Bitszg 629 T
Bitszg 629 T
Bitszg 629 T
The student carries on with the Dissertation adhering to the guidelines provided in the
course handout, submitting all the prescribed evaluation components on time. At the
end of the semester, the student should submit a comprehensive Dissertation Report to
the Institute for evaluation.
The student will be evaluated on the basis of the various interim evaluation
components, contents of the report and the final Seminar/Viva-Voce that will be
conducted at BITS, Pilani. The final grades for Dissertation are Non-Letter grades
namely Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor. Non-Letter grades do not go into CGPA
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Important Instructions
1. Along with the Registration Card and fees draft, the student must submit
the Dissertation Outline document and the Dissertation Outline evaluation
sheet. The document must contain the following items:
2. The Mentor can be the Supervisor. The Supervisor will be the guide and main
examiner for the student. In case the Mentor is not the Supervisor, he/she must be
the Additional Examiner. The chosen Supervisor / Additional Examiner must have
qualification equivalent to that of the Mentor. The Supervisor and Examiner
must be two different individuals. The same person cannot act as both the
Supervisor as well as Examiner for the same student.
4. The Mid-Semester Evaluation will be based on the progress report describing the
Work Progress and achievement, and the Mid-Semester Seminar/Viva.
5. The student should submit two copies of the word-processed, hardbound Final
Dissertation Report to the Supervisor, atleast two weeks before the deadline. The
Supervisor should evaluate the final report and conduct the final seminar and viva-
voce for the student, alongwith the additional examiner. The Supervisor and the
Additional Examiner should jointly complete the final evaluation sheet and
recommend the final grade for the Dissertation.
6. One hard bound copy of the final report along with the final evaluation sheet (after
the Report/Seminar/Viva evaluation by the Supervisor and Additional Examiner)
should reach the Dean, WILPD, BITS Pilani –333 031 (Rajasthan) by Speed
Post so as to reach us latest by October 22, 2010.
7. We do understand that all BITS WILP students are employed professionals with their
own professional and personal constraints. We expect all students to coordinate with
their Supervisor and Examiner and submit all documents and evaluation sheets as
per schedule given in the handout.
8. The students must submit the Outline, Mid-Semester Progress Report and
Final Report in the specified format by the specified deadlines, even if the
evaluation by the Supervisor/Examiner is not available by the deadline. The
evaluation sheets duly signed by the Supervisor and Examiner can be submitted
separately within two weeks from the specified deadline.
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10. The Cover Page, Title Page, Abstract and the Certificate from the Supervisor must
be prepared in the same format (with appropriate page fonts and layout) as given in
annexures to this course handout.
11. The report should be properly organized and neatly formatted with all the elements
required for a technical report. It should be adequately descriptive and elaborate
and should be self-contained with respect to the chosen topic. Each chapter should
start from a fresh page. Each chapter should be atleast two pages. The report
should be neatly word-processed in A4 Size paper, printed on one side of the sheet
and presented in a ‘Portrait’ layout (and NOT in ‘Landscape’ layout). Printouts of
Powerpoint presentations or product documentation (like program code
listing or user manual) are not acceptable as a written report.
12. In addition to the final evaluation done by the Supervisor and Examiner,
the student must be prepared to come to BITS, Pilani on the chosen date
during October-November, 2010 to present and defend the Dissertation
before a panel of independent examiners at BITS, Pilani. The final grade in
Dissertation would be based on the Supervisor’s evaluation as well as the
independent evaluation by BITS Faculty.
13. During the Viva each student will be required to make a technical presentation for
about 20 minutes using Microsoft PowerPoint. The presentation will be followed by
viva-voce for about 10 minutes. Students doing software development projects
must be prepared to demonstrate their software product during their presentation.
Wherever possible, the students should preferable bring a laptop/
notebook computer with their presentation and demonstration, if any.
14. The dates for the final viva-voce in person at BITS Pilani will be announced through
the BITS WILP website by second week of August 2010. Only those students,
whose hard copy outline is received by the specified deadline, will be eligible to
choose their dates for the final viva-voce.
