The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week

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The key takeaways are that playing lotto frequently using winlottosystems software can help one win lotto prizes almost every week by following certain principles and strategies discussed in the document.

The universal laws of lotto discussed are playing the odds and covering as many numbers as possible within one's budget.

The four key prize-winning strategies mentioned are applying the universal laws of lotto to every lottery dollar spent, playing the least number of games to win the most likely prizes, dollar for dollar winning lotto prizes more often than one does now, and saving money by recouping a larger proportion of entry costs.


Winning Lotto Prizes

(Almost) Every Week

The indispensable companion

to winlottosystems

© Mark Collard

Updated 30 January, 2010



You are about to embark on an amazing

journey, and discover what only one in ten lotto
players know – how to win lotto prizes on a
consistent, frequent basis.

Armed with your brand new winlottosystems software, the aim of

this ebook is to educate you in the finer points (or secrets) of
playing the game of chance we call ‘lotto,’ as well as show you
how to win lottery prizes (almost) every week.

Now, I say “almost” every week because, to be honest, there are

some weeks when you won’t win anything at all, but then others,
when you’ll win several cash prizes in a single Draw. When
viewed over the long term, I expect that you will average a win
“almost” every week.

BUT … I have to tell you something very important… your

success with what you are about to read is dependent on one
simple thing have to put the principles or ‘laws’ I am about
to discuss into ACTION.

If you don’t - I promise you - success will elude you.

Success Means ‘To Follow Through’

Every successful person in the world knows that if you want to

win, you have to make decisions and more importantly, follow
through on them. I am here, and the information contained in
this ebook is here, to make sure that you do just that.

Let me be brutally honest with you...

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
If you decided to purchase winlottosystems because it appeared
to be next best ‘thing’ to help you win the “big one”... let me
save you the trouble right now and tell you it's probably not
worth you reading this ebook. Let's face it, your time is more
valuable than that.

However, if you’re sitting there looking at this page because:

• you're eager to learn how to win lotto prizes on a
consistent, frequent basis; or
• you want some ideas to help you develop a more
successful lotto strategy; or
• you just want to learn what EVERY successful lotto player

… then this ebook, together with your winlottosystems software,

is everything you’ve been looking for.

So, are you ready to learn?

If you truly want to win lotto prizes (almost) every week, then let
go of your long-held, preconceived ideas of how to play and win
lotto, and read on.

Mark Collard B.Bus, MBA

International Lotto Systems Expert
& Developer of winlottosystems software

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard

Introduction . . . . . . . 2
Part One - Preparing To Win . . . . . 5
The Odds Of Winning . . . . . 11
Playing The Odds . . . . . . 14
Universal Laws Of Lotto . . . . 16
The Golden Rules Of Lotto . . . . 18
The Prize-Winning Strategy . . . . 22
The Best 'System ' . . . . . 24
Part Two – winlottosystems . . . . . 29
Thrift Systems . . . . . 31
Econo Systems . . . . . 32
Power Systems . . . . . 33
winlottosystems In Practice . . . 34
Using winlottosystems . . . . . 35
Step By Step – Winning Lotto Prizes Frequently 37
Step 1: Determine Your Budget . . . 37
Step 2: How Many Games You Can Play . 37
Step 3: Select Your System Type . . 38
Step 4: Select Your Desired Prize Guarantee . 38
Step 5: Select The Numbers You Wish To Cover 39
Step 6: Produce Your System Selections . 41
Part Three - System Table . . . . . 44
System Design Options . . . . 45
Powerball Systems . . . . . 46
Econo Systems . . . . . 47
Multi Systems . . . . . 49
More System Design Options . . . . 50
Part Four – Ready To Go . . . . . 52
The Proof . . . . . . . 52
Contact Details . . . . . . . 54

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part One
Preparing To Win

What is lotto?

It is, in its simplest form, a game of chance – a game in which

we are willing to pay a very small entry cost to get an extremely
slim chance of winning a multi-million-dollar prize. It’s as simple
as that, and (as we all know) as hard as that.

Some people often refer to lotto as an ‘investment.’ This is

totally deluded. By definition, lotto can never be expected to
reflect the characteristics of a typical investment, because it is
way more than speculative, and it can never be expected to
reliably earn more than what you spend on it to play. It is a
game of chance, end of story, full stop.

Once you ‘get’ this notion, you are well on the way to truly
understanding what lotto is, and therefore, prepare to win more

There Has To Be A Better Way

Like many lotto players, I have always been interested in

numbers and mathematical theorem, and was naturally attracted
to and fascinated by the game of lotto.

As a teenager, I would share the cost of a lotto ticket each week

with my mother, and we would frequently capture four or more
of the winning numbers among our selections - but they rarely
lined up together in one game (you might call it a 'ticket' or

Earnestly, I studied the historical data of the drawn numbers of

my favourite lottery looking for patterns, and I tracked a set of
‘hot numbers’ for a while, as I spent hundreds of dollars on a
suite of lotto systems and software that all claimed to know how
to pick the winning numbers, etc, etc.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Does any of this sound familiar to you?

To cut a long story short… after years of struggling to win even a

small prize, I finally sat down and asked myself a critical
question – a question I’m sure you have asked yourself many
times too:

What is the minimum number of games (or tickets /

coupons) I have to play to GUARANTEE a win?

My logical, numerically-inclined mind figured that there had to be

a way in which I could trap the minimum winning numbers
together (in my lottery, four numbers) to guarantee a prize. And
I didn’t want to spend a fortune. These were my goals.

Following a lot of trial and error, and with the assistance of

powerful computer technologies – not to mention some of the
best mathematical minds in the world - I developed a set of
unique and extraordinary prize-winning ‘systems’ which I call

Today, I win lotto prizes so frequently, my lotto agent thinks I’ve

got the golden touch. I am often interviewed by newspapers and
TV networks to publicise my good fortune and share my
expertise. And, my inbox is filled with glowing testimonials from
many happy customers who are using my ‘systems.’

I spend no more than $80 each week (often less), and yet, I win
a lotto prize (almost) every week. I don’t even bother to check
my tickets anymore, because, as a rule, I expect to win.

I say “extraordinary,” because most people are satisfied with

winning just once or twice a year at best – that is so ordinary. If
this was me, I would be bored to death (not to mention broke)
waiting for a prize, and in all likelihood, I would have abandoned
the game long ago.

But, by simply respecting the universal laws of lotto, and

applying a couple of time-tested and proven prize-winning
strategies, I win up to 10 times more often than your average
punter - now that is EXTRAordinary.

If you’re saying to yourself, “this all sounds very complex,” don’t

worry, it’s not. I will walk you step-by-step through the process,
and show you how to get the most out of your winlottosystems

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
software. All you have to do is choose your lucky numbers, and
let winlottosystems do the rest – but more about that later.

Oh, you may also be wondering, have I ever won the million-
dollar prize? No, I have not – not yet anyway!

But, with every week that passes, I am in with a chance, and –

most importantly - I am significantly more motivated than the
next person, because I am winning a constant stream of smaller
prizes along the way.

Distinguishing The Lies

To prepare for what is possible in terms of winning a consistent

stream of lotto prizes, you MUST let go of a few precious,
possibly long-held beliefs. These beliefs, albeit well-intentioned,
are mostly sentimental (and often ill-devised) and will truly hold
you back from extraordinary results.

To illustrate this point, you need to perform a serious “reality”

check on these popular, yet ridiculous notions:
• There is a pattern or some kind of magic which determines
what numbers are drawn each week; or
• Playing the same numbers every week will bring you luck.;
• Winning one or two prizes each year (the average) is
motivating you to chase the “big one;” or
• It’s all about picking the six winning numbers (you know,
to win the major jackpot prize).

