Lasprit Reviewer
Lasprit Reviewer
Lasprit Reviewer
3. Competent Professional
Traditional: 10 Plagues:
…spirituality refers to a religious process of re-
formation which "aims to recover the original
shape of man", oriented at "the image of God“
…spirituality is centered on the “deepest values
and meanings by which people live”
manifested in/refers to:
- a person’s attitudes & behavior
with regard to being Lasallian, means:
acting as an authentic Lasallian
Manifests Spirituality
Respect for the human person What does the Catholic Church say
considers the other "another self." regarding Respect for Persons?
It presupposes respect for the
fundamental rights that flow from the The person represents the
dignity intrinsic of the person. ultimate end of society
Social justice can be obtained
As Lasallians only in respecting the
The spirit of faith invites us to look at life, events, transcendent dignity of man.
history, as places where God is made manifest; Respect for the human person
in the Gospel, in nature, in myself……… entails respect for the rights that
flow from his dignity as a
In HUMAN PERSONS made in the image of
God and the revelation of his mysteries.
These rights are prior to society
In the POOR. If everyone is a reflection of the and must be recognized by it.
face of God, it is especially in the poor where his
Human persons are willed by God; they are
manifestation is greater.
imprinted with God's image. Their dignity does
The Founder invites us to “recognize Jesus not come from the work they do, but from the
beneath the poor rags of the children” persons they are. – St. John Paul II
(Meditation 96.3). (Centesimus Annus)
Being sensitive to, and defending human rights, The duty of making oneself a neighbor to
especially those of children, is part of our others and actively serving them becomes even
Lasallian vocation. more urgent when it involves the disadvantaged,
in whatever area this may be. "As you did it to
Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echevarria FSC-Superior one of the least of these my brethren, you did it
General, July2002 to me.
The more we have this attitude, the more we will “Our duty as children of God and our duty as
be attentive and sensitive to all forms that are Lasallian”
opposed to the dignity of every person.