Báo Cáo Vè LNG Carrier
Báo Cáo Vè LNG Carrier
Báo Cáo Vè LNG Carrier
Liquefied natural gas is natural gas, primarily composed of methane, which has been
converted to liquid form for ease of storage and transport. LNG takes up about 1/600th the
volume of natural gas. The conversion of natural gas to its liquefied form allows for the
transport of greater quantities.
Liquefaction describes the process of cooling natural gas to -162°C (-259°F) until it forms as
a liquid. LNG must be turned back into a gas for commercial use and this is done at
regasification plants.
Since 1964, LNG production, export, import and distribution has followed a process sequence
similar to that illustrated in Figure 1.
Extraction of the natural gas from the earth’s surface is the first step along the LNG process
Step two in the process chain is cleaning the natural gas at the liquefaction plant. A series of
processing steps allows the separation and removal of the various extraneous compounds from
the natural gas prior to liquefaction. More specifically, carbon dioxide and water are extracted
upstream of liquefaction or they would cause damage to liquefaction facilities by freezing.
Hydrocarbons heavier than methane are sometimes also separated and sold as raw materials
to the petrochemical industry or used as fuel. Following the removal of most contaminants
and heavy hydrocarbons from the feed gas, the natural gas advances within the facility to
undergo the liquefaction process. The natural gas being converted to its liquefied form is
almost entirely methane at this point. To obtain maximum volume reduction, the gas has to be
liquefied through the application of refrigeration technology which makes it possible to cool
the gas down to approximately -162 °C (-256°F) when it becomes a liquid.
Step three in the LNG process chain is transporting the liquefied natural gas to the consumer.
Primary modes are by sea and truck. Today, LNG is transported on double-hulled ships
specifically designed to contain the cargo at or near atmospheric pressure at a cryogenic
temperature of approximately -162°C (-259°F). LNG carriers are a blend of conventional ship
design with specialized materials and advanced systems for handling cryogenic cargoes. The
containment tanks have layers of insulation which isolate the LNG cargo from the hull by
ensuring a minimum distance from the sides and bottom of the hull per the IGC (IMO
International Gas Codes) and add layers of protection in the event of grounding or collision.
In areas around the world where a liquefaction plant is in the vicinity of regasification
facilities, the most cost effective transportation mechanism for LNG is by tank truck. Using
specialized, double-skinned tank trucks, liquefied natural gas can be transported to a
regasification facility quickly and effectively.
The fourth step in the LNG process chain involves the import terminals, which are marine or
waterfront facilities. LNG carriers deliver the LNG to a marine terminal where the LNG is
stored before undergoing regasification, which converts the LNG back into its gaseous form.
Figure 4. Comparison of bounding box of Q-max with some other ship sizes
3. Design of gas carrier [4]
The rules and regulations for the design and construction of gas carriers rely on practical ship
designs codified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This is a root of work
based on the knowledge of much expertise. All ships from June 1986 started to be constructed
according to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (the IGC Code). This code also defines cargo properties and
documentation, provided to the ship (the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
Gases in Bulk), shows the cargo grades the ship can carry.
Particularly, it takes into account temperature limitations imposed by the metallurgical
properties of the materials making up the cargo containment and piping systems. It also takes
into account the reactions between various gases and the elements of construction not only on
tanks but also related to pipeline and valve fittings.
When the IGC Code was published, an intermediate code was also developed by the IMO -
the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (the
GC Code). This covers ships constructed between 1977 and 1986. As gas ships existed before
IMO Code has been published, the ships constructed before 1977 were defined as ‘existing
carriers’ for the purpose of the meaning of the rules, being covered then by the IMO’s Code
for existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (the ‘Existing Ship Code’).
The double hull concept includes the bottom areas as a protection against grounding and,
again, the designers’ experience has proven of great value in several serious grounding
incidents, saving the crew, marine environment and surrounding populations from the
consequences of a ruptured containment system. So a principal feature of gas carrier design is
double containment and an internal hold. The cargo tanks, or as generally are referred to as
the ‘cargo containment system’, are installed in the hold, often as a completely separate entity
from the ship; i.e. being not as a part of the ship’s structure or its strength members. On the
other side, the codes define a distinctive difference between gas carriers and other transporters
such as for oil and chemicals.