If this is you, then you are about to discover that you have not
been told the whole truth about lotto. Or, if you were being
honest with yourself, you will realise that you've been lied to.

Let’s face it, if what you have believed about winning lotto was
true, you wouldn’t be reading this, would you?

It’s All About Motivation

There is no fun in just paying out good money week after week
and not collecting a prize. Yes, it is true, no one plays lotto just

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
to win the smaller prizes. But, if you truly want to be motivated
to chase the ‘big one,’ and still be in with a chance to win it, then
you must adopt a strategy that sets you up to win lotto prizes
frequently along the way.

Even if (and it’s a huge IF) at the end of the day you were to win
just as many dollars playing lotto your way as you could earn
playing lotto using winlottosystems, you have to admit that
winning lots of little prizes regularly along the way is significantly
more motivating and fun, than just a few bigger prizes once in a
blue moon.

Did you get that? Or, are your pre-conceived ideas about lotto
still blocking your view? Let me illustrate this point to be sure it
really sinks in.

Let’s assume for a moment that in your lifetime, you are lucky
enough to win a total of $50,000 from lotto prizes. And, if it was
possible, you could choose to win this money in one of two ways.
Would you choose to:
• Win $5,000 every 5 years; or
• Win $83 every month for 50 years?

More importantly, which would motivate you more?

Would you prefer to wait years between a series of large one-off

prizes (and risk giving up after several dry years), or would you
rather receive a reliable, constant stream of smaller prizes every

The prize haul at the end is exactly the same (if you discount the
time-value of money, of course), but unconsciously most people
choose the ‘wait-hope-and-quit’ option.

Why? They focus all of their attention on winning the “big one,”
and then wonder why, after many months or years of going
without a prize, they decide to abandon the game.

Everyone knows that winning the multi-million-dollar prize is nigh

impossible. But, as they say, you have to be in it to win it.

Yet, research clearly shows that most lotto players abandon their
hopes of ever winning after several dry years, and quit playing.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
So here’s the rub...

If you’re motivated, you’re more likely to realise your ‘million-

dollar’ dream.

Changing The Way You Play

What you are about to learn will change the way you play lotto,

Together with your winlottosystems software, this ebook will

demonstrate that if you play by the universal and immutable
‘laws’ of lotto, it is truly possible to win up to ten times more
often than you do right now.

The tips and strategies I will discuss will not only help you win a
regular stream of smaller prizes, but will also keep you in the
running – and motivated - to win the only prize that counts.

Here's my advice.

Embrace the following simple, low-cost, easy to use and proven

prize-winning strategies. And then, as you apply these strategies
consistently and reliably over time, you will discover that it really
is possible to win lotto prizes (almost) every week.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Odds Of Winning

Lotteries are games of chance in which you choose, in the case

of the most popular world lotteries, any 5, 6 or 7 numbers from
36 to 56 numbers.

At first glance, this may sound simple, but note, in the case of a
lottery playing 45 numbers, there are a staggering 8,145,060
unique combinations of six numbers which can be selected from
45 numbers. This means that you have a 1 in 8.145 million
chance of correctly picking the 6 winning numbers from 45
numbers. That’s why it’s so very hard to win.

Or, in other words, you would have to play all 8.145 million
unique six-number combinations of the numbers 1 to 45 to be
guaranteed of winning the major ‘pick-6’ prize. As if that’s going
to happen!

By comparison, a lottery which only plays a pool of 40 numbers

produces relatively more favorable odds with a 1 in 3.838 million
chance of correctly picking the six winning numbers.

The National UK Lottery plays 6 from 49 numbers, in which case,

the odds are an incredible 1 in almost 14 million! The biggest
jackpot lottery in the United States is Mega Millions (which picks
5 plus 1 numbers from 56) which has odds in excess of 175
million to one. Any wonder it’s biggest ever jackpot grew to a
record $390 million – week after week, no one could win it!

For interest, take a look at page 14 for a table listing the odds of
winning a six-number prize from a given pool of numbers.

Lowering The Odds

Thankfully, the chances (or odds) of winning a lower division

prize (by trapping only three, four or five of the winning numbers
in one game) are significantly better.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Look at the table below, and reflect on the average number of
winning games as documented each week by some of the world’s
biggest lotteries.

Number of Winning Games

National Lotteries of the World 2010
Total Winning Average #
Games per Draw of ‘1st Division’ Percent
National Lottery (Average) Winners of Total

Australia Lotto Bloc 230,000 6 .003%


UK Lottery 610,000 4 .0007%


Canada Lottery 240,000 1 .0004%


USA Mega Millions 5,000,000 <1 .00002%

(5 + 1/56)

These results should not shock you. We all know that winning the
major ('first division') jackpot prize is extremely rare. But,
consider for a moment – a long moment - how all of the other
(smaller) prizes are won.

Approximately 99.99% of ALL the prizes won in any major

lottery in the world are earned by matching only three, four or
five of the winning numbers. Coupled with the fact that (at best)
only 1 in 200 games played each week will win a prize – any
prize – these two FACTS require a fundamental paradigm shift in
your thinking if you want to win at lotto.

Did you absorb that?

At best, only 1 in every 200 games played each week will win a
prize (the remaining 199 games are ‘wasted’) and of these
prizes, almost all of them (99.99%) are earned by correctly
picking only three, four or five of the winning numbers – not six!

In other words, if you're not winning a lotto prize (any prize) on

a regular basis, it's because you have not been told the truth
about lotto.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
If this doesn’t serve as a HUGE wake-up call for you, you’re
either blind or dead!

It would be easy to get weighed down by the odds. But rather,

this fundamental FACT presents an incredible opportunity for

If the smaller division prizes are significantly easier to win, and

they comprise the overwhelming majority of lotto prizes that are
being won, doesn’t it make sense to focus on winning these

Better odds means 'easier to win.'

The 199 (out of every 200) games I refer to are wasted because
they are typically focused on winning the major six-number (or
five-number plus one) prize. Imagine, for a moment, what could
be possible if you focused on winning the smaller three-, four-
and five-number prizes with some or all of these losing games?

You couldn’t do any worse, and as the following sections will

soon reveal, you are highly likely to do a whole lot better.

We will now continue to explore the impact of these fundamental

facts in the following sections. But first, a simple conclusion.

Conclusion #1

The BEST prize result that you can reasonably expect

(99.99% of the time) is trapping THREE, FOUR or FIVE of the
winning numbers together in one game - that is, the minimum
numbers required to win a lower division prize!

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Playing The Odds

Okay, so let’s take a quick look at how the odds (or chances) of
picking three, four, five or six numbers from a given set of
numbers are calculated.

Don’t worry, this is not going to get too heavy. You just need to
grasp a basic understanding of the odds you’re playing with, to
help you focus on building the most successful lotto strategy.

Now, the math involved in calculating these figures is referred to

as the 'binomial co-efficient' of X numbers out of Y (where Y is
greater than X).

To start, consider how many sets of six numbers can you pick
from six numbers. The answer is clearly only one, or in other
words, the binomial co-efficient of 6 from 6 numbers is 1.
However, add a seventh number, and suddenly you can form
many more unique six-number combinations.

The binomial co-efficient of six-number combinations from seven

numbers is shown below (read left to right):

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 7
1 2 3 4 6 7
1 2 3 5 6 7
1 2 4 5 6 7
1 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7

As you can see, there are a maximum of seven unique

combinations (or sets) of six numbers you can form using seven
numbers. No more, no less.

Add an eighth number, and you will find that you can form 28
unique sets of six-number combinations. And so on.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The table below shows the maximum combinations (or binomial
co-efficient) which result from picking every unique set of six-
number combinations from a selection of numbers.

