Applied Energy: Ricardo Vasquez Padilla, Yen Chean Soo Too, Regano Benito, Robbie Mcnaughton, Wes Stein

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Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62

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Thermodynamic feasibility of alternative supercritical

CO2 Brayton cycles integrated with an ejector
Ricardo Vasquez Padilla a,⇑, Yen Chean Soo Too a, Regano Benito b, Robbie McNaughton a, Wes Stein a
CSIRO Energy Technology, PO Box 330, Newcastle, NSW 2300, Australia
CSIRO Energy Technology, PO Box 136, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia

h i g h l i g h t s

 Three S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations assisted by ejector were proposed.

 The Recompression with ejector and intercooling showed the best thermal efficiency.
 The proposed cycles can achieve a reduction up to 77% in the heater inlet pressure.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle has emerged as an alternative power block for Concentrated Solar
Received 31 July 2015 Thermal (CST) systems and nuclear plants. In order to optimise the thermal performance of the
Received in revised form 15 January 2016 Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles, a combination of high pressure and temperature are required. The high
Accepted 4 February 2016
pressure of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles has a remarkable effect on not only the thermal performance of the
Available online 16 February 2016
cycle but also the thermodynamic and mechanical performance of the solar receiver. In this paper, three
S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations without reheat are proposed by introducing an ejector prior the hea-
ter, which reduces the pressure at the solar receiver.
Power block
A comprehensive thermodynamic analysis and a multi-objective optimisation were performed to study
Energy analysis the thermodynamic feasibility of the proposed cycles. The effect of the cycle pressure ratios, turbine split
High pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature and exit pressure of the ejector on the thermal performance and output
parameters of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by an ejector was analysed. The proposed configurations
were compared with the conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles without reheat and referenced steam
Rankine cycles (projected thermal efficiencies of 0.416–0.47 in 2020–2025). The results showed that
under some operating conditions, the proposed configurations assisted by an ejector can achieve higher
efficiencies than the referenced steam Rankine cycles. As the ejector exit pressure increased, the thermal
performance of the proposed configurations approached the conventional supercritical CO2 Brayton
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction supercritical conditions reduces the energy required by the

compression process as compared to other gases [2], however high
Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle (S-CO2) has emerged as an pressures are needed to optimise the thermal and exergy perfor-
alternative power block for nuclear applications and Concentrated mance of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles [3–5].
Solar Thermal (CST) systems. The compactness and higher thermal The cycle was initially proposed as power block for nuclear
efficiencies as compared to conventional steam Rankine cycle applications [2,6,7], however due to its high thermal efficiency it
make this power cycle an attractive solution at temperatures was also proposed as power block for CST applications [5,8,9].
above 400 °C [1]. The thermodynamic behaviour of CO2 under For the case of CST systems, tubular solar receivers have been pro-
posed for direct configurations with S-CO2 as heat transfer fluid
[10,11]. This configuration requires thick pipes which can support
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 4960 6293. the mechanical stress due to the high pressure of CO2 and the ther-
E-mail addresses: (R.V. Padilla), Yenchean@ mal stress generated by the temperature gradient on the receiver (Y.C.S. Too), (R. Benito), surface due to the heat flux coming from the solar field. Neises
(R. McNaughton), (W. Stein).
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
50 R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62


W net specific net work output (kJ/kgCO2 ) W _ net;turbine net power from turbines (kW)
h specific enthalpy (kJ/kg) W _ net;compressor net input power to compressors (kW)
s specific entropy (kJ/kg K) T in;comp compressor inlet temperature (°C)
T temperature (°C, K) M Mach number
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s) c fluid local speed of sound (m/s)
Q_ heater heat transfer rate in the heater (kW)  heat exchanger effectiveness
P heat transfer fluid pressure (kPa) q fluid density (kg/m3)
P heat transfer fluid pressure (kPa) gI first law efficiency
CO2 carbon dioxide gn nozzle efficiency
u fluid velocity (m/s) gd diffuser efficiency
Phigh high pressure of the cycle (kPa) gm mixture efficiency
Pintercooling intercooling pressure (kPa) x entrainment ratio
A area (m2) c specific heat ratio
F force in the control volume (N) i input
Pin;heater exit pressure of the ejector (kPa) o output
ra cycle pressure ratio, Phigh =P3 cv control volume
rb cycle pressure ratio, Phigh =P2 opt optimum
rc intercooling pressure ratio, P high =Pintercooling p primary fluid
HTR high thermal recuperator s secondary fluid
LTR low thermal recuperator m mixture
SR split ratio

