Chapter F - Cooling System

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Operating Parameters

Basic operating parameters for the fresh water closed circuit engine cooling system are:

• 32°C (90°F) nominal water temperature to the aftercooler and oil cooler when using
distillate or heavy fuel.

• 90°C (194°F) nominal water temperature to the cylinder block circuit on distillate and
93°C (199°F) on heavy fuel..

Basic System Configurations

Two basic closed circuit fresh water cooling systems are used — combined circuit and
separate circuit.

The combined circuit configuration is also referred to as the single circuit fresh water
system. It is typically used for marine and heavy fuel applications where a single heat exchanger
is preferred. The aftercooler and oil cooler circuit is externally regulated (fluid inlet temperature
control) to 32°C (90°F). The system uses the aftercooler/oil cooler outlet water to cool a portion
of the high temperature outlet water. The block coolant is contained on the engine. This results in
simple coolant piping installation. Refer to Figure 1 for a typical combined circuit flow diagram.

If the raw water contains debris, use strainers to prevent tube plugging. In cases of extreme
silt contamination or abrasive materials, consider a back-flush filter. Some raw water sources
contain high levels of impurities or hardness which accelerate heat exchanger fouling. More
frequent heat exchanger cleaning will be required if treatment is not practical.


From catalogue : Super Low Noise Cross-Flow Square Cooling Tower (

Super Low Noise Cross-Flow Square Cooling Tower

Cooling towers are heat removal devices for industrial processes. They are defined as any
open water recirculation device that uses fans or natural draft to draw or force air to contact and
cool water by evaporation. Cooling towers minimize the thermal pollution of natural water heat
sinks and allow the reuse of circulating water. When one thinks of cooling towers, the large
towers associated with nuclear power plants probably come to mind. These cooling towers are
an extreme case in terms of size, but all function in the same way. These and other smaller towers
are used widely in industrial applications.
*Schematic diagram of a cooling tower system. Image Credit: ELDON WATER

The use of evaporation is the primary advantage of cooling towers as a type of heat removal
equipment. They are used to provide significantly lower water temperatures than those achievable
with air-cooled or dry heat removal processes.

Super Low Noise Cooling Tower Structure Characteristics:

Water-cooled HVAC and industrial cooling systems offer many significant benefits over
air-cooled cooling systems—most notably the ability to achieve lower process fluid temperatures
and corresponding pressures, resulting in:
1. Lower system energy usage;
2. Smaller equipment size and cost; and
3. Reduced maintenance and extendedlife of mechanical equipment

Key Features

The key features of this cross flow type are as follows:

(1) Removal / cleaning / maintenance of foreign matter is easy and accessible

(2) Visual inspection / Checking of the PVC Infill condition is visible thru the louvers

(3) Inspection door installed for quick access inside the structure

(4) Lower initial and long-term cost due to pump requirements

 Nominal Cooling water temperatures: (see catalogue)

 Inlet temperature: 38℃
 Outlet Temperature: 32℃
the maximum expected ambient air temperature, maximum engine power (rack
stop power), maximum expected raw water temperature, and 10% margin for a
fouling and safety factor.
Inlet Temperature: 32*(1+0.1) = 35.2℃
Outlet Temperature: 32*(1-0.1) = 28.8℃

 NOMINAL WATER FLOW AT COOLING TOWER: ( based on performance test of

Caterpillar 3616:see catalogue) -

3900 1 𝑔𝑎𝑙
W(nominal water flow) = × 9 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 × = 𝟑𝟎𝟗𝟎. 𝟖𝟏𝟒𝟒 𝑮𝑷𝑴/9units
3𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 3.78541 𝐿

= 343.4238gpm/unit

 Cooling tower selection: (from catalogue)

For: BHD-200t (on a basis of 343.4238gpm/unit = 1300(li/min)/unit)
 Specifications:
 Height = 3950mm
 Length = 2310mm
 Width = 3210mm
Piping Diameter:
Inlet = 150mm
Outlet = 150mm
 Fan motor = 4.0KW
 Fan diameter = 1800mm
 Number of Cooling Towers = 9 cooling towers

 Total cooling water consumption = 1355(li/min) × 9Towers = 12195(li/min)