Binomial Co-efficient of Six-Numbers

Sets of Six Sets of
Numbers Numbers Numbers Six Numbers

6 1 30 593,775
7 7 40 3,838,380
8 28 45 8,145,060
10 210 49 13,983,816
20 38,760 50 15,890,700

Note the exponential nature of these numbers. For example, look

at what happens to the odds when you increase the total pool of
lotto selections from 40 to 45 numbers. It doesn’t sound like
much, but simply adding five numbers to a 40 number lottery
more than doubles (3.8 million to 8.1 million) the odds of
correctly picking the six winning numbers!

Now, let’s go the other way. Let’s calculate how many unique
sets of five-number combinations can be formed from six
numbers. There are six, as show below.

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 6 1 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 5 6 2 3 4 5 6

And, if you were to form a series of four-number combinations

from six numbers, you will get 15 unique sets of four numbers.
Have a look at the list below. Every possible four-number
combination from six numbers has been covered.

1 2 3 4 1 2 5 6 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 5 1 3 4 5 2 3 4 6
1 2 3 6 1 3 4 6 2 3 5 6
1 2 4 5 1 3 5 6 2 4 5 6
1 2 4 6 1 4 5 6 3 4 5 6

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Applied to a larger pool of numbers, observe the significant
decline in the odds as the number of combinations gets smaller.

Binomial Co-efficient of
Three, Four, Five & Six Numbers
Unique Unique Unique Unique
Number of Six-Number Five-Number Four-Number Three-Number
Selections Combos Combos Combos Combos

40 3,838,380 658,008 91,390 9,880

45 8,145,060 1,221,759 148,995 14,190

49 13,983,816 1,906,884 211,876 18,424

50 15,890,700 2,118,760 230,300 19,600

Using a 6 / 45 lottery as the example, we already know that

there are 8.145 million unique six-number combinations. But, if
want to calculate how many unique five-number combinations
there are, the number drops to 1.221 million! This is the same as
saying that the odds of correctly picking any five numbers from
45 is 1 in 1.221 million.

Better still, if you want to calculate how many four-number

combinations there are among 45 numbers – the odds are
relatively dreamy at 1 in 148,995 – a tiny fraction of the 6 from
45 odds.

So, what does all this mean?

First of all, you can now understand how the odds of winning a
lotto prize are calculated, and why they are so big. But more
importantly, you now know that three-, four- and five-number
prizes are remarkably easier to win. Which is why they account
for 99.9% of all lotto prizes.

For this reason alone, winning lower division prizes will always,
always, ALWAYS feature in the design of every successful lottery
strategy in the world.

Now, let’s apply what we have learned here to the universal

principles or ‘laws’ of lotto.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Universal Laws of Lotto

In spite of the enormous odds, and regardless of the type of

prize you are seeking to win, you can always depend on three
universal principles or ‘laws’ every time you play lotto –
anywhere, anytime.

1. Lottery Numbers Are Totally Random

Lotto is a game of chance based on a random selection of

numbers. It is not possible to consistently and reliably predict
a random event. Full stop. End of story. Grasp this concept,
and you are well on your way to lotto success.

Consequently, do not concern yourself with coupon patterns,

‘hot’ numbers, frequency statistics or other implausible good
luck charms. Although interesting, these ‘systems’ have
absolutely no bearing on your ability to predict the winning
numbers, nor your chances of winning a prize. A random
selection of numbers can not, by definition, form a pattern.

I am yet to see any computer system or software package

that can reliably and consistently predict the winning numbers
of any lottery in the world. It just can’t be done, nor will it
ever be possible. To this end, any product that claims to
analyse patterns in actual lottery results or help you predict
the winning numbers of your favourite lottery is a scam. If
you just heard yourself say “No they’re not,” don’t bother
reading on – you’re fooling yourself, and I don’t want to
waste your time any further.

By all means, go ahead and have fun using these products to

choose your weekly numbers. Just never bet your house on

2. Every Single Lottery Game You Play Can Win

A Prize – Including The Jackpot

This law is simply a logical extension of the first.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Whether you play the two-game minimum entry once a
month, or invest $10,000 every week - every game (and
therefore dollars) played by either strategy has as much
chance of winning a prize as all the others.

Although it seems unlikely, even the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

have as much chance of being drawn together as any other
combination of six numbers.

Once again, any effort on your part, or that of highly

sophisticated lottery software programs to eliminate
“unlikely” sets of numbers from your lotto combinations is
just plain stupid. There is no such thing as “unlikely” in the
world of random. Again, if you’re not convinced, WAKE UP!!

3. The More Games You Play, The More Chances

You Have To Win A Prize

Finally, while it only takes one game to win a prize, the odds
are so enormous that you need to play multiple games to
increase your chances of winning. More games mean a higher
probability of winning. Simple logic really.

Now, from my extensive research, less than ONE out of ten lotto
players understands and plays by these laws. These are the folks
who are consistently winning prizes. As for the other nine, their
‘strategy’ is tantamount to throwing their money out the window
every week and hoping that double or more will blow back in.
Again, stupid.

These ‘laws’ are absolute, universal and immutable.

Which makes these laws CRITICAL to the design of a successful,

winning lotto strategy. Here’s why…

Conclusion #2

It does NOT matter how you pick your numbers, or how

many games you play - it's what you DO with (or how
you combine) those numbers and games that will make
ALL the difference between winning lotto prizes
(almost) every week, or not!

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Golden Rules Of Lotto

There is just one last concept you must grasp before you can
start to play winlottosystems properly.

Put simply, there are only two things you have to do to win a
lotto prize. It sounds simple, but it's not easy. The two Golden
Rules of Lotto are:
1. Match three or four of the winning numbers with
your selections;
2. ‘Trap’ these winning numbers in one game.

You must satisfy both rules in every lotto game you play,
otherwise, you win nothing. If you’re wondering why you never
seem to win, you’re about to discover why.

Golden Rule #1:

Match Three or Four Of The Winning Numbers
With Your Selections

Every lottery requires that you match a specified minimum

number of the drawn / winning numbers in at least one game (or
ticket / coupon) to be eligible to win a prize. In the case of most
world lotteries, you need to match at least three or four of the
winning numbers.

Basically, this rule dictates that unless you match at least the
minimum number of drawn / winning numbers among your
chosen selections, you’re not going to win a prize.

This presents only two possible scenarios:

(a) You choose to play every one of the total pool of numbers
among your lotto combinations, which means that every
winning number will be (somewhere) on your lotto ticket; or
(b) You choose to play less than the total pool of numbers,
which means you run the risk of not matching every one of the

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
drawn / winning numbers. For example, you may choose to
only play 15 of the total pool of 45 numbers every week. Math
and logic would, therefore, suggest that you can only expect to
match (on average) one third of the winning numbers each
week – sometimes more, sometimes less. You can never tell.

In short, the more numbers you ‘cover,’ the more winning

numbers you are likely to have among your selections.

Golden Rule #2:

‘Trap’ These Winning Numbers In One Game

This rule is even harder to satisfy, which is why it receives the

least attention. As a result, causing the winning numbers to 'fall'
(or be combined) together in one game (or ticket / coupon) is
often left to chance. Fact - this strategy will not win lotto prizes
consistently, nor frequently.

The ONLY way to satisfy this second rule RELIABLY is to use a

‘system’ which guarantees that if you match a certain number of
your selections with the drawn / winning numbers, you will win
one or more prizes.

The word ‘system’ is just another way of saying ‘reliable results.’

And that’s what you need to satisfy the second rule.

Even if you used the total pool of numbers among your

selections (to observe the First Golden Rule), you could not
afford a system large enough to guarantee success with the
second rule.

Applying the Golden Rules

Let’s test these two rules with a simple exercise.

