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This product is based

upon the Dungeon Crawl
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Goodman Games. This
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under license. Dungeon
Crawl Classics and DCC
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The Vile Worm

A Level 1 Adventure
By Jimm Johnson with Jeff Lynk • Proofing: Leif Hamman, Mitch Williams, Colin Chapman
• Cover Artist: Andy Taylor • Cartographer: Mark Allen • Interior Artists: Andy Taylor, Mark
Allen & Steve Zieser • Play Testers: John Halliday, Clint Hill, Alex Johnson, Dennis Sustare,
and Jeff Webb Page 2
Appendix N Adventure Toolkits provide Judges with a challenging, single-session
adventure that can easily be dropped into any existing campaign, a fantastic,
exciting module map and a set of illustrated player handouts. Each also contains
new monsters, unique enemies and creative traps, as well as inspirational ideas for
expanding a campaign and launch points into further adventures. Please remember
that these little adventures are tools for you to build a gaming session around. Feel
free to change and adapt anything and everything in the module!


This module is a short, but challenging dungeon crawl for 8 to 12 1�ᵗ level characters.
The adventure will probably play out in a linear fashion, beginning with a meeting
in the woods where the party stumbles upon the hermit and his “dog” and then
leading to the numbered encounters from Areas 1-3. Once the party has discovered
the hermit's prisoners, their primary goal should be to rescue them from the
tentacled cavern worm. Characters will need to be: 1) resourceful in descending
into the two chambers where the worm dwells; 2) attentive to the entire chamber
if the worm begins attacking them from above; 3) lucky at rolling when they begin
to be exposed to the worm and the hatchling’s paralyzing bite and slime; 4) and
still be strong enough to fight or flee from the awakening Eldritch Oak as they exit
the scenario.

Deep within the forest, an ancient oak has grown huge, twisted, and evil. Ages ago,
a savage cult haunted these woods and this tree became the focus of their
unspeakable rites. Below it, they carved out a chamber of sacrificial horror where
innocent victims were offered to a hideous worm-like god. As the centuries passed,
the cult faded into the mists of time, but the twisted old oak stood fast, awaiting
the day when the creeping evil in the dark below would be summoned once more.
And so it happened that a crazed warrior came in his wanderings upon the great,
brooding tree. In his madness, he believed that the tree whispered to him, invited
him, shared with him its dim secrets.
Over the course of many years, the folk of the borderlands have come to know the
old berserker as “the mad hermit of the woods.” While pretending to be a kindly,
albeit eccentric, old priest, he secretly scours the forest and nearby areas for human
(or humanoid) prey to be sacrificed to the “worm god” that dwells below the
ancient oak.
Several nights ago the hermit attacked the family of Bior the shepherd in their
secluded cottage on the edge of the forest, forcing forcing his wife, Mira, and their
son, Cullen, to drag Bior's unconscious body through the tangled forest to the huge,
ancient oak. He imprisoned the family in a chamber below the oak, and offered the
shepherd to the “worm god.”

Page 3
The hermit is an aging berserker who wears an old, battered suit of leather armor.
He is now completely delusional and insane, and believes himself to be a “priest
of nature” whose duty is to feed the tentacled cavern worm that dwells below the
oak. He lives in the rotted hollow of the old oak, and, like the tree itself, his hair
and beard have grown wild and twisted. When he walks abroad in the forest he
carries his axe and wears a brown robe over his armor. When first wounded in
combat, he will fly into a berserker rage, gaining a +5 hit points and a +2 to all
attacks, damage, and saving throws while in combat. After 1 turn this madness
fades. He then loses the extra hit points and drops dead if this brings his total below
Hermit (berserker): Init +2; Atk axe +3 melee (1d8+2); AC 14; HD 2d12; hp 12; MV
30’; Act 1d20; SP battle madness; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; AL N.


The hermit has raised two “pets” which he uses as loyal guards and hunting animals.
The first is a forest lynx. It lairs in the branches of the oak and, when first
encountered, will automatically gain surprise if attacking from this position. The
second is a wolf. The hermit considers the wolf to be his “dog,” and it accompanies
him whenever he is away from the oak.
Lynx, forest: Init +3; Atk bite +2 melee (1d4); AC 12; HD 1d4; hp 2 MV 40’;
Act 1d20; SP surprise when attacking from the branches of the oak; SV Fort +2,
Ref +3, Will +1; AL N.
Wolf, common: Init +3; Atk bite +2 melee (1d4); AC 12; HD 1d6; hp 4 MV 40’;
Act 1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; AL L.

