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The key takeaways are that this lesson aims to help students distinguish between rational and irrational numbers by classifying numbers and representing them in different forms.

The goal of this lesson is to help assess how well students can distinguish between rational and irrational numbers and identify students who have difficulties in classifying numbers or moving between representations of rational and irrational numbers.

Some of the mathematical goals of this lesson are to help students classify numbers as rational or irrational and move between different representations of rational and irrational numbers.


Mathematics Assessment Project

A Formative Assessment Lesson

Rational and
Numbers 1

Mathematics Assessment Resource Service

University of Nottingham & UC Berkeley
Beta Version

For more details, visit: http://map.mathshell.org

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
May be reproduced, unmodified, for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons license
detailed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ - all other rights reserved
Rational and Irrational Numbers 1
This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students are able to distinguish between
rational and irrational numbers. In particular, it aims to help you identify and assist students who have
difficulties in:
• Classifying numbers as rational or irrational.
• Moving between different representations of rational and irrational numbers.


This lesson relates to the following Standards for Mathematical Content in the Common Core State
Standards for Mathematics:
N-RN: Use properties of rational and irrational numbers.
This lesson also relates to the following Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Common Core
State Standards for Mathematics:
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

The lesson unit is structured in the following way:
• Before the lesson, students attempt the assessment task individually. You then review students’
work and formulate questions that will help them improve their solutions.
• The lesson is introduced in a whole-class discussion. Students then work collaboratively in pairs
or threes to make a poster on which they classify numbers as rational and irrational. They work
with another group to compare and check solutions. Throughout their work students justify and
explain their decisions to peers.
• In a whole-class discussion, students revisit some representations of numbers that could be either
rational or irrational and compare their classification decisions.
• Finally, students work individually to show their learning using a second assessment task.

• Each individual student will need a mini-whiteboard, an eraser, a pen, and a copy of the
assessment task Is it Rational?
• Choose how to end the lesson. Either provide a fresh copy of the assessment task, Is it Rational?
for students to review and improve their work, or provide a copy of the assessment task,
Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers.
• For each small group of students provide a copy of the task sheet Poster Headings, a copy of the
task sheet Rational and Irrational Numbers, a large sheet of poster paper, scrap paper, and a glue
• Have calculators and several copies of the Hint Sheet available in case students wish to use them.
• Either cut the resource sheets Poster Headings, Rational and Irrational Numbers, and Hint Sheet
into cards before the lesson, or provide students with scissors to cut-up the cards themselves.
• You will need some large sticky notes and a marker pen for use in whole-class discussions.
• There are also some projector resources to help with whole-class discussion.

15 minutes before the lesson for the assessment task, a 1-hour lesson, and 10 minutes in a follow-up
lesson (or for homework). All timings are approximate, depending on the needs of your students.
Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-1

Assessment task: Is it Rational? (15 minutes) Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 Student Materials Alpha Version June 2011

Is it Rational?
Have the students do this task in class or for homework a Remember that a bar over digits indicate a recurring decimal number. E.g. 0.256 = 0.2565656...
1. For each of the numbers below, decide whether it is rational or irrational.

day or more before the formative assessment lesson. This Explain your reasoning in detail. !

will give you an opportunity to assess the work, and
identify students who have misconceptions or need other ! 5
forms of help. You should then be able to target your help
more effectively in the follow-up lesson.
Give each student a copy of Is it Rational? Introduce the ! 5

task briefly, and help the students understand what they ! 5+ 7

are being asked to do.
Spend 15 minutes answering these questions. 2

I’d like you to work alone for this part of the lesson. !

! (5+ 5)(5" 5)
Show all your work on the sheet, and make sure you
explain your answers really clearly. (7 + 5)(5" 5)
I have some calculators if you wish to use one.
© 2011 MARS University of Nottingham UK S-1
It is important that, as far as possible, students answer the questions without assistance. Help students
to understand that they should not worry too much if they cannot understand or do everything
because, in the next lesson, they will work on a related task that should help them make progress.