Have a look at the eight games of six-number combinations

overleaf. It’s akin to playing an eight game ‘quick-pick’ entry in a
6 from 45 lottery, because the numbers have been generated
and combined in a completely random manner.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
game six-number games

1 1 8 16 22 36 42
2 6 13 21 32 37 43
3 7 8 14 23 31 38
4 2 3 24 30 34 39
5 9 15 28 29 40 41
6 4 10 17 18 25 33
7 11 20 26 29 34 44
8 5 12 19 27 35 45

To successfully adhere to the first of the Golden Rules, you will

note that I have used every number 1 to 45 across the entry
once, plus three other numbers a second time to complete the
eight games (they are 8, 29 and 34 for the record). Which is

This means, that no matter which winning numbers are drawn, I

will have EVERY one of the 45 numbers (not just three or four of
them) among my ‘selections’. (By the way, there is no magic in
the selection of these numbers – I simply made them up!)

Now, for the hard part – have I satisfied the second of the
Golden Rules, to trap or combine at least four of these numbers
in one game (as is the case in my favourite lottery), to win a
lotto prize? Give it go – simply make up your own set of six
random numbers from 1 to 45 and see what happens. Do it
several times, and tally your results.

I can almost guarantee, that something like 24 out of 25

‘attempts’ you will strike out. You may get a few games trapping
two or three numbers together, but you will rarely have four or

So, how did this happen, when you had ALL of the drawn /
winning numbers among your combinations?

It’s simple – there was no system.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
There was no system being used to combine my selections (of 45
numbers) in a way that would guarantee that any 3 or 4 of these
numbers would combine together in at least one game (which is
what the second Golden Rule requires). This is exactly what
happens when you play a ‘quick-pick’ (or random) entry!

As we all know, lotto numbers are totally random, but that does
not mean that your weekly results have to be.

In nutshell, all successful lotto strategies are a balance between

playing as many of the total pool of numbers as possible, and
using a system (or plan) which will guarantee a prize when at
least three or four of the winning numbers match your chosen

Therefore, adhering to the Golden Rules of Lotto is simply a

matter of budget. The more selections you want to cover, the
more your ‘system’ (i.e., your ability to ‘combine’ at least three
or four of the selections together in one game) will cost.

Faced with this balancing act, one third of lotto players choose to
throw their hands up in the air, take the easy way out (and play
a ‘quick-pick’ entry) and then wonder why they rarely win.

Whereas, those who respect the universal laws of lotto, and play
by the golden rules, earn consistent and reliable results.

But, before I present a summary of what we have learned so far,

and start to apply these “secrets” to winlottosystems, I have to

What did you learn from this discussion?

Conclusion #3

To win lotto prizes consistently and reliably, you MUST

use a system that combines your selections in such a
way that (at a minimum) any three or four of these
selections are guaranteed to ‘fall’ together in at least
one game (or ticket / coupon).

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Prize-Winning Strategy

I am about to synthesise all of the previous information, and

detail the definitive, leading and most successful long-term
strategy that will help you win a consistent and reliable stream of
lotto prizes.

If what you have read so far has made sense, then you will be
more than ready to start playing winlottosystems. If, however,
you are still struggling with something I have discussed, then
you owe it to yourself to go back to the introduction and start

The most successful lotto prize-winning strategy in the world

adheres to four very simple, easy to use guidelines:
• Choose your ‘lucky’ numbers using whatever
method or technique you prefer.
Lotto numbers are drawn randomly, so it does not
matter how you choose your numbers. Hot numbers,
historical trends and sophisticated software programs
will have absolutely no bearing on your ability to “pick”
the winning numbers.
• Cover as many (if not all) of the total pool of
lotto numbers as your budget will allow.
This guideline aims to satisfy the first of the Golden
Rules. Cover as many, if not all of the numbers every
time you play. Spread the cost of a large or more
expensive system with a syndicate (two or more
• Use a ‘system’ to combine your chosen
selections that is specifically designed to win the
lower division prizes, i.e., a ‘system’ that will
combine any three, four or five of your system
selections in one game at a minimum.
Three, four and five-number prizes are significantly
easier to win and account for 99.99% of the total prize
pool. When you use a ‘system’ to trap these prizes,
you satisfy the second Golden Rule, and will attract a
consistent and reliable source of lotto prizes.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
• Play regularly – ‘you've gotta be in it to win it’.
The best results from lotto will be seen over the long term;
don’t expect overnight success. But, when you consistently
apply a proven prize-winning strategy to play your
favourite lottery, you can expect extraordinary results.

If you want to win lotto prizes frequently, you just finished

reading the best “how to” manual on the market.

To be successful, you simply adhere to all four strategy

guidelines. Three of these guidelines are easy to understand and
achieve. It’s the third guideline - the one regarding a ‘system’ -
that deserves further attention.

So, our next task is to explore the best ‘system’ to use.

You could probably guess the answer, but, first, I want you to
understand why winlottosystems adopts the best and most cost-
effective lotto ‘system’ in the world.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Best ‘System’

We know that to win lotto prizes consistently and reliably, you

have to use a ‘system’ which combines your chosen numbers in a
particular way. OK, got that. But which system? There are just so
many to choose from.

Let’s examine a few of the most common types of systems

available to you. And to evaluate them fairly, let’s apply four key
criteria as we go - authenticity, effectiveness, cost and coverage.


This criteria immediately eliminates more than 90% of the

possible ‘systems’ available on the market.

If a system does not acknowledge the universal laws of lotto,

then in my opinion, there is no point exploring it. In a word,
‘systems’ which purport to predict the winning numbers, are a
scam. Sadly, some of the biggest and most popular ‘lottery
systems’ in the world fall into this category. Suffice to say, if
these systems worked as well as their marketing machines, we
would all be millionaires!

So, any ‘system’ that ignores the absolute laws of lotto can not
be used, much less, considered ‘authentic.’

Having eliminated a large majority of systems available to you,

let’s detail what’s left. They can all be grouped into three broad

Quick-Pick, or random entry system

This type of entry is purchased on-line or at your local lottery
agent. Upon request, a set of random numbers is generated
by the computer to provide a series of five-, six- or seven-
number combinations.

Full System or Combo entry

Known by a variety of names world-wide – particularly
Australia, Canada and the UK - a System (or Combo) Entry is

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
a popular method of playing a ‘system’ which covers every
three, four, five and six-number combination of the selections
you have chosen. As you will know, most national lotteries
accept only five, six or seven numbers to be marked in one
standard game square. However, playing a ‘System Entry’
allows you to mark one or more extra numbers in a game
square, thereby allowing you to play more selections.

Without getting too complex, this type of system is a

convenient way to ‘play’ every binomial co-efficient of the
numbers chosen. To illustrate, if you mark 8 numbers in one
game square (instead of the standard 6 numbers), a pick-6
lottery will treat this entry as if every six-number combination
of these 8 selections was actually marked on the coupon.
Referring to our discussion on page 14, this entry will cost the
equivalent of (binomial co-efficient of 6 numbers from 8 =) 28
games. Automatically, it will also cover every three, four and
five-number combination of these 8 numbers for the purposes
of winning the lower divisions.

Abbreviated or Reduced Systems

These type of systems abbreviate or reduce the full (binomial
co-efficient) System Entries discussed above, insofar as they
only play those games which will ‘trap’ every three, four or
five-number combination of your chosen selections (not six).

winlottosystems is a perfect example of an abbreviated or

reduced system, but with one very important distinction –
which I will reveal shortly.


