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Preliminary assessment of sCO2 cycles for power generation in

CSP solar tower plants q

Marco Binotti ⇑, Marco Astolfi, Stefano Campanari, Giampaolo Manzolini, Paolo Silva
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, Via Lambruschini 4, 20156 Milano, Italy

This work discusses a preliminary thermodynamic assessment of three different supercritical CO2 (sCO2) power cycles applied to a high
temperature solar tower system, with maximum temperatures up to 800 �C. The thermal power is transferred from the solar receiver to the
power block through KCl-MgCl2 molten salts as heat transfer fluid, therefore an indirect cycle configuration is considered assuming a
surrounded field as the one of Gemasolar plant. The most promising cycle configuration in terms of solar-to-electric efficiency is selected,
optimizing the cycle turbine inlet temperature to achieve the best compromise between cycle and receiver performance: the highest
efficiency at design conditions is achieved by the Recompression with Main Compression Intercooling (RMCI) configuration with a solar to
electric efficiency of 24.5% and a maximum temperature of 750 �C. The yearly energy yield of the proposed power plant is estimated with
a simplified approach and results in the range of 18.4%: the performance decay from design to average yearly conditions is mostly due to
the optical and thermal effi-ciencies reduction (10.8% and 16.4%, respectively).

Keywords: sCO2 cycle, Supercritical CO2, Solar tower, Molten salts receiver, High temperature molten salts KCl-MgCl2

h i g h l i g h t s
 The use of sCO2 power cycles coupled with a solar tower system is studied.
 3 different sCO2 power cycles are optimized at different turbine inlet temperature.
 A simplified thermal model of an external solar tower receiver is developed.
 The cycles that guarantees the best solar-to-electric nominal efficiency is chosen.
 The yearly solar-to-electric efficiency for the best configuration is computed.

1. Introduction of electricity can be achieved also (i) through an improvement in

the conversion efficiency or (ii) an increase of the equivalent oper-
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) can play a fundamental role in ating hours of the plant by means of the adoption of a Thermal
the near future energy scenario, providing carbon-free, renewable Energy Storage (TES) system. Parabolic trough (PT) can be consid-
and dispatchable electric energy to meet the increasing world ered the state of the art technology for CSP plants, because of the
energy demand. Although the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) experience gained at the SEGS plants [4] and, more recently, in
of this technology is still non-competitive (ranging from 150 to the United States [5] and in Spain [6–8]. However, the conversion
200 €/kWhel [1]), a number of research programs is addressing its efficiency of PT based plants is limited by the relatively low con-
development and evolution [2,3]. Different strategies can be centration factors of the collector, as well as by the usual adoption
adopted for the reduction of the LCOE, not only related with the of indirect cycle configurations with synthetic oil as heat transfer
restraint of overnight plant costs. In fact, a reduction in the cost fluid (HTF), whose thermal stability is limited to the upper value
of 400 °C. Some attempts of using molten salts as HTF in the solar
Article history: field have been made with Solar salts (60%NaNO3/40%KNO3) which
Received 29 January 2017 allow to reach 550 °C in the solar field [9,10], but the main draw-
Received in revised form 15 April 2017 back in this case is the relatively high freezing point temperature,
Accepted 2 May 2017
which poses severe technical issues to the operation of the plant in
Available online 5 June 2017
periods of absent or low sun radiation. Another promising
The short version of the paper was presented at ICAE2016 on Oct 8-11, Beijing,
China. This paper is a substantial extension of the short version of the conference
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: marco.binotti@polimi.it (M. Binotti).

© 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Published Journal Article available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.121

cp specific heat at constant pressure (kJ/kg-K) r refractory

E black body emissive power (W/m2) tt tube-tube
h enthalpy (kJ/kg) tr tube-refractory
J surface radiosity (W/m2) rad radiative
k thermal conductivity (W/m-K) rec receiver
kis loading coefficient (–) s sky
p pressure (bar) SF solar field
Q_ thermal power (W) t tube
R surface/spatial resistance (m2) ts tube-sky
SP size parameter (m) tot total
T temperature (°C) y yearly
u peripheral velocity (m/s)
V volume (m3) Acronyms
V_ volumetric flow (m3/s) ACC air cooled condenser
W power (W) CCS carbon capture and storage
CSP concentrating solar power
Greek letters DNI direct normal irradiation
D difference DSG direct steam generation
e effectiveness (–) HP high pressure
l kinematic viscosity (Pa s) HTR high temperature regenerator
q density (m3/kg) HTF heat transfer fluid
HVAC heat ventilation and air conditioning
Subscript LHV lower heating value
abs absorbed LCOE levelized cost of electricity
amb ambient LP low pressure
aux auxiliaries LTR low temperature regenerator
cl convective losses PC partial cooling
cycle cycle PCHE printed circuit heat exchanger
gr gray PT parabolic trough
HX heat exchange RMCI recompression with main compression intercooling
in inlet RPM rounds per minute
int intermediate RPR recompression pressure ratio
max maximum RR recompression
min minimum ST solar tower
NET net TES thermal energy storage
out outlet TIT turbine inlet temperature
PP pumping power

