in Drive on the web and in
the Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides.
Step 2
❱ To permanently delete files you added to the trash from the Drive
folder on your computer, simply empty the trash on your desktop.
The files, along with anything else you trashed, will be deleted. On
the web, sign in to Drive, go to Bin and select the file. Click Delete
Forever. The file is now been deleted for good.
Step 2
❱ To create a new spreadsheet, go to your Google Drive, click
the NEW button and select Google Sheet from the drop-down
menu. Once you name the spreadsheet or start
typing, Google Sheets will automatically save your work every
few seconds.
Step 3
Uploading Spreadsheets ❱ When the document has uploaded, click the File option, as
before. From these links click on Email collaborators and enter the
Step 1 details of those with whom you wish to share the file. This allows
❱ When you upload a spreadsheet into Google Drive, you have you to edit and collaborate on the Google Sheet document online.
the choice to keep your spreadsheet in the original format or
convert it into the Google Docs format. If you don’t convert the
spreadsheet, you may not be able to access it collaboratively.
Step 2
❱ Open a new Google Sheet and click the File link at the top left
of your documents options list. Click Open and then Upload. The
Upload window will appear leaving you to drag and drop your file
into this window. The file will open automatically.
Using Sheets
If you want to quickly create a spreadsheet, you can
pick one of the templates in the templates gallery. Each
template has standard text that you can replace with
your own, and preset formatting that you can reuse.
You can also create a spreadsheet with a template
directly from your Documents List. Click the red Create
button and select From template....
Google Drawing
Just like the other Google Docs tools, Drawing allows you to create, share and edit
documents online and collaborate with others by inviting them to view your edits. You
can even chat with others from within the Drawing editor screen, in real time, before you
save or publish your drawings online as an image or in many popular image formats.
Step 3
Create a New Drawing ❱ In line, arrow and scribble modes, you can keep adding lines until
you go back to select mode by clicking the Select button from
Step 1 the toolbar (the small arrow to the left of the Shapes button) or
❱ To start creating drawings in Google Docs, go to your Docs list, pressing the Esc key.
click the NEW button and select Drawing from the More menu.
Then, using the menu options and buttons in the toolbar, you can
create flow charts, design diagrams and other drawings.
Step 4
❱ To insert a text box, select it and click where you want to add the
text box. Enter your text and press Enter. Your text will be added to
your drawing. Use text boxes instead of word art if you’d like to use
word wrap or specify a different text size.
Step 2
❱ Click on the tools at the top of the screen to select them. These
range from arrows, lines and poly-lines, to shapes and text boxes.
You can also insert images or photos using the image button. To
place a line, for example, click to place one end of the line and
drag to the other end.
Step 5 Step 7
❱ The Format menu lets you change the background of your ❱ Some editing options are available only when you’ve selected a
drawing, align and rotate items, select snap to grid or snap to specific item. For example, when you insert a text box or word art,
guide, change the order of the items (for example, bring a shape you can see the Edit text button at the right end of the toolbar.
forward) and group items. Click it to change the selected text.
Step 6
❱ You can undo and redo changes by clicking the two arrows to
the left end of the toolbar. To zoom in and out on your drawings,
click the Zoom button in the toolbar.
Step 8
❱ Once you’re done, your drawing is automatically saved. You can
then add it to a document, presentation or spreadsheet. To do this,
open the document you want to add the drawing to, click Insert
and then select Drawing.
Creating a Presentation
Step 1
❱ Just like creating any new document in Google Docs, to create
a new presentation go to your Documents List, click the NEW
button and select Google Slides from the drop-down menu.
Step 3
❱ There are several ways to format text and objects on a slide. To
get started, click on the object you want to format, resize or move.
Step 2 To add custom formatting to text or to an object, you can use the
❱ When you give your document a name and start typing, Google Format menu or the Edit toolbar.
Docs will automatically save your work. Auto-save will continue
to save at intervals whenever the document is open and being
worked on. You can work from a template or free hand.
Step 4 Step 7
❱ To select multiple objects, hold the Shift key while selecting ❱ To save a copy of a presentation to your computer rather than
each object or drag your mouse over all of the objects you’d like online, you can download it. In your document, go to the File
to select. To deselect one or more objects, press the Shift key and menu and point your mouse to the Download as option. Select a
click the objects. file type and your presentation will download.
