Curriculum and Syllabi: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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B. Tech.



(I to VIII Semesters)
(Applicable to 2017 admission onwards)


CALICUT – 673601

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of


To prepare under graduate students to excel in technical profession/

PEO1 industry and/or higher education by providing a strong foundation in
mathematics, science and engineering.
To transform engineering students to expert engineers so that they could
comprehend, analyze, design and create novel products and solutions to
Electrical and Electronics Engineering problems that are technically
sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable.
To train students to exhibit professionalism, keep up ethics in their
PEO3 profession and relate engineering issues to address the technical and
social challenges.
To develop communication skills and team work and to nurture
multidisciplinary approach in problem solving.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

The Programme Outcomes (POs) of


PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis
and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and
demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able
to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these
to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and
in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context
of technological change.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

The Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) of


Identify, formulate and analyze real-life electrical and electronics engineering

PSO1 problems by way of utilising the knowledge of mathematics, science and
engineering principles.
Design and develop sophisticated equipment and experimental systems for
carrying out detailed investigation to multifaceted electrical and electronics
engineering problems leading to reliable and feasible solutions for the same
utilising all the available tools.
Work as an electrical or electronics engineer who is capable of identifying
solutions to various local and global problems faced by the society, up
keeping a pollution free environment without compromising professional
ethics and social values.
Think independently, take initiative, lead a team of engineers or researchers,
communicate orally as well as in writing with others, participate in various
professional activities, take up administrative responsibilities and thus
maintain lifelong learning process.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

The total minimum credits for completing the B. Tech. programme in Electrical &
Electronics Engineering is160.


The structure of B.Tech. programmes shall have the following Course categories:

Number of Courses Credits


1. Mathematics 4 12

2. Science 5 10

3. Humanities 3 9

4. Basic Engineering 6 15

5. Professional Core 31 81

6. Global Electives 2 6

7. Departmental Electives 7 21

8. Other Courses (OT) 4 6

TOTAL 62 160

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Sl.No. Course Course Title L T P Credits

1. MA1001D Mathematics I 3 1 0 3
2. MA1002D Mathematics II 3 1 0 3
3. MA2001D Mathematics III 3 1 0 3
4. MA2002D Mathematics IV * 3 1 0 3
Total Credits/Hrs 12 4 0 12
* Mathematics IV will be branch specific.


Sl.No. Course Course Title L T P Credits

1. PH1001D Physics 3 0 0 3
2. PH1091D Physics Lab 0 0 2 1
3. CY1001D Chemistry 3 0 0 3
4. CY1094D Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 1
5. BT1001D Introduction to Life Science 2 0 0 2
Total Credits/Hrs 8 0 4 10


Sl.No. Course Course Title L T P Credits

1. MS1001D Professional 3 0 0 3
2. MS3001D Engineering Economics 3 0 0 3
3. ME3104D Principles of Management 3 0 0 3
Total Credits/Hrs 9 0 0 9


Sl.No. Course Course Title L T P Credits

1. ZZ1001D Engineering Mechanics 3 0 0 3

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

2. ZZ1003D Basic Electrical Sciences 3 0 0 3

3. ZZ1002D Engineering Graphics 1 0 3 3
4. ZZ1004D Computer Programming 2 0 0 2
5. ZZ1091D Workshop I 0 0 3 2
6. ZZ1092D Workshop II 0 0 3 2
Total Credits/Hrs 8 0 9 15


Sl.No. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits

1. ZZ1093D Physical Education 0 0 2 1
2. ZZ1094D Value Education 0 0 2 1
3. ZZ1095D NSS 0 0 2 1
4. EE2011D Environmental Studies 3 0 0 3
for Electrical Engineers

Total Credits/Hrs 3 0 6 6


Sl.No. Course Course Title Prerequisites L T P Credits

1. EE2001D Circuits & Networks Nil 3 1 0 3
2. EE2003D Logic Design Nil 3 1 0 3
3. EE2005D Electrical Measurements Nil 3 0 0 3
4. EE2007D Basic Electronic Circuits Nil 3 1 0 3
5. EE2009D Applied Electromagnetics Nil 3 1 0 3
6. EE2091D Basic Electrical Nil 0 0 3 2
Engineering Lab
7. EE2002D Signals & Systems Nil 3 1 0 3
8. EE2004D Microprocessors & Nil 3 1 0 3
9. EE2006D Electrical Machines – I Nil 3 1 0 3
10. EE2008D Analog Electronic Circuits Nil 3 1 0 3
& Systems
11. ME2010D Mechanical Engineering Nil 3 0 0 3
12. EE2092D Electrical Measurements Nil 0 0 3 2
13. EE2094D Electronics Lab - I Nil 0 0 3 2
14. EE3001D Control Systems -I Nil 3 1 0 3

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

15. EE3003D Electrical Machines - II Nil 3 1 0 3

16. EE3005D Power Systems - I Nil 3 1 0 3
17. EE3007D Power Electronics Nil 3 1 0 3
18. EE3091D Electrical Machines Lab - I Nil 0 0 3 2
19. EE3093D Electronics Lab - II Nil 0 0 3 2
20. EE3002D Digital Signal Processing Nil 3 1 0 3
21. EE3004D Control Systems - II Nil 3 1 0 3
22. EE3006D Power Systems - II Nil 3 1 0 3
23. EE3092D Electrical Machines Lab - II Nil 0 0 3 2
24. EE3050D Electrical Engineering Nil 1 0 2 2
EE4001D Instrumentation Systems Nil 3 0 0 3
26. EE4093D Power Engineering Lab Nil 0 0 3 2
27. EE4095D Control Systems Lab Nil 0 0 3 2
28. EE4094D Seminar Nil 0 0 2 1
29. EE4091D Project: Part I Nil 0 0 3 2
30. EE4092D Project: part II Nil 0 0 9 6
Total Credits 55 15 40 81


Course Course Title Prerequisites L T P Credits

EE3021D Electrical
1. Engineering Nil 3 0 0 3
2. EE3022D Dynamic System
EE2002D 3 0 0 3
3. EE3023D Network Analysis EE2001D
3 0 0 3
4. EE3024D Digital Control
EE3001D 3 0 0 3
EE3025D Optimization
5. Techniques and Nil 3 0 0 3
EE3026D Artificial Neural
6. Networks and
Nil 3 0 0 3
Fuzzy Logic
EE3027D Special Machines EE2006
7. and Linear 3 0 0 3
Machines D

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

8. EE3028D Electrical Machine EE2006D

3 0 0 3
Design EE3003D
9. EE3029D Electric Power
EE3005D 3 0 0 3
10. EE3030D Biomedical
Nil 3 0 0 3
EE3031D Dynamic Analysis
11. EE2006D
of Electrical 3 0 0 3
12. EE3032D Illumination
Nil 3 0 0 3
13. EE3033D Linear System
Nil 3 0 0 3
EE3034D Analog Filters EE2007D
14. EE2008D
3 0 0 3
15. EE3035D High Voltage
Nil 3 0 0 3
EE3036D Power
16. Semiconductor Nil 3 0 0 3
EE3037D Non-conventional
17. Energy Systems Nil 3 0 0 3
and Applications
18. EE3038D Data Structures
ZZ1004D 3 0 0 3
and Algorithms
EE3039D Applications of
19. EE2007D
Analog Integrated 3 0 0 3
EE3040D LT & HT
20. Distribution EE2001D 3 0 0 3
21. EE3041D Digital System
EE2003D 3 0 0 3
22. EE3042D DC Drives EE2006D
3 0 0 3
23. EE3043D Embedded EE2003D
3 0 0 3
Systems EE2004D
EE3044D Electrical System
24. Design for Nil 3 0 0 3
25. EE3045D Network Synthesis EE2001D
3 0 0 3
EE3046D Digital CMOS EE2003D
26. Integrated Circuits EE2007D 3 0 0 3

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

EE3047D Advanced 3 0 0 3
27. Architecture and EE2004D
28. EE4021D Heuristic Methods
Nil 3 0 0 3
for Optimization
29. EE4022D Optimal and EE3001D
3 0 0 3
Adaptive Control
30. EE4023D AC Drives EE3003D
3 0 0 3
EE4024D Power System
31. Stability and EE3006D 3 0 0 3
EE4025D Computer Control
32. EE3001D
of Industrial 3 0 0 3
33. EE4026D Flexible AC EE3005D
3 0 0 3
Transmission EE3007D
EE4027D Power System
34. EE3005D
Operation and 3 0 0 3
EE4028D Non-linear System EE3001D
35. Analysis EE3004D 3 0 0 3

36. EE4029D Analog MOS EE2007D

3 0 0 3
Circuits EE2008D
EE4030D Energy Auditing,
37. Conservation and Nil 3 0 0 3
38. EE4031D Switched-mode
EE3007D 3 0 0 3
Power Supplies
39. EE4032D Advanced DC – AC
EE3007D 3 0 0 3
Power Conversion
40. EE4033D Bio-Signal
Nil 3 0 0 3
EE4034D System
41. Identification and EE3001D
3 0 0 3
EE4035D Power System
42. Reliability and Nil 3 0 0 3
43. EE4036D Power Quality EE3005D 3 0 0 3
EE4037D Control &
44. EE3001D
Guidance 3 0 0 3

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

EE4038D Power System

45. Protection and EE3005D 3 0 0 3
46. EE4039D Switchgear and EE3005D
3 0 0 3
Protection EE3006D
EE4040D Smart Grid EE3005D
47. Engineering EE3006D 3 0 0 3
48. EE4041D Analog and Digital
Nil 3 0 0 3
49. EE4042D Advanced Digital
EE3002D 3 0 0 3
Signal Processing
EE4043D Static VAR
50. Compensation and Nil 3 0 0 3
Harmonic Filtering
EE4044D Data Acquisition
51. and Signal Nil 3 0 0 3
Total Credits 21


Two elective courses to be credited from other departments.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Course Structure

Semester I
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1. MA1001D Mathematics I 3 1 0 3 MA
2. PH1001D/CY1001D Physics/Chemistry 3 0 0 3 BS
3. MS1001D/ ZZ1003D Professional Communication/ 3 0 0 3 HL/BE
Basic Electrical Sciences
4. ZZ1001D/ ZZ1002D Engineering Mechanics/ 3/1 0 0/3 3 BE
Engineering Graphics
5. ZZ1004D/BT1001D Computer Programming / 2 0 0 2 BS
Introduction to Life Science
6. PH1091D/CY1094D Physics Lab/ Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 1 BS
7. ZZ1091D/ ZZ1092D Workshop I/Workshop II 0 0 3 2 BE
8. ZZ1093D/ZZ1094D/Z Physical Education /Value - - - 3* OT
Z1095D Education/ NSS

Total Credits 14/12 1 5/8 17+3*

*Note: Three courses of 1 credit each has to be credited within the first four semesters.

Semester II
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1. MA1002D Mathematics II 3 1 0 3 MA
2. CY1001D/PH1001D Chemistry/ Physics 3 0 0 3 BS
3. ZZ1003D/MS1001D Basic Electrical Sciences/ 3 0 0 3 BE/HL
Professional Communication
4. ZZ1002D/ ZZ1001D Engineering Graphics/ 1/3 0 3/0 3 BE
Engineering Mechanics
5. BT1001D/ ZZ1004D Introduction to Life 2 0 0 2 BS
6. CY1094D/PH1091D Chemistry Lab / Physics Lab 0 0 2 1 BS
7. ZZ1092D/ ZZ1091D Workshop II/ Workshop I 0 0 3 2 BE
Total Credits/Hrs 12/14 1 8/5 17

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Semester III
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1 MA2001D Mathematics III 3 1 0 3 MA
2 EE2001D Circuits & Networks 3 1 0 3 PC
3 EE2003D Logic Design 3 1 0 3 PC
4 EE2005D Electrical Measurements 3 0 0 3 PC
5 EE2007D Basic Electronic Circuits 3 1 0 3 PC
6 EE2009D Applied Electromagnetics 3 1 0 3 PC
Environmental Studies for 3 0 0 3 OT
7 EE2011D
Electrical Engineers
8 EE2091D Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 0 0 3 2 PC

Total Credits/Hrs 21 5 3 23

Semester IV
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1 MA2002D Mathematics IV 3 1 0 3 MA
2 EE2002D Signals & Systems 3 1 0 3 PC
Microprocessors & 3 1 0 3 PC
3 EE2004D
4 EE2006D Electrical Machines – I 3 1 0 3 PC
Analog Electronic Circuits & 3 1 0 3 PC
5 EE2008D
6 ME2010D Mechanical Engineering 3 0 0 3 PC
7 EE2092D Electrical Measurements Lab 0 0 3 2 PC
8 EE2094D Electronics Lab - I 0 0 3 2 PC

Total Credits/Hrs 18 5 6 22

Semester V
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1 EE3001D Control Systems -I 3 1 0 3 PC
2 EE3003D Electrical Machines - II 3 1 0 3 PC
3 EE3005D Power Systems - I 3 1 0 3 PC
4 EE3007D Power Electronics 3 1 0 3 PC
5 Elective - 1 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
6 Elective - 2 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
7 EE3091D Electrical Machines Lab - I 0 0 3 2 PC
8 EE3093D Electronics Lab - II 0 0 3 2 PC

Total Credits/Hrs 18 4 6 22

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Semester VI
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1 EE3002D Digital Signal Processing 3 1 0 3 PC
2 EE3004D Control Systems - II 3 1 0 3 PC
3 EE3006D Power Systems - II 3 1 0 3 PC
4 ME3104D Principles of Management 3 0 0 3 HL
5 Elective - 3 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
6 Elective - 4 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
7 EE3092D Electrical Machines Lab - II 0 0 3 2 PC
8 EE3050D Electrical Engineering Drawing 1 0 2 2 PC

Total Credits/Hrs 19 3 5 22

List of Electives – Vth & VIth Semesters

1. EE3021D Electrical Engineering Materials

2. EE3022D Dynamic System Simulation
3. EE3023D Network Analysis
4. EE3024D Digital Control Systems
5. EE3025D Optimization Techniques and Algorithms
6. EE3026D Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Systems
7. EE3027D Special Machines and Linear Machines
8. EE3028D Electrical Machine Design
9. EE3029D Electric Power Utilization
10. EE3030D Biomedical Engineering
11. EE3031D Dynamic Analysis of Electrical Machines
12. EE3032D Illumination Engineering
13. EE3033D Linear System Theory
14. EE3034D Analog Filters
15. EE3035D High Voltage Engineering
16. EE3036D Power Semiconductor Devices
17. EE3037D Non-conventional Energy Systems and Applications
18. EE3038D Data Structures and Algorithms
19. EE3039D Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits
20. EE3040D LT & HT Distribution Systems
21. EE3041D Digital System Design
22. EE3042D DC Drives
23. EE3043D Embedded Systems
24. EE3044D Electrical System Design for Buildings
25. EE3045D Network Synthesis
26. EE3046D Digital CMOS Integrated Circuits
27. EE3047D Advanced Processor Architecture and System Organisation

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Semester VII
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1 MS3001D Engineering Economics 3 0 0 3 HL
2 EE4001D Instrumentation Systems 3 0 0 3 PC
3 Elective - 5 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
4 Elective - 6 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
5 Elective - 7 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
6 EE4091D Project: Part I 0 0 3 2 PC
7 EE4093D Power Engineering Lab 0 0 3 2 PC
8 EE4095D Control Systems Lab 0 0 3 2 PC
9 EE4094D Seminar 0 0 2 1 PC

Total Credits/Hrs 15 0 11 22

Semester VIII
Sl. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits Category
1 Elective - 8 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
2 Elective - 9 3 0 0 3 GE/DE
3 EE4091D Project: Part II 0 0 9 6 PC

Total Credits/Hrs 6 0 9 12

List of Electives – VIIth&VIIIth Semesters

1. EE4021D Heuristic Methods for Optimization

2. EE4022D Optimal and Adaptive Control
3. EE4023D AC Drives
4. EE4024D Power System Stability and Control
5. EE4025D Computer Control of Industrial Processes
6. EE4026D Flexible AC Transmission
7. EE4027D Power System Operation and Control
8. EE4028D Non-linear System Analysis
9. EE4029D Analog MOS Circuits
10. EE4030D Energy Auditing, Conservation and Management
11. EE4031D Switched-mode Power Supplies
12. EE4032D Advanced DC – AC Power Conversion
13. EE4033D Bio-Signal Processing
14. EE4034D System Identification and Parameter Estimation
15. EE4035D Power System Reliability and Deregulation
16. EE4036D Power Quality
17. EE4037D Control & Guidance Engineering
18. EE4038D Power System Protection & Communication
19. EE4039D Switchgear and Protection
20. EE4040D Smart Grid Engineering
21. EE4041D Analog and Digital Communication
22. EE4042D Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

23. EE4043D Static VAR Compensation and Harmonic Filtering

24. EE4044D Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning

1. For the successful completion of B.Tech programme, a student must complete the
minimum number of courses of each category specified in the curriculum of the specific
programme. In addition to the above, the student must have acquired a minimum of
160 credits.
2. A student may be permitted to credit overload up to 2 courses per semester in the
normal case.
3. A student who completes all the course requirements (except the project) before the
final semester may be permitted to undertake project at an institute/industry outside
with the consent of the department.
4. EED will offer the electives in even or odd semester or in both as per the requirement
and availability of faculty.
5. A student at level-4 can credit electives listed at level-3. However, a student at level-
3 cannot credit electives listed at level-4.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Find the limits, check for the continuity and differentiability of functions of a single variable as
well as several variables.
CO2: Test for the convergence of sequences and series of numbers as well as functions.
CO3: Formulate different mensuration problems as multiple integrals and evaluate them.
CO4: Use techniques in vector differential calculus to solve problems related to curvature, surface
normal and directional derivative.
CO5: Find the parametric representation of curves and surfaces in space and will be able to evaluate
the integral of functions over curves and surfaces.

Module 1: (13 Lecture hours)

Real valued function of real variable: Limit, Continuity, Differentiability, Local maxima and local minima,
Curve sketching, Mean value theorems, Higher order derivatives, Taylor's theorem, Integration, Area
under the curve, Improper integrals.

Function of several variables: Limit, Continuity, Partial derivatives, Partial differentiation of composite
functions, Differentiation under the integral sign, Local maxima and local minima, Saddle point, Taylor’s
theorem, Hessian, Method of Lagrange multipliers.

Module 2: (13 Lecture hours)

Numerical sequences, Cauchy sequence, Convergence, Numerical series, Convergence, Tests for
convergence, Absolute convergence, Sequence and series of functions, point-wise and uniform
convergence, Power series, Radius of convergence, Taylor series.

Double integral, Triple integral, Change of variables, Jacobian, Polar coordinates, Applications of

Module 3: (13 Lecture hours)

Parameterised curves in space, Arc length, Tangent and normal vectors, Curvature and torsion, Line
integral, Gradient, Directional derivatives, Tangent plane and normal vector, Vector field, Divergence,
Curl, Related identities, Scalar potential, Parameterised surface, Surface integral, Applications of
surface integral, Integral theorems: Green's Theorem, Stokes' theorem, Gauss’ divergence theorem,
Applications of vector integrals.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivensand S. Davis, Calculus, 10th edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
2. G. B. Thomas, M.D. Weirand J. Hass, Thomas’ Calculus, 12th edition, New Delhi, India:
Pearson Education, 2015.
3. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons,
4. Apostol, CalculusVol 1, 1st ed. New Delhi: Wiley, 2014.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes
Students will be able to:
CO1: Test the consistency of system of linear equations and then solve it.
CO2: Test for linear independence of vectors and perform orthogonalisation of basis vectors.
CO3: Diagonalise symmetric matrices and use it to find the nature of quadratic forms.
CO4: Formulate some engineering problems as ODEs and hence solve them.
CO5: Use Laplace transform and its properties to solve differential equations and integral equations.

Module 1: (16 Lecture hours)

System of Linear equations, Gauss elimination, Solution by LU decomposition, Determinant, Rank of a

matrix, Linear independence, Consistency of linear system, General form of solution.
Vector spaces, Subspaces, Basis and dimension, Linear transformation, Rank-nullity theorem, Inner-
product, Orthogonal set, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation, Matrix representation of linear
transformation, Basis changing rule.
Types of matrices and their properties, Eigenvalue, Eigenvector, Eigenvalue problems, Cayley-
Hamiltonian theorem and its applications, Similarity of matrices, Diagonalisation, Quadratic form,
Reduction to canonical form.

Module 2: (13 Lecture hours)

Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE): Formation of ODE, Existence and uniqueness solution of first
order ODE using examples, Methods of solutions of first order ODE, Applications of first order ODE.
Linear ODE: Homogenous equations, Fundamental system of solutions, Wronskian, Solution of second
order non-homogeneous ODE with constant coefficients: Method of variation of parameters, Method of
undetermined coefficients, Euler-Cauchy equations, Applications to engineering problems, System of
linear ODEs with constant coefficients.

Module 3: (10 Lecture hours)

Gamma function, Beta function: Properties and evaluation of integrals.

Laplace transform, Necessary condition for existence, General properties, Inverse Laplace transform,
Transforms of derivatives and integrals, Differentiation and Integration of transform, Unit-step function,
Shifting theorems, Transforms of periodic functions, Convolution, Solution of differential equations and
integral equations using Laplace transform.
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th edition, New Delhi, India: Wiley, 2015.
2. G. Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Wellesley MA: Cambridge Press, 2016.
3. R. P. Agarwal and D. O ’Regan, An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, New York:
Springer, 2008.
4. V. I. Arnold, Ordinary Differential Equations, New York: Springer, 2006.
5. P. Dyke, An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series, New York: Springer,2014.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: To enable students to apply relevant fundamental principles of modern physics to
problems in engineering.
CO2: To develop knowledge of basic principles of Quantum Physics
CO3: Acquire knowledge of the basic physics of a collection of particles and the emergent macroscopic
CO4: Apply principles of quantum and statistical physics to understand properties of materials

Module 1: (12 hours):

Particle nature of radiation – Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Wave nature of matter – matter
waves, wave packets description, phase and group velocity, uncertainty principle. Formulation of
Schrödinger equation, physical meaning of wave function, expectation values, time-independent
Schrödinger equation, quantization of energy for bound particles. Application of time-independent
Schrödinger equation to free particle, infinite well, finite well, barrier potential, tunneling.

