Grade 5
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 073 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07
UNIT 1: USE WHOLE NUMBERS 4.7 Functions...........................................PW30
4.8 Inequalities .......................................PW31
4.9 Problem Solving Workshop
Chapter 1: Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction Strategy: Predict and Test ................PW32
1.1 Place Value Through Millions ............PW1
1.2 Understand Billions ............................PW2
1.3 Compare and Order UNIT 2: USE DECIMALS
Whole Numbers .................................PW3
1.4 Round Whole Numbers .....................PW4 Chapter 5: Understand Decimals
1.5 Estimate Sums and Differences .........PW5 5.1 Decimal Place Value .........................PW33
1.6 Add and Subtract Whole Numbers ...PW6 5.2 Equivalent Decimals .........................PW34
1.7 Problem Solving Workshop 5.3 Compare and Order Decimals .........PW35
Strategy: Work Backward ..................PW7 5.4 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
Chapter 2: Multiply Whole Numbers Draw Conclusions .............................PW36
2.1 Mental Math: Patterns in Chapter 6: Add and Subtract Decimals
Multiples .............................................PW8 6.1 Round Decimals ................................PW37
2.2 Estimate Products ...............................PW9 6.2 Add and Subtract Decimals .............PW38
2.3 Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers ...........PW10 6.3 Estimate Sums and Decimals ...........PW39
2.4 Multiply by Multi-Digit Numbers ....PW11 6.4 Choose a Method .............................PW40
2.5 Problem Solving Workshop 6.5 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
Strategy: Find a Pattern ...................PW12 Estimate or Find Exact Answer........PW41
2.6 Choose a Method .............................PW13
Chapter 7: Multiply Decimals
Chapter 3: Divide by 1- and 2-Digit Divisors 7.1 Model Multiplication by
3.1 Estimate with 1-Digit Divisors .........PW14 a Whole Number ..............................PW42
3.2 Divide by 1-Digit Divisors ................PW15 7.2 Algebra: Patterns in Decimal
3.3 Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Factors and Products ........................PW43
Interpret the Remainder..................PW16 7.3 Record Multiplication by
3.4 Zeros in Division ...............................PW17 a Whole Number ..............................PW44
3.5 Algebra: Patterns in Division ...........PW18 7.4 Model Multiplication by
3.6 Estimate with 2-Digit Divisors .........PW19 a Decimal ..........................................PW45
3.7 Divide by 2-Digit Divisors ................PW20 7.5 Estimate Products .............................PW46
3.8 Correcting Quotients .......................PW21 7.6 Practice Decimal Multiplication ......PW47
3.9 Practice Division ...............................PW22 7.7 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
3.10 Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Multistep Problems .........................PW48
Relevant or Irrelevant
Information ......................................PW23 Chapter 8: Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers
8.1 Decimal Division ...............................PW49
Chapter 4: Expressions and Equations 8.2 Estimate Quotients ..........................PW50
4.1 Write Expressions .............................PW24 8.3 Divide Decimals by Whole
4.2 Evaluate Expressions ........................PW25 Numbers............................................PW51
4.3 Properties..........................................PW26 8.4 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
4.4 Mental Math: Use the Properties....PW27 Evaluate Answers for
4.5 Write Equations................................PW28 Reasonableness ................................PW52
4.6 Solve Equations ................................PW29
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Chapter 9: Data and Statistics Chapter 13: Add and Subtract Fractions
9.1 Collect and Organize Data ..............PW53 13.1 Add and Subtract Like Fractions .....PW80
9.2 Mean, Median, and Mode ...............PW54 13.2 Model Addition of Unlike
9.3 Compare Data ..................................PW55 Fractions............................................PW81
9.4 Analyze Graphs ................................PW56 13.3 Model Subtraction of Unlike
9.5 Problem Solving Workshop Fractions............................................PW82
Strategy: Draw a Diagram ..............PW57 13.4 Estimate Sums and Differences .......PW83
13.5 Use Common Denominators ...........PW84
Chapter 10: Make Graphs
13.6 Problem Solving Workshop
10.1 Make Bar Graphs and
Strategy: Compare Strategies ........PW85
Pictographs .......................................PW58
13.7 Choose a Method .............................PW86
10.2 Make Histograms .............................PW59
10.3 Algebra: Graph Ordered Pairs .........PW60 Chapter 14: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
10.4 Make Line Graphs ............................PW61 14.1 Model Addition of Mixed
10.5 Make Circle Graphs ..........................PW62 Numbers............................................PW87
10.6 Problem Solving Workshop 14.2 Model Subtraction of Mixed
Strategy: Make a Graph .................PW63 Numbers............................................PW88
10.7 Choose the Appropriate Graph ......PW64 14.3 Record Addition and Subtraction ...PW89
14.4 Subtraction with Renaming ............PW90
14.5 Practice Addition and
UNIT 4: NUMBER THEORY AND FRACTION Subtraction .......................................PW91
CONCEPTS 14.6 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning .....PW92
Chapter 11: Number Theory Chapter 15: Multiply and Divide Fractions
11.1 Multiples and the Least Common 15.1 Model Multiplication of
Multiple ............................................PW65 Fractions............................................PW93
11.2 Divisibility .........................................PW66 15.2 Record Multiplication of
11.3 Factors and Greatest Common Fractions............................................PW94
Factor ................................................PW67 15.3 Multiply Fractions and Whole
11.4 Prime and Composite Numbers ......PW68 Numbers............................................PW95
11.5 Problem Solving Workshop 15.4 Multiply with Mixed Numbers ........PW96
Strategy: Make an Organized List ..PW69 15.5 Model Fraction Division ...................PW97
11.6 Introduction to Exponents ..............PW70 15.6 Divide Whole Numbers by
11.7 Exponents and Square Numbers .....PW71 Fractions............................................PW98
11.8 Prime Factorization ..........................PW72 15.7 Divide Fractions ................................PW99
Chapter 12: Fraction Concepts 15.8 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
12.1 Understand Fractions .......................PW73 Choose the Operation ...................PW100
12.2 Equivalent Fractions .........................PW74
12.3 Simplest Form ...................................PW75 UNIT 6: RATIO, PERCENT, AND
12.4 Understand Mixed Numbers ...........PW76
12.5 Compare and Order Fractions
and Mixed Numbers.........................PW77
12.6 Problem Solving Workshop Chapter 16: Ratios and Percents
Strategy: Make a Model .................PW78 16.1 Understand and Express Ratios .....PW101
12.7 Relate Fractions and Decimals ........PW79 16.2 Algebra: Equivalent Ratios and
Proportions .....................................PW102
© Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Spiral Review
Week 1.......................................................... SR1
Week 2.......................................................... SR2
Week 3.......................................................... SR3
Week 4.......................................................... SR4
Week 5.......................................................... SR5
Week 6.......................................................... SR6
Week 7.......................................................... SR7
Week 8.......................................................... SR8
Week 9.......................................................... SR9
Week 10...................................................... SR10
Week 11...................................................... SR11
Week 12...................................................... SR12
Week 13...................................................... SR13
Week 14...................................................... SR14
Week 15...................................................... SR15
Week 16...................................................... SR16
Week 17...................................................... SR17
Week 18...................................................... SR18
Week 19...................................................... SR19
Week 20...................................................... SR20
Week 21...................................................... SR21
Week 22...................................................... SR22
Week 23...................................................... SR23
Week 24...................................................... SR24
Week 25...................................................... SR25
Week 26...................................................... SR26
Week 27...................................................... SR27
Week 28...................................................... SR28
Week 29...................................................... SR29
Week 30...................................................... SR30
Week 31...................................................... SR31
Week 32...................................................... SR32
Week 33...................................................... SR33
Week 34...................................................... SR34
Week 35...................................................... SR35
Week 36...................................................... SR36
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Teacher’s Edition
■ Rationale Card in the Teacher’s Edition for easy reference and rationale to
Suggested Homework Problems are on each worksheet. The suggested problems have
been carefully selected because they are a good representation of the problems in the day’s
lesson. No more than 10 problems are suggested for each lesson.
A Rationale Card provides the rationale behind the suggested problem chosen. You can
review the rationale to evaluate which problems best suit your students’ needs before you
assign homework.
Progress Graphs are provided for students as a template to use with the suggested
homework problems that may be assigned. Students shade the double-bar graph each day
to demonstrate the progress they make on their suggested homework assignments
throughout the week. The left bar reflects the total number of problems that are assigned.
The right bar reflects the total number of problems the student got correct. After you write
the answers on the chalkboard, students check their own homework during the morning
routine while you circulate the room to review their papers. Homework is assigned Monday
through Thursday only, so at the end of the week students can analyze their own work by
writing two sentences about their progress. The graphs can also be placed in student
portfolios for parent/teacher conferences. A sample graph is shown below. The template is
provided on the next page.
© Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt • Grade 5
My Homework Progress
Number of Problems
Number of
Number of
4 Problems
Mon Tue Wed Thu
Name Lesson 1.1
19. What is the value of the underlined digit 20. In 358,247,061, which digit is in the
in 729,340,233? hundred thousands place?
A 20,000 A 0
B 20,000 B 2
C 2,000,000 C 3
D 20,000,000 D 5
PW1 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 1.2
Understand Billions
Write the value of the underlined digit.
1. 855,283,612,681 2. 752,801,874,345 3. 25,908,167,238
9. 35,089,207,450
12. What is the standard form of fifty-two 13. In 538,479,247,061, which digit is in
million, six hundred eight thousand, the ten billions place?
A 52,680,390 C 52,608,039 A 5 C 2
B 52,608,390 D 52,068,039 B 3 D 0
PW2 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
15. Which number is less than 61,534? 16. Which shows the numbers in order
from greatest to least?
A 61,354
A 722,319; 722,913; 722,139
B 61,543
B 722,139; 722,319; 722,913
C 63,154
C 722,913; 722,139; 722,319
D 63,145
D 722,913; 722,319; 722,139
PW3 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
24. Name the place to which the number 25. Name the place to which the number
was rounded. was rounded.
43,771,012 to 40,000,000 622,192,013 to 622,200,000
PW4 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 1.5
17. Sarah rode her bike 5 days. The longest 18. Estimate. Round to the nearest
distance she rode in one day was ten-thousand.
6 miles, and the shortest distance she
rode was 5 miles. What is a reasonable
total number of miles Sarah biked
during the 5 days?
A Less than 12 mi A 700,000
PW5 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 1.6
13. 32,109 ⫹ 6,234 ⫹ 4,827 14. 3,709,245 ⫺ 1,569,267 15. 200,408 ⫺ 64,159
18. 328,954 ⫹ 683,681 ⫽ 19. Over the first weekend in July, a movie
theater sold 78,234 tickets. Over the
second weekend in July, the movie theater
A 901,535 sold 62,784 tickets. How many more
B 1,001,535 tickets were sold over the first weekend
C 1,012,635
than the second weekend in July?
D 1,012,645
PW6 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 1.7
Mixed Application
USE DATA For 3–5, use the table.
3. The latest Minke whale population is
55 times the latest gray whale Whale Population Estimates
population. What is the latest Minke Whale Original Count Latest Count
whale population? Bowhead 30,000 7,800
Fin 548,000 110,000
Gray 20,000 18,000
4. Write and solve an equation to find the Humpback 115,000 10,000
decrease in the number of right whales Minke 490,000 -
from their original count. Right 100,000 3,200
Sei 256,000 54,000
5. Which type of whale had the greatest 6. Pose a Problem Look back at
decrease in population? Explain how Problem 4. Write a similar problem by
you know. changing the type of whale.
PW7 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 2.1
11. 40 9,000 12. 7 200 13. 600 60 14. 100 600 15. 200 500
21. Tickets to a baseball game cost $90 22. A sedan at a car dealership sells for
each. How much money will be made in $20,000. How much money will be made
ticket sales if 5,000 tickets are sold? from the sale of 200 sedans?
A $45,000 A $40,000
B $450,000 B $400,000
C $4,500,000 C $4,000,000
D $45,000,000 D $40,000,000
PW8 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 2.2
Estimate Products
Estimate the product.
1. 65 22 2. 18 $34 3. 738 59 4. 195 23 5. 8,130 77
11. 199 249 12. 467 124 13. 88 27 14. 4 96,725 15. 6,371 52
16. 33 180 17. 894 605 18. 5,720 79 19. 54 419 20. 76 5,118
22. The park committee also wants to purchase 24 silver maples using a budget of $300.
Did the committee budget enough money? Estimate to solve.
23. Which would give the best estimate for 24. Which would give the best estimate for
48 54,090? 108 276?
A 40 50,000 A 100 200
B 40 60,000 B 100 300
C 50 50,000 C 200 200
D 50 60,000 D 200 300
PW9 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
21. Which expression has the same value as 22. New windows cost $425 each. What is
8 (800 70 3)? the total cost for 9 new windows?
A 8 (800,703) A $3,725
B 64 56 24 B $3,825
C 6,400 70 3 C $4,725
D 6,400 560 24 D $4,825
PW10 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 2.4
11. 219 12. 727 13. $1,948 14. 1,220 15. 893
_ 84
_ 33 58
__ 42
_ 12
18. Viola is training for a swimming 19. Mon is training for a track and field
competition on a pool in which one event on a track where one lap is
lap is 20 yards. Viola has swam 400 meters. So far Mon has finished
8 laps. What distance has Viola swam? 2 laps. What distance has Mon ran?
PW11 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. An art-supply store sells sets of color 4. A group of six statues made by a famous
pencils. If a 10-pencil set costs $12, a artist will be sold for $39,375. If each
15-pencil set costs $15, and a 20-pencil successive statue sells for twice as much
set costs $18, what rule can you use to as the previous one and the first statue
determine how much a 25-pencil set sells for $625, then how much will the
costs? 6th statue sell for?
32 inches
6 Pose a Problem Look back at Problem 7. Tom’s brother is 5 inches shorter than
5. Write a similar problem by changing Tom, and Tom’s mom is 26 inches
the number of frames Elsi will make. shorter than their heights combined.
How tall is Tom’s mom if Tom is 4 ft., 2 in.
. tall?
PW12 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 2.6
Choose a Method
Find the product. Choose mental math, paper and pencil, or a calculator.
