Kiserian-Isinya - Bridges - Report - Final Revised PDF
Kiserian-Isinya - Bridges - Report - Final Revised PDF
Kiserian-Isinya - Bridges - Report - Final Revised PDF
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 Scope of work ................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 General On Scope Of Works ......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Tests Done..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Test Method Principles ................................................................................................................. 3
2.3.1 Visual Inspection ................................................................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Schmidt Hammer Test........................................................................................................... 3
2.3.3 Electromagnetic Test ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3.4 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test ............................................................................................... 3
2.3.5 Carbonation Test. .................................................................................................................. 4
2.3.6 Reinforcement Corrosion Investigation (Resistivity potential method) ............................... 4
3.0 Bridge Test Results ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Test Results for bridge at Km 46+830 ........................................................................................... 6
3.2 Test Results for bridge at Km 44+070 ....................................................................................... 144
3.3 Test Results for bridge at Km 37+140 ....................................................................................... 233
3.4 Test Results for bridge at Km 32+800 ....................................................................................... 322
3.5 Test Results for bridge at Km 12+950 ......................................................................................... 42
3.6 Test Results for bridge at Km 11+920 ......................................................................................... 50
4.0 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 588
4.1 Conclusion On Condition Of Bridge At Km 46+830 ................................................................... 588
4.2 Conclusion On Condition Of Bridge At Km 44+070 ................................................................... 588
4.3 Conclusion On Condition Of Bridge At Km 37+140 ................................................................... 599
4.4 Conclusion On Condition Of Bridge At Km 32+800 ................................................................... 599
4.5 Conclusion On Condition Of Bridge At Km 12+950 ................................................................. 6060
4.6 Conclusion on bridge at Km 11+920…………………..………………………………………………………………….60
5.0 RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………61
Appendix 1:Consultant’s(clients’) observations…………………………..……………………62
Table 2.1: Scope of work ............................................................................................................................... 2
Table 2.2: Inferences for ultrasonic pulse velocities..................................................................................... 4
Table 2.3: Evaluation of Carbonation Depth ................................................................................................. 4
Table 2.4: Resistivity Level vs Possible Corrosion Rate ................................................................................. 5
Table 3.1: Concrete Strength Tests Results for Bridge at Km 46+830 .......................................................... 7
Table 3.2: Ultrasonic Test Results (Direct Transmission) for Bridge at Km 46+830...................................... 8
Table 3.3: Resistivity Test Results for Bridge at Km 46+830 ......................................................................... 9
Table 3.4: Carbonation Test Results for Bridge at Km 46+830 ..................................................................... 9
Table 3.5: Cracks’ Details for Bridge at Km 46+830 ...................................................................................... 9
Table 3.6: Re - Bar Details for the Beams for Bridge at Km 46+830 ........................................................... 10
Table 3.7: Re - bar details for the deck slab for Bridge at Km 46+830........................................................ 10
Table 3.8: Concrete Strength Tests Results Bridge At Km 44+070 ............................................................. 16
Table 3.9: Ultrasonic Test Results (Direct Transmission) At Km 44+070 .................................................... 17
Table 3.10: Resistivity Test Results for Bridge At Km 44+070..................................................................... 17