Module 2: (14 hours):

Simple Harmonic Oscillator, two-dimensional square box, the scanning tunneling microscope. Wave
function for two or more particles, indistinguishable particles, symmetry and anti-symmetry under
exchange of particles, Pauli’s exclusion principle, electronic configurations of atoms. Quantum model
of a solid – periodicity of potential and bands, E – k diagram, effective mass, band gap.

Module 3: (13 hours):

Microstates and macrostates of a system, equal probability hypothesis, Boltzman factor and distribution,
ideal gas, equipartition of energy, Maxwell speed distribution, average speed, RMS speed, Quantum
distributions - Bosons and Fermions, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution, applications.


1. Kenneth Krane, Modern Physics, 2nd Ed., Wiley (2009)

2. Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, 6th Ed., Tata Mc Graw –Hill Publication (2009)
3. Robert Eisberg and Robert Resnick, Quantum Physics of atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei
and Particle, 2nd Ed., John Wiley(2006)
4. David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 6th Ed., Wiley

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Acquire knowledge about separation strategies, identification and characterization of molecules
CO2: Understand the causes and mechanism of corrosion and understand its prevention methods
CO3: Attain knowledge about electrochemical reactions and their current applications
CO4: Comprehend the principles of industrial catalytic processes and enzyme catalysis

Module 1: (14 hours)

Spectroscopy – General Principles, Infrared, group frequencies, Electronic spectroscopy of conjugated

molecules, Woodward-Fieser Rule.
Chromatography – Retention and Separation factors, Theoretical plates, Instrumentation and uses of
Gas Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Thermal analysis – Thermogravimetry, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Differential Thermal

Module 2: (12 hours)

Electrochemical corrosion – Mechanisms, control and prevention.

Cyclic voltammetry, Switching potentials, Cathodic and anodic peak currents Potentiometry, Fuel cells
– Types and applications
Liquid crystals – Phase types, uses in displays and thermography.

Module 3: (13 hours)

Catalysis – Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, Organometallic compounds, 18-electron rule,

Oxidative addition, Reductive elimination, insertion and Elimination reactions, Wilkinson’s catalyst in
alkene hydrogenation, Zeigler-Natta catalysis in polymerization of olefins.
Enzyme catalysis – Mechanisms, significance of Michaelis – Menten constant, Turnover number, Co-
enzymes and cofactors


1. C. N. Banwell and E. M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th edition, Tata

McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
2. D. A. Skoog and D. M. West, F. J. Holler and S. R. Crouch, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry,
Brooks Cole, Florence, 2004.
3. H. H. Williard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A. Settle, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Wadsworth
Publishing Company, Belmont, California, 1986.
4. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal Publishing, New
Delhi, 2000.
5. J. E. Huheey, E.A. Keiter and R.L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity,
4th Ed, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York, 1993.
6. C. Elschenbroich, Organometallics, 3rd edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, 2006.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes
Students will be able to:

CO1: Ability to distinguish the different types of meaning for constructive criticism, by developing a
comprehensive understanding of the extensive vocabulary and usage in formal English language.
CO2: Learn and practice principles related to good formal writing.
CO3: Develop competence in group activities such as group discussions, debates, mock interviews,
etc. by practicing the integration of unique qualities of nonverbal and verbal styles.
CO4: Deliver clear and effective presentation of ideas in the oral / written medium and to acquire the
ability to modify it according to the target audience.

Module 1: (12 hours)

Role and importance of verbal communication, Everyday active vocabulary, Common words used in
transitions, enhancing vocabulary, affixes and changes in pronunciation and grammatical functions,
words often confused in pronunciation and usage. Passage comprehension- skimming, scanning
techniques, note making, note taking and summarizing. Deciphering meaning from contexts. Two types
of meaning- literal and contextual. Constructive criticism of speeches and explanations.

Module 2: (15 hours)

Fundamental grammar, Simple structures, passivizing the active sentences, reported speech, the
judicious use of tenses and moods of verbs, forming questions and conversion from questions to
statements and vice versa, forming open –ended and close- ended questions. Words and style used
for formal and informal communication. Practice converting informal language to formal, the diction and
the style of writing. Dealing with the nuances of ambiguous constructions in language. Learning
authoritative writing skills, polite writing and good netiquette. Writing for internships and scholarships.

Module 3: (12 hours)

Kinesics, Proxemics, Haptics, and other areas of non-verbal communication, fighting communication
barriers, positive grooming and activities on the same. Different types of interviews, and presentation-
oral, poster, ppt. Organizing ideas for group discussions, the difference between GD and debates.


1. Duck, Steve and David T. Macmahan. Communication in Everyday Life. 3rd Ed. Sage, 2017.
2. Quintanilla, Kelly M. and Shawn T. Wahl. Business and Professional Communication. Sage,
3. Gamble, Kawl Teri and Michael W. Gamble. The Public Speaking Playbook. Sage, 2015.

4. Tebeaux, Elizabeth and Sam Dragga. The Essentials of Technical Communication, 3rd Ed.
OUP, 2015
5. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeetha Sharma. Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice, OUP, 2015
6. MacLennan, Jennifer. Readings for Technical Communication. OUP, 2007.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Determine the resultants of a force system
CO2: Solve rigid body statics problems using equations of equilibrium and principle of virtual work
CO3: Perform kinematic analysis of a particle
CO4: Solve particle dynamics problems using Newton's laws, energy methods and momentum

Module 1: Basic Concepts (13 hours)

Introduction: idealizations of mechanics, vector and scalar quantities, equality and equivalence of
vectors, laws of mechanics, elements of vector algebra.
Important vector quantities: position vector, moment of a force about a point, moment of a force about
an axis, the couple and couple moment, couple moment as a free vector, moment of a couple about a
Equivalent force systems: translation of a force to a parallel position, resultant of a force system,
simplest resultant of special force systems, distributed force systems, reduction of general force system
to a wrench.

Module 2: Statics (13 hours)

Equations of equilibrium: free-body diagram, free bodies involving interior sections, general equations
of equilibrium, problems of equilibrium, static indeterminacy.
Applications of equations of equilibrium: Trusses: solution of simple trusses using method of joints and
method of sections; Friction forces: laws of Coulomb friction, simple contact friction problems; Cables
and chains.
Properties of surfaces: first moment and centroid of plane area, second moments and product of area
for a plane area, transfer theorems, rotation of axes, polar moment of area, principal axes.
Method of virtual work: principles of virtual work for rigid bodies and its applications.

Module 3: Dynamics (13 hours)

Kinematics of a particle: introduction, general notions, differentiation of a vector with respect to time,
velocity and acceleration calculations in rectangular coordinates, velocity and acceleration in terms of
path variables and cylindrical coordinates, simple kinematical relations and applications.
Dynamics of a particle: introduction, Newton’s law for rectangular coordinates, rectilinear translation,
Newton’s law for cylindrical coordinates, Newton’s law for path variables, energy and momentum
methods: introduction, conservative force field, conservation of mechanical energy, alternative form of
work-energy equation, impulse and momentum relations, moment-of-momentum equation.


1. I. H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics—Statics and Dynamics, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of

India, 1996.
2. F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston, Vector Mechanics for Engineers – Statics, McGraw Hill Book
Company, 2000.
3. J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics – Statics, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
4. R.C Hibbler, Engineering Mechanics—Statics and Dynamics, 11th Edition, Pearson, India,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
2 0 2 3
Total hours: 52

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Make use of the Indian Standard Code of Practice in Engineering Drawing.
CO2: Represent any engineering object by its orthographic views.
CO3: Convert orthographic views of an engineering object into its isometric view.
CO4: Enhance the capacity of visualization of engineering objects.

Module 1: (15 hours)

Introduction; drawing instruments and their uses; lines, lettering and dimensioning; geometrical
construction; constructions of plain, diagonal and vernier scales; orthographic projection—first and third
angle projections; orthographic projection of points on principal, profile, and auxiliary planes.

Module 2: (17 hours)

Orthographic projection of straight line in simple and oblique positions; application of orthographic
projection of line; orthographic projection of planes in simple and oblique position on principal and profile
planes; orthographic projection of lines and planes on auxiliary planes.

Module 3: (20 hours)

Orthographic projection of solids in simple and oblique positions on principal and profile planes;
orthographic projections of solids in oblique position using auxiliary plane method; orthographic
projection of spheres; orthographic projection of solids in section; development of surfaces of solids;
method of isometric projection.


1. N. D. Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, 53rd ed. Anand, India: Charotar Publishing House, 2016.
2. Basant Agrawal and C M Agrawal, Engineering Drawing, 2nd ed. New Delhi, India: McGraw
Hill Education (India), 2014.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: None
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Design simple resistive circuits for various applications in Electrical and Electronics engineering.
CO2: Design simple magnetic circuits and inductive components for signal and power processing.
CO3: Carry out design verification calculations, power and power loss calculations, voltage drop
calculations etc.
in single phase ac circuits.
CO4: Analyze Amplifiers and Digital Circuits in terms of critical parameters and complexity.
CO5: Design sub modules for systems/ Solutions for real life problems using suitable sensors
/transducers, amplifiers, data converters and digital circuits.

Module 1: (11 hours)

Analysis of Resistive Circuits:
v-i relationship for Independent Voltage and Current Sources
Solution of resistive circuits with independent sources- Node Voltage and Mesh Current Analysis, Nodal
Conductance Matrix and Mesh Resistance Matrix and symmetry properties of these matrices
Source Transformation and Star-Delta / Delta-Star Conversions to reduce resistive networks
Circuit Theorems - Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem and Maximum
Power Transfer Theorem.
Magnetic Circuits:
MMF, Magnetic Flux, Reluctance, Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Solution of Magnetic Circuits.
Two Terminal Element Relationships:
Inductance - Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz’s Law, Self and Mutual Inductance,
Inductances in Series and Parallel, Mutual Flux and Leakage Flux, Coefficient of Coupling, Dot
Convention, Cumulative and Differential Connection of Coupled Coils.
Capacitance – Electrostatics, Capacitance, Parallel Plate Capacitor, Capacitors in series and parallel,
Energy stored in Electrostatic Field, v-i relationship for Inductance and Capacitance

Module 2: (9 hours)
Single Phase AC Circuits:
Alternating Quantities - Average Value, Effective Value, Form and Peak factors for square, triangle,
trapezoidal and sinusoidal waveforms.
Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities - phase difference, Addition and subtraction of sinusoids,
Symbolic Representation: Cartesian, Polar and Exponential forms.
Analysis of a.c circuits - R, RL, RC, RLC circuits using phasor concept, Concept of impedance,
admittance, conductance and susceptance.
Power in single phase circuits - instantaneous power, average power, active power, reactive power,
apparent power, power factor, complex power, solution of series, parallel and series parallel a.c circuits.

Module 3 (11 hrs)

Sensors and Transducers:
principles of piezoelectric, photoelectric, thermoelectric transducers, thermistors, strain gauge, LVDT,
etc, Measurement of temperature, pressure, velocity, flow, pH, liquid level, etc.
Basics of Signal Amplification:
(Explanation based on two port models is only envisaged) – voltage gain, current gain and power gain,
amplifier saturation, types of amplifiers (voltage, current, transconductance and transresistance
amplifiers) and relationship between these amplifier models, frequency response of amplifiers, single
time constant networks.
Operational amplifier basics:
Ideal op-amp, inverting, noninverting, summing and difference amplifiers, integrator, differentiator.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4 (8 hrs)
Digital Electronics:
Review of number systems and Boolean algebra, Logic Gates and Truth Tables, Simplification of
Boolean functions using Karnaugh map (upto 4 variable K-maps), Implementation of Simple
combinational circuits (Adder, Code Converters, 7-Segment Drivers, Comparators, Priority Encoders,
etc) - MUX-based implementation of combinatorial circuits , Sequential circuits: SR,JK, T and D filpflops,
counters and registers using D flip flops, Basics of data converters (at least one ADC and DAC).


1. J.W. Nilsson and S.A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 8th ed., Pearson, 2002
2. K.S. Suresh Kumar, Electric Circuits & Networks, Pearson Education, 2009
3. C. A. Desoer and E. S. Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw Hill, 2009
4. J. A. Edminister, Electric Circuit Theory, Schaum’s Outline series: 6th ed., McGraw Hill, 2014
5. A. D. Helfrick and W. D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Techniques, Prentice Hall of India, 2003
6. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronics, 6thed.,Oxford University Press, 2013
7. C. H. Roth and L. L. Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic Design,7thed., Cengage Learning,2014

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

ZZ1004D Computer Programming

Pre-requisites: Nil.

2 0 0 2
Total hours: 26

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Design of algorithms for simple computational problems.
CO2: Express algorithmic solutions in the C programming language.

Module 1: (10 hours)

Data Types, Operators and Expressions: Variables and constants - declarations - arithmetic and
logical operators – Assignment operator – Input/Output.
Control Flow: Statements and blocks – if-else, switch, while, for and do-while statements – break and
continue – goto and labels.

Module 2: (08 hours)

Functions and Program structure: Basics of functions, Parameter passing – scope rules – recursion.

Module 3: (08 hours)

Aggregate data types: Single and multidimensional arrays, structures and unions – Pointers to arrays
and structures – passing arrays and pointers as arguments to functions.

1. B.S. Gottfried, Programming with C (Schaum's Outline Series), 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill,1996.
2. B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 1988.
3. W. Kernighan, The Practice of Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1999.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 2 1
Total hours: 26

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: To develop experimentation skills and understand importance of measurement practices in
Science & Technology.
CO2: Develop analytical skills for interpreting data and drawing inferences.
CO3: Estimate the nature of experimental errors and practical means to obtain errors in acquired data.
CO4: Develop skills for team work and technical communication and discussions.
CO5: Apply theoretical principles of modern physics to analysis and measurements performed in


1. Magnetic Hysteresis loss - Using CRO

2. Band gap using four probe method
3. Hall effect- determination of carrier density, Hall coefficient and mobility
4. Solar cell characteristics
5. Double refraction – measurement of principle refractive indices.
6. Measurement of N.A & Attenuation
7. Measurement of e/m of electron – Thomson’s experiment
8. Determination of Planck’s constant
9. Measurement of electron charge – Millikan oil drop experiment
10. Determination of magnetic field along the axis of the coil
11. Newton’s rings
12. Laurent’s Half shade polarimeter –determination of specific rotatory power
13. Study of P-N junction
14. Study of voltage-current characteristics of a Zener diode.
15. Laser – measurement of angle of divergence & determination of λ using grating
16. Measurement of magnetic susceptibility- Quincke’s Method / Gouy’s balance.
17. Mapping of magnetic field
18. Temperature measurement by using thermocouple

NOTE: Any 8 experiments have to be done.


1. A.C. Melissinos, J. Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics, Academic Press (2003)

2. Avadhanulu, Dani and Pokley, Experiments in Engineering physics, S. Chand & Company ltd (2002).
3. S.L. Gupta and V. Kumar, Practical physics, Pragathi Prakash (2005)

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 2 1
Total hours: 26

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Acquire practical knowledge on the separation of mixtures and their identification
CO2: Understand chirality and the specific rotation of a compound
CO3: Attain practical experience in the synthesis of new molecules
CO4: Apply different techniques to quantitatively determine the amount of components

List of Experiments:

1. Determination of specific rotation by polarimetry

2. Potentiometric titrations
3. Estimation of ions using complexometry
4. Determination of strength of an acid using pH meter
5. Analysis of organic and inorganic compounds
6. Conductometric titrations using acid or mixture of acids
7. Separation of compounds using chromatography
8. Colorimetric estimations
9. Determine the eutectic temperature and composition of a solid two component system
10. Synthesis of organic/inorganic compounds and their characterizations
11. Determination of molecular weight of polymers

Note: Selected experiments from the above list will be conducted


1. G. H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R.C. Denny, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis, Longmann Scientific and Technical, John Wiley, New York,1989.
2. A. I. Vogel, Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry – Small Scale Preparations, Pearson India,
New Delhi, 2011.
3. A. I. Vogel, A. R. Tatchell, B. S. Furnis, A. J. Hannaford and P. W. G. Smith, Vogel’s Text Book
of Practical Organic Chemistry, Longman and Scientific Technical, New York, 1989.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Perform experiments to ascertain the quality requirements and quality testing procedures of
selected building material, viz., cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, concrete, timber and
CO2: Identify and evaluate various driver characteristics as driver of a vehicle.
CO3: Acquire knowledge about basic civil engineering practices of brick masonry, plumbing and
CO4: Perform wiring estimation and costing for simple building/commercial electrical wiring systems.
CO5: Use commonly employed wiring tools and lighting and wiring accessories.
CO6: Adopt electrical safety measures in using and servicing household appliances.

Civil Engineering Workshop (24 hours)

1. Introduction to Surveying – Linear measurements – Hands on session on Setting out of a small
residential building.
2. Introduction to Levelling – Hands on sessions using Dumpy level – Levelling exercise.
3. Introduction to Total Station – Hands on sessions - small exercises.
4. Tests on cement and aggregates: Demonstration of standard consistency, initial and final setting time
of cement - Hands on sessions - Compressive strength test on cement mortar cubes and sieve
analysis for coarse and fine aggregates.
5. Tests on hardened concrete, brick, timber and steel: Demonstrations on hardness tests (Rockwell
hardness), impact tests (Charpy and Izod) on steel specimens-demonstration on properties of timber
– Hands on sessions - Compression test on concrete cubes, bricks and tension test on mild steel
6. Masonry: Hands on sessions - English bond, Flemish bond – wall junction – one brick – one and a
half brick - Arch construction.
7. Water supply and sanitation: Study of water supply pipe fittings – tap connections – sanitary fittings
8. Various tests on Driver characteristics – Visual acuity and colour blindness, peripheral vision, depth
perception, driver reaction time.

Electrical Engineering Workshop (15 hours)

1. (a) Familiarization of wiring tools, lighting and wiring accessories, various types of wiring systems.
(b) Wiring of one lamp controlled by one switch.
2. (a) Study of Electric shock phenomenon, precautions, preventions, Earthing.
(b) Wiring of one lamp controlled by two SPDT Switches and one 3 pin plug socket independently.
3. (a) Familiarization of various types of Fuses, MCBs, ELCBs, etc.
(b) Wiring of fluorescent lamp controlled by one switch with ELCB & MCB.
4. (a) Study of estimation and costing of wiring.
(b) Wiring, control and maintenance of domestic appliances like Mixer machine, Electric Iron, fan,
motor, etc.
1. T.P. Kanetkar, S.V. Kulkarni, Surveying and Levelling - Part1, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan,
Pune, 1994.
2. B.C. Punmia, Building Construction, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi1999.
3. Satheesh Gopi, R. Sathikumar, N. Madh, Advnaced Surveying, Pearson Education,2007.
4. M.S. Shetty, Concrete Technology, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi,2005.
5. K. B. Raina & S. K. Bhattacharya, Electrical Design Estimating and costing, New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
6. Khanna, S. K., and Justo, C. E. G., Highway Engineering, Nemchand and Bros, Roorkee,2001.
7. Uppal S. L., Electrical Wiring & Estimating, Khanna Publishers---5th edition, 2003.
8. John H. Watt, Terrell Croft American Electricians' Handbook: A Reference Book for the Practical
Electrical Man, 9th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2002.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Ability to select suitable material for a given purpose applying knowledge of material properties
and processing.
CO2: Ability to use measuring devices like Vernier Calipers, Micrometers, etc.
CO3: Ability to fabricate simple components using basic manufacturing processes like Casting,
Forming, Joining and Machining.
CO4: Ability to sequence various operations so as to execute the task within minimum time.
CO5: Perform diagnostic measurements using analog and digital meters for troubleshooting electronic
CO6: Select appropriate electronic components for a given design task and assemble the prototype on
CO7: Troubleshoot electronic boards used in various household appliances.
CO8: Perform cost estimation and costing of PCB soldering and carry out the soldering.
Mechanical Engineering Workshop (24 hours)
The course is intended to expose the student to various manufacturing processes through hands on
training in different sections of Central Workshop. During the course, the student learns the properties
and selection of different materials and acquires the skill in using various tools and measuring
1. Carpentry: Study of tools and joints – plaining, chiseling, marking and sawing practice, one
typical joint- Tee halving/Mortise and Tenon/ Dovetail
2. Fitting: Study of tools- chipping, filing, cutting, drilling, tapping, about male and female joints,
stepped joints. Edge preparation for single V joint.
3. Welding: Study of arc and gas welding, accessories, joint preparation. Welding of a single V joint
4. Smithy: Study of tools. Forging of square or hexagonal prism/chisel/bolt
5. Foundry: Study of tools, sand preparation. Moulding practice using the given pattern.
6. Sheet Metal: Study of tools, selection of different gauge sheets, types of joints. Fabrication of a
tray or a funnel
7. Machine Shop: Study of the basic lathe operations. Simple step turning exercise.
Electronics Engineering Workshop (15 hours)
1. (a) Familiarization of electronic components, colour code, multimeters.
(b) Bread board assembling-Common emitter amplifier.
2. (a) Study of soldering components, solders, tools, heat sink.
(b) Bread board assembling-phase shift oscillator.
3. (a) Soldering practice-Common emitter amplifier.
(b) Soldering practice-Inverting amplifier circuit.
4. (a) Study of estimation and costing of soldering PCB, 3 phase connections.
(b) PCB wiring and fault Identification of appliances like Electronic Ballast, fan regulator, inverter,
UPS, etc.
1. W. A. J. Chapman, Workshop Technology - Parts 1 & 2, 4th ed. New Delhi, India, CBS Publishers
& Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
2. Welding Handbook. 9th ed. Miami, American Welding Society, 2001.
3. J. Anderson, Shop Theory, New Delhi, India, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
4. J. H. Douglass, Wood Working with Machines, Illinois, McKnight & McKnight Pub. Co., 1995.
5. W.A. Tuplin, Modern Engineering Workshop Practice, Odhams Press, 1996.
6. P. L. Jain, Principles of Foundry Technology, 5th ed. New Delhi, India, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
7. John H. Watt, Terrell Croft, American Electricians' Handbook: A Reference Book for the Practical
Electrical Man, 9th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2002.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

8. G. Randy Slone, Tab Electronics Guide to Understanding Electricity and Electronics, 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2000.
9. Jerry C Whitaker, The Resource Handbook of Electronics, CRC Press-2001.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1 0 1 1
Course Outcomes:

CO1: Select a game/ activity of his/ her choice to pursue on the campus to enjoy/ entertain and thereby
develop good health and fitness which he/she would carry over to post-campus life for maintaining
health, fitness and wellness.
CO2: Be more proficient in a game, which may lead him/her to a berth in the institute teams.
CO3: Gain exposure to professional training, so as to enable him / her to excel in sports activities.
CO4: Participate in intramural and open mass participation activities.
CO5: Participate and organise in-campus or off-campus sports activities.

