On Self-Sustained Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow Over Rectangular Cavities
On Self-Sustained Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow Over Rectangular Cavities
On Self-Sustained Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow Over Rectangular Cavities
1. Introduction
Oscillations in the flow past an open cavity have been studied for decades, but
still there remain many open questions about even the basic physical mechanisms
underlying the self-sustained oscillations. Cavity oscillations in compressible flows are
typically described as a flow–acoustic resonance phenomenon, and its first detailed
description is credited to Rossiter (1964), but it was known earlier as a mechanism for
edge tones (e.g. Powell 1953, 1961). In this mechanism, small disturbances in the free
shear layer spanning the cavity are amplified via Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. Their
interaction with the trailing cavity edge gives rise to an unsteady, irrotational field,
† Present address: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.
‡ Present address: Bridge Information Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA.
316 C. W. Rowley, T. Colonius and A. J. Basu
the upstream influence of which excites further disturbances to the free shear layer,
especially near the cavity leading edge. At very low Mach number, the scattered field is
essentially incompressible, and the feedback to the leading edge is instantaneous, while
at moderate Mach number there is an acoustic delay. Resonance occurs at frequencies
where the phase change of the disturbance leads to constructive reinforcement. In this
paper we consider Mach numbers from 0.2 to 0.8, and simply refer to the feedback
field as ‘acoustic’.
Another mode of cavity oscillation has been observed, but has received much
less attention, and is relatively poorly understood. In incompressible experiments for
an axisymmetric cavity, Gharib & Roshko (1987) observed a wake mode, where the
oscillating flow over the cavity resembles the wake behind a bluff body, rather than a
free shear layer. Flow features in this wake mode were qualitatively very different from
those in the shear-layer mode described by Rossiter, and wake mode was accompanied
by a large increase in drag. Similar dramatic increases in drag had been previously
observed by Fox (1968) as the cavity length was increased, in flows with thin laminar
upstream boundary layers, and Roshko (1955) observed an intermittency ‘analogous
to the large fluctuations of drag which occur on a bluff cylinder in the critical range of
Reynolds number,’ where the flow may be switching between shear-layer mode and a
type of wake mode. Recent experiments and numerical studies by Kriesels et al. (1995)
for a flow past closed branches of a pipe (with both circular and two-dimensional
cross-sections) also demonstrate flow structures that closely resemble wake mode.
Note that cavity oscillations have been categorized by Rockwell & Naudascher
(1978) into ‘fluid-dynamic’ oscillations, and ‘fluid-resonant’ oscillations, where the
acoustic resonance of the cavity itself plays an important role, as in a flute or an
organ pipe. Both of these classes of oscillations are variations of shear-layer mode,
and should not be confused with wake mode.
Research in cavity flows has seen renewed activity in recent years, largely because
of the possibility of using active control to reduce the oscillations, for applications
such as aircraft wheel wells and weapons bays. For active control to be used most
effectively, an accurate understanding of the flow physics is essential. This was the
original motivation for the present study. The recent literature on control of cavity
oscillations is too vast to survey here, but we mention the early work of Sarohia &
Massier (1977) and Gharib (1987), and refer to the recent review article by Colonius
(2001) for more information. More details about cavity oscillations in general may be
found in review articles (e.g. Rockwell & Naudascher 1978; Blake & Powell 1986);
see also the recent work by Howe (1997) for very low Mach number cavity flows, and
Crighton (1992) for edge tones.
The focus of the present work is to investigate numerically the two regimes men-
tioned above – shear-layer mode and wake mode – in two-dimensional subsonic flow
over a rectangular cavity. The experiments of Gharib & Roshko were performed
for an axisymmetric cavity, and when wake mode is present they mention signifi-
cant large-scale motion across the centreline, suggesting that wake mode oscillations
might be suppressed in two-dimensional geometries. The experiments of Kriesels et
al. (1995) also involved coupling between two different cavities (closed side branches
of a pipe), and it is not clear to what extent the coupling is important. The present
investigation demonstrates that wake mode occurs in two-dimensional flows even
without the presence of such coupling.
Previous numerical studies of compressible cavity flows have used the two-
dimensional unsteady RANS (Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes) equations with
a k– turbulence model (Lamp & Chokani 1997; Zhang, Rona & Edwards 1998;
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 317
Fuglsange & Cain 1992). The effectiveness of compressible turbulence models for
separated oscillating flows, and especially their radiated acoustic field (which, as
noted above, is an integral part of the resonant instability modes) remains an open
question. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) provide a means to study the details of
the modes of oscillation and their interactions, albeit at low Reynolds number, and
have been used recently by Colonius, Basu & Rowley (1999) and Shieh & Morris
(1999). In § 2 we present a high-order-accurate method for solving the compressible
Navier–Stokes equations in the cavity geometry and give results for two-dimensional
computations. The generated acoustic field is directly resolved in the computation,
and the domain is made large enough to include a portion of the radiated acoustic
field. It needs to be stressed that in the context of two-dimensional flows, we use the
term ‘direct’ simulation to imply that there is no turbulence model. In this case the
flow is an unstable laminar flow that is confined to evolve in only two dimensions. The
turbulent cavity flow is of course three-dimensional, but it is thought that in many
cases the resonant modes are approximately two-dimensional. Some two-dimensional
Navier–Stokes calculations of the cavity flow were also undertaken by Slimon, Davis
& Wagner (1998), who formulated the problem as a ‘hybrid’ method where, for low
Mach number, the acoustic modes were solved independently of the hydrodynamic
In § 3, results from the computation are used to visualize the acoustic feedback
process described above, and the radiated acoustic fields are compared to the schlieren
photographs of Krishnamurty (1956). Details of the shear layer spanning the cavity
are discussed, and compared with available experimental results and predictions from
linear theory.
