Labyrinth Weirs: December 2010
Labyrinth Weirs: December 2010
Labyrinth Weirs: December 2010
Labyrinth Weirs
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1 author:
Brian Crookston
Utah State University
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Labyrinth Weirs
Brian Mark Crookston
Utah State University
Recommended Citation
Crookston, Brian Mark, "Labyrinth Weirs" (2010). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 802.
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_________________________ _________________________
Blake P. Tullis Michael C. Johnson
Major Professor Committee Member
_________________________ _________________________
Mac McKee Gary P. Merkley
Committee Member Committee Member
_________________________ _________________________
Steven L. Barfuss Byron R. Burnham
Committee Member Dean of Graduate Studies
Labyrinth Weirs
Labyrinth weirs are often a favorable design option to regulate upstream water
optimal design due to the complex flow characteristics and the many geometric design
variables of labyrinth weirs. This study was conducted to improve labyrinth weir design
and analyses techniques using physical-model-based data sets from this and previous
studies and by compiling published design methodologies and labyrinth weir information.
A method for the hydraulic design and analyses of labyrinth weirs is presented.
Discharge coefficient data for quarter-round and half-round labyrinth weirs are offered
for 6° ≤ sidewall angles ≤ 35°. Cycle efficiency is also introduced to aid in sidewall
angle selection. Parameters and hydraulic conditions that affect flow performance are
orientations are presented: Normal, Inverse, Projecting, Flush, Rounded Inlet, and Arced
cycle configuration. Discharge coefficients and rating curves as a function of HT/P are
offered. Finally, approaching flow conditions and geometric similitude are discussed;
hydraulic design tools are recommended to be used in conjunction with the hydraulic
with quarter- and half-round crests (6° ≤ sidewall angle ≤ 35°) are presented as a design
tool. This includes specified HT/P ranges, associated hydraulic behaviors, and nappe
instability phenomena. The effects of artificial aeration (a vented nappe) and aeration
devices (vents and nappe breakers) on discharge capacity are also presented. Nappe
interference for labyrinth weirs is defined; the effects of nappe interference on the
discharge capacity of a labyrinth weir cycle are discussed, including the parameterization
(222 pages)
This study was funded by the State of Utah; the support and efforts of Everett
Taylor and Mac McKee were indispensable, thank you both. I am also grateful for the
financial support of the Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, and the
I would like to express sincere gratitude to my advisor and friend, Dr. Blake P.
I also wish to thank the other members of my supervisory committee, Dr. Michael
C. Johnson, Dr. Mac McKee, Dr. Gary P. Merkley, and Steven L. Barfuss, for their
I wish to thank those at the Utah Water Research Laboratory who provided help
and assistance in a variety of ways: Alan Taylor, the “shop guys,” Zac Sharp (manager of
the Hydraulics Lab), and especially Ricky Anderson (fabrication and installation of the
Most of all, I am thankful for the support of my loving wife, Kelsi, our children,
and to God for the desire and ability to perform and complete this work.
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................................v
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1
Abstract ..........................................................................................67
Introduction ....................................................................................67
Flow Characteristics...........................................................69
Previous Studies .................................................................69
Experimental Method.....................................................................72
Experimental Results .....................................................................75
Abstract ..........................................................................................95
Introduction ....................................................................................95
Experimental Method...................................................................102
Experimental Results ...................................................................104
Abstract ........................................................................................123
Introduction ..................................................................................123
Experimental Method...................................................................131
Experimental Results ...................................................................134
Nappe Aeration Conditions..............................................134
Nappe Instability ..............................................................139
Artificial Nappe Aeration ................................................140
Nappe Interference ...........................................................140
Synopsis ...................................................................................................156
Chapter 2 – Background and Literature ...................................................156
Chapter 3 – Experimental Setup and Testing Procedures ........................156
Chapter 4 – Hydraulic Design and Analysis of Labyrinth Weirs ............157
Chapter 5 – Arced and Linear Labyrinth Weirs in a Reservoir
Application .............................................................................................159
Chapter 6 – Nappe Aeration, Nappe Instability, and Nappe
Interference for Labyrinth Weirs ...........................................................160
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................163
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................168
Table Page
4-3 Curve-fit coefficients for half-round labyrinth and linear weirs ............................78
4-8 Comparison between the proposed design method and results obtained
from hydraulic model tests for labyrinth weir prototypes .....................................92
Figure Page
2-5 Efficacy (ε) vs. α for quarter-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, data set
from this study .......................................................................................................18
2-6 Flow efficiency (ε’) of half-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs; data set
from Willmore (2004) ............................................................................................19
2-12 Linear and arced (fully projecting) labyrinth weir cycle configurations, flush,
partially projecting, normal, and inverse orientations ...........................................27
2-14 Full-width model of Lake Brazos labyrinth spillway in Waco, Texas, USA ........36
3-1 Outside view of the Utah Water Research laboratory main building and
the primary hydraulics testing bay within ..............................................................44
3-2 Rectangular flume test facility ...............................................................................45
3-7 4-in and 8-in supply piping and orifice plates for the reservoir test facility ..........50
3-8 20-in supply piping and orifice plate for the reservoir test facility........................50
3-10 Stilling well used for the rectangular flume facility ..............................................52
3-11 Stilling well used for the reservoir test facility ......................................................53
3-12 Carriage and point gauge system in the rectangular flume ....................................53
3-13 Straight and hooked point gauges for nappe profiling ...........................................54
3-14 Velocity field mapping with 2-D acoustic Doppler velocimeter ...........................54
3-15 Flow pattern and direction observations with the dye wand..................................55
3-16 The joint between the ½ apex (to be attached to flume wall) and the weir
sidewall of the 2-cycle, 6° half-round labyrinth weir ............................................57
3-17 Physical model cycle configurations, weir orientations and placements ...............58
3-18 Aeration tube apparatus for N = 2 (A) and nappe breakers located on the
downstream apex (B) and on the sidewall (C) .......................................................59
3-19 Example schematic of standardized layout for arced labyrinth weirs ...................60
3-21 Tailwater submergence for the 10° half-round trapezoidal labyrinth weir ............63
3-24 Physical representation of Bint in plan-view (A) and (C) and profile view (B) and
(D) for nappe interference regions, including reference grid ................................66
4-6 Nappe flow conditions: clinging (A), aerated (B), partially aerated (C),
and drowned (D) ....................................................................................................80
4-8 Cycle efficiency vs. HT/P for quarter-round labyrinth weirs .................................86
4-9 Cycle efficiency vs. HT/P for half-round labyrinth weirs ......................................87
5-9 Examples of surface turbulence (A) and (B), and local submergence (C) ..........115
5-10 A labyrinth weir with the Flush orientation (A) and a Rounded Inlet (B) ...........116
6-2 Collision of nappes from adjacent sidewalls and the apex ..................................126
6-3 The effects of nappe interference: standing waves (A), wakes and
air bulking (B), and local submergence (C) .........................................................127
6-4 Example of nappe interference regions for an aerated nappe at low HT/P ..........129
6-6 Aeration tube apparatus for N = 2 (A) and nappe breakers located on the
downstream apex (B) and on the sidewall (C) .....................................................133
6-7 Clinging nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth weir,
half-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.196 .....................................................134
6-8 Aerated nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth weir,
quarter-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.202 ................................................135
6-9 Partially aerated nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth
weir, half-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.296 ............................................135
6-10 Drowned nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth weir,
quarter-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.604 ................................................136
6-11 Nappe aeration and instability conditions for labyrinth weirs with a
quarter-round crest ...............................................................................................137
6-12 Nappe aeration and instability conditions for labyrinth weirs with a
half-round crest ....................................................................................................138
6-13 Physical representation of Bint in plan-view (A) and profile view (B) for
nappe interference regions ...................................................................................142
6-14 Bint for quarter-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, 6°≤ α ≤ 35° ...........................143
6-15 Bint for half-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, 6°≤ α ≤ 35° ................................144
a Acceleration
α Sidewall angle
Cd-m Average discharge coefficient for the disturbed area of a corner weir
E Effectiveness (%)
ε Efficacy
ε’ Cycle efficiency
Fr Froude number
k Apex constant
Lm Length of model
Lp Length of prototype
µ Dynamic viscosity
ν Kinematic viscosity
P Weir height
p Gauge pressure, point location denoted with subscript (e.g., p1, p2)
Peffective Effective increase in weir height caused by sharp or flat crested weirs
Re Reynolds number
ρ Density of water
S Submergence level
σ Surface tension
t Time
V Volume
W Width of channel
We Weber number
y Flow depth
y90 90% local air concentration characteristic flow depth
civilization. As infrastructure ages and development continues, the need for hydraulic
structures continues. With regards to spillways, many are found to require rehabilitation
or replacement due to a greater emphasis placed on dam safety and from revised and
increased probable maximum flood flows. Weirs are a common and useful hydraulic
structure for a wide range of applications (e.g., canals, ponds, rivers, reservoirs, and
others). Many existing spillways utilize a type of weir as the flow control structure.
The flow capacity of a weir is largely governed by the weir length and crest
shape. A labyrinth weir (see Fig. 1-1) is a linear weir folded in plan-view; these
structures offer several advantages when compared to linear weir structures. Labyrinth
weirs provide an increase in crest length for a given channel width, thereby increasing
flow capacity for a given upstream head. As a result of the increased flow capacity, these
weirs require less free board in the upstream reservoir than linear weirs, which facilitates
flood routing and increases reservoir storage capacity under base flow conditions (weir
height may be increased). In addition to spillways, labyrinth weirs are also effective drop
structures, energy dissipaters, and flow aeration control structures (Wormleaton and
Labyrinth weirs are often a favorable design option to regulate upstream water
elevations and increase flow capacity (e.g., spillways); nevertheless, it can be difficult to
engineer an optimal design for a specific location because there are limited design data
for the many geometric design variables. The objective of this research was to improve
labyrinth weir design and analyses techniques using physical-model based data sets from
this and previous studies, and by compiling published design methodologies and weir
There is a large amount of information that has been published on labyrinth weirs.
There are a number of studies that present a hydraulic design method or design curves
(e.g., Hay and Taylor 1970; Darvas 1971; Lux 1984, 1989; Lux and Hinchliff 1985;
Magalhães and Lorena 1989; and Tullis et al. 1995) and unique insights have been gained
from case studies [e.g., Avon Spillway (Darvas 1971), Brazos Spillway (Tullis and
Young, 2005), Dog River Dam (Savage et al. 2004), Hyrum Dam (Houston 1982), Lake
Townsend Dam (Tullis and Crookston 2008), Prado Spillway (Copeland and Fletcher
2000), Standley Lake (Tullis 1993), Weatherford Reservoir (Tullis 1992), and Ute Dam
(Houston 1982)] where physical models were used to design prototype labyrinth weirs.
However, after conducting a thorough review of literature and discussing this topic with
experts, the author identified numerous aspects of labyrinth weir behavior and design that
Research Objectives
• Present design information for nappe aeration conditions, nappe instability, and
artificial aeration with respect to labyrinth weir geometry and flow conditions.
• Examine the concept of nappe interference and how it influences the discharge
capacity of labyrinth weirs. The location and size of nappe interference regions
over time.
weir nomenclature and terminology. This includes new terms and definitions
• Clearly present and make readily available the results of this study so that they
This dissertation follows the multi-paper format, which means that the results are
(Chapters 4-6). Because of the page limits associated with peer-reviewed journals,
additional chapters were added (Chapters 2 and 3) to allow for a more complete
accounting of the findings of this study. The final chapter of this dissertation (Chapter 7)
contains summaries of Chapters 2-3 and the contributions and conclusions of Chapters 4-
Labyrinth Weirs
A weir is a simple device that has been used for centuries to regulate discharge
and upstream water depths and to measure flow rates. Weirs have been implemented in
streams, canals, rivers, ponds, and reservoirs. There are many weir geometries and,
therefore, types of weirs; a labyrinth weir is a linear weir that is folded in plan-view.
This is done to increase the length of the weir relative to the channel or spillway width,
thereby increasing the flow capacity of the structure over a linear weir for a given driving
head. Other similar weirs or specific labyrinth-type weir designs are: skewed or oblique
weirs (Kabiri-Samani 2010; Noori and Chilmeran 2005), duck-bill weirs (Khatsuria et al.
1988), piano-key weirs (Ribeiro et al. 2007; Laugier 2007; Lempérière and Ouamane
2003), and fuse gates (developed by HydroPlus®, Falvey and Treille 1995).
weirs; however, there are three general classifications based upon cycle shape: triangular,
trapezoidal, and rectangular (Fig. 2-1). Triangular and trapezoidal shaped labyrinth
cycles are more efficient than rectangular labyrinth weir cycles, based on a discharge per
unit length comparison. The geometric parameters associated with labyrinth weir
Labyrinth weirs have been of interest to engineers and researchers for many years
because of their hydraulic behavior. A labyrinth weir provides an increase in crest length
for a given channel width, thereby increasing flow capacity for a given upstream water
elevation. Therefore, labyrinth weirs maintain a more constant upstream depth and
require less free board than linear weirs. For example, a labyrinth spillway can satisfy
increased flood routing requirements and increase reservoir storage under base flow
to flow control structures, labyrinth weirs have also been found to be effective flow
Analytical Approach
mathematically. Because the flow passing over a labyrinth weir is three-dimensional and
passes through a critical-flow section, a mathematical derivation must take into account:
energy, momentum, continuity, non-parallel streamlines, pressure under the nappe, the
dynamics of the air cavity behind the nappe (including the absence of one), nappe
apply a weir discharge equation with empirically determined coefficients, which are
Eq. (2-1) is a general equation for linear weirs, and was adopted by Tullis et al.
2 32
Q = Cd L 2 g H T (2-1)
gravity, and HT is the total head on the crest. This equation is derived by assuming:
tension, etc.), atmospheric pressures behind the nappe, assumes hydrostatic pressures,
and horizontal and parallel stream lines at the crest. With these assumptions, the energy
equation [Eq. (2-2)] and the continuity equation [Eq. (2-3)] are as follows:
2 2
p1 v p v
+ 1 + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 (2-2)
γ 2g γ 2g
Q = v1 y1 = ∫ v 2 Ldh (2-3)
In Eqs. (2-2) and (2-3), p is the gage pressure, γ is the unit weight of water, v is a
velocity, z is the elevation above an arbitrary datum, y is a depth, and h is the depth from
the streamline to the water surface. The subscripts refer to a point location along a
Applying Eq. (2-2) from point 1 to point 2 results in Eq. (2-4); simplifying and
2 2
v v
h+P+ 1 =h+P− y+ 2 (2-4)
2g 2g
v2 = 2 g y + (2-5)
2 g
Substituting Eq. (2-5) into Eq. (2-3) and integrating yields Eq. (2-6).
3 3
2 v
2 2
v12 2
Q = L 2 g h + 1 − (2-6)
3 2g 2g
Due to the assumptions made in the derivation (ideal fluid, horizontal nappe flow,
etc.), a discharge coefficient is added to Eq. (2-6) to correct the flow rate to match
experimental results. Also, a slight simplification is commonly made, which results in
Similarity Relationships
Concepts and Practice (ASCE 2000) was referenced for the following discussion.
The first requirement of similitude is that the model be a scaled geometric replica
of the prototype. Geometric scaling of length (L), area (A), and volume (V) are presented
in Eqs. (2-7), (2-8), and (2-9), respectively. The subscripts r, m, and p denote scaling
Lr = (2-7)
Ar = Lr (2-8)
Vr = L r (2-9)
Kinematic similitude requires the scaling of velocity (v) and acceleration (a) at
corresponding points in the model and prototype. Eqs. (2-10) – (2-12) present the scaling
tr = (2-10)
vr = (2-11)
Lr vr
ar = = (2-12)
Dynamic similitude maintains a constant ratio of forces, which, for example, can
include inertia, pressure, gravity, friction, and surface tension. The mass (M) scaling
ratio, and six forces that act on a fluid particle are presented in Eqs. (2-13) – (2-19).
M r = ρ rVr = ρ r Lr (2-13)
F g = γV (2-15)
Fp = pA Pressure (2-16)
Fσ = σL (2-17)
Surface Tension
Fν = µ A Viscous (2-18)
FE = EV A Elastic (2-19)
that are relevant to free-surface flows over labyrinth weirs (HT is used as the
Fr = Froude number (2-20)
Re = Reynolds number (2-21)
ρv L
We = = Weber number (2-22)
parameters (e.g., Froude number and Reynolds number) simultaneously to scale a model
(e.g., if Fr-m = Fr-p then Re-m ≠ Re-p for a given location). However, the geometric scale
of a physical model may be determined to minimize the effects of a particular force. For
example, ASCE (2000) states that the effects of surface tension on spillways are
negligible for We ≥ 100. A physical model of a spillway could use Fr similitude, yet the
geometric scale should be sufficiently large so that We ≥ 100, making the effects of
surface tension negligible. However, in general We and Re limits are not well established
The percent uncertainty for each calculated discharge coefficient (wCd) was
calculated following the procedure outlined by Kline and McClintock, (1953). After
determining individual parameter uncertainties and taking partial derivatives, Eq. (2-23)
was used to determine the uncertainty of Cd; the % difference is presented as wCd/Cd. The
VB code was used in an excel macro, for which the details are not shown here, and is
presented in Appendices C and D for the rectangular flume and reservoir facilities,
wQ 2 − wL 2
− 27 wHT
wCd = + c
+ 2-23
Q Lc 8H T
Labyrinth Weir Parameters
engineers in the optimization and design of labyrinth weirs. The following section
discusses the influence each parameter has on the discharge capacity of a labyrinth weir,
There are instances where researchers use different names to refer to a parameter,
Headwater Ratio (HT/P). The headwater ratio is the total head (HT = h+V2/2g),
measured relative to the weir crest elevation, immediately upstream of the weir over the
weir height (P). It is dimensionless and is commonly used on the abscissa of a plot that
with HT/P becomes apparent when plotting data from two labyrinth weirs that have
Several researchers have recommended an upper limit of HT/P for labyrinth weirs
(Hay and Taylor 1970; Lux 1989) based upon declining hydraulic efficiency noted in
their experimental results. However, the upper limit of 0.9 presented by Tullis et al.
(1995) is solely based upon the limit of the experimental results. Although labyrinth
weirs are typically design for HT/P ≤ 0.9, engineers may be interested in the hydraulic
Cycle Width Ratio (w/P). The cycle width ratio (previously referred to as the
vertical aspect ratio) was considered by Taylor (1968) to influence nappe interference.
He recommended that w/P should be greater than 2.0. Design recommendations were
also made by Tullis et al. (1995) (3.0 ≤ w/P ≤ 4.0), Magalhães and Lorena (1989) (w/P ≥
2.5) and Lux (1989) (w/P ≥ 2.0). Furthermore, Lux found from his experiments that the
discharge coefficient decreased as w/P decreased. To correlate these findings with Cd,
w/P was incorporated into the discharge equation Lux proposed for triangular and
disturbance length that accurately describes the crest length affected by colliding nappes
would be a more direct parameter to evaluate nappe interference. Also, the influence of
Relative Thickness Ratio (P/tw). In practice, the minimum required wall thickness
would be determined from a structural design and analysis of the weir walls. Hydraulic
guidance has been given based upon the geometries of the physical models tested. For
example, Tullis et al. (1995) presents P/tw = 6, models tested by Willmore (2004)
Crookston 2008) was constructed with P/tw = 13.3. P/tw was previously designated as the
At the laboratory scale, sharp-crested weirs of varying P/tw have similar values of
Cd for a given HT/P. However, half-round and quarter-round crests have different Cd
values for corresponding HT/P. At low heads this may be due to scale effects and may be
HT/Rcrest. Matthews (1963) studied the effects of curvature on weirs with a round-crest
and concluded that weirs with a small radius of curvature would have a larger Cd than
weirs with a large radius of curvature, at a given head. A discharge rating curve for half-
rounded weirs was presented as HT/Rcrest vs. Cd by Rouvé and Indlekofer (1974).