Step 5
❱ To change or add
a theme to your
presentation in real time,
go to the Slide menu,
and select Change
theme. Select the theme
you’d like to use and it is
automatically applied to
all of the slides in your
Step 6
❱ Transitions are a way to make your presentations look more
dynamic. You can animate elements such as bullet points or even
a list of images; for example, making them slide in from off screen.
Go to the View menu and select Transitions.
Viewing Presentations
To show a finished presentation, select Start Presentation
in the top right of the screen. A new window opens,
displaying your presentation one slide at a time. To skip
from one slide to the next, use the arrow keys on your
keyboard or click the arrow icon in the grey bar at the
bottom of your presentation. To close the presentation
viewer, press the Esc key.
Step 3
Browse the Template ❱ By default, the most popular templates from all categories will be
shown on screen when you first enter the gallery. You can choose
to view specific types of template using the links on the left-hand
side of the screen.
Step 1
❱ Open Google Drive
and click on the
NEW button on the
left of the window.
Select Document,
Spreadsheet or Form
from the drop-down
menu (depending on
what type of document
you want to create).
Step 2 Step 4
❱ From within one of these document types, click File > New > ❱ You can also search for specific templates based upon the
From Template. This will open the main Google Docs template recommended uses, which are used to break up the layout of the
gallery. You can now scroll down through the listings to see which templates. Taking Google Docs as an example you have templates
one would be the best fit for your project. for CV’s, Letters, Personal, Work and Sales.
Step 5
❱ Each template will
have a thumbnail
image preview. If you
want to see more detail
of how the document
is laid out, click the
Preview button. You
can then click Close this
window or Use
this template.
Step 3
❱ When your template is finished,
save it and return to the main
Google Drive screen. Select
the template file in the list of
documents using the Share link.
Add contacts or get a shareable
link to email to them.
Step 2
How to Connect with ❱ Open Google Chrome, click the Chrome menu on the browser
Step 1
❱ The first thing you need to do, if you do not already have it
installed, is download the latest version of Google Chrome and
install it. Once installed, Log in to your user account on the
Windows, Mac or Linux computer.
Step 3
❱ In the window that appears, sign in with your Google Account
details to enable the Google Cloud Print connector. Hopefully
you will see the printer connected you your computer. Select the
printer you want to connect and then click Add printer.
Step 4 Step 2
❱ You will then see a ❱ Click the Printers on the left side and select the printer that you
confirmation that Google want to share. If the printer is connected properly you will see a
Cloud Print has been enabled. Share button. When you share printers, you share printer names
The printer is now associated so choose a descriptive name when setting up your printer for the
with your Google Account and first time.
connected to Google Cloud
Print. You can print to this
printer using Google Cloud
Print as long as you sign in with
the same Google account.
Sharing a Printer
If your friends or colleagues have Google accounts, you can share
your printer with them and let them print to it from anywhere that
has an Internet connection.
Step 1
❱ To begin sharing your cloud connected printer, head to the
Google Cloud Print management page at
cloudprint. This shows you a complete list of any printers Step 3
associated with your Google Account. ❱ In the dialogue that appears, enter the email address for the
person or Google Group you want to share with and click Share.
Your friend will receive an email notification. To disable sharing,
follow the steps above to open the Sharing dialogue for the
printer and edit the user list.
Step 2
Adding a Payment ❱ Click the Payment Method link in the left-hand column. Any
payment methods you have used previously should be shown
here, including any which have expired. The default method will
be shown with a green tick next to it.
You will need to add a valid form of payment to your Google
account should you wish to make purchases or move funds.
Step 1
❱ On your computer, navigate to and
click on the sign-in button at the top of the page. Your sign-in
for Google Wallet is the same as your sign-in for Google Play
(which should also be the Google account you use on your
Android phone).
Step 3
❱ Click the Add Payment Method button at the top of the page.
You can choose to add either a bank account that payments are
drawn from or you can add a credit or debit card. Complete the
requested details for either method and click Save.
Step 1
❱ On your computer, navigate to and click
on the sign-in button at the top of the page, if you haven’t already.
Your sign-in for Google Play is the same as your sign-in for Google
Wallet (which should also be the Google account you use on your
Android phone).
Step 3
❱ Click on any item shown and you can review more details about
it. These include payment method (credit card, etc.) and how
the transaction will appear on your statement. If your payment
method has expired, a notice will be shown at the top of the
Step 2 transaction list.