Table 3.11: Carbonation Test Results At Km 44+070 .................................................................................. 18
Table 3.12: Rebar Details for Abutments and wing walls At Km 44+070 ................................................... 18
Table 3.13: Re - bar Details for Abutments and wing walls At Km 44+070 ................................................ 18
Table 3.14: Re - bar Details for the beams At Km 44+070 .......................................................................... 19
Table 3.15: Re - bar details for the deck slab At Km 44+070 ...................................................................... 19
Table 3.16: Concrete Strength Tests Results for Bridge At Km 37+140 ...................................................... 25
Table 3.17: Ultrasonic pulse velocity Test Results (Direct Transmission) At Km 37+140 ........................... 26
Table 3.18: Carbonation Test Results for bridge At Km 37+140 ................................................................. 26
Table 3.19: Re - bar for abutments and wing walls for bridge At Km 37+140 ............................................ 26
Table 3.20: Re - bar for abutments and wing walls for bridge At Km 37+140 ............................................ 27
Table 3.21: Re - bar Details for the beams for bridge At Km 37+140 ......................................................... 27
Table 3.22: Re - bar details for the deck slab for bridge At Km 37+140 ..................................................... 28
Table 3.23: Concrete Strength Tests Results for bridge At Km 32+800 ...................................................... 33
Table 3.24: Ultrasonic Test Results (Direct Transmission) for bridge At Km 32+800 ................................. 34
Table 3.25: Resistivity Test Results for bridge At Km 32+800………………………………………………………………...34
Table 3.26: Rebar Details for Abutments and Wing Walls for bridge At Km 32+800 ................................. 35
Table 3.27: Re - Bar Details for the beams for bridge At Km 32+800 ......................................................... 36
Table 3.35: Ultrasonic Test Results (Direct Transmission) For Bridge At Km 12+950................................. 43
Table 3.36: Resistivity Test Results For Bridge At Km 12+950 .................................................................... 44
Table 3.37: Re - bar details for the deck slab For Bridge At Km 12+950 .................................................... 44
Table 3.38: Carbonation Test Results For Bridge At Km 12+950 ................................................................ 44
Table 3.39: Rebar Details for Abutments, Pier Wall and Wing Walls For Bridge At Km 12+950 ................ 45
Table 3.40: Concrete Strength Tests Results for Bridge At Km 11+920 ...................................................... 50
Table 3.41: Ultrasonic pulse velocity Test Results (Direct Transmission) At Km 11+920 ........................... 51
Table 3.42: resistivity Test Results for bridge At Km 11+920 ..................................................................... 51
Table 3.43: carbonation test results for bridge At Km 11+920 .................................................................. 52
Table 3.44: Re – bar details for abutments and wing walls for bridge At Km 11+920 ............................... 52
Table 3.45: Re - bar Details for the beams for bridge At Km 11+920 ......................................................... 53
This Detailed bridge inspection report is in response to a request made by M/S Intex
Construction of P.O. Box 60293 - 00100, IBC, East Gate Road off Mombasa Road,
Nairobi to undertake inspection of structures along the Kiserian - Isinya Road. The
project is under the Ngong - Kiserian - Isinya(D523) and Kajiado – Mashru - Ishara
Road(D524), Roads Contract No. RWC/LOT33/78.
A total of six structures had been targeted for detailed inspection as listed below.
i. Bridge at Km 46+830
ii. Bridge at Km 44+070
iii. Bridge at Km 37+140
iv. Bridge at Km 32+800
v. Bridge at Km 12+950
vi. Bridge at km 11+920
The accuracy of reinforcing bar size estimation range from ±2% to ±15%.
structure reflect a corresponding variation in the state of the concrete. When a region
of low compaction, voids or damaged material is present in the concrete under test, a
corresponding reduction in the calculated pulse velocity occurs and this enables the
approximate extent of the imperfections to be determined. As concrete matures or
deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its structure, are reflected in
either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse velocity.
matrix, it follows that a highly permeable concrete will have a high conductivity and
low electrical resistance. The knowledge of the electrical resistance of concrete can
provide a measure of the possible corrosion of steel embedded in it as shown below.
