Remillieux, Marcel
Ten Cate, James A.
Ulrich, Timothy James II
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Corresponding author: Marcel C. Remillieux (mcr1@lanl.gov)
Key Points:
The propagation of an elastic pulse is used to decouple the effects of classical
nonlinear elasticity and nonequilibrium dynamics.
The 1D wave equation with classical nonlinearity and attenuation captures the
spectral content of the pulse up to the second harmonic.
Nonequilibrium dynamics is quantified by tracking the arrival time of an elastic pulse
as a function of its amplitude.
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doi: 10.1002/2017JB014258
© 2017 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.
We study the propagation of a finite-amplitude elastic pulse in a long thin bar of Berea
sandstone. In previous work, this type of experiment has been conducted to quantify classical
nonlinearity, based on the amplitude growth of the second harmonic as a function of
propagation distance. To greatly expand on that early work, a non-contact scanning 3D laser
Doppler vibrometer was used to track the evolution of the axial component of the particle
velocity over the entire surface of the bar as functions of the propagation distance and source
amplitude. With these new measurements, the combined effects of classical nonlinearity,
hysteresis, and nonequilibrium dynamics have all been measured simultaneously. We show
that the numerical resolution of the 1D wave equation with terms for classical nonlinearity
and attenuation accurately captures the spectral features of the waves up to the second
harmonic. However, for higher harmonics the spectral content is shown to be strongly
influenced by hysteresis. This work also shows data which not only quantifies classical
nonlinearity but also the nonequilibrium dynamics based on the relative change in the arrival
time of the elastic pulse as a function of strain and distance from the source. Finally, a
comparison is made to a resonant bar measurement, a reference experiment used to quantify
nonequilibrium dynamics, based on the relative shift of the resonance frequencies as a
function of the maximum dynamic strain in the sample.
1 Introduction
From a mechanical point of view, sedimentary rocks and man-made materials like concrete
are complicated solids. They may be described as a disordered network of mesoscopic-sized
“hard” elements (e.g., grains with characteristic lengths ranging from tens to hundreds of
microns) cemented together by a “soft” bond system. Such systems belong to a wider class of
materials referred to as Nonlinear Mesoscopic Elastic Materials (NMEMs) [Guyer and
Johnson, 1999]. The microscopic-sized imperfections at the interfaces between the “hard”
and “soft” subsystems are believed to be responsible for several peculiar properties related to
nonlinear and nonequilibrium dynamics, including the dependence of elastic parameters and
attenuation on strain amplitude, slow dynamics, and hysteresis with end-point memory
[Winkler et al., 1979; TenCate et al. 2000; Ostrovsky and Johnson, 2001]. Understanding and
predicting these properties, especially the cementation (soft bond system) is at the heart of
numerous applications including nuclear waste repository, oil and gas exploration, and
monitoring of infrastructure integrity.
Increasingly more elaborate techniques have emerged and evolved over the last 20 years to
observe and quantify the effects of nonlinear and nonequilibrium dynamics in these materials.
Nonlinear elasticity, in the classical sense, is usually modeled by an expansion of the elastic
energy as a power series with respect to the strain tensor [Murnaghan, 1937; Landau and
Lifschitz, 1986]. Practically, in a medium with such nonlinearity, a sinusoidal elastic wave
experiences distortions, eventually leading to shock formation if damping is sufficiently
small. In the frequency domain, harmonic generation is observed as some of the energy
contained at the source frequency is transferred to other frequencies (i.e., higher harmonics).
As part of this process, the wave oscillates around the same equilibrium state as observed in
the sample before the source was activated. In the context of elastic wave propagation,
classical nonlinearity was studied experimentally [Meegan et al., 1993; TenCate et al., 1996]
and theoretically [Thurston and Shapiro, 1967; McCall, 1994; Van Den Abeele, 1996] in the
early studies on the dynamics of NMEMs.
