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Christian Faith Education (CFE) About CICM and SLU (Please refer to your

student manuals for additional information)

How is it different from Theology subjects?
- Theology – theos (God) + logos - Congregation Immaculati Cordis Mariae
(reflection) - The Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of
- CFE emphasizes more on the importance Mary
of the application of theological - Founded on 1862 in Scheut, Belgium
knowledge. It also hopes that the - Founded by Fr. Theophile Verbist
students’ find meaning from their - Founded to take care of the abandoned
learning and melds in the core of their children in China
character. - Fr. Theophile Verbist

Methodology: SLU

To help students learn the process by which - Started by Fr. Seraphim Devesse on 1911 in a
CFE is to be understood a method adapted from small hill at the top of Session Road.
Joseph Cardijn “see-discern-act” formula is - Named after the patron saint of the youth, St.
introduced, the CICM. Aloysius de Gonzaga
- Now known as the Light of the North
C – Context (students are introduced to - One of the 6 CICM schools in the Philippines
themes/situations that match their concrete (at present) together with:
personal experiences) - Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong
I – Inspired Word (Biblical passages that has a - University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao
certain message regarding the students’ - Saint Louis College, San Fernando City
situation) - Saint Louis College, Mandaue
C – Church Teaching (Church Documents - Maryhill School of Theology
written by prominent figures of the Holy
Church that talks about the context)
M – Missionary Response (after knowing what CICM-RP Vision-Mission
the bible and the church document say
regarding the context, students are able to form
effective Christian actions when they come
across such situations in the future) Vision

“The CICM-Philippines school network is a

INTRODUCTORY LESSONS vibrant community of catholic educational
institutions drawn into communion by
CFE 101 – God Journeys with His People Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom of God,
dedicated to the integral formation of
Coverage: persons exemplifying Missio et excellentia.”
Prelims – God the Father Journeys with His
Midterms – God the Son Journeys with His
Mission Statements
Finals – God the Holy Spirit Journeys with His
People As a community of Catholic educational
institutions, we commit to:
Non-negotiable Requirements
1. Portfolio – to be submitted in the Final Term
2. Annual Recollection/ Retreat 1. Joyfully animate and gratefully care
3. Mass Attendance for one another as a pioneering,
_____________________________________________ innovative, transformative and
___ collaborative community inspired by
Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
2. Work together in the good and excellence to become responsible
beautiful mission of evangelization, citizens, competent professionals
as moved by the charism of Fr. and Christian leaders.
Theophile Verbist, especially in 5. To positively engage with the society
frontier situations and the CICM in the generation of knowledge,
advocacies. enrichment, of skills and
3. Nurture life-faith integrated persons, nourishment of attitude enlightened
compassionate missioners, globally by the Christian faith and Catholic
enterprising leaders, socially teachings through instruction,
engaged professionals, and ethically research and community
committed stewards. involvement.
6. To serve as a dynamic base for the
CICM Philippine Province in the
Objectives (CICM-RP General Education missionary ministry of the local
Apostolate) Church and the universal Church.
7. To be committed to the promotion of
1. To carry out the mission of the life among the people of God,
evangelization to bring about the preferentially with the poor
Christian understanding, disadvantaged and marginalized,
appreciation and practice of faith in through the CICM advocacies of
God, human relationships, moral multi-ethnicity, justice, peace, care
values, and life-long dimensions of for the environment, wider access to
culture and society. quality education, other community
2. To form a vibrant Catholic services.
educational community of
administrators, personnel, students
and other stakeholders with dignity SLU’s Vision-Mission
and integrity as a witness to God’s
kingdom through: “Saint Louis University is an excellent,
M-eaningful Liturgical Celebration missionary, and transformative
(Faith Celebration) educational institution that is zealous in
A-ctive social Involvement (Faith developing human resources to be
Action) creative, competent, socially involved, and
R-elevant Religious Education (Faith imbued with the Christian Spirit.”
I-ntensive Mission and Vocation As a result of their educational experiences
animation (Faith Response) at the University, LOUISIAN graduates
A-nimating Organization (Faith should be able to:
3. To animate educators in the mission Christian Spirited
of the Church and CICM mission, in
education as essential component in  Lead others in encountering God as a
sustaining professional excellence, mission-oriented Louisian.
thus realizing their teaching  Live Christian values in their
professionals a sacred call in the personal and professional endeavors.
service of God and his people.  Manifest compassion in human
4. To create relevant and innovative relations with emphasis on the
educational programs that will marginalized and the poor.
transform learners as impelled by  Practice ethical behavior in a
passion for mission and academic globalized, multi-cultural, and
technology-driven world with the end _____________________________________________
in view of perpetuating life in all its ___
forms and the conservation of the
environment. Faith