Animal Sleep
Animal Time (hours per day)
15. In one year, how many more hours Tiger 16
does a pig sleep more than a cow Pig 9
Cow 4
16. A typical African elephant may weigh 17. A typical giraffe may weigh about 145
about 185 pounds at birth. At maturity pounds at birth. At maturity its weight is
its weight is 32 times as great. What 18 times as great. What does a typical
does a typical African elephant weigh at giraffe weigh at maturity?
maturity? A 1,075 pounds
A 3,710 pounds B 1,305 pounds
B 4,920 pounds C 2,380 pounds
C 5,920 pounds D 2,610 pounds
D 6,910 pounds
PW13 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 2
624 2. 6
534 3. 7
2,429 4. 8
15. Mr Jones drove 571 miles in 4 days. If he 16. John traveled 885 miles in 3 days. If he
drove the same number of miles each traveled the same number of miles each
day, what is the best estimate of how far day, what is the best estimate of how far
Mr. Jones drove on the first day? John drove on the first day?
PW14 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
348 7
952 5
715 6
414 9
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
837 8
3,672 7
8,043 9
5,342 3
11. 2
736 12. 5
815 13. 7
662 14. 4
3,049 15. 8
16. 924 ⫼ 6 17. 261 ⫼ 3 18. 754 ⫼ 9 19. 5,765 ⫼ 7 20. 3,835 ⫼ 4
23. One case can hold 9 boxes of cereal. 24. A fifth-grade class made 436 cookies.
How many cases are needed to hold The class put 6 cookies in each bag.
144 boxes of cereal? How many cookies remained?
A 1,296 A 72 r4
B 16 B 2,616
C 17 C 4
D 9 D 72
PW15 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. A total of 124 players are riding a 4. There are 230 books in the storeroom.
car to the soccer game. If 5 players can Each box holds 7 books. How many
ride in each car, how many cars are boxes are needed to store all of the
needed? books?
Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
PW16 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 3.4
Zeros in Division
1. 6
912 2. 4
716 3. 8
829 4. 7
941 5. 3
6. 5
634 7. 9
1,681 8. 4
871 9. 8
1,163 10. 7
11. 764 ⫼ 2 12. 834 ⫼ 9 13. 2,251 ⫼ 4 14. 3,676 ⫼ 6 15. 5,794 ⫼ 8
18. The population of the world in July 2006 19. A pet store sells dog bones in packages
was about 6,628,506,453. What is the of 6. How many packages can they
value of the digit 2 in that number? make from 762 dog bones?
A 127
B 4,572
C 6
D 172
PW17 Practice
© Hearcourt • Grade 5
22. A clothing store spends $4,500 on 23. A business man spends $6,400 on
9 clothing racks. How much does 8 projectors for his company. How much
each clothing rack cost? does each projector cost?
A $90 A $80
B $500 B $800
C $540 C $640
D $50 D $8
PW18 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 3.6
1. 38
329 2. 54
386 3. 75
7. 24
157 8. 31
$289 9. 72
15. Joe built a tower out of blocks. It was 16. Heather spent 480 minutes practicing
475 centimeters tall. The height of each basketball last month. How many hours
cube was 18 centimeters. About how did Heather spend practicing basketball
many cubes did Joe use? last month?
A 10 A 60
B 24 B 4
C 18 C 10
D 48 D 8
PW19 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 3.7
1. 23
713 2. 42
798 3. 64
832 4. 18
5. 56
792 6. 36
879 7. 26
936 8. 87
15. The school auditorium has 756 seats 16. A farmer planted a total of 768 corn
arranged in 27 equal rows. How many seeds in 24 equal rows. How many
seats are in each row? corn seeds are there in each row?
A 27 A 28
B 28 B 30
C 29 C 32
D 30 D 34
PW20 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Correcting Quotients
Write low, high, or just right for each estimate.
1. 20 2. 100 3. 20 4. 30 5. 40
884 18
1,224 38
798 24
624 67
6. 18
972 7. 27
259 8. 32
6,730 9. 63
234 10. 79
11. 2,312 ⫼ 49 12. 734 ⫼ 56 13. 1,634 ⫼ 86 14. 6,324 ⫼ 62 15. 846 ⫼ 94
16. Robin needs to buy 250 coasters 17. A store orders 832 ounces of floor
for a graduation party. Each package cleaner. Each bottle is 32 ounces and
contains 18 coasters. How many costs $3. How much does the store
packages should Robin buy? spend on the order?
18. The Comfortable Shoe Company can 19. A Disc Jockey has a collection of 816
fit 16 boxes of shoes in a crate. How CDs. The CD case that he likes holds
many crates will the company need 24 CDs. How many cases will the Disc
to pack 576 boxes of shoes? Jockey need to hold all his CDs?
A 36 A 43
B 40 B 30
C 35 C 34
D 30 D 40
PW21 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Practice Division
Divide. Multiply to check your answer.
1. 7
371 2. 6
534 3. 4
547 4. 21
5. 57
3,672 6. 13
1,847 7. 36
2,643 8. 85
15. Sean has 6 piles of pennies. Each pile 16. A school cafeteria used 232 pieces of
has 37 pennies. How many pennies bread yesterday equaling 8 full loaves.
does Sean have? How many pieces of bread are in one
A 42 A 26
B 45 B 27
C 216 C 28
D 222 D 29
PW22 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 3.10
3. Ryan’s collection of NFL cards is 5 times 4. Melissa received 3 dozen roses and
more than Rickie’s card collection. 1 dozen balloons on her birthday. How
Rickie has 135 cards. It took Ryan many vases will she need if she wants to
12 months to collect the cards. How put 9 roses in each vase?
many NFL cards does Ryan have?
Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–6, use the table.
7. Julie drove from Austin to Redford. She 8. Sarah drove on average 50 miles per
traveled on average 65 miles per hour. hour from Fairfax to Denver. Dan drove
How many hours did Julie drive? on average 55 from Redford to Denver.
Who drove less time to reach Denver?
PW23 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.1
Write Expressions
Write a numerical expression. Tell what the expression represents.
1. William shared 8 apples 2. Jillian bought 4 toys for 3. 35 more than 18
equally among 4 friends. $7 each.
11. Jason has 9 Bronze corys in a tank. 12. The temperature increased from a low
Write an algebraic expression to find the of 62 degrees. Which expression best
minimum number of gallons of water in describes the new temperature?
the tank. A 62 t
B 62 t
C 62t
D t 62
PW24 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.2
Evaluate Expressions
Evaluate each expression.
1. 27 ⫺ 15 ⫼ 3 2. 12 ⫻ 4 ⫼ 6 3. (17 ⫹ 8) ⫺ (2 ⫹ 8) 4. 60 ⫼ (10 ⫺ 4)
5. (3 ⫹ 12) ⫼ 3 ⫻ 4 6. 6 ⫻ 4 ⫺ 2 ⫻ 3 7. 30 ⫼ (2 + 3) ⫺ 1 8. 42 ⫺ 18 ⫼ 6 ⫹ 3
Evaluate the algebraic expression for the given value of the variable.
9. 31k if k ⫽ 4 10. 2r ⫺ 9 if r ⫽ 5.5 11. 21 ⫺ 3c if c ⫽ 7 12. 4p ⫹ 6 if p ⫽ 1 1_2
20. The softball participants were divided into 5 small groups. Write an expression to
represent this. Then find the number of participants in each group if 80 students
21. If k ⫽ 7, what is the value of 22. The expression 5w shows the cost of 5
2k ⫺ 3? books. If w ⫽ $7.45, what is the total
cost of the books?
A 8 C 11 A $35.00 C $37.25
B 9 D 24 B $39.45 D $12.45
PW25 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.3
Name the property shown.
1. 28 19 19 28 2. 12 (8 30) (12 8) 30
3. 5 58 (5 50) (5 8) 4. (6 7) 4 (7 6) 4
8. 49 4 = n 49 9. 8 36 (8 n) (8 6) 10. 9 (n 5) (9 1) 5
12. Drake has 7 times the number of fluorite
and flint pieces than Cari has. Use the Flint
Distributive Property to show the total
number of pieces Drake has. Garnet
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of Pieces
13. The expression 30 (8 7) shows the 14. The expression (20 4) 12 shows the
amount of money Daniel earned. Which amount of money Josie earned. Which
expression represents the same amount expression represents the same amount
of money? of money?
A (30 8) 7 A (20 4) 12
B (30 8) (30 7) B (12 20) 4
C (30 8) (30 7) C 20 (4 12)
D (30 8) (30 7) D (4 20) 12
PW26 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.4
4. (20 ⫻ 4) ⫻ 3 5. 41 ⫹ 29 ⫹ 46 6. 26 ⫹ 43 ⫹ 34
7. 6 ⫻ 15 ⫻ 2 8. 4 ⫻ 180 9. 72 ⫹ 18 ⫹ 32
21. There are 6 shelving units containing 22. Tickets for the movies cost $13 each.
5 shelves each. Each shelf holds James’ family buys 6 tickets. Explain
35 DVDs. Find the total number of how to use mental math to find the total
DVDs on the shelving unit. cost of the movie tickets.
A 210
B 450
C 950
D 1,050
PW27 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.5
Write Equations
Write an equation for each. Tell what the variable represents.
1. Paulina has a photo album with 2. Jarrod practiced the trumpet and piano
60 photos. Each page contains for 45 minutes. He practiced piano for
5 photos. How many pages does 15 minutes. How long did he practice
the album have? the trumpet?
Write a problem for each equation. Tell what the variable represents.
3. 7t ⫽ 63 4. 6 ⫹ b ⫽ 11
7. The Amsco building is 135 feet tall. 8. Tam had downloaded 25 songs for her
The Tyler building is 30 feet shorter than MP3 player. She then downloaded some
the Amsco building. What is the Tyler more songs. She now has 31 songs for
building’s height? Write an equation to her MP3 player. How many songs did
represent this problem. Tam download? Write an equation to
represent this problem.
A 135 ⫽ h ⫹ 30 A 25 ⫹ s ⫽ 31
B h ⫽ 135 ⫺ 30 B s ⫺ 31 ⫽ 25
C 135 ⫽ 30 ⫺ h C s ⫺ 25 ⫽ 31
D h ⫽ 135 ⫹ 30 D 56 ⫺ s ⫽ 31
PW28 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.6
Solve Equations
Which of the numbers 5, 7, or 12 is the solution of the equation?
1. t 2 5 2. 30 e 6 3. 3 u 36 4. 18 p 30
5. 56 8 t 6. 22 p 9 7. 25 n 13 8. 72 y 12
15. The equation $56 p $8 represents 16. Jesse had a book of 14 crossword
the total cost of some books and the puzzles. After solving some of the
cost per book. How many books were puzzles, he has 3 puzzles left. Write and
bought? solve an equation to find out how many
A 7 crossword puzzles Jesse solved.
B 8
C 9
D 12
PW29 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.7
Write an equation to represent each function. Then complete the table.
1. c 0 1 2 3 4 2. m 0 1 2 3 4 3. g 0 2 4 6 8
d 8 10 11 12 p 0 4 12 16 h 21 19 17 13
4. j 0 2 4 6 8 5. v 12 15 18 21 6. x 5 6 7 8 9
k 1 2 3 4 w 3 6 9 y 5 9 11 13
7. a 0 2 4 6 8 8. y 3 6 9 12
9. s 5 10 15 20
b 1 11 21 31 z 9 21 45 r 2 7 9.5
m⫻4⫽r a⫹8⫽b
m a
r b
13. Peg has ridden her bicycle a total of 200 miles this year. She rides 40 miles per week.
What will be her total miles after 8 more weeks? Make a function table to show her
expected total distance for the next 8 weeks.
14. The equation y ⫽ 12 x ⫹ 300 shows 15. The equation y ⫽ 280 ⫺ 30x shows the
the balance in Dale’s savings account number of pages Keiko has left to read
after x weeks. How much will be in the after x hours of reading. How much will
account after 10 weeks? she have left to read after 4 hours?
A $180 C $312 A 160 pages C 310 pages
B $288 D $420 B 250 pages D 400 pages
PW30 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Which of the numbers 4, 6, 8, and 10 are solutions of each inequality?
1. x ⫹ 5 ⬎ 5 2. x ⫺ 6 ⬍ 2 3. x ⫺ 4 ⱕ 4 4. x ⫹ 9 ⱖ 15
5. x ⫹ 10 ⬍ 16 6. x ⫺ 10 ⱖ 0 7. x ⫹ 7 ⱕ 11 8. x ⫹ 12 ⬎ 20
Draw a number line from 0 to 8. Locate points to show the whole number
solutions from 0 to 8 for each inequality.
9. x ⫹ 2 ⬎ 4 10. x ⫹ 8 ⬎ 9
Write an inequality to match the words. Choose the variable for the unknown.
Tell what the variable represents.
11. Travel time to the park is at least 12. Magie, the cat, weighs less than
3 hours. 12 pounds.
PW31 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 4.9
3. The sum of the ages of Michele and 4. Loni is thinking of two numbers. One
Clark’s ages is 27. Clark is twice as old number is three times greater than
as Michele. How old are Clark and the second number. Their sum is 32.
Michele? What are the two numbers?
6. Beth spent $210 on a fish tank and Tiger 7. Cora bought 3 Silver Dollars and
Barbs. The tank cost $180. How many 4 Clown Loaches for her fish tank.
Tiger Barbs did she buy? She handed the cashier three $20 bills.
How much change did she receive?
PW32 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
19. What is the value of the underlined digit 20. The decimal 0.9 is how many times
in 8.536? greater than 0.009?
A 0.003 A 9
B 0.03 B 10
C 0.3 C 100
D 3.000 D 0.01
PW33 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 5.2
Equivalent Decimals
Write equivalent or not equivalent to describe each pair of decimals.
1. 2.26 and 2.260 2. 8.05 and 8.50 3. 7.08 and 7.008 4. 9 and 9.00
19. The calliope hummingbird lives in the 20. A banded calliope hummingbird was
mountains. It has been seen as high as seen in Idaho and also in Virginia. It had
335.23 meters above sea level. Write flown more than 2,440.95 miles. Which
an equivalent decimal for 335.23. decimal is equivalent to 2,440.95?
