Hydrology Assignment
Hydrology Assignment
Hydrology Assignment
ROLL NO. - 2016/754
The word hydrology is the science or study of (‘logy’ from Latin logia) ‘water’ (‘hydro’ from
Greek hudor). However, contemporary hydrology does not study all the properties of water.
Modern hydrology is concerned with the distribution of water on the surface of earth and its
movement over and beneath the surface, and through the atmosphere. This wide - ranging
definition suggests that all water comes under the remit of a hydrologist, while in reality it is the
study of freshwater that is of primary concern. The study of the saline water on earth is carried
out by oceanography.
When we study the distribution and movement of water on the earth’s surface it is inevitable that
we study the role of humans in this. Not only because human needs for water is the only reason
to study hydrology but it is one of the strongest motivating forces. The two main pathways to the
study of hydrology come from engineering and geography, particularly the earth science side of
geography. The earth science approach comes from the study of landforms (geomorphology) and
is rooted in a history of explaining the processes that lead to water moving around the earth and
to understand the spatial link between the processes.
Water is the most common substance on the surface of the earth, with the oceans covering over
70 per cent of the planet. Water is one of the few substances that can be found in all three forms
(gas, liquid and solid) within the earth’s climatic range. The very presence of water in all three
forms makes it possible for the earth to have a climate that is habitable for all life forms. The
transformation of water between gas, liquid and solid is vital for the transfer of energy around
the globe: moving energy from the equatorial regions towards the poles, also the low viscosity of
water makes it an extremely efficient transport agent, whether through international shipping or
river and canal navigation. These characteristics can describes as the physical properties of water
and they are critical for human survival on planet earth. The chemical properties of water are
equally important for our everyday existence. Water is one of the best solvent naturally occurring
on the planet. This makes water vital for cleanliness: we use it for washing but also for the
disposal of pollutants. The solvent properties of water allow the uptake of vital nutrients from the
soil and into plants which then allows transfer of the nutrients within bodies of water such as
rivers, lakes and oceans. The capability of water to support life goes beyond bodies of water; the
human body is composed of around 60 percent water. The majority of this water is within cells,
but there is a significant proportion that moves around the body carrying dissolves chemicals
which are vital for sustaining our lives.
In places like Norway and parts of USA and New Zealand energy generation for domestic and
industrial consumption is through hydro - electric schemes, harnessing the combination of water
and gravity in a sustainable manner.
To understand the study of hydrology it is useful to consider the hydrological cycle. This is a
conceptual model of how water moves around between the earth and atmosphere in different
states as a gas, liquid or solid. As with any conceptual model it contains many gross
simplifications. There are different scales that the hydrological cycle can be viewed at, but it is
helpful to start at the large global scale and then move to the smaller hydrological unit of river
basin or catchment.
The table below helps us estimate the amount of water held on the earth at a single time.
Estimates cited in Gleick (1993) show a range in total from 1.36 to 1.45 thousand million cubic
km of water. The vast majority of this is contained in the oceans and seas. If we count
groundwater less than 1lm in depth as ‘available’ and discount snow and ice, then the total
percentage of water available for human consumption is around 0.27 percent. Although this
sounds very little it works out at about 146 million litres of water per person per day.
The figure below shows the movement of water around the earth - atmosphere system and is a
representation of the global hydrological cycle. The cycle consists of Evaporation of liquid water
into water vapour that is moved around the atmosphere. At some stage the water vapour
condenses into a liquid (or solid) again and falls to the surface as Precipitation. The ocean
evaporates more water than they receive as precipitation, while the opposite is true over the
continents. The difference between precipitation and evaporation in the terrestrial zone is Runoff,
water moving over or under the surface towards the oceans, which completes the hydrological
cycle. As it can be seen in the figure the vast majority of evaporation and precipitation occurs
over the oceans. Ironically this means that the terrestrial zone which is of greatest concern to
hydrologist, is actually rather insignificant in global terms.