For: BHD-600t (on a basis of 1030.2715gpm/3unit = 3900(li/min)/

 Specifications:
 Height = 3950mm
 Length = 6930mm
 Width = 3210mm
Piping Diameter:
Inlet = 150mm x 3
Outlet = 150mm x 3
 Fan motor = 4.0KW x 3 = 12kw
 Fan diameter = 1800mm x 3

 Number of Cooling Towers = 3 cooling towers

 Total cooling water consumption = 4068(li/min) × 3Towers = 12204(li/min)

For: BHD-2000t (on a basis of 3090.8144gpm/9unit = 11700(li/min)/

 Specifications:
 Height = 4200mm
 Length = 20700mm
 Width = 3520mm
Piping Diameter:
Inlet = 200mm x 8
Outlet = 200mm x 8
 Fan motor = 5.5KW x 8 = 44kw
 Fan diameter = 2000mm x 8

 Number of Cooling Towers = 1 cooling tower

 Total cooling water consumption = 13570(li/min) × 1Tower = 13570(li/min)

*USE BHD 200-t Cooling Tower on a basis of total cooling water consumption
Super Low Noise Cross-Flow Square Cooling Tower (BHD-200t)

Expansion Tanks
Caterpillar expansion tanks provide:
• Expansion volume for coolant
• Coolant level alarm
• Single filling location
• Pressure cap & vent
• Coolant sight gauge
• Deaeration chamber
• Thermostat mounting
• Drain
• Positive pump inlet pressure
Caterpillar offers two expansion tanks. The smaller tank has an expansion volume of 75
L (20 gal) and the larger tank has 245 L (65 gal). Calculations what tank should be used
Two tank arrangements can be provided by Caterpillar as follows: Standard Volume
Tank - For use with cooling systems whose total volume is up to 1500 L (400 gal), assuming a
4.4°C (40°F) fill water temperature.
High Volume Tank - For use with cooling systems whose total volume is up to 5700 L
(1500 gal), assuming a 4.4°C (40°F) fill water temperature.
Figures 12 and 13 on page 13 show the two Caterpillar expansion tanks that are available.
Two possible methods of arranging the expansion tank in the cooling system are the full
flow system and shunt type system. The most important point with either system is to ensure
that air entrained in the coolant is removed to prevent pump cavitation and cavitation
erosion of internal engine components. Deaeration of the coolant requires a low velocity area.
In either case, locate the expansion tank to prevent vacuum formation.
With the full flow system, the entire flow of coolant passes through the expansion tank
via a regulator mounted on the tank. This allows air to be removed from the coolant because the
tank has internal baffles that slow the water flow down to 0.6 m/sec (2 ft/sec). The full flow
system provides a single fill point in both the combined and separate circuit systems. A make-up
line between the two circuits is required on the separate circuit system (see Figure 6). The full
flow system is usually used when the expansion tank is located near the front of the engine.12
With the shunt type system, the expansion tank is connected to the cooling system by one
smaller pipe that maintains a static head on the cooling system. Separate vent lines must be run
from each system high point to the expansion tank to remove entrained air from the coolant. A
deaerator chamber must also be installed at the coolant outlet from the engine. The deaerator
removes entrained air from the coolant and a port in the top of the chamber is used to connect to
the expansion tank. Figure 5 shows a shunt type cooling system used in a heavy fuel engine two
step cooling system.
The shunt type system is used in applications where the expansion tank cannot be located
near the front of the engine. In this case the expansion tank is mounted remotely (usually on the
next deck up from the engine level), and only a few small connection lines to the tank are
required for vents and the static head connection. This prevents the need for running large
coolant pipes over long distances through the engine room.

Expansion Tank Volume

Expansion tanks must provide adequate volume for coolant expansion plus reserve. Total
cooling system volume must be known to determine the minimum acceptable expansion tank
size. The total volume is the engine coolant volume plus the volume of all external (customer
supplied) circuits. Volume data is shown in Figures 12 and 13 for the engine, full Caterpillar
standard and high volume expansion tanks, tank piping and the Caterpillar supplied shell and
tube heat exchanger.

