NHDP (DC Handicraft) PDF

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(2017-18 to 2019-20)


S. No. Subject Page Numbers

1. List of abbreviations 1-2

2. Preface 3-4

3. National Handicrafts Development Programme

I. Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna 5-14
II. Design and Technology Upgradation 15-50

III. Human Resource Development 51-86

IV. Infrastructure and Technology Support 87-143

V. Marketing Support And Services 144-200

VI. Research and Development 201-209

VII. Direct Benefit to Artisans 210-226

3 Comprehensive Handicrafts Cluster Development 227-229

Scheme” (CHCDS)
AICTE All India Council for Technical Education
BCDI Bamboo & Cane Development Institute

CDI Craft Development Institutes

CEPC Carpet Export Promotion Council

COHANDS Council of Handicrafts Development Corporations

CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

DA Dearness Allowance

EPCH Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts

O/o DC(H) Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)

GSB Gandhi Shilp Bazar

HRD Human Resource Development

IICD Indian Institute of Crafts and Design

IICT Indian Institute of Carpet Technology

INR Indian National Rupee

ITI Industrial training Institutes
MHSC Metal Handicraft Service Centre

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

NCDPD National Centre for Design and Product Development

NER North Eastern Region

NGO Non-governmental organization

NID National Institute of Design

NIFT National Institute of Fashion Technology
RD&TDC Regional Design and Technical Development Centres

TPO Trade Promotion organizations

TA Travel Allowance

UC Utilisation Certificate

UGC University Grants Commission

HMCM Handicrafts Mega Cluster Mission

NLAS National Level Apex Society

NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling

IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University

NSFDC National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation

NBCFDC National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation



Handicrafts constitute an important segment of the de-centralized/unorganized sector of our

economy. It is mainly a rural based sector which has its reach in backward and in-accessible
areas. Originally, handicraft started as a part time activity in the rural areas, however it has now
transformed into a flourishing economic activity due to significant market demand over the
years. Handicrafts have big potential as they hold the key for sustaining not only the existing set
of millions of artisans, but also for increasingly large number of new entrants in the crafts
activity. Presently, handicraft sector is contributing substantially towards employment
generation and exports but this sector has suffered due to its unorganized nature along with
additional constraints like lack of education of artisans, and poor exposure to new technologies,
absence of market intelligence competition from machine made products, lack of access to
credit & poor institutional framework.

To promote Handicrafts and address the problems and challenges being faced by the sector, the
Office of the Development Commissioner [Handicrafts] under the Ministry of Textiles is
undertaking various developmental activities under the umbrella scheme titled “National
Handicrafts Development Programme” [NHDP] such as enrolment of artisans, formation of
artisans into SHGs/Federations/Societies imparting training to them, conducting workshops to
develop new designs, helping them in domestic marketing, promoting exports, R&D activities,
creating common infrastructure, providing credit facilities and taking welfare measures for
artisans etc. The NHDP scheme was formulated during 12th Plan period and it is being
continued up to March 2020 with some modifications.

The NHDP scheme has following components:

1. Ambedkar Haatshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY)
2. Design and Technology Up-Gradation
3. Human Resource Development
4. Infrastructure and Technology Support
5. Marketing Support And Services
6. Research and Development
7. Direct Benefit to Artisans

Further to scale up the infrastructural and production chain with modernization of machinery
and technology at handicrafts clusters a Mega Clusters approach has been adopted. To cater to
the needs of Handicrafts Mega Clusters, another scheme titled “Comprehensive Handicrafts
Cluster Development Scheme" (CHCDS) is being implemented. Under this scheme,
Handicrafts Mega clusters are being established at places where there is large concentration of
craft and artisans. Nine Mega Clusters have been established at Narsapur (Andhra Pradesh),
Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh), Mirzapur-Bhadohi (Uttar Pradesh), Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir),
Jodhpur (Rajasthan), Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Kutch (Gujarat) and
Jammu & Kashmir. Ten IDPH special projects have been established at Uttarakhand, Jharkhand,
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Varanasi, Karnataka, Telangana and

The above two schemes namely NHDP and CHCDS are being implemented by office of
Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) through its 6 Regional Offices and 62 Field offices
units [Handicraft Service Centres] across the country in coordination with State
Governments/State Handicrafts Development Corporations, Handicrafts Council, NGOs and
other institutions involved in handicraft sector.

To ensure that schemes are implemented only through genuine agencies in a transparent manner
it has been made compulsory that NGOs register them self with Nitti Aayog and proposals are
submitted in the office through office online web portal.

It has also been ensured that the benefits of the handicrafts schemes being implemented by
office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) are provided to genuine artisans, it has been
made mandatory that I card is issued to each genuine artisan under “Pahchan' programme and
monitoring benefits of schemes are transferred to the artisans through “DBT” portal.

Initiatives have been taken to register potential handicrafts goods and its producers under
Geographical Indication as per the guidelines of Geographical Indication of Goods
(Registration & Protection) at 1999 so that artisans producing such goods take full benefit of
their products and prevent its use by a third party whose product does not conform the
applicable standards. The initiative aims to bring prosperity among the artisans producing such
handicrafts goods and boost up its exports. In this context, G.I. helpline has been established in
all Handicraft Service Centres.

Handicrafts Helpline No 18002084800 (Toll Free) has been launched to redress the
grievances of artisans and public at large. The services are available on 7 days a week from
10.00AM to 6.00 PM in 7 Languages viz. Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bangla, Assamese, Kannada
and English.

I am confident that this compendium will serve as ready reckoner for the artisans,
stakeholders and implementing agencies.

Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)

(a) Community empowerment for mobilization of artisans into self-help

groups (SHGs)/Societies
Objective and methodology
• Excel Sheet format containing artisans’ details such as identity card No., Photographs, Aadhar
no., EPIC No., bank Account No. with bank name.

• Covering each artisan under RSBY and AABY Scheme,

Appointment of cluster Manager as per qualification and experience, Mobilization of the beneficiaries
shall be undertaken in the clusters which need to be taken up for development. The Geographical
identity of such clusters should be clearly mentioned and limited to a village in Rural Areas or a ward in
the Municipal areas. In special cases a cluster may contain adjoining villages within a span or diameter
of three kilometres. This activity shall include mobilizing the artisans into SHGs, thrift and credit,
training of SHGs on various aspects of forming and running the community business enterprise. With
introduction of economic reforms through liberalization, privatization and globalization, India has
entered into a new era of economic development and therefore, Community Empowerment programme
for handicrafts sector/ cooperative/ SHGs is a must to empower the artisans by making them active
entrepreneurs-cum-primary stake holders of development and bringing them to a visible platform which
will help enhance their operational efficiency and competitiveness to face the new challenges and make
them viable and self-supporting economic entity. While undertaking mobilization, care should be taken
to leverage upon the SHGs already formed under various programmes being implemented by
Government. Only where it is not feasible to do so, new SHGs, federation etc., should be formed.

• Conduct survey of each artisan in the prescribed format
• Mobilisation of artisans groups/SHG formation with office bearers,
• Holding awareness camps for cluster artisans, discussion and formation of Annual action Plan of
the activities,
• Opening of Bank accounts of SHGs.
• Facilitating opening of Bank accounts of Individual artisans under Jan Dhan Yojna,
• Issue of Artisans’ Identity Cards (AIC) to all cluster artisans,
• Processing of the surveyed data in MS.
• Formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions with at least 50% of
the Cluster artisans as members/ shareholders.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Financial Assistance will be provided to the tune of INR 300/- per artisan for the number of
persons to be surveyed and mobilized for empowerment in the form of grant in aid.

• Financial assistance will be provided for a maximum of Rs 1 lakh per year for a maximum of
three years for formation of Producer Company/ Federation/Institution.

• 100% of the amount shall be released after registration as advance for the first year to the
organization for formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions. From
the second year onwards the organization will be provided 75% of their annual recurring
expenditure in advance subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh, which will be reduced to 50% for
the third year subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh. The grants will be released subject to the
suitable conditions fulfilled by the organizations. The amount will be provided directly to the
account of the organization.

• In so far as possible existing SHGs formed under different schemes of Government of India and
State Government should be leveraged. In short formation of new SHGs should be done only
where no SHGs exist.

(b) Preparation of DPR/ DSR

Objective and methodology.
After formation identification of the SHGs/Society, the concerned Implementing Agency will prepare a
diagnostic study report (DSR) in consultation with the stake holders and the Assistant Director of the
local Marketing & Service Extension Centre for proposing further interventions in the cluster. In case of
bigger clusters the Third Party Consultant/ Appraisers/ Moderator will study the data base of the
handicraft cluster and prepare a composite DPR in consultation and participation of the artisans and the
agency engaged for empowerment and also local government which will include the diagnostic study,
interventions to be carried out in the cluster and the financial requirements for implementing the
programmes contained in the DPR. The moderator will also monitor the programmes during the
implementation. While preparing the DSR/DPR, following activities may be taken into account:

• Skill mapping of the cluster

• Details of product range average inventory of the artisans, marketing avenues, and working
capital need.
• Details of entrepreneur, master craftspersons, Shilp Gurus, National Awardees, National Merit
Certificate holders, State Awardees in the cluster.
• Existing infrastructure (both Government and non-Government) in support of handicraft
development in the cluster.
• Need Assessment and Gap Identification.
• Sex caste and education ratio.
• Details of local exporters/bulk buyers.
• Details of other Government schemes being implemented.
• The artisans’ organization should be successfully registered with at least 50% of the cluster
artisans as their members/shareholders.
The DSR/ DPR should clearly set the objectives in terms of increasing artisan income, total production,
and encouraging new persons to take up handicrafts as full time/part time activity and should invariably
contain the following details:

Project area (specification of village, Development Block and District with map)

Target Group indicating number of artisans

Project Goal:

(i) Expected increase in sales of all cluster artisans from Rs..... Lakhs to Rs. .....Lakhs
(ii) Expected increase in the average daily earning of cluster artisans from Rs. .....to Rs. .........
(iii) Preserving Heritage/ Languishing Arts/Crafts,
• Problems to be addressed,
• Details of need assessment done (if any) in the area before deciding on the project,
• Proposed interventions with yearly programs and expected expenditure,
• Proposed system of procuring Raw Materials,
• Proposed methodology of manufacturing/ branding/marketing etc.
i. Machinery & Equipment//Tools to be used:
ii. Kind of Raw-materials to be used and supportive accessories etc.
iii. Design & Technology to be adopted.
iv. Branding and promotional activities.
v. Product line such as Home Furnishing, Garments/Dress Materials, and Kitchen items etc.
vi. Market linkages incorporating 3(11) above.
vii. Targeting different markets
viii. Capacity to Supply on demand.
• Proposed methodology of manufacturing/ branding/marketing etc.
• Proposed training on salesmanship, marketing and leadership development among the cluster
artisans/groups to which make them competent to explore new markets and successfully sell
their produces
• Proposed training on packaging, branding and e-marketing of handicrafts.
• Proposed Plan for innovative methods of promoting cluster produces.


The DPR/DSR will be prepared by the implementing agency in consultation with departmental officers.
The requirements of handicrafts sector such as design input, marketing support, and training
requirement are well known and there is ample institutional knowledge with the department in this
regard. The departmental officers will assist the Implementing agency in preparation of the proposal and
implementation thereof. Services of consultants for preparation of DPR may be taken only in cases
having sizable financial implications and depending upon requirement only. In case, it is desirable to
engage Third party Consultants/ Appraisers/Moderators, the same shall be appointed by the O/o DC
(Handicrafts) from among the empanelled agencies. The third party Consultant should appoint a

dedicated and qualified person for hand-holding purposes for three years or the project duration
whichever is earlier.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

Financial Assistance will be provided @ 2 % of the project cost up to a maximum of Rs.2.00 lakh per
project to appraiser/moderator for a period of 3 years in case of third party consultants. Nil in case of
implementing agency.

(c) Project Management Cost including Wage compensation to cluster

Objective and methodology
Implementing agency will be responsible for overall project management, implementation of various
interventions in a timely and effective manner with a view to facilitate bulk production and sourcing of
goods. Towards this end, apart from other things, implementing agency will appoint a cluster manager,
who should be a graduate. Graduates from IICT, NIFT, IIHT, BCDI, IRMA etc. will be preferred as
Cluster Managers. Agency will have the liberty to appoint a cluster manager subject to the conditions of
experience in cluster development and minimum educational qualification of graduation. Further, an
ex-serviceman for day to day management of CFC, book-keeping etc may also be engaged.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

In case of implementing agencies, an amount of Rs 5 lakh per annum will be given for a period of three
years towards Project Management Cost. This will also include engagement of IICT, NIFT, IIHT,
BCDI, IRMA graduates etc as cluster managers for handholding purposes and an ex-serviceman for day
to day management of CFC, book-keeping etc.

(d) Comprehensive Development Support:

The Technological marketing, skill improvement, infrastructure and any other requirement of the
Clusters shall be met through the various interventions mentioned in the National Handicraft
Development Programme. Eligible agencies can apply for any intervention provided that the
requirement and necessity of the intervention has been established in the diagnostic study and DPR. In
case the Implementing Agency is not eligible for a necessary intervention as per the DPR, it shall
identify an eligible agency for implementing that intervention and the same will be sanctioned to the
eligible agency as may be decided by the office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts).

The handicrafts Clusters sanctioned earlier and where project life has ended but the interventions have
either not started or implemented in a scattered/ ineffective way will also be considered as per the need
of the cluster. While identifying such clusters tourism potential of the area should also be taken into

Note: All the interventions like marketing, design, infrastructure, HRD etc., can be implemented both
in a cluster and in a standalone manner.
Eligible organizations
• Eligible Non-Governmental Organizations, local statutory bodies, Apex cooperative Societies and
National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) and organization like
COHANDS, EPCH, CEPC, Sector Skill Councils and its affiliated Bodies, MHSC, IICT, NCDPD,
HMCM, Hastkala Academy, NIFT, NID, University Department., DRDA, NISIET, EDIs,
NIOS,IGNOU,NSFDC and other similar bodies.

• Central/ State Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporations and other Govt.
Corporations/ agencies promoted by State Government or organization promoted by Financial
Institutions/banks, university departments,

• Any component can be implemented departmentally as well.

Mode of payment (except for those interventions where a mode of payment has been
specifically mentioned therein)
• Funds will be released in 2 installments

• 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first installment and balance amount will be
released as second and final installment in the shape of reimbursement after receipt of requisite
audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12A format, performance cum outcome report and
other required documents, etc.

• In case of departmental activity, 100% payment will be drawn as advance

Organizations profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob./Telephone no., Email.
And fax.
2 Registration number, date of registration,
validity of registration act under which
3 Name & Designation of Chief Functionary
with contact No.
4 Whether handicraft in mentioned as one of the
activities in the Memorandum of Association
and by-laws of the organization.
5 Name of other key functionaries with their
contact Nos.
6 FCRA No. (if available)
7 Activities of organization in Brief.
8 Thrust Area
9 Experience in the area in which funding is
10 Experience in SGSY or any other scheme of
GOI/ State govt. based on SHG’s
11 Source of fund(during last 3 years)

12 Whether any utilization certificate is pending

against the grant by DC(H) in any scheme

13 Has the work of your organization been

evaluated by any independent agency if yes
attach evaluation report.
14 Banking details (Name & address of Bank and
account number), IFSC Code etc.
Project Profile
15 Title of the project
16 Objectives /Purpose
17 Craft to be covered & Duration
18 Proposed Budget (year wise / component wise
recurring and Nonrecurring) .This budget will

however be subject to revision based on
diagnostic study/ DPR.
Suggestive Materials to be included in the project proposal

19 Project goal
20 Project area (specify village, block & district)
21 Target group indicating Number of artisans & No.
of SHG’s is expected to be formed
22 Problems to be Addressed
23 Details of any need assessment done in the area
before deciding on the project
24 Per family annual monetary position, expected
addition year wise during the project period and on
25 Whether any partner is contributing funds for this
project. if so name of the organization and
activities for which it is being given.
26 Beneficiary(ies) Type & No
27 Strategy/Action Plan- year wise
28 Contribution of volunteering from the community
29 Monitoring & Evaluation Indicators
30 Project Sustainability (how will the activities be
sustained after project is completed)
31 Whether the organization has ever been Black
listed by any State/ Central Depts. or any other
international agencies.
Documents to be attached :-

32 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]
33 Copy of memorandum of association & Bye-laws
certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]
34 Copy of audited balance sheet (by chartered
accountant) for last 3 years. [ Self attested]
35 Copy of Annual report of last 3 years.[ Self
36 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self attested]
37 List of current Office bearers of the Organization
with their Full name Complete Postal address with
PIN, Phone/Mob No. and E-mail.

38 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance
under a particular scheme from office of
39 Name and address of Bank where organization has
its account and Account Number

40 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status
of utilization

41 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.
42 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized
contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.
43 List of beneficiaries proposed indicating their
name, father’s name, age, address, caste, gender,
DCH I. Card No.,Aadhar card no., voter I. Card
no., mobile no./ telephone no.
44 Affidavit regarding:

a. Majority of members of governing body do not

belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in
any other society registered any where in India

c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt

practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.

d. That organization is a non-profit.


Name of Authorized signatory
Designation (with Rubber stamp)

I, …………………….....…….........………., S/o ………....……………....…………, aged ……....….. years, resident of
……………………………………………………… functioning as President/ General Secretary of
M/s ……………....…………………...........................................................………………………………........ do hereby
solemnly affirm and stated as under:

a) That the above said NGO/Society is not involved in any corrupt/objectionable practices and has not been be
blacklisted by any Government Department/Organization and International Bodies or Court of Law and its registration
is valid till date.
b) That the above said NGO/Society is working for the development in handicraft sector and not a profit making
c) The details of family members about and Office bearers (The details should categorically mention about other
organization where family member/office bearers of the society are engaged).

Details of Family Members of the President/General Secretary

Sl.No. Name Relationship Occupation Remarks

Details of the office bearers of the NGO/Society.

Sl.No. Name Occupation Address Designation Remarks

(d) That the details of grant received from O/o the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) under various schemes
during the last three years:
Sl.No. Name of Scheme Sponsorship Year Amount Amount Whether utilized Remarks
sanctioned released or not

(e) Details of grant received from various Central/State/Any other Departments:

Sl.No. Name of Scheme Sponsorship Year Amount Amount Whether utilized Remarks
sanctioned released or not

f) That the above organization will work with then groups under the scheme of AHVY & continue for three years or till
completion of this project in all respect.

g) That the above organization declares that no funds have been taken from any other Agency/Department or the same
h) That the above Organization is having adequate experienced and managerial skill to implement the AHVY Scheme.
i) If a part of the grant is left unspent after the expiry of the period within which it is required to be spent, interest @ 10%
per annum shall be charged up to the date of its refund to the Government unless it is agree to be carried over.
j) That the implementation of AVHY Scheme will be strictly as per then plan specially Survey & Mobilization
Interventions submitted and will be preceded by an orientation workshop on the mobilization of artisans into
community based enterprises through the Competent Agency.

Verified at Court of ……… ………..on this …………………that contents of above affidavit are current to the best of
my knowledge and belief.

Identified by me
Solemnly affirmed and declared before me by the deponent who is
identified by Advocate……………………….., on this……....................…day
of ………………, 20………


(i) Design and Technology Development Workshop
The objective of the workshop is to develop new prototypes to suit the tastes and preferences of
contemporary market using the traditional skill of artisans and introduction of new techniques and
technologies for enhanced production

Duration and participation:

• 25 days subject to a minimum of 125 hours of training.
• No. of participants per workshop: up to 30 artisans
• One month can be taken for market survey, intelligence gathering and test marketing,
modifications, etc. including compulsory participation in one marketing event.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The total financial ceiling is maximum of INR 3,37,500/-.
• Assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
• The break-up of expenses is as follows:

Expense Head Maximum

(for a training of 25 days (125 hrs.) for 30 artisans) permissible
assistance (INR)
a) Fee for one Designer master craftsman * INR 55,000/- per month including 1,10,000
(one month for market survey and one month for training)

Wage composition for master craftsman @ of INR 30,000/ per month (one 30,000
month in case of Design workshop and 3 month in case of integrated design

b) Market survey, intelligence gathering and test marketing, modifications and 35,000
participation in one marketing event.

c) Compensation for the cost of raw materials for development of prototypes (2 set 20,000
of 10 prototypes)**

d) Cost of documentation report etc. 15,000

e) Wage compensation/ stipend for 30 participants @ INR. 300/- per day for 25 2,25,000

f) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, telephone, refreshments, publicity, repair 25,000

of machinery, biometric machine, videography, etc.)

Total 4,60,000

* Mastercrafts persons engaged in the programme preferably should be Shilp Guru/National Awardee/ National
Merit Certificate Holder/State Awardee. If Shilp Guru/National Awardee/ National Merit Certificate
Holder/State Awardee is not available in particular craft then the implementing agency shall approach Regional
Director concerned and he / she would finalize the name by constituting a committee of AD(H) HM&SEC
**In special cases, if the cost of per prototype is substantially higher than the provisioned amount, special
permission shall be sought from the office of DC (H) and amounts shall be released based on the sanction.
*** the agency will produce1set of prototypes
The implementing agency shell submit digitized copy of set of prototypes produces during the design
workshop/integrated design project instead of physical setup prototypes. Cost of only one setup prototype shall be

➢ Funds will be released in 2 instalments

➢ In case of Govt. Agencies, 80% of grant will be released in advance as 1st instalment and 20%
will be released on reimbursement basics
➢ In case of agencies, other then govt., 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first
installment and balance amount will be released as second and final installment in the shape of
reimbursement after receipt of requisite audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12A
format, performance cum outcome report and other required documents, etc.

(ii) Integrated design and technology development project

The project has three essential components comprising design development, technology development,
techniques/process and formulation and publication of crafts design/craft technology to the large
number of artisans for their skill up gradation.

Duration and participation

The duration of the project is retained at 5 months with the following break-up:

• 3 months for design development (25 days – 125 hours per month)
• 1 month for preliminary survey and
• 1 months of market testing and refinement of the product and batch production
• No. of participants per project: 40 artisans

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC (Handicrafts).

• Financial parameters are given in the following table

S. Expense Head ( for a duration of 5 months for 40 artisans) Maximum

No. permissible
assistance (INR)
1 Fee for one Designer INR 55,000/- per month including TA for a 2,75,000
period of 5 months
2 Wage composition for master craftsman @ of INR 30,000/ including 90,000
TA per month for a period of 3 months
3 Market survey, intelligence gathering and test marketing, modifications 70,000
etc. Including participation in 2 marketing events
4 Compensation for the cost of raw materials for development of 50,000
prototypes (2set of 25 prototypes)**
5 Cost of documentation report, etc. 50,000
6 wage compensation/stipend to 40 crafts persons @ inr 300/- er day for 9,00,000
25 days per month for a period of 3 months (125 hrs. per month

7 Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, telephone, refreshments, 50,000

publicity, repair of machinery, biometric machine,videography,etc.)
Total 14,85,000
*Mastercrafts persons engaged in the programme preferably should be
Shilp Guru/ National Awardee/National Merit Certificate Holder/State
Awardee. If Shilp Guru/ National Awardee is not available in
particular Holder/State Awardee is not available in particular craft then
the implementing agency shall approach Regional Director concerned
and he /she would finalize the name by constituting a committee of
AD(H) HM&SEC concerned.
** In special cases, if the cost of per prototype is substantially higher
than the provisioned amount, special permission shall be sought from
the office of DC(H) and amounts shall be released based on the
The implementing agency shell submit digitized copy of set of
prototypes produces during the design workshop/integrated design
project instead of physical setup prototypes. Cost of only one setup
prototype shall be imbursement

➢ Funds will be released in 2 instalments

➢ In case of Govt. Agencies, 80% of grant will be released in advance as 1st instalment and 20%
will be released on reimbursement basics
➢ In case of agencies, other then govt., 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first
installment and balance amount will be released as second and final installment in the shape of
reimbursement after receipt of requisite audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12A
format, performance cum outcome report and other required documents, etc.

(iii) Assistance to exporter and entrepreneur for design prototype

The objective of the programme is to promote the organizations in export of handicrafts for
development of new and innovative items. The financial assistance is provided for development of
design prototypes for exporters and entrepreneurs by selecting or involving reputed designers from
India and abroad who will help in the development of a range of products suitable for particular

Duration and participation

• Maximum duration of 6 months

• Entrepreneurs/ exporters/ association of exporters
• Entrepreneurs/ exporters/ association of exporters can be assisted maximum once in a year.
• Designers to be sourced through reputed institutions such as NID, NIFT, NCDPD and others.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Financial assistance of upto 40% of the designer fee upto a maximum of INR 30,000/- per
month not exceeding six months.
Mode of payment
• Assistance will be released directly to the design institution.
• Funds will be released in 2 installments
• First installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance and balance as
reimbursement on submission of audited statement of accounts of expenditure and performance
report of the event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

(iv) Commercial market intelligence by way of design, trend and technical

colour forecast
The increasing need & requirement of the overseas buyers about the new designs & trends has led to the
implementation of this scheme during the 12th Plan Period. The objective of the programme is to
increase the knowledge of the entire handicrafts sector about the new design trends & color forecasts so
as to increase the exports from the country by increasing the new design led product.

• The scheme would be implemented through NID, NIFT, EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD and other
reputed design institutions.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The assistance will be provided with a maximum grant of upto INR 10 lakh
• The components are as follows: Cost of Designing & Artwork, Cost of printing of copies of
trends book, Preparation of copies of CD with cover for the soft copy of the trends book and
miscellaneous expenses etc
Mode of Payment
• Assistance would be given in two installments.
• A maximum of 50% will be released as 1st Installment as Advance

Notes :
• The maximum admissible financial assistance has been provided under each scheme component.
However, the sanction shall be based on the proposal wherein the duration and participants will
be defined. Accordingly the budget will be reduced on pro-rata basis if the event is held for
lesser number of days or if there is lesser participation.
• Wage compensation shall be paid to artisans @ INR 300/- per day per trainee.
• Maximum fee for designer will be INR 55,000/- per month including TA wherein one month is
calculated as 25 working days.
• All components can be implemented departmentally by the offices of DC (H) at any point in
time. In such cases payment will be 100% and in advance.
• The word ‘Artisans’ will also include carpet weavers
• Biometric attendance sheet may be provided by Implementing Agency at the time of final

➢ Funds will be released in 2 instalments

➢ 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first installment and balance amount will be
released as second and final installment in the shape of reimbursement after receipt of requisite
audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12A format, performance cum outcome report and
other required documents, etc.
➢ In case of Govt. Agencies, 80% of grant will be released in advance as 1st instalment and 20%
will be released on reimbursement basics

(v) Financial Assistance for supply of tools, safety equipments, looms, furnace
This scheme has been approved for continuation beyond 12th Plan period i.e. upto March 2020. The
objective of the scheme is to improve the productivity of the craftsmen and their income. Model
toolkits, safety equipment, looms, furnace etc. may be approved at DC(H) office before distribution.

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

The assistance will be upto a maximum of INR 10,000 per artisan depending on the craft practiced.
However in case of purchase of looms and furnaces etc. the financial ceiling will be Rs.20, 000/- per
unit including of required accessories.

Assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H).

vi) Shilp Guru Award, National Award & National Merit Certificate and
Design Innovation Award for outstanding contribution in Handicrafts

The scheme is continued for implementation during beyond 12th Plan period i.e. upto March, 2020 with
some modification. The objective of the scheme is to give recognition to outstanding craftspersons in
the handicrafts sector. Under the scheme, Shilp Guru Awards, National Awards and National Merit
Certificates will be awarded to a craftsperson only once in a lifetime to encourage master craftsperson’s
to maintain excellence in craftsmanship and keeping alive our old tradition. The component will be
implemented by Hastkala Academy or departmentally.

Eligibility :
Outstanding craftsmen having vast experience in the handicraft sector

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

• Gold Medal, INR 2 lakh, Tamra Patra and Certificate of Award for Shilp Guru.
• INR 1 lakh, Tamra Patra and Certificate of Award for National Awardee.
• INR 75,000 and Certificate of Award for merit certificates.
• Design Innovation Awards:- INR Rs. 10.00 Lakhs for 1st Prize, INR Rs. 8.00 Lakhs for 2nd Prize &
INR Rs. 6.00 Lakhs 3rd Prize for Design Innovation Award jointly to Designer and Mastercraft
person on co-creation basis.