A 2,440.095
B 2,400.905
C 2,440.9500
D 2,440.9595
PW34 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 5.3
9. 5.202 5.220 10. 0.78 0.780 11. 4.17 4.017 12. 0.897 0.987
15. 0.761, 0.67, 0.776, 0.7 16. 0.987, 0.978, 0.97, 0.98
19. Some types of beetles can jump as high 20. The depth the Japanese Beetle grub
as 15 cm. Suppose three beetles may hibernate underground is listed
jumped 14.03 cm, 14.029 cm, and below. Which is the highest number?
14.031 cm. What is the order of the A 29.103
heights the beetles jumped from least to
B 29.300
C 29.301
D 29.004
PW35 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 5.4
Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
3. Nan used fertilizer on 5 African violets.
Plant A had the most blooms. Plant E
had the fewest blooms. What conclusion Amount of Fertilizer Per Week
can she draw about how the number of
Plant Number of Teaspoons
teaspoons of fertilizer relates to the
number of blooms? A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
4. How much fertilizer will Nan give to all E 5
her plants in a year?
5. Matt buys a plant for $1.35. He pays with 6. Tina has 25 plants on 5 shelves. Each shelf
8 coins. Which coins does Matt use? has 2 more plants than the shelf above it.
How many plants are on each shelf?
PW36 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 6.1
Round Decimals
Round each number to the place of the underlined digit.
1. 54.247 2. 0.109 3. 7.044 4. 12.581 5. 0.003
19. Greta rounded 6.488 pounds to 20. Neil rounded 9.135 pounds to
6.49 pounds. To which place did she 9.1 pounds. To which place did he
round? round?
A Ones A Ones
B Tenths B Tenths
C Hundredths C Hundredths
D Thousandths D Thousandths
PW37 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 6.2
16. 24.006 17. 8.18 18. 0.1 19. 0.775 20. 0.003
__2.73 0.517
__0.025 5.31 1
1.304 3.016 9.44
23. Lynne buys a meal and a milk at the 24. Tim buys a daily planner and 1 pen at
school cafeteria. If Lynne pays with a the school store. How much change
$5 bill, how much change should should Tim receive from a $20.00 bill?
she receive? School Store
School Cafeteria Item Price
A $1.06 A $9.76
Item Price notebook $4.55
B $1.55 meal $3.45 B $9.86
12 pencils $2.14
C $2.96 fruit $0.80 C $10.24
1 pen $1.29
D $3.94 milk $0.49 D $16.74 daily planner $8.95
PW38 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 6.3
13. $6.14 $4.59 14. 12.3 2.85 15. 1.184 1.295 16. 8.72 5.43
17. 0.219 0.183 18. 3.64 0.58 19. 14.12 5.36 20. $15.41 $4.96
21. About how long would it take to listen to Top 3 Songs of 1956
the 3 songs in the chart? Playing Time
Song Artist
(in minutes)
Hound Dog Elvis Presley 2.25
22. About how much longer is Elvis Long Tall Sally Little Richard 2.083
Presley’s recording of Hound Dog than
Blue Suede Shoes Elvis Presley 1.983
his recording of Blue Suede Shoes?
23. Elise has $50. She buys notebooks for 24. Heather and her husband have $99.
$16.29 and pens for $9.54. About how They buy glassware for $19.49 and
much money will she have left? tablecloth for $22.53. About how much
money would they have left?
A $10 A $50
B $25 B $45
C $35 C $38
D $15 D $57
PW39 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 6.4
Choose a Method
Choose a method. Find the sum or difference.
1. 8.24 2. 7.89 3. 41.621 4. $12.56 5. 3.1
__0.673 ⫺
__3.21 ⫺
__38.94 ⫹ $25.72 4.75
⫹ 2.9
11. 0.501 12. 2.9 13. 3.37 14. $57.19 15. 1.005
__6.79 ⫺
__1.5 ⫹
__6.73 ⫹ $ 2.68 ⫺
16. 2.4 ⫹ 3.75 ⫹ 1.8 17. 0.85 ⫺ 0.798 18. $1.95 ⫹ $7.65 19. 5.4 ⫺ 0.54
20. How much farther did Chistyakova Women’s Long Jump Records
jump in 1988 than Joyner-Kersee in Name Year Distance (in meters)
Galina Chistyakova 1988 7.52
Jackie Joyner-Kersee 1994 7.49
Heike Dreschler 1992 7.48
21. What is the difference in jump distances
Anis oara Stanciu 1983 7.43
from the earliest listed date to the latest
Tatyana Kotova 2002 7.42
listed date?
Yelena Belevskaya 1987 7.39
22. Lydia has 3 dimes, a quarter, a dollar, 23. Dylan has 2 dollars, 3 quarters, 4 dimes,
and 2 nickels. How much money does and a nickel. How much money does
Lydia have? Show your work. Dylan have? Show your work
PW40 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. Jessa needs $140 to buy a bicycle. She 4. The apples Carl wants to buy range in
saves $10 each week. She has already weight from 0.8 pound to 1.2 pounds.
saved $60. How many weeks from How many pounds will 12 apples weigh?
now can Jessa buy the bicycle?
Mixed Applications
5. Tom has 21 flowering plants in white, 6. At noon, the temperature was 58°F. In
pink, and lavender flowers. He has the next hour, the temperature rose 2°.
2 more pink flowering plants than he The hour after that, it rose 4°. During the
has lavender flowering plants. What is following hour the temperature rose 6°,
the greatest possible number of white and the hour after that, it rose 8°. What
flowering plants that Tom has? was the temperature at 1:00 P.M.?
7. Each chicken has 2 legs, and each 8. Pose a Problem Look back at Exercise 6.
cow has 4 legs. How many legs do Write a similar problem by changing the
9 chickens and 23 cows have? beginning temperature.
PW41 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.1
1. 2.
0.34 4
3. 0.27 6 4. 4 0.33
PW42 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.2
USE DATA For 13–14, use the graph. Planet Length of Year
Mercury 0.241 Earth years
13. How many Earth years is
Venus 0.615 Earth years
10 years on Jupiter?
Jupiter 11.862 Earth years
Saturn 29.457 Earth years
14. How many Earth years is 1,000 years on 15. A blank CD costs $0.36. How much will
Mercury? 100 blank CDs cost?
A 0.000241 Earth years
B 0.0241 Earth years
C 241 Earth years
D 2,410 Earth years
PW43 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.3
17. Ms. Salera’s class rode 3.8 miles to the 18. It takes the moon 29.5 days to go
observatory. The next closest through all of its phases. How many days
observatory is 13 times as far. How many does it take the moon to go through all
miles is the second observatory? of its phases 30 times?
A 13 miles
B 49.4 miles
C 494 miles
D 4,940 miles
PW44 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.4
1. 2. 3.
10. 0.6 ⫻ 0.7 ⫽ n 11. 0.5 ⫻ n ⫽ 0.45 12. n ⫻ 1.2 ⫽ 0.24 13. 0.3 ⫻ n ⫽ 0.39
14. 0.4 ⫻ n ⫽ 0.12 15. 0.9 ⫻ 0.3 ⫽ n 16. 1.3 ⫻ 0.5 ⫽ n 17. n ⫻ 0.5 ⫽ 0.55
PW45 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.5
Estimate Products
Estimate the product.
11. 352.4 0.46 12. 0.129 22.3 13. 7.035 61 14. $8.99 12
17. A Ross seal at the aquarium weighs 18. A bottlenose dolphin eats an average
430.92 pounds. A leopard seal weighs of 155.75 pounds of fish per week.
2.3 times as much. Which expression How much does the dolphin eat in
gives the closest estimate for the weight 4.5 weeks?
of the leopard seal?
A 3 431 C 2 431
B 2 430 D 3 430
PW46 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.6
13. 6.6 0.05 14. $2 0.04 15. 0.07 0.3 16. 0.07 0.09
19. A Brussels sprout weighs 0.0025 of a 20. A light guitar string is 0.016 of an
kilogram. How many kilograms do inch thick. A heavy guitar string is
4 sprouts weigh? 2.25 times as thick. How thick is the
heavy string?
A 0.001 kilogram A 0.036 in.
B 0.01 kilogram B 0.36 in.
C 0.1 kilogram C 3.6 in.
D 1 kilogram D 36 in.
PW47 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 7.7
Mixed Applications
Captain Jack’s Fishing Adventure
3. USE DATA How much will it cost for
two children and three adults to take a Age Length of Trip Cost
4. USE DATA Mr. Chopra paid $180 for 5. FAST FACT The penny weighs
a 6-hour fishing trip. Including himself, 2.5 grams, the nickel weighs 5 grams
how many adults and children did and the dime weighs 2.268 grams. If
Mr. Chopra pay for? you have eight pennies, four nickels
and six dimes in your pocket, how
much weight are you carrying?
PW48 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Decimal Division
Use decimal models or play money to model the quotient.
Record your answer.
1. 1.8 3 2. 1.2 4
3. $1.52 4 4. 0.24 4
5. 1.5 5 6. 0.63 9
7. 0.36 3 8. $1.25 5
PW49 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 8.2
Estimate Quotients
Find two estimates for the quotient.
1. 1.38 ⫼ 6 2. 2.93 ⫼ 9 3. 458.2 ⫼ 7 4. 324.9 ⫼ 5
23. Which shows how you can best use 24. Which shows how you can best use
compatible numbers to estimate compatible numbers to estimate
35.4 ⫼ 8? 58.3 ⫼ 6?
A 32 ⫼ 8 A 54 ⫼ 6
B 35 ⫼ 8 B 56 ⫼ 7
C 38 ⫼ 9 C 58 ⫼ 6
D 40 ⫼ 8 D 60 ⫼ 6
PW50 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5. 3
81.3 6. 36
46.44 7. 49
1.274 8. 21
15. 529.2 ⫼ 18. 16. The Gibsons paid $50.00 for a summer
pass to Playland. If they went 20 times
during the summer, what was the cost
of each visit to Playland?
A 0.294 C 29.4 A $0.25 C $25.00
B 2.94 D 294 B $2.50 D $250.00
PW51 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
4. Suppose you exchange 200 U. S. dollars 5. John has 4.1 pizzas. He gave 2.7 pizzas
for EU euros. How many euros will you away. How many pizzas does John have
receive? Which operation(s) did you use left? Is your solution an estimate or an
to solve? exact answer?
PW52 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 9.1
7. Which is the range for the following set 8. Which set of data has a range
of data: 14, 9, 11, 21, 7? of 15?
A 11 A 4, 9, 2, 15, 18
B 12 B 9, 5, 20, 3, 25
C 13 C 8, 2, 15, 13, 17
D 14 D 5, 20, 7, 14, 21
PW53 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 9.2
ALGEBRA Use the given mean to find the missing number in each data set.
11. 14, 16, 18, 12, ; mean: 15 12. 36, 24, , 16; mean: 24
15. What is the mode for the set of data? 16. Explain how you can find the median
31, 27, 26, 25, 31 for a set of data with an even number
of data values.
A 13
B 27
C 28
D 31
PW54 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 9.3
Compare Data
Compare the mean, median, and range of the data sets.
A: Number of stamps collected B: Number of stamps collected
13 25 19 32 66 22 19 6 13 21 20 15 13 24
Monday Homework Problems Tuesday Homework Problems
2 3 6 2 6 3 4 5 4 5 10 4 2 5 3 4 6 9 6 1
5. Which shows how the median for the 6. Which shows how the mean for the
sets of data compare? sets of data compare?
PW55 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 9.4
Analyze Graphs
For 1–3, use the double-bar graph.
1. Which class period has the least number
Left-handed and Right-handed
of right-handed students?
Number of Students
2. Which two class periods have the same 14
number of students? 12
10 Left-handed
8 Right-handed
3. What is the total number of left-handed 1 2 3 4
Class Period
students in all four class periods?
6. A line graph shows a trend of less rain 7. Look at the double-bar graph at the top
this week than 2 weeks ago. Explain of the page. Which statement about the
what the line graph might look like. graph is NOT true?
A Class period 2 has the least students.
B Class period 1 has 14 left-handed
C The median number of right-handed
students is 15.
D The median number of left-handed
students is 11.
PW56 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 9.5
5. Twenty students each checked out a book 6. Nora records the number of insects for
at the library. Eleven students checked out 8 days. Day 1: 14 insects; Day 2: 28
history books. Five students checked out insects; Day 3: 42 insects; Day 4: 56
biographies. The rest of the students insects. If the pattern continues to
checked out novels. How many students increase this way, how many insects will
checked out novels? Show your work. there be on day 8?
PW57 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 10.1
Number of Pets
2. How would the bars in the graph change 15
if the interval were changed to 10. Explain. 10
Rabbit Cat Dog Hamster
PW58 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Make Histograms
For 1–2, use the table.
3. 4.
Weight Number of Adult Color of Bicycle Number of Bicycles
(in pounds) Dogs Red 16
43–45 3 Blue 23
46–48 8 Black 14
49–51 10
groups 4–5 and 12–13? 6
6. How many people ran in the race? 0
4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13
7. How many runners are 10–11 years 8. How many runners are 6–7 years old?
A 4 C 7 A 2 C 7
B 6 D 8 B 6 D 10
PW59 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. A 2. B y
3. C 4. D 9
Graph and label each point on the 6
coordinate grid at the right. 5
5. E (4, 5) 6. F (2, 9) 4
7. G (8, 5) 8. H (3, 3) 1
0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13. Use the map above. Suppose a museum 14. Use the map above. Suppose a gym is
is located at point D. What ordered pair located at point F. What ordered pair
locates this point? locates this point?
A (3, 2) A (8, 4)
B (2, 1) B (7, 4)
C (1, 2) C (8, 3)
D (2, 3) D (8, 5)
PW60 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Tommy’s Height
Age (years) 1 3 5 7
5. Between which years in the table did
Height (in.) 29 34 37 43
Tommy grow the most?
6. What would be an appropriate scale and 7. Suppose you made a line graph of this
interval to graph this data? data, which best describes the line from
age-1 to age-7?
A It goes up.
B It goes down.
C First it goes down, and then it goes up.
D First it goes up, and then it goes
PW61 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Celine’s Paycheck Celine's Paycheck
Item Cost
Food $35
Clothing $20
Transportation $15
Savings $30
Art Club Bake Sales
Art Club Earnings From Bake Sale
Item Sold Earnings
Cupcakes $50
Crumb Cake $20
Muffins $15
Juice $5
Cookies $10
PW62 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 10.6
PW63 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 10.7
Draw the graph or plot that best displays each set of data.
