Q4 English Week 3 Lesson 30 Day 1
Q4 English Week 3 Lesson 30 Day 1
Q4 English Week 3 Lesson 30 Day 1
Comprehension Questions:
1. What building did Nardo see?
a. The City Hall of Pasay b. The City Hall of Makati c. The City Hall of Manila
2. Who works there?
a. Doctors b. Policemen c. Many people
3. What kind of building is it?
a. Four-storey b. Three-storey c. Seven-storey
4. What does the building have?
a. A big door b. A big clock c. A big mirror
5. What time did the family go home?
a. Six o’clock b. Five o’clock c. Seven o’clock
B. Developmental Activities
A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking/ Vocabulary & Concept Development
(mission, abandoned, damage,
contaminating, enthusiastic, avoid)
Say: Here is how to finger-walk. First, put your index and pointer finger on
Pappy’s house and walk to the streets on the map using your fingers. Everybody,
show me how to finger-walk in the air, how about on your seatmate’s back and on
your desk/armchairs. Well done! We are now ready.
Let us start with the finger- walking game.
(Do the first one. Pappy- the paper bag has a mission. He has an assignment – a
task that he needs to do. He started walking and went to the mayor’s office to tell
him of his mission. Show how to finger walk up to the crossing)
Hey kids, Pappy needs someone to continue walking with him because his
friend Totie abandoned him on this mission- he was left alone on this. (Teacher
calls on one student).
Pappy and (name of pupil called) will walk across Narra St. and along the
way they will see a river filled with garbage and plastic bags. Oh, those plastic bags
are floating on the river. They harm, they destroy our river. The plastic bags caused
damage to our river – they are contaminating our water. They are making our
river dirty. Then Pappy and the pupil stop at the Mayor’s office.
Let us give Pappy time to talk to the Mayor.
This time let me call on another pupil to continue on the mission with Pappy.
(Call another pupil to act as Pappy too.) Pappy and the pupil continue walking to
their neighbors. Walk straight, and then turn left. You are now at a friend’s house.
They were enthusiastic- they felt excited and happy.
(Call on other pupils to finger walk.)
Go to church. Walk straight to the corner and turn right. Avoid the hole on the way.
Stay away from the hole. You are now in front of the church.
2. Motivation Question:
What do you usually use for the things you buy in a market?
3. Motive Question:
Find out what we can use for the things we buy in the market.
(Note: Make sure that you have the picture of enlarged Pappy and a paper bag in a
mystery box before starting the class)
Show a Mystery Box containing the paper bag and the picture of Pappy. Tell them
that there are two things inside the mystery box and that you need to find out
what are these things. Pull out the first thing (paper bag) slowly from the mystery
box and let them tell what it is.
Pull out the second thing (picture of Pappy) and let the pupils guess its name.
Allow pupils to speak and tell their own descriptions about the picture and say:
This is our friend, Pappy- the paper bag. Ask them where they usually use
paper bags and if those bags are used in their localities.
B. During Reading
(Read with the pupils the story “Pappy, the Paper Bag” along with the enlarged comic strips for reiteration.
Make sure that the enlarged comic strips are ready before starting to read the story. Let them enjoy the story
by reading one paragraph at a time.)
Refer to LM - Activity 292B for the copy of the story “Pappy the Paper Bag.
C. Post Reading
In groups of five, you will make a picture story. You are going to draw on a
coupon bond the flow of the story we read. Each of you will be given two
paragraphs to work on. Be ready to share your output.