Current Status and Future Directions of Cancer Immunotherapy

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Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol.

9 1773

International Publisher
Journal of Cancer
2018; 9(10): 1773-1781. doi: 10.7150/jca.24577

Current status and future directions of cancer

Hongming Zhang, Jibei Chen
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Yancheng Third People's Hospital, the Affiliated Yancheng Hospital of Southeast University Medical College, Yancheng,
Jiangsu, China.

 Corresponding author: Jibei Chen, MD., Chair, Director of Department of Respiratory Medicine, Yancheng Third People's Hospital, Jiangsu Province, P.R.
China. E-mail:

© Ivyspring International Publisher. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC) license
( See for full terms and conditions.

Received: 2017.12.26; Accepted: 2018.02.05; Published: 2018.04.19

In the past decades, our knowledge about the relationship between cancer and the immune system
has increased considerably. Recent years’ success of cancer immunotherapy including monoclonal
antibodies (mAbs), cancer vaccines, adoptive cancer therapy and the immune checkpoint therapy
has revolutionized traditional cancer treatment. However, challenges still exist in this field.
Personalized combination therapies via new techniques will be the next promising strategies for the
future cancer treatment direction.
Key words: cancer, immune system, cancer immunotherapy, challenges, future directions

For decades, the conventional anticancer treat- Breakthrough of the Year" by Science magazine [17].
ment strategies have been surgery, chemotherapy, Our goal in this article is to concisely summarize
and radiotherapy [1, 2]. While many of these therapies the molecular bases of immune system and its
have offered substantial benefit for eradication of relationship with cancer as well as recent
primary tumors, the incidence of disease relapse is developments in cancer immunology. Cancer
still a commonly encountered problem that results immunotherapeutic drugs and their clinical
from residual malignant cells and/or tumor applications will also be discussed in details. Finally,
metastases [3, 4]. Therefore, alternative treatment challenges and future directions of cancer
approaches to eliminate the resistant tumor cells are immunotherapy will be provided based on the
warranted [5]. previous clinical studies. We hope that this review
Cancer immunotherapy is becoming an will be of interests to both basic cancer immunologists
appealing and attractive strategy among different and also clinical oncologists.
therapeutic options over the past years and has
showed its power against malignancies (Figure 1) [3, Cancer and the immune system
6-9]. It utilizes the body's immune system to induce The relationship between immune system and
anti-tumor response and thus cancer can be defeated cancer has been extensively investigated in numerous
[3, 6-9]. Most recently, cancer immunotherapy field is preclinical and clinical studies [18-22]. The basic role
growing tremendously, such as utilization of cancer of our immune system is to protect human beings
vaccinations, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell against foreign pathogens and also infections. The
therapy and immune checkpoint blockade therapy immune responses consist of two types: humoral
[10, 11]. Several clinical trials have investigated their immunity and cellular immunity, which are mediated
potentials in cancer patients lifesavings [12-16], and by B and T lymphocytes as well as their products [23].
after witnessing the amazing effect of cancer Humoral immunity can neutralize and eradicate
immunotherapy it was selected as "2013’s outside microbes and toxins via antibodies produced
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 1774

Figure 1. Important events in the history of cancer immunotherapy. BCG, bacilli Calmette-Guérin; CTLA-4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4; FDA,
Food and Drug Administration; IFNα, interferon-α; IL-2, interleukin-2; MHC, major histocompatibilty complex; PD-1, programmed death 1; TNF, tumor necrosis
factor; VIN, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia

Figure 2. Depicture of cells in the innate and adaptive immune system

by B cells [24-26], whereas cellular immunity on dendritic cells (DCs), factors on the DC surface that
responds more quickly to eradicate intracellular is essential to antigen presentation could be increased
microbes through recognition of antigens, activation and cytokines that facilitate the adaptive immune
of antigen presenting cells (APCs), activation and response would be promoted [33]. It has now been
proliferation of T cells. [23, 27, 28]. widely accepted that by the cooperativity of innate
Both innate and adaptive immune systems play and adaptive immune system can lead to complete
important roles in anticancer immune response success of conquering cancer [34]. CD8+ cytotoxic T
(Figure 2) [29, 30]. The innate immune cells can lymphocytes (CTLs) are considered as the corner
release signals which are essential to stimulate stone of immune response fighting cancer [7].
responses from both T cells and B cells [31]. Adaptive Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) contain an
immune system is mainly consists of B cells, CD8+ abundant level of CTLs capable of invading
cytotoxic T cells as well as CD4+ helper T cells [32]. malignant cells [35]. Tumor antigen recognition is a
APCs is performing as a bridge between the innate necessary prerequisite for the effective antitumor
and the adaptive immune system by recognizing immune response [3]. Tumor antigen presentation is
foreign antigens and presenting to the naive T cells mediated by direct presentation which cancer cells
[33]. In addition, after activation of toll-like receptors drain in the lymph node or via cross-presentation by
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 1775