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Area 1 C/S Hermit / Wolf / Lynx / Secret Door

Area 2 P/C Rescue Mira & Cullen / Tentacled Worm
Paralyzing Slime / Tentacled Worm /
Area 3 C/T/P
Hatchlings / Heal Bior
Area 1 (again) C Eldritch Oak


The adventuring party has traveled some distance into a large forested area. The
Judge may wish to devise a short background for the adventure based on his own
ideas about this scenario and the needs of his overall campaign. Maybe the party
is searching for a chaotic outpost, or perhaps they are simply lost? Any plausible
explanation will suffice.

When the hermit is first encountered, he will be stalking the forest with his wolf.
He will claim that he is a reclusive “priest of nature” who lives in the woods with
his “dog” and hunts small game for sustenance. He will feign amity, in an effort
to gain the party's trust, and will manipulate them into following him back to the
oak. To this end he may offer a meal, pretend to show them the way out of the
forest, or if all else fails, he will tempt them by offering a magical scroll from the
treasure horde buried in his “hovel.”

If he can convince the party to follow him, he will lead them into an ambush,
signaling the lynx to attack as he nears the location of the eldritch oak. The Judge
should not force the party to follow the hermit if they are absolutely set against it.
Instead, allow them to continue on into the forest, eventually stumbling upon the
eldritch oak by chance. In this case, they are likely to be taken by surprise by the
hermit's “pets.” The wolf sleeps in the bushes near the hollow oak, and will
probably surprise anyone searching the area. The hermit will emerge from the
hollow of the oak and immediately attack with berserk fury.

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Area 1: The Hollow of the Oak: PLAYER’S HANDOUT #1

Over the years, the trunk of the twisted old oak has rotted within and become
hollow, creating a cave-like chamber (about 20' x 25'). The entrance is well concealed
behind a stand of large bushes. This is where the hermit lives and sleeps when he
is not out hunting. The hollow contains a cask of wine, a wooden table and chair,
a rough wooden cup and plate, and a bed of loose dirt and leaves.

Beneath this pile of leaves, the hermit has buried a small chest near the wall of the
oak (marked as 'x' on the map). It contains 23 gold pieces, 33 silver pieces and an
old iron ring with 3 large keys on it. NOTE: These keys are for the cages, shackles,
and table irons in Area 2., below.

There is a concealed trap door beneath the dirt in the center of the room. It is easily
detected (DC 8 INT check) and may be discovered by any character stepping upon
it as a distinct hollow sound will be noticed in this section of floor. It opens onto a
rough spiral staircase carved out of the dirt and rock. At the bottom of the stairs,
a passage leads to a barred iron door.

Area 2 - Chamber of Torture and Feeding: The iron door opens onto a 90'
x 90' chamber with a 30' high ceiling. The walls are reinforced with stone brick, but
in many places the bricks have crumbled and fallen away, revealing loose dirt. The
room contains the following:


Two 10' x 20' cages, one along the north wall and one to the south. The cages contain
scraps of clothing and human waste. In the cage to the north is Mira and her young
son, Cullen. They are hiding amongst the debris, but will be easily discovered by
anyone inspecting the cages. Mira is in a state of shock and will not speak. Cullen
can only give simple descriptions of what has befallen them. He witnessed his
father being dragged below by a many-tentacled monster, and will implore the
party to rescue him.

Mira and Cullen (Peasants): Init -2; Atk None - in shock; AC 9; HD 1d4; hp 2
(mother), hp 1 (child); MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref -2, Will -1; AL N.

Area 2B: Three pairs of iron leg-shackles are bolted to the floor. Close inspection
will reveal blood stains on the floor as well as a number of human bones.

Area 2C: Two large stone tables are in the east part of the chamber. They are
equipped with hand- and foot-irons for holding a person. Inspection of the tables
will reveal blood stains here as well.