Besides hysteresis effects, the classical theory of nonlinearity cannot account for the other
peculiar wave phenomena observed in NMEMs. The first repeatable observations showing
nonclassical effects were made in resonant bar experiments [Johnson et al., 1996; Ten Cate
and Shankland, 1996; Remillieux et al., 2016], ultimately leading to a quantification
technique known as nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (NRUS). In these
experiments, a long thin bar with free boundary conditions, which is representative of a 1D
unconstrained system, is excited with a harmonic signal at one end while the elastic response
is recorded at the opposite end. The source signal sweeps a frequency range around one
resonance frequency of the bar with increasing source amplitudes and the variation of the
resonance frequency can be tracked as a function of the maximum strain in the sample. In a
linear elastic material, the resonance frequency is not strain dependent and the resonant peak
does not change with increasing drive amplitude. In NMEMs, the resonance frequency starts
decreasing as a function of strain, and very noticeably so when the strain goes above a certain
level, typically near 10-6 for sandstones at ambient conditions.
Broadly speaking, the drop in resonance frequency indicates material softening with
increasing driving strain. However, the dependence of the resonance frequency on strain is
not trivial [TenCate et al., 2004; Pasqualini et al., 2007]. At very small strains (e.g., <10-7 for
a sandstone at ambient conditions) the material exhibits an instantaneously reversible
decrease of the resonance frequency, behavior dominated by classical nonlinearity. At higher
strains (e.g., >10-6 for a sandstone at ambient conditions), the decrease of the resonance
frequency is governed mostly by a process related to the nonequilibrium dynamics of the
evolving strain fields within the rock. In summary, under a continuous harmonic excitation,
the elastic moduli begin to soften and eventually reach a metastable steady state, i.e. the
elasticity of the material reaches a new but unstable equilibrium state that is tuned to the
dynamic strain amplitude induced by the excitation. Conversely, if elastic energy is no longer
injected into the system, the material recovers back to its original elastic properties, with a
rate generally proportional to the logarithm of time [TenCate et al., 2000a, 2000b]. Notably,
conditioning times are much faster than recovery times [TenCate et al., 2000a; TenCate,
2011] and this temporal asymmetry gives rise to all sorts of interesting observations. For
instance, up and down frequency sweeps around the resonance frequency do not lead to the
same resonance curves when the sweeping rates are identical but relatively fast. On the other
hand, when the sweeping rates are slow enough, the upward and downward resonance curves
merge. In between the two strain regimes described above, classical nonlinearity and
nonequilibrium dynamics cannot be disentangled from each other in the context of a
resonance experiment where the effects from these mechanisms are smeared over many
dynamic cycles.
Up to this point, the modeling of hysteresis and nonequilibrium dynamics was not addressed.
Between the first theoretical description of hysteresis in NMEMs through the Preisach-
Mayergoyz formalism by Guyer et al. [1995] and one of the most recent description
developed by Pecorari [2015], there has been a considerable number of assumptions and
models introduced with most reported and described by Guyer and Johnson [2009]. Likewise,
nonequilibrium dynamics has been described phenomenologically using many models,
including the “soft-ratchet” model proposed originally by Vakhnenko et al. [2004] and
recently improved by Berjamin et al. [2017]. It is also worth mentioning the damage
viscoelastic model used recently by Lyakhovsky et al. [2009] to simulate nonlinear resonance
experiments. Slow dynamics is not included in this model though and it is not clear if the
effects on the wave propagation that are summarized in Figure 1 can be captured. To the
In this paper, we propose to revisit the experiment conducted by TenCate et al. [1996], this
time taking data over many more points on the surface, without contact, using a scanning 3D
laser vibrometer as a receiver. With this extensive high fidelity data, we will actually be able
to isolate and determine the relative contributions of the mechanisms of classical
nonlinearity, hysteresis, and nonequilibrium dynamics in a pulse propagation experiment.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the necessary theoretical background on
classical nonlinear elasticity, derived from the 1D elasticity theory. Quantification of classical
nonlinearity, without and with accounting for damping in the material, is given in Section 3.
In this section, the elastic wave propagation with classical nonlinearity and attenuation is
resolved numerically and compared to experimental data to show that classical nonlinearity is
not sufficient to model the full elastic behavior of the material. Section 4 examines and
quantify nonequilibrium dynamics in the context of this elastic pulse propagation experiment.
Findings are compared to the resonant bar experiment, which is how nonequilibrium
dynamics has been traditionally quantified. Section 5 concludes.
