CRF250R: Owner'S Manual & Competition Handbook
CRF250R: Owner'S Manual & Competition Handbook
CRF250R: Owner'S Manual & Competition Handbook
This manual should be considered a permanent part of the motorcycle and should remain with the motorcycle when it is resold.
All information in this publication is based on the latest product information available at the time of approval for printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission.
© Honda Motor Co., Ltd., 2008
Honda CRF250R
Congratulations on choosing your Honda CRF As you read this manual, you will find
motocross motorcycle. information that is preceded by a NOTICE
symbol. This information is intended to help you
When you own a Honda, you’re part of a avoid damage to your Honda, other property, or
worldwide family of satisfied customers-people the environment.
who appreciate Honda’s reputation for building
quality into every product. Unless you are mechanically qualified and have
the proper tools, you should see your Honda
Your CRF is a high performance racing dealer for the service and adjustment procedures
motorcycle that utilizes the latest motocross discussed in this manual.
technology and is intended for competition use in
sanctioned, closed-course events by experienced If you have any questions, or if you ever need a
riders only. special service or repairs, remember that your
Honda dealer knows your CRF best and is
Be aware that motocross is a physically dedicated to your complete satisfaction.
demanding sport that requires more than just a
fine motorcycle. To do well, you must be in Happy riding!
excellent physical condition and be a skillful
rider. For the best results, work diligently on • The following codes in this manual indicate
your physical conditioning and practice each country.
ED European direct sales
Before riding, take time to get acquainted with IIED European direct sales (Type II)
your CRF and how it works. To protect your U Australia, New Zealand
investment, we urge you to take IIU Australia, New Zealand (Type II)
responsibility for keeping your CRF well
maintained. Scheduled service is a must, of
course. But it’s just as important to observe the
break-in guidelines, and perform all the pre-ride
and other periodic checks detailed in this manual.
To help you make informed decisions about safety, this manual contains a section devoted to Motorcycle Safety, as well as a number of Safety Messages
throughout the manual.
Safety Messages are preceded by a safety alert symbol and one of three signal words: DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION.
DANGER You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
WARNING You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
Of course, it is not practical or possible to warn you about all hazards associated with operating or maintaining a motorcycle. You must use your own good
Safety Messages
MOTORCYCLE SAFETY...............................1 Service Procedures TIPS ................................................................139
Important Safety Information..............................2 Fluids & Filters Transporting Your Motorcycle ........................140
Important Safety Precautions..........................2 Fuel System.......................................................34 Storing Your Honda.........................................141
Accessories & Modifications ..............................3 Engine Oil .........................................................36 You & the Environment ..................................142
Safety Labels.......................................................4 Transmission Oil ...............................................39 Troubleshooting...............................................143
Coolant ..............................................................41
OPERATING CONTROLS .............................5 Air Cleaner ........................................................43 TECHNICAL INFORMATION ..................145
Operation Component Locations ........................6 Crankcase Breather ...........................................45 Vehicle Identification ......................................146
Specifications ..................................................147
BEFORE RIDING ............................................7 Engine Torque Specifications......................................148
Are You Ready to Ride? .....................................8 Throttle ..............................................................46 Petrol Containing Alcohol...............................151
Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride?....................9 Engine Idle Speed .............................................48 Competition Logbook .....................................152
Pre-ride Inspection..........................................9 Clutch System ...................................................49 Optional Parts List ..........................................154
Hot Start Lever..................................................54 Spare Parts & Equipment................................155
BASIC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ......11 Spark Plug .........................................................55 Wiring Diagram...............................................156
Safe Riding Precautions................................12 Valve Clearance.................................................56
Starting & Stopping the Engine ........................13 Piston/Piston Rings/Piston Pin..........................64 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................158
Preparation ....................................................13
Starting Procedure.........................................13 Chassis INDEX ............................................................159
Flooded Engine .............................................13 Suspension.........................................................72
How to Stop the Engine ................................14 Brakes................................................................77 Manufacturer and Authorised
Break-in Guidelines ..........................................15 Wheels...............................................................81 Representative for EU Market.....................162
Tyres & Tubes ...................................................82
SERVICING YOUR HONDA........................17 Drive Chain .......................................................84
Before You Service Your Honda Exhaust Pipe/Muffler ........................................87
The Importance of Maintenance .......................18 Steering Damper................................................91
Maintenance Safety...........................................19 Additional Maintenance Procedures .................93
Important Safety Precautions........................19 Appearance Care ...............................................95
Maintenance Schedule ......................................20
General Competition Maintenance ...................22 ADJUSTMENTS FOR COMPETITION .....97
Before & After Competition Maintenance........26 Front Suspension Adjustments..........................98
Between Motos & Practice Maintenance .....26 Rear Suspension Adjustments .........................111
After Competition Maintenance ...................26 Suspension Adjustments for Track
Conditions .......................................................115
Service Preparations Suspension Adjustment Guidelines.................116
Maintenance Component Locations..................28 Carburetor Adjustments & Tuning Tips ..........119
Seat Removal ....................................................29 Steering Damper Adjustment ..........................132
Fuel Tank Removal ...........................................30 Steering Damper Adjustment Guidelines........133
Subframe Removal............................................32 Chassis Adjustments........................................134
Gearing ............................................................135
Tyre Selection for Track Conditions ...............136
Personal Fit Adjustments ................................137
Motorcycle Safety
This section presents some of the most important Important Safety Information...............................2
information and recommendations to help you Important Safety Precautions ..........................2
ride your CRF safely. Please take a few Accessories & Modifications ...............................3
moments to read these pages. This section also Safety Labels ........................................................4
includes information about the location of safety
labels on your CRF.
Motorcycle Safety 1
As an experienced rider, you know there is much Keep your Honda in Safe Condition.
you can do to protect yourself when you ride. Maintaining your CRF properly is critical to your
The following are a few precautions we consider safety. A loose bolt, for example, can cause a
to be most important. breakdown in which you can be seriously
Never Carry a Passenger.
Your CRF is designed for one operator only.
Carrying a passenger can cause an accident in
which you and others can be hurt.
2 Motorcycle Safety
Improper accessories or modifications
can cause a crash in which you can be
seriously hurt or killed.
Motorcycle Safety 3
Safety Labels
Read this label carefully and don’t remove it.
If the label comes off or becomes hard to read, contact your Honda dealer for replacement.
4 Motorcycle Safety
Operating Controls
Read this section carefully before you ride. It Operation Component Locations .........................6
presents the location of the basic controls on your
Operating Controls 5
choke knob
6 Operating Controls
Before Riding
Before each ride, you need to make sure you and Are You Ready to Ride?.......................................8
your Honda are both ready to ride. To help get Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride?.....................9
you prepared, this section discusses how to Pre-ride Inspection...........................................9
evaluate your riding readiness, and what items
you should check on your CRF.
Before Riding 7
8 Before Riding
Before Riding 9
10 Before Riding
Break-in Guidelines
Help assure your CRF’s future reliability and
performance by paying extra attention to how
you ride during the first operating day or 25 km
(15 miles).
During this period, avoid full-throttle starts and
rapid acceleration.
• piston is replaced
• piston rings are replaced
• cylinder is replaced
• crankshaft or crank bearings are replaced
Throttle ...............................................................46
Engine Idle Speed ..............................................48
Clutch System ....................................................49
Hot Start Lever...................................................54
Spark Plug ..........................................................55
Valve Clearance..................................................56
Piston/Piston Rings/Piston Pin...........................64
Improperly maintaining this motorcycle or
failing to correct a problem before you
ride can cause a crash in which you can
be seriously hurt or killed.
Maintenance Safety
This section includes instructions on how to • Read the instructions before you begin, and
perform some important maintenance tasks. make sure you have the tools and skills
Some of the most important safety precautions required.
follow. However, we cannot warn you of every
conceivable hazard that can arise in performing • To help prevent the motorcycle from falling
maintenance. Only you can decide whether or over, park it on a firm, level surface, using an
not you should perform a given task. optional workstand or a maintenance stand to
provide support.
WARNING • To reduce the possibility of a fire or
Failure to properly follow maintenance explosion, be careful when working around
instructions and precautions can cause petrol. Use only a non-flammable (high flash
you to be seriously hurt or killed. point) solvent such as kerosene — not petrol —
to clean parts. Keep cigarettes, sparks, and
Always follow the procedures and flames away from all fuel-related parts.
precautions in this owner’s manual.
Maintenance Schedule
To maintain the safety and reliability of your Perform the pre-ride inspection (page 9) at each
CRF, regular inspection and service is required as scheduled maintenance period.
shown in the Maintenance Schedule that follows.
Summary of Maintenance Schedule Notes and
The Maintenance Schedule lists items that can be Procedures:
performed with basic mechanical skills and hand
tools. Procedures for these items are provided in Notes:
this manual. 1. Clean after every heat for dusty riding
The Maintenance Schedule also includes items 2. Replace every 2 years. Replacement requires
that involve more extensive procedures and may mechanical skill.
require special training, tools, and equipment. 3. Replace after the first break-in ride.
Therefore, we recommend that you have your 4. Inspect after the first break-in ride.
Honda dealer perform these tasks unless you 5. Replace the transmission oil, if the clutch
have advanced mechanical skills and the required discs and plates are replaced.
tools. Procedures for items in this schedule are
provided in a shop manual available for Maintenance Procedures:
purchase. I : inspect and clean, adjust, lubricate, or replace,
if necessary
Service intervals in the maintenance schedule are C : clean
expressed in terms of races and riding hours. To L : lubricate
avoid overlooking required service, we urge you R : replace
to develop a convenient way to record the
number of races and/or hours you ride.
Maintenance Schedule
Perform the Pre-ride Inspection at each scheduled maintenance period.
I: Inspect and Clean, Adjust, Lubricate or Replace if necessary. C: Clean. L: Lubricate. R: Replace.
Each race Every 3 races Every 6 races Every 9 races Every 12 races
NOTE or about or about or about or about or about Ref. Page
2.5 hours 7.5 hours 15.0 hours 22.5 hours 30.0 hours
NUTS, BOLTS, FASTENERS I 94, 148 – 150
This maintenance schedule is based upon average riding condition. Machines subjected to severe use require more frequent servicing.
Because your CRF is a high-performance machine, the frame
should not be overlooked as part of your overall competition
maintenance program. Periodically inspect the frame
closely for possible cracking or other damage. It makes Electrical Connectors
good racing sense. Clean electrical connectors and wrap them with electrical
tape to reduce the possibility of unwanted disconnections,
Spokes water shorts or corrosion. For additional corrosion
Check spoke tension frequently between the first few rides. protection, apply Honda Dielectric Grease to all the
As the spokes, spoke nuts and rim contact points seat-in, the electrical connections.
spokes may need to be retightened. Once past this initial
seating-in period, the spokes should hold their tension. Still,
be sure your race maintenance program includes checking
spoke tension and overall wheel condition on a regular basis
(page 81).
Do not attempt to weld or otherwise repair a damaged
swingarm. Welding will weaken the swingarm.
Worn footpeg teeth can be repaired by filing the grooves
between the teeth with a triangular-shaped file. Water Leakage Check Hole
Be aware that filing them too sharp will reduce boot sole After every race, check the leakage check hole, located just Throttle Control
lifespan. Sharpen only the points of the teeth. Filing the below the water pump cover on the right crankcase cover. Remove the throttle control every few rides, clean the inside
grooves deeper will weaken the footpegs. Be sure the pegs Clean away any clogged dirt or sand, if necessary. Look for of the throttle pipe and the handlebar thoroughly. Inspect the
are free to pivot freely and that the pivot pin retaining cotter coolant or oil leakage. Leaking coolant indicates a worn or cable carefully for kinks or other damage that may restrict
pins are in good condition. damaged water seal. Leaking oil indicates a bad throttle control in any way. Move the handlebar from lock to
transmission oil seal. If replacement is necessary, both seals lock to be sure there is no cable interference. Make certain
should be replaced. the throttle operation is perfect after servicing and
After practice or between motos you have a It is important to the long-term performance of
chance to make additional checks and your CRF to practice a consistent maintenance
adjustments. program. Right after the event is a good time to
begin your next maintenance cycle.
• Clean accumulated dirt from under the (1)
fenders and off the wheels, suspension After Race Lubrication
components, handgrips, controls, and Apply a light coating of rust-inhibiting oil to the
footpegs. A stiff, nylon parts cleaning brush drive sprocket and any steel portions of the
works well. chassis or engine where the paint has worn away.
• Check tyre air pressure. (1) chain adjuster index marks This will prevent rusting of the exposed metal.
• Check spoke tension, and make sure the rim Apply rust-inhibiting oil more heavily if the
locks are secure. • Suspend the front wheel above the ground and event was particularly wet or muddy. Take care
use the pressure release screws (2) to release to avoid spraying any oil near the brake pads or
the built-up pressure (in excess of normal brake disc.
atmospheric pressure: 0 kPa (0 kgf/cm2,
0 psi)) in the fork tubes. This pressure is Take care to prevent catching your fingers
caused by normal fork action while riding. (If between the chain and sprocket.
you are riding at altitude, remember that fork
pressure of 0 at sea level will increase as Remove the drive chain, clean and lubricate it.
elevation increases.) Be sure the chain is wiped clean and is dry
before lubricating it.
throttle grip
radiator cap
transmission oil check bolt
engine oil drain bolt
oil filler cap
engine oil filler cap/ transmission oil
dipstick drive chain rear suspension front suspension rebound
drain bolt rear brake pedal
engine oil filter throttle stop screw rebound damping adjuster damping adjuster
(engine idle speed)
Seat Removal
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. Installation
1. Install the seat while aligning the front prong
Removal (3) with the seat bracket (4) and rear prong (5)
1. Remove the seat mounting bolts (1). with the tab (6) of the subframe.
2. Remove the seat (2) by sliding it backward. 2. Install and tighten the seat mounting bolts to
the specified torque:
(2) 26 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 19 lbf·ft)
(1) (8)
(9) shroud
(10) shroud B bolts
(4) fuel tank bolt/collar (11) shroud A bolts/collars
(5) fuel tank band
(6) breather tube 11.Install the seat (page 29).
