Load Data:: VSL Middle East Qatar Date Sheet Albustan Street South, Qatar Design of Main Steel Beam Project: Document No
Load Data:: VSL Middle East Qatar Date Sheet Albustan Street South, Qatar Design of Main Steel Beam Project: Document No
Load Data:: VSL Middle East Qatar Date Sheet Albustan Street South, Qatar Design of Main Steel Beam Project: Document No
Load Data:
Yield stress in steel, fy = 304.5 N/mm2 y
Case = Max Mz
Beam no = 1
Load case = 2DL Tw
Axial Load in the Beam P = 0 kN
Bending Moment about Z-Z axis Mz = 1750 kN-m z z
= 14562.5*304.545/(1*1000)
Mdz = 4434.9 kNm
= Hence safe
= 5215.625*304.545/(1*1000)
= 1588.39 kNm
= Hence Safe
Calculation of Design Shear Force:
(Clause 6.2.6)
Av = A-2bt1+(tw+r)tf
= 19760
Hw = 500
Av = 21000
= 3474.384
0.5Vd = 1737.19 kN
= Actual shear is mote than Half of section shear, Hence Moment will be reduced
Clause 6.2.9
α = 2 For I Section
β = 5n
= 5.00
n = N/Nd
= 0/19034.063
= 0.00
= 1
= 0.115
= Hence safe
= 4.5E+07 mm4
Iw = Iyd^2/4
= 5.76E+13
Mcr = 120233.7 kNm
Non Dimensional lateral torsional slenderness:
λlt = sqrt(Zpzfy/Mcr)
= 0.19
Bucling Curve = c h/b 1.33
αlt = 0.49
Ǿlt = 0.516
χlt = 1.00
= 7820.78
fcry = 3.14^2E/(KL/r)^2
= 3.14^2*210000/36.245^2
= 1576.1
λz = sqrt(fy/fcr)
= SQRT(304.545/7820.781)
= 0.197
λy = sqrt(fy/fcr)
= SQRT(304.545/1576.095)
= 0.44
Buckling Curve and imperfection factors:
αz = 0.49
αy = 0.76
Ǿz = 0.5*(1+0.49*(0.197-0.2)+0.197^2)
Ǿz = 0.519
Ǿy = 0.5*(1+0.76*(0.44-0.2)+0.44^2)
= 0.688
Kyz = 1-0.1λy/((Cmlt-0.25)*(P/χyPdy)
= 1.000
Kyz = 1-0.1/((Cmlt-0.25)*(P/χyPdy)
Check For Interactio Ratio:
= 0/(1.001*19034.063)+0.36*47.25/(1588.393)+0.4*(1750/(1.004*4434.937))
= 0.17
= Hence safe
= (0/(0.822*19034.063)+(1*(1750/(1.004*4434.937)))+0.6*47.25/1588.393)
= 0.41
= Hence safe