Estimation of Blow by

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The document discusses blow-by in diesel engines, which is leakage of gases past the piston rings into the crankcase. It aims to formulate an equation to estimate the amount of blow-by generated based on engine parameters.

Blow-by is leakage of combustion gases past the piston rings into the crankcase. It is important to estimate blow-by because it reduces engine power and efficiency and mixes with engine oil, reducing its properties. Blow-by gases also contain unburned hydrocarbons.

Factors that can affect the amount of blow-by include engine speed, load/torque, combustion chamber design, piston/ring design and wear, crankcase ventilation, temperature and oil properties.

International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology

Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2014, PP 165-170

Estimation of Blow-by in Diesel Engine: Case Study of a Heavy

Duty Diesel Engine
Shardul Gargate1, Rohan Aher1, Rohan Jacob1, Sunil Dambhare2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune M.S., India
Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune M.S., India

Abstract: In modern day vehicles, according to European Union’s guidelines designers are not allowed to
directly vent out the blow-by gases to atmosphere as it contains uncombusted hydro-carbons which reacts with
oxygen and produces gases like carbon mono-oxide, carbon dioxide causing air pollution. Also these gases
carry fuel vapors with it which have not been burned in combustion chamber resulting in decrease in volume of
burnt mixture. This ultimately hampers the power produced and efficiency of engine. The leaking fumes of fuel
not only hampers power produced and efficiency of engine but also gets mixed with the oil stored in oil sunk in
lower part of crankcase. Due to the mixture with fuel fumes oil loses its important properties such as density,
viscosity. There is no such equation available to estimate the amount of Blow-by. Therefore in this paper we
have tried to formulate an equation to calculate amount of Blow-by generated in heavy duty diesel engine.

Keywords: Blow-by, Crankcase ventilation system, Engine Emissions, Empirical formula for Blow-by.

Symbol Nomenclature with piston rings mounted on the piston is the

Q Amount of Blow-by
sliding closure of the engine workspace. Despite
bmep Break mean effective pressure
T Torque accurate construction there is always some
t Temperature amount of leakage to the crankcase. The
n Rotational speed of engine crankshaft mathematical description of the blow-by
S Stroke length of piston
phenomenon to a crankcase is hardly available,
D Bore diameter of piston
since every engine has different blow-by
intensity. [1]
Description When combustion occurs in the combustion
1 Ranges of parameters selected for engine 1 chamber some fuel vapors gets leaked past the
2 Ranges of parameters selected for engine 2 sealing rings, no matter how much sealing rings
3 Ranges of parameters selected for engine 3 we use, there is always a small amount of
1. INTRODUCTION clearance left between the piston, rings and wall.
Diesel engines are internal combustion engines The fuel vapors consists unburned hydrocarbons
with very high compression ratio hence they and other harmful gases like Sulphur dioxide,
generate large amount of power with higher Carbon mono-oxide. Also Swhen leaked gases
enter the crankcase they get mixed with oil. Due
thermal efficiency than spark ignition (S.I.)
engines. Due to this these engines are preferred to the high temperature of escaping gases on
for off road duties. These are also called as mixing with these gases oil loses its vital
“Heavy duty diesel engine”. Heavy duty diesel properties. Oil viscosity gets reduced due to the
engines are used particularly where large power increased temp of oil. Due to this oil can’t
output is necessary. For eg. Earthmovers, Diesel perform its expected functions with reduced
locomotives, Trucks. viscosity lubrication gets affected which leads to
more friction and frictional wear of engine
The unit which consist piston cylinder assembly components. [2] Due to new emission control


Shardul Gargate et al.