In § 4, we consider wake mode oscillations in detail, and find that the frequencies
of oscillation are independent of Mach number, suggesting that acoustics no longer
play a role in the mechanism for self-sustained oscillations. We conjecture that
for sufficiently strong recirculating flows within the cavity, the shear layer becomes
absolutely unstable (in the sense of Huerre & Monkewitz 1985), and thus provides
a competing feedback mechanism, separate from the usual acoustic feedback. The
transition to wake mode appears also to be connected with unsteady oscillating
separation of the boundary layer upstream of the cavity.
In § 5, we develop criteria to predict both the onset of fluctuations in shear-layer
mode (from steady flow), and the transition to wake mode. The criteria are based
on linear stability calculations of the amplification of disturbances in the shear layer,
and a simple model for the efficiency of radiation from the cavity trailing edge. The
criteria are in excellent agreement with the computed results. The model also sheds
some light on the parametric dependence of the onset of fluctuations, explaining
trends seen in previous experiments, and also the transition to wake mode. Finally,
in § 6, we discuss the wake mode transition in the context of experimental results and
some previous RANS calculations, and propose explanations for why wake mode is
less likely to appear in three-dimensional flows and at higher Reynolds numbers.
2. Numerical method
The numerical method used here is very similar to methods used previously for
direct computations of sound generation in mixing layers and jets and other canonical
problems (e.g. Colonius, Lele & Moin 1997), wherein the fully compressible Navier–
Stokes equations are solved. These studies have shown the efficacy of sixth-order-
accurate compact finite-difference schemes (Lele 1992) in resolving acoustic fields
318 C. W. Rowley, T. Colonius and A. J. Basu
Buffer zone
Inflow U
Isothermal wall
with velocity fluctuations five orders of magnitude smaller than near-field fluctuations
(Colonius et al. 1997). Time integration is performed with a fourth-order Runge–Kutta
method. This combination of schemes results in very low numerical dissipation, which
allows accurate wave propagation. The method relies solely on physical viscosity for
Boundary conditions play a key role in aeroacoustic computations. Artificial bound-
aries (inflow/outflow/normal) must allow vortical and acoustic waves to pass freely
with minimal reflection. It is important to distinguish between two types of reflections
that may occur: ‘smooth’ reflections, which arise due to approximations in the contin-
uous boundary condition formulation; and ‘spurious’ or saw-tooth reflections, which
arise due to the dispersive nature of finite difference schemes (Rowley & Colonius
2000). For equations of motion linearized about a uniform mean flow, it is possible
to derive boundary conditions that are non-reflecting for both types of waves, to
arbitrarily high order of accuracy (Rowley & Colonius 2000). For nonlinear equa-
tions, especially at outflow boundaries, the interaction of disturbance amplitudes and
mean flow gradients severely limits the accuracy of any linear boundary conditions
(Colonius, Lele & Moin 1993). Several treatments that rely on a ‘buffer’ zone near
the computational boundary have been suggested to remedy this situation. These
include combinations of grid stretching and filtering (e.g. Colonius et al. 1993), and
the addition of artificial convection velocities and damping terms to the equations
(e.g. Freund 1997). These ‘buffer’ conditions are combined with robust (but low-order
accurate) non-reflecting boundary conditions, such as one-dimensional characteristic
wave decompositions (Thompson 1987; Poinsot & Lele 1992).
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the computational domain. A Cartesian
grid is used, with clustering of nodes near all the walls. Analytical error function
mappings are used for the grid stretching. The code is parallelized using a domain
decomposition method. Typical grids (see captions of figures 2 and 3) contain about
half a million grid points. The code has been run on 8 to 32 processors of an IBM
SP2. The wall is assumed to be isothermal at the same temperature as the free stream
(therefore transport properties are assumed constant, and the Prandtl number is taken
as 0.7). For the inflow, outflow and normal boundaries, the one-dimensional boundary
conditions of Poinsot & Lele (1992) are used, together with artificial damping terms
in a buffer region (Freund 1997). These terms, of the form σ(q − q target ) are added to
the right-hand sides of the equations in conservative form (here q is a vector of the
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 319
0.30 0.8 (b)
U 0
– 0.15
– 0.4
– 0.30
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 10
Domain flow-through times Domain flow-through times
Figure 2. Effect of boundary position and grid resolution on the normal velocity at y = 0 and
x = 3.13D: (a) reference case L4 (——) compared with a finer grid case (– – –) and larger domain
case (· · · · · ·); (b) only the larger domain case, for longer time. Reference case L4 has downstream
boundary 10.6D, upstream −4.3D, normal 9.2D. The grid has 1152 × 384 points above the cavity
in the streamwise and spanwise directions, respectively, and 384 × 94 points in the cavity. The finer
grid case has the same boundaries as run L4, but 50% more grid points (in each direction). The
larger domain case extends to 15D downstream and 15D in the normal direction. Note that the
dotted line falls nearly directly on top of the solid line in (a).