Currently, Cd values provided with labyrinth weir design methods for round-crested (e.g.,
quarter-round, half-round, Ogee, WES or truncated Ogee, etc.) weirs include the effects
of HT/Rcrest inherent with the physical models tested; however, no method for labyrinth
weirs was found in published literature to adjust Cd for larger or smaller values of Rcrest.
The flow pattern of the nappe and the presence/behavior of the air cavity behind
the nappe are influenced by HT/Rcrest. Babb (1976) explored this relationship when
conducting model studies for Boardman Labyrinth Spillway; however, more research is
Sidewall Angle (α) / Magnification Ratio (M). α refers to the angle (in degrees)
formed by the sidewall of a labyrinth relative to the cycle center line, see Fig. 2-1. M is
defined as Lc-cycle/w, or the ratio of the center-line length of a weir crest for a single cycle
= L/W. M and α are related geometrically by Eq. (2-24) for trapezoidal labyrinth weirs
( w − 2 Ac )
sin (α ) = trapezoidal (2-24)
(Lc−cycle − 2 Ac )
sin(α ) = triangular (2-25)
In Eq. (2-24), α is in degrees, Ac is the centerline length of the apex, and Lc-cycle =
Apex Ratio (A/w). A refers to the inside apex length of a labyrinth weir, as shown
in Fig. 2-2. Apexes are commonly used to facilitate constructability of concrete labyrinth
structures with a smooth transition at the upstream apex (e.g., triangular labyrinth weirs,
piano-key weirs) are slightly more efficient than the abrupt transition typically found on
evidence of this zone is easily detectable with dye, fine sediment, or simply observing the
Two recent labyrinth weir installations feature atypical apexes. The efficiency of
Brazos Dam (Tullis and Young 2005) was increased by creating a relatively smooth
transition by rounding the apexes, as shown in Fig. 2-4. Also, the apexes of Boyd Lake
Spillway (Loveland, Colorado, USA) were notched to confine base-flow discharges and
facilitate flood routing (Brinker 2005). Base-flow discharges can also be confined by
However, it is does not play a critical role in design optimization. The Tullis et al. (1995)
design method sizes A as tw ≤ A ≤ 2tw. A/w is the result of the optimizing L, α, and N in
an available spillway footprint and the structural requirements of the weir (e.g., tw).
weir to that of a linear weir. It incorporates sidewall angle and magnification, and is
C d (α o )
ε= M (2-26)
C d (90o )
Families of HT/P curves are plotted as α vs. ε (see Fig. 2-5) to aid in sidewall
angle selection for a particular design head. According to Falvey (2003), ε is greatest for
all values of HT/P for an 8° quarter-round trapezoidal labyrinth. He based his analysis on
data from Tullis et al. (1995), which contains incorrect and less efficient α = 6° for HT/P
trapezoidal labyrinth weir data from this study, which clearly shows an increasing trend
in ε with decreasing values of α. Due to the requirement of linear weir data (Cd = 90°),
HT/P = 1.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
α (°)
Cycle Efficiency (ε’). Cycle efficiency, ε’, was developed by Willmore (2004) as
a simple method for optimizing a labyrinth weir design, which is particularly useful for
ε ′ = Cd (α )M
o (2-27)
Families of α curves are plotted as ε’ vs. HT/P to quickly view the hydraulic
performance of labyrinth weirs of different sidewall angles (see Fig. 2-6). As shown, ε’
appears to converge to a value of ~1.0 for all sidewall angles with increasing head.
Crest Shape. The shape of a weir crest can have a significant influence on the
hydraulic efficiency of a labyrinth weir. Examples of six crest shape definitions are
presented in Fig. 2-7. The most hydraulically efficient crest shape that has been
7-degree HR
8-degree HR
10-degree HR
3.5 12-degree HR
15-degree HR
3.0 20-degree HR
ε' = Cd*Lc-ycle/w
35-degree HR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
constructed was an ogee-type crest (Willmore 2004); the leading radius is 1/3tw, and the
trailing radius is 2/3tw. The improved hydraulic efficiency is due to the structure
approximating the underside of the nappe profile. Half-round and ogee-type crest shapes
are also more efficient because these geometries allow the nappe to cling to the
between the weir wall and nappe. An abrupt or sharp leading edge of a crest is less
Using HT/P to compare different crest shape data requires special consideration
weirs the nappe springs from the leading edge of the crest and causes an effective
over a weir in a converging flow situation (e.g., in the vicinity of the upstream apex of a
labyrinth weir cycle). The discharge over one weir wall interacts with and potentially
submergence effects. For a trapezoidal labyrinth weir, the nappes from the sidewall not
only collide, but also interact with the nappe of the apex. An example of colliding nappes
near an upstream apex is shown in Fig. 2-9. Nappe collision is also dependent on the
nappe aeration condition and therefore the area of collision does not increase linearly
labyrinth weir. Maintaining a constant length, the spillway footprint can be reduced by
labyrinth of equal length due to the increase in the number of apexes and consequently
the length of weir crest being affected by colliding nappes. This concept is demonstrated
in Fig. 2-10.
studying sharp-crested corner weirs (α = 23.4°, 31°, 44.8°, 61.7°). A corner weir can be
perpendicular to each sidewall. Indlekofer and Rouvé divided the corner weir into two
flow regions: a disturbed region where the flow from each sidewall converges (colliding
nappes) and a second region where the flow streamlines are perpendicular to the sidewall
The length of the crest within the disturbed area was defined as Ld. By comparing
the efficiency of a corner weir to a linear weir, an average discharge coefficient for the
disturbed area, Cd-m; a theoretical disturbance length, LD; and an empirical discharge
relationship were developed [Eq. (6-2)]. Cd-m represents the efficiency of a corner weir
relative to a linear weir (Cd-m = Cd-corner / Cd(90°)). Applying the linear weir discharge
coefficient, Cd(90°), to the corner weir, LD represents the theoretical portion of crest length
3Q 1 1
Ld = Lc(α ° ) − = LD
2Cd( 90° ) 2 g hm 1 − Cd − m
3 2
1 − Cd − m
In Eq. (2-28) hm is the head upstream of the weir as defined by Indlekofer and
Rouvé (1975); hm represents a specific upstream depth and includes two velocity
labyrinth weir models. Using corner weir data, Falvey developed an empirical LD
available labyrinth weir experimental data. Falvey does not, however, give a
Based on an analysis of Tullis et al. (1995) labyrinth weir discharge rating curves, Falvey
proposes a design limit of LD / lc ≤ 0.35 (35% or less of weir length is ineffective), where
lc is the weir sidewall length. For corner weirs and triangular labyrinth weirs, lc = Lc-cycle /
2; for trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, Lc-cycle / 2 = lc+Ac. Falvey also states that additional
research is needed, including ascertaining the validity of Eq. (2-30). In Eq. (2-30), HT/P
is the headwater ratio (total upstream head over the weir height).
= 6.1e− 0.052α ° α ≥ 10° (2-29)
LD = lc 0.224 ln T + (0.94 − 0.03α °) α ≤ 20° and HT/P ≥ 0.1 (2-30)
The work of Indlekofer and Rouvé (1975) provides some insights for labyrinth
weir nappe interference; however, flow efficiency is also influenced by the approach flow
streamlines orientation as they pass over the weir sidewall and local submergence. The
streamlines are generally not perpendicular to a labyrinth weir crest, except at very low
heads, as the streamline trajectory deviates more and more from perpendicular as HT
increases. Falvey (2003) expressed the need for additional labyrinth weir nappe
into this concept, as applied to half-round labyrinth weirs, and concluded that a more
Nappe Aeration. Nappe aeration refers to the presence or absence of an air cavity
behind the nappe; structures can be used that ‘artificially’ aerate the nappe, creating a
‘vented’ condition. This study defines the nappe aeration conditions of labyrinth weirs
as: Clinging, Aerated, Partially Aerated, and Drowned; however, other terms can be
found in literature. For example, Falvey (2003) refers to four nappe aeration conditions
(termed crest flow conditions) and are: Pressure, Atmospheric, Cavity, and
Subatmospheric. Lux (1989) refers to aerated, transitional (unstable air cavity), and
suppressed (solid water flow at high head) aeration condition. This study also identifies
an unstable nappe condition, which refers to a nappe with an oscillating trajectory that is
Nappe aeration conditions are a function of crest shape, velocity head, turbulence,
and tailwater elevation adjacent to the labyrinth sidewalls. Venting the nappe to the
atmosphere, or artificial aeration, can stabilize the pressures behind the nappe and
therefore may aid in stabilizing an unstable or oscillating nappe and may decrease
vibrations and noise (Naudascher and Rockwell 1994). It should be noted that nappe
vibration is not generally caused or remedied by nappe aeration conditions (Falvey 1980).
Artificial aeration can be accomplished with nappe breakers (also called splitter
piers) that are placed on top of the crest, or with vents (e.g., circular conduits). Hinchliff
approximately 10% of the sidewall length (lc) from the downstream apex, based upon
research conducted for Ute and Hyrum Dams. However, there was no other information
found in published literature to design, configure, locate, or size nappe breakers and vents
for neither labyrinth weirs nor the conditions for which they are effective with respect to
labyrinth weir cycles follow a linear configuration [e.g., Lake Townsend (Tullis and
Crookston 2008), Bartletts Ferry (Mayer 1980)]; however, curved or arced labyrinth
weirs have also been constructed [e.g., Avon (Darvas 1971), Kizilcapinar (Yildiz and
Uzecek 1996), and Weatherford (Tullis 1992). Arced labyrinth configurations increase
efficiency by orienting the cycle to take advantage of the converging nature of the
Houston (1983) conducted a study of Hyrum Dam where the test program
included various weir orientations and placements of the labyrinth weir relative to the
reservoir discharge channel (normal, inverse, flush, and partially projecting) of the two-
cycle labyrinth weir. Examples of linear and arced cycle configurations, and four general
Houston (1983) found that for channelized approach flow conditions, the normal
orientation had 3.5% greater discharge than the inverse orientation, and partially
projecting increased discharge by 10.4% when compared to flush with intake. It should
be noted that curved guide walls or a rounded inlet were used immediately upstream of
the labyrinth, and that the results of this study may be limited because the weir was
comprised of only two cycles. Additional research is needed to provide design guidance
for labyrinth orientations and placements (including N ≥ 2), primarily because current
flumes). At present, there is no design information available for arced labyrinth weirs.
Fig. 2-12. Linear and arced (fully projecting) labyrinth cycle configurations, flush,
rounded inlet, inverse, and normal orientations
Early Investigations
Two studies were conducted that provided initial insights into labyrinth weir
behavior. However, due to the limited scope of each study, there were insufficient data
for general labyrinth weir design.
Gentilini (1940) published a study based upon previous work on oblique weirs by
placing multiple oblique weirs together to form triangular labyrinth weirs. The sharp-
crested weirs were tested at three sidewall angles (α=30°, 45°, and 60°) and relatively
small w/P ratios. Due to the large operating head (compared to cycle width), Gentilini’s
results were found to be dependent on w/P and were presented as a function of h/w.
Kozák and Sváb (1961) tested eleven different trapezoidal labyrinth weirs (tw=6-
mm) with a flat-topped crest with both edges chamfered. The tested weirs had the
following parameter ranges: 0.05 ≤ h/P ≤ 0.25, 5.7° ≤ α ≤ 20.6°, 1.23 ≤ Lc-cycle/w ≤ 4.35,
1.15 ≤ w/P ≤ 4.61. Kozák and Sváb concluded that the discharge capacity of labyrinth
weirs is appreciably greater than a linear weir operating under the same head. They also
concluded that a larger number of small cycles are more efficient and economical than a
labyrinth weir of equivalent length composed of fewer cycles. It is important to note that
this study was conducted for small operating heads where discharge capacity is not
A summary of the tested labyrinth weir parameters from the design methods
labyrinth weirs along with a limited number of trapezoidal and rectangular weirs. Two
crest shapes were investigated, sharp-crested and half-round, and Taylor also explored
four sloped apron configurations. The weirs were tested for 0.05 ≤ h/P ≤ 0.55. Hay and
Table 2-1. Summary of labyrinth weir parameters from design methods
QLab/QLin (Labyrinth weir discharge / Linear weir discharge) vs. h/P. They present
Effectiveness (E) to determine the advantages gained from an increase in crest length,
QLab QLin
E (%) = *100 (2-31)
channel-bed elevation, aprons, and general nappe interference. However, the authors
neglected the velocity component in the driving head (results limited to channels and not
including V2/2g) and concluded that discharge is relatively independent of w/P. They
suggest using maximum possible values for α and recommend triangular labyrinth weirs.
Hay and Taylor (1970) discouraged the use of labyrinth weirs where they would operate
under submerged conditions or with a high tailwater that would remove the aeration
Darvas (1971)
accompany a design chart. His approach utilizes HT, and introduced Cd-Darvas, a
C d − Darvas = 3
WH T 2
Results are presented as Cd-Darvas vs. Lc-cycle/w, and include a family of HT/P design
curves (0.2 ≤ HT/P ≤ 0.6) for trapezoidal labyrinth weirs without aprons, and w/P ≥ 2.
The supporting data for this design method are limited to a large quarter-round (Rcrest =
tw) crest shape and are based upon physical model studies of Avon Dam (α = 22.8°) and
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation conducted flume studies of labyrinth weirs to aid
in the design of Ute Dam; the design was beyond the scope of Hay and Taylor (1970) and
attributed to variation in upstream head definition [h, Hay and Taylor (1970), HT, USBR]
developed based on the results of the Ute Dam and Hyrum Dam model studies; including
rating curve data presented in a form consistent with Hay and Taylor (1970). As
previously mentioned, the information regarding weir placement provided new insights in
Lux and Hinchliff (1985) and Lux (1984, 1989) presented a different discharge
coefficient Cd-Lux, which included the vertical aspect ratio (w/P) and a shape constant (k)
to determine the discharge of a single labyrinth cycle (Qcycle), presented as Eq. (2-33).
Cd − Lux = (2-33)
wP 32
w g HT
w P+k
weirs, the inclusion of w/P complicates the weir equation, especially with the design
limitation of w/P ≥ 2.0. Similar parameter limits have been prescribed by other design
Magalhães and Lorena (1989) developed curves similar to Darvas (1970) for a
truncated ogee crest-shaped labyrinth weir crest (referred to as a “WES”) and present a
Cd −M &L = 32
W 2g HT
Eq. (2-34) is similar to the standard weir equation [Eq. (2-1)] without the 2/3 term
and the channel width (W) instead of crest length (Lc) is the selected characteristic length.
Experimental results obtained in this study were systematically lower than those of
Darvas (1971). This design method includes a comparison of predicted Cd-M&L from their
study to values predicted by Darvas (1971) and computed Cd-M&L from six other hydraulic
Lisbon, Portugal (Harrezza, Keddara, Dungo, São Domingos, Alijó, and Gema). This
additional information gives confidence in a design method, and this validation technique
has since been used, for example, by Tullis et al. (1995), Falvey (2003), and by the author
of this dissertation.
Tullis et al. (1995) made a minor adjustment to the conventional weir equation to
C d −Tullis = 32
2 2 g Le H T
weir length, Le. This method is based upon research conducted by Amanian (1987),
Waldron (1994), and a model study for Standley Lake (Tullis 1993). Labyrinth weir
discharge coefficient data are presented as Cd-Tullis vs. HT/P, with the data segregated by
weir sidewall angle (α). The discharge coefficient of a linear weir was also included for
comparison. The data were fit with eight regression equations (quartic polynomials).
Also, the findings of Amanian (1987) for labyrinth weirs oriented at an angle (β) to the
design method as a spreadsheet program used to optimize a labyrinth weir design. This
approach may be partially responsible for the widespread use of this design method in the
USA. For example, the Tullis et al. (1995) design method was used (as presented by
Falvey 2003) to design the emergency labyrinth spillway (59-cycles, α = 8°) for Boyd
Lake, located in Loveland, Colorado, USA (Brinker 2005). The spillway width is nearly
400-m, the labyrinth weir length is ~2.3-km, and has a maximum discharge capacity of
1,200 cms.
The method’s support data are, however, limited to labyrinth weirs with quarter-
round crest shapes (Rcrest=tw/2), α ≤ 18°, and 3 ≤ w/P ≤ 4. Willmore (2004) corrected a
minor error in the Tullis et al. (1995) method associated with computing Le. Willmore
also found the α = 8° data to be in error. A closer examination of the discharge data for
HT/P ≤ 0.2 reveals disorderly Cd-Tullis values. Also, the Cd-Tullis values for α = 6° are
significantly lower than the other curves; additional investigations at the UWRL found
higher Cd values that are much closer to the other labyrinth weir coefficient curves.
