No seizing. No sticking.
As the plug rotates, the 360° lips
provide a self cleaning action to
remove scaling and adhering media.
No cavities. No contamination.
There are no body cavities where flow media can
accumulate and contaminate future processing.
The cavity-free design also prevents sticking.
Trouble-free sealing is provided by The PTFE sleeve has a low coef- Standard cost and greatly extended
the large, full-circumferential PTFE ficient of friction. It acts as a lubri- service life assure exceptionally low,
sleeve. No ball or gate valve can cant. Ease of operation is assured, long-term cost-of-ownership.
match this sealing capacity. even when the valve is left open or
closed for extended periods.
Sleeves are easily replaced inline.
The Tufline® sleeved plug valve pays for
itself many times over with more up-time
and greatly extended service life.
There’s a fully adjustable in-line seal and dual stem seal.
Stem Seal 1.
360° lips.
The primary stem seal is around
the circumference of the plug. Port defining lip were developed
Flow media is prevented from Stem Seal 2. and patented by Tufline.
reaching the stem. The lips surround the ports.
The secondary backup seal
system provides a wide compre- The lips improve valve performance
There are two hensive backup seal along the top and extend service life by:
independent edge of the plug and the stem.
reventing sleeve cold
environmental flow and deformation.
seals. Unmatched stem sealing.
• Eliminating sleeve rotation.
Tufline’s standard dual stem seal
You get double is clearly superior to those of gate •B
reaking up and removing adher-
seal protection valves, ball valves, other plug valves, ing, scaly deposits from the outer
surface of the plug as it rotates.
at no extra cost. and many expensive valves with
extended auxiliary packing.
3-Way port 0° position 90° position 180° position
Tufline 3-Way Weld End valves
bring economy, flexibility, and more Type
compact system design to thou- A
sands of applications.
Bi-directional flow
for more flexibility.
In the diagrams the color indicates Type
the path of fluid flow. Bi-directional AX
flow provides more system design
Only the Type A plug will shut off
the flow. With Type AX, C, and D Type
plugs, there is always flow between
two or more ports.
2-Way Valves
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 150 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 166SW
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 300 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 1366SW
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 600 / Sizes 1/2” through 3/4” / Figure: 1666SW
Butt Weld / ANSI Class 150 / Sizes 1/2” through 12” / Figure: 166BW
Butt Weld / ANSI Class 300 / Sizes 1/2” through 12” / Figure: 1366BW
Butt Weld / ANSI Class 600 / Sizes 1/2” through 3/4” / Figure: 1666BW
3-Way Valves
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 150 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 136SW
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 300 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 1336SW
Butt Weld / ANSI Class 150 / Sizes 1/2” through 6” / Figure: 136BW
Butt Weld / ANSI Class 300 / Sizes 1/2” through 6” / Figure: 1336BW
D1 - Schedule 10
D4 - Schedule 40
D8 - Schedule 80
D DP F D1 D4 D8
1/ 2 .86 .38 84 .67 .62 ---
3/ 4 1.070 .50 1.05 .88 .82 .74
1 1.335 .50 1.32 1.10 1.05 .96
11/2 1.920 .50 1.90 1.68 1.61 1.50
2 2.411 .63 2.38 2.16 2.07 1.94
21/2 --- --- 2.88 2.64 2.47 2.32
3 --- --- 3.59 3.26 3.07 2.90
4 --- --- 4.63 4.26 4.03 3.83
6 --- --- 6.78 6.36 6.07 5.76
8 --- --- 8.78 8.33 7.98 7.63
10 --- --- 10.94 10.42 10.02 9.56
12 --- --- 12.97 11.94 11.94 11.37
SW = Socket Weld BW = Butt Weld WT2: Weight of 2-way (pounds) WT3: Weight 3-way (pounds)
1/ 2 6.50 6.25 2.14 --- --- --- .50 .250 .66 --- --- --- 1.15 6.00 5 3.25 3.13 8
3/ 4 6.50 6.25 2.14 --- --- --- .50 .250 .66 --- --- --- 1.15 6.00 5 3.25 3.13 8
1 6.50 6.50 2.50 1.66 3.90 2.21 .63 .438 .32 3/8-16 Thru 1.16 1.38 7.00 8 3.25 3.25 11
11/2 7.50 7.50 3.06 2.09 4.25 2.33 .88 .562 .44 3/8-16 .75 1.50 1.56 8.00 12 3.94 3.94 15
2 8.50 8.50 3.56 2.56 5.38 3.02 1.13 .750 .53 7/16-14 .75 1.81 2.00 9.13 20 4.75 4.75 23