regulations as per BS IV, these gases cannot be also affects re-circulating gases in intake
directly vented out to atmosphere, instead they manifold.
should be re-circulated for further use through a
Injection velocity of re-circulated gases
positive crankcase ventilation system.
determines the back pressure created at the non
Positive crankcase ventilation (P.C.V) involves return valve used as positive crankcase
recycling of the blow-by (Mixture of Gasoline + ventilation valve. [5]
Air, which slips back through the piston rings to
Q = f(n,є,pi,T,t,D,dz,z,i,li,s,k,ρ,τ,bmep) (1)
the crankcase) gases through a valve called, the
PCV valve to the intake manifold, where they Where
are pumped back into the cylinders for another n -rotational speed of engine crankshaft
shot at combustion [3,4]. As the engine speeds є - the compression ratio
up, the air pressure in the intake manifold
increases and the suction slows down, reducing pi -the mean indicated pressure
the amount of blow-by gas recycled to the T – Torque
cylinders. With ventilation system mounted on
t – Temperature inside cylinder
engine internal pressure in crankcase never gets
built up and is maintained to level slightly less D - Cylinder diameter
than atmospheric pressure. This helps to increase z - Wear within the PRC group
life of all piston sealing rings, cylinder liners and
oil seals which ultimately helps to decrease the i- Quantity of cylinder
amount of blow-by generated. dz - shape and clearance of piston ring joint
2. PARAMETERS AFFECTING BLOW-BY li - Quantity of piston sealing rings
Amount of Blow-by gases generated in an s - Stroke
engine is dependent upon following different
k - Type and shape of piston ring sealing’s
parameters. Engine load, engine speed, break
mean effective pressure are the parameters ρ – Viscosity of lubricating oil
which are measurable and have major effect on τ - Type of cycle (two stroke/ four stroke)
the amount of Blow-by. But there are few more
small parameters which are important and affect bmep – break mean effective pressure [6]
amount of Blow-by gasses leaking through the Analysis and evaluation of all the above
piston sealing rings yet they are difficult to mentioned parameters is not possible due to the
complexity of problem. Hence to simplify the
measure. For example wear of components is
problem statement we decided to consider
extremely difficult to measure as we have to parameters majorly affecting the amount of
take reading for no. of days or no of hours like blow-by. Therefore we have decided to consider
1000 hrs, 2000 hrs of engine running condition following important parameters in our equation.
And other small parameters are considered as
to have rough idea about wear happening in
some percent of power losses occurring due to
different components. Amount of Blow-by blow-by gases.
directly depends on the wear of parameters i.e.
1. Engine Torque:
as wear of piston or piston sealing rings
increases the volume flue gases leaking through The amount of Blow-by varies with torque.
Blow-by increasers directly with increase in
which ultimately increases the Blow-by torque.
occurring in engine.
2. Speed:
Distributions of re-circulated gases between With increase in speed there is decrease in
cylinders are slightly influenced by the injection amount of blow-by.
Velocity and its Orientation. Injection location 3. Break mean effective pressure(bmep):
International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology 166
Estimation of Blow-by in Diesel Engine: Case Study of a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

With increase in bmep blow-by increases. components, shape factor of piston, cylinder and
Although at some instant of time due to liners is extremely difficult to express in
variation in wear factor and other such small
parameters the amount of blow-by decreases mathematical terms. Hence we are adopting
even with increase in bmep. following method to calculate amount of Blow-
Table 1. Engine 1 Parameters by occurring in the heavy duty diesel engine.

No. Parameter Range To formulate the equation of amount of Blow-by

we are distributing the above mentioned factors
1 Engine Torque(Nm) 1.2 – 290.6
in three different categories for the simplicity of
2 Speed (rpm) 1000 - 2200 calculations. The group 1 consists of geometrical
3 BMEP (bar) 0.0 – 10.5 parameters like stroke, cylinder diameter. The
Table 2. Engine 2 Parameters second group consists of parameters like shape
and clearance of piston rings joints, shape of
No. Parameter Range piston sealing ring edge, piston accuracy and
1 Engine Torque(Nm) 1.6 – 241.4 manufacturing defects (if any) present piston
2 Speed (rpm) 1000 - 2200 and cylinder. And the third group considers all
3 BMEP (bar) 0.1 – 13.6 the wear occurring in components of an engine.
Like wear of piston, cylinder, piston sealing
Table 3. Engine 3 Parameters
rings and cylinder liners [6]. Also we have to
No. Parameter Range consider the wear of components occurring in
engine due to excessive load, over usage. As the
1 Engine Torque(Nm) 0.9 - 198.7
engine gets older wear of components increases
2 Speed (rpm) 1000 - 2200 accordingly so we have to consider some power
lost out of total power generated by the
3 BMEP (bar) 0.1 – 13.3
combustion to get more accurate estimate of
3. GOVERNING EQUATION value of Blow-by taking place in engine.

All the parameters mentioned in above section Following equation gives us the value of Blow-
affects the amount of Blow-by occurring in an by happening in a heavy duty cylinder engine.
engine. To get perfect idea we need to consider In the equation α and γ represent the constant in
all the above parameters in our mathematical equation considered for the various losses
equation representing total volume of Blow-by caused due to the wear and shape factors of
gases leaked through piston cylinder assembly. engine components.
In this study we have considered following Q = α*n +β+ γ (bmep)2 (2)
variables which directly or indirectly affects
amount of Blow-by occurring in an engine.
α - the factor that takes into consideration the
Monte Carlo (Simulation) technique could have
pressure of wear and the engine crankshaft
been used to derive the equation of Blow-by. As
rotational speed
there are several random variables which are
related through non linear equation. Using β- the factor that takes into consideration the
appropriate set of random numbers (which can geometrical and shape parameters
be possibly obtained by taking practical n - Engine crankshaft per min rotational speed
readings) we could have drafted a mathematical
relation to express the amount of Blow-by. γ - BMEP dependent factor