Based upon their study of a single-cycle labyrinth weir located in a channel with
converging walls, Melo et al. (2002) further developed the methodology of Magalhães
and Lorena (1989) by adding an adjustment parameter, kθ-CW, shown in Eq. (2-36). This
design method presents kθ-CW as a function of θCW (0° – 90°) to include the effect of
converging channel walls (1.0 ≤ kθ-CW ≤ 1.4), which increase labyrinth weir efficiency by
directing a larger upstream flow area into a labyrinth weir cycle (converging flow) and
improving the orientation of the flow lines to the labyrinth weir sidewall (closer to
Cd −M &L = 32
kθ −CW W 2 g H T
Tullis, Young, and Chandler (2007)
Previous to the Tullis et al. (2007) study, the linear weir submergence method
developed by Villemonte (1947) was commonly applied to labyrinth weirs for lack of a
head relationship for labyrinth weirs that is simple to solve and has an average predictive
error of 0.9%, shown as Eqs. (2-37)-(2-39). The procedure is iterative; the author of this
dissertation has modified the presentation to facilitate graphical solutions of this method,
4 2
H* H H H
= 0.0322 d + 0.2008 d + 1 0 ≤ d ≤ 1.53 (2-37)
H* H H
= 0.9379 d + 0.2174 1.53 ≤ d ≤ 3.5 (2-38)
H* = Hd 3.5 ≤ d (2-39)
weir, HT is the total upstream head on an unsubmerged labyrinth weir (same Q associated
This method for evaluating labyrinth submergence has been verified by Lopes et
al. (2009), who studied α = 12° and 30° labyrinth weirs in a sloped and horizontal
S 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
weir (22.5° ≤ α ≤ 75°) used as a side or lateral weir in straight channels (side-channel
application). The water surface profiles, velocity profiles, upstream Froude numbers (Fr)
and discharge coefficients (Cd-side) were presented as Cd-side vs. Fr and Cd-side vs. P/h. The
18.6 − 23.535 + 6.769 −
w L
C d − side = (2-40)
0.502 P + 0.094 sin (2α ) − 0.393Fr 2.155
Design methods are useful tools for predicting and extrapolating the hydraulic
performance of case-specific labyrinth weir models and prototype structures. A physical
model study is particularly useful when a specific labyrinth weir configuration, operating
Also, a physical model study is a useful tool for refining and finalizing a labyrinth weir
design, and has the potential to significantly reduce estimated construction costs. An
example is Lake Brazos Dam; a photo of the full-width model (1:15 scale) is presented in
Fig. 2-14. This innovative spillway (designed by Freese and Nichols, Inc.) is the result of
using available labyrinth information and physical modeling to design a unique, efficient,
and cost effective structure [estimated savings of ~$14 million, Vasquez et al. (2007)].
labyrinth weirs are a favored design option for spillway rehabilitation, replacement, and
Fig. 2-14. Full-width model of Lake Brazos labyrinth spillway in Waco, Texas, USA
recently designed 39 labyrinth weir spillways; 15 have been built and 8 are in various
stages of completion (personal communication, June 22, 2010). Also, there are labyrinth
spillways located throughout the globe; Table 2-2 presents a list of labyrinth weir
structures (including reference citation) that have been built and/or a physical model
study was conducted. For details concerning labyrinth weir prototype geometries, site
conditions, design flow rates, downstream hydraulic conditions, etc. please refer to the
Amanian (1987) tested linear weirs and half-round triangular labyrinth weirs in a
channel, including oblique labyrinth weirs (the labyrinth cycles oriented at an angle β to
the approaching flow, shown in Fig. 2-3). The weirs were fabricated from plywood, with
tw~19.05-mm. Although there are very few data points associated with each physical
model, Amanian did test eight labyrinth weirs and eleven linear weirs. A summary of the
Trends appear to have been difficult to discern due to the small number of data
points; however, Amanian states that good agreement was found between the sharp-
crested experimental results and the results of previous studies. Limited information is
provided regarding nappe aeration conditions during testing. Amanian concluded that the
nappe interference), and efficiency can be increased with a half-round crest shape
Waldron (1994) also conducted physical modeling of linear weirs and trapezoidal
labyrinth weirs in a channel. All labyrinth weirs featured a quarter-round crest shape and
were oriented perpendicular to the approaching flow (β = 0°). The weirs were fabricated
from plywood, with tw~25.4-mm. The apron length B was held constant for all tested
models by varying N, which produced partial cycles. A summary of the labyrinth weirs
(based upon 12° data). Nappe performance (springing, clinging, drowning) and the
corresponding HT/P values were noted. Waldron stated that the peak Cd values signal the
Table 2-4. Summary of physical models tested by Waldron (1994)
point where the weir is no longer self-aerating, which is not correct. Polynomial design
curves are presented for Cd-Waldron (similar to Amanian 1987), and not a dimensionless Cd.
Waldron does acknowledge the discrepancies between Cd-Waldron values at low HT/P
(crossing α curves), stating that the accuracy and precision of the experimental setup was
used in design; Waldron also states that these errors are irrelevant because labyrinth weirs
are typically designed for HT/P > 0.3. To determine an optimum α, Waldron calculated a
unit discharge (Qcycle/w); from the computed results, a 12° labyrinth weir is recommended
model studies of Avon, Bartletts Ferry, Boardman, Hyrum, Ritschard, South Heart, and
Ute labyrinth spillways. There were varying degrees of agreement, which were attributed
to differences in labyrinth weir geometry, approach conditions, tw and P, and studies that
configurations, crest shape, and it requires the use of Le instead of Lc. In addition, the
study are used in the Tullis et al. (1995) design method. However, the 21° and 9° data
sets are not included and the 9° head-discharge data lies below the 8° degree data set
Willmore tested 2-cycle (B was not restricted), trapezoidal labyrinth weirs (tw =
36.96 mm) in a rectangular laboratory flume. The majority of the tested models featured
a half-round crest shape (7° ≤ α ≤ 35°); however, quarter-round and a new ‘ogee’ crest
shape were also tested for α = 7° and 8° (see Table 2-5). Models were tested with and
without a vented nappe, and the aeration or clinging nappe aeration condition HT/P
ranges were documented. The influence uniform sediment deposits (a false floor placed
upstream and within the labyrinth weir upstream cycles) and the influence of a ramp
located immediately upstream of a labyrinth weir physical model were also examined.
Willmore developed polynomial curve-fit equations for Cd vs. HT/P for all tested
models, based upon Lc. Willmore also developed new polynomial curves (also based
upon Lc) for the Tullis et al. (1995) quarter-round data and corrected a trigonometric error
and Cd was not influenced by the installation of false flooring (uniform sediment deposit).
Finally, Willmore reports that the ‘ogee’ crest shape is more efficient than the half-round
Table 2-5. Summary of physical models tested by Willmore (2004)
crest shape, which is more efficient than a quarter-round crest shape. Flow efficiency
[referred to as cycle efficiency (ε’) in this study] was proposed as a new parameter to
investigated flow patterns, air entrainment, characteristic depths, flow bulking, and
modeling of a trapezoidal labyrinth weir with a quarter-round crest shape (α = 30°, w/P =
2) and a horizontal apron and downstream chute was conducted at the Laboratório
Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) Flow pattern observations noted the impact
locations of the nappe to the downstream water surface, spray regions, maximum
were measured with a conductivity probe (Matos and Frizell 1997, 2000) aligned with the
main downstream flow direction. Based upon their experimental results and the results of
Magalhães and Lorena (1994) for labyrinth weirs with a ‘WES’ crest shape, an empirical
relationship was developed to predict the relative residual energy (Hresidual) at the base of
H residual H
= 0.709 + 0.254 ln T (2-41)
HT + P P
minimum, maximum, and 90% local air concentration characteristic flow depths [ymin,
ymax, y90] are also presented graphically. Average air concentration (Cair-avg) compared
favorably with the advective diffusion model developed by Chanson (1995, 1997) for
Test Facilities
All Research for this study was performed in the primary hydraulics testing bay at
the Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL), located on the Utah State University
Campus in Logan, Utah (Fig. 3-1). Two facilities were used for physical modeling: a
rectangular flume (Fig. 3-2) for channelized applications and a large headbox for
reservoir applications (Fig. 3-3). Water to the UWRL is supplied from 1st Dam, located
on the Logan River; gravity fed flow rates from the dam can exceed 7 cms.
In this study, great care was taken to minimize random and systemic errors. An
extensive review of published literature was conducted before the formulation of the
physical model test program. In particular, the physical model facilities, construction
materials, test procedures, and data accuracy from Amanian (1987), Waldron (1994),
Willmore (2004), and Young (2005) were examined to enhance the accuracy of the
Fig. 3-1. Outside view of the Utah Water Research Laboratory main building
and the primary hydraulics testing bay within
controlled, and repeatable experimental method, which has proved satisfactory for this
research study.
Experimental Setup
The tilting rectangular laboratory flume (1.2 m wide x 14.6 m long x 1.0 m deep)
is composed of a steel framework and acrylic panels for the walls and floor. The slope of
the flume is adjusted by four large mechanical jacks; for this study the longitudinal slope
of the flume floor, Sbed, was set to zero. The labyrinth weir models were installed upon a
horizontal platform (2.44 m long x 30.5 cm tall) made of High Density Polyethylene
Plastic (HDPE) that featured adjustable steel supports every 15 cm. After installation the
platform was adjusted until horizontally level (±0.4 mm). A 2.44-m long ramp installed
at ~7° upstream of the platform allowed for a smooth transition between the flume floor
and the platform. Based upon the findings of Willmore (2004), who tested the effects of
ramps upstream of a labyrinth weir, the placement and geometry of this ramp had no
Two supply lines convey water to a steel headbox that contains a baffle structure
to establish tranquil flows and uniform approach conditions to the flume. The diameters
of the small and large supply lines are approximately 20.3-cm (8 in) and 50.8-cm (20 in).
Maximum flow conveyed by the 50.8-cm pipeline is approximately 0.68 cms (24 cfs). At
the downstream exit, the flume features a sluice gate and a stop-log structure to control
Reservoir Facility
1.5-m deep). Similar to the rectangular flume, a large platform was constructed from
10.2-cm (4-in) steel box beams and 19-mm thick HDPE sheeting. The horizontal
platform was surveyed to within ±0.4-mm of level. A false floor was installed over the
remaining portion of the headbox to maintain a constant depth and uniform approach
flow conditions. The apron downstream of the labyrinth weir was the same elevation as
Three pipelines (10.2-cm, 20.3-cm, and 50.8-cm) supply flows to a diffuser that is
located along three sides of the headbox, behind a baffle wall made of fine synthetic
mesh (such as those commonly used in swamp-coolers). This setup conveys flows to the
labyrinth models from 180°. After passing over the weirs, the flow drops ~2.3 m to a
collection channel; there was no structure to control tailwater depths. A schematic of the
Flow rates for each test facility were metered using calibrated orifice flow meters
(located in the supply piping). Images of the supply piping and the orifice flow meters
are presented in Figs. 3-6 to 3-8. Differential pressures were measured using pressure
transducers and an electronic data logger (Fig. 3-9). The data logger recorded the
average differential pressure used to calculate the flow rate for a particular hydraulic
9/29/2011) with a range of -58°F to 302°F and readable to ±0.05°F. Stilling wells
equipped with point gages (readable to ±0.15 mm) were used to determine the
approaching flow depths, shown in Figs. 3-10 and 3-11. The hydraulic connection
location or ‘pressure tap’ in the rectangular flume was ~ 1-m upstream (3.3HT-max) of the
labyrinth weir models (Fig. 3-4). The tap location in the reservoir (Fig. 3-5) was located
at a tranquil section on the facility floor, between the baffle and where the platform began
and along the centerline of the test facility. When properly located, the stilling well can
Fig. 3-7. 4-in and 8-in supply piping and orifice plates for the reservoir test facility
Fig. 3-8. 20-in Supply piping and orifice plate for the reservoir test facility
give a highly accurate depth measurement, even when the water surface is uneven (e.g.,
The rectangular flume featured a rolling carriage that rested upon guiderails
mounted to the top of the flume walls, Fig. 3-12. The rails were surveyed prior to testing
to ±0.4-mm of level. A point gage with interchangeable tips (straight, hooked) was fixed
to a machined rail system that was bolted to the upstream face of the carriage (see Fig. 3-
13). This point gage was used for nappe profiling. The downstream face of the carriage
featured a second point gage fixed to a worm-gear assembly. This gage was used to
determine the crest elevation and weir height of the labyrinth models.
3-14), mounted to a wading rod, was used for 1-point and 3-point velocity profiling and
field mapping. Sontek reports that this Flowtracker unit has a velocity measurement
range of 0.0009 m/s to 4.572 m/s (0.003 ft/s to 15 ft/s). Also, still and video photography
were used to document weir flow behavior. A dye injection device (dye tank and
“wand”) and particles of various sizes and densities (including particles coated with Zinc
Fig. 3-10. Stilling well used for the rectangular flume facility
Sulfide) were used to observe the flow directions and complex flow patterns of labyrinth
weirs during testing. Fig. 3-15 is an image of the dye wand being used during testing.
Geometric measurements of the test facilities and physical models were made with a steel
Physical Models
A high-performance sonolastic sealant (NP1) was used to seal all joints, ensuring
Fig. 3-11. Stilling well used for the reservoir test facility
Fig. 3-12. Carriage and point gage system in the rectangular flume
Fig. 3-13. Straight and hooked point gages for nappe profiling
Fig. 3-14. Velocity field mapping with 2-D acoustic doppler velocimeter
Fig. 3-15. Flow pattern and direction observations with the dye wand
that each physical model and test facility was water tight. This sealant is grey in color;
for small, highly visible locations that required sealing (e.g., screw holes, etc.) a clear,
high-grade silicon sealant was used in conjunction with 102-mm wide clear tape
All labyrinth weir models were fabricated in-house, using high density
polyethylene (HDPE). The stock material was purchased as 1.2 m x 2.4 m (4 ft x 8 ft)
sheets in 19.1 mm, 25.4 mm, and 38.1 mm thicknesses. The thermal contraction of this
material was tested and documented to maintain consistency (details found under the
section on Test Procedure) during experimental testing (water temperatures from the
Fabrication took place at the UWRL machine shop. The material was first cut
into sections with a table saw. The material was next planed to thickness by a high speed
industrial planer and checked with digital calipers. The bottom and top edges of the
HDPE sections were sent through a jointer and a shaper table to smooth, square, parallel
edges. The crest was machined with a shaper table; the apexes were machined using an
industrial mill. The angles for the sidewalls were cut with an industrial compound miter
saw. Grooves were machined into each weir joint to accommodate extra NP1 sealant to
ensure a watertight seal. Drilling for fasteners was accomplished using a drill press.
UWRL cranes and/or forklifts were used to carefully transport and install the
labyrinth weirs. The fabrication, assembly, and installation of each labyrinth weir model
were strictly monitored to minimize fabrication errors that would be greatly magnified at
a prototype scale. Assembly tolerances were ±0.4 mm. Specific attentions were given to
the alignment of the machined crests (Fig. 3-16) and to the levelness of the crest after
installation. As previously mentioned, the crest of each labyrinth model was surveyed to
±0.4 mm.
Model Configurations
Data from 32 lab-scale trapezoidal labyrinth weir models were analyzed in this
research study. Testing included reservoir and channelized approach conditions, linear
and arced cycle configurations, normal, inverse, flush, rounded inlet, and projecting
placement scenarios (see Fig. 3-17), quarter-round (Rcrest = tw/2) and half-round crest
shapes, and nappe breakers and aeration vents (see Fig. 3-18, placement and quantity
were varied). A summary of the labyrinth weir physical models are presented in Table 3-
Fig. 3-16. The joint between the ½ apex (to be attached to flume wall) and
the weir sidewall of the 2-cycle, 6° half-round labyrinth
A new standard geometric layout for arced labyrinth weirs projecting into a
Fig. 3-19. It is simple to design geometrically; the centerline length for one labyrinth
cycle is kept constant between the linear and arced geometries. Also, the arc follows the
curvature of a circle, and cycles are spaced at the desired angle, θ. It allows for any
Test Procedure
Experimental data were collected by setting a flow rate, allowing the upstream
water level to stabilize, and measuring Q and h. This is a common modeling procedure;
however, differences in Cd (some exceeding 10%) have been noted between experimental
Fig. 3-17. Physical model cycle configurations, weir orientations and placements
data sets from this study and Amanian (1987), Tullis, (1993), Waldron, (1994), and
Fig. 3-20 is based upon center-line length of the crest, Lc, instead of effective
length Le, which is used in the Tullis et al. (1995) design method. Good agreement exists
between the current study and experimental data from Willmore (2004). Differences
Fig. 3-18. Aeration tube apparatus for N = 2 (A) and nappe breakers located on the
downstream apex (B) and on the sidewall (C)
between experimental data sets may be associated with model size, model construction
quality (levelness of crest, uniformity of crest profile, etc.), uniformity and degree of
Fig 3-19. Example schematic of standardi zed layout for arced labyrinth weirs
turbulence in the approach flow, techniques used for measuring HT and Q, the accuracy
of the crest reference, the degree to which a given flow condition has reached steady state
prior to data collection, and the accuracy of the instrumentation. A more detailed data set
comparison between the experimental results of this study and those of Willmore (2004)
To ensure that the time period for collecting a single flow measurement [steady-
state conditions were established (time period required for the upstream water level to
procedure was extended to 60 minutes for a specific Q for each tested model; in addition
period made it possible to observe any harmonic or low frequency flow phenomena (e.g.,
6-degree QR Crookston
8-degree QR Crookston
7-degree QR Willmore
8-degree QR Willmore
9 degree QR Waldron
Cd 0.4
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
approximately 5-7 minutes were needed to make an accurate measurement of Q and HT.
A unique component of this study is the large number of data points for each weir.
A total of 2,606 flow measurements were taken for this study. On average,
approximately 80 reliable data points comprise the Cd vs. HT/P data set for each weir
configuration, with the uncertainty of each point calculated as prescribed by Kline and
McClintock (1953). A system of checks was established, where at least 10% of the data
large experimental data set is obviously preferred for data analyses and deriving
were used extensively to document the hydraulic behaviors of the tested labyrinth weirs
(including HT/P = 0.1 to 0.7). This provided: documentation, a visual resource for data
analyses, and careful observations encouraged research exploration that can be described
as ‘looking for something new’. Concise and meticulous notes for each experimental
data point also provide further insights and qualitative information (e.g., aeration,
For certain test conditions, profiling of the top and underside of the nappe was
conducted perpendicular to the labyrinth sidewall for the quarter-round, α = 15° labyrinth
weirs. The measurement location was not influenced by the labyrinth apexes or the
flume wall. A three-axis metal square with a veneer (±0.5 mm) was used to position the
tip of the point gage used for profiling. Profiling of the upper nappe surface began over
the labyrinth weir crest, and advanced in 10 mm increments. Underside profiling began
The dye tank and wand were used to explore the flow patterns in the reservoir and
flume facilities. The wand diameter is 9.5 mm, which caused very minor flow
disturbances. When dye explorations included wading and standing in the reservoir
facility, care was taken not to disturb the flows patterns at the location of interest.
Velocity measurements in the rectangular flume were made upstream and within
the cycles of the labyrinth weirs using the traditional 3-point method (0.2y, 0.6y, and
0.8y, measured from the water surface) for open-channel current metering. A 304-mm
geometric grid was developed for velocity measurements (six-tenths method, 0.6y) in the
reservoir facility to document the velocity field within the labyrinth weir cycles and the
approaching flow conditions. Velocity data were collected at a point, and the velocity
The tailwater control structures located in the rectangular flume were only used to
submergence (see Fig. 3-21) refers to a tailwater depth (downstream of the structure) that
Fig. 3-21. Tailwater submergence for the 10° half-round trapezoidal labyrinth weir
is greater than the weir height P. A tailwater that exceeds the crest height but does not
increase the headwater elevation upstream of the weir or shift the flow control or critical
the local outflow capacity of the outlet cycle, resulting in a local increase in tailwater,
often above the crest elevation. The local submergence region (see Fig. 3-22) develops
downstream of the upstream apex and increases in size as weir discharge increases.
During this study, observations noted that local submergence occurred for quarter- and
half-round crest shapes. Observations also noted standing waves that exceeded the crest
elevation at high values of HT/P in the downstream labyrinth weir cycles (Fig. 3-23).
Point gages on the rolling carriage and the stilling well were used to mark the upstream
water depth. After noting the depth, the tailwater was slowly increased until the upstream
depth was observed to change. After making visual documentation, the tailwater was
once again increased until the upstream depth surpassed the flume capacity; Visual
documentation was made and the process was repeated in reverse, concluding with the
In order to characterize the size of nappe interference regions, Bint was developed
and physical measured using still images and 25.4-mm reference grid cells; this
interference length is illustrated in Fig. 3-24. It describes the interference region length
originating at and perpendicular to the upstream apex wall to the point where the nappe
Fig. 3-24. Physical representation of Bint in plan-view (A) and (C) and profile view (B)
and (D) for nappe interference regions, including reference grid
region intersects the weir crest. Depending upon the labyrinth weir geometry and the
flow conditions, the nappe interference region may include a turbulent flow region [Fig.