technology could be based on linear Fresnel reflector [11,12], different applications and thermal sources (coal, biomass, solar,
whose strength is mainly related to the simplicity of construction etc.). Dealing with conventional sources, sCO2 cycles for coal fired
and theoretically low costs, together with the possibility to imple- power plants have been investigated, showing theoretical perfor-
ment direct steam generation (DSG) plant configurations. How- mance up to 47.8% LHV efficiency, employing existing materials
ever, their cost reduction capability is still to be demonstrated at current operating conditions [16]. Moreover supercritical CO2
and the annual energy yield of the plant is strongly penalized by cycles for nuclear reactors have been deeply analyzed, showing
poor average optical efficiency [13]. the capability of reaching high efficiency, while still retaining sim-
Among the different CSP technologies, solar towers (ST) are con- plicity [21,22].
sidered as the most promising in terms of potential LCOE reduction Although most of the studies have considered so far sCO2 for
[2] thanks to the high potential concentration ratio (typically from nuclear power plants, there is a growing interest in deploying them
500 to 2000), which leads to higher maximum temperatures and in CSP applications [23–25]. Supercritical CO2 cycles coupled with
more efficient thermodynamic conversion power cycles. Nowa- high temperature solar receivers are recognized to be a promising
days, about 430 MWel of commercial ST plants are operating technology to reduce investment costs and at the same time
(mainly in Spain and US), while other 430 MWel are under con- increase the conversion efficiency [26,27]. Supercritical CO2 based
struction in China, US, Chile and South Africa and other 1500 MWel Brayton cycles have been compared with trans and sub-critical
are in the planning phase [14]. All the ST currently in operation are working conditions of the same fluid, highlighting their advantage
based on traditional Rankine steam cycles for the conversion of the in terms of efficiency and extremely small volumetric flow rates,
thermal power. resulting in a compact design [28]. Supercritical CO2 cycles in
Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) cycle has been identified by CSP plants have been considered in indirect configuration, evaluat-
key international energy stakeholders [2,15–19] as a promising ing their response in terms of flexibility and part-load perfor-
technology to increase flexibility and efficiency. Compared to mances [26]. Flexibility features can take advantage of the lower
steam Rankine cycle, this type of closed Brayton cycles have smal- heat capacity of the turbomachinery that enables faster start-ups
ler weight and volume, lower thermal mass and less complex and load variations, easier start-up/shut down operations and
power blocks due to the higher density of the fluid and simpler wider load operating range than a conventional steam-based cycle.
cycle design [20]. Supercritical CO2 cycles have been proposed for Dynamic response of a recompression-cycle configuration has been
also addressed in a solar tower with a direct configuration [29]. and cooler have been added. Moreover, the minimum cycle pres-
Supercritical CO2 cycles have been also proposed coupled to para- sure can be selected lower than the critical pressure. This allows
bolic trough solar fields in a direct configuration, however in this increasing the expansion pressure ratio and possibly the plant pro-
case their dynamic behavior is related to the collector and poses ductivity. The last option is the RMCI plant which is basically the
severe mechanical and control issues [30]. RR plant with an intercooled compression in order to better exploit
The main challenges of sCO2 application, especially coupled to the real gas effects and reduce the compression work. In all the
CSP plants, are heat exchanger design and material selection cycles the sCO2 streams exiting the cold side of the low tempera-
[18], as well as high pressure conditions. Regarding materials, pro- ture regenerator and the intermediate compressor have the same
tective barriers with stable oxides (chrome and nickel, and alu- temperature to minimize mixing irreversibilities [20].
mina) or steel alloys with high concentrations of chromium and The performance of the three cycles as function of the TIT were
nickel have been proposed in sCO2 power cycles to increase resis- determined, setting 250 bar as turbine inlet pressure and maximiz-
tance to high temperature corrosion [31,32]. On the other hand, ing cycle efficiency as function of the minimum cycle pressure and
considering high pressure concerns, it can be pointed out that indi- of the intermediate pressure level (for PC and RMCI) defined by the
rect configurations with a HTF offer the advantage of low pressures Recompression Pressure Ratio (RPR) parameter:
inside the solar receiver with better dynamic response of the sys-   
tem to the severe transient conditions which CSP plants are often pmax pmax
RPR ¼ 1 1 ð1Þ
exposed. In addition to this, it is worth noting that thermal storage pint pmin
integration is easier with an indirect configuration.
In this work, a preliminary thermodynamic assessment of three Apart from the primary heat exchanger where heat is trans-
different sCO2 power cycles, exploiting heat collected in a high ferred from the HTF to the CO2, the three sCO2 power cycle layouts
temperature solar tower system is carried out. The maximum are basically made by two types of heat exchangers (the regenera-
investigated sCO2 temperature is set at 800 °C. An indirect cycle tor(s) and the heat rejection unit(s)) and two turbomachinery (the
configuration is assumed, where KCl-MgCl2 molten salts mixture compressor(s) and the turbine). Various studies have been carried
is used as HTF in the solar receiver, allowing for a lighter and out in past years about the design [21,35] and optimization of
cheaper receiver design with respect to the case of a high pressure these components while various ongoing experimental activities
direct sCO2 receiver and allowing an easier TES integration. The are focused to the construction of prototypes and test in a relevant
most promising cycle configuration is selected, optimizing the Tur- environment [15,36–38].
bine Inlet Temperature (TIT) to achieve the best compromise In the heat rejection unit(s) the CO2 is cooled down after the
between cycle and receiver efficiency. An estimate of the yearly regenerator and after the first compression stage in PC and RMCI
energy yield of the proposed power plant is also performed. To configurations by means of air coolers. These components can be
the authors’ knowledge, there are no papers available in literature designed as conventional gas coolers where the hot CO2 stream
