The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week
© Mark Collard
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
If you decided to purchase winlottosystems because it appeared
to be next best ‘thing’ to help you win the “big one”... let me
save you the trouble right now and tell you it's probably not
worth you reading this ebook. Let's face it, your time is more
valuable than that.
If you truly want to win lotto prizes (almost) every week, then let
go of your long-held, preconceived ideas of how to play and win
lotto, and read on.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Introduction . . . . . . . 2
Part One - Preparing To Win . . . . . 5
The Odds Of Winning . . . . . 11
Playing The Odds . . . . . . 14
Universal Laws Of Lotto . . . . 16
The Golden Rules Of Lotto . . . . 18
The Prize-Winning Strategy . . . . 22
The Best 'System ' . . . . . 24
Part Two – winlottosystems . . . . . 29
Thrift Systems . . . . . 31
Econo Systems . . . . . 32
Power Systems . . . . . 33
winlottosystems In Practice . . . 34
Using winlottosystems . . . . . 35
Step By Step – Winning Lotto Prizes Frequently 37
Step 1: Determine Your Budget . . . 37
Step 2: How Many Games You Can Play . 37
Step 3: Select Your System Type . . 38
Step 4: Select Your Desired Prize Guarantee . 38
Step 5: Select The Numbers You Wish To Cover 39
Step 6: Produce Your System Selections . 41
Part Three - System Table . . . . . 44
System Design Options . . . . 45
Powerball Systems . . . . . 46
Econo Systems . . . . . 47
Multi Systems . . . . . 49
More System Design Options . . . . 50
Part Four – Ready To Go . . . . . 52
The Proof . . . . . . . 52
Contact Details . . . . . . . 54
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part One
Preparing To Win
What is lotto?
Once you ‘get’ this notion, you are well on the way to truly
understanding what lotto is, and therefore, prepare to win more
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
I spend no more than $80 each week (often less), and yet, I win
a lotto prize (almost) every week. I don’t even bother to check
my tickets anymore, because, as a rule, I expect to win.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
software. All you have to do is choose your lucky numbers, and
let winlottosystems do the rest – but more about that later.
Oh, you may also be wondering, have I ever won the million-
dollar prize? No, I have not – not yet anyway!
If this is you, then you are about to discover that you have not
been told the whole truth about lotto. Or, if you were being
honest with yourself, you will realise that you've been lied to.
Let’s face it, if what you have believed about winning lotto was
true, you wouldn’t be reading this, would you?
There is no fun in just paying out good money week after week
and not collecting a prize. Yes, it is true, no one plays lotto just
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
to win the smaller prizes. But, if you truly want to be motivated
to chase the ‘big one,’ and still be in with a chance to win it, then
you must adopt a strategy that sets you up to win lotto prizes
frequently along the way.
Even if (and it’s a huge IF) at the end of the day you were to win
just as many dollars playing lotto your way as you could earn
playing lotto using winlottosystems, you have to admit that
winning lots of little prizes regularly along the way is significantly
more motivating and fun, than just a few bigger prizes once in a
blue moon.
Did you get that? Or, are your pre-conceived ideas about lotto
still blocking your view? Let me illustrate this point to be sure it
really sinks in.
Let’s assume for a moment that in your lifetime, you are lucky
enough to win a total of $50,000 from lotto prizes. And, if it was
possible, you could choose to win this money in one of two ways.
Would you choose to:
• Win $5,000 every 5 years; or
• Win $83 every month for 50 years?
The prize haul at the end is exactly the same (if you discount the
time-value of money, of course), but unconsciously most people
choose the ‘wait-hope-and-quit’ option.
Why? They focus all of their attention on winning the “big one,”
and then wonder why, after many months or years of going
without a prize, they decide to abandon the game.
Yet, research clearly shows that most lotto players abandon their
hopes of ever winning after several dry years, and quit playing.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
So here’s the rub...
What you are about to learn will change the way you play lotto,
The tips and strategies I will discuss will not only help you win a
regular stream of smaller prizes, but will also keep you in the
running – and motivated - to win the only prize that counts.
Here's my advice.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Odds Of Winning
At first glance, this may sound simple, but note, in the case of a
lottery playing 45 numbers, there are a staggering 8,145,060
unique combinations of six numbers which can be selected from
45 numbers. This means that you have a 1 in 8.145 million
chance of correctly picking the 6 winning numbers from 45
numbers. That’s why it’s so very hard to win.