Subframe Removal
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 4. Disconnect the crankcase breather tube (1). 7. Remove the subframe lower mounting bolts
5. Unhook the fuel tank band (2). (5) and subframe upper mounting bolt (6).
Removal 6. Loosen the screw (3) on the air cleaner Then remove the subframe (7) by pulling it
1. Remove the seat (page 29). connecting tube clamp (4). straight backward.
2. Remove the muffler (page 87).
3. Remove the exhaust joint pipe (page 89). (2)
Subframe Removal
Installation 2. Tighten the screw (4) on the air cleaner 5. Install the exhaust joint pipe (page 89) and
1. Loosely attach the upper and lower ends of connecting tube clamp (5). muffler (page 88).
the subframe (1) to the mainframe while 3. Hook the fuel tank band (6). 6. Install the seat (page 29).
connecting the air cleaner connecting tube to 4. Connect the crankcase breather tube (7).
the carburetor.
Be careful not to bend the subframe. (6)
Install the subframe upper mounting bolt (2) (4)
and subframe lower mounting bolts (3).
Tighten the upper mounting bolt and lower
mounting bolts to each specified torque:
upper bolt: 30 N·m (3.1 kgf·m, 22 lbf·ft)
lower bolt: 49 N·m (5.0 kgf·m, 36 lbf·ft)
(2) (5)
(4) screw
(5) air cleaner connecting tube clamp
(6) fuel tank band
(7) crankcase breather tube
(1) (3)
(1) subframe
(2) subframe upper mounting bolt
(3) subframe lower mounting bolts
Fuel System
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19.
Refueling Procedure Fuel Line
Fuel Recommendation Fuel Tank Capacity: 7.3R(1.9 US gal,
1.61 Imp gal) (1)
Type Unleaded
Research Octane Number 95 (or higher)
We recommend that you use unleaded fuel
because it produces fewer engine deposits and
extends the life of exhaust system components.
Fuel System
4. Wash the fuel filter (3) in high flash-point
Fuel Filter cleaning solvent.
5. Reassemble the fuel filter in the reverse order
The fuel filter is mounted on the bottom left side of removal. Make sure the O-ring (4) is in
of the fuel tank. Dirt accumulated in the filter good condition and install it onto the fuel
will restrict the flow of the fuel to the carburetor. joint.
Therefore, the fuel filter should be serviced 6. Install the fuel joint in the fuel tank by
frequently. tightening the bolts to the specified torque:
10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7 lbf·ft)
To service the fuel filter: 7. Install the fuel tank (page 31) and refill the
1. Drain the fuel from the fuel tank into an fuel.
approved petrol container. Turn the fuel valve to ON; check for fuel
2. Remove the fuel tank (page 30). leaks.
3. Remove the fuel joint (1) from the fuel tank
by removing the bolts (2). (4)
Engine Oil
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. • Your CRF does not need oil additives.
Oil Recommendation Use the recommended oil.
Using the proper oil, and regularly checking, • Do not use API SH or higher 4-stroke engine
adding, and changing oil will help extend the API SG or higher except oils oils displaying a circular API “energy
service life of the engine. Even the best oil wears classification labeled as energy conserving conserving” service label on the container.
out. Changing oil helps get rid of dirt and on the circular API service They may affect lubrication.
deposits. Operating the engine with old or dirty label
oil can damage your engine. Running the engine viscosity SAE 10W-30
with insufficient oil can cause serious damage to (weight)
the engine. JASO T 903 MA
suggested oil Honda “4-STROKE
Other viscosities shown in the following chart
may be used when the average temperature in
your riding area is within the indicated range.
Engine Oil
JASO T 903 standard
The JASO T 903 standard is an index for engine Checking & Adding Oil Changing Engine Oil & Filter
oils for 4-stroke motorcycle engines.
There are two classes: MA and MB. (1)
1. Run the engine at idle for 3 minutes, then shut it off.
Oil conforming to the standard is labeled on the 2. Support the CRF in an upright position on a
level surface.
oil container. For example, the following label
3. Remove the engine oil filler cap/dipstick (1)
shows the MA classification. from the left crankcase cover.
(1) (2) 4. Place an oil drain pan under the engine to
catch the oil. Then remove the engine oil
drain bolt (2) and sealing washer (3).
5. With the engine stop button pushed, repeat
kickstarter operation approximately 5 times to
(2) (1) drain the engine oil completely.
(3) 6. After the oil has drained, apply fresh engine
oil to the engine oil drain bolt threads.
(1) engine oil filler cap/dipstick (3) lower level mark 7. Install and tighten the engine oil drain bolt with
(2) upper level mark a new sealing washer to the specified torque:
(1) code number of the sales company of the oil 16 N·m (1.6 kgf·m, 12 lbf·ft)
(2) oil classification 1. Run the engine at idle for 3 minutes, then shut
it off. Pour the drained oil into a suitable container and
2. Wait 3 minutes after shutting off the engine to dispose of it in an approved manner (page 142).
allow the oil to properly distribute itself in the
3. Support the CRF in an upright position on a NOTICE
level surface. Improperly disposal of drained fluids is harmful
4. Remove the engine oil filler cap/dipstick (1), to the environment.
wipe it clean, and insert the engine oil filler
cap/dipstick without screwing it in. Remove
the engine oil filler cap/dipstick. (3)
5. Check that the oil level is between the upper
(2) and lower (3) level marks on the engine
oil filler cap/dipstick.
• If the oil is at or near the upper level mark,
you do not have to add oil.
• Before race or if the oil level is below or
near the lower level mark, add the (2)
recommended oil until the upper level mark (1)
is reached. (Do not overfill.)
Reinstall the engine oil filler cap/dipstick.
(1) engine oil filler cap/dipstick
Repeat steps 1 – 5. (2) engine oil drain bolt
6. Reinsert the engine oil filler cap/dipstick. (3) sealing washer
7. Check for oil leaks. (cont’d)
Engine Oil
8. It is recommended to replace the oil and filter 12. Check that the oil filter cover O-ring (9) is in 15.Apply engine oil to a new O-ring and install it
every 6 races or about every 15.0 hours. good condition. to the oil filter cover.
However, if you replace only the oil before 16.Install the oil filter cover being careful not to
the recommended interval, see page 21. damage the O-ring, then tighten the oil filter
9. Remove the left engine guard bolt (4) and left cover bolts to the specified torque:
engine guard (5). (8) 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 9 lbf·ft)
(11) 17.Install the left engine guard and bolt, then
tighten it.
18.Fill the crankcase with the recommended oil.
Capacity: 0.69R(0.73 US qt, 0.61 Imp qt)
after draining and oil filter change
0.66R(0.70 US qt, 0.58 Imp qt)
after draining
(12) 19.Install the engine oil filler cap/dipstick.
(9) 20.Check the engine oil level by following the
(6) steps in Checking & Adding Oil (page 37).
(6) oil filter cover bolts (10) spring
(7) oil filter cover (11) rubber seal Pour the drained oil into a suitable container and
(4) left engine guard bolt (8) oil filter (12) “OUT-SIDE” mark dispose of it in an approved manner (page 142).
(5) left engine guard (9) oil filter cover O-ring
10. Remove the oil filter cover bolts (6) and oil NOTICE
filter cover (7).
Improper disposal of drained fluids is harmful to
11. Remove the oil filter (8) from the oil filter cover. Using the wrong oil filter may result in leaks or
the environment.
engine damage.
If the oil filter is not installed properly, it will
cause serious engine damage.
Transmission Oil
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19.
Oil Recommendation
Using the proper oil, and regularly checking,
adding, and changing oil will help extend the
API classification SG or higher except oils
service life of the transmission and clutch. Even (4-stroke engine oil labeled as energy
the best oil wears out. Changing oil helps get rid only) conserving on the circular
of dirt and deposits. Operating the engine with API service label
old or dirty oil can damage your engine.
Viscosity SAE 10W-30
Running the engine with insufficient oil can (weight)
cause serious damage to the engine and
transmission. JASO T903 MA
Transmission Oil
Pour the drained oil into a suitable container and
Checking & Adding Oil Replacing Transmission Oil dispose of it in an approved manner (page 142).
Your CRF’s liquid cooling system dissipates Increasing the concentration of antifreeze is not
engine heat through the coolant jacket that recommended because it decreases cooling WARNING
surrounds the cylinder and cylinder head. system performance. Higher concentrations of Removing the radiator cap while the
antifreeze (up to 60%) should only be used to engine is hot can cause the coolant to
Maintaining the coolant will allow the cooling provide additional protection against freezing. spray out, seriously scalding you.
system to work properly and prevent freezing, Check the cooling system frequently during
overheating, and corrosion. freezing weather. Always let the engine and radiator cool
down before removing the radiator cap.
Coolant Recommendation Checking & Adding Coolant 2. Add coolant up to the filler neck if the level is
Use high quality ethylene glycol antifreeze Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. Inspect the coolant level before each outing.
containing corrosion protection inhibitors A coolant loss of 20 – 60 cm3 (0.7 – 2.0
specifically recommended for use in aluminum 1. With the engine cold, remove the radiator cap US oz, 0.7 – 2.1 Imp oz) through the overflow
engines. (1) and check coolant level. The coolant level tube is normal. If coolant loss is more than
Check the antifreeze container label. is correct when it is at the bottom of the this, inspect the cooling system.
radiator filler neck (2). Capacity:
Use only distilled water as a part of the coolant 1.00R(1.06 US qt, 0.88 Imp qt) after
solution. Water that is high in mineral content or disassembly
salt may be harmful to the aluminum engine. 0.93R(0.98 US qt, 0.82 Imp qt) after
(1) draining
NOTICE 3. Install the radiator cap securely.
Cooling System Inspection (1) Coolant Replacement
1. Check the cooling system for leaks (see the Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19.
Honda Shop Manual for troubleshooting of
leaks). Coolant should be replaced by your Honda
2. Check the water hoses (1) for cracks, dealer, unless you have the proper tools and
deterioration, and hose clamp for looseness. service data and are mechanically qualified.
3. Check the radiator mount for looseness. Refer to the Honda Shop Manual.
4. Make sure the overflow tube (2) is connected
and not clogged.
5. Check the radiator fins for clogging.
6. Check the water leakage check hole (3) below Removing the radiator cap while the
the water pump cover (4) for leakage. Make engine is hot can cause the coolant to
sure the hole remains open. If water leaks spray out, seriously scalding you.
through the check hole, the water seal is
damaged. If oil leaks through the check hole, Always let the engine and radiator cool
the oil seal is damaged. See the Honda Shop down before removing the radiator cap.
Manual or consult your Honda dealer for
replacing the water seal or the oil seal. Both
seals should be replaced at the same time. To properly dispose of drained coolant, refer to
You & the Environment, page 142.
Improper disposal of drained fluids is harmful to
the environment.
Air Cleaner
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 5. Remove the air cleaner element (5) from the
Cleaning air cleaner holder (6).
The air cleaner uses polyurethane inner and outer (8) (7)
pieces which can’t be separated. 1. Remove the seat (page 29). (5)
A dirty air cleaner will reduce engine power. 2. Remove the air cleaner retaining bolt (1).
3. Align the two access top tabs (2) of the air
Proper air cleaner maintenance is very important cleaner assembly (3) and “ ” mark (4) of
for off-road vehicles. A dirty, water-soaked, the air cleaner housing by rotating the air
worn-out, or defective air cleaner will allow dirt, cleaner assembly counterclockwise.
dust, mud, and other impurities to pass into the
(1) (9)
Service the air cleaner more frequently if you
ride in unusually wet or dusty areas. Your Honda
dealer can help you determine the correct service
interval for your riding conditions.
(5) air cleaner element (8) hole
Your CRF’s air cleaner has very specific (6) air cleaner holder (9) air cleaner tab
(7) holder tab
performance requirements. Use a new Honda
(2) (3)
Genuine air cleaner specified for your model or 6. Wash the air cleaner element in clean non-
an air cleaner of equal quality. flammable cleaning solvent. Then wash in
(1) air cleaner retaining bolt
(2) two access top tabs hot, soapy water, rinse well, and allow to dry
NOTICE (3) air cleaner assembly thoroughly.
(4) “ ” mark The air cleaner element is made in two pieces:
Using the wrong air cleaner may result in inner and outer, which cannot be separated.
premature engine wear. 4. Remove the air cleaner keeping the two 7. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing.
access top tabs up. 8. Allow the air cleaner element to dry
Proper air cleaner maintenance can prevent thoroughly. After drying, soak the air cleaner
premature engine wear or damage, expensive element in clean Honda Foam Air Filter Oil or
repairs, low engine power, poor gas mileage, and an equivalent air cleaner oil.
spark plug fouling. Apply air cleaner oil to the entire surface,
inner and outer, and rub it with both hands to
NOTICE saturate the air cleaner element with oil.
Squeeze out excess oil.
Improper or lack of proper air cleaner 9. Apply a thin coat of Honda White Lithium
maintenance can cause poor performance and Grease or equivalent to the sealing surface
premature engine wear. between the air cleaner element and air
cleaner element holder.
10.Assemble the air cleaner element and holder.
Install the holder tab (7) of the holder in the
hole (8) of the air cleaner tab (9).
Air Cleaner
11.Install the air cleaner assembly (3) into the air NOTICE
cleaner housing keeping the two access top
tabs (2) up. Improper installation of the air cleaner assembly
12.Carefully position the sealing flange of the may allow dirt and dust to enter the engine and
element to prevent dirt intrusion. cause rapid wear of the piston rings and cylinder.
13.Align the groove (10) of the air cleaner
assembly with the “ ” mark (4) of the air 14.Reinstall the seat (page 29), making sure it is
cleaner housing by rotating the air cleaner securely attached.
assembly clockwise. Install and tighten the air
cleaner retaining bolt (1) securely.
(4) (10) (1)
(1) air cleaner retaining bolt
(2) two access top tabs
(3) air cleaner assembly
(4) “ ” mark
(10) groove
Crankcase Breather
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19.
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 1. Pull the dust cover (2) back. Lower Adjustment
2. Loosen the lock nut (3). The lower adjuster is used for major freeplay
3. Turn the upper adjuster (4). adjustment, such as after replacing the throttle
Throttle Freeplay Turning the adjuster in direction (–) will cables or removing the carburetor. It is also used
decrease freeplay and turning it in direction if you can not get the proper adjustment with the
(1) (+) will increase freeplay. upper adjuster.
4. Tighten the lock nut to the specified torque:
4 N·m (0.4 kgf·m, 3.0 lbf·ft)
Return the dust cover to its normal position.
5. After adjustment, check for smooth rotation of
the throttle grip from fully closed to fully (–)
open in all steering positions.
If the adjuster is threaded out near its limit or
the correct freeplay cannot be reached, turn
(1) freeplay the adjuster all the way in and back out one
turn. Tighten the lock nut, install the dust (5)
Inspection cover and make the adjustment with the (+)
Check freeplay (1). (6)
lower adjuster.