The global hydrological cycle. The numbers represent estimates on the total amount of water in each
Process per annum. E= evaporation; P= precipitation; Qg= subsurface runoff; Q= surface runoff.
The three parts shown in the figure (Evaporation, Precipitation and Runoff) are the fundamental
processes of concern in Hydrology. The figures given in the diagram are global totals but they
vary enormously around the globe. Total precipitation is partitioned towards different
hydrological processes, which is shown in Figure 2, in differing amounts depending on climate.
In the temperate climates around one third of precipitation becomes evaporation, one third
surface runoff and the final third as groundwater recharge. In arid and semi - arid regions the
proportions of evaporation is much greater, at the expense of groundwater recharge.
With the advent of satellite monitoring of the earth’s surface in the past thirty years it is now
possible to gather information on the global distribution of these three processes and hence view
how he hydrological cycle varies around the world. The concept of available water considers not
only the distribution of rainfall but also population. The facts and figures given to justify that can
be misleading because even a country like Australia is so large that the high rainfall received in
the tropical north - west compensates for the extreme lack of rainfall elsewhere; hence it is
considered water rich. The use of rainfall alone is also misleading as it does not consider the
importation of water passing across borders, through rivers and groundwater movement.
The Catchment Hydrological Cycle
At a smaller scale it is possible to view the catchment hydrological cycle as a more in - depth
conceptual model of the hydrological processes operating. The figure shows an adaptation of the
global hydrological cycle to show the processes operating within a catchment. In the figure there
are still essentially three processes operating (Evaporation, Precipitation and Runoff), but it is
possible to subdivide each into different sub - processes. Evaporation is a mixture of open water
evaporation (i.e. from rivers and lakes); evaporation from the soil’ evaporation from plant
surfaces; interception; and transpiration from plants. Precipitation can be in the form of snowfall,
hail, rainfall or some mixture of the three (sleet). The broad term ‘runoff’ incorporates the
movement of liquid water above and below the surface of the earth. The movement of water
below the surface of the earth. The movement of water below the earth’s surface necessitates an
understanding of infiltration into the soil and how the water moves in the unsaturated zone and in
the saturated zone.
Processes in the hydrological cycle operating at the basin or catchment scale. Qg= runoff; subscript G stands for
Groundwater flow; TF= for throughflow; I= interception; E= evaporation; P= precipitation
The Water Balance Equation
We previously discussed that the hydrological cycle is a conceptual model representing our
understanding of which processes are operating within an overall earth - atmosphere system. It is
also possible to represent this in the form of an equation, which is normally called the water
balance equation. The water balance equation is a mathematical description of the hydrological
processes operating within a given timeframe and incorporates principles of mass and energy
continuity. In this way the hydrological cycle is defined as a closed system whereby there is no
mass or energy created or lost within it. The mass of concern in this case is water.
Precipitation is the release of water from the atmosphere to reach the surface of the earth. The
term ‘precipitation’ covers all forms of water being released by the atmosphere, including snow,
hail, sleet and rainfall. It is the major input of water to a river catchment area and as such needs
careful assessment in the study of Hydrology. Although rainfall is relatively straightforward to
measure it is notoriously difficult to measure accurately and, to compound the problem, is also
extremely variable within a catchment area.
The ability of air to hold water vapour is temperature dependent: the cooler the air the less water
vapour s retained. If a body of warm, moist air is cooled then it will become saturated with water
vapour and eventually the water vapour will condense into liquid or solid water. The water will
not condense spontaneously however, there need to be minute particles present in the
atmosphere, called condensation nuclei, upon which the water or ice droplets form. The water or
ice droplets that form on condensation nuclei are normally too small to fall to the surface as
precipitation; they need to grow in order to have enough mass to overcome uplifting forces
within a cloud.