Figure 10. Cross section and hook up of a Self-supporting Prismatic Shape Type B Tank
Each cargo tank is supported by a special type of reinforced plywood, and
subdivided by a tight bulkhead (working as a centerline for the liquid content) and
a swash bulkhead into 4 spaces. So the natural frequency of the liquid movement
inside tank is different from that of ship’s motion, eliminating chances of resonance
between the liquid cargo and ship movements. Consequently, no sloshing problem
is expected and any level of loading within the tank is supposedly always possible.
This enables partial loaded voyage, quick dispatch from the berth in emergency,
making SPBs suited to FPSOs, FLNGs, FSRUs, or any other offshore structure, in
which tanks are always half loaded. Because of the nature of stiffened plate
structure, the tank has the same strength to support inner and outer pressures.
The IHI’s prismatic Type-B is independent of the LNGC’s structure, having some
advantages when compared to spherical Moss tanks, since it maximizes the
available cargo voids. The hold spaces are used for inspection and maintenance. IHI
also claims for some advantages such as less fuel expense (less horsepower
consumption with compact hull form), more cargo deliverability thanks to less heel
of the pump well, less BOG due to the nominal lower vaporization within the cargo
tanks, no spray in ballast voyage. Some other characteristics are also cited: less
down time, maintenance expenses and easy operation. However, IHI’s design has
the inconvenient to increase weight and cost, because it includes plates and bracings
keeping hull’s plates from being distorted due to hydrostatic loads. One important
characteristic of this design is the deck that is completely flat from side to side, with
no obstacles on the deck when compared with membrane and extruded sphere on
the deck of Moss LNGCs. This contributes to less wind resistance thus with less
power consumption, easy maintenance and easy navigability and maneuverability.
c) Type-C independent tanks
Figure 11. Bi-lobe Type C cargo tanks built at Sinopacific for Denmark’s Evergas
These tanks are usually of spherical or cylindrical geometry pressure vessels with
design pressure higher than 4 barg. These tanks are always used for semi-pressurized
and fully pressurized gas transporters. Type C tanks are designed and built to according
pressure vessel codes and, as a result, can be subjected to accurate stress analysis.
Consequently, no secondary barrier is required and hold spaces can be filled with either
inert gas or dry air; if the carrier is pressurized normal air can be used. If the ship is
typical fully pressurized, with the cargo transported at ambient temperature, the tanks
may be designed for a maximum working pressure of about 18 barg.
For a semi-pressurized ship the cargo tanks and associated equipment are designed for
a working pressure of approximately 5 to 7 barg and a vacuum of 0.3 barg. Usually,
the steel applied for the semi-pressurized ships are capable of withstanding transport
temperatures of -48°C for LPG or -104°C for ethylene which can be used to transport
LPG. Type C tanks as fitted in a typical fully pressurized gas carrier.
These cargo tanks are constructed to a minimum design pressure, and they are not used
for LNG transportation purpose except in the cases this cryogenic is carried as fuel.
The advantage of Type-C is the possibility to handle the BOG, increasing the cargo
tank pressure. When compared to Type-A and Type-B, this carrier presents some
disadvantages due to higher containment weight and lower effective utilization of void
4.2.Non self-supporting (or non-free standing or integrated) cargo tanks
Non self-supporting membrane tanks are, otherwise, surrounded by the double hull
carrier’s structure. Membranes tanks are non-self-supporting tanks consisting of thin
layers (membranes) supported through insulation by adjacent hull structure. The
membranes are designed to compensate thermal effects without significant stresses. In
order to control the effects on ship structure from a potential leakage of cryogenic liquids,
the Code requires that a secondary barrier is to be provided.