which assess the solar-to-electric efficiency of advanced solar is distributed in a number of finned tubes arranged in different
tower plants including innovative fluids and sCO2 cycles both at ranks while air is sucked or blown by fans flowing in crossflow
design and on yearly base conditions. The results of this work with respect to the tubes bank. This kind of technology is already
can indicate where to point the R&D attention for further develop- used in Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) field with
ing CSP technology. CO2 maximum inlet conditions around 150 °C and 120 bar [39]
(namely thermodynamic conditions more severe than in our
optimized case). Fan consumption depends on (i) heat exchanger
2. Design performance architecture (frontal area, number of ranks, tube disposition, fins
type and spacing), (ii) air mass flow rate and (iii) ambient temper-
2.1. Power cycle ature: a pressure drop of 2% on the tube side and an electrical fan
consumptions (W aux;PB ) equal to 1.25% of the rejected heat at the
Three different regenerative sCO2 power cycles, following the ambient temperature of 40 °C were assumed as reference value,
lay-out previously discussed in literature [20,21,33] were according to a preliminary design of the required air coolers
investigated and modeled using Excel and Refprop [34]. The three obtained by a manufacturer [40].
selected options are Recompression (RR), Partial Cooling (PC) and More challenging is the design of the regenerator(s) because of
Recompression with Main Compression Intercooling (RMCI) cycles. the low overall heat transfer coefficient and the very high pressure
These plants layouts are the most promising for high temperature difference between the cold and the hot side. In the design of this
solar applications and it has been demonstrated that they could component it is crucial to adopt compact solution in order to
achieve higher efficiency with respect to the simple recuperative reduce the footprint, the cost and the thermal inertia. Different
cycle that suffers real gas effects on the recuperator high pressure types of heat exchangers are proposed in literature [36]:
side at low temperature: the increased sCO2 specific heat capacity shell&tube, brazed or bonded plate heat exchangers and printed
with respect to the low pressure side of the regenerator leads circuits heat exchangers (PCHE). The first architecture is strongly
to large temperature differences and thus to heat exchange penalized by a large footprint, the lowest thermal efficiency, high
irreversibilites. thermal inertia and vibration issues while the others are very com-
The RR plant aims to reducing this efficiency loss splitting the pact but tend to lead to higher pressure drops because of the small
fluid mass flow rate before the heat rejection unit: one fraction is hydraulic diameters. The last configuration is one of the most
directly compressed up to the maximum pressure of the cycle promising for this type of application because it can operate at very
while the other is cooled down releasing heat to the environment high pressures: metal flow plates are manufactured by chemical
before entering the main compressor. The streams are mixed again etching of 1.6 mm thick metal plates, forming complex flow pat-
after the second compressor and the mixed flow rate enters at first terns and thin passages (e.g. 2 mm diameter semi-circles), in order
a high temperature recuperator and then the primary heat exchan- to increase the heat transfer coefficient. Finally, metal flow plates
ger. A proper choice of the split ratio allows to balance the hot and are stacked and diffusion-bonded at high temperature and
cold fluid heat capacities and to minimize the temperature differ- pressure, forming a high-integrity solid block with multiple flow
ences in the heat transfer process. The PC layout is similar to the channels. One of the main manufacturers [41] claims that bonded
previous one with the difference that an additional compressor PCHE can be 80% smaller than a conventional heat exchanger and
operate up to 965 bar and 980 °C. In the plant optimization we The turbine design can benefit from limited real gas effects and
assumed a constant relative pressure drop and a fixed effectiveness a small volumetric flow variation, but it faces issues related to
for the regenerators. Pressure drops are higher on the low pressure small size that inevitably leads to high secondary losses and a
side (1.5%) with respect to the high pressure side (1%), according to higher weight of leakage losses across the stator-rotor clearance,
the larger volume flow rate. The effectiveness of the low tempera- thus jeopardizing the efficiency. For the purpose of this parametric
ture regenerator (93%) is slightly lower than for the high tempera- analysis, according to a numerical correlation given in [42], the tur-
ture regenerator (95%) because in the first component the balance bine efficiency was varied as a function of the volume ratio VR and
of heat capacity of hot and cold streams already allows to minimize of the size parameter SP (a quantity strongly related to turbine
the irreversibility due to heat transfer. radial dimension), defined as:
From the turbomachinery side, the high molecular mass of CO2
V_ out;is
and the very high pressures in the cycle allow designing compact VR ¼ ð2Þ
machines with a limited number of stages and a small size (i.e. V_ in
mean diameters), reducing the turbomachinery cost. The compres- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
sor has a particular design since it works close to the critical point V_ out;is
in a region with significant real gas effects: the volumetric SP ¼ 1=4
behavior of CO2 sharply changes during compression and the opti-
mization of the blade profile is a non-trivial issue. In spite of these The volumetric flow at the expander outlet at isentropic condi-
peculiarities sCO2 compressors are already available on the market tions V_ out;is depends on the sCO2 mass flow in the primary heat
and they are mainly developed in the oil and gas industry (e.g. for exchanger, thus it is computed iteratively as a function of the recei-
enhanced oil recovery with CO2 pressurization for transport and ver efficiency. A detailed turbine study was subsequently carried
injection in oil reservoirs) as well as for future CCS applications. out for the most promising cycle configuration (see Section 3.1).
Either radial compressors or axial compressors can be used, In Fig. 1 a graphical overview of the solar tower plant and of the
depending on the plant size, with maximum operating pressure three sCO2 cycles with the corresponding T-s diagrams is reported,
around 250 bar as claimed by manufacturers. while Table 1 summarizes the main design assumptions.

