Casey 1990
Casey 1990
Casey 1990
10.1 Introduction
For the purposes of this chapter we will define small scale reactions as those
involving re action mixture volumes of less than 5ml. When performing
organie reactions on this sc ale special problems arise, most notably:
1. Difficulties in measuring out small quantities of sensitive reagents.
2. Significant losses of material due to apparatus design.
3. Difficulties in excluding trace amounts of water from moisture-sensitive
Whenever reactions are performed, material los ses are obtained as a
consequence of the above problems. Normally these los ses only account
for a few percent of the total material, however this percentage can increase
dramatically as the reaction sc ale decreases. For example if a moisture-
sensitive reaction was carried out on a one mole scale, it would take 18g of
water to completely stop the reaction occurring, however if the same
reaction is carried out on a O.1mmol sc ale, then only 1.8mg of water would
completely quench the reaction.
The problem of weighing out small quantities of sensitive reagents is
best solved by accurately weighing larger quantities, and making up
solutions in an inert solvent, ideally the reaction solvent. Since the molarity
of the solution is known, a quantitative aliquot of this solution can then be
added to the reaction mixture using a syringe. This effectively reduces the
problems of weighing out the material to those that exist in larger scale
reactions, and discussed in earlier chapters. As a general rule many of the
techniques used in setting up reactions discussed in the earlier chapters, can,
with care, be applied to small sc ale reactions. Indeed there are a wide
sampIe vial
/ extraction
--:::--: ~
•: •: . :. -mixture
Pasteur pipette
- or
- ... _
~~~~~~~ -
drying agent
Figure 10.1
tall, thin vial rather than a short, fat one. A second vial containing drying
agent can then be used to dry the extracts.
Removal of the drying agent is normally achieved by filtration of the
solvent mixture, and on a small scale this is best achieved using a Pasteur
pipette fitted with a cotton wool plug as the filtration apparatus (Fig. 10.2).
Once the solvent has been transferred into the filtration pipette, it can be
forced through the plug by applying pressure with a pipette teat.
Evaporation of the solvent in the normal way then yields the emde reaction
product. As stated earlier, material is inevitably lost with each transfer of
apparatus. 1t is possible to cut down the number of transfers by using the
sample vial as the reaction vessel. Very small magnetic fleas are now
commonly available, and will fit most small sample vials. Consequently,
with magnetic stirring, the vials can serve as small reaction vessels (Fig.
10.3). They are conveniently attached to the top of a magnetic stirrer
machine using plasticine.
Small Scale Reactions 191
Pasteur -:-
cotton wool -
plug -
Figure 10.2
When capped, the vial is a sealed system, consequently this set-up is
only useful for small scale reactions at room temperature that do not involve
an increase or decrease in press ure inside the reaction vessel. For reactions
at low temperature, or those requiring a positive pressure of an inert gas
atmosphere, it is often more convenient to use a Pyrex test tube fitted with a
septum (Fig. 10.3). In all other respects the arrangement is the same and,
since Pyrex test tubes are available in a range of sizes, this apparatus can
inert gas
!- septum
sampie via1--
- test tube
_____ mi)tlure~
=. __ magnelic
ficas - =
Figure 10.3 Use of sampie via! or test tube as areaction vessel
192 Small Scale Reactions
cope with a range of reaction volumes down to about O.2ml. Again the
reaction vessel can also be used for a subsequent extraction procedure
simply by replacing the septum with a bung.
a one-piece apparatus incorporating a water condenser can also be used
inert gas
inert gas
_ - - septum _ __ : 11 i
condenser _ water
Figure 10.4 Small scale air condenser and water condenser systems.
Small Scale Reactions 193
(Fig. 10.4). In this case the condenser system is more efficient, however
construction of the apparatus is correspondingly more complex. In both
cases the reflux apparatus can be easily constructed to allow re action
volumes down to about O.5m1.
septum_ iii
mix.ture~ -.
Figure 10.5
The reaction can then be monitored by recording the spectrum of the
reaction mixture direct1y. There are however several important points to
note when using nmr tubes as reaction vessels:
194 Small Scale Reactions
105.1 Distillation
By far the most convenient method of carrying out distillation on a small
sc ale is to use a Kugelrohr apparatus (see Chapter 9). In order to cut down
on los ses through ground glass joint connections it is often necessary to use
a one piece Kugelrohr bulb set (Fig. 10.6). This can be conveniently made
to the size required from a piece of Pyrex tubing.
After distillation is complete the apparatus is left to cool, and the
purified material recovered by cutting up the apparatus into three seetions
using a glass knife.
Small Scale Reactions 195
erude sampIe 1
c ~
Figure 10.6
10.5.2 Crystallization
Crystallizations on a small scale are most conveniently carried out using a
Craig tube apparatus as described in Chapter 9.
10.5.3 Chromatography
All the normal chromatography techniques (see Chapter 9) can be used to
purify small quantities of material. Indeed preparative hplc and glc are often
more successful when small quantities of material are involved.
In the case of flash chromatography however, it is often impractical to
simply scale down the equipment. A useful alternative is to employ a
Pasteur pipette as the column. Such a column is easily constructed using a
pipette containing a cotton wool plug (Fig. 1O.7a). The pipette is then filled
with the required adsorbent (typically silica gel). The amount of adsorbent
used depends upon the quantity of cmde sampie to be purified, however it is
inadvisable to fill the pipette more than three-quarters full, otherwise there is
insufficient room for the solvent. Next, the eluting solvent is added to the
top of the column and allowed to run through the column under gravity.
More solvent is added to the top of the column as required. Once the
solvent starts to appear at the bottom of the column, pressure can be applied
196 Small Scale Reactions
using a pipette teat, forcing the solvent through at a faster rate. After about
lcal -
PaSleur pipette_
- solvenl
- ad,orbent
(a) (b)
Figure 10.7
two column-volumes of solvent have been passed through the silica it
should be ready for use. The sampie is applied to the top of the column in
the usual way and pressure is applied using a pipette te at. The main
difference between this arrangement and the more usual flash
chromatography set-up is that the pressure applied to the top of the colurnn
is not constant. The teat is constantly being removed to a110w the addition
of more solvent to the top of the column. Consequently the solvent is not
passing through the column at a constant rate. In most instances this does
not appear to significantly affect the separations achieved. If, however, this
proves to be a problem, a miniature chromatography column with solvent
reservoir can easily be constructed from Pyrex glass tubing (Fig. 1O.7b).
With a cotton wool plug in the bottom this can be used in exactly the same
way as the larger columns described in Chapter 9.