Shlokam Org Agnisuktam
Shlokam Org Agnisuktam
Shlokam Org Agnisuktam
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ŏm āgnim-īille Purohitam ẏajnyasya de
̣ vam-ṟtvijam |
̣ tāram ṟatna-dh
ho ̣ ātamam ||1||
I glorify Agni, the high priest of sacri ce, the divine, the ministrant, who is the o erer and possessor of greatest
May that Agni, who is worthy to be praised by ancient and modern sages, gather the Gods here.
Through Agni, one gets lot of wealth that increases day by day. One gets fame and the best progeny.
O Agni, you are surrounding the non-violent sacri ce on all sides, that which indeed reaches (in) the gods.
May Agni, the sacri cer, one who possesses immense wisdom, he who is true, has most distinguished fame, is
divine, come hither with the gods.
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यद दाशषु े मे भं किरिस ।
तवेमिरः ॥६॥
ẏad-āngga dā
̣ śusse tvam-āgne
̣ Bhadram k͟harissyasi |
̣ at-Satyam-ānggirah
̣ ||6||
O Agni, whatever good you will do and whatever possessions you bestow (upon the worshipper), that, O Angiras,
is indeed your essence.
O Agni, the illuminer (dispeller) of darkness, we approach near thee (thy vicinity) with thought (willingness), day
by day, while bearing obeisance.
We approach thee, the shining (the radiant), the protector of noninjuring sacri ces, growing in your own
dwelling, the bright star of truth.
O Agni, be easily accesible to us, like a father to his son. Accompany us for our well being.
Agni Suktam is the rst hymn in the oldest of the vedas, the Rig Veda and is addressed to Agni, the re-god, who is
considered a cosmic power, who protects and guides human beings towards perfection.
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