Fig. 1. Investigated sCO2 cycles layouts and overall system schematic.

Table 1
Main assumptions for the power cycle simulation.

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Turbine inlet pressure (bar) 250 Dp=p primary Heat Exchanger 0.015
Minimum temperature (°C) 51 Dp=p heat rejection Heat Exchanger 0.02
LTR/HTR effectiveness, e 0.93/0.95 Compressor isentropic efficiency 0.89
Dp=p HP/LP side of regenerator 0.01/0.015 Mechanical/Electrical efficiency 0.99/0.99
2.2. Tower and receiver application. Nevertheless, further investigation and detailed stud-
ies should be carried out to verify the long-term chemical stability
The solar field and the receiver geometry were assumed similar of the tube material vs. the selected salts.
to the one of the Gemasolar plant, consistently with previous A simplified thermal resistance model [48] adapted from [49]
works [43–45]: the surrounded solar field consists of 2650 canted was implemented in Matlab and used for the evaluation of the
heliostats of 110 m2 each, concentrating the solar radiation onto a receiver thermal losses. The model estimates the convective losses
tubular external receiver with a diameter of 8 m and 16 m high. through literature correlations [50,51] and applies an equivalent
The Solar Multiple is 2.8 and the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) con- electric resistance network to compute the radiative losses. The
sists of a direct two-tanks system with a capacity of 13 equivalent equivalent electric resistance network is reported in Fig. 2. Each
hours. panel is discretized in vertical segments and the energy balance,
The nominal optical efficiency and the heat flux map on the reported in Eq. (6), is subsequently solved for each tube segment,
receiver were computed with DELSOL3 [46] assuming a DNI of starting from the HTF inlet and following the HTF flow through
970 W/m2 and solar noon on the summer solstice (June 21st) as the panels of each flow path.
reference day and time for the selected site (Sevilla, 37°420 N,
_ HTF;t cp;HTF T HTF in þ Q_ abs;t ¼ m
m _ HTF;t cp;HTF T HTF out þ Q_ cl;t ðT w Þ þ Q_ rad;t ðT w Þ
5°90 W, DNIy = 2090 kWh/m2-y). The calculated optical efficiency,
equal to 68.3%, is determined assuming for simplicity all the ð6Þ
heliostats aiming at the equator of the receiver [43] leading to The model was initially tested for the Gemasolar operating tem-
the highest optical efficiency together with the highest peak peratures (290–565 °C), with Solar Salts (60%NaNO3/40%KNO3) as
temperature on the tubes. The main geometrical parameters of HTF. Although no performance data are available for the Gemasolar
the receiver are reported in Table 2 while the design heat flux receiver, the obtained thermal efficiency of 86.01% appears to be in
map is shown in Fig. 1. the range of efficiencies reported by similar works [49,52]. For the
A preliminary screening of potential HTFs was performed present study, the thermal performance of the receiver as function
among the molten salts that (i) are chemically stable and liquid of the TIT was computed assuming a constant DT of 15 °C between
up to 800 °C, (ii) have solidification temperature below 525 °C the selected salts and the sCO2 maximum temperature in the pri-
and (iii) are compatible with high-temperature alloys. In this pre- mary heat exchanger. The ambient temperature was set at 30 °C
liminary selection, HTF cost, required pumping power (PP) and and the wind speed at 4 m/s.
heat transfer characteristics (HX) were evaluated and compared. The performance obtained with the simplified thermal model
The last two aspects were taken into account as suggested in are reported in Table 4 for a case using KCl-MgCl2 molten salts
[47], through the calculation of two non-dimensional figures of and compared to the Gemasolar Case. The receiver power balance
merits (FOM) which are reported here: with KCl-MgCl2 was determined assuming the temperatures
obtained for a RMCI cycle with maximum TIT of 750 °C (see
l0:2 Section 3.1).
q2 c2:8
The higher average and maximum temperatures of the receiver
strongly influence the radiative and convective losses, reducing the
receiver efficiency with respect to Solar Salts of about 11%. It is also