The required expansion volume is calculated as follows:

Required Expansion Volume = (Total System Volume) x (Expansion Rate)
Required Expansion Volume = (Total System Volume) x (Expansion Rate)
Total Sytem Volume = 280Gallons+ 55Gallons + 30 Gallons = 365 Gallons
Expansion Rate (From Fig 14)(Fresh Water is used)(To=99) = 4.1%

Required Expansion Volume = 365 (0.041) = 14Gal



The general function of a heat exchanger is to transfer heat from fluid to another. The basic
component of a heat exchanger can be viewed as a tube with one fluid running through it and
another fluid flowing by on the outside.

The Caterpillar shell and tube type heat exchangers provide compact, reliable, and cost
effective cooling. Since heat exchanger tubes can be cleaned easily, raw water is usually routed
through tubes and engine coolant through the shell. The flow in the raw water section is either
single-pass or two-pass (see Figure 11). A two-pass type flows raw water twice through the
exchanger; single-pass types use raw water only once. To provide maximum temperature
differential and heat transfer in singlepass exchangers, the raw water flows opposite to coolant
flow. The direction of flow is not important in two-pass exchangers.

Heat Rejection Heat rejection to engine coolant comes from the cylinder block, cylinder
heads, watercooled turbocharger turbine housing, aftercooler, and oil cooler.

Heat Exchanger Tolerances Base heat rejection capacity on the high side of the tolerance
band, i.e., +8% to +10%. This tends to assure normal engine operating temperatures and
compensates for unexpected fouling situations. (ENGINE APPLICATION AND

Two basic closed circuit fresh water cooling systems are used — combined circuit and
separate circuit.
The combined circuit configuration is also referred to as the single circuit fresh water
system. It is typically used for marine and heavy fuel applications where a single heat exchanger
is preferred. The aftercooler and oil cooler circuit is externally regulated (fluid inlet temperature
control) to 32°C (90°F). The system uses the aftercooler/oil cooler outlet water to cool a portion
of the high temperature outlet water. The block coolant is contained on the engine. Only the water
returning to the aftercooler/oil cooler pump requires a cooling source. This results in simple
coolant piping installation. Refer to Figure 1 for a typical combined circuit flow diagram. An in-
line engine is shown in Figure 2 and a vee engine in Figure 3. Figure 4 is a piping schematic for
the combined circuit system. (Refer to pages 33 through 36 for illustrations.)

The separate circuit cooling system is available for marine applications. It is normally used
for keel cooled or radiator cooled installations to reduce the external cooling package size.

There are two heat exchangers required for separate circuit cooling systems, one for the
engine jacket water circuit and one for the AC/OC water circuit. The jacket water heat exchanger
should be sized using a maximum coolant temperature at the jacket water pump inlet of 93°C
(199°F) for heavy fuel engines, and 90°C (194°F) for distillate fuel engines. The jacket water heat
exchanger sizing must also consider maximum engine power (rack stop power), maximum
expected raw water temperature, and 10% margin for a fouling and safety factor.

***Combined Circuit is preferred since with Separate Circuit 2 Heat exchangers are used
therefore doubling the amount of cooling towers, pumps needed, and as indicated combined circuit
configuration is also referred to as the single circuit fresh water system

The AC/OC heat exchanger should be sized using a maximum coolant temper
ature at the AC/OC pump inlet of 38°C (100°F). The AC/OC heat exchanger sizing must also
consider the maximum expected ambient air temperature, maximum engine power (rack stop
power), maximum expected raw water temperature, and 10% margin for a fouling and safety

Caterpillar supplies both shell and tube and plate type coolers for the fresh water heat
exchanger. Since the heat exchanger tubes can be cleaned easily with a shell and tube type, sea
water is usually routed through the tubes and the engine coolant through the shell. The flow in the
sea water side of the heat exchanger is either single-pass or two-pass. A two-pass unit flows sea
(raw) water twice through the heat exchanger; single-pass units use sea (raw) water only once. To
provide maximum temperature differential and heat transfer in single-pass heat exchangers, the
sea (raw) water must flow opposite the coolant flow. The direction of the sea (raw) water flow in
two-pass heat exchangers is not important.

Heat exchanger performance will depend on the water flow and temperature differential.
Orifices or fixed valves must be used to limit the water velocity to avoid erosion in the heat
exchanger tubes. The maximum velocity through the tubes must not exceed 2.5 m/sec (8.2 ft/sec).