Or, in other words, you would have to play all 8.145 million
unique six-number combinations of the numbers 1 to 45 to be
guaranteed of winning the major ‘pick-6’ prize. As if that’s going
to happen!
For interest, take a look at page 14 for a table listing the odds of
winning a six-number prize from a given pool of numbers.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Look at the table below, and reflect on the average number of
winning games as documented each week by some of the world’s
biggest lotteries.
These results should not shock you. We all know that winning the
major ('first division') jackpot prize is extremely rare. But,
consider for a moment – a long moment - how all of the other
(smaller) prizes are won.
At best, only 1 in every 200 games played each week will win a
prize (the remaining 199 games are ‘wasted’) and of these
prizes, almost all of them (99.99%) are earned by correctly
picking only three, four or five of the winning numbers – not six!
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
If this doesn’t serve as a HUGE wake-up call for you, you’re
either blind or dead!
The 199 (out of every 200) games I refer to are wasted because
they are typically focused on winning the major six-number (or
five-number plus one) prize. Imagine, for a moment, what could
be possible if you focused on winning the smaller three-, four-
and five-number prizes with some or all of these losing games?
Conclusion #1
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Playing The Odds
Okay, so let’s take a quick look at how the odds (or chances) of
picking three, four, five or six numbers from a given set of
numbers are calculated.
Don’t worry, this is not going to get too heavy. You just need to
grasp a basic understanding of the odds you’re playing with, to
help you focus on building the most successful lotto strategy.
To start, consider how many sets of six numbers can you pick
from six numbers. The answer is clearly only one, or in other
words, the binomial co-efficient of 6 from 6 numbers is 1.
However, add a seventh number, and suddenly you can form
many more unique six-number combinations.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 7
1 2 3 4 6 7
1 2 3 5 6 7
1 2 4 5 6 7
1 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7
Add an eighth number, and you will find that you can form 28
unique sets of six-number combinations. And so on.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The table below shows the maximum combinations (or binomial
co-efficient) which result from picking every unique set of six-
number combinations from a selection of numbers.
6 1 30 593,775
7 7 40 3,838,380
8 28 45 8,145,060
10 210 49 13,983,816
20 38,760 50 15,890,700
Now, let’s go the other way. Let’s calculate how many unique
sets of five-number combinations can be formed from six
numbers. There are six, as show below.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 6 1 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 1 2 5 6 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 5 1 3 4 5 2 3 4 6
1 2 3 6 1 3 4 6 2 3 5 6
1 2 4 5 1 3 5 6 2 4 5 6
1 2 4 6 1 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Applied to a larger pool of numbers, observe the significant
decline in the odds as the number of combinations gets smaller.
Binomial Co-efficient of
Three, Four, Five & Six Numbers
Unique Unique Unique Unique
Number of Six-Number Five-Number Four-Number Three-Number
Selections Combos Combos Combos Combos
First of all, you can now understand how the odds of winning a
lotto prize are calculated, and why they are so big. But more
importantly, you now know that three-, four- and five-number
prizes are remarkably easier to win. Which is why they account
for 99.9% of all lotto prizes.
For this reason alone, winning lower division prizes will always,
always, ALWAYS feature in the design of every successful lottery
strategy in the world.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Universal Laws of Lotto
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Whether you play the two-game minimum entry once a
month, or invest $10,000 every week - every game (and
therefore dollars) played by either strategy has as much
chance of winning a prize as all the others.
Finally, while it only takes one game to win a prize, the odds
are so enormous that you need to play multiple games to
increase your chances of winning. More games mean a higher
probability of winning. Simple logic really.
Now, from my extensive research, less than ONE out of ten lotto
players understands and plays by these laws. These are the folks
who are consistently winning prizes. As for the other nine, their
‘strategy’ is tantamount to throwing their money out the window
every week and hoping that double or more will blow back in.
Again, stupid.
Conclusion #2
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Golden Rules Of Lotto
There is just one last concept you must grasp before you can
start to play winlottosystems properly.
Put simply, there are only two things you have to do to win a
lotto prize. It sounds simple, but it's not easy. The two Golden
Rules of Lotto are:
1. Match three or four of the winning numbers with
your selections;
2. ‘Trap’ these winning numbers in one game.