2 Theoretical background
In the 1D theory of classical nonlinear elasticity, the stress (σ) can be expressed as a power
series with respect to strain (ε) as,
M 0 1 2 ... (1)
Where M0 is the linear elastic modulus, β and δ are, respectively, the coefficients of first- and
second-order nonlinearity.
In the absence of energy dissipation and external forces, the propagation of an elastic wave in
an infinite 1D medium with first-order nonlinearity (β coefficient only) is governed by the
following equation [McCall, 1994],
2u x, t 2 2u x, t 2 u x, t
c c (2)
t 2 x 2 x x
where u is the displacement and c is the wave speed. Note that geometric nonlinearity is
ignored in this equation as it is assumed that material nonlinearity is dominant. In the
frequency domain, this results in the generation of harmonics. The nonlinear coefficient β can
be retrieved from a measurement of the displacement amplitude U2 at the second harmonic
generated at a distance x from a pure tone source signal as [Meegan et al., 1993],
2U 2 c 2
U12 2 x
where ω is the angular frequency (ω = 2πf) and U1 is the displacement amplitude at the
fundamental frequency. In experiments, we often use acceleration data measured with
accelerometers or particle-velocity data measured with laser vibrometers. In the frequency
domain, the magnitude of the particle velocity V is related to the magnitude of the
2V2c 2
where V1 and V2 are now the magnitudes of the FFT of the particle velocity at the
fundamental frequency and at the second harmonic, respectively.
Energy dissipation can easily be introduced in Eq. (2) by adding a term used in Burger’s
equation [Hamilton and Blackstock, 1998],
b 2 c c (5)
t 2
x t x 2
x x
b (6)
V x V0 exp x (7)
b 2
3 (8)
Nonlinear elasticity and damping are competing effects in the context wave propagation.
While nonlinear elasticity tends to generate harmonics, damping will attenuate these
harmonics since attenuation increases with frequency. Such competition can be quantified by
the Gol’dberg number [Gol’dberg, 1957; Hamilton and Blackstock, 1998] which is a
dimensionless parameter measuring the strength of the nonlinearity relative to that of
dissipation. More specifically, it is the ratio of the absorption length (inverse of absorption
coefficient) for a small-amplitude, linear signal at the fundamental frequency to the shock
formation distance and can be expressed using the parameters defined previously as,
Classical nonlinearity was quantified by reducing the spectral data at all 119 measurement
points with the expression given in Eq. (4). Figure 5a shows the variation of 2V2c2 as a
function of V12ωx, based on a wave speed of 2010 m/s. First, note that there is an offset at
V12ωx = 0. This offset is not due to the nonlinearity of the system but to the finite duration of
the pulse (i.e., bandwidth). The term 2V2c2 is calculated from the spectrum amplitude at 44.8
kHz (second-harmonic amplitude) at various distances from the source. For the source signal
(see Figure 3), which is a linear signal, the amplitude at the second harmonic (i.e., at 44.8
kHz) is two orders of magnitude smaller than the amplitude at the fundamental frequency but
is not zero. The same applies to the signals recorded on the sample very close to the source.
For this analysis, what is of interest is not the offset at V12ωx = 0 but the growth of the second
harmonic amplitude with propagation distance, which is quantified by the slope of the data
reported in Figure 5a. The slope of the linear fit through this data set is β = 370. Experiments
conducted years earlier on the same sample by TenCate et al. [1996] led to β = 400. This
close agreement is remarkable given that the source, source signals, and receivers were
different in the two experiments. In the work of TenCate et al. [1996], the elastic pulse
generated by the source was centered at 12.4 kHz and the vibrational signals were recorded
by a small number of accelerometers along the pulse propagation. This agreement also
indicates that the material properties of the sample have not changed significantly over the
long time separating the two experiments. In both studies, however, the effects of damping
are ignored in the quantification of classical nonlinearity.
It is possible to correct the measured spectra by the amount of damping in the system using
the model given in Eqs. (5)-(8). Figure 5b shows the variation of 2V2c2 as a function of V12ωx
for the 119 scanning points, where the amplitudes at the fundamental frequency and second
harmonic have been corrected for damping based on a quality factor Q = 60. The quality
factor was estimated from the width (full width at half maximum) of the resonance curve of a
purely longitudinal mode near 20 kHz in the current experiment. The slope of the linear fit of
this corrected data is β = 660.