In addition, Shilp Guru will create two replicas of the masterpiece for which award has been given. An
assistance upto INR 2 lakhs will be given for the replica as 100% grant by the Office of DC (H) per
Shilp Guru, subject to actuals.
INR 20,000 towards rail travel assistance for Shilp Guru and National Awardee.

➢ Funds will be released in 2 installments.

➢ 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first installment and balance amount will be
released as second and final installment in the shape of reimbursement after receipt of requisite
audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12A format, performance cum outcome report and
other required documents, etc.
➢ In case of Govt. Agencies, 80% of grant will be released in advance as 1st instalment and 20% will
be released on reimbursement basics

Organization profile:-

1. Name of the organization with complete postal

address with PIN,Mobile /telephone no., e-mail.

2. Registration number, date of registration, validity

of registration. ,Act under which registered

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with

telephone / mobile no.

4 Name of other Key functionaries & their Contact

No. & address

5 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

6 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

7 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

8. Experience in organizing such workshop

9. Details of design workshops conducted in last 3

years, no. of design prototypes developed and
commercialized, sales generated.

10 Experience in undertaking developmental

interventions in the Handicraft sectors

Project/Scheme Detail:-

11 Purpose/Objective of the workshop

12 Name of the craft and venue of the workshops

proposed to be organized

13 Estimated total number of the crafts-persons

engaged in that area.

14 Present technology (tools, machines, techniques,

raw material etc.) being used by the targeted
artisans and problems faced, if any in this respect

15 Name of other technical expert, institute, etc.

proposed to be consulted, for undertaking
technology up-gradation

16 Bio-Data of the designer to be engaged during the

workshop from the list of empanelled designers.

17 Period of the workshop and date of


18 Financial implication proposed (Head wise

breakup of each activity may be mentioned.
a) Fee for one Designer or master craftsman
including TA

b) Market survey, intelligence gathering and test

marketing, modifications and participation in one
marketing event.

c) Compensation for the cost of raw materials for

development of prototypes (2 set of 10 prototypes)

d) Cost of documentation

e) Wage compensation/ stipend for 25 days.

f) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery,

telephone, refreshments, publicity, repair of
machinery, videography, etc.)


19 No. of prototypes proposed to be developed during

the workshop /expected business.

20 No. of craftsperson’s expected to be benefited. List

may be enclosed indicating details of craftsperson
proposed to be included for skill up gradation
during implementation of the workshop, including
following information:

Identify Card No. and craft in which it has been

registered or Applied for I. Card.
Complete postal address
Gender: Male/Female
Category: SC/ST/OBCV/PH/Minority/BPL etc.

List of documents to be attached :- Page No. at which attached

21 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

22 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]

23 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered

accountant) for the last three years {Self attested}

24 Copy of Annual report of last 3 year{Self attested}

25 Copy of minutes of the last AGM{Self attested}

26 Copy of the current Office bearers of the

Organization with their Full name Complete Postal
address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.

27 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from office of

28 Name and address of Bank where organization has

its account and Account Number. along with
photocopy of the bank pass book of last one year

29 Details of grants received from office of DC(H)

scheme wise during last three years and its
utilization status

30 Details of grants received from other central/state

department /organization, during last three years
indicating purpose of grant and its utilization status

31 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

32 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in
any other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certificate :

1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for successful
completion of the project within the same financial year.
3. Certified that all infrastructure are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per scheme.
4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal

Date: Name & designation

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned HM&SEC/CWTC with full
justification includes cost component of the proposal along with grading Score.

Signature with Rubber Stamp

Name, Designation and address


Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with Complete

postal Address, Mob./telephone No., e-mail
2 Registration number, date of registration,
validity of registration. ,Act under which
3 Whether the organization is engaged in the
development, promotion, & marketing of
4 Activities of the Organization in handicrafts
sector during last 3 years
5 Registration Number with Council
6 If associated with artisan’s producers Groups/
Self Help Groups/Handicrafts Clusters,
furnish details.
7 Details of past experience of conducting
product development activity , if any; Furnish
status and details of order generated etc
Project /Scheme profile:-
8 Purpose of product development programme.

9 Name of craft and items identified for

10 Is it based on any market study/ demand
assessments or recommendation of foreign
11 Venue of the product Development
12 No. of Craftsmen proposed to be engaged
specifically for the product development.
13 Whether it is proposed to cover larger
artisanal base for mass production. If yes, give
14 C.V. of national/international
Designer/Consultant proposed to be engaged
15 Methodology for test marketing of product

16 Financial implications & details of assistance
sought, with justification:
1.Duration (Max. 6 month)
2.Designers fee per month
3Total designers fee
4 GOI share( 40% of 3 above subject to
max. of Rs. 20000/- per month
Documents to attached :-
17 Copy of valid registration certificate under
proper statute.[ Self attested]
18 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-
laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self
19 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered
accountant ) for last 3 years. [ Self attested
20 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[ Self
21 Copy of resolution for seeking financial
assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).
22 Name and address of Bank where
organization has its account and Account
23 Details of grants received from the office of
DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization
24 Details of grants received from other
central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.
25 Name of Nodal officer /project
head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme has been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the stipulated time frame.
3. Certified that all infrastructures are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per
4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Date: Signature of the authorized person with Rubber SEAL
Name & Designation

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned M&HSC/CWTC
with full justification along with the points scored in grading

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with Complete

postal Address, Mob./Telephone no., e-mail

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration. ,Act under which

3 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

4 Activities of the Organization in handicrafts

sector during last 3 years

5 Registration Number with Council


6 If associated with artisan’s producers Groups/

Self Help Groups/Handicrafts Clusters,
furnish details.

7 Details of past experience of conducting

product development activity , if any; Furnish
statusand details of order generated etc

Project /Scheme profile:-

8 Purpose with full justification

9 Name of crafts and countries identified for

collecting marketing intelligence.

10 Is it based on any market study/ demand

assessments or recommendation of foreign

11 Methodology being adopted for collection of
market intelligence on design, trends and
colour forecasting.

11 Venue of the Program in India for

dissemination of market intelligence

12 No. of Craftsmen/ entrepreneurs proposed to

be associated specifically with this event.

13 Whether it is proposed to cover larger

artisanal base. If yes, give details.

14 C.V. of national/international
Designer/Consultant proposed to be engaged

15 Methodology for test marketing of products


16 Head-wise details of financial implications &

detailsof assistance sought, with justification:
1.Cost of designing and art work
2.Cost of printing copies of trend book
3.Preparation of CD with cover for soft
copies of trend book
4.Misc. expenses.

Documents to attached :-

17 Copy of valid registration certificate

under proper statute.[ Self attested]

18 Copy of Memorandum of Association &

bye-laws certified by appropriate
authority. [ Self attested]

19 Copy of audited balance sheet( by

chartered accountant ) for last 3 years. [
Self attested]

20 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[

Self attested]

21 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme
from office of DC(Handicrafts).
22 Name and address of Bank where
organization has its account and Account

23 Details of grants received from the office

of DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years
and its status of utilization

24 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies
during last 3 years and its status of

25 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number
and E-mail etc.

1. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for successful
completion of the project within the stipulated time frame.
3. Certified that all infrastructure are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per scheme.
4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber SEAL

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned M&HSC/CWTCwith full
justification alongwith the points scored in grading.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address

Organization profile:-

1. Name of the Organization with complete postal address,

Mob/telephone no., email.

2. Registration number, date of registration, validity of

registration act under which registered.

3 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of handicrafts.
Whether the above mentioned clause is specified as one
of the objectives in the Article and Memorandum of
Association of Society.

4. Whether the organization is having sufficient

experience managerial and technical capacity/ skill and
infrastructure to implement the scheme, if yes, give

Project Detail:-

5. Name of the craft in which project is to be organized

a) Venue of the project
b) Details of the craft being practiced.

6 Need and justification for taking up this project. Is it

based on the need assessment survey.

7 If any assessment for introducing new technology/

process and raw material etc. has been made for better
marketability of products, provide detail.

8 Duration of the project, specify the period of each

activity to be undertaken viz preparation of sketches,
market survey, development of prototypes, test
marketing, preparation of documentation report etc.

9 Need and justification for taking up this project. Is it

based on the need assessment survey.

10 If any assessment for introducing new technology/

process and raw material etc. has been made for better
marketability of products, provide detail.

11 Duration of the project, specify the period of each 3 month - for design development
activity to be undertaken viz preparation of sketches, 1 month - for preliminary survey
market survey, development of prototypes, test 1 month - for market testing, refinement in
marketing, preparation of documentation report etc. products and batch production.

12. No. of prototypes to be developed during the project


13 No. of crafts persons to be benefited directly or Direct : 40 participants

indirectly. List may be enclosed indicating details of Indirect :
craftsperson proposed to be included for skill up Total :
gradation during implementation of the project,
including following information:
Identify Card No. and craft in which it has been
registered or Applied for I. Card.
Complete postal address
Gender: Male/Female
Category: SC/ST/OBCV/PH/Minority/BPL etc.

14 Bio-data of the designer to be engaged during the

project along with his/ her consent to undertake this
project. The designer should be from empanelled list
of the designers of this office or an alumni of

15 Marketability prospects of the design prototypes

proposed to be developed as revealed by the pre
activity market survey.

16 Financial implication proposed :

a) Fee for one Designer or master craftsperson
including TA for a period of 5 months.
b) Market survey, intelligence gathering and test
marketing, modifications, etc. including participation
in 2 marketing events
c) Compensation for the cost of raw materials for
development of prototypes (2 set of 25 prototypes)
d) Cost of documentation and report preparation
e) Wage compensation/ stipend to crafts persons
f) Miscellaneous expenditure

17 Affidavit that majority of the members of the

Governing body of the Society do not belong to the
same family.

18 Affidavit declaring details of members having the

membership in any other Society, registered

anywhere in India.

19 Affidavit to the effect that the organization is not

involved in corrupt practice and has not been
blacklisted by any central/state Govt. agencies.

Sl. No. 17to 19 to be submitted as per Proforma A.

20 Self attested copy of the valid registration certificate of

the Society.

21 Self attested copy article and Memorandum of

Association of the Society duly certified by Registrar’s

22 Self attested copy of Bye laws duly certified by

Registrar’s office. If amended, the same may also be

23 Self attested copy of Balance sheet for the last three

years audited by Chartered Accountant

24 List of latest office bearers of the Society duly

registered with Registrar’s of society.

25 Annual report of the last three years.

26 Last AGM minutes.

27 A copy of the resolution passed/adopted by the

organization for approaching Office of DC(HC) for
financial assistance under the Design Scheme.

28 a) Details of Grant in aid received from other

Central/State Govt. offices during the last three years,
and its utilization status.
b) Details of Grant in aid received from Office of DC
(HC) under any of the schemes during the last five
years, and its utilization status.

29 Details of Marketing arrangement: For Design

Development Projects, the implementing agency must
have its own marketing platform in metro city or a
marketing tie up with other organizations. In either of
the cases, supply by its artisanal base should have been
Rs.25.00 lakh during preceding year or Rs.60.00 lakh in
the last three years.

30 Whether separate audited subsidiary accounts of Govt.

grants are being maintained or not?

31 Details of the office of DC (HC) which would be
consulted during implementation of the Integrated

32 Name, address of the Bank and account number where

the organization holds the account.

33 Project Head/Contact person, Name, address, telephone

/ mobile number and e- mail address etc.


1. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provisions of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the approved period/duration of the project.

3. Certified that all needed infrastructures are available with the organization.

4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts with existing schemes of other Ministries.

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber SEAL




Organization Profile:-

1 Name of the organization with complete

postal address with PIN, Mobile /telephone
no., e-mail

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration. ,Act under which

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No. /Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in undertaking developmental

interventions in the Handicraft sectors

Project/Scheme Detail:-

8 Purpose of tool kit distribution

9 List of improved tool kits with their

specifications and cost.

10 Comparative advantage of proposed tool kits

over conventional kits being used by artisans.

11 List of beneficiaries

List of documents to be attached :- Page No. at which attached

12 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

13 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

14 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered

accountant) for the last three years {Self

15 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self


16 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

17 Copy of the current Office bearers of the

Organization with their Full name Complete
Postal address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.

18 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account
Number. along with photocopy of the bank
pass book of last one year

19 Details of grants received from office of

DC(H) scheme wise during last three years
and its utilization status

20 Details of grants received from other

central/state department /organization, during
last three years indicating purpose of grant
and its utilization status

21 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

22 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certificate :
1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme has been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.

3. Certified that all infrastructures are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per
4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal

Name /Designation

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTC with full justification includes cost component of the proposal along with grading Score.

Signature with Rubber Stamp

Name, Designation and address


Passport size Photograph attested by concerned AD of HM&SEC or WSC or RD


1. State

2. Recommending Agency

3. For the year

4. Name & address of the Craftsperson in

Mob.No. &Tel.No/Fax/e.mail

5. Name of the Craftsperson in Hindi

6. Father’s name in English

Father’s name in Hindi

Spouse name in English

Spouse name in Hindi

7. Place of Birth:

Date of Birth ( please also furnish attested

copy of document of date of birth)

Age as on 31.12.........

8. Name of the Crafts practiced

Traditional or Contemporary

Brief History of the Craft being practiced,

attach separate sheet if required

9. Guru or teacher from whom the craftsperson

got initiation and training

10. Total Experience as on 31.12...... from


11. Educational/Vocational qualification, if any

Degree of skill in the craft, if any

12. Mastery over the traditional technique

involved in the craft

13. Ability to evolve new designs

14. Brief account of the Mastercraftspersons

contribution towards development
improvement of the Crafts and its techniques.

15. Details of outstanding works/item executed by

the craftsperson/weaver.
Have any of them been purchased by,
Museum Temples, art critics, connoisseurs of
repute Any documents to substantiate the

16. Has the Mastercaftsperson imparted Training

in any training institute. How many
craftsperson of younger generation trained.

17. Details of the awards awarded to the applicant

Mastercraftpersonviz National Award,
National Merit Certificate and and State
Aware .

18. Give details of other award winners in the

family, if any, indicating your relationship
with such Awardee. State Awardee indicating
year, National Award indicating year of
National Merit Certificate, indicating year.

19. Details of major exhibition in which the

Mastercraftperson has participated either for
demonstrating his skill or for displaying his

20. How much does the Mastercraftperson earn

every month approx.

21. Are there any publications/papers to his/her


22. Details of craft and exhibits Shilp Guru

Award entry along with 4 different stages of
processing of the exhibits photographs
minimum 8”X10” size. If possible
videography of the process of the exhibits
may be submitted.
Minimum three samples should be
submitted along with the entries of the

craft practiced.

23. Price of the craft sample/sample submitted

24. Do the samples belong to the

Mastercraftperson if not, to whom does it
belong ?

25. Certificate (if any) from well known

Institutions or persons knowledgeable in
Handicrafts regarding the Mastercraftperson’s
ability in the craft and his contribution to the
development of the craft.

26. Details of recognitions, records, if any

27. Any other details concerning the craftsperson

which have not already been brought out in
other columns.

28. Total period taken for making the entry for

National Award

29. Brief note in respect of the entry/Product

made for Shilp Guru
(This must be given on separate sheet, in
Hindi and in English duly signed by the

30. Whether entry has been made entirely &

solely by the applicant or has also taken
assistance from other artisans.

31. If yes , details of assistance sought in the


32. If Govt. likes to purchase the item submitted,

will you sell the same?

33. If yes, indicate the amount of selling

34. Affidavit regarding non-claim in case of

damage to the sample




The entry/entries submitted with this application is/ are actually made / produced by the applicant master
Mastercraftperson Son/Doughter /wife of Shri ___________________________ and affidavit to this effect on
stamp paper duly signed by 1st Class Magistrate is enclosed.

(Signature of the Mastercraftperson)

Phone No. with STD Code

The particulars furnished in the application and in the Name and Signature of certify officer with full address
enclosed documents have been checked and verified
and I certify that the entry has been made by him/her with rubber stamp
and he/she is a genuine Mastercraftsperson.

Signature of the Director/Deputy Director/DIC, Name and Signature of certify officer with full address
Asstt.Director, HM&SEC, Deputy
Director/Asstt.Director under whose jurisdiction the with rubber stamp

(To be filled in by the Convener of the SLSC in respect of only those applications which have been shortlisted by
the Committee for next level Committee i.e Headquarter Level Committee.

Certified that the bonafides of the applicant, his/her particulars as given in the application and other documents
attached hereto including the skill level of the artisans has been re-ascertained/ verified.

(Signature of the convener of the State Level Selection Committee)

(Full name and address with rubber stamp)


I Shri /Smt./Miss______________________________________born on____________aged as on 31.12...... , S/o,

W/o D/o Shri ______________________ resident of ___________________________ solemnly hereby declare
and undertake that the item ________________________________________________________ (name of the
item) Craft__________________________(Name of the craft) submitted by me for the competition of Shilp
Guru Award for the year ______________ has been prepared entirely by me and I have been practicing the
Craft________________________ (Name of the craft) _____________ for the last _____ years for the period
from_____________ to __________________.

I have been Awarded State Award in the field of handicrafts in the year_______ National Aware in the
year________and National Merit Certificate in the year____________in the field of handicrafts or handlooms .

I undertake that if the above statement is found false, I shall be liable for the action as deemed fit by the
competent authority.

I further undertake that I am submitting the above entry for Shilp Guru Award __________________ at my own
risk and responsibility and further indemnify the Government of India, Office of the Development Commissioner
(Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, State Governments, DICs, etc. against any loss, damage or theft to the entry
which may occur due to any unforeseen circumstances and on account of handling and transportation of the entry.

Full Name of the applicant Mastercraftperson:

Address __________________________



Signature with date

(To be attested by 1st Class Magistrate)

(To be attested by1st Class Magistrate)

1. Name (both in Hindi & English) : .........................................................................................

2. Name of father/husband/Spouse : .........................................................................................

(both in Hindi & English)

3. Place of Birth : .........................................................................................

4. Date of Birth : .........................................................................................

5. Address with PIN code : .........................................................................................

6. Education/Training received : .........................................................................................

7. Tradition of the Craft : .........................................................................................

8. Total contribution (since when : .........................................................................................

working on the craft

9. Participation in India/Foreign Exhibition : .........................................................................................

10. Any other important points : .........................................................................................

11. Telephone No/Mobile No., email/ID (if any) : .........................................................................................






Signature of the Artisans


Passport size Photograph attested by concerned AD of HM&SEC or WSC or RD


1. State

2. Recommending Agency

3. For the year

4. Name & address of the Craftsperson in

Mob. No. &Tel. No/Fax/e.mail
5. Name of the Craftsperson in Hindi

6. Father’s name in English

Father’s name in Hindi

Spouse name in English

Spouse name in Hindi

7. Date and place of Birth ( please also furnish

attested copy of document of date of birth)
Age as on December _________

8. Name of the Crafts practiced

9. Guru or teacher from whom the craftsperson

got initiation and training
10. Total Experience as on 31.12……… from
11. Degree of skill in the craft

12. Mastery over the traditional technique

involved in the craft
13. Ability to evolve new designs

14. Brief account of the craftspersons contribution

towards development improvement of the
Crafts and its techniques.
15. Details of outstanding works/item executed by
the craftsperson/weaver.
Have any of them been purchased by,
Museum Temples, art critics, connoisseurs of
repute Any documents to substantiate the

16. Has the caftsperson imparted Training in any
training institute. How many craftsperson of
younger generation trained.
17. Is the applicant craftperson an existing State
Awardee or National Merit Certificate holder?
If yes, please specify.

18. Give details of other award winners in the

family, if any, indicating your relationship
with such Awardee. State Awardee indicating
year, National Award indicating year of
National Merit Certificate, indicating year.
19. Details of major exhibition in which the
craftperson has participated either for
demonstrating his skill or for displaying his
20. How much does the craftperson earn every
month approx.
21. Are there any publications/papers to his/her
22. Details of craft and exhibits of National
Award entry along with 4 different stages of
processing of the exhibits photographs
minimum 8”X10” size. If possible
videography of the process of the exhibits
may be submitted.
23. Price of the craft sample/sample submitted

24. Do the samples belong to the craftperson if

not, to whom does it belong ?
25. Certificate (if any) from well known
Institutions or persons knowledgeable in
Handicrafts regarding the craftperson’s ability
in the craft and his contribution to the
development of the craft.
26. Details of recognitions, records, if any

27. Any other details concerning the craftsperson

which have not already been brought out in
other columns.
28. Total period taken for making the entry for
National Award
29. Brief note in respect of the entry/Product
made for National Award.
(This must be given on separate sheet, in
Hindi and in English duly signed by the

30. Whether entry has been made entirely &
solely by the applicant or has also taken
assistance from other artisans.
31. If yes , details of assistance sought in the
32. If Govt. likes to purchase the item submitted,
will you sell the same?
33. If yes, indicate the amount of selling

34. Affidavit regarding non-claim in case of

damage to the sample



The entry/entries submitted with this application is/ are actually made / produced by the applicant master
craftperson Son/Doughter /wife of Shri _______________________ ___________________ and affidavit to this
effect on stamp paper duly signed by 1st Class Magistrate is enclosed.

(Signature of the Craftperson)

Phone No. with STD Code

The particulars furnished in the application and in the Name and Signature of certify officer with full address
enclosed documents have been checked and verified
and I certify that the entry has been made by him/her with rubber stamp
and he/she is a genuine Mastercraftsperson.

Signature of the Director/Deputy Director/DIC, Name and Signature of certify officer with full address
Asstt.Director, HM&SEC, Deputy
Director/Asstt.Director under whose jurisdiction the with rubber stamp

(To be filled in by the Convener of the SLSC in respect of only those applications which have been shortlisted by
the Committee for next level Committee i.e Headquarter Level Committee.

Certified that the bonafides of the applicant, his/her particulars as given in the application and other documents
attached hereto including the skill level of the artisans has been re-ascertained/ verified.

(Signature of the convener of the State Level Selection Committee)

(Full name and address with rubber stamp)


I Shri /Smt./Miss_____________________________born on aged as on 31.12...... , S/o, W/o D/o

Shri ______________________ resident of ___________________________ solemnly hereby declare and
undertake that the item ___________________________________________________ (name of the item)
Craft________________(Name of the craft) submitted by me for the competition of National Award for the
year....... has been prepared entirely by me and I have been practicing the Craft___________ (Name of the craft)
_____________ for the last _____ years for the period from_____________ to __________________.

I have been Awarded State Award in the field of handicrafts in the year_______ and National Merit Certificate in
the field of handicrafts or handlooms in the year___________.

I undertake that if the above statement is found false, I shall be liable for the action as deemed fit by the
competent authority.

I further undertake that I am submitting the above entry for National Award at my own risk and responsibility
and further indemnify the Government of India, Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts),
Ministry of Textiles, State Governments, DICs, etc. against any loss, damage or theft to the entry which may
occur due to any unforeseen circumstances and on account of handling and transportation of the entry.

Full Name of the applicant mastercraftperson:

Address __________________________



Signature with date


(To be attested by 1st Class Magistrate)


1. Name (both in Hindi & English) : .........................................................................................

2. Name of father/husband/Spouse : .........................................................................................

3. Date & Place of Birth : .........................................................................................

4. Address with PIN code : .........................................................................................

5. Education/Training received : .........................................................................................

6. Tradition of the Craft : .........................................................................................

7. Total contribution (since when : .........................................................................................

working on the craft

8. Participation in India/Foreign Exhibition : .........................................................................................

9. Any other important points : .........................................................................................

10. Telephone No/Mobile No., email/ID (if any) : .........................................................................................






Signature of the Artisans

1 Name and address

2 Age and gender

3 Type of award received and year of award

4 Purpose of travel

6 Travelled from

7 Travelled upto

8 Class of travel

9 Name of dependents who travelled with Shilp

Guru/ National Awardee and their age

10 Amount of total fair paid (enclose tickets)

11 Amount claimed earlier

12 Balance available for claim (Rs.20,000/-

minus amount claimed )

13 Amount being claimed at present

14 Remark of the DDO


(Signature of awardee with name)

The Human Resource Development (HRD) Scheme has been formulated to provide qualified and
trained workforce to the handicraft sector. This workforce shall contribute to a strong production base
leading to production of high quality products that cater to present day market requirements. This
scheme also aims to create human capital for the sector in terms of trained cadre of designers for the
handicrafts by providing relevant inputs through its components. There is also a provision made for the
imparting soft skill considered necessary for the artisans to enable them to undertake their own business

The scheme has the following five components:

1. Training through established institutions

2. Handicrafts training program
3. Training through Guru Shishya Parampara
4. Training of the trainers
5. Design mentorship and apprentice program
6. Reimbursement of Fees towards Education of Artisans.

1. Training through established institutions

The component aims at upgrading/imparting skills in different trade of Handicrafts in a continuous and
sustainable manner by creating an institutional framework. This shall be achieved through regular
training courses run by institutes as specified in the eligibility section. These programmes provide an
opportunity for the artisans to upgrade their skills, interact with other craftsmen and at the same time
creates livelihood opportunity for the masses by skilling them through training programmes in different

Duration and participation:

• Trainings of minimum 144 hrs and maximum 600 hrs duration will be imparted to each
participant and the eligible institute will train a minimum 200 people in a year.

• The training duration shall be between four weeks and four months. No course of duration less
than four weeks will be admitted. In exceptional cases the maximum duration can be allowed to
increase by 25 percent maximum with the approval of DC(H).

• In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered as admissible
for working out the financial assistance wherever financial assistance is indicated on per day
• Vocational training institutions, Industrial training Institutes (ITI), polytechnics, technical and
other institutes recognized by central Government/concerned state Government/ universities and
such other affiliating bodies.

• Implementing agency should have sufficient infrastructure to run the 5 year Training

• Other organizations which are imparting vocational trainings of Ministries of Central


• The Institutes should have

• At least 3 years of experience in imparting vocational training and has trained at least 500

• Sufficient premises for imparting the training

• Necessary power connection for operating machinery and tools

• Necessary administrative/technical staff for maintenance of requisite records and imparting


• A systematic syllabus containing theory/practical wherever applicable, should be submitted on

(weekly/monthly basis)

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

• The assistance shall be in the form of capital grant and training grant. Total cost for 5 years per
Institute will be maximum Rs. 1.45 crore (capital grant and training grant combined together).

• One time capital grant of Rs. 25 lakh will be provided for the plan period. This grant can be used
for purchase of machineries, equipment, furniture and fixtures, computers and related hardware
and software, books and periodicals etc.

• Training grant of maximum of Rs. 95/- per trainee per hour will be provided subject to a
maximum of Rs. 24 lakh per year.

• The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)

The admissible head of expenditure for training grant will be as follows:

S. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance

a) Fee for 2 trainers Rs.15,000/- per trainer per month

b) Wage compensation/ stipend to trainees Rs.300/- per day per trainee

c) Compensation for raw material Rs.40/- per day per trainee

d) Purchase of tools Rs. 500/- per trainee

e) Administrative charges including institutional 10% [total (a) to (d)] excluding the items not
charges and admitted from (a) to (d) above
hand holding support

f) Miscellaneous 5% of [total (a) to (e)] excluding the items not

expenditure (stationery, telephone, admitted from (a) to (e) above
refreshments, publicity, repair of machinery,
biometric machine,
videography, etc.)

Mode of payment

• Assistance would be given in two instalments in case of capital grant.

• Capital Grant: 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first instalment as advance.

• The balance amount will be released as second and final instalment in the shape of
reimbursement. The reimbursement shall be released after receipt of requisite audited statement
of expenditure, UC in GFR-12-A format, final report on the training programme and other
required documents, etc.

Recurring Grant
Training Grant: Assistance shall be released in four instalments as per the following details
S. Instalments Conditions
1 1st instalment: 30% As advance
2 2nd instalment: 30% Submission of Utilisation certificate (UC) and audited statement of
expenditure for 66% of the amount received on 1st instalment
3 3rd instalment: 30% Submission of UCs and audited statement of expenditure for
(a) 100% of the amount received on 1st instalment
(b) 66% of amount received on 2nd instalment
4 4th instalment: 10 % As reimbursement after submission of UCs and audited statement of
expenditure for amount sanctioned

Note: A MoU will be signed by the Institution/ Implementing agency to run the training programme
clearly indicating the output and the outcome.

Note: The Training Project Sanctioned to various Institutions during XII Plan Period will be funded for
remaining period of the project on old pattern (i.e. pattern approved for XII Plan) as per New
Guidelines of NHDP.

