Acute Hypercalcemic Hypertension in Man: Role of Hemodynamics, Catecholamines, and Renin

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Kidney International, Vol. 20 (1980), pp.


Acute hypercalcemic hypertension in man: Role of

hemodynamics, catecholamines, and renin

Medizinische Poliklinik, University of Berne, Switzerland

Acute hypercalcemic hypertension in man: Role of hemodynamics, Calcium is an important factor in the regulation of blood
catecholamines, and renin. The effect of acute hypercalcemia on blood pressure. It plays a central role in the coupling between
pressure, blood volume, hemodynamic parameters, plasma norepineph- excitation and contraction of striated and vascular smooth
rifle, epinephrine, dopamine, renin, and aldosterone concentrations was
investigated. After 1 hour of equilibration, 10 patients received an muscle cells [1]. Moreover, variations in the concentration of
infusion of calcium gluconate in 5% dextrose (calcium 15 mg/kg of body calcium in the blood may be accompanied by parallel changes in
wt in 3 hours). The calcium infusion increased the mean serum calcium blood pressure. A rapid reduction of serum calcium concentra-
from 8.7 to 13.0 mg/dl, the systolic blood pressure from 144 10 to 184 tion induces hypotension in man [2, 31 and in the experimental
(5EM) 12 mm Hg (P < 0.001), the diastolic pressure from 78 4 to 93
5 mm Hg (P < 0.01). The plasma volume was decreased by 9% (P < animal [4]. Conversely, both acute [5, 6] or chronic forms of
0.001), whereas the hematocrit was increased (P < 0.05). Heart rate and hypercalcemia [7—12] may be associated with hypertension. The
cardiac output remained unchanged. Total peripheral resistance was mechanism by which excess calcium induces hypertension is
increased from 1643 223 to 2256 387 dynesec/cm5 (P < 0.05). The still unclear. Theoretically, hypercalcemia could influence
plasma epinephrine concentration rose from 4.5 0.7 to 6.9 1.2 ng/dl blood pressure by a direct action on the vascular muscle cells;
(P < 0.01). The plasma norepinephrine concentration was unchanged
after 2 hours and increased only slightly after 3 hours of calcium or its cardiovascular effect could be mediated by other blood-
infusion. Plasma renin, aldosterone, and dopamine concentrations were pressure-regulating factors such as the renin-angiotensin-aldos-
not significantly changed. These findings demonstrate that acute hyper- terone axis, the sympathetic nervous system, and circulatory
calcemic hypertension is mediated by an increase in peripheral vascular volume.
resistance. Hypercalcemic hypertension may be induced by a direct
effect of calcium on blood vessels; calcium-mediated increase in adrenal Plasma renin levels during acute hypercalcemia in man are
epinephrine release may play a mild contributory role, and plasma unchanged or slightly decreased [6, 11, 12]. Only few data are
volume contraction, an inhibitory role. available on the hemodynamic characteristics of hypercalcemic
hypertension [13, 141. Moreover, plasma and urinary catechol-
Hypertension hypercalcemique aiguë chez I'homme: Role des facteurs
hemodynamiques, des catécholamines, et de Ia refine plasmatiques.
amines and blood volume have not been evaluated in this
L'effet de l'hypercalcémie aigue sur Ia pression artérielle, le volume condition. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to
sanguin, les paramètres hCmodynamiques, Ia norepinéphrine, l'épi- investigate the role of plasma renin, aldosterone, and catechol-
nephrine, Ia dopamine, Ia rénine, et l'aldostérone plasmatiques a été amines levels, plasma and blood volume, and important hemo-
étudié. Après une heure d'équilibration, 10 sujets ont recu une perfu- dynamic parameters in the genesis of acute hypercalcemic
sion de gluconate de calcium dans du dextrose 5% (calcium, 15 mg/kg
de poids en 3 heures). La perfusion de calcium a augmentC Ia concentra- hypertension in man.
tion sérique moyenne de calcium de 8,7 a 13,0 mg/dl, Ia pression
artCrielle systolique de 144 10 a 184 (sEM) 12mm Hg (P < 0,001), Methods
Ia pression diastolique de 78 4 a 93 5 mm Hg (P < 0,01). Le volume
plasmatique a diminué de 9% (P < 0,001) alors que l'hématocrite a Studies with calcium infusion. Because of our previous
augmenté (P < 0,05). La fréquence cardiaque et Ic debit cardiaque sont demonstration of pressor responses to acute hypercalcemia in
restCs inchangCs. Les resistances totales pCripheriques ont augmente de subjects with or without various degrees of renal failure [6], we
1643 223 a 2256 387 dynesec/cm5 (P < 0,05). La concentration
plasmatique de norepinephrine n'était pas modifiée aprés 2 heures et again asked subjects with normal or mildly impaired kidney
n'a que peu augmentC après trois heures de perfusion de calcium. Les function to participate in a study. During 1.5 years of recruit-
concentrations plasmatiques de rénine, d'aldostérone et de dopamine ment in the outpatient and inpatient departments of our hospi-
n'ont pas ete significativement modifiées. Ces constatations montrent tal, ten subjects, aged 19 to 71 years, volunteered and gave
que l'hypertension aiguC hypercalcémique a pour mCdiateur une aug- informed consent to undergo the investigations described be-
mentation des resistances vasculaires périphériques. L' hypertension
hypercalcémique peut étre déterminée par un effet direct de calcium sur low. They were six patients with normal kidney function (serum
les vaisseaux; l'augmentation de Ia liberation d'epinephrine par les creatinine, < 1.3 mg/dl; 51Cr-EDTA constant infusion clearance
surrénales, qui a le calcium pour médiateur, peutjouer un role adjuvant [15], > 95 mlIminl.73 m2) and four with slightly impaired
faible et Ia contraction du volume plasmatique un rOle inhibiteur. kidney function (serum creatinine, 2.2 to 2.8 mg/dl; 5tCr-EDTA
constant infusion clearance, 24 to 36 ml/min1.73 m2). Diag-
Received for publication May 6, 1980 noses were chronic glomerulonephritis in four patients (biopsy-
and in revised form October 1, 1980 proven in three patients), and chronic interstitial nephritis (N =
0085-2538/81/0020-0092 $01.00 1), pyelonephritis (N = 1), polycystic kidney disease (N = 1),
© 1981 by the International Society of Nephrology unilateral renal cysts (N = 1) and unilateral renal hypoplasia (N

