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I. Objectives

Content standard

•The learner define and understand the use of verb the action word

Performance standard

• The learners determine the use of verbs and construct sentences using common verbs

Learning competencies: At the end of the lesson,the students should be able to:

a. Cognitive: Be able to identify action words

b. Affective: Create an outcome that depicts their knowledge about verbs using interactive


c. Psychomotor: Be able to write and read their own sentences by using verb- action words

II. Subject Matter

The Action Verb

III. Learning Materials

a. References

1. Teacher's guide: page 95-102

2. Student's guide: page 88- 94

3. Textbook pages: 56-78

4. Learning resources:

b. Other learning materials

• Story book

• Illustration board

• Flashcard

• Woksheets (for activity)

• Rubrics (For every Group and individual Activity)

• Manila paper and marker

IV. Procedure (Explicit teaching method

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Good morning children!

Good morning Teacher!

Please stand up and lead the prayer,Kaye.

In the name of the father,the son and the Holly's

spirit amen!
Children before taking your seat please pick up
the pieces of paper under your chair and align it

Thank you children you may now take your seats!

Who among of you are absent today? Secretary


No one absent today teacher

Very Good children I am happy that all of you are
here so that you can study well the lesson that I
am going to tackled

But before we start what is our classroom rules?

Mary Grace.

First,take your seat properly

Secondly, Please quiet and listen carefully

Very Good Mary Grace i want you to Thirdly,Raise your hand if you want to answer
remembering our classroom rules so that you are
able to do your job as a student

Do you understand children?

Yes Teacher
Great children! I allow you to be ready because
for now we are going to explore our new topic

But before we start, do you still remember our

last lesson? F

Yes Teacher!
What is it all about? Kyla.

Very Good kyla!

It's all Demonstrative Pronoun teacher

What are Demonstrative Pronouns? Mary Ann.



Very Good children you will truly understand our
lesson yesterday.

Please put your hand on your shoulder and say

to yourself I am good!

Now, please ready your self because we are

I am good!
going to explore our new topic today
IA. Pre- Lesson Assessment

I know that all of you are very excited and ready

for our new topic today, so we will start!

Children I prepared a short story for you

entitled :A fun in the park' I will read it first and
after that you will read it also.

Do you understand children?

Very good children!

Yes, we are!

Now children it's your turn to read the story!

A Fun Day In The Park

By: Alyssa liang

In the morning me and my friends will go to

the park. We swing in the park.

The swing goes up and down. We kick ball in

the park.The ball goes back and forth.

We fly our kite in the park. The kite goes up

and up. We play in the park. We giggle all day

A Fun Day In The Park

By: Alyssa liang

In the morning me and my friends will go to the
park. We swing in the park.

The swing goes up and down. We kick ball in

the park.The ball goes back and forth.

We fly our kite in the park. The kite goes up and

Did you understand the story children? up. We play in the park. We giggle all day long

Very good children! What is the story all about?

Yes, Teacher!

Excellent answer karina! What does the story do?

The story all about A Fun Day In the Park
can you give one and write it in the board, Joyce.

Very good answer Joyce! What else? Ria.

They play,Teacher!

Another one,Debra.
They swing, Teacher!

Very Good answer Debra! What else? Marisol.

They kick the ball, Teacher!

Very Good children all of you has a correct

answer give yourself an apple clap!

They fly the kite, Teacher!

I am very happy that you are able to read and

write the sentences and to broaden your
knowledge, I am going to introduce this topic 1,2,3..Apple clap!
very well.

B. Introduction

Today, we are going to study about verb- The

action word.

Let us first know what is verb- The action word. I

will going to discuss it for better understand the
verb-action word

When we say

ACTION VERB is word in the sentence that tells

the action and tells what the subject does for

Mary Grace plays with her dog at home.

The action verb in this sentence is 'plays' it tells

what Mary Grace did

Did you now class understand the verbs and the

action words?

Very Good children! Again what is verb the action

word? Iza.

Very Good Iza! Can you givean example sentence Yes, Teacher!
using action verb and write it in the board?

ACTION VERB is word in the sentence that tells the

action and tells what the subject does
Propitious answer Marisol! What is the action
verb here in the sentence? Monica
'Bernalyn runs to his friend's house after school.'

Very Good children! I am glad that you know it Bernalyn runs to his friend's house after school.
very well and you clearly understand the topic
that I have presented to you.