Freeplay: 3 – 5 mm (0.1 – 0.2 in)
If necessary, adjust to the specified range. (5) lock nut (+) increase
(6) lower adjuster (–) decrease
Upper Adjustment
1. Remove the fuel tank (page 30).
Minor adjustments are generally made with the
2. Loosen the lock nut (5).
upper adjuster.
3. Turn the lower adjuster (6) in direction (–) to
decrease freeplay, and in direction (+) to
(4) increase freeplay.
(2) 4. Tighten the lock nut to the specified torque:
(+) (3) 4 N·m (0.4 kgf·m, 3.0 lbf·ft)
5. Operate the throttle grip to ensure that it
functions smoothly and returns completely.
6. Install the fuel tank (page 31).
(–) If you can’t get the freeplay within the specified
range, contact your Honda dealer.
Throttle Inspection
(1) throttle
Clutch System
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 4. Turn the cable end adjuster (3) in direction (+)
until it seats lightly and then turn it out 5 Clutch Lever Freeplay
Clutch Lever Adjustment (1)
The distance between the tip of the clutch lever
and grip may be adjusted.
Clutch System
Cable End Adjustment Integral Cable Adjustment
Minor adjustments are generally made with the The integral cable adjuster is used if the cable Other Inspections & Lubrication
clutch cable end adjuster. end adjuster is threaded out near its limit — or
the correct freeplay cannot be obtained. • Check that the clutch lever assembly is
(–) (4)
positioned properly (the end of the holder (1)
aligned with the paint mark (2) on the
(–) handlebar) and the securing bolts are tight.
(+) (2)
(2) cable end adjuster
(+) increase freeplay (3) lock nut (+) increase
(–) decrease freeplay (4) integral cable adjuster (–) decrease
Turning the cable end adjuster (2) in direction (+) 1. Turn the cable end adjuster in direction (+)
will increase freeplay and turning it in direction until it seats lightly and then turn it out 5
(–) will decrease freeplay. turns.
2. Loosen the lock nut (3).
If the adjuster is threaded out near its limit or the 3. Turn the integral cable adjuster (4) to obtain (1) holder (2) paint mark
correct freeplay cannot be reached, turn the the specified freeplay.
adjuster all the way in direction (+) and back out • Check the clutch cable for kinks or signs of
4. Tighten the lock nut. Check the adjustment.
one turn in direction (–) and make the adjustment wear. If necessary, have it replaced.
5. Start the engine, pull the clutch lever in, and
with the integral cable adjuster. • Lubricate the clutch cable with a
shift into gear. Make sure the engine does not
commercially-available cable lubricant to
stall and the motorcycle does not creep.
prevent premature wear and corrosion.
Gradually release the clutch lever and open
the throttle. Your CRF should move smoothly
and accelerate gradually. Clutch Operation
If you can’t get proper adjustment, or the clutch
1. Check for smooth clutch lever operation. If
does not work properly, the cable may be kinked
necessary, lubricate the clutch lever pivot or
or worn, or the clutch discs may be worn. See
clutch cable.
your Honda dealer or refer to the Honda Shop
2. Check the clutch cable for deterioration,
kinks, or damage.
Clutch System
5. Remove the clutch pressure plate (8).
Clutch Cover/Disc/Plate Removal Clutch Disc/Plate Inspection
1. Drain the transmission oil (page 40). (8) Replace the clutch discs (1) if they show signs of
2. Remove the rear brake pedal (1) by removing scoring or discolouration.
its pivot bolt (2), washer (3) and dust seals (4). Measure the thickness of each clutch disc.
Service Limit: 2.85 mm (0.112 in)
(4) (3)
Replace the clutch discs and clutch plates as an
(5) clutch cover bolts (6) clutch cover
4. Remove the five clutch spring bolts and clutch (9) clutch lifter
springs (7). (10) clutch lifter rod
(11) clutch discs, clutch plates, judder spring and spring
Loosen the bolts in a crisscross pattern in two or seat
three progressive steps. (2) clutch plate
Clutch System
2 Install the clutch disc A (larger I.D. disc) (5) 7. Install the clutch pressure plate (8).
Clutch Spring Inspection onto the clutch outer. 8. Install the five clutch springs and clutch
Stack the seven clutch plates and seven clutch spring bolts (9).
discs alternately. 9. Tighten the bolts in a crisscross pattern in two
or three steps, to the specified torque:
(1) 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 9 lbf·ft)
(1) (3)
(5) (2)
(1) clutch spring
(4) (9)
Measure the free length of each spring.
Service Limit: 37.7 mm (1.48 in)
If one or more springs are beyond the service (1) spring seat (4) clutch plates
(2) judder spring (5) clutch disc A
limit, replace the springs as a set. (3) clutch discs (8) clutch pressure plate
(9) clutch spring bolts/clutch springs
Replace the clutch discs, clutch plates and clutch 3. Apply grease to the clutch lifter rod (6) ends.
springs as a set if the clutch plates have been 4. Insert the clutch lifter rod into the mainshaft. 10.Apply oil to a new O-ring (10) and install in
burnt/heat discolour. 5. Apply engine oil to the needle bearing of the the groove of the clutch cover (11).
clutch lifter. 11.Install the cover by tightening the five cover
6. Install the clutch lifter (7) onto the clutch bolts to the specified torque:
Clutch Disc/Plate Installation 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7 lbf·ft)
lifter rod.
1. Install the spring seat (1) and judder spring (2)
onto the clutch center as shown.
Coat the clutch discs (3) and plates (4) with
clean engine oil.
(6) clutch lifter rod (7) clutch lifter (10) O-ring (11) clutch cover
Clutch System
12.Lubricate the dust seals (12), rear brake pedal
(13) pivot and rear brake pedal pivot bolt (14)
with Honda Lithium Grease or equivalent.
13.Apply locking agent to the brake pedal pivot
bolt threads.
14.Install the dust seals into the rear brake pedal.
15.Install the pivot bolt with the washer (15) and
tighten the pivot bolt to the specified torque:
36 N·m (3.7 kgf·m, 27 lbf·ft)
Connect the brake pedal return spring (16) if
it was removed.
(12) (15)
(16) (13)
Spark Plug
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 7. To obtain accurate spark plug readings,
Spark Plug Inspection & Replacement accelerate up to speed on a straightaway. Push
the engine stop button and disengage the
Spark Plug Recommendation 1. Remove the seat and fuel tank (pages 29, 30). clutch by pulling the lever in.
2. Disconnect the direct ignition coil (1). Coast to a stop, then remove and inspect the spark
The recommended standard spark plug is 3. Clean any dirt from around the spark plug bases. plug. The porcelain insulator around the centre
satisfactory for most racing conditions. 4. Remove the spark plug (2). electrode should appear tan or medium gray.
Valve Clearance
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19.
Cylinder Head Cover Removal Positioning At Top Dead Centre On The
Excessive valve clearance will cause noise and Compression Stroke
eventual engine damage. Little or no clearance Before inspection, clean the engine thoroughly to
will prevent the valve from closing and cause keep dirt from entering the engine. 1. Remove the crankshaft hole cap (1).
valve damage and power loss. Check the valve
clearance when the engine is cold at the intervals 1. Remove the seat and fuel tank (pages 29, 30).
specified in the Maintenance Schedule (page 21). 2. Disconnect the breather tube (1) and direct
ignition coil (2).
The checking or adjusting of the clearance should
be performed while the engine is cold.
The valve clearance will change as engine
temperature rises.
Valve Clearance
3. Rotate the crankshaft by turning the primary 2. Measure the exhaust valve clearance by
drive gear bolt (2) (crankshaft) clockwise until Valve Clearance Inspection inserting a feeler gauge (1) between the
aligning the punch mark (3) on the primary exhaust rocker arm (4) and exhaust valve
drive gear with the “ ” mark (4) on the right 1. Measure the intake valve clearance by shims (5).
crankcase cover. In this position, the piston may inserting a feeler gauge (1) between the valve
either be on the compression or exhaust stroke. lifters (2) and intake cams (3).
If the crankshaft passed the punch mark, (4)
rotate the primary drive gear bolt clockwise (5)
again and align the punch mark with the “ ” (3)
The inspection must be made when the piston (2)
is at the top of the compression stroke when
both the intake and exhaust valves are closed. (1)
This condition can be determined by moving
the exhaust rocker arm (5). If it is free, it is an
indication that the valves are closed and that
the piston is on the compression stroke. If it is
tight and the valves are open, rotate the
primary drive gear bolt 360° and realign the (1) (1) feeler gauge
punch mark to the “ ” mark. (4) exhaust rocker arm
(3) (1) feeler gauge (5) exhaust valve shims
(2) valve lifters
(3) intake cams Valve Clearances:
IN: 0.12 ± 0.03 mm (0.005 ± 0.001 in)
EX: 0.28 ± 0.03 mm (0.011 ± 0.001 in)
Valve Clearance
2. Remove the cam chain tensioner lifter cover Use the tensioner stopper tool.
Camshaft Removal bolt (1) and sealing washer (2). • Tensioner stopper 070MG-0010100
1. Record the intake valve clearance and exhaust 3. Turn the tensioner shaft clockwise with the
valve clearance (page 57). tensioner stopper (3) until it stops, in order to
retract the tensioner fully.
(1) Then insert the tensioner stopper fully to hold
the stopper in the fully retracted position.
Valve Clearance
4. Remove the camshaft holder bolts (4) and 6. Remove the valve lifters (7). 7. Remove the shims (8).
camshaft holders (5).
Loosen the camshaft holder bolts in a Position the removed intake valve lifters and
crisscross pattern in two or three steps. shims to indicate their location such as intake or (8)
5. Remove the camshaft (6), and then attach a exhaust, right or left.
piece of wire to the cam chain to prevent it
from falling into the crankcase. NOTICE
Be careful to not let the set rings of the camshaft Do not let the valve lifters or shims fall into the
holders fall into the crankcase. crankcase.
(8) shims
Valve Clearance
3. Calculate the new shim thickness using the
Shim Selection equation below.
(2) shim
Valve Clearance
2. Apply molybdenum disulfide oil (a mixture of 4. Apply molybdenum oil solution to the
Camshaft Installation 1/2 engine oil and 1/2 molybdenum disulfide camshaft journals and cam lobes.
grease containing more than 3% molybdenum Place the camshaft (7) with the intake cam
1. Install the newly selected shims (1) on the disulfide additive) to the outer surface of the lobes (8) facing up and align the timing marks
valve retainers (2). each the valve lifters (3). (9) on the cam sprocket (10) with the surface
Install the valve lifters to the proper position. of the cylinder head (11).
NOTICE Install the cam chain (12) over the sprocket
without rotating the camshaft.
Do not let the shims fall into the crankcase.
(1) (12)
(1) (9)
(2) (2)
(3) valve lifters (10)
3. Rotate the primary drive gear bolt (4) (7) camshaft
(crankshaft) clockwise and align the punch (8) intake cam lobes
(1) shims (2) valve retainers
mark (5) with the “ ” mark (6). (9) timing marks
(10) cam sprocket
(11) surface of the cylinder head
(4) (5) (12) cam chain
Valve Clearance
Each camshaft holder has an identification mark 8. Remove the tensioner stopper (18) from the 10.Rotate the camshaft by rotating the crankshaft
(15). cam chain tensioner lifter. clockwise several times.
(15) 11.Insert the feeler gauge (21) between the intake
(18) valve lifter and cam lobe.
If the feeler gauge cannot be inserted, the
shim is caught between the valve lifter and
the valve retainer. Remove the camshaft
holders, place the shim correctly, and reinstall
the camshaft holders.
Valve Clearances:
IN: 0.12 ± 0.03 mm (0.005 ± 0.001 in)
EX: 0.28 ± 0.03 mm (0.011 ± 0.001 in)
(14) (19)
Valve Clearance
12.Install the spark plug (page 55). 2. Inspect the cylinder head cover packing (3) 4. Install the cylinder head cover (4) and tighten
13.Coat a new O-ring (22) with oil and install it for damage or deterioration, replace it if the cylinder head cover bolts (7) to the
onto the crankshaft hole cap (23). necessary. specified torque:
Apply grease to the crankshaft hole cap Install the cylinder head cover packing into 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7 lbf·ft)
threads. the groove of the cylinder head cover (4).
Install and tighten the crankshaft hole cap to (4)
the specified torque: (3)
15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 lbf·ft)
(4) cylinder head cover
(3) cylinder head cover packing (7) cylinder head cover bolts
(4) cylinder head cover
(22) O-ring 5. Connect the direct ignition coil (8) and
(23) crankshaft hole cap breather tube (9).
3. Check the rubber seals (5) are in good
condition, replace them if necessary.
Cylinder Head Cover Installation Install the rubber seals onto the cylinder head
cover with the “UP” marks (6) facing up.
1. Check the spark plug hole packing (1) is in (6)
good condition, replace it if necessary.
Install the spark plug hole packing to the
spark plug hole (2). (8)
(5) cylinder head bolts
(6) cylinder bolt (10)
1. Remove the cylinder bolt (1) and cylinder (2). 1. Place clean shop towels in the crankcase to Spread each piston ring (1) and remove by lifting
keep the piston pin clips or other parts from it up at a point just opposite the gap.
falling into the crankcase.
NOTICE 2. Remove the piston pin clips (1) using a pair of NOTICE
needle-nose pliers.
Do not let the cam chain fall into the crankcase. 3. Press the piston pin (2) out of the piston (3),
Do not pry on or strike the cylinder. Do not damage the piston ring by spreading the
and remove the piston. ends too far.
Under racing conditions, the piston and rings
(2) should be replaced after 15.0 hours of running.
Replace the piston pin after 15.0 hours of running.
2. Remove the dowel pins (3) and cylinder (1) piston ring
(2) (1)
gasket (4).
(3) dowel pins
(4) cylinder gasket
1. Place clean shop towels over the crankcase 1. Place clean shop towels over the crankcase
opening to keep the piston pin clips from opening to prevent dust or dirt from entering
falling into the crankcase. the engine.
2. Apply molybdenum disulfide grease (a 2. Clean off any gasket material from the gasket
mixture of 1/2 engine oil and 1/2 surface of the crankcase.
molybdenum disulfide grease containing more 3. Remove the shop towel. Do not let any gasket
than 3% molybdenum disulfide additive) to debris fall into the crankcase.
the inner surface of the connecting rod small (3) 4. Install the dowel pins (1) and a new cylinder
end. gasket (2).
3. Install the piston (1) with the “O” mark (2) (1) (2)
and/or the large valve recess (3) facing the NOTICE
intake side of the engine.
