Minor Monday 10th
Minor Monday 10th
Minor Monday 10th
Class : 2 Gigih
Date : 11 Sept 2017
Time : 8.10-9.10 a.m (60minutes)
No. of students : 35 students
Learning Area : 10. CIRCLES
Learning Objective : 10.5 Understand and use the concept of area of sector of a circle to solve problems.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, a student is able to:
(20min) 1. Derive the formula of the area of a sector. Teacher explains how to find the area of Teaching source
a sector( teacher shows derivation) activity: and aids:
Listen to Mathematics
Teacher asks students to copy the Text Book
notes. Mathematics
Teacher shows an example, how to find Notes Book 1
the area of a sector given the radius and Students copy the
angle at the centre, the angle at the
centre given the radius and area of a
sector and find the radius given the
area of a sector and the angle at the