Page 6
Area 2D: Wall racks containing whips, prods, and other tools of torture. The
Judge is free to add any other fiendish devices. (Suggested items include: saws,
the boot, the heretic's fork, etc)
Area 2E: A large iron bell stands here, mounted between two upright stone slabs.
A rope attached to the rim of the bell rises up to the ceiling. If any character is able
to inspect this (by climbing or other means), they will find that the rope disappears
into the ceiling through a small hole.
Area 2F: This room is hidden behind a secret door (DC 12 INT check to detect)
that is opened by depressing a stone brick to the right side of the door. From within
this 10' square room, the cavern worm can be summoned by pulling the rope which
rings the “dinner bell.” There is a peep hole (disguised and unnoticeable from the
outside) which allows the occupant of the room to observe.
If the bell is rung, a deep, barely audible tone will sound. The air will begin to
reverberate with a low, almost painful throbbing, setting up subtle, but noticeable
vibrations in the floor, ceiling and walls of the chamber. Within 1d5 rounds, the
tentacled cavern worm will emerge from the central hole in the floor. The creature
expects to feed, and will attack any living thing it sees. (See Area 3). If the worm
suffers 8 hp of damage or more, it will attempt to retreat down the hole and back
to its lair in Area 3.
Area 3 - Caverns of the Worm: For centuries, a tentacled cavern worm has
dwelt here. Long ago it was worshipped and fed by a primitive cult in the area. It
took to feeding further underground when the cult died out, but always returned
to this cavern to lair. When the hermit, who was already deranged, discovered the
purpose of the bell in the feeding chamber (Area 2), he believed it was his calling
to provide fodder for the beast.
The upper area of the cavern is about 40' across. A steep slope on the south side
descends about 40' to a ledge just above the shaft that leads to the worm's lair (Area
3B). The opening to another cavern (Area 3A) can be seen from the ledge. To get
to this area, however, a character must somehow cross the mouth of the shaft that
leads to Area 3B.
A thief might be able to climb the side walls. Other characters may attempt to leap
across, but the shaft opening is quite wide (12-15 feet). Anyone attempting this
must make a successful DC 15 Reflex check or suffer a fall into Area 3, taking 3d6
points of damage and possibly becoming paralyzed by the worm's slime if they do
not make a DC 10 Fortitude check.
A clever party, may, of course, devise some other method to cross the shaft. The
success or failure of any such attempt is left to the impartial determination of the

Page 7
Area 3A: The cavern worm's treasure is hoarded here in great piles of mixed coin
and other precious objects. It includes 2,450 copper pieces, 1,120 silver pieces, 598
gold pieces, a gold torc engraved with twining dragons worth 75 gold pieces and
2 large green agates worth 30 gold pieces each.
NOTE: If the worm has not already been slain, it will be lurking in the lower cavern
(Area 3B) unless some commotion in Area 3A draws its attention. Characters
throwing coins into a sack, arguing, or shouting up the shaft to Area 2, are
examples of behavior that will alert the worm. If this occurs, it will quietly climb
into this area in 1d3 rounds, staying in the shadows in order to position itself on
the ceiling above any characters who are in the treasure cave. Unless a character
informs the Judge that he is watching the shadows or the ceiling, the worm has a
very good chance of remaining undetected.
Once positioned above a character, it will cling to the ceiling with its back legs,
while its head and tentacles lunge down upon its target. If all of the characters in
this area have been paralyzed, the cave worm will quickly drag them down into
Area 3B, where they will be impregnated with worm eggs if they are not rescued
within 6 turns.
Area 3B: This slime filled cavern is the lair of the tentacled cavern worm.
Tentacled Cavern Worm: Init +3; Atk tentacles (5) +4 melee (1 hp damage plus
paralyzing slime) or Atk bite (1d6 plus plus paralyzing slime); AC 14; HD 3d6;
hp 16; MV 60’; Act 1d20; SP paralyzing slime; SV Fort -1, Ref +2, Will -1; AL
This creature is a giant, bloated symphylan with large black eyes and cnidarian
tentacles These tentacles constantly secrete a sticky, paralytic ooze that will instantly
immobilize any creature it touches for 24 hours unless a successful DC 10 Fortitude
check is made. However, any sort of magical healing will restore full movement to
a character. The worm dwells in this underground cavern and often scavenges for
food. Note, it is aggressive and will attack anything it can consume - or use as a
host to impregnate with its eggs! A character violated in this manner can only be
saved by magical healing within 3 days of the eggs being deposited. The worm is
an excellent climber and can negotiate walls and ceilings with no penalty to its
movement rate.
The worm’s translucent slime also coats the floor and walls here. A DC 7 Int check
will allow a character to see that a large number of small flying insects have
perished in the slime. Anyone falling into it or touching it with bare skin must also
make a DC 10 Fortitude check or become completely immobilized.