You must satisfy both rules in every lotto game you play,
otherwise, you win nothing. If you’re wondering why you never
seem to win, you’re about to discover why.
Basically, this rule dictates that unless you match at least the
minimum number of drawn / winning numbers among your
chosen selections, you’re not going to win a prize.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
drawn / winning numbers. For example, you may choose to
only play 15 of the total pool of 45 numbers every week. Math
and logic would, therefore, suggest that you can only expect to
match (on average) one third of the winning numbers each
week – sometimes more, sometimes less. You can never tell.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
game six-number games
1 1 8 16 22 36 42
2 6 13 21 32 37 43
3 7 8 14 23 31 38
4 2 3 24 30 34 39
5 9 15 28 29 40 41
6 4 10 17 18 25 33
7 11 20 26 29 34 44
8 5 12 19 27 35 45
Now, for the hard part – have I satisfied the second of the
Golden Rules, to trap or combine at least four of these numbers
in one game (as is the case in my favourite lottery), to win a
lotto prize? Give it go – simply make up your own set of six
random numbers from 1 to 45 and see what happens. Do it
several times, and tally your results.
So, how did this happen, when you had ALL of the drawn /
winning numbers among your combinations?
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
There was no system being used to combine my selections (of 45
numbers) in a way that would guarantee that any 3 or 4 of these
numbers would combine together in at least one game (which is
what the second Golden Rule requires). This is exactly what
happens when you play a ‘quick-pick’ (or random) entry!
As we all know, lotto numbers are totally random, but that does
not mean that your weekly results have to be.
Faced with this balancing act, one third of lotto players choose to
throw their hands up in the air, take the easy way out (and play
a ‘quick-pick’ entry) and then wonder why they rarely win.
Whereas, those who respect the universal laws of lotto, and play
by the golden rules, earn consistent and reliable results.
Conclusion #3
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Prize-Winning Strategy
If what you have read so far has made sense, then you will be
more than ready to start playing winlottosystems. If, however,
you are still struggling with something I have discussed, then
you owe it to yourself to go back to the introduction and start
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
• Play regularly – ‘you've gotta be in it to win it’.
The best results from lotto will be seen over the long term;
don’t expect overnight success. But, when you consistently
apply a proven prize-winning strategy to play your
favourite lottery, you can expect extraordinary results.
You could probably guess the answer, but, first, I want you to
understand why winlottosystems adopts the best and most cost-
effective lotto ‘system’ in the world.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
The Best ‘System’
So, any ‘system’ that ignores the absolute laws of lotto can not
be used, much less, considered ‘authentic.’
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
a popular method of playing a ‘system’ which covers every
three, four, five and six-number combination of the selections
you have chosen. As you will know, most national lotteries
accept only five, six or seven numbers to be marked in one
standard game square. However, playing a ‘System Entry’
allows you to mark one or more extra numbers in a game
square, thereby allowing you to play more selections.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
As revealed in my discussion about the Golden Rules of Lotto, a
standard 'Quick-Pick' entry has no 'system' by which the random
generated numbers are combined – they are, by design,
absolutely random. Even if all of the winning numbers were
covered on a 'Quick-Pick' entry (and they rarely are), there is no
'system' in which these numbers have been combined to
guarantee that at least the minimum winning numbers will fall
together in one game. So, in our search for the best 'system,'
'Quick-Pick' random entries fail.
So, System Entries pass this test admirably. But – and it's a big
BUT - there's just one qualifier – the cost. Yes, System Entries
are extremely effective, but it's going to cost you hundreds if not
thousands of dollars to benefit from this type of system when
you play your favourite numbers.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Consequently, a System Entry is a VERY expensive option
because only a fraction of its games are actually needed to cover
every three, four and five-number combinations of your system
selections - the very combinations that win 99.99% of the total
prizes – the prizes you are most likely to win anyway!
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
OK. It's now time to show you how winlottosystems work, and
then - with this knowledge - I'll show you exactly how to use
them to start winning lotto prizes frequently.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part Two
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
guaranteed to combine together in at least one
game, often two or more.