Tell whether the data is categorical or numerical.
4. 5.
Paul’s Vacation Budget Weather Service Almanac
Activity Amount Month Rainfall (inches)
Food $9 May 16
Rides $7 June 22
Souvenirs $5 July 18
8. What type of graph would best display the 9. What set of data is categorical?
data in table? Explain. A Runs scored by the team in 5 games
Test Scores B Items Ralph spent his allowance on
100 92 87 88 93 100 C High temperature each month for
84 95 100 75 97 93 6 months
D Votes given 10 congressman in
PW64 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
12. What are the least numbers of packs of green marbles, blue marbles, and orange
marbles a person would have to buy to have the same number of each color of
13. Which set of numbers has an LCM 14. Which set of numbers has an LCM
of 36? of 12?
A 5, 13, 18 A 2, 3, 5
B 4, 6, 18 B 4, 6, 8
C 6, 12, 18 C 1, 5, 12
D 6, 12, 16 D 2, 4, 6
PW65 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Test each number to determine whether it is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, or 10.
1. 571 2. 4,023 3. 43,104
18. All even numbers are divisible by 4. 19. All numbers ending in 0 are
divisible by 10.
PW66 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
17. Sharon also divides her red and yellow rocks into bags. Each bag will contain the same
number of each color of rock. How many bags will Sharon need?
18. The greatest common factor of 28 19. Which number is not a common factor
and another number is 7. The second of 42 and 21?
number is between 60 and 70. What
is it?
A 7 C 21
B 6 D 3
PW67 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
4. 28 5. 35 6. 122
7. 61 8. 72 9. 89
PW68 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5. Robin has 7 red beads, 27 purple beads, and 24 yellow beads. She wants to make a
necklace with the pattern: 1 red bead; 3 purple beads; 2 yellow beads. How many
times can she repeat the pattern? Which color of beads will she run out of first?
PW69 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 11.6
Introduction to Exponents
Write in exponent form.
1. 10,000,000 2. 1,000 3. 10 4. 100,000,000
PW70 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Compare. Write ,, ., or ⴝ.
21. Which is greater than 92? 22. What is the greatest square number
that is even and is less than 300? What
A 2 7 is the value of this square number?
B 43
C 52
D 41
PW71 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Prime Factorization
1. Draw a factor tree to find the
prime factorization of 48. Write
the prime factorizaton.
19. Which numbers are two of the prime 20. What is the least number that is the
factors of 36? product of two different primes that are
A 2 and 3 squared?
B 11 and 3
C 5 and 2
D 4 and 13
PW72 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Understand Fractions
Write a fraction for the shaded part. Write a fraction for the unshaded part.
1. 2. 3. 4.
0 1 0 1 0 1
14. What fraction of the stars are gray? 15. What fraction of the
triangles are gray?
1 3
A __ C
__ A __ C __
5 4 2 8
1 4
B __ __ 3 5
D B __ D __
4 5 5 8
PW73 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 12.2
Equivalent Fractions
Write an equivalent fraction.
1 7 4 6 3 1
1. __ 2. ___ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __ 6. __
8 10 5 8 4 3
3 8 6 10 10 5
7. __ 8. ___ 9. __ 10. ___ 11. ___ 12. __
6 12 9 15 16 6
PW74 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Simplest Form
Name the GCF of the numerator and denominator.
3 9 10
1. 14
___ 2. __ 3. 12
___ 4. ___ 5. ___
16 4 36 30 25
10 9 20 36
11. ___ 12. ___ 13. ___ 14. ___ 15. 12
10 16 60 45 57
10 15 32 70 48
16. ___ 17. ___ 18. ___ 19. ____ 20. ___
24 25 40 100 60
23. Which fraction shows ___ in simplest 24. Twelve of 30 students rode the bus
form? today. What fraction of the students rode
A __
the bus? Write the fraction in simplest
8 form.
PW75 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
10 27 4 11 1
1. 1 __ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. 3 __ 5. 1 ___ 6. 4 ___
8 9 4 5 15 12
41 41 61 9 1 39
7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. 5 ___ 11. 3 __ 12. ___
10 8 3 10 9 5
3 21 57 5 4 41
13. 4 __ 14. ___ 15. ___ 16. 8 __ 17. 9 __ 18. ___
7 4 7 6 9 6
2 3 2 31 16 35
19. 7 __ 20. 6 ___ 21. 4 ___ 22. ___ 23. ___ 24. ___
3 10 15 4 5 6
27. Which fraction is the same as 2 4_5 ? 28. Which mixed number is the same as ___?
8 3
A __ A 2 __
5 4
9 1
B __ B 3 __
5 2
14 1
C ___ C 4 __
5 4
24 3
D ___ D 5 __
5 4
PW76 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. _4_ _5_ 3
2. __ _3_ 8
3. ___
__ 5
4. __ _4_ 9
5. ___
9 9 4 5 12 3 8 7 11 9
3 6 5
6. ___ __ 6
7. ___
__ 8. 1__ 22
__ 9. 4 __ 43
__ 2
10. 9 __ 83
12 7 10 5 9 3 8 4 6 9
11. 3 __ 35
__ 2
12. 1___ 1_1_
13. 4 __ 33
__ 1
14. 8 __ 83
__ 3
15. 6 __ 61
5 6 10 5 6 4 3 5 8 4
22. Kayla practiced violin 2 1_4 hours on 23. Dean practiced trombone 1 2_3 hours on
3 7
Monday, 2 __ 10 hours on Tuesday, and Monday, 1 __ 12 hours on Tuesday, and
1 4_9 hours on Wednesday. On which day 1 7_9 hours on Wednesday. On which day
did she practice the longest? did he practice the longest?
PW77 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
PW78 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 12.7
11. 3.700 12. 0.205 13. 0.025 14. 4.98 15. 8.25
6 27 6 13 36
21. 1 ___ 22. 9 ___ 23. 5 ___ 24. 2 ___ 25. 3 ___
25 45 15 50 40
28. Which fraction is NOT equivalent 29. What decimal is equivalent to 1__?
to 0.8?
4 12
A __ C ___ A 1.8 C 1.5
5 15
8 3
B ___ D __ B 1.4 D 1.3
10 4
PW79 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
7 2 4 3 4 1 3 3 2 1
6. ___ ⫹ ___ 7. __ ⫺ __ 8. __ ⫺ __ 9. __ ⫹ __ 10. __ ⫹ __
10 10 9 9 6 6 8 8 5 5
8 5 1 2 9 3 2 1 3 5
11. ___ ⫺ ___ 12. __ ⫹ __ 13. ___ ⫺ ___ 14. __ ⫺ __ 15. ___ ⫹ ___
10 10 6 6 12 12 4 4 10 10
18. Iceberg Alley is where bergs from the 19. Icebergs are usually white from millions
glaciers of Greenland drift down to of tiny air bubbles trapped in the ice
Newfoundland. If an iceberg floats __ 3
10 with occasional blue streaks. If 5_8 of an
mile in January, and __
10 mile in February, iceberg is white, how much of the
how far should it travel in order for the iceberg is streaked with blue?
iceberg to have drifted 1 mile by March?
A __
10 mile A __
B _1 mile 2
5 B
C 1 mile 5
D 1 1_2 miles D 1__
PW80 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
__ 5
__ 3
__ 1
__ 1
__ 1
2 8 5 4 2 5
1 4 1 3 5 2
4. __ ___ 5. __ ___ 6. __ __
5 10 2 10 6 3
1 2 1 1
7. __ __ 1 1
8. __ __ 9. __ __
3 4 2 8 3 2
5 2 5 3 3 2
10. __ __ 11. __ __ 12. __ __
8 5 8 4 4 3
3 1 2 3 1 5
13. __ __ 14. __ __ 15. __ ___
5 2 6 9 4 12
1 2 6 1 1 3
16. __ __ 17. ___ __ 18. ___ __
2 6 10 3 12 4
PW81 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 13.3
5 2 3 1 5 1
1. __ __ 2. __ __ 3. __ __
6 3 4 5 8 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1 ?
3 3 ? 5 ? 4
2 2 1 1 7 1
4. __ ___ 5. __ ___ 6. __ __
5 10 2 12 8 2
3 4 2 1 6 1
7. __ __ 8. __ __ 9. __ __
4 6 3 5 7 2
4 3 7 1 1 1
10. __ ___ 11. ___ __ 12. __ ___
5 10 12 3 4 10
7 3 5 1 8 1
13. __ __ 14. __ __ 15. __ __
8 8 7 2 9 3
4 1 6 1 3 1
16. ___ __ 17. __ __ 18. __ __
10 4 7 3 4 2
PW82 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson
3 2 6 3 1 5 9 1 5 4
6. __ __ 7. __ __ 8. __ __ 9. ___ __ 10. __ __
5 8 7 4 8 6 12 9 8 5
18. Gail is making a healthy snack for her 19. Ling makes 1 gallon of fruit punch for
weekend hike. She adds cup of raisins his sister’s graduation party using
and 6_7 cup of peanuts. Estimate the total orange juice and fresh fruit. If 5_9 gallons
amount that Gail adds. of the punch is orange juice, about how
1 much is fresh fruit?
A 1 __ cups
2 1
A __ gallon
B 1 cup 4
B __ gallon
C 2 cups 8
1 C __ gallon
D __ cup 4
2 1
D __ gallon
PW83 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 13.5
6 3 8 1 3 1 4 4 7 1
6. __ ⫺ __ 7. __ ⫺ __ 8. __ ⫺ __ 9. __ ⫺ ___ 10. ___ ⫺ __
7 8 9 2 4 5 5 15 10 4
13. Which addition equation represents 14. Which addition equation represents
the fraction of beads that are black the fraction of beads that are white
or gray? or gray?
A ___ ⫹ __ ⫽ ___
A 1
__ ⫹ 2
__ ⫽6
12 4 12 2 8 8
B ___ ⫹ __ ⫽ ___
1 3
B __ ⫹
__ ⫽5__
12 3 12 8 8 8
C __ ⫹ __ ⫽ ___
1 29 1
C 1
__ ⫹ __ ⫽ 11
5 6 30 8 3 24
D __ ⫹ __ ⫽ ___ ⫽5
2 12 1 4
D __ ⫹ __ __
6 4 12 3 8 6
PW84 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 13.6
5. In the school musical, 1_4 of the actors 6. Heather bought 12 1_2 gallons of paint for
were playing lead roles and 1_5 of the the scenery. If 8 1_3 gallons were red, 2 1_6
actors were playing supporting roles. gallons were black, and the rest were
All of the other actors were chorus white, then how many gallons of the
members. What fraction of the actors paint were white?
in the school musical were chorus
members? Predict and test to solve.
PW85 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 13.7
Choose a Method
Choose a method. Find the sum or difference. Write it in simplest form.
2 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 1 3
1. __ ⫹ __ 2. __ ⫺ __ 3. __ ⫹ __ 4. ___ ⫺ ___ 5. __ ⫹ __
7 6 3 2 4 4 22 11 5 5
6 1 1 3 7 8 4 5 5 1
6. ___ ⫺ __ 7. __ ⫹ __ 8. ___ ⫺ ___ 9. ___ ⫹ ___ 10. __ ⫺ __
11 6 3 8 10 15 15 12 6 6
3 1 1 2 4 1 6 5 1 4
11. __ ⫹ __ 12. __ ⫹ __ 13. __ ⫺ __ 14. __ ⫹ __ 15. __ ⫹ ___
7 2 8 5 5 4 7 7 7 21
18. Lillian is practicing shooting marbles for 19. Lillian is participating in the Holyoke
the competition. She hopes to shoot her Marble Championship in Massachusetts.
favorite red marble 3_4 foot. However, she In her collection, 3_7 of her marbles are
only makes 1_8 foot the first try, then 1_4 foot agates and 2_5 are cat-eyes. How many of
on her second shot. How much further Lillian’s marbles are agates and
must she shoot the red marble to reach cat-eyes? Show your work.
her goal?
PW86 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Lesson 1.1
Lesson 14.1
1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3
5. 2 __ 2 __ 6. 5 __ 1 __ 7. 4 __ 1 __ 8. 2 __ 3 ___
8 4 4 6 3 4 5 10
5 1 4 1 11 2 3 1
9. 1 __ 2 ___ 10. 4 ___ 1 __ 11. 1 ___ 1 __ 12. 2 ___ 2 __
6 12 10 2 12 3 10 2
4 4
13. 1 ___ 14. 3 ___ 15. 11
__ 16. 32
10 10 5 5
__ 2
1 ___ 2 9
___ 31
__2 __ 10 __10 _ 2
17. 51
__ 18. 15
__ 19.
2 ___ 20. 43
3 6 10 8
__ 4 5
___ 7
1 ___ 31
_ 5 _ 12 __ 10 _ 4
21. 21
__ 22.
3 __ 23.
1__ 24. 31
4 3 4 2
__ 3 7
___ 51
__ 42
_ 2 _ 12 _ 2 _ 5
PW87 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3 3 3 1 5 1 5 1
5. 3 __ 2 __ 6. 5 __ 3 __ 7. 4 __ 1 ___ 8. 5 __ 2 __
4 8 5 2 6 12 6 2
7 1 2 1 11 1 1 1
9. 3 ___ 1 __ 10. 5 __ 4 __ 11. 4 ___ 2 __ 12. 3 __ 1 __
12 2 3 4 12 6 2 5
13. 47
__ 14.
5___ 15.
5 __ 16. 61
8 10 5 2
1 1
1 1
__ 5 1
__ 2 __ 3 __
__ 4 __ 5 __ 2 __ 6
17. 51
__ 18. 51
__ 19. 22
__ 20. 57
2 2 3 8
2 1
__ 3 2
__ 1 1
__ 1
3 __
__ 3 __ 5 _ 2 __ 4
21. 53
__ 22. 6 11
___ 23.
4___ 24. 67
4 12 10 8
1 1
__ 5 1
__ 4 1
__ 3 3
_ 3 __ 2 __ 5 __ 4
PW88 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
9 ___ 13
__ 2. 82
__ 3 1
__ 3. 91
__ 5 2
10 5 3 9 4 3
4. 61
__ 1 4
__ 5. 13
__ 6 1
__ 6. 10 3
__ 5 1
2 9 7 3 4 6
7. 83 4
__ 2 ___ 8. ___ 3 3
12 11 __ 9. 85
__ 9 3
6 12 12 4 6 4
1 hours on
12. Dan played guitar for 2 _ 2 hours cleaning her room,
13. Ana spent 1 _
2 3
Saturday and 1 _52 hours on Sunday. and Evelyn spent 1 8_9 hours cleaning her
How many hours total did Dan play room. How much longer did it take
guitar in 2 days? Evelyn to clean her room?