Now we are going to proceed in a new discussion

that will help to deepen your understanding
about our topic.
The action verb is runs and it tells what Bernalyn
C. Modelling does

Children we will have a group activity which you

can collaborate with your classmates or groups
but before that I am going to show you a
different example of action verb

Now, for your able to understand more about

verbs the action words I have here a flashcards
which can have a different examples about verbs
the action words and you will read it children!

•Play • Jump • Eat

• Work • Study • Drive

• Walk • Write • Read

• Talk • Wash •Watch

Now I am sure that you are trully understand our

new topic today let's proceed for our group

Do you want to play children?

Good to hear because we are going to play and

the activity entitled ' Guess the word through
I will divide you into groups. Group A and B and
all the members of the groups should participate
and every student in a group should go to the
front and act what I am saying (ex: walk) the rest
of the members will be the one to guess what the
representative trying to act you can pass if you
think it is hard to you a group that having many
correct answer well win and get the prices

Here is the rubrics:

Content Remark

Correctness 40%

Collaboration 25% Yes, Teacher we want to play!

Cleanliness 20%

Creativeness 15%

Total 100%

Can you read the rubrics,Juliea Ann

Thank you Julie Ann! Now children we will start

the game!
Content Remark
(The words that they will be acting and guessing)
Correctness 40%
Collaboration 25%
• Singing
Cleanliness 20%
• Laughing
Creativeness 15%
• Reading

• Crying Total 100%

• Jumping

Very Good children! All of you are willing to

participate the game because all of you are doing
great when it comes the activity. Please give
yourself around of applause

Okay children, what is the action verb that we are 'Doing the activity'
going to use in our activities? Can you read it

Nice answer Ara because sleeping is one of the

action verb! Can you give me an example
sentence using action verb 'sleeping' and write it
in the black board, Camille.

Fabulous answer Camille! Another one action Applause!

verb that we use in our activity,Rosemen

Very Good Rosemen! Can you give me an

example sentence using action verb, Inna mae. Sleeping, Teacher!

Propitious answer Inna mae! What else, Geralyn.

Very Good Geralyn! Because laughing is one the Anna is sleeping in the bed
example of action word. Can you give an example
sentence using laughing word, Mary Grace.
Singing, Teacher!

Good answer Mary Grace! What else? Iza.

Very Good Iza. Can you give an example sentence Mira was singing softly to the baby
using Reading, Debra.

Excellent answer debra! What else? Bernalyn. The action word is laughing, Teacher!

Propitious Bernalyn! Who can give an example

sentence using crying?
I laughing of my friends all day
Yes,Joyce can you write it in the board.

Reading, Teacher!

Very Good example Joyce! What else action verb

that we are going to use in our activity? Can you
read it, Maribel.
I am reading a very sad story, called "little jackey".

Excellent answer Maribel! Who can write the Crying, Teacher!

example sentence using jumping?

Yes,Ara! Can you write it in the board?

Very Good Ara, your answer is correct! Ria was crying, and her head hurt

Very Nice children! you are able to write your

own sentences related to our topic both of your
group will have 40% for correctness 25% for
collaboration, 20% for cleanliness and also 15%
Another action verb that using in our activity is
for creativeness all in all you got 100% Jumping, Teacher.

Because all of you are good in playing games in

our activity please say to yourself I am good!

Maribel was jumping on the liitle stairs.

D. Guided practice

Please get one sheet of paper because you are

going to write a 5 sentences using action verb I
will give you 5 minutes to answer your work and
after that you will going to pass your paper. If you
have any questions I am here always to ask and
I'm willing to explain it to you.

Did you get it children?

Very well! You may now start to answer your


(After 5 minutes) I am good!

Are you done aswering children?

You may now pass your paper in front

I am glad that you finish your task on time.

Now let’s go with another activity

E. Group/collaborative practice

Now I am going to give you a group activity. I will

be dividing you again into 2 groups and each
Yes, Teacher!
group will be doing different activity.

Here is the rubrics for your activity

Content Remark

Correctness 40%

Collaboration 25%

Cleanliness 20% Yes Teacher, we are done!

Creativeness 15%

Total 100%

Here is the Group 1 activity please read the

direction in your task inside the flash card

Group 1 Activity

Direction: Pick the right action verb from the

box to fill in the blanks. The first one is done
for you

Push Playing Swims

Throw Write

1. The swimmers_______ in the pool.

2. The boy_______ his name.

3. The runners'________ around the oval tracks.

4. The basketball player________ the ball.

5. The girls ________ her doll.

Thank you Group 1 and here is the activity of

Group 2 please read the direction inside the

Group 2 Activity

Direction: Write a sentence using Action Verb.