CFE 101 presents a series of lessons that that

Socially Involved tries to tap our own journey with God by
presenting the faith stories of the characters in
 Advocate the promotion of social the Bible.
justice and nationalism.
 Foster a life-long commitment and Faith (fides, “trust”, “belief”) – In the widest
discerning attitude towards sense means freely accepting what a person
addressing global, religious, political, does and says because of one’s trust in that
societal issues, and environmental person.
Two types of faith:
 Promote unique and diverse cultural
1. Human faith – trusting and committing
heritage vital to development, ourselves to life
inclusiveness, and nationhood. 2. Religious faith – trust in life and commitment
 Engage in community-based to life because we trust God and commit
programs to improve quality of life. ourselves to her/him.
Professionally Competent ___

 Demonstrate academic rigor in the INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE

practice of their professions.
Bible – comes from the Greek Biblia, which is
 Pursue life-long learning in personal
the plural for biblion. Biblion, in turn, comes
development and professional from the word biblios, meaning papyrus, a reed
practice. that the Egyptians used to prepare writing
 Communicate effectively across a materials.
wide range of contexts and medium.
 Work effectively and independently 3 Divisions of the Hebrew Bible:
in multi-disciplinary and 1. Torah (Teachings/Law)
multicultural teams. 2. Nevi’im (Prophets)
3. Ketuvim (Writings)
Creative and Critical Thinker
2 Divisions of the Christian Bible:
1. Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
 Generate new knowledge through 2. New Testament (Gospels, and Letters)
research and develop innovative
 Devise creative solutions to Introduction to the Bible
discipline-related problems and
issues. Rationale:
 Develop products, creative output
and services through the use of This brief discussion of the bible and its
appropriate tools, techniques, and formation will remind the students that the
Sacred Scriptures is the authorative source of
technologies in the discipline.
their knowledge of God as He journeys with the
 Exhibit innovativeness and aesthetics Israelites and now journeying with them.
in knowledge building and problem-
solving in their field of expertise.
Inspiration - the process of being mentally  Practice the values gained from reading
stimulated to do or feel something, especially the Bible by dealing with our families
to do something creative. and schoolmates honestly and humbly.
 Share the Word of God by giving
bookmarks, for example, with inspiring
Inspired Word: 2 Tim 3:16-17 (Mt. 19-20; Mt. messages of the Bible to our family,
12: 1-5) friends, and schoolmates.
Chapter 1:
All scripture are inspired by God and are God, the Father, journeys with His people
useful for teaching, for refutation, for
correction, and for training in righteousness, This chapter will discuss the encounter of
so that one who belongs to God may be people with God as He continues to journey
competent, equipped for every good work. with them. The Hebrew Bible, also known as
Mikra (“what is read”) or TaNaKh, an acronym
referring to the traditional Jewish division of
Church Teaching the Bible into Torah (Teaching), Nevi’im
(Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings), is the
1. Biblical Inspiration founding document of the people of Israel,
- The sacred and canonical books of describing its origins, history and visions of a
the Old and New Testaments, whole just society.
and entire, were written under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so that
we can call God their “author” and Lesson 1: God the Father journeys with his
the Bible “the Word of God”. people in the Torah
2. Canon of the Bible
- Kanon (Greek) – primarily a reed, or Trust – firm belief in the reliability, truth,
measuring-rod; by a natural figure it ability, or strength of someone or something.
was employed by ancient writers to Obedience – compliance with an order, request,
denote a rule or standard. or law or submission to another's authority.