Assessing students’ responses

Collect students’ responses to the task. Make some notes on what their work reveals about their
current levels of understanding and any difficulties they encounter. The purpose of this is to forewarn
you of the issues that will arise during the lesson, so that you may prepare carefully.
We suggest that you do not score students’ work. The research shows that this is counterproductive,
as it encourages students to compare scores and distracts their attention from how they may improve
their mathematics.
Instead, help students to make progress by asking questions that focus attention on aspects of their
work. Some suggestions for these are given in the Common issues table on the next page. These have
been drawn from common difficulties observed in trials of this unit.
We suggest that you write your own lists of questions, based on your own students’ work, using the
ideas below. You may choose to write questions on each student’s work. If you do not have time to
do this, select a few questions that will be of help to the majority of students. These can be written on
the board at the end of the lesson.

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-2

Common issues: Suggested questions and prompts:

Student does not recognize rational numbers • A rational number can be written as a fraction
from simple representations of whole numbers. Is it possible to write 5 as
For example: The student does not recognize a fraction using whole numbers? What about
integers as rational numbers. 0.575?
• Are all fractions less than one?
Or: The student does not recognize terminating
decimals as rational.
Student does not recognize non-terminating • Use a calculator to find 9
, 29 , 39 … as a
repeating decimals as rational decimal.
For example: The student states that a non-
• What fraction is 0.8 ?
terminating repeating decimal cannot be written
• What kind of!decimal
! ! is 1 ?
as a fraction. 3

Student does not recognize irrational • Write the first few square numbers. Only
numbers from simple representations these perfect square integers have whole
number square! roots. So which numbers can
For example: The student does not recognize 5
you find that have irrational square roots?
is irrational.

Student assumes that all fractions are rational • Are all fractions rational?
• Show me a fraction that represents a
For example: The student claims 10
is rational. rational/irrational number?

Student does not simplify expressions • What happens if you remove the parentheses?
involving radicals • Are all expressions that involve a radical
For example: The student assumes irrational?

(5+ 5)(5" 5) is irrational because there is an

irrational number in each bracket.

Student does not recognize that some • The dots tell you that the digits would
! representations are ambiguous. continue forever, but not how. Write a
number that could continue but does repeat.
For example: The student writes that 5.75... is
And another… And another…
rational or that it is irrational, not seeing that
5.75... is a truncated decimal that could continue • Now think about what kind of number this
in ways that represent rational numbers (such as would be if subsequent digits were the same
! the decimal expansion of π.
5.75 ), and that represent irrational numbers
(non-terminating non-repeating decimals).

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-3

Common issues: Suggested questions and prompts:
Student does not recognize that repeating • How do you write 3
as a decimal?
decimals are rational 4
What about 9
For example: The student agrees with Arlo that
• Does every rational number have a
0.57 is an irrational number. ! decimal expansion?
Or: The student disagrees with Hao, claiming !
0.57 cannot be written as a fraction.
Student does not know how to convert • What is the difference between 0.57 and 0.57 ?
repeating decimals to fraction form 1
! • How do you write 2 as a decimal?
For example: The student makes an error when
• How would you write 0.5 as a fraction?
converting between representations (Q2b.)
• Explain each stage of these calculations:
! 7
• x = 0.7 , 10x = 7.7 , 9x = 7 , x = 9 .

Student does not interpret repeating decimal • Remember that a bar indicates that a decimal
notation correctly number is repeating. Write the first ten digits
For example: The student disagrees with Korbin, of these numbers: 0.45 , 0.345 . Could you
who said that the bar over the decimal digits figure out the 100th digit in either number?
means the decimal “would go on forever if you
tried to write it out.”
Student does not understand that repeating • How do you write 3
as a decimal?
non-terminating decimals are rational, and 4
non-repeating non-terminating decimals are What about 9
irrational • Does every rational numbers have a
! decimal expansion?
For example: The student agrees with Hank, that
because 0.57 is non-terminating, it is irrational, • Does
! every irrational number have a
and does not distinguish non-repeating from terminating decimal expansion?
repeating non-terminating decimals. • Which non-terminating decimals can be
written as fractions?

Student explanations are poor • Suppose you were to explain this to someone
unfamiliar with this type of work. How could
For example: The student provides little or no
you make this math clear, to help the student
to understand?