4. Apply engine oil to the piston pin (4) and Do not let the dowel pins fall into the crankcase.
inner surface of the piston pin hole.
Install the piston pin and new piston pin clips
(4) (5)
Use new piston pin clips. Never reuse old piston
pin clips.
Do not let the piston pin clips fall into the
Do not align the piston pin clip end gap with the (1)
piston cut-out (6).
(1) dowel pins
(6) (2) cylinder gasket
(1) dowel pins
(2) cylinder head gasket
(3) cam chain (5) piston rings
(4) cylinder
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. • Refer to Suspension Adjustment Guidelines (4)
(page 116). Make all rebound and
compression damping adjustments in one-click 1.5 mm (0.06 in)
Loose, worn, or damaged suspension components
may adversely affect the handling and stability of increments. (Adjusting two or more clicks at
your CRF. If any suspension components appear a time may cause you to pass over the best
worn or damaged, see your Honda dealer for adjustment.) Test ride after each adjustment.
further inspection. Your dealer is qualified to • If you become confused about adjustment
determine whether or not replacement parts or settings, return to the standard position and
repairs are needed. start over.
• If the fork is still too stiff/soft after adjusting (3) (3)
compression damping, determine which
Front Suspension Inspection portion of the travel is still too stiff/soft. This (3) wear ring (4) outer tube
is an important step that will help you solve
• When your CRF is new, break it in for suspension problems.
approximately 1 hour to ensure that the
suspension has worked in (page 15). 1. Make sure that the fork protectors (1) and dust
• After break-in, test run your CRF with the seals (2) are clean and not packed with mud
front suspension at the standard setting before and dirt.
attempting any adjustments. 2. Check for signs of oil leakage. Damaged or
• For optimum fork performance, we leaking fork seals should be replaced before
recommend that you disassemble and clean your CRF is ridden.
the fork after riding your CRF for 3 hours. (3)
See page 99 for fork disassembly.
• Replace the fork oil every 3 races or 7.5 hours
of running. See page 74 for oil capacity
adjustment after changing the fork oil. (3) wear rings
• Replace the damper fork oil every 9 races or
22.5 hours of running. See page 102 for 4. Make a quick check of fork operation by
damper fork oil level adjustment after locking the front brake and pushing down on
changing the fork oil. the handlebar several times.
SPECIAL 5W or an equivalent which
contains special additives to assure maximum
performance of your CRF's front suspension. (1) fork protector (2) dust seal
• Periodically check and clean all front
suspension parts to assure top performance. 3. Inspect the wear rings (3) for wear or damage.
Check the dust seals for dust, dirt, and foreign Replace the wear ring if it is 1.5 mm (0.06 in)
materials. Check the oil for any or flat with the outer tube (4).
contamination. When replacing the wear ring, remove the
fork leg (page 99).
Install the wear ring with its end gap facing
1. Bounce the rear of the motorcycle up and down
Rear Suspension Inspection and check for smooth suspension action.
NOTICE 4. Drain the fork oil by turning the outer tube (1)
Recommended Fork Oil upside down. (About 12 cm3 (0.4 US oz) of
The outer tube (1) can drop on the slider and fork oil will be left in the outer tube when it is
damage the fork dust seal (5) and guide bushing left inverted for about 20 minutes at
viscosity (weight) 5 W (6) when the fork damper is removed. To avoid 20°C/68°F.)
suggested oil Honda ULTRA CUSHION OIL damage, hold both the outer tube and slider (7)
SPECIAL when removing the fork damper.
Fork Oil Change (5)
5. Pour the recommended fork oil into the outer Fork Oil Capacity Optional Stiffer 4.710 N/mm (26.89 lbf/in) Fork Spring
tube (1). Standard 4.510 N/mm (25.75 lbf/in) Fork Spring
No mark
(factory products) 3 scribe marks
5 scribe marks
(aftermarket parts)
Standard oil 362 cm3
(1) Standard oil 368 cm3 capacity
(12.4 US oz, ( (12.2 US oz,
12.7 Imp oz
13.0 Imp oz
Maximum oil 409 cm3 Slightly stiffer as
Maximum oil 414 cm3 Slightly stiffer as
(14.0 US oz, ( it nears full
(13.8 US oz,
14.4 Imp oz
( it nears full
14.6 Imp oz compression.
Minimum oil 313 cm3 Slightly softer as
Minimum oil 318 cm3 Slightly softer as
(1) outer tube capacity
(10.8 US oz, ( it nears full
(10.6 US oz,
11.0 Imp oz
( it nears full
11.2 Imp oz compression.
Be sure the oil capacity is the same in both fork
Optional Softer 4.310 N/mm (24.61 lbf/in) Fork Spring
4 scribe marks
6. Check that the O-ring (10) on the fork damper
(2) is in good condition. Apply the
recommended fork oil to the O-ring.
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19.
Front Brake Lever Adjustment Rear Brake Pedal Height
Both the front and rear brakes are the hydraulic
disc type. As the brake pads wear, the brake The brake pedal height should be approximately
fluid level will drop. A leak in the system will (1) level with the right footpeg.
also cause the level to drop.
1. Loosen the lock nut (1) and turn the adjusting
Frequently inspect the system to ensure there are bolt (2) in direction (+) to raise the rear brake
no fluid leaks. Periodically inspect the brake 10 – 20 mm pedal (3) or in direction (–) to lower it.
(0.4 – 0.8 in)
fluid level and the brake pads for wear. 2. Tighten the lock nut to the specified torque at
the desired pedal height.
If the front brake lever or rear brake pedal (2) 5.9 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 lbf·ft)
freeplay does not feel within the normal range
while riding, check the brake pads. If they are
not worn beyond the recommended limit (3)
(1) lock nut
(page 80), there is probably air in the brake (2) adjuster
system. Refer to the Honda Shop Manual or see
your Honda dealer to have the air bled from the (–)
1. Loosen the lock nut (1).
system. 2. To position the brake lever farther away from
the handgrip, turn the adjuster (2) clockwise.
To position the brake lever closer to the
handgrip, turn the adjuster counterclockwise.
3. While holding the adjuster, tighten the lock (2)
nut to the specified torque:
5.9 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 lbf·ft)
(1) lock nut (+) raise the pedal height
4. Apply the brake, release it, then spin the (2) adjusting bolt (–) lower the pedal height
wheel and check that it rotates freely. Repeat (3) rear brake pedal
this procedure several times.
5. Check freeplay by pulling in slowly on the
front brake lever until the brake starts to
Freeplay: 10 – 20 mm (0.4 – 0.8 in)
6. Apply silicone grease to the contacting faces
of the adjuster.
Rear Brake Fluid Level Check
Fluid Level Inspection
Adding Front Brake Fluid Adding Rear Brake Fluid
Spilled brake fluid will severely damage the Spilled brake fluid will severely damage the
painted surfaces. It is also harmful to some painted surfaces. It is also harmful to some
rubber parts. Be careful whenever you remove rubber parts. Be careful whenever you remove
the reservoir cap; make sure the reservoir is the reservoir cap; make sure the reservoir is
horizontal first. horizontal first.
• Always use fresh DOT4 brake fluid from a • Always use fresh DOT4 brake fluid from a
sealed container when servicing the system. sealed container when servicing the system.
Do not mix different types of fluid as they Do not mix different types of fluid as they
may not be compatible. may not be compatible.
• The recommended brake fluid is DOT4 brake • The recommended brake fluid is DOT4 brake
fluid or an equivalent. fluid or an equivalent.
(1) (9)
(2) (4) (5)
Rear Brake Pads
Brake Pad Wear Inspect the brake pads (5) from the rear side of
the caliper to determine the pad wear. If either
Brake pad wear depends on the severity of usage pad is worn anywhere to a thickness of 1 mm
and track conditions. (Generally, the pads will (0.04 in), both pads must be replaced.
wear faster on wet and dirty tracks) Inspect the (4)
pads at each regular maintenance interval (5)
(page 21).
minimum thickness
Front Brake Pads
Inspect the brake pads (2) through the front
1 mm
wheel to determine the pad wear. If either pad is (0.04 in)
worn anywhere to a thickness of 1 mm (0.04 in), (6)
both pads must be replaced.
replace Other Inspections
wear indicator
grooves Check that the brake lever and pedal assemblies
1 mm
(0.04 in) are positioned properly and the securing bolts are
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 2. Tighten, any loose spokes and rim locks (3) to
the specified torque:
Keeping the wheels true (round) and maintaining Front Spoke :
correct spoke tension is critical to safe 3.7 N·m (0.4 kgf·m, 2.7 lbf·ft)
motorcycle operation. During the first few rides, Rear Spoke :
spokes will loosen more rapidly due to the initial 3.7 N·m (0.4 kgf·m, 2.7 lbf·ft)
seating of the parts. Excessively loose spokes Rim Lock : 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 9 lbf·ft)
may result in instability at high speeds and the 3. Check wheel rim runout. If runout is
possible loss of control. It’s also important that noticeable, see the Honda Shop Manual for
the rim locks are secure to prevent tyre slippage. inspection instructions.
Drive Chain
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. (3)
Drive Chain Sliders
The service life of the chain depends on proper
lubrication and adjustment. Poor maintenance 1. Check the chain slider (1) for wear.
can cause premature wear or damage to the drive If the wear is 5 mm (0.2 in) or more, replace
chain or sprockets. it.
Drive Chain Inspection NOTICE 2. Check the chain guide slider (2) for wear.
Excessive chain slack may allow the drive chain Replace the chain guide slider if it is worn to
1. Turn the engine off, raise the rear wheel off the bottom of the wear limit (3).
to damage the engine cases.
the ground by placing the optional workstand
or equivalent support under the engine and
4. Inspect the drive chain for:
shift the transmission into neutral.
• damaged rollers
2. Check slack (1) in the upper drive chain run
• loose pins
midway between the sprockets (2)(3). Drive
• dry or rusted links
chain slack should allow the following
• kinked or binding links
vertical movement by hand:
• excessive wear
25 – 35 mm (1.0 – 1.4 in)
Replace the drive chain (page 86) if it has
damaged rollers, loose pins, or kinks that cannot
be free. Lubricate the drive chain (page 85) if it (2)
appears dry or shows signs of rust. Lubricate
any kinked or binding links and work them free. (2) chain guide slider
(3) wear limit
Adjust chain slack if needed.
Drive Chain
Drive Chain Rollers Adjustment Lubrication
1. Check the upper drive chain roller (1) and 1. Loosen the rear axle nut (1). Commercially prepared drive chain lubricants
lower drive chain roller (2) for wear or 2. Loosen both lock nuts (2) and turn the may be purchased at most motorcycle shops and
damage. adjusting bolts (3) counterclockwise to should be used in preference to motor oil. Chain
2. Measure the diameter of the drive chain decrease slack or clockwise to increase slack. Lube or an equivalent, or SAE 80 or 90 gear oil
rollers and replace them if below the service Align the index marks (4) of the axle plates is recommended.
limit. (5) with the same reference marks (6) on both
Service Limit: sides of the swingarm. Saturate each chain joint so that the lubricant
Upper roller: 39 mm (1.5 in) penetrates the space between adjacent surfaces of
Lower roller: 31 mm (1.2 in) (5) the link plates and rollers.
(4) (1)
Drive Chain
4. Inspect the sprocket teeth for wear or damage. Service limit: 259.0 mm (10.20 in)
Removal, Cleaning & Replacement We recommend replacing the sprocket
whenever a new chain is installed.
For maximum service life, the drive chain should Both chain and sprockets must be in good
be cleaned, lubricated, and adjusted before each condition, or the new replacement chain or
outing. sprocket(s) will wear rapidly.
Excessively worn sprocket teeth have a
1. Remove the master link retaining clip (1) with hooked, worn appearance. Replace any MEASURE A SPAN OF 17 PINS (16 PITCHES)
pliers. Do not bend or twist the clip. sprocket which is damaged or excessively
Remove the master link (2). Remove the worn.
drive chain. 6. Lubricate the drive chain.
7. Pass the chain over the sprockets and join the
ends of the chain with the master link. For
(2) ease of assembly, hold the chain ends against
adjacent rear sprocket teeth while inserting
the master link. Install the master link
retaining clip so that the closed end of the clip
will face the direction of forward wheel
8. Recheck chain slack and adjust as necessary.
More About Drive Chain
(1) retaining clip (2) master link
NOTICE • The master link is the most critical element of
2. Clean the drive chain in high flash-point drive chain security. Master links are
Use of a new chain with worn sprockets will reusable, as long as they remain in excellent
solvent and allow it to dry. cause rapid chain wear.
3. Inspect the drive chain for possible wear or condition. We recommend installing a new
damage. Replace the drive chain if it has master link retaining clip when the drive chain
5. Measure a section of the drive chain to is reassembled.
damaged rollers, loose fitting links, or determine whether the chain is worn beyond
otherwise appears unserviceable. • You may find it easier to install a new chain
its service limit. Put the transmission in gear, by connecting it to the old chain with a master
Replacement chain: and then turn the rear wheel forward until the
Size/link: DID 520 DMA4-114RB link and pulling the old chain to position the
lower section of the chain is pulled taut. With new chain on the sprockets.
RK 520 TXZ-114RJ the chain held taut and any kinked joints
straightened, measure the distance between a
span of 17 pins, from pin centre to pin centre.
If the measurement exceeds the service limit,
replace the chain. After the chain is
measured, shift the transmission into neutral
again before proceeding with inspection and
Exhaust Pipe/Muffler
2. Loosen the muffler clamp bolts (4).
Exhaust Pipe/Muffler Inspection 3. Remove the mufflers (5) by removing the
muffler mounting bolts (6) and washers (7).
Check the mounting bolts and joint nuts for
tightness. (6)
Check the exhaust pipe, exhaust joint pipe and (7)
mufflers for cracks or deformation.
A damaged exhaust pipe, exhaust joint pipe and
mufflers may reduce engine performance.
Muffler Removal
Exhaust Pipe/Muffler
5. Install each muffler mounting bolt (7) and 8. Install and tighten the side covers (10) and
Muffler Installation washer (8). side cover bolts (11).
6. Tighten each muffler clamp bolt (9) to the 9. Install the seat mounting bolts (12) and
1. Remove the old gasket. specified torque: tighten them to the specified torque:
2. Install the muffler clamp (1) by aligning the 21 N·m (2.1 kgf·m, 15 lbf·ft) 26 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 19 lbf·ft)
tab (2) of the muffler clamp with the cut-out 7. Tighten each muffler mounting bolt to the
(3) of each muffler (4). specified torque:
26 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 19 lbf·ft) (12)
(3) (1)
(7) (8)
(2) (9)
(5) gasket
(6) exhaust joint pipe
Exhaust Pipe/Muffler
5. Install the exhaust joint pipe mounting bolt.
Exhaust Joint Pipe Removal Exhaust Joint Pipe Installation 6. Install the muffler (page 88), but do not
tighten the bolt yet.
