The Success Story: Pakistan Railways

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Success Mr. Khawaja Saad Rafique

Federal Minister
'Success is no accident. It is hard work,
perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most
of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do'.
Pakistan Railways turnaround story is no different -
2013-2018 a journey from nightmare to dream. The five long
years have been rewarding more than my
expectation. I encourage you to take the time to read
the important information enclosed regarding
changes and initiatives. We have had a lot of change
and while it may seem chaotic at times, the goal is
always to build growth and be competitive.
When I took charge as the Minister for Pakistan
Railways, the department was marred by
maladministration, nepotism and excessive hiring.
The situation was worst of its own kind and
Railways was on the verge of privatization. To set
things right I appointed honest and hardworking
officials on key positions. As the government's 5-
year-term is about to end, the steps that we have
taken in all these years are now bearing fruit.
Unfortunately, Pakistan Railways was suffering
losses for a very long time so it was very important
to contain them. We used some part of our revenue
for upgrading trains, Railway Stations, maintenance
and repair of engines, induction of new locomotives
and provision of better facilities to passengers.
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - a 'game
changer' will revolutionize the railway sector by
allowing passenger trains to move at a maximum
speed of 160 kilometers per hour.
Railway assets are worth billions of rupees
therefore, its privatization is not feasible. We have
always opposed privatization of national
organizations and believe that public-private
Revival of partnership is economically more viable. I am
confident that all the decisions that I have taken are
Pakistan Railways in the best interests of the organization and that day
is not far when Pakistan Railways will start making
It happened first time in Pakistan progress by leaps and bounds.
The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent

and The Most Merciful

Say: 'O Allah, Lord of all dominion! You give dominion to whom You will, and take
away dominion from whom You will, and You exalt whom You will, and abase whom
You will. In Your Hand is all good. Surely You are All-Power-ful.

And that there is not for man except that [good]

for which he strives.
The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

BACK ON TRACK and so has productivity, quality and reliability of

service delivery. Resources have been insufficient for
Pakistan Railways is a great national asset and lifeline improving customer satisfaction and introducing
of the nation since inception of the country. It traverses technological improvements aimed at bringing
the length and breadth of the country, forging all the efficiency, economy and speed.
four provinces together and providing the required
connectivity for balanced national development and Pakistan Railways has been clinging on to age-old,
regional integration. The system never rests; it has antiquated assets, practices, methods, codes and
been up and working day and night incessantly for the manuals which are irrelevant in this era. Investments in
last several decades. It is one of the premier public- safety have also been insufficient. This is a vicious
sector organizations of the country of vital importance cycle which the present government has endeavoured
given Pakistan's geo-strategic location and its also one to end by bringing in increased investment through
of the largest employer in the public sector. It has higher PSDP allocations and internal resource
historically occupied a central position in the national generation to improve productivity levels which will
transportation framework of the country. However, the generate higher revenues and ensure better service
last few decades have seen a steady decline in the delivery. Despite the problems hampering its progress,
organization's performance owing to various reasons, Pakistan Railways is not down and out; it still holds
which need to be studied in detail to ascertain what immense relevance for the transport sector with the
went wrong, take corrective measures and adopt long- goal to promote economic integration, stability and
term policies to put the organization on the path to prosperity.
recovery, stability and growth.
The objective of this newsletter is to highlight the
challenges that the organization was facing in 2013,
and some of the achievements made in the last five

Before proceeding ahead, it would be worthwhile to
look at the circumstances under which Pakistan
Railways was operating in June 2013.

The condition of assets had deteriorated to a dangerous

level to an extent that 58% of its track had outlived its
useful life. The signalling system, dictating the
Pakistan Railway is 27th in the world in terms of size of capacity of a section, was completely outdated and
its network as per ranking of World Bank, while as per primitive in design. The result was that the ML-1, on
data compiled by UIC (International Union of which bulk of traffic moves had reached its capacity.
Railways) in its Railway Statistics Report 2015 There were 477 locomotives on the books out of which
Pakistan Railway ranks 12th in terms of passenger only 180 were operational. However, not a single
kilometres (PKMs). locomotive was 100% reliable only 41% were on full
complements i.e. 6 traction motors. This had
Pakistan Railways has suffered mainly due to lack of marginalized the hauling capacity of the available
adequate investment to augment and upgrade its fleet. There were 11 failures per locomotive per
operational assets, coupled with lack of adherence to annum. The condition of passenger coaches was not
key operational, managerial and financial performance satisfactory either.
indicators over the last several decades. Consequently,
capacity augmentation has suffered on its main routes Freight traffic had reduced to less than one train per day
from the port while passenger traffic was also

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

decreasing, resulting in dwindling revenues. These of the achievements made in this regard:-
were the conditions under which the present
administration undertook the task of improving the The railway suffered huge financial setback due to
department's performance. disparity in earnings and expenditure. However,
the focus of the present administration was to
STRATEGIC DIRECTION reduce operational expenditure and improve
earnings, resulting in decrease in the Operating
Ratio a ratio between ordinary working expenses
After hectic consultations with all stakeholders, a
and earnings to 114 in FY 15-16 compared to 194 in
strategy was developed which touched four
FY12-13. We hope that this ratio will fall below
cornerstones i.e. containing the decline, stabilization
100 this year. (In fact, operating ratio is already
and re-orientation, institutionalization/rationalization
99.236 for the period ending Feb, 2018).
and growth/diversification. Following were the core
values of the strategic direction given by the Minister
The budgeted deficit for FY 2013-14 was Rs. 33.50
for Railways:-
billion which was projected to rise by Rs. 3.0
billion next year, and by Rs. 50.0 billion in the next
Concentrate on core business.
3 years. However, the deficit was brought down to
Integrated and holistic planning paradigm.
Rs. 32.53 billion. The same year, bills payable,
Qualitative upgradation of passenger operations.
amounting to approximately Rs. 5.0 billion were
To shift focus on freight.
cleared on account of TA/DA, GP Fund, Pension
To focus on indigenous manufacturing rather than
and electricity bills to WAPDA. This amount was
import of Completely Built Units (CBUs).
kept pending in the previous years. If this amount
Improving governance.
was held back, the deficit could have been brought
Innovative ideas consultation with universities,
down to Rs. 27.50 billion.
technology centres, experts.
Rationalization of services and fares.
Review of investment paradigm
[ focus on A sum of Rs 65 billion was allocated for
completion of ongoing projects and quick pay off expenditure in the budget for FY 2014-15.
projects. However, only Rs 59.11 billion were spent by
Production orientation changing to market focus.
[ cutting down expenses. Moreover, Rs 31.92 billion
Maximise use of assets.
[ were generated in revenue, exceeding the set target
of Rs 28 billion. This brought the deficit down to
Rs. 27.247 billion.
The strategy worked well and gradual improvement In FY 2015-16, out of Rs 69 billion allocated for
was recorded within the first financial year i.e. 2013- expenditure, only Rs 63.65 billion were spent. On
14. Due to prudent steps taken by the incumbent the other hand, revenue generation target was Rs 32
government to overhaul Pakistan Railways, the billion; however, Rs 36.58 billion were earned,
revenue of the national enterprise touched Rs. 40
billion in financial year 2016-17 as compared to Rs. 18 Pakistan Railways Financials
billion in FY 2012-13 a 122% increase in just four
years, with revenue pitched at Rs. 50 billion for F.Y 60
2017-18 i.e. an increase of Rs. 32.0 billion in five years
Rs. in Billion

