Candidate Guide To MRCS Examination January 2019 Clean
Candidate Guide To MRCS Examination January 2019 Clean
Candidate Guide To MRCS Examination January 2019 Clean
Surgical Examinations
January 2013
(Amended July 2018)
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Guide to the intercollegiate MRCS
August 2017
The Intercollegiate Committee for Basic Surgical Examinations (ICBSE) has
following sections.
Section 3 – Topics and skills that may be examined in the MRCS Page 7
this guide: the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme contributors, the MCQ
paper panel, the Question Quality group, the OSCE subgroup, the MRCS Syllabus
group and the MRCS examination departments of the surgical Royal Colleges.
Note that this guide is a living document that will change over time. Please check the
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Section 1 – Background and overview
The complete MRCS syllabus is contained within the General Medical Council
(GMC)-approved curriculum for the Early Years of Surgical Training in the United
Kingdom and reflects the Core Surgical Training Syllabus of the Intercollegiate
competence based, requiring the trainee to demonstrate both applied and theoretical
knowledge and practical skills, together with the professional behaviours described in
the Good Medical Practice document of the General Medical Council of the United
Kingdom (
The MRCS examination is an integral part of this Early Years training programme
and is a requirement for progression to higher surgical training in the United Kingdom
A central aim of the MRCS examination is to test aspiring surgeons over a broad
range of surgical conditions and not just the area of surgery they hope to train in.
ICBSE believes that many aspects of the different surgical specialties require the
same core areas of applied basic knowledge and skills and that these are essential
both for successful higher training and to achieve a surgeon’s full clinical and
academic potential.
This guide has been produced in order to indicate to candidates and their tutors the
extent and level of knowledge that is required to pass the MRCS examination. Each
the syllabus but not every topic will be tested on each occasion.
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The purpose of core training (CT1–CT2), and early years training in the run-through
specialities (ST1– ST2), is to provide trainee surgeons with the essential knowledge
and skills common to all surgical specialties. During the early years of training some
However, the MRCS examination will only test knowledge at the level expected of all
Page 4
Section 2 – Recommended textbooks and other
Basic science textbooks
Agur AMR, Dailey AF. Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, 12e. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
Netter FH. Atlas of Human Anatomy, 5th edn. Saunders, 2010.
Sinnatamby CS. Last’s Anatomy: Regional and Applied, 12th edn. Churchill
Livingstone, 2011.
Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boitano S, Brooks HL. Ganong's Review of Medical
Physiology, 23rd edn. McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Mitchell R. Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th edn.
Saunders, 2007.
Clinical textbooks
Garden OJ, Bradbury AW, Forsythe JLR, Parks RW. Principles and Practice of
Surgery, 5th edn. Elsevier, 2007.
Williams NS, Bulstrode CJK, O’Connell PR, eds. Bailey and Love's Short Practice of
Surgery, 25th edn. Hodder Arnold, 2008.
Courses and websites
ATLS course
CCrISP course
Intercollegiate basic surgical skills course
As a guide, the level of knowledge required to pass the MRCS examination can be
obtained by studying the recommended texts listed above. Trainees should have
mastery of the subjects outlined in the syllabus to the depth covered within these
texts and should be able to make use of that knowledge in the context of surgical
surgical trainees. It is expected that trainees will read beyond these recommended
texts and, where appropriate, make critical use of original papers and review articles
in the related scientific and clinical literature, so that they may aspire to achieve an
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The recommended texts provide a clear guide to the extent and depth of knowledge
required but alternative text books and online publications may suffice. Over time,
changes in the curriculum and syllabus will inevitably occur, and it is anticipated that
those who manage this process will provide an up-to-date list of relevant
recommended texts.
base required for safe surgery. Lack of such knowledge can have serious
consequences for patient safety. It provides the important spatial foundation for
interpreting radiological and other investigations and for performing all operative
both the basic regional anatomy of the whole body, typically learnt at undergraduate
level, and the general surgical anatomy of the whole body. Examples of the latter
include the surgical anatomy of varicose veins or of conditions affecting the thyroid
Specialist surgical anatomy, such as the detailed anatomy of the temporal bone or
the spatial anatomy of the knee joint relevant to arthroscopy, will be required later,
during Higher Surgical Training. With the evolution of surgical techniques, the
pathologies, it will thus be necessary for trainees to keep developing their spatial
anatomy knowledge both during specialty training and throughout their subsequent
professional careers.
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Section 3 – Topics and skills that may be examined in
the MRCS
Module 1 Basic sciences
To acquire and demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the basic scientific principles
within the six categories listed below to understand, investigate and manage the
common surgical conditions specified in module 2:
1 applied surgical anatomy
2 applied surgical physiology
3 applied surgical pathology (principles underlying system-specific pathology)
4 pharmacology (centred around the safe prescribing of common drugs) as applied
to surgical practice
5 microbiology as applied to surgical practice
6 imaging (principles, advantages and disadvantages of various diagnostic and
interventional imaging methods)
1. Applied Surgical Anatomy
Regional anatomy of thorax, abdomen, pelvis, perineum, limbs, spine, head and
Microscopic anatomy of tissues and organs of surgical relevance.
Surgically related embryology and development.
Surface anatomy.
Imaging anatomy.
2. Applied Surgical Physiology
General physiological principles including:
o homeostasis
o thermoregulation
o metabolic pathways and abnormalities
o blood loss and hypovolaemic shock
o sepsis and septic shock
o fluid balance and fluid replacement therapy
o acid–base balance
o bleeding and coagulation
o nutrition.
The physiology of specific organ systems relevant to surgical practice including
the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, endocrine and
neurological systems.
3. Applied Surgical Pathology
General pathological principles including:
o inflammation
o wound healing
o cellular injury
o tissue death including necrosis and apoptosis
o vascular disorders
o disorders of growth, differentiation and morphogenesis.
Surgical immunology.
Surgical haematology.
Surgical clinical chemistry.
Principles of neoplasia and oncology including:
o classification of tumours
o tumour development and growth including metastasis
o staging and grading of cancers
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o cancer therapy including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy,
immunotherapy and hormone therapy
o cancer registration
o cancer screening.
The pathology of specific organ systems relevant to surgical care including the
cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, central and peripheral
neurological, skin, lymphoreticular and musculoskeletal systems; and pathology
of the breast, endocrine and exocrine glands.