Page 8
If the cave worm has not already been slain, it will be lurking in the shadows at
the back of this cave. It will try to remain hidden, attempting to position itself and
attack using the same tactics as described above for Area 3A. There are four
impregnated, bloated bodies in this cavern. The first three are small, translucent
man-creatures with sharp fangs (goblins) and the fourth is a human male

Worm eggs have been deposited in all of them. The young worms growing inside
the goblin bodies have used them for nourishment and the goblins are now quite
dead. The worms gestating within do pose a threat. The shepherd, however, is still
alive―though just barely. If magical healing is not applied to him within 6 hours,
he will be killed by the worm larva within him.

Bior (Peasant): Init -2; Atk None - in shock; AC 9; HD 1d4; hp 4; MV 30’; Act
1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref -2, Will -1; AL N.

Every round, there is a chance (1-2 on 1d6) that 1d3 hatchlings will explode from
a bloated goblin corpse. The hatchlings are 3' long, and have five 1' tentacles (but
only one attack per round).

Tentacled Cavern Worm (Hatchling): Init +2; Atk (1) tentacles or bite +0 melee
(paralyzing slime); AC 10; HD 1d6; hp 1 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP paralyzing
slime; SV Fort -1, Ref +2, Will -1; AL C.

The paralyzing slime of the hatchlings is not as potent as that of the ancient cavern
worm, and so only requires a successful DC 5 Fortitude check.

Page 9
If the party successfully rescues the shepherd and his family, and slays the tentacled
cavern worm, the Oak itself will become angered and will awaken. As the
seemingly victorious adventurers emerge from the hollow tree, its limbs will
become animate as it seeks to kill those responsible for the destruction of its servants
and the plundering of its treasures. In addition, the oak will also attempt to charm
a member of the party and turn them against their fellows.

Eldritch Oak: Init +0; Atk limbs (4) +3 melee (1d6 damage); AC 14; HD 3d6; hp
18; MV 0’; Act 1d20; SP charm ability; SV Fort +2, Ref -4, Will -1; AL C.

This huge ancient tree may once have been an abhorrently evil treant that lost its
mobility and power of speech. It will brood for centuries without revealing its
eldritch nature, but when finally aroused it is a force to be reckoned with. It can
detect living creatures within 120' of its gigantic, gnarled trunk, and will attempt
to charm them to act as its servants and as guardians of its secrets. Its charm ability,
(treat as a DC 15 Will save to resist, results 14-17, DCC pg. 131) may be used once
per day. The oak communicates with its charmed servants by telepathy, which
takes the form of maddening whispers within the mind of the victims.

After defeating the eldritch oak, the grateful shepherd and family will tearfully
thank the party for saving them and promise to provide food and a safe place to
stay whenever the characters travel through this area in the future.


As mentioned in the description of Area 3, the worm occasionally seeks prey
further underground when necessary. At the back of the cave in Area 3B there is
an 8' wide shaft (not indicated on the map) that descends straight down. If the
Referee desires, this deep shaft will lead to additional encounters, or even entire
levels of the mystic underworld!

For example, the first level may hold an abandoned complex where the original
worshippers of the worm lived. Maybe one level further down is the mausoleum
where they interred their honored dead. Another level may contain a small colony
of goblins. Further down might be the abode of a wizard who has spent so many
centuries alone in his subterranean workshop perfecting the animation of new types
of undead, that he is not even fully aware of his own undead status. Below that
level might be an ancient city of highly advanced, pale, ape-like man creatures.
Maybe the shaft even has a few ancient portals not used in an epoch that can
transport the character to exotic and dangerous alien dimensions?

Page 10
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Appendix N Adventures #2: The Vile Worm is copyright © 2012 Brave Halfling Publishing.

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Player’s Handout #1
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Player’s Handout #2
Page 14

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