So there are three conditions that need to be met prior to precipitation forming:
Cooling of the atmosphere may take place through several different mechanisms occurring
independently or simultaneously. The most common form of cooling is from the upliftment of air
through the atmosphere. As the air rises the pressure decreases; Boyle’s Law states that this will
lead to a corresponding cooling in temperature. The cooler temperature leads to less water
vapour being retained by the air and conditions becoming favourable for condensation. The
actual upliftment of air may be caused by heating from the earth’s surface, an air mass being
forced to rise over an obstruction such as a mountain range or from a low pressure weather
system where the air is constantly being forced upwards.
These are minute particles floating in the atmosphere which provide a surface for the water
vapour to condense into liquid water upon. They are commonly less than a micron in diameter.
There are many different substances that make the condensation nuclei, including small dust
particles, sea salts and smoke particles.
Water or ice droplets formed around condensation nuclei are normally too small to fall directly
to the ground; that is, the forces from the upward draught within a cloud are greater than the
gravitational forces pulling the microscopic droplets downwards. The vapour pressure difference
between a droplet and the surrounding air will cause it to grow through condensation, albeit
rather slowly. When the water droplet is ice the vapour pressure difference with the surrounding
air becomes greater and the water vapour sublimates into the ice droplet. This will create a
precipitation droplet faster than condensation onto a water droplet, but is still a slow process. The
main mechanism by which raindrops form within a cloud is through collision and coalescence.
For hydrological analysis it is important to know how much precipitation has fallen and when
this occurred. The usual expression of precipitation is as a vertical depth of liquid water. Rainfall
is measured by millimetres or inches depth, rather than by volume such as litres or cubic metres.
The measure- ment is the depth of water that would accumulate on the surface if all the rain
remained where it had fallen (Shaw, 1994). Snowfall may also be expressed as a depth, although
for hydrological purposes it is most usefully described in water equivalent depth (i.e. the depth of
water that would be present if the snow melted). This is a recognition that snow takes up a
greater volume (as much as 90 per cent more) for the same amount of liquid water.There is a
strong argument that can be made to say that there is no such thing as precipitation measurement
at the catchment scale as it varies so tremendously over a small area. The logical endpoint to this
argument is that all measurement techniques are in fact precipitation estimation techniques.
The instrument for measuring rainfall is called a rain gauge. A rain gauge measures the volume
of water that falls onto a horizontal surface delineated by the rain gauge rim. The volume is
converted into a rainfall depth through division by the rain gauge surface area. The design of a
rain gauge is not as simple as it may seem at first glance as there are many errors and
inaccuracies that need to be minimised or eliminated.
A rain gauge sitting above the surface to avoid splash.
The measurement of snowfall has similar problems to those presented by rainfall, but they are
often more extreme. There are two methods used for measuring snowfall: using a gauge like a
rain gauge; or measuring the depth that is present on the ground. Both of these methods have
very large errors associated with them, predominantly caused by the way that snow falls through
the atmosphere and is deposited on the gauge or ground. Most, although not all, snowflakes are
more easily transported by the wind than raindrops. When the snow reaches the ground it is
easily blown around in a secondary manner (drifting). This can be contrasted to liquid water
where, upon reaching the ground, it is either absorbed by the soil or moves across the surface.
Evaporation is the transferral of liquid water into a gaseous state and its diffusion into the
atmosphere. In order for this to occur there must be liquid water present and available energy
from the sun or atmosphere. The importance of evaporation within the hydrological cycle
depends very much on the amount of water present and the available energy, two factors
determined by a region’s climate. During winter months in humid-temperate climates
evaporation may be a minor component of the hydrological cycle as there is very little available
energy to drive the evaporative process. This alters during summer when there is abundant
available energy and evaporation has the potential to become a major part of the water balance.
The potential may be limited by the availability of liquid water during the dry months. This can
be seen in extremely hot, arid climates where there is often plenty of available energy to drive
evaporation but very little water to be evaporated. As a consequence the actual amount of
evaporation is small.