computational domain for the reference case. The larger-domain case is run for
longer than the finer-grid case, as the domain size is more likely to cause low-
frequency errors, arising from non-physical reflections at boundaries. Figure 3 shows
a similar test for run L2, and the spectra are compared.
For the first 3 to 4 flow-through times, the results are nearly identical, independent
of grid resolution and boundary location. Small differences are apparent at later
times, which is not unexpected given the sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
For run L2, greater differences are observed after about 10 flow-through times, but
the spectra are almost identical. We conclude that the boundary locations and grid
resolutions for runs L2 and L4 are adequate, and similar locations and resolutions
were used in the other runs in table 1.
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 321
– 0.05 10– 6
0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3
Domain flow-through times Frequency, f L/U
Figure 3. Effect of grid placement on the normal velocity at y = 0 and x = 1.57D, for run L2: (a)
the time trace for the reference case (——) and for a larger domain case (· · · · · ·); (b) the spectra
of the data in (a). Reference case L2 has downstream boundary 7.6D, upstream −3.9D, normal
9.2D. The grid has 1008 × 384 points above the cavity, and 240 × 96 points in the cavity. The larger
domain case extends to 11.8D downstream and 15.6D in the normal direction.
1 1 1
(a) (b) (c)
y 0 0 0
–1 –1 –1
–1 0 1 2 3 –1 0 1 2 3 –1 0 1 2 3
x x x
Figure 4. Instantaneous vorticity contours for run L2 (shear-layer mode) at three different times
(a–c), corresponding to approximately one-third phase intervals of the dominant mode of oscillation
(2nd Rossiter mode). 15 equi-spaced contours between ωD/U = −5 and 1.67 are shown; positive
contours are dashed. Only a small portion of the computational domain near the cavity is shown.
3. Shear-layer mode
The shear-layer mode is characterized by the feedback process described in the
introduction: the roll-up of vorticity in the shear layer, impingement and scattering of
acoustic waves at the downstream cavity edge, upstream acoustic wave propagation,
and receptivity of the shear layer to acoustic disturbances. The process is clearly born
out by the computational results. Iso-contours of vorticity are depicted in figure 4 for
run L2, and these are indicative of all the runs in the shear-layer mode of oscillation.
Vortical disturbances in the shear layer are clearly evident, and the flow inside the
cavity is relatively quiescent, with a weak vortex occupying the downstream half of
the cavity. Vorticity of the opposite sign (to boundary-layer vorticity) is generated
along the walls of the cavity. Note that at three different instants in time, while the
phase of the disturbances in the shear layer has shifted, the vorticity contours in the
cavity are nearly the same. The steadiness of the vortex occupying the latter half of
the cavity (which is confirmed by the mean flow, discussed in comparison to the wake
mode mean flow in § 4) indicates that the interaction of the flow inside the cavity with
the shear layer is relatively weak.
Figure 5 provides a qualititative confirmation of the acoustic feedback process.
Plotted are contours of the density fluctuations along the cavity mouth (y = 0) and
along the cavity walls, as a function of time. Both upstream (acoustic) and downstream
(vortical) disturbances are evident along the shear layer, while density fluctuations
along the bottom are purely acoustic. The phase variation of these disturbances will
322 C. W. Rowley, T. Colonius and A. J. Basu
Upstream Shear layer Downstream Cavity
face centreline face bottom
–1 0 0 1 2 0 –1 2 1 0
y/D x/D y/D x/D
Figure 5. Diagram showing contours of density perturbation along the cavity edges and cavity
mouth (shear layer), as a function of time, for run L2. Contour levels range from −0.03 (dark) to
0.03 (light).
–2 0 2 4
downstream axis. Sound pressure levels are still at about 170 dB at 3 cavity depths
along the peak radiation direction. These numbers are quite high, but Krishnamurty
(1956) estimated sound pressure levels for the case of laminar boundary layers in
excess of 163 dB for a variety of geometries. These estimates were based on deflections
from finite-fringe interferometry, but no detailed mapping to SPL was performed.
Krishnamurthy (1956) found that laminar boundary layers upstream produce higher
SPL than their turbulent counterparts, and that the L/D = 2 cavity was louder than
longer cavities.
