BHAGA SUKTA Recitation Format
BHAGA SUKTA Recitation Format
BHAGA SUKTA Recitation Format
AGNI at dawn, and Indra we invoke at dawn, and Varuṇa and Mitra, and the Aśvins twain.
Bhaga at dawn, Pūṣan, and Brahmaṇaspati, Soma at dawn, Rudra we will invoke at dawn.
We will invoke strong, early-conquering Bhaga, the Son of Aditi, the great supporter:
Thinking of whom, the poor, yea, even the mighty, even the King himself says, Give me Bhaga
To this our worship may all Dawns incline them, and come to the pure place like Dadhikrāvan.
As strong steeds draw a chariot may they bring us hitherward Bhaga who discovers treasure
May blessed Mornings dawn on us for ever, with wealth of kine, of horses, and of heroes,
Streaming with all abundance, pouring fatness. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.