5. Group 1 Activity

Direction: Pick the right action verb from the

box to fill in the blanks. The first one is done for

Thank you Group 2. I will give you 3 minutes to

finish your task

( After 3 minutes)

Are you done children?

Now, we are going to present your work please

present your answer Group 1

Group 2 Activity

Direction: Write a sentence using Action Verb.

Excellent answer Group 1 your answer is correct

let's proceed for the Group 2 please present your

Yes, Teacher!
Good morning Teacher, good morning classmates
here is our answer

1. The swimmers wims in the pool.

2. The boy write his name.

Admirable answer Group 2 you also did a great
job. Your all answer is also correct and 3. The runners push around the oval tracks.
4. The basketball player throw the ball.
Everyone did a great job today I am very happy
5. The girls playing her doll.
because you are really understand our topic
today . let’s give everyone a Very Good clap!

Good morning everyone here's the group 2 answer

In your activity you got 100% of grade because 1. The girls are dancing together.
each of you collaborate with your groupmates
and you wrote the correct answer for the activity. 2. The gorilla grabbed a green banana from the
bunch .
F. Independent practice
3. Marco watched the acrobats climb high and
Now that you learned a lot about our topic, I will then leap through the air.
give you an individual activity that you can apply
your knowledge about earlier. In this Activity you 4. Mira and Eunice swings in the park.
are going to write the correct answer and after
5. My Dog jump over the fence.
that you are going to pass your paper I will give
you a 5 minutes to answer your work.

Did you understand children?

Very Good! Now,let's start!

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct


What is the action word(s) in the sentence?

123...123.. Very Good clap!
1. Arjay is shooting the ball now
a. Shooting b. Ball c. Arjay

2. Mary Grace went to the prom

a. Prom b. Mary Grace c. Went

3. Ian reads the Bible every night

a. Reads b. Bible c. Ian

4. The dog runs quickly

a. Dog b. Runs c. Quickly

5. This apple tastes good

a. Tastes b. Good c. Apples

Yes, Teacher!

Are you done answering class?

Please pass your paper now.

I am glad that you are able to read the sentence

and write your answer meaning you really know
a lot about Action Verb

Now, again what is Action Verb? Kaye.

Very Good answer Kaye! Can you give one

example sentence using Action Verb? Christine.

Admirable answer Christine! Because laughing is

an example of Action Verb. Please give yourself
an amazing clap!
G.Post the Lesson Assessment

I can see that you learned a lot in out topic and Yes, Teacher!
you apply your knowledge in every activity and
now, you are going to have an individual activity
which you are going to Encircle the action verb.

Direction: Read the sentence below and Encircle

the action verb.

1. Geralyn is throwing the football

Action Verbs are word that express physical or
2. The bus arrived on time. mental action. It is merely expressing an action or
something that a person, animal, force of nature,
3. The chicken strutted across the road.
or thing can do.
4. Sam and Erick ride the bus to school each

5. Marie walked to school.

I can hear the children laughing
I will give you 3 minutes to finish your task

You may start now.

(After 3 minutes)
123...123 Amazing clap!
Are you done class?

Exchange your paper with your seatmates and

we are going to check your answer.

For number1. what is the answer Kaye.

Excellent Kaye your answer is correct. Now for

number 2, please answer Rosemen.
Very Good Rosemen for number 3 who wants to
answer? Yes Ria.

Great answer Ria! For the number 4 what is the

answer? Sunshine.

Yes, Teacher!
Correct answer Sunshine! and for the last
number who want to answer? Yes Camille.

Great answer students. Your answer is all For number 1 my answer is.
correct. Who among you got a perfect score?
1. Throwing

Amazing all of you study well and participate in

our class specially in every activity. Continue
what you are doing to learn more and be a good
My answer is:
2. Arrived
Now get your another notebook and copy your


• Construct 10 simple sentence that has action For number 3 my answer is:
verb .
3. Strutted
Are you done copying class?

Here is my answer for number 4:

That is all for today children,
4. Ride
Please be safe in going home and God bless us all
Good bye children!

My answer is:

5. Walked

All of us, Teacher!

Yes, Teacher!

Goodbye Teacher!

Ma. Eloisa J. Bubos BEED 3-1

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