DarkArts Handout
DarkArts Handout
DarkArts Handout
Course Synopsis
Lecture 1: The basics
Introduction, Probability distribution functions, Binomial
distributions, Poisson distribution
Lecture 2: Treatment of Gaussian Errors
The central limit theorem, Gaussian errors, Error
propagation, Combination of measurements, Multi-
dimensional Gaussian errors, Error Matrix
Lecture 3: Fitting and Hypothesis Testing
The χ2 test, Likelihood functions, Fitting, Binned maximum
likelihood, Unbinned maximum likelihood
Lecture 4: The Dark Arts
Bayesian Inference, Credible Intervals
The Frequentist approach, Confidence Intervals
Systematic Uncertainties
" But
! Correct treatment of conditional probabilities requires Bayes theorem
" Probability of A and B can be expressed in terms of conditional probabilities
" If we now make a new measurement, i.e. determine the likelihood function
! We want
" Again consider two priors
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
! Could assume balls drawn randomly from a large bag containing equal nos. B & W
0.35 0.4
0.2 GUESS: 3
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
" Applies equally to our experiment where we saw zero events and wanted to
arrive at a PDF for the expected mean number of events…
Don t have enough information to answer this question
! Could then integrate PDF to contain 95 % of probability. Can then define the
95 % Credible Interval*: mH < 186 GeV
! Normalise
90 % Credible Interval:
(with a flat prior probability)
Likelihood Ordering
! Note, 90 % credible interval is not uniquely defined
" more than one interval contains 90 % probability, e.g.
90 % Credible Interval:
! Natural, to choose the interval such that all points in the excluded region are
lower in likelihood than those in the credible interval : likelihood ordering
! Credible intervals provide an intuitive way of interpreting data, but:
" Rarely used in Particle Physics as a way of presenting data
" Because they represent the data and prior combined
" NOTE: all information from the experiment is in the likelihood
" Cut variation is evil (i.e. vary cuts and see how results change)
• at best, introduces statistical noise
• at worst, hides away lack of understanding of some data - MC discrepancy
understand the origin of the discrepancy
" Wherever possible use data driven estimates, energy scales, control samples,
" Remember that you are estimating the scale of a possible systematic bias