Figure 8 illustrates the separate contributions to the acoustic field when two
resonant frequencies are present simultaneously. Density fluctuations are plotted for
run L2, which has two strong resonant frequencies, at St = fL/U = 0.4 and 0.7. We
performed a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of 125 samples (every 250 time units)
of the computational data over a period of time T U/L = 30, corresponding to 12
periods of the lower frequency, and 21 periods of the higher frequency. The resulting
data record is approximately periodic in time, and any drift in the data is removed
prior to taking the DFT. We experimented with different windowing techniques, signal
durations, and sampling rates, and we believe the results presented here are free from
any artifacts of the limited signal duration and sampling rates.
Real and imaginary parts of the DFT are plotted, and the different wavelengths
of far-field acoustic radiation are apparent. Hydrodynamic disturbances in the shear
layer are also evident, and will be discussed further in § 3.4. It is striking that the level
of the density fluctuations in the far field is comparable to the level of the density
fluctuations in the shear layer. This indicates the high efficiency of the acoustic
scattering process at the cavity trailing edge. The wavelength of the acoustic fields at
differing angles into the free stream can be measured, and is in agreement with the
predicted value based on the frequency of oscillation and the speed of the wavefront,
a∞ (1 + M cos θ), where θ is measured from the downstream x-axis, and a∞ is the
ambient sound speed.
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 325
Real part Imaginary part
(a) (b)
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
–2 0 2 4 –2 0 2 4
6 (c) 6 (d)
4 4
2 2
0 0
–2 0 2 4 –2 0 2 4 6
Figure 8. Contours of the DFT of the density at the two resonant frequencies for run L2. (a,b)
16 levels between ±0.008ρ∞ for St1 = 0.4; (c,d ) 16 levels between ±0.004ρ∞ for St2 = 0.7; negative
contours are dashed.
Mode II
v/U (Power spectrum magnitude)
Mode I
10– 4
10– 6
0 1 2 3 4
f L/U
0.4 Rossiter n
Figure 10. Strouhal numbers for peaks in spectra for the 2M series of runs (shear-layer mode), and
4M series (shear-layer and wake modes) compared to experiment and equation (3.1). The lighter
shaded region indicates the scatter of data in experiments with turbulent boundary layers by Heller
& Bliss (1975), Rossiter (1964) and Tam & Block (1978), and the darker shaded region indicates
the frequencies measured by Sarohia (1975).
d0 1.4
0 5 10 15
Figure 11. Vorticity thickness δω along the shear layer for runs L2 (4) and LG6b (), and linear
fits with slope dδω /dx = 0.05 (– – – –) and 0.07 (——).
of a turbulent free shear layer, but for a cavity with L/θ0 = 81, the spreading rate is
50% higher, the opposite trend to that observed by Sarohia.
Shear-layer thicknesses from two of our runs are plotted in figure 11. Our data also
indicate approximately linear growth, with spreading rates similar to those measured
by Sarohia. Our run L2 (L/θ0 = 53) has a spreading rate of about dδω /dx = 0.05,
while Sarohia’s experiments had dδω /dx = 0.056 for L/θ0 = 60. Our spreading rates
also increase with L/θ0 , and for run LG6b (L/θ0 = 90) we measure dδω /dx = 0.07,
compared to an experiment of Sarohia’s with L/θ0 = 85 and dδω /dx = 0.064. Thus,
our measurements support the trend noted by Sarohia, that the shear layer spreads
faster for longer cavities. A likely reason for this trend is that a longer shear layer
amplifies disturbances more, so the final amplitude of oscillations is larger, thus
increasing Reynolds stresses, which cause the spreading.
D 0
– 0.5
0 0.5 1.0
Figure 12. Mean streamwise velocity profile, ū(x, y)/U, for run L2 (——) compared to the
hyperbolic tangent profiles with the same vorticity thickness (– – – –).
(e.g. Tam & Block 1978) the cavity bottom is not accounted for, as the cavity was
assumed infinitely deep compared to the shear-layer thickness.
We use the simulations to determine the mean flow for the linear stability cal-
culations. Two different calculations are performed, one using the actual velocity
profiles from the DNS, and another using hyperbolic tangent profiles with the same
vorticity thickness and deflection. As shown in figure 12, the agreement is good close
to the cavity leading edge, but much worse near the rear of the cavity, where the
steady captive vortex is present. The actual DNS velocity profiles will of course be
more accurate, but the tanh profiles yield very similar results, and later (§ 5), we use
the tanh-profile linear stability calculations as a predictive tool, to predict the total
amplification by the shear layer.
The overall magnitude and phase of the instability wave is found by integrating
the complex growth rate α over the streamwise positions:
Z x
f̃(x, y) = f̂(y) exp i α dx , (3.3)
where both the wavenumber α and the eigenfunction f̂ are slowly varying functions
of x. Without carrying the analysis to higher order, the normalization of the eigen-
functions is arbitrary, and we have set the maximum amplitude of the streamwise
velocity mode to unity at each axial position.
Figure 13 shows the normal velocity instability waves ṽ, at the two resonant
frequencies present in run L2 (St = 0.4 and 0.7), using the mean flow from the same
run. Also shown is the DFT of the normal velocity, computed as described in § 3.1.