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-4


Introduction to Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers (10 minutes)

Give each student a mini-whiteboard, a pen, and an eraser. Use these to maximize participation in the
introductory discussion.
Explain the structure of the lesson to students.
Recall your work on irrational and rational numbers [last lesson].
You’ll have a chance to review that work later today.
Today’s lesson is to help you improve your solutions.
Explain to students that this lesson they will make a poster classifying rational and irrational numbers.
Display the projector resource Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers on the board.

Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers

Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers

repeating decimal


Projector Resources Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 P-1

I’m going to give you some headings and a large sheet of paper.
You’re going to use the headings to make this classification poster.
Then you’re going to get some cards with numbers on them. You have to decide whether the
number is rational or irrational, and where it fits on your poster.
You will classify these examples of rational and irrational numbers.
Check students’ understanding of the terminology used for decimal numbers:
On your whiteboard, write a number with a terminating decimal.
Can you show a number with a non-terminating decimal on your whiteboard?
Show me a number with a repeating decimal.
Show me the first six digits of a non-repeating decimal.
Write 0.123 on a large sticky note. Model the classification activity using the number 0.123 .

0.123 . Remind me what the little bar over the digits means. [It is a repeating decimal that begins
0.123123123... ; the digits continue in a repeating pattern; it does not terminate.]
In which row of the table does 0.123 go? Why? [Row 2, because the decimal does not terminate
but does repeat.]
Ok. So this number is a non-terminating repeating decimal because the bar shows it has endless
repeats of the same three digits. [Write this on the card.]
Show me on your whiteboard: is 0.123 rational or irrational? [Rational.]
Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-5
Students may offer different opinions on the rationality of 0.123 . If there is dispute, accept students’
answers for either classification at this stage in the lesson. Make it clear to students that the issue is
unresolved and will be discussed again later in the lesson.
Explain to students how you expect them to collaborate. Display the slide Instructions for Placing
Number Cards.
Here are some instructions for working together.
Take turns to choose a number card.
When it’s your turn, decide where your number card fits on the poster, and see if it fits in just one
place or in more than one place. Explain your decision to your partner.
When it is your partner’s turn, decide whether you agree or disagree with what she’s said. If you
agree with your partner’s decision, explain her reasons in your own words. If you disagree,
explain why. Then, together, figure out where to put the card.
When you have reached an agreement, write reasons for your decision on the number card. If the
card fits in just one place, put it on the poster. If not, put it to one side. Remember, there are some
cards that could go in more than one category. Keep these cards separate.
All students in your group should be able to give reasons for every placement.
Don’t glue things in place or draw in the lines on the poster yet, as you may change your mind

Collaborative small-group work (20 minutes)

Organize students into groups of two or three. For each group provide the sheet Poster Headings, the
sheet Rational and Irrational Numbers, a large sheet of paper for making a poster, and scrap paper.
Do not distribute the glue sticks yet.
Students take turns to place cards, and collaborate on justifying these placements. Once they have
agreed on a placement, the justification is written on the card and either placed on the poster or to one
During small group work, you have two tasks: to find out about students’ work, and to support their
Find out about students’ work
Listen carefully to students’ conversations. Note especially difficulties that emerge for more than one
Do students assume that all fractions represent rational numbers? Do students manipulate the
expressions involving radicals to show that the number represented is rational/irrational? Or do they
evaluate the expressions on a calculator? Figure out which students can convert a non-terminating
repeating decimal to a fraction. Do students identify all the meanings of ambiguous expressions such
as ‘0.123 rounded correct to 3 decimal places’?
Listen for the kind of reasoning students give in support of their classifications. Do they use
definitions? Do they reason using analogies with other examples? You can use what you hear to
identify students to call on in the whole-class discussion and, in particular, find two or three cards as a
focus for that discussion.
Support student thinking
If you hear students providing incorrect classifications or justifications, try not to resolve the issues
for them directly. Instead, ask questions that help them to identify their errors and to redirect their

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-6

thinking. You may want to use some of the questions and prompts from the Common issues table. If
students are relying on a calculator to place the cards, encourage them to explain the answers
displayed on it.
If a student struggles to get started, encourage them to ask a specific question about the task.
Articulating the problem in this way can sometimes offer ideas to pursue that were previously
overlooked. However, if the student needs their question answered, ask another member of the group
for a response. There is a Hint Sheet provided to help students who struggle to make progress in
classifying these numbers: 0.123, , the calculator display 3.14159265, and 0.9 .