2. Handicrafts Training Program

To increase production base by involving more and more persons in this sector, large number of training
programmes in hard and soft skills are required to be undertaken to fill the gap of the skilled workforce.
Two type of skill training programs will be held under this component:

a) Technical trainings

b) Soft skill training


• Vocational training institutions, Industrial training Institutes, polytechnics, technical and other
institutes recognized by central Government/concerned state Government/universities and such
other affiliating bodies.

• Other organizations which are imparting vocational trainings of Ministries of Central


a) Technical Training:
Aims to train the persons in handicrafts and handmade carpets including pattern making, stencil
making, talim writing, mould making etc.

Duration and participation

• Training of minimum 144 hrs. and maximum 600 hrs. duration will be imparted to each
participant. The training duration shall be between four weeks and four months. No course of
duration less than four weeks will be admitted. In exceptional cases the maximum duration can
be allowed to increase by 25 percent maximum with the approval of DC(H).

• In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered as admissible
for working out the financial assistance wherever financial assistance is indicated on per day

• Batch size of min 20 participants will be allowed.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Assistance of maximum of Rs. 95/- per trainee per hour .The assistance shall be in the form of
100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC (H).

The admissible head of expenditure will be as follows:

S. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance
a) Space rent and infrastructure including Rs. 5,000/- per month

b) Wage compensation/ stipend for trainees Rs.300/- per day per trainee

c) Fee for 2 Master trainers Rs. 15,000/- per month per trainer

d) Equipment and tools Rs. 40,000/-

e) Compensation for wastage of raw material Rs. 40/-per day per trainee

f) Hand holding support post training Rs. 50,000/-

g) Institutional charges per batch including Rs. 25,000/-

admin expenses

h) Rental for carpet looms (if applicable) Rs.800/-per loom per month for max 4 looms

i) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, 10% of total (a) to (h) excluding the items not
telephone, refreshments, publicity, repair of admitted from (a) to (h)above
machinery, biometric machine, videography,

Mode of payment
50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first instalment and balance amount will be
released as second and final instalment in the shape of reimbursement after receipt of requisite
audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12 A format, final report on the training programme
and other required documents, etc.

b) Soft skill training:

Aims to train the persons in non-Technical skills such as micro finance/ entrepreneurship
development/ preparation of Business plans/preparation of project reports/ packaging/ export
procedures/Documentation etc. so that to enable them in running their own enterprises smoothly.

Duration and participation

• The program shall be for a period of minimum 2 days or 12 hours of training and maximum of
12 days or 72 hours.

• No course of duration less than two days will be admitted.

• In exceptional cases the maximum duration can be allowed to increase by 25 percent maximum
with the approval of DC(H).

• Batch size of min 20 participants will be allowed


• Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, other institutions and organizations under central
and state governments, COHANDS, EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD, IICT, MHSC, CDI and Apex
cooperative Societies.

• NGOs (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) having experience in vocational training of
min 50 persons per year for at least three years either directly or through an institution run by the

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Assistance of maximum Rs. 140 per trainee per hour will be provided as these are highly
specialized courses and technical experts from reputed institutions will be required to be

• The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)

The admissible head of expenditure will be as follows:

S. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance


a) Space rent and infrastructure including Rs.5,000/-per week


b) Wage compensation/ stipend for trainees Rs.300/-per day per trainee

c) TA for trainee Rs.1500/- per trainee

d) TA/Honorarium for trainer Rs.10,000/- per trainer

e) Boarding/lodging for trainer Rs.1000/- per day per trainer

f) Documentation/ study material Rs.20,000/-

g) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, 10%of [total (a) to (f)] excluding the items not
telephone, refreshments, publicity, admitted from (a) to (f) above
repair of machinery, biometric machine,
videography, etc.)

Mode of payment
50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first instalment and balance amount will be released as second
and final instalment in the shape of reimbursement after receipt of audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-
12 - A format, final report on the training programme and other required documents, etc.

3. Training through Guru Shishya Parampara

This component provides for handing over/transfer of traditional knowledge from master craftsmen to
the new generation ensuring the sustenance of the craft. New/Semi-skilled artisans are provided training
by mastercrafts persons.

These trainings will help add value to the quality of the outputs, help the artisans learn the finishing
techniques and also give them the exposure to innovative techniques which can be achieved using
improved tools and technology. The training will enable improved production as well as productivity
and help artisans adapt to new design and techniques

Duration and participation

The program should be for a minimum period of 2 months and maximum 6 months.
Batch size of minimum 15 participants will be allowed.

Shilp Guru Awardee, National Awardee, National Merit Certificate for all crafts however State
Awardee are included to take up training programmes in crafts registered under Geographical Indication
Act (GI Act) and endangered crafts etc.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
• Maximum assistance of Rs. 10,000/- per trainee per month will be provided.
• Financial assistance is directly given to Master crafts persons through field offices under the
following heads:
S. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance
a) Wage compensation / stipend for trainees Rs.300/- per day per trainee

b) Travel allowance to trainees Rs.1500/- per trainee

c) Honorarium to Master craftsperson and For shilp gurus the honorarium will be Rs. 30,000/- per
others month and for others Rs. 25,000 per month.

d) Compensation for wastage of raw Rs.1000/- per month /per trainee


e) Tool kit to trainees Rs.2,000/- per toolkit for each trainee

f) Miscellaneous 10% of total recurring [total (a) to (e)
expenditure (stationery, telephone,
refreshments, publicity, repair of excluding the items not admitted from (a) to (e) above]
Machinery, biometric machine,
videography, etc.)

In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered as admissible for
working out the financial assistance wherever financial assistance is indicated on per day basis.

4. Training the Trainers

It is a course for master craftsperson /trainers for refreshing and honing up their skills under which the
master craftspersons /trainers are exposed to new designs, use of improved tools and new production
techniques and technologies.

The programme is organized to acquaint the trainers as well as other practicing master craftsmen with
the latest developments that have been taking place in the field of design technology and production
techniques. The programme would essentially address the issues like new design concepts, use of
improved tools, new production techniques, new technologies, Production management and costing,
Economic and commercial intelligence, Packaging etc.

Duration and participation:

• The program should be for duration of 4-8 weeks with a batch size of 20 participants. In a week
maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered as admissible for
working out the financial assistance wherever financial assistance is indicated on per day basis.

• The course will be from 144 hours to 300 hours. No course of duration less than four weeks will
be admitted. In exceptional cases the maximum duration in terms of months can be allowed to
increase by 25 percent maximum with the approval of DC(H).


• Vocational training institutions, Industrial training Institutes, polytechnics, technical and other
institutes recognized by Central Government/concerned State Government/universities and such
other affiliating bodies.

• Other organizations which are imparting vocational trainings of Ministries of Central


• Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, other institutions and organizations under central
and state governments, COHANDS, EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD, IICT, MHSC, CDI and Apex
cooperative Societies.

• NGOs (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) having experience in vocational training of
min 50 persons per year for at least three years either directly or through an institution run by the

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

• Maximum assistance of Rs. 150 per trainee per hour will be provided.

• The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H).The admissible head of
expenditure will be as follows:

S. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance

a) Space rent and infrastructure including services Rs.10,000/-

b) Fees of master craftsperson Rs.500/- per day

c) Assistant Rs.300/- per day

d) Transport allowance/Honorarium for the faculty Rs.500/- per day

e) Wage compensation/ stipend for participant Rs.400/ per day per participant trainee

f) TA for participant trainees Rs.1500/- per participant trainee

g) Development of course material Rs.25,000/-

h) Cost of raw material for the workshop Rs.1000/-per participant trainee

i) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, 10% of total recurring [total (a) to (h) excluding the
telephone, refreshments, publicity, repair, items not admitted from (a) to (h) above]
biometric machine, videography, etc.)

j) Air Fare, Boarding and Lodging, Honorarium to As per actual

foreign technologist, invited for conducting

Mode of payment
Funds will be released in two instalments, 50% as advance as first instalment and remaining on
completion of the event subject to the actual expenditure as second and final instalment in the shape of
reimbursement after receipt of requisite audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-12A format, final
report on the training programme and other required documents etc.

5. Design mentorship and apprentice program

The component aims at providing mentorship and learning to final year/graduate/post graduate students
from reputed design institutes, recognized schools of fine arts and other premiere design institutes
recognized by AICTE / UGC / CSIR / Central/State Govt. and other such affiliating bodies.

The component has the following objectives:

• To provide new designs, technology & product development to the handicraft sector

• To promote of dedicated cadre of designers and merchandisers for the handicraft sector

• To provide regular design inputs to handicrafts clusters and exporting community

• To update the sector about the changing global scenario with reference to innovative designs

• To support product development and upgrade quality

• Development & supply of market driven New / Innovative Design / Product lines

• Transforming designs into products with the help of Sr. Designers / Merchandisers

• To establish specific integrated design development approach

• To fill up the gap in the areas of Design & Product Development - the biggest constraint in
present handicraft sector

• Adoption of new design, pattern and product development on the principle of Focused Products
and Focused Markets

NCDPD, CEPC, EPCH, IICT, MHSC, NIFT, NID and other reputed design institutes running at least a
recognized degree and diploma course in designing for last three years.

Duration and participation:

6 months and 50 participants.

Financial assistance:
The amount shall be reimbursed to respective institutions with the following caps per trainee enrolled:

S. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance

a Designer Fee

- 2 International designer Rs. 60,000/- per designer per month

- 4 Domestic designer Rs.30,000/- per designer per month,

b) Apprentice allowance Rs.10,000/-per participant per month

c) Raw material Rs.2,000/-per participant

d) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, telephone, Rs.5,000/-per participant

refreshments, publicity, repair of machinery,

biometric machine, videography, etc.)

e) Travel and logistics Rs.5000/-per designer per month

f) Institutional charges Rs.4000/-per participant

Funding pattern
The amount shall be released in three instalments as indicated in the table below:

S. No. Instalments Conditions

1 1st instalment: 40% As advance

2 2nd instalment: 40% Submission of Utilisation certificate (UC) and

audited statement of expenditure for 66% of the
amount received on 1st instalment

3 3rd instalment: 20% As reimbursement after submission of UCs and

audited statement of expenditure for total
amount sanctioned

6. Reimbursement of Fees towards Education of Artisans.

Assistance will be given for reimbursement of 75% of fee towards education of SC/ST/BPL/Women
artisans. Artisans from minority community and handicapped categories may be given preference in
BPL category.

Eligible organization
NIOS, IGNOU, NSFDC and other similar bodies apart from existing agency.

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with Complete

postal Address, Mob./telephone No., e-mail
and fax.
2 Details of the Recognition of the institution
(Enclose the copy of recognition/affiliation
certificate from AICTE, Board of technical
education, NCVT etc.)
3 Name & Designation of Chief functionary
with Tel No./ Mobile no.
4 Name of other Key functionaries & their
Address & contact nos.
5 Whether the organization is engaged in the
development, promotion, & marketing of
6 Details of training scheme executed by the
organization during last three years in skill
development relevant to handicraft sector.
7 Details of infrastructure available for impart
training in craft activity including availability
of workshop/ Laboratory.
8 Whether necessary Power connection for
operating Machines and tools are available.
9 Availability of Technical and Administrative
staff for imparting training & maintenance of
Record etc.
Scheme/Project Profile
10 Venue

11 Date from which training is proposed to be

started and period.
12 Name of the craft in which training is
13 Related crafts in which training is being
imparted presently (eg. Carpentry, zari etc.)
14 Since how many years the training in related
craft is being imparted.

15 No. of artisans proposed to be trained and

16 Details of Machinery to be purchased for

strengthening of training infrastructures with
approx cost (Enclose details such as
Machinery description, specification, purpose,
unit cost, No of machines required etc. in a
separate sheet)
17 Details of machinery presently available in the
Institute relevant to proposed training
18 Systematic syllabus for training courses
indicating the period and time for theory and
practical (Week/Month based)
19 Details of trainers to be engaged for Training
20 Details of faculty to be provided by the
institute from their own sources for this
Training Programme .
Financial implications
21 Non-Recurring grant: Funds required for the
procurement and installation of machinery &

22 Fee for 2 trainers

23 Total Stipend Short term course

(@ Rs.150/- per trainee per day)
Long term course
24 Compensation for wastage of Raw material

25 Purchase of tools

26 Misc. expenditure (Stationery, telephone,

repairs of machinery etc.)
27 Administrative charges


28 Cost per trainee per hrs. (The grant shall be

limited to Rs. 95/- per trainee per hour)
Documents to be attached:-Page No. at which attached
29 Copy of valid Registration Certificate under

Proper stature.{Self attested}
30 Copy of memorandum of association & Bye-
laws of the society duly certified by
appropriate authority
31 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered
accountant) for the last three years {Self
32 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self
33 Copy of minutes of the last AGM {Self
34 Copy of the current Office bearers of the
Organization with their Full name Complete
Postal address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.
35 Copy of resolution for seeking financial
assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).
36 Name and address of Bank where
organization has its account and Account
Number. along with photocopy of the bank
pass book of last one year
37 Details of grants received from the office of
DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization
38 Details of grants received from other
central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.
39 Name of Nodal officer /project
head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.
40 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making


1. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
2. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
3. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of training scheme.
4. Certified that all efforts will be make to rehabilitate the trainees gainfully.
Signature (with rubber stamp)

E. Recommendation of the O/o DC(H) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director with full justification taking of the
training scheme.

Signature (with rubber stamp)

Organization profile:-

1 Name and address of the Institution/

Organization (with PIN ,Fax& Phone/Mobile
no. / e mail id)
2 Registration no., date of validity and act under
which it is registered
3 Name & designation of Chief functionary
with Tel No./ Mobile no. / e mail id
4 Whether the organization is engaged in the
development, promotion, & marketing of
5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the
objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization
6 Details of training scheme executed by the
organization during last three years and
number of beneficiaries per course (attach
separate sheet with details)
Scheme/Project Profile
7 Name of the craft / skill in which training is
8 Objective of the program

9 Period and duration of training program

10 Complete details of the training premises &

its address.
11 No. of artisans proposed to be trained along
with their list.
12 Details of Master Trainer

13 Date of starting the training/Completion

14 Curriculum (On Weekly / hourly basis)

15 Expected outcome

Financial implications
16 Duration of training course ( in month/ hours)
17 No. of trainees per course (20)

18 Space rent including infrastructure and

19 Wages compensation/stipend for 20 trainees
@ Rs. 150/- per day/Per trainee
20 Fee for 2 Master trainer’s

21 Rental for carpet looms (if applicable)

22 Equipments and tools

23 Compensation for wastage of Raw material

24 Hand holding support

25 Institutional charges per batch including

admn. expenses
26 Misc expenses(10 % 0f 18 to 25)


27 Cost per trainee per hrs. (The grant shall be

limited to Rs. 95/- per trainee per hour)
Documents to be attached:-
28 Copy of valid Registration Certificate under
Proper stature.{Self attested}
29 Copy of memorandum of association & Bye-
laws of the society duly certified by
appropriate authority
30 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered
accountant) for the last three years {Self
31 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self
32 Copy of the current Office bearers of the
Organization with their Full name Complete
Postal address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.
33 Copy of minutes of the last AGM{Self
34 Copy of resolution for seeking financial
assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).
35 Name and address of Bank where
organization has its account and Account
Number along with photocopy of the bank
pass book of last one year

36 Details of grants received from the office of
DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization
37 Details of grants received from other
Central/State Govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.
38 Name of Nodal officer /project
head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.
39 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certificate from the organization

1. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
2. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the sam purpose.
3. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of training programme as per provision of the scheme and its guide lines.
4. Certified that all efforts will be make to rehabilitate the trainees gainfully.

Signature (with rubber stamp)

A. Recommendation of the O/o DC(H) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director with full justification taking of the
training scheme
B. Certified that the list of the participants submitted by the organization are block makers/mould makers/
pattern makers etc.

Signature (with rubber stamp)

Organization profile:-

1 Name and address of the Institution/

Organization (with PIN ,Fax& Phone/Mobile
no./e mail id)

2 Registration no., date of validity and act under

which it is registered

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No./ Mobile no. / e mail id

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization.

6 Details of training scheme executed by the

organization during last three years and
number of beneficiaries per course (attach
separate sheet with details)

Scheme/Project Profile

7 Name of the craft/skill in which training is


8 Objective of the program

9 Period and duration of training program

10 Complete details of the training premises &

its address.

11 No. of artisans proposed to be trained along

with their list.

12 List of Resource Persons with their

professional expertise.
(i) No of Resource Person Required
(ii) Topic to be covered on daily basis.

13 Date of starting the training / Completion

14 Curriculum (On Weekly basis) / on daily basis

15 Expected outcome

Financial implications

16 Duration of training course (in hours )

17 No. of trainees per course (20)

18 Space rent including infrastructure and

services Rs. 5000/Week

19 Wages compensation/stipend for 20 trainees

@ Rs. 150/- per day Per trainee
TA for out station trainees.(Max. 1500 subject
to actual which ever is less.)

20 TA for trainer’s/ Resource

persons./Honorarium Rs. 10,000/- Per Trainer

21 Boarding /lodging for trainer’s/ Resource

persons.(Max.1000/-p.d ./ trainer)

22 Documentation /study materials. Rs. 20,000/-

23 Misc expenses (10% 0f 18 to 22) Stationery,

telephone, refreshment, publicity,
videography .etc)


24 Cost per trainee per hrs. (The grant shall be

limited to Rs. 95/- per trainee per hour)

Documents to be attached:-

25 Copy of valid Registration Certificate under

Proper stature.{Self attested}

26 Copy of memorandum of association & Bye-

laws of the society duly certified by
appropriate authority

27 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered

accountant) for the last three years {Self

28 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self


29 Copy of the current Office bearers of the
Organization with their Full name Complete
Postal address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.

30 Copy of minutes of the last AGM{Self


31 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

32 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account
Number along with photocopy of the bank
pass book of last one year

33 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

34 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

35 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

36 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certification from the organization

a) Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries

b) Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose

c) Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the
responsibility for the successful completion of training programme as per provision of the scheme and its
guide lines.

d) Certified that all efforts will be made to rehabilitate the trainees gainfully.

(with rubber stamp)Of authorised signatory

Recommendation of the O/o DC(H) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director with full justification taking of the
training scheme.


Signature (with rubber stamp)


Profile of the Craftsperson

1 Name of Craftsperson

2 Fathers / Husband Name & full address of the

Master craftsmen with Mob. no.

3 Recognition received (Shilpguru, National

Award, National Merit Certificate, State
Award etc.)

4 Indicate year of the award and craft in which

award was given.

5 No. of training run by the same Master

craftsperson previously/year-wise

6 Whether SC/ST/PH/Minority/OBC

7 Age

8 Sex

9 Status of Health

10 Experience in years

Scheme profile:-

11 Name of the craft in which Training is


12 Complete address of Training premises

13 No. of trainees proposed to be trained with list

14 Duration of training with full justification

15 Timing of training

16 Date from which training is proposed to be


17 List of tool used in the craft with approx. cost

18 List of improved tools to be provided With

list and approx cost

Financial Implication:-

19 Duration of training course (2-6 months)

20 No. of artisans per course -15

21 Master craftsperson-01

22 Wage compensation for 15 artisans @ Rs.

150/-per day per artisans for……months

23 Hon. to Master craftsperson (Shiliguru /

National Level Craft Person) @ Rs. 30,000/.
per month for other Rs. 25,000/- per month.

24 Raw material compensation subject to a

maximum of Rs 1000/-per month per trainee.

25 Tool kit (max. Rs. 2000 per tool kit per


26 Misc Expenses (10 % of 22 to 25) (for

Stationery, telephone, refreshment, publicity,
videography .etc)


Documents to be attached:-

a. Copy of award certificates-Self attested

b. SC/ST/PH/OBC certificates-Self attested

c. Syllabus for training

d. List of tool kit with price

e. UID no.(ADHAR)

f. Name and address of Bank and account no.

Certificate for the Master crafts person:

1. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts.

2. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other course for this programme.

3. There will be no repetition of trainees.

4. Certified that the tool kit price indicated is reasonable.

5. Certified that the scheme has been duly explained to me and I understood my responsibility fully well

Date: Signature of Master crafts person

Recommendation of the Regional Director/Asstt. Director with full justification taking of the training scheme.

Signature (with rubber stamp)

Organization Profile:-

1 Name and address of the Institution/

Organization (with PIN ,Fax& Phone/Mobile
no./e mail id)

2 Registration no., date of validity and act under

which it is registered

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No./ Mobile no. / e mail id

4 Name of other Key functionaries & their

Address & contact nos.

5 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

6 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

7 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

8 Area of Operation

9 Experience in undertaking specialized training

Programmes for Trainers.

10 Whether previous grants sanctioned by this

office have been utilized and accounts

11 Details of training scheme executed by the

organization during last three years and
number of beneficiaries per course (attach
separate sheet with details)

Scheme/ Project Profile

12 Name of the craft in which training is


13 Complete details of the training premises &

its address.

14 No. of artisans proposed to be trained along
with their list.

15 Bio-data Master Trainer with experience in

relevant field.

16 Details of Infrastructure available for such

training including machines ,tools&

17 Date of starting the training

18 Curriculum (On Weekly basis) indicating time

for theory and practicals.

C. Financial implications

19 Duration of training course ( in hours)

20 No. of trainees per course 20

21 Space rent and infrastructural and services Rs.


22 Wages compensation for 20 trainees @ Rs.

150/- per day per trainee

23 Master craft person’s fee @ Rs.500/- per day

24 Assistant master craft person’s fee @

Rs.300/- per day

25 Transport allowance/ honorarium for

faculty@ Rs.500/- per day .

26 TA for Participants (outside) Rs. 1500/-


27 Development of course material Rs. 25,000/-

28 Cost of raw material expenses Rs. 1000/- Per

Participant trainee

29 Misc expenses (10% of 3 to 10) towards

stationery, telephone, refreshments,

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

30 Copy of valid Registration Certificate under

Proper stature.{Self attested

31 Copy of memorandum of association & Bye-

laws of the society duly certified by
appropriate authority

32 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered

accountant) for the last three years {Self

33 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self


34 Copy of minutes of the last AGM{Self


35 Copy of the current Office bearers of the

Organization with their Full name Complete
Postal address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.

36 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

37 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account
Number. along with photocopy of the bank
pass book of last one year

38 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

39 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

40 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

41 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making


Certificate from the organization

1. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.

2. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the sam purpose.

3. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of training programme.

4. Certified that all efforts will be made to rehabilitate the trainees gainfully.

Signature(with rubber stamp)

A. Recommendation of the O/o DC(H) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director with full justification taking of
the training scheme

B. Certified that the list of the participants submitted by the organization are actually practicing block
makers/mould makers/ pattern makers etc.

Signature(with rubber stamp)

Organization Profile:-

1 Name and address of the Institution/ Organization

(with PIN ,Fax& Phone/Mobile no./ e mail id)

2 Registration no., date of validity and act under

which it is registered

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel

No./ Mobile no./ e mail id

4 Whether the organization is engaged in imparting

design and technology related training relevant to
craft sector.

5 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

6 Details of training and Designing course being run

at present appropriate to Handicrafts sector.

7 Experience in undertaking specialized training

Programmes for Designers preparing them for
craft sector

8 Details of training scheme executed by the

organization during last three years and number of
beneficiaries per course (attach separate sheet with

Scheme/ Project Profile

9 Name of the crafts in which training is proposed

and duration.

10 Complete details of the training premises & its


11 No. of Designers proposed to be trained along with

their list. 50

12 Bio-data of Design consultant (Domestic/

International) with experience in relevant field.

13 Details of Infrastructure available for such training

including machines, tools & technology.

14 Date of starting the training

15 Curriculum (On Weekly basis) indicating

separately time for theory and practical.

Financial implications

16 Duration of training course 6 month

17 No. of trainees per course 50

18 Designer fee for (a.) Domestic Designer

Rs. 30 000/- per designer per month (b.)
International Designer Rs. 60 000/- per month per

19 Apprentice allowance(@Rs.5000/-per designer per


20 Raw material @(max Rs.2000/-per designer)

21 Travel & logistics (@ INR 5000/-per designer per


22 Institutional charges max. Rs. 4000/-per

participants .

23 Misc expenses(stationery, telephone, Publicity,

refreshments, videography, etc.)


Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

24 Copy of valid Registration Certificate under

Proper stature.{Self attested

25 Copy of memorandum of association & Bye-laws

of the society duly certified by appropriate

26 Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered

accountant) for the last three years {Self attested}

27 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self


28 Copy of minutes of the last AGM {Self attested}

29 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from office of DC

30 Name and address of Bank where organization has

its account and Account Number. along with
photocopy of the bank pass book of last one year

31 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status
of utilization

32 Details of grants received from other central/state
govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

33 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

Certificate from the organization

1. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
2. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
3. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for successful
completion of training programme.
4. Certified that all efforts will be made to rehabilitate the trainees gainfully.

Signature(with rubber stamp)

A. Recommendation of the O/o DC(H) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director with full justification taking of the training

B. Certified that the list of the participants submitted by the organization is block makers/mould makers/ pattern makers etc.

Signature(with rubber stamp)
Name/Designation/ Address


It has been observed that every year more applications are received than the Target fixed for each
Region for Financial Assistance under GSP. As per the decision taken in the Screening
Committee Meetings for the proposals received in HQs Office the following decision was taken in
order to provide fair opportunity to all eligible Master Craft Persons.

1. First Priority may be given to those Shilp Guru (SG),National Awardee (NA) and National Merit
Certificate (NMC) holder who have not received any program during the last 3 years.

2. After that applications of those SG, NA, NMC holder may be considered who have got only 1
training program in last three years.

3. Thereafter those State Awardee (SA) may be considered who have not got any training program in
the last three years.

4. After that those SG/NA/NMC holder may be considered who have got 2 trainee program during the
last three years.

5. After completing the above process if any quota is left that may be given to SA who has got 1
training program in the last three years.

Besides if any crafts man practising in languishing craft or handicapped or from such State where there
is no SG/NA/NMC/SA from the State may also be considered.

Sanction No. Dated

1. Unspent amount will be surrendered by the end of financial year unless it is diverted to or utilized
for purpose other than which it sanctioned.

2. The account shall be audited by Registered Chartered Account or recognized body or by an

Auditor will submit audited statement of accounts /performance report and other documents
etc. within a month from the date of completion of the project.

3. The beneficiary organization/institution shall sent to the Govt. a statement of accounts, duly
audited together with the auditors certificate that the conditions attached to the grant are being
fulfilled ( or giving the details of the branches of those conditions) . The statements of accounts
may be countersigned by a responsible officer of the beneficiaries, institution as well.

4. The grant shall not be diverted to or utilized for purpose other than that for which are sanctioned
that execution of the schemes for which the grant is made shall not be entrusted to another
instruction or organization without prior permission of the office of the Development
Commissioner (Handicrafts) Expenditure in this behalf will be incurred by the beneficiary

5. The beneficiaries institution shall submit to the Govt. such report statement etc. in respect of a
expenditure from the grant as and when required and that there has not been any violation or
diversion of funds.

6. The beneficiaries, institution will submit its accounts for audit promptly whenever required to do
so whether there complete or not.

7. The beneficiaries institution shall maintain a register in form GFR-12 A of the permanent assets
acquired wholly or mainly out of this Govt. grant and copy there of shall be furnished to the Govt.
annually by the end of June following the financial year to which it relates to the register of assets
shall be available for open to scrutiny by audit.

8. The beneficiaries’ institution undertakes to be the governed by all the conditions of the grants and

9. The assets acquired wholly or substantially out of Govt. grant in aid should not without the prior
sanctioned of Central Govt. is disposed of encumbered or Utilize purpose other than these for
which the grant was sanctioned.

10. A performance- cum- achievement report will be submitted by the grantee within the time frame
maintained in the sanctioned order.

11. The beneficiaries’ institution is also bound by the conditioned that assets like machinery
building………………….. etc. acquired wholly or substantially out of Govt. grant would not ,
without the prior sanctioned of the Govt. dispose of encumber or utilize for the purpose other

than those for which the grants where sanctioned. Failure to abide by any of the above conditions
is liable to for fit the right to the machinery, building etc.

12. The beneficiaries’ institution will submit a quarterly progress report physical progress made and
expenditure incurred in each quarter ending March, June, September& December each year.

13. The project should be completed within time frame on receipt of the grant failing which the
grant sanctioned will be recovered with penal interest.

14. The beneficiary institution will work under the HRD continuously for five year or till project
assigned to them will be completed in all respect.