❱ The first screen to open will show a list of all of your transactions,
made using the account you used to sign in. The date, title of the
product and location of purchase are shown, along with whether
it is an online purchase and the price you paid.
Google Keep
The Google Keep software allows you to easily create memos, notes and to-do lists on
your computer and on your iOS or Android smartphone and then automatically sync
them between the two devices. Your notes can include images, can be colour-coded to
make them easier to sort through and have reminder alarms added to them. Here’s how
to access, set up and create new notes in Google Keep.
Step 2
Setting Up and Using ❱ Assuming you have no notes created, the screen will be almost
Google Keep
completely blank. To start a new note, click in the Add note field at
the top of the screen. This will expand the box to show a title and
note fields, as well as some additional format options.
Google Keep is a great little app that enables you to create unique
to-do lists that can be stored across various hardware platforms.
Ensuring you can Google Keep your reminds safe!
Step 1
❱ Keep is part of Google drive when viewed on your computer,
although there seems to be no simple Go to Keep button on the
Drive main screen. Download the app for your format and then
see the Keep area of your Google account.
Step 3
❱ If you prefer to create a to-do list of items, click the New list
button (three dots). If you want to give your note a colour
highlight, click the paint palette icon and select your colour. To add
a reminder alarm, click the bell icon and set the reminder time.
Step 4 Step 7
❱ Write your note or ❱ You can also add reminders to your listings by clicking the
list. This can be as long Reminders option from the left side control window. You can set
as you need it to be, an alarm to notify you to perform the tasks on your listing. You can
although if writing a choose to repeat this alarm if these tasks are regular ones and also
large document, it is archive reminders in the same manner as before.
probably better to use
Google Docs. To add an
image to the note, click
the picture icon and
select your image. Click
Done to finish.
Step 5
❱ Your note will be
displayed on screen. If
you have several notes
or lists, you can choose
to display them as a list
or in a grid. Click on any
note to open it to review
the contents. If you have
finished with a note, but
want to keep it safe, click
the Archive button to
move it to the Archive.
Step 6
❱ From the Archive you can still edit notes, change the highlight
colour, add reminders and delete the note. You can tell when you
are looking at a note in the archive as it will be displayed under a
grey bar. To remove a note from the archive and return it to the
main screen, click the Unarchive button.
Keep On Mobile
You can download the Google Keep app for Android and
iOS smartphone for free. Assuming you use the same
Google account to sign in on your computer and on the
phone, notes, lists and memos will automatically be
shared between the two devices. Keep on Android and
iOS offers you a few more options, including the ability
to create memos using voice (dictation). If your notes are
not syncing between your phone and your computer,
make sure to check the sync options on the phone in
settings > accounts > Google account.
Step 3
Get Started with Blogger ❱ The next thing to do is choose a style for your blog using the
preset themes. There are several basic themes to choose from here
The first thing to do is open in your browser and but don’t worry too much as you can easily change the style at any
sign in using your Google account username and password. time. For now, stick with the default Simple theme. Click Create
Blog to continue.
Step 1
❱ The main Blogger screen is fairly simple; until you create your
first blog, barely anything is shown here. You will see a couple of
buttons and some news from Blogger Buzz, the official Blogger
blog. To get started, click the New Blog button at the bottom
middle of the screen.
Step 2
❱ In the window that opens, you can type the name of your blog,
which will appear as the heading, and choose the blog URL. Any
Google hosted blog will have at the end of the
URL, with the part you add appearing before it. Try to choose a
URL which relates to the content of the blog, e.g. cupcakerecipes. or
Step 4
❱ You will now be taken back to the main Blogger screen, with your
new blog listed at the top of the page. To the right of the blog title,
Your First Post
you will see several buttons. Click View Blog to open a preview of Blogging is all about posting. Posting ideas, thoughts, guides,
your blog in a new window. Don’t worry that it looks boring, you photos or anything else you can think of, but always posting,
can fix that later. posting, posting. The best blogs, those which gain loyal followers,
are the ones that not only post quality but which post regularly.
Before you get to that stage, let’s have a look at your first post.
Step 1
❱ From your list of blogs, which will probably only have one in it
at the moment, click on the pencil/write button to the right of
the blog title. The compose screen will now open, showing all the
tools you need to post.
Step 5
❱ Back on the main menu bar, click the Stats link and select
Overview from the options that appear. Here you can see some
info about your blog: comments, pageviews, number of posts, etc.,
along with all of the main blog controls on the left of
the screen.