et al. [12] performed a stress analysis of tubular receivers using S- receiver. In this paper three alternative S-CO2 Brayton cycle config-
CO2 as heat transfer fluid. Their results showed that if the S-CO2 urations are proposed by keeping the advantage of the compres-
Brayton cycle operates at high turbine inlet temperatures to sion process near the critical point of CO2 and introducing an
achieve attractive thermal efficiencies, the maximum incident heat ejector prior the heater or solar receiver. The main advantage of
flux must be limited to low values to prevent any mechanical fail- adding an ejector to the power cycle is that it can increase the pres-
ure. Therefore, under low uniform heat flux conditions, the solar sure of a stream without any consumption of mechanical energy
receiver operates at lower thermal efficiency [10] and requires lar- [18] and allows the solar receiver to operate at lower S-CO2 pres-
ger surface area whilst if small aperture areas are required the sures. Reducing the high pressure of the S-CO2 Brayton cycle prior
solar field could have higher spillage losses [13] and lower inter- to the heating process has a favourable impact on the thermal effi-
ception efficiency [14], which affect adversely the overall thermal ciency, operational life and cost of the solar receiver and therefore
efficiency of the solarised system. has the potential to achieve lower Levelized Cost of Electricity
In addition, several studies [15–17] have carried out experi- (LCOE) values.
mental tests to analyse the impact of the operating conditions of Ejector has been proposed for combined power cycles. Yari and
S-CO2 on the corrosion of alloy metals. Gibbs [15] and Parks [16] Mahmoudi [19] proposed two new cycle configurations, in which
found that at temperatures above 750 °C, the effect of the high the top cycle is an ejector-expansion transcritical cycle and the
pressure of CO2 on the rate of oxide formation in alloy materials bottom cycle is a sub-critical CO2 cycle. Ameri et al. [20] performed
is pronounced. Firouzdor et al. [17] showed that at high pressures a thermodynamic analysis of a micro-gas turbine cogeneration and
and temperatures the diffusion rate of CO and CO2 into the oxide a trigeneration system integrated with a steam ejector refrigera-
layer are high. This diffuse mechanism impacts on the degree of tion system and a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The
carburisation of the alloy metals and increase the possibility of results showed that is possible to save fuel consumption up to
spallation of the oxide layer, which has an unfavourable impact 23% in summer and 33% in winter in comparison with individual
on the operational life of the solar receiver. systems operated to generate heating, cooling and electricity.
As mentioned above, for direct configuration the high pressure Wang et al. [21] studied a combined cooling, heating and power
of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles has a remarkable effect on not only the cycles, which uses solar energy as heat source and integrates a
thermal performance of the cycle but also the thermal and Brayton cycle with a transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle with
mechanical performance of the solar receiver. Although the high ejector-expansion device. Jamali et al. [22] analysed a similar con-
pressure of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles can be reduced, Dunham figuration based on a Brayton power cycle and a ejector expansion
and Iverson [3] demonstrated that there is a significant decrease refrigeration cycle. In this analysis, a multi-objective optimisation
in the thermal efficiency of S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle was performed to minimise the heat exchanger area and maximise
obtained at 10, 15 and 20 MPa (5–8% in percentage points, the exergy efficiency. Zheng and Weng [23] studied a combined
depending on the turbine inlet temperature) with respect to the power and refrigeration cycle, which integrates an Organic Rankine
configuration operating at 25 MPa. This is due to at pressures Cycle and an ejector refrigeration cycle. By using the same config-
above 20 MPa the compressor inlet conditions are in the supercrit- uration, Zhang and Mohamed [24] proposed a solar-driven com-
ical region for all temperatures studied and therefore CO2 behaves bined cycle, with a recuperator after the turbine and
like a gas with a high density reducing the input power required by hydrocarbon as working fluid, operating at temperatures below
the compression process and higher thermal efficiencies can be 150 °C in dry and hot regions. Soroureddin et al. [25] proposed
achieved. In order to optimise the CST system, the power block three configurations to integrate an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)
has to achieve a balance between its thermal efficiency and the with a ejector refrigeration cycle driven by waste heat from inter-
adverse effects that can be produced by its operating conditions cooler and pre-cooler of the gas turbine-modular helium reactor.
on the thermal performance and operational life of the solar Wang et al. [26] performed a multi-objective optimisation of a
R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62 51