ii. A deformed deck soffit and exposed wire mesh from underneath the deck slab
BRIDGE AT Km 46+830
iii. Vertical cracks on the RHS girder. The cracks mainly appeared on the webs of
the beams - they had not propagated to the soffits (tension side).They appear
regularly along the length of the girder at approximate intervals of 1200-
iv. There were no bearings –bituminous sheets had been used instead
v. Damaged guardrails
vi. Honeycombs appeared on all wing walls
vii. Damaged Protection Works
Table 3.2: Ultrasonic Test Results (Direct Transmission) for Bridge at Km 46+830
Test Location Distance Transit Time Velocity Remarks
(mm) (ms) (km/s)
Beam 1 455 140.1 3.2 Satisfactory
Beam 2 453 131.8 3.4 Satisfactory
Beam 3 470 134.7 3.5 good quality
Beam 4 465 137.3 3.4 Satisfactory
Pier wall 390 106.5 3.7 Satisfactory
Table 3.6: Re - Bar Details for the Beams for Bridge at Km 46+830
Test Member Size (mm),No of Re - Bars & Re - Average Links
Location Spacing(mm) bar covers details
size (mm) (mm)
Table 3.7: Re - bar details for the deck slab for Bridge at Km 46+830
Test Location Re - bar spacing Average covers Re - bar size Deck slab
(mm) (mm) (mm) Thickness
DS1 The rebar details could not be resolved due to presence
DS2 of wire mesh netting on the soffits of the decks 200
Bridge AT Km 46+830
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 66.1
300 161.1
450 264.6
600 320.3
750 414
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 42.4
300 160.7
450 238.7
600 349.8
750 641.1
900 918
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 69.5
300 143.5
450 197.7
600 221.6
750 312
900 359.3
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 43.9
300 88.8
450 166.5
600 270.9
750 369.1
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 169.4
300 278.3
450 365.2
600 519.5
750 704.1
i. Spalling of concrete on the LHS deck soffit exposing corroded wire mesh
netting. Similar scenario on the RHS.
Table 3.12: Rebar Details for Abutments and wing walls At Km 44+070
Test location Orientation Average Spacing Rebar Size
cover (mm) (mm) (mm)
Wing wall - Kiserian Vertical 69 200 16
side - RHS Transverse 67 250 12
Abutment 1 - Kiserian Vertical 87 200 20
side - RHS Transverse 75 250 16
Abutment 1 - Kiserian Vertical 45 200 20
Side - LHS Transverse 53 250 16
Table 3.13: Re - bar Details for Abutments and wing walls At Km 44+070
Abutment2 - Isinya Vertical 56 200 20
side - RHS Transverse 48 250 16
Abutment 2 - Isinya Vertical 67 150 20
side - Centre Transverse 62 250 16
Abutment 2 - Isinya Vertical 48 150 20
side - LHS Transverse 48 250 16
Wing wall 2 - Isinya Vertical 59 150 16
side - LHS Transverse 56 250 12
NOTE: Not possible to resolve the bottom bars for Beam due to presence of the mesh wire. The
rebar details could only be determined from the web.
Head wall
Ultrasonic pulse velocity tests results for Homogeneity of concrete matrix for
bridge At Km 44+070
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 62.7
300 127.9
450 181.6
600 233.9
750 319.8
900 353.4
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 52.2
300 143.3
450 292.9
600 351
750 438.4
900 531.2
BRIDGE AT Km 44+070
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 53.1
300 108.3
450 283.1
600 363.2
750 545.4
ii. No protection works and signs of erosion of the backfills are starting to show.
iii. Vertical crack on the Isinya side (middle of the abutment wall
iv. There were no bearings
v. Vertical cracks are appearing on the webs of the LHS girders at approximately
halfway between the mid cross beam support and the abutments supports.