4. Pharmacology as applied to surgical practice
The pharmacology and safe prescribing of drugs used in the treatment of
surgical diseases including analgesics, antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, anti-
epileptics, anticoagulants, respiratory drugs, renal drugs, drugs used for the
management of endocrine disorders (including diabetes) and local and general
5. Microbiology as applied to surgical practice
Surgically important micro-organisms including bloodborne viruses.
Soft tissue infections including cellulitis, abscesses, necrotising fasciitis,
Sources of infection.
Sepsis and septic shock.
Asepsis and antisepsis.
Principles of disinfection and sterilisation.
Antibiotics including prophylaxis and resistance.
Principles of high-risk patient management.
Hospital-acquired infections.
6. Imaging
Core knowledge of diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques to include
basic interpretation of X-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET and radionuclide
Page 8
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Rectal bleeding
To include the following conditions
Common congenital anomalies
Benign and malignant disease of oesophagus, stomach, small and large bowel
and appendix
Perianal and rectal disease
Benign and malignant disease of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen
Abdominal wall hernia and stomas
Acute abdominal emergencies, including adhesions, peritonitis and perforation of
a viscus.
Acute presentation of gynaecological pathology
Breast disease
Presenting symptoms or signs
Pain and tenderness
Breast lump
Nipple discharge
To include the following conditions
Benign and malignant breast disease
Mastitis and breast abscess
Vascular disease
Presenting symptoms or signs
Common congenital anomalies
Intermittent claudication
Ischaemic rest pain
Gangrene and ischaemic ulceration
Acute limb ischaemia (embolism, thrombosis)
Leg ulceration
Varicose veins
Swollen leg
Pulsatile abdominal mass
Transient ischaemic attacks and stroke
To include the following conditions
Atherosclerotic arterial disease affecting the cerebral, mesenteric, renal and
upper and lower limb arteries
Embolic and thrombotic arterial occlusive disease
Diseases of the veins and lymphatics
Vascular and neuropathic consequences of diabetes
Abdominal and peripheral arterial aneurysms
Amputations and rehabilitation
Cardiovascular and pulmonary disease
Presenting symptoms or signs
Breathlessness and leg swelling
Chest pain
Cough and haemoptysis
Cardiac arrhythmias and murmurs
To include the following conditions
Common congenital anomalies
Coronary heart disease
Diseases of the heart valves
Cardiac failure
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Benign and malignant lung disease including:
o obstructive airways disease
o restrictive lung disease
o acute and chronic respiratory infection
o bronchial carcinoma
Genitourinary disease in males and females
Presenting symptoms or signs
Loin pain
Lower urinary tract symptoms (painful micturition, frequency)
Urinary retention
Renal failure
Scrotal swellings
Testicular pain
Penile pathology
Acute gynaecological symptoms
To include the following conditions
Common congenital anomalies
Genitourinary malignancy
Urinary calculus disease
Urinary tract infection
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Obstructive uropathy and urine diversion
Testicular tumours and benign scrotal swelling
Penile ulcers and carcinoma
Gynaecological conditions relevant to the general surgeon
Trauma and orthopaedics
Presenting symptoms or signs
Traumatic limb and joint pain and deformity
Chronic limb and joint pain and deformity
Back pain
To include the following conditions
Common congenital anomalies
Simple fractures and joint dislocations
Fractures around the hip and ankle
Degenerative and inflammatory joint disease
Bone and joint infection
Compartment syndrome
Spinal nerve root entrapment and spinal cord compression
Metastatic bone cancer
Metabolic bone disease
Common peripheral neuropathies and nerve injuries
Amputations and rehabilitation
Diseases of the skin, head and neck
Presenting symptoms or signs
Common congenital anomalies
Skin lesions
Palpable neck lumps
Common neck swelling, including salivary glands
Lesions of the oral cavity
Upper airway obstruction
Ear pain and hearing loss
To include the following conditions
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Benign and malignant lesions of the skin, head and neck, including mouth,
tongue and ear
Neurology and neurosurgery
Presenting symptoms or signs
Facial pain
Visual impairment
Confusion and memory loss
Endocrine disease
Presenting symptoms or signs
Thyroid nodules and goitre
Acute endocrine crises
To include the following conditions
Common congenital anomalies
Thyroid and parathyroid disease
Adrenal gland disease
Page 11
Principles of safe surgery
Preparations for surgery
Hand washing, scrubbing and gowning
Use of surgical checklists including WHO
Administration of local anaesthesia
Choice of anaesthetic agent
Safe practice
Surgical wounds
Principles of wound management
Pathophysiology of wound healing
Scars and contractures
Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue:
o Langer’s lines
o choice of instrument
o safe practice
Closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue:
o options for closure
o suture and needle choice
o safe practice
Knot tying:
o range and choice of materials for suture and ligation
o safe application of knots for surgical sutures and ligatures
o surgical techniques
o principles of diathermy
Tissue handling and retraction:
o choice of instruments
Use of drains:
o indications
o types
o management/removal
Biopsy techniques
Principles of skin cover (skin grafts and flaps)
Principles of safe anastomosis
Technical skills and procedures
Preparation of the surgeon for surgery
Effective and safe hand washing, gloving and gowning
Preparation of a patient for surgery
Creation of a sterile field
Administration of local anaesthesia
Accurate and safe administration of local anaesthetic agent
Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Ability to use scalpel, diathermy and scissors
Closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Accurate and tension-free apposition of wound edges
Knot tying
Single handed
Double handed
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Control of bleeding vessel (superficial)
Suture ligation
Tie ligation
Clip application
Transfixion suture
Tissue retraction
Use of tissue forceps
Placement of wound retractors
Use of drains
Tissue handling
Appropriate application of instruments and respect for tissues
Biopsy techniques
Skill as assistant
Anticipation of needs of surgeon when assisting
Intraoperative care
Safety in theatre including patient positioning and avoidance of nerve injuries
Sharps safety
Diathermy, laser use
Infection risks
Radiation use and risks
Tourniquet use including indications, effects and complications
Principles of local, regional and general anaesthesia
Principles of invasive and non-invasive monitoring
Methods of prevention of venous thrombosis
Surgery in hepatitis and HIV carriers
Fluid balance and homeostasis
Temperature regulation
Principles of cardiopulmonary bypass
Perioperative care
Principles of enhanced recovery following complex surgery to include basic
protocols and potential clinical benefits
Postoperative care
Postoperative monitoring
Cardiorespiratory physiology