combined cooling, heating and power system (CCHP) driven by Recompression Brayton cycle assisted by ejector (RC-EJ) and S-
solar energy. In this analysis, they maximised the average useful CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle with main compression inter-
output (power, cooling and heating) and minimised the total heat cooling assisted by ejector (MC-EJ). The proposed configurations
transfer area required. Wang et al. [27] proposed a new combined are similar to the conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles without
power and ejector absorption refrigeration cycle which produces reheat, except an ejector is introduced prior the heater. This mod-
both power output and refrigeration output simultaneously by ification is based on the cycle proposed by Stankovic (B-EJ) [38,37]
using ammonia-water as working fluid and utilising a low grade which was analysed for air Brayton cycles. In the Stankovic’s cycle
heat source. Dai et al. [28] analysed a combined cycle operating (Fig. 2), the gas expanding through a secondary turbine T2 (stream
with R123, which combines a cycle a Rankine cycle and a ejector 3) is mixed with a compressed gas exiting the compressor (stream
refrigeration cycle by adding a turbine between the boiler and 5). The thermal and pressure energy of the stream 3 is transformed
the ejector. In addition, ejector has been integrated with Organic into kinetic energy and mixed in the ejector with the accelerated
Rankine Cycle (ORC) to reduce the exit pressure of the turbine stream 5 of the compressed gas [37]. Then the mixture is deceler-
and thus increases the net work output and thermal efficiency of ated in a diffuser hence its thermal and pressure energy are
the cycle [29–31]. increased (stream 6) prior the heater. In this cycle, the main tur-
Alternative cycle layouts have been proposed by integrating bine T1 follows the same path as a conventional Brayton cycle.
conventional power cycles with ejector. Yuan et al. [32] proposed Table 1 shows a comparison of the main characteristics of each
an ammonia water power cycle with ejector based on a modified S-CO2 Brayton cycle assisted by ejector proposed in this paper. A
Kalina cycle. Yuan et al. [33] and Yoon et al. [34] studied power description of the S-CO2 ejector side is presented below.
cycles with ejector for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) In order to take advantage of the ejector, for all configurations
applications. Li et al. [35] analysed a Kalina cycle with ejector; (Fig. 3), the CO2 at high temperature leaving the heater (stream
the results showed that the net work output and thermal efficiency 1) is split into two streams. A fraction of this stream (mass fraction
are higher than the conventional Kalina cycle. Freedman and Lior of turbine 1, m _ 1 ) is expanded (stream 2) through the first tur-
_ 2 =m
[36] proposed a top cycle with a mixture of helium and sodium bine (T1) and then follows the regular path as a conventional S-CO2
assisted by ejector and a conventional Rankine cycle as bottoming Brayton cycle (Simple, RC or MC). A detailed description of the S-
cycle. The new configuration improved the thermal efficiency up to CO2 Brayton cycles is presented by Ref. [43]. The high pressure S-
11% compared to the conventional steam Rankine cycle. CO2 recovers some thermal energy in the recuperators (only HTR
The S-CO2 Brayton cycles configurations proposed in this paper for S-EJ configuration) and returns to the ejector (stream 7 for S-
are: S-CO2 Simple Brayton cycle assisted by ejector (S-EJ), S-CO2 EJ, stream 11 for RC-EJ and stream 13 for MC-EJ). The remaining
Recompression Brayton cycle assisted by ejector (RC-EJ) and S-CO2 fraction is expanded (stream 3) though the second turbine (T2)
Recompression Brayton cycle with main compression intercooling and send it directly to the ejector, where it is mechanically com-
assisted by ejector (MC-EJ). These configurations are based on the pressed (stream 8 for S-EJ, stream 12 for RC-EJ and stream 14 for
combination of the conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles [5] with MC-EJ). The stream exiting the ejector is heated up in the heater
the cycle proposed by Stankovic [37,38], which uses an ejector to (stream 1) and the flow path is completed.
increase, under certain operating conditions, the thermal perfor- The temperature entropy diagram presented in Fig. 3 shows the
mance of a conventional gas turbine cycle. Stankovic showed that thermodynamic differences among S-CO2 Brayton cycle configura-
a dramatic increase in the thermal efficiency of his proposed con- tions assisted by ejector. The thermal performance of the cycles is
cept is achieved when the gas velocity of the injected stream considerably affected by the energy recovered by the recuperators,
(expanded through the turbine) is greater than the velocity of the low thermal recuperator (LTR) and high thermal recuperator (HTR),
jet gas (stream exiting the compressor). and the input power required for the compression process. When
The thermodynamic analysis was validated with previous S-CO2 two recuperators are included, RC-EJ and MC-EJ, more energy is
Brayton cycles models without reheat developed by Turchi et al. recovered as compared with the S-EJ configuration. This is evi-
[5] and Kulhánek and Dostál [39]. The ejector simulation was per- denced by obtaining higher temperatures in the RC-EJ and MC-EJ
formed based on the model developed by Aly et al. [40] and Eames configurations at the HTR than the S-EJ configuration operating
et al. [41]. This model was validated with experimental data for at the same conditions. On the other hand, regarding to the com-
R141b given by Ref. [41]. pression process, the MC-EJ configuration shows that the intercool-
In this paper a thermodynamic feasibility analysis of the pro- ing stage reduces substantially the energy required by the main
posed cycles was performed. A multi-objective optimisation was compressor since the entering stream (8) operates near the critical
carried out to maximise either the thermal efficiency or the net point of CO2.
power output of the proposed cycles and minimise the exit pres-
sure obtained by the ejector. The effect of the cycle pressure ratios,
3. Thermodynamic model
turbine split ratio, turbine inlet temperature and exit pressure of
the ejector on the thermal performance and output parameters
In this paper, the thermodynamic modelling of the S-CO2 Brayton
of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles integrated with a ejector was analysed.
cycle configurations assisted by ejector was divided into two parts:
The proposed configurations were compared with conventional
conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycle components and ejector.
steam Rankine cycles for molten salt solar tower systems with pro-
jected thermal efficiencies of 0.416–0.47 in 2010–2025 [42] and
the optimisation was validated with the maximum thermal effi- 3.1. S-CO2 Brayton cycles
ciency achieved by conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles operating
at the same exiting compression pressure (25 MPa). Mass and energy balances were performed in all heat exchang-
ers (coolers and recuperators) and turbomachinery components
(compressors and turbines). Due to the change in thermodynamic
2. Power cycle properties of CO2 above critical conditions, all heat exchangers
were discretized [44] to determine whether a temperature pinch
As mentioned above, three S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations point problem takes place. Fig. 4 shows the conventional S-CO2
assisted by an ejector were proposed (Fig. 1) in this paper: S-CO2 Brayton cycles layouts. The high thermal recuperator (HTR) was
Simple Brayton cycle assisted by ejector (S-EJ), S-CO2 modelled by assuming a heat exchanger effectiveness. For
52 R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62

6 7
Cooler 8
Heater 3

C1 T1 T2


5 4
8 10 11

Cooler 12
Heater 3

6 7 9

C1 C2 T1 T2


5 4
10 12 13

Cooler 14
Heater 3
Intercooler 1

6 7 8 9 11

C1 C2 C3 T1 T2

Fig. 1. S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations assisted by ejector. (a) S-CO2 Simple Brayton cycle assisted by ejector (S-EJ) (b) S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle assisted by
ejector (RC-EJ) (c) S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle with main compression intercooling assisted by ejector (MC-EJ).
R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62 53

Heater 3

C1 T1 T2


4 2

Fig. 2. Brayton cycle with inverse mixing ejector proposed by Stankovic [38,37].