However the cracks do not appear on the tension side of the beams
Table 3.19: Re - bar for abutments and wing walls for bridge At Km 37+140
Test location Orientation Average Spacing Rebar Size
cover (mm) (mm) (mm)
Wing wall 1 - Kiserian side - RHS Vertical 68 150 16
Transverse 73 250 12
Abutment 1 - Kiserian side - LHS Vertical 29 150 20
Transverse 30 250 16
Table 3.21: Re - bar Details for the beams for bridge At Km 37+140
Test Member Size (mm),No of Re - Bars & Bar Average Links
Location Spacing(mm) size covers details
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Table 3.22: Re - bar details for the deck slab for bridge At Km 37+140
Test Location Re - bar spacing Average covers Re - bar size Deck slab
(mm) (mm) (mm) Thickness
DS1 The rebar details could not be resolved due to presence
of wire mesh netting on the soffits of the decks 250
BRIDGE AT Km 37+140
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 63.4
300 124.5
450 165
600 223.1
750 349.1
-50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 65.1
300 145.5
450 210.4
600 288.5
750 315.4
900 453.1
Bridge at Km 37+140
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 76.6
300 155.7
450 229
600 338.3
750 630
900 766.4
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 61.5
300 102.3
450 195.3
600 239
750 306.6
900 396.9
iv. The protection works on the Kiserian side approach was ok.
Table 3.24: Ultrasonic Test Results (Direct Transmission) for bridge At Km 32+800
Test Location Distance Transit Time Velocity Remarks
(mm) (ms) (km/s)
Beam 1 420 114.2 3.7 Good quality
Beam 2 400 116.2 3.4 Satisfactory
Beam 3 410 112.5 3.6 Good quality
Beam 4 410 118.3 3.5 Good quality
Table 3.26: Rebar Details for Abutments and Wing Walls for bridge At Km 32+800
Test location Orientation Average Spacing Rebar
cover (mm) (mm) Size (mm)
Wing wall 1 - LHS Vertical 34 150 16
Transverse 37 250 12
Abutment 1 - Vertical 43 150 20
Kiserian side - RHS Transverse 42 250 16
Abutment 2 - Isinya Vertical 35 150 20
side - Centre Transverse 40 250 16
Abutment 2 - Isinya Vertical 49 150 20
side - LHS Transverse 47 250 16
Table 3.27: Re - Bar Details for the beams for bridge At Km 32+800
Test Member Size (mm),No of Re - Bars & Re - Average Links
Location Spacing(mm) bar covers details
size (mm) (mm)
Side C:
Test Location Re - bar spacing Average covers Re - bar size Deck slab
(mm) (mm) (mm) Thickness
DS1 The rebar details could not be resolved due to presence
of wire mesh netting on the soffits of the decks 200
Bridge at Km 32+800
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 69.3
300 156.7
450 199.7
600 263.1
750 312.5
900 612.8
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 56.6
300 100.3
450 158.6
600 193.5
750 253.6
900 287.1
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 83.5
300 170.9
450 302.7
600 370.5
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 58.1
300 124.7
450 177.5
600 302.9
750 514.2
0 100 200 300 400 500
Transit Time(micro.sec)
Table 3.30: Re - bar details for the deck slab For Bridge At Km 12+950
Test Location Re - bar spacing Average covers Re - bar size Deck slab
(mm) (mm) (mm) Thickness (mm)
DS1 The rebar details could not be resolved due to
presence of wire mesh netting on the soffits of the 200
Table 3.32: Rebar Details for Abutments and Wing Walls for Bridge At Km 12+950
Test location Orientation Average cover Spacing Rebar Size
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Wing wall - Kiserian side - Vertical 38 150 16
LHS Transverse 47 250 12
Abutment 1 - Kiserian side - Vertical 60 150 20
RHS Transverse 51 250 16
Abutment 1 - Kiserian Side - Vertical 43 150 20
LHS Transverse 40 250 16
Abutment2 - Isinya side - Vertical 62 150 20
LHS Transverse 56 250 16
Abutment 2 - Isinya side - Vertical 45 150 20
Centre Transverse 44 250 16
Abutment 2 - Isinya side - Vertical 46 150 20
LHS Transverse 42 250 16
Wing wall 2 - Isinya side - Vertical RHS 47 150 16
LHS Transverse 49 250 12
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 85.2
300 141.6
450 211.8
600 274.8
750 302.1
900 344.6
Bridge at Km 12+950
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 54.4