or a growth of 178%.


The railway management took concrete steps to

increase revenue, control expenditure and deficit both,
decrease losses, and provide better facilities to Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
passengers and freight customers. Following are some

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

resulting in a decrease in deficit to Rs26.993 workers of the department under the dynamic
billion. leadership of Federal Minister for Railways,
Khawaja Saad Rafique.
Following its policy of 'Increase Earnings, Reduce
Expenditure, P.R earned Rs 40.1 billion against the Pakistan Railways has never claimed that its
set target of Rs 36 billion during FY 2016-17. operations had resulted into surplus or profit. It has
always been highlighted that the revenues are
Considering the expenditure, there was an gradually increasing since 2012-13. In fact, deficit
abnormal increase in salaries and pension during is not a new phenomenon, it did not start in the
2016-17, which can be gauged from the fact that present tenure, but was inherited from the previous
the expenditure which was Rs. 44.217 billion on regime and is there since decades. In the year 2012-
this account during 2015-16, soared to Rs. 55.011 13, the deficit was Rs. 30.509 billion.
billion during FY 2016-17 an increase of Rs.
10.774 billion (24.5%) within one year. As a result
of this obligatory expenditure due to
budgetary/government action, the department's
deficit increased to Rs. 40.701 billion.

During 2017-18, an amount of Rs. 90 billion has

been allocated for expenditure while the earning
target is Rs. 50.00 billion i.e. a budgeted deficit of
Rs. 40 billion. However, this will be brought down
to Rs. 36 billion by controlling expenditure.

During the previous government's five-year

period, (2008-9 to 2012-13) the cumulative budget
target was Rs 132.55 billion while the actual During the first year of the present government i.e.
earnings were Rs. 97.10 billion i.e. 26% less than 2013-14, the deficit increased to Rs. 32.527 billion
the target. Whereas, during the tenure of the present mainly due to an increase in salaries and pensions,
government, the cumulative target was Rs 167.6 and cost on repair and maintenance of operational
billion while receipts show earnings of Rs assets, specially locomotives and coaches. This
181.63billion i.e. 8.4% more than the target. This is helped to increase revenue by Rs. 1.2 billion. In the
shown in the graph below: subsequent two years i.e. 2014-15 and 2015-16, the
deficit was brought down to Rs. 27.247
andRs26.993 billion, respectively. However, there
was an abnormal increase of Rs. 10.718 billion in
FY 2016-17 as a result of normal budgetary
increases and restoration of pension and gratuity of
pensioners by the superior courts.

The budgeted deficit for the current financial year

is estimated at Rs. 40.7 billion, however, Pakistan
Railways is endeavouring to bring it down to Rs.
36.0 billion. The strategy, however, would always
be to increase revenues. It is in this context that the
This performance is a result of the hard work put in
! upgradation of ML-1 is considered inevitable to
by Mrs Parveen Agha, Chairperson, Muhammad scale up PR's operations and steadily move towards
Javed Anwar, CEO, Anjum Pervaiz, former CEO turning it into a profitable organization.
and advisor, and other committed officers and
The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

The financials of Pakistan Railways from FY 2012-13 to 2017-18 are given in the table and graph below:-

The financials shown in above table are graphically shown as under:-

Rs. (Billion)

The trend of subsidy was on the decline during last

$ 13.This has now come down to Rs. 0.77, and is
5 years as the government was contributing Rs. likely to decrease in future.
1.85 for each rupee earned in revenue during 2012-

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

OPERATIONAL DYNAMICS years, there has been a tremendous change in this

trend. By the end of June 2017, earnings from the
Distorted product mix passenger sector were 55 per cent while the freight
sector contributed 31 per cent to the total revenue.
$ In June 2013, Pakistan Railways product mix was This imbalance in Passenger & Freight sectors has
completely imbalanced as revenue from passenger further been improved during the F.Y 2017-18
sector was almost 78 per cent of the total receipts (upto March 2018) as shown below, as the freight
while freight sector was contributing hardly 13 per earnings contributed 39% revenue while passenger
cent to the total revenue. However, in the last five remains at 55%.