Table 1
Modifications introduced by the S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by ejector. B-EJ:
Brayton cycle with inverse mixing ejector proposed by Stankovic [38,37].

Parameter Cycle
High thermal recuperator (HTR) — U U U
Low thermal recuperator (LTR) — — U U
Compressor intercooling — — — U
Recompressor — — U U
Ejector U U U U

configurations with low thermal recuperator (LTR), an effective-

ness factor was considered for the total hot stream [45]:

h2  h4
hot;stream ¼ ð1Þ
h2  h4@T c ;P4
Fig. 3. Temperature entropy diagram for the proposed S-CO2 Brayton cycles.
where h2 and h4 are the specific enthalpy of the hot stream entering Operating conditions: T in;turbine ¼ 700 °C, P high ¼ 25 MPa, DP HX ¼ 0:0 kPa. S-EJ: S-CO2
Simple Brayton cycle assisted by ejector, RC-EJ: S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle
the HTR and leaving the LTR, respectively, while h4@T c ;P4 is the
assisted by ejector and MC-EJ: S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle with main
specific enthalpy at stream 4 (Fig. 4) calculated at the minimum compression intercooling assisted by ejector.
temperature that the hot stream leaving the LTR could reach [46].
For S-CO2 Brayton cycles with LTR, another important parameter is
the split ratio (SR), which is defined as the ratio of the mass flow rate 3.2. Ejector
of the cold stream entering the low thermal recuperator and the
mass flow rate of the S-CO2 Brayton cycle. The SR is determined by Ejector proposed in the S-CO2 Brayton cycles works as a com-
applying an energy balance on the LTR and is used to calculate the pressor or pump by increasing the pressure of a secondary fluid
power input to the compression process. without having moving parts, hence it requires less maintenance
The first law efficiency of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles is given by: [41]. The ejector was modelled by dividing into 4 zones [41]:

_ net;turbine  W
W _ net;compressor  Nozzle section
gI ¼ _
 Mixing section
Q heater
 Constant area section
 Diffuser section
3.1.1. Validation of S-CO2 Brayton cycles
The mass and energy balances were written in Python 2.7 [47] The ejector modelling is based on the work presented by Aly
and REFPROP 9.1 [48] was used to calculate the thermodynamic et al. [40] and Eames et al. [41]. In order to model the ejector,
properties of carbon dioxide (CO2) based on the model developed the following equations based on adiabatic process and steady
by Span and Wagner [49]. state conditions are used.
The authors previously validated the energy model proposed by Energy balance:
X   X  
this paper [43] with the numerical models proposed by Kulhánek _ i hi þ u2i =2 ¼
m _ o ho þ u2o =2
m ð3Þ
and Dostál [39] and Turchi et al. [5]. The results showed that the
proposed model has a good agreement with the published models, Momentum balance:
with a maximum relative difference within ±2.0% for all configura- X I X X
tions and therefore, the modelling of the S-CO2 Brayton cycle com- F¼ A dP ¼ _ o uo 
m _ i ui
m ð4Þ
ponents can be used with confidence in the configurations assisted
by ejector. Continuity:
54 R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62



4 5

C1 T1


4 3

7 9

5 6 8

C1 C2 T1


4 3

9 11

5 6 7 8 10

C1 C2 C3 T1

Fig. 4. Convectional S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations without reheat. (a) Simple Brayton cycle (Simple) (b) S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle (RC) (c) S-CO2
Recompression Brayton cycle with main compression intercooling (MC).
R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62 55

qi ui Ai ¼ qo uo Ao ð5Þ m_ p and m_ s are the mass flow rate of the primary and secondary
fluid, respectively. up1 and us1 are the velocity at Section 1 of the pri-
The description and detailed model of each section of the ejec- mary and secondary fluid, respectively, while u2 is the velocity of
tor is presented below. A schematic diagram showing cross- the mixture at Section 2. Introducing a mixing efficiency, gm , and
sections of the ejector with respect to its velocity and pressure using the constant pressure approach (P 2 ¼ P m ¼ P1 ), the momen-
relationship is given in Fig. 5. tum equation is simplified as:
Nozzle section (0–1) up1 þ xus1
u2 ¼ gm ð9Þ
In this section of the ejector, the primary fluid passes through a 1þx
nozzle where the fluid is accelerated generating high velocity at
  where x is the entrainment ratio, m
_ s =m
_ p . The energy balance on
the exit up1 . As a result of the increase in velocity, the down-
this section is given by:
stream pressure decreases ðP1 Þ.
The primary fluid velocity leaving the nozzle exit at Section 1 is u22 xhs þ hp
h2 þ ¼ ð10Þ
calculated by: 2 1þx
¼ gn hp  hp1;s ð6Þ
2 3.2.2. Constant area section (2–3)
      After the fluids are well mixed, the mixture passes through a
with hp ¼ h T p ; P p ; sp ¼ s T p ; P p and hp1;s ¼ h P 1 ; sp . hp and sp are
the specific enthalpy and entropy of the primary fluid and hp1;s is the constant area section. If the mixture reaches supersonic velocity,
specific enthalpy of the primary fluid at Section 1 calculated at con- then a shock wave takes place in this section and the downstream
stant specific entropy sp and gn is the nozzle’s efficiency. For the sec- pressure is increased. The velocity after the shock wave, u3 , can be
determined by:
ondary fluid, the velocity at Section 1 is calculated as:
u2s1 2 2c
¼ ðhs  hs1;s Þ ð7Þ u3 ¼ c3 M 22 þ M22 1 ð11Þ
2 c1 c1
with hs ¼ hðT s ; P s Þ; ss ¼ sðT s ; P s Þ and hs1;s ¼ hðP1 ; ss Þ. hs and ss are the
where c3 is the local speed of sound at Section 3, M2 is the local
specific enthalpy and entropy of the secondary fluid and hp1;s is the
Mach number of the mixture at Section 2 and c is the average ratio
specific enthalpy of the secondary fluid at Section 1 calculated at
of specific heats. The energy balance in this section is as follows:
constant specific entropy ss .
u23 u2
3.2.1. Mixing section (1–2) h3 þ ¼ h2 þ 2 ð12Þ
2 2
Due to the lower pressure at the exit of the nozzle ðP 1 Þ, the sec-
ondary fluid enters the mixing section and is well mixed with the where h3 is the specific enthalpy of the mixture at Section 3. The
primary fluid. During this process, the secondary fluid passes continuity equation at Section 3 is given by:
through a converging cross sectional area where the mixed fluid u2
is accelerated until its pressure reaches the exit nozzle pressure
q3 ¼ q2 ð13Þ
ðP1 Þ.
The momentum balance in this section is given by: where q2 and q3 are the density of the mixture at Sections 2 and 3,
X I respectively. The pressure downstream is calculated as:
F¼ A dP ¼ m _ s u2  m
_ pþm _ p up1  m
_ s us1 ð8Þ P3 ¼ Pðh3 ; q3 Þ. If the velocity at point 2 is subsonic, then the process
is considered as isentropic.