The linear stability eigenfunctions are seen to be in very good qualitative agreement
with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability waves at the corresponding frequencies, except
very near the cavity trailing edge, where the DNS results show some of the distur-
bances being swept down into the cavity by the (nearly steady) vortex that occupies
the downstream half of the cavity.
A more quantitative measurement of the phase variation is presented in figure 14.
The phase of vorticity disturbances in the shear layer is plotted, again for run L2, at the
two resonant frequencies. (This is just the phase of the DFT of vorticity, along y = 0.)
330 C. W. Rowley, T. Colonius and A. J. Basu
DFT of DNS LS, DNS velocity profile LS, tanh velocity profile
1.0 1.0 1.0
(a) (b) (c)
0 0 0
0 0 0
Figure 13. Comparison of mode shapes (real part) for normal velocity fluctuations in the shear-layer
region for parameters of run L2. Contours are between ±0.01U for St1 = 0.4 in (a–c), between
±0.005U for St2 = 0.7 in (d –f ).
Also plotted is the phase of the dilatation close to the cavity floor, which represents
the upstream-travelling acoustic wave inside the cavity. These variables were chosen
to better separate hydrodynamic disturbances from acoustic disturbances, though
very similar results were obtained when normal velocity and pressure were used
in the shear layer and cavity floor, respectively. The dilatation phase is relatively
constant in the y-direction, except near the shear layer, where the hydrodynamic
fluctuations are significant. Notice that the total phase variation from the shear-layer
convection (downstream) and acoustic propagation (upstream) is almost exactly 2πn,
where n is the index of the Rossiter mode. This phase criterion is similar to that
found in several experiments (Knisely & Rockwell 1982; Rockwell & Schachenmann
1982; Gharib & Roshko 1987), which show that in the low-Mach-number limit, the
total phase variation in the shear layer alone is a multiple of 2π. In this limit, the
acoustic propagation is of course instantaneous, so for our compressible simulations
we must add the phase variation of the finite-speed acoustic propagation. Note that
the phase speed of the acoustic waves along the cavity bottom is far from constant.
This indicates the presence of multiple acoustic reflections by the cavity walls.
Linear stability predictions for the phase variation in the shear layer are also
plotted, and the phase variation is predicted well except for very near the leading and
trailing edges of the cavity, where the DNS data show a slower phase speed (steeper
phase variation). We do not expect the linear stability calculations to be very accurate
in these regions, because the flow is rapidly changing in the streamwise direction, and
significantly non-parallel at the downstream corner. In addition, any flow/acoustic
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 331
– 0.5
– 1.5
Figure 14. Phase of vortical and acoustic disturbances for run L2, at the frequencies of the first two
Rossiter modes (St = 0.4, 0.7). Vorticity disturbances in the shear layer at y = 0 (, ); dilatation
along cavity bottom at y = −0.99D (4, O); and shear-layer phase predicted by linear stability (——,
– – – –). Dilatation phase is shifted to line up with vorticity phase at x = L.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 15. Amplitude of normal velocity fluctuations (run L2) along y = 0 at St1 = 0.4 () and
St2 = 0.7 (); and predictions from linear stability for St1 (——) and St2 (– – – –).
coupling will be most important near the cavity corners, where the receptivity to
acoustic disturbances is high. These effects have been studied in detail by Rockwell
& Schachenmann (1982).
Recall that Rossiter’s formula for the resonant frequencies includes an empirical
constant (γ in equation (3.1)) that represents an additional phase lag somewhere in the
feedback loop. It is possible that the steeper phase variation exhibited near the leading
and trailing edges of the cavity is the cause of this additional phase variation. The
average phase speed from the DNS data is cp /U = 0.49 for St = 0.4 and cp /U = 0.41
for St = 0.7, while the linear stability calculations predict phase speeds of 0.63 and
0.49 for St = 0.4 and 0.7.
Figure 15 shows the amplitude of normal velocity disturbances in the shear layer.
The measured growth rates are significantly smaller than those predicted by the
linear theory, which is surprising, because several experiments show the amplitude
332 C. W. Rowley, T. Colonius and A. J. Basu
2 2
(a) (b)
y 1 1
D 0 0
–1 –1
–2 0 2 4 6 –2 0 2 4 6
2 2
(c) (d)
y 1 1
D 0 0
–1 –1
–2 0 2 4 6 –2 0 2 4 6
x /D x/D
Figure 16. Instantaneous vorticity contours for run L4 (wake mode) at four different times (a–d ),
corresponding to approximately quarter-phase intervals of the periodic cycle. 15 contours between
ωD/U = −5 and 1.67. Positive contours are dashed. Only a small portion of the computational
domain near the cavity is shown.
is predicted well, at least for moderate values of x/θ. Knisely & Rockwell (1982)
used a constant-thickness mean profile, and found that the amplitude matched the
linear theory well, for x/θ0 6 30; Cattafesta et al. (1997) found good agreement
for x/θ0 6 60, also using a constant-thickness mean profile. However, our Reynolds
number is much smaller than that in either of these experiments, so presumably a
viscous stability calculation would agree better.