If one group of students has difficulty with a problem another group dealt with well, you could ask
them to talk to each
! other. If several groups of students are finding the
! same issue difficult, you might
write a suitable question !on the board, or organize a brief whole-class discussion focusing on that
aspect of mathematics.
Are all fractions rational? Show me a fraction that is rational/that is irrational.
What does a calculator display 0.7777777778 / 0.1457878342 tell you about the number?
Is any number with a root sign irrational?
Prompt students to write reasons for their decisions next to the cards. If you hear one student
providing a justification, prompt the other members of the group to either challenge or rephrase what
they heard.
If any groups finish early, ask them to use the blank card to try to make up a new number to fit in an
empty cell on the poster.
A couple of minutes before the end of the activity, ask each group to write onto a sheet of scrap
paper, the numbers from cards they have decided not to place on the poster.
Comparing solutions (10 minutes)
Ask one student from each group to swap with a student in another group, taking with them the sheet
of scrap paper on which they have written their group’s non-classified numbers.
In the new groups, students compare the numbers they have not classified, to see if there are any
differences. Ask students to share their reasons for the numbers they have not classified.
Gluing posters (5 minutes)
Ask students to return to their original small groups, and distribute glue sticks. Ask them to discuss
with their partners any changes they might want to make. Once students are satisfied with their
answers, they can glue the cards in place. Remind students not to put on the poster any number cards
they think can go in more than one place.
While students work on this, think about the numbers your students found it difficult to place, or
numbers about which you know there are different solutions. You can use these numbers as a focus
for the whole-class discussion. Write these numbers in marker pen on large sticky notes.

Whole-class discussion (15 minutes)

In this discussion, we suggest you focus on reasoning about one or two examples that students found
difficult, rather than checking students all have the same classification.
Check that each student has a mini-whiteboard, a pen, and an eraser. Display the slide Classifying
Rational and Irrational Numbers again. Use the numbers you wrote on sticky notes: you will be able

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-7

to move them from one position to another on the classification table until students have reached
agreement about proper placement.
Choose one of your sticky notes, and read it to students. Ask students to write on their mini-
whiteboards where to place it on the classification table. Place your sticky note on the part of the table
indicated by one student and ask them to justify their placement of the card. Now ask another student
to comment on the justification. Call on students who gave different answers on their whiteboards.
Bradley, where did you place this card? What was your reasoning?
Do you agree, Lia? You do? Please explain Bradley’s answer in your own words.
Kanya, can you tell us why you think differently?
Move the cards from one cell to another until students reach agreement on the placement of the card.
If there is no disagreement, provoke some by placing a number incorrectly and asking students for an
The discussion below is indicative. You may feel that other issues should be the focus of discussion
for your students.
Sample discussion
You might begin by checking the placement of the non-terminating repeating decimal 0.123 .
Write on your mini-whiteboard. Is 0.123 terminating or non-terminating?
Is 0.123 rational or irrational?
Alicia, where did you place 0.123 ? Why might you think it goes there?
As part of this discussion, you might ask students to show on their mini-whiteboards how to change
from the repeating non-terminating decimal representation to a fraction. If necessary, ask students to
work with you, as you model use of the standard algorithm for changing a repeating decimal to a
Focus on the decimal representations 0.123 , 0.123 , 0.123... , 0.123 , and 0.123 (rounded correct to
three decimal places). To actively involved students, ask them to use their mini-whiteboards.
Are 0.123 and 0.123 the same number? How do you know?
Is 0.123 rational or irrational? How do you know?
What about 0.123? Is that rational or irrational? How do you know?
What is the difference between 0.123 and 0.123... ? What difference do those little dots [the
ellipsis] make?
Show me a way 0.123... might continue if it’s a rational number.
Show me a way 0.123... might continue that would make it an irrational number. Why is this
Push students to identify explicitly the difference between decimals in which there is a repeating
pattern of digits, and non-terminating decimals in which there is a pattern, but no repeats.
Either refer to one of the student’s whiteboards, or write 0.123456789101112131415... on the board.
What would the next six digits be, Jenny? How do you know?
Tell me about the pattern in the digits of this decimal number.
Is this a repeating decimal?
Do the same digits repeat in the same order again and again?