2 /2 12.00 12.00 4.35 3.35 5.38 3.02 1.13 .750 .53 7/16-14 .88 2.69 2.00 10.35 39 6.75 6.75 45
3 12.00 12.00 4.13 3.13 5.38 3.02 1.13 .750 .53 7/16-14 .88 2.47 2.00 10.13 39 6.75 6.75 45
4 14.00 14.00 5.22 3.94 6.50 4.00 1.25 .875 .78 1/2-13 .94 3.03 2.50 22.00 55 7.50 7.50 64
6 17.00 17.00 7.35 5.26 7.75 4.25 2.00 1.398 1.00 5/8-11 1.13 4.22 3.06 25.00 110 10.00 10.00 128
8 20.00 20.00 9.32 7.19 10.00 4.75 2.00 1.398 1.00 5/8-11 .75 6.19 4.12 28.00 210 --- --- ---
10 23.00 23.00 10.81 8.63 10.75 4.75 2.50 1.673 1.00 5/8-11 .94 7.63 4.50 29.00 330 --- --- ---
12 26.00 26.00 11.81 9.80 13.25 4.75 3.00 1.968 1.00 3/4-10 .94 8.63 5.31 35.00 400 --- --- ---
Wrench Operator
21/2 7.84 2.06 12.00 8.00 21/2 7.84 2.06 12.00 8.00
2-Way Valves
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 150 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 066SW
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 300 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 0366SW
3-Way Valves
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 150 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 036SW
Socket Weld / ANSI Class 300 / Sizes 1/2” through 2” / Figure: 0336SW
Size L H h H2 B C S J K T E WT2 G WT3 D DP
1/ 2 3.25 1.92 1.06 86 1.43 1.68 50 .250 .66 5/16-18 6.00 1.5 1.69 1.75 .860 .38
3/ 4 3.25 1.92 1.06 86 1.43 1.68 50 .250 .66 5/16-18 6.00 1.5 1.80 1.75 1.070 .50
1 4.63 2.50 1.66 86 1.90 2.21 63 .438 .32 3/8-16 7.00 4 2.38 5 1.335 .50
11/2 5.50 3.06 2.09 97 2.33 2.33 88 .563 .44 3/8-16 8.00 10 2.88 11 1.920 .50
2 6.50 3.56 2.56 1.00 3.02 3.02 1.13 .750 .53 7/16-14 9.13 14 3.38 16 2.411 .63
Wrench Operator
Technical API-607 Standards Special services
Tufline Fire Tested Sleeved Tufline offers extensive engineering
information Plug Valves have been tested in expertise and experience with
accordance with API-607 - Fourth the broadest range of industry
Edition - Section 4.2 - Specifications requirements, and is therefore able
Applications For External Leakage. These valves to offer many special services and
Ash sluice service water systems exceed the sealing requirements capabilities.
Breweries and distilleries specified in those standards. A tight
external seal was maintained even Tufline can also assure expertise in
Chemical applications welding and fabricating products and
Closed and open systems after the PTFE sleeve and sealing
parts were totally destroyed by fire. assemblies from the broad range of
Condensate polishing materials in which their products are
Demineralizers manufactured.
Emergency coolant Oxygen and chlorine valves
Etched disc filters Valves designated for oxygen or
Custom designs
chlorine service are thoroughly
Fats, oils, fatty acid and detergents cleaned, tested and dried per and modifications
Filter demineralizer internal Xomox oxygen and chlorine The products featured in this catalog
Food processing standards. The ends are then may be obtained in other sizes and
Leaf type filters sealed and the valves are packaged materials from the Tufline Special
Oil purification systems in plastic bags. Chlorine valves are Products Group, which also offers
Petrochemicals in accordance with Chlorine Institute design, engineering and manufac-
Petroleum production recommendations. turing services for custom products
Pulp and paper and modifications.
Raw river make-up water Control Fugitive emissions
Standby generators This optional top seal package
Textiles provides exceptional control of
When welding austenitic stainless
Water treatment purification fugitive emissions. It meets or
steels, corrosion resistance will be
exceeds the most stringent current
affected in material adjacent to the
regulatory requirements. Tertiary
Actuators sealing is provided at the stem by
weld joint due to sensitization.
All valves can be supplied with a the encapsulated, flexible graphite
variety of manual, pneumatic or stem seal and at the body/cover joint
electric actuators. All 166, 1366, by the graphite cover seal ring.
1666, 136 and 1336 valves are Standard sleeve material
drilled and tapped for actuator No cavities maximum temperature ratings:
Tufline weld end valves have no
pockets. The sleeve completely Max.
Vacuum service Sleeve Material
surrounds both ports as well as Temp.