15. The beneficiary institution would not take or obtain funds from any other source/ agency for the
activities under the scheme as approved and sanctioned.

16. Institute have its own and adequate financial resources to ensure unhindered implementation of the
activities as the pattern of release of funds after the first installment may include further release
as reimbursement.

17. That the organization is not black listed by this office or any other Central/State Govt., accepted
the above terms & conditions.

Accepted the Terms & Conditions

Sing and Stamp


(i) Urban Haat

The objective of this component is to setup a permanent marketing infrastructure in big towns/
metropolitan cities to provide direct marketing facilities to the handicrafts artisans/handloom weavers.
This will enable them to sell their products round the year to a wider target audience (or customer
segment). Another important feature of the Haat is that there will be adequate number of stalls selling
authentic Indian cuisine of various regions in the country by rotation. The Food & Craft Bazaar will
provide leisure & recreational facilities for domestic as well as international tourists on the lines of Dilli
Haat, which has already attained a prominent status amongst important domestic & international buyers/
tourists. The haat shall be constructed in an area of not less than 8,000 sq. m. and will have a display
gallery, food court etc. The stalls are allotted to artisans on rotational basis on a nominal rent. In
addition, weavers can also participate in this scheme. . The implementing agencies will be encouraged
to form SPVs with active participation of the various agencies dealing with promotion of Tourism,
Culture, Food, Processing Industry, etc., involving the tour operators, hotel operators in addition to
those dealing with handloom and handicrafts for broad basing and ensure utilisation of facilities for long
duration for management and day-to-day running of the same. The implementing agency will be
required to sign Memorandum of understanding specifying quantified deliverables.

The scheme will be implemented through State Handicrafts/Handlooms Development
Corporations/Tourism Development Corporations/Urban Local Bodies with sufficient financial
resources and organizational capacity to implement the project.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for urban haat is INR 300 lakh for each unit.
• 80% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC(H) and 20% will be contributed
by the implementing agency
• Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the 20 %
contribution by the implementing agency.
• Assistance will also be given for strengthening of existing urban haats subject to a maximum
financial limit of Rs 1.50 cr. 100% Govt. Assistance.

(ii) Mini Urban Haat

The objective of this component is to setup a permanent marketing infrastructure in towns as well as on
established tourist circuits in the form of way-side amenities to provide direct marketing facilities to the
handicrafts artisans/handloom weavers to enable them to sell their products round the year and to a
wider target audience (or customer segment). The mini urban haat will have at-least 10 stalls and an
area of not less than 1000 sq mt. . The implementing agencies will be encouraged to form SPVs with
active participation of the various agencies dealing with promotion of Tourism, Culture, Food,
Processing Industry, etc., involving the tour operators, hotel operators in addition to those dealing with
handloom and handicrafts for broad basing and ensure utilisation of facilities for long duration for
management and day-to-day running of the same. At the time of scrutiny of the proposals, the
implementing agency will be asked to submit the Detailed Project Report [DPR] containing such
elements as management and maintenance scheme, source of funding, revenue model, etc. The
implementing agency will be required to sign Memorandum of understanding specifying quantified

The agencies like Handicrafts/Handloom Development Corporations, Tourism Development
Corporations, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, etc., with sufficient financial resources
and organizational capacity to implement such projects will be eligible for assistance under the scheme.
The implementing agencies will be encouraged to form SPVs for management and day-to-day running
of the same. At the time of scrutiny of the proposals, the implementing agency will be asked to submit
the Detailed Project Report [DPR] containing such elements as management and maintenance scheme,
source of funding, revenue model, etc.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for the Mini Urban Haat is INR 200 lakh for each unit.

• 80% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 20% will be contributed
by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling.

• In case of NER, 90% of the admissible amount will be contributed by the O/o the DC (H) and
10% shall be borne by the implementing agency.

• Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the 20/10%
contribution by the implementing agency.

(iii) Emporia
Under this component, assistance would be provided for the setting up of emporia. These would be
setup in commercially viable locations in the implementing agencies’ own/rented building.

The agencies like Handicrafts/Handloom Development Corporations, Tourism Development
Corporations, Central/State Institutions, Trade Promotion Bodies, Artisan Federations, Panchayati Raj
Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, etc., with sufficient financial resources and organizational capacity to
implement such projects will be eligible for assistance under the scheme. The implementing agency will
give due recoginiton to Central Government contribution to the project in its premises.

Financial assistance and funding pattern
• The financial ceiling for emporia will be as mentioned in the table below:

Component Proposed per unit cost (INR lakh)

New emporia, class A Town 50

New emporia, class B Town 40

New emporia in rented building 15

• 50% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 50% will be contributed
by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling specified in above table.

(iv) Marketing and Sourcing Hubs in Urban Areas

(iv) (a) Marketing and Sourcing hubs in metros
It is proposed to setup Marketing Complexes (Hubs) for handicrafts in Metropolitan Cities like
Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore etc. on the concept of “One Stop Shopping”. It will provide a
marketing platform to the wholesaler/retailers/consumers and foreign buyers to reach the potential target
segment by showcasing the entire range of handicrafts products. Office of DC (H) will provide support
towards cost of construction and interior work for the proposed Marketing Hub.


The agencies like Handicrafts/Handloom Development Corporations, Tourism Development

Corporations, Export Promotion Councils, Trade Promotion Bodies, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban
Local Bodies, etc., with sufficient financial resources and organizational capacity to implement such
projects will be eligible for assistance under the scheme.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for setting up a marketing hub facility is INR 1000 lakh

• 40% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 60% will be contributed
by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling specified in above table. Towards this end, an
SPV between the implementing agency and CCIC/HHEC, who will represent Central
Government share in the project, will be formed, and appropriate revenue sharing/space
provisioning arrangement between implementing agency and CCIC/HHEC, as the case may be,
will be worked out and approved by the PAMC.

• Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the 60 %
contribution by the implementing agency.
(iv) (b) Marketing and Sourcing Hub in non-metros
It is proposed to setup Sourcing Hubs in major craft clusters, towns and cities with the objective of
providing a marketing platform for the buyers. This will enable them to source their requirements,
round the year, from the producers from clusters in that area. At present there is no such platform and as
a result on the one hand buyers are facing problem in sourcing their requirements for domestic and
international markets whereas on the other hand the producers are not aware of the markets for their
products. This facility will support in enhancing the production and sales from the cluster and also aid in
generating productive employment in the respective areas in and around such hubs. These hubs will be
setup on PPP mode.

The agencies like Handicrafts/Handloom Development Corporations, Tourism Development
Corporations, Export Promotion Councils, Trade Promotion Bodies, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban
Local Bodies, etc., with sufficient financial resources and organizational capacity to implement such
projects will be eligible for assistance under the scheme.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for setting up a marketing hub in non-metro will be INR 500 lakh

• 40% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 60% will be contributed
by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling specified in above table. Towards this end, an
SPV between the implementing agency and CCIC/HHEC, who will represent Central
Government share in the project, will be formed, and appropriate revenue sharing/space
provisioning arrangement between implementing agency and CCIC/HHEC, as the case may be,
will be worked out and approved by the PAMC.

• Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the 60%
contribution by the implementing agency

(v) Design and Craft Schools

This component is being introduced to fill up the lacuna of absence of an organized formal institutional
set up at any level in the country for imparting craft related skills. Office of DC (H) has taken an effort
to strengthen institutional set up in each state throughout the country with the initiative of State.

The schools would conduct education programs to offer professional design and craft instructions across
a wide range of age groups, from traditional to contemporary and for various levels of skill and

The main objective of the school is to achieve all round development in the field of Handicrafts and to
revive the Languishing crafts with the help of training and to provide maximum employment
opportunities to the traditional and non-traditional craftsmen for the constant progress of the handicrafts.
• Central/State corporations and Central /State level institutions.
• Reputed Design Institutions
• Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies
• SPV of Handicraft Entrepreneurs.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for the component shall be INR 250 lakh.

• The financial assistance will be 100% from GOI to Central/State corporations and institutions

• The financial assistance will be 50% from GOI to reputed design institutions and SPV of
Handicraft Entrepreneurs. The remaining 50% contribution will be from the implementing

• Land or building for the school will be provided by the implementing agencies and will be over
and above the 50% contribution by the implementing agency

• The assistance would be available for cost of construction, Design Gallery, CAD centre, Plant
and Machinery, Equipments and Tools, Furniture and fixtures, Display structure and Interior

(vi) Handicrafts Museum

The objective of the handicrafts museum is to establish a platform through which India’s heritage
traditional arts and craft can be popularized amongst artists, scholars, designers and the interested
public. The primary objective of the Museum is to collect and preserve objects exhibiting exquisiteness
in craftsmanship and conceptual innovations in design or its functional aspects.


The agencies like Handicrafts/Handloom Development Corporations, Tourism Development

Corporations, Central/State Institutions, Trade Promotion Bodies, Artisan Federations, SPVs of
handicraft entrepreneurs/exporters etc., with sufficient financial resources and organizational capacity to
implement such projects will be eligible for assistance under the scheme. The implementing agency to
give due recoginiton to Central Government contribution to the project in its premises.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The funding shall on actual subject to a maximum of INR 100 lakh for each museum.

• The amount shall be for setting up of new museum and also for up gradation of existing museum
as per need assessment.

• The financial assistance will be 100% from GOI for Central/State corporations and institutions.

• The financial assistance will be 50% from GOI for reputed design institutions, artisans’
federations and SPV of Handicraft Entrepreneurs.

(vii) Design Banks

The design bank is to be established with the objective of having a collection of designs in electronic
form and these digitized designs should be made available to various users groups to enable them to
diversify/innovate and also customize products according to the domestic / international market needs.
These banks shall also provide details of availability of raw material, technology required, skilled
human resource and cluster from where these innovative products can be sourced/ produced.

The assistance would be provided to institutions like NIFT, NID, IICT, BCDI, MHSC, NCDPD, SIDC,
the agencies like Handicrafts/Handloom Development Corporations, Tourism Development
Corporations etc., with sufficient financial resources and organizational capacity to implement such
projects will be eligible for assistance under the scheme.

Funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for the total amount to be sanctioned for each Design Bank is INR
60 lakh.

• The assistance will be in the form of 100% assistance from Office of DC (H).

(viii) Craft Based Resource Center

The objective of this centre is to create an institutional mechanism to provide a single window solution
in an identified craft for comprehensive handholding in the following aspects:

• Technical & Technological information

• Marketing Intelligence

• Enterprise Development

• Micro Finance Activity

• Reporting/ Monitoring evaluation/ Experience share

• Product Information

• Raw material information

• Cluster/ producer information

The partner can be a reputed NGO/ federation of artisans/Government corporations and autonomous
bodies/Council/Apex bodies, an SPV promoted by banks,financial institutions and corporate bodies,

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The ceiling for the total amount to be sanctioned for each resource center is INR 100 lakh.

• The assistance will be in the form of 70% assistance from Office of DC (H) subject to the ceiling
mentioned above and 30% will be contributed by the implementing agency.

(ix) Common Facility Center

The objective of the common facility center is to ensure economy of scale, price competitiveness,
quality control, application of Design and Technology input on continuous basis, scope of product
diversification and higher unit value realization and compliance with WTO compatible standards. Such
a common facility will lead to significant reductions in the cost of production, production of a
diversified range of high value products, sample development, reduction in the response times in order
execution and ensure high quality of final products.

• Reputed NGOs, Apex cooperative societies, Trusts.


• Central/ State Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporations and other related Govt.
Corporations/ agencies promoted by State Government or Financial Institutions.

• Trade Promotion Bodies

• Federation of artisans/ SHGs /SPVs promoted by entrepreneurs, Designers, Exporters.

• Organizations registered under section 25 of Company act (Non profit), etc.

• Organizations registered under statute of state/ central govt., for sustainable development of

• Trusts of Handicraft Artisans,

• Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, etc.

Funding pattern:

• The financial ceiling for setting up a common facility center is INR 300 lakh.
• The financial assistance by the Office of DC (H) shall be 70% subject to the ceiling specified
above. In case of CFCs under AHVY, financial assistance will be 100%.

• Assistance will also be available for upgradation/ strengthening of existing CFCs with a
maximum of Rs 200 lakhs (70% of the total project cost)

S. No. Expenditure Item Funds Permissible (INR Lakhs)

1) Building (Land to be provided either by Beneficiaries or by 50.00
States Govt./Panchayat)*
2) Tools Machinery and Equipment related to production and 225.00
testing including computer installations, packaging etc.
3) Fixed Assets 4.50
4) Expenditure towards training of machine operators 5.00
5) Contingency 3.00
6) Erection and commissioning 12.50
Total 300.00

* The CFC can also be set up in a rented/leased premise. In such case, maximum rent @ 20000 per
month will be granted for a period of three years, in the form of 100% GOI grant.

(x) Raw Material Depot

Aim of this component is to make easy availability of quality, certified and graded raw material to the
artisans/entrepreneur at a reasonable rate.


• Government autonomous bodies/Council/Apex bodies, an SPV promoted by banks/financial

institutions and Corporate bodies, State Handloom & Handicraft Corporations /Exporter
bodies/SPVs of Exporters/association of exporters, DRDAs, Urban Local Bodies,etc. registered
under relevant acts, federation of artisans.

• It is to be managed by the private sector in a partnership mode with Government (PPP). A core
committee may be created for supervising and policy related matters. Core committee should
consist of representatives of all the stakeholders. The committee will frame the modalities and
ensure proper & bonafide rotation/ distribution of raw material, fair pricing etc.

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

• The financial ceiling for a raw material bank is INR 200 lakh, and out of this INR 50 lakh will
be earmarked for setting up of godown.

• In respect of State/Central Corporations and any government bodies, funding will be 100% by
the GOI and other cases the funding will be on the pattern of 70% by GOI and 30% by
implementing agency.
• The GOI assistance shall be provided to the eligible body in staggered manner for capital

• An MOU will be signed between the grantee and Office of the Development Commissioner
(Handicrafts) incorporating different aspects related to functioning of Raw Material Bank.
Accordingly, the yearly targets to be achieved in terms of physical & financial parameters will
be fixed and in case of non – achievement, the Govt. will forfeit the raw material to the extent of
grants released.

• Further for a period of five years, yearly quantitative increase in corpus/stock of raw material in
may be fixed depending on the raw material which will be indicative of functionality of Raw
Material Bank.

Mode of payment:

• The Organization / Implementing agency first has to submit a project report indicating the
management structure, inventory management, financial support available, channel for
distribution & its mechanism etc. Depending on the report the financial support & its extent may
be decided. At the most the grant may be released in 4 installments.

• 1st installment of maximum 50 lakh will be released for setting up of godown.

• 2nd installment of subject to a maximum of INR 50 lakh shall be released once the agency has
constructed the godown.

• 3rd installment of INR 50 lakh will be released when the actual rotation of capital has been
100% of the 2nd installment and at least a 5% increase in the raw material corpus in terms of
quantity has been achieved.

• 4th installment of INR 50 lakh will be released once the total capital rotation of 100% of the
total grant sanctioned (2nd & 3rd installment) has been achieved. In other words, if the value of
raw material off take from the Raw Material Bank is achieved to the tune of 100% of the amount
of grant released and if the earnings/ increase in the value of the corpus of raw material is 10%
of the initial corpus, the total grant provided will be considered as utilized if the total off take
after 4th installment becomes equal to 110% of the total grant released and corpus has increased
by 15%.

(xi) Technology Upgradation Assistance to Exporters/ Entrepreneurs

The objective is to extend the technological up gradation facility to exporters/entrepreneurs. The facility
center should be an infrastructure with modern machinery including packaging machinery to support
product, productivity, quality, etc.

Exporters and Entrepreneurs.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The maximum amount of funds to be sanctioned is INR 60 lakh for each facility centre.

• The financial pattern would be based on 30:70 sharing between the Government of India through
the Office of the D.C (H) and the Exporters/ Entrepreneurs respectively.

• MOU between exporters/entrepreneurs and Government of India (GOI) will be signed before
release of funds.

(xii) Testing Laboratories

In order to standardize / certify raw materials/products, it is proposed to

• set up new labs,

• Strengthen existing labs.
• The objective is to offer total Testing and Quality Assurance support for handicrafts
• Exporter bodies, EPCH, CEPC, state corporations
• CSIR and Textiles Committee

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial assistance would be in the form of Grant-in-aid with a ceiling of INR 100 lakh for
each testing laboratory.

• This grant would be in the form of 100% through the Office of the D.C (H) to the eligible
institute/ organization.

(xiii) Crafts Village

Craft village is a modern day concept wherein craft promotion and tourism are being taken up at single
location. Artisans live and work at the same place and are also provided with the opportunity to sell
their products thereby ensuring livelihood. Craft items are exhibited as well as sold here.

The O/o DC (H) would provide assistance both towards improving infrastructure in existing villages
where a substantial number of craftsmen practicing similar crafts are residing and also setting up of new
villages where craftsperson can be rehabilitated. The aim would be to select villages that can be
connected with some tourist circuit to ensure sale of products. Under this component office of DCH will
fund improvements/creation of infrastructure which would include roads, sewerage, water, street lights,
footpaths, housing cum workshed, shops and display areas. These will be undertaken by the
implementing agency and the craftsmen will be rehabilitated with new worksheds and display areas.

The display areas will be in form of stalls where the artisans can sell their product. Each project will be
approved by a committee headed by the Secretary.

State and central Government organization/ corporations/ state institutions/ Local government bodies,
Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, SPVs of entrepreneurs/exporters, federation of

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The financial ceiling for the total amount sanctioned per unit will be INR 1000 lakh.

• The funding pattern will be 70% by GOI and 30% by implementing agency and in case of
government agencies 100% by GOI.

• Land will be provided by implementing agency and it will be over and above its 30%
contribution, attributed in the funding pattern.

(xiv) Integrated Handicraft Park

The establishment of an Integrated Handicraft Park will provide a permanent platform for the bringing
together of the urban populace and crafts communities. The purpose of setting up of Park is to setup an
integrated facility which would facilitate the production, finishing, packaging and sale of craft articles.

In the campus of the Handicraft Park, the following facilities shall be provided:

• Training facilities
• Work shed cum housing,
• Dormitory for Ladies & Gents,
• Raw material bank
• Warehouse
• Common Convention Centre,
• Common facility centre
• Guest House
• Common effluent treatment facilities
• Display areas/Shops/Showrooms
• Other basic infrastructure facilities such as internal roads, electric supply, water supply,
boundary wall etc.

Artisan federation/ SPVs promoted Exporters and entreprenuers/ Industry and trade promotion bodies/
Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, State and Central Government Corporations.

Financial assistance and funding pattern
• The financial ceiling for the total amount sanctioned per unit will be INR 2500 lakh.

Mode of payment:
• The funding pattern will follow 40:60 ratio, with 40% funded by government and 60% borne by
implementing agency.

• Land will be provided by implementing agency over and above its 60% contribution, attributed
in funding pattern.

(xv) Construction of office buildings & revitalizing existing institutions,

restructuring of regional design and technical centres, setting up of
Hastkala Academy, construction of craft and office Complexes at Vasant
Kunj and Okhla and any other infrastructure to be created at
departmental level
This is proposed to be undertaken as a departmental activity. Need based projects would be devised for
each activity i.e. either restructuring or revitalizing of the existing institutions and / or field / regional


i) Each project will be approved on the basis of DPR by the competent authority (Secretary (T) and
HMOT for projects upto Rs 100 Cr.). The amount for each project, the funding pattern, the
components of funding etc. will be decided by the competent authority on case to case basis.

ii) For projects involving outlay of Rs. 10.00 crores or above, there should be a Project Approval &
Monitoring Committee [PAMC] under the Chairpersonship of Secretary [Textiles]. The PAMC
will have representative from IFW, Planning Commission, Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of

iii) For projects below Rs. 10.00 crores, the PAMC will be chaired by DC [HC]. The PAMC should
include representative from IFW.

iv) Apart from the eligible agencies mentioned against various components of the scheme, the PAMC
may also consider to include any other agency if it so deemed fit as eligible implementing agency
for any intervention under the scheme.

v) Evaluation studies to be got conducted and its findings to be submitted to PAMC from time to

vi) GOI funding shall not be used for financing procurement of land.

Implementation strategy for Infrastructure projects.

For each Infrastructure projects under the components under infrastructure support, DPR shall be
prepared. Financial assistance for preparation of DPR will be provided @ of 2% of the project cost upto
a maximum Rs. 2.00 Lakhs per project. Recurring expenditure will be borne by the implementing
agencies. However, at the time of appraisal, PAMC can allow funding for recurring expenditure for a
maximum of two years in deserving cases.

The timelines shall be decided based on the DPR submitted by the implementing agency.

Proforma for Submission of Proposal for Urban Haat
a) Name of implementing agency
b) Full Address of its Hqrs.
c) Telephone No.
d) Fax No.
e) Authorized persons(with designation)
For correspondence

Location of the proposed Haat

a) Complete postal address
b) Approach Road
c) Site Map showing boundaries
And approach road
d) A brief note on locations suitability
For the purpose

A brief note on the city viz. a viz.population, tradition, historical background, tourism, influx of
visitors/buying capacity/Handicrafts & Handlooms Export etc. be submitted.

Land Particulars:
a) Total area of the land against Standard requirement of 8000 sq.mtrs.
b) Document in support of ownership/
Lease etc. in favour of the agency
c) If the land has been offered by State
Govt. etc. the details/supporting papers
Be submitted.
d) If land is still to be possessed the progress
thereof with reference to agreement etc. be

Design/Construction Plan:
a) Whether the proposed layout reflects
Local construction culture, if so, how
b) Proposed total construction/
covered area in square meter
c) Proposed total open area to
create ambience for Haat concept
d) Plantation and greeneries concept
e) Details of construction with carpet
Area of each unit x No. of units:

i) Office
ii) Store
iii) Exhibition Hall =
iv) Stalls = 50 to 80
v) Pavilion
vi) No. of food stalls (plumbering, Contours& space for kitchen)
vii) Souvenir Shop
viii) Meeting/Conference Room
ix) Stage for cultural programme.
x) Dormitory for stay of craft person.

f) Complete architectural map of the

Haat with a brief write up

g) Cost of the Project to be evaluated

By a Chartered Engineer:
a. Site Development
b. Building
c. Sanitary/water supply
d. Electricals
e. Plant/Machinery
f. Furniture & Fixture
g. Vehicles
h. Operating supplies
i. Pre-operative/organization expenses
j. Technical consultant fees
k. Contingencies
l. Working capital margin
m. Any other expenses

a. Target date of completion of project.

e) Means of Finance:
i. Cost of land (to be borne by the IA)
ii. Total cost of the project (excluding land cost)
iii. 80% of the total cost or 80% of
i. Rs.300.00 lakh, whichever is less,
ii. to be borne by the O/o DC(Handicraft)
iv. Balance of the total cost to be born
i. by the implementing agency,
ii. along with escalated cost, if any.

Documents to be submitted
1. Audited balance sheet of last three years.
2. Annual report of last year.
3. Minutes of last AGM.
4. Memorandum of Association & By-laws.
5. Registration Certificate.
6. Affidavit that organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black-
listed by any central/state agencies.
7. Name, Address, Phone./ Mob. No. of Nodal officer.
8. Approved architectural plan of urban haat.
9. Estimated cost of Project sub-head wise dully verified by chartered engineer.
10. Letter from state Govt./agency about their commitment to provide fund in excess of 70
11. View map of urban haat.
12. Details of grant received from the O/o of DC (H) in the last three years, scheme wise
and status of utilization of grant.

A brief by the implementing agency as to how it proposed to mobilize 30% of the project cost or the
balance cost after grant-in-aid from Office of DC(Handicrafts) be submitted.

Enclose brief note on following.

1. How to make the Urban Haat Project self -sustainable in a period of three years.
2. Staffing proposals and how to meet the expenses of such establishment
3. Details of local Managing Committee
4. Any additional information


Authorized Signatory of the Organization

with seal Name/Designation/Address

Recommendation of Office of DC(Handicrafts), Assistant Director/Regional Director with full



Authorized Signatory of the Organization

with seal Name/Designation/Address

Proforma for Submission of Proposal for Mini Urban Haat

a) Name of implementing agency

b) Full Address of its Hqrs.
c) Telephone No.
d) Fax No.
e) Authorized persons(with designation)
For correspondence

Location of the proposed Haat

a) Complete postal address
b) Approach Road
c) Site Map showing boundaries
And approach road
d) A brief note on locations suitability
For the purpose

A brief note on the city viz. a viz.population, tradition, historical background, tourism, influx of
visitors/buying capacity/Handicrafts & Handlooms Export etc. be submitted.

Land Particulars:
a) Total area of the land against
Standard requirement of 1000 sq.mtrs.
b) Document in support of ownership/
Lease etc. in favour of the agency
c) If the land has been offered by State
Govt. etc. the details/supporting papers
Be submitted.
d) If land is still to be possessed the progress
thereof with reference to agreement etc. be

Design/Construction Plan:
a. Whether the proposed layout reflects
Local construction culture if so how
b. Proposed total construction/
covered area in square meter
c. Proposed total open area to
create ambience for Haat concept
d. Plantation and greeneries concept
e. Details of construction with carpet
Area of each unit x No. of units:

i) Office
ii) Store
iii) Exhibition Hall
iv) Stalls = at least 10
v) Pavilion
vi) No. of food stalls (plumbering,
Contours& space for kitchen)
vii) Souvenir Shop
viii) Meeting/Conference Room
ix) Stage for cultural programme.
x) Dormitory for stay of craft person.

f. Complete architectural map of the

Haat with a brief write up

g) Cost of the Project to be evaluated

By a Chartered Engineer:

a. Site Development
b. Building
c. Sanitary/water supply
d. Electricals
e. Plant/Machinery
f. Furniture & Fixture
g. Vehicles
h. Operating supplies
i. Pre-operative/organization expenses
j. Technical consultant fees
k. Contingencies
l. Working capital margin
m. Any other expenses

h) Target date of completion of project.

i) Means of Finance:

i) Total cost of the project

ii) 80% of the total cost or 80% of
Rs. 200.00 lakh, whichever is less,
to be borne by the O/o DC(Handicraft)
iii) Balance 20% of the total cost to be born
by the implementing agency,
along with escalated cost, if any.
iv) In case of NER 90% of the total cost or 90% of Rs. 200.00 lakhs whichever is less to be borne
by O/o DC(H) and balance 10% of the total cost to be borne by Implementing Agency.

j) Documents to be submitted

1. Audited balance sheet of last three years.

2. Annual report of last year.
3. Minutes of last AGM.
4. Memorandum of Association & By-laws.
5. Registration Certificate.
6. Affidavit that organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black-
listed by any central/state agencies.
7. Name, Address, Phone./ Mob. No. of Nodal officer.
8. Approved architectural plan of urban haat.
9. Estimated cost of Project sub-head wise dully verified by chartered engineer.
10. Letter from state Govt./agency about their commitment to provide fund in excess of 80
11. View map of urban haat.
12. Details of grant received from the O/o of DC(H) in the last three years, scheme wise and status
of utilization of grant.

A brief by the implementing agency as to how it proposed to mobilize 20% of the project cost or
the balance cost after grant-in-aid from Office of DC(Handicrafts) be submitted in ROI and 10%
in case of NER.

Enclose brief note on following.

1. How to make the Urban Haat Project self -sustainable in a period of three years.
2. Staffing proposals and how to meet the expenses of such establishment
3. Details of local Managing Committee
4. Any additional information


Authorized Signatory of the Organization

with seal Name/Designation/Address

Recommendation of Office of DC(Handicrafts), Assistant Director/Regional Director with full



Authorized Signatory of the Organization

with seal Name/Designation/Address

Organization Profile:-

1. Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., e-mail.

2. Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, and act under which

3 Project Head/Contact person, Name, Address,

telephone number, e-mail address

4. If the organization has any experience in

maintaining Emporium.

5 Whether institution / Organization is having

sufficient managerial and technical capacity/
skills to implement the scheme, if yes, the
details thereof.

6 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of
handicrafts. If yes, whether it is incorporated
as one of the objectives in the Memorandum
and Article of Association of the

7 Details of activities undertaken by the

organization in the field of Handicrafts.

Scheme /Project Profile

8 Location of the Emporium ( mention class of

the city and State)

9 Whether new or old emporium.

10 Whether new emporium is to be set up in

rented premises or in building proposed to be
purchased is constructed? In case of later
provide copy of clear title of land or building
in the name of implementing agency.