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-8

Consider the other ambiguous representations:
What if the number is rounded to 0.123 ? Is this a rational or an irrational number?
Show me a number that could be rounded to 0.123 that is a rational number.
Show me a number that could be rounded to 0.123 that is an irrational number.
Did you find any other representations that might be rational, or might be irrational, depending
on how the number continued? [The calculator display looks like the first digits of pi, but could
be a rational number.]
Explain how the calculator display number might continue.
Show me a rational version of the calculator display number.

If there is time, consider 0.9 and how, as this can be written as 1, the distinction between terminating
and non-terminating decimal representations becomes blurred.
Finally, discuss the empty cells on the classification table (irrational terminating decimal, irrational
non-terminating!repeating decimal, rational non-terminating non-repeating decimal).
Which numbers go in this cell?
Is it possible to place numbers in this cell? [No. No terminating decimals/non-terminating
repeating decimals are irrational numbers, and no non-terminating non-repeating decimals are
rational numbers.]

Next Lesson: Reviewing the lesson (10-15 minutes)

Decide whether you want students to review their initial assessment tasks or work on a new, related
Reviewing individual solutions to the assessment task, Is it Rational? (10 minutes)
Give each student his or her original solution to the assessment task, Is it Rational? along with a new
copy of the same task.
Invite students to revise their work using your questions.
I would like you to read through your original solutions, and think about what you have learned
this lesson. I wrote questions to help you improve your work. Think about what you learned [last
lesson], then write a new solution using what you learned.
If you have not added questions to individual pieces of work, then write your list of questions on the
board. Students should select from this list only those questions they think are appropriate to their
own work.

Assessment task: Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers (20 minutes)

Give each student a copy of the assessment task, Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers.
I’d like you to recall the work you did on rational and irrational numbers last lesson.
Spend 15 minutes answering these questions.
I’d like you to work alone for this part of the lesson.
Show all your work on the sheet and make sure you explain your answers really clearly.
I have some calculators if you wish to use one.

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-9


Assessment task: Is it Rational?

Number Possible student reasoning

5 5 is rational.
35 "5
It can be written as a fraction, the ratio of two integers a, b, with b " 0, e.g. , .
7 "1
Students sometimes discount whole number rationals, especially 0.
5 5
7 7
is rational, since it can be written as the ratio of two integers
! a, b, with b " 0.
! !
0.575 0.575 is rational.
575 !
! ! Using decimal place value, 0.575 = .
! !
5 5 is irrational.
Students might argue
! that if a number is not a perfect square then its root is
! !
irrational. Or they might argue that 4 < < 9 , and there is no integer between 2
and 3. This doesn’t establish that there is no fractional value for , though. At
this stage of their math learning, students are unlikely to produce a standard proof
by contradiction of the irrationality
! of
! 5.

5+ 7 5+ 7 is irrational because the sum of a rational and irrational number is always

irrational. !

! 10! 10
is irrational.
2 2
Students may think it is rational because it is represented as a fraction.

! 5.75....
! 5.75.... From this truncated decimal representation, it is not possible to decide
whether the number represented by 5.75… is rational or irrational.
This is a difficulty that students often encounter when reading calculator displays.
! ! The dots here indicate that the decimal is non-terminating, but the number might
have a repeating (rational) or non-repeating
(irrational) tail. Students could give
examples to show this, e.g. 5.757 and 5.75123456789101112131415….

(5+ 5)(5" 5) The product of these two irrational factors is rational. Using a calculator will
suggest that the product is rational, but not why.
(5 + 5)(5 " 5) = 25 " 5 5 + 5 5 " 5 = 20 . Removing the parentheses and simplifying
! does provide a reason why the expression is rational.

(7 + 5)(5" 5)
The product of these two irrational factors is irrational.
(7 + 5)(5 " 5) = 35 " 7 5 + 5 5 " 5 = 30 " 2 5 .

! Since 5 is irrational, 2 5 is irrational, and 30 " 2 5 is irrational. Use of a

! calculator will not help to show the irrationality of 30 " 2 5 .