Nozzle Mixing Constant area section Diffuser section

section section


Primary fluid

m s

0 Secondary
fluid 1 2 3 4


Fig. 5. Variation of pressure and velocity though the ejector. Adapted from Ref. [41,50].
56 R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62

Diffuser section (3–4)

Finally, the mixture flows through a diffuser where the entering
enthalpy and kinetic energy is transformed into a high pressure
stream with zero kinetic energy.
The isentropic enthalpy and the enthalpy at the diffuser exit are
calculated as:

h4s ¼ h3 þ ð14Þ

h4 ¼ h3 þ ð15Þ

where h4 is the specific enthalpy of the mixture at Section 4, h4s is

the specific enthalpy of the mixture at Section 4 evaluated at con-
stant specific enthalpy s3 and gd is the diffuser’s efficiency. The exit
pressure P4 and temperature T 4 are determined as:

P4 ¼ Pðh4s ; s4 ¼ s3 Þ ð16Þ Fig. 6. Validation of the ejector model with experimental data for R141b [54].

T 4 ¼ T ðh4s ; P4 Þ ð17Þ 4. Multi-objective optimisation

The aim of this paper is to show the thermodynamic feasibility

with s3 ¼ sðh3 ; q3 Þ. In this model the value of P1 is calculated itera-
of alternative S-CO2 Brayton cycle integrated with an ejector
tively until the exit pressure of the ejector, P4 , is maximised. A
which could get reasonable either thermal efficiency or net work
detailed flow diagram of the model can be found in Ref. [50].
output while reducing the high pressure at the heater. In order
In order to implement the ejector in the proposed S-CO2 Bray-
to find optimum operating conditions of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles
ton cycles, the ejector model was validated. CO2 has been widely
configurations assisted by ejector, a Multi-objective optimisation
used as working fluid in refrigeration cycles and experimental data
is performed. The multi-objective optimisation approach is based
is available for ejector with liquid–gas mixing flow only [51–53].
on the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) pro-
The ejector model proposed by this paper requires gas–gas mixing
posed by Deb et al. [55]. Any solution of the Pareto optimal set
flow, which has no experimental data available for CO2 in the liter-
may be considered as optimal, since no improvement may be
ature. Hence, the validation of the ejector model was performed
found for an objective without degrading another objective value
with experimental data available for R141b [54]. Due to the ther-
[56]. In order to analyse the optimal operating conditions of the
modynamic behaviour (dry fluid), R141b remains in the gas region
supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by ejector, two different
during the experimental analysis [54] and therefore the ejector
variable sets, each including two objectives parameters, are consid-
model proposed can be implemented. Table 2 shows the input  
ered individually: P1in;heater ; gI and P in;heater ; W net . Where gI is the
parameters used in the validation of the ejector model. The theo-
retical results showed that the performance of the ejector is sensi- cycle first law efficiency, P in;heater is the exit pressure obtained by
tive to changes in the mixing efficiency values as reported by the ejector and W net is the net work output from the proposed
Huang et al. [54], thus the mixing efficiency was assumed to be cycles. The input variable vector for this simulation was
0.92 [50] to match the experimental data. The results showed 

d¼ m _ 1 ; Phigh P 3 ; P high =P2 ; Phigh =Pintercooling . Table 3 shows the
_ 2 =m
(Fig. 6) that the ejector model has a reasonable good agreement range of input values and constraints used in the optimisation
with the experimental data for R141b with a relative difference approach. In order to show the maximum achievable thermody-
within ±15%, which is similar to the results obtained by the 1-D namic performance of the proposed cycles, the following assump-
ideal gas ejector model developed by Huang et al. [54]. The results tions were used [5]:
show that the simplicity of the ejector model used by this paper
leads to some discrepancies with experimental results since geo-  Pressure losses in the pipes and heat exchanger are neglected
metrical parameters were not taken into account.  All components of the cycle are well insulated
Since the ejector model showed satisfactory results, the multi-  Expansion and compression processes are adiabatic
objective analysis of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by ejector  The cycle operates under steady state conditions
can be performed by integrating the modelling of the S-CO2  Carbon dioxide always achieves the minimum and maximum
Brayton cycle components with the ejector. temperature and pressure of the cycle.

