Lecture5 PDF
Lecture5 PDF
Lecture5 PDF
Lecture 5
Catalytic Cracking: Fluid
Catalytic Cracking And
Catalytic cracking process was developed in1920 by Eugene Houdry for upgradation of residue
was commercialized latter in 1930. Houdry process was based on cyclic fixed bed configuration.
There has been continuous upgradation in catalytic in catalytic cracking process from its incept
of fixed bed technology to latter fluidized bed catalytic cracking (FCC).The feed stock for
catalytic cracking is normally light gas oil from vacuum distillation column. Catalytic cracking
cracks low value high molecular weight hydrocarbons to more value added products (low
molecular weight) like gasoline, LPG Diesel along with very important petrochemical feedstock
like propylene, C4 gases like isobutylene, Isobutane, butane and butane. Main Catalytic Cracking
Reaction is given in Table M-VI 5.1.
Cyclization Coke
Introduction of zeolite catalyst during 1960 which has resulted in lower residence time
Introduction of ultra stable Y-zeolite in mid 60’s
Switch over from bed cracking to riser cracking
Introduction of large number of additives for boosting of gasoline octane/yield of light
SOx control
Nickel and vanadium passivation
FCC is a multi-comp
ponent cataly
yst system with
w circulatiing fluid bedd reactor sysstem with reeactor
Regeneraator system configuratio
on. Figure M-VI
M 5.1 shhows details of FCC pprocess and FCC
Flue Gas
G Re
eactor vapors
Over head gasess
Process Air
Treated gas
Boiler Feed
Unsaturatted Gas
Cattalysis Main
Catalyst Fluid Cattalytic Column Heavy
Reg Cracking n
naphtha Gasoline
Process Air Regenerrated
Cycle Oil
gure M-VII 5.1: Fluiid Catalytiic Crackin
ng Processs and FCC
C Reactor
Vacuum gas oil (VGO), Hydro-treated VGO, Hydro-cracker bottom, Coker gas oil (CGO), De-
asphalted oil (DAO), Reduced crude oil (RCO), Vacuum residue (VR)
Typical feedstock consists of Vacuum and Atmosphere gas oil but may include other
heavy stream.
Major contaminant in the feed includes carbon residue and metals.
While FCC process feed containing up to 4% Conradson carbon MSCC can process all
kinds of feed.
Process Steps
Three basic functions in the catalytic cracking process are:
Reaction - Feedstock reacts with catalyst and cracks into different hydrocarbons;
Regeneration - Catalyst is reactivated by burning off coke; and recerculated to reactor
Fractionation - Cracked hydrocarbon stream is separated into various products like LPG and
gasoline, like light cycle oil and heavy cycle oil are withdrawn as side stream
Reactor and Regenerator Section: Catalyst section consists mainly of the reactor and
The feed to unit along with recycle streams is preheated to temperature of 365oC-370Oc
and enters the riser where it comes in contact with hot regenerated catalyst ( at a
temperature of about 640-660oC. Finely divided catalyst is maintained in an aerated or
fluidized state by the oil vapors.
The catalyst section contains the reactor and regenerator & catalyst re circulates between
the two.
Spent catalyst is regenerated to get rid of coke that collects on the catalyst during the
process. Spent catalyst flows through the catalyst stripper to the regenerator, where most
of the coke deposits burn off at the bottom where preheated air and spent catalyst are
mixed. Fresh catalyst is added and worn-out catalyst removed to optimize the cracking
Fractionation - Cracked hydrocarbon stream is separated into various products. LPG and gasile
are removed overhead as vpour. Unconverted product like light cycle oil and heavy cycle oil are
withdrawn as side stream. Overhead product is sent to stabilsation section where stablised
gasoline is separated from light products from which LPG is recovered.
Product Obtained
Light gas -H2, C1, and C2s
LPG C3s and C4s – includes light olefins
Gasoline C5+ high octane component for gasoline pool or light fuel
Light cycle oil (LCO) blend component for diesel pool or light fuel
Heavy cycle oil (HCO) Optional heavy cycle oil product for fuel oil or cutter stock
Clarified oil (CLO) or decant oil: slurry for fuel oil
Coke by-product consumed in the regenerator to provide the reactor heat demand
FCC Catalysts
Major breakthrough in the catalytic racking process was development zeolite catalysts which
demonstrated vastly superior activity, gasoline selectivity, and stability characteristics compared
to original amorphous silica alumina catalyst [Hemler & Smith, 2004].