Unit I - Introduction, definition, aims & objectives of Physical Education. Health, Physical fitness and
wellness. Importance, scope and relevance of Physical Education in NITC curriculum.

Unit II - Physical fitness and components. Health related Physical fitness and components. Benefits of
exercise – physical and physiological.

Unit III - Physical exercise and its principles. Activities for developing physical fitness – walking, jogging,
running, weight training, stretching, yogasanas. Athletic injuries and their management.
Nutritional balance.

Unit IV - Motivation and its importance in sports. Stress, anxiety, tension, aggression in sports. Personality,
self-confidence and performance. Team cohesion and leadership in sports.

Unit V - Lifestyle diseases and its management, Diabetes and Obesity, Hypertension, Osteoporosis
Coronary heart diseases and cholesterol. Backpain, Postural deformities and their remedies.

Unit VI. - Olympic Values Education. Event & Crisis management.

1. Najeeb, A. M., Atul, M., Sumesh, D. and Akhilesh, E. (2015), “Fitness Capsule for university

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601



Course Outcomes: 1 0 1 1

CO1: Identify the purpose of education and the problems faced by mankind, in terms of socio economic
and environmental issues.
CO2: Describe the social and intellectual needs to transform the society to a better one where everyone
meets the basic economic and social security, freedom and atmosphere to live a meaningful life.
CO3: Practise a meaningful life avoiding all kinds of corrupt practices and develop unconditional love,
universal brotherhood and simulate international peace and prosperity.
CO4: Persuade others to practise a righteous life, which would stimulate a synergy of universal harmony
and peace.
CO5: Create an ideal society where everyone enjoys the fruits of love, peace and harmony.

Unit I (3 hours): Social Justice Definition –need-parameters of social justice –factors responsible for
social injustice –caste and gender –contributions of social reformers.
Unit II (5 hours): Human Rights and Marginalized People Concept of Human Rights-Principles of human
rights-human rights and Indian Constitution-Rights of Women and children-violence against women –Rights
of marginalized People-like women, children, dalits, minorities, physically challenged etc.
Unit III (5 hours): Social Issues and Communal Harmony Social issues–causes and magnitude-
alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty, unemployment etc.-communal harmony-concept-religion and its place
in public in public domain-separation of religion from politics-secularism role of civil society.

Unit IV (5 hours): Media Education and Globalized World Scenario Mass media-functions-
characteristics-need and purpose of media literacy-effects and influence –youth and children-media power-
socio cultural and political consequences mass mediated culture-consumerist culture-Globalization-new
media –prospects and challenges-Environmental ethics

Unit V (2 hours): Values and Ethics Personal values –family values-social values-cultural values-
professional values-and overall ethics-duties and responsibilities

Project: 10 hours

1. Sharma, B. K. (2010), ‘Human Rights Covenants and Indian Law’, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
2. Law Commission of India, (1971), ‘Indian Penal code’, (
50/report42.pdf), accessed on February 14, 2018.
3. Srivastava, S. S. (2017), ‘Central Law Agency's Indian Penal Code along with General Principles
(IPC)’, Central Law Agency.
4. ‘Gandhiji on Communal Harmony’, (2003), Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya’, Mumbai.
5. ‘Social Impact of Drug Abuse’, UNDCP, ((
01_1.pdf, accessed on February 14, 2018).
6. Bryfonski, D. (2012), ‘The Global Impact of Social Media’, Green Heaven Publications.
7. Schmidtz, D. & Willott, E. (2012), ‘Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What Really Works’,
Oxford University Press.
8. Ranganathanda, S. (1987), ‘Eternal Values for a Changing Society: Education for human
excellence’, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
9. Rokeach, M. (1979), ‘Understanding human values: Individual and Societal’, The New Free Press.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

0 0 3 1
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Acquire awareness in social and environmental issues thereby improving social consciousness and
commitment towards the community.
CO2: Participate in socially relevant activities that are aimed at betterment of the campus and the society,
thereby instilling a helpful attitude
CO3: Develop a positive attitude towards dignity of labour, self-help and the need for combining physical
work with intellectual pursuits.
CO4: Improve inter-personal skills and contribute to nation building by serving the local community, thereby
promoting a healthy and positive attitude towards life.

NSS activities have been divided in two major groups. These are Regular NSS Activities and Special
Camping programme.

(a) Regular NSS Activity: NSS volunteers undertake various activities in adopted villages and slums for
community service. The NSS units organise the regular activities as detailed below:

i) Orientation of NSS volunteers: To get the NSS volunteers acquainted with the basics of NSS
programmes, for their orientation through lectures, discussions, field visits, audio-visuals etc.
ii) Campus Work: The NSS volunteers may be involved in the projects undertaken for the benefit of the
institution and students concerned. Such projects cover maintenance of public properties, tree
plantation, waste management and Swach Bharat activities, conservation of water and energy sources,
social audits, awareness programmes on drug-abuse, AIDS, population education, and other projects
iii) Community service will be in adopted villages/urban slums independently or in collaboration with others
in this field.
iv) Institutional work: The students may be placed with selected voluntary organisations working for the
welfare of women, children, aged and disabled outside the campus.
v) Rural Project: The rural projects generally include the working of NSS volunteers in adopted villages
for e-governance and digital literacy, watershed management and wasteland development, rainwater
harvesting, agricultural operations, health, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, mother and child care, gender
equality sensitization programmes, family life education, gender justice, development of rural
cooperatives, savings drives, construction of rural roads, campaign against social evils etc.
vi) Urban Projects: In addition to rural projects other include adult education, welfare of slum dwellers,
work in hospitals, orphanages, destitute home, environment enrichment, population education, drug,
AIDS awareness, and income generation,
vii) National Days and Celebrations: The National Service Scheme programmes also include the
celebration of National days. The purpose of such a provision is to celebrate such occasions in a
befitting manner,
viii) Blood Donation Activities,
ix) Campus farming activities,
x) Activities for social inclusion such as organizing programmes for differently – abled children.

Students shall volunteer and contribute to the activities of the National Service Scheme for a minimum
duration of 45 hours for the award of credit.

(b) Special Camping Programme: Under this, camps of 7 days’ duration are organised during vacations
with some specific projects by involving local communities. 50% NSS volunteers are expected to
participate in these camps.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Handle application problems involving random variables and functions of random variables.

CO2: Identify statistical problems and make use of statistical inference while handling stochastic systems.

CO3: Apply regression and correlation analysis for studying relationship between variables.

CO4: Identify situations where analysis of variance is appropriate and apply it.

CO5: Use probabilistic and statistical analysis in various applications of engineering.

Module 1: (15 hours)

Probability distributions, Random variables, Expectation of a function of a random variable, Mean, Variance
and Moment generating function of a probability distribution, Chebyshev’s theorem, Binomial distribution,
Poisson distribution, Geometric distribution, Hyper- geometric distribution, Normal Distribution, Uniform
distribution, Gamma distribution, Beta distribution and Weibull distribution. Transformation of a random
variable, Probability distribution of a function of a random variable, Jointly distributed random variables,
Marginal and conditional distributions, Bi-variate Normal distribution, Joint probability distribution of
functions of random variables.

Module 2: (14 hours)

Population and samples, The sampling distribution of the mean (σ known and σ unknown), Sampling
distribution of the variance, Point estimation, Maximum likelihood estimation, Method of moments, Interval
estimation, Point estimation and interval estimation of mean and variance. Tests of hypothesis, Hypothesis
tests concerning one mean and two means. Hypothesis tests concerning one variance and two variances,
Estimation of proportions, Hypothesis tests concerning one proportion and several proportions, Analysis of
𝑟 × 𝑐 contingency tables, Chi – square test for goodness of fit.
Module 3: (10 hours)

Analysis of variance, General principles, Completely randomized designs, Randomized block design. Curve
fitting, Method of least squares, Estimation of simple regression models and hypotheses concerning
regression coefficients, Correlation coefficient- Estimation of correlation coefficient, Hypothesis concerning
correlation coefficient. Estimation of curvilinear regression models.


1. R. A. Johnson, Miller and Freund’s, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 8th ed, PHI New Delhi,
2. W. W. Hines, D. C. Montgomery, D. M. Goldsman and C. M. Borror, Probability and Statistics in
Engineering, 4th ed, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2003.
3. S. M. Ross, Introduction to Probability and statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 5th ed., Academic
Press (Elsevier) New Delhi, 2014.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Perform design validation of electronic amplifiers and such two-port systems by applying two-port
network modeling.

CO2: Perform design verification calculations for voltage-drop, current loading, power and efficiency in
three-phase transmission and distribution systems, three-phase generation and utilization equipment

CO3: Design simple first-order and second-order circuits for basic signal processing applications from given
transfer function or impulse response.

CO4: Conduct design evaluation/verification of pulse transformers, potential transformers and current

CO5: Design simple first-order and second-order RC, RL and RLC circuits to perform basic signal
processing tasks like averaging, filtering, signal coupling, signal bypassing, supply decoupling,
current smoothing, tuned filtering etc., employing frequency response approach.

Module 1: Analysis of Circuits with Dependent Sources (9 hours)

Circuits with Linear Dependent Sources: VCVS, VCCS, CCVS and CCCS - node analysis and mesh
analysis of circuits containing resistors, independent sources and linear dependent sources - effect of
dependent sources on the symmetry of nodal admittance matrix and mesh impedance matrix -
determination of Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent for circuits containing dependent sources.

Two Port Networks: Two port networks-characterization in terms of impedance, admittance, hybrid and
transmission parameters - inter relationships among parameter sets - Reciprocity Theorem-Interconnection
of Two port networks: Series, Parallel and Cascade - Input impedance, output impedance and gain of
terminated two-ports in terms of two-port parameters and termination impedance – Application of y, z, g
and h parameters in the analysis of negative feedback systems – Application of ABCD parameters in the
power frequency analysis of transmission lines – T and  models for a line.

Module 2: Steady-state Analysis of Three-phase Balanced and Unbalanced Circuits (10 hours)

Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem for a.c circuits - Polyphase
working - 3 phase a.c systems - balanced system - phase sequence - Star Delta Transformation Theorem
- Balanced 3 phase a.c source supplying balanced 3 phase star connected and delta connected loads - 3
wire and 4 wire systems - neutral shift - neutral current.

Power in three phase circuits: active power, reactive power, complex power, apparent power and power
factor in balanced and unbalanced three phase systems.

Steady-state analysis of three-phase balanced loads excited by three-phase unbalanced sources –

symmetrical transformation – sequence components – sequence impedances – sequence decoupling –
power in sequence components.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Dependent source equivalent circuits for coupled coils – ac steady-state analysis of circuits containing
coupled coils – the perfectly coupled two-winding transformer and the ideal two-winding transformer.

Module 3: Circuit Analysis in Time-domain and s-domain (10 hours)

Time Domain Analysis of Circuits: Solution of multi-mesh and multi-node circuits (containing RLCM and
linear dependent sources) by differential equation method - Determination of initial conditions – Obtaining
step response and ramp response of circuits from impulse response
[Review of Laplace Transforms - Laplace Transform - Transform Pairs-Gate Functions-Shifting Theorem -
Solution of Differential Equations by Laplace Transforms - Initial and Final Value Theorems – Laplace
Transforms of periodic signals-Inversion of transforms by partial fractions - Convolution Theorem and
Convolution Integral. (Review to be done by students. No class hour will be spent for this review. Home
assignments will be given.)]
s-domain Analysis of Circuits - Transformed equivalent of inductance, capacitance and mutual inductance
-Impedance and admittance in the transform domain – concept of the transformed circuit in s-domain –

Node Analysis and Mesh Analysis of the transformed circuit - Nodal Admittance Matrix and Mesh
Impedance Matrix in the s-domain

Solution of transformed circuits with mutual inductance – step response of an ideal transformer – step
response of a non-ideal transformer – flux expulsion by short circuited winding – instantaneous change in
current in coupled coil systems.

Generalization of Circuit theorems – Input and transfer immittance functions - Transfer functions - Impulse
response and Transfer function - Poles and Zeros - Pole Zero plots – Stability and poles

Module 4: Sinusoidal Steady - State Frequency Response and Fourier Analysis (10 hours)

Sinusoidal steady - state and frequency response function – frequency response function as a complex
function of  as evaluated from phasor equivalent circuit - frequency response function from s-domain
transfer and immittance functions - explanation for substituting s  j in s-domain transfer function to get
frequency response function – Properties of frequency response function of LTI circuits.

Frequency response of first order circuits – concept of cut-off frequencies and bandwidth – Series and
parallel RC circuits as an averaging filter (for current signal and voltage signal), low-pass filter, high-pass
filter, integrator, differentiator, signal coupling circuit, signal bypassing circuit etc.

Graphical evaluation of frequency response function from pole-zero plots : introduction to filtering and
illustration of graphical evaluation of frequency response function from pole-zero plots in the case of
standard second order filter functions using Series RLC and Parallel RLC Circuits – frequency response
specifications for second order functions – correlation between time-domain specs and freq-domain specs
in the case of first order and second order circuits.

Frequency response and bandwidth of cascaded first order circuits with interaction between stages and
without interaction between stages.

Fourier Series representation of non-sinusoidal periodic waveforms : [(revision) - Fourier Coefficients-

Determination of Coefficients-Waveform Symmetry-Exponential Fourier Series - Discrete Amplitude and
Phase Spectra - (Review to be done by students. No class hour will be spent for this review. Home
assignments will be given.)]

Steady State Solution of Circuits with non-sinusoidal periodic inputs: by Fourier Series and frequency
response function, power and rms value of non-sinusoidal waveforms, Discrete Power Spectrum, THD
measure for waveforms. – Application of tuned series LC and parallel LC structures in Power Systems –
Application of parallel RLC circuit in Communication circuits – Application of LC circuits in power supply

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

filtering – Application of RLC circuit in power supply decoupling.


1. K. S. S. Kumar, Electric Circuits and Networks, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.
2. M. E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, 3rd ed, PHI, 2010.
3. W. H. Hayt, J. E. Kemmerly, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6th ed., Mcgraw- Hill, 2012.
4. John D. Ryder, Networks, Lines and Fields , 2nd ed, Prentice-Hall India, 1989.
5. K. V. V. Murthy, M.S. Kamath, Basic Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1989.
6. C. A. Desoer, E. S. Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Formulate Combinational Logic Problems and perform Logic Optimization

CO2: Design combinational logic applications using standard SSI and MSI gates and state of the art MUX,
ROM, PLA and PAL units

CO3: Perform design verification/validation of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuit designs.

CO4: Design synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits for simple applications

Module 1: Combinational Logic Design (10 hours)

Review of topics covered in Module 4 of ZZ1003 Basic Electric Sciences:

Boolean functions : - canonical and standard forms - simplification of Boolean functions by Karnaugh map
up to five variable map - NAND, NOR, EX-OR & EX-NOR implementation - multi level NAND circuits - multi
level NOR circuits
Binary Number Operations: Binary representations, Binary Arithmetic, Binary codes, Octal and
Hexadecimal codes
MSI and LSI Combinational circuits and their applications: Arithmetic Circuits, Comparators and parity
generators, multiplexers and demultiplexers, decoders and encoders AND-OR-INVERT gates, Wired logic,
Tri-State Bus systems
Combinational circuit design using Multiplexer
Practical aspects: Fan-in and Fan-out, propagation delay, glitches

Module 2: Introduction to Sequential circuits (10 Hours)

Need for sequential circuits, basic architectural difference between combinational and sequential logic,
concept of memory, the binary cell, switch debouncing using binary cell,
Asynchronous versus synchronous sequential machines, basics of sequential machine operation,
classification of sequential machines
Latches and flip-flops (RS, JK, D, T and Master Slave) - Design of a clocked flip-flop – Flip-flop conversion
– clocks and oscillators –
Practical clocking aspects concerning flip-flops – timing and triggering considerations – clock skew
Shift registers – parallel & serial, serial transfer – universal shift register- study of IC-74LS95 and IC-
Counters: - Binary Ripple Counter, Binary Synchronous UP/DOWN Counter, Binary Counter with Parallel
Load, BCD Counters, Modulo-n counters, Ring Counter, Johnson Counter – cascading of counters – study
of ICs 74LS90, 74LS93, 74192, 74193

Module 3: Analysis and Design of Sequential Circuits (10 Hours)

General model of sequential networks - State diagrams – Analysis and design of Synchronous sequential
Finite State Machine – Exact State reduction – State reduction with don't cares -Minimization and design
of the next state decoder.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Design of counters with arbitrary count sequence and unused states, design of sequence detectors.
Asynchronous sequential logic: Analysis and Design – Race conditions and Cycles – Hazards in
combinational circuits – Hazard free realization.
Practical design aspects: Timing and triggering considerations in the design of synchronous circuits – Set
up time - Hold time – Clock skew - Static timing analysis - Dynamic analysis.

Module 4: Memory and Programmable Logic (9 Hours)

Random Access Memory, Memory decoding, Error detection and correction, Read-Only Memory, ROMs
PROMs and applications, PLA, PAL -Combinational circuit implementation using ROM, PAL and PLA –
Introduction to Sequential Programmable Devices.


1. M. M. Mano and M. D. Ciletti, Digital Design, 5th ed., Pearson, 2013.

2. C. E. Strangio, Digital Electronics : Fundamental Concepts and Applications, PHI, 1987.
3. C. H. Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, 4th ed., Jaico Publishers, 2006.
4. W. I. Fletcher, An Engineering Approach to Digital Design, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
5. R. J. Tocci, and N. S. Widmer, Digital Systems - Principles and Applications, 8th ed., Prentice Hall,
6. J. F. Wakerly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices, 3rd ed.,Prentice-Hall, 1999
7. D.D. Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003
8. R. Katz, Contemporary Logic Design, Addison Wesley, 1993.
9. D. Lewin and D. Protheroe, Design of Logic Systems, 2nd ed., Chapman & Hall, University and
Professional Division, 1992.
10. T. L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 9th ed., Prentice Hall, 2006.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Perform the measurement of various electrical engineering parameters like voltage, current, power,
energy etc in industry as well as in power generation, transmission and distribution sectors.

CO2: Analyze and solve varieties of problems and issues coming up in the vast field of electrical
measurements and design the measuring instruments of new generation needed for industry and
R and D organizations by implementing latest scientific inventions and technologies.

CO3: Propose and create innovative ideas to improve the existing technology and methodology in the field
of measurements in terms of accuracy, cost, durability and user friendliness rising to the level of
societal needs.

Module 1: Indicating Instruments (10 hours)

Concepts of measurement- static and dynamic characteristics of instruments-definitions relating to

measuring instruments –errors in measurement- calibration- –classification and selection of instruments-
essential features of indication instruments- Galvanometers-analog volt meters, ammeters and Ohm
meters- moving coil instruments-principle, construction and working- moving iron instruments-principle
construction and working –hot wire instruments-thermo couple instruments- electrostatic volt meter

Module 2: Measurement of Power and Energy (10 hours)

Measurement of power- power in DC and AC circuits-Dynamometer type watt meters-principle.

Construction and working – errors and calibration –measurement of power in single phase without watt
meters and with watt meter- measurement of power in three phase balanced and un balanced systems-
Blondel’s theorem-measurement of reactive volt amperes- Dynamo meter type watt meter- principle
construction and working – induction type single phase energy meters-errors, compensation and
adjustments-testing of energy meters- phantom loading –measurement of kVA.

Module 3: Measurement of Resistance and Inductance (10 hours)

Potentiometers- - slide wire potentiometer-direct reading potentiometer-Crompton potentiometer-

measurement of emf, current and resistance using DC potentiometer-calibration of volt meter, ammeter
and watt meter- AC potentiometer- measurement of self inductance – Wheatstone bridge – Kelvin double
bridge-measurement of low, medium and high resistances-location of cable faults- Murray loop test-Varley
loop test- Megger and insulation test

Module 4: Capacitance measurement, Magnetic measurements and Photometry (9 hours)

AC bridges- Maxwell bridge-Hay bridge-Schering bridge-Wein bridge-Wgner earthling device – Ballistic

galvanometer and flux meter-magnetic measurements-BH curve and BH loop-Lloyd-Fischer square-
potential and current transformer- Photometry and illumination- units and standards- Lummer-Brodhun
photo meter head-determination of MHI and MSI-

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Golding E.W Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments, 5th ed., Reem Publications,2009.
2. Cooper W.D, Modern Electronics Instrumentation, PHI, 1996.
3. Stout M.B, Basic Electrical Measurements, Prentice Hall, 1986.
4. Oliver & Cage, Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, 1979.
5. Sawhney A. K., Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai &

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Design biasing circuits as per specification for BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs

CO2: Design single-stage and multi-stage amplification systems with specified mid-band performance and
specified frequency response using BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs.

CO3: Design simple Class B and Class AB power stages using BJTs.

CO4: Conduct performance evaluation of prototype amplifier designs by small signal analysis procedure.

CO5: Perform comparative evaluation of various standard logic families in simple digital circuits with power
supply current, propagation delay, rise and fall times etc., as basis of comparison.