11 How this location is suitable from business

point of view.

12 a) Details of Building /construction indicating
space available for various planed facilities.
b) Target date for completion of project

13 Viability plan to make the emporium self


14 Estimated cost for Govt. Share IA’s Share

a. Civil work
b. Electrical work
c. Air conditioning
d. Interior decoration
e. Furniture and fixture
f. Misc.
Note:- Estimate and construction plan should
be authenticated by architect/ chartered

15 Source of funding to meet balance capital

expenditure and recurring expenditure
including working capital.

Document to be attached

16 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

17 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]

18 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.[elf attested]

19 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[Self


20. Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self attested]

21. List of current office bearers of the organization

with their full Name, complete postal address with
PIN, phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

22. Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under the scheme from office of DC(Handicrafts).

23. Name and address of Bank where organization has

its account and Account Number.

24 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status of
25. Details of grants received from other central/state
govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

26 Construction plan and cost estimate duly

authenticated by Architect/ Chartered Engineer.

27 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

28 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in any
other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making


1. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.

3. Certified that all infrastructures are available with the organization to implement the scheme of handicraft

4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministry .

5. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state

Authorized signatory of the Organization

with Seal Name / Designation/ Address

Date :

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Asstt. Director/Regional Director with full justification includes cost
component of the handicraft museum proposal along with grading Score.

Signature (with rubber stamp)

Name / Designation /Address



Organization Profile:-

1. Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., e-mail.

2 Status of the organization (i.e. PSU, EPC,

Trade Promotion Body, Panchayati Raj
institution or Urban Local Body etc. )

3 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, and act under which

4 Project Head/Contact person, Name, Address,

telephone number, e-mail address

5 If the organization has any past experience in

maintaining / running marketing Hub

6 Whether institution / Organization is having

sufficient managerial and technical capacity/
skills to implement the scheme, if yes, the
details thereof.

7 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of
handicrafts. If yes, whether it is incorporated
as one of the objectives in the Memorandum
and Article of Association of the

8 Details of activities undertaken by the

organization in the field of Handicrafts.

Scheme /Project Profile

9. Location of the Metro Hub( mention the city

and State)

10. Details of availability of space or building

indicating area in sq. meters.

11. If a clear title of land or building is in the

name of implementing agency.

12 How this location is suitable from business
point of view.

13 a) Details of Building /construction indicating

space available for various planed facilities.
Enclose approved site and architectural plan
b) Target date for completion of the project.

14 Indicate Viability plan and salient features of

the Hub as proposed in DPR

15 Estimated cost for Govt. Share IA’s Share

a. land will be provide by IA
b. Civil work including site development
c. Electrical work
d. Air conditioning
e. Interior decoration
f. Furniture and fixture
g. Misc.
Note:- Estimate and construction plan should
be authenticated by architect/ chartered

16 Source of funding to meet balance capital

expenditure and recurring expenditure
including working capital.

Document to be attached

17. Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

18 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

19. Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.[elf attested]

20. Copy of Annual report of last One year.[Self


21. Copy of the minutes of last AGM. [ Self


22. List of current office bearers of the

organization with their full Name, complete
postal address with PIN, phone/ mobile no.
and E-mail.

23. Copy of resolution for seeking financial
assistance under the scheme from office of

24. Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account
Number and its IFS Code

25 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

26. Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

27 Construction plan and cost estimate duly

authenticated by Architect/ Chartered

28 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

29. Affidavit regarding:

That organization is a non involved in any
corrupt practice and has not been black -listed
by any central/state agencies.

1. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.
3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministers.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state
Authorized signatory of the Organization
with Seal Name / Designation/ Address

Date :

Recommendation of the office of DC (HC) Asstt. Director/Regional Director with full justification includes cost
component of the proposal along with grading score.

Signature (with Rubber Stamp)

Name / Designation/ Address

Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID

2 Registration No., date of registration ,validity

of registration ,Act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No.Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in organizing such activity.

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence

for implementing the project of this nature.

Scheme/Project Profile

9 Title of the project

10 Purpose of taking this project with


11 Venue of the project

12 Crafts to be covered

13 Details of existing infrastructure and facilities

available with the organization with site plan.

14 List of equipments/ machineries/tools etc


15 Site plan of proposed Design Craft school

with total and built up area available for use .

16 List of equipments/ machineries/tools

proposed to be acquired with justification and
cost including computers and CAD etc.

Note:-Attach supporting documents providing
description / specification of
machines/equipments etc. with their unit price

17 Furnish Detailed Project Report indicating

viability plan and details of long / short term
design and craft training program /design
workshops/ other program to be conducted at
the centre with its duration.

18 Craft persons /entrepreneurs/exporters etc to

be benefited year wise.

19 Target date of completion of the

centre(enclosed time bound action plan)

20 Furnish details of teaching and administrative

staff to be engaged to run the school to meet
the objective for which it is set up.

Financial implication:-

21 a. Land or building for the school will be

provided by the IA
b. construction including civil and electrical
c. Design Galley
d.CAD Centre
e. Plant and machinery for craft section
f. Equipment and tools
g. Furniture and fixture required only to such
items as are related to equipments
h. Display structure
i. Interior decoration etc
j. Misc.

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

22 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

23 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

24 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.

[ Self attested]

25 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self attested]

26 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.

[Self attested]

27 List of current office bearers of the

organization with their full Name, complete
postal address with PIN, phone/ mobile no.
and E-mail.

28 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

29 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account
Number,IFS Code.

30 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

31 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

32 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

33 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.

Certificate :

1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of successful
completion of the project in a time bound manner.
3 Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state agencies.

Authorized signatory of the Organization with seal

Name, Designation, Address

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Director of the Concerned HM & SEC/ CWTSC with
full justification includes cost components of the SIDC project along with grading Score..

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address

Organization Profile:-

1. Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2. Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration act under which

3 Project Head/Contact person, Name, Address,

telephone number, e-mail address

4. If the organization has any experience in

maintaining museum in general and
handicrafts in particular, details their of

5. Experience in conservation of artifacts,

,display of objects and its preservation
organizing ,workshops/seminars etc.

6 Whether institution / Organization is having

sufficient managerial and technical capacity/
skills to implement the scheme, if yes, the
details thereof.

7 Governing body of the organization with list

of the members with name and address.

8 Need for setting up the Museum with detailed

activities to be undertaken.

9. Aims and objective of the Handicraft

museum, Methodology to be adopted and out

10 Details of programmes implemented earlier

from DC(HC) and other sponsoring agencies
including details of funds received.

Scheme profile

11. Furnish site plan of the Museum and its

complete address where it is proposed to be
set up and how the Museum is proposed to be
made financially self- sustainable within three
years. A viability/report of the museum from
the expert.

12. List of various short and long term training
programin craft and non craft skills planned to
be conducted (provide information under the
heads of course title, period, number of
participants etc.)

13 Financial assistance (component wise)

proposed with full justification. Activity and
Amount Proposed head wise:-
a) Setting up of Museum /up gradation of
existing museum/galleries including
replacement of show cases, addition of new
collections and development of touch screen
b) Conservation of arts objects.
c) Development and design of crafts based on
the Museum collection including
demonstration of craft -persons.
d)To organize workshops /seminar/conference
on any aspect of art/craft with the help of
Indian/ International experts.
e) Educational program/out reach
Program for school children/craft
Note : Details of each activity to justify the
cost proposed may be enclosed separately

14. Source how to meet the balance 50% of the

sanctioned amount to claim as reimbursement.

15. Bank account number and complete address

of the bank where the accounts is being
maintained Including IFS Code

16. Whether separate audited subsidiary account

of Govt. Grants are being maintained or not.

17. Number of craft person/ visitors to be

benefited year wise.

18. Target date of completion of the project

(enclosed time bound action plan)

19. Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email.

Documents to be attached

1. Copy of the Registration certificate

2. Copy of articles of memorandum of
association/bye laws.

3. Non corrupt practice certificate on Non

judicial stamp paper. (Stamp paper duty

4. Audited Balance sheet for the last three years

duly audited by Chartered Accountant.

5. Annual Report (Latest one Year)

6. Minutes of the last AGM along with copy of

resolution for submission of proposal.

7. Certified copy of the Latest Office bearers of .

the society from Registrar’s of society.

8. Photo copy of Bank Pass Book of last one


9. Grant in aid received from other Central/State

Govt. Office during the last three years and
the details of utilization thereof

10 Grant in aid received from office of

Commissioner (HC) in any of the scheme
during the
last three years, details of utilization thereof


1. Certified that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.
3. Certified that all infrastructures are available with the organization to implement the scheme of handicraft
4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministry.
5. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state

Authorized signatory of the Organization with Seal

Date: Name / Designation/ Address
Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Asstt. Director/Regional Director with full justification includes cost
component of the handicraft museum proposal along with grading Score.

Signature (with rubber stamp)

Name / Designation / Address



Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID

2 Registration No date of registration, validity of

registration, Act under which registered.

3 Experience in handling similar activities (Design


4 Experience in undertaking developmental

interventions in the Handicraft sectors

5 Grant in aid from other Central/ State Govt. Office :

during the last three years if yes, the details thereof
indicating status of utilization of grant.

6 Grant in aid received from office of Development :

Commissioner (HC) in any of the scheme during
the last three years if yes, the details thereof
indicating status of utilization of grant.

7 Details of program implemented earlier from

DC(HC) and other sponsoring agencies(indicate
details of fund received & utilization status)

8 Objective /purpose of the proposal with details of

crafts to be covered in the design bank.

9 Furnish the plan of the Design Bank where it is

proposed to be set up and how the Design Bank is
proposed to be made financially self sustainable in
a period of 5 years.

10 Indicating various facilities being created in

Design Bank.

11 Financial assistance required head-wise

S.N Head Amount required

1. Furniture and fixtures

2 Design gallery

3 Computers/CAD/Colour
Printers/scanners/and other allied

4 Workshop equipments

5 Audio visual equipments, camcorders,

cameras etc.

6 Library and study room/ conference room

Note:-Details of each activity to justify the cost proposed may be enclosed separately.

12 Number of craft persons to be benefited year


13 Target date for completion of the project in

terms of infrastructure etc(enclose a time
bound action plan, activity wise as indicated
at SI.No.9 above.) and date of
operationalization of project.

14 Whether society is having sufficient

managerial and technical capacity/ skills to
implement the scheme, if yes the details

15 Deliverables expected from the project

Document to be attached :-

16 Copy of the Registration Certificate

17 Copy of Article of memorandum of

association of the society duly certified by
Registrar’s office.

18 Copy of Bye-laws duly certified by registrars


19 Non corrupt practice certificate on Non

judicial stamp paper.

20 Balance sheet for the last three years duly :

audited by Chartered Accountant.

21 Minutes of the last AGM

22 Copy of the current Office bearers of the

Society with their address, Phone no. duly
Certified by registrars of society.

23 Whether separate audited subsidiary accounts

of Govt. Grant are being maintained or not.

24 Source of funds to meet the balance 50% of

the sanctioned amount and recurring

25 Bank account number and its complete

address where the accounts its being
maintained along with photocopy of the bank
pass book of last one year.

26 Name & address with telephone /Mob. No of

project head.


1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any the sources for the same purpose.

2. certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.

3. Certified that all infrastructure are available with the organization to setting up of Design Bank

4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes other the Ministries.

5. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state


Authorized Signatory of the Organization with

rubber seal Name/Designation/Address

Recommendation of the Office of the DC(HC),Regional/Assistant. Director of concerned HM&SEC with full
justification on financial aspects of all component is the proposal along with grading score.


Signature (with rubber stamp)

Name/ Designation /Address
Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID

2 Registration No date of registration, validity of

registration, Act under which registered.

3 Details of offices in other states

4 Experience in handling similar activities.

5 Experience in undertaking developmental

interventions in the Handicraft sectors

6 Number of artisans associated with the


7 Grant in aid from other Central/ State Govt. Office :

during the last three years if yes, the details thereof
indicating status of utilization of grant.

8 Grant in aid received from office of Development :

Commissioner (HC) in any of the scheme during
the last three years if yes, the details thereof
indicating status of utilization of grant.

9 Details of program implemented earlier from

DC(HC) and other sponsoring agencies(indicate
details of fund received & utilization status)

10 Assets available with organization as per balance

sheet of last year

Project profile

11 Objective /purpose of the proposal with details of

crafts to be covered in the resource centre.

12 Enclose Detailed Project Report justifying the

need and feasibility of setting up resource centre.

13 Indicate the availability of building and other
infrastructure to set up various facilities being
created as per requirement of the scheme.

14 Details of management set up responsible to

manage the centre.

15 Financial Implication:

a Furniture and fixture

b Office equipment viz.Photo copier,fax, telephone,

colour printer and copier, scanners, computers etc.

c Library and reference books

d Website designing

e Printing catalogues, information booklets

f Procurement of new designs and improved tools

g Collection of information and documentation

Craft, process and techniques etc.

h Display gallery and showroom

i Meeting and conference room

j Air conditioners and generators

k Misc.


Documents to be submitted

16 DPR and Feasibility Report

17 Copy of the Registration Certificate

18 Copy of Article of memorandum of association of

the society duly certified by Registrar’s office.

19 Copy of Bye-laws duly certified by registrars


20 Balance sheet for the last three years duly audited
by Chartered Accountant

21 Copy of the current Office bearers of the Society

with their address, Phone no. duly Certified by
registrars of society.

22 Minutes of the last AGM

23 Source of funds to meet the balance 50% of the

sanctioned amount and recurring expenditure.

24 Bank account number and its complete address

where the accounts its being maintained along with
IFS Code and photocopy of the bank pass book of
last one year

25 Name & address with telephone /Mob. No of

project head.

26 Building map showing space for various facilities

being created

1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any the sources for the same purpose.
2. certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for successful
completion of the project within the same financial year.
3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes other the Ministries.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state agencies.

Authorized Signatory of the Organization
with rubber seal Name/Designation/Address

Recommendation of the Office of the DC(HC),Regional/Assistant. Director of concerned HM&SEC with full justification on
financial aspects of all component is the proposal along with grading score.

Date:- Signature (with rubber stamp)

Name/ Designation /Address

Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address fax, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID
2 Registration No., date of registration, validity
of registration ,Act under which registered.
3 Name & designation of Chief functionary
with Tel No. Mobile No.
4 Whether the organization is engaged in the
development, promotion, & marketing of
5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the
objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization
6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in running and maintaining CFC

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence

for implementing the project of this nature.
Scheme/Project Profile
9 Title of the project

10 Purpose of taking this project / scheme with

11 Venue of the project

12 Crafts to be covered

13 Details of existing infrastructure and facilities

available with site plan.
14 List of equipments/ machineries/tools etc
15 Site plan of proposed CFC with total and built
up area available for use.
16 List of equipments/ machineries/tools
proposed to be acquired with justification and
cost including computer and CAD etc.
Note:-Attach supporting documents providing
description / specification of
machines/equipments etc. with their unit price

17 Furnish details of long / short term utilization
plan of CFC
18 Craft persons /entrepreneurs/exporters etc to
be benefited year wise.
19 Target date of completion of the CFC
(enclosed time bound action plan)
20 Furnish sustainability plan for making the
CFC financially viable in a period of 3 years.
Financial implication:-
21 a. Land & building (Land to be provided by
beneficiary or by state Govt./Panchayat)
b. Plant and machinery, tools & equipments
for production, testing including computer
installation etc.
c. Fixed assets/Furniture and fixture required
only to such items as are related to
d. Exp. On training of machine operators etc.
e. Erection and commissioning
f. Contingencies
Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

22 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]
23 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-
laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self
24 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered
accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]
25 Copy of Annual report of last one year.
[ Self attested]
26 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.
[ Self attested]
27 List of current office bearers of the
organization with their full Name, complete
postal address with PIN, phone/ mobile no.
and E-mail
28 Copy of resolution for seeking financial
assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).
29 Name and address of Bank where
organization has its account and Account
30 Details of grants received from the office of
DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization
31 Details of grants received from other
central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.
32 Name of Nodal officer /project
head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.
33 Site plan of CFC with facilities created,
sustainability plan and list of machines/ tools/
equipments proposed for purchase with
quantity and cost.
34 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making
1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.
3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state

Signature of the authorized person with

Rubber Seal/Name/Designation/Address


Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Director of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTSC with full justification includes cost components of the project along with grading Score.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address


Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address fax, Mob./telephone No., E-mail

2 Registration No., date of registration, validity

of registration, Act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No. Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in running and maintaining Raw

Material Depot

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence

for implementing the project of this nature.

Scheme/Project Profile

9 Title of the project

10 Purpose of taking this project / scheme with


11 Venue of the project

12 Crafts to be covered and Raw Materials

proposed to be procured for distribution.

13 Details of existing infrastructure and facilities

available with site plan for setting up Raw
Material Depot

14 List of equipments/ machineries/tools etc


15 Site plan of proposed CFC with total and built

up area available for use as office, stores,
distribution centre etc.

16 List of equipments/ machineries/tools
proposed to be acquired with justification and
cost including computers, weights and
weighing machines etc.

Note:- Attach supporting documents

providing description / specification of
machines/equipments etc. with their unit price

17 Furnish details of long / short term utilization

plan of RMD

18 Craft persons /entrepreneurs/exporters etc to

be benefited year wise.

19 Target date of completion of the RMD and its

distribution centres (enclosed time bound
action plan)

20 Furnish sustainability plan for making the

RMD financially viable in a period of 3
years. It should be based on Feasibility study
and DPR.

Financial implication:-

21 a. Land & building ( land to be provided by

b. Plant and machinery, tools & equipments
for weighing, testing including computer
installation etc.
c. Fixed assets/Furniture and fixture
required for storage, preservation and
distribution etc.
d. Exp. On training staff.
e. Cost of inventories
f. Contingencies

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

22 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

23 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self


24 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]

25 Copy of Annual report of last One year.

[ Self attested]

26 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.

[ Self attested]

27 List of current office bearers of the

organization with their full Name, complete
postal address with PIN, phone/ mobile no.
and E-mail.

28 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

29 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account
Number., IFS Code etc.

30 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

31 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

32 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.

33 Site plan of CFC with facilities created, DPR

indicating sustainability plan and list of
machines/ tools/ equipments proposed for
purchase with quantity and cost.

34 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in

c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.


1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.
3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state


Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal

Name, Designation and address

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Director of the Concerned HM
&SEC/CWTSC with full justification includes cost components of the project along with grading Score.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address

Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID

2 Registration No., date of registration, validity of

registration, Act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with

Tel No.Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in running and maintaining CFC

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence

for implementing the project of this nature.

9 Exports/ Sales turn over during last 3 years

Scheme/Project Profile

10 Title of the project

11 Purpose of taking this project / scheme with


12 Venue of the project

13 Crafts to be covered

14 Details of existing infrastructure and facilities

available with site plan.

15 List of equipments/ machineries/tools etc


16 Site plan of proposed project with total and built

up area available for use .

17 List of equipments/ machineries/tools proposed

to be acquired with justification and cost
including computer and CAD etc.

Note:-Attach supporting documents providing
description / specification of
machines/equipments etc. with their unit price

18 Furnish details of long / short term utilization

plan of project

19 Craft persons /entrepreneurs/exporters etc to be

benefited year wise.

20 Target date of completion of the project

(enclosed time bound action plan)

21 Furnish sustainability plan for making the

project financially viable.

Financial implication:-

22 a. Plant and machinery , tools & equipments

for production, testing including computer
installation etc.
b. Fixed assets/Furniture and fixture required
only to such items as are related to equipments.
c. Exp. On training of machine operators etc.
d. Erection and commissioning
e. Contingencies
Note: GOI grant will be max. 30% of Rs.60

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

23 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

24 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

25 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years. [ Self attested]

26 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[ Self


27 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self attested]

28 List of current office bearers of the organization

with their full Name, complete postal address
with PIN, phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

29 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from office
of DC(Handicrafts).

30 Name and address of Bank where organization

has its account and Account Number.

31 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

32 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during last
3 years and its status of utilization.

33 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

34 Detail building plan of Facility Centre indicating

facilities created, its sustainability plan and list
of machines/ tools/ equipments proposed for

35 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in
any other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -listed
by any central/state agencies.


1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.
3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal


Date :

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Director of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTSC with full justification includes cost components of the project along with grading Score..

Date: Signature with rubber stamp


Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address fax, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID

2 Registration No., date of registration, validity of

registration ,Act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel

No.Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in running and maintaining testing lab.

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence for

implementing the project of this nature.

Scheme/Project Profile

9 Title of the project

10 Purpose of taking this project / scheme with


11 Venue of the project

12 Crafts/materials to be covered for testing

13 Details of existing infrastructure and facilities

available with site plan.

14 List of available. testing equipments/

machineries/tools etc

15 Site plan of proposed Lab. with total and built up

area available for use.

16 List of testing equipments/ machineries/tools

proposed to be acquired with justification and cost

including computers and printers etc.
Note:-Attach supporting documents providing
description / specification of each
machine/equipments/tools etc. with their unit price

17 Furnish details of long / short term utilization plan

of Lab.

18 Craft persons /entrepreneurs/exporters etc to be

benefited year wise.

19 Target date of completion (enclosed time bound

action plan)

20 Furnish sustainability plan for making the Lab.

Financially viable.

Financial implication:-

21 a. Land & building (Land to be provided by

beneficiary or by state Govt./Panchayat)
b. Machinery, tools &testing equipments
including computer installation etc.
c. Fixed assets/Furniture and fixture required
only to such items as are related to equipments.
d. Exp. On training of Lab. technicians
e. Erection and commissioning, if any
f. Contingencies

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

22 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute. [ Self attested]

23 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]

24 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]

25 Copy of Annual report of last One year.

[ Self attested]

26 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.

[ Self attested]

27 List of current office bearers of the organization

with their full Name, complete postal address with
PIN, phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

28 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from office of

29 Name and address of Bank where organization has

its account and Account Number with IFS Code.

30 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status
of utilization

31 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

32 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

33 DPR,Site plan of Lab. with facilities created,

sustainability plan and list of machines/ tools/
equipments proposed for purchase with quantity
and cost.

34 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b.. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by
any central/state agencies.

1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.
2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.
3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.
4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state
Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal
Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Direcor of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTSC with full justification includes cost components of the project along with grading Score..

Signature with rubber stamp

Date :

Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization with complete Postal

address fax, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID

2 Registration No., date of registration, validity of

registration ,Act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with

Tel No.Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in managing project of this nature.

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence for

implementing the project of this nature.

Scheme/Project Profile

9 Title of the project

10 Purpose of taking this project with justification

(Enclose feasibility Report and DPR)

11 Location of the project ( name of village, block,

tehsil, district and state ) and its suitability from
commercial angle.

12 Detail of Crafts/craftsperson to be covered

13 Is it a known place for handicrafts or connected

to a tourist circuit?

14 Current status of infrastructure available.

15 Details of creation/ improvement in infrastructure


16 Target date for completion of project

17 Financial Implication:

a Construction / improvement in roads/footpaths

b Provision for water supply

c Provision for drainage/ sewerage

d Electricity street lights

e Construction of work sheds

f Construction of shops/display area

g Any other provision as per DPR

h Misc. contingency

i Total
Note: Wherever there is requirement of land it
will be provided by IA.

Documents to be attached

18 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute. [ Self attested]

19 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

20 Copy of audited balance sheet

(by chartered accountant ) for last 3 years. [ Self

21 Copy of Annual report of last One year

[ Self attested]

22 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.

[ Self attested]

23 List of current office bearers of the organization

with their full Name, complete postal address
with PIN, phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

24 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from office
of DC(Handicrafts).

25 Name and address of Bank where organization

has its account and Account Number with IFS

26 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status

of utilization

27 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and
its status of utilization.

28 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

29 DPR/ feasibility report, site plan of craft village

indicating provisions for creation /improvement
in infrastructure

30 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b.. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -listed
by any central/state agencies.
1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.

3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.

4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal

Date :
Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Direcor of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTSC with full justification includes cost components of the project along with grading Score..

Signature with rubber stamp

Date :

Organization Profile:-

1 Name of organization/ SPV with complete Postal address

fax, Mob./telephone No., E-mail ID
2 Registration No., date of registration, validity of
registration ,Act under which registered.
3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel
No.Mobile No.
4 Whether the organization is engaged in the development,
promotion, & marketing of handicrafts
5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the objectives
in the Memorandum and Article of Association of the
6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in managing project of this nature.

8 Indicate managerial and technical competence for

implementing the project of this nature.
Scheme/Project Profile
9 Title of the project

10 Purpose of taking this project with justification (Enclose

feasibility Report and DPR)
11 Location of the project ( name of village, block, tehsil,
district and state ) and its suitability from commercial
12 Detail of Crafts/craftsperson/ entrepreneurs to be
associated with the park
13 If this place is famous for handicrafts and has
concentration of craft units
14 Current status of availability of civic amenities and
production related infrastructure.
15 Major findings of diagnostic study/ feasibility study
under taken by project management consultant (PMC)
16 Target date for completion of project

17 Financial Implication:

a Construction / improvement in roads/footpaths

b Provision for water supply

c Provision for drainage/ sewerage

d Provision for Electricity/ street lights

e Construction of work sheds cum housing

f Construction of boundary wall

g Creation of training facility

h Creation of raw material depot

i Creation of ware house

j Creation of CFC

k Creation of convention centre and business centre

l Setting up of effluent treatment plant

m Setting up of shops, show rooms/ display centre

n Guest House

o Misc. contingency


Documents to be attached
18 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper statute.
[ Self attested]
19 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws
certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]
20 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered accountant )
for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]
21 Copy of Annual report of last One year
[ Self attested]
22 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.
[ Self attested]
23 List of current office bearers of the organization with
their full Name, complete postal address with PIN,
phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.
24 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance under
a particular scheme from office of DC(Handicrafts).
25 Name and address of Bank where organization has its
account and Account Number with IFS Code.
26 Details of grants received from the office of
DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status of

27 Details of grants received from other central/state govt.
deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its status of
28 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized contact
person with his complete address, phone/mobile number
and E-mail etc.
29 DPR/ feasibility report, prepared by PMC Infrastructura

30 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not belong
to the same family.
b.. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.


1. Certificate that the financial assistance has not been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility of
successful completion of the project in a time bound manner.

3. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of other Ministries.

4. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black -listed by any central/state

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal


Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director / Asstt. Direcor of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTSC with full justification includes cost components of the project along with grading Score..

Signature with rubber stamp

Date :

The following interventions will be provided under marketing support:

(i) Domestic Marketing events

(i)(a) Assistance for organizing/participation in marketing events in India

In order to promote and Market Handicrafts financial assistance will be provided to different
eligible organizations to organize Craft Exhibitions in metropolitan cities/state capitals / places of
tourist or commercial interest/ other places. This will provide direct marketing platform to the
handicrafts artisans/SHGs/entrepreneurs from various parts of the country.

(i)(a) (1) Gandhi Shilp Bazaar/Craft Bazars

In order to promote and Market Handicrafts financial assistance will be provided to different
eligible organizations to organize Gandhi Shilp Bazaars (GSB)/Crafts Bazar in metropolitan
cities/state capitals / places of tourist or commercial interest/ other places. This will provide direct
marketing platform to the handicrafts artisans/SHGs/entrepreneurs from various parts of the

Gandhi Shilp Bazaars will be organized based on roster to be prepared considering important
fairs/festivals/prominent cities/ historical places/places of tourist interest etc. These bazaars will be
organized at-least once a year on the same location at a fixed time. This will enable people of that
area to source their requirement through these Bazaar organized and at the same time will create a
brand for such events in line with Surajkund Mela.

Further Shilp bazaars will also be organized at other locations, which will be occasion specific/
theme specific Craft Bazaars even if not featuring in the roaster if a situation so arises like in case
of major National/international events or other events which are important but not held annually.

The opportunities to organize the Gandhi Shilp Bazar will not be adequate to cater to the
marketing needs of the sector therefore the financial assistance for organizing crafts bazaar will
also be considered for eligible organizations in order to provide maximum marketing opportunities
to the handicrafts artisans and their product.

Duration and participation:

Duration of 7-10 days and shall accommodate 60-100 stalls.