This second criterion refers to the efficacy or reliability of the

system used. Or, in other words, does the system trap the
necessary minimum winning numbers together in one game to
win a lotto prize, and – most importantly - does it do this

In summary, a standard quick-pick random entry fails, a System

Entry performs this function very well (although at a premium),
and the performance of abbreviated / reduced systems vary

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
As revealed in my discussion about the Golden Rules of Lotto, a
standard 'Quick-Pick' entry has no 'system' by which the random
generated numbers are combined – they are, by design,
absolutely random. Even if all of the winning numbers were
covered on a 'Quick-Pick' entry (and they rarely are), there is no
'system' in which these numbers have been combined to
guarantee that at least the minimum winning numbers will fall
together in one game. So, in our search for the best 'system,'
'Quick-Pick' random entries fail.

System Entries, on the other hand, have solid, reliable and

effective systems that are specifically designed to win multiple
lotto prizes. Depending on the lottery you play, a System or
Combo Entry will guarantee that if three, four, five or six of your
system selections match the winning numbers, you will win
multiple lotto prizes.

So, System Entries pass this test admirably. But – and it's a big
BUT - there's just one qualifier – the cost. Yes, System Entries
are extremely effective, but it's going to cost you hundreds if not
thousands of dollars to benefit from this type of system when
you play your favourite numbers.

Which brings us to the next criterion.

Cost & Coverage

As we know, the best ‘system’ is always a balance between

covering as many of the total pool of numbers among your
selections, and your budget (i.e., the cost to play).

Under this criteria, System Entries fail miserably. A System Entry

is incredibly expensive when you want to cover as many of the
total pool of numbers as possible. Indeed, covering only nine
numbers with a System or Combo Entry will cost more than what
an average lotto player spends each week in most national

You see, a System Entry is playing many more games than is

necessary because it is designed to cover every six-number
combination of your selections - an event that we know is very,
very, very unlikely to occur. And regardless of the system used,
almost every lotto prize (99.99%) is won by matching only
three, four or five of the winning numbers - not six!

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Consequently, a System Entry is a VERY expensive option
because only a fraction of its games are actually needed to cover
every three, four and five-number combinations of your system
selections - the very combinations that win 99.99% of the total
prizes – the prizes you are most likely to win anyway!

For the record, Quick-Pick or Random entries theoretically pass

the cost and coverage criteria. However, while inexpensive to
play, it must be said that upon frequent analysis, a quick-pick
entry will typically cover only 70% to 85% of the total pool of
numbers among it’s combinations. Remember, it’s a random
generated ticket, so while in theory every number should appear
on your lotto coupons somewhere, in practice, they rarely do.

Hence, our analysis leaves us with just one 'system' left to

consider – abbreviated / reduced systems. And on this point –
effectiveness – this type of system varies widely from product to

And The Winner Is…

To remind you, we are searching for the best lotto system to

play your favourite lottery. You want to win a consistent and
reliable stream of lotto prizes over time, without spending a lot
of money, right?

Put simply, the best lotto system is one that:

… plays the least number of games

to win the most likely prizes.

The “least number of games” of this system profile means your

playing costs are kept to a minimum, while “most likely prizes”
means winning those which are the easiest to win.

In other words, you want to spend the least amount of money to

give yourself the best chance of winning lotto prizes.

These objectives are very much the realm of abbreviated or

reduced systems. However, in terms of effectiveness, there is a
wide variety of systems to choose from. But only one fits the
profile of the 'best lotto system.'

And the winner is...

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard

winlottosystems is the only type of 'system' available in the

world that satisfies all four criteria – authenticity, effectiveness,
cost and coverage, and fits the profile of the 'best' lotto system
to a tee.

You may ask, what distinguishes winlottosystems from all other

abbreviated or reduced systems?

It is the only 'win what you match' lotto system available in

the world. That is, depending on the winlottosystem you choose
to play, you WILL win (at least) a three-number prize if you
match any three of the winning numbers with your system
selections. Or, you WILL win a four-number prize if you match
any four of the winning numbers. Or, you WILL win a five-
number prize if you match any five of the winning numbers.

And to achieve this result, winlottosystems guarantees that you

will play the least number of games (or tickets / coupons)
necessary to win the most likely prizes, i.e. those which are
earned by matching only three, four or five of the winning
numbers (not six!).

Beware, most alternative abbreviated / reduced systems are

designed to guarantee a prize only if you match a greater
number of winning numbers with your selections. For example,
you may have to match at least five of the winning numbers to
win a four-number prize. Huh, why would you bother? I can't
speak for you, but if I match five of the winning numbers with
my selections, I want to play a system that combines all five of
these numbers together in at least one game to win a five-
number prize. Which is exactly what winlottosystems do.

OK. It's now time to show you how winlottosystems work, and
then - with this knowledge - I'll show you exactly how to use
them to start winning lotto prizes frequently.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part Two

Cast your mind back to one of the four fundamental prize-

winning strategies described earlier:

Use a ‘system’ to combine your chosen selections that is

specifically designed to win the lower division prizes,
i.e., a ‘system’ that will combine any three, four or five
of your system selections in one game at a minimum.

As you have discovered, this strategy is fundamentally linked to

your ability to win lotto prizes on a frequent basis.

This is exactly what winlottosystems are designed to do.

Depending on the system used, winlottosystems are designed to

cover every possible combination of any three, four or five
numbers from your nominated selections. They use a
sophisticated 'number-wheeling' system to play the least number
of games to win the most likely prizes.

So, if you match at least three, four or five of the winning

numbers with your system selections, a winlottosystem will
GUARANTEE that these numbers will combine together in at least
one game of your coupons, often two or more.

winlottosystems come with a choice of three powerful prize

• THRIFT Systems
Match ANY THREE of your system selections with
the winning numbers, and these numbers are
guaranteed to combine together in at least one
game, often two or more.
• ECONO Systems
Match ANY FOUR of your selections with the
winning numbers, and these numbers are

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
guaranteed to combine together in at least one
game, often two or more.
• POWER Systems
Match ANY FIVE of your selections with the
winning numbers, and these numbers are
guaranteed to combine together in at least one
game, often two or more.

Which system you use is simply a matter of satisfying the Golden

Rules of Lotto. Your choice will depend on the number of
selections you want to cover, and how much you wish to spend
each week. But, more on this later.

IMPORTANT: Although designed to win the lower divisions,

winlottosystems do not prevent you from winning the major
multi-million dollar prize (the least probable prize) - it simply
makes it easier (up to ten times easier!), and less expensive, for
you to win the most likely three, four and five-number prizes.

For now, let’s examine how each of these powerful prize-winning

guarantees work.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Thrift Systems

The Thrift prize-winning guarantee is designed to trap ANY

THREE of your system selections in (at least) one game, to win a
three-number prize, often two or more.

Consider the winlottosystem below using the numbers 1 to 8 (for

illustration purposes) to see how this works.

Powerball Thrift System 08

Game Five-Number Combinations

1 1 2 3 4 6

2 1 2 3 5 8

3 1 2 4 7 8

4 1 3 6 7 8

5 1 4 5 6 7

6 2 3 4 5 7

7 2 5 6 7 8

8 3 4 5 6 8

Every possible three-number combination is 'covered' in the

eight five-number games listed above. This means that if any
three of your eight selections match the winning numbers, you're
a winner! Sometimes you'll win two or more prizes, but you will
always win at least one prize.

I guarantee, this is the most economical system that can be

designed to cover every combination of three numbers among
eight numbers.

Check it out for yourself – pick any three numbers, and I

guarantee that they will 'fall' together in at least one of the eight
lines above.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Econo Systems

The Econo prize-winning guarantee is designed to trap ANY FOUR

of your system selections in (at least) one game, to win a four-
number prize, often two or more.

Consider the winlottosystem below using the numbers 1 to 8 to

see how this works.

Reduced Econo System 08

Game Six-Number Combinations

1 1 2 3 4 6 7

2 1 2 3 5 6 8

3 1 2 4 5 6 8

4 1 2 5 6 7 8

5 1 3 4 5 7 8

6 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 2 3 4 6 7 8

Every possible four-number combination is 'covered' in the seven

six-number games listed above. This means that if any four of
your eight selections match the winning numbers, you're a
winner! Sometimes you'll win two or more prizes, but you will
always win at least one prize.

