Lesson Plan Rubric
Lesson Plan Rubric
Lesson Plan Rubric
Once you have completed one or more lesson plans using The Constructivist Classroom resource
as your guide, use this rubric to assess your application of constructivist elements. Think about
where your lesson plans fall within the rubric and what changes might be needed to strengthen
your constructivist lens.
Elements of 3 2 1
Constructivist Well Done Room to Grow Reflection Needed
Prior Knowledge Students have been Students have been Students have not
provided with an provided with an been provided with
opportunity to reflect opportunity to reflect an opportunity to
on and share their on their prior reflect on their prior
prior understanding understanding and knowledge or
and experiences with experiences with the experiences with the
the topic. topic. topic.
Metacognition Students are provided Students are provided Students are not
with several with an opportunity supported or
opportunities to be to be reflective in encourage to reflect
reflective in their their thinking. on their thinking.
Teacher models
reflective thinking
Teacher models and language to
reflective thinking use/questions to ask
and language to throughout the
use/questions to ask lesson.
throughout the
Teacher provides
feedback to support
reflective thinking.
Learning Goals All students are able Some students are Students are unable
to articulate the able to articulate the to articulate the
learning goals of the learning goals of the learning goals of the
lesson. lesson. lesson.
Social Aspects: The lesson is student The lesson is The lesson is teacher
Collaboration, centred. somewhat student centred.
Cooperation and centred.
Dialogue Opportunities are There is no
provided throughout Some opportunities opportunity to
the lesson to are provided to collaborate, cooperate
collaborate, cooperate collaborate, cooperate and engage in
and engage in and engage in dialogue.
meaningful dialogue dialogue.
intended to propel
thinking forward.
Synthesis The lesson provides The lesson provides Students are not
ample time for minimal time for provided with time to
reflection, closure reflection, closure reflect and bring
and sharing/discourse and sharing/discourse closure to the lesson.
around learning and around learning and
experiences. experiences.