pAPC [36]. Cross priming of naïve CD8+ T cells by through the generation of specific CD8+ T
pAPC invokes a program leading to tumor specific lymphocytes. However, this specific CD8+ T
CTLs proliferating and trafficking to the tumor sites lymphocytes response ultimately fails due to cancer
where they will finally attack cancer cells [37]. CTLs invasion [58-60]. Cancer immunoediting has been
can attack tumor cells via perforin, granzymes and considered for relying on three phases: an early
also ligands of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) elimination phase with the activation of an innate and
superfamily [38]. The anti-tumor effect can also be adoptive immune response, an equilibrium phase
achieved by secreting Interferon gamma (IFN-ɣ) and where the sporadic tumor cells may survive immune
TNF-α from activated CD8+ T cells [39]. Naive CD4+ T attacks, and an immune escape phase that the cancer
cells could be activated and differentiated into distinct cell variants survive in the immunosuppressive
T cell subsets such as Th1, Th2, Tregs, Th9, Th17, Th22 microenvironment by altering geno- or antigenic
and also follicular helper T cells once they encounter phenotype or under the control of immunoregulatory
antigens and also adequate co-stimulation signals phenomena [61]. In this process, the immune system
[40]. Th1 subset of CD4+ T cells play crucial antitumor plays contradicting roles for both protecting body
roles by coordinating cell mediated immunity against from tumor development however also promoting
cancer. Th1 cells can produce IFN-ɣ and chemokines tumor progression [61].
and thus enhancing CD8+ T cells expansion, priming
and infiltration into the tumor site by [41]. Th1 cells Current cancer immunotherapy strategies
can also activate inflammatory cells, such as At present, new strategies aiming at blocking of
macrophages, NK cells, granulocytes and eosinophils immune checkpoint regulators, overcoming immune
in around the tumor [41]. Th1 cells can kill MHC-II+ tolerance such as engineered T cell therapy, or the
tumor cells by releasing perforin and granzyme, and identification of novel tumor antigens through
also by TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand next-generation sequencing opened a new era of
(TRAIL) receptor and Fas/Fas ligand pathways [41]. cancer immunotherapy [62-64]. Cancer immunother-
NK cells can destroy cancer cells directly via apy includes passive or active immunotherapy (Table
mechanisms as follows: secretion of TNF-α, perforin, 1) [65, 66]. Passive immunotherapy is administration
cytoplasmic granules and granzymes, expression of of agents such as mAbs, lymphocytes or cytokines
death receptor-mediated apoptosis, and expression of that enhance existing anti-tumor response [34]; active
CD16 which leads to antibody dependent cellular immunotherapy attempts to stimulate self-immune
cytotoxicity (ADCC) [42]. NK cells have been able to system to attack tumor cells via vaccination,
have antitumor activity as well indirectly by non-specific immunomodulation, or targeting specific
chemokines, cytokines and growth factors antigen receptors [34]. Promising methods were
production. The role of macrophages in eliminating discussed below.
apoptotic tumor cells also can't be ignored [42, 43].
Macrophages are an essential component of tumor
Table 1. Classification of cancer immunotherapy
stroma and tumor-associated immune dysfunction,
which can be characterized as pro-inflammatory M1 Passive immunotherapy Active immunotherapy
Immunomodulating Adoptive immunotherapy Specific Non-specific
or anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages [44-46]. M1 antibodies
macrophages secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines - Immune checkpoints - Tumor-infiltrating - Vaccines - Immune
inhibitors lymphocytes adjuvants
boost antitumor immunity, whereas M2 macrophages - Immune - TCR gene-modified - Cytokines
produce anti-inflammatory cytokines which would co-stimulatory lymphocytes
antibodies - Chimeric antigen
promote tumorigenesis [45]. Myeloid-derived receptors (CARs)
suppressor cells (MDSCs) are both immature and
immunosuppressive cells increasing in inflammatory
Monoclonal antibodies
diseases, particularly tumors. They can produce
inhibitory factors such as IL-10 and arginase to inhibit Antibodies are modified proteins aimed at to
T cells and promote Tregs and detrimental M2 target a specific part of deregulated signals
macrophages, and thus suppressing anti-tumor transduction pathways in cancer or interfere with
immunity [47, 48]. immunological processes [57, 67]. FDA has already
According to the concept of cancer approved more than a dozen mAbs for the treatment
immunosurveillance proposed by Burnet, Thomas of both solid and hematological malignancies, and
and Medawar[49-57], it is now well established that also more new mAbs clinical trials are now being
the immune system's capability for spontaneously investigated [67, 68]. Monoclonal antibody and gene
recognizing cancer cells that had undergone genetic transfer technologies have promoted further
aberrations and mounting a cytotoxic response exploitation of our fundamental knowledge on
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 1776