Table 2 Table 3
Input parameters used in the validation of the ejector model with R141b. Input parameters and constrains used for the multi-objective optimisation.

Parameter Value Ref. Parameters Value

P p (kPa) 400, 465, 538, 604 [54] Turbine split fraction, m _ 2 =m

_1 0.05–0.99
P s (kPa) 40, 47 ra ; P high =P 3 1.2–15.0
P 1 (kPa) Ps rb ; P high =P 2 1.2–15.0
T s (K) T sat ðP s Þ rc ; P high =P intercooling 1.2–15.0
T p (K) T sat P p
gn 0.85 [41] W T1 ; W T2 ; W net , Q heater P0
gm 0.92 [50] W Compressor 60
gd 0.85 [41] gI ½0; 1
R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62 57

Table 4 (Simple, RC and MC). The optimum operating conditions of the

Input parameters for multi-objective analysis. conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles configurations were obtained
Parameter Value Reference by optimising only the cycle first law efficiency (OPTg) using the
Turbine efficiency 93% [5] Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP) approach [58]. In
Turbine inlet temperature, T 1 550, 650, 750, 850 °C addition, the S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by ejector were also
Heat exchanger effectiveness 95% compared with referenced steam Rankine cycles efficiencies (Ref)
Minimum DT pinch 5 °C proposed by Turchi et al. [42], which were used as projected cycle
Cycle high pressure, P high 25 MPa
efficiencies (0.416–0.47) for molten salt solar tower systems in the
Pressure drop in heat exchangers, DP HX 0 kPa
period of 2020–2025.
Compressor efficiency 89 % 
in;heater ; gI
Fig. 7 showed the Pareto front obtained for the pair P 1
Compressor inlet temperature 32 °C
Compressor inlet pressure P high =r b MPa
at different turbine inlet temperatures. For all configurations, the
Nozzle efficiency, gn 0.90 [50]
simulated results showed that higher exit ejector pressure
Mixture efficiency, gm 0.95
Diffuser efficiency, gd 0.90 ðP in;heater Þ can improve the cycle thermal efficiency (gI ), although
this increase is not linear due to the thermodynamic behaviour
of the ejector and the S-CO2 cycle components. In addition, Fig. 7
showed that as the ejector exit pressure approaches the cycle high
The previous assumptions consider that the proposed cycles
pressure (25 MPa), the cycle thermal efficiency of the S-CO2 config-
operate on an ideal case. Under more realistic operating conditions,
urations assisted by ejector approaches the thermal efficiency of
the thermal efficiency of the proposed cycles will be lower than the
the conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles (OPTg).
values obtained in this paper, since the performance of the cycles is
As seen in Fig. 7, at turbine inlet temperatures in the range of
adversely affected by the thermodynamic losses of the different
550–650 °C the RC-EJ configuration has higher thermal perfor-
mance than the S-EJ and MC-EJ configurations, although the ther-
Table 4 shows the input parameters used in the thermal mod-
mal performance for RC-EJ and MC-EJ is similar at 650 °C for
elling of the proposed cycles. The multi-objective optimisation
cycle thermal efficiencies greater than 0.42. Whilst at turbine inlet
was performed with a population size of 100 with crossover prob-
temperatures above 750 °C, the MC-EJ configuration achieves
ability and mutation probability of 0.9 and 0.1, respectively. The
higher thermal performance than the S-EJ and RC-EJ configura-
optimisation process was carried out by using Inspyred [57] devel-
tions. This is explained by the thermodynamic performance of
oped in Python 2.7.
the ejector and the thermodynamic behaviour of the net work out-
put and heat input of the S-CO2 cycles proposed.
5. Results The thermodynamic performance of the ejector is highly
affected by the thermodynamic state of the cold stream leaving
The optimum parameters obtained for the S-CO2 Brayton cycles the thermal recuperators and the stream exiting the second tur-
assisted by ejector (S-EJ,R-EJ and MC-EJ) were compared and vali- bine (T2). Mass flow rate also plays an important role on the ther-
dated with the conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations modynamic performance of the ejector, since this parameter

in;heater ; gI for different turbine inlet temperatures (T 1 ) and S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations assisted by ejector. OPTg: Optimisation of the
Fig. 7. Pareto front of the pair P 1
cycle first law efficiency at cycle high pressure of 25 MPa. Ref: Projected steam Rankine cycle efficiencies (0.416–0.47) for molten salt solar tower systems [42].
58 R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62

Fig. 8. Effect of the ejector entrainment ratio (m _  1) on the cycle thermal efficiency (gI ) for different turbine inlet temperatures (T 1 ) and S-CO2 Brayton cycle
_ 1 =m
in;heater ; gI . Ref: projected steam Rankine cycle efficiencies (0.416–0.47) for molten salt solar tower systems [42].
configurations assisted by ejector. Optimised pair: P 1

affects both the entrainment ratio and the compression ratio. Fig. 8 the turbine split ratio approaches one, the entrainment ratio
shows the effect of the entrainment ratio ðm _ 2  1Þ on the ther-
_ 1 =m approaches zero and the compression ratio ðP 4 =P e Þ increases,
mal efficiency of the S-CO2 configurations assisted by ejector. As therefore higher pressure at the exit of the ejector is obtained.