300 127
450 171.4
600 246.6
750 322.9
900 616.1
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 69.7
300 99.6
450 187.1
600 257.7
750 381.2
900 494.5
Bridge at Km 12+950
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 70.9
300 134.5
450 202
600 454.6
750 754.3
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 88.2
300 163.6
450 319.2
600 394
750 643.4
900 866.1
Bridge at Km 12+950
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 46.7
300 140.1
450 205.4
600 373.4
750 389.5
900 432.5
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 102.4
300 200
450 264.9
600 367.7
750 536
900 567.9
Bridge at Km 12+950
Time(μs) Distance(mm)
0 0
150 63.3
300 136.7
450 238.6
600 327.1
750 413.9
900 542.8
Visual Inspection
iii. Minor hairline cracks on the beams which appear near the mid span
Table 3.43: Carbonation Test Results at Km KM11+920
Test element Test Carbonation Least Effective Remarks/
location Depth (mm) Cover Cover Degree of
Recorded (mm) deterioration
Abutment wall - LHS 2.2 21 18.8 Low
Kiserian side
Abutment wall - RHS 2.1 38 36.9 None
Isinya side
Wing wall - Kiserian LHS 6.5 34 27.5 Low
Wing wall - Isinya LHS 3.1 43 30.9 None
Beams Outer 2.1 32 39.9 None
Inner 3.7 42 38.3 None
Deck slab 3rd slab 2.1 10 7.9 Medium
Table 3.44: Re - bar Details for Abutments and wing walls At Km 11+920
Test location Re-bar orientation Average Re-bar Re-bar
cover(mm) spacing(mm) size(mm)
Abutment1 - Isinya Vertical 35 150 16
side Horizontal 45 250 12
Abutment 2 – Vertical 20 170 16
kiserian side Horizontal 30 220 12
Wingwall 1 - Isinya Vertical 62 200 12
side -RHS Horizontal 74 250 12
Wing wall 1 - Vertical 40 150 12
Kiserian side - LHS Horizontal 51 250 12
NOTE: Not possible to resolve the bottom bars for Beam due to presence of the mesh wire. The
rebar details could only be determined from the web.
Head wall
Ultrasonic pulse velocity tests results for Homogeneity of concrete matrix for
bridge At Km 11+920
Test location:Abutment-Kiserian
Time(µs) Distance(mm)
118 150
229 300
372 450
471 600
649 750
892 900
m) 500
0 200 400 600 800 1000
4.1 Conclusion On Condition Of Bridge At Km 46+830
From visual condition, there is visual evidence of surface defects as indicated by
cracks on beams, deformed deck soffits and honeycombed wing walls. Ancillary
fixtures (bearings and expansion gaps) are lacking.
Carbonation tests results show that there is adequate effective good cover to
reinforcement hence no risk of re - bar corrosion for most of the reinforced concrete
members except for the deck slab soffit where the risk is high. Resistivity tests
indicate insignificant corrosion activity for the reinforced members.
As concrete matures or deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its
structure, are reflected in either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse
velocity. For this structure medium level ultrasonic pulse velocities were recorded for
the sampled areas, an indication of satisfactory quality of concrete. There were cases
of slight inhomogeneities, an indication of internal imperfections for the sampled
The strengths obtained from the sampled elements indicate design class 25 of
concrete. Test results for re - bar details should be looked at in assessing their
adequacy in the structure as built. The re - bar details for the deck slab cannot
determined due to wire mesh netting on the soffit that inhibits resolution for the re -
bars details.
Carbonation tests results show that there is adequate effective good cover to
reinforcement hence no risk of re - bar corrosion for reinforced concrete members.
Resistivity tests indicate insignificant corrosion activity for the reinforced members.
As concrete matures or deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its
structure, are reflected in either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse
velocity. For this structure higher level ultrasonic pulse velocities were recorded for
the sampled areas, an indication of good quality of concrete. There were cases of
slight inhomogeneities, an indication of internal imperfections for some of the
sampled members.