FREIGHT SECTOR: compared to 2,172 in 2013-14. These are projected

to increase to 7,858 by 30th June 2018. In order to
In June 2013, when the present government took
$ increase income from the freight sector, focus was
over, only one freight train used to move per day on placed on long haul and block loads which
an average from the port whereas in FY 17-18, the gradually increased the earnings of the sector.
number of freight trains has reached 12. The
number is expected to increase further as Pakistan By adopting the best marketing practices, long-
Railways has started the supply of coal to Sahiwal term agreements were signed with Maple Leaf
power plant. Cement, Bestway Cement, GharibWal Cement,
Awan Trading Company and Chishtian Logistics.
In 2016-17, total freight trains run by Pakistan
$ A contract is now being signed with M/s Nishat
Railways increased to 6,940 per annum as Group for transporting 30,000 tons of coal per

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

month from Karachi. As a result of advance deposit Railways has also agreed to transport 12 million
(FDA) based contracts, earning on freight has tons of coal to Rahim Yar Khan, Muzaffargarh and
increased, while simultaneously giving time for Jamshoro power plants.
better planning.
Under the current circumstances, loading and
In 2012-13, 46,617 wagons were loaded as
$ unloading at freight terminals is done manually.
compared to 264,256 wagons loaded in 2016-17. However, an alternative plan is being devised to
This is likely to increase to 308,312 by the end of automate this system gradually. Modern hopper
FY 2017-18.The freight sector's productivity is trucks for coal transportation having loading
expected to improve manifold in future. capacity of 70 tons and unloading time of 30
seconds are being used at Yusuf Wala Power Plant.
The signing of the Inland Coal Transportation
$ Use of such high-tech, high capacity rolling stock
Agreement (ICTA) between Pakistan Railways is likely to increase in the coming years.
Freight Transportation Company (PRFTC) and
SHANDONG RUYI for the Sahiwal Power Plant After a lapse of 10 years, high-speed diesel is again
is a milestone. This has the potential of generating being transported from Mehmood Kot to Taro
Rs. 13 billion in revenue per annum. The Jabba and Karachi to Taro Jabba. The agreement
transportation of coal from Bin Qasim Port to for movement of oil to Chak Pirana and Sihala has
Yusuf Wala was started in January 2017 and has also been renewed. Pakistan Railways has also
generated Rs. 8.0 billion in revenue till March signed a Fuel Transportation Agreement (FTA)
2018. The revenue is likely to reach Rs. 11.2 billion with Pakistan State Oil (PSO) for transportation of
by the end of FY 2017-18. 2 million tons of petroleum products per annum
besides signing a Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) as
Besides Yusuf Wala power plant, Pakistan
$ well.

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

Pakistan Railways has recently resumed operation

$ sector has resulted in an increase in revenue from
of a cargo express train between Faisalabad and Rs. 1.984 billion in June 2013, to Rs. 20.00 billion
Karachi on a daily basis. The service was in 2018. The carriage capacity has also increased
suspended seven years ago. from 1.016 million tons to 7.73 million tons in the
last five years.
The cumulative effect of these efforts in the freight

PASSENGER SECTOR: million passengers had availed this facility. Due to

this step, the railway is earning about Rs. 11
The punctuality of trains has increased to 77% in
$ million per day or Rs. 4 billion per annum.
FY17-18 as compared to 42% in the FY12-13, Approximately 8,000 passengers use this facility
boosting passengers' confidence in the railway. on a daily basis, and the number is increasing. An
agreement has also been signed with Jazz Cash for
Pakistan Railways has introduced a new
$ reaching out to more people.
computerised Passenger Reservation System to
facilitate passengers. This software was designed For the first time in the history of Pakistan
by the experts of the newly created Information Railways, the management has reduced fares on
Technology Directorate. E-ticketing has also been a number of occasions. A discount of 25 to 50%
introduced as a result of which passengers can was given on fares as part of Ramzan and Eid
now book their tickets using credit cards, UBL packages. Fares were also reduced to facilitate
Omni, Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa and other mobile passengers in rural areas. As a result of these
accounts. This facility was started on October 3, steps, the number of passengers has reached
2015; and by the end of March 2018, 1.627 54.5 million i.e. 12.5 million more than the

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

previous years. dispensers, and installation of LEDs. All

remaining trains will also be upgraded within one
Pakistan Railways has upgraded the 26 rakes of
$ year.
important trains like Pakistan Express, Business
Express, Shalimar Express, Tezgam, Allama In order to ensure provision of hygienic, good
Iqbal, Awam Express, Karachi Express and Kohat quality food to passengers, the administration has
Express. The Green Line has been upgraded with ensured that only branded food products are
high-speed Wi-Fi, a public address system, water supplied to the stations. The administration has

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

also hired experts to supervise the quality of food

during the five years from 2013-14 to 2017-18
served in the dining cars. compared with Rs. 7.239 billion in previous five
years (2008-09 to 2012-13) i.e. an increase by
For the first time in railway's history, train
$ more than 2.5 times.
managers have been deployed in express trains for
instant resolution of complaints and other As a result of these measures the passenger
operational matters. revenue increased to Rs. 26.355 billion in 2018
compared to Rs. 14.520 billion during FY 2012-
Under the public-private partnership regime, the
$ 13. The most significant achievement was that
bids for outsourcing of Karachi Express, Night Pakistan Railways achieved the highest ever
Coach and Musa Pak were invited. These bids passenger KMs (PKMs) in its history during
have been filed and will be re-invited at an 2016-17 i.e. 22.475 billion PKMs. The previous
appropriate time. However, from a comparative best was 21.992 billion PKMs during 2000-2005
analysis of the last five years, it is evident that period. This is likely to increase further during
special emphasis was given to the private sector 2017-18.
participation, which generated Rs.19.636 billion

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: locomotives are now deployed for normal

As a result of the contract signed with General
Electric Co., 55 new state of the art locomotives, As a result of these efforts, the locomotives in
with 4,000 - 4,500 HP, have been procured by freight pool have increased from 11 in 2013 to 112
Pakistan Railways. These are freight specific in 2018. Now 320 locomotives are available for
locomotives and will be instrumental in increasing operation as against 180 in 2013. The failures have
the freight hauling capacity of the railway. These also come down from 11.06 per loco per year to
locomotives have the ability to pull 2,400 tonnes only 1.61 per loco per annum. Now 85%
trailing load instead of 1,200, thus increasing locomotives are on full complements i.e. 6 traction
capacity and saving time and money. motors.