Up to this point, dispersion and its effects on the wave propagation was not discussed. The
movie of the wave propagation provided in the supplementary material shows that double
peaks appear and disappear in the waveform along the propagation path. It seems that not all
frequency components are traveling at the same speed. This is mostly likely caused by
dispersion, which affects the wave propagation in the frequency range of the third harmonic
and above. This is also why the amplitude spectra do not show a clear peak around the third
harmonic. To mitigate the dispersion effects, the experiment described above was repeated
but this time using a source signal with a lower frequency, namely 15.7 kHz. The time history
and corresponding magnitude of the FFT of the axial component of the particle velocity
measured at 590 mm from the source, for this source frequency, are shown in Figure 6. The
amplitude spectrum now exhibits a clear peak at the third harmonic. Also of interest is the
fact that the amplitude at the third harmonic grows faster than the amplitude at the second
harmonic. The piezoelectric transducer is less efficient at 15.7 kHz than at 22.4 kHz and
consequently the amplitude of the elastic wave generated in the sample using the same input
voltage is about twice as small. Because of the smaller frequency and smaller wave amplitude
in this experiment, the Gol’berg number decreased to Γ = 0.2 (using c = 2010 m/s, V1 = 7.5
mm/s near the source, f0 = 15.7 kHz, Q = 60, and β = 660) and damping tends to dominate the
propagation. The elastic wave does not have a sufficient amplitude for efficient second-
harmonic generation, which would indicate that classical nonlinearity has been activated, but
it is sufficient to activate hysteretic nonlinearity. We could then study the effects of amplitude
and frequency on the activation of the various mechanisms but this is beyond the scope of
this paper. As a more modest achievement, we repeated the experiment at 17.1 kHz. The
axial component of the particle velocity collected at 590 mm from the source at this
frequency is shown in Figure 7. The peak at the third harmonic is not as clear as previously
because dispersion starts to play a role in the wave propagation but the amplitude at the
second harmonic is larger than previously thanks to the larger source amplitude and higher
3.3 Modeling the 1D wave propagation with classical nonlinearity and damping
The simple 1D elastic wave equation with damping given in Eq. (5) is now used to model the
experiments to see how well it fits the data. We use the following parameters in the model: a
wave speed c = 2010 m/s, a damping coefficient b = 0.525 (based on a quality factor Q = 60
and a center frequency of the impulsive source signal f = 22.4 kHz), and a nonlinear
parameter β = 660. The wave equation is projected onto a finite-element space using the
“Mathematics, General Form PDE” module of the software package COMSOL Multiphysics
5.2a. The geometry consists of a line with a length of 1794 mm. One boundary is imposed a
flux condition (source) while the opposite boundary is free and so imposed a Neumann
condition, i.e., ux, t x 0 . The impulsive source signal is the measured signal depicted in
Figure 4 for a receiver taken at 10 mm from the source. This signal is normalized to have a
peak amplitude of 40.5. This approach allows us to take into account the response of the
transducer in the 1D model. The computational domain is discretized into Lagrange quadratic
Figure 8 (left) shows 6 typical measured and simulated time histories of the axial component
of the particle velocity at various positions along the sample. The agreement between the
simulations and the experiments is excellent at all points. The model captures the arrival
times, amplitudes, and overall shapes of the waveforms observed in the experiments, for both
the direct and reflected pulses. Some small discrepancies are observed and expected in the
later portion of the reflected pulses at some positions because the model ignores the presence
of the source and backload, and resulting interaction with the reflected pulse. The time series
depicted in Figure 8 (left) are now truncated and synchronized to retain only the direct, first
arrival pulses. The measured and simulated magnitudes of the FFT of the direct pulses are
shown in Figure 8 (right). The FFTs again show just how well the simple model works; the
growth of the second harmonic is very well captured. In fact, after correcting the amplitudes
at the fundamental frequency and second harmonic for damping, the variation of 2V2c2 as a
function of V12ωx for the 6 simulated signals are aligned perfectly with the linear fit shown in
Figure 5b, as expected. However, it is quite clear that very soon (~ 65 mm), the model fails to
capture the 3rd harmonic and higher frequency behavior between 60 and 80 kHz. This is
expected this the model does not include terms related to hysteretic nonlinearity and does not
include the effects of dispersion.