The strengths obtained from the sampled elements indicate design class 30 of
concrete. Test results for re - bar details should be looked at in assessing their
adequacy in the structure as built. The re - bar details for the deck slab cannot
determined due to wire mesh netting on the soffit that inhibits resolution for the re -
bars details.
As concrete matures or deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its
structure, are reflected in either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse
velocity. For this structure high level ultrasonic pulse velocities were recorded for the
sampled areas, an indication of good quality of concrete. There were cases of slight
inhomogeneities, an indication of internal imperfections for the sampled members.
The strengths obtained from the sampled elements indicate design class 30 of
concrete. Test results for re - bar details should be looked at in assessing their
adequacy in the structure as built.
As concrete matures or deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its
structure, are reflected in either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse
velocity. For this structure medium level ultrasonic pulse velocities were recorded for
the sampled areas, an indication of satisfactory quality of concrete. There were cases
of slight inhomogeneities, an indication of internal imperfections for the sampled
The strengths obtained from the sampled elements indicate design class 30 of
concrete. Test results for re - bar details should be looked at in assessing their
adequacy in the structure as built.
As concrete matures or deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its
structure, are reflected in either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse
velocity. For this structure medium level ultrasonic pulse velocities were recorded for
the sampled areas, an indication of satisfactory quality of concrete. There were cases
of slight inhomogeneities, an indication of internal imperfections for the sampled
The strengths obtained from the sampled elements indicate design class 25 of
concrete. Test results for re - bar details should be looked at in assessing their
adequacy in the structure as built.
As concrete matures or deteriorates, the changes, which occur with time in its
structure, are reflected in either an increase or a decrease, respectively, in the pulse
velocity. For this structure medium level ultrasonic pulse velocities were recorded for
the sampled areas, an indication of good quality of concrete. There were cases of
slight inhomogeneities, an indication of internal imperfections for the sampled
The strengths obtained from the sampled elements were varying from 1 element to
another and the design classes cannot be discerned. Test results for re -bar details
should be looked at in assessing their adequacy in the structure as built.
All the bridges are one span RCC structure except bridge at Km 12+950 which is a
double span RCC structure. The project Structural Engineer is advised to make
further judgment as to the suitability of the structures for the intended use based on
the results presented herein as a guide with attention to the following:
Most structures have a hydraulic design life of 50 years. The road section between
Kiserian and Isinya was constructed in 1992. Hence structures have been in service
for about 25-years. The structures require the following:
i. Sealing of cracks on beams, slabs and wing walls
ii. Repair spalled locations on slab soffits to ensure effective cover for the re-
iii. Place the appropriate expansion joints and bearings;
iv. Repair and extend protection works where necessary;
v. Replace damaged guardrails and clear bushes at approaches;
vi. Have a monitoring regime on bridge performance
1. On pg. 6 of report, the visual inspection for bridge 46+830 resulted into a point where the deck slab is
stated as deformed. Whereas in the conclusion given on pg. 55, instead of bridge at Ch. 46+830, the
deformed deck slab is mentioned for bridge at Ch. 44+070. Please clarify.
2. For Bridge 44+070 in Clause.3.2, Page No.-15 Shown Photo is the same photo in Clause 3.1, Page-6 for
3. In all the bridges, location of vertical cracks in girders, to be mentioned.
4. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test result parameters seems to have altered. Since we have predetermined
distance between emitter and receiver, the distance should have value shown under the time column.
Please check.
5. Size of honeycomb patch should be mentioned.
6. Please provide the carbonation test results for deck slab of bridge 44+070.
7. Ultrasonic pulse Velocity test, resistivity test and carbonation test to be provided for deck slab of bridge
In all the bridges it is observed that ancillary fixtures such as expansion joints and bearings are missing or
buried. Further road furniture such as guard and hand rails are vandalized or damaged and needs to be
Most structures have a hydraulic design life of 50 years. The road section between Kiserian and Isinya was
constructed in 1992. Hence structures have been in service for about 25-years and can serve for intended
service life with following recommendations:
Bridge at 46+830
1. Since the deck slab is deformed and wire mesh is exposed, we propose reconstruction of deck slab.
2. From Visual inspections it is found that girders have vertical cracks. However they mainly appear on the
web of the beam and do not propagate to the soffit level. We propose jacketing of all girders.