antigen recognition, T cell activation as well as T cell peripheral blood mononuclear cells are isolated from
co-stimulation, thus leading to the invention and also the patient and ex vivo activated with a recombinant
the success of checkpoint blockade and CAR T cell fusion protein consisting of a prostate antigen
therapy [69]. Several types of mAbs are being used in prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) conjugated with
cancer treatment now, including naked, conjugated granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
and bipecific mAbs [70, 71]. Naked mAbs are the most (GM-CSF), and the cells are then re-infused into the
common type of mAbs for treating cancer, and it can patient to activate PAP-specific T cells [90]. T-VEC can
work via boosting the immune response against trigger an antitumor immune response in non-injected
cancer cells and acting as a marker for the immune lesions. The side effects of cancer vaccines vary from
system's destroying them. Alemtuzumab is an different vaccine formation and person, and the most
example of naked mAb which can bind to the CD52 commonly reported side effect of cancer vaccines is
antigen on lymphocytes attacking them which is used inflammation at the site of injection [91].
to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) [72, 73].
Other naked mAbs work mainly by attaching to and Adoptive T cell therapies and T cell
blocking antigens on tumor cells helping cancer cells engineering
grow and spread, like trastuzumab, an antibody Adoptive cell transfer (ACT) of tumor-associated
against the HER2 on breast and stomach cancer cells antigen-specific T cells is a very attractive form of
[74]. Conjugated mAbs are those mAbs joining to a immunotherapy for hematologic malignancies as well
chemotherapy agent or a radioactive particle taking as solid cancers [92]. Initial studies of ACT utilizing
one of these substances directly to the cancer cells [75]. tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) have promising
Chemolabled antibodies are those antibodies with clinical results in metastatic melanoma patients to
powerful chemotherapy attached to them, such as some degree [17, 93]. But later on this approach had
brentuximab vedotin an antibody that targets CD30 been limited by the difficulty in expanding viable TILs
antigen found on lymphocytes, attaching to a and only showing specific effector functions [94]. In
chemotherapy drug and thus treating Hodgkin order to overcome this problem, strategy of CAR- and
lymphoma and anaplastic large cell lymphoma T-cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cells have been
[76-78]. Radiolabeled antibodies have radioactive developed based on various approaches by genetic
particles attached to them [79]. Bispecific mAbs are modifications, and inspiring efficacy in various
made up of parts of 2 different mAbs, like clinical trials for particular cancers have been
blinatumomab binding to both CD3 and CD19 used to observed [95, 96].
treat acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) [80, 81]. Traditionally, two major sources of T cells for
Possible side effects of mAbs may include fever, chills, ACT are the tumor itself and the peripheral blood of
headache, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, rashes and the cancer patient [92]. Transferring of
hypotension [82]. antigen-specific TCR genes into lymphocytes isolated
from the patient’s peripheral blood becomes an
Cancer vaccines alternative approach [95, 97]. It is via T cell
Cancer vaccines are the response modifiers transductions with retroviruses or lentiviruses, thus
working by stimulating or restoring the ability of they can express TCRs targeting specific cancer
immune system to fight cancer [83]. It consists of antigens and eradicate those cancer cells [97].
preventive vaccines and therapeutic vaccines [84]. The Although promising results have been achieved in
goal of preventive vaccine is preventing cancer from metastatic melanoma patients, TCR technology seems
developing. They are based on antigens carried by less attractive because it is MHC-restricted which
infectious agents and easy for the immune system to limited its further development [98]. CAR modified T
recognize as foreign invaders [85]. FDA has approved cells are a second class of engineered T cells [99].
hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccines and human Compared to TCRs, CARs have antibody-like
papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines [84, 86, 87]. It specificities which can recognize major
stimulates the immune system with tumor antigens, histocompatibility complex (MHC)-non-restricted
peptides, or whole cancer cells [88]. The mechanism structures on the surfaces of target cells, thereby
involves activating the immune system with targeted allowing for cancer cell recognition in the
T cells to destroy target cancer cells. Therapeutic MHC-unrestricted manner [100]. CAR is composed of
vaccines first directly target the immune system and an antigen-binding single-chain variable fragment
expand the immune system’s attack on cancer cells. A (scFv) domain, a transmembrane domain (TMD) and
broadening of the immune response may also be a signal transduction domain (STD) [101]. ScFv is
observed as it might attack additional tumor-specific designed to target a specific surface molecule on B
antigens (antigen spread) [57, 89]. In this therapy, cells [101]. By altering the changeable components of a
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 1777