The eligible organization includes Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, other institutions and
organizations under central and state governments, COHANDS/EPCH/CEPC/IICT/MHSC /NCDPD,
Apex cooperative Societies and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act,
etc.) and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) Societies and NGOs
(registered under society act/ trust act, etc.)
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial ceiling for GSB and Craft bazars is based on classification of towns:

• Class I (cities with population above 5,000,000): INR 25.50 Lakh

• Class II (cities with population between 5,000,000 and 1,000,000): INR 21.50 Lakh

• Class III (cities with population less than 1000000): INR 19.50 Lakh

The breakup of the available funds is as follows:

Expense head (for an event of 100 stalls for Maximum permissible assistance (INR)
period of 10 days )

class I class II class III

Space rental & Infrastructure including 12,25,000 10,65,000 8,85,000


Publicity 200,000 170,000 1,55,000

TA (@ Rs. 3000 per participant) * 300,000 300,000 3,00,000

DA @ Rs. 500/- for metro cities & Rs.300/- 5,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000
for other cities

Insurance 25,000 25,000 25,000

Service charges 50,000 40,000 35,000

Freight (@ 1500/- per person) 1,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000

Misc including stationery, telephone, 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000

refreshments, videography, documentation
charges biometric machine, etc

TOTAL 25,50,000 21,50,000 19,50,000

* SC/ST Artisans will be paid for every event and general categories artisans only for maximum 2 events.

In case of GSB, 100% funds shall be in the form of grant-in-aid and will be sanctioned by the Office of
the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) to the eligible organizations.

In case of Craft Bazaars

• The financial assistance to the extent of 75% of the approved cost (subject to a ceiling specified in
table above) will be considered and balance 25% will have to be borne by the eligible organization.
The same will apply to Craft Bazaars being organized in North-East.

• In case of Craft Bazaars being organized outside NER, 90% of approved cost shall be provided as
assistance and 10% shall be contributed by the organization subject to condition of 100%
participation of artisans of NER with a provision of relaxation upto 20% in deserving cases by DC
(H) only if sufficient number of artisans from the North-East are not available. .

• Bazaars with less than 60 participants or if organized for less than 7 days will not be admissible

• The stalls will be provided free of charge to the artisans and organizations are free to raise their
contribution through gate money/publicity/food stalls etc.

• In case of craft bazars the permissible assistance will be reduced to 75% of the limit indicated above
depending on the class of cities.

Mode of payment
First installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance and balance as
reimbursement on submission of audited statement of accounts of expenditure and performance report
of the event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

(i)(a) (2)Exhibitions
Organizing large events with 100 artisans in a cities requires lot of capacity both financially and
logistically on the part of an organization and in the handicrafts sector which is fragmented and rural in
nature finding agency with such large reach among the artisans is not so easy. Therefore it is proposed
to provide financial assistance for smaller marketing events at local level to provide marketing
opportunity to group of artisans from the area. This will enable continuous availability of marketing
platform to the artisans/entrepreneaurs/SHGs without the limitation of logistics and increase the
penetration of the crafts to all parts of the country.

Duration and participation:

The exhibitions shall be organized for a period of 7 -10 days with participation from minimum of 10
and maximum of 50 artisans

The eligible organization includes Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, other institutions and
organizations under central and state governments, COHANDS, EPCH,CEPC, NCDPD, Apex
cooperative Societies and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.)
and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) Societies and NGOs
(registered under society act/ trust act, etc.)

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for exhibitions will be based on classification of towns:

• Class I (cities with population above 5,000,000): INR 11.75 Lakh

• Class II (cities with population between 5,000,000 and 1,000,000): INR 9.75 Lakh

• Class III (cities with population less than 1,000,000): INR 8.00 Lakh

The breakup of financial assistance is as follows:

Expense head (50 stalls for a period of 7-10 Maximum permissible assistance (INR)

class I class II class III

Space rental & Infrastructure including 5,25,000 4,40,000 3,65,000


Publicity 1,30,000 120,000 100,000

TA (@ Rs. 3000 per participant) * 1,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000

DA @ Rs. 500/- for metro cities & Rs.300/- 2,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000
for other cities

Insurance 10,000 10,000 10,000

Service charges 25,000 20,000 15,000

Freight (@ 1500/- per person) 75,000 75,000 75,000

Misc including stationery, telephone, 10,000 10,000 10,000

refreshments, videography, documentation
charges biometric machine, etc

TOTAL 11,75,000 9,75,000 8,00,000

* SC/ST Artisans will be paid for every event and general categories artisans only for maximum 2 events.

• The financial assistance to the extent of 75% of the approved cost (subject to a ceiling specified
in table above) will be considered and balance 25% will have to be borne by the eligible
organization. The same will apply to Exhibitions being organized in North-East.

• In case of Exhibitions being organized outside NER, 90% of approved cost shall be provided as
assistance and 10% shall be contributed by the organization subject to condition of 100%
participation of artisans of NER with a provision of relaxation upto 20% in deserving cases by
DC (H) only if sufficient number of artisans from the North-East are not available. .

• The stalls will be provided free of charge to the artisans

• Exhibitions with less than 10 participants or if organized for less than 7 days will not be

Mode of payment
First installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance and balance as
reimbursement on submission of audited statement of accounts of expenditure and performance report
of the event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

(i)(a) (3) Hiring of built up space in events organized by other organizations
To enable the artisans to display and sell their products in established fair organized by Department of
Tourism or State and Central Governments and other organizations, an enabling provision is made for
acquiring stalls in fairs for allotment to the artisans.

Duration and participation:

The participation in an event will be for a minimum of 2 days or the duration of the event whichever is higher.

The number of stalls hired will not exceed 25% of the total stalls erected in the fair subject to maximum of 25

Departmental activity

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The admissible limits for participation are as follows:

Expense head (for 25 stalls) Maximum permissible assistance

Hiring of stalls (@ 2,000 per stall per day) 500,000
TA (@ Rs. 3000 per participant) * 75,000
DA @ Rs. 500/- for metro cities & Rs.300/- for other cities 1,25,000 / 75,000
Freight (@ 1500/- per person) 37,500
Misc. including stationery, telephone, refreshments, videography, 50,000
documentation charges, biometric machine, etc
TOTAL 7,87,500/ 7,37,500
* SC/ST Artisans will be paid for every event and general categories artisans only for maximum 2 events.

Note: In case the space is being hired from Government organizations, actual expenditure may be considered.

Mode of payment:
• 100% advance to be placed with the field office.

• The space rent will be paid by the field office directly to the organizer of the event.

(i)(a) (4) National Handicrafts Fair

The event will showcase the best of the Indian handicrafts in quality, design and versatility from across
the country. The objective of this new programme is to organize an exclusive fair for handicraft
products in India at a grand scale to increase visibility of the products in domestic market. The program
will also benefit entrepreneurs who are unable to participate in the International fairs due to the high
Duration and participation
100-300 including artisans/ exporters/ merchandiser/manufacturer may participate in the event, for a
period of 10-15 days.


The eligible organizations include Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, COHANDS, EPCH,
CEPC, NCDPD, TPOs, other institutions and organizations under central and state governments, Apex
cooperative Societies and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.)
and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) Societies.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The funding shall be provided to the extent of INR 1.00 Crore maximum for organizing the event.

The break-up of financial assistance is as follows:

Expense head (for 300 stalls) Maximum permissible assistance

Space rental and Infrastructure including services like water, electricity, 50,50,000
Publicity and event management 24,00,000
TA (@ Rs. 3000 per participant) * 9,00,000
DA @ Rs. 500/- for metro cities & Rs.300/- for other cities 15,00,000/ 9,00,000
Freight (@ 1500/- per person) 4,50,000
Misc including stationery, telephone, refreshments, videography, 10,00,000
documentation charges, biometric machine, cultural activities etc
Insurance 2,00,000
Total 1,15,00,000 / 1,09,00,000
* SC/ST Artisans will be paid for every event and general categories artisans only for maximum 2 events.

Mode of payment:
In case of handicraft fair the first installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released with the
sanction and balance as reimbursement on submission of actual bills and performance report of the
event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

(i) (b) Craft Awareness Programme

The component aims to support local level awareness programs that target general public and spread
awareness about our crafts. Such programs may be taken up at schools or other places where reach to
wider audience can be ensured.

Duration and participation
Program duration should be maximum of 3 days.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The funding shall be provided to the extent of INR 2.00 lakh which includes expenditure towards space
rent, infrastructure and services (water, electricity etc.), Boarding and Lodging, TA, Freight, Insurance
and miscellaneous etc.

(i) (c) Demonstration programme

The objective is to provide to organize small scale interaction programs to promote handicrafts with the
general public.

Duration and participation:

The event will be organized for maximum of 7 days with participation of artisans as per requirement.

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

The funding for the component may be availed in isolation or in combination with another promotional

The funding shall be provided to the extent of INR 4.5 lakh which includes expenditure towards space
rent, infrastructure and services (water, electricity etc), Boarding and Lodging, TA, Freight, Insurance
and miscellaneous etc

Participation in Expos / Events jointly organised in the Ministry.

Financial assistance will be given for participation in expos/ events organised jointly in Ministry
for products of Jute , Handlooms , Handicrafts etc. The financial assistance will be need based.

(ii) Assistance for organizing/participation in marketing events abroad

(ii)(a) Participation in international fairs and exhibition abroad
With a view to promote exports of handicrafts and carpets the financial assistance will be provided to eligible
organizations for participation in international fairs and exhibitions held in India and abroad.

Duration and participation:

Participation will be for the duration of the event. Deputation period for artisans in international market
events will start one day prior to events and upto one day after the event to enable them sufficient time
for setting up stalls and winding up stalls after events. Designer should be designated to assist the
artisans at least six months in advance for preparing products according to the demands to the market in
the respective country. The performance for designer may be adjudged on the outcome participation.

Financial assistance and funding pattern
• The financial capping for the component shall be INR 50 lakhs.

• TA/DA of one officers as per Rules, boarding and lodging, to & fro air fare and air freight of
exhibits only for participants as indicated below, space rent, infrastructure, publicity/ directory
entry/interpreters and other administrative expenditure for participation in international fairs.

The admissible components vary for different eligible participants as follows:

1 Shilp Guru/National Awardee/National Merit Certificate Holders – TA/DA, Hotel accommodation,

space rent for one times participation in 5 years. After one time, only space rent will be provided
to the interested participants in this category.

2 One representative from SHGs Federation/Entrepreneur is allowed to participate for which only
space will be provided.

3 To monitor the impact assessment of such participations, one officer of office of DC (H) can also
be deputed to the program.

(ii)(b) Folk Craft Festival of India/ Stand Alone Shows/ road shows

The folk craft festival of India/road shows /catalogue shows/thematic exhibitions/stand alone shows/
special events/ programmes shall be organized in India and abroad to create promote the products and
create a brand image for Indian handicrafts in international markets.

Duration and participation:

Maximum of 20 participants for the duration of the event.

The participants include artisans, SHG, entrepreneurs and exporters.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• The funding shall be on actual subject to a maximum of INR 60 lakhs per event

• The funding will be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid from O/o DC(H)

• The eligible agency shall receive assistance towards Space rent & infrastructure for participants,
Publicity Airfare for artisans, TA of coordinating officer, TA/DA and expenditure on boarding
and lodging, freight, Local conveyance, Misc including expenditure for buyer seller meet

• The financial assistance in respect of Shilp Gurus/National Awardees/NMC Holders/SHG

Federations/Entrepreneurs/Exporters shall be as in component 1.2.1.

• In case of SHG Federations/ exporter/entrepreneurs only space rent will be provided.

• To monitor the impact assessment of such participations, one officer of office of DC (H) can
also be deputed to the program.

(ii) (c) Market studies abroad

The market is a dynamic in nature and changes frequently in terms of potentiality, taste, fashion and
consumer preference. In order to remain competitive, it is necessary to gather above marketing
intelligence through market surveys/ studies regularly. This helps in capturing business in virgin &
emerging markets besides strengthening our hold in the existing markets through better knowledge of
market demand trends and product preferences besides knowledge about techniques, processes and
materials/other inputs being used by the competing countries.

Funding pattern

• The financial assistance is considered for TA/ DA (upto 5 persons), their boarding/ lodging,
local conveyance, desk research/ collection of sample in India & abroad, procurement of product
catalogue, tools and implements, technology, documentation/ report writing, Misc etc

• The assistance will be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid from O/o DC(H) subject to a ceiling of
INR 20 lakh per study

(ii) (d) International craft exposure programme

This component has three sub-components, with details as follows:

• Long and short term trainings cum exposure programs of Artisans/Mastercraftspersons/

designers/ technologists abroad on subject of designs, product innovations, techniques,
technology, processing, finishing etc.

• Financial assistance for Craftpersons/designers/technologist from abroad to visit India & Vice-
a-Versa for (a) studying designs and products and for creating awareness on design and product
requirements of international market, and (b) for dissemination of information on latest
production techniques, tools, equipments and technology being adopted by different countries

Duration and participation:

Maximum of 10 participants for a period up to maximum of 1 month

Funding pattern & mode of payment

• Financial assistance will be permissible towards airfare in economy class, DA as per Rules, local
hospitality, boarding and lodging, local conveyance, space rent, related infrastructure and
services, institutional/consultant fee, development of prototype, documentation charges, TA and
wage compensation for trainees in India, raw material compensation and Misc, etc as per need
on actual basis.

• The eligible agencies shall receive 100% grant-in-aid from O/o DC(H) subject to a maximum of
30 Lakhs

(ii) (e) Cultural Exchange Programme

Under this activity, of master craftpersons will be deputed under a Cultural Exchange Programme for
live demonstrations of the craft he/she practices. The participation in Cultural Exchange Programme is
arranged as per agreed terms & conditions between Govt. of India and other countries. In addition,
participation of master craftpersons are also arranged for programmes being organized by Indian
Embassies or in any festival of significance abroad to promote Indian handicrafts. Master Crafts
persons, Shilp Gurus and National Awardees etc. To monitor the impact assessment of such
participations, one Officer of the Office of DC (Handicrafts) can also be deputed to the programme.

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

• The funding shall be on actual basis

• The funds will be released as per the actual expenditure plus 15% service charge in case of non-
departmental activity or through Indian Missions abroad.

(ii)(f) Compliance, social and other welfare measures

This sub component covers assistance for

• Compilation of product specific common compliance code for use in International market and
assist them in attaining standardized certification

• To create awareness about compliance among exporters/artisans/Manufacturers and assist them

to meet the compliance request

• Legal fees for contesting cases and to take safeguards against issues like countervailing duties,
which will also include hiring of lobbyist, journey of officials of Export Promotion Councils.

• Any initiatives including labeling initiative to counter problems arising out of national and
international laws and regulations and standard in the areas of environmental and social factors
in exports including hiring of experts and consultants

• Any other measures including welfare measures as well as deputing delegations of members and
officers to resolve labour related or other social problems being faced in export of Handicrafts.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Maximum provision of Rs. 1.00 cr per organization/per activity.

• Assistance is based on actual need and requirement and is considered on merit of the proposal.

• Grant-in-Aid will be 100% in case of Export Promotion Councils. In case of individuals, the
expenditure will be shared between GOI and individuals in the ratio of 70:30.

(iii)(a) Buyer seller meet in India

The objective of this event is to provide linkages to local artisans to showcase their products to the
major buyers of India ensuring integrated and inclusive development of the Indian handicrafts.

Duration and participation:

The meet will be organized for up to 3 days with participation upto 50 buyers and 50 artisans


• Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, COHANDS, EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD, TPOs, other
institutions and organizations under central and state governments, and Apex cooperative

• NGOs (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) and federation of SHG’s

Financial assistance and funding pattern

• Financial assistance to the tune of INR 15 Lakh will be permissible towards buyer seller meet.
The financial break-up is as follows:

Expense head (for 3 days with participation from 50 buyers and Cost (INR)
50 artisans)
Space rental and Infrastructure including services like water, 2,50,000
electricity, etc.
TA @ 10,000 per buyer (subject to actual) 5,00,000
Stay for buyers (@ 3000 per day per buyer) 4,50,000
TA (@ Rs. 3000 per participant) * 1,50,000
Freight for artisan (@ 1500 per artisan ) 75,000
Publicity 1,20,000
Insurance 20,000
Misc 60,000
TOTAL 16,25,000

• The financial assistance to the extent of 80% of the approved cost (subject to a ceiling specified
in table above) will be contributed by O/o DC(H) and balance 20% will borne by the eligible

• In case of NER, 90% of approved cost shall be provided as assistance and 10% shall be
contributed by the organization.

• In case of Departmental Activity, 100% funding by Government.

Mode of payment
The first installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance and the balance as
reimbursement on submission of bills and the event report containing the pictures of the event.

(iii)(b) Buyers sellers meet abroad and reverse buyer seller meet in India
Since small exporting units cannot afford to participate in International Fairs organized in India &
abroad on their own, it is proposed to fund the umbrella organizations mentioned in the eligibility clause
for organizing International Handicrafts Trade Fair/buyers sellers-meets in India and abroad. To
monitor the impact assessment of such participations, one Officer of the Office of DC (Handicrafts) can
also be deputed to the programme.

Duration of event:
The meet will be organized for up to 3-5 days

Financial Assistance and funding pattern

• The funding shall on actual subject to a maximum INR 50.00 Lakh

• The financial assistance will be permissible towards space rent, interiors, TA, Publicity,
Boarding and Lodging, Documentation and miscellaneous.

• The financial assistance to the extent of 100% of the approved cost (subject to a ceiling specified
above) will be considered.

(iv) Marketing workshops

Marketing workshops will be organized at National/State/Local level departmentally to discuss various
problems faced in handicrafts sector with artisans and experts in relevant fields like designer,
technologist, exporters, buyers and financial institution etc.

Duration and participation:

The workshops will be held for a minimum of 2 days.

Departmental Activity

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

The financial parameters for such workshop will be as under:
Event Minimum Number. of participants maximum permissible assistance (INR)

Event Minimum Number of maximum permissible

participants assistance (INR)
National level marketing Workshop 200 20,00,000
Regional Level Workshop 100 8,00,000
State level marketing workshop 80 5,00,000
Local level marketing workshop 40 2,00,000

(v) Workshops/ seminars/ symposiums/ programmes organized abroad

This component with the following objectives:

• Awareness creation among foreign designers/technologists, buyers, media persons, opinion

makers as well as general public

• Interaction with Govt. officials, trade representatives and buyers for topics like improvements in
the products, policies and designs

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial assistance will be permissible for resource person fee, to and fro Air-fare/DA for one
coordinator, Venue charges, Local conveyance TA/DA for local resource person , publicity, invitation,
sound system, refreshment, lunch, to and fro freighting and packing/unpacking of goods, tools,
insurance, etc.

The financial assistance will be on actual basis subject to max of INR 50 lakhs.

(vi) Rental for warehousing

This component aims to provide financial support for renting warehouses abroad.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

80% of the rental cost towards hiring of warehouses abroad to store handicraft products shall be
reimbursed subject to the maximum of Rs.25.00 lakh per unit.

(vii) Publicity and Brand Promotion

(vii)(a) Publicity via print and electronic media
Publicity and Brand promotion shall help highlight Indian handicraft products as quality products and
thus boost sales in India and abroad.

Further brand promotion shall also be targeted through the same component. Under this programme
comprehensive designing of large scale media campaign will be carried out to promote the brand. The
campaign shall involve both digital (television, online and audio) and physical (press, billboard, in-store
and street) advertising. It shall be floated across various locations within and outside India; Advertising
of the brand at international and national fairs and events shall be carried out adopting a brand centric
approach and build on the same to increase sales of handicrafts by increasing brand recall.

Financial assistance will be considered to the eligible organizations for publicity for the following

• Large scale campaign to promote Handicrafts and the brand in lines of ‘Incredible India’
• Production of video films on various theme
• General advertisement and publicity in print and electronic media
• Special supplements in print and electronic media in connection with events like National
Award etc.
• Bringing out posters/hoardings/ other advertisement panels on handicrafts
• Official newsletters/ directory/souvenirs/calendars for publicity
• Printing of hand book of scheme/procedures of the Office of DC (Handicrafts)
• Printing of yearly reports required under GFR to be placed before the Ministry/ Parliament etc.
• Purchase of books/ periodicals/ journals for the departmental library
• Subscription for news papers/Magazines etc.
• Hoarding at strategic locations in the cities
• Blow-ups banners
• Bus back panels
• Kiosks/Railway/State transport advt panels and other such methods
• Publicity through IT related medium like dedicated web sites
• Catalogues shows on the internet and fashion show
• Publicity banners on the home pages of web sites
• Making of CD-ROMs for various marketing events and launching of the same on Internet for
enlightening/ awareness of the customers about the venue, name of artisans and their artifacts for
direct sales
• Printing of books/manuals/crafts directories/endangered crafts
• Audio visual publicity by screening of films on handicrafts at places like airport lounges,
Doordarshan/other private channels and screening of these films in various departmental Crafts
Bazaars/ Melas like Dilli Haat, Surajkund etc.
• Printing of publicity and propaganda material for incoming/ outgoing exhibitions to be mounted
as per Cultural Exchange Programmes and other events on recommendation of Indian Embassies
• Printing/publication of brochures/catalogues/ folders/ state maps on handicrafts as part of the
marketing mix and to supplement the marketing efforts of Central/State Corporations and Apex
Bodies as per the prescribed guidelines
• Creating a brand image through hiring brand ambassadors
• Organising cultural events through hiring off/tie-up with reputed designers and organizing
shows for the products
• Design of Logo to represent ‘Handicraft brand’
• Any other activity considered relevant for the purpose.

Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial assistance of maximum INR 2.00 crore per activity shall be provided under this
component will be 100% Grant-in-Aid for eligible organization. In case that the office of DC (H)
undertake the activity departmentally there will be no limit on the expenditure.

(vii) (b) Web Marketing

The objective of the sub-component is to support advertisements and other publicity activities on the
web media and also creation of e-marketing platform.

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

The funding for the component may be availed in isolation or in combination with another promotional

Notes on Marketing Support

• The maximum admissible financial assistance has been provided under each scheme component.
However, the sanction shall be based on the duration and participants indicated in the proposal
submitted. Accordingly the budget will be reduced on pro-rata basis if the event is held for lesser
number of days or if there is lesser participation.
• All the participating artisans will be paid TA on actual with limit of INR 3,000 per artisan or
fare of sleeper class whichever is less subject to attendance in a maximum of two events in a
year for general categories artisans and SC/ST artisans will be paid for every event. No TA will
be paid to artisans residing within the same municipality limit in which the venue lies.
• Freight of INR 1500/- per person shall be paid to all participants irrespective of distance covered
and goods transported.
• Where-ever special provision is made for Northeastern region (NER), it shall include hosting
event in other part of the country with 100% participation of artisans of NER with a provision of
relaxation upto 20% in deserving cases by DC (H) only if sufficient number of artisans from the
North-East are not available.
The word ‘Artisans’ will also include carpet weavers.

Organizations profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete postal

address, Mob/telephone no., email.
2 Registration number, date of registration, validity of
registration, act under which registered.
3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel
No. /Mobile No.
4 Name of other Key functionaries & their Contact No.
& address
5 Whether the organization is engaged in the
development, promotion, & marketing of handicrafts
6 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the
objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization
7 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

8 Area of operation

9 Experience in organizing such bazaar.

Scheme/Project Profile
10 Venue

11 Period with date

12 No. of Participating Craft-persons

13 Amount of Financial assistance required for:-

a. Venue charges
b. Cost of infrastructure including
electricity& water
c. Publicity
d. TA to participants
e. Freight charges of goods
f. Service charges
g. Insurance
h. Misc. including stationery, telephone,
refreshment, Videography/Documentation charges,
Inauguration expenses
i. Total
Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached
14 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper
statute.[ Self attested]
15 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws
certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]
16 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered
accountant ) for last 3 years. [ Self attested]
17 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[ Self attested]

18 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self attested]

19 List of current office bearers of the organization with

their full Name, complete postal address with PIN,
phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.
20 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance
under a particular scheme from office of
21 Name and address of Bank where organization has its
account and Account Number.
22 Details of grants received from the office of
DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status of
23 Details of grants received from other central/state
govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.
24 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized
contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.
25 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in any
other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Name of Authorized signatory
Designation (with Rubber stamp

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned
M&HSC/CWTC with full justification alongwith the points scored in grading.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address

Organizations profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, act under which

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No./Mobile No.

4 Name of other Key functionaries & their

contact No. & address

5 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

6 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

7 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

8 If organization has organized any exhibition

in the past.

9 Experience in organizing such bazaar.

Scheme/Project Profile

10 Venue

11 Period with date

12 No. of Participating Craft-persons

13 Amount of Financial assistance required for:-

a. Venue charges
b. Cost of infrastructure including
electricity& water
c. Publicity
d. TA to participants
e. Freight charges of goods
f. Service charges
g. Insurance

h. Misc. including stationery, telephone,
refreshment, Videography /Documentation
charges, Inauguration expenses
i. Total

14 Source of 25% funds to be arranged by

implementing agency

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

15 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

16 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

17 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years. [ Self attested

18 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[ Self


19 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self


20 List of current office bearers of the

organization with their full Name, complete
postal address with PIN, phone/ mobile no.
and E-mail.

21 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

22 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account

23 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

24 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

25 Name of Nodal officer /project

head/authorized contact person with his
complete address, phone/mobile number and
E-mail etc.
26 List of Participants with their Name ,Address,
I card No. and Adhar card No.

27 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Name of Authorized signatory
Designation (with Rubber stamp

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned
M&HSC/CWTC with full justification alongwith the points scored in grading.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address


Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, act under which

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary

with Tel No/.Mobile No

4 Name of other Key functionaries & their

Contact No. & address

5 If the organization is engaged in development

,promotion and Marketing of Handicrafts and
if it has bee reflected in MOA

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Area of operation

8 Experience in organizing exhibition

Scheme/Project Profile

9 Venue

10 Period with date

11 No. of Participating Craft-persons

a. For Sales
b. For demonstration

12 Crafts to be projected

13 Amount of stock to be carried.

14 Expected sales.

15 Amount of Financial assistance required for:-

j. Venue charges
k. Cost of infrastructure including
electricity& water
l. Publicity
m. TA to participants
n. Freight charges of goods

o. Service charges
p. Insurance
q. Misc. including stationery, telephone,
refreshment, Videography /Documentation
charges, Inauguration expenses

Documents to be attached

16 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

17 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

18 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested

19 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self attested

20 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self


21 List of current office bearers of the

organization with their full Name, complete
postal address with PIN, phone/ mobile no.
and E-mail.

22 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

23 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account

24 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

25 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

26 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do
not belong to the same family.

b. Details of the members having membership
in any other society registered any where in
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -
listed by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Full Name & Signature of Authorized Signatory

(with Seal of the organization)

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned
M&HSC/CWTC with full justification along with the points scored in grading.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address


Organization profile:-

1. Name of the organization, complete postal address

with PIN, Mobile /telephone no., e-mail.

2. Registration number, date of registration, validity

of registration. ,Act under which registered

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel

No. /Mobile No

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7. Experience in organizing such program.

8 Experience in undertaking developmental

interventions in the Handicraft sectors

Project/Scheme Detail:-

9 Purpose/Objective of the program.

10 Name of the crafts and venue of the program

proposed to be organized

11 Estimated total number of participants.

12. Bio-Data of master craft persons /expert, etc.

proposed to be invited for live demonstration of
production process, tools and equipments used.

13. Period of the workshop/ program and Date of :


14 Financial implication proposed (Head wise

breakup of each activity may be mentioned.)
1. TA and wage compensation / stipend for
2. Honorarium for master craft persons/
experts/faculty etc.

3. Transport charges for visiting experts/faculty
4. Raw material cost
5. Freight charges
6. Misc. expenditure including video-graphy and

15. Expected outcome.

List of documents to be attached :- Page No. at which attached

16 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

17. Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]

18. Copy of audited balance sheet(by Chartered

accountant) for the last three years {Self attested}

19 Copy of Annual report of last one year{Self


20 Copy of minutes of the last AGM{Self attested}

21 Copy of the current Office bearers of the

Organization with their Full name Complete Postal
address, Ph, /Mob No. and E-mail.

22 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from office of

23 Name and address of Bank where organization has

its account and Account Number. along with
photocopy of the bank pass book of last one year

24 Details of grants received from office of DC(H)

scheme wise during last three years and its
utilization status

25 Details of grants received from other central/state

department /organization, during last three years
indicating purpose of grant and its utilization status

26 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

27 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not

belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in
any other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certificate :

1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provision of the scheme has been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.

3. Certified that all infrastructures are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per

4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Signature of the authorized perosn with Rubber Seal

Name/ Designation
Date :

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned
HM&SEC/CWTC with full justification includes cost component of the proposal along with grading Score.

