MCS 022
MCS 022
MCS 022
Explain the concept of a virtual machine in networking with the help of a diagram.
Describe how it is useful.(page no.41) 10 marks
Give a mapping between the TCP/IP layers and the OSI layers.
Explain SNMP Architecture. Why is it usually run over LTDP ? Describe its architecture
and usage.(page no. 104) 10 marks
Explain the memory management in LINUX operating system. (page no.7) 10 marks
What is virtual memory ? Explain the abstract model of virtual to physical address
mapping with reference to Linux operating system.(page no. 8)
Describe the data structure of a process in LINUX, giving its components and the
structure of each. How does the data structure of a process differ from that of a thread
?(page no.11)
Briefly explain the purpose of the following directories of Linux System :
(i) /bin
(ii) /dev
(iii) /etc
(iv) /lib
(v) /sbin
(vi) /tmp
(vii) /usr/bin
(viii) /mnt
(ix) /usr/local/bin
(x) /usr/games
(xi)/etc/shadow (page no.37) 10 marks
What is a filter ? Give two examples to demonstrate the use of filters in Linux/Unix.
(page no.50)
What is a pipes? Give two examples to demonstrate the use of filters in Linux/Unix.
(page no.50)
Explain the process of configuring A LINUX machine with a Network File System
(NFS). (page no.88)
Write the steps to change the password in Linux ? What are the precautions that
should be taken while choosing a password.(page no. 107)
List and describe the different security features in Windows 2000 operating system.
Explain the computer security classifications as per the Trusted Computer System
Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). (page no.19) 10 marks
Explain RAID and its Level. What are the limitations of disk striping(page no.35)
What is the Windows NT Registry ? What does it consist of ? Explain how you can
secure the Registry and audit its critical components. (page no.63)
What is the use of IPsec ? Mention its features, components and implementation
options.(page no.81)