Comprising Y zeolite in many derivatives of varying properties
Supplied under various grades of particle sizes & attrition resistance
Continuing improvement metal tolerance, coke selectivity
New bread of catalyst are high metal tolerance with high matrix catalyst having better
accessibility, regenerability and strippability [Ghosh, 2006]
Petro FCC Process
The Petro FCC process targets the production of petrochemical feedstock rather than fuel
products. This new process, which utilizes a uniquely designed FCC unit, can produce very high
yields of light olefins and aromatics when coupled with aromatics complex. The catalyst section
of the Petro FCC process uses a high-conversion, short-contact time reaction zone that operates
at elevated reactor riser outlet temperatures
Indmax Technology- Residue to Olefin was developed by IOC R&D center and has
been successfully commissioned in IOC Guwahati Unit [Bhatacharya, 2001]
Some of the special features of the technology are:
Operational features of Indmax technology
Very high cat/oil ratio(15-25)
Higher riser temperature (>5500 C)
Higher riser steam rate
Relatively lower regeneration temperature.
LPG 35-65 wt%
Propylene 17-25 wt% feed
High octane gasoline (95+)
Multifunctional proprietary catalyst
Higher propylene selectivity
Superior metal tolerance
Lower coke mate
The development of upgrading technology for heavier stocks having high sulfur, nitrogen and
heavy metal (Ni, V) are becoming important. Hydrocracking is one of the most versatile
processes for the conversion of low quality feed stocks into high quality products like gasoline,
naphtha, kerosene, diesel, and hydrowax which can be used as petrochemical feed stock. Its
importance is growing more as a refiners search for low investment option for producing clean
fuel. New environmental legislations require increasing and expensive efforts to meet stringent
product quality demands.
Hydrocracking processes uses a wide variety of feed stocks like naphtha, atmospheric gas oil,
vacuum gas oils, coke oils, catalytically cracked light and heavy cycle oil, cracked residue,
deasphalted oils and produces high quality product with excellent product quality with low sulfur
contents. Comparison of catalytic cracking and hydrocracking is given in Table M-VI 5.1.
The history of the hydrocracking process goes back to late 1920 when hydrocracking technology
for coal conversion was developed in Germany. During World War II, two stage hydrocracking
were applied in Germany, USA and Britain. However, real breakthrough in hydrocracking
process was with the development of improved catalyst due to which processing at lower
pressure. Hydrocracking can process wide variety of feedstocks producing wide range of
Feed: Straight run gas oil, Vacuum gas oils, Cycle oils, Coker Gas oils, thermally cracked
stocks, Solvent deasphalted residual oils, straight run naphtha, cracked naphtha.
Product: Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Motor gasoline, Reformer feeds, Aviation turbine
fuel, Diesel fuels, heating oils, Solvent and thinners, Lube oil, FCC feed
Table M-VI 5.1: Comparison of Catalytic Cracking and Hydrocracking
Catalytic Cracking Hydro-cracking
Carbon rejection Hydrogen addition
Riser-regenerator-configuration Downflow packed bed
LPG/gasoline Kerosene/diesel
Product rich in unsaturated components Few aromatics, low S- and N-content in
Hydrotreating (Pretreat) Catalyst
The main objective of pretreat catalyst is to remove organic nitrogen from the hydro cracker feed
(i) Better performance of second stage hydrocracking catalyst, and
(ii) The initiation of the sequence of hydrocracking reactions by saturation of aromatic
Pretreat catalyst must have adequate activity to achieve above objectives within the operating
limits of the hydrogen partial pressure, temperature and LHSV.
Hydrocracking Catalyst
Hydrocracking catalyst is a bi-functional catalyst and has a cracking function and hydrogenation-
dehydrogenation function. The former is provided by an acidic support whereas the latter is
imparted by metals. Acid sites (Crystalline zeolite, amorphous silica alumina, mixture of
crystalline zeolite and amorphous oxides) provide cracking activity. Metals [Noble metal (Pd, Pt)
or non noble metal sulphides (Mo, Wo or Co, Ni)] provide hydrogenation dehydrogenation
activity. These metals catalyze the hydrogenation of feedstocks making them more reactive for
cracking and hetero-atom removal as well reducing the coke rate
Zeolite based hydrocracking catalysts have following advantages of greater acidity resulting in
greater cracking activity; better thermal/hydrothermal stability; better naphtha selectivity; better
resistance to nitrogen and sulphur compounds; low coke forming tendency, and easy
In single stage process both treating and cracking steps are combined in a single reactor. Single
stage hydrocracking flow diagram is show in Figure M-VI 5.3[ Mall,2007].