3. As per Table-1 of BS5400-Part- 4, page no-7 maximum permissible design crack width is 0.25mm for
moderate environment condition. For this bridge all measured crack widths are more than permissible
(Clause.3.1, Table-3.5, and Page No.-9). Also measured crack depth is significant.
4. From resistivity test result, the probability of corrosion activity is insignificant. However from
carbonation test, the degree of deterioration for deck slab is high. Hence the deck slab is proposed to
be replaced.
5. Appropriate rehabilitation method to be adopted for protection work in accordance with engineer-in-
Bridge at 44+070
1. The visual inspection test states the swelling of concrete exposing corroded wire mesh. Further deck
soffit is uneven with honeycomb in some area of deck soffit. Hence it is proposed for reconstruction.
2. From Visual inspections it is found that girders have vertical cracks. However they mainly appear on the
web of the beam and do not propagate to the soffit level. We propose jacketing of all girders.
3. From resistivity test result, the probability of corrosion activity is insignificant. However the carbonation
test results for deck slab are absent.
4. Appropriate rehabilitation method to be adopted for protection work in accordance with engineer-in-
Bridge at 37+140
1. The visual inspection test states the swelling of concrete exposing corroded wire mesh on the RHS of
deck soffit. Since there are no sign of deformation, the deck can be retained with appropriate
retrofitting and repair methodology.
2. In Clause.4.3, Page No.-56, 2.5mm shall not be considered as adequate effective good cover & shall be
modified from no risk to Medium risk of re-bar corrosion (Refer Page-25).
3. From Visual inspections it is found that girders have vertical cracks. However they mainly appear on the
web of the beam and do not propagate to the soffit level. We propose jacketing of all girders.
4. From resistivity test result, the probability of corrosion activity is insignificant. However from
carbonation test, the degree of deterioration for deck slab is high. Hence jacketing of deck slab is
5. Appropriate rehabilitation method to be adopted for protection work in accordance with engineer-in-
Bridge at 32+800
1. From Visual inspections it is found that girders have vertical cracks. However they mainly appear on the
web of the beam and do not propagate to the soffit level. We propose jacketing of all girders.
2. Since Ultrasonic pulse Velocity test, resistivity test and carbonation test are not available for deck slab,
the condition of same cannot be evaluated.
3. Appropriate rehabilitation method to be adopted for protection work in accordance with engineer-in-
Bridge at 28+450
1. The visual inspection test states the swelling of concrete exposing corroded wire mesh on the RHS of
deck soffit. Since there are no sign of deformation, the deck can be retained with appropriate
retrofitting and repair methodology.
2. From resistivity test result, the probability of corrosion activity is insignificant. However from
carbonation test, the degree of deterioration for deck slab is high. Hence jacketing of deck slab is
3. Appropriate rehabilitation method to be adopted for protection work in accordance with engineer-in-
Bridge at 12+950
1. From the resistivity test results, the probability of corrosion activity is insignificant in all the
components. However from carbonation test the degree deterioration is medium for deck slab. Hence
jacketing of deck slab is suggested.
2. In Clause.4.6, Page No.-57, 2.7mm,4.0mm shall not be considered as adequate effective good cover &
shall be modified from no risk to Medium to Low risk of re-bar corrosion (Refer Page-49).
3. Ultrasonic test results for beam 1-2nd span and beam 2-2nd span has pulse velocity less than 3 km/sec,
which states that the concrete quality is poor. Hence appropriate rehabilitation method should be
adopted for the same.
4. Appropriate rehabilitation method to be adopted for protection work in accordance with engineer-in-