Methodology: SLU
To help students learn the process by which - Started by Fr. Seraphim Devesse on 1911 in a
CFE is to be understood a method adapted from small hill at the top of Session Road.
Joseph Cardijn “see-discern-act” formula is - Named after the patron saint of the youth, St.
introduced, the CICM. Aloysius de Gonzaga
- Now known as the Light of the North
C – Context (students are introduced to - One of the 6 CICM schools in the Philippines
themes/situations that match their concrete (at present) together with:
personal experiences) - Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong
I – Inspired Word (Biblical passages that has a - University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao
certain message regarding the students’ - Saint Louis College, San Fernando City
situation) - Saint Louis College, Mandaue
C – Church Teaching (Church Documents - Maryhill School of Theology
written by prominent figures of the Holy
Church that talks about the context)
M – Missionary Response (after knowing what CICM-RP Vision-Mission
the bible and the church document say
regarding the context, students are able to form
effective Christian actions when they come
across such situations in the future) Vision
Exodus 14: 10-28 (Escape from Egypt) Lesson 2: God the Father journeys with his
Exodus 20: 1-17 (The Ten Commandments) people in the Nevi’im
The liberation of Israel remains as a model for Redemption – the action of saving or being
all those who, after Moses, have struggled to saved from sin, error, or evil.
uplift their brothers and make them free men
in a more just world. Inspired Word
Document: Catechism for Filipino Catholics During this brief moment Isaiah encounters
God in an intimate, authentic way, and this
God showed himself “Father” encounter will mark him for his entire life. This
to the Israelites by choosing them cannot be expressed, nor can he try to describe
“to be peculiarly Yahweh who communicated with him in a
spiritual way.
his own”. This is because he “set His heart” on
them and love them. Jeremiah 1: 1 – 19 (Call of Jeremiah)
“The God of the covenant brought salvation to Jeremiah was made a prophet. He was tasked to
his people by his active presence. When proclaim the Word of God. Jeremiah was sent
infidelities weakened this presence God forth guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. He
promised a new presence in a New Covenant, obeyed every command and threaded forward
fashioned by a promised savior.” amidst his timid nature.
Like Abraham and Moses who trusted God in What is emphasized in the book of Hosea is that
faith unconditionally, we are called to entrust God’s judgments are redemptive. Even in
ourselves to God, believing His goodness and punishment, God’s purpose is not to destroy
obey His command. We can do this through:
but to save. God’s love is greater and deeper 1. Accompany and befriend a classmate
than man’s fidelity. who is hard-up in adjusting to college life.
Amos was sent to preach in the national temple Lesson 3: God, the Father, journeys with His
to denounce the false order which allows the people in the Ketuvim
accumulation of so much private wealth.
Inspired Word
Jonah 1-2 (Jonah’s Journey)
Job 1: 1-5
Jonah refuses to obey the call from the Lord; Job 2: 7-10
perhaps because he does not feel responsible Job 42: 10-17
for the salvation of the hated Ninevites. Jonah
delights in thinking about the punishment that Job lives in a foreign land in ancient times. His
God is going to inflict on the pagans of Nineveh. position is enviable: he is a leader of the
nomads, somewhat like Abraham and he lack
Church Teaching
In the last paragraph (42: 10-17), the conclusion
Document: Catechism for Filipino Catholics of the popular story of the holy man Job
showed that he preserved his trust and it was
The prophets were men called by God to speak rewarded by the just God.
His word to the people. They called people back
to the covenant. The theme of their messages Ecclesiastes 3: 1-17
are that of conversion, hope, and fidelity to the
Lord. Ecclesiastes looks at all the aspects of the
human condition, one after the other, beginning
Prophetic Hope: from the surest: death. Death destroys all
a. It is grounded on the memory of God’s illusions of man who tries to forget the lack of
great saving acts in the past meaning in his life
b. It looked essentially at the future
c. In freeing us from the guilt of sin, the Wisdom 10: 1-21
prophet’s promise of God’s forgiveness brings
comfort The wisdom of God is at work in world history.
d. It stretches a new life that drives out When an event takes place, we do not usually
resignation and despair judge its global value. It is history which
e. It eliminates all narrow pragmatic, enables us to appreciate it. When we look at the
utilitarian views by offering a vision of the history of people, like the Israelites, we saw that
future that only God can create. God had a plan which develops step by step,
even though the people were free. Many
elements were involved in the realization of
Missionary Response: God’s plan: sin, punishment, penance and
God remains faithful and does not abandon the
people He called to participate in his work. The God’s love for His people reveals itself in the
task may be difficult but if we remain working very forces of nature. That serves to punish the
with the Lord, the task is easier. As the Egyptians and to save the Hebrews. This can be
prophets did their task with the Lord as their a lesson concerning the forces ruling our world
companion so we are also sent to do a mission. today. Organization, speed, science,
We can do these through the following: technology, emancipation: all these are
instrumental in the liberation of man if used
with wisdom.
that exist and live only as participating in a
Psalm 23 community and in direct relationship with God.
This genre shows a deep trust in God who Salvation comes to us from God to us as
journeys with His faithful servant. The psalmist community members, not as self-made
expresses his great trust in the Lord. Wherein liberators. The final salvific message of the
he describes the Lord as a provider and a Psalms, then, is summed up by two notions:
protector just like how a shepherd brings his total commitment to the mystery of God’s
sheep to the green pastures and to the nearness and concrete daily obedience to His
refreshing waters despite of the scorching sun. Torah, His Commandments. A God so near and
a Torah so righteous are the grounds for the
--- The biblical passages about Job, Wisdom, promised salvation (441-449).
Ecclesiastes, and Psalms describe how God
remains present in any encounter the people of Missionary Response
God experience. In the midst of all these
encounters, the faithful people of God are As God journeyed with the people of God
assured of God’s presence and company in promising salvation through his continued
their endeavors. presence, he also journeys with us in our day to
day undertakings. We take assurance of His
_____________________________________________ accompaniment in the wisdom of the wise. Our
_____ journey with God becomes enjoyable, easier
despite adversaries like Job if we need to
Church Teaching recognize that all blessings and goodness
comes from God and that difficulties can be
Document: Catechism for Filipino Catholics overcome if we entrust ourselves to God.
The Psalms and the Wisdom Literature present To be guided to live a life of blessing, we need
how the faithful can discern the presence of to pray like the Psalmist did, trust in God’s
God in their daily lives. Job responds by not timing and listen to the wisdom of the wise.
only looking back to the confident experience These can be done by developing a habit of
of God’s saving presence in the past. He also prayer and constant participation in the
looks forward to divine inscrutability “The Lord Eucharist.
gave and the Lord has taken away” (Jb 1:21).