• POWER Systems
Match ANY FIVE of your selections with the
winning numbers, and these numbers are
guaranteed to combine together in at least one
game, often two or more.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Thrift Systems
Powerball Thrift System 08
1 1 2 3 4 6
2 1 2 3 5 8
3 1 2 4 7 8
4 1 3 6 7 8
5 1 4 5 6 7
6 2 3 4 5 7
7 2 5 6 7 8
8 3 4 5 6 8
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Econo Systems
Reduced Econo System 08
1 1 2 3 4 6 7
2 1 2 3 5 6 8
3 1 2 4 5 6 8
4 1 2 5 6 7 8
5 1 3 4 5 7 8
6 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 2 3 4 6 7 8
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Power Systems
Reduced Power Systems 08
1 1 2 3 4 5 7
2 1 2 3 4 6 8
3 1 2 3 5 6 8
4 1 2 3 6 7 8
5 1 2 4 5 6 7
6 1 2 4 5 7 8
7 1 3 4 5 6 7
8 1 3 4 5 7 8
9 1 4 5 6 7 8
10 2 3 4 5 6 8
11 2 3 4 6 7 8
12 2 3 5 6 7 8
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Check it out for yourself – pick any five numbers, and I
guarantee that they will 'fall' together in at least one of the
twelve lines.
winlottosystems In Practice
In any case, let's pause for a moment, and put the preceding
sections in perspective before we get to the nitty-gritty of exactly
how to use winlottosystems.
● The three systems I illustrate in detail above are very
small. While they feature three powerful prize-winning
guarantees, each 'system' covers only 8 numbers. And as
you know, you must cover as many of the total pool of
numbers as possible (more on how to do that shortly).
● When you start using winlottosystems, you will be able to
play any 8 to 16 of your chosen numbers in any one of 52
unique, cost-effective systems.
● The number of options available to you to cover as many of
the total pool of numbers as possible - and keep your
weekly spend as low as possible - is virtually limitless.
● Most important, EVERY winlottosystem you play gives you
the chance to win the major million-dollar (jackpot) prize.
● Dollar for dollar, your chances of winning one of the
smaller prizes is up to ten times greater than the average
lotto player.
So, are you ready to learn how to get the most out of
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Using winlottosystems
Please note, this section is not designed to teach you how to use
the software – if this is what you're looking for, then open
winlottosystems, go to the Help menu, and select Instructions to
view a step by step guide.
Quick Review
Our discussion to this point has revealed four key strategies that
are at the heart of how to play lotto successfully. Let's do a quick
● Choose your ‘lucky’ numbers using whatever method or
technique you prefer.
● Cover as many, if not, all of the total pool of lotto
numbers as your budget will allow.
● Use a ‘system’ to combine your chosen selections that
is specifically designed to combine any three, four or
five of your system selections in one game at a
● Play regularly.
Assuming that you will pick your numbers sensibly (that is, not
get sucked in by a scam that purports to predict the winning
numbers), and you are willing (and able) to play your favourite
lottery regularly – you really only have two things to do to design
a successful lotto strategy:
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
● Cover as many (if not all) of the total pool of
numbers as your budget will allow;
● Use a system that is specifically designed to combine
every three, four and five-number combinations of
your system selections in one game.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Step By Step -
Winning Lotto Prizes Frequently
So, if your answer is $10 per week, fine. If you play with a
group of friends, and together you can spend $100 per week,
that's fine too. Maybe you're part of a large syndicate that has
$500 or more each week to burn, good for you.
For example, if your favourite lottery costs 50c per game, and
you have set a spending limit of $20 / week, you can afford to
design a winlottosystem that plays a maximum of 40 games.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
3. Select Your System Type
I'm sure, no matter where you live in the world, you have
many lotteries to choose from to play each week. Each will
require a different number of selections to be marked in each
game square on your lotto coupon / ticket.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Econo Guaranteed to win four-number prizes, and
multiple three-number prizes. Designed to play
with Powerball, Reduced & Multi Systems.
Power Guaranteed to win five-number prizes, and
multiple three- and four-number prizes. Designed
to play with Reduced & Multi Systems only.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
So, this raises an important question: How do you play all of
these numbers, and not blow your budget? Easy.
So, in short, it's VERY easy to cover all of the total pool of
numbers of your favourite lottery. And this step alone assures
you of greater success in winning lotto prizes frequently.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Ideally, you should always aim to cover all 36, 45, 53 or
whatever number of selections your lottery plays.
No matter what lotto system you use, its success will always
depend on the numbers you choose to play with it, and - as
you well know - you cannot predict the winning numbers.