A 1 __
7 hours
A 3 5_9 hours
D 3 __
hours D _2
PW89 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 53
__ 1 5
__ 2. 721
__ 1 3
3. 4 __ __
1 4
4. 4 __ 2 __
8 8 4 2 4 2 5
9 3
6 ___ 2 ___ 6. 7 ___ 13
__ 1 2
7. 7__ 6 __
1 7
8. 4 __ 3 ___
10 10 10 5 2 3 3 12
11. Stacey buys 4 1_4 yards of ribbon to make a 12. Jon used 5 1_4 ounces of cranberry juice
bow. She uses 2 5_8 yards. How much and 3 2_3 ounces of orange juice to make
ribbon is left? fruit punch. How much more cranberry
juice than orange juice did Jon use?
A 1 __ yards 5
A 1 ___ ounces
8 12
B 1 __ yards 7
B 1 ___ ounces
8 12
C 2 __ yards 1
C 2 __ ounces
8 7
__ 7
D 2 yards D 2 ___ ounces
8 12
PW90 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5 5 5 4 5
4. 15 __ ⫺ 11 __ 5. 11 __ ⫹ 25 __ 6. 8 ⫺ 1 __
8 6 8 5 7
12. Amber’s speech has to be 8 1_2 minutes 13. Mary sold 33 3_8 bushels of apples and
long. If her speech is currently 21 2_3 bushels of pears. How many
7 7_8 minutes long, how much longer does bushels of fruit did she sell in all?
her speech need to be?
3 1
A __ minute A 54 ___ bushels
8 24
5 5
B __ minute B 54 ___ bushels
8 24
C 11__ minutes C 55 ___ bushels
8 24
1 __ minute D 55 ___ bushels
8 24
PW91 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Carla 88 2 90 7
3 9
Nina 85 1
4. The sum of the distances of the 3 homeruns 2
5. Three pumpkins weigh 18 5_9 , 18 1_3 , and 18 5_6 pounds. Tim’s pumpkin weighs more than
Denny’s, but they weigh the same when rounded to the nearest whole number. Rich’s
pumpkin is lighter than Tim’s. How much does each boy’s pumpkin weigh?
6. The mailboxes are 41 1_2 , 40 1_4 , and 42 2_3 inches tall. Jill’s mailbox is 1 1_4 inches shorter than
Ali’s. Abby’s mailbox is the tallest. How tall is each girl’s mailbox?
PW92 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. __
__ 1
2. __ 5
2 5 2 6
2 1 2 1
3. __ __ 4. __ __
4 3 3 2
1 3 2 1 3 1
10. __ __ 11. __ __ 12. ___ __ 1
13. __ 2
__ 5 1
14. __ __
3 4 5 7 10 2 9 3 7 4
PW93 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
9 6
1. __ ⫻ ___
2. __ ⫻ __
5 7
3. __ ⫻ ___ 1
4. __ ⫻3
__ 2
5. __ ⫻4
3 10 7 3 8 12 4 7 9 7
5 4 6
6. __ ⫻ ___
7. ___ ⫻ __
8. __ ⫻ __ 4
9. ___ ⫻7
__ 5 1
10. __ ⫻ __
8 12 10 5 7 9 10 8 6 3
3 3 9 3
11. __ ⫻ ___ 2
12. __ ⫻ ___ 4
13. __ ⫻ ___ 10
14. ___ ⫻ __ 4
15. __ ⫻3
9 10 5 12 7 10 12 5 9 8
18. Jin picks 2_3 of 1_2 of his apple orchard to 19. Luisa planted 3_5 of the last 2_9 of her
make apple cider. What fraction of the flower garden with daffodils. What
orchard did Jin pick? fraction of her garden is daffodils?
1 5
A __ A ___
2 20
1 1
B __ B __
6 9
1 6
C __ C __
3 7
5 2
D __ D ___
9 15
PW94 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 15.3
3 9 5 1 4
6. 10 __ 7. ___ 4 8. __ 6 9. __ 15 10. 9 __
5 10 8 3 7
5 6 1 8 3
11. 8 __ 12. 5 __ 13. 11 __ 14. __ 10 15. ___ 11
9 7 9 9 10
18. Pedro used 2_3 of a 33 ounce bottle of 19. Shyla used __ of the 5 gallons of paint for
soap to wash his mother’s car. How her fence. How many gallons of paint
many ounces of soap did Pedro use? did Shyla use?
A 22 ounces C 28 ounces A 4 __ gallons C 4 gallons
B 20 ounces D 30 ounces B 3 __ gallons D 42
__ gallons
7 7
PW95 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 15.4
__ 1 1
__ 2 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 9 1 1
9. 2 __ 10. 1 __ 1 __ ___ 11. 1 __ __ __ 12. ___ 1 __ 2 __
3 7 4 5 3 10 7 3 5 10 4 2
15. Kim hiked 5 2_3 miles on Saturday. She 16. Joshua danced 3 1_2 hours on Monday.
used 2_5 of the time talking on the phone Tess danced 3_4 time as long. How many
while hiking. How many miles did Kim hours did Tess dance?
talk on the phone while hiking?
A 2 ___ A 3 __
15 9
B 3 B 2 __
C 2 11
___ C 2 __
12 8
D 41
__ D 1 ___
4 10
PW96 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 15.5
1. 2.
3. 4.
9. __ ⫼ ___ 4
10. __ ⫼2
__ 1
11. 1 ⫼ __
12. 6 ⫼ __
2 10 7 3 5 9
13. 5 ⫼ __ 7
14. ___ ⫼1
__ 1
15. 4 ⫼ __
16. 2 ⫼ __
4 10 6 8 6
1 8 1 1 1
17. 8 ⫼ __ 18. ___ ⫼ __ 19. 2 ⫼ __ 20. 4 ⫼ __
3 11 4 2 4
PW97 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 15.6
1 7 5 5 3
6. 4 __ 7. 3 __ 8. 8 ___ 9. 7 __ 10. 10 __
6 9 12 6 5
1 1 1 3 3
11. 5 __ 12. 12 __ 13. 6 __ 14. 9 __ 15. 3 ___
4 3 3 4 10
A 10 A 12
B 11 1
__ B 15
C 12 1 __ C 18
D 9 D 20
PW98 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 15.7
Divide Fractions
Write a division sentence for each model.
1. 2.
3 4
1 5
8. 3__ __
1 1
9. 2__ 1__ 5
10. ___ __ 11. __ __
3 2 1
12. 1__ __
2 9 5 4 12 7 9 8 3 5
PW99 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 15.8
3. Padma cooks at the soup kitchen 3_5 of the 4. Joaquin has 150 coins in his collection.
days each month and at the hospital 1_4 He has pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters,
of the days each month. What fraction of and dollars. Of all the coins, 1_3 are
the days each month does Padma cook quarters. How many of Joaquin’s coins
at both places? are quarters?
5. Garrett plays for the Buffalos, and Lucy Softball Tournament Results
plays for the Bulldogs. They played of
3 Team Wins Losses
their teams’ winning games. How many Bulldogs 9 1
more winning games did Lucy play than
Eagles 7 3
Buffalos 6 4
Lions 4 6
6. The Bulldogs won the league title after 7. Ashley takes 1_2 of the days each month
winning 90% of their games. How many for ballet lessons and 1_6 for tap dance
more games did the Bulldogs win than lessons. What fraction of the days each
the Lions? month does Ashley take dance lessons?
PW100 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 16.1
1. flags with stripes: flags 2. flags with a torch to flags 3. total number of flags to
with stars with stripes flags with a C
4. flags with stripes: total 5. flags with a torch to flags 6. flags with stars to flags
number of flags with a C with a torch
9. Sara has 5 books about dogs and 10. Cody used 4 paper towels to clean up a
3 books about horses. What is the mess. There are still 5 paper towels left
ratio of books about horses to books on the roll. What is the ratio of used
about dogs? paper towels to total paper towels?
A 5:3 A 4:5
B 8:3 B 4:9
C 3:5 C 5:4
D 5:8 D 5:9
PW101 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 16.2
1 3 42 14 13 52 8 4
5. __ and ___ 6. ___ and ___ 7. ___ and ___ 8. ___ and __
4 12 9 3 23 99 49 9
11. In the library, the ratio of mysteries to 12. The ratio for making salad dressing is
westerns is 4 to 1. The library has 3 cups oil to 1 cup of vinegar. Which is
32 mystery books. How many western an equivalent ratio for 3 to 1?
books are there?
A 3 A 3:1
B 5 B 5:15
C 8 C 6:1
D 28 D 9:6
PW102 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
10. 144 peaches in 3 cases 11. 104 boxes in 8 stacks 12. 455 miles in 7 hours
15. Sara buys 3 pounds of chicken for 16. Alex spends $9.75 on 5 packages of
$17.97. What is the unit cost? baseball cards. What is the unit cost?
A $2.98 A $1.95
B $5.99 B $3.25
C $6.00 C $4.75
D $17.97 D $14.75
PW103 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Map Distance, in 1 2 6
Map Distance, cm 1 8 9 13
13. Amber draws a map of her town using 14. Nathan draws a map of his
a scale of 1 in. ⫽ 50 ft. The actual neighborhood using a scale of
distance between Amber’s house and 1 cm ⫽ 4 km. The distance on the
the library is 975 feet. What is the map between Nathan’s house and
distance on the map? Mr. Smith’s house is 2.1 centimeters.
What is the actual distance?
A 7.5 in. A 1.9 cm
B 7.5 ft B 6.1 cm
C 19.5 in. C 8.2 cm
D 19.5 ft D 8.4 cm
PW104 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Taipei 101 Petronas Towers 1 & 2 1,450 ft 1,380 ft Empire State Building
Sears Tower Jin Mao Building
4. The height of the Empire State Building 5. How much taller is the Taipei 101
is 90 feet more than the height of the building than the Empire State Building?
Sears Tower. How tall is the Empire State
PW105 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Understand Percent
Write a ratio and a percent to represent the shaded part.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
PW106 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
13. 0.178 7
14. __ 15. 0.058 3
16. ___
8 15
19. Susan washed 3_5 of her clothes. What 20. At the Corner Store, 85% of the
percent of her clothes did she wash? 100 shelves contain food. What is
the percent written as a decimal?
A 0.3 A 0.85
B 60% B 8.05
C 0.35 C 8.5
D 53% D 0.8
PW107 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 30% of 40 2. 60% of 15 ⫽ or ____ of 15
10 counters represent 100%, or 40.
So, each counter represents 10%, or
30% of 40 ⫽ 60% of 15 ⫽
PW108 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Use a number cube labeled 1 through 6 to write the probability of the event
of tossing each number. Tell whether the event is likely, unlikely, certain,
or impossible.
12. What is the probability that the pointer 13. What is the probability of rolling a
will land on stripes? number greater than 4 on a number
cube labeled 1 through 6?
A __ 1 3 1
8 A. __ C. __ or __
6 6 2
B __
C __ 2 1 5
4 B. __ or __ D. __
6 3 6
D __
PW109 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Probability Experiments
For 1–4, use the table.
1. Rachel pulled a marble from a bag,
recorded its color, and put the marble Rachel’s Marble Experiment
back in the bag. She did this 30 times Red Blue Green White
and recorded her results in the table. Number of pulls
What is the experimental probability of Total 6 7 5 12
Rachel pulling
a red marble? a blue marble? a green marble? a white marble?
2. Predict how many times out of 80 pulls that Rachel would pull a red marble from the
4. Predict the number of times out of 60 pulls that Rachel would pull a red or a green
marble from the bag.
5. Predict the probability out of 60 pulls that Rachel would not pull a blue or a green
marble from the bag.
PW110 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 17.3
9. Bobby lost 3 out of 9 chess matches. 10. Perry’s soccer team won 4 out of 6
Predict how many times Bobby will lose games. Predict how many times Perry‘s
in 12 more matches? team will win in the next 15 games?
A 3 matches A 10 games
B 4 matches B 12 games
C 5 matches C 8 games
D 6 matches D 9 games
PW111 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 17.4
2. Sal is experimenting with a new pesto 3. Sal uses 3 different types of cheese on
sauce. If he adds this to the menu, how his pizza: parmesan, Romano, and
many diffrent combinations of pizza mozzarella. If this category were added
crust, sauce, and topping would be to the table, how many different
possible? combinations of pizza crust, sauce,
topping, and cheese would be possible?
5. Bea ran out of quiche. Now how many 6. The total bill for breakfast is $30.85.
different combinations do Jess and his If Jess and his friends pay with two
friends have for breakfast? $20 bills, how much change will they
get back?
7. Jess owes $6.05 for breakfast. What two combinations could he have ordered?
PW112 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Tree Diagrams
For 1–3, use the tiles and the spinner. Draw a tree diagram to find the total number
of possible outcomes.
1. Draw a tile at random and spin the
pointer. How many possible outcomes?
6. Imee can choose a gold, silver or string 7. Matt can choose a plain, poppy seed,
bracelet with red, green, blue, or yellow garlic, or sesame bagel with plain or
beads. How many bracelet and bead herb cream cheese. How many bagel
choices does Imee have? sandwich choices does Matt have?
A 7 A 6
B 8 B 4
C 12 C 8
D 14 D 10
PW113 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. ways to arrange a penny, nickel, and 4. order in which Raymart, Nicole, Alissa,
dime in a line and Marie line up to start a race
across the soccer field?
7. Kathy has 3 shirts and 4 pairs of shorts 8. Leila has 4 pictures to hang on her wall
to choose from. How many possible in a single line. In how many different
choices does Kathy have? ways can she hang them?
A 6 A 3
B 7 B 24
C 9 C 9
D 12 D 12
PW114 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 18.1
3. line 4. plane
5. vertex 6. vertical angles
For 7–14, use the figure above. Classify each angle. Write obtuse, acute, straight, or right.