In summary, linear stability theory gives reasonable predictions for the mode
shapes of the resonant frequencies, and also the convection speeds of disturbances,
but amplification rates are significantly over-predicted. The linear stability calculation
was compressible, but inviscid, and locally parallel. Adding viscous effects, including
effects of flow/acoustic coupling, or carrying out a multiple scales analysis to account
for slightly non-parallel effects (e.g. Crighton & Gaster 1976) may provide a better
agreement than is obtained here.
4. Wake mode
As the length or depth of the cavity (relative to the upstream boundary-layer
thickness) and/or Mach and Reynolds numbers is increased, there is a substantial
change in the behaviour of the cavity oscillations. Under these conditions, the flow is
characterized by a large-scale shedding from the cavity leading edge. As noted in the
introduction, Gharib & Roshko (1987) were the first to understand this transition in
detail, and used the term wake mode to describe the resulting flow regime. Connections
with the experiment are discussed further below. The shed vortex has dimensions of
nearly the cavity size, and as it is forming, irrotational free-stream fluid is directed
into the cavity, impinging on the cavity base. The vortex is shed from the leading edge
and ejected from the cavity in a violent event. The vortex is large enough to cause flow
separation upstream of the cavity during its formation, and again in the boundary
layer downstream of the cavity as it convects away. Figure 16 shows four snapshots
of the vorticity field in wake mode for run L4 over one period of oscillation.
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 333
Figure 17. Time traces of the normal velocity, relative to U, at y = 0, x = 3.13D for the series
of runs L1–L5 (bottom to top) The vertical axes have been artificially shifted to show all the data
clearly, with major tick marks representing 1 unit.
– 0.0
1 0.2
y 1
0 0.2 –0
– 0.048
– 0.048
–1 –1
–1 0 1 2 3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x/D x/D
Figure 18. Time-averaged flow for (a) L2 (shear-layer mode), and (b) 4M6 (wake mode). Mean
streamlines (solid lines) are superposed on contours of constant Cp (dashed lines).
– 0.5
–1 0 1 2 3
Figure 19. Mean streamwise velocity profiles, ū(x, y)/U, at different streamwise positions.
Run L2 (——); Run L4 (– – – –).
By contrast, the shear-layer mode shows much smaller pressure variations, and
mean flow streamlines are nearly horizontal along the mouth of the cavity. The low
pressures (Cp ≈ −0.08) correspond to the centre of the recirculation region that exists
in the rear two-thirds of the cavity (see figure 4). The low-pressure region appears
to be the result of the vortical swirling motion in the cavity, and not because of an
expansion of the flow into the cavity as was the case for the wake mode. There is a
very small impingment region at the rear edge, where Cp reaches about 0.1. However,
over the majority of the rear face Cp < 0, which is consistent with the measurements
of Roshko (1955) and others.
Similar flow features may be seen in mean streamwise velocity profiles, which are
shown for both modes in figure 19. It is again evident that the oscillations in wake
mode have a substantial impact on the mean flow as far as 1–2 depths above the
cavity. The influence of the wake mode is, in the mean, significant to about a quarter
of a depth upstream of the cavity. As we noted in § 2, the momentum thickness at the
cavity edge that we have quoted is that of the initial condition, and figure 19 shows
that this is indeed substantially modified by the flow in wake mode (it is modified
only by a very small amount in the shear-layer mode).
In Gharib & Roshko (1987), transitions between non-oscillatory, shear-layer, and
wake modes occurred at L/θ0 = 80 and L/θ0 = 160, respectively. The present data
indicate a change from wake mode to shear-layer mode that depends also on the Mach
number and Reynolds number. The specific parametric dependence of the transition
to wake mode is discussed in § 4.3. The drag on the cavity (given for selected runs
in table 1), is of comparable magnitude to the values reported by Gharib & Roshko
(1987) for the different regimes. An impingment of the flow on the rear step was also
noted in the experiments, and it also appears (see figure 7(a) of Gharib & Roshko
1987) from dye visualizations that the boundary layer separates upstream of the
cavity leading edge.
–2 0 2 4
Figure 20. Instantaneous vorticity contours for run TK4b (shear-layer mode).
Contour levels same as figure 16.
to shear-layer mode, the flow becomes nearly periodic in time, with the fundamental
period corresponding to the vortex shedding from the leading edge (see figure 17).
The spectrum (after the onset of wake mode) consists of a dominant frequency and
strong peaks at its harmonics. The 4M series of runs transitioned from shear-layer to
wake mode for 0.3 < M < 0.4, and the peak frequencies were plotted in figure 10.
For M > 0.3, the peaks fall well below the first Rossiter mode prediction, and, unlike
the shear-layer mode, they show little variation with M. For M = 0.4 to M = 0.8 the
fundamental frequency varied less than 4%, compared to the expected variation of
about 20% for Rossiter mode one. The 4% variation is, in fact, within the uncertainty
associated with the total sampling period used to determine the frequency.