CAR like the epitope-recognition part, cell function (LAG-3) [88]. Tumor expressions of these markers will
could be improved [100]. CAR constructs also differ in results in hyporesponsiveness or even exhaustion of
flexibility and length of the hinge region conjoining the immune system [111]. As a result, these molecules
the scFv to the transmembrane region [100]. Once are highly attractive as targets for removing the
modified, CAR T cells are expanded and infused back inhibition and enable cytotoxic T cells to attack cancer
to lymphodepleted cancer patients where they can cell for destruction [34, 57]. In 2011, FDA approved
eradicate the cancer [89]. CAR-expressing T (CAR-T) anti-CTLA-4 antibodies ipilimumab for the treatment
cells have shown remarkable efficacy targeting CD19 of metastatic melanoma, which marked the beginning
on B-cell malignancies [102]. The most investigated of a new era for cancer immunotherapy [89, 111].
CAR target is CD19 expressing on normal B cells and Subsequently, antibodies against PD-1
the majority of B cell leukemia’s and lymphomas pembrolizumab and nivolumab have been approved
[103]. In refractory or relapsed ALL, patients can get in 2014, also for the metastatic melanoma [112].
90% complete remission after reinfused with Nivolumab has also been approved in 2015 for
anti-CD19 CAR T cells. Promising results have also previously treated advanced or metastatic squamous
been observed in some refractory diffuse large B cell lung cancer, an approval later expanded also to small
lymphoma (DLBCL) and chronic lymphocytic cell lung cancer [113]. In 2016, anti-PD-L1
leukemia (CLL) [12]. However, this therapy's atezolizumab was approved for bladder cancer [114]
widespread to solid tumors is one of the major future and nivolumab was approved for Hodgkin
goals of ACT because of the difficulties to find lymphoma [115]. At present, more than 100 clinical
suitable target antigens and also for the tumor trials are ongoing to test the efficacy and safety of
immunosuppression and complex tumor immune checkpoint blockers in several cancer types
microenvironment [90, 104]. In addition, ACT needs (Table 2) [90, 110, 116-118]. Checkpoint inhibition is
to be optimized to reduce toxicity and to enhance also associated with a unique spectrum of side effects
anti-tumor efficacy [105, 106]. including gastrointestinal, dermatologic, endocrine,
hepatic, and other less common inflammatory events
Immune checkpoint blockade therapy [119, 120]. Treatment of moderate or severe side
Immune checkpoint inhibitors are a class of effects requires interruption of the checkpoint
drugs aimed to increase immune response against inhibitor and the use of corticosteroid [119, 120].
cancer cells [107-109]. The immune system consists of
various checkpoint pathways focusing on T-cell Monitoring the response of immunotherapy
activation that play an important role in To monitor the immune response, abundant of
modulating anti-tumor immunity [110]. Molecules assays have been tried. Since the immune system is a
that play a crucial role in checkpoint regulation very complex network, it is crucial to monitor the cell
include the T-cell surface molecules CTLA-4, PD-1, milieu, phenotype of cell subsets, cell surface
T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing molecules responsible for cell-cell interactions and
protein 3 (Tim-3), and lymphocyte activation gene-3 intracellular signaling events of the immune system