The double membrane design consists of one (or two) thin layer of stainless steel or alloy
steel of high nickel content, with thicknesses ranging between 0.7 and 1.2 mm. It is
capable to contain a hydrostatic load 25.000 m³ of LNG, but uses the vessel structural
support. The two membranes are separated by a thin layer of perlite, plywood and
insulating polyurethane foam. The tanks are kept at a very low positive pressure and the
boil-off gas is collected supplying fuel for the vessels propulsion. There is no bottom
connection whatsoever in order to avoid leaks or failures.
The barriers between the outside environment and LNG cargo are: double hull, the inner
hull structure, the outer membrane, the isolation plywood box and inner membrane. The
ships are usually equipped with load stabilization systems to prevent the movement
effects (sloshing) of the liquid cargo due to the ship’s (solid) motion during storms, harsh
weather or sea force. The gap between the load and the water is at least 2 m, and often 3
to 4 m. A large cofferdam separates each tank with the respective membranes, reducing
the potential of an undesirable event occurred in a tank affects the adjacent tank.
The cargo containment system consists of insulated cargo tanks encased within the inner
hull and located in-line from bow to stern. The void spaces between the inner and outer
hull are used for ballast and also to protect the cargo tanks in case of grounding or
collision. Membranes functions as a huge containment inside the hull fabricated of a thin
metal layer that works as a primary barrier. This layer receives another layer of insulation
followed by a thin layer of metal (primary barrier), insulation, secondary membrane
barrier, and further insulation in a ‘sandwich’ construction. The membrane is designed in
such a way that thermal and other expansion or contraction is compensated for without
undue stressing of the membrane.
a) GTT No. 96 Membrane System
The cargo tanks are separated from other compartments, and from each other, by
transverse cofferdams which are dry compartments. The description that follows is of
a GazTransport No. 96 double membrane system design. Although the principal design
features will be similar in other systems, e.g. Technigaz Mark III, there will be
differences in membrane construction and insulation structure.
The No. 96 membrane system consists fundamentally of a cryogenic liner directly
supported by the ship’s inner hull. The liner consists of two identical metallic
membranes and two independent insulation layers. The primary and secondary
insulation layers are fabricated of Invar (36% nickel-steel alloy – high nickel content
with low thermal contraction coefficient)) with 0.7 mm thick. The primary membrane
has the function to contain the LNG cargo, and the secondary (identical to the primary)
has the function to guarantee 100% of redundancy in case of eventual failure or
a) CARGO TANK LEVELS: The first precaution is to maintain the level of the tanks within
the required limits i.e.:
o Lower than a level corresponding to 10% of the height of the tank or,
o Higher than a level corresponding to normally 70% of the height of the tank.
b) SHIP’S MOVEMENT: The second precaution is to try to limit the ship’s movement, which
would generate sloshing in the tanks. The amplitude of sloshing depends on the condition
of sea (wave pattern), the trim and the speed of the ship. Often a minor alteration of course
may change the ship motion considerably, particularly at high speed, and this may have a
significant effect on sloshing
The above limits will be stated within the ship specific Cargo Operating Manual, and will
generally be included in the Conditions of Carriage section of the International Certificate of
Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk.
7. References
[1] LNG Information Paper No. 2 – The International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas
Importers (GIIGNL);
[2] Introduction to LNG – An overview on liquefied natural gas (LNG), its properties,
organization of the LNG industry and safety considerations – Center for Energy Economics,
Bureau for Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin.
[3] 2014 World LNG Report – International Gas Union.
[4] The carriage of liquefied gases – UK P&I Club.
[5] Transoceanic carriage of LNG: background and technological innovations – Alan da Silva
Esteves & José Alberto dos Reis Parise, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
[6] Problem of Boil-off in LNG Supply Chain – Đorđe Dobrota, Branko Lalić and Ivan
Komar, University of Split, Croatia.
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LNG_carrier#Reliquefaction_and_boil-off
[8] Sloshing Assessment Guidance Document for Membrane Tank LNG Operations - Lloyd’s
Register, May 2009.
[9] http://www.liquefiedgascarrier.com/sloshing.html
[10] Sloshing in membrane LNG carriers and its consequences from a designer’s perspective,
Gaztransport & Technigaz.