Practically, at 22.4 kHz, the dynamic behavior of the rock is dominated by classical
nonlinearity and attenuation while hysteresis and other nonequilibrium effects are far less
important. As shown in the previous section, this is not necessarily true at lower frequencies
where the source amplitude is smaller. With the quality of the data taken in these
experiments, it is instructive to see at what point the effects of nonequilibrium dynamics and
hysteresis do start to become apparent.
The data shown in Figure 9 can be further reduced to quantify nonequilibrium dynamics, by
estimating the time delay as a function of strain amplitude at the zero-crossings of the
waveform, as in the work of Cabaret et al. [2015]. The waveform measured at the lowest
source amplitude is used as a reference. By definition, at the zero-crossings, the strain
amplitude is equal to 0. For the analysis, the strain amplitude experienced by the sample at
the strain extremum (peak or trough) preceding (1/4 of cycle before) the zero-crossing of
interest is considered. A total of 28 sets of zero-crossing points are considered. In each set, 20
source amplitudes are used for the analysis, with the lowest source amplitude used as a
reference and the higher amplitudes compared to this reference.
The relative time delay between the signals also provides the relative change in the
longitudinal wave speed, Δci/0/c0, where the superscript “i” denotes the ith source amplitude
and “0” the lowest source amplitude for which the sample is assumed to behave linearly.
Finally, at the perturbation level, the relative change in the Young’s modulus E (the modulus
involved in the propagation of a longitudinal wave in a long thin bar) is related to the relative
change in the speed of the longitudinal wave as,
E i 0 E0 2 ci 0 c0 (10)
The relative change in the elastic modulus over the propagation path of the waveform can be
tracked as a function of the maximum strain amplitude at the measurement point. Along the
axial direction (x-direction), the strain component of interest can be expressed as,
xx (11)
The same experiment was repeated at 15.7 kHz, to measure the delays at the zero crossings as
a function of the strain amplitude but also to quantify the growth of the odd-harmonic
amplitudes with respect to the amplitude at the fundamental frequency. The time histories of
the axial component of the particle velocity for 20 source amplitudes at 500 mm from the
source are shown in Figure 13. The corresponding reduced data is shown in Figure 14. Unlike
previously, in this experiment where the strain amplitude is much smaller throughout the
pulse duration, there is no clear distinction between the early, steady-state, and late portions
of the waveform. In other words, the effects of slow dynamics are not visible. The peak strain
amplitude remains below 4 microstrains and the material softens by up to 1.8%. It is likely
that strain needs to reach a threshold amplitude for the material to exhibit unambiguously the
effects of slow dynamics. The same data set is now analyzed in the frequency domain, with
amplitude spectra shown in Figure 15. The spectra show that there is almost no contribution
from the even (second and fourth) harmonics but a significant growth of the third and fifth
harmonic. The dependence of the odd harmonics with the amplitude at the fundamental
frequency is a quadratic one, which indicates that the behavior we observe in this particular
experiment is mostly due to hysteretic nonlinearity (see Figure 1).
Any resonance mode can be selected to quantify nonequilibrium dynamics as long as the
mode type (either purely longitudinal or purely torsional) is unchanged, as recently
demonstrated by Remillieux et al. [2016]. Here, we focus on the longitudinal modes to be
consistent with the pulse propagation experiments. The vibrational spectra for this experiment
are shown in Figure 17. Material softening is observed when the drive amplitude of the
source becomes sufficiently large. For a given drive amplitude, such softening can be
quantified by plotting the relative frequency shift as a function of the maximum strain in the
sample, the slope of which is the nonlinear parameter α. The maximum strain in the sample
may be inferred analytically from the measured vibrational response. For the longitudinal
modes, the strain component of interest is εxx, where x is the direction given by the axis of
symmetry of the bar. For a system with a 1D-like geometry and unconstrained boundaries,
the expression given in Eq. (11) can also be used in the context of a resonance experiment to
relate the maximum amplitude of the axial component of the particle velocity at the free end
of the sample (where data is acquired) to the maximum amplitude of the axial component of
the strain in the sample.