Signature with Rubber Stamp

Name, Designation and address
Date :

Organizations profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete postal

address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration, validity

of registration, act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with

Tel No./Mobile No.

4 Name of other Key functionaries & their contact

No. & address

5 If the organization is engaged in development

,promotion and Marketing of Handicrafts

6 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

7 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

8 Area of operation

9 Experience in organizing such events.

Scheme/Project Profile

10 Name of fair /exhibition proposed for


11 Period with date

12 History of fair /event and footfalls/business


13 How this event will help in marketing of

Handicrafts and expected outcome.

14 No. of Participating Craft-persons /stalls

15 Amount of Financial assistance required for:-

a. Stall charges
b. Publicity
c. TA to participants
d. Freight charges of goods
e. Misc. including stationery, telephone,
refreshment, Videography /Documentation
charges, Inauguration expenses
f. Total

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

16 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

17 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

18 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]

19 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self attested]

20 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.

[ Self attested]

21 List of current office bearers of the organization

with their full Name, complete postal address
with PIN, phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

22 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from office
of DC (Handicrafts).

23 Name and address of Bank where organization

has its account and Account Number.

24 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status
of utilization

25 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and
its status of utilization.

26 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

27 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in
any other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any
corrupt practices and has not been black -listed
by any central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Name of Authorized signatory
Designation(with Rubber stamp)

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/Asstt. Director of the Concerned M&HSC/CWTC
with full justification along with the points scored in grading.

Signature with rubber stamp

Date: Name, Designation and address

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete postal

address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration, validity

of registration, act under which registered.

3 Whether registered with EPCH/CEPC,

4 if yes Registration number.

5 I. E. Code number

6 Whether organization is involved in Exports.

a. If yes, give exports turn over of last 3 years.
b. Name of countries to whom exported and
country wise exports.
c. Handicrafts items wise export in last 3 years

Scheme/Project Profile

7 Name of event/fair proposed for participation and


8 Name of organizer of above event with complete

address and details

9 A brief history of the event/fair with details of

footfalls, and business transacted.

10 No. of countries participating and detail of

products displayed/sold .

11 Result of our participation in the event in the past

if any.

12 Items proposed to be taken for display/exports

13 Expected sales/orders

Financial implication:-

14 Space required in sq.ft or sq. meters

15 Rent per sq,ft /meters

16 Total rent.

17 Other Administrative Expenses

18 Cost of interior decoration and display

19 Facilities being provided by organizer

a. Publicity
b. Display Aids
c. Others

20 Directory entry charges

21 Publicity

22 TA/DA for one officer

23 Boarding and lodging charges

24 To and fro air fare

25 Total

Documents to be attached

26 Detail profile of the fair/exhibition

27 View of the Indian embassy

28 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

29 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye- laws

certified by appropriate authority.
[ Self attested ]

30 Copy of audited balance sheet ( by chartered
accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested ]

31 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self Attested ]

32 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from Office of

33 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status
of utilization

34 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

35 A copy of report about last participation if any

Organization profile:-
1 Name of the Organization with complete postal
address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration , validity of

registration ,act under which registered.

3 Whether registered with EPCH/CEPC, if yes

Registration number

4 I. E. Code number

5 Whether organization is involved in Exports.

a. If yes, give exports turn over of last 3 years.
b. Name of countries to whom exported and country
wise exports.
c. Handicrafts items wise export in last 3 years

Scheme/Project Details

6 Name of event/fair proposed for participation and


7 Name of organizer of above event with complete

address and details

9 A brief history of the event/fair with details of

footfalls, and business transacted.

10 No. of countries participating and detail of products

displayed/sold .

11 Result of our participation in the event in the past if


12 Items proposed to be taken for display/exports

13 Area /stalls booked(in sq.m) with facilities if any

14 Why this participation is necessary/ view of Indian

15 No. of participants/Expected sales/orders

16 No. of National Awardees/ Shilp Guru for


Financial implication:-

17 Space required in sq.ft or sq. meters

18 Rent per sq,ft /meters

19 Total rent.

20 Other Administrative Expenses

21 Cost of interior decoration and display

22 Facilities being provided by organizer

b.Display Aids
c. Others

23 Directory entry charges

24 Publicity

25 TA/DA for one officer and NA/SG

26 Boarding and lodging charges for above

27 To and fro air fare for above

28 Total

Documents to be attached Page No. at which attached

29 Detail profile of the fair/exh.

30 View of the Indian embassy

31 Copy of valid registration certificate proper

stature.(self attested )

32 Copy of audited balance sheet( by charted accounted)

for last 3 years {self attested)

33 Copy of Annual report of last one year (self attested)

34 Copy of minutes of last AGM(self attested)

35 Copy of resolution for seeking assistance under a

particular office of DC(Handicrafts)

36 List of current office bearers of the organization with

their full name, complete postal address with PIN,

37 Name and address of Bank where organization has its

account and Account Number.

38 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status of

39 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

40 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

41 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in any
other society registered any where in India.

c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

(Signature of authorized officer)

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, act under which

3 Whether registered with EPCH/CEPC, if yes

Registration number.

4 I. E. Code number

5 Whether organization is involved in

promotion of Exports.
a. If yes, give exports turn over of last 3 years.

b. Name of countries to whom exported and

country wise exports.
c. Handicrafts export, items wise in last 3 yrs
d. Action taken report if any and the benefits
derived there from.

6 If the Organization has been associated in

conducting foreign market studies. If yes
details their of

7 Details of studies taken up for craft sector and

how these studies have helped in achieving
the objectives

Scheme/Project Profile

8 Title of studies

9 Need and Purpose of study with detailed


10 Countries proposed to be visited

11 If any view/opinion of Indian Embassy in

above countries have been taken. If yes, what
are their comments.

12 If the Persons /agencies/ importers

associations /chamber of commerce /Govt.
departments/ retail/bulk chain stores/ opinion
makers tobe contacted during visits have been

13 If the assistance of Indian Embassy is being

availed in fixing appointment for business
discussion with Govt./other agencies.

14 Expected outcome from the study

15 Status of our current exports with these

countries, item wise and their imports in India

16 Any other relevant details which needs to


Financial implication:-

17 Composition of study team(Maximum 5


18 Duration of visit to each country

19 Return Air fare –Economy class

20 Boarding and lodging charges as per


21 DA for the team members as per rules.

22 Local transportation charges

23 Cost of desk research in India

24 Cost of samples/ product catalogue etc to be

taken by the team .

25 Cost of procurement of catalogues/

samples/tools and implements /technology
from the countries visited.

26 Documentation and report writing exp

27 Misc. Exp.

28 Total

Documents to be attached

29 Brief note on business prospects with

countries proposed to be visited

30 Current status of our Exports to these

countries with emphasis on Handicrafts

31 Bio-data of team members with their


32 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

33 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

34 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]

35 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self attested]

36 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

37 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account

38 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

39 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

40 The copy of last market study report,

conducted by the Organization

Full Name & Signature of Authorized Signatory with Seal of the organization

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration ,act under which

3 Whether registered with EPCH/CEPC if yes

Registration number

4 I. E. Code number

5 Whether organization is involved in

promotion of Exports.
a. If yes, give exports turn over of last 3 years.

b. Name of countries to whom exported and

country wise exports.
c. Handicrafts items wise export in last 3
d. Action taken report if any and the benefits
derived there from.

6 If the Organization has any collaboration

/MOU with the foreign organization for such
exchange/ visits/ trainings in craft activities .If
so the details there of.

7 Brief note on exchange program organized if

any, in the past, indicating benefits.

Scheme/Project Profile

8 Purpose of exchange program.

9 The Venue of program and countries proposed

to be covered

10 No. of participants and their background

11 The details of arrangements made and the

details of partner organizations and its role.

12 Training module, duration (technology/

process/design innovations to be covered.)

13 Name of Technologist, designers etc

identified to visit India with his /her
experience and specialization.

14 Duration of visit and area/craft to be covered.

15 Nature of information (on production

ss and design etc.)to be shared by the
specialist with Indian artisans/entrepreneurs.

Financial implication:-

16 No. of Participants (Max.-10)

17 Duration (Max.-1Month)

18 Air fare (To & Fro in economy class)

19 Boarding & Lodging charges as per


20 DA for the team members as per rules

21 Local transportation charges

22 Institutional charges/fee

23 Space rent /Infrastructural Services

24 Cost of development of prototype

25 Documentation charges

26 Wage compensation for trainees in India

27 Raw material compensation in India

28 Misc.

29 Total

Documents to be attached

30 Bio-data of team members(visiting abroad)

with their specialization.

31 Bio-data of visiting team members with their


32 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

33 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

34 Copy of audited balance sheet (by chartered

accountant) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]

35 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self attested]

36 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

37 Name and address of Bank where

organization has its account and Account


38 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

39 Details of grants received from other

central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

Full Name & Signature of Authorized Signatory with Seal of the organization

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., e-mail.

2 Registration number, date of registration ,

validity of registration ,act under which

3 Name of Nodal officer with address and

contact no.

4 Experience in organizing such events

5 Whether organization is involved in

Exports./Marketing of Handicrafts.
a. If yes, give turn over of last 3 years.

Scheme/Project Profile

6 Name of event proposed to be organized

7 Duration and Venue.

8 No. of participants and their crafts

9 No. of buyers to be invited with their


10 A brief history of the event if organized in

the past with details of footfalls, and
business transacted.

11 Expected sales/orders

Financial implication:-

12 Venue cost(Rental, infrastructure, water,

electricity and other services

13 TA per buyers ( @ rupee 10,000/- subject

to actual )

14 TA per Artisan ( @ rupee 1500/- subject

to actual )

15 Freight charges for artisans @ 500/-Per


16 Publicity

17 Insurance

18 Misc.

19 Total

Documents to be attached

20 Layout plan of the event with details of

stalls and other facilities being created.

21 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

22 Copy of Memorandum of Association &

bye- laws certified by appropriate
authority. [ Self attested}

23 Copy of audited balance sheet (by

chartered accountant ) for last 3 years. [

Self attested]

24 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[

Self Attested]

25 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

26 Details of grants received from the office

of DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and
its status of utilization

27 Details of grants received from other

Central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies
during last 3 years and its status of

28 A copy of report about last participation if


(Signature of authorized officer)

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., e-mail.

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, act under which

3 Name of Nodal officer with address and

contact no.

4 Experience in organizing such events

5 Whether organization is involved in

Exports of Handicrafts. If yes, give export
of handicrafts during last 3 years, product
wise /country wise

Scheme/Project Profile

6 Name of event proposed to be organized

7 Duration and Venue.

8 No. of participants and their crafts

9 No. of buyers/importers to be invited with

their details

10 A brief history of the event if organized in

the past with details of footfalls, and
business transacted or views of the Indian


11 Details of collaborating agency if any

12 Expected sales/orders

Financial implication:-

13 Venue cost

14 TA/DA of coordinating officers (as per

MEA guidelines )

15 Boarding / Lodging of coordinating


16 Interior/ display arrangements

17 Publicity

18 Documentation

19 Misc.

20 Total

Documents to be attached:-

21 Layout plan of the event with details of

stalls and other facilities being created/

22 Copy of valid registration certificate under

proper statute.[ Self attested]

23 Copy of Memorandum of Association &

bye- Laws certified by appropriate
authority. {attested}

24 Copy of audited balance sheet ( by
chartered Accountant) for last 3 years. [
Self attested]

25 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[

Self attested]

26 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
office of DC(Handicrafts).

27 Details of grants received from the office

of DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and
its status of utilization

28 Details of grants received from other

Central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies
during Last 3 years and its status of

29 Copy of the letter of Indian Embassy

offering views

29 A copy of report about last participation if


(Signature of authorized officer)

Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete

postal address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration,

validity of registration, act under which

3 Whether registered with EPCH/CEPC, if yes

Registration number.

4 I. E. Code number

5 Whether organization is involved in Exports.

a. If yes, give exports turn over of last 3 years.

b. Name of countries to whom exported and

country wise exports.
c. Handicrafts items wise export in last 3

6 Experience of organizing such programs in

foreign countries.

Scheme/Project Profile

7 Name of event proposed ,venue and duration.

8 Name of Partner organization, if any with

complete address and details

9 Purpose of organizing the program with full


10 No. of participants and their background

11 Details of invitees
makers/ buyers /media /others

12 No. of speakers with their bio-data and


13 Likely benefits/achievements

Financial implication:-

14 Fee of resource persons

15 To and fro air fare for one coordinator

16 DA for one coordinator

17 Venue charges

18 Local conveyance

19 TA/DA for local resource persons.

20 Publicity/ invitation

21 Refreshment /Lunch etc.

22 To and Fro Freight and packing /unpacking

charges of goods.

23 Insurance

24 Other Administrative Expenses

25 Total

Documents to be attached

26 View of the Indian embassy

27 Copy of valid registration certificate under
proper statute.[ Self attested]

28 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-

Laws certified by appropriate authority. [ Self

29 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

Accountant) for last 3 years. [ Self attested]

30 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[ Self


31 Copy of resolution for seeking financial

assistance under a particular scheme from
Office of DC(Handicrafts).

32 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its
status of utilization

33 Details of grants received from other

Central/state govt. deptt. Or agencies during
last 3 years and its status of utilization.

34 A copy of report about last participation if any

(Signature of authorized officer)

Organizations profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete postal

address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration , validity of

registration ,act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel

No./Mobile No.

4 Name of other Key functionaries & their Contact No.

& address

5 If the organization is engaged in development

,promotion and Marketing of Handicrafts

6 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

7 Experience in Publicity related work

8 Registration with EPCH/CEPC etc gives detail.

9 Details of exports /Marketing during last 3 years-

product wise

10 Whether any Self Help Group/cluster is attached with

organization, give details.

11 Source of procurement of product

Scheme/Project Profile

12 Proposal submitted for printing of Catalogue/


13 Size

14 Whether proper dummy submitted with commercial


15 Number of copies to be printed.

16 Specimen of imported art paper to be used

a. Gms. Inside paper
b. Gms. Cover paper

17 Number of Transparencies/photographs to be used with


18 Number of colour to be used.

19 Total number of pages( inside & cover )

20 Estimated cost
a. Cost of paper
b. Cost of Scanning, Planning & proofing.
c. Cost of photography (outdoor)/Material, No. of TPs
d. Cost of printing
e. Cost of Designing/copy writing and Art work
f. Cost of Binding/cutting and folding
g. Plates
h. Total

21 Proposal for publicity through Website/Internet

a. Internet/Website to be opened.
b. Name of domain, its Registration. No.
c. Name of server/Home page, if any
d. Expected coverage of above
e. Duration
f. Estimated cost (Sub-head wise)

22 Proposal for video films/CD-ROM

a) Format of Video films, if proposed
b) Duration of video films proposed
c) Subject of the films
d) Name of the producer (enclosed profile)
e) Script of the video film
f) Estimated cost (Detailed Sub-Head wise)

23 Likely benefit from the Website/Internet/CD-ROM

24 Details of financial assistance for printing of

catalogue/Folder/Brochure etc., making of video
films/CD-Rom, Website/Internet received earlier from
this office,if yes, furnish details.

25 How many copies printed earlier? Have the copies

been utilized or still in stock. If yes, then give number
of copies, in stock

26 Enumerate benefit/assistance received from copies

printed and the video film/ CD-ROM produced earlier

Documents to be attached

27 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

28 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested

29 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered accountant

) for last 3 years. [ Self attested

30 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[ Self attested

31 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self attested

32 List of current office bearers of the organization with

their full Name, complete postal address with PIN,
phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

33 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from office of

34 Name and address of Bank where organization has its

account and Account Number.

35 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status of


36 Details of grants received from other central/state govt.

deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its status of

37 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized contact

person with his complete address, phone/mobile
number and E-mail etc.

38 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in any
other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Name of Authorized signatory
Designation (with Rubber stamp)
Date :

Recommendation of the Office of DC(HC) Regional Director/ Asstt. Director of the Concerned M&HSC/CWTC
with full justification along with the points scored in grading.

Signature with rubber stamp

Name, Designation and address

National Handicrafts fair and marketing workshops are departmental activity and will be organized accordingly
by the office of DC(H). AD HMSEC/ CWTSC may submit their fund requirement with justification to RDs/ Hqrs
for consideration and sanction.


The office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) an attached office of Ministry of Textiles,
Government of India which formulates & Implements various schemes for the development of
Handicrafts in the country. The schemes formulated/modified/-deleted for continuation from one plan to
another, are based on the evaluation/Research Studies conducted from time to time & for this, we have
an in house scheme called ‘Research & Development’ in force since a long time. Research &
Development Scheme was introduced in 1956-57 as Central Sector Scheme. This scheme was
introduced to generate feedback on economic, social, aesthetic and promotional aspects of various crafts
and artisans in the sector. This office has been implementing the scheme called Research &
Development on all India basis since the time it was introduced to conduct surveys and studies of
important crafts and make in-depth analysis of specific aspects and problems of Handicrafts in order to
generate useful inputs to aid policy, planning and fine tune the ongoing initiatives; and to have
independent evaluation of the schemes implemented by this office. The scheme has been continued for
implementation beyond the Twelfth five year plan, i.e. upto March 2020 enlarging its scope to include
some more components & their sailent features without making any major modification in its
parameters, are as under:

The following interventions will be carried out under this component:

(i) Surveys & Studies on different topics

a. Surveys/ Studies of specific crafts for which adequate information is not available.

b. Problem relating to availability of raw material, technology, design, common facilities, etc.

c. Living and working conditions of artisans in specific areas of crafts.

d. Market evaluation studies of specific crafts for either domestic or overseas markets.

e. Techno-economic feasibility studies and post evaluation of the various promotional projects
programmes under taken in the handicrafts sector.

f. Areas requiring special study for uplift of the weaker sections viz. scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.

(ii) Financial Assistance for preparation of legal, para legal, standards, audits and other documentation
leading to labeling/certification.

(iii) Financial Assistance to organizations for evolving, developing a mechanism for protecting crafts
including languishing crafts, design, heritage, historical knowledge base, research and
implementation of the same enabling the sector/segment to face challenges.

(iv) Conducting Census of Handicraft artisans of the country.

(v) Registration of Crafts under Geographical Indication Act & necessary follow up on

(vi) Assisting handicrafts exporters in adoption of global standards and for bar coding, including
handicrafts mark for generic products.

(vii) Financial Assistance for taking up problems/issues relating to brand building and promotion of
Indian handicrafts.

(viii) Conducting of workshops/seminars on issues of specific nature relating to handicrafts sector

(ix) Evaluation / Impact Assessment Studies of Handicrafts schemes and development of IT based
application for monitoring and collecting application in R&D components. Funding will be need

(x) Flexible need based funding for NIFT, NID,NCDPD, EPCH, IIFT, IIMs and other similar public
bodies. The project will be appraised and approved by respective PAMCs after due consideration
of project outcomes. Financial assistance for DPR preparation shall be provided @ of 2% of the
project cost upto a maximum of Rs. 2.00 lakhs per project.

I. Eligibility
Assistance under the scheme will be extendable to an organization registered under any of the statutory
Acts (Companies Act 1965, Societies Registration Act 1860, Co operative Act. Etc.) or universities and
recognized research institutions. Generally such assistance would not be extendable to an particular
individual unless he/she is an eminent scholar or a person associated with promotion of handicrafts for a
long time.

II. Guidelines for Sanction:-

A committee under the chairmanship of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) will be formed for
consideration of proposals. The proposal having financial/funding implication above Rs. 50.00 Lakhs will
be brought before the Project Approval and Monitoring Committee, Chaired by Secretary (Textiles),
including a representative from IFW, Ministry of Textiles.

III. Financial Parameters

a) Eligible financial assistance for (i).
[a to f]

S. Head Maximum No. Maximum permissible amount


(i) Project Leader 1 @Rs. 40,000/- p.m.

(ii) Senior Research Expert 2 @Rs. 25,000/- p.m.

(iii) Junior Research Fellow 2 @Rs. 15,000/- p.m.

(iv) Investigator [Graduate] 3 @Rs. 12,000/- p.m.

(v) Computer Operator 2 @Rs. 10,000/- p.m.

(vi) Documentation & Videography -- Rs. 1,00,000/-

(vii) T.A./D.A. -- @Rs. 18,000/- p.m.

(viii) Miscellaneous -- 10% of the total cost

Maximum period 12 months.

b) Eligible financial assistance for (ii) to (viii)

Need base and will be decided on case to case basis.

c) For Seminar & Workshops for (viii) -

Maximum permissible duration – 3 Days.

Financial assistance will be as under:-

S. Head Maximum permissible limit amount
(i) Halls & Infrastructure Rs. 1,80,000/- for 3 days

(ii) Boarding & Lodging for Resource Persons @Rs. 9,000 per day, per head

(iii) a) T.A. to Resource Persons @Rs. 12,000/- per persons or AC-I/Air fare
b) For International Experts economy class whichever is less

@Rs. 70,000/- per person or economy class

(iv) Honorarium to Resource Persons @Rs. 4,000/- per person

(v) T.A. to participants including journey period @Rs. 2000/ per participant or AC-III tier fare
* whichever is less

(vi) DA to the participants @Rs. 150/- per participant per day

(vii) Documentation & Videography Rs. 1,00,000/-

(viii Hire of Conveyance Rs. 2,00,000/- for 3 days

(ix) Refreshments & Tea, Lunch etc. @Rs. 400/- per participants per day

(x) Publicity including banners, backdrops, Rs. 2,00,000/-

pamphlet, booklet, biometric machine, etc.

Miscellaneous @10% of (i) to (x)

* Rs. 3000/- for participants from NER.

In special cases limit can be increased with special approval of IFW


Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete postal

address, Mob/telephone no., email.

2 Registration number, date of registration, validity

of registration,act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel

No./Mobile No

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Has the agency undertaken any study related to

Handicrafts if yes, details thereof.

7 Other studies pertaining to informal sector

undertaken by agency.

8 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

9 Experience in organizing such Activities

Scheme/Project Profile

10 Name of the Project

11 Craft to be covered

12 Area to be covered

13 Duration of the Project along with break-up of all

the activities to be taken

14 Scope of the study

15 a. Need/Justification for taking of this Project

b. Methodology

16 How it will benefit to artisans/Handicraft sector

17 Whether the survey/study on this subject has been

conducted earlier by any agency if yes, the details

18 Curriculum vitae/Resume of team involved in

conducting the study.

19 Implementation module

Financial implication

20 Total financial implication along with head wise

S. Head Numbe Amou
No r nt
(i) Project Leader
(ii) Senior Research
(iii Junior Research
) Fellow
(iv) Investigator
(v) Computer Operator
(vi) Documentation &
(vii T.A./D.A.
(vii Miscellaneous

Documents to be attached

21 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

22 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]

23 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years. [Self attested]

24 Copy of Annual report of last one year.[Self


25 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.[ Self attested]

26 List of current office bearers of the organization

with their full Name, complete postal address with
PIN, phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

27 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance
under a particular scheme from office of DC

28 Name and address of Bank where organization has

its account and Account Number.

29 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status
of utilization

30 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

31 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

32 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in
any other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certificate :

1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.

3. Certified that all infrastructure are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per

4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal


Organization profile:-

1 Name of the Organization with complete postal

address, Mob/telephone no., e-mail.

2 Registration number, date of registration, validity of

registration, act under which registered.

3 Name & designation of Chief functionary with Tel

No/.Mobile No.

4 Whether the organization is engaged in the

development, promotion, & marketing of handicrafts

5 If yes, whether it is incorporated as one of the

objectives in the Memorandum and Article of
Association of the Organization

6 Has the agency conducted any seminar or workshop if

yes, details thereof?

7 Other studies pertaining to informal sector undertaken

by agency.

8 Brief Note on the activities undertaken

9 Experience in organizing such Activities

Scheme/Project Profile

10 Title of the Seminar /workshop

11 Objective

12 Need and Justification

13 Duration

14 Background note on the issues to be debated

15 Methodology

16 Details of Resource persons with their Profile

17 Budget estimate

i. Head of expenditure
ii. Cost of venue and infrastructure
iii. Boarding and lodging for resource persons
iv. T.A. to resource persons
v. Air fair for foreign experts (For international
vi. Honorarium to resource persons
vii. T.A /D.A to Participants
viii. Refreshment (two tea breaks and Lunch)
ix. Hire of conveyance
x. Documentation and videography
xi. Publicity including banners, backdrops,
Booklets/materials etc.
xii. Misc.(Max. 10% of serial No. 1 to 10)
18 Expected outcome

Documents to be attached

19 Copy of valid registration certificate under proper

statute.[ Self attested]

20 Copy of Memorandum of Association & bye-laws

certified by appropriate authority. [ Self attested]

21 Copy of audited balance sheet( by chartered

accountant ) for last 3 years.
[ Self attested]

22 Copy of Annual report of last one year.

[ Self attested]

23 Copy of the minutes of last AGM.

[ Self attested]

24 List of current office bearers of the organization with

their full Name, complete postal address with PIN,
phone/ mobile no. and E-mail.

25 Copy of resolution for seeking financial assistance

under a particular scheme from office of

26 Name and address of Bank where organization has its

account and Account Number.

27 Details of grants received from the office of

DC(Handicrafts) during last 3 years and its status of

28 Details of grants received from other central/state

govt. deptt. Or agencies during last 3 years and its
status of utilization.

29 Name of Nodal officer /project head/authorized

contact person with his complete address,
phone/mobile number and E-mail etc.

30 Affidavit regarding:
a. Majority of members of governing body do not
belong to the same family.
b. Details of the members having membership in any
other society registered any where in India.
c. That Organization is not involved in any corrupt
practices and has not been black -listed by any
central/state agencies.
d. That organization is a non profit making

Certificate :

1. Certificate that no financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.

2. Certified that the provision of the scheme have been fully understood and we take the responsibility for
successful completion of the project within the same financial year.

3. Certified that all infrastructure are available with the organization to conduct the programmes as per

4. Certified that there is no duplication of efforts takes place with existing schemes of the Ministries.

Signature of the authorized person with Rubber Seal


Under the Direct Benefit to the artisans, the following intervention will be carried out:

(i) Support to artisans in indigent circumstances

During the 11th Plan period, this activity was perused as a separate non plan scheme. However during
the deliberations of the Working Group on Handicrafts, it was decided that this being broadly a welfare
measure, it should be included as a component under the Welfare plan scheme for 12th Plan.
Accordingly, the subcomponent is continuing under Direct Benefit to the artisans components beyond
12th Plan i.e. upto March 2020.

This scheme is proposed to support the artisans during their old age. The scheme is designed to give a
boost to the handicraft sector in India.


• Master craftsperson who are the recipient of Shilp Guru Awards, National Awards or Merit
Certificates or State Awards in Handicrafts will be eligible for being considered for financial

• The annual income of the artisan will not be Rs 50,000/- (Rs fifty thousand only) or more.

• The applicant should not be a recipient of similar financial assistance from any other source.

• The artisan should not be less than 60 years of age on the date of application. Age may be
relaxed in case of artisan with disabilities.

Nature of assistance
Assistance from the government may be either in the form of monthly allowance or lumpsum grant or
both. In no case however, shall the assistance exceed Rs. 3500/- (Rupees three thousand five hundred
only) per month.

Fund Disbursement
The financial assistance is disbursed through Assistant Directors in the field formation of the O/o
DC(H). Funds are placed with the respective field offices on yearly basis and are disbursed on monthly
basis to the eligible applicants. Prescribe preforma etc. to apply for finance assistance are given at

(ii) Credit Guarantee Scheme

During the 11th Plan period, this activity was perused as a component of AmbedkarHastshilp Vikas
Yojana. However during the deliberations of the Sub Group on Handicrafts, it was decided that this
being broadly a welfare measure, it should be included as a component under the Welfare plan scheme
for 12th Plan. Accordingly, this component has been shifted from the AmbedkarHastshilp Vikas Yojana
to Welfare scheme.

The component is envisaged to alleviate the problem of collateral security or 3rd party guarantee and
remove impediments to flow of credit to handicrafts sector.

The handicraft artisans/ producers groups/Self Help Groups who are engaged in manufacturing
activities in Handicrafts Sector are covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme.

Financial assistance

• This guarantee cover is extended to all the lending institutions (Member Lending Institutions)
that are member of CGTMSE.