Special repair of select 150 locomotives has been

$ Pakistan Railways has manufactured 905 high
completed and they have been inducted in the capacity hopper trucks, with a loading capacity of
system. 70 tons. These indigenously manufactured wagons
will result in better transportation of coal for power
The rehabilitation work of 27 HGMU-30 type
$ plants.
locomotives has been completed and these

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

The rehabilitation of 300 traction motors will be

$ There is a significant change in the traditional
completed in the next financial year, and will help concept of overhauling of passenger coaches
in improving the productivity and reliability of (POH). The standards of overhauling have been
locomotives. upgraded with use of modern material and
improved workmanship. So far 26 rakes, having
The rehabilitation of 800 passenger coaches was
$ 416 coaches, have been upgraded.
successfully completed in December 2017.
A new project has been conceived for upgradation
300 Economy Class passenger coaches are being
$ of washing lines and cleaning/dry cleaning of
upgraded to AC Class to meet public demand while trains at stations. Work on this project will
rehabilitation of 2,000 wagons required for freight commence from Karachi in the first phase.
has also been completed.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: The Electrical Department recruited 33 certified

power van operators, which has reduced errors in
All operational areas in Lahore, including
$ operations.
Railways Headquarters, workshops, DS Office,
Railway Station, are now free from load shedding. The facility of mobile charging has been provided
in 600 Economy Class coaches and 400 AC Class
Two new generators of 1 MW each have been
$ coaches. Ten mobile charging points have been
installed at the Mughalpura Power House. This has provided in each coach.
ensured provision of uninterrupted electricity in
workshops, increasing the output of overhauling of New double DG sets have been installed in 15 TL
passenger coaches and wagons. vans, which has improved the power supply system
in economy class coaches.
A solar power system of 1000-watt capacity has
been installed at the Railway Headquarters
building, while over 100 railway stations will also
be switched over to solar energy soon.

After the induction of 40 new power vans in the

fleet, the complaints pertaining to air conditioning
have been reduced.

In order to eliminate frequent public complaints,

260 passenger coaches provided with 110-volt
system have been converted to 220-volt.

Joint surveys were conducted with district
The project of doubling of track from Khanewal to
$ governments in 2013 for identification of
Raiwind was completed expeditiously by ensuring vulnerable unmanned level crossings across
timely funds. 246km track was doubled including Pakistan. The surveys found out that 550 level
remodelling of 20 yards, construction of 85 new crossings 436 in Punjab, 45 in Sindh, 37 in Khyber
bridges and extension of 72 level crossings. The Pakhtunkhwa, and 37 in Balochistan were very
double line is now fully operational between prone to accidents.
Karachi and Lahore via Multan.
In Punjab, 75 unmanned level crossings were

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

upgraded at a cost of Rs. 610 million with funds project will be extended upon successful
provided by the Punjab government. Furthermore, completion of the pilot scheme. The Sindh
the Punjab government approved a PC-I at the cost government has also promised to develop a green
of Rs. 1,556 million for upgradation of another 150 belt from Landhi to Karachi City.
unmanned level crossings. Rs. 350 million have
been provided for the upgradation of 34 level Feasibility studies for new rail links from
crossings in the first phase. Islamabad to Murree and Muzaffarabad, Gwadar
to Jacobabad via Khuzdar, Besima to Mastung,
In Sindh, the provincial government has approved
$ Peshawar to Jalalabad, and Quetta to Kotla Jam for
a PC-I for upgradation of 44 unmanned level linking Quetta directly with Peshawar are in
crossings at a cost of Rs565 million. Funds of Rs. progress.
103.928 million have been received for
upgradation of 10 level crossings in the first phase. Feasibility study for upgradation of ML-2 has been
Agencies have been nominated and work will completed, Expression of Interest (EOI) was
commence shortly on these projects. floated and bidders have been shortlisted, now
Request For Proposal (RFP) for execution of work
In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the KP government has
$ on BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) basis is under
approved a PC-I for upgradation of 6 unmanned preparation. A similar proposal for upgradation of
level crossings at a cost of Rs. 87 million. Rs. 1.2 Lahore-Faisalabad section on BOT basis is being
million have been received as preliminary charges considered with the assistance of IPDF
and work will be started on receipt of full amount. (Infrastructure Project Development Facility), a
subsidiary of the Ministry of Finance.
In Balochistan, no work has been undertaken till
date because of the provincial government's non- A feasibility study for upgradation of track from
cooperation in this regard. Rohri to Koh-e-Taftan via Quetta with study of
options to by-pass Bolan is in process.
In order to check trespassing, a 35-km-long
boundary wall has been constructed at a cost of Rs Another feasibility study for upgradation of
391.975 million at 18 sites, including major Shahdara Bagh-Narowal section has been
railway stations, for the protection of track and completed.
enhancing security at the stations.
In order to meet shortage of residential quarters for
An agreement has been reached with the Punjab
$ operations staff, 104 apartments for Class IV and
Horticulture Authority (PHA) for establishment of 108 apartments for Class III employees are being
green belts along the track from Shahdara Bagh to constructed at Lahore, Karachi, Narowal and
Raiwind to help improve the environment. The Hyderabad. Work is in progress and nearing

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

completion in Lahore and Karachi. Sukkur, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Bahawalpur,

Raiwind, Gujranwala, Narowal, Nankana Sahib,
A pilot project for mechanized maintenance of the
$ Hasan Abdal, Khanewal, Sahiwal, Okara, Sibi,
track has been started in Lahore division by Harnai and Kohat) are being upgraded/
procuring latest machines. This system will be reconstructed under various PSDP projects.
replicated in other divisions upon successful Passenger facilities have been improved at Tarnol,
completion. Basal, Jandand Rawalpindi stations in connection
with starting of Rail Car between Rawalpindi and
There are still low-level platforms at a number of
$ Kohat Cantt. The newly constructed station at
stations which pose serious difficulty for the Okara was inaugurated on January 22, 2018, while
elderly and female passengers. In order to facilitate Bahawalpur, Raiwind, Sahiwal and Narowal
such passengers, low-level platforms at Karachi stations are likely to be opened shortly.
Cantt, Hyderabad, Tando Adam, Landhi, Kala
Shah Kaku, Gujranwala Canttand Wazirabad have Moreover, another PC-I for upgradation/
been converted into high-level platforms. renovation of 30 railway stations is being
considered for approval. Similarly a PC-I has also
The track from Rawalpindi to Kohat Cantt (176
$ been prepared for provision of lifts and escalators
km) has been rehabilitated at a cost of Rs 381 at major railway stations for facilitation of
million for running new Rail Cars from Rawalpindi passengers.
to Kohat Cantt.
There are a number of engineering restrictions due
In order to improve the outlook and modernise the
$ to weak track. In order to remove these restrictions
passenger amenities, a project of rehabilitation of and ensure safety, about 868 km of track has been
stations has been initiated under which 18 railway renewed through different projects for safe train
stations (Karachi Cantt, Peshawar, Hyderabad, operations on different sections. Detail is as under:-

* Progress for 2017-18 has been updated up to 31.03.2018.