Hypercalcemic hypertension 93
pressure were monitored every 10 to 15 mm throughout the
entire procedure. Blood samples for determination of plasma
calcium (by autoanalyzer), sodium, potassium (by flame pho-
tometer), phosphate (by colorimeter), protein (by the Biuret
method), renin activity, aldosterone, norepinephrine, epineph-
rifle, and dopamine levels were collected, and cardiac output
8 (six patients) was measured immediately before and 2 and 3
210 - hours after starting the calcium infusion. Blood and plasma
volumes were determined by a radioisotope dilution technique
190 using '311-albumin [16] before and at the end (3 hours) of the
** calcium infusion.
Studies with dextrose infusion. To evaluate possible calcium-
0) * Systolic independent influences of the infusion procedure on blood
o 150- pressure, pulse rate, plasma volume, and endocrine parame-
• Diastolic ters, three additional patients were studied. Their ages ranged
V between 58 and 73 years, and their serum creatinine concentra-
m tions, between 1.1 and 2.3 mgldl (mean 1.7 0.3 mg/dl).
Following the 1-hour equilibration period (as above), these
patients received an i.v. infusion of 500 ml of 5% dextrose
without calcium; all measurements specified above were ob-
tained except for cardiac output. Informed consent was ob-
tained. as in the former group of patients.
Special analytical procedures. Plasma renin activity and
0 1 2 3 aldosterone were determined by radioimmunoassay [17, 18],
Duration of calcium infusion, hr and plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine were
Fig. I. Serum calcium and blood pressure before and during i.v. determined by radioenzymatic assay [19], as reported previous-
calcium infusion. Asterisks denote a significant difference from control ly from our laboratory [16, 20]. Intraarterial pressure was
conditions: < 0.05; ** < 0.01; *** < 0.001. determined with a Statham P23 Db strain gauge transducer and
registered on a Hellige three-channel ink recorder.
Cardiac output was determined by the Fick principle using
= 1). An additional patient was evaluated following an episode oxygen saturation. Oxygen consumption was estimated with
of hematuria but symptoms had already disappeared and no the tables of Fleisch [21]. Total peripheral resistance was
cause was found. Blood pressure was normal ( 140/90 mm Hg) calculated from cardiac output and intraarterial pressure.
in eight patients and mildly elevated in two (diastolic 94 and 95 Analysis of variance and (if a statistical significance was
mm Hg, respectively). There was no history or evidence of present) two-tailed Student's t test for paired data were used for
stroke, heart failure, heart block, major arrhythmias, other the statistical comparison of values before and during the
cardiovascular complications, or extrarenal organ disease. Nei- experimental procedure.
ther of the two female patients was on oral contraceptive drugs.
Six patients agreed to participate in the entire procedure; the Results
remaining four gave the consent for most of the procedure, Studies with calcium infusion. Calcium infusion increased
except for the pulmonary artery catheterization and the mea- serum calcium from 8.7 (sEM) 0.2 to 13.0 0.5 mg/dl (P <
surement of cardiac output. 0.001); systolic blood pressure, from 144 10 to 184 12 mm
The study started at 8 A.M. The patients rested in the supine Hg (P <0.001); and diastolic blood pressure, from 78 4 to 93
position. A microcatheter (Pulmocath) was inserted percutane- 5 mm Hg (P < 0.01) (Fig. 1). The hypertensive response was
ously, under local anesthesia, into an antecubital vein and especially marked for systolic blood pressure, which was
floated under pressure monitoring to the pulmonary artery. A increased by more than 20 mm Hg in each patient. Diastolic and
second catheter was introduced percutaneously into a brachial mean blood pressures were also consistently increased during
artery, for direct monitoring of arterial pressure. Both catheters calcium infusion. Pressor responses were comparable between
served to collect blood samples for the assessment of cardiac subjects with normal or mildly impaired renal function ( mean
output. In addition, an i.v. cannula was inserted in each arm; blood pressure, +27 (sEM) 8 vs. +21 4%), and no
one was used to collect blood samples for various determina- consistent difference was noted between subjects whose basal
tions, and the cannula on the contralateral arm was used for preinfusion blood pressure was normal ( diastolic blood pres-
infusions. Following these preparatory steps, an i.v. infusion of sure, + 15 4 mm Hg) or slightly increased (z diastolic blood
5% dextrose in water was started and maintained at a minimal pressure + 5 and + 20 mm Hg, respectively). Figure 2 illustrates
rate (50 ml/hr) for 1 hour of equilibration. At the end of this the mean changes in blood pressure as related to the alterations
equilibration period, basal measurements were obtained, and in serum calcium. The increase in blood pressure became
the dextrose infusion was replaced by an infusion of calcium significant when serum calcium was increased by 1 to 2 mg/dl (P
gluconate in 5% dextrose solution. A total of 15 mg of calcium <0.05).
per kilogram of body weight, dissolved in 500 ml of dextrose Serum phosphorus was also increased during calcium infu-
solution, was infused for 3 hours. Heart rate and intraarterial sion (from 2.6 0.3 to 4.2 0.3 mg!dl, P < 0.001). Plasma
94 Marone et a!