7. ⬔MNO 8. ⬔KPS 9. ⬔SPR 10. ⬔JLQ
17. Which of the following best describes 18. Which is the least whole number of
the figure? degrees an obtuse angle can have?
PW115 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 18.2
9. Estimate the measure of the angle formed by the hands of the clock that shows 4:00.
Then measure the angle.
10. Which angle measure names an acute 11. What is the approximate measure of the
angle? angle below?
A 82⬚
B 95⬚
C 105⬚ X Y
D 90⬚
PW116 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 18.3
Name each polygon and tell whether it is regular or not regular.
1. 2. 3. 4.
10. Which of the following angles could 11. Which polygon is not regular?
form a triangle?
PW117 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Number of Vertices 6 8 10 12 14
5. Dennis, Carl, Paul, and Jeremy live in the first four houses on Park Street. Dennis lives in
the second house from the corner. Jeremy does not live next to Dennis. Paul lives on
the corner. In what place is Carl’s house on the street?
PW118 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 18.5
For 1–6, use the circle at the right.
1. Name 5 radii. 2. Name a 3. Name a chord.
___ ___
4. Name the circle. 5. If AC is 7 inches, 6. If BD is 6.2
___ E
how long is BD? inches,
___ how long
is AC ?
11. Which is the measure of ⬔AXC? 12. Which is the measure of ⬔BXC?
A 88⬚ A 90⬚ A
A 88° B 90° B
B 124⬚ B 99⬚
X 124° 171° X
C 148⬚ C 109⬚
D 184⬚ C D 171⬚ C
PW119 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 2. 3. 4.
___ ___
9. ⬔U 10. SU 11. ⬔R 12. TR T U
15. Which best describes the two figures 16. Quadrilaterals ABCD and EFGH
below? are congruent. The measure of ⬔C is
A congruent 150⬚. What is the measure of the
corresponding angle, ⬔G ?
B similar
C regular polygons
D neither congruent nor similar
PW120 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Draw all lines of symmetry. Then tell whether each figure has
rotational symmetry by writing yes or no.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Each figure has rotational symmetry. Tell the fraction and the
angle measure of each turn.
9. 10. 11. 12.
15. Which figure has rotational 16. Which figure has rotational
symmetry? symmetry?
PW121 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Classify Triangles
Classify each triangle. Write isosceles, scalene, or equilateral.
1. 8 ft 2. 3. 9m
7 cm 7 cm 5m
4 ft 7 ft
7 cm
18 in.
10. A triangle has two equal sides. What 11. James draws a triangle with angles that
type of triangle is it? measure 45⬚ and 60⬚. What is the
measure of the third angle?
A scalene A 105⬚
B obtuse B 90⬚
C acute C 75⬚
D isosceles D 45⬚
PW122 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Classify Quadrilaterals
Classify each figure in as many ways as possible.
Write quadrilateral, parallelogram, square, rectangle, rhombus, or trapezoid.
1. 2. 3. 4.
For each quadrilateral name the parallel, perpendicular, and congruent sides.
5. B C 6. C
9. A quadrilateral has 4 congruent angles 10. The sum of the measures of three
and 2 pairs of congruent sides. What angles in a quadrilateral is 280⬚. What
type of quadrilateral is it? is the measure of the fourth angle?
A rectangle A 180⬚
B trapezoid B 120⬚
C rhombus C 90⬚
D parallelogram D 80⬚
PW123 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 19.3
PW124 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 19.4
Solid Figures
Classify each solid figure. Write prism, pyramid, cone, cylinder, or sphere.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Write the number of faces, edges, and vertices. Then classify each solid figure.
5. 6.
9. How many faces, edges, and vertices does the figure have?
10. Which solid figure has a triangle as a 11. Which solid figure has 0 faces, 0 edges
base and 3 rectangular faces? and 0 vertices?
A pyramid A sphere
B rectangular prism B triangular prism
C triangular prism C pyramid
D cube D pentagonal prism
PW125 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 19.5
10 m 10 m
6. Duncan saw a model that was 1_5 the 7. Duncan lives 1.3 miles from the town
size of the actual monument. Write an square. If he rode his bike to and from
equation to find the length of each side the town square twice in one day, how
of the base in the model. Then solve it. many miles did he ride in all?
PW126 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
a. b. c. d.
7. How many rectangles will the net for a 8. How many triangles will the net for a
triangular prism contain? pentagonal pyramid contain?
A 2 C 4 A 3 C 5
B 3 D 5 B 4 D 7
PW127 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name 18.7
Lesson 19.7
1. 2. 3.
On the grids below, draw each figure from the top, the front, and the side.
4. 5. 6.
7. Write Math Explain which solid figures have a top view that is the same as
the bottom view.
PW128 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 20.1
Name each transformation.
1. 2. 3.
PW129 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 20.2
Predict whether the figure or figures will tessellate. Trace and cut out several copies
of each figure and then test your predictions. Write yes or no.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
PW130 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. 4.
PW131 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Numeric Patterns
Identify the rule for each pattern.
1. 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 ... 2. 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125 ... 3. 200, 100, 50, 25, 12.5 ...
7. 7, 10, 13, 14, 19 8. 1000, 500, 10, 1, 0.1 9. 56, 53, 50, 47, 45
15. 30, 29, 27, 24, 20, 15, ... 16. 3, 9, 27, __, 243, 729
A 10 A 81
B 12 B 30
C 9 C 108
D 7 D 45
PW132 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 20.5
3. Julia builds a model using 105 blocks in 4. Hector is painting a design around the
the first row, 90 blocks in the second floor of his tree house. If he continues
row, and 105 blocks in the third row. If the pattern below, what will be the
Julia continues this pattern, how many next four figures in Hector’s design?
blocks will she use in the fourth row?
7. Each student is given 36 yellow beads and 32 green beads. They need to put the
beads into equal sized groups, each having the same number of yellow beads and
green beads. What is the greatest number of yellow and green beads that can be
in each group?
PW133 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
2. y
Number of cylinders, x 1 5 8 9
4. Rick wrote the ordered pair (4,4) for 4 quadrilaterals with 16 interior
angles of 90⬚. What is his error? What should he have written?
5. What is the number 5 in the ordered 6. What is the number 8 in the ordered
pair (5,7)? pair (7,8)?
A x-axis A x-axis
B y-axis B y-axis
C x-coordinate C x-coordinate
D y-coordinate D y-coordinate
PW134 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 2.
x 27 21 18 15 x 4 3 2 1 0
y 9 8 7 6 y 24 12 6
4. Write an equation to show the relationship between how many potholders Brice and
Katie make.
PW135 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. The table shows the amount of money 4. If each cab ride starts with a $4 flat fee,
a cab fare costs for rides of different what equation can you write to
lengths. How much is a 25-minute cab determine what a 35-minute cab fare
fare? would be?
6 Ms. Mallory lives 10 minutes from the 7. Each round-trip ferry ride costs $11.25.
Seattle ferry terminal. If she stops for an If Ms. Mallory takes the ferry an
additional 10 minutes to get a bagel average of 15 times each month, how
sandwich and juice on her way to the much does she spend on ferry fares in
ferry terminal, how long is her trip from one year?
home to work.
PW136 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Understand Integers
Identify the integers graphed on the number line.
1. 2.
$(' $/ $- $+ $) ' ") "+ "- "/ "(' $(' $/ $- $+ $) ' ") "+ "- "/ "('
18. Which integer is the opposite 19. Which integer represents 4 years from
of 513? now?
A 513 A 4,000
B 315 B 4
C 315 C 4
D 513 D 4,000
PW137 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
1. 7 6 2. 90 41 3. 12 9 4. 18 22
⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
5. 7 7 6. 56 60 7. 19 4 8. 54 54
⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺
9. 3 0 10. 14 0 11. 26 26 12. 865 864
17. 4, 4, 3, ⫺2 18. 6, ⫺9, 1, ⫺2 19. 5, ⫺5, ⫺6, 7 20. ⫺
8, 6, 0, ⫺3
⫺ ⫹
23. Which integer is less than 27? 24. Which integer is greater than 8?
⫺ ⫺
A 28 A 8
⫺ ⫺
B 27 B 7
⫹ ⫹
C 27 C 8
⫹ ⫹
D 28 D 9
PW138 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
4. point F 5. point B 6. point D +3
F +2
A C x-axis
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
For 7–12, graph and label the ordered pairs -1
on the coordinate plane at the right. -2
7. M (5, ⫺2) 8. N (⫺1, 1) 9. O (⫺3, 0)
D -
10. P (3, 3) 11. Q (0, 2) 12. R (⫺5, ⫺5)
13. Start at the origin. Move 3 units to the 14. Start at the origin. Move 11 units to the
left and 2 units up. left.
17. Start at the origin. Go to the left 1 unit. 18. Start at the origin. Move 3 units up.
Go down 1 unit. What is the ordered What is the ordered pair?
A (1, 1) A (0, 3)
B ( 1, 1) B (3, 0)
C (1, ⫺1) C (0, ⫺3)
D (⫺1, ⫺1) D (⫺3, 0)
PW139 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Customary Length
Estimate the length of the stapler in inches. Then measure the length.
1. to the nearest inch:
2. to the nearest __ inch:
3. to the nearest __ inch:
Estimate the length in inches. Then measure to the nearest __ inch.
8. 9.
Estimate: Estimate:
Measurement: Measurement:
PW140 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Metric Length
Estimate the length of the pen in centimeters. Then measure the length.
1. to the nearest centimeter.
9. 10.
Estimate: Estimate:
Measurement: Measurement:
11. 12.
Estimate: Estimate:
Measurement: Measurement:
PW141 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 10 yd ft 2. 1,500 m km 3. 93 ft in.
4. 23 cm mm 5. 3.5 mi yd 6. 160 mm m
7. 112 yd ft 8. 19 km m 9. 23 cm m
28. McKenna swam 1,250 meters. How 29. Chris cut 40 cm off a 1.5-m long string.
many kilometers did she swim? How long is the string now?
A 125 km A 1.46 m
B 12.5 km B 1.4 m
C 1.25 km C 1.1 m
D 0.125 km D 0.9 m
PW142 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 5 lb oz 2. 16 c qt 3. 8 gal qt
4. 4,500 lb T 5. 72 oz lb 6. 12 fl oz c
7. 16 qt gal 8. 10 c qt 9. 4.5 lb oz
Find the sum or difference.
10. 7 lb 6 oz 11. 11 gal 2 c 12. 4 pt 1 c 13. 23 lb 2 oz
___lb 10 oz 2 gal 1 c 1 pt 1 c 20
___ lb 14 oz
___ __
28. Tommy uses 4 ounces of cheese in 29. Riley drank 8 cups of water during a
each pizza he makes. How many soccer tournament. How many fluid
pounds of cheese does Tommy need to ounces did he drink?
make 28 pizzas? Explain. A 64 fl oz
B 32 fl oz
C 16 fl oz
D 64 qt
PW143 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 80 L ⫽ kL 2. 900 mg ⫽ g 3. 7,500 mL ⫽ L
4. 18,000 mL ⫽ L 5. 5 kg ⫽ g 6. 130 mL ⫽ L
20. Kennedy’s dog weighs 34,000 g. How 21. How many milliliters are in a
many kilograms does Kennedy’s dog 6.6 liter jug?
A 3,400 kg A 6,605 mL
B 340 kg B 606 mL
C 34 kg C 6,060 mL
D 3.4 kg D 6,600 mL
PW144 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–5, use the table.
3. Leslie is shopping for beading materials.
Stringing Materials
She wants to make 51 20-cm bracelets
with silver wire. How many 10-meter Material Cost
silver wire spools will Leslie need to
buy? 10-meter Satin cord spool $2.89
4. Mrs. Bisogno wants to make four 45-cm 5. Jeff and Mia buy 2 spools of silver wire
necklaces. If the store will let her buy and 4 spools of elastic thread. They pay
her stringing material by the meter with two $10 bills. How much change
instead of by the spool, how many should they receive?
meters should Mrs. Bisogno ask for?
PW145 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Elapsed Time
Write the time for each.
Add or subtract.
17. Josh swam every Monday and Friday in 18. The movie started at 7:10 P.M. and lasted
June. How many days did he swim? for 1 hour 54 minutes. What time did the
movie end?
A 4 days A 11:58 A.M.
B 6 days B 9:04 P.M.
C 8 days C 10:00 P.M.
D 10 days D 9:40 P.M.
PW146 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Find the change in temperature.
1. 56ºC to 20ºC 2. 7ºF to ⫺17ºF 3. 88ºF to 101ºF
⫺ ⫺
4. 16ºC to 30ºC 5. 6ºC to 2ºC 6. 100ºF to 0ºF
7. 16ºC to 20ºC 8. 7ºF to 17ºF 9. 18ºC to 49ºC
10. 1ºF to 26ºF 11. 16ºF to 9ºF 12. 0ºC to 0ºC
16. 77ºF to 0ºF 17. 30ºC to ⫺10ºC 18. ⫺
14ºC to 22ºC
21. What is the change in temperature from 22. What is the change in temperature from
41ºF to 23ºF? 12ºC to 20ºC?
A 62°F A 5°C
B 32°F B 7°C
C 24°F C 8°C
D 18°F D 10°C
PW147 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
2. Using string and a ruler, estimate the perimeter of your desk or table top.
5. 6.
PW148 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Find Perimeter
Find the perimeter of each polygon.
1. 24 in. 2. 3. 11 ft 4.
1.5 m 1.8 m
29 in. 29 in. 7 ft 7 ft
2.3 m 7 yd
9 ft
24 in.
5. 5.7 m 6. 7. 8. 1.3 m
3m 2.6 cm
3m 3m
5.9 m
3.1 m 2.4 cm
4.3 m 30 in. 1m
3.5 m
11. The polygon below is a regular triangle. 12. The flower is inside the square frame.
What is the length of the frame that
encloses the flower?
5 cm
2.6 cm
What is the perimeter?
A 5 cm C 150 cm
What is the perimeter?
B 15 cm D 1,500 cm
A 1.4 cm C 10.4 cm
B 4.6 cm D 14 cm
PW149 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5. 6. 15 m 7. 8.
121 yd
1.75 in.
17 cm
11. For which polygon could you use the 12. For which regular polygon could you use
formula P ⫽ 2l ⫹ 2w to find its the formula P ⫽ 5x to find its perimeter?