Step 2
❱ Start by entering the title of the blog post in the Post Title box.
Your blog post titles are important as these are often what will
appear in the search results when someone searches for the
subject in Google or other search engines.
Custom Domain
Blogger offers two free publishing options for your
blog: hosting on BlogSpot ( and
hosting on your own custom domain (
or You can change your publishing
option at any time and your content will always
remain unaltered regardless of which of these options
you choose.
Step 3 Step 5
❱ By default, you are in compose mode. This means what you ❱ To add a photo to your post, position the cursor where you want
see in the compose window is what the post will look like (the the photo to appear and click the Image button. You then have
formatting, etc.). If you know a bit about HTML, you can also write a number of options for choosing the image to use. If uploading,
in HTML mode. Start typing in the post box. click Upload and then the Choose Files button.
Step 6
❱ Select the image from its location on your computer and it will
be displayed in the upload window. Click Add Selected to insert
the image into the post. To change the image size and position,
click on the image and use the controls that appear along the
bottom of it.
Step 4
❱ The controls for altering font style, size and colour are along
the top of the compose box. The B, I and U buttons control
emboldening, italics and underlining of text respectively. The
next two buttons, the A and marker, control font colour and
background colour.
Step 7
❱ On the right of the
compose window
are options to add
labels (which make
searching for posts
easier), control the
time the post is
published, add a
location tag and
make the post a
permalink. When
finished with these
options, click Publish.
Step 8
❱ If you use Google+, a share box will appear after clicking Publish.
This lets you easily share your new post with your Google+ circles.
Template Designer
If you prefer not to, just click the Cancel button instead. You can Blogger Template Designer is a new way for you to
view your blog post by clicking View under the title. easily customise the look of your blog. You can select a
variety of templates, images, colours and column layouts
to make your blog an expression of you. To get to the
Template Designer, just click on the drop-down menu of
the grey Post List icon and select Template. From there,
you can choose and customise your template.
Step 2
❱ Movies, music and books don’t automatically download to your
device, so once you have purchased or chosen them, you will
need to pin them. Pinning means downloading, or keeping the
content on your device for offline viewing.
Account Settings
The My Account link will show you an overview of your
account activity, including you Play Store balance,
payment method and order history. Tap Settings to get Step 3
to the account settings screen. Here you can modify ❱ Paid apps and games can
notifications, decide if apps are updated automatically, be returned for a full refund if
and whether installed apps are added to the Home screen. you do so within two hours.
You can also change content filtering settings, modifying You simply need to open the
which apps can be downloaded based on their maturity app page on Google Play
rating. In addition to that, you can set the Play Store and the Price button will say
to require authentication for purchases made on your refund instead. After two
desktop or mobile devices. hours, refunds are at the app
developer’s discretion.
The Complete
Discover the Best Apps
Learn exactly what you can do with Google products,
from sharing your favourite photos and uploading
your videos, to communicating on the move and
building your own website or blog. Free Google
products can be used to run a business, write your
homework, translate a document, promote your
There is so much more to Google than enterprise or simply chat with friends. Our guide will
just searching online! From humble show you how to do all of these things and more, so
you can make the most of even an old computer.
beginnings as a search engine, Google
now provides email with free online Do More with Google
You aren’t going to have to “Google it” to find the
storage, photo management and editing, world’s very best free application suite as its at your
social networking with millions of users, finger tips but are you getting 100% from them? Did
one of the best Internet browsers around, you know you can edit your photos with the Photos
app, or create professional looking presentations with
the biggest video site in the world, the Slides. Whatever you are looking for, Google will have
market-leading smartphone operating an app for your needs; and we cover their advanced
system, interactive maps and navigation, uses inside this publication.
a free blogging platform and much, Tutorials, Guides, Hints and Tips
Every page of The Complete Google Guidebook
much more.
contains useful tips and helpful hints, from ways
to protect your privacy on the Internet and how to
For use with:
create a Google account, to sharing photos with
Gmail Wallet Translate Cloud Print
Play Store Google YouTube Blogger Google+ and customising your Gmail inbox. Whether
Calendar Chrome Google+ Keep you have not used Google for anything more than
Photos Instant Chat Drive
searching or already use some Google apps, you will
Docs Maps Sheets
Forms Earth Forms be amazed at what you can discover within.