Mcs 012
Mcs 012
Mcs 012
Block 1-
1. Add +45 and —10 in binary using 8 bit registers, in
(i) Signed l's complement
(ii) Signed 2's complement
6. How many errors correcting bits are required to send an 8 bit data using SEC code.
7. If a 4 bit data 1010 is received as 1011, how this error, at bit position b1 can be detected.
8. IEEE floating point representation for single precision number use the format as:
signbit (1bit) Biased exponent (8 bits) significant. (23 bits)
In this representation a floating point number, where O<E<255 having any significant is
equivalent to
± (1.N) 2(E -127)
Using this format represent the following
decimal numbers:
(i) 0.125 (ii) 4
Now using the IEEE floating point single representation of the numbers. Perform the operations:
0.125 + 4 and 0.125 x 4.
9. Represent 11.0011 x 210 using the IEEE-754 standard for 32-bit floating point
10. Simplify the following functions in Sum Of Product (SOP) form by using K-map.
F (A,B,C,D) =∑(0,2,4,6,7,8,10)
11. Half Adder ,Full Adder, 4 bit Adder-Subtractor, Decoder, Encoder,
4x1 Multiplexer(v.v.Importent )
14.Register(Short note)
Block 2-
1.Draw an internal organization of a 32x4 Ram.
2.Flash memory(short note)
3.What is RAID ?what are the techniques used by RAID for enhancing reliability.
4.A computer has a 64 word RAM (1 word =16 bits) and a cache memory of 8 blocks (block size
= 32 bits). Find the main memory word 25 in cache if
(i) Direct mapping is used
(ii) Associative mapping is used
(iii) 2-way set associative (2 blocks per set) mapping is used.
5.short note : (i) Direct mapping (ii) Associative mapping (iii) set associative
Book 3-
1.Immediate Addressing
2.Direct Addressing
3.Indirect Addressing
4.Register Addressing
5.Stack Addressing
6.Status and Control Register
7. Consider two registers R1 and R2 having 6 the following 4-bit binary values :
R1 = 1100
R2 =1010
Perform the following operations on R1 using R2.
(i) Selective set
(ii) Selective clear
(iii) Selective complement
(iv) Mask operation