Again, I promise that this is the most economical system that

can be designed to cover every combination of four numbers
among eight numbers. Check it out for yourself – pick any four
numbers, and I guarantee that they will 'fall' together in at least
one of the seven lines above.

As a powerful bonus, if your selections match only three of the

winning numbers (not four), an Econo System will win multiple
three-number prizes.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Power Systems

The Power prize-winning guarantee is designed to trap ANY FIVE

of your system selections in (at least) one game, to win a five-
number prize, often two or more.

Consider the winlottosystem below using the numbers 1 to 8 to

see how this works.

Reduced Power Systems 08

Game Six-Number Combinations

1 1 2 3 4 5 7

2 1 2 3 4 6 8

3 1 2 3 5 6 8

4 1 2 3 6 7 8

5 1 2 4 5 6 7

6 1 2 4 5 7 8

7 1 3 4 5 6 7

8 1 3 4 5 7 8

9 1 4 5 6 7 8

10 2 3 4 5 6 8

11 2 3 4 6 7 8

12 2 3 5 6 7 8

Every possible five-number combination is 'covered' in the twelve

six-number games listed above. This means that if any five of
your eight selections match the winning numbers, you're a
winner! Sometimes you'll win two or more prizes, but you will
always win at least one prize.

Once again, I guarantee that this is the most economical system

that can be designed to cover every combination of five numbers
among eight numbers.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Check it out for yourself – pick any five numbers, and I
guarantee that they will 'fall' together in at least one of the
twelve lines.

Incidentally, if your selections match only three or four of the

winning numbers (not five), a Power System will win multiple
three- and four-number prizes.

winlottosystems In Practice

Phew! That's a lot to absorb in one shot. You may want to go

back over this chapter. Remember, everything I am discussing
here is focused on winning lotto prizes frequently.

In any case, let's pause for a moment, and put the preceding
sections in perspective before we get to the nitty-gritty of exactly
how to use winlottosystems.
● The three systems I illustrate in detail above are very
small. While they feature three powerful prize-winning
guarantees, each 'system' covers only 8 numbers. And as
you know, you must cover as many of the total pool of
numbers as possible (more on how to do that shortly).
● When you start using winlottosystems, you will be able to
play any 8 to 16 of your chosen numbers in any one of 52
unique, cost-effective systems.
● The number of options available to you to cover as many of
the total pool of numbers as possible - and keep your
weekly spend as low as possible - is virtually limitless.
● Most important, EVERY winlottosystem you play gives you
the chance to win the major million-dollar (jackpot) prize.
● Dollar for dollar, your chances of winning one of the
smaller prizes is up to ten times greater than the average
lotto player.

So, are you ready to learn how to get the most out of

Let's get started...

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Using winlottosystems

If you have jumped straight to this chapter, taking a short-cut

past the earlier sections, I urge you to STOP right here, and read
Part One first. It's up to you of course, but I wouldn't bother
saying this if I didn't believe there was enormous value to be
gained from doing so. I really don't think the following pages will
make much sense unless you do.

In any case, this final chapter is dedicated to showing you how to

use winlottosystems in the most cost-effective AND successful

Please note, this section is not designed to teach you how to use
the software – if this is what you're looking for, then open
winlottosystems, go to the Help menu, and select Instructions to
view a step by step guide.

Quick Review

Our discussion to this point has revealed four key strategies that
are at the heart of how to play lotto successfully. Let's do a quick
● Choose your ‘lucky’ numbers using whatever method or
technique you prefer.
● Cover as many, if not, all of the total pool of lotto
numbers as your budget will allow.
● Use a ‘system’ to combine your chosen selections that
is specifically designed to combine any three, four or
five of your system selections in one game at a
● Play regularly.

Assuming that you will pick your numbers sensibly (that is, not
get sucked in by a scam that purports to predict the winning
numbers), and you are willing (and able) to play your favourite
lottery regularly – you really only have two things to do to design
a successful lotto strategy:

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
● Cover as many (if not all) of the total pool of
numbers as your budget will allow;
● Use a system that is specifically designed to combine
every three, four and five-number combinations of
your system selections in one game.

Applied consistently, the facts clearly demonstrate that this

strategy will give you the best chance of winning lotto prizes
(almost) every week.

In six simple steps, this is what you need to do:

1. Consider your weekly budget;
2. Calculate how many games you can play each week;
3. Select the system type that matches your lottery;
4. Select which prize-winning guarantee(s) you want to play;
5. Choose how many numbers you want to 'cover;' and
6. Produce your system selections.

The following sections will now describe these steps in more

detail. Then in Part 3, I provide many examples to illustrate
these steps.

An abbreviated discussion of these six steps can be found in

'The Quick Start Guide,' which was bundled with your
winlottosystems software package.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Step By Step -
Winning Lotto Prizes Frequently

1. Determine Your Budget

The first, most important step is to consider your budget, that

is, how much you are prepared to spend each (and every)
week. To be fair, this is also saying, how much are you
prepared to lose each week. There's no way around it, lotto is
a game of chance, so unless you are extremely lucky one
week (and win the jackpot), you have to expect to lose more
dollars than you gain. The aim here, of course, is to recoup as
much of your weekly spend as possible by winning a reliable
and consistent stream of lotto prizes.

So, if your answer is $10 per week, fine. If you play with a
group of friends, and together you can spend $100 per week,
that's fine too. Maybe you're part of a large syndicate that has
$500 or more each week to burn, good for you.

Regardless of your budget, stick with it. And remember -

dollar for dollar, a small budget has as many chances to win a
lotto prize, including the big one, as a large one.

2. Calculate How Many Games You Can Play

You can now determine how many games (tickets or coupons)

you can play each week. Divide the cost per game of your
favourite lottery into your weekly budget.

For example, if your favourite lottery costs 50c per game, and
you have set a spending limit of $20 / week, you can afford to
design a winlottosystem that plays a maximum of 40 games.

Later, when you look to design your personal system, resist

the temptation to play a larger system just because it plays
more games (because, it will give you more chances to win).
Again, sticking to your budget will allow you to play regularly,
rather than only every couple of weeks.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
3. Select Your System Type

I'm sure, no matter where you live in the world, you have
many lotteries to choose from to play each week. Each will
require a different number of selections to be marked in each
game square on your lotto coupon / ticket.

This step invites you to match the design of your favourite

lottery to one of the three winlottosystem types, insofar as
how many selections need to be marked in each game panel
on your lotto coupon / ticket.

You have three System Types to choose from:

Powerball Designed for pick 5-number lotteries
Reduced Designed for pick 6-number lotteries
Multi Designed for pick 7-number lotteries

So, if your lottery requires you to mark six numbers in any

one game square on your lotto coupon / ticket, then you will
choose Reduced Systems.

If you like to play Powerball, then you would choose Powerball

Systems because they will generate a series of five-number

In some countries, such as Australia, Canada and the UK,

some lotteries permit seven numbers to be marked in one
game square. In this case, you would choose Multi Systems.

4. Select Your Desired Prize-Guarantee(s)

Your next step is to choose which one (or more) of winlotto-

system's three prize-winning guarantees you wish to play.

These “guarantees” are the actual 'systems' (or unique series

of five, six or seven-number combinations) that magically trap
three, four or five of the winning numbers together in one

You can choose from:

Thrift Guaranteed to win three-number prizes. Designed
to play with Powerball Systems only.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Econo Guaranteed to win four-number prizes, and
multiple three-number prizes. Designed to play
with Powerball, Reduced & Multi Systems.
Power Guaranteed to win five-number prizes, and
multiple three- and four-number prizes. Designed
to play with Reduced & Multi Systems only.