3. Interpretation of the Biblical text Inspired Word

a. Exegesis
- Exposition of a text based on a Abraham:
careful, objective analysis. Gen. 12: 1-3 (The Call of Abraham)
- “to lead out of” Gen. 15: 1-18 (The Covenant of Abraham) Gen.
21: 1-7 (The Birth of Isaac)
b. Eisegesis Gen. 22: 1-24 (Abraham’s Test)
- Interpretation of a passage based on
a subjective, non-analytical reading. In order to gather together scattered humanity
- “to lead into” God calls Abraham from his country, his
kindred and his father’s house. God made
Abraham “father of a multitude of nations. The
Missionary Response people descended from Abraham would be the
trustee of the promise made to the patriarchs,
The books of the Bible are inspired writings. the chosen
They contain God’s word expressed in human
language. The books provide us instructions people, called to prepare for that day when God
and insights on right living. As hearers of the will gather all his children into unity of the
Word of God, we are strongly encouraged to: Church. They would be the root onto which the
Gentiles would be grafted, once they came to
 Read prayerfully the Bible and reflect on believe.
the messages of the Bible in our lives.
Exodus 3 (Moses and the Burning Bush)
a. Obedience and cooperation to the people
God calls Moses at the time when Moses has involved in our formation foremost our
chosen the paths of a father and a shepherd of parents, teachers and/or guardians (land
sheep. He does in the desert where Moses lords/ladies).
apparently isolated himself from the b. Following the rules and policies of the
misfortunes of his people and day by day school and our boarding houses.
wastes the opportunity of helping his people. c. Show our gratitude to our parents by
The task was tough but Moses through his trust finishing our courses on time and our teachers
and faith in God fulfilled his mission with God by doing our requirements honestly and on
always on his side as evidenced by his constant time.
dialogue with God.

Exodus 14: 10-28 (Escape from Egypt) Lesson 2: God the Father journeys with his
Exodus 20: 1-17 (The Ten Commandments) people in the Nevi’im

On the very night on which they have sacrificed Context

the Passover Lamb, the Hebrews depart. The
Egyptians pursue and overtake them when they Fidelity – faithfulness to a person, cause, or
were reaching the marshes along the Red sea. belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and
Here will take place the most prominent event support.
in sacred history before Jesus comes. God
opens the way for his people and saves them, Commitment – the state or quality of being
while their enemies drown in the sea. dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

The liberation of Israel remains as a model for Redemption – the action of saving or being
all those who, after Moses, have struggled to saved from sin, error, or evil.
uplift their brothers and make them free men
in a more just world. Inspired Word

Isaiah 6: 1 – 13 (Isaiah’s Call)

Church Teaching Isaiah 49: 8 – 18 (Restoration of Israel)

Document: Catechism for Filipino Catholics During this brief moment Isaiah encounters
God in an intimate, authentic way, and this
God showed himself “Father” encounter will mark him for his entire life. This
to the Israelites by choosing them cannot be expressed, nor can he try to describe
“to be peculiarly Yahweh who communicated with him in a
spiritual way.
his own”. This is because he “set His heart” on
them and love them. Jeremiah 1: 1 – 19 (Call of Jeremiah)

“The God of the covenant brought salvation to Jeremiah was made a prophet. He was tasked to
his people by his active presence. When proclaim the Word of God. Jeremiah was sent
infidelities weakened this presence God forth guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. He
promised a new presence in a New Covenant, obeyed every command and threaded forward
fashioned by a promised savior.” amidst his timid nature.

Hosea 1: 1 – 3 (Hosea’s Wife and Child)

Missionary Response: Hosea 11: 8 – 11 (God’s love for Israel)

Like Abraham and Moses who trusted God in What is emphasized in the book of Hosea is that
faith unconditionally, we are called to entrust God’s judgments are redemptive. Even in
ourselves to God, believing His goodness and punishment, God’s purpose is not to destroy
obey His command. We can do this through:
but to save. God’s love is greater and deeper 1. Accompany and befriend a classmate
than man’s fidelity. who is hard-up in adjusting to college life.

Amos 7: 10 – 17 (Amos’ Call) 2. Remind gently a sibling who always

Amos 5: 4 – 6 (God’s message to Israel) forget his/her responsibility in his/her studies.
Amos 9: 11 – 15 (Israel’s Restoration)