Fluid balance and homeostasis
Diabetes mellitus and other relevant endocrine disorders
Renal failure
Pathophysiology of blood loss
Pathophysiology of sepsis including SIRS and shock
Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome
Postoperative complications in general
Methods of postoperative analgesia
Nutritional management
Methods of screening and assessment of nutritional status
Perioperative nutrition
Effects of malnutrition, both excess and depletion
Metabolic response to injury
Methods of enteral and parenteral nutrition
Haemostasis and blood products
Components of blood
Mechanism of haemostasis including the clotting cascade
Pathology of impaired haemostasis e.g. haemophilia, liver disease, massive
Principles of administration of blood products
Alternatives to use of blood products
Patient safety with respect to blood products
Coagulation, deep vein thrombosis and embolism
Clotting mechanism (Virchow’s triad)
Effect of surgery and trauma on coagulation
Risk classification of DVT
Tests for thrombophilia and other disorders of coagulation
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Methods of prevention of DVT, mechanical and pharmacological
Methods of investigation for suspected thromboembolic disease
Role of CT pulmonary angiography, D-dimers and thrombolysis
Principles of treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism including
Common pathogens in surgical patients
Antibiotic sensitivities
Antibiotic side-effects
Principles of prophylaxis and treatment
Metabolic and endocrine disorders in relation to perioperative management
Pathophysiology of thyroid hormone excess and deficiency and associated risks
from surgery
Causes and effects of hypercalcaemia and hypocalcaemia
Complications of corticosteroid therapy
Causes and consequences of steroid insufficiency
Complications of diabetes mellitus
Causes and effects of hypernatraemia and hyponatraemia
Causes and effects of hyperkalaemia and hypokalaemia
Clinical skills
Preoperative assessment and management
History and examination of a patient
Interpretation of preoperative investigations
Management of comorbidity
Appropriate preoperative prescribing
Intraoperative care
Safe conduct of surgery, including
Correct patient positioning
Avoidance of nerve injuries
Management of sharps injuries
Prevention of diathermy injury
Prevention of venous thrombosis
Postoperative care
Assessment and monitoring of patient’s condition
Postoperative analgesia
Fluid and electrolyte management
Detection of impending organ failure
Initial management of organ failure
Principles of and indications for dialysis
Recognition, prevention and treatment of postoperative complications
Haemostasis and blood products
Recognition of conditions likely to lead to bleeding diathesis
Recognition of abnormal bleeding during surgery
Appropriate use of blood products
Management of the complications of blood product transfusion
Coagulation, deep vein thrombosis and embolism
Recognition of patients at risk
Awareness and diagnosis of DVT and pulmonary embolism
Role of duplex scanning, venography and D-dimer measurement
Initiation and monitoring of treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary
Initiation of prophylaxis
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Appropriate prescription of antibiotics
Assessment and planning of preoperative nutritional management
Arranging access to suitable artificial nutritional support, preferably via a nutrition
team including dietary supplements, enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition
Metabolic and endocrine disorders
History and examination in patients with endocrine and electrolyte disorders
Investigation and management of thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism
Investigation and management of hypercalcaemia and hypocalcaemia
Investigation and management of hypernatraemia and hyponatraemia
Investigation and management of hyperkalaemia and hypokalaemia
Perioperative management of patients on steroid therapy
Perioperative management of diabetic patients
Technical skills and procedures
Airway management
Central and peripheral venous line insertion
Chest drain insertion
Urethral catheterisation
Page 16
Classification of burns
Principles of management of burns
Fractures and dislocations
Pathophysiology of fractures
Principles of management
Joint injuries
Organ-specific trauma
Pathophysiology of thoracic trauma
Head injuries including traumatic intracranial haemorrhage,brain injury and
maxillofacial injury
Spinal cord injury
Peripheral nerve injuries
Blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma
Hepatic and splenic trauma
Vascular injury including iatrogenic injuries and intravascular drug abuse
Crush injury
Principles of management of skin loss including use of skin grafts and skin flaps
Clinical skills
History and examination
Referral to appropriate surgical subspecialties
Resuscitation and early management of patient who has sustained thoracic,
head, spinal, abdominal or limb injury according to Advanced Trauma Life
Support, Advanced Paediatric Life Support guidelines
Resuscitation and early management of the polytrauma patient
Specific problems
Management of the unconscious patient
Initial management of skin loss
Initial management of burns
Prevention and early management of the compartment syndrome
Management of hypothermia
Technical skills and procedures
Surgical airway management
Central and peripheral venous line insertion
Chest drain insertion
Urethral catheterisation
Page 17
Obtaining consent
To understand the issues of child protection and to take action as appropriate.
Clinical Skills
Principles of organ donation
Circumstances in which consideration of organ donation is appropriate
Principles of brain death
Assessment of brainstem death
Certification of death
Page 18
To understand importance of and issues relating to dementia with regard to
health promotion, and to implement this knowledge
To understand importance of and issues relating to exercise and physical fitness
with regard to health promotion, and to implement this knowledge
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Section 4 – The intercollegiate MRCS examination
The four surgical Royal Colleges of Edinburgh, England, Glasgow and in Ireland
consists of two parts. Part A is a written paper using multiple choice questions
Although it is divided into two parts the MRCS is a single examination and passing
The Part A examination uses single best answer MCQs designed to test knowledge
of both applied basic science and principles of surgery in general to a level that a
surgical trainee should have achieved two to three years after qualification.
Topics within the syllabus modules may be examined in either Part A or Part B or
both parts of the examination.
Entry requirements
To meet the entry requirements for the Part A examination, candidates must hold a
recognised medical qualification. Further details of entry requirements for both parts
Page 20
Section 5 – Part A information and sample questions
Part A of the MRCS is a five hour MCQ examination consisting of a three hour paper
(Applied Basic Science) followed by a two hour paper (Principles of Surgery in
General), still taken on the same day. The Applied Basic Science paper will consist of
180 questions and the Principles of Surgery in General will consist of 120 questions.
There will still be a break between the two papers.