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

A total of 230 bridges, requiring major

$ Lahore and Karachi. Installation work at Multan,
repair/rehabilitation, were completed at the cost of the marshalling yard in Pipri and Kundian is in
Rs. 1510.00 million. Moreover, 59 steel bridges, progress and will be completed by June 2018.
which had not been refurbished (painted) for the
last 20-25 years due to non-availability of funds, Two new 85 ft diameter turntables have been
were painted at a cost of Rs. 234.308 million. installed at Lahore and Karachi sheds to improve
the turning facilities of locomotives. A turntable is
Pakistan Railways has begun rehabilitation of the
$ also being installed at the marshalling yard in Pipri.
142-km-long Sibi-Khost section of Quetta
division, which was closed since 2006 due to The extra time provided in running time of trains
sabotage activities carried out by terrorists. on account of speed restrictions has been reduced
by 30 minutes on Karachi-Lahore section and by
In order to increase the storage capacity of High
$ 10 minutes on Lahore-Peshawar section with
Speed Diesel, two ground storage tanks of effect from 15th April, 2018.
750,000-liter capacity each have been installed at

UPGRADATION OF ML-1 UNDER iii) Provision of a cost sharing mechanism of

CPEC REGIME loan/investment between Pakistan and China for
implementing the project in a phased manner. In
Upgradation of the Main Line-1 (ML-1) of Pakistan case ADB's investment is available, cost sharing
Railways (Karachi to Peshawar and Taxila to may also be indicated to lower the PSDP funding.
Havelian) and establishment of dry port near Havelian
is an “Early Harvest Project” under the CPEC In order to proceed further and fulfil the requirement of
framework. Spread over 1,876 kilometers, the ML-1 CDWP, Ministry of Planning, Development &
starts from Karachi and passes through Hyderabad, Reform, preliminary design of the project was started
Rohri, Multan, Lahore and Rawalpindi to Peshawar in August, 2016, by the consortium comprising M/S
and Taxila to Havelian. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd
(CREEC) of China, NESPAK & PRACS of Pakistan,
The feasibility study of the project was completed in who had earlier conducted a Joint Feasibility Study
April, 2016 at a cost of Rs.252 million by a consortium (JFS) during April 2016, under a 'Framework
comprising M/s China Railway Eryuan Engineering Agreement' signed by the two governments under
Group Co., Ltd (CREEC) of China, M/s NESPAK and CPEC. A design/drawing consultant has also been
M/s PRACS. engaged by PIU for scrutinising the preliminary
According to the Joint Feasibility Study, the cost of the
whole project was estimated to be USD 8212 million. Based on the preliminary design of Phase-I sub-
Accordingly, a PC-1 of USD 8,212 million was projects, a PC-1 has been submitted to the Ministry of
submitted to the Ministry of Planning, Development Planning, Development & Reform on 2 March, 2018.
and Reform in May 2016. PC-1 was considered in the The PC-1 envisages the following sub-projects at a
CDWP in a meeting held on 8 June, 2016, and was total cost of USD 3,400 million:
approved in principle with the following observations:
1. Multan-Lahore (339 km) upgradation to 160 km/h.
i) Submission of firmed up scope and cost on the 2. Rawalpindi-Peshawar (174 km), upgradation and
basis of preliminary design of the project and construction of second line for 120km/h (160km/h
evaluated by a third party. where possible).
ii) Provision of proper justification for enhancing 3. Kaluwal-Pindora (52 km), upgradation and
existing axle load of 22.86 tons to 25 tons on ML-1, construction of second line on a new alignment for
which will involve substantial capital investment, 120km/h (160km/h where possible).
should be duly endorsed by the Railway Board. 4. Upgradation of Nawabshah-Rohri section (183

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

km), excluding grade separation and fencing existing double line to 160 km/h, excluding work
within the Hyderabad-Multan section (749 km). already done on Nawabshah Rohri section
5. Establishment of dry port near Havelian. (183km) in Phase-I.
6. Upgradation of Pakistan Railways Academy ii) Lahore Lalamusa (132km) construction of second
Walton, Lahore (Part-I). line and upgradation to 160km/h.
7. Procurement of rolling stock and locomotives iii) Lalamusa Rawalpindi (118km) construction of
(Part I). second line and upgradation to 120km/h (160 km/h
where possible) excluding work already done on
The preliminary design of Phase-II sub-projects is Kaluwal- Pindora section (52km) in Phase-I.
under preparation with the same consortium which is iv) Karachi Hyderabad (163km) construction of new
likely to be finalized by the end of May 2018 after double line for 160km/h.
which the PC-1 of Phase-II will be submitted to v) Locomotives and rolling stock procurement (Phase
Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform for II).
approval. vi) Upgradation of remaining works at Walton
Railways Academy (Phase II).
Phase-II sub-projects are as under:- vii) Upgradation of the existing Taxila Havelian
i) Hyderabad Multan (749km) upgradation of (55km)line to 120km/h.