l0:2 possible to notice how the required HTF mass flow is strongly
FOMHX ¼ ð5Þ increased (by nearly 50%) for KCl-MgCl2 molten salts due to their
q 0:3 c 0:6 k0:6
lower DT across the receiver and their lower specific heat. A
The most suitable HTF and storage media is KCl-MgCl2, a mix- rigorous analysis should consider an optimized number of flow
ture of salts whose main characteristics are reported in Table 3. paths in the receiver as a function of the molten salts DT and mass
This type of salt can withstand temperatures up to 800 °C. There- flow rate; however, the effect of a different flow paths arrangement
fore, the selected material for the receiver tubes was INCOLOY on the receiver efficiency is limited, as reported in [53], and thus a
800 HT, a nickel-based alloy widely applied in the chemical indus- fixed number of flow paths was here considered for simplicity. On
try for its excellent corrosion resistance as well as strength at high the contrary a more important variation can be expected for the
temperatures, which is considered to be a good candidate for this molten salts circulation pumping power (W aux;SF ): thus, calculation

Table 2
Main characteristics of the ST receiver for a Gemasolar type plant.

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Receiver height above ground (m) 116 Number of panels 16
Receiver Diameter, m 8 Number of tubes per panel 38
Receiver Height, m 16 Tube external diameter, m 0.0395
Number of flow path 2 Salts pump overall efficiency 0.75

Table 3
Main characteristics of the selected molten salt.

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Molar Composition 67%KCl/33%MgCl2 Viscosity @ 700 °C (cP) 1.44
Solidification temperature (°C) 426 Thermal conductivity @ 700 °C (W/m-K) 0.39
Boiling temperature (°C) > 1418 FOMPP (forced convection, turbulent) 5.66
Density @ 700 °C (kg/m3) 1593 FOMHX (heat exchanger area) 39.7
Specific Heat @ 700 °C (kJ/kg-K) 1.1555 Estimated Cost (€/kg) 0.26
Fig. 2. – (Left) Schematic of the surfaces involved in the radiative heat exchange in a solar receiver panel and (Right) corresponding electric resistance model. For simplicity a
panel with four tubes is represented.

Table 4
noon). The receiver thermal efficiency and the corresponding HTF
Main results of the simplified receiver thermal model with standard ‘‘Solar salts” and
with the selected molten salts.
inlet temperature, the cycle gross efficiency and the system net
power ðW NET ¼ W cycle  W aux;SF  W aux;PB Þ are reported in Fig. 3 for
Gemasolar Case High temperature
the three cycles as function of the TIT: it is possible to highlight
the contrasting effects of the TIT on the cycle efficiency and the
HTF type 60%NaNO3/40%KNO3 67%KCl/33%MgCl2
receiver thermal efficiency resulting in a maximum power output
Tin, HTF (°C) 290.0 554.7
Tout, HTF (°C) 565.0 765.0
for each investigated plant. The higher the TIT, the higher is the
HTF Mass Flow (kg/s) 396.4 606.9 cycle gross efficiency, but receiver thermal losses increase because
Thermal Efficiency (%) 86.01% 76.48% of the higher average receiver temperature. Therefore, there is a TIT
Max Wall Temperature (°C) 663.7 855.6 which maximizes the electric power output; this condition also
Convective Losses (MW) 4.06 6.68
brings about the maximum solar-to-electric efficiency because all
Radiative and Reflective 22.8 38.51
Losses (MW) cases are operating with the same solar field and thus with the
same optical efficiency.
Detailed power balances of the three cases at their maximum
was performed assuming the same mass flow rate per tube of the efficiency point and the corresponding values of minimum cycle
Gemasolar case and taking into account also the tower height. pressure and RPR are reported in Table 5.
A maximum net electric power of about 24.8 MWel was
3. Design condition results obtained by the RMCI cycle for a TIT temperature of 750 °C, with
a corresponding solar to electric efficiency of about 24.5%. The
This section summarizes the performance of the three selected receiver thermal efficiency in the same point is 76.5%, with molten
sCO2 configurations at design conditions (summer solstice, solar salts rising their temperature in the receiver from 555 °C up to