A triangle A triangle
B parallelogram B square
C trapezoid C pentagon
D pentagon D hexagon
PW150 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. Two boxes of cereal are the same 4. The Pyramid of Khafre is the second
shape. The corn cereal box is 2 inches largest pyramid in Giza. It is the same
wide and 10 inches long. The perimeter shape as the Great Pyramid. The
of the wheat cereal box is 5 inches more perimeter of its base is 2,816 feet.
than the corn cereal box. What is the How long is each side of its base?
perimeter of the wheat cereal box?
Mixed Applications
5. The length of the longest leg bone in a 6. Kerri has a tree house that is 5 feet by
human, the femur, is 19.88 inches. The 7 feet. His circular table has a diameter
length of the longest arm bone in a of 6 feet. Will the table fit in his tree
human, the humerus, is 14.35 inches. house? Explain.
What is the difference in length between
the femur and the humerus?
7. Brett and Bart are identical twins. Carly 8. Todd is cutting a rectangular piece of
and Carl are also identical twins. Can cloth into smaller pieces. It measures
you find the ages of Brett and Bart? 12 inches by 6 inches. If each smaller
Explain. piece is 3 inches square, how many
smaller pieces can he cut?
PW151 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
For 1–3, complete the table.
Object C d C⫼d
4. Becca has a circular pillow. She wants to add a ribbon trim around its edge.
If the diameter of the pillow is 20 centimeters, how many centimeters of
ribbon does Becca need?
15. Reasoning If you double the diameter, what happens to the circumference?
PW152 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Estimate Area
Estimate the area of the shaded figure. Each square on the grid is 1 cm2.
1. 2. 3.
PW153 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
A= A= W = 3 ft W = 11 m
A= A=
10. How many 1 in.2 tiles are needed to 11. What is the area of a 12 ft ⫻ 21 1_2 ft
cover an 18 in. ⫻ 30 in. countertop? driveway?
PW154 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
For the given area, find the length and width of the rectangle with the least perimeter.
Use whole numbers only.
12. Using 200 feet of fencing, what is the greatest area that can be fenced? The least
area? Use whole numbers.
13. What is the greatest possible area for a 14. What is the least possible perimeter for
rectangle with a perimeter of 30 cm? a rectangle with an area of 169 ft2?
A 30 cm2 A 13 ft
B 49 cm2 B 52 ft
C 56 cm 2
C 26 ft
D 64 cm2 D 152 ft
PW155 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
7 ft
11 cm
18 in.
12 ft
9. What is the area of the triangle? 10. What is the area of the triangular figure?
A 120 m 2
height = 12 m A 45.5 in.2
B 50 m2 B 91 in.2 7 in.
C 55 m 2
C 55.5 in. 2
base = 10 m
D 60 m 2
D 20 in.2 13 in.
PW156 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 2. 3.
9 cm
7 ft
3 ft 5 cm
4. 5. 6.
1 13 ft
5 2 in. 10.4 yd
8 in. 13 ft 13.6 yd
9. What is the area of the 10. A playground is divided into two equal
parallelogram? parallelograms. What is the area of the
entire playground? Show your work.
14 ft
A 300 ft2 12 m
B 70 ft2
21 ft
C 294 ft2 20 m
D 147 ft2
PW157 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 24.6
6 cm
4 in. 14 in.
6 in.
5 cm 5 cm
18 cm
6 in. 8 in. 5 cm 5 cm
6 cm
4. Chris bought the materials for the sun 5. Joy made a sun catcher with alternating
catcher. He paid $1.50 each for each blue and red squares. She began with a
rectangle, $2.25 for each triangle, $1.75 blue square. The sun catcher has 9 rows
for each parallelogram, $3.00 for stain of 5 squares each. How many squares of
and 3 feet of chain for $4.50 a foot. each color are there?
How much did Chris spend in all?
PW158 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 24.7
Surface Area
Use the net to find the surface area of each figure in square units.
1. Which faces on the net are congruent?
What is the area of the congruent faces?
3. 4. 5.
. . .
6. WRITE Math Explain the difference between area and surface area.
PW159 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 24.8
8 yd
8 cm
13 cm
5 yd
12 yd
2 cm
6. What is the volume of the prism 7. Compare the volumes of the treasure
below? chests. Which can hold more gold?
Explain your answer.
3 ft 2 21 ft
2 ft 3 21 ft 2 21 ft 3 ft
A 15 units3
B 60 units3
C 20 units3
D 12 units3
PW160 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 24.9
8 cm 4m
12 cm 6 ft 4.5 m
15 in.
9. What is the area of the water’s surface
that is exposed to the air?
18 in.
24 in.
10. Joe wraps a 9 in. ⫻ 6 in. ⫻ 4 in. gift. 11. Mary bought a 6 in. ⫻ 8 in. ⫻ 1 in.
What unit should Joe use to decide how picture frame. What unit should she use
much wrapping paper he needs? to decide the width that is needed on a
shelf for the picture frame?
A inches A inches
B square feet B square feet
C square inches C square inches
D cubic inches D cubic inches
PW161 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Lesson 24.10
1. Joyce is replacing the hardwood flooring 2. Anthony’s plans to mow his lawn that is
in her rectangular shaped dining room. in the shape of a rectangle. He knows
The area of the floor is 238 ft2. The that the lawn is 15 m wide and has an
length of the floor is 17 ft. What is the area of 345 m2. What is the length of
width of the floor? Anthony’s lawn?
4. The sales clerk gave Carrie $5.26 back 5. Samantha is having her driveway paved.
in change when he bought the toolbox She wants the driveway to be the same
that has a volume of 1,920 in.3. How width as her garage and have an area of
much money did Carrie give the clerk? 748 ft2. If the length of her driveway is
34 ft, how wide is her driveway?
PW162 Practice
© Harcourt · Grade 5
Name Week 1
Spiral Review
For 1–4, round each number For 12, make an organized list to
to the place of the underlined solve.
12. Ken is making tickets for the fair.
1. 124,516 Each type of ticket will be a different
color. There will be adult and child
2. 6,732
tickets. There will be 1-day, 2-day,
3. 25,019 and weekly tickets. How many
different ticket colors will there be?
4. 3,723,801
6. 251,006,475 to 251,006,480
For 7–9, find the elapsed time. For 13–14, tell whether the
two figures are congruent
7. start: 11:15 A.M.
and similar, similar, or neither.
end: 2:00 P.M.
8. start: 3:30 P.M.
end: 6:45 P.M.
9. start: 9:30 P.M.
end: 4:15 A.M.
Spiral Review
For 1–8, estimate. Then For 11, use the frequency table.
find the product. Tell whether the statement
is true or false. Explain.
1. 26 2. 672
⫻ 7 ⫻ 4 Favorite Type of Music
Type of Music Votes
3. 429 4. 783 Country 43
⫻ 6 ⫻ 3 Rock 37
Rap 34
5. 842 ⫻ 5 6. 239 ⫻ 7
11. More people chose rap than rock as
their favorite.
7. 3 ⫻ 462 8. 1,364 ⫻ 6
For 12–13, find a rule. Write
the rule as an equation. Find
the missing numbers.
12. Input, x 9 15 18 21 27
Output, y 3 5 6
10. -15
Spiral Review
For 1–6, divide. For 9–10, for each
experiment, tell whether
1. 8
512 2. 4
385 events A and B are equally likely or
not equally likely. If they are not equally
likely, name the event that is more likely.
9. Experiment: Spin the pointer.
Event A: gray
3. 5
247 4. 3
844 Event B: white
5. 821 ⫼ 6 ⫽ 6. 198 ⫼ 2 ⫽
10. Experiment: Toss a number cube
numbered 1–6.
Event A: even number
Event B: odd number
Spiral Review
For 1–4, use basic facts and For 17–18, place the
patterns to find the missing numbers where they belong
quotient. in the Venn diagram.
3. 4,200 6
4. $15,0000 30
For 5–6, divide. Check your answer. 18. 23, 18, 6, 25, 8, 16, 37, 9, 11
Numbers Numbers
less than 20 greater than 10
5. 32
426 6. 47
For 7–16, change each unit. For 19–29, use properties and
mental math to find the value.
7. 24 in. ft
19. 43 + (16 + 24)
8. 4 c pt
20. 29 + 28 + 21
9. 24 ft yd
21. 4 370
10. 2 T lb 22. (46 + 58) + 4
11. 2 c fl oz 23. 10 6 2
24. 6 7 5
12. 2 gal qt
25. 26 + 43 + 34
13. 6 yd ft
26. 4 8 5
14. 5,280 ft mi
27. 6 34
15. 4 ft in. 28. 87 + 61 + 3
Spiral Review
For 1–4, write the value of the For 10–11, use the double-
underlined digit. bar graph.
1. 2.65 Careers
2. 12.81 80
3. 5.97 50
40 Women
4. 3.49 30
Engineer Teacher Chemist Doctor
For 6–9, find the perimeter of For 12–13, name any line
each figure. relationships you see in each
figure. Write intersecting, parallel, or
6. 7.
8. 9.
Spiral Review
For 1–6, find the sum or difference. For 8–10, use the picture.
1. 91.47 2. 105.308 List all possible outcomes
⫹ 23.76 ⫺ 61.487 of each experiment.
3. 8.759 4. 2.704
⫹ 5.413 ⫺ 0.285 8. tossing a penny
5. 0.42 6. 18.751
0.309 6.049 10. tossing the penny and spinning
⫹ 2.695 ⫹ 12.201 the pointer
14. p + 7 for p = 12
Spiral Review
For 1–6 estimate. Then find the For 9–10, find the median
product. and mode.
9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 1, 6
1. 0.6 2. 2.4
⫻ 0.7 ⫻ 0.8
3. 25.9 4. 7.40
⫻ 0.3 ⫻ 2.7 10. 6, 8, 1, 7, 3, 6, 9
5. 0.47 ⫻ 0.62 =
6. 0.452 ⫻ 3.6 =
For 7–8, find the area. For 11–12, tell whether the figure
appears to have line symmetry,
14 ft
rotational symmetry, both,
6 ft or neither.
11. 12.
8. 7 cm
13. 14.
Spiral Review
For 1–4, find the quotient. For 7–10, choose 5, 10, or
100 as the most reasonable
1. 6
20.4 2. 4
9.66 interval for each set of data.
7. 90, 350, 260, 185, 415
17. 14 ⫻ a 18. 19 – a
Spiral Review
For 1–4, complete to For 12–15, find the mean
find the sum or difference. for each set of data.
1. 54,639 2. 738,521 12. 13, 8, 11, 9, 14
⫺ 37,840 ⫹ 601,994
13. 68, 73, 86, 61
1B,7B9 1,34B,B1B
14. 234, 186, 213
For 7–9, find the elapsed time. For 19–21, name a solid
figure that is described.
7. start: 10:45 a.m.
end: 1:00 p.m. 19. one circular face
Spiral Review
For 1–12, estimate the product. For 23–25, use the graph.
1. 23 ⫻ 44 2. 61 ⫻ 28 T-Shirt Sales
Number Sold
3. 57 ⫻ 214 4. 46 ⫻ 697 30
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
5. 425 ⫻ 19 6. 768 ⫻ 86 Month
15. 8 cm = mm
27. Twenty-six decreased by some
16. 10 m = cm number.
17. 700 mm = cm
28. Anna had 14 DVDs. She bought
18. 20 cm = m some more DVDs
19. 5 m = mm
For 29–31, find the value for each
20. 2,000 = m expression.
29. 14 + n for n = 6
21. 400 mm = m
30. 9p for p = 11
22. 60 m = cm
31. 15 – b for b = 7
Spiral Review
For 1–11, find all the factors for For 13–16, use the picture to
each product. find the probability of each
1. 24
2. 16
3. 27
4. 30
13. pulling a 1
5. 42
6. 8
7. 14 14. pulling a 2 or 3
8. 21
9. 5 15. pulling a 1 or 4
10. 12
Find the perimeter and area For 17–19, draw circle A with
of the figure below. Then draw a 3-centimeter radius. Label
another figure that has the same area each of the following.
but a different perimeter.
12. 8 cm 17. radius BA
18. chord CD
6 cm
19. diameter FG
Spiral Review
For 1–6, compare. Make a bar graph to show
Write <, >, or = for each the data below.
1. __ 1
__ 5
2. __ __3 13.
3 2 7 5 Joe’s Marbles
Red Green Blue Brown
3 1
3. 4 7 42
__ __
4. 3 3
3 ___ 21 16 10 23
5 12
5. 2 12 25
6. 22
__ 8
1 ___
8 3 15
12. 35
13. 9
14. 29
15. 101
16. 75
17. 55
Spiral Review
For 1–6, add or subtract. Then For 9–11, use the tally table.
write the answer in simplest
Length of Family Vacations
1. 41
__ 2. 3
8 ___
8 12 Days Tally Total
5 1
+ 3__ ⫺3___ 5
_ 8 _ 12
3. 5 1
__ ⫹ 7 2
__ ⫽ 4. 9 5
__ ⫺ 2 2
__ ⫽
9. Complete the total column
3 3 9 9
in the tally table.
10. How many family vacations last 10
7 6
5. 6 ___ ⫺ 1 ___ ⫽ 6. 3 1
__ ⫹ 6 2
__ ⫽
10 10 4 4 11. Which number of family vacation days
14. Q 15.
8. 0
Spiral Review
For 1–6, write each fraction as For 12–13, for each experiment,
a decimal. tell whether events A and B are
equally likely or not equally likely. If
3 5 they are not equally likely, name the
1. 2.
5 25 event that is more likely.
4 37
3. 4. 12. Experiment: Flip a coin
10 100
Event A: heads
28 2 Event B: tails
5. 6.
50 100
11. 13 in.
15. Gina divides some crackers among
13 in. her 4 friends. She gives each friend
6 crackers. How many crackers did
Gina have?
Spiral Review
For 1–4, solve each problem. For 7–9, use the bar graph.
1. What is the value of the underlined .UMBER OF -OONS
digit in 4,239,561?
2. Write 2,345,587 in expanded form.
3. Write the standard form of three
hundred three million, five hundred 7. Which planet has the greatest number
twenty-six thousand, ninety-one.
of moons?