Clearly, Power Systems are the most attractive prize

guarantee, but they require many more games to be played.

Keeping your budget in mind (i.e. the maximum number of

games you can afford to play), take a look at the System
Table on page XX to help guide your decision.

The table lists every winlottosystem available to you in the

software, and the number of games you need to play to
maintain the integrity of each prize-winning guarantee.

You are strongly recommended to choose multiple systems,

featuring one or both prize guarantees, which “cover” as
many of your favourite lottery's total pool of numbers (this
step is described in more detail in the next section).

Note, you can choose as many individual systems as you want

– just keep the total number of games in mind, to stick to
your weekly lotto spend.

Read the notes accompanying the table to assist you to

identify which winlottosystems will match your budget.

5. Select The Pool of Numbers You Wish To Cover

The key here is to play as many of the total pool of numbers

as you can. Ideally, all of them.

But, of course, the more numbers you want to 'cover,' the

more it will cost you to play those numbers in one system (as
seen in the table on page XX).

winlottosystems can play any 8 to 16 numbers in one system.

Yet, every lottery in the world plays at least 36 numbers, and
often more than 50 numbers.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
So, this raises an important question: How do you play all of
these numbers, and not blow your budget? Easy.

As I will illustrate, the trick is to play multiple smaller

systems, which, as a whole, cover the total pool of numbers
at least once, if not several times.

For example, let's say your favourite lottery plays 45

numbers. There are many ways you could 'cover' these 45
numbers (that is, ensure that every number 1 to 45 is marked
on your tickets / coupons at least once), but here are just four
ideas to inspire your thinking:

Play 3 unique sets of 15 numbers (3 x 15 = 45)

Play 4 unique sets of 12 numbers (4 x 12 = 48)

Play 5 unique sets of 9 numbers (5 x 9 = 45)

Play 6 unique sets of 8 numbers (6 x 8 = 48)

In each scenario, I 'cover' every number from 1 to 45 among

the three to six sets of systems I play, at least once. Which
means, this strategy satisfies the first of the Golden Rules of
Lotto (see page 18 of the 'The Secret...' ebook) - that is, I
know that every drawn / winning number will be among my

So, of the myriad options available to you, which one do you

choose? This is a very common question. The answer is
simple - the option (or options) that fits your budget (step 1).

In the example used above, the least expensive option would

be to play 6 sets of an 8 number winlottosystem because it
requires the least number of games / tickets to play (this is
true regardless of which System Type you use).

Whereas, the most expensive option would be to play 3 sets

of a 15 number winlottosystem because it involves the most
number of games / tickets to play.

So, in short, it's VERY easy to cover all of the total pool of
numbers of your favourite lottery. And this step alone assures
you of greater success in winning lotto prizes frequently.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Ideally, you should always aim to cover all 36, 45, 53 or
whatever number of selections your lottery plays.

In essence, the question posed is really asking, which is the

best or most successful option to choose? Well, I'm sorry to
have to break the bad news to you, but there is no answer to
this question.

No matter what lotto system you use, its success will always
depend on the numbers you choose to play with it, and - as
you well know - you cannot predict the winning numbers.

However, governed by the universal laws of lotto, the most

successful systems will always be those which play the most
number of games / tickets, i.e., more games equals more
chances to win.

6. Produce Your System Selections

This sixth and final step is easy; you can't go wrong.

Simply fire up your Random Number Generator software

(which you received within 24 hours of your purchase of
winlottosystems), or choose some other method of selection.

And when I say “some other method” I really mean to say “it
doesn't matter how you pick your numbers.”

How you choose to pick your “lucky” numbers is completely

unrelated to your success, not to mention the numbers which
will be actually drawn this week. Why? Because, lottery
numbers are 100% totally random, remember. Nothing you
can do will make a difference.

One of the simplest methods of producing your system

selections is to use the Random Number Generator software.

Overleaf, I illustrate how I use this software to produce 10

sets of 8 numbers:

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Having produced your combinations, you are now ready to
transfer these numbers – set by set - directly into the
winlottosystems software grid, as illustrated below:

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Note, that the 8 numbers entered in the grid are the first set
of 8 numbers produced by the Random Number Generator.
You would need to perform this step for each set of numbers
you choose to play (indeed, all of them, if you wish to
maintain the integrity of the desired winlottosystem).

Refer to the instruction manual (or click the Help button) for
more details on how to use your winlottosystems software.

A few things to note...

Explore many more practical examples in the next section,

Part 3, which describes dozens of possible system designs.

And remember... it really doesn't matter how you choose your

numbers. The key is always how you combine your numbers.

You can use the same numbers for 30 years, or change them
every week – it's up to you, but your choice will NOT make
one scrap of difference to your potential to win a cash prize.

Don't believe me?

Then, may I suggest you return to the beginning of this

manual and start reading the facts once more.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part Three
System Table

The table below details the number of games you need to play to
use a particular winlottosystem.

Simply multiply the number of games by the entry cost to play a

single game in your chosen lottery to determine which one or
more systems will fit your budget.

For example, if it costs you 50 cents to play one game in your

favourite lottery, and you wish to cover 10 numbers with a
Reduced System using an Econo prize-winning guarantee, this
winlottosystem will cost (20 games x 50 cents) $10.00 to play.

Please note, you must play every combination of the particular

winlottosystem, otherwise, the integrity of the system (i.e., its
ability to win prizes frequently) is NOT guaranteed.

Number Of Games To Play

8 8 20 7 12 - -
9 12 30 12 30 6 9
10 17 51 20 50 10 20
11 20 66 32 100 17 34
12 29 113 41 132 24 59
13 34 157 66 245 30 78
14 43 230 80 371 44 138
15 56 295 117 578 57 189
16 65 405 152 808 76 283

For your interest, winlottosystems are available for 17 and more selections upon request.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
System Design Options

To give you an idea of the literally hundreds of possibilities

available to you when you start using winlottosystems, I have
designed a few sample system configurations below.

As winlottosystems are played all over the world with almost

every major lottery (and therefore currency), I will use the
number of games required to play as the basis for comparison.
All you need to do is multiply the number of games with the
standard cost to play one game (ticket / coupon) in your
favourite lottery to calculate its cost.

Note, in each case, I will endeavour to adhere to the four key

prize-winning strategies wherever possible. Also, this list is by no
means exhaustive – the options are limitless.

As you peruse these different options, consider the four key

prize-winning strategies (see page 22) to identify which system
designs will be the most successful. Remember, one of the most
important strategies is to cover as many of the total pool of
numbers as possible.

To this end, look at the 'Numbers Covered' column, and divide

the total pool of numbers of your chosen lottery into this
number. The bigger the resulting figure, the greater coverage
you will have and the more successful your prize-winning
strategy will be.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Sample Powerball System Designs

To help you read the following tables, let's look at the first design
option 4 x PT08.

Sample Powerball System Designs

Playing 30 to 40 Games
Powerball Five # Powerball Five #
Thrift (PT) Games Numbers Econo (PE) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

4 x PT08 32 32 2 x PE08 40 16

2 x PT10 34 20 1 x PE09 30 9

1 x PT12 29 12

In this design, you will play four unique sets of 8 numbers in a

Powerball Thrift winlottosystem. This means, you will select four
different sets of 8 numbers, and plug them into your
winlottosystem software individually to generate four different
Powerball Thrift systems. This will give you a total of (4 x 8
games) 32 five-number games to play. It also means that you
can play (that is 'cover') up to 32 unique Powerball numbers
because each system plays 8 numbers.

Remember, the higher the 'Numbers Covered' figure is, the more
successful your lotto strategy will be.

For example, looking at the next table, consider the design of 13

x PT08 which covers 104 numbers.