Module 1: Semiconductors Devices and Small Signal Models (9 hours)

Revision of principles of operation of diodes and bipolar junction transistors - transition capacitance of a
diode - minority carrier storage-diffusion capacitance-breakdown diodes -schottky diode – forward and
reverse recovery processes in a diode.
Transistor capacitances – Transistor ratings – Biasing a BJT – Thermal stability of bias.
Concept of small signal operation of semiconductor devices – small equivalent circuit for diodes including
capacitances – h-parameter equivalent circuit for a BJT – hybrid- equivalent for a BJT – determination of
small signal parameters from static characteristics.
Construction and characteristics of JFETs – capacitances of a JFET – biasing a JFET - small signal model
for a JFET
Construction and characteristics of depletion type and enhancement type MOSFETs – MOSFET
capacitances – biasing a MOSFET – small signal model of a MOSFET

Module 2: BJT, JFET and MOSFET Amplifier Circuits – Midband Analysis (9 hours)

Amplification in a CE amplifier - CE , CB and Emitter Follower Analysis and Comparison using h parameters
as well as hybrid- parameters - considerations in cascading transistor amplifiers -CS and CD Amplifiers
using JFETs and MOSFETs – comparison of BJT, FET and MOSFET amplifiers - Class B and Class AB
Power Amplifiers using BJT.

Module 3: Frequency Response of BJT/FET/MOSFET Amplifiers (phasor equivalent circuit approach

is envisaged) (10 hours)

Distortion in amplifiers – Non-linear distortion – linear distortion due to frequency response – conditions for
distortionless amplification.
Low Frequency response of BJT and FET Amplifiers-Dominant Time Constant-Selection of Coupling and
Bypass Capacitors.
High Frequency Response of CE current gain- -cut off and  cut off frequencies - Gain-Bandwidth product-
Miller Effect-Emitter Follower at high frequencies - FET and MOSFET amplifiers at high frequencies.
Cascode Amplifier – BJT discrete version, BJT IC version, MOSFET IC version

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: Digital Electronic Circuits (11 hours)

Transistor as an inverter – switching delays – various components of switch-off and switch-on delays –
calculation of switching time components – comparison between high frequency transistor and switching
Charging and discharging a capacitive load by a BJT and MOSFET – rise time and fall time calculations for
capacitive load switching
Analysis of basic DTL gate, propagation delay, rise and fall times, fan-in and fan out – power supply current
versus frequency of operation
Analysis of basic TTL gate, propagation delay, rise and fall times, fan-in and fan out, ratings, power supply
current versus frequency of operation
Different variants of TTL gates.
Analysis of basic ECL gate, propagation delay, rise and fall times, fan-in and fan out.
Analysis of basic CMOS gate, propagation delay, rise and fall times, fan-in and fan out – power dissipation
in the gate and effect of (i) supply voltage (ii) frequency of operation and (iii) load capacitance on gate
Comparison of various digital logic families – speed-power product as a figure of merit.


1. A.S Sedra and K.C Smith, ’Microelectronic Circuits’, 5th ed., Oxford University Press,2009
2. Taub & Schilling, ‘Digital Integrated Electronics’, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1997
3. Millman J, ‘Microelectronic’, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Schilling & Belove, ‘Electronic Circuits – Discrete and Integrated’, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
5. Boylestad & Nashelsky , Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 10th ed., Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2009.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Determine electric and magnetic field due to various charge and current distributions.

CO2: Electromagnetic Design of the various devices which are working based on the forces generated by
electric and magnetic fields.

CO3: Derive the Maxwell’s equation in Differential and Integral forms.

CO4: Analyse the propagation of electromagnetic energy through transmission lines and design the
propagation medium based on the requirements.

CO5: Determine the parameters involved in the propagation of electromagnetic energy through space.

Module 1: The Co-ordinate Systems and Electrostatics (11 hours)

The Co-ordinate Systems; Rectangular, Cylindrical, and Spherical Co-ordinate System. Co-ordinate
transformation. Gradient of a Scalar field, Divergence of a Vector field and Curl of a Vector field. Their
Physical interpretation. The Laplacian. Divergence Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem. Useful Vector identities.
Electrostatics : Electric field intensity. Field due to a line charge, Sheet Charge and Continuous Volume
Charge distribution. Electric Flux and Flux Density; Gauss’s law. Application of Gauss’s law. Energy and
Potential . The Potential Gradient. The Electric dipole. The Equipotential surfaces. Energy stored in an
electrostatic field. Boundary Conditions. Capacitors and Capacitances. Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations.
Solutions of Simple Boundary value problems. Method of Images.

Module 2: Steady magnetic field (9 hours)

Steady Electric Currents: Current densities , Resistance of a Conductor; The Equation of Continuity , Joules
law. Boundary Conditions for Current densities. The EMF. Magnetostatics : The Biot-Savart law. Amperes’
Force Law , Torque exerted on a current carrying loop by a magnetic field. Gauss’s law for magnetic fields.
Magnetic Vector Potential . Magnetic Field Intensity and Ampere’s Circuital law, Boundary conditions.,
Magnetic Materials , Energy in magnetic field.

Module 3: Time varying electromagnetic field and waves (10 hours)

Faraday’s Law of Induction; Self and Mutual inductance . Maxwell’s Equations from Ampere’s and Gauss’s
Laws. Maxwell’s Equations in Differential and Integral forms; Equation of Continuity. Concept of
Displacement Current, Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions. Poynting’s Theorem , Time – Harmonic EM
Fields , Application to Transformer. Plane wave Propagation : Helmholtz wave Equation. Plane wave
solution., Plane wave propagation in lossless and lossy dielectric medium and conducting medium . Plane
wave in good conductor, surface resistance , depth of penetration.

Module 4: Transmission lines and waves (9 hours)

The TEM wave and the transmission line limit - Transmission Lines: The high-frequency circuit. Time
domain reflectometry. LCR ladder model for transmission lines. The transmission line equation. Analogy
with wave equation. Solution for lossless lines. Wave velocity and wave impedence. Reflection and

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Transmission coefficients at junctions. VSWR. Introduction to electromagnetic interference and



1. NN Rao, "Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics", 6th ed., Pearson Education, 2004.

2. Mathew N. O. Sadiku , Elements of Electromagnetics, 7th ed., Oxford University Press, 2018.
3. David K. Cheng , Fields and Wave Electromagnetics, , 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2002
4. JD Kraus & KR Carver, Electromagnetics, 2nd ed., Mcgraw-Hill, 1973

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course outcomes:

CO1: Instill the spirit of environmental enthusiasm and environmentalism

CO2: To make them aware of the environmental problems faced by the modern man in terms of pollution,
deforestation and in general the environmental degradation

CO3: To enable them to think in terms of sustainable envelopment based on the knowledge they have in
different subjects of science and engineering

CO4: To make them think in terms of scientific and technological advancement in the spirit of a
sustainable earth

CO5: To make them understand the relationships between natural resources, consumption, population,
economics of consumerism, etc in an environmental context.

Module 1: Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies (2 hours)

Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness.

Module 2: Natural Resources: Renewable and Non-renewable Resources (6 hours)

Natural resources and associated problems. a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation,
case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. b) Water
resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water,
dams-benefits and problems. c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of
extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. d) Food resources : World food problems, changes
caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water
logging, salinity, case studies. e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable
energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. f) Land resources : Land as a resource,
land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in
conservation of natural resources-Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Module 3: Ecosystems (5 hours)

Concept of an ecosystem. - Structure and function of an ecosystem - Producers, consumers and

decomposers Energy flow in the ecosystem - Ecological succession - Food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramid Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
ecosystem :- (a) Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems
(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

Module 4: Biodiversity and its Conservation (6 hours)

Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. - Biogeographically classification of

India Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values
Biodiversity at global, National and local levels - India as a mega-diversity nation - Hot-spots of biodiversity.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts. - Endangered and endemic
species of India - Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Module 5: Environmental Pollution (5 hours)

Definition - Cause, effects and control measures of :- (a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution (c) Soil pollution
(d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards - Solid waste Management
: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes - Role of an individual in prevention
of pollution - Pollution case studies. - Disasters management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

Module 6: Social Issues and the Environment (5 hours)

From Unsustainable to Sustainable development - Urban problems related to energy - Water conservation,
rain water harvesting, watershed management - Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems
and concerns. Case Studies - Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions - Climate change, global
warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case Studies - Wasteland
reclamation -Consumerism and waste products - Environment Protection Act -Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act - Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act - Wildlife Protection Act - Forest
Conservation Act - Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation - Public awareness.

Module 7: Human Population and the Environment (5 hours)

Population growth, variation among nations - Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme -
Environment and human health - Human Rights - Value Education - HIV/AIDS - Women and Child Welfare
- Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health - Case Studies.

Module 8: Field work (5 hours)

Visit to a local area to document environmental assets- river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain - Visit to a local

polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural - Study of common plants, insects, birds -Study of simple
ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.


1. Agarwal, K.C, Environmental Biology, 2nd ed., Nidhi Publishers, 2008.

2. Erach B, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, 2002
3. Brunner R.C., Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc, 1989.
4. Clark R.S., Marine Pollution, 5th ed., Clarendon Press Oxford, 2001.
5. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorani, E, Hepworth, M.T, Environmental Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ.
House, Mumbai, 2001.
6. De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, 8th ed., New Age International Ltd., 2017
7. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (Magazine)
8. Gleick, H.P., Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev. Environment & Security. Stockholm
Env. Institute Oxford Univ. Press. 1993.
9. Hawkins R.E., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society, 1987
10. Heywood, V.H & Watson, R.T., Global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.
11. Jadhav, H & Bhosale, V.M., Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub. House, Delhi, 1995.
12. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M., Environmental Science systems & Solutions, Web enhanced edition.
13. Mhaskar A.K., Matter Hazardous, Techno-Science Publication
14. Miller T.G. Jr., Environmental Science, 16th ed., Wadsworth Publishing Co.
15. Odum, E.P., Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA, 1971.
16. Rao M N. & Datta, A.K., Wastewater Treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ.Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1987.
17. Sharma B.K., Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut, 2001.
18. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

19. Townsend C., Harper J, Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell Science
20. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines,Compliances and Standards, (Vol
1 and 2), Enviro Media
21. Trivedi R. K., P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Techno-Science Publication, 2010
22. Wagner K.D., Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, USA , 1998

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Use different meters and instruments for measurement of electrical quantities

CO2: Estimate power and current requirements of a composite load comprising various linear and
nonlinear different types of loads.

CO3: Design potential divider circuits for given specifications.

CO4: Experimentally verify the basic circuit theorems

CO5: Measure power and power factor in single-phase and three-phase ac circuits

CO6: Measure earth resistance and insulation resistance

CO7: Select fuse for a given load circuit branch

List of Experiments:

a. Study of Analog/Digital meters/Multimeters/CROs. Interfacing a C.R.O with a PC.
b. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws in D.C circuits.
2. Study of Linear and Non- linear characteristics of loads – Determination of voltage – current
Characteristics of linear resistor and linear inductor, incandescent and CFL lambs, iron cored
a. Potential divider connection and study of the dependence of output voltage upon the value of
the loading resistance.
b. Methods of measurement for low- medium-high resistance using voltmeter and ammeter.
4. Verification of Superposition Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer theorem.
5. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem and Generalized Reciprocity theorem.
a. Study of Fuse, MCB, ELCB – Selection of Fuse rating for circuits.
b. Determination of fuse characteristics and fusing factor of different specimens (open, enclosed,
HRCfuses and MCB).
a. Single phase power measurement (fan load) – study of variation of speed, input power and
power factor with supply voltage.
b. Determination of thermal efficiency of an electric kettle.
8. Measurement of power and power factor in R-L-C series and parallel circuits and design of P.F
9. Three phase power measurement of balanced and unbalanced loads.
10. Experiments and Analysis of Resonance in the RLC circuits and design of an RF circuits to receive
an RF signal and verifying it experimentally.
11. Measurement of Self-inductance, Mutual inductance and Coupling coefficient of windings.
12. Measurement of Earth Resistance and Insulation Resistance.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Note: Normally the practical classes are administered in two cycles. Depending on the availability of
equipments and time, class coordinators may choose the experiments for each cycle.


1. H Cotton, Advanced Electrical Technology, Wheeler Publications.

2. Suresh Kumar K.S, Electrical Circuit and Networks, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009
3. EW. Golding Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, 5th ed., Reem publications,
4. Hughes, Electrical Technology, 10th ed., Pearson, 2011

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: MA1001D Mathematics - I

MA1002D Mathematics - II
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Find solutions of linear differential equations using power series method and Frobenius series

CO2: Formulate various engineering problems as partial differential equations and hence solve them.

CO3: Identify analytic functions and find harmonic conjugates.

CO4: Find images of regions under complex transformations.

CO5: Evaluate line integrals in the complex plane.

CO6: Use techniques of complex analysis to evaluate integrals of real valued functions.

Module 1: Series Solutions and Special Functions (11 hours)

Power series solutions of differential equations, Theory of power series method, Legendre Equation,
Legendre Polynomials, Frobenius Method, Bessel’s Equation, Bessel functions, Bessel functions of the
second kind, Sturm- Liouville’s Problems, Orthogonal eigenfunction expansions.

Module 2: Partial differential Equations (10 hours)

Basic Concepts, Cauchy’s problem for first order equations, Linear Equations of the first order, Nonlinear
Partial Differential Equations of the first order, Charpit’s Method, Special Types of first order equations,
Classification of second order partial differential equations, Modeling: Vibrating String, Wave equation,
Separation of variables, Use of Fourier Series, D’Alembert’s Solution of the wave equation, Heat equation:
Solution by Fourier series, Heat equation: solution by Fourier Integrals and transforms, Laplace equation,
Solution of a Partial Differential Equations by Laplace transforms.

Module 3: Complex Numbers and Functions (9 hours)

Complex functions, Derivative , Analytic function, Cauchy- Reimann equations, Laplace’s equation,
Geometry of Analytic functions: Conformal mapping, Linear fractional Transformations, Schwarz -
Christoffel transformation, Transformation by other functions.

Module 4: Complex Integration (9 hours)

Line integral in the Complex plane, Cauchy’s Integral Theorem, Cauchy’s Integral formula, Derivatives of
analytic functions.Power series, Functions given by power series, Taylor series and Maclaurin’s series.
Laurent’s series, Singularities and Zeros, Residue integration method, Evaluation of real Integrals.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Kreyszig E, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999.
2. I.N. Sneddon, ’Elements of Partial Differential Equations’, Dover Publications, 2006.
3. Wylie C. R. & Barrett L. C., ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, 6th ed., Mcgraw-Hill, New
4. Donald W. Trim, ‘Applied Partial Differential Equations’, PWS – KENT publishing company, 1994.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Perform design verification/validation of simple first order and second order continuous-time linear
systems in various domains by analytical as well as experimental methods.

CO2: Carry out performance evaluation of multi-order LTI System designs by Impulse Response Test

CO3: Evaluate stability and stability margins of a proposed CT-LTI Design by transfer function approach.

CO4: Design simple first-order and second-order systems for basic signal/energy processing applications
from given transfer function/ impulse response/ steady-state requirements in electrical and thermal

CO5: Evaluate the signal distortion characteristics of a given transmission channel.

CO6: Perform design verification/validation of simple first order and second order discrete-time linear
systems by analytical methods.

Module 1: First Order CT- LTI Systems in Time-domain (8 hours)

Signals and Systems - System as interconnection of elements – electrical system elements, thermal system
elements, translational and rotational mechanical system elements.
Signal definition – Size of a signal - Classification of signals – Basic signal operations – Commonly used
signal models (impulse, step, ramp, complex exponential etc), even and odd components of a signal.
Linearity of system elements – element relation – superposition principle – Time-invariance - Bilateral
versus unilateral elements
Independent source elements – voltage, current, force, velocity, heat, temperature sources-
Interconnection of elements – interconnection laws for electrical, mechanical and thermal systems

Formulation of System Differential Equation –

Formulation of differential equation for Series and Parallel RC circuits, Series and Parallel RL circuits, mass-
damper system, single body heating and cooling system – need for initial condition specification -
equivalence between impulse excitation and initial conditions

First-Order Dynamics –
Source-free response of RC circuit – time constant – Source-free response of RL circuit – time constant –
Source-free response of first order mechanical system and thermal system – mechanical time constant,
thermal time constant – DC switching problem in RC and RL Circuits with and without initial energy storage–
Natural response and forced response – transient response – Rise time and fall time in first order systems
– Difference between DC switching and applying step input - Complete Solution for step/impulse/sinusoid
inputs – First order mechanical system impulse and step response - First order thermal system impulse
and step response, generalisations for all first order systems – zero-input response and zero-state response
– relation between them to natural response and transient response – superposition principle as applied to
various response components –
Concept of steady-state – DC steady-state in RC and RL Circuits – Sinusoidal steady-state in first order
systems - sinusoidal steady-state frequency response function of first order systems – periodic steady-state
in first order systems.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 2: Higher Order CT - LTI Systems in Time-domain – Impulse Response Description (9 hours)

Time-domain analysis of second-order systems – The mass-spring-damper system (for example, an

ammeter or voltmeter) - series and parallel RLC –initial conditions – zero-state and zero-input response
components - impulse response – step response – undamped and damped natural frequencies – damping
factor – quality factor – undamped spring-mass system and LC system – weakly damped spring-mass
system and LC system – Q factor versus rate of decay in stored energy in a weakly damped system - time-
domain specifications for a second order system.

Time-domain analysis of higher order systems – Formulation of differential equation for multi-mesh circuits
– determination of initial conditions - solution of nth order Linear ODE using material learnt from Maths
Courses - natural frequencies – natural frequencies versus stability – frequency response function in terms
of coefficients of differential equation - generalisations for nth order linear time-invariant system - Instability
in circuits involving dependent sources.

Convolution Integral – Impulse decomposition of an arbitrary input– convolution integral for zero-state
response of a LTI system – importance of impulse response – scanning function – depth of memory of an
LTI system and duration of impulse response – relation between DC steady-state output and impulse
response – relation between AC steady-state frequency response function and impulse response –
Properties of systems – linearity, time-invariance, causality and stability in terms of impulse response –
cascading LTI systems with and without inter-stage interaction –
Zero-state output of an LTI System for complex exponential input – condition of ‘dominance’ - eigen function
– eigen value versus system function – system function H(s) of a nth order LTI system

Module 3: CT- LTI Systems in Frequency-domain - with Arbitrary Inputs (10 hours)

[Revise Fourier Series and analysis of LTI Systems for periodic inputs using Fourier Series and Frequency
Response Function – No class time allotted.]

Signal Expansion in terms of est kind of signals – Fourier Transforms (FT)

Aperiodic inputs – Fourier Transform from Fourier Series – interpretation of Fourier transform – revise what
was learnt in MathsI (properties and theorems)– frequency response function and its role in LTI system
solution for aperiodic inputs – band-limiting versus time-limiting of signals – continuity of Fourier transform
– convolution theorem – modulation theorem –
Linear distortion in signal transmission context – amplitude and phase distortion – conditions for distortion-
free transmission – why such conditions cannot be met in practice – Practical distortion criterion for pulse
transmission in terms of energy content of output.

Sampling of CT signals and reconstruction – Nyquist’s Theorem on sampling – ideal interpolation versus
practical interpolation.

Signal Expansion in terms of est kind of signals – Laplace Transforms (LT)

Laplace transform from Fourier transform – LT as signal expansion in terms of complex exponential
functions – ROC – revise what was learnt in Maths – Unilateral Laplace Transform – Shifting theorem - use
of LT for solving complete response of LTI system – transfer function and its relation with what was called
system function earlier – poles, zeros- impulse response from pole-zero plot – relation between transfer
function and frequency response

Module 4: Introduction to Discrete-time Signals and Systems (12 hours)

Discrete-time signals - sequences – Basic DT Test Signals – Unit Sample Sequence and Unit Step
Sequence, Accumulator system, Unit Ramp, DT Sinusoids and their properties, Comparison with CT
Sinusoids, Generalised DT Complex Exponential , Signal point, signal plane, z-plane, Unit Circle in z-plane,
Basic Signal Operations - basic signal operations –

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Discrete-time systems- Linearity of DT System, Time Invariance, LTI-DTS System elements, Finite
Difference Equation (FDE) description of LTI-DTS, Memory less systems, Finite Impulse Response
Systems, Impulse and Step responses of FIR Systems, IIR Systems, Need for initial conditions,
Interpretation of initial conditions as the output due to unknown input applied in distant past – Consistency
between initial condition specification and input specification
Impulse response (IR) as the primary and sufficient response of a LTI-DTS – Representation of an arbitrary
input sequence x[n] in terms of weighted and shifted impulses – Convolution summation and its properties
– geometrical interpretation of convolution summation – stability, causality from convolution point of view –

LTI-DTS in Time-domain : Decomposition of the analysis problem stated by


 a y[n  i]   b x[n  i]; n  0 and

i 0
i 0
i ao  1, with y[1]  y 1 ; y[1]  y  2 ; y[ N ]  y  N into Zero-input

problem + Zero-state problem format suitable for applying superposition principle – Zero-input response
(ZIR) and Zero-state response (ZSR) – Interpretations of ZIR and ZSR – Principle of superposition as
applied to ZSR, ZIR and Total Response.
ZIR of LTI-DTS – Solution and properties of ZIR – Characteristic equation of a FDE – Natural frequencies,
Location of natural frequencies in signal plane – stability of LTI-DTS and Unit Circle in signal plane –
ZSR of LTI-DTS for standard inputs of type x[n] for n ≥ 0 - Forced response and natural response
components in ZSR – viewing forced response as the right side of solution assuming that x[n] is applied
from infinite past instead of from n = 0. – steady-state response and its interpretation for step, sinsoidal ,
complex exponential functions and periodic sequences – relation between forced response component of
ZSR and steady-state response - determination of forced response for  [n], u[n], cosn, e jn and z n - Total
ZSR for these inputs -concept of eigen functions of an FDE - z n as eigen function of a LTI-DTS – ac
sinusoidal steady-state frequency response function (FRF) – Determination of FRF from FDE coefficients
– Properties of FRF
Sinusoidal steady-state response from convolution summation – relation between FRF and IR - sinusoidal
steady-state response as the primary and sufficient response of a LTI-DTS


1. Lathi,, B.P., Signal Processing and Linear Systems, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2006
2. Lathi,, B.P., Signals, Systems and Communication, BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2008
3. K.S. Suresh Kumar, Electric Circuits and Networks , Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009
4. Alan V . Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, .Discrete-Time Signal Processing., Prentice-Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997
5. Sanjit K Mitra, .Digital Signal Processing: A computer-based approach, Tata McGraw-Hill edition
6. Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr & Eve A. Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2008
7. Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, 2nd ed., Wiley India, 2009

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Use the knowledge about the basics of digital realm in designing a Digital Systems.

