Quantum Yield of The Ferrioxalate Actinometer
Quantum Yield of The Ferrioxalate Actinometer
Quantum Yield of The Ferrioxalate Actinometer
105 980
2 authors, including:
John W Lee
University of Georgia
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The quantum yield of the potassium ferrioxalate actinometer at 365/6 m,u has been measured to be
1.26±0.03 relative to a cali~rated thermopile. Comparisons of thermopiles were carried out at the Eppley
La~or~tory and at the National Bureau of Standards to ensure the flatness of thermopile response. Ir-
radlatlOns were made over the range 1012 to 3 X 1014 total absorbed photons.
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detector and the actinometer solution were alternated ferrioxalate system were measured for incident radiation
in position immediately behind the filters, suitably of 365/6 mp. from a low-pressure Hg lamp:
shielded from light originating from outside the solid
angle of the irradiation system. The stray radiation, as 0.OO6M
determined by the use of auxiliary, sharp cutoff,
Corning filters, was much less than 1% of the incident Ka [Fe (C 20 4) aJ 1.26±0.03 (17 determinations)
At first, the actinometer solution (3.0 ml) was con- a.1SM
tained in a 10-X lO-mm fused silica fluorescence cuvette
Ka [Fe (C 20 4)SJ 1.20±0.03 (13 determinations).
("Pyrocell") with the entire front surface exposed to
the radiation field. This technique gave rise to the en- These values are exactly the same as those obtained
hancement of quantum yield. Later, this was modified by Hatchard and Parker using a thermopile furnished
by placing a small aperture of known area in front of by the National Physical Laboratory, although their
the cuvette thus eliminating the sides from the direct recommended values, including lower results based on a
light. Irradiations were made for periods ranging from comparison with the uranyl oxalate system, were 1.21
10-15 min in fluxes of 1-3XlOla photons/sec-cm2 (5-15 and 1.15, respectively.
p.W/cm2 at 365/6 mp.). With these irradiations, suffi-
cient ferrous ions were produced to give an optical
density (510 mp.) of the ferrous-phenanthroline com-
plex in the range 0.3-0.6. The optical density of the
A. Thermopile Blackness
actinometer solution at 365 mp. was such that the inci-
dent radiation was completely absorbed. As the photo- The thermopile provides a method of measuring
chemically induced change in ferrioxalate concentration fluxes of radiation greater than about 0.1 p.W/cm2. Ideal
was only about 0.1 %, nitrogen bubbling was found to operation of such a device would require that absorption
be unnecessary. Unirradiated, but otherwise identical, be independent of the wavelength of the incident pho-
blanks were run in matched cuvettes. The method of tons. Justification of this ideal "blackness," of course,
estimating ferrous ion produced was one of substitution. will depend on the black coating applied to the thermo-
It was based on a titration with accurately standardized pile surface, neglecting for the moment any effect of the
permanganate, and therefore, the requirement of the thermopile window. These black coatings are usually
spectrophotometer operation was only that its response thin deposits of lamp black or gold black. The optical
was linear in optical density. This eliminated systema- properties of these types of coatings have been studied
tic errors due to uncertainties in the absolute value of and show that the assumption of nonselectivity in the
the optical density measurement. Nevertheless, our visible and near infrared regions should not lead to an
measured value of the extinction coefficient at 510 mp. of error of more than a few tenths of one percent.H These
the ferrous-phenanthroline complex was within 0.5% results apply only to the bulk properties of the sub-
of that previously reported. 2 stances themselves, and not to an evaporated film on
In checking experiments, it was found that the aver- the thermopile junction surface. To make the thermo-
age beam intensity did not vary by more than ±1 % pile response rapid the coating must be thin. If it is too
over periods of several hours. The areas of the thermo- thin, the backing material can be "seen" through it
piles used (0.1 cm2) were much smaller than the 1-10 leading to spectral selectivity. It is not feasible, how-
cm2 areas presented by the actinometer solution to the ever, to determine the reflectivity of each thermopile,
beam. However, the entire area was scanned by the but, at least in the visible region, a good test is how
thermopile, and it was established that the radiation black the coating looks to the eye; any visible coloration
field was uniform to within one percent. Corrections indicates selectivity.
were made for light reflections at all surfaces. At the Unexpectedly, the problem with the thin metal-black
source-to-sample distances involved, refraction (lens) coating lies not in the visible, but in the infrared. Our
effects at the air-to-glass interface of the cuvette could thermopiles are calibrated by placing them in the field
be neglected. of an NBS radiant energy standard lamp.12 As this is
operated at a color temperature around 2300 oK, most
RESULTS of the energy lies in the infrared between 1-3 p.. There-
fore, if the calibrated thermopile is to be used to deter-
The thermopiles used in the final measurements were mine a flux of radiation in any other spectral region,
known to be nonselective. The calibration was corrected
for window absorption and, using a uniform, slightly
diverging or parallel radiation flux of intensity 1-3X lOla 11 L. Harris, R. T. McGinnes, and B. M. Siegel, J. Opt. Soc.
Am. 38, 582 (1948).
photons/sec·cm2 incident on shielded areas of 0.1-10 1J R. Stair and R. G. Johnston, J. Res. Nat!. Bur. Std. (U.S.)
cm2, the following quantum yields of the potassium 53, 211 (1954).