3-24 (D)], a local submergence region [Figs. 3-24 (C), or both [Fig. 3-24 (A)].
A method for the hydraulic design and analyses of labyrinth weirs is presented
based upon the experimental results of physical modeling. Discharge coefficient data for
quarter-round and half-round labyrinth weirs are presented for 6° ≤ sidewall angles ≤ 35°.
Cycle efficiency is also introduced to aid in sidewall angle selection. Parameters and
hydraulic conditions that affect flow performance are discussed, including weir geometry,
nappe flow regimes, artificial aeration (vents, nappe breakers), and nappe stability.
Finally, the validity of this method is presented by comparing predicted results to data
A labyrinth weir is a linear weir that is “folded” in plan-view to increase the crest
length for a given channel or spillway width. An example of a labyrinth weir is presented
in Fig. 4-1.
There are infinite possible labyrinth weir configurations and design variations;
however, labyrinth cycles are typically placed in a linear fashion (i.e., upstream apexes
align at a common channel cross section as shown in Fig. 4-1), have a sidewall angle, α,
less than 30°, and are oriented towards the approaching flow.
A labyrinth weir is able to pass large discharges at relatively low heads compared
versatility, labyrinth weirs have been placed in streams, canals, rivers, ponds, and
spillways. Labyrinth weirs are especially well suited for spillway rehabilitation where
dam safety concerns, freeboard limitations, and a revised and larger probable maximum
flow have required modification or replacement of the spillway. The recently constructed
Lake Brazos spillway, Texas, USA, is such an example (Vasquez et al. 2007).
Flow Characteristics
At very low heads, a labyrinth weir behaves similar to a linear weir (α = 90°) of
equivalent length oriented normal to the flow direction. However, as the driving head
submergence regions develop, the air cavities under the nappe become very dynamic, and
for certain flow conditions and geometries, the nappe itself can become unstable. In the
past, physical models have proven to be highly useful for designing and analyzing
Previous Studies
weir lengths and driving head definitions (e.g., the inclusion of the velocity component
V2/2g, where g is the acceleration constant of gravity). However, the basic equation
developed for linear weirs is proposed, which includes total head upstream measured
relative to the crest, HT, and utilizes centerline length of the crest as the characteristic
2 32
Q= C d Lc 2 g H T (4-1)
selection is presented here and discussed. Hay and Taylor (1970) presented parameter
guidelines for sharp-crested triangular and trapezoidal labyrinth weirs. Discharge rating
curves for h/P < 0.6 were presented in terms of a labyrinth-to-linear weir discharge ratio
(based on a common channel width and h), requiring discharge information for a linear
weir (α = 90°) of equivalent height (P), wall thickness (tw), and crest shape. The Bureau
of Reclamation (USBR) conducted model studies to aid in the design of Ute Dam
(Houston 1982). Discrepancies found between the experimental results and the
upstream head (h, Hay and Taylor (1970); HT, USBR) and limited scope of geometric
variation. From the physical model studies of Ute Dam and Hyrum Dam, Hinchliff and
Houston (1984) developed new design guidelines. Despite scope limitations, they
provided valuable insights regarding labyrinth weir orientation and placement in reservoir
Based upon model studies of Avon and Woronora Dam, Darvas (1971) simplified
coefficient to accompany the discharge rating curves for labyrinth weirs. However,
Magalhães and Lorena (1989) juxtaposed this method with their own experimental results
for a truncated ogee or WES crest shape, and reported their curves to be systematically
Lux and Hinchliff (1985) and Lux (1984, 1989) developed a new empirical
equation, which includes the cycle width ratio, w/P, and an apex shape constant, k, to
weir equation and was limited to w/P ≥ 2.0. Similar parameter limits have been set by
other design methods that do not explicitly include w/P in the head-discharge equation.
Tullis et al. (1995) developed a design method based upon the standard weir
equation [Eq. (4-1)] and research conducted at the Utah Water Research Laboratory
(UWRL) by Waldron (1994), Tullis (1993), and Amanian (1987). Tullis et al. (1995)
introduced an effective weir length, Le, as the characteristic weir length (instead of
channel width, W, or Lc) to define the discharge coefficient for trapezoidal, quarter-round
labyrinth weirs; Le was intended to account for apex influences on discharge efficiency.
Two significant contributions of this study were: the design method is presented as a
table to be used in a spreadsheet program, and the design curves include a linear weir
discharge curve that is useful for determining the hydraulic benefits of a labyrinth weir
relative to a linear weir. This design method is favored by Falvey (2003); however, the α
= 6° data are significantly lower than the adjacent curves and Willmore (2004) has noted
the following discrepancies: the α = 8° data falls above the α = 9° presented by Waldron
(1994), and a minor mathematical error was found in the geometric calculations. The
supporting data for this method (quarter-round crest shape) is limited to 6° ≤ α ≤18° and
Recently, Melo et al. (2002) expanded the work of Magalhães and Lorena (1989)
by adding an adjustment parameter, kθ-CW, for labyrinth weirs located in a channel with
discharge relationship (tailwater submergence) for labyrinth weirs that was verified by
labyrinth weirs and can be used to estimate and extrapolate the performance for labyrinth
information. For example, the Tullis et al. (1995) design method was recently used (a
spreadsheet presented by Falvey 2003) to design the emergency spillway for Boyd Lake,
located in Loveland, Colorado, USA. The spillway width is nearly 400 m; the labyrinth
weir length is ~2.30 km, features 59 cycles (N), α = 8°, and has a maximum discharge
capacity of 1,200 cms. This labyrinth weir features notched apexes for passing base-
The purpose of this study is to provide new insights into the performance and
operation of labyrinth weirs and to improve the design and evaluation tools currently
hydraulic information (e.g., nappe behavior and nappe aeration). The design program, as
developed during this study, is similar to the design table presented by Tullis et al. (1995)
with the addition of a user-specified footprint size (channel width, W, and apron length,
B); it contains new data sets for quarter-round and half-round crests, utilizes Lc of the
crest as the characteristic length, and includes new and previously-published design tools,
parameters, and ratios, such as cycle efficiency (ε’), nappe behavior, aeration conditions,
Experimental Method
Physical modeling of labyrinth weirs was conducted at the Utah Water Research
Laboratory (UWRL). Labyrinth weirs were fabricated from High Density Polyethylene
Plastic (HDPE) and tested in a rectangular flume (1.2 m x 14.6 m x 1.0 m). The
Johnson (1996). Details of the tests performed are summarized in Table 4-1. When the
outside apexes of a labyrinth weir attach to the training wall at the upstream or beginning
region of the apron, it is termed a “normal orientation” (e.g., Fig. 4-1). When said apexes
attach to the training wall at the downstream end of the apron, it is termed an “inverse
Model test flow rates were metered using calibrated orifice meters in the flume
supply piping, differential pressure transducers, and a data logger. The flume was
equipped with a headbox and baffle to create uniform and tranquil approach conditions, a
stilling well, and a rolling instrument carriage. The point gauge instrumentation was
carefully referenced to the crest of the labyrinth. The labyrinth weirs were installed on an
with and without a nappe aeration apparatus consisting of an aeration tube for each
accommodate the range of labyrinth weir geometries, an example is presented in Fig. 4-2.
The test program also evaluated the performance of wedge-shaped nappe breakers in a
were recorded for 5 to 7 minutes with the data logger to determine an average flow rate,
and h was determined with the stilling well equipped with a point gage accurate to ±0.15
mm. Velocity data were measured inside the weir cycles with a 2-dimensional acoustic
doppler velocity probe. Also, a dye wand was used to observe the unique and complex
local flow patterns associated with labyrinth weir flow. Digital photography and high-
definition (HD) digital video recording were used extensively to document the hydraulic
behaviors of the tested labyrinth weirs. Observations also noted nappe aeration
conditions and behavior, nappe stability, nappe separation point, nappe interference, areas
of head-discharge data points were collected for all tested weir geometry. Also, a system
of checks was established wherein at least 10% of the data were repeated to ensure
Experimental Results
The general weir equation [Eq. (4-1)] was selected to determine the discharge of
geometry (e.g., P, tw, A, α, crest shape), flow conditions (HT, approaching flow angle,
local submergence, nappe interference), and aeration conditions of the nappe (clinging,
conditions are critical for accurate labyrinth weir analyses and design. Cd data are
presented in terms of HT/P for non-vented trapezoidal labyrinth weirs (normal or inverse
weir orientations) for 6° ≤ α ≤ 35° in Fig. 4-3 (quarter-round crest shape) and Fig. 4-4
(half-round crest shape). Data for α = 90° (linear weirs) are included for comparison.
In Fig. 4-3, the α = 12° discharge coefficient data was slightly more efficient than
the adjacent curves (α ≥ 15°) for HT/P ≤ 0.085. A similar phenomenon can be seen in the
experimental data for Tullis et al. (1995) at very low heads. Also, the air cavity behind
the nappe abruptly disappeared at ~ 0.25 HT/P for the α = 35° and α = 20° (to a lesser
In Fig. 4-4, the sharp decrease in weir efficiency, caused by the weirs shifting out
of the clinging nappe aeration regime, is clearly visible for 12° ≤ α ≤ 20° (e.g., HT/P ~
0.38 for α = 20°). The decrease in Cd is less dramatic but nevertheless present for all
For convenience in applications, the labyrinth weir Cd data in Figs. 4-3 and 4-4
were curve-fit per Eq. (4-2), and the corresponding coefficients are presented in Tables 4-
2 and 4-3. Eq. (4-3) was used for α = 90° data, and the corresponding coefficients are
presented in the aforementioned tables. The curves have been validated for 0.05 ≤ HT/P
< 0.9; however, the data are well behaved and the curves have been extrapolated. This
extrapolation has only been verified for the α ≤ 15°; model 17 (Table 4-1) was tested to
HT/P = 1.993.
Cd = A * T +D
P Labyrinth Weirs (4-2)
Cd(90 o ) = +D
HT C Linear Weirs (4-3)
A+ B* +
as the ratio of the half-round over the quarter-round Cd values (Cd-HR/Cd-QR) versus HT/P
in Fig. 4-5.
A crest that is rounded on the downstream face helps the flow stay attached
(clinging flow) to the weir wall, thus increasing flow efficiency. If the flow detaches
(momentum, debris, etc.), the gains in efficiency are lost. Further gains in efficiency can
Table 4-2. Curve-fit coefficients for quarter-round labyrinth and linear weirs,
validated for 0.05 ≤ HT/P < 0.9
α A B C D
6° 0.02623 -2.681 0.3669 0.1572
8° 0.03612 -2.576 0.4104 0.1936
10° 0.06151 -2.113 0.4210 0.2030
12° 0.09303 -1.711 0.4278 0.2047
15° 0.10890 -1.723 0.5042 0.2257
20° 0.11130 -1.889 0.5982 0.2719
35° 0.03571 -3.760 0.7996 0.4759
90° -2.3800 6.476 1.3710 0.5300
Table 4-3. Curve-fit coefficients for half-round labyrinth and linear weirs,
validated for 0.05 ≤ HT/P < 0.9
α A B C D
6° 0.009447 -4.039 0.3955 0.1870
8° 0.017090 -3.497 0.4048 0.2286
10° 0.029900 -2.978 0.4107 0.2520
12° 0.030390 -3.102 0.4393 0.2912
15° 0.031600 -3.270 0.4849 0.3349
20° 0.033610 -3.500 0.5536 0.3923
35° 0.018550 -4.904 0.6697 0.5062
90° -8.60900 22.650 1.8120 0.6375
radius of tw = 1/3 and a downstream radius of tw = 2/3 (Willmore 2004)]. Brazos Dam
features this crest geometry; however, after construction was completed, algae growth on
the crest caused the nappe to detach, thereby reducing the hydraulic benefits of the crest
shape. The curves are not perfectly smooth due to slight variations in the experimental
data. As HT/P increases, the advantages of the improved half-round crest begin to
The behavior of the nappe and the air cavity behind the nappe influences the
6 degree
8 degree
10 degree
12 degree
15 degree
20 degree
35 degree
90 degree
Cd-HR / Cd-QR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
discharge efficiency. Four different aeration conditions (shown in Fig. 4-6) were
observed during labyrinth weir testing: clinging, aerated, partially aerated, and drowned.
The aeration condition is influenced by the crest shape, HT, the depth and turbulence of
flow behind the nappe, the momentum and trajectory of the flow passing over the crest,
and the pressure behind the nappe (sub-atmospheric for non-vented or atmospheric for
vented nappes). As HT increases, a labyrinth weir will transition from clinging to aerated,
to partially aerated, and finally to drowned. All four aeration conditions do not
Sub-atmospheric pressures develop on the downstream face of the weir when the
nappe is clinging, and can exist for an aerated nappe that is not vented. An aerated nappe
will transition to a partially aerated nappe when the air cavity behind the nappe becomes
unstable; the air cavity varies spatially and temporally. The behavior of a partially
aerated nappe can be characterized as follows: the air cavity oscillates between labyrinth
weir apexes, increasing or decreasing the length of sidewall that is aerated; the air cavity
may repeatedly be completely removed and then replaced as the turbulent water surface
behind the nappe fluctuates. An unstable air cavity also causes fluctuating pressures at
the downstream face of the weir. Finally, a drowned nappe will occur at relatively larger
HT/P and can be characterized by a large, thick nappe with no air cavity. Table 4-4
presents the range of HT/P that was observed for each nappe aeration condition for
condition (e.g., clinging, aerated, partially aerated, drowned) at a given weir flow rate.
Such instabilities are low frequency phenomena that are accompanied by an audible
flushing noise caused by the formation and removal of air behind the nappe. At higher
flow rates, air cavity formation and nappe instability diminish. The ranges of HT/P where
instability occurred are provided in Table 4-5. It is suggested that these ranges be
avoided, as vibrations, pressure fluctuations, and noise may reach sufficient levels as to
be undesirable or harmful.
Nappe Ventilation
Artificial aeration was found to greatly improve nappe instability and decrease
Table 4-5. Unstable nappe operation conditions for labyrinth weirs
α Quarter-Round Half-Round
(°) (HT/P) (HT/P)
6 none none
8 none none
10 none 0.325-0.326
12 0.300-0.350 0.329-0.385
15 0.271-0.468 0.332-0.577
20 0.223-0.530 0.363-0.599
35 0.215-0.700 0.411-0.460
noise; however, the phenomenon was still observed (to a lesser degree) for α ≥ 20°. Also,
the colliding nappes at the upstream apex did not allow air to be passed from one sidewall
to the adjacent sidewall, which has a direct influence on the placement of aeration
Aeration vents were found to have little to no effect on the discharge capacity of
quarter-round labyrinth weirs, but they decreased flow capacity for half-round labyrinth
weirs at lower HT/P values by reducing the range over which the clinging nappe is
present, effectively undermining the purpose of a half-round crest. Aeration vents should
be provided for each labyrinth weir sidewall. Aeration vents placed near the downstream
downstream apexes with the point oriented into the flow, as shown in Fig. 4-7. The
leading edge should be protected to minimize the potential damage from debris impact.
capacity as was seen with aeration vents. Also, the number of required breakers is
minimized when placed on the downstream apexes, which also minimizes the number of
locations where debris may be collected. The orientation of the streamlines passing over
the weir sidewall change with flow rate; therefore, nappe breakers placed on the weir
sidewall can only be oriented into the flow for a specific flow condition. When the nappe
breaker is not oriented into the flow, it acts as an obstruction on the crest and decreases
the efficiency of the weir, even though it continues to aerate the nappe.
4-6. The top section of the design table includes the user-defined hydraulic conditions or
requirements for the labyrinth weir. For example, Qdesign may be a flood event
determined from a hydrologic analysis that the labyrinth spillway must pass, HT will be
based upstream flood plain constraints and Hd might be determined by a backwater curve
flow profile analysis for Qdesign. Weir geometric parameters are entered into the next
section of the design table to begin optimizing the labyrinth weir layout for a given
footprint size and weir height. Though not tied specifically to any calculations in the
design method, a place is provided in the design table to specify a nappe aeration device
if desired. In the third section of the table, the weir geometry and hydraulic performance
Table 4-6. Recommended design procedure for labyrinth weirs
†Design limited to extent of experimental data; designs that exceed these limits may warrant a physical model study
are calculated based on previously defined geometric parameters and the head-discharge
variables from the equations provided (a minor adjustment to the table). For comparison,
Cd(90°) and the required weir length to match the design head-discharge condition are
reported. The last section of the design method includes the submerged head-discharge
relationships developed by Tullis et al. (2007). This design method can be conveniently
Per Figs. 4-3 and 4-4, Cd decreases with decreasing α. For a given footprint size
(W and B held constant); however, labyrinth weir crest length increases with decreasing
α. Both of these factors should be considered when trying to optimize a labyrinth weir
design based on discharge capacity, as increasing the weir length compensates for
presented in Figs. 4-8 (quarter-round) and 4-9 (half-round) as a function of HT/P. These
figures show that the maximum ε’ values occur at relatively low HT/P (as delineated by
the dashed line); discharge per cycle or ε’ increases as α decreases; and the benefits of
smaller α angles decrease with increasing HT/P. Cycle efficiency maintains a constant
cycle width, w, and does not consider additional factors that influence cycle geometry
such as apron length and construction costs associated with an increase in weir length.
Beyond the ability to design a labyrinth weir for a particular flow rate, per Table
4-6, the ability to determine the head-discharge characteristics for a specified labyrinth
weir geometry (e.g., an existing structure) is also important. Such a procedure, which
also easily adapts to a spreadsheet computer program, is outlined in Fig. 4-10. The
known labyrinth weir geometries are entered. Missing geometric parameters and
labyrinth weir ratios are calculated, and a head-discharge rating curve is produced. The
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fig. 4-8. Cycle efficiency vs. HT/P for quarter-round labyrinth weirs
The design method, design charts, and corresponding curves are limited to the
geometries (Tables 4-1 and 4-6) and hydraulic conditions tested in this study (e.g., 0.05 ≤
HT/P ≤ 0.9). However, these results can be conservatively applied (with sound
(differences may merit a hydraulic model study). For example, there was no discernable
performance difference between the normal and inverse oriented α = 6° labyrinth weirs
(data not presented); therefore, these results may be applied to either weir orientation.
Models 16 and 17 were tested to HT/P of 1.5 and 2.0, respectively, and were found to
6 degree HR 8 degree HR 10 degree HR 12 degree HR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fig. 4-9. Cycle efficiency vs. HT/P for half-round labyrinth weirs
closely agree with Eq. (4-2). Consequently, these results may be extrapolated to larger
flow rates (HT/P ≤ 2.0). Finally, linear interpolation is recommended to determine Cd for
Data Verification
(1953) for single-point experimental data. The resulting maximum and average (%)
uncertainties in the Cd data are presented in Table 4-7. Single sample uncertainties were
largest for very small values of Q and h (instrument readability, HT/P ≤ 0.075) and
Differences may exist between the experimental data sets of different researchers.
To verify the experimental results obtained in this study, several comparisons were made.