All weld end valves are satisfactory the top and bottom of the plug, UHMWPE 180°F
for vacuum service to as low as eliminating any areas where Xomox 7 300°F
.01 microns in absolute pressure. contaminates could be trapped. PTFE 400°F
However, special cleaning is Since the valves are double block
required to achieve this rating. Tufline-475 475°F
valves and seat both upstream and
Vacuum ratings have been down-stream, it is necessary to limit Tufline-600 600°F
established by independent labora- the differential pressure when the
tories by helium leak tests on mass valves are opened and closed.
Materials of construction
Standard body Other materials
and plug materials: available including:
316L stainless steel 316 stainless steel
Adjusting Bolts (ASTM A351 GR CF3M) (ASTM A351 GR CF8M)
Carbon steel Alloy 20
4. When specifying a Tufline-
Sleeve 1. Various combinations of 600 sleeve, the plastic dia-
body and plug materials are phragm and wedge ring are
available. also Tufline-600 material.
2. Adjusting bolts will be either Valves with Tufline-600
ASTM A 193 GR. B8 or B8M. sleeves are supplied with a
tertiary top seal as standard.
3. Cover bolts for carbon steel
or ductile iron bodied valves
will be ASTM A 193 Gr. B7. Note: Other materials are
available for bolts, covers and
Cover bolts for alloy bodied
some top seal components on
valves will be either ASTM A
customer request.
193 Gr. B8 or B8M.
Cv factors for valve sizing.
Class 150 & 300
Operating torques.
Figures are for 2-Way valves with
PTFE sleeves. Consult factory for
torque adjustment factors for other
sleeve materials.
Quick Reference Selection Table
No. of ANSI Size Sleeve Figure Additional
Type Operator
Ports Class Range Choices Number Information
150 PTFE 066SW
300 475 0366SW
/2 - 2
150 166SW
300 Wrench 1366SW
300 * 1336SW
150 Tufline- 136BW
/2 - 4 475
300 Xomox-7 1336BW
150 136BWEG
21/2 - 6
300 1336BWEG
The following are ASTM designations for CD4MCu........................ ASTM A351 CD4MCu
materials listed elsewhere in this catalog. Ductile Iron.................... ASTM A395
Hastelloy B.................... ASTM A494 N7M
Carbon steel.................. ASTM A216 WCB Hastelloy C.................... ASTM A494 CW6M
302 stainless steel......... ASTM A240 Type 302 Inconel........................... ASTM A494 CY40
304 stainless steel......... ASTM A240 Type 304 Nickel............................. ASTM A494 CZ-100
304 stainless steel......... ASTM A351 CF8 Monel............................. ASTM A494 M30-C
304L stainless steel....... ASTM A351 CF3 Ni-Al Bronze.................. ASTM B148 Gr.958
316 stainless steel......... ASTM A351 CF8M Titanium......................... ASTM B367 Gr. C-3
316L stainless steel....... ASTM A351 CF3M Zirconium....................... ASTM B752 Gr. 702
Alloy 20.......................... ASTM A351 CN7M
Bronze........................... ASTM B61 Other ferrous and non-ferrous materials
are available upon application.
Xomox Actuators & Automation Accessories
balanced pinion which does
not require an external retaining clip
to prevent the pinion from blowing
out. Xomox Automation & Service
Centers are located throughout the
• Individual single point United States. They provide:
adjustment for both the CW • Automated valve packages
and CCW directions. • Valve modifications
• Valve repair
8 degrees of total travel on the most • Application assistance
popular sizes.
n-site inventories of valves,
ertically aligned air passages allow actuators, and accessories
increased air flow assure fast turn-around.
minimizing cycle time.
new-valve factory warranty backs
every automated, modified, and
repaired valve.
CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions™
XOMOX Headquarters XOMOX International GmbH & Co. OHG
4444 Cooper Road, Von-Behring-Straße 15,
Cincinnati, OH 45242, U.S.A. D-88131 Lindau/Bodensee
Tel.: (513) 745-6000 Tel.: (49) 8382-702-0
Fax: (513) 745-6086 Fax. (49) 8382-702-144
CRANE ChemPharma Flow solutions Include: Pipe - Valves - Fitting - Actuators - Pumps
Crane Co., and its subsidiaries cannot accept responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, other printed materials, and website
© 2009 CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions, www.cranechempharma.com
information. Crane Co. reserves the right to alter its products without notice, including products already on order provided that such alte-
ration can be made without changes being necessary in specifications already agreed. All their trademarks in this material are property of
the Crane Co. or its subsidiaries. The Crane and Crane brands logotype (Xomox®, Saunders®, Resistoflex®, Resistopure™, PSI®, DEPA®, ELRO®,
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