Factors influencing the high rates of interception loss from a forest canopy. The capacity of the leaves to
Intercept rainfall and the efficient mixing of water vapour with the drier air above leads
To higher evaporation loss.
Evaporation requires an energy source and an available water supply to transform liquid water
into water vapour. There is one more precondition: that the atmosphere be dry enough to receive
any water vapour produced. These are the three fundamental parts to an understanding of the
evaporation process.The main source of energy for evaporation is from the sun. This is not
necessarily in the form of direct radiation, it is often absorbed by a surface and then re-radiated at
a different wavelength. The normal term used to describe the amount of energy received at a
surface is net radiation (Q*), measured using a net radiometer. Sensible heat is that which can be
sensed by instruments. This is most easily understood as the heat we feel as warmth. The
sensible heat flux is the rate of flow of that sensible heat. Latent heat is the heat either absorbed
or released during a phase change from ice to liquid water, or liquid water to water vapour.
When water moves from liquid to gas this is a negative flux (i.e. energy is absorbed) whereas the
opposite phase change (gas to liquid) produces a positive heat flux. The soil heat flux is heat
released from the soil having been previously stored within the soil. This is frequently ignored as
it tends to zero over a 24- hour period and is a relatively minor contributor to net radiation.
Incoming solar radiation is filtered by the atmosphere so that not all the wavelengths of the
electromagnetic spectrum are received at the earth’s surface. Incoming radiation that reaches the
surface is often referred to as short-wave radiation: visible light plus some bands of the infrared.
This is not strictly true as clouds and water vapour in the atmosphere, plus trees and tall
buildings above the surface, emit longer-wave radiation which also reaches the surface. Outgoing
radiation can be either reflected shortwave radiation or energy radiated back by the earth’s
surface. In the latter case this is normally in the infrared band and longer wavelengths and is
referred to as long-wave radiation. This is a major source of energy for evaporation. There are
two other forms of available energy that under certain circumstances may be important sources
in the evaporation process. The first is heat stored in buildings from an anthropogenic source
(e.g. domestic heating). This energy source is often fuelled from organic sources and may be a
significant addition to the heat budget in an urban environment, particularly in the winter
months. The second additional source is advective energy. This is energy that originates from
elsewhere (another region that may be hundreds or thousands of kilometres away) and has been
transported to the evaporative surface (frequently in the form of latent heat) where it becomes
available energy in the form of sensible heat.
Concentrations of gases in the atmosphere are difficult to measure, and certainly there is no
gauge that we can use to measure total amounts in the same way that we can for precipitation. In
each of the process chapters in this book there is an attempt to distinguish between measurement
and estimation techniques. In the case of evaporation this distinction becomes extremely blurred.
In reality almost all the techniques used to find an evaporation rate are estimates, but some are
closer to true measurement than others. In this section each technique will include a sub-section
on how close to ‘true measurement’ it is.
There are three main methods used to measure evaporation directly: the eddy fluctuation (or
correlation), aerodynamic profile, and Bowen ratio methods. These are all micro-meteorological
measurement techniques and details on them can be found elsewhere (e.g. Oke, 1987). An
important point to remember about them all is that they are attempting to measure how much
water is being evaporated above a surface, a very difficult task. The eddy fluctuation method
measures the water vapour above a surface in conjunction with a vertical wind speed and
temperature profiles. These have to be measured at extremely short timescales (e.g.
microseconds) to account for eddies in vertical wind motion. Consequently, extremely detailed
micrometeorological instrumentation is required with all instruments having a rapid response
time. In recent years this has become possible with hot wire anemometers and extremely fine
thermistor heads for thermometers. One difficulty is that you are necessarily measuring over a
very small surface area and it may be difficult to scale up to something of interest to
catchment-scale hydrology.