CO2: Evaluate microprocessor/controllers from its architecture and assess its suitability in a particular
engineering application.

CO3: To make the student capable of programming a processor using assembly language.

CO4: Acquire the competence on configuring and using different peripherals in a digital system.

CO5: Develop the skill to compile, debug as well as generate an executable file from a program and burn
in the system memory to execute it.

CO6: Design, assemble and test a digital system hardware using microcontroller / processor to solve
engineering problems.

Module 1: Basics of computer (10 hours)

Number systems – Computer languages of different levels – compilers – cross compilers- History of
Microprocessors – Computer architecture (Block diagram) – Memory types, Addressing concept.

Module 2: Microcontrollers, Hardware using PIC (12 hours)

Microchip PIC 18F 452 Microcontroller - Introduction - Architecture – Memory organization –CISC Vs RISC
design philosophy, Von-Neumann Vs Harvard architecture. Assembly Language programming – simulation
using MPLAB IDE - Programming of I/O ports – Addressing modes -Example Programs.
PIC (Cont.) Bank switching – Table processing – Timers and its programming – Interrupt programming.
Concept of development of single board computers - Hard ware.

Module 3: Introduction to MSP430 family (2 hours)

Low power RISC architecture and block diagram eg. MSP430 - Variants of the MSP430 family viz.
MSP430x2x, MSP430x4x, MSP430x5x and their targeted applications. Low Power aspects of MSP430:
low power modes, Active vs Standby current consumption, FRAM vs Flash for low power & reliability.

Module 4: Intel 8086 processor (8 hours)

Pin configuration of 8086 – Architecture. 8086 Vs Low power RISC processor e.g. MSP430 - Comparison
of Serial communication capabilities of 8086 CISC and MSP430 RISC processor - I2C, SPI, UART.–– 8086
addressing modes – 8086Instruction set – Assembly Language Programming. Intel 8086 processor
(Contd.) - Interrupts– Timing diagrams – Minimum and maximum mode –address decoding.

Module 5: Interfacing chips (7 hours)

Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255) - Programmable timer (8253) - Serial communication interface
(8251) –DMA controller (8257) - Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259).

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, - Rolin D.Mckinlay, Danny Causey. PIC microcontroller and Embedded
Systems, 1st ed., Pearson Education, 2008
2. Lyla B Das - The x86 Microprocessors, 1st ed., Pearson Education, 2010
3. T R Padmanabhan - Introduction to Microcontrollers and their applications, 1st ed., Narosa Publishing
House Pvt Ltd., 2007.
4. Hall D V , Microprocessors & Interfacing , 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 2001
5. Brey B B , The Intel Microprocessors, Architecture , Implementation & Programming,7th ed., McGraw
Hill, 2005
6. Peter Norton - Peter Norton's Intro to Computers, 6th ed., McGraw Hill, 2006
7. Dr Badri Ram - Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers, 3rd ed., Dhanpat Rai & Sons,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge about the fundamental principles and classification of electromagnetic
CO2: Acquire knowledge about the constructional details and principle of operation of dc machines.
CO3: Acquire knowledge about the operation, testing and applications of dc generators and motors.
CO4: Acquire knowledge about the constructional details and principle of operation of transformers.
CO5: Acquire knowledge about the testing and applications of transformers.

Module 1: Electromagnetic Machines (8 hours)

Fundamental principles - classification - generators, motors and transformers - elements of electromagnetic

machines - armature windings - single layer winding and double layer winding - lap winding and wave
winding - commutator winding - phase winding - single phase winding and three phase winding - MMF of a
winding - space harmonics - torque developed in a winding - emf developed in a winding - distribution factor
- chording factor.

Module 2: DC Machines (7 hours)

Construction - principle of operation - magnetic circuit - flux distribution curve in the air-gap - emf equation
- armature reaction - demagnetising and cross magnetising ampere turns - commutation - methods of
excitation - generators and motors.

Module 3: DC Generators and Motors (10 hours)

Generators - power flow diagram - circuit model - magnetisation characteristics - process of voltage build
up - terminal characteristics - control of terminal voltage - parallel operation - motors - power flow diagram
- circuit model - back emf - torque and speed equations - performance characteristics - starting methods -
design of starters - methods of speed control - testing - Swinburne's test - Hopkinson's test - separation of
losses - retardation test - permanent magnet dc motor - applications.

Module 4: Transformers (14 hours)

Types and construction - principle of operation - magnetising current - harmonics - ideal and real
transformer - dot convention - current and voltage ratio - equivalent circuit - phasor diagram - per unit
impedance - losses - efficiency and regulation - all day efficiency - OC and SC tests - Sumpner's test -
Parallel operation - tap changing - switching transients - auto transformers - voltage and current
relationships - saving of copper - different connections of three phase transformers - notations - Scott
connection - cooling methods.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Clayton A E & Hancock N N, Performance and Design of DC Machines, ELBS, 1971.

2. Langsdorf A S, Theory of DC Machinery, McGraw Hill, 1999.
3. Nagrath I J & Kothari D P, Electric Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
4. Say M G, The Performance and Design of AC Machines, CBS, 1983.
5. Chapman S J, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw Hill, 1999.
6. Toro V D, Electrical Machines and Power Systems, Prentice Hall, 1988.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Design standard linear signal processing circuits using Opamps.

CO2: Apply various fixed and adjustable voltage regulator ICs for power supply design.

CO3: Design audio frequency amplitude stabilized sinusoidal oscillators using Opamps.

CO4: Apply non-linear ICs as building blocks in designing non-linear signal processing and timing

CO5: Design basic filters for signal conditioning employing Opamps and Filter Building Block ICs.

CO6: Apply standard ADC and DAC ICs for data conversion.

Module 1: Linear Opamp Circuits (9 hours)

BJT and MOSFET Differential Amplifiers-Common Mode and Differential Mode gains-CMRR-Current
Source Biasing-Offset behaviour. Current Sources for biasing inside an IC.
Operational Amplifier - ideal opamp properties-properties of practical opamps (LM741, LM324, LM358,
LF351, OP07, TL082)-different stages in an opamp-internally compensated and externally compensated
opamps-slew rate - offsets.
Various types of Opamps and their application, Power supply configuration for Opamps, Interpretation of
Opamp data sheet – Comparison of LM714 and TL082
CMOS Operational Amplifiers – basic two-stage CMOS Opamp – Folded Cascode Opamp

Analysis of opamp circuits using ideal opamp model- Concept of Feedback-Negative and Positive
Feedback- Loop Gain- Closed Loop Gain - concept of virtual short and its relation to negative feedback –
Offset model of a practical opamp-
Linear Applications of Opamps: Non inverting Amplifier-Gain bandwidth product-Voltage Follower-Inverting
Amplifier-Summing Amplifier-Offset analysis of Non inverting and inverting amplifiers-Subtracting Circuit-
Instrumentation Amplifier-Voltage to Current Converter for floating and grounded loads-Opamp Integrator-
Opamp Differentiator.
Series Voltage Regulators-Monolithic Regulators-Three terminal regulators., Fixed and adjustable Voltage
Regulators, Dual Power Supply, Basic switching regulator and characteristics of standard regulator ICs –
TPS40200, TPS40210

Module 2: Feedback Amplifiers, Stability and Oscillators (s-domain approach is envisaged) (9


Voltage Series Feedback on a single time constant voltage to voltage amplifier - Advantages of negative
feedback in a single time constant voltage to voltage amplifier - gain, input and output resistances, rise
time, bandwidth, nonlinearity etc- stability and positive feedback in the above amplifier - Voltage Shunt,
Current series and Current Shunt topologies and properties.
Voltage Series feedback on a second order amplifier - Closed Loop poles and loop gain - Transient
Response of Closed Loop Amplifier vs Loop Gain - Voltage Series Amplifier with third order open loop

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

amplifier - pole migration to right half of s-plane – Bode Plots of Loop Gain - Barkhausen’s criterion for
stability of feedback amplifiers - Gain Margin and Phase Margin - Introduction to amplifier compensation-
dominant pole compensation- Oscillators- Phase Shift Oscillator & Wein’s Bridge Oscillator using Opamps
– Amplitude stabilization of oscillators.

Module 3: Nonlinear IC Applications (11 hours)

Regenerative Comparator Circuits using Opamps-Comparator IC LM311 and its applications-Square,

Triangle and Ramp Generator Circuits using Opamps and Comparator ICs-Effect of Slew Rate on waveform
generation- Zero crossing detector, Scmitt Trigger, Voltage Limiters, Study of Function Generator IC
ICL8038- Principles of VCO circuits-
Opamp TL082 based Astable and Monostable Circuits, Sweep circuits, Timer ICs – 555 Applications
Precision half wave and full wave rectification using opamps-
Log and antilog amps and applications.
Analog Multiplier MPY634 and applications, AGC and AVC using TL082 and MPY634
Phase Locked Loops-Principles-Lock and Capture Ranges-Capture Process-Loop Filter-PLL dynamics
under locked condition-study of NE564 and CD 4046-Applications of PLL in signal reconstruction, noise
rejection, frequency multiplication, frequency synthesis, FSK demodulation, FM demodulation, line
synchronization etc.

Module 4: Signal Conditioning and Signal Conversion (10 hours)

Active Filtering-Butterworth Low Pass Filter Functions-Low Pass Filter Specifications-order and cut off
frequency of Butterworth Function from Low Pass Specifications-Sallen and Key Second Order LP Section-
Gain Adjustment in Butterworth LP filters-Butterworth High Pass Filters-Second Order Wide Band and
Narrow Band Bandpass Filters. Multiple Feedback Single OPAMP LPF,HPF & BPF – Universal Active Filter
topology and design of various filters.
Analog Switches-Sample and Hold Amplifier-Data Conversion Fundamentals-D/A Conversion-Weighted
Resistor DAC- R/2R Ladder DAC-Current Switching DAC-Multiplying DAC-Bipolar DACs-A/D conversion-
Quantiser Characteristics-Single Slope and Dual Slope ADCs-Counter Ramp ADC-Tracking ADC -
Successive Approximation ADC-Simultaneous ADC.


1. A.S Sedra and K.C Smith,Microelectronic Circuits, 5th ed., Oxford University Press,2009
2. Millman J, Microelectronic, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2005.
3. Schilling & Belove, Electronic Circuits – Discrete and Integrated, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New
4. D.H. Sheingold, .Nonlinear Circuits Handbook., Analog Devices Inc. 1976
5. Sergio Franco, Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2005
6. M.E Van Valkenburg, Analog Filter Design, Oxford University Press 2001
7. National Semiconductor, Linear Applications Handbook, 1994
8. Anvekar D.K. & Sonde B.S, Electronic Data Converters, Tata McGraw Hill,1994
9. Gayakwad R.A, OP AMPS & Linear Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall of India, 1995.
10. Clayton G.B, Operational Amplifiers, 5th ed., Oxford ,2004
11. Frederiksen T.M, Intuitive Operational Amplifiers, McGraw Hill, 1996.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge about various thermodynamics concepts and enable students to approach real
life engineering problems like engines compressor etc.

CO2: Acquire knowledge about fluid mechanics concepts and its applications to various real life engineering
problems like notches, flow-measuring devices etc.
CO3: Discuss the various fluid machineries such as pumps turbines etc.

CO4: Explain the working of various power plants.

Module 1: (10 hours)

Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems, Properties, Processes, Heat and work, Zeroth law of
thermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics -- concept of internal energy and enthalpy -- steady flow
energy equation -- applications, Second law of thermodynamics -- concept of entropy -- absolute zero –
heat engine -- refrigerator -- heat pump.

Module 2: (9 hours)

Engineering applications of thermodynamics: Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle – applications, Principle
of operation of two stroke and four stroke engines, Spark ignition and compression ignition engines –
applications, Rankine cycle, Brayton cycle -- their applications. Refrigeration -- methods of producing cold,
Refrigeration cycle -- vapour compression system – vapour absorption system – applications,
Psychrometric properties, Psychrometric processes, Purity of air and Human comfort, simple A/c load

Module 3: (11 hours)

Fluid mechanics and fluid machinery: Fluid properties – viscosity -- surface tension -- fluid pressure --
measurement of viscosity and pressure, Centre of pressure, Buoyancy, Classifications of flow, Continuity
equation, Bernoulli’s equation, Momentum equation – applications, Friction in flow passages, Flow
measuring instruments. Fluid machinery: Air compressors -- working principles – loads -- characteristics
and electric power requirement. Hydraulic turbines – classifications -- performance characteristics –
governing -- cavitation, Hydraulic pumps – classification -- performance characteristics – cavitation --
electric power requirements.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Power plant Engineering: Conversion technology of conventional and non-conventional energy sources.
Steam power plant: Layout -- steam generators -- types of boilers for power station. Hydel power plants:
Layout -- classifications and study of various components – operation Gas turbine power plant and
combined power plants. Internal Combustion engine power plants. Layout -- schemes -- study of various
components – operation. Nuclear power plants, New generation power producing systems.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Zemansky, M.W., Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd ed., McGraw hill, 2002
2. Michel A. SAAD, Thermodynamics for engineers, Prentice-Hall, 1966
3. Spalding, D.B., and Cole, B.H., Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., Arnold, 1987
4. Gordon F.C. Rogers & Yon R. Mayhew, Engineering Thermodynamics Work and Heat Transfer, 4th
ed., Pearson Prentice-Hall, 1996.
5. Jones I.B. & Dugan R.E., Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall,1995
6. P.K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2003
7. Gordon F.C. Rogers and Yon R. Mayhew, Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids,
Blackwell Publishers, 1995
8. Cengel, Y.A., and Boles, M.A, Thermodynamics- An Engineering approach, 6th ed., McGraw Hill 2008
9. Gill, P.W., and Smith J.H., Internal combustion engines, 4th ed., United States Naval Institute, 2010
10. Joseph Heitner, Automotive systems, 2nd ed., D. Van Nostrand company Inc, 1984
11. Stoecker, W.F., Refrigeration and Air conditioning, McGraw Hill, New York, 1958, 6th Reprint Tata
Mcgraw Hill, 1978
12. Stoecker, W.F. and Jones, Refrigeration & Air conditioning, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, New York,1987
13. Modern air conditioning practice, Norman C. Harris, McGraw-Hill, 1974
14. Streeter, V.L., Fluid Mechanics, 8th ed., McGraw Hill 1985
15. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 5th ed., McGraw Hill New York, 2005.
16. R.L. Daugherty, J.B. Franzini, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, 7th ed., McGraw Hill,
New York, 1977.
17. Cengel, Y.A., and Cimbala, J.M., Fluid mechanics, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 2010
18. Krivchenko, G.I., Hydraulic Machinery, 2nd ed., Lewis Publishers, 1994
19. Jagdish Lal, Hydraulics and fluid mechanics 9th ed., Metropolitan, 1987
20. El-Wakil, M.M., Power Plant Engineering, 1st ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1985
21. Rogers GFC, Cohen H. and Saravanamuttoo HIH, Gas Turbine Theory, 5th ed., Pearson 2001
22. Ganesan V, Gas Turbines, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999
23. Skrotsky, B., Vopat, H., Power Plant Engineering, 2nd ed., McGraw hill, 1985.
24. Frederick, T. Morse, Power Plant Engineering, 3rd ed., Van Nostrand Company,1994

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total Hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Use different electrical calibration and measurement devices.

CO2: Determine loss characteristics of a magnetic material.
CO3: Design measuring devices employing range extension principles.
CO4: Measure characteristics of electrical elements employing DC and AC Bridge technique.
CO5: Use various potentiometers for calibration of electrical measurement devices.

List of Experiments:

1. Determination of B-H curve μr -H curve and μr -B curve of an iron ring specimen.

2. Calibration of magnetic flux meter using standard solenoid, search coil and Hibbert’s magnetic
a. Measurement of low/medium resistance using Kelvin’s double bridge and wheat stone’s
b. Measurement of various cable resistance as per ISI specifications.
a. Measurement of Capacitance and Inductance using AC bridges.
b. Measurement of Inductive and capacitive reactance at HF, VHF and UHF ranges.
5. Calibration of dynamometer type wattmeter using slide wire potentiometer.
6. Extension of range of ammeter/voltmeter using shunt/series resistance and calibration of the
extended meter using standard ammeter/voltmeter.
7. Extension of range of a dynamometer type wattmeter using CT/PT and calibration of the extended
meter using a standard wattmeter.
8. Calibration of single – phase energy meter by direct loading and phantom loading at various power
9. Calibration of 3-phase energy meter using standard wattmeter.
10. Determination of hysteresis loop of an iron ring specimen using 6- point method and CRO.
11. Measurement of branch and node voltage of a given R-L-C circuit using AC potentiometer.
a. Measurement of candle power of given light sources. Determine the illumination levels at
different working planes and verify laws of illumination.
b. Determination of MSCP of an Incandescent lamp/CFL.
c. Determination of the polar curve of candle power distribution and hence find MHCP/MSCP
of light sources.

Note: Normally the practical classes are administered in two cycles. Depending on the availability of
equipments and time, class coordinators may choose the experiments for each cycle.


1. Golding E.W, Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments, 5th ed., Reem publications, 2009.
2. Cotton.H, Advanced Electrical Technology, Wheeler Publications, 2011.
3. Suresh Kumar K.S Electric Circuit and Networks, Pearson education, 2009.
4. Cooper W.D, Modern Electronics Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1986.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Use different meters and instruments for measurement of electronic quantities

CO2: Study the characteristics of different semiconductor devices like diode, BJT, FET, UJT etc.

CO3: Design and test various application circuits using diodes

CO4: Design and test various signal and power amplifier circuits using BJTs and FETs

CO5: Design voltage regulation circuits for given specifications.

List of Experiments:

1. Use of CRO: a) Measurement of current, voltage, frequency and phase shift.

2. Semiconductor diodes: V-I and transfer characteristics of Si, Ge and zener diodes.
3. Characteristics of clipping and clamping circuits using diodes and zener diodes.
4. Rectifiers and filters with and without shunt capacitors- Characteristics of half-wave, full wave and
bridge rectifiers- Ripple factor, Rectification efficiency, and % regulation.
5. Transistor characteristics in CB and CE configurations - Identification of cut off, active and saturation
6. JFET characteristics in the common source configuration- determination of equivalent circuit
7. Characteristics of voltage regulators- Design and testing of:
a. Simple zener voltage regulator
b. Zener regulator with emitter follower output.
8. UJT Characteristics and UJT relaxation oscillator- Design for a particular frequency.
9. RC coupled amplifier using BJT in CE configuration- measurement of gain, input and output
impedance and frequency response
10. BJT emitter follower- Measurement of voltage gain, current gain, input impedance, output impedance
and load characteristics
11. FET amplifier- Measurement of voltage gain, current gain, input and output impedance.
12. Power amplifiers - Class AB (complementary symmetry).

Note: Normally the practical classes are administered in two cycles. Depending on the availability of
equipments and time, class coordinators may choose the experiments for each cycle.


1. Boylestad and Nashelsky , Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 10th ed., Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2009.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Represent models of dynamic systems in transfer function and state space forms

CO2: Describe the common control schemes

CO3: Analyze the system response and stability in both time-domain and frequency domain

CO4: Identify the structure of different types of compensators and design the compensators using time-
domain and frequency domain specifications

CO5: Analyze the system response with and without compensators so as to assess the effect of
compensators on system performance. Evaluate system performance using software tools.

Module 1: System Modelling and System Response (10 hours)

Dynamic Systems Modelling - Differential equation model and Transfer function model of LTI SISO and
MIMO systems - Development of models for Electrical, Mechanical, Electromechanical, Pneumatic and
Thermal systems. Control actuators and sensors for Electrical, Mechanical, Electromechanical, Pneumatic
and Thermal systems
Open loop and Closed loop Transfer function- Block diagram representation- Block diagram reduction -
Signal flow graphs – Mason’s gain formula.
Time domain analysis - Transient response analysis- First order systems- Initial condition response -
Impulse response- Step input response-Time constant- Second order system response- Transient
response specifications- Response of Higher order systems - Steady state error and error constants -
dynamic error constants.

Module 2: Conventional Controllers and System Stability (10 hours)

Conventional control laws - P, PI, PD and PID controllers - Effect of P, PI, PD and PID controllers on system
response of First order and Second order systems
Concept of stability of LTI systems -BIBO stability- Characteristic equation - Effect of feedback on closed
loop stability - Routh Hurwitz criterion - Root locus techniques for stability analysis and controller design -
Root locus techniques for Compensator design.

Module 3: Frequency domain Analysis (10 hours)

Frequency domain methods - Sinusoidal transfer function – Frequency response - Frequency domain
specifications - peak resonance and resonant frequency- correlation with time domain parameters-
Polar plot, Nyquist plot and Bode plot for stability analysis - relative stability - concept of gain margin and
phase margin - Bandwidth and cut off frequency- Compensator design using Frequency domain techniques.

Module 4: State Space Analysis and Controllability (9 hours)

Dynamic Systems Modelling in State Space - State space models from Transfer function - Transfer function
from state space model- Eigen values and system stability - Diagonal form of state equations - Jordan

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

canonical form - Solution of state equations of LTI systems- State transition matrix - Controllability and
Observability from state space models.


1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006

2. William J. palm III, Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1986
3. M Gopal, Control Systems, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
4. Benjamin C Kuo, Digital Control Systems, Oxford University Press, 1992.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge about the constructional details and principle of operation of alternators.

CO2: Acquire knowledge about the working of synchronous machines as generators and motors.

CO3: Acquire knowledge about the constructional details and principle of operation of induction motors.

CO4: Acquire knowledge about the speed control, testing and applications of induction motors.

CO5: Acquire knowledge about the generalized machine theory and simulation methods.

Module 1: Alternators (8 hours)

Construction - principle of operation - type and selection - armature reaction - voltage regulation -
predetermination of voltage regulation - EMF method - synchronous reactance and short circuit ratio - MMF
method - Potier method - phasor diagrams - two reaction theory - modified phasor diagram - analysis by
two reaction theory - sudden short circuit - current waveforms - transient and sub transient reactance - slip
test - DC excitation - static excitation - brush less excitation and self excitation - measurement of losses.