The lack of variation with M indicates that the wake mode is not a result of acoustic
feedback, and it appears that the feedback in this case is provided by the complicated
recirculating flow in the cavity. This is discussed further in § 4.4.
Nonlinear saturation
ã( ·)
data for turbulent fluctuations and higher Mach numbers are not so complete, but the
general trend is that the minimum length increases with turbulence (Krishnamurty
1956; Sarohia 1975), and decreases with increasing Mach number (Krishnamurty
Thus, if the overall amplification of disturbances can be predicted, simple criteria
for both the onset of fluctuations and the transition to wake mode would be that the
amplification exceeds a certain value. In order to test this hypothesis, we estimate the
amplification based on ideas about the shear-layer instability, and the efficiency of
the acoustic radiation from the trailing edge. Although some of the approximations
made are crude, our goal is to establish a rough parametric dependence of transitions
between the flow regimes, rather than a detailed prediction for the overall amplitude.
where we have used that ψ is odd. In the simplest form of describing function analysis,
one neglects higher harmonics (assuming, for instance, that they will be attenuated
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 339
1/K 1/N(A)
5.3. Scattering
In order to assess the efficiency of the sound generation at the edge as a function
of the Mach number, we use the simple model proposed by Tam & Block (1978),
where the process is idealized as an oscillating compact mass source (monopole). We
determine the strength Q of the monopole source by setting Q equal to the mass flow
rate out of the cavity. Tam points out that ‘the unsteady mass addition and removal
at the trailing edge of the cavity as the cause of the acoustic disturbance . . . essentially
suggests a dipole source at the trailing edge,’ since by this mechanism a compression
wave outside the cavity (mass addition) would correspond to a rarefaction wave
inside the cavity (mass removal). However, as Tam points out, experimental, and now
computational, observations indicate that the pressure waves inside and outside the
cavity are in fact in phase, which corresponds to a monopole source at the trailing
edge. Thus, we model the acoustic source as a monopole at the trailing edge, whose
strength is determined by the mass flow rate out of the cavity.
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 341
If density fluctuations are small, the mass flow rate per unit volume is given by
ṁ ρ∞ L
Q= ≈ v(x, 0, t) dx, (5.5)
V V 0
where v is the vertical velocity, and V is the volume of the source, at this time unknown.
Assuming that the velocity perturbations are sinusoidal, with an exponentially growing
envelope, the integral above will be dominated by the portion closest to the trailing
edge, and thus scales as λ|v(L)|, where |v(L)| denotes the amplitude of the velocity
perturbation near the trailing edge, and λ is the wavelength of the instability wave.
Expressing the wavelength as λ = 2πcp /ω, where cp is the phase speed of the instability
wave, the source strength scales as
ρ0 cp |v(L)| ρ0 cp |v(L)|
Q̇ = iωQ ∝ iω ∝ . (5.6)
V ω V
This expression may also be arrived at on dimensional grounds alone, if it is assumed
that the monopole strength is proportional to the vertical velocity (or shear-layer
displacement) at the trailing edge.
Density fluctuations then satisfy a Helmholtz equation (e.g. Crighton 1975), and
far from the source are given by
ρ cp |v(L)| eikr
∝ √ , (5.7)
ρ∞ a2∞ kr
where r is the distance from the source, and k = ω/a∞ is the wavenumber. Note that
there are two asymptotic arguments leading to equation (5.7). The first is that the
retarded time is negligible over the source region (compact source), and the second
is that we are at large distance, on the scale of the wavelength, from the source. The
second approximation is not valid at very low Mach numbers, where the cavity length
is small compared to the wavelength of the acoustic waves. For the present range of
M, the asymptotic properties of the Green’s function for the Helmholtz equation (i.e.
the zeroth-order Hankel function of the first kind) can be used to show that there is
negligible error in the second assumption.
At the cavity leading edge, r = L, we then have the following scaling law (assuming
cp /U = const, as in the Rossiter model):
|ρ(0)| |v(L)| 3/2 −1/2
∝ M St , (5.8)
ρ∞ U
where |ρ(0)| denotes the magnitude of density fluctuations at the leading edge, x = 0.
0 10 20 30
Figure 23. Correlation of loop gain β with mode of cavity oscillations. All runs from table 1 with
56 < Reθ < 70 are shown. As in table 1, NO corresponds to no oscillations, SL denotes shear-layer
mode, M denotes mixed mode, and W wake mode.
30 0.2
102 (a) 25 (b) 0.4
102 0.6
15 M = 0.8
An 101
D/h0 = 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
L/h0 L/h0
Figure 24. The shear-layer amplification, An , versus L/θ0 ; (a) for different D/θ0 , with M = 0.6;
(b) for different M, with D/θ0 = 30. The dominant mode is shown at each L/θ0 , with n = 1 ( e),
n = 2 (), and n = 3 (4).
however, that the dependence on Reynolds number is not included in (5.9), as our
shear-layer calculations were inviscid. Variation with Reynolds number is considered
separately below.