15. Most of the Viva dates will be during weekdays (Tuesdays through Thursdays only)
in November 2010. Likely dates for viva in November 2010 are :
2,3,9,10,11,16,17,18 November 2010. Student’s who wish to present their viva
earlier, on a mutually convenient weekday in October 2010 can mail their request to specifying the reasons. They can submit the report earlier.
Likely dates for viva in October 2010 are : 5, 6,7,12,13,14,19,20 & 28 October 2010
16. Students who are unable to travel to Pilani during October-November 2010 due to
genuine exigencies (either located abroad on official work or having a serious
medical condition preventing travel to Pilani) can send an email request to Prof. K.
Venkatasubramanian, Assistant Dean, DLPD at after
October 23, 2010 for permission to present their viva-voce through web-based
desktop video conferencing (ONLINE VIVA) on a mutually convenient date. All
requests must be supported by hard copies of the relevant official / medical
documents, duly forwarded by the employer, which should be sent alongwith the
Final Report. The dates for ONLINE VIVA will be announced after November 01,
17. Any student who fails to submit the Outline, Mid-Semester Evaluation or
the Final Report by the stipulated deadline, and/or fails to appear for viva-
voce at BITS, Pilani, might be declared as Required to Register Again (RRA)
in Dissertation.
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Guidelines for choosing topics for Dissertation
Each student should work independently on a chosen topic. Two or more students
should not do any project jointly. The chosen topic of work should be non-trivial,
analytical, application-oriented and should involve substantial original research and/or
development effort based on a specific theme. Any attempt at plagiarism or use of unfair
means will result in severe disciplinary action.
Students should choose only topics for which the work done can be presented, demonstrated,
and defended before a panel of examiners at BITS, Pilani. Students may note that in cases
where no demonstration is perceived to be possible by the student / employer, due to technical or
professional reasons, a letter on the official letterhead of the employer clearly stating this
infeasibility, duly signed by the Project Manager of the student (or equivalent officer or higher)
and brought by the student at the time of viva-voce at Pilani. However, BITS-Pilani reserves
the right to examine the validity of claims made and insist on a live demonstration in
presence of its nominees.
Mere configuration, installation, testing and routine maintenance, support or
management of systems or equipment will not be considered adequate for a
Dissertation. Trivial, Small projects which are commonly done as assignments in courses
are not acceptable as Dissertation. Mere survey of literature/data collection would also
not be acceptable as a Dissertation.
• Work of the organization towards Certification of Quality Management (like ISO, CMM)
should not be included. This will be viewed as organization’s effort.
• You routine work cannot be submitted as it is.
• The work undertaken by you should be clearly visible and should pertain to that work
accomplished during the current semester.
• The work should not result in mere compilation of information pertaining to
organization/project handled. It should be adequately described.
For Informal Guidelines on writing a Dissertation, Click Here (http://discovery.bits- 19 Pages)
Dissertation Title
Student’s Name
Id No.
October 2010
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Annexure B- Sample Format of Title Page of the Dissertation
Dissertation Title
Student’s Name
ID No.
October 2010
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Annexure C: Format Certificate from the Supervisor
(Name of the degree) degree of BITS, embodies the bonafide work done
Place : ____________________
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Sequence of items in the Report
The following sequence may be followed in the preparation of the final report:
Note: Please do not include any header or footer in any page of the report. Only page
numbers should be mentioned at the bottom center of each page. For guidelines
regarding preparation of the report, please consult your textbook for Technical Report
Writing / Technical Communication.
Bibliography or References can be included in the report according to the format given in
the following examples. References should be cited properly inside the text of the report.
One Author Example: Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf, 1993.
Two or More Authors Example: Rowe, Richard, and Larry Jeffus. The Essential
Welder: Gas Metal Arc Welding Classroom Manual. Albany: Delmar, 2000.
Example: Davis, William D., Thomas Cleary, Michelle Donnelly, and Samuel Hellerman.
"Using Sensor Signals to Analyze Fires." Fire Technology 39 (2003): 295-308.
Example: Vivian VL, editor. Child abuse and neglect: a medical community response.