Module 2: Synchronous Machines (12 hours)

Power angle characteristics of cylindrical rotor and salient pole machines - reluctance power - active and
reactive power control - load sharing upon parallel operation - effect of armature reactance - automatic
synchronizing - effect of change in fuel supply and excitation - alternator connected to infinite bus - governor
characteristics - synchronizing power and torque - phasor diagram for two identical generators in parallel -
locus of generated voltage for constant real power and variable excitation - automatic voltage regulators -
synchronous motor - principle of operation - equivalent circuit - phasor diagram - torque and power relations
- effect of load changes on synchronous motor - mechanical load diagram - armature current as function of
power developed and excitation - V curves - inverted V curves - minimum excitation for given power -
hunting - periodicity of hunting - suppression - different starting methods.

Module 3: Induction Machines (14 hours)

Three phase induction motors - construction - principle of operation - rotor MMF and production of torque -
slip and frequency of rotor current - phasor diagram - equivalent circuit - mechanical power developed -
maximum torque - torque slip characteristics - losses and power flow - single phasing - no-load and blocked
rotor tests - circle diagram - effect of deep bar and double cage rotors - effects of air gap flux harmonics -
cogging and crawling - starting methods for three phase induction motors - direct on line starting - auto
transformer starting - star delta starting - rotor resistance starting - starters and contactors - speed control
- basic methods - voltage control - frequency control - rotor resistance control - pole changing - static
frequency conversion and slip power recovery scheme - line excited and self excited induction generators
- single phase induction motors - double revolving field theory - equivalent circuit - starting methods of single
phase induction motors - applications of all types of induction motors.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: Generalised Machine Theory (5 hours)

Generalised machine theory - machine as a circuit - model parameters - conventions - models for dc
machines, synchronous machines, induction machines and transformers - introduction to digital simulation
of systems comprising of machines.


1. Langsdorf A S, Theory of DC Machinery, McGraw Hill, 1999.

2. Nagrath I J & Kothari D P, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.
3. Say M G, The Performance and Design of AC Machines, CBS, 1983.
4. Chapman S J, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw Hill, 1999.
5. Toro V D, Electrical Machines and Power Systems, Prentice Hall, 1988.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the general structure of modern power systems, microgrid and smart grid

CO2: Design electrical and mechanical parameters of power system

CO3: Analyze different types of distribution systems, power quality issues and power conservation

CO4: Discuss and design various protection schemes

Module 1: Power Generation and Economics (9 hours)

Conventional sources of electrical energy - renewable energy sources - power plant economics - operating
costs - load factor - demand factor - diversity factor - plant factor - tariffs- case study- distributed generation
- microgrid - smartgrid – simulation of models and case study.
Module 2: Mechanical Design of Transmission Lines (9 hours)

Overhead transmission systems - arrangement of conductors - sag and tension - transmission line supports
choice of transmission voltage - line insulators - failure of insulation - corona - underground cables - different
types - capacitance of single core and three core cables - grading of cables – Performance of transmission
lines - calculation of transmission line inductance and capacitance - GMD and GMR - bundled conductors
- transposition - ABCD constants – Ferranti effect- computer based estimation of system parameters.

Module 3: Distribution system Design (10 hours)

Distribution systems - classification and arrangement of distribution systems - distribution substation layout
and arrangement - economic loading of distribution transformers - Kelvin’s law - considerations in primary
and secondary distribution system design - current distribution and voltage drop calculation-design of
feeders and distributors - improvement of existing distribution systems - LT capacitor installation – System
and equipment earthing - Energy Conservation Measures- Power quality issues and mitigation techniques-
distribution system planning and automation-traction-heating-welding-lighting.

Module 4: Switchgear and protection (11 hours)

Circuit breaker – Types - rating - Selection - Neutral earthing - Lightning and protection - Protective Relays
– Functions - Types of Relays - protection schemes - case study - NEC and importance of relevant IS/IEC


1. I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005
2. A.T. Starr, Generation, Transmission & Utilization of Electric Power, 4th ed., Sir Issac Pitman and
Sons, 1973
3. Turan, Gonen, Electric Power Transmission System Engineering, John Wiley, 1988
4. S.L. Uppal, Electric Power, Khanna Publishers, 1992.
5. A.S. Pabla, Electric Power Distribution System, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

6. M N Bandyopadhyay, Electrical Power Systems- Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
7. Weedy B M, Cory B J, Electric Power Systems, 4th ed., John Wiley Publication, 1998.
8. Sunil S Rao, Switchgear Protections, Khanna Publications, Delhi 1999
9. T S Madhav Rao, Power system protection static relays with microprocessor Applications, Tata
McGraw hill Publication,1998.
10. Badri Ram, D N Vishwakarma, Power System Protection and Switchgear, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2005.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Choose the appropriate power semiconductor switches for a power electronic circuit.
CO2: Analyse and design Phase Controlled rectifiers.
CO3: Design and choose Cycloconverter, DualConverter, and Inverters suitable for an application.
CO4: Illustrate and explain the Choppers and Switching Regulators.
CO5: Select proper power electronic converter for an application.

Module 1: Power Semiconductor Switches (10 hours)

Power diodes - Basic structure and V-I characteristics - various types - DIACs – Basic structure and V-I
characteristics – TRIACs - Basic structure and V-I characteristics -Thyristors - basic structure - static and
dynamic characteristics - device specifications and ratings - methods of turning on - gate triggering circuit
using UJT - methods of turning off - commutation circuits. IGBTs - Basic structure and V-I characteristics.
MOSFETs - Basic structure and V-I characteristics

Module 2: Rectifiers (11 hours)

Line frequency phase controlled rectifiers using SCR - Single Phase – Half wave rectifier with R and RL
loads – Full wave half controlled and fully controlled converters with continuous and constant currents -
Input side harmonics and power factor - Effect of source inductance. Three Phase - Half wave rectifier with
R and RL loads - Full wave fully controlled converters with continuous and constant currents.

Module 3: Inverters & Cycloconverters (9 hours)

Inverters – Single phase inverters – series, parallel and bridge inverters. Single Phase Pulse Width
Modulated (PWM) inverters – Basic circuit and operation. AC regulators - single phase ac regulator with R
and RL loads - sequence control of ac regulators - single phase to single phase cycloconverters - basic
principle of operation.

Module 4: DC – DC Converters (9 hours)

Choppers - principle of operation - step-up and step-down choppers. Switching regulators - Buck regulators
- Boost regulators - Buck-boost regulators - Switched mode power supply - principle of operation and


1. Ned Mohan, Power Electronics, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1995.
2. Rashid, Power Electronics, Circuits Devices and Applications, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, 2004.
3. G.K.Dubey, Thyristorised Power Controllers, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1993.
4. Straughen and Dewan, Power Semiconductor Circuits, John Wiley & Sons, 1975.
5. Cyril W Lander, Power Electronics, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 1993.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire hands on experience of conducting various tests on dc machines and obtaining their
performance indices.

CO2: Acquire hands on experience of conducting various tests on transformers and obtaining their
performance indices.

CO3: Acquire knowledge about the standard analytical as well as graphical methods for the performance
analysis of dc machines and transformers.

List of Experiments:

1. Determination of open circuit characteristic of a dc shunt generator and its analysis.

2. Load test on a dc shunt generator, determination of internal/ external characteristics and analysis.
3. Break test on dc shunt and series motors, determination of performance characteristics and analysis.
4. Swinburne’s test on a dc shunt motor and predetermination of efficiency of the machine.
5. Hopkinson’s test on a pair of dc shunt machines and predetermination of their efficiencies.
6. Retardation test on a dc shunt machine and separation of losses.
7. No load test on a dc machine and separation of losses.
8. OC and SC tests on a single-phase transformer and predetermination of efficiency/ regulation.
9. Separation of losses in a single-phase transformer.
10. Sumpner’s test on a pair of single-phase transformers and predetermination of efficiency/ regulation.
11. Scott connection of two single-phase transformers and performance evaluation.
12. Polarity test on single phase transformers and three phase connections of the same.


1. Clayton A E & Hancock N N, Performance and Design of DC Machines, ELBS,1971.

2. Nagrath I J & Kothari D P, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.
3. Say M G, The Performance and Design of AC Machines, CBS, 1983.
4. Toro V D, Electrical Machines and Power Systems, Prentice Hall, 1988.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Design and test various basic linear application circuits using Opamps
CO2: Design and test various signal comparison operation circuits using Opamps and Comparators
CO3:Design and test various waveform generation circuits using Opamps, Comparators and IC packages
CO4: Design and test various Opamp based Active Filter Circuits
CO5: Design and test PLL application circuits including FM Demodulation
CO6: Design and test various combinational logic circuits and systems
CO7: Design and test various sequential logic circuits and systems

List of Experiments:

1. OPAMP circuits - design and set up of inverter - scale changer - adder - non-inverting amplifier
integrator and differentiator using TL082
2. OPAMP comparator - design and set up of Schmitt trigger - window comparator
3. Phase shift and Wein’s bridge oscillator with amplitude stabilization using OPAMPs
4. Waveform generation - square, triangular and saw tooth wave form generation using OPAMPs
5. Precision rectification - absolute value and averaging circuit using OPAMPs
6. Second order LP, HP and BP filters using Universal Active Filter Topology
a. Study the operation of a PLL constructed using TL082 and MPY634
b. Using CD 4046 (PLL), set up and study the dynamics of
i. A Frequency multiplier
8. Set up analog to digital converter
a. Successive approximation method
b. Dual slope method
9. Using UP DOWN COUNTER and a DAC Ics, generate triangular waveform
a. Using CD 4047 IC, design and set up gated/ungated astable and monostable multivibrators
b. Using CD 4093 Schmitt NAND IC, design and set up astable and monostable multivibraors
10. Design of Half adder and half subtractor circuits with NAND gates using mode control
a. Design and realization of ripple counter using JK flip-flop
b. Cascading of synchronous counters
11. Design and realization of Johnson & Ring counter using
a. JK flip flop
b. shift register
12. Synchronous UP/DOWN counter design and realization
a. Design a Function Generator and VCO using TL082 and MPY634.
b. Design a AGC and AVC using TL082 and MPY634 for a given peak amplitude of sine wave.

a. Design a low drop out regulator using TL082 for a given voltage regulation characteristics and
compare the characteristics with TPS7250 IC.
b. Design a switched mode power supply that can provide a regulated output for a given input
range using the TPS40200 IC.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Note: Normally the practical classes are administered in two cycles. Depending on the availability of
equipments and time, class coordinators may choose the experiments for each cycle.


1. A.S Sedra and K.C Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 5th ed., Oxford University Press,2009
2. M. M. Mano and M. D. Ciletti, Digital Design, 5th ed., Pearson, 2013.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Formulate mathematical description for a given digital filter design and carry out performance
evaluation of the design by analytical methods

CO2: Carry out performance evaluation of a digital filter prototype design by impulse response testing.

CO3: Design and validate linear phase FIR systems for various digital signal processing tasks.

CO4: Design IIR and FIR Filter structures for common filtering applications.

CO5: Carry out spectral analysis of periodic CT waveforms using Digital Spectrum Analyzer and interpret
the results.

CO6: Implement Digital Filters by Block Convolution

Module 1: Fourier Analysis of DT Signals and Systems (10 hours)

[Review of Discrete-time (DT) signals and LTI-DT Systems – description by finite difference equations,

 ai y[n  i]  
bi x[n  i] ; n  0 and ao  1,
decomposition of the analysis problem stated by i 0 i 0 with
y[1]  y 1 ; y[1]  y  2 ; y[ N ]  y  N into Zero-input problem + Zero-state problem format suitable for
applying superposition principle – Zero-input response (ZIR) and Zero-state response (ZSR) –
Interpretations of ZIR and ZSR – Principle of superposition as applied to ZSR, ZIR and Total Response.
ZIR of LTI-DTS – Solution and properties of ZIR – Characteristic equation of a FDE – Natural frequencies,
Location of natural frequencies in signal plane – stability of LTI-DTS and Unit Circle in signal plane – (1 hr)
ZSR of LTI-DTS for standard inputs of type x[n] for n ≥ 0]

Eigen functions of an FDE - z as eigen function of a LTI-DTS – condition of dominance - sinusoidal steady-
state frequency response function (FRF) – Determination of FRF from FDE coefficients – Properties of FRF
Sinusoidal steady-state response from convolution summation – relation between FRF and Impulse
Response coefficients - sinusoidal steady-state response as the primary and sufficient response of a LTI-
Review of Fourier Transform theory for CT Signals – Sampling – Sampling Theorem – Aliasing – Band
limiting – Interpolation – Ideal Interpolator – Practical interpolators – ZOH and First Order Hold - Realization
of a CT frequency response by CT to DT + DT frequency response + DT to CT chain –
Expansion of an arbitrary x[n] in terms of DT Sinusoids– Periodic sequences – Discrete Fourier Series
(DFS) and properties, solution of LTI-DTS with periodic inputs using DFS and FRF –
Expansion of a Finite Duration Sequence (FDS)
x[n] in terms of DT Sinusoids - periodic replication of an
FDS – DFS of periodic replication of an FDS – Limit of DFS as period of replication is sent to  - Discrete-
Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) – Properties of DTFT – Extension for general aperiodic - conditions
for existence of DTFT – Use of DTFT in solving LTI-DTS with aperiodic inputs.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 2: Z-Transforms and Transfer Function (9 hours)

Expansion of an arbitrary x[n] in terms of generalized complex exponential sequences of z type – Z-

transform and its interpretation – Inverse Integral and Convergence – Inverting Z-transforms -Properties of
Z-transform –
Use of unilateral Z-transform in solving FDE with initial conditions – System Transfer Function – Poles and
Zeros – Stability and Unit Circle in z-plane – FRF from transfer function – Geometrical determination of
FRF from z-domain pole-zero plot –
All-pass systems, Minimum phase systems, FIR systems and generalized linear phase frequency response
– Type-1, Type-2, Type-3 and Type-4 Linear Phase FIR Systems and applications.

Module 3: IIR and FIR Filter Design (10 hours)

IIR Filter design by transformation of Analog filter functions – Butterworth functions for LPF, HPF , BPF and
Notch filters –
Transforming analog function to discrete transfer function – Forward and backward difference
transformations – Impulse invariant transformation – Bilinear transformation – pre-warping –
Properties of FIR filters – FIR filter design by Windowing – comparison between IIR and FIR filters
Basic structures for IIR and FIR Systems – Direct forms – Cascade forms – Parallel forms.
Finite word length effects in DSP – zero-input limit cycles in fixed point implementations – limit cycles due
to overflow

Module 4: DFT, FFT and Applications (10 hours)

Sampling of DTFT of a Finite Duration Sequence– Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) – Inverse DFT (IDFT)
– properties of DFT and IDFT –
Sampling of DTFT of a Infinite duration sequence – IDFT of these samples – aliasing– Linear Convolution
and Circular Convolution – Relation between them for different combinations of sequences –
Evaluation of Linear Convolution through Circular Convolution using DFT – Implementation of LTI-DTS by
DFT –Block Convolution and latency - Overlap-save and Overlap-add methods –
Computation of DFT – FFT Algorithm – Radix-2 DIT FFT – Radix-2 DIF FFT – Butterfly computations – bit
reversed order – in-place computations –
Spectral Analysis of a periodic CT signal by FFT – resolution – leakage – picket-fence effect - interpretation
of reported spectral data and pitfalls


1. John G. Proakis , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, 4th ed., Pearson, 2007
2. Oppenheim, Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, PHI, 1997
3. Sanjit K Mitra, Digital Signal Processing : A Computer-based Approach, TMH, 1998

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Describe the mathematical model of discrete time control systems
CO2: Evaluate the stability of digital control systems and nonlinear systems
CO3: Test the controllability and observability of dynamical systems
CO4: Design of controllers and observers for dynamical systems using state feedback
CO5: Describe the characteristics of nonlinearities and types of nonlinear systems
CO6: Analyse nonlinear systems using phase plane method and describing function

Module 1: Introduction to sampled data and discrete time systems (10 hours)

Data conversion and quantization - Sampling process - Mathematical modeling - Data reconstruction and
filtering of sampled signals - Hold devices - z transform and inverse z transform - Relationship between s
plane and z-plane - Digital control systems - Pulse transfer function - z transform analysis of closed loop
and open loop systems - Difference equation - Solution by z-transform - Stability of linear digital control
systems - Stability tests.

Module 2: State space design and elements of optimal control (10 hours)

State Space Design: Controllability and Observability - state variable design, state feedback, pole
placement - Ackerman’s formula – design of full order and reduced order observers – Interrelations between
z- transform models and state variable models - Controllability and Observability of digital control systems
- Pole placement using state feedback for digital control systems
Optimal control problem: Different performance measures and constraints - Optimal control using quadratic
performance measures - State feedback regulator problem.

Module 3: Nonlinear systems (11 hours)

Characteristics - different types of nonlinearities and their occurrence Phase plane analysis - Isocline
method - limit cycles in phase plane - stability of limit cycles – existence of limit cycle – Nonlinear feedback
systems - Filter hypothesis - Describing functions - describing function for single valued and double valued
nonlinear elements - amplitude and frequency of limit cycles.

Module 4: Stability of nonlinear Systems (8 hours)

Linearization and equilibrium points - stability of equilibrium points - Lyapunov’s First method - Stability of
non-linear systems - Lyapunov method for nonlinear systems – Variable Gradient Method for generation of
Lyapunov function.


1. M. Gopal, Digital Control & State Variable Methods, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. Benjamin C Kuo, Digital Control Systems, Oxford University Press, 1992.
3. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
4. M Gopal, Control Systems, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
5. K P Mohandas, Modern Control Engineering, Revised Edition, Sanguine Pearson, 2010.
6. Hassan K Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, Prentice Hall International (UK), 1996.
7. Alberto Isidori, Nonlinear Control Systems, Springer Verlag, 1995.
8. S. Wiggins, Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Springer Verlag, 1990.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 1 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Model individual power system components like transmission lines and generators

CO2: Formulate and solve load flow and analyze faulted power systems

CO3: Analyze economics of power supply systems, economic dispatch and unit commitment

CO4: Create computational models for power system operation and control

CO5: Analyze power system stability, security and reliability

CO6: Explain deregulation of power system

Module 1: Transmission Line Modelling and Load Flow Studies (11 hours)

Transmission line model - Nominal T and π methods of calculations -power flow through a transmission
line - Methods of voltage control
Representation of power systems - per unit quantities - Y-bus and Z-bus matrices - load flow studies:-
GaussSeidal- Newton Raphson and fast decoupled methods - line loss computation – HVDC Transmission
and AC-DC load flow – computer simulations.

Module 2: Short circuit studies (9 hours)

Faults on power systems - short circuit capacity of a bus and circuit breaker ratings-current limiting reactor-
sequence impedances and sequence network - symmetrical component methods of analysis of
unsymmetrical faults at the terminals of an unloaded generator – Z bus building algorithm-Digital techniques
in fault analysis – computer simulations.

Module 3: Economic dispatch, AGC & AVR (9 hours)

Economic dispatch of thermal plants - B-coefficient - optimal load flow solution –unit commitment-speed
governing of turbo generator –- load sharing and governor characteristics-load frequency control of single
and multi area systems - implementation of Economic Dispatch and Automatic Generation Control -
automatic voltage regulation – EMS,SCADA, hydro thermal scheduling – computer simulations.

Module 4: Power system stability studies, Security and Reliability (10 hours)

Electrical stiffness - swing equation - inertia constant - equal area criterion - multi machine stability analysis
–case study on standard test systems- factors affecting stability-Voltage stability problem: causes and
improvement methods-introduction to power system security and reliability-deregulated power systems.


1. Stevenson J V, William D, Elements of Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1988.

2. John J. Grainger and William D. Stevenson, Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

3. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
4. A.K. Mahalanabis, Computer Aided Power System Analysis & Control, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991
5. Arthur R Bergen, Vijay Vittal, Power system Analysis, Pearson Education (Singapore) PTE Ltd., 2004
6. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2003.
7. J Arrillaga, C P Arnold, B J Harker, Computer Modelling of Electric Power Systems, Wiley, 2001.
8. O. Elgerd , Electric Energy Systems Theory- An Introduction, 2nd ed., Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1995.
9. Wadhwa C L, Electrical Power Systems, 3rd ed., New Age Publication, 2002
10. Loi Lei Lai, Power system restructuring and deregulation, John Wiley & sons, 2002.
1. Antonio Gomez-Exposito, Antonio j.conejo & Claudio canizares, Electric Energy systems analysis
and operation, CRP press, 2009.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Explain the characteristics and functions of management in the contemporary context

CO2: Demonstrate ability in decision making process

CO3: Summarize the functional areas of management

CO4: Comprehend the concept of entrepreneurship and create business plans

Module 1: (15 hours)

Introduction to management, classical, neo-classical and modern management theories, Levels of

managers and skill required. Management process – planning – mission – objectives – goals – strategy –
policies – programmes – procedures. Organizing, principles of organizing, organization structures,
Directing, leadership, motivation, Controlling.

Module 2: (11 hours)

Concept of productivity and its measurement; Competitiveness; Decision making process; decision making
under certainty, risk and uncertainty; Decision trees; Models of decision making.

Module 3: (13 hours)

Introduction to functional areas of management, Operations management, Human resources management,

Marketing management, Financial management, entrepreneurship, business plans, corporate social
responsibility, patents and Intellectual property rights.


1. H. Koontz, and H. Weihrich, Essentials of Management: An International Perspective. 8th ed.,

McGraw-Hill, 2009.
2. R. W. Griffin, Management: Principles and Applications, Cengage Learning, 2008.
3. P. Kotler, K. L. Keller, A. Koshy, and M. Jha, Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective.
14th ed., Pearson, 2012.
4. M. Y. Khan, and P. K. Jain, Financial Management, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2008.
5. R. D. Hisrich, and M. P. Peters, Entrepreneurship: Strategy, Developing, and Managing a New
Enterprise, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 1997.
6. E. B. Roberts, Entrepreneurs in High Tech-Lessons from MIT and beyond, Oxford University Press,
7. D. J. Sumanth, Productivity Engineering and Management, McGraw-Hill Education, 1985.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire hands on experience of conducting various tests on alternators and obtaining their
performance indices.