1. Remove the muffler (page 87). 1. Remove the old gasket. 7. Tighten the joint pipe clamp bolt to the
2. Remove the mud guard (1) by removing the 2. Install the joint pipe clamp (1) by aligning the specified torque:
mud guard screws (2). tab (2) of the joint clamp with the cut-out (3) 21 N·m (2.1 kgf·m, 15 lbf·ft)
of the exhaust joint pipe (4). 8. Tighten the exhaust joint pipe mounting bolt
to the specified torque:
(3) 26 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 19 lbf·ft)
(1) 9. Tighten the muffler clamp bolts and muffler
mounting bolts (page 88).
10.Install the mud guard and tighten the mud
guard screws to the specified torque:
1.1 N·m (0.1 kgf·m, 0.8 lbf·ft)
(1) mud guard (2) screws
(1) joint pipe clamp (3) cut-out
(2) tab (4) exhaust joint pipe
3. Loosen the joint pipe clamp bolt (3).
4. Remove the exhaust joint pipe mounting bolt
(4) and exhaust joint pipe (5). 3. Install a new gasket (5) to the exhaust pipe (6).
4. Install the exhaust joint pipe (4) to the exhaust
pipe, and temporarily install the joint pipe
clamp bolt and exhaust joint pipe mounting
(5) (6)
Exhaust Pipe/Muffler
Exhaust Pipe Removal Exhaust Pipe Installation
1. Remove the muffler (page 87). 1. Install a new exhaust pipe gasket (1) as
2. Remove the exhaust joint pipe (page 89). shown.
3. Remove the exhaust pipe joint nuts (1), 2. Install the exhaust pipe (2) and exhaust pipe
exhaust pipe (2) and old gasket (3). joint nuts (3)
(1) (3)
(1) exhaust pipe joint nuts (1) exhaust pipe gasket (new)
(2) exhaust pipe (2) exhaust pipe
(3) gasket (old) (3) exhaust pipe joint nuts
Steering Damper
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. 1. Unlock the number plate tab (1) from the 3. Place your CRF on the workstand or
handlebar pad. equivalent support with the front wheel off the
Loose, worn or damaged steering damper Remove the bolts (2) and number plate (3). ground. Check that the steering moves
components may adversely affect the handling (2) smoothly from side-to-side.
and stability of your CRF. If any steering damper
components appear worn or damaged, see your (1)
Honda dealer for further inspection. Your dealer
is qualified to determine whether or not
replacement parts are needed. (3)
Do not attempt to disassemble the steering
damper; see your Honda dealer.
The instructions found in this owner’s manual are
limited to adjustment and service of the steering
damper assembly only.
Steering Damper
2. Check the condition of the spherical bearings
Removal (2). (1)
Move the spherical bearing with your finger. (5)
1. Remove the number plate (page 91). The spherical bearing should move smoothly
2. Remove the steering damper mounting bolts and quietly. (4)
(1), collar (2) and steering damper (3). (3)
Replace the spherical bearing if it does not move
(1) smoothly and quietly.
(2) Refer to the Honda Shop Manual or see your (2)
Honda dealer.
(1) steering damper mounting bolts 5. Place your CRF on the workstand or
(2) collar
(3) steering damper equivalent support with the front wheel off the
ground. Check that the steering moves
smoothly from side-to-side.
(2) spherical bearings
2. Stand in front of your CRF, grab the fork (at
the axle), look at the steering head, and push
the fork in and out (toward the engine) to
check for play in the steering head bearings.
(1) handlebar (2) handlebar upper holders
If any roughness or play is felt, but you do (3) paint mark
not see any movement in the steering head,
the fork bushings may be worn. Refer to the
Honda Shop Manual for replacement or Control Cables
adjustment procedures, or see your Honda
dealer. Periodically, disconnect the throttle, clutch and
hot start cables at their upper ends. Thoroughly
lubricate the cable pivot points with a
commercially-available cable lubricant. If the
clutch lever, hot start lever and throttle operation
is not smooth, replace the cable.
Be sure the throttle returns freely and automatically
from fully open to fully closed in all steering
Torque (2)
N•m kgf•m lbf•ft
1 Cylinder head cover bolts 10 1.0 7
2 Exhaust pipe joint nuts 21 2.1 15 (3)
3 Water pump cover bolts 10 1.0 7
4 Crankshaft hole cap 15 1.5 11 (7)
5 Transmission oil check (10)
bolt 12 1.2 9 (5)
6 Clutch cover bolts 10 1.0 7 (6) (12)
7 Coolant drain bolt 10 1.0 7 (8)
8 Engine oil drain bolt 16 1.6 12
9 10 1.0 7 (13)
Cylinder bolt (1) cylinder head cover bolts
10 Oil filter cover bolts 12 1.2 9 (2) exhaust pipe joint nuts
11 Cylinder head bolts 10 1.0 7 (9) cylinder bolt
(3) water pump cover bolts
12 Drive sprocket bolt 31 3.2 23 (10) oil filter cover bolts
(4) crankshaft hole cap
13 Transmission oil drain bolt 16 1.6 12 (11) cylinder head bolts
(5) transmission oil check bolt
(12) drive sprocket bolt
(6) clutch cover bolts
(13) transmission oil drain bolt
(7) coolant drain bolt
(8) engine oil drain bolt
Appearance Care
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 19. If you use a high pressure washer, avoid spraying
the following areas: Washing Your Motorcycle with a Mild
Frequent cleaning and polishing will keep your wheel hubs Detergent
Honda looking newer longer. Frequent cleaning muffler outlet
also identifies you as an owner who values his under seat 1. Rinse your CRF thoroughly with cool water to
motorcycle. A clean CRF is also easier to inspect engine stop button remove loose dirt.
and service. brake master cylinders 2. Fill a bucket with cool water. Mix in a mild,
under fuel tank neutral detergent, such as dish washing
While you’re cleaning, be sure to look for drive chain liquid or a product made especially for
damage, wear, and petrol or oil leaks. carburetor washing motorcycles or automobiles.
steering head bearings 3. Wash your CRF with a sponge or a
suspension pivot points soft towel. As you wash, check for heavy
General Recommendations grime. If necessary, use a mild
cleaner/degreaser to remove the grime.
• To clean your CRF you may use:
– water NOTICE
– a mild, neutral detergent and water
– a mild spray and wipe cleaner/polisher Do not use steel wool to clean the frame as it
– a mild spray and rinse cleaner/degreaser and could damage or discolour the frame surface.
water Muffler stain remover (Scotch Brite Hand Pad
• Avoid products that contain harsh detergents #7447-maroon) is for removing stains on the
or chemical solvents that could damage the non-coated aluminum frame only.
metal, paint, and plastic on your CRF or (2)
discolour the seat and decals. 4. After washing, rinse your CRF thoroughly
• If your CRF is still warm from recent (1) steering head bearings with plenty of clean water to remove any
operation, give the engine and exhaust system (2) suspension pivot points residue.
time to cool off. 5. Dry your CRF with a chamois or a
• We recommend the use of a garden hose to NOTICE soft towel.
wash your CRF. High pressure washers, (like 6. Lubricate the drive chain to prevent rusting.
those at coin-operated car washes) can High pressure water (or air) can damage 7. Start the engine and let it idle for several
damage certain parts of your CRF. The force certain parts of your CRF. minutes. The engine heat will help dry moist
of water under extreme pressure can penetrate areas.
the dust seals of the suspension pivot points You may use a multi-surface cleaner/degreaser, to 8. As a precaution, ride at a slow speed and
and steering head bearings-driving dirt inside remove both dirt and petroleum-based grime apply the brakes several times. This will help
and needed lubrication out. from paint, alloy, plastic, and rubber surfaces. dry the brakes and restore normal braking
Wet any heavy deposits with water first. Then performance.
spray on the multi-surface cleaner/degreaser and
rinse with a garden hose at full pressure.
Stubborn deposits may require a quick wipe with
a sponge.
Appearance Care
Condensation Control Aluminum Frame Maintenance Exhaust Pipe Maintenance
Some condensation can form within the Aluminum corrodes when it comes in contact The exhaust pipe and exhaust joint pipe are
transmission cavity as well. This is natural and with dust, mud and road salt. stainless steel, but may became stained by oil or
just one more reason you should change the mud.
engine and transmission oil often. To remove stains, use Scotch Brite Hand Pad
#7447 (maroon) or an equivalent. To remove mud or dust, use a wet sponge and a
Wet the pad and polish the surface using strokes liquid kitchen abrasive, then rinse well with clean
After Cleaning Lubrication parallel to the length of the frame. water. Dry with chamois or a soft towel.
If necessary, remove heat stains by using a
There are some things you should do just after Clean the frame using a wet sponge and a mild commercially available fine texture compound.
washing your CRF to help prevent rust and detergent, then rinse well with clean water. Dry Then rinse by the same manner as removing mud
corrosion. the frame with a soft clean cloth, using strokes or dust.
parallel to the length of the frame.
Once your CRF is clean and dry, you should
protect any bare steel from rusting by applying a NOTICE
light coating of a rust-inhibitor. Lubricate the
drive chain and drive sprocket after removing Do not use steel wool to clean the frame as it
and thoroughly cleaning in solvent. Be sure the could damage or discolour the frame surface.
chain is wiped clean and is dry before applying Muffler stain remover (Scotch Brite Hand Pad
the chain lube. #7447-maroon) is for removing stains on the
non-coated aluminum frame only.
Follow the suggestions given in the pages of this
manual for lubricating items such as the brake
and clutch lever pivot points and footpeg pivot
NOTICE The fork springs in CRF’s are about right for • If your CRF is brand-new, put enough part-
riders weighing between 68 and 73 kg (150 and throttle break-in time (about one hour) on it to
Always start with full hard when adjusting 160 lbs) (less riding gear). So if you're a heavier ensure that the suspension has worked in.
damping. rider, you have to go up on the oil capacity or get • For optimum performance, and extended fork
Do not turn the adjuster screw more than the a stiffer spring. Do not use less oil than the life, the fork should be completely
given positions or the adjuster may be damaged. minimum specified for each spring or there will disassembled and cleaned after the first three
Be sure that the rebound and compression be a loss of rebound damping control near full hours of riding. See the Shop Manual or your
adjusters are firmly located in a detent, and not extension. If the fork is too hard on big bumps, Honda dealer for this service.
between positions. turn the damping adjuster counterclockwise • When disassembling the fork, turn the
1-turn and lower the oil capacity in increments of rebound and compression adjusters
5 cm3 (0.2 US oz, 0.2 Imp oz) in both fork legs counterclockwise to the softest position to
until the desired performance is obtained. Do not, prevent damaging the adjustment needle (be
(2) however, lower the oil capacity below the sure to record the number of turns from the
minimum oil capacity. starting position).
Oil capacity 368 cm (12.4 US oz,
13.0 Imp oz) (STANDARD)
Oil capacity 318 cm3 (10.8 US oz, (1) disc cover bolt
11.2 Imp oz) (MIN)
(2) (14)
(6) (10)
(6) fork protector bolts
(2) front axle nut (4) front axle shaft (7) brake hose clamp bolts
(3) front axle pinch bolts (5) disc cover (16)
(8) fork protectors
(9) brake caliper mounting bolts
5. Remove the fork protector bolts (6), brake (10) brake caliper (14) upper pinch bolts
hose clamp bolts (7) and fork protectors (8). (15) fork damper
6. Remove the brake caliper mounting bolts (9) 7. Remove the number plate (page 91). (16) lock nut wrench
and brake caliper (10). 8. Remove the washers/handlebar holder nuts
(11), mounting rubbers (12) and handlebar (13). 11.Loosen the fork bridge lower pinch bolts (17),
then pull the fork legs down and out.
Keep the master cylinder upright to prevent air
from entering system.
(23) (25)
(18) slider (20) length (19) fork dust seal (23) guide bushing
(19) dust seal
16.Drain the fork oil from the outer tube.
15.Hold the outer tube (21), then remove the fork Drain the fork oil from the oil hole (24) of the
damper (15) from the outer tube using a lock fork damper.
nut wrench (16). Gently slide the outer tube (22) axle holder (25) centre bolt
down onto the axle holder (22). (24)
20.Make the mechanic's stopper tool out of a thin
piece of steel (2.0 mm (0.08 in) thick) as
(15) shown if you do not have the piston base.
55 mm (2.2 in)
25 mm (1.0 in)
39 mm (1.5 in)
15 mm (0.6 in)
(21) R7.5 mm
(0.30 in)
(24) oil hole
(15) fork damper (21) outer tube
(16) lock nut wrench (22) axle holder
(22) axle holder (26) piston base
(25) centre bolt (27) lock nut
Be careful not to damage the lock nut and fork
centre bolt hole.
42 – 47 mm
(1.65 – 1.85 in)
(1) fork damper
9. Apply fork oil to the fork cap piston ring (4)
and new O-rings (6) on the fork cap assembly
(1) fork damper Extend the fork damper piston rod to
maximum length, holding it, install the fork
(1) fork damper (4) fork cap piston ring cap assembly to the fork damper (1).
(2) fork cap assembly 7. Pump the fork damper piston rod (5) slowly
several times to bleed the air from the fork
damper (1). Be careful not to damage the fork cap bushings.
4. Empty the fork oil from the fork damper (1)
by pumping the damper rod several times. If it is difficult to install the fork cap assembly, the
(1) fork damper oil level might be higher than standard
oil level. Inspect the fork damper oil level again.
(5) (9)
100 mm
(3.9 in)
(1) fork assembly
Improper disposal of drained fluids is harmful to (A)
the environment. Pour the drained oil into a suitable container and (2) lock nut (A) thread length
dispose of it in an approved manner (page 142).
3. Blow out the oil completely off the fork
spring (3) using the compressed air.
Install the fork spring.