First AMA National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect; 1984 Mar 30-31; Chicago.
Chicago: American Medical Association; 1985.
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Author name. Full title of the report. Publication type. Location and name of institution.
Date of publication.
Thesis Example: Devins GM. Helplessness, depression, and mood in end-stage renal
disease [masters thesis]. Montreal, Quebec: McGill University;1981.
5. A Private Communication
Example of citing a journal paper listed in references, inside the text of the report:
…….. These results have been presented by Kalman and Pucy [2] …….
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Annexure D : Sample Format & Template of Abstract
ABSTRACT : (Should be neatly word processed; should not exceed one page)
Broad Academic Area of Work: (Specify one from the area listed in the guidelines)
Key words (Specify the technical keywords of the Project in alphabetical order)
____________________ ______________________
Signature of the Student Signature of the Supervisor
Name: ______________
Name: ________________
Place: Place:
Note: Attach a separate document including the details in the format given above.
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First Semester 2010-2011
Fax No. 01596-244183
Signed hard copy of this document must reach Pilani by July 19, 2010
Softcopy to be uploaded Online on BITS VU during August 02-09, 2010
ID No. : ____________________________________
Student must enclose the Dissertation Outline document in proper format (as given on the next
page) containing details of proposed topic of Dissertation Work, background, scope of work,
objectives, plan of work, literature references and particulars of the Supervisor as well as one
additional examiner in terms of Name, Designation, Qualification and contact information. The
student’s Mentor should either be the Supervisor or the Additional Examiner. The Supervisor and
Additional Examiner should verify and sign at the end of the Dissertation Outline document.
Employing Orgn
and Location
Phone No.
(with STD Code)
Email Address
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Format of outline
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division
First Semester 2010-2011
ID No. : ____________________________________
Please prepare the outline as a separate document with the following sections
alongwith the above identification information.
1. Cover Page with ID No., Name, Course Number, Course Title and Dissertation
Title, Broad Academic Area of Work:
3. Objectives
6. Literature References
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First Semester 2010-2011
Fax No. 01596-244183
BITS ZG629T : Dissertation Mid-Semester Progress Evaluation Sheet
ID No. : ________________________________________
Details of work done till date : Attach a separate word processed document,
(with reference to Outline) giving brief details of work done.
Employing Orgn
and Location
Phone No.
(with STD Code)
Email Address
Page 13 of 15
First Semester 2010-2011
Fax No. :EC-3
BITS ZG629T : Dissertation 01596- 244183
Final Evaluation Sheet
Signed Hard copy Scheduled Date to reach Pilani: October 22, 2010
Softcopy of Final Report & Presentation (in pdf format) to be uploaded by October 22, 2010
ID No. : ______________________________________
Dissertation Final Evaluation (Please put a tick ( ) mark in the appropriate box)
Please ENCIRCLE the Recommended Final Grade: Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor
Organization &
Phone Number
Mobile Number
Email Address
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Checklist of items for the Final Dissertation Report
This checklist is to be attached as the last page of the report.
(i). Are the Pages numbered properly? (Ch. 1 should start on Page # 1) Yes / No
(ii). Are the Figures numbered properly? (Figure Numbers and Figure
Yes / No
Titles should be at the bottom of the figures)
(iii). Are the Tables numbered properly? (Table Numbers and Table Titles
Yes / No
should be at the top of the tables)
Yes / No
(iv). Are the Captions for the Figures and Tables proper?
Yes / No
(v). Are the Appendices numbered properly? Are their titles appropriate
10. Is the conclusion of the Report based on discussion of the work? Yes / No
11. Are References or Bibliography given at the end of the Report? Yes / No
Have the References been cited properly inside the text of the Report?
Yes / No
Is the citation of References in proper format?
Yes / No
12. Is the report format and content according to the guidelines? The report Yes / No
should not be a mere printout of a Power Point Presentation, or a user
manual. Source code of software need not be included in the report.
Declaration by Student:
I certify that I have properly verified all the items in this checklist and ensure that the report is
in proper format as specified in the course handout.
Place: ________________________ Signature of the Student
ID No.: ___________________________
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