Fig. 3. (Left) Receiver efficiency, (Center) Cycle Gross efficiency and (Right) net power of the three investigated cycles layouts as function of the TIT.
Table 5 optimized at 30,000 RPM. Mean diameter results to be 26 cm with
Main results for the three different studied power cycles. a peripheral speed of 414 m/s and the stage has a high degree of
Parameter @ maximum efficiency PC RR RMCI reaction (0.415). Overall isentropic efficiency is 89.04%, mainly
Optimum TIT (°C) 780 740 750 penalized by secondary losses (related to the small blade heights),
Minimum cycle pressure (bar) @ optimum TIT 5.23 9.37 7.06 tip leakage losses (because of the large relative radial gaps) and
RPR @ optimum TIT 0.356 – 0.548 marked profile losses due to the thickness of blade trailing edge.
Available Solar power (MW) 282.8 282.8 282.8 Slightly supersonic velocity is obtained at stator outlet, with post
Thermal power at the receiver (MW) 193.1 193.1 193.1
Thermal power to the HTF (MW) 146.2 147.6 147.7
expansion after the converging nozzles. Better results can be
Receiver thermal losses (MW) 46.9 45.5 45.4 achieved by a solution employing a two stage turbine rotating at
Thermal power to power block, SM = 1 (MW) 52.2 52.7 52.8 24,000 RPM and with a three-stages turbine with a rotational
Power block gross power output, SM = 1 (MW) 25.42 24.73 25.62 speed equal to 19,000 RPM.
Auxiliaries consumptions, SM = 1 (MW) 0.74 0.92 0.83
Fig. 4 depicts the blade geometry (rotor and stator) in a merid-
Net power output, SM = 1 (MW) 24.68 23.81 24.78
ian plane and the velocity triangles reported in terms of Mach
numbers for a single stage, a two stage and a three stage turbine
765 °C; with a minimum approach point temperature difference while Table 6 reports turbines main characteristics. Increasing
set to 15 °C in the HTF-CO2 heat exchanger, this ensures the TIT the number of stages allows reducing the enthalpy drop for each
of 750 °C for the power cycle, running with a cycle gross efficiency stage thus limiting the peripheral speed and the rotational speed
of about 48.6%. The RMCI cycle with a TIT of 750 °C was thus of the turbine. Repartition of enthalpy head leads also to lower
selected for the yearly simulation. Mach numbers with subsonic velocity triangles. In multistage tur-
bines the mean diameter slightly decreases and the first stage
blade height is kept at reasonable values by the possibility to
3.1. Turbomachinery design choice a proper value for the first stage loading coefficient and
thanks to the smaller velocities in axial direction. This reflects in
The turbine design must be optimized in order to achieve high almost unchanged secondary and corner losses while kinetic
efficiency. A dedicated numerical tool [54] was used to verify the energy loss at turbine discharge are reduced. As results, higher is
performance of the expander, in order to obtain a preliminary the number of stages, higher the efficiency that is 90.64% and
stages design and to optimize the rotational speed: the results 91.13% for the two stage and the three stage turbine respectively.
related to the optimal plant are here discussed. The numerical tool Using a more expensive four stage turbine would probably lead
is designed to optimize multistage axial turbines including real gas to a further increase of efficiency but considering the efficiency
effects and it based on pseudo-1D approach. It uses a different effi- trend obtained the margin of improvement is limited and so a
ciency loss correlations derived from literature and based on the three stage turbine is suggested for this case. The calculated value
experimental works of Craig and Cox [55] and Kacker and Okapuu of isentropic efficiency for the three stage turbine is consistent
[56] to determine a reliable expansion efficiency of each turbine with the values obtained with the numerical correlation men-
row. As result the overall total-to-static efficiency is computed tak- tioned in Section 2.1 for the cycle optimization routine.
ing into account the actual blade geometry and the presence of It is important to highlight that regardless of the turbine num-
supersonic flows. The main parameters of interest for the design ber of stages a high rotational speed must be used to achieve high
of the expander are V r and the isentropic enthalpy drop across efficiency, thus not allowing a direct coupling of the electric gener-
the expander Dhis for the optimal configuration they are respec- ator with the grid and requiring the use of a gearbox or a power
tively equal to 2.64 and 219.6 kJ/kg. The speed of sound varies from electronic system to adapt the power generation frequency.
around 480 m/s at turbine inlet and 440 m/s at turbine outlet, thus
a first solution could be to manage the whole expansion in a single 3.2. Sensitivity analyses
stage with relatively low loading coefficients (kis ¼ 2Du2his ) and a
peripheral speed below 450 m/s Because of the small volumetric With respect to the obtained results, two sensitivity analyses
flow rate, the optimal rotational speed is quite high and is were performed for the RMCI case in order to evaluate the effects