First, a comparison was made with the experimental results of non-vented, half-round
labyrinth weirs from Willmore (2004), shown in Fig 4-12. There is good agreement for
all weir geometries, with the largest discrepancy appearing for large α weirs at HT/P ≤
The second comparison (shown in Fig. 4-13, and in terms of Lc) was made with
the Tullis et al. (1995) design method. There appears to be relatively good agreement at
large values of HT/P; however, large differences are visible for HT/P ≤ 0.4. This may be
attributed to the smaller sized labyrinth weir models used by the Tullis et al. (1995)
method (potential size scale effects and different values of P), a higher level of
S 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
α Quarter-round α Half-round
(°) Min (%) Avg (%) Max (%) (°) Min (%) Avg (%) Max (%)
6 1.399 2.099 4.487 6 1.354 2.148 7.064
8 1.143 1.657 3.940 8 1.099 1.494 3.731
10 0.979 1.656 5.678 10 0.947 1.407 4.453
12 0.875 1.552 4.375 12 0.843 1.301 3.963
15 0.773 1.357 4.121 15 0.750 1.153 4.494
20 0.675 1.207 4.015 20 0.643 1.046 3.558
35 0.544 0.980 3.564 35 0.529 0.945 4.147
90 0.398 0.906 4.484 90 0.413 0.717 2.513
cycle fragments. The linearly interpolated α = 25° and α = 35° curves based on the
experimental data (α = 18° and α = 90°) also do not agree. Willmore (2004) found the α
6 degree HR Crookston 8 degree HR Crookston 10 degree HR Crookston 12 degree HR Crookston
Fig. 4-12. Comparison between Cd values obtained by Willmore (2004) and the present
study for non-vented, half-round labyrinth weirs
experimental data by Willmore, which shows excellent agreement to the present study.
Consequently, the author proposes that quarter-round Cd curves presented herein replace
The final comparison is made with data from the 13 physical model studies for
prototype labyrinth weir structures, compiled from a variety of sources, given in Table 4-
8. Where possible, the original document was consulted for the most accurately reported
weir geometries and tested hydraulic conditions, as some of this information can be found
in multiple sources. The agreement between Cd values calculated from this design
6 degree QR Crookston 8 degree QR Crookston 10 degree QR Crookston 12 degree QR Crookston
6 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995 8 degree QR Willmore 12 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995 15 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995
18 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995 25 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995 35 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995 90 degree QR Tullis et al. 1995
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
method [Table 4-6 with Eq. (4-2)] and predicted Cd values [Eq. (4-1)] from the prototype
structures are also presented in Table 4-8. From the results, it is clear that there is good
agreement between the proposed design method (Table 4-6) and the reported model
studies. However, there are varying levels of agreement for multiple HT/P values for a
single structure, indicating the presence of sources of uncertainty associated with physical
and others. For Table 4-8, an average difference of 2.7% with a standard deviation of
Q HT/P α N Cd Cd Diff.
Name Source (m^3/s) () (°) () Eq. (4-1) T. 4-6 (%)
Magalhães & 14.4 0.200 18.00 1 0.6571 0.6159 6.48%
1 Alijó
Lorena (1989) 39.7 0.400 18.00 1 0.6386 0.5528 14.39%
1790.0 0.932 27.50 10 0.4867 0.4590 5.88%
2 Avon Darvas (1971)
1415.8 0.720 27.50 10 0.5645 0.5119 9.77%
387.0 0.652 19.44 2 0.4995 0.4937 1.16%
3 Boardman Babb (1976)
386.8 0.507 18.21 2 0.5129 0.5381 -4.80%
576.0 0.686 15.20 4 0.4542 0.4144 9.18%
120.7 0.200 15.20 4 0.6041 0.6001 0.67%
Magalhães &
4 Dungo 303.1 0.400 15.20 4 0.5364 0.5223 2.66%
Lorena (1989)
491.9 0.600 15.20 4 0.4739 0.4430 6.74%
576.0 0.558 15.20 4 0.4542 0.4583 -0.89%
148.0 0.528 19.00 2 0.5508 0.5127 7.17%
Magalhães & 148.0 0.440 19.00 2 0.5508 0.5470 0.69%
5 Gema
Lorena (1989) 41.5 0.200 19.00 2 0.6625 0.6210 6.46%
114.1 0.400 19.00 2 0.6438 0.5626 13.45%
350.0 0.543 15.20 3 0.5208 0.4641 11.52%
Magalhães &
6 Harrezza 350.0 0.442 15.20 3 0.5208 0.5046 3.16%
Lorena (1989)
220.8 0.400 15.20 3 0.5195 0.5223 -0.54%
Houston 256.3 0.458 9.85 2 0.4097 0.3990 2.63%
7 Hyrum
(1983) 254.0 0.500 9.73 2 0.3564 0.3785 -6.02%
Magalhães & 250.0 0.703 14.90 2 0.4078 0.4053 0.63%
8 Keddara
Lorena (1989) 250.0 0.586 14.90 2 0.4078 0.4442 -8.54%
CH2M-Hill 239.0 0.400 13.00 4 0.4649 0.4887 -5.01%
9 Mercer
(1973) 135.4 0.233 13.37 4 0.5892 0.5716 3.04%
94.3 0.400 13.30 2 0.5066 0.4935 2.63%
São Magalhães &
10 157.9 0.600 13.30 2 0.4525 0.4134 9.02%
Domingos Lorena (1989)
160.0 0.511 13.30 2 0.4726 0.4462 5.75%
11 Tullis (1993) 1539.4 0.648 8.51 13 0.3155 0.2980 5.71%
Tullis & 959.2 0.208 11.40 7 0.6021 0.5635 6.62%
12 Townsend Crookston
2717.2 0.554 11.40 7 0.3917 0.3956 -1.01%
15574.0 0.633 12.90 14 0.3696 0.3958 -6.85%
13 Ute 15574.3 0.650 12.15 14 0.3552 0.3780 -6.21%
2830.7 0.147 12.15 15 0.5622 0.5996 -6.42%
A labyrinth weir design and analysis procedure is presented (Table 4-6) based
upon the results of physical modeling in a laboratory flume. Q is calculated based on the
traditional weir equation [Eq. (4-1)], utilizing HT and selecting the centerline length of the
weir, Lc, as the characteristic length. Tailwater submergence for labyrinth weirs, as
presented by Tullis et al. (2007), is included. The proposed design and analysis method
is validated by juxtaposing the experimental results of this study with other physical
Figs. 4-3 and 4-4 present a dimensionless discharge coefficient, Cd, as a function
of HT/P for quarter-round and half-round labyrinth weirs (6° ≤ α ≤ 35°) and for linear
weirs. The test results indicate that the increase in efficiency provided by a half-round
crest shape (relative to a quarter-round crest) is more significant for HT/P ≤ 0.4.
Cycle efficiency, ε’, is a tool for examining the discharge capacity of different
labyrinth weir geometries (Figs. 4-8 and 4-9). The results of ε’ indicate how the increase
in crest length compensates for the decline in discharge efficiency associated with
decreasing α.
The experimental results indicate that nappe aeration conditions and nappe
stability should not be overlooked in the hydraulic and structural design of labyrinth
weirs. The results presented in Tables 4-4 and 4-5 indicate flow behaviors that may
include negative or fluctuating pressures at the weir wall, noise, and vibrations. These
tables also aid in the selection of a crest shape. Finally, the effects of nappe ventilation
placements of vents (one per sidewall) and breakers (one centered on each downstream
Although the methods and tools presented herein will accurately design and
performance. A model study would include site-specific conditions that may be outside
the scope of this study and may provide valuable insights into the performance and
Additional components of this study not presented here include arced labyrinth
weirs and various labyrinth weir orientations and placements in a reservoir, a detailed
look at nappe behavior (including local submergence, nappe interference, and nappe
sidewall angles, labyrinth weir spillways are presented with the following orientations:
Normal, Inverse, Projecting, Flush, Rounded Inlet, and Arced cycle configuration.
including rating curves, are presented. Finally, approaching flow conditions and
geometric similitude are discussed and hydraulic design tools are recommended to be
used in conjunction with the hydraulic design and analysis method presented in Chapter
Many spillways utilize a type of weir as the flow control structure. The flow
capacity of a weir is largely governed by the weir length, Lc, shape of the crest, and the
conditions of the approaching flow. A labyrinth weir spillway (see Fig. 5-1) is a linear
weir folded in plan-view; these structures offer several advantages when compared to
linear weir structures. Labyrinth weirs provide an increase in crest length for a given
channel width, thereby increasing the flow capacity for a given upstream flow depth
(labyrinth weirs are typically designed for HT/P ≤ 1.0). As a result of the increased flow
capacity, these weirs require less free board than linear weirs, which better facilitates
conditions (i.e., the amount of reservoir storage volume above normal pool reserved for
many geometric parameters. For example, the sidewall angle (α), total crest length (Lc),
number of cycles (N), and crest shape must be determined for a given footprint size. The
configuration of the labyrinth cycles and the orientation and placement of the weir can
also influence discharge efficiency. If the spillway is located in a chute or channel, the
labyrinth weir can have a normal or inverse orientation [Fig. 5-2 (E) and (F),
respectively]. For reservoir spillway application, the labyrinth weir may be Flush [Fig 5-
2 (C)], have rounded abutments [Rounded Inlet, Fig. 5-2 (D)], or be partially or fully
projecting [Fig. 5-2 (A)] into the reservoir. The cycle configuration may also be arced
[Fig. 2 (B)] to improve the cycle orientations to the approach flow conditions of the
reservoir and further increase the weir crest length. Arced labyrinth cycles are
The weir discharge capacity can generally be improved by optimizing the inlet
section [e.g., rounded abutment walls (Rounded Inlet)]. The relative increase in
increases. The details of the downstream spillway channel must also be considered,
which include the downstream apron elevation, apron slope, tailwater elevation and
possible submergence effects, supercritical waves, and energy dissipation. For arced,
labyrinth weir (i.e., weir length), relative to the discharge capacity of the spillway chute
inlet. In such cases, as the spillway discharge increases, the point of flow control will
eventually shift from the labyrinth weir to the chute inlet or other possible control point
guidance for labyrinth weir spillways are presented in Table 5-1. The design method
presented in Chapter 4, for example, is based upon the general weir equation [Eq. (5-1)]
and presents discharge coefficient data for quarter-round and half-round labyrinth weirs
for 6° ≤ α ≤ 35°. It also includes cycle efficiency (ε’), nappe flow regimes, artificial
2 32
Q= C d Lc 2 g H T (5-1)
g is the acceleration constant of gravity, and HT is the total upstream head defined as HT =
V2/2g + h (V is the average cross-sectional velocity at the upstream gauging location, and
Design Methods
Labyrinth Crest
() Authors
Cycle Type Shape
1 Hay and Taylor (1970) Trapezoidal Sh, HR
2 Darvas (1971) Trapezoidal LQR
3 Hinchliff and Houston (1984) Sh, QR
Lux and Hinchliff (1985) Triangular
4 QR
Lux (1989) Trapezoidal
5 Magalhães and Lorena (1989) Trapezoidal WES
6 Tullis et al. (1995) Trapezoidal QR
7 Melo et al. (2002) Trapezoidal LQR
8 Tullis et al. (2007) Trapezoidal HR
9 Lopes et al. (2008) Trapezoidal LQR
10 Chapter 4 (Crookston) Trapezoidal QR, HR
Labyrinth Weirs Located in a Reservoir
Many labyrinth weir design methods are based upon physical modeling conducted
in laboratory flumes, where the approaching flow field is relatively uniform and
perpendicular to the weir (e.g., Tullis et al. 1995, Magalhães and Lorena 1989, Hay and
Taylor 1970). The approaching flow for labyrinth weirs located in a reservoir, however,
may not be uniform or perpendicular to the weir; varying angles of the approach flow and
flow convergence may result in appreciable differences in weir efficiency [e.g. Prado
Spillway, Copeland and Fletcher (2000)]. There is useful but limited information
regarding the inlet section, labyrinth weir placement and orientation, non-uniform
approach conditions, and non-linear cycle configurations (curved and arced labyrinth
weirs). For example, Melo et al. (2002) presents an adjustment parameter for a labyrinth
weir with converging channel sidewalls. Also, case studies for Boardman Dam (Babb
1976) and Hyrum Dam (Houston 1983) reported that placing curved abutment walls
upstream of the labyrinth weir minimized the loss of efficiency caused by flow
The test program for Hyrum Dam (Houston 1983) included various weir
orientations and placements (Normal, Inverted, Flush, and Partially Projecting, see Fig. 5-
2) for the two-cycle labyrinth weir. For similar entrance conditions, it was reported that
the Normal orientation had a 3.5% greater discharge than the Inverted orientation, and the
Flush orientation. It should be noted that these orientations featured rounded abutment
walls and that the results of this study are limited because the weir was composed of only
two cycles. A comparison of the hydraulic performance of a normal and inverse oriented
α = 6° labyrinth weir in a channel application is included in Chapter 4 found no change in
hydraulic performance.
can increase discharge efficiency if it improves the orientation of the cycle to the
approaching flow (~90° is desirable). Falvey (2003) commented that the efficiency of
Prado Spillway could have been increased if the cycle configuration was curved to
improve alignment to the approaching flow. Avon (Darvas 1971), Kizilcapinar (Yildiz
and Uzecek 1996), and Weatherford (Tullis 1992) are examples of curved or arced
labyrinth weir spillways (physical model studies were conducted for these structures).
Recently, Page et al. (2007) conducted a study for María Cristina Dam (Castellón,
Spain). Following preliminary investigations, two labyrinth weir geometric designs for
the emergency spillway were examined: a 9-cycle labyrinth weir with 4 cycles following
an arced configuration, and a 7-cycle labyrinth weir that featured 5 arced cycles. The
physical models (1/50th scale, P~140-mm) were found to be less efficient than predicted
discharges from the Magalhães and Lorena (1989), Lux and Hinchliff (1985), and Tullis
et al. (1995) design methods. However, the 7-cycle arced configuration provided the
The purpose of this study is to provide new insights and design information
regarding the performance and operation of arced labyrinth weirs and labyrinth weirs
similar cycles, a layout for arced labyrinth weirs projecting into a reservoir is also
presented. This information is to be used in conjunction with “Hydraulic Design of
Experimental Method
Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL), located in Logan, Utah, USA. Labyrinth
weirs were fabricated from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheeting, featured a half-
round crest shape, and were tested in an elevated headbox (7.3 m x 6.7 m x 1.5 m deep)
and in a laboratory flume (1.2 m x 14.6 m x 1.0 m). The labyrinth weirs were installed
on an elevated horizontal platform (level to ±0.4-mm). The flume facility also featured a
horizontal elevated platform upon which the test weirs were installed and a ramped
upstream floor transition, which was reported by Willmore (2004) to have no influence
on the discharge capacity. Sidewall effects in the rectangular flume were considered to be
negligible based upon the finding of Johnson (1996). In the headbox, the discharge
channel downstream of the weir was relatively short (~10 cm) and terminated with a free
overfall to minimize any spillway chute specific tailwater effects. The radius for the
rounded inlet was set to the cycle width (Rabutment = w). Details of the labyrinth weir
spillway configurations modeled in a reservoir and channel are summarized in Table 5-2
Model test flow rates were determined using calibrated orifice meters in the
supply piping, differential pressure transducers, and a data logger. Point velocity
measurements (U) were made using a 2-dimensional acoustic Doppler velocity probe.
The headbox and flume were each equipped with a plenum and a baffle located between
Table 5-2. Physical model test program
the water supply and the test section to create relatively uniform and tranquil flow
conditions. The point gauge instrumentation was carefully referenced to the crest of the
labyrinth weir. Models were tested without any artificial nappe aeration.
measurements were recorded for 5 to 7 minutes with the data logger to determine an
average flow rate, and h was determined using a stilling well equipped with a point gage
accurate to ±0.15 mm. A system of checks was established wherein at least 10% of the
Velocity data measurements followed a ~30 cm grid (1 ft) and were time averaged for 30
s. A dye wand was used to make qualitative observations of the approaching flow field
and the flow passing over the labyrinth weir. The hydraulic behavior of the tested
labyrinth weirs was extensively documented with digital still and high-definition (HD)
video photography. Observations also noted nappe aeration conditions, nappe stability,
areas of local submergence, areas of flow convergence, wakes, and the general hydraulic
Experimental Results
parameters for arced labyrinth weir spillways, developed and tested in this study. The
geometric design process begins by selecting the geometry of a single labyrinth cycle.
The cycle is then repeated by following the arc of a circle, as shown in Fig. 5-3.
r’ Segment height, r’ = R - r
α Sidewall angle for labyrinth weir cycle, used for linear or arced
Hydraulic Performance
Physical modeling determined Q and HT for the half-round crested labyrinth weirs
installed in the reservoir. The discharge coefficients, Cd, were determined using Eq. (5-1).
aeration conditions of the nappe, and local submergence. Local submergence refers to a
location where the water surface elevation immediately downstream of the weir wall is
higher than the weir crest (e.g., the upstream apexes of a labyrinth weir at a high
discharge). It is caused by flow convergence, wakes, and standing waves. Local
where the tailwater elevation downstream of the weir exceeds the weir height and the
entire spillway becomes submerged. Cd data are presented in terms of the headwater
ratio, HT/P, for α = 6° (Fig 5-4) and α = 12° (Fig. 5-5); θ = 0 denote a linear cycle
configuration. Data for α = 90° (half-round crest shape) from Chapter 4 is included for
As shown in Fig. 5-4 and Fig. 5-5, the ‘Flush’ orientation was found to be the
least efficient labyrinth weirs tested in this study, and the arced configurations were
found to be the most efficient. The increased efficiency of the arced labyrinth weirs is
attributed to the improved orientation of the cycles to the approaching flow. However,
α=6° Normal in Channel α=6° Projecting (Linear,θ=0°)
α=12° Normal in Channel α=12° Projecting (Linear,θ=0°)
Fig. 5-5. Cd vs. HT/P for α = 12° half-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs
local submergence limits the gains in discharge efficiency from an arced labyrinth cycle
configuration. Local submergence develops sooner for arced labyrinth weirs because
these geometries discharge more flow into the downstream cycles and channel than a
linear cycle configuration for a given HT. As HT increased, the portion of the labyrinth
weir cycle that was submerged also increased, resulting in a shift of the flow control
section that began at the crest and moved down the weir cycle. With sufficient HT, this
control region will eventually move to a control point in the downstream channel (e.g.,
spillway chute inlet). The limiting influence of local submergence was observed for the θ
= 30° arced labyrinth weirs at HT/P ~ 0.15 (α = 6°) and HT/P ~ 0.30 (α = 12°). The
decline in efficiency was gradual for α = 12° (Fig. 5-5) but more rapid for α = 6° (shown
in Fig. 5-4) where the upstream cycle flow area (α’ = 21°) was significantly larger.
Visual observations noted local submergence regions that originated at the upstream
apexes and an increase in tailwater elevation where the flows exiting the labyrinth cycles
Trend lines were fit to the Cd data in Figs. 5-4 and 5-5 per Eq. (5-2) for
convenience of use. Corresponding coefficients for 0.05 ≤ HT/P ≤ 0.2 are presented in
Table 5-3, and coefficients for 0.2 ≤ HT/P ≤ 0.7 are presented in Table 5-4.