But to assign a proper and valid random number BMEP - break mean effective pressure
to parameters like wear of different engine Where the β factor is calculated by the following

International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology 167

Shardul Gargate et al.

formula: Fig 3: shows the difference between

experimental and calculated values of Blow-by
for engine 3 at various engine speeds
……….. (3)
All the graphs show us the difference between
Where, experimental values of Blow-by and values
calculated by using our equation. On Y axis
S - Piston stroke, difference in values of Blow-by and on X axis
i - Number of cylinders various speeds are plotted.

D - Cylinder diameter 4. CONCLUSION

Considering the complexity of different
li - Number of piston sealing rings
parameters affecting the amount of Blow-by
they were distributed in following three different
groups i.e. geometrical parameters, Shape and
0 Clearances of engine components and Wear
considerations of engine components and
-2 considering them as a factors or percentage of
power required in equation. This method was
found much easier than other conventional
mathematical methods or simulation techniques.
Equation 2 is used to calculate the amount of
Fig. 1. Validation of Model for Engine 1 Blow-by gases leaking passed the piston sealing
Fig 1. Shows the difference between rings. With practical test performed on 3
experimental and calculated values of Blow-by different heavy duty diesel engines we can state
for engine 1 at various engine speeds that the experimental amount of Blow-by and
calculated values of amount of Blow-by using
1.50 above equation matches with high accuracy.
1.00 Graphs of difference between experimental and
calculated values of Blow-by support above
statement showing the accuracy between








-1.00 experimental and calculated values of amount of

-1.50 blow-by.
Fig. 2. Validation of Model for Engine 2 In this project work we have considered only
Fig 2: shows the difference between few of the many parameters which actually
experimental and calculated values of Blow-by affect the amount of Blow-by gases generated in
for engine 2 at various engine speeds an engine. Due to the complexity of the subject
and time constraint we had to neglect some
2.00 parameters. These parameters have minor but
1.50 very important effect on Blow-by gases.
For example we conducted the test on an engine
which got air at constant pressure 1 bar but in
daily world engine gets air which may have



different and varying pressure. A vehicle running
on roads of city like Mumbai, Chennai or any
other located at sea level will get high pressure
Fig. 3. Validation of Model for Engine 3

International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology 168

Estimation of Blow-by in Diesel Engine: Case Study of a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

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Element modelling of piston ring dynamics
For this project work we have chosen only green and blow-by estimation in a four cylinder
engines i.e. new engines. Due to time constraint diesel engine”.
we were unable to perform test on engine which [11] Adrian Irimescu, Cinzia Tornatore, Luca
have been used for some time. Test performed Marchitto, Simona Silvia Merola-
after 1000 hrs, 2000 hrs of running amount of “Compression ratio and blow-by estimation
based on motored pressure trace analysis
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REFERENCES Technical Note V06 NT 11 07006 02, April
04, 2010.
[1] Heinez W. Ebner, Dr Alfred O. Jaschek,
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measurements, Measuring Equipments and Consumption Study on a Diesel Engine
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[2] Analysis of lubrication, friction, blow-by
and oil consumption in piston ring pack –
ASME – ICEF 1997 Spring Conference
[3] Heywood J. (1988) Internal Combustion AUTHORS’ BIOGRAPHY
Engine Fundamentals ISBN-10:
007028637X Shardul Gargate is a student at Department of
[4] Haynes (2004) The Haynes Manual on Mechanical Engineering at TSSM’s
Diesel Engine. J. H. Haynes & Co Ltd Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of
series: Haynes DIY Manuals Technology, Pune, India. Currently he is
[5] P. Bashi Shahabi, H. Niazmand, M.R. pursuing bachelors degree in Mechanical
Modarres Razavi – “Evaluation of Engineering.
Effective Parameters on distribution of
Blow-by” Rohan Aher is a student at Department of
[6] Karol F. Abramek An Attempt at an Mechanical Engineering at TSSM’s
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International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology 169

Shardul Gargate et al.

Rohan Jacob is a student at Department of

Mechanical Engineering at TSSM’s
Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of
Technology, Pune, India. Currently he is
pursuing bachelors degree in Mechanical
Sunil Dambhare received his B.E. degree in
Mechanical Engineering in 1996 from Amravati
University, India, and then completed the M.E.
degree in Production Technology and
Management in 2005 at the same university. He
is currently working as Assistant Professor in
Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of
Technology, Pune, India. His current research
interests are production engineering, production
management, and sustainable manufacturing.

International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology 170

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