Figure 3. Methods of immunotherapy. MDSC, myeloid-derived suppressor cells; PD-1, programmed death-1; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 1778

[121-123]. Several methods such as mass cytometry, Biomarker-driven clinical trials

direct labeling, imaging techniques can be used [122, In the process of cancer progression, tumors will
124, 125]. Though there are criteria of clinical response acquire somatic mutations, and those cells that
of in cancer treatment, there are no specific criteria of acquire certain mutations have survival advantages
monitoring the immunotherapy up to date [7]. and will dominate localized tumor areas by displacing
Genetic markers, tumor size changes, new tumor those lacking these genomic alterations [132, 133].
lesions, adverse effect, patients’ survival are Driver mutations dominate in all metastatic sites of
important indications in the clinical trials by cancer and the heterogeneity will certainly affects
immunotherapy [126, 127]. subclonal mutations [134]. Tumor heterogeneity (both
inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity), together with
Table 2. Checkpoint Blockade Targets in Clinical Development the clonal mutations are the main challenges of
Target Drug name Cancer types Current Status
personalized cancer treatment [135]. Therefore,
CTLA-4 Ipilimumab Melanoma FDA approved repeated biopsies at progression and biomarker-
Multiple cancers Phase I-III driven personalized therapies are needed to
Tremelimumab Multiple cancers Phase I-III
PD-1 Nivolumab Melanoma, lung FDA approved
determine resistant mechanisms and their potential
Multiple cancers Phase I-III targeted inhibition [136]. Next-generation clinical
Pembrolizumab Melanoma FDA approved trials taking into account the premise of tumor
Multiple cancers Phase I-III
MED10680 Multiple cancers Phase I
heterogeneity using genomic analysis of circulating
AMP-224 Multiple cancers Phase I cancer cells and circulating-free DNA are being
Pidilizumab Multiple cancers Phase I-II developed [132, 137].
PD-L1 Atezolizumab Multiple cancers Phase I-III
MED14736 Multiple cancers Phase III
Avelumab Multiple cancers Phase I-III
Combinational immunotherapy
BMS-936559 Multiple cancers Phase I The combination of different immune checkpoint
LAG-3 IMP321 Multiple cancers Phase I
BMS-986016 Multiple cancers Phase I
inhibitors such as anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 have
B7-H3 Enoblituzumab Melanoma, prostate Phase I demonstrated enhanced efficacy; however, how to
CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4; LAG-3, lymphocyte activation gene-3; treat with the most suitable dosing and how to
PD-1, programmed death-1; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1
identify the most efficacious combinations are the
main challenges. In addition, combining
Challenges and future directions immunotherapy with other types of treatment such as
chemotherapy, radiation therapy and targeted
Numbers of challenges of cancer immunother-
therapies can also be explored [138-140]. Preliminary
apy still exist for translating these promising
evidences indicated that there will be promising
approaches to clinically feasible therapies that treat a
synergistic effects when combining other types of
larger range of cancer types though recent years'
therapies with immunotherapy [138, 141].

Implementation of next-generation Conclusions

sequencing technologies In summary, with the advent of cancer
Caner is genomically unstable [128]. Altered immunotherapy and recent advances of it, curing
ploidy, heterogeneity and normal contamination are cancer seems to be a real possibility for cancer
the features characterizing the cancer sequencing data patients. The development of cancer vaccines, CAR-T
that prompt the need for new bioinformatics cell and checkpoint inhibitors has revolutionized the
approaches [128]. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) cancer treatment. Combination therapy might be a
can provide novel and insights into the molecular promising therapeutic strategy to treat cancer in the
machinery inside the cancer cells [129]. Besides future. Recognition and management of toxicities of
expression profiling of transcripts and genes as well cancer immunotherapy will also be a key factor for
as detecting alternative splicing, it has enabled the treatment success. Personalized combination
discovery of single nucleotide variants (SNV), therapies that specifically drive each patient’ cancer
insertions, deletions, amplifications and inter- biology via new techniques will be the most
chromosomal rearrangements in the whole genome promising strategies for cancer treatment.
and transcriptome [130]. The advent of NGS and
improvements in bioinformatic algorithms that Competing Interests
predict immunogenicity of the mutated genes wound The authors have declared that no competing
certainly lead to the development of more safe, interest exists.
efficient and effective personalized cancer therapy [3,
90, 131].
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 1779

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