The original ASCII table represents all characters using just 7 bits: which means that there are 27, or 128, possible
characters that can be represented in ASCII. Several extensions to ASCII exist which add an 8th bit, allowing for
a total of 256 possible characters to be represented. Since there are only 52 letters, this means that ASCII has
space to represent other types of characters: like punctuation, numbers, and some basic symbols (like the $ sign
or the % sign).
However, event with 8-bit ASCII encoding, there are still a lot of characters that can’t be represented, because
there are more than 256 possible characters. For example, many mathematical symbols and characters in oth-
er languages do not fit into the standard ASCII table. As a result, other character encoding standards exist that
have far more possible character options: Unicode, for example, is a character encoding standard that allows for
more than 1 million possible characters to be represented. The first 128 characters in Unicode are identical to the
128 characters in ASCII, which makes them compatible with one another.