3 2
Cd = A * T + B * T + C * T + D
P P P (5-2)
uncertainty analysis adapted from Kline and McClintock (1953). Maximum errors
occurred at the lowest values of HT, with the error decreasing as HT increased. The
minimum, maximum, and average uncertainties (%) determined for each tested physical
The labyrinth weir orientations and cycle configurations tested in this study are
summarized in Fig. 5-2 and Table 5-2. Cd values from each model were juxtaposed to the
The ratio of Cd-res (spillway models tested in the reservoir) to Cd-Channel (Normal
orientation located in a channel) vs. HT/P for α = 6° and α = 12° are presented in Figs. 5-6
α Coefficients
(°) A B C D
Projecting, θ = 30° -10.072 -13.85 3.4033 0.5238
Projecting, θ = 20° -15.86 -6.7336 2.1836 0.5647
Projecting, θ = 10° 25.031 -22.061 3.8631 0.488
6 Linear
Projecting, θ = 0° 98.599 -47.272 6.0173 0.3819
Flush 166.004 -68.1254 7.4922 0.3373
Rounded Inlet 112.61 -47.638 5.2119 0.441
Projecting, θ = 30° 89.891 -44.348 6.9154 0.4284
α Coefficients
(°) A B C D
Projecting, θ = 30° -4.1930 7.3673 -4.6092 1.2327
Inverse spillway orientations. The abrupt increase in efficiency seen in Fig. 5-7 at HT/P ~
channel) caused by the nappe shifting from the clinging to the aerated nappe condition
(Chapter 4). This abrupt shift in discharge efficiency was not observed for the α = 6°
normally oriented weir (channel application), nor in the models tested in the reservoir,
Table 5-5. Cd representative single sample uncertainties for
labyrinth weirs tested in this study, HT/P ≥ 0.05
α=6° Normal in Channel
α=6° Projecting (Linear,θ=0°)
α=6° Arced Projecting, θ=10°
1.3 α=6° Arced Projecting, θ=20°
α=6° Arced Projecting, θ=30°
α=6° Flush
α=6° Rounded Inlet
Cd-Res / Cd-Channel
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
because labyrinth cycles did not all transition from clinging to aerated flow conditions
decreasing by ~10%. The Rounded Inlet orientation (Rabutment = w) and the Projecting
orientation behaved similarly for α = 12° (~2%-5% less efficient) yet for the α = 6° weirs,
the behavior of the Cd data for the Projecting orientation and Rounded Inlet were
distinctly different from one another. The Projecting orientation became ~5% more
efficient at ~ 0.15 HT/P because the flow passing over the outside side legs of O1 and O5
(see Fig. 5-8) was approximately perpendicular. However, at ~0.28 HT/P, local
submergence and the downstream channel for α = 6° caused the hydraulic efficiency of
the Projecting orientation to decline. As the flow was required to abruptly change
direction, the outlet labyrinth weir cycles O1 and O5 became submerged and contributed
some flow to the adjacent inlet cycles I1 and I4, producing a noticeable wake (see Fig. 5-
8). The overall effects of O1 and O5 on discharge efficiency become less significant as N
increases (e.g., the effects shown in Fig. 5-8 are relatively insignificant at N = 30).
The arced cycle configurations provided efficiency gains ranging from 10% to
over 25% for the α = 12°; however, these gains in efficiency were limited by local
submergence. As shown in Figs. 5-6 and 5-7, this submergence effect and the control
shifting downstream greatly limited the efficiency of the θ = 20° and θ = 30° for HT/P ≥
0.5. Therefore, it is important to verify that local submergence and the discharge
capacity of the downstream channel does not limit the discharge capacity of the arced
The arc radius, R, was unique for each arced labyrinth weir geometry; consequently, two
separate arced linear weirs, one for each arced labyrinth weir R, were evaluated. The
arced linear weirs overlay the downstream apexes of the corresponding arced labyrinth
weirs and the location of the endpoints of the arced labyrinth and linear projecting weirs
were common (the contact points between the weir walls and the reservoir headwall). At
HT/P = 0.1, the discharge capacities of the α = 6° and 12° arced projecting labyrinth weirs
are ~ 690% and 380% greater (due to the significantly longer crest lengths) than the arced
projecting linear weirs. Even at a relatively high HT/P value of 0.6, where a large portion
of the labyrinth weir crest length experiences local submergence and Cd is significantly
less than a linear weir, the α = 6° and 12° labyrinth weirs have ~ 270% and 180%
Flow Characteristics
In order to optimize the orientation of a labyrinth weir, the site conditions, permit
discussion presents general flow characteristics and design considerations associated with
QLab / QLin
HT/P α = 6°, θ = 30° α = 12°, θ = 30°
0.1 693% 381%
0.3 319% 267%
0.6 192% 183%
The flow passing over a labyrinth weir with cycles that are poorly aligned to the
approach flow direction will make significant changes in flow direction at the upstream
apexes, shown in Fig. 5-9. As the head on the weir increases, surface turbulence
increases, vortices can develop, the discharge per cycle becomes unbalanced, pressure
waves can form, and areas of local submergence occur [Fig. 5-9 (A) and (B)]. Further
increases in HT will expand the regions of local submergence and will eventually engulf
nearly the entire weir crest [Fig. 5-9 (C)], which will greatly diminish the hydraulic
efficiency of the labyrinth weir spillway. Fig. 5-9 (C) also illustrates a high local
submergence condition where the flow control region has shifted toward the downstream
presented Fig. 5-10 (A). At higher discharges, the flow that normally enters I1 and I5
partially enters I2 and I4, which results in flow separation at the guide walls and a less
efficient spillway design. The surface waves and the wake associated with the flow
separation at the abutments extended into I2 and I4. For labyrinth weir spillways with
many cycles, the reduction in spillway capacity associated with the abutment wall will be
less significant. However, for spillways with fewer cycles, it is suggested that the inlet be
modified to prevent flow separation and maintain an equal flow distribution to each
For cases where it may not be feasible to add guide walls or move the spillway
into the downstream channel, the discharge capacity can be increased by projecting the
spillway into the reservoir, as shown in Fig. 5-11 (A) and (B). The hydraulic efficiency
Fig 5-9. Examples of surface turbulence (A) and (B), and local submergence (B) and (C)
Fig. 5-10. A labyrinth weir with the Flush orientation (A) and a Rounded Inlet (B)
of this orientation is also limited by the outside labyrinth cycles (I1 and I4, O1 and O5).
The reservoir regions that flow over the outside sidewalls of O1 and O5 [see arrows Fig.
5-11(A)] are significantly larger than the regions that contribute flow to O2, O3, and O4.
At increased Q and HT, flow that normally entered O1 and O5 was observed to spill into
the adjacent labyrinth cycles, I1 and I4, creating wakes and an increase in local
submergence. Fig. 5-11 (A) and (B) also presents observable differences in local
flow area (reservoir application) relative to a projecting labyrinth weir, and reduces the
size inequality of the reservoir regions that flow into each labyrinth weir cycle. α = 12°,
θ = 10° arced labyrinth weirs are presented in Fig. 5-12. Further increases in θ improve
cycle orientation and spillway efficiency, as shown in Fig. 5-13 (A). Nevertheless, if the
heads, [shown in Fig. 5-13 (B)] increase the pool elevation for a given discharge.
The experimental data from the laboratory-scale models tested in this study
comparable prototype structures. The issue of geometric similitude for arced labyrinth
weirs, however, warrants additional comment. Examples of 5-cycle arced labyrinth weirs
at two different size scales (geometrically similar) are presented in Fig. 5-14 (A). An
alternative weir layout to the larger size-scale weir is shown in Fig. 5-14 (B); Lc R, W’,
and Θ remain constant but the cycle scale is reduced by ½, resulting in 2N and an arc of
θ/2. The arced labyrinth weir spillways shown in 5-14 (A) and (B) have geometrically
similar downstream cycles, but the cycle configuration is not geometrically similar (α’
has changed) and the discharge performance is not directly scalable from (A) to (B).
Based on the fact that (A) and (B) are geometrically comparable (reasonably similar or
quasi-similar), (B) should have a similar discharge capacity to (A) and the information
Fig. 5-14. Two geometrically similar arced labyrinth weir spillways, N = 5 (A)
and a geometrically comparable design at ½ scale,
equivalent crest length, and N = 10 (B)
presented in this study can be used as a first approximation. However, this design should
still be verified with a physical or numerical model study. Arced labyrinth weir designs
that fall outside the scope of the weirs evaluated in this study should also be verified with
a model study.
Design Example
The following example illustrates the use of the design information presented in
this paper for labyrinth weir spillway design. Design discharge values are typically
obtained from hydrologic and risk assessment flood routing studies. To determine an
initial cycle design with a discharge capacity that meets flow event estimations, it is
recommended that the design method presented in Chapter 4 be used. For this example
the following cycle geometry is used: a quarter-round crest shape, α = 12°, W = 89.6 m, B
Cd are presented in Table 5-7. The head-discharge, tailwater relationships, and spillway
hydrograph can now be estimated from labyrinth cycle discharge (Q/N) and hydraulic
Following the preliminary spillway design, the weir orientation is selected. The
decrease in efficiency for a Projecting orientation for N = 7 should be less than what is
estimated (~5% at HT/P = 0.6) in Fig. 5-7 [e.g., Cd ≥ 0.392*0.95% = 0.369]. The
efficiency of the weir may be increased, according to the data presented in Fig. 5-7, by
placing the cycles in an arced configuration; the results are presented in Table 5-7.
Additional labyrinth weir configurations (e.g., Flush orientation, Rounded Inlet, alternate
crest shapes, etc.) can also evaluated in design development. This study includes
Table 5-7. Predicted Cd to confirm calculated results
Crest HT/P
α = 12° Shape 0.20 0.40 0.60
Normal in Channel QR 0.576 0.473 0.392
Linear, Projecting, θ = 0° QR 0.551 0.458 0.369
Arced, Projecting, θ = 10° QR 0.604 0.512 0.411
Arced, Projecting, θ = 20° QR 0.647 0.539 0.415
Arced, Projecting, θ = 20° HR 0.735 0.566 0.425
experimental results for half-round, α = 12° labyrinth weir spillways; therefore, Eq. (5-2)
and Tables 5-3 and 5-4 may be directly applied (e.g., θ = 20° labyrinth weir orientation).
Further adjustments to weir geometry and spillway orientation may follow as the spillway
design is refined.
Although the design tools presented herein will accurately predict the hydraulic
performance of a labyrinth weir spillway, these results have only been confirmed with the
physical models that were tested in this study (Table 5-2). A physical model study is
specific to the spillway location, flow conditions, and geometric designs that may be
a reservoir application, to be used in conjunction with the design and analysis method
line) are presented for a variety of arced and linear labyrinth weir geometries, specific to
reservoir applications. Discharge rating curves may be modified with Figs. 5-6 and 5-7
labyrinth weir discharge capacity in a reservoir application for each tested labyrinth weir
orientation. Also, a standard geometric design layout for an arced labyrinth weir spillway
(cycles configuration follows the arc of a circle) is set forth, including important
geometric parameters.
A comparison (Figs. 5-6 and 5-7) of tested labyrinth weir spillway orientations
(Normal, Inverse, Projecting, Flush, Rounded Inlet, and Arced) showed that that the
projecting arced labyrinth weir had the maximum discharge efficiency, ~5% – 30%
greater than the Normal orientation; no difference in discharge efficiency was observed
between the Normal orientation and the Inverse orientation. The Flush orientation was
~10% less efficient than the Normal orientation. Rounded abutments (Rounded Inlet,
Rabutment ≥ w) were ~2% – 5% less efficient than the Normal orientation; therefore,
rounded abutments decrease flow separation at the abutment walls and improve the
Highly efficient labyrinth weir models (e.g., θ ≥ 20°) may be limited by local
submergence and eventually by the discharge capacity of the outlet labyrinth weir cycles
and exit channel width. As HT increases, local submergence regions also increase,
causing the critical section governing spillway discharge to travel down the outlet
The design tools and information presented herein will accurately design and
analyze labyrinth weirs that are geometrically similar to the models tested. This
model study. A model study would confirm hydraulic performance estimations, and
would include site-specific conditions and any unique flow conditions or geometric
Additional components of this study not presented here include a detailed look at
nappe behavior (including local submergence, nappe interference, and nappe stability),
with quarter- and half-round crests (6° ≤ sidewall angle ≤ 35°) are presented as a tool for
labyrinth weir design. Specified HT/P ranges, hydraulic behaviors associated with each
aeration condition, and nappe instability phenomena are documented and discussed. The
effects of artificial aeration (a vented nappe) on discharge capacity are presented. Nappe
interference for labyrinth weirs is defined, and the effects of nappe interference on the
discharge capacity of a labyrinth weir cycle are discussed, including the parameterization
A labyrinth weir (Fig. 6-1) is a type of polygonal overflow weir structure that is
characterized by its hydraulic performance and its distinct geometric shape (triangular,
has been determined empirically by the general weir equation [Eq. (6-1)].
2 32
Q= C d Lc 2 g H T (6-1)
Lc is the centerline length of the weir crest, g is the acceleration constant of gravity, and
velocity and h is the piezometric head (measured relative to the weir crest elevation) just
examining Eq. (6-1). The geometry of the labyrinth weir provides an increase in Lc,
decrease as Lc increases; labyrinth weirs require less freeboard for a given design flood
and can facilitate increased reservoir storage under base-flow conditions, relative to linear
weirs. Labyrinth weirs are most efficient at low heads, but as HT increases, the efficiency
of labyrinth weirs declines. Although labyrinth weir Cd values may be less than linear
weir Cd values, the increase in Lc typically more than compensates, providing an increase
geometry [e.g., sidewall angle (α), centerline apex length (Ac)], the cycle configuration
(arced or linear), the weir orientation (e.g., Normal, Inverse, Flush, Projecting, Rounded
Inlet), the shape of the weir crest, the approach flow conditions (e.g., the approach angle
of the flow relative to the labyrinth weir cycle), nappe behavior (e.g., nappe aeration
conditions, nappe instability, nappe interference) and the depth of flow downstream of
the weir walls (e.g., tailwater submergence and local submergence). The Cd values
Discharge coefficients and discharge rating curves for labyrinth weirs have been
determined from physical models of prototype structures [e.g., Avon (Darvas 1971),
Dungo (Magalhães and Lorena 1989), Hyrum (Houston 1983), Keddara (Magalhães and
Lorena 1989), Lake Brazos (Tullis and Young 2005), Lake Townsend (Tullis and
Crookston 2008), Ute (Houston 1982), and Woronora (Darvas 1971)] and from general
labyrinth weir research studies. Preceding prominent design methods have been
presented by Tullis et al. (1995), Magalhães and Lorena (1989), Lux (1989), Hinchliff
and Houston (1984), Darvas (1971), and Hay and Taylor (1970) (Chapters 4 and 5
discuss design methods and information for labyrinth weirs in detail). However,
interference, nappe aeration conditions, and nappe instability specific to labyrinth weirs.
A nappe is the jet of water that passes over a weir. In this study, four aeration
conditions of the nappe are defined; clinging, aerated, partially aerated, and drowned.
Clinging refers to the nappe adhering to the downstream face of the weir wall at lower
values of HT/P. An aerated nappe features an air cavity behind the nappe. As HT/P
increases the air cavity varies spatially and temporally; it becomes non-uniform
(distributed air pockets rather than one continuous air pocket along the weir wall) and
unstable (air pocket size and location changes with time). This condition is referred to as
partially aerated. Finally, the drowned nappe aeration condition features a thick nappe
without an air cavity; this condition occurs at higher values of HT/P. Nappe instability
indicated that nappe instability occurred briefly with the aerated and drowned conditions,
but most frequently with the partially aerated nappe aeration condition.
Nappe interference occurs when two or more nappes collide (Fig. 6-2). For
labyrinth weirs, nappe interference originates at the upstream apex and can produce
wakes downstream of the apex (Fig. 6-2), standing waves [6-3 (A)] and air bulking [6-3
Fig. 6-2. Collision of nappes from adjacent sidewalls and the apex
Fig. 6-3. The effects of nappe interference: standing waves (A), wakes and
air bulking (B), and local submergence (C)
(B)]. At low HT values, nappe interference is typically comprised of a turbulent nappe
“collision” region. As HT increases, the portion of the labyrinth weir outlet cycle
adjacent to the upstream apex becomes overwhelmed by the discharge from the sidewalls
and apex, thus creating a local submergence condition [see Fig. 6-3(C)]. Local
submergence region develops downstream of the upstream apex and increases in size as
weir discharge increases. During this study, observations indicated that local
Nappe interference reduces the local labyrinth weir discharge capacity. The size
of the region influenced by nappe interference is dependent upon α, Ac, crest shape, P,
HT, and the nappe aeration condition; the effects of nappe interference are not explicitly
accounted for in labyrinth weir design methods. For example, a labyrinth weir of four
conditions) than an identical labyrinth weir of the same Lc but with 8 cycles (N = 8) (see
Fig. 6-4) because the portion of the weir length affected by nappe interference is larger
studying sharp-crested corner weirs (α = 23.4°, 31°, 44.8°, 61.7°). A corner weir can be
perpendicular to each sidewall. Indlekofer and Rouvé divided the corner weir into two
flow regions: a disturbed region where the flow from each sidewall converges (colliding
nappes) and a second region where the flow streamlines are perpendicular to the sidewall
Fig. 6-4. Example of nappe interference regions for an aerated nappe at low HT/P
(i.e., linear weir flow) (see Fig. 6-5). The length of the crest within the disturbed area
was defined as Ld. By comparing the efficiency of a corner weir to a linear weir, an
average discharge coefficient for the disturbed area, Cd-m; a theoretical disturbance length,
LD; and an empirical discharge relationship were developed [Eq. (6-2)]. Cd-m represents
the efficiency of a corner weir relative to a linear weir (Cd-m = Cd-corner / Cd(90°)).
Applying the linear weir discharge coefficient, Cd(90°), to the corner weir, LD represents
3Q 1 1
Ld = Lc(α ° ) − = LD
2Cd( 90° ) 2 g hm 1 − Cd − m
3 2
1 − Cd − m
the theoretical portion of crest length where Q and Cd = 0 (see Fig. 6-5). In Eq. (6-2), hm
is the head upstream of the weir as defined by Indlekofer and Rouvé (1975); hm
represents a specific upstream depth and includes two velocity components [see
labyrinth weir models. Using corner weir data, Falvey developed an empirical LD
Indlekofer and Rouvé. Falvey also developed Eq. (6-4) based upon an analysis of
available labyrinth weir experimental data. Falvey does not, however, give a
Based on an analysis of Tullis et al. (1995) labyrinth weir discharge rating curves, Falvey
proposes a design limit of LD / lc ≤ 0.35 (35% or less of weir length is ineffective), where
lc is the weir sidewall length. For corner weirs and triangular labyrinth weirs, lc = Lc-cycle /
2; for trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, Lc-cycle / 2 = lc + Ac. Falvey also states that additional
research is needed, including ascertaining the validity of Eq. (6-4). In Eq. (6-4), HT/P is
the headwater ratio (total upstream head over the weir height).