Figure 23 shows how β correlates with the mode of oscillation. Because Reynolds
number effects are not included, we compare all runs in table 1 that fall in a
limited Reynolds number range, 56 < Reθ < 70. For each run, we compute the
amplification βn for the first three Rossiter modes (n = 1, 2, 3), and β for each run is
then the maximum of the three. Figure 23 shows β vs. the observed mode of cavity
oscillation, and we find that for this Reynolds number range, β < 4.8 corresponds to
no oscillations, 4.8 < β < 15 corresponds to shear-layer mode, 15 < β < 21 to mixed
mode, and β > 21 to pure wake mode.
6. Concluding remarks
We have used numerical simulations to explore the operating regimes of the
laminar flow past a two-dimensional rectangular cavity. For short cavities (relative to
the upstream boundary-layer thickness), and for low Mach numbers and Reynolds
† In a preliminary report on this work (Colonius et al. 1999), we stated that the unsteady
separation appeared to be the cause of wake mode; in retrospect, this statement was too strong.
344 C. W. Rowley, T. Colonius and A. J. Basu
numbers, the flow is steady. As these parameters are increased, the flow transitions
into a shear-layer mode, where self-sustained oscillations occur. This is the regime
usually observed in experiments, and the acoustic fields predicted by the simulation
agree well with schlieren photographs from the experiments by Krishnamurty (1956).
The growth of disturbances in the shear layer is predicted well by a locally parallel
linear stability calculation, where the thickness of the shear layer is measured from
the simulations.
For longer cavities, and larger Mach and Reynolds numbers, the flow transitions
into a wake mode. Similar flow features have been observed in axisymmetric cavity
experiments by Gharib & Roshko (1987), and in experiments in a pipe with closed
side branches (Kriesels et al. 1995). The frequency of oscillations in wake mode
is independent of Mach number, indicating a purely hydrodynamic (non-acoustic)
instability. In wake mode, a significant backflow is present inside the cavity, and we
hypothesize that this backflow leads to an absolute instability, which may provide the
feedback mechanism leading to wake mode. We have used a simple linear model to
predict the scaling laws governing transition between the flow regimes, and the model
agrees well with data from our simulations.
To our knowledge wake mode oscillations have not been observed in experiments
on shallow cavities in a similar range of L/D to that considered here (although
very recent three-dimensional PIV measurements (A. Krothapalli 2001, personal
communication) in an L/D = 5 cavity show on average a significant recirculating
flow, with backflow velocities reaching about 15% of the free-stream velocity). The
experiments of Krishnamurty (1956) are closest to the parameters of the present
case (the Reynolds number being typically 5 times larger than in the present flow),
but even for very shallow (large L/D) cases his schlieren photographs do not show
evidence of a transition to wake mode. On the other hand, his longest cavities had
very thick upstream shear layers (the length was held constant while decreasing the
depth, with constant upstream conditions). And as shown in the previous section,
wake mode is not indicated for D/θ0 <∼ 15.
According to the model proposed in the previous section, wake mode oscillations
should occur when the amplitude of oscillation increases beyond a certain threshold,
such that the recirculating flow in the cavity is sufficiently strong to cause a shift
to absolute instability of the shear layer. Thus, any effect that tends to decrease the
amplitude of the fluctuations could inhibit the transition to wake mode (or at least
modify the location in parameter space where the transition occurs). It is known
that when the upstream boundary layer is turbulent, the radiated acoustic field is
less intense (Krishnamurty 1956), and the minimum length for oscillations to occur is
increased (Sarohia 1975). Thus boundary-layer turbulence should inhibit the transition
to wake mode. Three-dimensional effects beyond turbulence in the boundary layer,
such as cavity sidewalls, may sufficiently change the character of the recirculating
flow in the cavity and also inhibit the transition to wake mode. Recent work by
Barkley, Gomes & Henderson (1999) shows that the first global instability of a steady
two-dimensional flow over a backward-facing step is a steady three-dimensional mode
localized within the separation bubble. The spanwise wavelength of the mode is about
7 step heights, and they suggest that the mode may be caused by centrifugal instability
within the separation bubble. The critical Reynolds number found in their calculations
was 748, which is smaller than the Reynolds number of the present simulations (based
in our case on the cavity depth) by a factor of about 2. It is plausible that similar
instabilities may be present within the recirculating flow in the shallow cavity, and
that such instabilities could significantly modify the transition to wake mode.
Oscillations in flow over rectangular cavities 345
It is not possible to resolve these issues without recourse to more detailed three-
dimensional simulations and experiments. It is our hope that the model proposed
here for the transition may help guide future efforts to fully characterize the transition
to wake mode in more general turbulent and three-dimensional flows.
This research was supported by AFOSR under grant F49620-98-1-0095 with tech-
nical monitor Dr Thomas Beutner. Supercomputer time was provided by the De-
partment of Defense High Performance Computing centers, as well as the National
Science Foundation. The first author acknowledges the support of a National Science
Foundation Graduate Fellowship. We wish to thank Drs Anatol Roshko, Alan Cain,
David Williams, Drazen Fabris, and Edward Kerschen for many helpful discussions
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