The papers cover generic surgical sciences and applied knowledge, including the
core knowledge required in all 10 specialties, as follows:
Each paper will still be constructed to test across the syllabus but the information
below is a guide to the numbers of questions covering each topic:
75 Questions in total
Regional Anatomy
63 questions, of which:
Thorax 6
Abdomen 15
of which:
Pelvis 4
Perineum 2
Limbs 15
of which:
Spine 3
Page 21
Head & neck 10
of which:
Head 5
Neck 5
Brain 6
8 questions, of which:
Thorax at least 1
Perineum at least 1
4 questions, of which:
45 questions in total
Cardiovascular system 5
Respiratory system 5
Gastrointestinal system 5
Urinary system 5
Endocrine system 5
Neurological system 5
37 questions in total
Page 22
Surgical immunology 2
Surgical haematology 2
Cardiovascular system 2
Respiratory system 2
Digestive system 2
Genitourinary system 2
Skin cancer 2
Lymphoreticular system 2
Musculoskeletal system 2
6. Imaging
Page 23
Paper 2 - Principles of Surgery in General (120 Questions)
45 questions in total
Gastrointestinal disease 7
Breast disease 3
Vascular disease 4
Genitourinary disease 4
Orthopaedic conditions 7
Endocrine disease 4
Acute emergencies 2
2. Perioperative management
35 questions in total
Intraoperative care 5
Perioperative care 2
Postoperative care 8
Nutritional management 2
Page 24
3. Assessment and management of patients with trauma (including the
multiply injured patient)
30 questions in total
General 4
Shock 2
Burns 2
Organ-specific trauma 10
Each newly written multiple choice question is assessed for accuracy, clarity and
Each question used in an examination paper is analysed for its ability to discriminate
high-performing from low-performing candidates and statistical coefficients are
derived for every question allowing an analysis of the reliability of the examination.
Guidance to Candidates
Page 25
transfer your answers to the answer sheet before the end of the examination. No
extra time will be given for the transfer of answers.
You should check that each page of your question booklet has been correctly
printed and that the coloured flash on the top of the front page of your question
booklet and answer sheet match.
Images may be included in the Applied Basic Science and Principles of Surgery in
General sections of the exam.
Instructions to Candidates
Do not make any marks on your answer sheet other than inserting your candidate
number and indicating your answer with a bold horizontal line in the boxes
Use only the pencil provided. Do not use pen or ballpoint.
If you need to change an answer, you should make sure that you rub it out
completely so that the computer can accept your final answer.
Do not fold or crease the sheet.
Feedback will be provided to all candidates regardless of their result. The feedback
format has been designed to provide candidates with an indication of their
performance in the Part A examination as a whole and of their performance in the
Applied Basic Science paper and the Principles of Surgery in General paper.
The feedback provides a comparison against the group of candidates who sat the
examination as outlined below:
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Intercollegiate MRCS Part A: Sample Questions
Single best answer (SBA) format
Paper 1 Applied Basic Science
This three-hour paper will consist of 180 single best answer questions.
Paper 2 Principle of Surgery in General
This two-hour paper will consist of 120 single best answer questions
Each question contains five possible answers of which there is only one single best
You should decide which option from the list is the single best answer.
When you are satisfied with your decision, record your answer on the answer
In the example below, the answer is D; you would record your answer by making a
heavy black mark, in pencil, in the box labelled D on line 76 (as shown).
Example single best answer question
This example question is included to show you how your answer should be entered
on the answer sheet.
76. A 67-year-old woman is brought to the Emergency department having fallen on
her left arm. There is an obvious clinical deformity and X-ray demonstrates a
mid-shaft fracture of the humerus. She has lost the ability to extend the left wrist
joint. Which nerve has most likely been damaged with the fracture?
A Axillary nerve
B Median nerve
C Musculocutaneous nerve
D Radial nerve
E Ulnar nerve
A Atrioventricular node
B Chordae tendineae
C Fibrous skeleton of the heart
D Interatrial septum
E Phrenic nerve
A Coeliac artery
B Ileocolic artery
C Inferior mesenteric artery
D Internal iliac artery
E Superior mesenteric artery
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3. A 63-year-old woman presents to her General Practitioner with a three-week
history of back pain. She has lost 8 cm in height over the last four years.
Investigations reveal:
Result Normal
Adjusted (corrected) calcium 2.05 mmol/L 2.15-2.55
Phosphate 0.89 mmol/L 0.6-1.25
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 92 ml/minute >90
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) 9.8 pmol/L 1.0-6.5
Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A Hypoparathyroidism
B Primary hyperparathyroidism
C Pseudohypoparathyroidism
D Secondary hyperparathyroidism
E Tertiary hyperparathyroidism
4. A 50-year-old woman presents with a swelling in the left side of the neck that is
shown to be of thyroid origin. Hemithyroidectomy shows Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
complicated by a lymphoma. What is the most likely cell type of the lymphoma?
A B cell
B Macrophage
C NK cell
D Plasma cell
E T cell
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Section 6 – Part B information and sample questions
The MRCS Part B examination takes the form of an objective structured clinical
examination (OSCE). A major advantage of the OSCE is that it allows wide sampling
of the knowledge and skills identified in the curriculum that are relevant to the
reliability and therefore trainees generally feel that these examinations are fair.
systematic assessment of skills and relevant knowledge. OSCEs are valuable in the
direct observation of clinical skills and for the assessment of knowledge which is not
combined with written examinations such as the MRCS Part A multiple choice
the assessment of clinical skills and the underlying knowledge on which clinical
practice is based.
OSCEs comprise a series of stations in a circuit around which the candidates rotate.
At each station the candidate is required to undertake a clearly defined task. In the
MRCS OSCE these may include taking a focused history or clinical examination,
allowed between stations for circulation from one station to the next. This also allows
the examiners to complete the mark sheet for each candidate and for the patient or
simulated patient to prepare for the next candidate. At each station there are clearly
defined instructions for the candidate, which briefly outline the scenario and describe
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For instance:
Instructions to Candidate
At this station you are required to take a focused history from a patient who presents
You have up to 6 minutes to complete the task, at which stage the examiners will
stop you and ask you to summarise your findings and answer some questions.