= 6.1e− 0.052α ° α ≥ 10° (6-3)
LD = lc 0.224 ln T + (0.94 − 0.03α °) α ≤ 20° and HT/P ≥ 0.1 (6-4)
The purpose of this study is to provide new information regarding labyrinth weir
nappe aeration conditions, nappe instability, and nappe interference and their influence
data sets for 6° ≤ α ≤ 35° with a quarter- and half-round crest shape. Also, the influence
addition, the flow conditions when nappe instability occurs are documented. The
definition for nappe interference is refined, and regions of influence are determined.
Finally, the techniques proposed by Indlekofer and Rouvé (1975) for nappe interference
of corner weirs and the application of these techniques by Falvey (2003) are examined.
Experimental Method
20 labyrinth weirs were fabricated from High Density Polyethylene Plastic (HDPE) and
tested in a rectangular flume (1.2 m x 14.6 m x 1.0 m) at the Utah Water Research
Laboratory (UWRL). Details of the tested model geometries are summarized in Table 6-
1. The flume featured a headbox and baffle to provide uniform approach conditions for a
given discharge rate. The labyrinth weirs were installed on an elevated horizontal apron
with a ramped (2.4 m) upstream floor transition. Willmore (2004) found the effects of
upon the findings of Johnson (1996) the influence of flume sidewall effects were also
considered to be negligible.
transducers, and a data logger were used to meter the flow rates in the test flume. The
flume was equipped with a stilling well and a rolling instrument carriage that featured
point gauge instrumentation (0.15 mm). The point gauge instrumentation was carefully
referenced to the crest of the labyrinth, which was leveled to ±0.4 mm. The test program
evaluated the influence of artificial aeration (the air cavity behind the nappe was vented
to atmosphere). Each labyrinth weir model with a quarter-round crest shape was tested
with and without a nappe aeration apparatus consisting of an aeration tube for each
labyrinth sidewall [example shown in Fig. 6-6(A)]. Wedge shaped nappe breakers were
tested at three different locations {upstream apex, downstream apex [Fig. 6-6(B)], and
~lc/2 [Fig. 6-6 (C)]} and various location combinations (e.g., upstream and downstream
data were averaged for 5-7 minutes and h was determined using the stilling well equipped
Fig. 6-6. Aeration tube apparatus for N = 2 (A) and nappe breakers located on the
downstream apex (B) and on the sidewall (C)
with a point gauge. A large number of head-discharge data points were collected for all
tested weir geometry, including a system of checks wherein at least 10% of the data were
measured inside the weir cycles with a 2-dimensional acoustic doppler velocity probe.
Digital photography and a measurement grid (located on the flume sidewall) were used to
consequently the fluctuation in the size for the region of nappe interference, increase with
accuracy varies from model to model and decreases as HT increases (e.g., ±5 mm for α =
8° and HT/P = 0.1, ±25 mm for α = 10° and HT/P = 0.3, ±15 mm for α = 12° and HT/P =
digital video recording were used extensively to document the hydraulic behaviors of the
tested labyrinth weirs. Observations noted nappe behavior, nappe aeration conditions,
nappe stability, nappe separation points, areas of local submergence, wakes, harmonic or
recurring hydraulic behaviors for all α tested. Finally a dye wand was used to investigate
Labyrinth weirs can experience four different nappe aeration conditions: clinging
(Fig. 6-7), aerated (Fig. 6-8), partially aerated (Fig. 6-9), and drowned (Fig. 6-10). The
shape of the weir crest, P, HT, the depth and turbulence of flow behind the nappe, the
momentum and trajectory of the flow passing over the crest, and the pressure behind the
nappe (sub-atmospheric for non-vented or atmospheric for vented nappes) influence the
aerated, to partially aerated, and finally to drowned. However, all four aeration
conditions do not necessarily occur for all labyrinth weir cycle geometries or crest
Fig. 6-7. Clinging nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth weir,
half-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.196
Fig. 6-8. Aerated nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth weir,
quarter-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.202
Fig. 6-9. Partially aerated nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth
weir, half-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.296
Fig. 6-10. Drowned nappe aeration condition observed for trapezoidal labyrinth weir,
quarter-round crest shape, α = 12°, HT/P = 0.604
condition of the nappe. Aeration conditions characterize nappe behavior, which may be
relatively tranquil or may produce pressure fluctuation on the weir wall, noise, and
vibrations. For example, a clinging nappe (Fig. 6-7) is generally more efficient than an
aerated nappe (Fig. 6-8) because sub-atmospheric pressures develop on the downstream
face of the weir. A partially aerated nappe (Fig. 6-9) occurs at larger values of HT/P and
does not have a stable air cavity behind the nappe (varies temporally and spatially). The
air cavity oscillates between labyrinth weir apexes, the amount of the sidewall length that
is aerated fluctuates, and the air cavity may be completely removed and then reappear as
the turbulent levels and unsteady flow behavior behind the nappe fluctuate. Although the
air cavity is highly dynamic and causes fluctuating pressures on the downstream face of
the weir, observations noted stable and unstable nappe trajectories (depending upon weir
geometry and flow conditions) for the partially aerated nappe condition. For a stable
nappe, the partially aerated condition had minimal influence on the nappe trajectory.
Further increases in HT cause the nappe to shift from partially aerated to drowned. The
drowned nappe aeration condition features a thick nappe without an air cavity. Ranges of
HT/P that correspond to observed nappe aeration condition for quarter-round and half-
round labyrinth weirs are presented in Figs. 6-11 and 6-12, respectively.
For labyrinth weirs with a smooth quarter round crest shape, clinging conditions
cease at HT/P~0.05. The nappe condition shifts from aerated to partially aerated at 0.25 ≤
HT/P ≤ 0.29, depending on α (α = 8° – 10° have the largest aeration range). The drowned
condition begins at HT/P = 0.31 for α = 6°. As α increases, the inception of the drowned
condition begins at higher values of HT/P. For α ≥ 12, the drowned condition begins at
HT/P = 0.51.
As can be seen in Figs. 6-11 and 6-12, the half-round crest shape produces
different aeration condition ranges than the quarter-round crest. Depending on α, the
clinging condition can be maintained up to HT/P = 0.4 (α = 35°). The Cd values in the
clinging condition range are greater than those in the aerated or partially aerated range, as
exhibited by the abrupt decrease in Cd as the nappe shifts from clinging to aerated or
partially aerated. Labyrinth weirs with 15° ≤ α ≤ 20° were observed to shift directly from
a clinging nappe to a partially aerated nappe, and nappe aeration occurred only briefly for
Nappe Instability
Figs. 6-11 and 6-12 also present the ranges of HT/P when nappe instability
occurred (α ≥ 12° for quarter-round and half-round crest). Nappe instability refers to a
nappe that has an oscillating trajectory (temporal variations) and may be accompanied by
abrupt shifts in the aeration condition of the nappe. It is a low frequency phenomenon
that occurs under constant upstream flow conditions (i.e., HT, and Q) and is a significant
event for α ≥ 12. Nappe instability affects complete labyrinth weir cycles (two sidewalls
and the downstream apex); nappe oscillations may be synchronized for all labyrinth weir
cycles or temporal variations between cycles may exist. During testing, 3-dimenional
unsteady flow conditions were observed downstream of the sidewalls using dye tracking.
Turbulent mixing in that region created air bulking in the flow around the nappe.
Explorations in the downstream cycle with the dye wand noted turbulent, helical flow
currents traveling relatively parallel and adjacent to the sidewall. The observed
fluctuations of the nappe and turbulent mixing all appeared to contribute to dynamic
pressures behind the nappe. Under these conditions, the nappe was drawn toward the
weir wall, and there appeared to be a critical point when air and/or water were drawn
behind the nappe from the adjacent flow, creating an audible flushing noise. Relatively
large quantities of fluid were introduced in bursts, resulting in the abrupt change of nappe
At higher flow rates, air cavity formation and nappe instability diminished
(increased turbulent mixing) and artificial aeration or venting of the nappe was found to
decrease nappe instability and noise. Despite artificial aeration, nappe instability was still
observed to occur (to a lesser degree) for α ≥ 20° in the partially aerated (quarter-round
and half-round crest shapes) and drowned (quarter-round crest shape only) aeration
conditions. Nappe instability was not observed to occur for α < 12° and α < 10° for
quarter- and half-round crest shapes, respectively. The net effect of nappe instability on
prototype structures is unclear; however, avoiding these ranges in labyrinth weir design is
the discharge capacity of quarter-round labyrinth weirs (~0.5% to 1.7%). With respect to
discharge efficiency, venting a half-round labyrinth weir crest (using aeration vents or
nappe breakers) reduces the range of HT/P for the clinging nappe aeration condition,
thereby reducing flow efficiency at low heads and partially diminishing the benefit of a
half-round crest shape. Aeration vent or nappe breaker hydraulic effects and placement
Nappe Interference
Nappe Interference for Labyrinth Weirs. Nappe interference refers to the region
where two or more nappes intersect, and it occurs at the upstream apexes in labyrinth
weirs. Nappe interference locally decreases the weir discharge efficiency in that region.
Although the effects of nappe interference and apex influence are inherently accounted
for in the discharge coefficients and rating curves proposed in labyrinth weir design
methods, it is important to characterize and quantify the size of the nappe interference
region to determine if the hydraulic performance of a labyrinth weir design will deviate
from design method predictions (i.e., nappe interference may cause two labyrinth weir
designs with common sidewall angles and weir lengths, but with a different number of
In order to characterize the size of nappe interference regions, Bint was developed
and physically measured; this interference length is illustrated in Fig. 6-13. It describes
the interference region length originating at and perpendicular to the upstream apex wall
to the point where the nappe region intersects the weir crest. Depending upon the
labyrinth weir geometry and the flow conditions, the nappe interference region may
include a turbulent flow region [Fig. 6-13 (D)], a local submergence region [Figs. 6-13
(C), or both [Fig. 6-13 (A)]. Bint may be used to approximate the portion of crest length
The sizes of the nappe interference regions for the design method proposed in
Chapter 4 are quantified in Figs. 6-14 and 6-15 for quarter-round and half-round crest
shapes. As expected, Bint increases with HT; for the quarter-round crest shape, the aerated
nappe condition increases the size of the turbulent region and, therefore, Bint (HT ≤ 125
mm, which corresponds to 0.1 ≤ HT/P ≤ 0.3). As the nappe shifts from the aerated to the
partially aerated condition, the size of the turbulent region decreases as the influence of
the quarter-round crest shape on the nappe trajectory diminishes (nappe trajectory
becomes less horizontal). The half-round crest shape does not have a flat, horizontal
Fig. 6-13. Physical representation of Bint in plan-view (A) and (C) and profile view (B)
and (D) for nappe interference regions
Geometric scaling may be used to convert the information presented in Figs. 6-14
and 6-15 to determine the size of the nappe interference region for other labyrinth weir
parameter was found that accurately represents the interference region for all labyrinth
to determine nappe interference region size for labyrinth weir design. Because families
of curves result from varying B or Lc for a geometrically similar labyrinth weir cycle,
6 degree QR
8 degree QR
10 degree QR
500 12 degree QR
15 degree QR
Bint (mm)
400 20 degree QR
35 degree QR
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
HT (mm)
Fig. 6-14. Bint for quarter-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, 6°≤ α ≤ 35°
useful dimensionless ratios (e.g., Bint/B) are to be computed after determining Bint.
To quantify the percentage of B that is comprised of Bint for the physical models
tested in this study, Bint/B is presented in Figs. 6-16 and 6-17 for quarter-round and half-
round labyrinth weirs. In general, Bint was approximately 10% to 40% of B during testing
of the quarter-round crest shape labyrinth weirs. Nappe aeration affected the increasing
trend (0.2 ≤ HT/P ≤ 0.35) of Bint/B with α for quarter-round labyrinth weirs. This
anomaly did not occur for half-round labyrinth weirs; in general, the regions of nappe
interference for half-round labyrinth weirs were smaller or equivalent in size to the
regions observed with quarter-round labyrinth weirs. Crest shape appears to have little
6 degree HR
8 degree HR
10 degree HR
500 12 degree HR
15 degree HR
Bint (mm)
400 20 degree HR
35 degree HR
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
HT (mm)
Fig. 6-15. Bint for half-round trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, 6°≤ α ≤ 35°
influence on Bint for HT/P ≥ 0.5. As stated previously, a dimensionless approach to nappe
interference was found to produce families of curves. Figs. 6-16 and 6-17 are not
applicable to all labyrinth weirs but do characterize the percentage of the downstream
cycle [(for the labyrinth weir models tested in this study (see Chapter 4)] within the
with aerated, sharp-crested corner weirs, Indlekofer and Rouvé (1975) investigated nappe
interference for sharp-crested corner weirs with an aerated nappe. They proposed that the
discharge of any polygonal weir could be determined by assuming the weir is composed
of linear weirs joined with disturbed corner areas. Total weir discharge was determined
6 degree QR
0.9 8 degree QR
10 degree QR
12 degree QR
15 degree QR
0.6 20 degree QR
Bint /B
35 degree QR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
from the summation of discharges computed for each portion of the polygonal weir. The
discharge capacity for each weir portion was computed using Eq. (6-2), which requires
selecting appropriate Cd-m and Ld and LD values for each corner (as a function of α) from
figures they developed. The proposed methodology of Indlekofer and Rouvé is based
upon the following assumptions: excluding the disturbed corner areas, the flow passing
over the weir sidewalls is perpendicular to the crest; the weir features a sharp-crest, the
nappes of the weir are stable and fully aerated; the reduction in discharge capacity
(relative to a linear weir) is solely attributable to the colliding nappes; and Ld and LD
0.9 8 degree HR
10 degree HR
12 degree HR
15 degree HR
0.6 20 degree HR
Bint /B
35 degree HR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
In contrast to corner weirs, the flow passing over a labyrinth weir is not
perpendicular to the crest along the sidewalls except at low upstream head (HT/P < 0.05)
and at the center of the upstream and downstream apexes. Depending on the crest shape
geometry and the upstream flow conditions, regions of nappe interference can be heavily
influenced by crest shape. Also, the stability and aeration condition of the nappe vary
with HT for labyrinth weirs with quarter and half-round crest shapes. In addition to
behavior, upstream flow conditions, and local submergence. For this study, Eq. (6-2) was
modified to include HT; the non-linear relationships of LD to HT are provided in Figs. 6-18
and 6-19.
LD and Ld do not vary linearly with HT (a major assumption in the Indlekofer and
Rouvé method); however, this is a reasonable approximation for labyrinth weirs with α ≥
35° (the experiments of Indlekofer and Rouvé were for corner weirs with α > 23°). As
shown in Fig. 6-19, a region of transition exists where the slope of LD decreases with
increasing HT; this region corresponds to the commencement of the partially aerated and
Nevertheless, for lack of a more appropriate alternative, Falvey (2003) applied these
6 degree QR
8 degree QR
3000 10 degree QR
12 degree QR
15 degree QR
20 degree QR
35 degree QR
LD (mm)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
HT (mm)
techniques to quantify the effects of nappe interference for labyrinth weirs. Eq. (6-3) (red
line shown in Fig. 6-20) was developed to determine a disturbed crest length based upon
The non-linear variations of LD/HT (from Fig. 6-18) for quarter-round labyrinth
weirs are plotted for 6° ≤ α ≤ 35°. Theoretically, LD/HT should be 0 at α = 90° and
approach ∞ at α = 0° (no flow); Falvey (2003) limits the empirical equation to α ≥ 10°.
The labyrinth weir experimental data do not match the pattern suggested by these three
relationships. Fig. 6-20 is not recommended as it does not sufficiently describe the nature
Falvey (2003) also developed Eq. (6-4) (proposed for HT/P ≥ 0.1 and α ≤ 20°)
6 degree QR 8 degree QR
10 degree QR 12 degree QR
15 degree QR 20 degree QR
0.2 curve fit Indlekofer a nd Rouvé 0.8 curve fit Indlekofer a nd Rouvé
14 Fa lvey (2003)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
based on plots of LD/Lc-cycle vs. HT/P computed from the experimental results of physical
model studies for eight different labyrinth weir prototype structures. Predictions from
Eq. (6-4), LD-Falvey, and Eq. (6-2), LD, are plotted as LD-Falvey/LD vs. HT/P in Figs. 6-21 and
Based upon the experimental results of this study, Eq. (6-4) appears to under
predict LD for quarter-round labyrinth weirs by ~10% (which may not be sufficiently
accurate) for HT/P ≥ 0.3 and α ≤ 12°. For labyrinth weirs with a half-round crest shape, it
under predicts LD by ~ 5% to 20% for HT/P ≥ 0.2 and α ≤ 12°. The accuracy of Eq. (6-4)
decreases for HT/P < 0.2 and for larger angled labyrinth weirs (α > 12°). Based on these
findings, Eq. (6-4) is not recommended for labyrinth weir design. However, LD does
6 degree QR
1.8 8 degree QR
10 degree QR
1.6 12 degree QR
15 degree QR
20 degree QR
LD-Falvey / LD
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
6 degree HR
1.8 8 degree HR
10 degree HR
1.6 12 degree HR
15 degree HR
20 degree HR
LD-Falvey / LD
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
linear weir with common discharges. Also, Cd-m represents the relative efficiency of a
labyrinth weir to a linear weir; therefore, LD and Cd-m are useful parameters when
juxtaposing the hydraulic performance and weir lengths of linear and labyrinth weirs.
As discussed previously, Ld is the crest length within the flow area disturbed by
nappe interference for sharp-crested corner weirs [calculated from Eq. (6-2)]. The
portion of the apron within the disturbed area [(Bd), see Fig. 6-5] is a straightforward
calculation from Ld; Indlekofer and Rouvé defined the boundary of this region to be
perpendicular to the weir wall in the downstream cycle. To determine the accuracy of Bd
for labyrinth weirs, predicted nappe interference length regions were compared to Bint
(measured during physical model testing for this study). The ratio of Bd/Bint vs. HT/P is
presented in Figs. 6-23 and 6-24 for quarter and half-round labyrinth weirs.
Based on the findings presented in Figs. 6-23 and 6-24, Bd is not an accurate
representation of Bint for labyrinth weirs. For example, Bd was ~ 20% to 53% and ~ 10%
to 77% larger than Bint for α = 35° for the quarter-round and half-round weir crest shapes,
respectively. Furthermore, Bd was 14- and 35-times larger for α = 6° at HT/P = 0.1 for the
two different crest shapes, a flow condition where Bd should be minimal. For this
geometry and flow condition, Bint was observed to be ~2% of B during testing (39 mm).