In this process the feed along with recycle unconverted residue from the fractionator is first
hydro-treated in a reactor and then the combined stream gases are fed to second reactor where
cracking takes place in the presence of hydro-cracking catalyst.
In the single stage process the catalysts work under high H2S and NH3 partial pressure.
Gas to
Make up
amine LPG
Hydrogen Recycle treatment
D istilla tion
S tripp er
1st R e acto r
2 nd R ea ctor
S e pa ra tor
Furnace Diesel
Light Ends Recovery section
Preheated feed is first hydro treated in a reactor for desulphurization and denitrogenation in
presence of pretreat catalyst followed by hydrocracking in second reactor in presence of strongly
acidic catalyst with a relatively low hydrogenation activity. In the first stage reactor the sulphur
and nitrogen compounds are converted to hydrogen sulphide and ammonia with limited
hydrocarcking. The two stages process employs interstage product separation that removes H2S
and NH3. In case of two stage process, hydrocracking catalyst works under low H2S and NH3.
Process flow diagram for two stage hydrocracking process is shown in Figure M-VI 5.4 [ mall
Gas to amine
Reactor1 LPG
Reactor3 Gasoline
Hydrocracking process is a catalytic cracking process which takes place in the presence of an
elevated partial pressure of hydrogen and is facilitated by bio-functional catalyst having acidic
sites and metallic sites. During hydrocracking process hydrotreating reactions and hydrocracking
reactions are two major reactions which take place.
A typical hydrocracking reaction is as follows.
C22 H46 + H2 C16H34 + C6H14
Various hydrotreating reactions are hydrodesulphurization, denitrogenation, hydro
deoxygenation, hydro metallization, olefin hydrogenation partial aromatics saturation.
Various hydrocracking reactions are splitting of C-C bond and or C-C rearrangement reaction
(hydrisomerisation process) Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation catalyst.
Effect of Feedstock: a higher content of aromatic hydrocarbons requires higher pressure and
higher hydrogen/feed ratio, the lowest possible temperature and a higher hydrogen consumption
of hydrogen and the severity of the process
Effects of Feed Impurities: Hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen compounds and aromatic molecules
present in the feed affect the hydrocracking reactions. Increase in nitrogen result in lower
Ammonia inhibits the hydrocracking catalyst activity, requiring higher operating temperatures.
Polymeric compounds have substantial inhibiting and poisoning effects. Polynuclear aromatics
present in small amount in the residue deactivate the catalyst.
Effect of various parameters on catalyst life:
Variable Change Effect on catalyst life
Feed rate Increase-Decrease
Conversion Increase-Decrease
Hydrogen partial pressure Increase-Increase
Reactor pressure Increase-Increase
Recycle gas rate Increase -Increase
Recycle gas purity Increase -Increase
Catalyst activation may occur due to coke deposition and metal accumulation.
Coke Depositions may be due to condensation of poly-nuclear and olefinic compounds into high
molecular weight which cover active sites. Metal Accumulation occurs at the pore entrances or
near the outer surface of the catalyst
Catalyst regeneration is done by burning off the carbon, and sulphur and circulation of circulate
nitrogen with the recycle compressor, injecting a small quantity of air and maintaining catalyst
temperature above the coke ignition temperature.
1. Amano, T., Wilcox, J., Pouwels, C., “Process and catalysis factors to maximize propylene
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2. Debasis Bhattacharyya, “Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Process Fundamentals”, 6th Summer
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3. Ghosh, S “Fluid catalytic cracking: An overview & future scenario”, Indian Chemical
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4. Ghosh, S. “Recent advances in fluid catalytic cracking”, Petrotech society’s summer school
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5. Hemler, C.L. and Smith, L.F., “UOP fluid catalytic cracking Process” in Hand book of
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6. Letzsch, W., “Improve catalytic cracking to produce clean fuels”, Hydrocarbon processing
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7. Mall,I.D. “Petrochemical processes technology” First Edi., New Delhi, Macmillan India,
8. Raseev, S. “Hydrocracking in Thermal and Catalytic Processes in Petroleum refining”
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9. Verma, RP. “Hydroprocessing:Indian scenario” Indian Chemical Engineer Special issue,
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