0.2 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

0.15 0.2
Radial direcon [m]

0.1 0



0 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1 0.2
Axial direcon[m]


Fig. 4. (Left) Radial profiles e and (Right) velocity triangles (reported in terms of Mach number) for single stage, two-stage and a three-stage turbine.
Table 6
One, two and three-stage turbine design results for the optimum RMCI cycle.

Single stage Two-stage Three-stage

Optimal rotational speed (RPM) 30,000 24,000 19,000
Efficiency (–) 89.04% 90.64% 91.13%
Pheripheral speed (m/s) 414 303 260
Mean diameter (m) 0.26 0.24 0.26
Blade height 1st stage (m) 0.032 0.03 0.03
Exit velocity (m/s) 107 81 71
1st 2nd 1st 2nd 3rd
Stage loading coefficient (–) 2.56 2.92 2.03 2.76 2.04 2.02
Degree of reaction (–) 0.414 0.446 0.510 0.325 0.48 0.50
efficiency stage, total-to-total (–) 90.2% 90.1% 91.8% 89.7% 91.6% 92.4%
VR 2.64 1.74 1.56 1.45 1.35 1.38
SP (m) 0.095 0.088 0.119 0.088 0.110 0.130

of some of the made assumptions. In particular, the impact of the Due to the difficulty of benchmarking the receiver efficiency
high temperature regenerator (HTR) effectiveness and the effect with experimental data and due to the large dispersion of data
of an increase of the receiver efficiency were evaluated. available in literature, a further case with enhanced receiver effi-
The effectiveness of a heat exchanger is a parameter directly ciency was also studied. For simplicity, a 15% reduction in the
related to the minimum temperature difference (DTpp) in the heat receiver thermal losses is assumed and the calculated results are
exchanger and it is defined as the ratio between the actual heat reported in Fig. 5. The higher thermal efficiency leads to an overall
exchanged Q_ and the maximum possible heat exchanged obtain- net power increase of about 5.3% achieved at TIT equal to 780 °C.
able with an infinite heat exchange area Q_ 1 (DTpp = 0). For the
HTR this can be computed as: 4. Yearly results

Q_ hðT ;p Þ  hðT ;p Þ The yearly simulation was performed on hourly basis using
eHTR ¼ _ ¼ in;LP in;LP out;LP out;LP
ð7Þ DNI and ambient temperature data available in [57] for the cho-
Q 1 hðT in;LP ; pin;LP Þ  hðT in;HP ; pout;LP Þ
sen site. The optical efficiency as function of Azimuth and Zenith
where T in;LP =T out;LP and pin;LP =pout;LP are the inlet/oultet temperatures is the same reported in a previous work [58] and obtained with
and pressures of the hot low pressure sCO2 stream in the HTR and DELSOL 3. The receiver thermal efficiency, which is function of
T in;HP is the inlet temperature of the cold high pressure sCO2 stream both the solar power hitting the receiver Q_ rec and of its distribu-
in the HTR. An effectiveness of 0.95 for the best performing RMCI tion on the receiver, was computed for nine different sun posi-
cycle (TIT = 750 °C) corresponds to DTpp = 17.3 °C at the cold end tions in order to limit the computational time. A schematic of
temperature side of the HTR. A lower effectiveness reduces the heat the nine different sun positions used for the evaluation of the
exchanged in the HTR as well as the heat exchanger area and thus thermal efficiency is reported in Fig. 6, left: the N-S solar field
its cost. In terms of efficiency, a lower effectiveness has a detrimen- and receiver symmetry lead to symmetric maps around solar
tal effect on the cycle efficiency, but, on the other hand, reduces the noon. In Fig. 6, right, the thermal efficiency for the nine selected
inlet temperature in the primary heat exchanger and thus the mol- sun position is computed as function of the incident solar power:
ten salts temperature in the receiver with advantages in terms of results show that the influence of the sun position and thus of the
thermal losses. With respect to the reference effectiveness of 0.95, flux distribution is limited, while the effect of the overall incident
two cases with eHTR = 0.98 and eHTR = 0.90 that correspond to a DTpp solar power is the most significant one. In the annual simulation,
in the HTR of about 8.5 °C and 30.7 °C respectively were evaluated. the hourly thermal efficiency was thus computed as function of
Results reported in Fig. 5 indicate that in the trade-off between the incident solar power choosing the nearest flux distribution
receiver and cycle efficiency, the latter is predominant hence the among the nine selected (i.e. one among the nine curves reported
gross power is lower at lower effectiveness. in Fig. 6).