Figure 18 shows the shift in resonance frequency at the jth source amplitude with respect to
the smallest source amplitude as a function of the amplitude of the axial strain εxx. This
evolution is very similar to that observed in Figures 10 and 12 in the context of a pulse
propagation experiment. The relative frequency shift varies almost linearly with the
maximum strain beyond 4 microstrain. This linear dependence is more obvious when higher
strain amplitudes can be reached in the experiment (typically on the order of 15 to 20
microstrains). When a mode has enough points beyond this strain value of 4 microstrain, the
points are fitted linearly and the slope of this fit is calculated. It appears that material
softening converges to a single value (all curves superimpose) of α = 5260 ± 160 for the
modes L6 through L12. Below the 6th resonance mode, the elastic response does not have a
sufficiently large amplitude to reach the threshold strain value of 4 microstrain.
The slope of the relative change of the resonance frequency is approximately twice as small
as the relative change of the Young’s modulus observed in the pulse propagation experiment,
E E0 2 f f0 (12)
5 Conclusions
We demonstrated that monitoring the propagation of a finite-amplitude elastic pulse in a rock
can be used to isolate the mechanisms of classical nonlinearity, hysteresis, and
nonequilibrium dynamics at time scales less than 1 ms. Such experiment contrasts with the
complexity of the pump and probe scheme in a dynamic acousto-elastic experiment and with
the incomplete description of nonlinearity in a resonant bar experiment. Note that there are
still some great benefits to conducting these experiments, for instance to study slow dynamics
at much longer time scales (say, minute to hours). From a modeling point of view, the
significance of this experiment lies in its simplicity: a 1D-like geometry with only one source
frequency (or time scale) involved. It is our hope that the experimental results reported in this
paper will be useful to the development and validation of a truly universal model of the
NMEM dynamics.
We wish to thank Martin Lott, Pierre-Yves Le Bas, and Paul Johnson for valuable discussions
and suggestions. The current policies of Los Alamos National Laboratory do not allow the
public release of experimental data presented in this study. For more information, please
contact the authors.
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M 0 M 0 1 M 0 1 f ,
Strain-Time t t t
1 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 5
Figure 1. Effects of pure classical nonlinearity and pure hysteretic nonlinearity on the
evolution of a sinusoidal waveform in the time and frequency domains. Reproduction of a
figure originally produced by Van Den Abeele et al. [2000].
Figure 2. Experimental setup for monitoring the propagation of an elastic pulse in the sample
of Berea sandstone.
voltage [V]
0.25 10
-0.25 10
-0.75 10
-1.25 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
Figure 3. Normalized electrical source signal used in the pulse propagation experiments: (a)
time history and (b) magnitude of the FFT. The signal consists of a sine wave with frequency
of 22.4 kHz, tapered at the start and end by half-Gaussian windows.
20 2
20 10
15 15
particle velocity [mm/s]
particle velocity [mm/s]
particle velocity [mm/s]
10 5
5 -5 0
0 -15 2f0
0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 10 3f0
time [ms]
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
20 10
15 15
particle velocity [mm/s]
particle velocity [mm/s]
particle velocity [mm/s]
10 5
5 -5 0
0 -15
-20 -1
-5 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 10
time [ms]
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
20 10
15 15
particle velocity [mm/s]
particle velocity [mm/s]
particle velocity [mm/s]
10 5
5 -5 0
0 -15
-20 -1
-5 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 10
time [ms]
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
4000 1
2000 0.5
Slope of Linear Fit: Slope of Linear Fit:
β = 370 β = 660
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 15 20
V21x V21x
Figure 5. The variation of 2V2c2 as a function of V12ωx, the slope of which is β. This is a
post-processing of the data set corresponding to the spectral data reported in Figure 4. (a)
without any correction for damping; (b) where the amplitudes at the fundamental frequency
and second harmonic have been corrected for damping, based on a quality factor Q = 60.
6 4 10
velocity [mm/s]
-2 -1 2f0 3f0
2 -4 10
0 -8
-2 -10
0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 10
time [ms]
-6 10
-10 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10 20 30 40 50 60
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
Figure 7. Axial component of the particle velocity measured at 590 mm from the source for a
source signal at 17.1 kHz. Left: time histories; right: magnitudes of the FFT.