It is important that candidates follow the instructions precisely as marks will only be
awarded in relation to the task required at that station. For instance at a physical
examination station with the following instructions, the task clearly relates to
performing a physical examination of the knee only. Candidates should not take a
Instructions to Candidate
At this station you will meet a patient who presents with pain in the right knee. You
are required to undertake the appropriate examination. You have up to 6 minutes for
this task, at which stage the examiners will stop you and ask you to summarise your
the purpose of the task, confirm the patient’s identity and check that they consent to
the required task. Candidates should always clean their hands before and after
Some stations will clarify whether the candidate should describe what they are doing
as they proceed with physical examination but typically a dialogue with the examiner
is not required as the purpose of the examination of these stations is for the examiner
to observe the candidate perform the task and for the candidate to report their
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For more complex tasks such as stations requiring the candidate to communicate
more complex issues with the patient, a preparation station may precede the station
where the candidate is examined. Again it is essential that candidates read the
volunteers) who are trained to perform a specific role at any station. This increases
the number of areas of the syllabus that can be included in terms of both history
taking and physical examination. The use of mannequins and simulators extends the
range of scenarios even further to include a range of practical skills. Real patients
with positive clinical signs are still included in the OSCE in the same manner as they
were in previous short-case examinations but with the advantage of the interaction
being observed and the task structured. In addition, the MRCS OSCE includes
stations focusing on anatomy, pathology and critical care scenarios, which permit the
use of prosections and in-depth testing of the candidate’s knowledge and decision-
The MRCS OSCE comprises 18 examined stations. At the beginning of each station
1 minute is given to the candidate to read the instructions and the station is
completed after 9 minutes, allowing sufficient time for the candidate to rotate to the
next station. All the stations in the examination (apart from preparation stations) are
manned. Most have a single examiner but some stations (e.g. stations assessing
The individual stations are grouped into two broad content areas. These are:
Knowledge (8 stations)
Page 31
o 3 applied surgical science and critical care stations
– 4 physical examination
– 2 generic skills
The major emphasis of the MRCS is on the basic generic components of knowledge
For the purposes of designing the stations domains are used to help construct
questions ensuring that the important areas as identified by the GMC’s “Good
Each station is marked out of a total of 20. Rather than an itemised check list
approach the marking scheme allocates a proportion of the marks at each station to
one or more of the above domains which can be evaluated within the context of each
Page 32
The diagram below illustrates the assessment grid and marking matrix for the stations
of the OSCE, illustrating broad content areas and the examined domains. The
Page 33
Anatomy and surgical Applied surgical Communication skills Clinical and procedural skills P
MRCS pathology science and I
OSCE critical care L
proposed Giving and History taking Physical examination Procedural skills O
receiving T
assess- information
ment grid
Anatomy 1
Anatomy 2
Anatomy 3
Surgical pathology 1
microbiology 2
Surgical pathology and/or
Interpretation of clinical
Talking with relatives and
Communicating with
History taking 1
History taking 2
Physical examination 1
Physical examination 2
Physical examination 3
Physical examination 4
and lab
Examiners one one one one one one one one – surge – one surgeon surgeon one one one one one + one +
required on + + lay + lay assistant assistant
Domains lay
Clinical 20 20 20 20 20 12 12 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
knowledge and
its application
Clinical and 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12
technical skill
Communication 12 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Professionalis 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
m including:-
awareness and
and planning
Patient safety
Total mark 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Page 34
Candidate Feedback for MRCS Part B examination
The OSCE structure and the distribution of marks for each station are shown above.
This approach ensures an appropriate distribution of marks across the broad content
Each individual station is assessed in two ways. Using a structured mark sheet a mark
is awarded for each domain using generic descriptors to identify and guide examiners
performance at the station as a whole (Pass, Borderline or Fail). Thus for each station
the candidates will have a mark out of 20 and an overall judgement of their
performance. The marks and global ratings are then employed in order to construct the
overall pass mark for each station using a recognised approach known as borderline
regression methodology.
From February 2013 there will no longer be an overall pass mark for the OSCE as a
whole. Candidates must pass each of the two sections of the OSCE – Knowledge and
Skills – in a single sitting. Failing one of these sections does not mean that a candidate
can ‘bank’ the section passed and only resit the failed section.
Since its inception, the MRCS Part B OSCE examination has used a single pass rule at
each examination session, even though the form of the test (circuit) has not been
identical on every day of that examination session. Parity of standards has been
To further enhance the standard setting process ICBSE in conjunction with the GMC
have agreed that a different pass mark should be generated (using the current borderline
regression methodology) by circuit, rather than for the examination as a whole. This
means that, though the pass mark will be similar for different circuits, it is unlikely to be
identical. This will reflect the variation in the relative difficulties of the scenarios that
Page 35
Candidate Feedback for MRCS Part B examination
make up any given circuit. The consequences of doing so have been modelled and found
This standard setting process for the MRCS Part B came in to effect as of the October
2014 examination.
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Candidate Feedback for MRCS Part B examination
Feedback is provided to enable you to reflect upon your strengths and areas for development and to inform your future training needs. You are
encouraged to share it with your Assigned Educational Supervisor/Training Programme Director (or equivalent).
To pass the OSCE you must achieve: The minimum pass mark in BOTH Knowledge and Skills
For each of the content areas Table 3 shows your mark, the maximum mark available and the mean mark for all candidates in your circuit. The row
“mean mark all candidates” enables you to see how your performance compares across each domain compared to the other candidates in your
Table 4: Domains
Four domains have been identified which encompass the knowledge, skills, communication skills and professional characteristics that are assessed
by the OSCE. The four domains are assessed via the 18 examined stations of the OSCE and the assessment matrix within the MRCS Content Guide
provides an overview of the domains and where they are assessed (see page 34).
Feedback in Tables 3 & 4 do not provide an indication of either a pass or fail and is provided to enable you to reflect upon your strengths and areas
for development. The two tables represent the same set of marks but are attributed in different ways to aid reflection.
Please note:
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Candidate Feedback for MRCS Part B examination
Information relating to the MRCS OSCE Assessment Matrix and content areas can be found in the MRCS Content Guide on the MRCS website at The MRCS Content Guide also includes information relating to the standard setting process employed
and a summary is included below.
The standard setting process for each diet of the MRCS Part B OSCE takes place at a meeting after each exam. Each standard setting
meeting analyses the performance of the exam circuits, including a review of the candidate, examiner and assessor feedback. This helps
ensure each set of scenarios are fairly compared when considering candidate performance.
Each candidate’s performance on each of the examined stations is assessed in two ways:
a mark is awarded for each station and assessed domain
an overall judgement is given using one of the categories: pass, borderline or fail.
The following information is therefore available for each candidate during the standard setting process:
a total mark for each station;
a category result for each station (i.e. pass, borderline, fail);
a total mark for each of the ‘Knowledge’ and ‘Skills’ Broad Content Areas.
The Borderline Regression Method of standard setting is used to determine the contribution of each station to the pass mark. The
contribution for each station in the two Broad Content Areas of the OSCE are summed to give a pass mark for each of Knowledge and
Skills for each circuit. Further information relating to Borderline Regression can be found on Page 11 of the Guidance for Standard
Setting document published by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges -
In order to ensure parity in the standards of the MRCS Part B (OSCE) examination the Surgical Royal Colleges use a set of scenarios
that have previously been deployed at a UK/Ireland examination centre. Examinations held in centres outside of the UK/Ireland use the
pass mark (or cut-score) for both Knowledge and Skills Broad Content Areas from the exam used in the UK/Ireland which has in turn
been set using the Borderline Regression method outlined above.