! ! !
Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-10
Student Statement Agree or

Arlo: 0.57 is an irrational number. Disagree Agreeing with Arlo, that 0.57 is an
irrational number, may indicate a standard
misconception. Many students believe that
a number with an infinitely long decimal
representation must be irrational.

Hao: No, Arlo, it is rational, because 0.57 Agree Hao is correct.

can be written as a fraction. 19
0.57 =
Eiji: Maybe Hao’s correct, you know. Agree with Eiji is correct in that Hao’s answer is
statement, correct, but he is incorrect to say that
57 but
Because 0.57 = . 57
100 disagree 0.57 = . This is a common error.

Korbin: Agree 0.57 = 0.57575757... does “go on

Hang on. The decimal for 0.57
would go on forever if you tried to forever.” Not recognizing this is a
write it out. That’s what the bar thing misunderstanding of standard notation.
means, right?

Hank: And because it goes on forever, that Disagree Thinking that an infinitely long decimal
proves 0.57 has got to be irrational. tail means a number can’t be rational is a
common student error.
2. b. 0.57 is rational.
57 19
Let x = 0.57 . Then 100x = 57.57 . So 99x = 57 . Thus x = = .
99 33

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-11

Collaborative small-group work

Rational numbers Irrational numbers

Terminating 7 This cell is empty: there are

= 0.875 and is a terminating decimal.
decimal 8 no terminating decimal
representations of irrational
123 numbers.
0.123 = and so rational and terminating.
(8 + 2 )(8 " 2 ) = 64 " 8 2 + 8 2 " 2 = 64 " 2 = 62.
! 62 rational, with a terminating decimal representation.

8 2 2 !
= =2
2 2
2 is rational, with a terminating decimal representation.

! 2 " 8 = 2 "2 2 = 2"2 = 4

4 is rational, with a terminating decimal representation.

Non- ! 2 This cell is empty: there are

= 0.6
terminating 3 no non-terminating repeating
repeating decimal representations of
decimal Students might already know this decimal conversion, or irrational numbers.
perform division to calculate it.
= 3.142897
Students might use division to calculate this commonly
used approximation of π. Using a calculator, they may
! not find all the repeating digits, and so would have no
reason to suppose it is a repeating decimal.

x = 0.123
1000x = 123.123
1000x ! x = 123
999x = 123
x = 0.123 =

x = 0.123 10x = 1.23 1000x = 123.23

1000x ! 10x = 122
122 61
x = =
990 495

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-12

Rational numbers Irrational numbers

Non- This cell is empty: no rational " is irrational, with a non-terminating, non-repeating
terminating number has a non-terminating decimal representation. We expect students will have
non- non-repeating decimal been told of the irrationality of " , and do not expect
repeating representation. this claim to be justified.
3 is irrational since 3 is not a perfect square, and only
integers that are perfect squares have rational roots. An
irrational divided by a rational is irrational.

8 is irrational since 8 is not a square number, and

only integers that are square numbers have rational
2 + 8 is the sum of two irrational numbers. It is
irrational, since 2 + 8 = 2 + 2 2 = 3 2 and the
product of a non-zero rational number and an irrational
! number is irrational. Some sums of irrational numbers
are rational,
! such as 4 2 " 2 8 .

There is insufficient information to assign the following number

! cards to a unique category:
0.123 ....
This is a non-terminating decimal, but the ellipsis does not determine whether it is repeating or
It could turn out to be a rational number, such as 0.1234 .
It could turn out to be an irrational number, such as 0.12301001000100001… (a patterned tail of
zeros and ones, with one extra zero between ones each time.)
0.123 (rounded correct to three decimal places) and the calculator display: 3.14159265
0.123 could be a rounded version of either a rational or an irrational number, because it might be
a rounded terminating decimal, rounded non-terminating repeating decimal (both rational), or a
non-terminating non-repeating decimal (irrational). This is also the case with the calculator
display, which shows the first 9 digits of pi.

0.9 is a separate case.