10 2f0
-5 10
-1 3f0
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
15 x = 115 mm 1
particle velocity [mm/s]
-5 10
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
15 x = 215 mm 1
particle velocity [mm/s]
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
15 x = 315 mm 1
particle velocity [mm/s]
5 0
-5 10
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
15 x = 415 mm 1
particle velocity [mm/s]
5 0
-5 10
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
20 2
15 x = 515 mm 1
particle velocity [mm/s]
5 0
-5 10
-10 -2
-20 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time [ms] frequency [kHz]
Figure 8. Measured and simulated axial components of the particle velocity at various
positions along the sample: (left) time histories and (right) magnitudes of the FFT. In the
waveforms, the time window is long enough to show the direct and reflected pulses. Only the
direct pulses are used to compute the FFTs.
-10 -15
-15 0.32 0.34 0.36
time [ms]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
time [ms]
Figure 9. Time histories of the axial component of the particle velocity measured at 500 mm
from the source for 20 amplitudes of a pulse centered at 22.4 kHz.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xx [ ]
Figure 10. Relative change in elasticity as a function of strain estimated from the propagation
of a pulse centered at 22.4 kHz and measured at 500 mm from the source, for 20 source
amplitudes. The red star, blue circle, and green cross symbols correspond to the first five, 9 th
to 21st, and last five zero-crossings of the waveforms, respectively, as indicated by the inset.
A total of 23 curves are plotted in the figure from the reduced data. Each curve consists of 19
points (20 amplitudes with one amplitude, the lowest, used as a reference for the calculation
of the time delays).
-10 -15
-15 0.32 0.34 0.36
time [ms]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
time [ms]
Figure 11. Time histories of the axial component of the particle velocity measured at 650
mm from the source for 20 amplitudes of a pulse centered at 22.4 kHz.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xx [ ]
Figure 12. Relative change in elasticity as a function of strain estimated from the propagation
of a pulse centered at 22.4 kHz and measured at 650 mm from the source, for 20 source
amplitudes. The red star, blue circle, and green cross symbols correspond to the first five, 9 th
to 21st, and last five zero-crossings of the waveforms, respectively, as indicated by the inset.
A total of 23 curves are plotted in the figure from the reduced data. Each curve consists of 19
points (20 amplitudes with one amplitude, the lowest, used as a reference for the calculation
of the time delays).
-4 -6
-6 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4
time [ms]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
time [ms]
Figure 13. Time histories of the axial component of the particle velocity measured at 500
mm from the source for 20 amplitudes of a pulse centered at 15.7 kHz.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
xx [ ]
Figure 14. Relative change in elasticity as a function of strain estimated from the propagation
of a pulse centered at 15.7 kHz and measured at 500 mm from the source, for 20 source
amplitudes. The red star, blue circle, and green cross symbols correspond to the first five, 9 th
to 21st, and last five zero-crossings of the waveforms, respectively, as indicated by the inset.
A total of 23 curves are plotted in the figure from the reduced data. Each curve consists of 19
points (20 amplitudes with one amplitude, the lowest, used as a reference for the calculation
of the time delays).
0 0.08
10 0.06
3 f0
5 f0
0.04 0.04
3f0 0.02
-1 0 5f0
10 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
A [mm/s] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A [mm/s]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
frequency [kHz]
Figure 15. Magnitudes of the FFT of the axial component of the particle velocity measured at
500 mm from the source for 20 amplitudes of a pulse centered at 15.7 kHz.
Voltage amplifier
+ Data acquisition
+ Signal generator
+ Data management system
Figure 16. Experimental setup for conducting nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
(NRUS) on the sample of Berea sandstone.
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 5.65 5.7 5.75 5.8
frequency [kHz] frequency [kHz]
Figure 17. Vibrational spectra measured on the sample of Berea sandstone at 22 source
amplitudes. The first 12 modes of longitudinal vibration L1 through L12 are indicated. The red
star symbols denote the location of the resonances for all source amplitudes. The resonance
frequencies are not computed for the first three modes because of the poor signal-to-noise
α = 5260 160 L8
-1 L9
-1.5 L11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
xx(Aj) [ ]
Figure 18. Relative frequency shift as a function of the strain component εxx for the
longitudinal modes L4 through L12.