8. Which planet has 1 more moon than
4. Write 9,641,508 in word form.
9. How many moons does Neptune
12. 13.
0d (,d 0d /]k /]k
Spiral Review
For 1–8, find the sum or For 12–15, use the picture to find
difference in simplest form. the probability of each event.
2 2 3 1
1. ⫺ ⫽ 2. ⫹ ⫽
5 10 4 3
1 1 2 1
3. ⫹ ⫽ 4. ⫺ ⫽
2 6 3 6
3 1 1 3
5. ⫺ ⫽ 6. ⫹ ⫽
4 2 4 8 13. pulling a gray or black marble
For 9–11, use a calendar to solve. For 16–21, graph and label
the following points on the
9. The zoo will be offering discount
coordinate grid.
tickets from January 3 to January 29.
How many days will tickets be
16. A (4,3) 17. B (2,5) 18. C (0,7)
19. D (3,4) 20. E (6,4) 21. F (5,1)
Spiral Review
For 1–10, estimate the product. For 18–21, use the stem-and-
leaf plot.
1. 23 ⫻ 44 2. 61 ⫻ 28
Grades on a Science Test
Stem Leaf
6 7 9
3. 57 ⫻ 214 4. 46 ⫻ 697 7 0 3 4 6 6 9
8 2 4 4 6 7 8 8 9
9 1 3 5 5 5 8
6 | 7 represents 67
5. 425 ⫻ 19 6. 768 ⫻ 86
18. How many students earned a grade
of 76?
19. How many students earned a grade
7. 61 ⫻ 926 8. 584 ⫻ 73 between 85 and 90?
For 11–17, change the unit. For 22–25, classify each solid
figure. Write prism, pyramid,
11. 5,000 m ⫽ km cylinder, cone, or sphere.
22. 23.
12. 8 kL ⫽ L
13. 16 m ⫽ cm
14. 36 cm ⫽ mm
15. 200 cm ⫽ m
24. 25.
16. 6,000 L ⫽ kL
17. 71 km ⫽ m
Spiral Review
For 1–4, write an equivalent Make a tree diagram to find the
fraction. number of possible combinations.
1 3 12. Activity choices
1. 2.
2 9 activity: zoo, park, museum
time: morning, afternoon, evening
4 3
3. 4.
10 15
1 5 2 6 4 9
7. , , 8. , ,
3 9 6 8 6 12
For 9–10, find the perimeter of For 13–14, find the rule to
each polygon. complete the function table. Then
9. 23 cm write the rule as an equation.
13. input, x 24 18 12
11 cm 11 cm
output, y 8 4 2
16 cm
9 in. 14. input, x 2 6 8
output, y 4 10 16
Spiral Review
For 1–4, multiply. Use the data to make a
circle graph.
1. 308 2. 649
⫻ 52
_ ⫻ 37
_ 6.
Class President Election
Name Number of Votes
Sarah 30
Ty 50
Mike 20
3. 582 4. 825
Class President Election
_ 41 ⫻
_ 24
Spiral Review
For 1–6, find the sum or For 9–11, use the double-
difference. bar graph.
1. 85.19 2. 251.895
__ 75.362 Boys
3. 7.081 4. 3.582 0
__0.763 Drama Science Poetry Soccer
Club Club Club
For 7–8, find the volume of each For 12–19, solve each equation.
rectangular prism.
12. 39 15 r 13. 3 n 75
14. a 8 8 15. 36 w 20
8. 16. 4 y 20 17. 80 h 4
7 ft
7 ft 18. y 3 49 13 19. 25 17 48 b
7 ft
Spiral Review
For 1–4, use basic facts For 11–13, tell whether each
and patterns to solve. sample represents the
population. If it does not, explain.
1. 60 ⫼ 10 A food company wants to know if people
ages 18–40 like their new pasta.
2. 630 ⫼ 70 11. a random sample of 500 women,
ages 18–40
3. 7,200 ⫼ 8
4. 48,000 ⫼ 60
12. a random sample of 500 people,
For 5–6, divide. ages 18–40
5. 24
318 6. 72
609 13. a random sample of 500 adults
For 7–10, write the time shown For 14–19, use the figure.
on the analog clock. Name an example of each.
7. 8.
11 12 1 11 12 1 <
10 2 10 2 =
; 9 A
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 ? >
7 6 5 7 66 55 8 :
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 19. vertical
7 6 5 7 6 5
For 20–21, use the figure above. Classify
each angle. Write acute, obtuse, straight,
or right.
20. ⬔DAB
21. ⬔BAC
Spiral Review
For 1–6, compare. Make a list or tree diagram to
Write ⬍, ⬎, or ⴝ for each . find all possible combinations.
For 9–12, write the time for For 14–16, find the rule to
each. complete the function table.
Then write an equation.
9. Start: 7:38 A.M.
Elapsed time: 3 hr 52 min 14. x 0 1 2 4
End: y 0 6 18 24
10. Start:
Elapsed time: 2 hr 31 min
End: 10:25 P.M. 15. x 12 10 8 6 4
y 6 4 2
11. Start: 11:16 A.M.
Elapsed time: 1 hr 19 min
16. x 13 11 9 7 5
12. Start: 2:37 P.M. y 9 5 3
Elapsed time:
End: 4:19 P.M.
Spiral Review
For 1–3, compare. Write ⬍, ⬎, For 12–14, use the table. The
or ⫽ for each . table shows the results of
a marble experiment.
1. 0.754 0.734
Marble Experiment
2. 1.09 1.10
Red Blue Green
3. 10 0.909 Number of Pulls
Total 8 3 9
For 4–6, order from greatest to least.
12. What is the experimental probability of
4. 1.345; 1.305; 1.354
pulling a red marble?
70 70 15.
9. 10°F to 7°F
60 60
50 50
40 40
10. 74°F to 88°F 30 30
20 20
0 0
–10 –10
Spiral Review
For 1–8, find the sum or difference. For 11–12, use the table to find
Write it in simplest form. the experimental probability. Then
predict the outcome of future trials.
2 3
1. __ __ 1
2. __ __ 11. number of green tiles in 40 more pulls
5 5 8 8
Tile Pulls
Green Red Orange
__ 1
3. 4 __ 2
4. __ __
9 9 7 7
4 6 3 1
5. ___ ___ 6. __ __
12 12 4 4 12. number of wins in 36 more games
Wins Losses
6 2 8 2
7. ___ ___ 8. __ __
10 10 9 9
For 9–10, estimate the area of the For 13–20, solve each equation.
shaded figure. Each square on the
grid is 1 cm2. 13. 49 h 17 14. 24 a 8
17. 3 y 42 18. h 7 4
19. d 9 21 3 20. 34 8 n 10
Spiral Review
For 1–6, write two equivalent Make a bar graph of the data.
ratios for each ratio. Use 19.
multiplication and division. Stock X Price
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr
1. 2
__ Price $46 $65 $52 $48
2. 4 to 10
3. 3:5
4. ___
5. 1 to 7
6. 15:5
9. 5 lb oz
20. 21.
10. 24 ft yd
11. 4 pt fl oz
12. 3 T lb
13. 3 mi ft
15. 48 c qt
16. 2.5 T lb
18. 6 yd 3 ft in.
Spiral Review
Make a list or draw a tree
For 1–4, solve each problem.
diagram to find the total
1. Write 690,303,520,002 in number of arrangements.
expanded form.
10. ways to pull green, yellow, and blue
tiles from a bag without looking
6. ⫺
20°C to ⫺5°C 10 10
0 0
7. ⫺
15°C to 10°C 12
–10 –10 11
8. 75°C to 10°C –20 –20 8
–30 –30 5
9. 0°C to ⫺
16°C 3
°C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Spiral Review
For 1–4, find the product. Write For 16–18, use the tally table.
it in simplest form.
Books Students Read
Books Students Frequency
1 3 2 1
1. __ ⫻ __ ⫽ 2. __ ⫻ __ ⫽ 2
3 7 3 5
2 3 5 3
3. __ ⫻ __ ⫽ 4. __ ⫻ ___ ⫽ 4
5 4 6 10
For 5–8, use a reciprocal to write a 16. Complete the frequency column in the
multiplication problem for the division table.
17. How many books read have the
greatest frequency?
7 1
6. ___ ⫼ __ ⫽
5. 1__ ⫼ 2 ⫽
2 12 4
2 5 1
7. 3__ ⫼ __ ⫽
8. __ ⫼ __ ⫽ 18. What is the range of the data?
4 3 8 4
For 9–15, write the appropriate For 19–25, write acute, right,
metric unit to measure each. or obtuse for each angle.
9. length of your hand
10. height of a house
8 = <
19. ⬔ AFD
11. length of an insect
20. ⬔ BFA
22. ⬔ BFE
13. length of a soccer field
23. ⬔ DFE
25. ⬔ EFC
15. length of a crayon
Spiral Review
For 1–3, write each percent as a For 9–11, use the
decimal and as a fraction in Fundamental Counting
simplest form. Principle to find the total number
of outcomes.
1. 36%
9. choosing an outfit with blue or tan
2. 74% pants and a green or red shirt
3. 40%
10. tossing a cube labeled 1 to 6 and
For 4–6, write each fraction or decimal as flipping a penny
a percent.
4. 12
11. using two spinners, both with four
5. 0.06 equal sections of red, blue, green,
9 and yellow
6. ___
For 7–8, find the area of each For 12–17, graph and label
figure. the ordered pairs on the
coordinate plane.
7. )-]k
12. A (3,1) 13. B (0,5)
8. (,Zd 6
(,Zd 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Spiral Review
For 1–8, estimate by rounding. For 13–16, choose the best type
1. 29.63 2. 87.905 of graph or plot for the data.
⫹ 18.05 ⫺ 38.714
6. 11.042 ⫹ 8.765
15. different seating sections of a stadium
7. 43.869 ⫺ 10.062
8. 0.654 ⫺ 0.398
16. deer population over a 6-year period
For 9–12, write the missing time For 17–18, classify each figure
for each. in as many ways as possible.
Write quadrilateral, parallelogram,
9. Start: 9:45 A.M.
square, rectangle, rhombus, or trapezoid.
Elapsed time: 2 hr 45 min
10. Start:
Elapsed time: 3 hr 25 min
End: 8:15 P.M.
11. Start: 10:29 A.M.
Elapsed time: 2 hr 19 min
12. Start: 3:15 P.M.
Elapsed time:
End: 4:57 P.M.
Spiral Review
For 1–4, find the product. Draw a tree diagram to find
the total number of outcomes.
1. 315 2. 642
_ 57
_ 38 9. tossing a number cube labeled
1 to 6 and tossing a coin
3. 493 4. 510
_ 62
_ 26
11. 27
12. 16
7. 8. 13. 81
14. 19
15. 12
Spiral Review
For 1–3, name the GCF of the For 18–20, use the line plot.
numerator and denominator. ✗
8 12 12
✗ ✗ ✗
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
For 4–6, write each fraction in simplest
form. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Miles Run
6 16 25
4. 5. 6. 18. What is the median?
15 28 40
For 10–17, find the sum or For 21–23, match each solid figure
difference. with its net.
10. 3.50 cm ⫹ 2.7 m ⫽ 21. a.
11. 15 m ⫹ 25 cm ⫽
12. 54 mm ⫺ 5.4 cm ⫽
13. 2.036 m ⫺ 36 mm ⫽
22. b
23. c
16. 9 ft 3 in. 27. 12 yd
⫺ 7 ft 4 in. ⫺ 3 yd 2 ft
Spiral Review
For 1–11, write the common For 14–16, express the
factors for each pair of numbers. experimental probability as
a fraction in simplest form.
1. 10, 35
14. 3 green sections in 18 spins.
2. 8, 32 How many green sections in 24
more spins?
3. 7, 42
4. 15, 45
8. 16, 40
16. 10 losses in 16 games.
9. 21, 63 How many losses in 40 more
10. 4, 20
11. 18, 24
For 12–13, find the volume of each Write the ordered pairs.
rectangular prism. Then graph them.
12. 17. x 0 1 2 3 4
-Zd y 0 3 6 9 12
13. .`e% ()
.`e% ((
(*`e% .
' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( ()
Spiral Review
For 1–4, write each mixed For 11–12, use the graph.
number as a fraction. Average Monthly Temperature (°F)
4 2
Temperature (°F)
1. 1 5 2. 2 3 60
3. 1
2 4. 3
3 May June July Aug Sept
7 8 Month
For 9–10, write whether you need For 13–14, name each
to find perimeter, area, or volume transformation. Write
to solve the problem. Then solve translation, reflection, or rotation.
using the appropriate formula.
9. tile for this floor
12 ft
15 ft
10. wrapping paper for this box
8 in.
8 in.
20 in.
Spiral Review
For 1–7, compare. Write ⬍, ⬎, For 10–14, write a fraction
or ⫽ for each . to show the probability of
tossing a number cube labeled 1 to 6.
1. 0.643 0.629
10. a 3
2. 1.517 1.538
5. 0.820 0.82
13. a number greater than 4
6. 0.137 0.13
14. a number less than 8
7. 2.228 3.282
Spiral Review
For 1–8, estimate the product. For 11–13, name the most
appropriate graph.
1. 68 ⫻ 24 2. 83 ⫻ 49
11. Which type of graph would be most
appropriate to record the growth of a
plant over 5 weeks?
3. 35 ⫻ 853 4. 73 ⫻ 985
For 9–10, find the perimeter. For 14–15, classify each triangle.
Write isosceles, scalene, or
14 in.
14. 15.
8 cm 5 cm
37 in. 14 ft 14 ft
11 cm
9 ft
10. 15 m
Classify each triangle. Write acute, right or
12 m obtuse.
Spiral Review
For 1–6, write each fraction as For 18–21, use the spinner.
a decimal. Write the probability of each
event. Tell whether the event is certain,
1. 4
__ 7
2. ___ likely, unlikely, or impossible.
5 20
35 78
5. ___ 6. ____
50 100
19. spinning gray
For 7–12, write each decimal as a fraction
in simplest form.
For 13–17, tell the units you For 22–24, find the rule to
would use for measuring each. complete the function table.
Write linear, square, or cubic. Then write the rule as an
13. the amount of carpet needed to cover
input, x 24 20 16
a floor
output, y 6 4 3
input, x 15 19 21
to cover a box