Improper disposal of drained fluids is harmful to Install the fork damper assembly (4) to the
the environment. fork assembly (1).
cm3 (4)
(2) (8)
(6) (8)
Optional Softer 4.310 N/mm (24.61 lbf/in) Fork Spring Be sure the oil capacity is the same in both fork
(1) fork assembly (11) fork oil
4 scribe marks
(18) (22)
(27) (30)
(30) right axle pinch bolts
(27) handlebar
(28) mounting rubbers
(29) washers/handlebar holder nuts NOTICE
To avoid damage when torquing the axle pinch
28.Install the numbar plate (page 91). bolts, be sure the front axle shaft is seated firmly
29.With the front brake applied, pump the fork onto the left fork leg clamp inner surface.
up and down several times to seat the axle and
check front brake operation. 31.Turn the rebound damping and compression
damping adjuster screws back to their original
The high speed damping adjuster (1) is effective To adjust to the standard position:
when damping adjustment is desired for high 1. Turn the adjuster clockwise until it will no
speed operation. The low speed damping adjuster longer turn (lightly seats). This is the full hard
(2) should be used when damping adjustment is setting.
desired at relatively low speeds. 2. Turn the adjuster counterclockwise 1 5/6 –
2 1/3 turns and the punch marks are aligned.
(3) rebound damping adjuster
• Both the high and low speed damping can be
increased by turning the appropriate adjuster Low Speed Damping:
To adjust to the standard position:
clockwise. The low speed damping can be adjusted by
1. Turn the adjuster clockwise until it will no
• Adjust the high speed adjuster in 1/12 turn turning the centre screw of the compression
longer turn (lightly seat). This is the full hard
increments. adjuster.
2. Turn the adjuster counterclockwise 9 – 12
(1) The low speed adjuster has 13 positions or more.
clicks, and make sure that the punch marks on
Turning the adjuster one full turn clockwise
the adjuster and the shock absorber are
advances the adjuster 4 positions.
To adjust to the standard position:
1. Turn the adjuster clockwise until it will no
(2) longer turn (lightly seat). This is the full hard
2. Turn the adjuster counterclockwise 11 clicks,
and make sure that the punch marks are
(1) high speed damping adjuster
(2) low speed damping adjuster
Rebound Damping
The rebound damping adjuster (3) is located at
the lower end of the shock absorber.
Race sag refers to the amount of rear wheel Adjust spring pre-load as necessary to obtain
travel used by your CRF at rest, ready to ride, the desired handling results.
with you on the seat. As a general rule of thumb, Decreasing the race sag dimension (example:
the race sag dimension should be about one-third 90 mm, 3.5 in) improves turning ability for
of the maximum travel. CHAIN ADJUSTER LOCK NUT tight terrain at the cost of slightly reduced
3. Measure the loaded with rider dimension. straight line stability.
On your CRF, ride height is changed by adjusting Remove the workstand. With two helpers Increasing the race sag dimension (example:
the rear suspension spring pre-load. available, sit as far forward as possible on 110 mm, 4.3 in) may improve stability on
your CRF’s seat, wearing your riding apparel. faster terrain with less turns, but will reduce
Spring Pre-load & Race Sag Adjustment Ask one helper to steady your CRF perfectly turning performance slightly and may upset
The following adjustment procedure establishes upright so you can put both feet on the pegs. the balance between the front and rear
the correct starting point for any suspension Bounce your weight on the seat a couple of suspension, producing a harsher ride. This
tuning — the proper rear spring pre-load times to help the suspension overcome any will happen if the adjustment shifts the
adjustment for your specific needs. situation and settle to a good reference point. effective wheel travel toward the more
Your CRF should be at normal racing weight, progressive end of its range.
including fuel and transmission oil. You should Ask the other helper to measure the loaded 5. Measure the loaded without rider dimension.
be wearing all your normal protective apparel. with rider dimension. Do this with your CRF set at the standard race
You will need two helpers. sag.
To calculate the proper adjustment, it is necessary LOADED MEASUREMENT
to measure between two fixed points — from the (on ground, with rider)
EXAMPLE: 500 mm (19.7 in)
centre of the rear fender mounting bolt to the
centre of the chain adjuster lock nut as illustrated LOADED MEASUREMENT
here — for three different situations: (on ground without rider)
EXAMPLE: 550 mm (21.6 in)
Hard Surface
For a fast, hard track with no large jumps, you
can probably run the same spring as normal, but
run softer damping both ways-compression and
rebound. If you run softer rebound damping, the
wheel will follow the rough ground and small
bumps much better, and you will hook up better.
With a lot of rebound damping, the wheel returns
very slowly and doesn’t contact the ground
quickly enough after each bump. The result is a
loss of traction and slower lap times.
Hard-surfaced track Begin with the standard setting. If the suspension is too stiff/soft, adjust according to the chart below.
Sand track Adjust to a stiffer position.
Example: – Turn the compression damping adjuster to a stiffer position.
– Install the optional stiff spring. (Adjust compression damping to a softer position and rebound damping to a stiffer position at
this time.)
Mud track Adjust to a stiffer position because mud build-up increases your CRF’s weight.
Example: – Turn the compression damping adjuster to a stiffer setting.
– Install the optional stiff spring.
Symptom Action
Soft Initial travel too soft: – Test stiffer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
suspension • Steering is too quick. – Test stiffer rebound damping in one-click increments.
• Front end darts while cornering or riding in a straight line.
Middle travel too soft: If suspension isn’t stiff in initial travel:
• Front end dives when cornering. – Test stiffer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
If initial travel becomes stiff because of the above adjustment:
– Reduce the rebound damping in one-click increments.
– Test softer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
If that doesn’t solve the problem, install the optional stiff spring.
Final travel too soft: If initial and middle travel aren’t stiff:
• Bottoms on landings. – Test stiffer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
• Bottoms on large bumps, especially downhill bumps. If initial and middle travel are stiff:
– Install the optional stiff spring.
If initial travel is stiff after installing the optional stiff spring:
– Test softer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
If initial travel is still soft after installing the optional stiff spring:
– Test stiffer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
If final travel is still soft after installing the optional stiff spring:
– Increase the fork oil capacity in increments of 5 cm3 (0.2 US oz, 0.2 Imp oz).
Entire travel too soft: – Install the optional stiff spring.
• Front end shakes. – Test stiffer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
• Fork bottoms over any type of terrain. – Increase rebound damping in one-click increments.
Final travel too stiff: If initial and middle travel aren’t stiff:
• Doesn’t bottom on landings, but feels stiff. – Test stiffer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments. (This
• Stiff on large bumps, especially downhill bumps. should produce smooth fork action from initial to middle travel.)
• Stiff on large bumps when cornering. If final travel is still stiff after the above adjustment, or
If initial and middle travel becomes stiff:
– Install the optional soft spring.
– Test softer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
If the entire travel feels stiff after the above adjustment:
– Test softer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments until the
desired initial travel compression damping is obtained.
– Lower the oil capacity by 5 cm3 (0.2 US oz, 0.2 Imp oz).
Entire travel too stiff: – Test softer compression damping adjustments in one-click increments.
• Stiff suspension on any type of terrain. – Reduce the rebound damping in one-click increments.
– Lower the oil capacity by 5 cm3 (0.2 US oz, 0.2 Imp oz).
Hard-surfaced track Begin with the standard settings. If the suspension is too stiff/soft, adjust according to the chart below.
Sand track Lower the rear end (to improve front wheel stability) by increasing Race Sag (reduce spring pre-load).
Example: – Turn the compression damping adjuster and, especially, rebound damping adjuster to a stiffer setting.
– Increase standard Race Sag (+5 to 10 mm/0.2 to 0.4 in).
Mud track Adjust to a stiffer position because mud build-up increases your CRF’s weight.
Example: – Adjust the compression and rebound damping adjusters to stiffer settings.
– Install the optional stiff spring.
– Reduce standard Race Sag (–5 to 10 mm/0.2 to 0.4 in).
Symptom Action
Stiff suspension Suspension feels stiff on small 1. Test softer low speed compression adjustment.
bumps 2. If it still feels stiff, further test softer low and high speed compression adjustments simultaneously.
Suspension feels stiff on large 1. Test softer high speed compression adjustment.
bumps 2. If it still feels stiff, further test softer low and high speed compression adjustments simultaneously.
Entire travel too stiff 1. Test softer high and low speed compression adjustments and rebound adjustment simultaneously.
2. If it still feels stiff, replace the spring with a softer spring (optional) and begin with the standard settings to
softer settings.
Soft suspension Entire travel too soft 1. Test stiffer high and low speed compression adjustments simultaneously.
2. If it still feels soft, replace the spring with a stiffer spring (optional) and begin with the standard settings to
stiffer setting.
Rear end sways 1. Test stiffer high and low speed compression adjustments and rebound adjustment to stiffer settings
Suspension bottoms Suspension bottoms at landing 1. Test stiffer high speed compression adjustment.
after jumping 2. If it still bottoms, test stiffer high and low speed compression adjustments, and replace the spring with a
stiffer spring (optional) if necessary.
Suspension bottoms after landing 1. Test stiffer low speed compression adjustment.
2. If it still bottoms, test stiffer high and low speed compression adjustments, and replace the spring with a
stiffer spring (optional) if necessary.
(2) (2)
(5) (1)
2nd (1)
(1) (5)
(2) upper mounting nut/bolt
(3) rear suspension
(6) (11)
(8) hot start cable holder
(6) wire clip
(3) (7)
(11) accelerator pump cover screws
(12) accelerator pump cover (17) float bowl (27)
(18) holder screw
6. Remove the U-ring (13), O-ring (14), spring (19) throttle stop screw holder
(15) and diaphragm (16). (20) float bowl screws
(21) tube guides
Clean the diaphragm. (25) float level
When installing the U-ring into the accelerator 8. Remove the pump rod (22). (26) float level gauge
pump cover (12) make sure the U-rings Clean the pump rod and rod passage (23).
(27) carburetor intake
flatside faces down, away from the float bowl Install the pump rod into the link lever (24).
(17). 10.Remove the leak jet (28) from the float bowl
Push the rod forcibly into the link lever until
(17). Clean the leak jet.
(13) (17) it snaps into place.
(12) (24)
(28) (17)
(12) accelerator pump cover (15) spring (24)
(13) U-ring (16) diaphragm
(14) O-ring (17) float bowl (22) pump rod (24) link lever (17) float bowl (28) leak jet
(23) rod passage
PS: Pilot Screw opening from fully seated
SJ: Slow Jet
JN: Jet Needle
JN CLIP: Needle Clip position
MJ: Main Jet
Minor Adjustments
7. If you’ve determined that the main and slow
1. Adjust the carburetor setting using the tuning (1) pilot screw jets must be changed, you must rotate the
information on pages 127 – 128. carburetor and remove the float bowl plug.
2. When the engine is warm enough to run Adjustment Procedure 8. Turn the fuel valve OFF, and disconnect the
without the choke, push the choke knob down 1. Turn the pilot screw in until it is lightly seated fuel line from the fuel valve.
to its off position. and record the number of turns. Turn the pilot 9. Drain the remaining fuel in the float bowl by
3. Adjust the pilot screw (1) to obtain the best screw out the same number of turns. loosening the drain screw (2). Then tighten
off-idle performance. 2. Warm up the engine. the drain screw after draining the fuel.
– If the engine blubbers (rich) exiting a 3. Adjust the engine idle speed (page 48).
corner, turn the pilot screw clockwise to 4. Make two or three laps of a course with the Drain the carburetor into an approved petrol
lean the mixture. standard setting or corrected jetting container and dispose of it in an approved
– If the engine surges (lean) exiting a corner, (page 127). and spark plug. Note engine manner (page 142).
turn the pilot screw counter clockwise to acceleration and other engine conditions in
richen the mixture. relation to throttle opening. Verify NOTICE
carburetion by removing the spark plug and Improper disposal of drained fluids is harmful to
The minimum to maximum range of pilot screw reading its firing end (page 131). It may take
adjustments is 3/4 to 1 1/2 turns out from the the environment.
more than two or three laps to get a good
lightly seated position. spark plug reading with a new spark plug. 10.Remove the wire clip (3) from the throttle
If you exceed 1 1/2 turns out, the next larger 5. Change carburetor settings or select suitable stop screw stay.
slow jet is needed. If you are under 3/4 turn out, carburetor jets, taking into consideration the
the next smaller slow jet is needed. engine conditions and factors for temperature
and altitude (page 127).
6. Adjust the pilot screw as required.
(10) clip
(11) jet needle
(4) (12) jet needle holder
(5) (14)
(6) (9)
Always start with full hard when adjusting
Do not turn the adjuster more than the given
positions or the adjuster may be damaged.
Be sure that the damping adjuster is firmly
located in a detent, and not between positions.
Symptom Action
Steering is wobbling on large bumps Adjust the steering damper adjuster to stiffer setting.
Steering is wobbling at sand track Adjust the steering damper adjuster to stiffer setting.
Steering is heavy when cornering Adjust the steering damper adjuster to softer setting.
Chassis Adjustments
The following suggestions may improve a
specific concern. Subtle changes in overall Fork Height/Angle Wheelbase
handling may also be noted.
The position of the fork tubes in the clamps is Adjusting your CRF’s wheelbase can offer subtle
not adjustable. Align the groove in the outer tube changes in overall handling. You may adjust
Rear End with the top surface of the upper fork clamp. wheelbase by adding or removing links on the
drive chain. If you change the wheelbase, be
If you have a problem with rear wheel traction, Standard Position sure to re-check race sag and adjust, if necessary.
raise the rear end of your CRF by increasing the The standard position (1) align the top of the
rear spring pre-load. Instead of running 100 mm outer tube (2) (not the top of the fork cap) with In the past, a general rule was lengthen the
(3.9 in) of sag, you can run 90 mm (3.5 in) so the the top surface of the upper fork clamp (3). wheelbase to add straight line stability, shorten
rear of the bike will sit a little higher. This the wheelbase to improve turning. However, we
(1) standard position
should produce more traction because of the (2) 0 mm (0 in) suggest you do not lengthen the wheelbase of
change to the swingarm and the location of your (2) top of outer tube your CRF unless you are racing on a track with
motorcycle’s centre of gravity. (1) (3) upper fork clamp more fast sections than normal.
If you have a problem with the steering head As a general recommendation, keep the
shaking when you use the front brake hard or if wheelbase as short as possible. This positions
your CRF wants to turn too quickly, lower the the wheels closer together, improves turning
rear of the motorcycle by reducing the rear spring response, increases weighting (traction) on the
pre-load. This will increase fork rake and trail rear wheel, and lightens weighting on the front
and should improve stability in a straight line. wheel.
The effective suspension travel will be
transferred toward the firmer end of wheel travel. With your CRF, you will probably find that the
standard setting or a shorter wheelbase will offer
Keep the race sag adjustment (page 113) in the more overall benefits.