Evaporation Pans - The most common method for the measurement of evaporation is using an
evaporation pan (see Figure 3.3). This is a large pan of water with a water depth measuring
instrument or weighing device underneath that allows you to record how much water is lost
through evaporation over a time period. This technique is actually a manipulation of the water
balance equation, hence the terminology used here of a water balance technique.
Lysimeters - A lysimeter takes the same approach to measurement as the evaporation pan, the
fundamental difference being that a lysimeter is filled with soil and vegetation as opposed to
water. A lysimeter can also be made to blend in with the surrounding land cover, lessening the
edge effect described for an evaporation pan.
An evaporation pan. This sits above the surface (to lessen rain splash) and has either an instrument to record water
depth or a continuous weighing device, to measure changes in volume.
A weighing lysimeter sitting flush with the surface. The cylinder is filled with soil and vegetation similar
to the surroundings.
The water balance equation, explained in Chapter 1, contains a storage term (S). Within the
hydrological cycle there are several areas where water can be considered to be stored, most
notably soil moisture, groundwater, snow and ice and, to a lesser extent, lakes and reservoirs. It
is tempting to see stored water as static, but in reality there is considerable movement involved.
This definition of stored water is not perfect as it could include rivers as stored water in addition
to groundwater, etc. The distinction is often made on the basis of flow rates (i.e. how quickly the
water moves while in storage). There is no critical limit to say when a deep, slow river becomes
a lake, and likewise there is no definition of how slow the flow has to be before becoming stored
water. It relies on an intuitive judgement that slow flow rates constitute stored water.
Water stored beneath the earth’s surface. Rainfall infiltrates through the unsaturated zone towards the
saturated zone. The broken line represents the water table, although, as the diagram indicates, this is actually
a gradual transition from unsaturated to fully saturated.
The amount of water within a river or stream is of great interest to hydrologists. It represents the
end product of all the other processes in the hydrological cycle and is where the largest amount
of effort has gone into analysis of historical records. Runoff is a loose term that covers the
movement of water to a channelised stream, after it has reached the ground as precipitation. The
movement can occur either on or below the surface and at differing velocities. Once the water
reaches a stream it moves towards the oceans in a channelised form, the process referred to as
streamflow or riverflow. Streamflow is expressed as discharge: the volume of water over a
defined time period. The SI units for discharge are m3 /s (cumecs). A continuous record of
streamflow is called a hydrograph (see Figure 5.1). Although we think of this as continuous
measurement it is normally either an averaged flow over a time period or a series of samples
(e.g. hourly records). In Figure 5.1 there are a series of peaks between periods of steady, much
lower flows. The hydrograph peaks are referred to as peakflow, stormflow or even quickflow.
They are the water in the stream during and immediately after a significant rainfall event. The
steady periods between peaks are referred to as base flow or sometimes slow flow (NB this is
different from low flow; see Chapter 6). The shape of a hydrograph, and in particular the shape
of the stormflow peak, is influenced by the storm characteristics (e.g. rainfall intensity and
duration) and many physical characteristics of the upstream catchment. In terms of catchment
characteristics the largest influence is exerted by catchment size, but other factors include slope
angles, shape of catchment, soil type, vegetation type and percentage cover, degree of
urbanisation and the antecedent soil moisture
is an attempt to represent the different runoff processes that can be observed at the hillslope
scale. Overland flow (Qo ) is the water which runs across the surface of the land before reaching
the stream. In the subsurface, throughflow (Qt ) (some authors refer to this as lateral flow) occurs
in the shallow subsurface, predominantly, although not always, in the unsaturated zone.
Groundwater flow (QG) is in the deeper saturated zone. All of these are runoff mechanisms that
contribute to streamflow. The relative importance of each is dependent on the catchment under
study and the rainfall characteristics during a storm.
● How it works - Hydrology - The systems approach, The hydrosphere and hydrological
○ (www.scienceclarified.com)
● B.J. Knapp (1979), Elements of Geographical Hydrology, Unwin Hyman Ltd., Chapter 1,
pg 1 - 15