Fit each heat exchanger with:

• Drains
• Air vents
The suggested material for the heat exchangers is:
• Shell - Steel
• Heads - Cast Iron
• Tubes - 90/10 CuNI •
Tube Sheets - 90/10 CuNi
• Baffles - Steel

Access to heat exchangers is required for tube rodding (cleaning) or removal of the tube-
bundle assembly. Engine water pumps should also be easy to remove. Remote water temperature
regulators must be accessible, and appropriate isolation valves provided. Apply similar guidelines
to heat recovery units, deaeration chambers, and other components requiring service.

The heat exchanger should be sized using a maximum coolant temperature at the AC/OC
pump inlet of 38°C (100°F) for all Marine engines. The heat exchanger sizing must also consider
the maximum expected ambient air temperature, maximum engine power (rack stop power),
maximum expected raw water temperature, and 10% margin for a fouling and safety factor.
Consult a project engineer if the vessel will operate in sea water temperatures greater than 32°C
(90°F). It is impractical to purchase heat exchangers which are sized for less than a 6°C (11°F)
differential between sea water and AC/OC wate

Actual Limits of cooling water and jacket water (from CATERPILLAR ENGINE APPLICATION


Vjw(Tjw)+ Vac/oc(Tac/oc) = Vmix(Tmix) =
694(90) + 412(32) = 1106(Tmix)
Tmix = 68.3942 oC
 Twi = water inlet temperature = 68.3942oC
 Two = water outlet temperature = 37.8oC
 Tcwi = cooling water inlet temperature = 28.8oC
 Tcwo = cooling water outlet temperature = 38oC

∆𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 −∆𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛
 𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷 = ∆𝑡
𝑙𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑥

∆t max = (68.3942-38)oC = 30.3942oC

∆t min = (37.8-28.8)oC = 9oC

LMTD = 30.3942 = 17.5791oC

 𝑄𝑗=𝑚𝑗 𝑥 𝑐𝑝𝑗 𝑥 ∆𝑡𝑗


Qj = heat rejected from jacket water and AF/OC = 1005+ 545 + 970 kJ/s (from
engine application and installation)
= 2520 kj/s

mw = mass ofwater

∆t = temp. Difference = (38-28.8) = 9.2oC

cp = 4.187 KJ/ kg-K (for water)

Qj 2520 kJ/s kg
mj = = kJ = 65.41988
cpj x∆tj 4.187 x 9.2˚C s

 𝑗


A= surface area of heat exchanger

U= overall coefficient of heat exchanger

LMTD= log mean temp. Difference

Solving for U (from PPT & D by P.J Potter)

 𝑈 = Ū 𝑥 𝐹𝑡 𝑥 𝐹𝑚 𝑥 𝐹𝑐 𝑥 𝐹𝑝

Ū = coefficient of heat transfer

𝐹𝑡 = temp. correction factor

𝐹𝑚 = tube material and thickness correction factor

𝐹𝑐 = cleanliness factor

𝐹𝑝 = prime mover factor

Tube specifications :
 Material:FOR TUBES: 90/10 Copper Nickel 18 BWG 4 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ (Recommended by
manufacturer: See engine Application and Installation)
Water Velocity = 8.2 ft/s (Engine Application and Installation)

𝐹𝑡 = 0.98

𝐹𝑚 = 0.9

𝐹𝑐 = 0.85

𝐹𝑝 = 1.0

C= 270

𝑓𝑡 𝑓𝑡
 Ū = 𝑐√𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 270 √8.2 = 773.1623
𝑠 𝑠

 𝑈 = 773.1623 𝑥 0.98 𝑥 0.9 𝑥 0.85 𝑥 1.0 = 579.6398 𝑓𝑡 2 − ℎ𝑟−℉

𝑘𝐽 1 𝐵𝑇𝑈 3600𝑠
2520 𝑥 𝑥
 𝐴= 𝑠 1.055 𝑘𝐽
= 95.6431𝑓𝑡 2
579.6398 2 (155.10956 ℉)
𝑓𝑡 −ℎ𝑟−℉
 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠 = 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑥 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠


tubes circulating water required

No. of =
pass tubes

Circulating water required = mcw x v

 𝑚𝑐𝑤 = 65.4199 𝑠
 𝑣 = 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 @ 𝑡
(68.3942 + 37.8)℃
𝑡= = 53.0971℃
From steam table @ 53.0971℃ (by interpolation)

v = 1.01365

kg L 60 s L
Circulatingwater required = 65.4199 x 1.01365 x = 3978.7729
s kg 1𝑚𝑖𝑛 min