And when I say “some other method” I really mean to say “it
doesn't matter how you pick your numbers.”
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Having produced your combinations, you are now ready to
transfer these numbers – set by set - directly into the
winlottosystems software grid, as illustrated below:
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Note, that the 8 numbers entered in the grid are the first set
of 8 numbers produced by the Random Number Generator.
You would need to perform this step for each set of numbers
you choose to play (indeed, all of them, if you wish to
maintain the integrity of the desired winlottosystem).
Refer to the instruction manual (or click the Help button) for
more details on how to use your winlottosystems software.
You can use the same numbers for 30 years, or change them
every week – it's up to you, but your choice will NOT make
one scrap of difference to your potential to win a cash prize.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part Three
System Table
The table below details the number of games you need to play to
use a particular winlottosystem.
For your interest, winlottosystems are available for 17 and more selections upon request.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
System Design Options
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Sample Powerball System Designs
To help you read the following tables, let's look at the first design
option 4 x PT08.
4 x PT08 32 32 2 x PE08 40 16
2 x PT10 34 20 1 x PE09 30 9
1 x PT12 29 12
Remember, the higher the 'Numbers Covered' figure is, the more
successful your lotto strategy will be.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
What this figure means is that you can play 104 unique numbers.
This next table looks at how you could design a six different
systems playing 500 games with a Powerball winlottosystem.
5 x RE08 35 40 3 x RP08 36 24
2 x RE10 40 20 1 x RP09 30 9
1 x RE12 41 12
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Sample Reduced System Designs
Playing 100 Games
Reduced Six # Reduced Six #
Econo (RE) Games Numbers Power (RP) Games Numbers
Systems To Play Covered System To Play Covered
8 x RE09 96 72 8 x RP08 96 64
Using this particular design, you have 250 numbers to play with.
So, if your favourite lottery played 45 numbers, you could play
every number 1 to 45 at least 5 times across the 25 systems. Or,
you could choose to play only 25 (of the 45 numbers) ten times
each, which would allow you to combine these selections
together more often, although this strategy would sacrifice full
coverage of the total pool of numbers.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Sample Multi System Designs
If you live in Australia, Canada and the UK, note that the figures
shown under the 'Seven # Games To Play' column would equate
to the number of System or Combo Entries you would play in
your particular 'pick-6' lottery.
6 x ME09 36 54 4 x MP09 36 36
2 x ME11 34 22 2 x MP10 40 20
1 x ME13 30 13 1 x MP11 34 11
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
More System Design Options
Six #
Reduced Econo Games Numbers
(RE) Systems To Play Covered
4 x RE08 28 32
2 x RE10 40 20
1 x RE11 32 11
Total 100 63
Six #
Reduced Power Games Numbers
(RP) Systems To Play Covered
2 x RP08 24 16
1 x RP09 30 9
1 x RP10 50 10
Total 104 35
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
So, although this design offers a more powerful prize-winning
guarantee (because I am playing Power winlottosystems), it does
not cover all of the total pool of lotto numbers.
One more alternative, playing 101 games, could look like this:
Six #
Reduced Econo & Games Numbers
Power Systems To Play Covered
1 x RE08 7 8
1 x RE09 12 9
2 x RE10 40 20
1 x RP08 12 8
1 x RP09 30 9
Total 101 54
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
Part Four
Ready To Go
The Proof
Cast your mind back to what you thought you knew about lotto
before you purchased winlottosystems, and read the secrets I
reveal in this ebook. You'd be fooling yourself to think that you
have not learned something that will now significantly boost your
ability to win lotto prizes on a consistent and frequent basis.
Have you read the Special Report: The Test Results That
Embarrassed Many So-Called “Lotto Experts”?
If you have, then you will know that this report reveals twelve
years of rock-solid, factual and consistent data that proves -
beyond a doubt - that you too can win lotto prizes on a
consistent basis.
The test results are real and current. To review the most recent
data, go to Yet, regardless of
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
what I have revealed in this ebook, these Test results clearly
show that winlottosystems are not like any other lotto system
or software you have seen or used before.
And isn't this last point what you're really here for?
So, what are you waiting for? Dive right in, and start using
winlottosystems straight away.
The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard
About winlottosystems
© winlottosystems 1995-2010
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The Secret To Winning Lotto Prizes (Almost) Every Week © Mark Collard