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Candidate Feedback for MRCS Part B examination
Candidate Examination Number: Date of Examination:
Broad content areas KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Content areas Anatomy and surgical Applied surgical science Communication skills Clinical and procedural
pathology and critical care skills
Your mark
Mean mark for all
candidates in the four
main content areas
Maximum mark 100 60 80 120
These stations all follow a similar format. There will normally be a short clinical vignette
Instructions to Candidate
A letter from a general practitioner has asked you to see a 57-year-old woman with
a soft tissue mass in the posterior part of her right thigh. The letter also indicates
that the patient has an abnormal gait but the cause is not clear. You consider
possible explanations for these observations. First you think about the course of the
sciatic nerve.
This will introduce the candidate to the area of the body that will form the core of the
station. The examiner will then take the candidate through a series of questions. These
will normally include looking at some or all of: prosections, live surface anatomy,
these bays all 20 marks are awarded for clinical knowledge. In all parts of the
examination if the candidate gets a question wrong and this may affect their
performance in subsequent questions then they will be given the correct answer.
Page 40
2. Applied surgical science and critical care (3 stations)
A complete example of all the documentation for a typical OSCE station in this area is
shown below. This example scenario involves interpretation of visual material: in this
case, a chest X-ray, which shows a misplaced nasogastric tube, and an abdominal CT
Scenario summary sheet
Code SSC G V 03
Title NG tube and gallstones
Syllabus area to be defined
Content area Applied knowledge
Station type Applied surgical science and critical care
Interpretation of visual information
Domains assessed Clinical knowledge and its application 3 × 4 marks
Clinical and technical skill 4 marks
Professionalism 4 marks
Props bank
Chest X-ray.
Abdominal CT scan.
Page 41
Candidate instructions
Scenario 1
You are called to the high-dependency unit to review a chest X-ray shortly after
starting your night shift. The nurse informs you that the patient was admitted from
the intensive care unit 2 days ago. The patient underwent a laparotomy for a
perforated sigmoid volvulus and had a 3-week stay on the intensive care unit.
Nutrition has been difficult. Earlier today the patient’s nasogastric tube ‘fell out’.
The F2 doctor who was covering HDU replaced it, but has now gone home. Look at
the chest X-ray.
Scenario 2
A 47-year-old woman is admitted via her general practitioner with acute, right
upper quadrant, abdominal pain. Her pulse is 100 beats/min and blood pressure
100/55 mmHg. She is pyrexial with a temperature of 38.5°C. The pain fails to settle
and a decision is taken to image her abdomen. Look at the CT scan.
In this station you will be asked a series of questions in relation to these
Page 42
EXAMINER MARK SHEET Candidate number:
Examiner number:
Scenario code and title SSC G V 03 NG tube and gallstones
Scenario 1
You are called to the high-dependency unit to review a chest X-ray shortly after starting your night shift. The nurse
informs you that the patient was admitted from the intensive care unit 2 days ago. The patient underwent a laparotomy
for a perforated sigmoid volvulus and had a 3-week stay on the intensive care unit. Nutrition has been difficult. Earlier
today the patient’s nasogastric tube ‘fell out’. The F2 doctor who was covering HDU replaced it, but has now gone
home. Look at the chest X-ray.
Scenario 2
A 47-year-old woman is admitted via her general practitioner with acute, right upper quadrant, abdominal pain. Her
pulse is 100 beats/min and blood pressure 100/55 mmHg. She is pyrexial with a temperature of 38.5°C. The pain fails
to settle and a decision is taken to image her abdomen. Look at the CT scan.
Page 43
Clinical knowledge domain 3
Possesses the clinical knowledge specified in the syllabus.
Able to understand, synthesise and apply knowledge in a clinical context.
9 Look at the CT scan. What abnormality does it show?
Thick-walled gall bladder with multiple stones. (1 mark)
10 What blood investigations should be performed in addition to FBC, U&E, LFT, group and save and
Blood cultures, coagulation screen. (1 mark)
11 What treatment should be instituted on admission once bloods have been taken?
Analgesia, antibiotics, intravenous fluids. (1 mark)
12 What surgical intervention will this patient require?
Cholecystectomy. (1 mark)
Mark for clinical knowledge domain 3 (0–4) K3
Professionalism domain
Makes the best use of information and is able to think beyond the obvious.
Anticipates and plans in advance.
Aware of need to put patient safety first.
Award a mark for the extent to which the candidate has:
been able to sift peripheral information to detect a root cause (1 mark)
been able to explain and justify decisions (1 mark)
been alert to symptoms and signs suggesting a condition may deteriorate (1 mark)
considered all the facts before reaching a decision (1 mark)
Total mark for professionalism domain (0–4) P
The second station in this broad content area covers interpretation of clinical data
and the third comprises a critical care scenario, which is examined by a physiologist.
Domain mark distributions are shown in the matrix above.
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3. Communication skills (5 stations)
Scenario summary sheet
Code CSH T 03
Title Obstructive jaundice
Syllabus area
Content area Clinical, communication and procedural skills
Station type History taking
Double manned – surgeon and lay examiner
Domains assessed Clinical knowledge and its application 4 marks
Clinical skill 2 x 4 marks
Communication 4 marks
Professionalism 4 marks
Last updated
Candidate instructions
This patient has been referred as an emergency to the surgical assessment unit. The
GP has said that the patient has jaundice.
You are to take an appropriate history in 6 minutes (you may make notes). If you
complete your history within the 6 minutes you should indicate to the examiners that you
are ready.
In the remaining 3 minutes the examiners will ask you to present a summary of the
history. They may also ask you to discuss any particular physical signs you would look
for on examination, the likely differential diagnosis, appropriate investigations and a
management plan.
Page 45
Information for the actor
Patient details
Name: Mr. Jack Rose Age 65
Sex: Male Job: Retired policeman Hospital number: A236572
Patient’s address: GP address:
13 Princes street Dr PR Smith
Anytown High Street Surgery
Anyshire High Street
AY67 7GH Anytown, AB12 3XY
The scenario
You have seen your own GP who has arranged for you to come to the SAU with a view to emergency
admission to the hospital. No special clothing or props are required but appropriate yellow make-up on your
face to simulate jaundice would add some authenticity. The candidate will take a history from you and will not
be required to do any physical examination. Apart from your presenting complaint do not volunteer other
information until asked specifically by the candidate.