From PPT &D by P.J. Potter, p.357

“For each ¾” No. 18 BWG tube will pass 1.042 1 𝑓𝑝𝑠

L 1 gal
No. of tubes circulating water required 3978.7729 min x 3.785 L
= = = 123.014
pass H2 O quantity x velocity GPM
1.042 x 8.2fps
≈ 124

𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒 =
𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑥 0.1963

ft 2 3
0.1963 = outsidesurface area of in tube (18 BWG)
lin. ft 4
(From PPT &D by P.J. Potter)

95.6431ft 2
Length of tube = = 4ft

length of tube 4
No. of H2 O pass = = = 0.4 ≈ 1 water pass
length of range 10

 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠 = 124 𝑥 1 = 1𝟐𝟒 𝒕𝒖𝒃𝒆𝒔

Selection: (From catalogue) SX2000U Shell – Tube Heat Exchanger

 SX2000U utilizes compact 3/8” OD for compact selections. Pre-engineered units 4” thru
12” shell diameters.
 Available in 2, 4 or 6 pass arrangements to optimize performance requirements.

 Allows for differential thermal expansion between shell and tubes as well as between
individual tubes.
 Capable of withstanding thermal shock
 All welded rugged carbon steel side construction provides maximum durability
 Provides maximum heat transfer surface area per given shell and tube size.

Standard Design Capabilities:

Design Pressure Design Temperature
Tube side 4” to 8” dia. – 150 375℉
10” dia. And up to – 150 psi 190.6℃
(10.5 kg/cm2)
Shell side 150 psi 375℉
10.5 kg/cm2 190.6℃

Pumps and pumping systems are used in power plants for primary applications such as fuel
oil handling or for auxiliary systems such as lubrication and cooling. Both centrifugal and positive
displacement pumps are utilized in power generation application.

Things to consider:

The type and nature of the liquid being handled is a primary consideration when
determining which pump technology to use.

When the system pressure is subject to change, a positive displacement pump is
recommended, as it will remain efficient even when operating at varying pressures. While
centrifugal pumps provide good efficiency within a relatively limited range of heads
(pressures), this efficiency deteriorates rapidly if the head is too low. It suffers even more when
the head exceeds the ideal range. Positive displacement pumps are the most economical choice
when liquid viscosity changes, but flow volume remains constant.

Whether pressure is constant or not is another key factor in the determination of which
pump technology is better suited to the application. When the system has varying pressure
requirements, centrifugal pumps will be forced to operate outside of their Best Efficiency
Point, increasing the stress and wear on the pump. In these conditions, positive displacement
pumps are the better choice to ensure high reliability.

When specifying pumps, consideration should be given to the mode of operation as well
as to the operating conditions; will either change significantly?


Selecting the right type of pump – centrifugal or positive displacement – is important, but
it is also critical to ensure that the pump and fluid handling system is properly sized.


In both positive displacement and centrifugal pumps, the following components should be
inspected, serviced and replaced when necessary to ensure optimum efficiency and reliability:

 Radial Bearings: if not sealed, these will need periodic lubrication and may need to be
replaced if vibration or excessive heat is being generated
 Mechanical Seals: check for leakage and replace if necessary; it should be noted that a
mechanical shaft seal is not a zero leak device
 O-rings and Gaskets: check for deterioration and replace if necessary


All engines have two engine driven fresh water pumps mounted on the front engine
housing. The right hand pump (viewed from the flywheel end) supplies coolant to the cylinder
block, cylinder heads, and turbocharger. The left hand pump supplies coolant to the aftercooler
and oil coolers. Complete pump performance curves at various pressure heads are shown in
Figure 9. An engine driven raw water pump is available and is gear driven off the front of the



V= 694 GPM / UNIT (pumping to aftercooler and oil cooler also included -

Vt = 𝟔𝟗𝟒 ∗ 𝟗 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐒 = 𝟔𝟐𝟒𝟔 𝐆𝐏𝐌 / 9UNITS7