Amos was sent to preach in the national temple Lesson 3: God, the Father, journeys with His
to denounce the false order which allows the people in the Ketuvim
accumulation of so much private wealth.
Inspired Word
Jonah 1-2 (Jonah’s Journey)
Job 1: 1-5
Jonah refuses to obey the call from the Lord; Job 2: 7-10
perhaps because he does not feel responsible Job 42: 10-17
for the salvation of the hated Ninevites. Jonah
delights in thinking about the punishment that Job lives in a foreign land in ancient times. His
God is going to inflict on the pagans of Nineveh. position is enviable: he is a leader of the
nomads, somewhat like Abraham and he lack
Church Teaching
In the last paragraph (42: 10-17), the conclusion
Document: Catechism for Filipino Catholics of the popular story of the holy man Job
showed that he preserved his trust and it was
The prophets were men called by God to speak rewarded by the just God.
His word to the people. They called people back
to the covenant. The theme of their messages Ecclesiastes 3: 1-17
are that of conversion, hope, and fidelity to the
Lord. Ecclesiastes looks at all the aspects of the
human condition, one after the other, beginning
Prophetic Hope: from the surest: death. Death destroys all
a. It is grounded on the memory of God’s illusions of man who tries to forget the lack of
great saving acts in the past meaning in his life
b. It looked essentially at the future
c. In freeing us from the guilt of sin, the Wisdom 10: 1-21
prophet’s promise of God’s forgiveness brings
comfort The wisdom of God is at work in world history.
d. It stretches a new life that drives out When an event takes place, we do not usually
resignation and despair judge its global value. It is history which
e. It eliminates all narrow pragmatic, enables us to appreciate it. When we look at the
utilitarian views by offering a vision of the history of people, like the Israelites, we saw that
future that only God can create. God had a plan which develops step by step,
even though the people were free. Many
elements were involved in the realization of
Missionary Response: God’s plan: sin, punishment, penance and
God remains faithful and does not abandon the
people He called to participate in his work. The God’s love for His people reveals itself in the
task may be difficult but if we remain working very forces of nature. That serves to punish the
with the Lord, the task is easier. As the Egyptians and to save the Hebrews. This can be
prophets did their task with the Lord as their a lesson concerning the forces ruling our world
companion so we are also sent to do a mission. today. Organization, speed, science,
We can do these through the following: technology, emancipation: all these are
instrumental in the liberation of man if used
with wisdom.
that exist and live only as participating in a
Psalm 23 community and in direct relationship with God.

This genre shows a deep trust in God who Salvation comes to us from God to us as
journeys with His faithful servant. The psalmist community members, not as self-made
expresses his great trust in the Lord. Wherein liberators. The final salvific message of the
he describes the Lord as a provider and a Psalms, then, is summed up by two notions:
protector just like how a shepherd brings his total commitment to the mystery of God’s
sheep to the green pastures and to the nearness and concrete daily obedience to His
refreshing waters despite of the scorching sun. Torah, His Commandments. A God so near and
a Torah so righteous are the grounds for the
--- The biblical passages about Job, Wisdom, promised salvation (441-449).
Ecclesiastes, and Psalms describe how God
remains present in any encounter the people of Missionary Response
God experience. In the midst of all these
encounters, the faithful people of God are As God journeyed with the people of God
assured of God’s presence and company in promising salvation through his continued
their endeavors. presence, he also journeys with us in our day to
day undertakings. We take assurance of His
_____________________________________________ accompaniment in the wisdom of the wise. Our
_____ journey with God becomes enjoyable, easier
despite adversaries like Job if we need to
Church Teaching recognize that all blessings and goodness
comes from God and that difficulties can be
Document: Catechism for Filipino Catholics overcome if we entrust ourselves to God.

The Psalms and the Wisdom Literature present To be guided to live a life of blessing, we need
how the faithful can discern the presence of to pray like the Psalmist did, trust in God’s
God in their daily lives. Job responds by not timing and listen to the wisdom of the wise.
only looking back to the confident experience These can be done by developing a habit of
of God’s saving presence in the past. He also prayer and constant participation in the
looks forward to divine inscrutability “The Lord Eucharist.
gave and the Lord has taken away” (Jb 1:21).

Some advice “liberates” by exposing evils that References:

enslaves. “There are six things that the Lord
hates: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that Daguio, Judith P., CFE 101 Powerpoint
shed innocent blood, a heat that plots wicked Presentation, presented in a training seminar
schemes, feet that runs swiftly to evil, the false last August 3, 2018 in Baguio City, Philippines.
witness that utters lies, and he who sows
discord among brothers” (Prv. 6:16-19). Job’s Wostyn, Fr. Lode, CICM, I Believe: A Workbook
question is answered by the vital interaction of for Theology 1, 2004
life-experience and Lord-experience. The best
human knowledge of salvation is discerning Retrieved from
obedience to the Lord.
mission last August 13, 2018
The Psalms present another dimension of
salvation. One characteristic of the Psalms is
their direct address to God, expressing deep
faith and trust in the Lord. Psalms of praise
express thanksgiving for the saving acts of God,
with a plea of His continued care. Psalms of
lament speaks of deliverance of God works for
His people. Both manifest the sharp conviction

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