You are a 65-year-old retired policeman.
Presenting complaint
Not felt well for past month and for the last 3 days you have noted that your skin and eyes have become
yellow and your skin itchy.
Associated history
Your appetite is poor and you have noticed your clothes are becoming loose (you haven’t weighed yourself).
You feel rather tired and run-down. You have been trying to eat but feel quickly full up and have had
episodes of nausea. Having had a regular once per day bowel action you now have to open your bowels after
most meals, passing loose stools. For 3 days they have been a white clay colour, very smelly and not the
usual brown. You have not noted any blood in the stools but get occasional bright blood on the toilet paper
when you wipe yourself which you think is due to piles. You have not had any significant pain in your
abdomen, but have noted a dull ache in the middle of your lower back which you think is due to an old injury
sustained when you were in the police.
Other systems
Respiratory: Smoker’s cough.
Cardiac: No problems.
Urinary: Get up once per night, reasonable stream, noted urine very dark brown colour for 3 days. No
pain/burning or stinging not aware of any blood.
Musculoskeletal: No problems.
Nervous system: No problems.
Past surgical history
Tonsillectomy as a child.
Appendicectomy age 15.
Haemorrhoids (piles) injected age 50.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (keyhole surgery to remove your gallbladder and gallstones) age 55.
Medical history
Hypertension from age 54.
Type 2 diabetes from age 58.
Page 46
Three months ago episode of tender inflammation in varicose vein in left leg. GP diagnosed phlebitis and
prescribed antibiotics.
Drug history (you may wish to note these on a piece of paper)
Metformin (500 mg, three times a day) and glicazide (100 mg once a day) for diabetes
Bendroflumethiazide (2.5 mg daily) for hypertension
Simvastatin (40 mg at night) – your GP put you on this 2 years ago ‘to stop you having a heart attack’
You don’t have any allergies.
Social history
You were a policeman for 35 years and retired at the age of 55 having been a sergeant for 15 years. You
then worked for 5 years with a security company organising guards for factory premises. For the last 3 years
you have been caring for your 68-year-old wife who is becoming increasingly disabled by motor-neurone
disease. You know this can’t be cured and her doctors have indicated that she will probably not survive more
than a few years. You have one married daughter who lives in Australia.
You smoke 20 cigarettes a day and have done so since you were a teenager. You have always enjoyed
drinking beer and whisky (not wine). When you were in the police you often indulged in heavy drinking
sessions (when not on duty) and since retirement you have had 2–3 pints of beer and 2 whiskies most days.
You eat a normal diet.
Family history
Your father was killed while serving in the army during the Korean war in 1952 and your mother died of a
heart attack at the age of 73. You have a younger brother and sister who are well as far as you are aware.
They live in Scotland and you have only occasional contact with them.
You are very worried by the symptoms that you have and are concerned about what will happen to your wife
if you have to come into hospital for treatment. (You have a good next door neighbour who is helping.)
If asked about any other personal or social details rely on your own experience and make your answers
consistent throughout the circuit.
This patient's jaundice is due to a blockage of the bile duct which means that bile is dammed up and spills
over into the bloodstream, making him yellow. The most likely cause of the jaundice is a tumour, but
gallstones are also a possibility even though he has had his gallbladder removed.
Page 47
Examiner instructions
In this scenario, the candidate has 6 minutes to take an appropriate, focused and relevant clinical
history from a simulated patient. They will then have 3 minutes to produce a sensible summary of
relevant positive and negative points from the history and a differential diagnosis. They should be able
to suggest appropriate investigations and management.
Both examiners should listen to and observe the candidate (who may make notes) taking the history
without interruption. If the candidate does not appear to be performing the required task properly, invite
them to re-read the candidate instructions.
After 6 minutes (or sooner if the candidate is ready), Examiner 1 uses the remaining time to ask the
candidate the following.
1. To summarise the history.
2. To give the differential diagnosis and explain how they would justify their answer.
3. To explain how the diagnosis would be confirmed (see below).
4. To specify what management they would recommend (see below).
Examiner 1 marks the domains clinical skill and clinical knowledge.
Examiner 2 marks the domains communication and professionalism.
The examiners should not swap roles between candidates during the circuit.
Both examiners will assess the overall performance of the candidate.
Examiner 1 looks at whether the candidate has gathered accurate information relevant to the specific
scenario along with important systemic effects of the condition under consideration through the use of
proper closed questions and systematic enquiry.
Examiner 2 assesses the candidate’s general approach to the taking of the history as instructed on the
mark sheet. They examine the candidate–patient interaction and check for shared understanding
between candidate and patient. During the discussion with Examiner 1 after the history-taking, they
should consider whether the information is being fed back with synthesis and prioritisation.
If the candidate finishes early they must remain in the bay and wait for the indication to move on.
Scenario-specific guidance
1. What are the essential points in the history?
1-month history of feeling unwell:
weight loss (implied)
nausea and vague backache
increasing diarrhoea, loose smelly stools.
3 days of worsening jaundice, skin itching, dark urine and pale stools.
Past history of cholecystectomy for gallstones, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and recent episode of
Lifelong smoker (risk factor for pancreatic cancer) and heavy alcohol intake (can cause chronic liver
Disabled wife at home.
Concerns about diagnosis and care of wife.
2. Based on the history you have obtained what is the differential diagnosis of the most likely
causes of this patient’s symptoms? (You may need to prompt)
Obstructive jaundice due to:
carcinoma of head of pancreas, ampulla or bile duct
bile duct stricture
bile duct stone (NB previous cholecystectomy)
chronic pancreatitis
liver cancer secondary or primary
Page 48
other rare pancreatic tumours.
3. Physical examination reveals a jaundiced patient with scratch marks on his arms, scars from
previous surgery and evidence of recent weight loss. There are no other abnormal findings.
What special investigations would you request from the SAU?
Full blood count, clotting studies, urea and electrolytes, liver function tests, amylase, possibly tumour
markers (CA19-9), hepatitis screen.
Urine dip (may also request separate test for urobilinogen – not present in obstructive jaundice).
Urgent abdominal ultrasound and CT (if available).
4. What would you expect the liver function tests to show?
Raised bilirubin (conjugated), alkaline phosphatase and gamma GT, relatively normal other liver
enzymes suggesting bile duct obstruction.).
Critical points
Realises patient is jaundiced.
Might be cancer but other differentials.
Initial investigations.
More complex later investigations.
Admit for investigations and possible ERCP.