H = 15m (maximum allowable static head) (See caterpillar engine application and

lb gal 1ft 3
62.4 (694 min 7.48gal )(49.2ft)HP
γQH ft 3
P= = = 𝟖. 𝟔𝟑𝟎𝟓𝐇𝐏
ft − lb ft − lb
33000 min 33000 min


the nominal aftercooler water temperature is 32°C (90°F) (maximum 38°C (100°F)) instead
of the 25°C (77°F) temperature allowed by ISO (Engine Application and Installation)

Q = 412 GPM ( See Catalogue)

lb gal 1ft 3
62.4 (412 min 7.48gal )(49.2ft)HP
γQH ft 3
P= = = 𝟓. 𝟏𝟐𝟒𝟑𝐇𝐏
ft − lb ft − lb
33000 min 33000 min


Replacements pumps are required in cases of low water pressure due to water pump failure
of the engine



Sizing must also consider the maximum expected ambient air temperature, maximum
expected raw water temperature, and 10% margin for a fouling and safety factor

Q(1 COOLING TOWER) = 358GPM (1+0.10)

= 393.8 GPM = 400GPM

H = 184ft

lb gal 1ft 3
62.4 (400 min 7.48gal )(184t)HP
γQH ft 3
P= = = 𝟏𝟖. 𝟔𝟎𝟓𝟕𝐇𝐏
ft − lb ft − lb
33000 min 33000 min

No of Cooling tower = No of water pumps = 9

From Catalogue:
Barnes 5CU-1 Centrifugal Pump, 400 gpm, 1-1/2" FNPT Inlet x 1-1/2" FNPT Outlet


In power plant, there are some piping which carries steam at high pressure and
temperature. And also there are piping which carry water at high pressure. These pipes carry the
main cycle steam and water of the steam power plant. These pipelines are called Critical Piping.
This piping is designed with very special care. The material selected for such piping has to
withstand both high pressure and high temperature. They carry the main system fluid of the power
plant. They often expand due to high temperature and thus need to have built in flexibility. Such
piping systems are governed by guidelines and mandatory requirements.

Components of a Piping System

The most common components of a piping system are the pipes, fittings and valves.

1. Pipes
Pipes are long cylinders used to carry or transfer fluids. The most common fluids
are water, oil, steam, air, milk or finished products like paints, juices. Other uncommon
examples include pulp, acids, alkalies, chemicals.

2. Pipe Fittings
Pipe fittings are used to connect lengths of pipes to construct a long piping
system; commonly used fittings are flanges, elbows, tees, reducers, expansion bellows.

3. Valves
Valves are used to stop, divert or control fluid flow. Common valve types are gate
valves, globe valves, butterfly valves, ball valves, control valves; the selection is based on
intended function and application.
In addition, a number of devices like strainers, traps, expansion loops are necessary for
keeping the fluid clean and in good condition, and to accommodate expansion/contraction due to
temperature variations.

In pipeline plants, pumping oil or in water works engines, no raw water is circulated. The
soft water is re cooled by putting it through a heat exchanger through which the pumped oil or
water passes and thus carries away the jacket water heat. The same is true when a radiator is used.
However, in this last case the place of the raw water pump is taken by a fan. In other cases the raw
water cooler may be omitted, when the supply of water is abundant, such as when the engine is
located on the bank of the river or lake or on board a boat. An open cooling system uses raw water
in the jackets and the necessary equipment is reduced to:

1. A water circulating pump.

2. Pipelines for water circulation.

3. A water cooler.

4. Thermometers for inlet and outlet temperatures.

5. A thermostat for maintaining a desired outlet water temperature.

6. Safety devices, the same as in a closed system.


Full flow strainers are desirable. Size the strainer screens no larger than 1.6 mm (.063 in.)
mesh. Connections must be no smaller than therecommended line size. A differential pressure
gauge across the duplex strainer can be used to determine service periods.Pressure drop across a
strainer at maximum water flow must be considered as part of the system’s external resistance.
The strainer should have no more than 1 m (3 ft) H2O restriction in clean condition.


Use black seamless pipe with connections fitted in the flow direction to minimize
turbulence. Do not use galvanized pipe. (Engine Application and Installation)


All external pipe and water passages must be cleaned before initial engine operation.
Strainers are available from Caterpillar to be installed in pipes leading to externally added
equipment. They are available for 100 mm, 127 mm, and 152 mm (4 in., 5 in., and 6 in.) pipe sizes
and all have 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) mesh size. Install them on site prior to startup and remove after

Line Sizing

Cooling system weld flanges for customer connections are shown in Figures 20,
21, 22, and 23. (Refer to pages 41-44 for illustrations.)