Even including the wake (elevation below the crest) created from nappe collision (152
mm, 7% of B), there is poor agreement; Bd was predicted to be ~545 mm or nearly 25%
of B (at HT/P = 0.8, Bint was measured at 586 mm). Therefore, it is recommended that
Figs. 6-14 and 6-15 be utilized to describe the region of nappe interference for labyrinth
6 degree QR
8 degree QR
10 degree QR
12 12 degree QR
15 degree QR
10 20 degree QR
35 degree QR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
This study provides new hydraulic information and insights regarding nappe
aeration conditions, nappe instability, and nappe interference for labyrinth weirs. Twenty
physical models (Table 6-1) were used to determine the influence of these phenomena on
The HT/P ranges for clinging, aerated, partially aerated, and drowned nappe
aeration conditions were identified in Figs. 6-11 and 6-12. These regions are crest-shape
specific, vary nonlinearly with α, and are discussed in detail to clearly characterize nappe
behavior. Nappe aeration conditions also account for changes in Cd; a clinging nappe is
more efficient than an aerated, partially aerated, or drowned nappe. The influence of
6 degree HR
8 degree HR
10 degree HR
30 12 degree HR
15 degree HR
25 20 degree HR
35 degree HR
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
(~0.5% – 1.7%), relative to the non-vented nappe conditions, for quarter-round crest
shapes. For half-round labyrinth weirs, aeration vents or nappe breakers limit the
operating range of the clinging nappe and diminish the hydraulic efficiency benefits
Physical modeling also identified regions of nappe instability for α ≥ 12° for
quarter and half-round crest shapes. Observations noted the presence of sweeping
turbulent flow exiting the downstream cycle, a fluctuating water volume behind the
nappe, dynamic pressures behind the nappe, and turbulent mixing during nappe
instability. For half-round crest shapes, nappe instability is specific to the partially
aerated nappe condition. Nappe instability occurred to a lesser degree for α ≥ 20° in the
partially aerated (quarter-round and half-round crest shapes) and drowned (only quarter-
round crest shape) aeration conditions when the nappe was vented. The net effect of
ranges be avoided in labyrinth weir design, as vibrations, pressure fluctuations, and noise
This study refined the definition of nappe interference for the reason that nappe
depending on HT. The effects of nappe interference and consequently apex influence are
inherent but not separately quantified in discharge coefficients and rating curves
proposed in labyrinth weir design methods. However, the size of the nappe interference
region was quantified (Figs. 6-14 and 6-15) to facilitate a comparison between nappe
interference regions between a labyrinth weir design and the design method (e.g.,
maintaining Lc but varying N). Such a comparison will indicate qualitatively if the
hydraulic performance of a labyrinth weir will deviate from design method predictions.
Finally, the techniques proposed by Indlekofer and Rouvé (1975) for nappe
labyrinth weirs were examined. Neither Ld nor LD were found to accurately predict the
extent of the nappe interference regions for labyrinth weirs. Eq. (6-2) does accurately
describe the difference in weir lengths and net discharge efficiencies between a labyrinth
weir and a linear weir of equivalent discharges. Eqs. (6-3) and (6-4) were not validated
The purpose of this research study was to improve the design and analysis of
are presented in Chapter 2. This includes information regarding labyrinth weir modeling
weir nomenclature and terminology, the history and evolution of labyrinth weir design
(including significant design methods and case studies), and a list of labyrinth weirs from
This study is based upon the experimental results of 32 labyrinth weir physical
installation tolerances, model configurations, and test procedures of this study. Labyrinth
weirs featured a quarter- and half-round crest shape and were installed on a horizontal
Laboratory (UWRL). Quarter-round labyrinth weirs were tested with and without an
artificial aeration device. Model configurations included Normal and Inverse orientation
in a channel and Flush, Rounded Inlet, and Projecting orientations in a reservoir. The
Projecting orientations included Linear and Arced cycle configurations. The test program
also included four α = 15° models with a quarter-round crest where P, tw, N, and w/P
were varied. Data were collected using calibrated orifice meters and differential pressure
transducers, point gauges, stilling wells, a 2-dimensional acoustic Doppler velocity probe,
a dye injection apparatus, and high definition digital video and still cameras.
Experimental discharge rating curve data sets are comprised of ~60 to 100 individual data
points (total of 2,606 tested flow conditions) and an uncertainty analysis based upon the
system of checks was established wherein at least 10% of the data were repeated to
includes velocity flow fields, nappe profiling, nappe aeration conditions, nappe instability
conditions, nappe interference regions, regions of local submergence, and other detailed
This chapter presents a labyrinth weir design and analysis procedure (Table 4-6)
based upon the results of 20 physical models tested in a laboratory flume. Q is calculated
based on the traditional weir equation [Eq. (4-1)], utilizing HT and selecting the centerline
length of the weir, Lc, as the characteristic length. Tailwater submergence for labyrinth
weirs, as presented by Tullis et al. (2007), is included. The proposed design and analysis
method is validated by juxtaposing the experimental results of this study with other
physical model studies presented in Figs. 4-12 and 4-13, and Table 4-8.
Figs. 4-3 and 4-4 present a dimensionless discharge coefficient, Cd, as a function
of HT/P for quarter-round and half-round labyrinth weirs (6° ≤ α ≤ 35°) and linear weirs.
The test results indicate that the increase in efficiency provided by a half-round crest
Cycle efficiency, ε’, is a tool for examining the discharge capacity of different
labyrinth weir geometries (Figs. 4-8 and 4-9). The results of ε’ indicate how the increase
in crest length compensates for the decline in discharge efficiency associated with
decreasing α.
The experimental results indicate that nappe aeration conditions and nappe
stability should not be overlooked in the hydraulic and structural design of labyrinth
weirs. The results presented in Tables 4-4 and 4-5 indicate flow behaviors that may
include negative or fluctuating pressures at the weir wall, noise, and vibrations. These
tables also aid in the selection of a crest shape. Finally, the effects of nappe ventilation
by means of aeration vents or nappe breakers are put forth, including recommended
placements of vents (one per sidewall) and breakers (one centered on each downstream
Although the methods and tools presented herein will accurately design and
performance. A model study would include site-specific conditions that may be outside
the scope of this study and may provide valuable insights into the performance and
and trend line) are presented for a variety of arced and linear labyrinth weir geometries,
specific to reservoir applications. Discharge rating curves may be modified with Figs. 5-
6 and 5-7 for a specific labyrinth weir orientation or cycle configuration. Phenomena
were identified (surface turbulence, vortices, local submergence, wakes) that decrease
labyrinth weir discharge capacity in a reservoir application for each tested labyrinth weir
orientation. Also, a standard geometric design layout for an arced labyrinth weir spillway
(cycles configuration follows the arc of a circle) is set forth, including important
geometric parameters.
A comparison (Figs. 5-6 and 5-7) of tested labyrinth weir spillway orientations
(Normal, Inverse, Projecting, Flush, Rounded Inlet, and Arced) showed that that the
projecting arced labyrinth weir had the maximum discharge efficiency, ~5%-30% greater
than the Normal orientation; no difference in discharge efficiency was observed between
the Normal orientation and the Inverse orientation. The Flush orientation was ~10% less
were ~2% – 5% less efficient than the Normal orientation; rounded abutments decrease
flow separation at the abutment walls and improve the efficiency of the Flush
This study found that it is possible to over-design a labyrinth weir spillway.
Highly efficient labyrinth weir models (e.g., θ ≥ 20°) may be limited by local
submergence and eventually by the discharge capacity of the labyrinth weir cycle outlets.
As HT increases, local submergence regions also increase resulting in the critical section
that governed spillway discharge to travel down the outlet labyrinth cycle and eventually
The design tools and information presented herein will accurately design and
analyze labyrinth weirs that are geometrically similar to the models tested. This
arced labyrinth weir spillways (e.g., Fig. 5-14) that feature geometrically similar outlet
model study. A model study would confirm hydraulic performance estimations, and
include site-specific conditions and any unique flow conditions or geometric designs
This chapter provides new hydraulic information and insights regarding nappe
aeration conditions, nappe instability, and nappe interference for labyrinth weirs. 20
physical models (Table 6-1) were used to determine the influence of these phenomena on
aeration conditions were identified in Figs. 6-11 and 6-12. These regions are crest-shape
specific, vary nonlinearly with α and are discussed in detail to clearly characterize nappe
behavior. Nappe aeration conditions also account for changes in Cd; a clinging nappe is
more efficient than an aerated, partially aerated, or drowned nappe. The influence of
(~0.5% to 1.7%), relative to the non-vented nappe conditions, for quarter-round crest
shapes. For half-round labyrinth weirs, aeration vents or nappe breakers limit the
operating range of the clinging nappe and diminish the hydraulic efficiency benefits
Physical modeling also identified regions of nappe instability for α > 15° and α >
12° for quarter and half-round crest shapes, respectively. Observations noted the
presence of sweeping turbulent flow exiting the downstream cycle, a fluctuating water
volume behind the nappe, dynamic pressures behind the nappe, and turbulent mixing
during nappe instability. For half-round crest shapes, nappe instability is specific to the
partially aerated nappe condition. Nappe instability occurred to a lesser degree for α ≥
20° in the partially aerated (quarter-round and half-round crest shapes) and drowned
(only quarter-round crest shape) aeration conditions when the nappe was vented. The net
these ranges be avoided in labyrinth weir design, as vibrations, pressure fluctuations, and
This study refined the definition of nappe interference for the reason that nappe
inherent but not separately quantified in discharge coefficients and rating curves
proposed in labyrinth weir design methods. However, the size of the nappe interference
region was quantified (Figs. 6-14 and 6-15) to facilitate a comparison between nappe
interference regions between a labyrinth weir design and the design method (e.g.,
maintaining Lc but varying N). Such a comparison will indicate qualitatively if the
hydraulic performance of a labyrinth weir will deviate from design method predictions.
Finally, the techniques proposed by Indlekofer and Rouvé (1975) for nappe
interference of corner weirs and the application of these techniques by Falvey (2003) to
labyrinth weirs were examined. Neither Ld nor LD were found to accurately predict the
extent of the nappe interference regions for labyrinth weirs. Eq. (6-2) does accurately
describe the difference in weir lengths and net discharge efficiencies between a labyrinth
weir and a linear weir of equivalent discharges. Eqs. (6-3) and (6-4) were not validated
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End Function
'for use with reservoir headbox on lower floor level with transmitters in UWRL
Function flowtRes(Size, dH, g, leak)
Dim beta, a, Dorifice, Dpipe, pi, C, Calib As Double
pi = 3.14159265359
'Calibrated coefficient and precise geometry for each nominal orifice size in inches to
If (Size = 4) Then
C = 0.6197
a = 1.5 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 1.5 / 4.026
flowtRes = (C * a * (2 * g * dH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5) - leak
ElseIf (Size = 8) Then
C = 0.6106
a = 5 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 5 / 7.981
Calib = 1 '+ 0.0357131
flowtRes = (C * a * (2 * g * dH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5) * Calib - leak
ElseIf (Size = 20) Then
C = 0.6029
a = 14.016 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 14.016 / 19.25
flowtRes = (C * a * (2 * g * dH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5)
Calib = 1 - (0.000071079566 * flowtRes ^ 2 - 0.002182705515 * flowtRes +
flowtRes = flowtRes * Calib - leak
Else: flowtRes = "Check Meter!"
End If
End Function
'4-ft Flume Calculation
'To determine uncertainty in single sample measurement, from Kline and McClintock
Function SSUCd4ft(Size, mA, deltaH, Q, Ptgage, Ht, P, Lc, W, Yplatform, Yramp, Yref,
Dim beta, Aorifice, Dorifice, Dpipe, pi, C As Double
Dim wQ, wLc, wHt, wC, wW, wPtgage, wH, wP, wYplatform, wYramp, wYref, wmA,
Dim dQ, dH, dP, dYplatform, dYramp
pi = 3.14159265359
Lc = Lc / 12 'convert from inches to feet
W = W / 12 'convert from inches to feet
'Calculate uncertainties
wH = (((wPtgage / H) ^ 2 + (wYref * (-1) / H) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * H
'Calc wHt by taking derivatives
dH = 1 - (Q ^ 2) / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dQ = Q / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 2)
dP = -Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dYplatform = Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dYramp = Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
wHt = (((wH * dH / Ht) ^ 2 + (wQ * dQ / Ht) ^ 2 + (wP * dP / Ht) ^ 2 + (wYplatform *
dYplatform / Ht) ^ 2 + (wYramp * dYramp / Ht) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * Ht
End Function
'for use with 3-ft rectangular flume with transmitters in UWRL (9-15-2007)
Function flowt3(Size, dH, g)
Dim beta, a, C As Double
If (Size = 2) Then
C = 0.6345
a = 1.035 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 0.507
If (Size = 4) Then
C = 0.6277
a = 3 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 0.7452
If (Size = 10) Then
C = 0.707
a = 10.508 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 10.508 / 12
If (Size = 12) Then
C = 0.6151
a = 8.005 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 0.6671
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
End Function
End Function
Option Explicit
End Function
'for use with reservoir headbox on lower floor level with transmitters in UWRL
Function flowtRes(Size, dH, g, leak)
Dim beta, a, Dorifice, Dpipe, pi, C, Calib As Double
pi = 3.14159265359
'Calibrated coefficient and precise geometry for each nominal orifice size in inches to
If (Size = 4) Then
C = 0.6197
a = 1.5 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 1.5 / 4.026
flowtRes = (C * a * (2 * g * dH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5) - leak
ElseIf (Size = 8) Then
C = 0.6106
a = 5 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 5 / 7.981
Calib = 1 '- 0.0357131 '+
flowtRes = (C * a * (2 * g * dH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5) * Calib - leak
ElseIf (Size = 20) Then
C = 0.6029
a = 14.016 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 14.016 / 19.25
flowtRes = (C * a * (2 * g * dH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5)
Calib = 1 - (0.000071079566 * flowtRes ^ 2 - 0.002182705515 * flowtRes +
flowtRes = flowtRes * Calib - leak
Else: flowtRes = "Check Meter!"
End If
End Function
'4-ft Flume Calculation
'To determine uncertainty in single sample measurement, from Kline and McClintock
Function SSUCd4ft(Size, mA, deltaH, Q, Ptgage, Ht, P, Lc, W, Yplatform, Yramp, Yref,
Dim beta, Aorifice, Dorifice, Dpipe, pi, C As Double
Dim wQ, wLc, wHt, wC, wW, wPtgage, wH, wP, wYplatform, wYramp, wYref, wmA,
Dim dQ, dH, dP, dYplatform, dYramp
pi = 3.14159265359
Lc = Lc / 12 'convert from inches to feet
W = W / 12 'convert from inches to feet
'Calculate uncertainties
wH = (((wPtgage / H) ^ 2 + (wYref * (-1) / H) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * H
'Calc wHt by taking derivatives
dH = 1 - (Q ^ 2) / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dQ = Q / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 2)
dP = -Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dYplatform = Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dYramp = Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
wHt = (((wH * dH / Ht) ^ 2 + (wQ * dQ / Ht) ^ 2 + (wP * dP / Ht) ^ 2 + (wYplatform *
dYplatform / Ht) ^ 2 + (wYramp * dYramp / Ht) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * Ht
End Function
'Reservoir Calculation
'To determine uncertainty in single sample measurement, from Kline and McClintock
Function SSUCdRes(Size, mA, deltaH, Q, Ptgage, Ht, P, Lc, W, Yplatform, Yramp,
Yref, g, leak)
Dim beta, Aorifice, Dorifice, Dpipe, pi, C, Calib As Double
Dim wQ, wLc, wHt, wC, wW, wPtgage, wH, wP, wYplatform, wYramp, wYref, wmA,
Dim dQ, dH, dP, dYplatform, dYramp
pi = 3.14159265359
Lc = Lc / 12 'convert from inches to feet
W = W / 12 'convert from inches to feet
'Calculate Q in Reservoir
If (Size = 4) Then
C = 0.6197
Aorifice = 1.5 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 1.5 / 4.026
Q = (C * Aorifice * (2 * g * deltaH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5) - leak
ElseIf (Size = 8) Then
C = 0.6106
Aorifice = 5 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 5 / 7.981
Calib = 1 '+ 0.0357131
Q = (C * Aorifice * (2 * g * deltaH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5) * Calib - leak
ElseIf (Size = 20) Then
C = 0.6029
Aorifice = 14.016 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 14.016 / 19.25
Q = (C * Aorifice * (2 * g * deltaH) ^ 0.5 / (1 - beta ^ 4) ^ 0.5)
Calib = 1 - (0.000071079566 * Q ^ 2 - 0.002182705515 * Q + 0.024449497333)
Q = Q * Calib - leak
Else: Q = "Check Meter!"
End If
H = Ptgage - Yref
Ht = H + Q ^ 2 / (2 * g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 2)
'Calculate uncertainties
wH = (((wPtgage / H) ^ 2 + (wYref * (-1) / H) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * H
'Calc wHt by taking derivatives
dH = 1 - (Q ^ 2) / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dQ = Q / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 2)
dP = -Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dYplatform = Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
dYramp = Q ^ 2 / (g * W ^ 2 * (H + P + Yplatform - Yramp) ^ 3)
wHt = (((wH * dH / Ht) ^ 2 + (wQ * dQ / Ht) ^ 2 + (wP * dP / Ht) ^ 2 + (wYplatform *
dYplatform / Ht) ^ 2 + (wYramp * dYramp / Ht) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * Ht
End Function
'for use with 3-ft rectangular flume with transmitters in UWRL (9-15-2007)
Function flowt3(Size, dH, g)
Dim beta, a, C As Double
If (Size = 2) Then
C = 0.6345
a = 1.035 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 0.507
If (Size = 4) Then
C = 0.6277
a = 3 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 0.7452
If (Size = 10) Then
C = 0.707
a = 10.508 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 10.508 / 12
If (Size = 12) Then
C = 0.6151
a = 8.005 ^ 2 * 3.14159 * 0.25 / 144
beta = 0.6671
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
End Function
End Function
Option Explicit
Extra-curricular Activities
Teaching Experience
ESL Supervisor & Tutor—BYU-Idaho Reading Center & ESL, Rexburg, Idaho
• December 2001 – April 2003
• Certified as Level 2-Advanced Tutor of CRLA, April 17, 2003
• English as a Second Language (ESL), Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary,
Speed Reading, Advanced Study Skills
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. (Under review, submitted Nov. 2010). Arced and
Linear Projecting Labyrinth Weirs in a Reservoir Application. 34th International
Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress,
Brisbane, Australia, June 2011.
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. 2011. The Design and Analysis of Labyrinth Weirs.
Proceedings of the 31st Annual USSD Conference, San Diego, California, April, 2011.
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. (2011). Hydraulic Characteristics of Labyrinth Weirs.
International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs. Liege, Belgium. Feb, 2011.
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. (Under review - submitted March 2010) Incipient
Motion of Gravels in a Bottomless Arch Culvert. International Journal of Sediment
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. 2010. Hydraulic Performance of Labyrinth Weirs. 3rd
International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures,
Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2010
Paxson, G., Crookston, B., Savage, B., Tullis, B., and Lux III, F. 2008. The Hydraulic
Design Toolbox: Theory and Modeling for the Lake Townsend Spillway Replacement
Project. 2008 Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Indian Well, California,
September 2008
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. 2008. Labyrinth Weirs. 2nd International Junior
Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Pisa, Italy, August 2008
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. 2008. Scour and Riprap Protection in Bottomless Arch
Culverts. 2008 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii,
May 2008
Tullis, B.P. and Crookston, B.M. 2008. Lake Townsend Dam Spillway Hydraulic Model
Study Report. Schnabel Engineering, February, 2008
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. 2007. A Laboratory Study of Streambed Stability in
Bottomless Culverts. 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa,
Florida, May 2007
Tullis, B.P. and Crookston, B. M. 2007. Dam Outlet Works, More than Just Equations.
Dam Safety 2007, Austin, Texas, September 2007
Crookston, B.M. and Tullis, B.P. 2006. Preliminary Study of Scour in Bottomless
Culverts (FHWA-AK-RD-06-05)