Fig. 5. (Left) Receiver efficiency, (Center) cycle gross efficiency and (Right) net electric power for the RMCI case with the assumptions of Table 1 (blue line), with increased/
reduced regenerator effectiveness (red and yellow lines) and with reduced receiver thermal losses (green line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 6. (Left) Nine flux reference maps and selection procedure and (Right) thermal efficiency as function of the incident thermal power on the receiver for the nine
reference maps.

Table 7
Yearly results for the RMCI case (in brackets the nominal efficiency values).

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Yearly optical efficiency (%) 60.95 (68.3) Yearly solar field aux efficiency (%) 97.66 (97.68)
Yearly thermal efficiency (%) 63.91 (76.48) Yearly solar-to-electric efficiency (%) 18.38 (24.46)
Yearly net PB efficiency (%) 48.31 (47.93) Yearly net electric energy (GWh) 111.95

Assuming a large TES size similar to the one of the Gemasolar transfer properties (i.e. liquid metal). The use of such HTFs would
(13 h), allows the power block to operate at nominal molten salt allow peak flux double with respect to molten salts [60], halving
mass flow rate throughout the entire year. The minimum cycle the receiver area and thus thermal losses. Summarizing, the find-
temperature and pressure are also kept constant assuming a vari- ing that the yearly solar electric efficiency of the sCO2 configura-
able consumption of the heat rejection system. Fan consumption is tion with high temperature molten salts is slightly lower with
calculated as a function of ambient temperature based on their respect to the case of a steam cycle with conventional solar salts
nominal power computed at 40 °C (W aux;PB;40 ) according to the does not mean that the technology is not worth investigating. On
following correlation obtained from preliminary design of the the contrary, it has significant potentiality because results are
required dry coolers [59]: achieved with heliostat field and receiver designed and optimized
The equation reflects the reduction of ventilation power when for another technology (i.e. for standard solar salts with steam
the ambient temperature decreases and a lower air flowrate and cycle). Finally, the power block of sCO2 cycles can be significantly
number of fans is required to draw heat from the cooler. In all cheaper than for conventional steam cycles, therefore, potentially
cases, the power consumed by the fans remains below 1% of the reducing the solar plant capital costs [21,25,26].
turbine gross power.
The molten salts pumping power was determined for every
5. Conclusions
hour taking into account the HTF flow variation. The yearly results
for the RMCI case are reported in Table 7, according to the efficien-
This work discusses a preliminary assessment of different sCO2-
cies chain, as suggested in [13]. The yearly solar-to-electric effi-
power cycles applied to high temperature solar tower systems,
ciency of 18.4% is comparable with the one that was obtained for
with maximum temperatures up to 800 °C. The analysis performs
a standard Gemasolar type plant (18.8%), underlying how the
an energy analysis of a solar tower plant based on indirect cycle
advantages in terms of PB conversion efficiency (48.31% vs
configuration with KCl-MgCl2 molten salts mixture as high tem-
39.07% [44]) are counterbalanced by the lower receiver thermal
perature fluid in the receiver, integrated with a Thermal Energy
performance (63.91% vs 80.00%). As already pointed out, it must
Storage system. The heliostat field performance and corresponding
be outlined that these results are obtained assuming a solar field
radiations maps on the receiver are derived through the simulation
and concentration ratios which are optimized for classic solar salts
of a Gemasolar-type solar field. Three different sCO2 cycle configu-
operating conditions. When using different HTF (as in this case) or
rations were proposed and the most promising is the recompres-
power cycle it would be required to take into account in the overall
sion with main compression intercooling (RMCI) cycle. With this
optimization also the heliostat field design (i.e. number of heliostat
sCO2 cycle, the overall solar to electric efficiency was 24.46%
and their size and position). A higher concentration ratio can be
determined at design condition and with an optimized TIT of
necessary when operating at high temperatures (up to 800 °C as
750 °C, which results from a compromise between cycle and recei-
in this work) to increase the thermal efficiency of the receiver in
ver efficiency. A preliminary design of the turbine has been also
particular at off-design conditions. However, a higher concentra-
carried out, leading to a three-stage configuration, thus demon-
tion ratio or the operation with higher peak fluxes on the receiver
strating the technical feasibility of a machine with smaller weight
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