AZ Bola y Macho
AZ Bola y Macho
AZ Bola y Macho
No stuffing box necessary. Adjusting ring and Stuffing box or other spindle packing is required
PTFE diaphragm for adjustment of the conical because full pressure appears in the dead spac-
plug. Sealing to the outside is obtained by es behind the sealing rings.
means of the PTFE sleeve itself.
Sealing surface totally covered by the PTFE Sealing surface of the ball in open position fully
sleeve - no dead spaces- therefore protected exposed to aggressive products (because of
against aggressive products. dead spaces).
The plug is totally encircled and protected by Solid matters can damage the sealing rings
the PTFE sleeve. Solid matters cannot damage
the sleeve, because this sleeve is nonadhesive
pressure pressure
side side
T4-plug optional
By crystallizing and sedimentary products: Even By crystallizing and sedimentary products:
by coagulation no danger for sealing or operation Danger of coagulation because of dead spac-
of the plug. There are no dead spaces, Therefore es, therefore difficult operation of the ball. Danger
products cannot accumulate or stay behind. of damaging the sealing rings. Torque increase
through one-sided pressure.
Technical Information
AZ-Plug Valves with PTFE sleeve Ball valves with PTFE seat rings
2. Free of dead spaces 2. Torque in new condition a little 2. Low torque in new condition, 2. Not free of dead spaces (Body
( = no body cavities) The plug higher compared to Ball Valves. assuming that there are: cavities): In order to avoid me-
is totally encircled by the PTFE tallic contact between the ball and
sleeve. Particles of solid mat- • no crystallinzing and sedimen- the body surfaces, inter-spaces
ters and crystallizing products tary products (clearances) are necessary.
are not dangerous, because Particles of solid matters can
adhesive. During operation there • no specific pressure difference. settle down here (also dangerous
is no damaging of the PTFE by cristallizing products). During
sleeve (even not after a long operation the seat rings are com-
stationary period). pulsory damaged. Also so-called
“cavity-filters” do not bring any
10. As the PTFE sleeve is totally 10. As the seat rings are not
“chambered” between the plug „chambered“ (cold-) flow is
and valve body, there is no possible. For this reason max.
possibility of (cold-) flow. Max. allowable temperature is approx
allowable temperature is approx. 140°C. Even glass-filled seat
280 C°. rings give no improvement and
moreover the ball can be dam-
aged beacause of remaining
glass particles.
AZ-Armaturen GmbH
D-78087 Mönchweiler
Waldstraße 7
Telefon: +49 (0)7721 7504-0
Telefax: +49 (0)7721 7504-13
free of cavity & maintenance