A Systolic
• Mean
• Diastolic
:: 60

L5 80
i.8 60
cH 6


2800 -

0 2400

OOtol lto2 2to3 3to4 4to5

.9-'a 2000-
Serum calcium, mg/dI
Fig. 2. Relationship between changes in blood pressure and increments
in serum calcium during iv. calcium infusion. 1600-

0 1 2 3
sodium (138 1 vs. 136 2 mEq/liter) and potassium (3.8
Duration of calcium infusion, hr
0.2 vs. 3.9 0.1 mEq/liter) remained unchanged during calcium
infusion. Fig. 3. Plasma and blood volume and hemodynamic indices before and
during calcium infusion. Asterisks denote significant difference from
During calcium infusion, blood volume decreased from 86.6 control conditions: * < 0.05; *** < 0.001.
1.8 to 81.5 2.5 mllkg of lean body mass (LBM) (P < 0.05)
and plasma volume from 54.4 2.5 to 49.5 2.8 mi/kg of LBM
(P <0.001) (Fig. 3). Mean hematocrit was increased from 37.2 Studies with dextrose infusion. In three subjects who re-
2.4 to 39.4 2.8% (P < 0.05), and total serum protein rose ceived an i.v. infusion of dextrose only, blood pressure was
from 6.3 0.2 to 6.7 0.3 g/dl (not significant). Heart rate (69 149/88 12/5 mm Hg before the infusion and remained
3 vs. 65 3 beats/mm) and cardiac output (5.0 0.5 vs. 4.8 unchanged at 2 (143/88 12/7 mm Hg) and 3 hours (143/88
0.5 liter/mm) were not significantly changed, whereas total 12/7mm Hg) of infusion. Plasma epinephrine (4.4 1.2 vs. 2.7
peripheral resistance was increased from 1643 223 to 2256 1.1 vs. 4.2 2.3 ngldl), norepinephrine (31.8 12.7 vs. 30.2
387 dynesec-cm5 (P < 0.05). 15.5 vs. 34.8 23.7 ng/dl), dopamine, renin activity,
Plasma epinephrine concentration increased progressively aldosterone, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and
during calcium infusion; changes were significant both at 2 and protein levels, hematocrit, plasma and blood volume, as well as
3 hours of infusion (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively) (Table pulse rate, remained also unchanged during dextrose infusion.
1). Plasma norepinephrine levels were unchanged after 2 hours
of infusion, but a minimal although significant increase (P < Discussion
0.05) was noted after 3 hours. Plasma dopamine, renin, and In this study the hemodynamic profile during acute elevation
aldosterone were not significantly altered. Calcium infusion of serum calcium concentration (+ 4.3 mgldl) was characterized
was not associated with adverse symptoms; only one patient by increases in blood pressure (P < 0.001) and total peripheral
complained about fatigue 2 to 3 hours after the infusion. vascular resistance (P < 0.05), whereas cardiac output and