• To avail this facility CGTMSE is paid composite all-in Guarantee Fee as under:

Credit Facility Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF)

[ % p.a.]
Women, Micro Enterprises and units in North Others
East Region (incl. Sikkim)
Upto Rs. 5.00 lakh 0.75 1.00
Above Rs. 5.00 lakh and upto Rs. 0.85 1.00

• The composite all-in Guarantee Fee at specified rate of CGTSME shall be paid by the O/o
DC(H). This shall be calculated on the outstanding amount to the debit of the borrower’s

• The Scheme covers collateral free credit facility (term loan and working capital) extended by
Eligible Lending Institutions to artisans/ manufacturers involved in manufacturing of
Handicrafts upto INR 25 lakh per borrowing unit. The guarantee cover of the CGTMSE is
available for eligible collateral free credit upto INR 25 lakh.

• The rate of interest and the duration of the loan shall be as per the norms of lending banks i.e.
the Member Lending Institutions of CGTMSE.

• The coverage will be for three years.

• Service charges @ 5% of the total amount of guarantee fee/ annual service charge remitted by
the agency/agencies every year to the CGTSME, or actual, whichever is lesser will be paid to
partners who facilitate credit disbursal.

NOTE: The scheme details are subject to changes in SIDBI’s CGTMSE scheme.

(iii) Interest Subvention Scheme

This component introduced in 12th Plan for the first time based on suggestions emerged during the
deliberations of the Working Group on Handicrafts which is being continued beyond 12th Plan period
i.e. upto March 2020. This scheme is facilitating credit access for handicrafts artisans, through

introducing interest subventions for scheduled banks. 6% interest subvention, subject to actual, shall be

for artisans for loan taken from Scheduled banks. Maximum benefits of Rs. 1, 00,000/-for a period of 3
years is admissible.

Handicraft artisan registered with the office of DC (H) subject to the guidelines issued by DC (H) from
time to time containing eligibility criteria, identified crafts and such other conditions as deemed fit.

Financial assistance
An interest subvention of 6% is approved for artisans under NHDP.

Funding pattern:
The amount will be reimbursed to banks.

(v) Issue of Identity Cards and creation of data-base

During the 11th Plan period, this activity was perused as a component of Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas
Yojana. However during the deliberations of the Sub Group on Handicrafts, it was decided that this
being broadly a welfare measure, it should be included as a component under the Welfare plan scheme
for 12th Plan which is being continued beyond 12th plan i.e. upto March 2020. Accordingly, this
component is continuing under the subcomponent Issue of Identity Cards and creation of data-base.

The identified artisans will be given Photo Identity card. Agencies having necessary infrastructure to
undertake the work will be identified by this office.

In addition, an aadhar linked data-base of artisans will be developed to enable better targeting and

Financial assistance
Assistance to the tune of INR 50/- maximum per card and software and training for this work will be
provided by this office.

Note on Direct Benefit to Artisans: Export Promotion Councils will also be eligible for grants under the
scheme and grants will be sanctioned for such specialized welfare projects based on DPR to be
approved by PAMC constituted for Mega Cluster Projects.

(VI) Margin Money

Margin Money for the artisans availing Mudra Loan under Director Benefit to artisans component has
been included to ensure the availability of concessional credit to artisans. 20% of MUDRA loan
amount will be given as Margin money in their loan amount not exceeding to Rs.10,000/-. The amount
will be transferred by the Nodal Bank to their accounts.


All handicrafts artisans /workers having valid PAHCHAN card would be eligible to get the benefit of
MUDRA loan from scheduled Bank. The artisans availing the MUDRA loan would get the benefit of
interest subvention and Margin Money by Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts),
Ministry of Textiles as per details given below :-

• interest subvention @ 6% maximum to Rs.1.00 lakhs in three years

• margin money @ 20% of MUDRA loan amount not exceeding to Rs.10,000/-

The amount of assistance given to the artisans under Margin money shall leverage for borrowing loans
from the banks.

The interest subvention amount will be paid by Punjab National Bank to the artisans & it will be
credited in their Account from the bank, they have taken the Loan. The margin money will also be
credited directly in the artisans account from where they have availed the loan. The office of DC (HC)
would sanction/release the amount towards margin money to Punjab National Bank.

Operational Details

An artisans is required to approach Scheduled Commercial Bank/Regional Rural Bank/Co-operative

Bank concerned for availing the bank loan, for which application form is to be filled by the applicant
and deposited either in the bank or field office of Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)
with relevant documents which include:

• photocopy of voter identity card/ration card/UID, his/her photographs

• photocopy of artisans PAHCHAN Identity card,

• photocopy of Bank passbook.

Based on the information furnished by the applicant, the loan application will be scrutinized by the field
office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles and forward to the Bank with
recommendation for further scrutinising the application by Bank as per their norms for sanctioning the

The Bank after sanctioning the loan to the handicrafts artisan would submit the disbursement of interest
subvention amount and margin money amount to the Artisan Mudra Portal of Punjab National Bank
who is the nodal Bank for disbursement of amount under Interest subvention and margin money.

Government of India will release financial assistance towards margin money and interest subvention to
the Punjab National Bank as per MOU signed for onward release to the Banks/Financial Institutions for
extending benefits to the beneficiaries.

Service Charges to Implementing Agencies:

The Nodal Bank for disbursement of Interest Subvention and Margin money amount to handicrafts
artisans will be paid a service charges as per MoU signed between Office of DC(Handicrafts), Ministry
of Textiles.


The office of the Development Commissioner for Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles would monitor the
project through its field offices, by obtaining periodical reports from the scheduled Bank/ Nodal Bank
and holding review meetings with them from time to time.


Wide publicity will be given about margin money, Interest subvention under Mudra Loan in the
newspaper followed by awareness programs organised throughout the country from time to time.


The PMJJBY is an insurance Scheme offering life insurance cover for death due to any reason. lt
would be a one year cover, renewable on year to year basis.


All handicrafts artisans /workers in the age group of 18 -50 years.


Rs.2 lakh is payable on beneficiary's death due to any cause, for one year period from 1st June to
31st May


The annual premium of Rs.330/- will be shared as under:

Government of India Share Rs.150/-

Life Insurance Corporation’s Share Rs.100/-
Artisans /Workers share Rs.80/-
Total premium Rs.330/-


The PMSBY is an insurance scheme offering accidental insurance cover for death or disability. It
would be a one year cover, renewable from year to year basis.


All handicrafts artisans /workers in the age group of 18 -50 years


Risk coverage available will be Rs.2.00 lakh for accidental death and permanent total disability
and Rs. 1.00 lakh for partial disability for one year period from 1st June to 31st May.


The annual premium of Rs.12/- will be borne entirely by the Govt. of India.


The Converged Modified Aam Admi Bima Yojana (MAABY) is an insurance scheme offering
life insurance cover and accidental insurance cover for death or disability for a closed group of
handicrafts artisans / workers in the age group of 51 -59 years who were already enrolled under
the AABY on 3l .05.2017.

Handicrafts artisans /workers in the age group of 5l-59 years, who were already enrolled under
the AABY on 31.05.2017, will be eligible to get insurance cover under this scheme. No new
enrolment of artisans in the 5l-59 years age group will be done under this scheme on or after
01.06.2017 thus, number of beneficiaries under MABBY will get reduced every year and will
vanish after 9 years.

(illustration: Artisans /workers of the 52 years age and already covered under AABY on
31.05.2017 will continue to be covered upto the age of 59 years on payment of premium. Artisans
s/workers of 49 years age, whether already covered under AABY or not, will be covered under
PMJJBY & PMSBY. His coverage will cease under PMJJBY & PBSBY after attaining the age of
50 years and he will not be eligible for coverage under Converged AABY thereafter).


Natural Death Rs. 60,000/-
Accidental Death Rs.1,50,000/-
Total disability Rs.1,50,000/-
Partial Disability Rs. 75,000/-


The annual premium of Rs.470/- will be shared as under:

Government of India share Rs.290/-

Life Insurance Corporation Share Rs.100/-
Artisans /workers share Rs. 80/-
Total Premium Rs.470/-


The insurance cover is renewable every year and continuation of coverage is ensured on payment
of premium on the due date of renewal every year. The coverage period is 1st June to 31st May.
The beneficiary shall have to pay his share of the annual premium in one go.

The office of the State Director-in-charge of Handicrafts & Textiles and its subordinate offices in
the field shall be the Nodal agencies for implementation of the scheme. Nodal agency will act for
and on behalf of the insured members in all matters relating to the insurance cover.

Nodal agency shall open a separate bank account for deposit by the beneficiary his/her premium

The artisans shall fill up the enrolment form given at Annexure - I and submit the same to the
nodal agency along with receipt of deposit of his / her share of the premium in the bank account of
the nodal agency. The artisan in the age group of l8-50 years on deposit of his share of Rs.80/-
will be entitle for coverage under both the schemes viz. the PMJJBY and PMSBY.

On receipt of the above, the nodal agency shall scrutinize the application and forward the lists of
such beneficiaries in the format given at Annexure - II along with premium amount to the LIC.

On receipt of the premium amount along with the list of beneficiaries from the nodal agencies, the
LIC shall issue "Certificate of insurance" to all the beneficiaries' This would enable
nominees/beneficiaries to claim their dues in the case of death or disability. A consolidated State-
wise list of enrolled beneficiaries will also be submitted by the LIC to the Office of the
Development Commissioner for Handicrafts on monthly basis.

The premium, once paid, shall not be refunded.

The insurance coverage is ordinarily effective only after receipt of entire amount of premium. In
an unlikely situation where the Government's share of premium is not ready, the LIC shall accept
the share of the beneficiary and effect the coverage accordingly.

Natural death claims (Other than accidental death and disability claims) under Converged
PMJJBY/PMSBY an death & disability claims under Converged AABY:

The claimant / nominee/ legal heir is required to submit duly completed claim form as given at
Annexure- III along with the applicable documents to the Nodal agency. The Nodal agency shall
verify the claim papers and submit the same to designated Pension & Croup Scheme (P&AS) unit
of LlC.

Accidental death and disability claims under converged pmjjby/pmsby:

The claimant / nominee / legal heir is required to submit duly completed claim form as given at
Annexure - III along with the applicable documents in two separate sets to the Nodal agency. The
Nodal agency shall verify the claim papers and submit both sets to designated Pension & Group
Scheme (P&CS) unit of the LIC. One set of claim form shall be submitted by the LIC, P&CS unit
to mapped office of the General Insurance Company as approved by the LIC.

The benefits under the scheme shall be transferred by the LIC in to the Bank account of the
claimant / nominee I legal heir through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).


As a free add-on benefit, scholarship to a maximum of two children of the beneficiary, studying in
9th to l2th Standard @ Rs.300/- per quarter for each child is also provided under the scheme for a
maximum period of four years or till they complete XII standard, whichever event occurs earlier.
However, the scholarship will be paid through National Scholarship Portal (NSP). The student has
to register himself on NSP Portal. The School and Nodal Agency will verify the details of the
students. LIC will then release the payment of Scholarship to students through DBT once in a
year. The amount of scholarship will be credited to the bank account of beneficiaries.


For PMJJBY, PMSBY and Modified AABY: The office of the Development Commissioner for
Handicrafts (DCHC), Ministry of Textiles shall release government of India’s share of the
premium to the Life Insurance Corporation of India in advance, based on the number of
handicrafts artisans/workers to be covered under the scheme. Every subsequent request for release
must be accompanied with progress of enrolment, claims received and claims settled.

For Health Insurance coverage: As per the guidelines framed by MOH&FW, Central / State
Governments will be their share to insurance company.

Photo Size 4.5x3.5 Cm
with white Bakground

1 Full Name of Artisans

Name of the Head of the Household
2 Gender : Male( ) / Female ( ) / Transgender ( )
3 Date of Birth
4 Address: C/O ( ) D/O ( ) S/O ( ) W/O ( ) H/O ( )
House No. / Bldg/ Apt. Street/ Raod Lane
Landmark Area/ Locality / Sector
Village /Town/ City Post Office
District Sub District: State:
E-mail Tele/ Mob. No. Pin Code:
5 Educational Qualification
6 Social Group:
Economic Group
Card No. (APL/BPL)/ Antyodaya, If any,
7 Bank Details State
Bank Name/ Branch IFSC Code
Account No.
8 Aadhaar NO.
9 Identity Cad Number of Handicrafts artisans , if any
10 S.No. in the latest Census of handicrafts Artisans______________ ( if not available AD verify & certify that the
applicant is a genuine craftsman)
11 Name of the crafts Practices (Major/ Specific) (Carpet & other floor covering /
Art Metal ware/ Wood ware / Hand printingTextiles/ Scarves/ Embroidered &
Crocheted goods / Shawl as art ware/ Zari & Zari goods / jewellery / Can &
12 Year of experience in practicing the craft
13 Annual income from crafts practiced
14 Annual income form other source: Agricultural / other
15 Family Details ( Family consists of artisans, His / Her spouse & dependent minor children only)
Member Name Relation Age
Member Name Relation Age
Member Name Relation Age
16 Name of the Working Unit:-
Registration Number
Year of registration
Turn Over:- Below 1 lakhs/ 1-5 Lakh/ Aobe 5 Lakh
Total Artisans Employed:- (Hired/ Household Member (self Employed)
17 Whether Holding Credit Card:- Artisans credit Card(ACC)/ SSC / Other
18 Status whether Shilp Guru/ National Award/ National Merit Certificate holder/
State Award.
I certified that information provided by me and information contained herein is my own and is true, correct and accurate.

Converged MAABY & Converged PMJJBY/PMSBY Enrolment Form


1 Full name

2 Full name of father

3 Full name of husband (In case of married
4 Sex (M / F / O)
5 Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)
6 Mobile number
7 E-mail ID
8 PAN no.
9 Aadhar Card / Biometric Card Number /
10 Ration Card Number / BPL Card Number
11 Type of ration card (BPL Card or other)
12 Caste (SC / OBC / GEN )
13 Occupation
14 Mark of Identity (Identification mark)
15 No. of Children
16 Complete Address House No
Area / Village

17 Saving Bank Details Bank Account No

Account Type
Name of the Bank Saving / Current / PMJDY

18 Name of the nominee

19 Nominee Relationship with member
( F / M / H / W / Son / Daughter / Sister /
Brother / Other)
20 Nominee Occupation
21 Mobile Number of Nominee
22 Date of birth of nominee (DD-MM-YYYY)
23 Aadhar / Biometric card number of nominee
24 Address of Nominee
25 Name of the Appointee (if Nominee is minor)
26 Appointees’ Relationship with Nominee
27 Address of the Appointee

Signature of the Member


Signature of Authorized signatory of Nodal Agency



This form is to be filled up by person for getting insurance cover under Converged Modified Aam Admi Bima Yojana
(MAABY) Converged Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana. Nodal Agency will collect the forms for their records.
Nodal agency to compile the data of members to be covered as per eligibility criteria and submit data to LIC in the format
given at Annexure – II along with member’s premium share.

Format for list to be submitted by Nodal Agency to LIC

Maadhar Member Father’s / Gender Date Village District State Pin Account IFSC Mobile Nomi
Name Husband’s of Name Code Code Code No. number nee’s
Name Birth Name

Annexure – III
PART A and PART D should be filled in Nodal Agency
PART B and PART C should be filled in by Nominee / Legal Heir / Claimant
PART A: Particular to be filled by Nodal Agency
1 POLICY Number
2 Name & Address of Nodal Agency, Telephone
number of nodal agency
3 Contact number – Mobile or landline of nodal agency
4 e-mail address of Nodal Agency
PART B: Particulars of Insured Member
1 Name and Address of the insured Member
2 Aadhar Card Number / Biometric Card Number of
the insured member
3 Name of Father / Husband of the insured member
4 Date of Death / Accident
5 Place of Death / Accident
6 Date of birth of the insured member
7 Cause of death (if applicable) Natural / Accidental
PART C: Particulars of the Nominee / Legal Heir’s in absence of Nominee
1 Name & Full address of Nominee / Legal heir’s in
absence of Nomination (Claimant)
2 Telephone or Mobile Number of Nominee / Legal
3 Email address if available, of Nominee / Legal heir/s
4 Relationship of claimant with the member
5 Aadhar Card / Biometric Card Number of the
Nominee / Legal heir
6 Bank Account number of nominee / legal heir of
claim payment
7 Type of Account Current / Saving
8 IFSC code
9 Name of the Bank and address
I hereby declare that the answers to all the above
questions are true in every respect
Signature of Witness

Name and address of witness Signature/Thumb Impression of Nominee / Legal

Heir / Claimant)

PART D: Particular to be filled by Nodal Agency
1 Membership Number (Member ID)
2 LIC ID of the Member
3 Whether member is converged to PMJJBY / PMSBY
or new entrant (To decide applicability of lien clause NEW ENTRANT
in case of Converged PMJJBY) (Answer not required
for Converged MGBBY) – Tick in appropriate box
4 Whether deceased was earning member or head of the YES / NO
family (Tick in box provided)
5 Whether deceased was living below poverty line or YES / NO
marginally above poverty line (Tick in box provided)
1. Certified that the replies to the above questions given by claimant / nominee / legal heir in part B and C are
verified from our records and same are found correct as per our data base.
2. Replies given in Part A and D are correct and verified from our records.
3. Deceased had fulfilled eligibility criteria as per scheme rules. Claim is payable to the nominee / legal heir /
claimant as per rules of the scheme.
4. Nominee named above is registered in the database of Members insured the scheme / policy.

Signature authorized signatory of the nodal agency

Name_________________________ Telephone number__________________________

Email ID ___________________________________
___________________________________ Seal of nodal Agency
Place: Date:
List of documents (as applicable) to be submitted along with claim form:
1. Attested* Death Certificate of the deceased member
2. Attested* Photocopy of Aadhar Card / Biometric Card of the deceased/insured member.
3. Attested* Photocopy of Aadhar Card / Biometric Card of nominee / claimant.
4. Attested* Photocopy of age proof of the deceased/insured member.
5. Duly attested* photocopy of Bank Passbook of the Claimant / Nominee / Legal Heir or cancelled cheque
bearing the name of claimant / nominee / legal heir and IFSC code of the branch of the bank.
6. Additional requirements in case of Accidental Death / Disability claim: Attested* copy of FIR, PMR, Police
inquest Report, Police Final Report. Medical certificate from a Government Civil Surgeon or qualified
Government Orthopedician certifying permanent total/ partial disability due to accident, stating loss of limb/s
of the member covered under the scheme
*Attestations / certified by Nodal Agency.

Declaration by the person filling in the form (in case form filled up is signed in a language different from
that of the Claim from)
I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions to the nominee / Claimant and I have truthfully recorded the
answers given by the nominee / claimant.
Declarant’s Name and Address
__________________________ Signature of the Declarant

I certify that the contents of the form and documents have been fully explained to me by (name, designation,
occupation) Mr. / Mrs._______________________________and I have understood the significance of the
contents of the claim form.

Signature of the Claimant / Nominee / Legal Heir

In case the nominee / Claimant is illiterate his/her thumb impression should be attested by a person of standing
whose identity can easily be established but unconnected with the Corporation and this declaration should be
made by him.
I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions and contents of this claim form to the nominee /
Claimant in ______________________ language and that the nominee / claimant has affixed the thumb
impression above after fully understanding the contents thereof.
Name and Address of the declarant:______________________________________________________________

Signature of the Declarant

Discharge Receipt to be signed by Claimant / Nominee / Legal Heir Without Prejudice

Hereby acknowledge receipt from Life Insurance Corporation of India a sum of Rs.________________ (Rupees
_____________________ Only) in full and final satisfaction and discharge of all our claims under the above
Scheme on the life of member
Resident of ________________________________________________________________
Dated at ____this ______________ day of 20____

Signature/Thumb Impression of Claimant / Nominee / Legal Heir Stamp
Witnessed by
SEAL of the Nodal Agency
Signature of Authorized Official of nodal agency
Name of the Officer ________________________________________
Designation: ______________________________________________

Passport size Photograph attested by concerned AD of HM&SEC or WSC or RD


1 Full Name of the Master Craftsperson

2 Father’s/Husband Name

3 Date of Birth (in chirstian era)

4 Artisans identity Card No.

5 Permanent Address



6 Present address



7 Aadhaar No.

8 Bank Details [Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Bank Account]

Name of the Bank / Branch

Account No


9 Details of Award received (please enclosed the photo copy of award received)

National Award

National Merit Certificate

State Award

10 a) Annual Income of Master Craftsperson

from all sources

b). Is he /she receipt of any grant under any

Scheme of an local body State Govt Central
Govt. If Yes, details may be given

11 Details of dependents/Members of Master Craftsperson’s family

12 Immovable property owned by the Master
Craftsperson, his wife/husband or children
indication location , group area and current
approximate value .

13 Particulars of the craft in which the Master

craftsperson is proficient ,and the significant
work done by him

14 Particulars of any recognition or distinction

received from Govt. of any other agency in
the field of handicrafts.

15 Had the Master craftsperson applied for the

financial assistant before, if so the year in
which he had applied before may be given
indicating specifically whether his / her
request was rejected.

16 Any other relevant information

I solemnly declare that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge, and no fact has been
cancelled. In case there is any false or incorrect statement made by me in this performa, I promise to refund on
demand to the government of India the entire amount of grant, if any ,sanctioned to me.

Dated :

(Signature of the applicant )

Name of the forwarding officer:

(Signature & Stamp of the

Forwarding/verifying Assistant Director)



Serial No. of Certificate:-____________________________

On the basis of the enquiries made by me about the applicant Shri/ Smt/_________________________, I certify
that the statement made by the applicant in columns 8 & 9 (a), (b) is correct.

His/her annual income from all source is Rs. ____________ (Rupees) ________________________). His/her
date of birth as certified by me is __________________.

I recommend that the applicant is a Master craft person of repute who is in indigent circumstances and deserves
financial assistance as asked for by him/her.

( Name& Designation)
(Signature of Collector /Dy. Commissioner/
Officer of the rank of 1st Class Magistrate)




Affidavit of Shri/Smt. _____________________________ Son/Wife of _______________________resident

of______________________________ I, _________________________________solemnly affirm as follows:

1) My aged is _____________________________________ years, my date of birth being


2) My total annual income from all sources is Rs. ________________.

3) I am not receiving financial assistance under any other scheme of any local body/state
Government/Government of India.

That the contents of the application may kindly be read over as part of this affidavit as the contents are true and
correct and the same are not being repeated for the sake of brevity.



Verified at ____________________on this _________________day of _____________________that the

facts stated above are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed.


Place :

Date :

Mega cluster approach is a Drive to scale up the infrastructural and production chain at Handicrafts
clusters which have remained unorganized and have not kept pace with the modernization and
development that have been taking place so far. Consequently, there has not been any addition of fresh
impetus of development and optimum realization of output in the handicrafts sector, which is not only
the backbone of long traditional heritage and cultural linkages.

The prospect of this sector lies in infrastructural improvement, modernization of the tools, machinery,
process and product diversification and creating strong brands. Innovative designs as well as technical
know-how, furthered by brand building of the native products hold the key to creating a niche market
for the products manufactured by the clusters. The proposed programme is expected to support the Up
gradation of infrastructural facilities coupled with market linkages and product development &

Handicrafts clusters are located in clearly identifiable geographical locations (clusters) that specialize in
specific products, with close linkages and inter dependence amongst the key players in the cluster.

Further, during implementation of the Mega Cluster projects it has been observed that in certain cases
interventions are required to be implemented at various places throughout the country in a particular
craft for generating employment through skill up-gradation and also for increasing the market base of
the craft within the country as well as in the International market. In such cases the mega Cluster
Scheme would be flexible to reach all corners of the country wherever the selected craft exists. The
activities may vary from soft to hard interventions. In short, Mega Clusters can be implemented in a
fixed geographical area as well as different places throughout the country in a particular craft or in a
state where crafts are identified on block/cluster level.

The Mega Clusters will be taken up for development through Handicrafts Mega Cluster Mission
(HMCM) or through Central/State Corporations as and when announced in Union Budget or as per
requirement and as per the DPR prepared for the purpose.


The objective is to develop these clusters with world-class infrastructure. The guiding principle behind
the design of clusters would be to create world-class infrastructure that caters to the business needs of
the local artisans & SMEs to boost production and export. In brief, the main objective of setting up
these clusters is to assist the artisans & entrepreneurs to set up world-class units with modern
infrastructure, latest technology, and adequate training and HRD inputs, coupled with market linkages
and production diversification. SPV is designed in such a way, which will have Standard Models of
units of SSI and SME with infrastructure that is customized to give a competitive edge and these centres
have greater potential to become globally competitive.

The broad objectives of the proposed program are as follows:

i. To enhance the competitiveness of selected clusters in terms of increased market share and
ensuring increased productivity by higher unit value realization of the products.
ii. To ensure effective integration of scattered artisans, building their grass roots enterprises and
linking them to SMEs in the sector to build critical mass for customized interventions and ensure
economies of scale in operations. This will build a supply system that is geared to responding to
large-scale orders, adhering to quality and product standardization, which are pre-requisites of
global markets.

iii. To generate additional livelihood opportunities to the people through specific intervention in
segmental sub sector industry and increase the incomes to the artisans/craftsmen already engaged
in this sector.

iv. To provide requisite support/ linkages in terms of adequate infrastructure, technology, product
diversification, design development, raw material banks, marketing & promotion, social security
and other components that are vital for sustainability of artisans/craftsmen engaged in the
Handicrafts sector.

v. The core elements of the strategy for the proposed program are given below:

vi. Proactive and strong technical and program management assistance for capacity building,
designing of the interventions and their implementation, through a competent professional agency.

2. Funding pattern
Funds to the tune of 2% (max.) of project cost upto a maximum of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs per project shall be
earmarked for establishing baseline data / DPR against which performance can be compared at the end
of the project. The total fund requirement will be as per the DPR. The maximum duration of the project
will be four years. 50% of the approved project cost will be released as advance. Second Installment @
40% of the approved project cost will be released on utilization of 70% of 1st installment. The last 10%
amount will be released as reimbursement on completion of project and submission of utilization report
etc. This funding pattern will also be applicable to Special handicrafts integrated projects.

3. Implementation Methodology & Framework

A project of this nature, which is need based, multi stakeholder driven, holistic and outcome oriented,
would require institutional structure and processes that are capable and conducive to achieving the
objectives of the program. The following will be the methodology and process through which the
project would be implemented: -

i. Undertaking a detailed diagnostic study of the cluster in order to identify the needs, gaps and
also developing base line reference data.

ii. Preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) covering technical, financial, institutional and
implementation aspects, based on the diagnostic study. This DPR would clearly establish the
expected outcomes of each of the interventions, which are measurable.

iii. Validation of the findings of the diagnostic study and the DPR by the key stakeholders of the
cluster including representative associations, federations of the artisans, support institutions,
service providers, State Government and Central Government agencies.
iv. Approval of the DPR by PAMC under Ministry of Textiles.

v. Procurement of land, wherever needed for any of the interventions of the DPR, by the SPV

vi. Implementation of the interventions as per the phasing mentioned in the DPR.

vii. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the interventions against the outcomes
defined in the DPR.
viii. Engagement of designer will be provided for Mega Cluster and special project for a period not
more than 3 years. Designer fee would be Rs. 55,000 per month including TA. Designer should
be linked to outcome based para meters in terms of number of new designs introduced and sales
achieved for new designs. The NID and NIFT graduates will be given preference during
selections of designers and the engagement should be through a transparent system.
ix. The state agencies as Implementing Agencies of special project will be eligible for 3%
administrative cost for setting up of project monitoring unit.

4. Project Approval and Monitoring Committee (PAMC)

The Detailed Project Report (DPR) shall be considered and approved by the Project Approval and
Monitoring Committee (PAMC). The PAMC shall accord further approvals only after the
comprehensive DPRs are in place. The implementation of the various projects should also be reviewed
periodically by the PAMC. The composition of the PAMC would be:

Secretary (Textiles) Chairman

Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Member

Secretary of the Dept. dealing with Handicrafts in the state Member

Representative of IFW Member

District magistrate of the District Member

Additional Development Commissioner/Director (Handicrafts) Member Secretary

5. Deliverables/Advantages of the proposed Clusters

i. Employment Generation;
ii. Better living standards for the existing artisans.
i. Foreign Exchange earnings by export;
ii. Substantial Increase in quality and value added Production;
iii. Increase in the business of small entrepreneurs;
iv. Savings in cost by manufacturers in the cluster due to better infrastructure and Government
induced benefits;
v. Revenue generation to local bodies and State & Central Governments;
vi. Growth of industry in an organized form.


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