Fig. 9. Effect of ejector exit pressure on the specific

 net work output and specific heat input for different turbine inlet temperatures (T 1 ) and S-CO2 Brayton cycle
in;heater ; gI .
configurations assisted by ejector. Optimised pair: P 1
R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62 59

pressures are achieved by increasing the turbine split ratio, which

is more favourable for the power generated by the turbine T1 but
affects adversely the turbine T2 (Fig. 10). Although more power
input is required by the compressors as the ejector exit pressure
increases (Fig. 9), this increase is compensated by the work gener-
ated by the turbine T1. As a result, the net work output of the
cycles is improved accordingly at higher ejector exit pressure.
Fig. 9 also shows that the RC-EJ configuration has the lowest net
power output among the three configurations studied, whilst
MC-EJ configuration has the highest net work output for all turbine
inlet temperatures. This result is explained by the turbine pressure
ratios (Fig. 11).
In general, the pressure ratio in the turbine T1 (Fig. 11)
increases as the ejector exit pressure increases. As mentioned
above, the pressure ratio of the turbine T1 increases in order to
compensate the reduction in the power generated by the turbine
T2 as a consequence of the lower turbine split ratio needed to
increase the ejector exit pressure. The RC-EJ configuration has
the lowest turbine T1 pressure ratios, hence this configuration gen-
Fig. 10. Effect of ejector exit pressure on specific work of turbines and compressors erates lower net power output than the other configurations. In
 turbine inlet temperature of 750 °C for MC-EJ configurations. Optimised pair: contrast, the MC-EJ has the highest turbine T1 pressure ratios
in;heater ; gI .
P 1 resulting in more power generating by the turbines than the other
configurations. In addition, the MC-EJ configuration has an inter-
cooling stage, which reduces the power consumption during the
Fig. 8 also showed that the S-EJ configuration requires higher tur- compression process and increases the net power output of the
bine split ratio (lower entrainment ratio) than RC-EJ and MC-EJ cycle. Fig. 11 also shows that for all configurations the pressure
configurations to achieve the same thermal efficiency. ratio of the turbine T2 remains almost constant up to ejector exit
Fig. 9 shows the effect of the reciprocal ejector exit pressure pressures of 20 MPa to improve the thermal performance of the

in;heater on the net work output and heat input of the S-CO2 Bray-
ejector. At ejector exit pressures above 20 MPa, the pressure ratio
ton cycle configurations assisted by ejector at different turbine of the turbine T2 increases to compensate for the low entrainment
 ratios needed to increase the ejector exit pressure and obtaining
in;heater ; gI . As seen in
inlet temperatures for the optimised pair P1 positive power output.
Fig. 9, an increment in the ejector exit pressure increases both Regarding to the heat input, as the ejector exit ratio and the
work output and heat input of the cycle. Higher ejector exit pressure ratios of the turbine T1 increase, the temperature of the

Fig. 11. Effect of ejector exit pressure

 on the turbine pressure ratios (r p;T1 and r p;T2 ) for different turbine inlet temperatures (T 1 ) and S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by ejector
configurations. Optimised pair: P 1 in;heater ; gI .
60 R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62

Table 5
_ 2 =m
Minimum ejector exit pressure (Pin;heater in MPa), turbine pressure ratios ðr T1 ; r T2 Þ and turbine split ratio ððm _ 1 ÞÞ to achieve a referenced steam Rankine cycle efficiency of 0.416
and 0.470 [42] for different S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations assisted by ejector.

T 1 (°C) gI ¼ 0:416 gI ¼ 0:470

P in;heater DP red (%) r T1 r T2 ðm _ 1Þ
_ 2 =m P in;heater DP red (%) r T1 r T2 ðm _ 1Þ
_ 2 =m

550 – – – – – – – –
650 23.0 8.0 3.65 1.81 0.995 – – –
750 15.5 38.0 3.15 1.24 0.485 – – –
850 11.3 54.8 3.45 1.23 0.356 22.8 8.6 6.73 1.90 0.995
550 16.1 35.6 2.10 1.22 0.465 24.4 2.4 3.16 1.21 0.995
650 12.8 48.8 1.69 1.24 0.375 21.1 15.7 2.76 1.43 0.886
750 11.6 53.6 1.52 1.3 0.389 17.9 28.2 3.10 1.25 0.574
850 9.8 60.8 2.30 1.20 0.271 14.1 43.7 2.47 1.20 0.373
550 22.1 11.6 5.10 1.85 0.976 – – –
650 11.5 54.0 4.48 1.22 0.342 20.9 16.4 2.75 1.40 0.873
750 7.6 69.6 3.23 1.22 0.260 12.7 49.2 4.95 1.20 0.358
850 5.7 77.2 2.46 1.21 0.220 8.6 65.5 3.71 1.25 0.305

stream exiting the turbine T1 decreases, therefore less energy is thermodynamic properties of CO2 near its critical point. For pres-
recovered by the recuperators. As a result, the heat input required sures below 20 MPa the transition is smooth since the operating
by the cycles increases as it is shown in Fig. 9. The results showed conditions (temperature, pressure ratios) of the proposed cycle
that the RC-EJ configuration has the lowest heat input as conse- make CO2 behaves approximately as an ideal gas. While at pres-
quence of its low turbine T1 pressure ratios as compared with sures above 20 MPa, the compression inlet conditions approaches
the S-EJ and MC-EJ configurations. As shown in Fig. 9, the MC-EJ to the critical point of CO2 and therefore a rapid variation of the
configuration has the highest heat input, which is compensated thermodynamic properties of CO2 affects its thermodynamic per-
by the highest net work output and therefore attractive thermal formance as working fluid and the optimisation process as well.
efficiencies can be achieved by this configuration. The results showed that the proposed cycles cannot achieve
It is worth mentioning that some results, specially the higher efficiencies than the conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycle con-
cycle parameters and pressure ratios (Figs. 9 and 11), showed figurations for the operating conditions studied in this paper
some scatter as consequences of the constraints proposed by the (Fig. 7). However, it is thermodynamically feasible to achieve ther-
multi-objective optimisation (Table 3) and the variation of the mal efficiencies higher than the projected steam Rankine cycles