Page 49
EXAMINER 1 (SURGEON) Candidate number:
MARK SHEET Examiner number:
Scenario code and title CSH T 03 Obstructive jaundice
Domains assessed Clinical skill 2 x 4 marks
Clinical knowledge and its application 4 marks
Domain Mark
Clinical skill 1 0–4
Elicits necessary detail/information from patient/colleague.
Accurately identifies key clinical symptoms.
Accurately interprets key clinical symptoms.
Has a systematic, complete and organised approach.
General assessment of patient is satisfactory.
Can take a detailed history from a poorly patient who is frightened about his diagnosis and the
impact this will have on his family.
Clinical skill 2 0–4
Presents a well organised history.
Accurately describes key clinical symptoms.
Understands key clinical signs.
Overall assessment of patient is satisfactory.
Able to use history to suggest a sensible management plan.
Aware of the seriousness of this history.
Appreciates need to organise care for patient's wife.
Clinical knowledge 0–4
Demonstrates knowledge in the essential areas tested.
Demonstrates knowledge in the majority of areas examined.
Knowledge of the likely differential diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms (listed in the
patient's notes and examiner's guidance).
This is required whether the examiners’ individual overall assessments differ or not.
Page 50
EXAMINER 2 (LAY) Candidate number:
MARK SHEET Examiner number:
Scenario code and title CSH T 03 Obstructive jaundice
Domains assessed Communication 4 marks
Professionalism 4 marks
Domain Mark
Communication 0–4
Uses appropriate opening/introductions and establishes purpose of the interview.
Uses technical/non-technical language appropriately, accurately and with fluency.
Confirms that there is common understanding.
Establishes relationship of respect with others.
Adapts language/behaviour as needed and adjusts style of questioning
(open/closed) as appropriate.
Establishes rapport with others.
Uses appropriate body language and eye contact.
Demonstrates clarity and focus in communication.
Demonstrates active listening towards others.
Demonstrates empathy and responds appropriately to patient’s concerns and
Adequate closure of interview.
Takes a comprehensive history from a patient who does not feel at all well.
Does not alarm patient excessively with possible diagnosis at this stage – need to
await results of investigations.
Aware of issues surrounding the wife.
Professionalism 0–4
Plans ahead, identifies requirements and prioritises accordingly.
Demonstrates strategic and tactical planning ability.
Able to recognise and manage complex and competing needs.
Manages time and resources effectively.
Appreciates need to involve other agencies for care of the wife.
Aware that patient must be admitted for investigation and probable ERCP in the
first instance.
Does not criticise patient’s smoking and drinking habits at this stage.
Is sympathetic to this patient's considerable problems.
Note that the actor playing the simulated patient is given a detailed brief so that they
can provide a full history when questioned. These histories normally go beyond the
immediate problem and will often introduce other anxieties that the candidates should
able to pick up. These scenarios have two examiners who examine different domains
Talking with relatives and carers. For this the candidate will typically have a
preparation bay which will involve extracting information from a set of hospital
Page 51
notes and then having an interview with a patient, their relative or a carer.
Two examiners are used for this assessment, one of which will be a fully
trained lay examiner who will have been a patient and will be able to assess
candidate is asked to extract information from a set of case notes. They then
have a telephone conversation with an examiner who will be playing the role
Physical examination
The four physical examination stations each have a single examiner who will
normally observe the candidate’s interaction with the patient for up to 6 minutes and
then ask the questions indicated. Wherever possible real patients are used but in
some instances when an acute condition forms the basis of the scenario a fully
Scenario summary sheet
Code CPE T 04
Title Breast mass
Syllabus area to be defined
Content area Clinical, communication and procedural skills
Station type Physical examination
Domains assessed Clinical and technical skill 8 marks
Communication 4 marks
Clinical knowledge and its application 4 marks
Professionalism 4 marks
Page 52
Last updated
Candidate instructions
You are a basic surgical trainee in the outpatient clinic and are asked to see a patient
referred by her GP on account of a breast lump.
After 6 minutes (or sooner if you are ready) you will be asked to present your findings and
have a discussion with the examiner. The examiner will not prompt you unless they feel
the patient is being made uncomfortable or embarrassed.
This station tests physical examination skills and not history-taking. You should restrict
communication with the patient to issues relevant to your physical examination.
Let the examiner know if you are ready to summarise your findings before 6 minutes.
Patient instructions
The examiner will explain what is required before the start of the circuit.
Examiner instructions
This station evaluates the candidate’s ability to examine a patient with a breast lump. The
candidate is not required to report their findings as they go along. Please do not interact with the
candidate whilst they are performing the examination unless the patient is made to feel
uncomfortable or embarrassed. If the candidate appears to have misunderstood the task invite
them to re-read the instructions.
After 6 minutes, or sooner if the candidate indicates they are ready:
invite them to summarise their findings
ask if there are any other examinations they would wish to perform
ask what they consider the possible underlying cause to be
ask whether any special investigations may be required
ask what the options for management are.
The role of the examiner is to ensure the candidate conducts a technically proficient and
knowledgeable examination of the relevant part. They should do so sensitively and with all due
consideration for the patient.
Generic domain descriptors
Clinical knowledge
Possesses the clinical knowledge specified in the syllabus.
Able to understand, synthesise and apply knowledge in a clinical context.
Clinical and technical skill
Capable of applying sound clinical knowledge, skill and awareness to a full investigation of problems to
reach a provisional diagnosis.
Able to perform manual tasks related to surgery that demand manual dexterity, hand/eye coordination and
visual/spatial awareness.
Page 53
Able to assimilate information, identify what is important and convey it to others clearly using a variety of
Capable of adjusting behaviour and language as appropriate to needs of differing situations.
Actively and clearly engages patient/carer/colleague in open dialogue.
Demonstrates effective judgment and decision-making skills
Considers all appropriate facts before reaching decision.
Makes the best use of information and is able to think beyond the obvious.
Alert to symptoms and signs suggesting conditions that might progress or destabilise
Aware of own strengths/limitations and knows when to ask for help
Able to accommodate new or changing information and use it to manage a clinical problem.
Anticipates and plans in advance
Prioritises conflicting demands and builds contingencies
Demonstrates effective management of time and resources
Aware of need to put patient safety first.
Page 54
Observes eye contact, body language.
Summarises patient examination.
Discussion of possible management.
Procedural skills
The two procedural skills stations will typically involve use of simulated patients with
skills such as may be found within the CCrISP or Basic Surgical Skills courses. They
may also include patient safety-related issues such as correct ordering of theatre lists
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