90 – 110 mm (3.5 – 4.3 in) range.
You can “adjust” the power delivery of the Lower Gearing (more driven sprocket teeth) A gearing change may help for riding in sand,
standard engine to suit track conditions by • decrease top speed in each gear where you want to keep the front end light so it
changing gearing. This allows you to utilize a • increases frequency of shifting (narrower gear can float from the peak of one sand whoop to the
different portion of the engine’s power range at a ratios) next. Generally, with higher gearing, it is easier
given throttle setting. New gearing may provide • increases engine min-1 (rpm) at a given to maintain that perfect attitude (maximum rear
the change you are looking for without the need throttle setting or ground speed (which may wheel traction and a light front end) because you
to consider further modifications. provide more power-to-the-ground on good remain in the powerband longer in each gear.
traction surfaces) The higher gearing allows you to steer more
The portion of your engine’s power range you efficiently with throttle control and body English.
use can be adjusted by changing the final drive However:
ratio with different sized rear sprockets. Gearing • spacing between gears may be too narrow If you are riding a track with sections where you
changes allow you to more closely match the • engine min-1 (rpm) may be too high choose to over-rev the engine temporarily rather
type of terrain and the available traction. than shifting up, higher gearing might help.
Normally, a change of one tooth on the rear Some tracks may be watered heavily prior to the
sprocket will be sufficient. first race, then lightly or not at all during the day. Sometimes you have to sacrifice performance on
This results in a track surface that is slippery one section of the track to gain a better overall
There is a choice of both higher and lower final during the first few races, then changes from time. Your goal is the fastest overall lap time,
drive ratios with two optional aluminum driven good to great and back to good, and possibly even if the trade-off is gearing that feels wrong in
sprockets. Like the optional springs, these ends the day with a slick rock-hard consistency. some sections.
sprockets are listed in the Optional Parts List Ideally, your gearing should be adjusted to suit
section of this manual (page 154). all these conditions. If you decide to try a gearing change, have
someone check your times with a stopwatch
Unless you have the required mechanical • Wet and slippery or sandy conditions: use a (before and after the change) to get an accurate
knowhow, tools, and Honda Shop Manual, higher gear (less teeth) to keep engine min-1 appraisal of the gearing change. “Seat-of-the-
sprocket changing should be done by your Honda (rpm) down, and avoid unwanted wheelspin. pants” feelings can’t be trusted. Eliminating
dealer. The engine may bog in certain corners so wheelspin with a gearing change can make you
you’ll need to slip the clutch to compensate; feel like you’re going slower when, in reality,
Higher Gearing (less driven sprocket teeth) downshifting may be too drastic a change in you’ve decreased your time by increasing your
• increases top speed in each gear (provided the speed. speed with better traction.
engine will pull the higher gearing) • Average conditions: use the standard sprocket.
• reduces frequency of shifting (wider gear • Hard (but not slippery) track conditions: use These gearing recommendations should be
ratios) lower gearing (more teeth) to keep the engine evaluated by considering your ability, your riding
• reduces engine min-1 (rpm) at a given throttle min-1 (rpm) high where the engine produces style, and the track.
setting or ground speed (which may allow the most power. This may require an extra
better rear wheel traction on slippery or loose upshift on certain sections or perhaps you can
terrain) just rev it out a bit longer.
Experienced competitors often switch to tyres Complete consumer information can be obtained
developed for specific terrain conditions. If you from the various tyre manufacturer
do switch, stay with the factory recommended representatives and dealers.
sizes. Other tyres may affect handling or
acceleration. Some general recommendations for specific
terrain follow:
Be aware that tyre sizes (width and aspect ratio)
do vary from manufacturer to manufacturer or Hard, Slick Soil
even among tyres made by the same Use tyres with many relatively short knobs that
manufacturer. Variations in tyres, especially the are close together in order to obtain the largest
sidewall profile, can change the attitude of your possible contact patch on the surface. The rubber
CRF and its handling. Tyre variations that raise compound needs to be softer for hard ground in
or lower the rear of your CRF have a more order to hook up, but not so soft that the knobs
significant effect on handling than variations in roll over easily and affect holding a straight line.
front tyres which, generally, don’t vary as much. These tyres tend to wear more quickly than
Often, you can see or feel the change in tyre size. standard tyres because of the combination of soft
Another way to check is to measure the rolling rubber and hard terrain.
circumference of the old and new tyres. A higher
profile tyre will have a larger rolling Muddy Soil
circumference. Use a more open tread pattern to avoid clogging.
For these conditions, the relatively long knobs
If you do switch to tyres designed for special will probably be made from a harder rubber
terrain use, remember they will be less compound to reduce any tendency to bend back
acceptable in other circumstances. For example, under acceleration or wear quickly.
an aggressive mud tyre will give excellent grip
on wet, loamy terrain, but less impressive grip on Loose, Sandy Soil
a hard surface. Use a tyre that is similar in construction to those
needed for tacky soil and mud, but with a few
more knobs.
Here’s helpful advice on how to transport and
store your Honda, as well as three
troubleshooting flow charts.
Tips 139
140 Tips
Tips 141
142 Tips
are followed by the page number reference in IDLE SPEED CHECK POSSIBLE CAUSES
parenthesis. The items that require use of the CHECK POSSIBLE CAUSES 1. Disconnect fuel FUEL FLOW • Lack of fuel in tank
Honda Shop Manual are followed by an asterisk line at carburetor RESTRICTED (P. 34)
1. Check if air INCORRECT • Over-oiled air cleaner
and check for • Clogged fuel line
(*). cleaner is over-
oiled (P. 43)
clogging (P. 34) (P. 34)
• Clogged fuel fill
CORRECT cap breather tube
(P. 34)
CHECK POSSIBLE CAUSES • Clogged fuel valve
2. Check if the LEAKING (P. 34)
1. Check the fuel NOT REACHING • No fuel in fuel tank • Loose insulator clamp
insulator is leaking • Clogged fuel filter
flow to carburetor CARBURETOR • Clogged fuel tube or • Damaged insulator
(P. 35)
fuel filter (P. 34)
• Sticking float valve*
CARBURETOR 2. Remove air DIRTY • Not cleaned
• Clogged fuel fill cap
cleaner (P. 43) frequently enough
breather tube
(P. 43)
3. Check carbureator INCORRECT • Fuel-air mixture too AIR CLEANER
2. Try spark test* WEAK OR NO • Faulty spark plug (P. 55) pilot screw lean (Turn the pilot NOT DIRTY
SPARK • Faulty ignition control adjustment (P. 127) screw out) (P. 129)
GOOD SPARK module* • Fuel-air mixture too rich
• Faulty exciter coil CORRECT (Turn the pilot screw in) 3. Install a larger CONDITION • Jet size wrong, rejet
• Faulty ignition coil (P. 129) carburetor main WORSE in the opposite
• Faulty engine stop button jet (P. 129) direction (P. 129)
• Loose or disconnected
ignition system wires 4. Check carburetor CLOGGED • Contaminants in the CORRECT
• Faulty ignition pulse jets and accelerator fuel
generator* pump for clogs • Not cleaned frequently
enough (P. 121) 4. Check carbureator CLOGGED • Contaminants in
3. Test cylinder* LOW • Valve stuck open jets for clogging the fuel
compression • Worn cylinder and piston
CORRECT • Leaking/damaged 5. Try spark test WAKE OR • Faulty, carbon or wet
cylinder head gasket INTERMITTENT fouled spark pulg (P. 55)
GOOD SPARK • Faulty ignition control
• Improper valve timing* SPARK
• Seized valve module* 5. Check valve INCORRECT • Cam sprocket not
• Faulty alternator* timing installed properly
4. Start by following ENGINE STARTS • Improper choke operation • Faulty ignition coil*
• Pilot screw incorrectly • Broken or shorted CORRECT
normal starting BUT SOON
procedure adjusted* spark plug wire
• Insulator leaking • Faulty ignition pulse
ENGINE DOES • Improper ignition timing generator* 6. Try spark test WEAK OR • Faulty, carbon or wet
NOT FIRE (Faulty ignition coil or INTERMITTENT fouled spark pulg
ignition pulse generator)* SPARK
• Fuel contaminated 6. Check the throttle INCORRECT • Faulty throttle position • Faulty ignition control
• Improper hot start position sensor* sensor* module*
operation • Faulty alternator*
CORRECT • Faulty ignition coil*
5. Removed and WET PLUG • Carburetor flooded • Broken or shorted
inspect spark plug • Choke open spark plug wire
• Throttle valve open • Faulty ignition pulse
DRY • Air cleaner dirty 7. Test cylinder LOW • Ring worn generator*
compression • Cylinder worn or
damaged 7. Test cylinder LOW • Ring worn
CORRECT • Piston worn or • Cylinder worn or
6. START WITH CHOKE ON damaged damaged
• Head gasket not CORRECT • Piston worn or
sealing damaged
• Head gasket not
Tips 143
144 Tips
Technical Information
This section contains dimensions, capacities, and Vehicle Identification .......................................146
other technical data. Specifications ...................................................147
Torque Specifications.......................................148
Petrol Containing Alcohol................................151
Competition Logbook ......................................152
Optional Parts List ...........................................154
Spare Parts & Equipment.................................155
Wiring Diagram................................................156
Vehicle Identification
The VIN (vehicle identification number) (1) is
Serial Numbers stamped on the right side of the steering head.
The VIN and engine serial number are required RIGHT SIDE
when you register your CRF. They may also be
required when ordering replacement parts.
(1) VIN
Item Metric English Item Metric English Item Metric English
Dimension Engine Drive train
Overall length 2,170 mm 85.4 in Type Liquid cooled, 4-stroke Clutch type Wet, multi-plate type
Overall width 827 mm 32.6 in Single 10˚ inclined from
Cylinder arrangement Transmission 5-speed, constant mesh
Overall height 1,277 mm 50.3 in vertical Primary reduction 3.166
Wheelbase 1,477 mm 58.1 in 78.0 x 52.2 3.07 x 2.06 in
Bore and stroke Gear ratio I 2.142
Seat height 965 mm 38.0 in mm
Footpeg height 446 mm 17.6 in Gear ratio II 1.750
Displacement 249.4 cm3 15.22 cu-in
Ground clearance 362 mm 14.3 in Compression ratio 13.0 : 1 Gear ratio III 1.450
Frame Intake: 0.12 ± 0.03 mm Gear ratio IV 1.227
Type Twin tube (0.005 ± 0.001 in) Gear ratio V 1.041
Valve clearance Exhaust: 0.28 ± 0.03 mm
Telescopic fork Final reduction 3.923
F. suspension travel 279 mm (11.0 in)
(cold) (0.011 ± 0.001 in)
stroke 315 mm (12.4 in) Engine oil capacity 0.70 US qt, Gear shift pattern Left foot-operated return
0.66R system 1-N-2-3-4-5
Pro-link After draining 0.58 Imp qt
R. suspension Electrical
travel 313 mm (12.3 in) After draining and 0.73 US qt,
80/100-21 M/C 51M MST 0.69R 0.61 Imp qt Ignition ICM
oil filter change
ED SCORPION MX After disassembly 0.90 US qt, Starting system Kickstarter
Front tyre PIRELLI 0.85R
MIDSOFT 32 0.75 Imp qt Spark plug :
80/100-21 51M Standard NGK R0409B-8
U Transmission oil capacity 0.63 US qt,
DUNLOP D742FA After draining 0.53 Imp qt For extended high
100/90-19 57M NHS speed riding NGK R0409B-9
After disassembly 0.74 US qt,
ED SCORPION MX 0.62 Imp qt 0.6 – 0.7 mm
PIRELLI Spark plug gap
Rear tyre MIDSOFT 32 Carburetor (0.024 – 0.028 in)
100/90-19 57M Type Piston valve
DUNLOP D756 Identification number FCR12D
Tyre type bias-ply, tube
Main jet (standard) #178
Tyre pressure, front (cold) 100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm2, 15 psi )
Jet needle (standard) NNTU
Tyre pressure, rear (cold) 100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm2, 15 psi )
Single disc brake Needle clip position (standard) 3rd groove
F. brake, swept area
334.5 cm2 (51.8 in2) Slow jet (standard) #42
Single disc brake Pilot screw opening 1 1/4 turns out
R. brake, swept area
391.1 cm2 (60.6 in2)
Float level 6.0 mm 0.24 in
unleaded petrol, research
Fuel recommendation Idle speed 1,700 ± 100 min–1 (rpm)
octane number of 95 or higher
1.9 US gal, Cooling system
Fuel capacity 7.3R
1.61 Imp gal Cooling capacity after 0.98 US qt,
Caster angle 27˚50’ draining 0.82 Imp qt
Trail length 125 mm 4.9 in after disassembly 1.06 US qt,
Fork oil capacity 12.4 US oz, 0.88 Imp qt
368 cm3
(except fork damper per leg) 13.0 Imp oz
Torque Specifications
Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners Torque
Item Remarks
N•m kgf•m lbf•ft
Check and tighten nuts, bolts, and fasteners before every outing. ENGINE
1 Cylinder head cover bolts 10 1.0 7
Engine 2 Exhaust pipe joint nuts 21 2.1 15
(1) 3 Water pump cover bolts 10 1.0 7
4 Crankshaft hole cap 15 1.5 11 NOTE 1
5 Transmission oil check
bolt 12 1.2 9
6 Clutch cover bolts 10 1.0 7
(2) 7 Coolant drain bolt 10 1.0 7
8 Engine oil drain bolt 16 1.6 12 NOTE 2
9 Cylinder bolt 10 1.0 7
(3) 10 Oil filter cover bolts 12 1.2 9
(7) 11 Cylinder head bolts 10 1.0 7
12 Drive sprocket bolt 31 3.2 23
13 Transmission oil drain bolt 16 1.6 12 NOTE 2
(6) (4)
(8) NOTES: 1. Apply grease to the threads.