Table 1. Effect of acute hypercalcemia on plasma catecholamine, renin, and aldosterone levels"
Plasma Plasma Plasma Plasma
. epinephrine norepinephrine dopamine PRA aldosterone
Duration of calcium
infusion, hr ng/dl ng/dl ngldl ng/ml/hr ng/dl
0 (control) 4.5 0.7 19.8 4.3 11.6 1.2 2.6 0.8 6.1 1.0
2 59 19.2 3.9 12.4 1.5 2.1 0.7 6.9 1.7
3 6.9 1.2" 23.0 4.6" 12.3 1.3 1.9 0.6 7.1 1.9
a Values are the means SEM.
b p < 0.05, compared with values before calcium infusion.
P < 0.01, compared with values before calcium infusion.
Hypercalcemic hypertension 95

heart rate were unaltered. A similar observation was made in those of others [12]. An increase in circulating aldosterone
anesthetized dogs [22], and also described as a preliminary following calcium infusion was described in patients with
observation in one case [13]. It is known that calcium may terminal renal failure [35], but in vitro studies revealed only an
increase the contractility of both the heart [14, 231 and the indirect relationship between calcium and aldosterone secretion
peripheral blood vessels [24, 25]. In previous studies in man, [36].
acute hypocalcemia was associated with a decreased cardiac The observed decrease in plasma volume (P < 0.001) and
output [26]; whereas calcium infusion was reported to cause an increase in hematocrit (P < 0.05) during acute hypercalcemia in
increased cardiac output [14] and a slowing of heart rate [231. our patients are consistent with a mild fluid loss from the
The latter studies differ from the present protocol in that the vascular compartment, which cannot be explained by blood
duration of calcium infusion was very short (5 to 6 mm) and the sampling. Volume contraction following calcium infusion could
degree of hypercalcemia milder, and no increase of blood result from an extravascular shift secondary to a high blood
pressure occurred in one of them [23]. Nevertheless, it appears pressure-induced increase in capillary filtration pressure, or
possible that acute hypercalcemic hypertension is initiated by a from an augmented renal sodium diuresis [37]. Whatever the
very short phase with increased cardiac output [14] and rapidly exact underlying mechanisms, it is possible that intravascular
progresses to a hemodynamic pattern with elevated peripheral volume contraction may partly counteract the pressor mecha-
vascular resistance. Moreover, because an increase in blood nism of acute hypercalcemia in man.
pressure induced by peripheral vasoconstriction should normal- Taken together, these findings suggest that acute hypercalce-
ly be associated with a compensatory decrease in cardiac mic hypertension is mediated by an increase in peripheral vas-
output, the lack of the latter adaptive reaction in our patients cular resistance. This hypertension may be induced by a di-
may in fact indicate an inappropriately high cardiac output rect effect of calcium on the cardiovascular system. A calcium-
during acute hypercalcemia. mediated increase in adrenal epinephrine release may play a
Calcium is essential for the contraction of striated and contributory role; and a reduced plasma volume, an inhibitory
vascular smooth muscle cells. It is possible, therefore, that the role.
cardiovascular changes that occur during hypercalcemia are at
least partly owing to a direct effect of the cation of the vascular Acknowledgments
muscle cells [27]. It is equally possible that hypercalcemia
increases the sensitivity of the cardiovascular system to the This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
action of vasoconstrictor substances; but laboratory data do not Miss L. Bollinger, Mrs. G. Haueter, Miss U. Litschi, Miss R. Mosi-
mann, and Miss D. Riediker provided technical assistance.
support such a concept [25, 281.
The release of catecholamines is calcium dependent [291, and Reprint requests to Dr. P. Weidmann, Medizinische Universitäts-
experimental data have suggested that increased calcium ion Poliklinik, Freiburgstrasse 3, 3010 Bern, Switzerland.
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