Fig. 12. Pareto front of the pair P 1
in;heater ; W net for different turbine inlet temperatures (T 1 ) and S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted by ejector configurations. OPTg: Optimisation of
the cycle first law efficiency at cycle high pressure of 25 MPa.
R.V. Padilla et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 49–62 61

Table 6 conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles. Table 6 shows the optimum

Optimum operating conditions of the S-CO2 Brayton cycle configurations assisted by operating conditions required by the S-CO2 Brayton cycles assisted
ejector to achieve the same net work output as the thermally optimised conventional
S-CO2 Brayton cycles.
by ejector to achieve the same net work output as the thermally
optimised conventional S-CO2 Brayton cycles.
T 1 (°C) P in;heater (MPa) r T1 r T2 _ 2 =m
ðm _ 1Þ

550 – – – – 6. Conclusions
650 – – – –
750 21.4 12.5 2.24 0.995
A multi-objective thermodynamic optimisation of supercritical
850 19.9 11.6 2.60 0.995
CO2 Brayton cycle configurations assisted by ejector was per-
formed. Three configurations were analysed: S-CO2 Simple Brayton
550 – – – –
650 – – – – cycle assisted by ejector (S-EJ), S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle
750 – – – – assisted by ejector (RC-EJ) and S-CO2 Recompression Brayton cycle
850 22.6 6.4 1.97 0.995 with main compression intercooling assisted by ejector (MC-EJ).
MC-EJ The components of the supercritical Brayton cycles and the ejector
550 – – – – were modelled and validated.
650 – – – – The S-CO2 Brayton cycles configurations assisted by ejector did
750 18.6 7.88 2.74 0.983
850 18.8 9.05 2.84 0.995
not achieve thermal efficiencies higher than the conventional
S-CO2 Brayton cycles. However, they can achieve under certain
operating conditions thermal efficiencies higher than the conven-
tional steam Rankine cycles (0.416–0.47). The MC-EJ configuration
(0.416–0.47) [42] under certain operating conditions. For the case showed the best thermodynamic performance among the configu-
of the S-EJ configuration, this cycle can achieve attractive thermal rations with ejector studied, achieving thermal efficiencies higher
efficiency and heater pressures for turbine inlet temperatures than the referenced steam Rankine cycles (projected values of
above 750 °C, while for the MC-EJ configuration the optimum oper- 0.416–0.47 in 2020–2025) at turbine inlet temperatures above
ating region is above 650 °C. For the RC-EJ cycle, this configuration 650 °C and with a heater pressure reduction by 77% at 850 °C.
showed reasonable thermal performance for all the range of tur- The RC-EJ configuration achieved similar thermal performance as
bine inlet temperatures studied. compared with the MC-EJ at temperatures below 750 °C, while
Table 5 shows the minimum ejector exit pressure, turbine pres- the S-EJ configuration achieved attractive thermal efficiencies at
sure ratios and turbine split ratio needed for each S-CO2 configura- temperatures above 750 °C. Due to the potential heater pressure
tion assisted by ejector to achieve a referenced efficiency of 0.416 reduction, the proposed cycles can be an alternative power block
and 0.470 [42]. It is noted that thermal performance of the ejector for CST systems, since could reduce the manufacturing costs of
and the configurations studied is highly dependent of the turbine the solar receiver and extended its operational life.
inlet temperature. Table 5 also shows the potential heater pressure
reduction (DP red ) for each configuration. With a thermal efficiency
of 0.416, the heater pressure can be reduced more than 50% for Acknowledgement
the RC-EJ and MC-EJ at turbine inlet temperatures above 650 °C,
and more than 38% for the S-EJ at turbine temperatures above This paper was produced with funding support from ARENA.
750 °C. At higher thermal efficiencies, the heater pressure increases ARENA was established by the Australian Government as an inde-
and therefore the reduction is decreased. For a thermal efficiency pendent agency on 1 July, 2012 to make renewable energy tech-
of 0.470 at temperatures above 750 °C, the RC-EJ and MC-EJ nologies more affordable and increase the amount of renewable
showed a heater pressure reduction greater than 28% and 49% energy used in Australia. ARENA invests in renewable energy pro-
respectively. The MC-EJ configuration showed the highest heater jects, supports research and development activities, boosts job cre-
pressure reduction for both thermal efficiencies whilst the S-EJ ation and industry development and increases knowledge about
achieved the lowest pressure reduction. This significant reduction renewable energy.
in the heater pressure is beneficial for the integration of the pro- Authors would like to thank Dr. Jin-Soo Kim for his comments
posed cycles with CST systems. The lower heater pressures reduce and suggestions during the elaboration of this manuscript.
the manufacturing costs and increase the operational service life of
the solar receiver, which compensates for the lower thermal effi-
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