INSTALLATION OF MODERN that after activation of the new signalling system,

SIGNALLING SYSTEM: the number of passenger and cargo trains will
increase, resulting in increased revenues and better
In order to improve the signalling system from
$ operational management.
Mirpur Mathelo to Shehdadpur, old mechanical
signalling has been replaced with Computerized
Interlocking System (CBIS) at 22 stations, while
work at the Bin Qasim station is nearing

Work on the Shahdara-Lodhran project has been

expedited. Till now, 15 railway stations have
become operational after being upgraded with
modern signalling system, while work on the
remaining stations will be completed by the end of
this year. After completion of this project, the line
capacity of Karachi-Lahore mainline will increase
from 36 trains to 100 trains per day. It may be noted

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways


FOR PROTECTION OF TRAINS up 400 shops while 500 more shops have been
completed through railway divisions.
$ Pakistan Railways has introduced a Train Collision
Avoidance System to prevent accidents at $ The department is also working with the provinces
unmanned level crossings. Five sets shall be for transferring the 'Title of Land' in the name of
installed by May, 2018 and kept under observation Pakistan Railways in line with the direction of the
after which commercial production for installing Supreme Court given in suomoto case No.
the system at the remaining level crossings will be 18/2011. This will enable the railway to launch
commenced. development work on commercial basis to unleash
the huge potential of prime lands. The land record
has been rectified in Khyber Pakhtunhwa while
COMPUTERISED LAND RECORD work is underway in Balochistan. Negotiations
with other provinces are in progress.
$ A contract was signed with Urban Unit for
computerization of railway lands at a cost of Rs.
$ In line with the remedial management initiative, a
404 million. The Land Record Management
policy has been implemented to regularise
Information System (LRMIS) will help in
commercial encroachments on railway land to earn
acquiring complete information about railway
lands, thus ensuring transparency in land
management. The administration has been able to
identify 10,790 acres of land that was earlier INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY,
missing in the railway's record. E-TICKETING:

The administration ended the previous policy of

$ IT Department has been upgraded with new experts
direct sale or long term lease of railway land for 99 and equipment and has worked on a number of
years. A new policy has been evolved under which projects, including the design of new passenger
land is now being given on short term lease. Short- reservation system, e-ticking and launch of a new
term leasing has generated Rs 7.085 billion in the website through which new
last five years (2013-18) compared to Rs 2.043 tools and techniques have been introduced.
billion earned during the five years of the previous
government (2008-2013). $ A new mobile app has been introduced, which
can be used to book seats directly through mobile
Pakistan Railways is also working on value
$ phone, while timetable and train fares are also
addition to its lands. The investments made by available on the website. Till now, Pakistan
subsidiary companies of Ministry of Railways i.e. Railways has sold 1.627 million tickets online
while around 8000 passengers are using the
facility every day, yielding a daily revenue of Rs.
11.00 million. This has enabled Pakistan
Railways to become the highest revenue earner

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways


The security system of railway schools has been

beefed up with fencing on the walls, installation of
CCTV cameras and deployment of trained
security guards armed with modern weapons.

Sports camps are organised in railway schools and

colleges for both girls and boys on a regular basis.
Besides, 2,000 books have been made available
for students at the new Sofia Zahoor Ahmed
Library established in the St. Andrews School,
from online sources, an achievement also duly
noted by the State Bank of Pakistan. A special training programme has been
implemented for enhancing teaching capability of
In future, instead of EFT and PCT, tickets will be
$ teachers.
issued to passengers boarding the train without
reservation through a handheld device, which Teacher-parent meetings are organised after every
will enhance the performance of STES besides three months to review students' progress.
curbing corruption.
In the last four years, 350 students of railway
schools obtained more than 1,000 marks out of
For the first time in the history of Railways
1,100, which reflects better management of the
duplicate tickets are being issued in case of loss
of tickets.
The results of railway schools were quite
Pakistan Railway is set to introduce all modules
$ satisfactory in the last five years. In 2014, the
of SAP, HRM, material management, inventory result was 81.6%; in 2015 it was 83%; in 2016 the
control and salary etc in due course of time. result was 87%; and in 2017, 90% students were
successful in the final results. The results for 2018
A Memorandum of Understanding has been
$ will be announced in July, 2018.
signed with NADRA for issuing computerised
database of employees along with digital cards. The Railway Sports Board has been reactivated
and is promoting weightlifting, kabaddi, athletics,
The Central Control Room of Pakistan Railways
HQ is also being upgraded on modern lines. The
117 Inquiry helpline will be converted into a
modern call centre with provision of tracking
devices which would enable computerised
monitoring of train operations. This will also
allow control rooms to accurately forecast the
arrival and departure timings of passenger trains.

Stock inventory control software is at its final

stages of development after which it will be
connected to 26 stores of the railways.

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

body building, wrestling, judo, hockey and cricket international levels and won gold, silver and
besides other indoor and outdoor games. As a bronze medals. The sports budget has been
result, the players of Pakistan Railways increased to Rs 35 million from Rs 8.2 million in
represented the country at the national and the previous years.

MEDICAL: Separate wards have been established for dengue

and swine flu patients in railway hospitals.
An agreement has been signed with the Institute of
Cardiology, Rawalpindi, and Mayo Hospital,
Lahore for treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Free medicines are provided to patients admitted in

railway hospitals besides provision of modern
diagnostics and tests.

Railway employees and their families have been

provided with all kinds of surgery facilities in all
government and combined military hospitals in

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

REFORMS IN RAILWAY POLICE: March 2017 out of which investigation of 2,750 cases
has been completed and their challans have been
Modern security equipment worth Rs 250 million has
$ presented in courts.
been procured to fully equip the Railway Police.
Railway help centres have been established at all
SSG commandos have been deployed to train
$ major railway stations manned by Railway Police.
specially selected railway police personnel. Almost The police found 347 boys and 155 missing girls and
700 men have so far been imparted counter-terrorism repatriated them to their families. Furthermore, it
training. returned 649 boys, 413 girls and 89 women, who ran
away from their homes, back to their guardians.
National Testing Service (NTS) was employed to
ensure transparent recruitment of employees in 4, 708 passengers have received lost luggage worth Rs
Railway Police. Police inspectors, however, are 433,888,682.
recruited through the Federal Public Service
Commission. The federal government has been requested to bring
the salaries of railway police at par with their
Railway Police lodged 2, 895 cases from July 2015 to
$ colleagues in Punjab Police.

REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY: A PC-I has been approved for the construction of

railway track between Chaman (Pakistan) and Spin
A feasibility study has been undertaken for the
$ Boldak (Afghanistan). The work will be started after
construction of track from Gwadar to Jacobabad via NOC is given by the Afghanistan government.
Besima and Besima to Quetta for connecting
Gwadar to the existing railway network and is The feasibility study of Peshawar-Jalalabad track
nearing completion. Land has already been has been awarded and will be completed in 2018.
purchased in Gwadar for the railway yard.
The freight service between Pakistan and Iran via
The feasibility for a new track between Islamabad
$ Taftan has restarted and is now the preferred mode of
and Muzaffarabad via Murree has been completed transportation between the two countries.
for connecting Azad Kashmir to the railway network
and a PC-I has been sent to the Planning Commission It is being considered to restart the ECO Train this
for acquisition of land. year. Consultations are being held with Iranian and
Turkish Railways in this regard.
Upgradation and rehabilitation of Sibi-Harnai
section is underway by NLC at a cost of Rs. 1.888 A passenger and goods train between Pakistan and
billion. This section had suffered from floods and India is operating via Wahga Border while a
terrorism for a long time, resulting in closure of passenger train is operational between Khokhropar
operations on this route. and Monabao stations. The running of a freight train
on this important route is also being contemplated.

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

AZADI & CHRISTMAS PEACE TRAIN - A Christmas Peace Train was started on December
REFLECTION OF COUNTRY'S LOVE: 22, 2016, in a bid to show solidarity with the
Christian community. The train started its journey
from Margalla Station in Islamabad and made
Pakistan Railways started the Azadi Train on 14th
stopovers in Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore,
August, 2014, which completed its countrywide
Multan, Rohri, Karachi, Kotri, Dadu, Larkana,
journey in September. The Azadi trains of 2016 and
Habib Kot, Sibi, Jacobabad, Sukkur, Multan and
2017 were also applauded at the national level.


A contract was signed with Postal Life Insurance

$ After improvement in the financial health of the
on February 7th, 2017, to provide passengers and organization, a financial package was given to the
employees an insurance cover of Rs 1.5 million in employees from grade 1 to 10, amounting to Rs.
case of death and Rs 0.3 million in case of injury. 390 million during FY 2015-16.
At least Rs 80 million have been paid to 319
passengers who fell victim to accidents. The widows of deceased and medically invalid
employees were earlier paid a subsistence
Direct Credit System is being used to facilitate
$ allowance ranging between Rs 270 and Rs 1,620
payment of pension to elderly former employees. on monthly basis. This amount has now been
Now instead of standing in long queues, increased to Rs. 4,000 from March 1, 2017.
pensioners can draw their pension from any bank Almost 4,433 people are availing this facility, with
of their choice with ATM cards. In March 2018,
118,404 pensioners withdrew their pension
through this system.

Due to the railway's poor financial health, the

gratuity and General Provident Fund of retired
employees was pending since 2011-2012. The
current management followed a “First to Retire
First to Get Paid” policy under which Rs 600
million were paid in Gratuity and GP fund to
employees who had retired till 2013-2014.
Likewise, dues of operational staff amounting to
Rs 500 million on account of TA have been cleared

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

an expenditure of Rs 25 million every month. The resolving issues of widows and persons with
payment of deferred amount from 2009 onwards disabilities.
amounting to Rs 90.16 million has also been paid.
In 2016-17, the Ministry of Railways took a giant
Benevolent Fund grant, which ranged from Rs
$ step by increasing employees' group insurance
880 to 4,000, was increased to Rs 4,000 to 10,100 from Rs 45,000 to Rs 400,000 (min) and Rs
per month from July 2016. Under this head, Rs 1,000,000 (max). For paying the premium of
463 million were distributed in 2016-2017. group insurance, the government has allocated Rs
130 million, which will facilitate the low-paid
The department has been paying an amount equal
$ employees.
to one month salary to employees who retired after
Jan 1st, 2006 as welfare grant. The department The burial grant for employees who pass away
also pays Rs 50,000 for the marriage of one child during service has been increased to Rs 20,000
of the current employee or pensioner. An amount from Rs 10,000.
of Rs 308 million has so far been distributed under
these two heads. Retired railway officers were honoured with
shields in a ceremony held at the Mayo Gardens
Pakistan Railways spent Rs 771 million on
$ Club besides honouring employees who
Benevolent Fund, Marriage and Farewell Grants performed acts of gallantry and bravery beyond
in 2016 -17. This fund has been increased to Rs the line of duty.
1,100 million for 2017-18, and will help in


The administration has taken several steps to
facilitate porters at stations such as provision of
new uniforms, scheduling of holidays,
enhancement of commission, free of cost food and
medical facility etc.

Porters have also been provided with restrooms

where they can relax and enjoy indoor games.

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

from China, and for training of the railway staff.

Work under the agreement has already begun.

Pakistan Railway will provide land to the Punjab

government for the construction of a modern sports
complex at Wheatman Road, Mughalpura. For this
purpose, an understanding has been reached with
the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) for
construction of the complex. The work is in progress
and will benefit hundreds of railway employees and
their families living in the area.

Pakistan Railway has created a Heritage Council

OTHER IMPORTANT STEPS: having representation of renowned conservationists
and heritage experts to oversee preservation of
$ Pakistan Railways has also focused on Bills historical structures. A Heritage Directorate has also
Receivable from Pakistan State Oil, Pakistan Post, been created for this purpose. The Railway Museum
Pakistan Army, Sui Gas and other departments. It at Golra is being upgraded while the colonial
collected Rs 7.123 billion from the federal and architecture of Karachi Cantt Station has also been
provincial departments as compared to Rs 3.011 restored.
billion collected in the five-year tenure of the
previous government. A new Legal Directorate has been created to address
litigation issues. Prior to 2013, such matters were
$ Special attention was given to subsidiary companies being dealt by non-professionals, resulting in huge
of Pakistan Railways. The net profit of RAILCOP setbacks in courts.
increased 22 fold in four years. In 2012-13, the
company earned a profit of Rs 20.34 million
whereas in 2016-17, the company's profit was Rs
450.00 million which is a record in the 38-year-long
history of the company.

A new scrap disposal policy has been implemented

under which the size of the lot will not exceed 2,000

Pakistan Railway has started direct loading from

Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) at
Karachi Port Trust. This would help in reducing
traffic congestion on roads around the port area.