CO2: Acquire hands on experience of conducting various tests on induction machines and obtaining
their performance indices.

CO3: Acquire knowledge about the standard analytical as well as graphical methods for the
performance analysis of alternators and induction machines

List of Experiments:

1. No load and blocked rotor tests on a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor, determination of its
equivalent circuit and performance analysis by drawing the circle diagram.
2. No load and blocked rotor tests on a 3-phase slip ring induction motor, determination of its equivalent
circuit and performance analysis by drawing the circle diagram.
3. No load and blocked rotor tests on a single phase induction motor, determination of its equivalent
circuit and performance analysis.
4. Load tests on a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor and its performance analysis.
5. Load tests on a 3-phase slip ring induction motor and its performance analysis.
6. Operation of a dc machine coupled induction machine as an induction generator and its performance
7. Speed control of an Induction motor by pole changing method.
8. Speed control of an Induction motor by variable frequency method.
9. Predetermination of voltage regulation of a 3-phase alternator by EMF/ MMF methods.
10. Predetermination of voltage regulation of a 3-phase alternator by ZPF method.
11. Slip test on a salient pole alternator and predetermination of voltage regulation.
12. Synchronization of a 3-phase alternator to the supply mains and plotting of V-curves/ inverted V-
13. Energy saving comparison of delta-connected and star-connected induction motors.
14. Performance comparison of 3-phase energy efficient induction motor with other induction motor.


1. Nagrath I J & Kothari D P, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.

2. Say M G, The Performance and Design of AC Machines, CBS, 1983.
3. Toro V D, Electrical Machines and Power Systems, Prentice Hall, 1988.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
1 0 2 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire experience to design and draw different types of AC and DC armature windings and
familiarization with auto cad.

CO2: Acquire experience to design, visualize and draw the sectional plan and elevation of different aspect
of transformer structure and to know the relative position of its components.

CO3: Acquire experience to design, visualize and draw the sectional plan and elevation of different type of
DC machines, alternator and induction motor.

CO4: Acquire knowledge of layout of schematic representation of outdoor and indoor substations.

Module 1: Familiarization of CAD and preparation of Armature Windings (10 hours)

1. Introduction to AutoCAD. Preparation of simple 2D AutoCAD drawings using the commands/tools of

AutoCAD (Draw, Edit, View, Modify, dimension style, plotting, object and layer selection).
2. Drawing of Electrical symbols and introduction to symbol libraries and icons of Electrical CAD.
3. Simplex lap/ wave dc armature windings with end connections, indicating the brush positions.
4. Preparation of Simplex lap/wave DC armature windings with equalizer rings/ dummy coils in
5. Simplex lap/ wave, integral/ fractional slot, double layer three phase ac armature windings with full
pitched/ short chorded coils.
6. Preparation of Mush type and concentric bifurcated/ unbifurcated 2 tier/ 3 tier single layer three phase
ac armature winding in AutoCAD.

Module 2: Transformers (8 hours)

1. Sectional plan and elevation of a transformer limb with windings.

2. Sectional plan and elevation of the core assembly of a power transformer.
3. Sectional plan and elevation of a distribution transformer tank with its accessories.
4. Sketches of capacitor and oil filled type transformer bushings.

Module 3: Rotating Machines (17 hours)

A. DC Machines

1. Half sectional Elevation and side view of armature with commutator including the connections.
2. Preparation of Sectional Elevation and side view of yoke and pole assembly with main field winding
and interpole windings in Autocad.
3. Preparation of Half Sectional Elevation of a DC machine with field, armature and commutator
including connections in Autocad.

B. Alternators

1. Sketches of the methods of pole fixing and slot details of turbo & water wheel alternators.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

2. Sectional Elevation and side view of water wheel rotor assembly with winding.
3. Sectional Elevation and side view of salient pole alternator.
4. Sectional Elevation and side view of turbo alternator.

C. Induction Motors

1. Preparation of Half Sectional elevation of slip ring induction motor with slip rings and brushes in
2. Half sectional front and side elevation of squirrel cage induction motor.

Module 4: Substations (4 hours)

Preparation of the following substation drawings and layouts in Autocad

1. Layouts and single line diagrams of 3Φ, 11kV HT outdoor and indoor substations.
2. Layout of a 3Φ, 220kV outdoor substation with duplicate bus bar/ tie bar, all accessories and
3. Layout of a captive power substation.
4. Single line diagram of a distribution center.


1. Clayton & Hancock, Performance and Design of DC Machines, ELBS, 1992.

2. Say M.G, Performance and Design of AC machines, Pitman, ELBS, 1991.
3. A.K. Sawhney, Electrical Machine Design, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi, 1991.
4. Narang K.L., A Text Book of Electrical Engineering Drawing, Tech India Publications, 2016.
5. Bhattacharya S.K, Electrical Engineering Drawing, 2nd ed., Wiley Eastern., 2009

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the characteristics and electrical properties of various materials, used in the electrical
appliances, devices, instruments and in various applications electrical engineering.

CO2: Apply the fundamental science and engineering principles relevant to electrical engineering materials.

CO3: Design and select suitable materials for applications associated with generation, transmission and
distribution of electric power.

Module 1: (11 hours)

Conducting materials: Review of metallic conduction on the basis of free electron theory-electrical and
thermal conductivity-Wiedemann-Franz law-drawback of classical theory-quantum free electron theory-
Fermi-Dirac distribution - variation of conductivity with temperature and composition, Materials for electric
resistances general electric properties: brushes of electrical machines, lamp filaments ,fuses and solder.
Semiconductors: Mechanism of conduction in semiconductors. density of carriers in intrinsic
semiconductors the energy gap - types of semiconductors. Hall Effect - compound semiconductors - basic
ideas of amorphous and organic semiconductors
Magnetic materials: Classification of magnetic materials - origin of permanent magnetic dipoles
ferromagnetism - hysterisis curve-magnetostriction - hard and soft magnetic materials- magnetic materials
used in electrical machines instruments and relays

Module 2: (11 hours)

Dielectrics: Dielectric polarization under static fields - electronic, ionic and dipolar polarizations - behavior
of dielectrics in alternating fields - mechanism of breakdown in gases, liquids and solids- factors influencing
dielectric strength- capacitor materials-Ferro and piezo electricity
Insulating materials-complex dielectric constant - dipolar relaxation .dielectric loss insulator materials used
inorganic materials (mica, glass, porcelain, asbestos) - organic materials (paper, rubber, cotton silk fiber,
wood, plastics, bakelite) - resins and varnishes - liquid insulators(transformer oil) - gaseous insulators (air,
SF6, and hydrogen) – ageing of insulators.

Module 3: (9 hours)

Special purpose materials and processes: Thermo couple materials-soldering materials- fuse materials-
contact materials-structural materials-fluorescent and phosphorescent materials- galvanizing and
impregnation process -
Super conductors – effect of magnetic field- Meissner effect-type I and type II superconductors –London
equations –Josephson effect –applications of superconductors

Module 4: (8 hours)

Materials for electronic components – resistors –insulated moulded resistors-Cracked carbon resistors-
alloy resistors-metallic oxide thin film resistors-High value resistors-wire wound resistors-non linear
resistors – varistors –capacitors-mica- dielectric capacitors-glass-dielectric capacitors-plastic-dielectric
capacitors etc – inductors –air cored coils –cored coils-ferrite core-relays- Applications of nano materials.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Indulkar C.S. and Thiruvengadam S, An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials, 6th ed., S.
Chand & Co Pvt Ltd, 2011.
2. P.K. Palanisamy, Solid State Physics, Scitech Publications, Hyderabad, 2011.
3. A.J. Dekker, Electrical Engineering Materials, 1st ed., Prentice Hall of India, 1963.
4. Yu Koritsky, Electrical Engineering Materials., Moscow MIR, 1970.
5. Arumugam M., Materials Science., Anuradha Publishers, 1990.
6. Kapoor P.L., Electrical Engineering Materials, Khanna Publications, 2014.
7. Hutchison T.S. and Baird D.C, The Physics of Engineering Solids, 2nd ed., John Wiley Publications,
8. S.O.Kasap, Principles of Electrical engineering Materials and Devices, Tata McGraw Hill. 2000
9. R.K. Rajput, Electrical Engg. Materials, 2nd ed., Laxmi Publications, 2015.
10. T. K. Basak, Electrical Engineering Materials, New age International, 2008.
11. Solymar, Electrical Properties of Materials, 9th ed., Oxford University Press, 2014.
12. I. P. Jones, Material Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Oxford University Press, 2000.
13. TTTI Madras, Electrical Engineering materials, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2002D Signals & Systems

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Explain the modelling of dynamic systems for digital computer simulation
CO2: Describe the use of various computer based tools for simulation and analysis
CO3: Simulate continuous time, discrete time and discrete event systems system using digital computer
CO4: Simulate electrical machines, drives and controls using digital computer
CO5: Explain the system performance using simulation results and suggest improvements

Module 1: Basics of System Simulation (12 hours)

Review of mathematical methods for computer based simulation of dynamic systems-numerical methods
for solution of differential equations-numerical integration-matrix methods-random number generation-
random processes-stochastic processes-discrete time models-event driven systems-queues- effect of
sampling time on proper results-connection between simulation time and real time-transient responses for
first order systems, second order systems-continuous time and discrete time systems-simulation of
feedback control systems-text based programming and block set based programming-introduction to
hardware in the loop simulation-exercises for simulation of first order and second order systems using
popular programming languages-familiarization of custom software tools.

Module 2: Simulation of electrical machines (13 hours)

Modeling and simulation of electrical machines- Transfer function modeling-for DC machines and AC
machines- Modeling of special machines-generalized machine modeling-transformations used in
generalized modeling-simulation of various machines for various working conditions. Simulation of multi-
machine dynamics.

Module 3: Simulation of Converters (14 hours)

Modeling & simulation of power converters and drives-Halfwave controlled rectifiers, full bridge controlled
rectifier, Three phase converters, cyclo-converters, inverters-inverter fed Squirrel cage motor, Chopper fed
DC motor. UPS circuits-Harmonic analysis of outputs of power converters-determination of conversion


1. Chee-MunOng, Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB/SIMULINK, Prentice

Hall, 1998.


1. Karnopp, Dean C, Donald L. Margolis, Ronald C. Rosenberg, System Dynamics: Modeling,

Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
2. Fabien, Biran, Analytical System Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation, Springer, 2009.
3. Argyris, J., Faust, G., Haase, M, Friedrich, R, An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos,
Springer 2015.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2001D Circuits & Networks

EE2002D Signals & Systems
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Analyze linear electrical circuits using graph theory

CO2: Apply computer based methods for solutions for simple networks using graph theory

CO3: Analyze two passive networks and derive network parameters

CO4: Derive parameters for passive two port filters using given specifications

CO5: Analyze three phase power circuits for various operating conditions

Module 1: Linear Graph Theory & Networks (13 hours)

Linear Oriented Graphs - incidence matrix – Kirchoff’s Laws in incidence matrix form – nodal analysis (with
independent and dependent sources) – Circuit matrix of linear oriented graph – Kirchoff’s laws in
fundamental circuit matrix form - Loop analysis of networks (with independent and dependent sources) –
Planar graphs – Mesh analysis- Duality – Cut set matrix - Fundamental cut set matrix – Relation between
circuit, cut set and incidence matrices – Kirchoff’s laws in fundamental cut set form – Node pair analysis –
Analysis using generalized branch model (node, loop and node pair analysis) – Tellegen’s theorem for
lumped parameter network in topological form.

Module 2: Two Port Networks & passive filters (13 hours)

Modeling Two-port networks-examples-amplifiers, transmission lines, passive filters-describing equations

and parameter sets for two-port networks-equivalent circuit for a two port network-inter-relationship
between parameters- driving point and transfer impedance- determination of parameters for T and Phi
networks-reciprocity and symmetry- characteristic impedance-propagation constant—derivation of
characteristic impedance and propagation constant for T and Phi networks under sinusoidal steady state-
constant k and m-derived filters-low pass, high pass and band pass filters-effect of cascading multiple
sections-switched capacitor filter.

Module 3: Steady state analysis of Three phase Circuits (13 hours)

Three phase circuits- balanced star-delta-circuits-purely resistive circuits- RL and RLC balanced conditions-
derivation of voltage, current and power- unbalanced star-delta-circuits-purely resistive circuits- RL and
RLC unbalanced conditions-derivation of voltage, current and power- neutral shift-open delta connections-
analysis-power invariant transformations- star-delta and delta-star transformations-Analysis of phase
voltage and current for harmonic input voltage-fundamental plus even harmonic-fundamental plus odd
harmonics-for star and delta connection-finding neutral current for star and circulating current for delta for
balanced conditions of phase impedances. Three phase transformer connections. Symmetrical
components- per unit representations.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Sureshkumar K.S, Electric Circuits and Networks, Pearson, 2009.

2. Hayt, William H(Jr), Jack E Kemmerly, Steven M Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw-Hill
Higher Education, 2007.
3. Van Valkenburg M E, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall India, 3rd ed., Indian Reprint 2014.


1. Ramakalyan A, Linear Circuits: Analysis & Synthesis, Oxford University Press, 2005.
2. Chen, W.K, Graph Theory and Its Engineering Applications, World Scientific, 1997.
3. Bakshi U.A, Bakshi A.V, Electrical Networks, Technical Publications, 2008.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisite: EE3001D Control Systems - I

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Able to describe and apply the basic principles and modeling of digital control system in transfer
function and state-space domain.

CO2: Able to describe and apply the Laplace and Z-transforms and its correlation to digital control system.

CO3: Able to analyze different aspect of time response like steady state analysis, transient response
analysis with system pole location, disturbance rejection, robustness and sensitivity analysis

CO4: Able to describe and apply the analysis techniques like Root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots, Jury
stability criteria, Routh stability criteria, Bilinear transformation

CO5: Able to demonstrate the design procedure for controller for digital control system using root locus
method, Bilinear transformation.

CO6: Able to apply the knowledge of fundamentals and design procedures of deadbeat controllers for digital
control system.

Module 1: Fundamentals and Modelling (10 hours)

Basic digital control system- Examples - D/A and A/D conversion,quantization and delay effects, principles
of discretization,mathematical model,Data reconstruction-ZOH and FOH- choice of sampling rate--Mapping
between s-domain and z-domain-Pulse transfer function- Different configurations for the design- Modified
z-transform- Multi-rate discrete data systems.Sampled signal flow graph

Module 2: Time and Frequency domain Analysis (10 hours)

Time responses of discrete data systems- Correlation between time response and root locations in the z-
plane - Steady state performance- Disturbance Rejection- Robustness and Sensitivity -Jury’s stability test
– Routh stability criterion on the r-plane -Root locus- Polar plots-Nyquist stability criterion- Bode plot-
Bilinear transformation method .

Module 3: Controller Design and Realization (10 hours)

Cascade compensators using Root Locus- Design of PID controllers by using bilinear transformation-
Digital controller design using bilinear transformation- Dead-beat response design- Deadbeat controller
without and with prescribed manipulated variable-Choice of sample time for deadbeat controller-Realization
of Digital controllers- Computer based simulation.

Module 4: State-Space Analysis (9 hours)

State variable model of discrete data systems with S/H devices- State transition equations- state diagrams-
Transfer function- Transformation to Jordan canonical form and phase variable form- Computation of state
transition matrix using Cayley-Hamilton theorem and z-transform method- Response between sampling

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

instants, Controllability, Observability, stabilizability and reachability- Loss of controllability and observability
due to sampling- Pole placement design using state feedback for SISO systems- Computer based

Text books:

1. M.Gopal, Digital control and State Variable methods, Tata McGraw –Hill , 1997
2. B.C.Kuo, Digital Control Systems, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press,1992.
3. Constantine H. Houpis and Gary B. Lamont, Digital control systems: Theory, hardware, software,
Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.
4. R.Isermann, Digital control systems, Volume 1: Fundamentals, Deterministic control, Springer
Verlag, 2nd revised ed., 1989.
5. R.G.Jacquot, Modern digital control systems, 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1995.
6. Phillips and Nagle, Digital control system analysis and design, Prentice Hall, 1984.
7. G.F.Franklin, J.David Powell and M.Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 3rd ed., Addison
Wesley, 2000.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Solve optimization problems using linear programming and apply for solving engineering optimization
CO2: Solve optimization problems using nonlinear programming (Hessian and gradient) and apply for
solving engineering optimization problems

CO3: Solve optimization problems using descent methods and apply for solving engineering optimization

CO4: Solve constrained optimization problems using direct and indirect methods and apply for solving
engineering optimization problems

CO5: Solve optimization problems using dynamic programming and genetic algorithm and apply for solving
engineering optimization problems

Module 1: Linear programming (13 hours)

Concepts of optimization: Engineering applications-Statement of optimization problem-Classification - type

and size of the problem.-Classical Optimization Techniques: Single and multi variable problems-Types of
Constraints Semi definite case-saddle point- Linear programming: Standard form-Geometry of LP
problems-Theorem of LP-Relation to convexity formulation of LP problems - simplex method and algorithm
-Matrix form- two phase method-Duality- dual simplex method- LU Decomposition-.Sensitivity analysis-
Artificial variables and complementary solutions-QP- Engineering Applications: Minimum cost flow problem,
Network problems-transportation, assignment & allocation, scheduling .Karmarkar method-unbalanced and
routing problems.

Module 2: Nonlinear programming (13 hours)

Non linearity concepts-convex and concave functions- non-linear programming gradient and Hessian-
Unconstrained optimization: First & Second order necessary conditions-Minimization & Maximization-Local
& Global convergence-Speed of convergence.-Basic decent methods: Fibonacci & Golden section search
- Gradient methods - Newton Method-Lagrange multiplier method - Kuhn-tucker conditions .Quasi-Newton
method- separable convex programming - Frank and Wolfe method, Engineering Applications-Nonlinear
programming- Constrained optimization: Characteristics of constraints-Direct methods-SLP, SQP Indirect
methods-Transformation techniques-penalty function-Lagrange multiplier methods-checking convergence-
Engineering applications

Module 3: (13 hours)

Dynamic programming: Multistage decision process- Concept of sub optimization and principle of
optimality-Computational procedure- Engineering applications.
Genetic algorithms-Gene formation-Cross over, mutation, etc.- Simulated annealing methods- modern
developments in heuristic techniques like fiefly algorithm, cuckoo search, particle swarm optimization, etc.
Optimization programming, tools and Software: MATLAB- SIMULINK, FSQP, SOLVER, LINDO etc

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Text books:

1. S.S.Rao, Engineering Optimization, 3rd ed., New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Misra Shashikant, Bhagwat Ram, Introduction to Linear Programming with MATLAB, Chapman &
hall (CRC Press),2017.


1. W.L.Winston, Operation Research-Applications & Algorithms, Thomson publications, 2003.

2. Kalyanmoy Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design-Algorithms and Examples, Prentice Hall India-
3. Vanderbei, Robert J, Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions, Springer, 2013
4. M. S. Bazaraa, J. J. Jarvis, H. D. Sherali, Linear Programming & Network Flows, John Wiley &
Sons, 2010.
5. Luenberger, David G, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Springer,2015
6. Winker, Peter, Optimization Heuristics in Econometrics: Applications of Threshold Accepting, John
Wiley & Sons, 2000.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the concepts of Artificial Neural Networks

CO2: Explain the concept of fuzzy logic and adaptive fuzzy systems
CO3: Apply the concept of Artificial Neural Network and fuzzy logic methods in real time application
CO4: Visualize the applications of Artificial Neural Network and fuzzy logic methods using computer

Module 1: Artificial Neural Networks (9 hours)

Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain, Biological Neuron, Biological and Artificial
Neuron Models, types of Neuron Activation function, ANN Architectures, Learning strategy, supervised, and
unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning rules, Perceptron Models, training Algorithms, Limitations of
the Perceptron Model and Applications, Computer based simulation

Module 2: Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks (10 hours)

Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks:

Back propagation Algorithm, Limitations of Back propagation Algorithm, RBF network structure - covers
theorem and the separability of patterns - RBF learning strategies, Applications in forecasting and pattern
recognition and other engineering problems, Computer based simulation

Module 3: Fuzzy Logic Systems (11 hours)

Fuzzy Logic Systems:

Introduction to classical sets - properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets, Membership, Uncertainty,
Operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions., Fuzzification, Membership
value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, Defuzzification to crisp sets,
Defuzzification methods, Computer based simulation

Module 4: Fuzzy Inference Systems and applications (9 hours)

Fuzzy Inference Systems, Mamdani Fuzzy Models, Sugeno Fuzzy Models, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy
Inference Systems, Applications, function Approximation, control and process, Monitoring, fault diagnosis
and load forecasting, other engineering applications, Computer based simulation


1. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks Comprehensive Foundation, 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2005.
2. James A. Freeman, David M. Skapura, Neural Networks Algorithms, Applications, and Programming
Techniques, Pearson Education India, 1991.
3. S.Rajasekaran and G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm:
Synthesis & Applications, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2006
4. S.N.Sivanandam and S.N.Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2011.
5. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy logic with engineering applications, McGraw Hill, New York, 2010.
6. Stamatios V Kartalopoulos, Understanding neural networks and fuzzy logic basic concepts and
applications, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Prerequisite: EE2006D Electrical Machines - I

3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39 Hours

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge about the fundamental principle and classification of servomotor.

CO2: Acquire knowledge about the fundamentals of systematical components for the analysis of AC
servomotor leading to the design of its equivalent circuit and evaluation of its performance.

CO3: Acquire knowledge about the constructional features, method of operation and applications of
stepper motor and understand the design procedure of drive amplifier and transistor logic for stepper

CO4: Acquire knowledge about the fundamentals, construction details and classification of universal
motors and synchronous motor like reluctance motors, hysteresis motors.

CO5: Acquire the knowledge of fundamentals, construction details and classification of linear machines.