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T3.0 approximately a 1 % increase in photoreduction. We
"- can suggest no other mechanism to explain this effect .
...... /
./ Areas up to 10 cm2 were irradiated in a Lucite cell.
The path length was small in this case, 1.59 mm, and a
more concentrated actinometer solution, O.l5M, was
used in order to effect complete absorption at 365/6 mJL .
10 Fig. 2 demonstrates a completely linear relationship
between rate of Fe++ production and irradiation area for
FIG. 2. Relative photoreduction as a function of area. a constant intensity beam. In this case, a slightly lower
quantum yield was obtained in agreement with Hatch-
ard and Parker's data.
piles which were black to within ± 1% were used for
the quantum yield determinations reported in this
paper. C. Sources of Error
B. Irradiation Area The absolute accuracy of Hatchard and Parker's
thermopile measurement is not known, but their pre-
In the preliminary measurements of the quantum
cision appears to be of the order of 3%. No mention
yield the cuvette was used unmasked, although well
was made of the possibility of thermopile selectivity.
shielded from stray light from any direction, and the
However, their recommended quantum yield was 4%
irradiation area was assumed to be the area presented
lower than their thermopile result, in order to take
by the front surface of the cuvette containing the 3.0 cc
into account the results obtained by comparison with
of solution, i.e., 3.0 cm2 • High results, about 1.5, were
the uranyl oxalate actinometer. The recently improved
obtained for the quantum yield. In the more detailed
sensitivity of the uranyl oxalate system should enable
experiments, the cuvette was used in a holder with an its quantum yield to be measured by the same method
aperture such that only a central portion, of total area
we have used for potassium ferrioxalate.
about 1.0 cm2, of the cuvette was irradiated. Experi- The present quantum yield measurement is subjected
ments with a central portion of the cuvette exposed with
to the following sources of uncertainty:
varying width of mask, demonstrated a sudden increase
in quantum yield as the edge of the cuvette was exposed (1) Uncertainty in calibration of the NBS
to the flux. This effect is shown in Fig. 1 which is a plot radiant energy standard lamp including the
of the derivative of results obtained as the aperture was uncertainty in the international radiation stand-
narrowed from a total width larger than the cell to one ard I2 ,14,15 1%
including only a fraction of the solution portion of the (2) Thermopile calibration 1%
cell. The ordinate is the relative efficiency of ferrous (3) Thermopile selectivity 0.5%
ion production. If there were no wall effect, the relative (4) Thermopile window absorption 0,5%
efficiency should fall to zero at the inner edge of the (5) Radiant energy estimation with thermo-
cuvette as shown by the solid dark line. If we assume pile including stray radiation effects 1%
that the area of the wall exposed to the beam is as (6) Estimation of total radiation incident on
effective as an equivalent area of solution in producing the solution considering cell wall reflection and
the photoreduction, the dashed curve of Fig. 1 would absorption, and the area of irradiation 1%
result. Our experimental points, as indicated by the (7) Spectrophotometric estimation of Fe++ 1%
black dots, are intermediate between these two extremes (8) Standard deviation of quantum yield
and indicate a surprising enhancement of photoreduc- results 1%
tion by light striking the edge of the cuvette. This edge
effect cannot be explained by the possibility of fluores- rms uncertainty: ±2,5%,
cence of the quartz sides of the cuvette as this cannot
be expected to contribute more than a few percent. CONCLUSIONS
Diffraction effects and scattered light are also negligi- Our confirmation of Hatchard and Parker's result,
ble. using a calibrated thermopile for the quantum yield of
The concentration of ferrioxalate ions in the bulk
solution is 3.6X 1018 molecules/cc. Even if we assume
that a monomolecular layer of ions is adsorbed on the JaN. J. Harrick, Ann. N.Y, Acad. Sci. 101, 928 (1963).
14 C. L. Sanders and O. C. Jones, J. Opt, Soc. Am. 52, 731
glass surface, and that, upon total reflection at the (1962).
interface between the wall and the solution, the electric 15 E. J. Gillham, Proc, Roy. Soc. (London) A269, 249 (1962).
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The diagonal matrix elements of the interaction potential which enter into the quantum theory of vibra-
tional energy transfer generally have been assumed to be identical. Apparently the assumption is based
on mathematic convenience rather than on any physical model. If Morse potentials are used to describe
the intramolecular forces the elements are approximately but not identically equal. The transition prob-
ability is found to decrease markedly when the ratio of the diagonal elements of the initial and final oscillator
states is allowed to deviate even slightly from one. Morse potentials were chosen to reproduce the observed
anharmonicities of a variety of diatomic molecules and an anharmonic correction factor to the transition
probability was calculated. It is found that the generally used calculated transition probabilities should be
reduced by a factor of 10-1 to 10~.
Many subsequent DWA calculations have been made, of Ultrasonic Waves (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1959).
6 T. L. Cottrell and J. C. McCoubrey, Molecular Energy Trans-
but primarily they are founded on this original work fer in Gases (Butterworths Scientific Publications, Ltd., London,
and represent further refinements of the physical model 1961).
7 R. N. Schwartz, Z. I. Slawsky, and K. F. Herzfeld, J. Chern.
Phys. 20, 1591 (1952).
1 J. M. Jackson and N. F. Mott, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 8 E. Bauer and F. W. Cummings, J. Chern. Phys. 36, 618
A137,703 (1932). (1962). ~
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