Kohat Express has been restored to facilitate

passengers traveling between Kohat and
Rawalpindi while Mehran Express has also been
resumed for passengers commuting between
Karachi, Hyderabad and Mirpur Khas.

Pakistan Railways has signed a three-year contract

with Chinese company CRRC Xiang for complete
overhauling, maintenance and provision of spare
parts for the 63 ZCU type locomotives imported

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

FUTURE VISION will lay down clear guidelines and timelines for
implementing various safety works to be carried
The continued focus and improvements in the last five out from this Fund. Unmanned level crossings,
years have brought Pakistan Railways to the centre specially on the mainline, should be eliminated
stage of the present government's achievements, and within a given time frame. Expert international
the organization is now fully geared to play its due role assistance is required to improve safety
in the economic development of the country. preparedness and maintenance practices.

Among other things, Pakistan Railways should now 3. A beginning has been made with regard to
focus on the following areas to further improve its station redevelopment. At least 15 stations are
performance: expected to be redeveloped during 2017-18. In
(i) Passenger safety an attempt to expand this programme, another
(ii) Capital investment in development works for 30 stations will be upgraded during 2018-20.
removing capacity constraints on main routes. Besides this, major stations are proposed to be
(iii) Improved service delivery in all spheres, provided with lifts and escalators, a PC-I for
including complete logistic solution, which has been prepared. Work in this direction
cleanliness, and passenger facilitation. should continue.
(iv) Finance, accounting and administrative reforms.
(v) Regional connectivity. 4. Pakistan Railways faces stiff competition from
other modes of transportation which are
2. For passenger safety, the Ministry of Railways dominated by the private sector. Transformative
should create a special safety fund with seed measures need to be undertaken to make
capital from the federal government, besides Pakistan Railways competitive to retain its
arranging balance resources from its own position. The following steps are needed:
revenues and other sources. The government

The Success Story 2013-2018 Pakistan Railways

(i) Pakistan Railways should implement end-to-end Pakistan is the transport hub of south Asia. The
integrated transport solution for select future of Pakistan Railway lies in developing
commodities through partnership with logistics rail links with China, Afghanistan, Iran,
players, who would provide both front and back Turkmenistan, India and other Central Asian
end connectivity. Rolling stocks, operational countries to realise its full potential.
and commercial practices should be customized
to transport non-traditional products, including (iv) The rehabilitation of Karachi Circular Railway
perishable goods, agricultural produce, and mass transit projects in Peshawar and Quetta
minerals, steel, industrial products and motor have been brought under CPEC framework.
vehicles etc. as they offer new vistas of growth Pakistan Railways will provide all technical and
and expansion. advisory support to the provinces in this regard.

(ii) Pakistan Railways should expand competitive (v) The current railway system is mostly manual
passenger ticket booking facility to the public at which needs to be automated. In fact, we need
large through traditional reservation offices, e- massive IT enablement in all spheres of railway
ticketing and through cellular mobile banking. working. In this context, work has begun on
developing a Freight Operations Information
(iii) As part of accounting reforms, accrual based System (FOIS) this year. Work is also underway
financial statements should be rolled out by on developing new Management Information
June, 2020 giving top priority to MIS/ FIS System and Financial Information System to
Project which has hit snags and has been badly make the administrative work more efficient.
delayed. The passenger, freight and parcel revenue
collection system also needs to be fully
5. It should be our continuous endeavour to automated.
improve the Operating Ratio of the railway. The
tariffs should be fixed, taking into consideration (vi) There are anomalies and inconsistencies in the
costs, quality of service, social obligations and pay, allowances and channels of promotion of a
competition from other forms of transport. number of categories of staff which is causing
serious rifts amongst various groups. In order to
6. Work needs to be expedited on the following remove these anomalies, a restructuring
important aspects: committee has been constituted which has
completed almost 80% of its work. The
(i) Pakistan Railways is working on resuming the committee is keeping in view the requirement of
ECO train on Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul route. new staff with new skill sets to cope with the
The reopening of this train will pave the way for technological upgradation of infrastructure,
transportation of goods to Central Asia, Turkey rolling stock and operating systems with the
and onwards to Europe via Iran. implementation of ML-1 Project. On receipt of
complete report, recommendations would be
(ii) Work on upgradation of ML-1 will be started sent to the Ministry of Railways/federal
after completion of preliminary design, government for implementation.
approval of PC-I and finalization of bidding
process under China-Pakistan Economic (vii) It is felt that the locomotive factory in Risalpur
Corridor (CPEC) regime. Pakistan Railways is and carriage factory in Islamabad are not
also looking for external investment for operating at their full potential. In order to make
upgradation of ML-2 and ML-3 under BOT these entities profitable, foreign expertise and
mode. capital is needed. An RFP for soliciting
proposals for upgradation of these factories
(iii) Given its important geo-political location, should be floated on priority.

Mr. Muhammad Javed Anwar
Federal Secretary

The economic turnaround of Pakistan Railways is

due to the efforts made by the employees and
officials who are working hard day and night and the
passengers and business community who have
patronized the department by using it for travel and
transporting goods.

Pakistan Railways has been able to restore

confidence of the passengers and the business
community by channelizing its resources in the right
direction, upgrading its infrastructure, rolling stock
and following a business-oriented policy.

The timings of the trains have also improved

considerably and there is an increase in the number
of freight trains. There was a time when only one
freight train used to operate but now on an average

11-12 freight trains are being run daily. Now, the
Railway passengers can reserve seats and avail
tickets at home through recently introduced e-
ticketing system.
Building a goal oriented team and setting right
direction and priorities for that team, introduction of
different work culture, absence of political
interference and rigorous mechanism of decision
making were some of the initiatives that had been
introduced in the past few years and resulted in
better productivity in given resources.

Pakistan Railways is committed to provide state-of-

the-art facilities to its passengers so that their travel
is not just safe but also economically feasible and
comfortable. This organization is fully capable of
taking off, overcome its challenges and attain
greater heights. Our team is determined to turn it
into an example for other public sector Directorate General Public Relations, Pakistan Railways

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