Sample Powerball System Designs

Playing 100 Games
Powerball Five # Powerball Five #
Thrift (PT) Games Numbers Econo (PE) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

13 x PT08 96 104 5 x PE08 100 40

5 x PT11 100 55 2 x PE10 102 20

3 x PT13 102 39 1 x PE12 113 12

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
What this figure means is that you can play 104 unique numbers.

But, of course, most lotteries only play up to 56 numbers at the

most. So, choosing to play this system design in the case of a
lottery that plays only 49 numbers, you could play every number
1 to 49 at least twice, plus six numbers a third time (to equate to
104 numbers).

This next table looks at how you could design a six different
systems playing 500 games with a Powerball winlottosystem.

Sample Powerball System Designs

Playing 500 Games
Powerball Five # Powerball Five #
Thrift (PT) Games Numbers Econo (PE) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

42 x PT09 504 378 25 x PE08 500 200

17 x PT12 493 204 10 x PE10 510 100

8 x PT16 520 128 2 x PE14 460 28

Now to possible Reduced winlottosystems.

Sample Reduced System Designs

Sample Reduced System Designs

Playing 30 to 40 Games
Reduced Six # Reduced Six #
Econo (RE) Games Numbers Power (RP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

5 x RE08 35 40 3 x RP08 36 24

2 x RE10 40 20 1 x RP09 30 9

1 x RE12 41 12

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Sample Reduced System Designs
Playing 100 Games
Reduced Six # Reduced Six #
Econo (RE) Games Numbers Power (RP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

8 x RE09 96 72 8 x RP08 96 64

3 x RE11 96 33 2 x RP10 100 20

1 x RE15 117 15 1 x RP11 100 11

Sample Reduced System Designs

Playing 500 Games
Reduced Six # Reduced Six #
Econo (RE) Games Numbers Power (RP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

25 x RE10 500 250 41 x RP08 492 328

12 x RE12 492 144 10 x RP10 500 100

6 x RE14 480 84 2 x RP13 490 26

To further our conversation about coverage, consider the 25 x

RE10 strategy above.

Using this particular design, you have 250 numbers to play with.
So, if your favourite lottery played 45 numbers, you could play
every number 1 to 45 at least 5 times across the 25 systems. Or,
you could choose to play only 25 (of the 45 numbers) ten times
each, which would allow you to combine these selections
together more often, although this strategy would sacrifice full
coverage of the total pool of numbers.

There are simply too many options to count. So, remember,

always be guided by the four key prize-winning strategies to help
you make your decision.

Finally, let's look at some possible designs you could choose to

play Multi winlottosystems.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Sample Multi System Designs

If you live in Australia, Canada and the UK, note that the figures
shown under the 'Seven # Games To Play' column would equate
to the number of System or Combo Entries you would play in
your particular 'pick-6' lottery.

Sample Multi System Designs

Playing 30 to 40 Games
Multi Seven # Multi Seven #
Econo (ME) Games Numbers Power (MP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

6 x ME09 36 54 4 x MP09 36 36

2 x ME11 34 22 2 x MP10 40 20

1 x ME13 30 13 1 x MP11 34 11

Sample Multi System Designs

Playing 100 Games
Multi Seven # Multi Seven #
Econo (ME) Games Numbers Power (MP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

10 x ME10 100 100 11 x MP09 99 99

4 x ME12 96 48 5 x MP10 100 50

2 x ME15 114 30 3 x MP11 102 33

Sample Multi System Designs

Playing 500 Games
Multi Seven # Multi Seven #
Econo (ME) Games Numbers Power (MP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered

50 x ME10 500 500 25 x MP10 500 250

21 x ME12 504 252 15 x MP11 510 165

9 x ME15 513 135 4 x MP14 414 54

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
More System Design Options

In the preceding samples, I have used multiples of the same

winlottosystem only, for example, 8 x RP08 or 21 x ME12.
However, there is no rule that says this is what you have to do.
You could choose to use a variety of different systems.

To illustrate, let's say your budget is the equivalent of 100

games. The sky's the limit, but I could choose any one of the
following system designs in an effort to apply the key prize-
winning strategies.

Six #
Reduced Econo Games Numbers
(RE) Systems To Play Covered

4 x RE08 28 32

2 x RE10 40 20

1 x RE11 32 11

Total 100 63

With this design, I use three different types of Reduced Econo

winlottosystems, which play exactly 100 six-number
combinations (games), and yet covers up to 63 unique numbers.

Six #
Reduced Power Games Numbers
(RP) Systems To Play Covered

2 x RP08 24 16

1 x RP09 30 9

1 x RP10 50 10

Total 104 35

This second alternative still plays approximately 100 games, but

I play (at least) three different types of Reduced Power
winlottosystems this time. However, this design only covers a
maximum of 35 unique numbers.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
So, although this design offers a more powerful prize-winning
guarantee (because I am playing Power winlottosystems), it does
not cover all of the total pool of lotto numbers.

This is a good example of the balance you will often have to

make between your budget and system designs.

One more alternative, playing 101 games, could look like this:

Six #
Reduced Econo & Games Numbers
Power Systems To Play Covered

1 x RE08 7 8

1 x RE09 12 9

2 x RE10 40 20

1 x RP08 12 8

1 x RP09 30 9

Total 101 54

This time, I use a mix of Reduced Econo and Power

winlottosystems, covering a maximum of 54 unique numbers. It
provides good coverage of the total pool of lottery numbers, and
offers many chances to win a lotto prize among the six different
systems I choose to play.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part Four
Ready To Go

You now know everything you have do to win lotto prizes

(almost) every week. Your most important decision, now, is to do
something with this knowledge.

In a nutshell, this is what you must do to start winning lotto

prizes on a consistent, frequent basis:
● Apply the four key prize-winning strategies
to every lottery dollar you spend;
● Follow the six simple steps to use
winlottosystems successfully.

I guarantee that if you do not start to win lotto prizes more

frequently upon reading this ebook and using winlottosystems,
you will have either strayed from one of the key strategies, or
decided to skip a crucial step.

The Proof

Cast your mind back to what you thought you knew about lotto
before you purchased winlottosystems, and read the secrets I
reveal in this ebook. You'd be fooling yourself to think that you
have not learned something that will now significantly boost your
ability to win lotto prizes on a consistent and frequent basis.

Have you read the Special Report: The Test Results That
Embarrassed Many So-Called “Lotto Experts”?

If you have, then you will know that this report reveals twelve
years of rock-solid, factual and consistent data that proves -
beyond a doubt - that you too can win lotto prizes on a
consistent basis.

The test results are real and current. To review the most recent
data, go to Yet, regardless of

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
what I have revealed in this ebook, these Test results clearly
show that winlottosystems are not like any other lotto system
or software you have seen or used before.

Why? Because winlottosystems adhere to the universal laws of

lotto AND guarantee that you will:
• Play the least number of games to win the most likely
• Dollar for dollar, win a lotto prize dividend at least 4 times,
and up to 10 times more often than you do now;
• Save money by recouping a larger proportion of your entry
costs; and
• Keep unbelievably motivated to chase that elusive ‘million-
dollar’ dream.

And isn't this last point what you're really here for?

So, what are you waiting for? Dive right in, and start using
winlottosystems straight away.

In the meantime, I wish you all of the luck in the world.

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
About winlottosystems

© winlottosystems 1995-2010

Warning: The winlottosystems software program is protected by

copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorised
reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it,
may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be
prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.

Technical Support

For all support, feedback and comments, please refer to the

comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQ) section:


If your question is not answered there, please submit your

enquiry or technical support issue using the Contact Us form.

the secret to winning lotto prizes frequently - guaranteed

Australia (03) 9095 2772

International +613 9095 2772

The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard

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