It is clearly a rational number, but its categorization as a non-terminating repeating decimal,
rather than as a terminating decimal is dubious.
1 2 9
Students might argue that 0.1 = , 0.2 = , … , 0.9 = = 1 .
9 9 9
Alternatively, they could show that if x = 0.9 , 10x = 9.9 so 9x = 9 and x = = 1 .
A similar argument could be made for any of the numbers with terminating decimal expansions.

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-13

Assessment task: Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers

Number Possible student reasoning

0.21 0.21 is a rational number. A student might establish this by showing that is can be
written as a fraction of integers e.g. or by stating that it is a terminating
decimal, and therefore rational.
3 3 !
= 0.25 , which is a terminating decimal and so rational.
12 12

12 " 2 Students may argue that 12 is irrational because 12 = 3! 4 = 2 ! 3 and the

! product of a non-zero rational and an irrational number is irrational.

! 12 12 2 3
= =
. The quotient of an irrational and a non-zero integer is irrational.
! 4 4 4 2

4.125... The ellipsis does not determine how the decimal digits will continue, only that they
do. The number could be irrational (the digits continue and do not repeat) or rational
! (the digits continue and repeat). Check whether students confuse “non-repeating”
with “non-patterned”: a number in which the pattern of the digits is e.g.
4.12512612712812912101211… is irrational because although patterned, the non-
terminating tail will never repeat itself.

( 12 ! 4)(4 + 12) ( 12 ! 4)(4 + 12) = 4 12 +12 !16 ! 4 12 = !4 .

This is a rational number.

4.125 (rounded to 2 There is no way of telling whether this is rational or irrational.

decimal places)
For example: 4.1251234567891011…. is irrational (providing the pattern continues)
but 4.1254 is rational.

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-14

2. In this question, the student’s explanations are more important that the truth value assigned to
the statement. These explanations may indicate the student still makes common errors or has
alternative conceptions.

Student Statement Agree or


Otis 3 Disagree Otis is incorrect. Students who agree with

is a rational number because Otis may not understand that some
fractions are irrational! That error comes
it can be written as a fraction.
from a partial definition of rational. A
fuller definition of rational number is that
it is a number that can be written as a
fraction of integers.

Lulu 3 Agree Lulu’s statement is correct, but her

is irrational because 3 is justification is incomplete.
irrational. 3
is irrational because 3 is irrational
and the quotient of an irrational number
and non-zero integer is irrational.

Leon 0.286 is rational because you can Agree with Leon is correct that 0.286 is rational, but
286 286
write it as the fraction . but his claim that it is the fraction is
1000 disagree 1000
with incorrect.!
reason. Students may produce the correct rational
representation of the recurring decimal:
0.286 = . Alternatively, students may
argue that = 0.286 ! 0.286 .

Joan 0.286 is an irrational number Disagree Joan is incorrect to claim that 0.286 is
because that decimal will carry on irrational. A repeating non-terminating
forever. decimal is a rational number.

! 0.286 (rounded to three decimal Agree Ray is correct. If 0.286
! were rounded
places) might be rational or from e.g. 0.2855555555… then it would
irrational. be a rational number. If it were rounded
from 2861234567891011121314… then,
since this pattern does not repeat, the
number would be irrational.

Arita 0.286… is rational - the little dots Disagree Arita is incorrect. The ellipsis shows only
show the digits carry on in the that the digits do continue, not how.
same pattern forever. 0.286... could represent either a rational
or an irrational number

Teacher guide Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 T-15

Is it Rational?
Remember that a bar over digits indicates a recurring decimal number, e.g. 0.256 = 0.2565656...
1. For each of the numbers below, decide whether it is rational or irrational.
Explain your reasoning in detail.



5+ 7



(5+ 5)(5 ! 5)

(7 + 5)(5 ! 5)

Student Materials Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-1

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
2. Arlo, Hao, Eiji, Korbin, and Hank were discussing 0.57 .
This is the script of their conversation.

Student Statement ! Agree or disagree?

Arlo: 0.57 is an irrational number.

Hao: No, Arlo, it is rational, because 0.57 can be written as a

Eiji: Maybe Hao’s correct, you know.

Because 0.57 = .

Korbin: Hang on. The decimal for 0.57 would go on forever if

!you tried to write it. That’s what the bar thing means,
Hank: And because it goes on forever, that proves 0.57 has
got to be irrational.

a. In the right hand column, write whether you agree or disagree with each student’s statement.

b. If you think 0.57 is rational, say what fraction it is, and explain why.