Caterpillar flexible joint assemblies are available in the three pipe sizes used on cooling
systems: 100 mm, 127 mm, and 152 mm (4 in., 5 in., and 6 in.).

Use flexible joints for all connections to the engine, but do not use rubber hoses. Minimize
the length and weight of piping mounted on the engine. Place the flexible connection as close to
the engine connection as possible, preferably right at the engine connection. This minimizes the
stresses on the water pump housings caused by piping weight. Provide adequate pipe support on
the hull side of system piping to minimize pipe movement and flex connection loading. Arrange
flexible connections, check valves and shutoff valves as shown in Figure 4.

Orient the flex connector to take maximum advantage of its flexibility. Consider normal
and maximum expected movement ranges when selecting connectors. Material compatibility must
also be evaluated. The internal surface must be compatible with the coolant used over the
anticipated operating temperature and pressure ranges. The liner material must also be compatible
with potential coolant contaminants such as lube oil, fuel, and system cleaning solutions. The outer
cover must be compatible with its environment — temperature extremes, ozone, grease, oil, paint,

System Monitoring

Make provisions for pressure and temperature differential measurements across major
components. This allows accurate setup and performance documentation of the cooling system
during the commissioning procedure. Future system problems or component deterioration (such
as fouling) are easier to identify if basic data is available. It also provides information for relating
on-site conditions to the original factory test.

Temperature and pressure measurement locations should give an accurate reading of fluid
stream conditions. Preferred locations are in straight lengths of piping reasonably close to each
system component. Avoid pressure measurements in bends, piping transition pieces, or turbulent
regions. Self-sealing probe adapters are available in several sizes of male pipe threads and straight
threads for O-ring ports. The adapters use a rubber seal allowing temperature or pressure to be
measured without leakage. Probe diameters up to 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) may be used. The straight-
threaded adapters are used on the engines with available ports. Pipe threaded adapters are more
easily incorporated in the external customer supplied system. The adapters are an excellent
alternative to permanently installed thermometers, thermocouples, and pressure gauges. They are
not subject to breakage, fatigue failures, and gauge-to-gauge reading variations.


The 3600 Engines convert about 44% of their input fuel energy into mechanical power
compared to 33% on older engines. The remaining input fuel energy transforms into heat from
friction and combustion. It is carried from the engine by jacket water (including turbocharger
cooling water), oil cooler water, aftercooler water, exhaust, surface radiation, and convection

Heat recovery is a viable option with the 3600 Engine, but because of high overall thermal
efficiency it must be given more deliberate consideration. Older engines have traditionally higher
percentages of heat rejected to the exhaust and cooling systems, making heat recovery more
Heat recovery design best suited for any installation depends on many technical and
economic considerations. However, the primary function of any design is to cool the engines.
Engines must be adequately cooled even when heat recovery demand is low.

Due to the wide variety of uses for the heat recovered from a diesel engine, it is impractical
to discuss specific systems in detail. Utilize design consultants or factory assistance when
considering heat recovery.

The typical heat balance of 3600 Engines is shown in Figure 27.

When considering heat recovery for 3600 Engines review the cooling system parameters.
The two cooling systems available are the combined circuit and separate circuit, and either system
can use the high temperature jacket water circuit for heat recovery. Figure 28 shows

a combined circuit cooling system and Figure 29 shows a separate circuit cooling system,
both with heat recovery from the high temperature jacket water circuit. The flow restriction in the
heat recovery circuit is critical because all of the cylinder block flow is directed to the heat recovery
unit. Pressure measuring locations at the inlet and outlet connections of the engine are provided,
but a factory project engineer should be consulted to determine the permissible pressure
differential of the heat recovery system. Exhaust gas heat recovery is also available in either
arrangement but details are not shown. If the heat recovery circuit uses less than 30% of the
available jacket water heat load, then an external temperature regulator is not required. If a
regulator is used it must be set 5°C (9°F) lower than the jacket water circuit regulator to prevent
overcooling the engine. Install a full flow bypass valve to isolate the heat recovery circuit when
not in use. A heat recovery unit bypass line may be required if the heat recovery unit cannot use
the full amount of coolant flow.

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