The Solitary Reaper
The Solitary Reaper
The Solitary Reaper
* * * *
Nightingale: a small singing bird
Chaunt: chant, sing - Weary: tired
Cuckoo: a brown or grey bird known for its melodious singing
Hebrides: a group of islands to the west and northwest of Scotland
A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard
In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas 15
Among the farthest Hebrides.
* * * *
Thrilling: exciting
Hebrides: an island group off the coast of Scotland
The Hebrides
the Cuckoo
In the second stanza, the poet compares the
woman’s song to sounds of two singing
birds, saying that hers excels those of the
nightingale and the cuckoo. The woman’s sound
is more welcome than any chant of the
nightingale to tired travelers in the Arabian
desert, and that the cuckoo-bird in spring never
sang with a voice so exciting.
Will no one tell me what she sings?—
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago: 20
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?
* * * *
Plaintive: sad, lamenting numbers: musical rhythms
far-off: very old Humble: simple, commonplace
lay: song
In the third stanza, the speaker is utterly
charmed by the woman’s song, although he cannot
understand the language of the song and so
cannot say what the song is about. The speaker
tries to imagine what the song might be about.
Because it seems sad, he guesses that her song
might be about some “old, unhappy things,” some
past sorrow, pain or loss. Or it may be about some
battles fought by her people long time ago. Or
perhaps, he says, it is a simpler song about some
present sorrow, pain, or loss, a “matter of to-day.”
Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang 25
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o'er the sickle bending;—
I listened, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill, 30
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.
* * * *
O’er: over Sickle: a farming tool with a curved, semicircular
blade, used for cutting
The poet ends the poem saying that as the
speaker understands that whatever the reaper
sings about, he listened “motionless and still;”
and as he traveled up the hill, he carried her
song with him in his heart long after he could no
longer hear it. The beauty of the song had
touched his heart and lingered in his
mind, giving him joy as he traveled up the hill
and carried her song with him long after he
could no longer hear it.
Stanzas: The poem consists of four eight-line
stanzas. The first sets the scene, the second
offers two bird comparisons, the third wonders
about the content and meaning of the song, and
the fourth describes the lasting effect of the song
on the speaker.
Meter: The poem is written in iambic tetrameter.
Rhyme: The rhyme scheme is ababccdd.
The poem presents a natural scene in which the
reaper is situated in the centre, working alone in
the field. The two middle stanzas take us to
different geographical regions: Arabia and the
farthest Hebrides, where images of wandering
nomads under the scorching sun contrasts with
the sailors anxious to reach the land. For both
groups, the singing birds signal survival and
safety. The auditory imagery also preoccupies the
poem, represented by the reaper’s and birds’
Metaphor: The poet compares the reaper with the
nightingale and cuckoo respectively. He even claims
that her song is more thrilling and more beautiful
than those of the two birds.