If you think it is not rational, explain how you know.


Student Materials Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-2

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
Student Materials
Classifying Rational and Irrational

Non-terminating Terminating decimal

non-repeating decimal

Non-terminating Rational numbers

Rational and Irrational Number 1

Poster Headings

repeating decimal

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham

Irrational numbers

Rational and Irrational Numbers (1)

7 0.123…

! !

2 22 (8 + 2)(8 " 2)
3 7

! !

" 8

! !
Student Materials ! Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-4
© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
Rational and Irrational Numbers (2)

2 " 8 2 + 8

! !
0.123 Calculator display:
rounded correct
0.123 to 3 decimal  

0.123 0.123

Student Materials Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-5

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
Hint Sheet

0.123 3
Figure out the changes from one 4
line to the next:
x = 0.43
What kind of number is 3 ?
100x = 43.43
! 99x = 43
! What is your definition of a
43 !
x= rational number?
! can this help you figure out
0.123 as a fraction? Are all fractions rational numbers?

! Calculator display: 0.9

Write as a decimal.
Write as a decimal.
Does this calculator display show ! fraction would you consider
π? ! next?
Why might you say yes? ! Continue the pattern.
Why might you say no?

Student Materials Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-6

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers
1. For each of the numbers below, decide whether it is rational or irrational.
Explain your answers.

Number Reasoning



12 ! 2



( 12 ! 4)(4 + 12)

(rounded to 2 d.p.)

Student Materials Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-7

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
2. Some students were classifying numbers as rational and irrational.
Decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement.
Correct any errors. Explain your answers clearly.

Student Statement Agree or disagree?

Otis 3
is a rational number because it can
be written as a fraction.

Lulu 3
is irrational because 3 is irrational.

Leon 0.286 is rational because you can write it

as the fraction .

Joan 0.286 is an irrational number because

that decimal will carry on forever.

Ray 0.286 (rounded to three decimal places)

might be rational or irrational.

Arita 0.286…
is rational - the little dots show the digits
carry on in the same pattern forever.

Student Materials Rational and Irrational Number 1 S-8

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
Classifying Rational and Irrational Numbers
Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers

repeating decimal


Projector Resources Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 P-1

Instructions for Placing Number Cards
•  Take turns to choose a number card.

•  When it is your turn:

–  Decide where your number card fits on the poster.
–  Does it fit in just one place, or in more than one place?
–  Give reasons for your decisions.

•  When it is your partner’s turn:

–  If you agree with your partner’s decision, explain her reasons in your own
–  If you disagree with your partner’s decision, explain why. Then together, figure
out where to put the card.

•  When you have reached an agreement:

–  Write reasons for your decision on the number card.
–  If the number card fits in just one place on the poster, place it on the poster.
–  If not, put it to one side.
Projector Resources Rational and Irrational Numbers 1 P-2
Mathematics Assessment Project

This lesson was designed and developed by the

Shell Center Team
at the
University of Nottingham
Malcolm Swan, Nichola Clarke, Clare Dawson, Sheila Evans
Hugh Burkhardt, Rita Crust, Andy Noyes, and Daniel Pead

It was refined on the basis of reports from teams of observers led by

David Foster, Mary Bouck, and Diane Schaefer
based on their observation of trials in US classrooms
along with comments from teachers and other users.

This project was conceived and directed for

MARS: Mathematics Assessment Resource Service
Alan Schoenfeld, Hugh Burkhardt, Daniel Pead, and Malcolm Swan
and based at the University of California, Berkeley

We are grateful to the many teachers, in the UK and the US, who trialed earlier versions
of these materials in their classrooms, to their students, and to
Judith Mills, Carol Hill, and Alvaro Villanueva who contributed to the design.

This development would not have been possible without the support of
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
We are particularly grateful to
Carina Wong, Melissa Chabran, and Jamie McKee

© 2012 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham

This material may be reproduced and distributed, without modification, for non-commercial purposes,
under the Creative Commons License detailed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
All other rights reserved.
Please contact map.info@mathshell.org if this license does not meet your needs.

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