2. Apply oil to the threads.
Torque Specifications
Frame Torque
Item Remarks
N•m kgf•m lbf•ft
(1) (4) FRAME
(2) 1 Steering stem nut 108 11.0 80
2 Fork bridge upper pinch
bolts 22 2.2 16
(3) 3 Fork bridge lower pinch
bolts 20 2.0 15
4 Handlebar upper
holder bolts 22 2.2 16
5 Handlebar lower holder nuts 44 4.5 32
6 Front axle nut 88 9.0 65
7 Front axle pinch bolts 20 2.0 15
8 Rear axle nut 128 13.1 94 NOTE 1
(6) 9 Chain adjuster lock nuts 27 2.8 20 NOTE 2
10 Front engine hanger
bracket nut 64 6.5 47
11 Lower engine hanger
bracket nut 64 6.5 47
(9) 12 Upper engine hanger
plate nuts
(engine side) 54 5.5 40
(20) (21) (frame side) 34 3.5 25
13 Shock absorber 44 4.5 32 NOTE 1
14 Swingarm pivot nut 88 9.0 65 NOTE 1
(18) (13) (12) (5) 15 Fork (fork damper) 34 3.5 25
(fork cap) 30 3.1 22
16 Rear shock arm nuts
(swingarm side) 53 5.4 39 NOTE 1, 3
(7) (shock link side) 53 5.4 39 NOTE 1, 3
17 Rear shock link nuts
(16) (frame side) 53 5.4 39 NOTE 1, 3
(21) 18 Shock spring lock nut 44 4.5 32
19 Kickstarter arm bolt 38 3.9 28
20 Front brake master
cylinder holder bolts 9.9 1.0 7.3
21 Brake hose bolts 34 3.5 25
(19) (11) NOTES: 1. U-nut.
2. UBS nut.
(13) (17) 3. Apply oil to the threads and flange surface.
(8) 4. Alock bolt.
5. Apply locking agent to the threads.
Torque Specifications
Item Remarks
N•m kgf•m lbf•ft
(42) FRAME
(34) (38) 22 Caliper mounting bolts 30 3.1 22 NOTE 4
23 Front brake disc nuts 16 1.6 12 NOTE 1
(28) 24 Rear brake disc nuts 16 1.6 12 NOTE 1
25 Brake pedal pivot bolt 36 3.7 27 NOTE 5
(49) 26 Spoke (front) 3.7 0.4 2.7
(rear) 3.7 0.4 2.7
27 Rim locks 12 1.2 9
28 Subframe (upper) 30 3.1 22
(23) mounting bolts (Iower) 49 5.0 36
29 Fork centre bolt 69 7.0 51
30 Fork centre lock nut 22 2.2 16
31 Disc cover bolts 13 1.3 10
(46) 32 Fork protector bolts 7 0.7 5.2 NOTE 4
33 Muffler mounting bolts
(43) (right/left) 26 2.7 19
34 Muffler clamp bolt
(right/left) 21 2.1 15
(31) (22) 35 Exhaust joint pipe
mounting bolt 26 2.7 19
36 Exhaust joint pipe
clamp bolt 21 2.1 15
(44) (39) (47) 37 Driven sprocket nuts 32 3.3 24 NOTE 1
38 Seat mounting bolts 26 2.7 19
39 Front brake reservoir
(38) (33) (41) cap screws 1.0 0.1 0.7
40 Rear brake reservoir
(35) (28) (45) cap bolts 1.0 0.1 0.7
41 Fork air pressure release
screw 1.2 0.1 0.9
(34) 42 Shroud B bolts 5 0.5 3.7
43 Drive chain roller bolt/nut 12 1.2 9
(27) 44 Throttle cable lock nut 4 0.4 3.0
45 Steering damper
(24) mounting bolts 20 2.0 15 NOTE 4
46 Fuel joint mounting bolt 10 1.0 7
47 Brake lever adjuster lock
nut 5.9 0.6 4.4
48 Brake pedal adjuster lock
nut 5.9 0.6 4.4
(25) 49 Mud guard screws 1.1 0.1 0.8
Competition Logbook
Any serious competition effort relies heavily on Tuning & Adjustment Records Racing Records
the knowledge gained and compiled from Keep track of the settings and adjustments that Information worth recording for this section of
previous racing events. The best way to organize worked best at a particular location. These items your logbook may include:
the many bits of information is to record them in include: • Your placing in each moto and overall
a logbook. • basic track conditions, altitude, and finishing position.
temperature • Thoughts on what you could do to improve
Your logbook can include such information as • carburetion changes your performance next time.
suspension adjustments, carburetor adjustments, • suspension settings • Notes on any patterns noted in choice of
gearing, and tyre selection. This detailed • chassis adjustments tested and selected starting gate positions or in riding portions of
information, along with your comments, can • gearing the course as the day progressed that may
prove valuable when you compete at the same • tyre selection prove helpful in future events.
track or on similar terrain. • air pressure • Any places on the course where you chose the
wrong line and were passed too easily.
Your logbook can also tell you when Competition Records • Notes on strategy used by your competition or
maintenance was performed and when it will be • your placings by riders in another event that are worth
necessary again. Your logbook also lets you • thoughts to improve performance next time: remembering.
record any repairs and lets you keep track of the both yours and your CRF
running time on the engine and suspension • strategy notes Maintenance Records
components. Regular maintenance items you’ll want to record
Maintenance Records in your logbook should include:
If you choose to sell your CRF, the accurate • regular interval maintenance • Dates and results of cylinder, piston and ring
maintenance records in your logbook might be • repairs examinations
the deciding deal-maker for a potential buyer. • running time on engine • Patterns for frequency of need for
• running time on suspension components decarbonization with a particular oil
Consider using different colour pens or pencils to • When you last performed shock linkage and
record important information on specific Timekeeping swingarm pivot bearing maintenance
subjects. For example, record results in black, This Manual lists maintenance intervals for • Engine, transmission, and suspension oil
jetting changes in red, suspension/chassis settings every-so-many races or every-so-many hours of changes
in blue, and gearing selections in green. Colour running. • chain, sprocket, chain guide and slider
codes will help you identify the information you replacements
want with a glance. Because all races are not the same, the most • coolant changes and related component
effective way to schedule maintenance is by the replacements
hours you have run your CRF. • Spark plug, brake pad and control cable
An official “guesstimate” is close enough for our
timekeeping purposes. You may choose to record In addition, you should record any irregularities
your time the same way aircraft operators do (but noted in component wear so you’ll remember to
without the benefit of an electrical hourmeter). keep a close eye on these areas in the future.
All running time is broken down into hours and
tenths of an hour (each six minutes represents
one tenth of an hour).
Competition Logbook
Date Running Location/Event Comments (Jetting, Suspension Settings, Gearing, Chassis Adjustments, Maintenance
Time Performed, etc.)
Ø2.775 mm Ø2.775 mm Optional 4.310 N/mm (24.61 lbf/in)
Softer 4 scribe marks
(standard needle)
Ø2.785 mm
Ø2.785 mm
Stiffer 4.710 N/mm (26.89 lbf/in)
Ø2.795 mm Ø2.795 mm 3 scribe marks
Ø2.805 mm Ø2.805 mm
The standard fork spring and shock spring
Leak jet #60 – #80 mounted on the motorcycle when it leaves the
(Standard: #70) factory are not marked. Before replacing the
springs, be sure to mark them so they can be
distinguished from other optional springs.
Wiring Diagram
Table of Contents
The following presents the contents of each Service Preparations ADJUSTMENTS FOR COMPETITION .....97
section of your owner’s manual. Maintenance Component Locations..................28 Front Suspension Adjustments..........................98
Seat Removal ....................................................29 Rear Suspension Adjustments .........................111
MOTORCYCLE SAFETY...............................1 Fuel Tank Removal ...........................................30 Suspension Adjustments for Track
Important Safety Information..............................2 Subframe Removal............................................32 Conditions .......................................................115
Important Safety Precautions..........................2 Suspension Adjustment Guidelines.................116
Accessories & Modifications ..............................3 Service Procedures Carburetor Adjustments & Tuning Tips ..........119
Safety Labels.......................................................4 Fluids & Filters Steering Damper Adjustment ..........................132
Fuel System.......................................................34 Steering Damper Adjustment Guidelines........133
OPERATING CONTROLS .............................5 Engine Oil .........................................................36 Chassis Adjustments........................................134
Operation Component Locations ........................6 Transmission Oil ...............................................39 Gearing ............................................................135
Coolant ..............................................................41 Tyre Selection for Track Conditions ...............136
BEFORE RIDING ............................................7 Air Cleaner ........................................................43 Personal Fit Adjustments ................................137
Are You Ready to Ride? .....................................8 Crankcase Breather ...........................................45
Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride?....................9 TIPS ................................................................139
Pre-ride Inspection..........................................9 Engine Transporting Your Motorcycle ........................140
Throttle ..............................................................46 Storing Your Honda.........................................141
BASIC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ......11 Engine Idle Speed .............................................48 You & the Environment ..................................142
Safe Riding Precautions................................12 Clutch System ...................................................49 Troubleshooting...............................................143
Starting & Stopping the Engine ........................13 Hot Start Lever..................................................54
Preparation ....................................................13 Spark Plug .........................................................55 TECHNICAL INFORMATION ..................145
Starting Procedure ........................................13 Valve Clearance.................................................56 Vehicle Identification ......................................146
Flooded Engine .............................................13 Piston/Piston Rings/Piston Pin..........................64 Specifications ..................................................147
How to Stop the Engine................................14 Torque Specifications......................................148
Break-in Guidelines ..........................................15 Chassis Petrol Containing Alcohol...............................151
Suspension.........................................................72 Competition Logbook .....................................152
SERVICING YOUR HONDA........................17 Front Suspension Inspection.........................72 Optional Parts List ..........................................154
Before You Service Your Honda Rear Suspension Inspection..........................73 Spare Parts & Equipment................................155
The Importance of Maintenance .......................18 Recommended Fork Oil................................74 Wiring Diagram...............................................156
Maintenance Safety...........................................19 Fork Oil Change ...........................................74
Important Safety Precautions........................19 Brakes................................................................77 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................158
Maintenance Schedule ......................................20 Wheels...............................................................81
General Competition Maintenance ...................22 Tyres & Tubes ...................................................82 INDEX ............................................................159
Before & After Competition Maintenance........26 Drive Chain .......................................................84
Between Motos & Practice Maintenance .....26 Exhaust Pipe/Muffler ........................................87 Manufacturer and Authorised
After Competition Maintenance ...................26 Steering Damper................................................91 Representative for EU Market.....................162
Additional Maintenance Procedures .................93
Appearance Care ...............................................95
accessories...........................................................3 capacity, fuel .....................................................34 engine,
adjustments, carburetor, flooded .........................................................13
altitude and temperature.............................127 adjustment ..................................................119 idle speed......................................................48
carburetor ...................................................119 circuit functions..........................................121 number .......................................................146
chassis ........................................................134 components.................................................119 oil .................................................................36
control freeplay..........................46, 49, 54, 77 disassembly/assembly ................................124 pinging .........................................................34
engine idle speed..........................................48 idle speed......................................................48 starting..........................................................13
for competition.............................................97 minor adjustments ......................................129 stop button....................................................14
gearing........................................................135 care, appearance ................................................95 stopping ........................................................14
personal fit..................................................137 chain drive.........................................................84 won’t start ..................................................143
steering damper ............................................91 chassis adjustments .........................................134 environment, protecting ..................................142
suspension, front ..........................................98 choke knob ........................................................13
suspension, rear ..........................................111 cleaner, air .........................................................43 F
suspension, track conditions ......................115 cleaning, appearance care .................................95
tyre selection ..............................................136 clutch system, adjustment .................................49 filter,
after competition maintenance ..........................26 competition logbook........................................152 air .................................................................43
air cleaner ..........................................................43 controls, operating...............................................5 oil .................................................................37
air pressure, coolant ...............................................................41 flooded engine, starting.....................................13
front suspension ...........................................98 cylinder system..................................................64 fork,
tyres ..............................................................82 front suspension adjustment.........................98
appearance care .................................................95 D front suspension inspection..........................72
oil recommendation......................................74
B damping adjustments, front brake lever adjustment .............................77
damper, steering ...........................................91 front suspension maintenance ...........................99
basic operation...................................................11 front ..............................................................98 fuel,
before riding ........................................................7 rear..............................................................112 line................................................................34
between motos & practice maintenance ...........26 diagram, wiring ...............................................156 filter ..............................................................35
brakes, drive chain.........................................................84 petrol ............................................................34
fluid level .....................................................78 recommendation...........................................34
lever, front adjustment .................................77 refueling .......................................................34
pad wear .......................................................80 system...........................................................34
pedal height ..................................................77 tank capacity ................................................34
break-in guidelines ............................................15 valve .............................................................13
Index 159
gap, spark plug ..................................................55 oil, safety,
gasohol ............................................................151 engine ...........................................................36 a few words about ................Safety Messages
gearing.............................................................135 fork ...............................................................74 important information ....................................2
guidelines, transmission .................................................39 important precautions.....................................2
suspension adjustment................................116 operating, labels ..............................................................4
steering damper adjustment .......................133 controls...........................................................5 maintenance..................................................19
instructions ...................................................11 riding precautions...........................................2
H operation component locations ...........................6 schedule, maintenance.......................................20
optional, serial numbers .................................................146
handlebar inspection..........................................93 parts list ......................................................154 spare parts........................................................155
sprockets.....................................................135 spark knock .......................................................34
I spark plug
P maintenance..................................................55
identification, vehicle......................................146 reading........................................................131
idle speed, engine ..............................................48 pads, brake.........................................................80 specifications...................................................147
inspection, pre-ride..............................................9 parts, optional..................................................154 spring pre-load, rear suspension......................111
personal fit adjustments ..................................137 starting,
L petrol containing alcohol.................................151 engine ...........................................................13
pinging, engine..................................................34 troubleshooting...........................................143
labels, safety........................................................4 plug, spark .........................................................55 steering damper .................................................91
logbook, competition.......................................152 pre-load, rear suspension.................................111 steering damper adjustment ............................132
pre-ride inspection...............................................9 steering stem inspection ....................................91
M protective apparel ................................................2 stopping engine .................................................14
storage .............................................................141
maintenance, R subframe ............................................................32
additional procedures ...................................93 suspension,
after competition ..........................................26 rear suspension maintenance.............................73 front........................................................72, 98
before & after competition...........................26 riding, rear........................................................73, 111
between motos & practice............................26 basic operation .............................................11 suspension adjustment,
component locations ....................................28 before..............................................................7 front ..............................................................96
general competition......................................22 important safety information..........................2 rear..............................................................111
importance....................................................18 safety precautions...........................................2 for track conditions ....................................115
safety ............................................................19 guidelines ...................................................116
manufacturer and authorised
representative for EU market ..........................162
160 Index
transmission oil .................................................39
tuning tips ........................................................119
inspection .....................................................47
air pressure ...................................................82
flat ................................................................82
tools ...............................................................155
torque specifications .............................148 – 150
tubes, replacing .................................................82
valve, fuel..........................................................13
vehicle identification no. (VIN) ......................146
washing your motorcycle ..................................95
wiring diagram ................................................156
Index 161