Module 1: Servo Motors (11 hours)

Servo motors -Requirement of a good servomotor, Types of servomotors: DC servomotor: Basic working
principle and its classification, Field controlled and Armature controlled DC servomotor, Application: servo
stabilizer and position control system. AC servo motor: construction, operating principle and Application.
Symmetrical components applied to two - phase servo motors -equivalent circuit and performance based
on symmetrical components - servo motor torque - speed curves.

Module 2: Stepper Motors (8 hours)

Stepper motors - construction features - method of operation - drive - amplifiers and transistor logic -Drive
Circuits - half stepping and the required switching sequence - the reluctance type stepper motor – ratings.
Characteristics of Stepper Motor- Stepper motor application.

Module 3: Reluctance motors & Universal motors (10 hours)

Reluctance motors - General types of synchronous motors - Reluctance motors - definitions - construction
- polyphase and split phase reluctance motors - capacitor type reluctance motors.
Hysteresis motors - Construction - polyphase - capacitor type and shaded pole hysteresis motors –Methods
of reversing direction of rotation in shaded pole motor. Advantage over reluctance motors, Torque develop
and slip
Universal motors – Applications - torque characteristics - essential parts of universal motors - EMF due to
main field and cross field - Transformer and rotational emf - circuit model and Phasor Diagram.

Module 4: Linear Machines (10 hours)

Linear machines - basic difference between LEMS and rotating - machine – classification of LEMS, linear
motors and levitation machines - linear induction motors - linear synchronous motors - DC linear motors –
linear levitation machines, edge Effect, MMF wave and its velocity, air gap flux density

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Toro.V.D, Electric Machines and Power Systems, Prentice Hall of India, 1985.
2. Veinott, Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors, McGraw-Hill, 1948
3. Nasar.S.A,Boldeal, Linear Motion Electric Machines, John Wiley,1976
4. V.U.Bakshi, U.A.Bakshi, Electrical Circuits and Machines, Technical Publication, Pune, 2008.
5. V. V. Athani, Stepper Motors: Fundamentals Applications and Design, New Age International 2007.
6. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D. Umans, Electric machinery, Tata McGraw-Hill 2002.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2006D Electrical Machines - I

EE3003D Electrical Machines - II
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge about the design of dc machines with performance estimation.

CO2: Acquire knowledge about the design of dc machines with performance estimation.

CO3: Acquire knowledge about the design of alternators with performance estimation.

CO4: Acquire knowledge about the design of induction machines with performance estimation.

Module 1: DC Machines (11 hours)

Output equation - main dimensions - choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings - choice of speed
and number of poles - design of armature conductors, slots and winding - design of air-gap, field system,
commutator, interpoles, compensating winding and brushes - Carter’s coefficient - real and apparent flux
density - design examples.

Module 2: Transformers (10 hours)

Output equation - single phase and three phase power transformers - main dimensions - choice of specific
electric and magnetic loadings - design of core, LV winding, HV winding, tank and cooling tubes - prediction
of no load current, forces on winding during short circuit, leakage reactance and equivalent circuit based
on design data - design examples.

Module 3: Alternators (9 hours)

Output equation - salient pole and turbo alternators - main dimensions - choice of specific electric and
magnetic loadings - choice of speed and number of poles - design of armature conductors, slots and winding
- design of air-gap, field system and damper winding - prediction of open circuit characteristics and
regulation of the alternator based on design data - design examples.

Module 4: Induction Machines (9 hours)

Output equation - main dimensions - choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings - design of stator and
rotor windings, stator and rotor slots and air-gap of slip ring and squirrel cage motors - calculation of rotor
bar and end ring currents in cage rotor - calculation of equivalent circuit parameters and prediction of
magnetising current based on design data - design examples.


1. Clayton A E & Hancock N N, Performance and Design of DC Machines, ELBS,1971.

2. Say M G, The Performance and Design of AC Machines, CBS, 1983.
3. Sawhney A K, A Course in Electrical Machine Design, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2016.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3005D Power Systems - I

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire the knowledge of Electric Traction, Electric heating, Electric welding and Illumination
CO2: Analyze and solve variety of problems and issues in electric power utilization
CO3: Acquire the knowledge to design interior and exterior lighting systems- illumination levels for various
purposes light fittings- factory lighting- flood lighting-street lighting
CO4: Create awareness of energy conservation.
CO5: Acquire knowledge about the air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
CO6: Study and apply technology of electric and hybrid electric vehicles

Module 1: (11 hours)

Electric Traction: Features of an ideal traction system-systems of electric traction- mechanism of train
movement- speed-time curve, Power and Power Measurement, traction supply system- transmission line
to feed substation- feeding and distributing system on an ac traction- system of current collection-traction
motors tractive effort and horse power- Speed control Schemes-Electric braking

Module 2: (10 hours)

Electric heating: classification- heating element-losses in oven and efficiency- resistance furnace- radiant
heating- induction heating- high frequency eddy current heating-Dielectric heating- arc furnace- heating of
buildings- electric ovens, domestic water heaters and other heating appliances and thermostat control
circuit. Electric welding:- methods and equipments- Electrolysis and Electroplating applications, Heating of
Bare Conductors.

Module 3: (9 hours)

Illumination: radiant energy-terms and definitions- laws of illumination- polar curves- photometry- MSCP
integrating sphere- luminous efficacy- electrical lamps- Color values of illuminates and color effects:
colorimeter, artificial daylight, design of interior and exterior lighting systems- illumination levels for various
purposes- light fittings- factory lighting- flood lighting-street lighting-energy conservation in lighting. National
Lighting Code, Energy Conservation Building Code, Bureau of Energy Efficiency star- rating for lamps.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Air conditioning and refrigeration: function of complete air conditioning system - types of compressor motor.
Cool storage - estimation of tonnage capacity and motor power. Water Coolers- Control of temperature.
Protection of motors - simple heat load calculations. Technology of electric and hybrid electric vehicles.

Text book:

1. Taylor E Openshaw, Utilisation of Electric Energy, Orient Longman,1986.


1. J B Gupta, Utilization of electric power and electric traction, S K Kataria & Sons, 2002.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

2. Wadhwa. C.L., Generation, Distribution and utilization of electrical energy, Wiley Eastern Limited,
3. Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, A course in electric power, Dhanpat Rai & sons, 2001.
4. S.L.Uppal, Electrical Power, Khanna publishers, 1988.
5. Partab H., Art and Science of Utilisation of Electrical Energy, 2nd ed., Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New
Delhi, 2004.
6. Tripathy S.C., Electric Energy Utilization And Conservation, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993.
7. Bureau of Energy Efficiency. [Online]. Available:
8. US Energy Information Administration. [Online]. Available:
9. IRFCA. [Online]. Available:
10. IEEE bronze book-IEEE press
11. William Edward Barrows, Light, Photometry and Illumination, Biblio Bazaar, LLC, 2009.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify and describe the fundamental concepts in human physiology for learning the application of
technology for the benefit of mankind.

CO2: Explain the engineering applications in the field of health- care system which includes the principles
of various medical devices and equipments.

CO3: Illustrate the applications of physical, engineering and chemical laws in devising instruments in the
field of health – care system.

CO4: Evaluate the human needs in the area of diagnosis and therapy and consider the need for better
designs in the area of biomedical engineering in general.

Module 1: Introduction to Physiological Signals (10 hours)

Introduction to electrophysiology – action potential – transducers for biomedical applications -electrodes

– mono polar and bipolar recording - heart and cardiovascular system –blood pressure measurement –
characteristics of blood flow-electromagnetic and ultrasonic blood flow meters- indicator dilution technique
plethysmography - sounds of the heart – blood pumps – heart lung machine - ECG – Eindhoven ‘s law -
12 lead system – cardiac pace maker –defibrillator -EMG – introduction to nervous system and brain -

Module 2: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment (10 hours)

Introduction to intensive care monitoring –patient monitoring instruments –organization of hospital for
patient care monitoring – respiratory physiology – measurements in respiratory system –respiratory therapy
equipments – instrumentation for sensory measurement and behavioral studies – ultrasonics in medicine

Module 3: Laser and X-Ray Applications (10 hours)

Lasers in medicine - X- ray and radio isotopes – radio therapy equipment -safety and dosage-medical linear
accelerator machine

Module 4: Analytical Measurements and Dialysis (9 hours)

Renal physiology – membranes for haemodialysis – haemodialysis machines- lithotriptors –

Measurement of pH , pCO2 and pO2

Text Books:

1. R.S.Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical instrumentation, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2014.

2. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J Weibell, Erich A Pfeiffer, Biomedical instrumentation and measurements,
2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Geddes & Baker, Principles of Applied biomedical instrumentation, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2006D Electrical Machines - I

EE3003D Electrical Machines - II
3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Formulate electrodynamic equations of all electric machines and analyze the performance

CO2: Formulate unified theory for all electrical machines

CO3: Formulate machine equations in various reference frames

CO4: Determine stability of the machines under small signal and transient conditions.

Module 1: (11 hours)

Electro dynamical Equations and their Solution . A Spring and Plunger System- Rotational Motion System,
Mutually Coupled Coils. Solution of Electrodynamical Equations by Euler’s method and Runge-Kutta
method. Linearisation of the Dynamic Equations and Small Signal Stability . Differential Equations of a
smooth air-gap two winding machine. Conditions for Conversion of Average Power in such a Machine . A
two phase machine with current excitation - Interpretation of the Average Power Conversion Conditions in
terms of air-gap Magnetic Fields. The Primitive 4 Winding Commutaor Machine- The Brush Axis and its
Significance . Self and Mutually induced voltages in the stationary and commutator windings . Speed e.m.f
induced in Commutator Winding . Rotational Inductance Coefficients . Sign of Speed e.m.f terms in the
Voltage Equation . The Complete Voltage Equation of Primitive 4 Winding Commutator Machine . The
Torque Equation . Analysis of Simple DC Machines using the Primitive Machine Equations.

Module 2: (10 hours)

The Three Phase Induction Motor . Equivalent Two Phase Machine by m.m.f equivalence . equivalent two
phase machine currents from three phase machine currents . Power Invariant Phase Transformation .
Voltage Transformation. Voltage and Torque Equations of the Equivalent Two Phase Machine .
Commutator Transformation and its interpretation . Transformed Equations . Different Reference Frames
for Induction Motor Analysis. Nonlinearities in Machine Equations . Equations under Steady State - Solution
of Large Signal Transients in an Induction Machine . Linearised Equations of Induction Machine . Small
Signal Stability. Eigen Values. Transfer Function Formulation. Simulation of variable frequency
drive (applying DQ transformation) using MATLAB.

Module 3: (9 hours)

The Three Phase Salient Pole Synchronous Machine . Three Phase to Two Phase Transformation . Voltage
and Torque Equations in stator, rotor and air-gap field reference frames. Commutator Transformation and
Transformed Equations . Parks Transformation . Suitability of Reference Frame Vs kind of Analysis to be
Carried out . Steady State Analysis . Large Signal Transient Analysis . Linearisation and Eigen Value
Analysis . General Equations for Small Oscillations . Small Oscillation Equations in State Variable form,
Damping and Synchronizing Torques in Small Oscillation Stability Analysis .Application of Small Oscillation
Models in Power System Dynamics.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: (9 hours)

Dynamical Analysis of Interconnected Machines . Machine Interconnection Matrices . Transformation of

Voltage and Torque Equations using Interconnection Matrix . Large Signal Transient Analysis using
Transformed Equations . Small Signal Model using Transformed Equations . The DC Generator/DC Motor
System . The Alternator /Synchronous Motor System . The Ward-Leonard System . Hunting Analysis of
Interconnected Machines Selection of proper reference frames for individual machines in an Interconnected


1. Sengupta D P & J.B. Lynn, Electrical Machine Dynamics, The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1980.
2. Jones C V, The Unified Theory of Electrical Machines, Butterworth, London,1967.
3. Woodson & Melcher, Electromechanical Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons, 1968.
4. P.C. Kraus O. Wasynczuk and S.D. Sudhoff, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems, Wiley
Interscience, 2002.
5. Ned Mohan, Advanced Electric Drives: Analysis, Control, and Modeling Using MATLAB / Simulink,
Wiley, 2014.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify the need for good illumination and criteria for the selection of lamps and lighting systems for
an indoor or outdoor space.

CO2: Distinguish various Electric light sources and their operating characteristics.

CO3: Measurement of illumination, determination of total luminous flux emitted by different sources.

CO4: Design of lighting systems. Maintenance of lighting system and lighting calculations considering day
light. Design of Energy efficient lighting systems

Module1: (9 hours)

Introduction: State the need for Illumination, Define good Illumination, Radiation - Eye and Vision -The
Purkinje effect- Laws of Illumination –Candela- Frechner's law - Inverse Square Law - Lambert's Cosine
Law of Incidence Photometry and spectrophotometry.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Electric light sources and their operating characteristics: Incandescent lamps: ratings, operating
characteristics vapor lamps- mercury vapor lamps- sodium vapor lamps-Fluorescent lamps: fundamentals,
ratings, cathode types- starters- ballasts- operating characteristics- CFL- Bulb Temperature Vs Light output
- Lumen Maintenance Curve.

Module 3: (10 hours)

Entities in the illumination systems and their units: Illumination, intensity, brightness, solid angle
relationships, luminous flux-luminosity-measurement of illumination- determination of total luminous flux
emitted by a plane source, circular disc source, rectangular source, strip source.

Module 4: (10 hours)

Design of lighting systems- Interior Lighting -Sports Lighting -Road Lighting -Street lighting-Factory outdoor
lighting- Flood lighting -Maintenance of lighting system and Lighting Calculations considering day light.
Design of Energy efficient lighting systems.


1. Partab H, Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, 2017.
2. Steffy G, Architectural Lighting Design, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2008
3. Boast W.B, Illumination Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1953.
4. Cotton H, Principles of Illumination, John Wiley and Sons, 1960.
5. Jack L. Lindsey, Applied Illumination Engineering ,PHI,1991
6. IS CODE 3646
7. IS CODE 6665

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Construct models of dynamic systems

CO2: Apply linearization techniques on nonlinear system models

CO3: Analyze the system stability by transfer function approach

CO4: Analyze the system response in both time-domain and frequency domain

CO5: Evaluate performance of standard dynamical systems through computer simulations

Module 1: Concepts of dynamic systems modelling and analysis (10 hours)

Introduction to the concepts of dynamic systems modelling and analysis design and development-Definition
of system –System Dynamics--Feedback-Classification of systems- static, dynamic, linear, non-linear, time
varying, time invariant, distributed, lumped, continuous time, discrete time, discrete event, systems etc.
Modelling of electrical systems- passive networks- dc and ac motors linear models –Concept of transfer
function – transfer functions for simple electrical and electromechanical systems. Impulse response and
transfer function- convolution –block diagrams and signal flow graphs- Mason’s gain formula.

Module2: Modelling of non-electrical systems (10 hours)

Modelling of non-electrical systems- Examples of simple pneumatic, hydraulic and thermal and liquid level
systems-control valves - Translational and rotational systems- D’Alembert’s principle-Modelling of
electromechanical systems, force-voltage and force-current analogy- Comparison of RLC Circuits and
Mass Spring-Damper system- Development of linearised models- Superposition principle-Linearized model
for Inverted Pendulum. Introduction to Time delay systems.

Module 3: Signals and Systems in Frequency Domain (10 hours)

Fourier representation of a periodic signals- Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform pairs-
Properties of Fourier transforms. Continuous amplitude and phase spectra - Relation between Laplace
transforms and Fourier transforms. Concepts of attenuation, amplification and filtering of signals - Stability
of linear systems – open loop and closed loop stability – bounded input bounded output stability -Routh
Hurwitz criterion – limitations.

Module 4: Time domain and Frequency domain analysis of SISO LTI Systems (9 hours)

Time domain and Frequency domain analysis of single input-single output linear time invariant systems
Determination of Impulse response-Analysis of response to other standard inputs- step, ramp ,acceleration
and sinusoidal inputs- Time domain performance measures for first order and second order systems- under-
damped and over-damped systems- Significance of damping factor. Definition of order and type of
dynamical systems - steady state and dynamic error - Determination of error constants from transfer
functions- Analysis of response of higher order systems- Effect of poles and zeros. Frequency response –
Bode plots – performance criteria in frequency domain – band width – cut off frequency – gain margin –
phase margin. Computer simulation of systems.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. David K Cheng, Analysis of Linear Systems, Narosa Publishers, 1998.

2. Gene F Franklin, J David Powell and Abbas Emami Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems,
4th ed., Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
3. M. Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. John J D’Azzo, Constantine H Houpis and Stuart N. Sheldon, Linear Control System Analysis &
Design with MATLAB, 5th ed., Marcel Dekker, 2003.
5. Burton T.D, Introduction to Dynamic Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
6. John Dorsey, Continuous & Discrete Control Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
7. Wayne H Chen, The Analysis of Linear Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1963.
8. Benjamin Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, 7th ed., Prentice Hall India, 1995.
9. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 4th ed., John Wiley, 2004.
10. Chi-Tong Chen, Linear System Theory and Design, Oxford University Press, 1999

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2002D Signals & Systems

EE2007D Basic Electronic Circuits
EE2001D Circuits & Networks
EE2008D Analog Electronic Circuits & Systems
3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Draw up specifications for a filter design problem and design a realizable transfer function to satisfy
the specifications.

CO2: Design custom-made Single Opamp Biquad cascade filters to satisfy given specifications

CO3: Employ standard Universal Active Filter ICs to design filters for various signal processing tasks.

CO4: Design electronically tunable filters using OTA ICs and capacitors

CO5: Design high-performance high-order active filters by Ladder Emulation

Module 1: (10 Hours)

Review of continuous time LTI systems – frequency domain representation of continuous time signals.
Laplace transform- inverse Laplace transform- properties.
Categories of Filters- LP, HP, BP, BE and All Pass Filters- Second Order s-domain equations in each case
and their pole-zero plots.
The Filter approximation problem: - Butterworth Approximation- Chebyshev and Inverse Chebyshev
Approximations- Elliptic Approximation- Bessel approximation- Phase and Group delay characteristics of
approximation functions-delay equalizer functions

Module 2: (8 Hours)

Passive filters Realization of first order First Order LP, HP, BP, All Pass Filters- frequency transformation.
Higher order filters- network functions-synthesis of higher order passive filters. Singly and doubly terminated
LC ladders. Limitations of Passive filters

Module 3: (11 Hours)

Active Filters Single OPAMP Biquads : First Order LP,HP,BP, All Pass Filters- Biquad Topologies,
Analysis and Design of Single OPAMP Biquads with finite gain . Analysis and design of LP, HP and BP
Filter with second order response. Sensitivity Analysis of Single OPAMP Filters. Analysis and design of
various multiple OPAMP filters. Universal Active Filter, Compensation.

Module 4: (10 hours)

OTA-C Filters.Inductor Simulation, Antoniou Gyrators, LP,HP,BP and BE Filters using Antoniou Gyrators.
Structure for LP, HP, BP and BE SC Filters, Basic ideas of method of realization of higher order filters.
Synthesis of LC ladder Networks using gyrators

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1 G. Daryanani, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 1976
2 M.E Van Valkenburg, Analog Filter Design, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
3 M.E Van Valkenburg , Design of Analog Filters, Oxford University Press,2001
4 L.P Huelsman, Introduction to the Theory and Design of Active Filters, McGraw Hill, 1980
5 Roubik Gregorian and Gabor C, Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing, John Wiley
and Sons, 1986
6 Kendall L. Su, Analog Filters, Kluwer academic publishers, 1996
7 Wai-Kai Chen, Passive and active filters, John Wiley & Sons, 1986

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39

Course outcomes:

CO1: Acquire the knowledge of testing methods of various apparatus in power system.

CO2: Acquire the knowledge of various circuits for generating high voltages for testing various apparatus
and their measurement method.

CO3: Acquire the knowledge of the various reasons of overvoltage in power system and protection

CO4: Acquire the knowledge of insulation coordination and design of insulation levels of various parts of
power system.

Module 1: (9 hours)

Generation of High voltages and currents: AC voltages: cascade transformers-series resonance circuits,
Tesla coils. DC voltages: voltage doubler-cascade circuits-electrostatic machines, Impulse voltages: single
stage and multistage circuits-wave shaping-tripping and control of impulse generators Generation of
switching surge voltage and impulse currents. Simulation of voltage doubler, Cockroft Walton voltage
multiplier and Marx impulse voltage generation circuits.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Measurement of high voltages and currents-DC, AC and impulse voltages and currents-DSO-electrostatic
and peak voltmeters-sphere gaps-factors affecting measurements-potential dividers (capacitive and
resistive)-series impedance ammeters-rogowski coils-hall effect generators.

Module 3: (10 hours)

High voltage testing of materials and apparatus-preventive and diagnostic tests-dielectric loss
measurements Schering bridge-inductively coupled ratio arm bridge-partial discharge and radio
interference measurement, different types of sensors used for PD measurement-testing of circuit breakers
and surge diverters

Module 4: (10 hours)

Introduction to Insulation materials: Classification, insulating materials used in various power equipments.
Breakdown in gas and gas mixtures-breakdown in uniform and non uniform fields-Paschen’s law,
Townsends criterion-streamer mechanism-corona discharge-breakdown in electro negative gases-
Breakdown in liquid dielectrics-Breakdown in solid dielectrics.
Natural causes of over voltages- lightning phenomena - over voltages due to switching surges - system
faults and other abnormal conditions for different voltage levels- principles of insulation co-ordination

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Kuffel and Zaengl , High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd ed., Newness, 2002
2. M. S. Naidu, V. Kamaraju, High Voltage Engineering, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill,1995.
3. M. Khalifa, High Voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice, Dekker, 1990.
4. H. M. Ryan, High Voltage Engineering and Testing, IEE 2001.
5. Kuffel and Abdullah.M, High Voltage Engineering, Pergamon press,1978
6. Wadhwa C L, High Voltage Engineering, New Age International, New Delhi,1994
7. Relevant IS standards and IEC standards
8. Haddad A , Warne D F, Advances in High Voltage Engineering, IEE publication,2004
9. Standard techniques for high voltage testing, IEEE Publication 1978.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Choose the appropriate power semiconductor switches for an application.

CO2: Analyse and design different types of power electronic converters.

CO3: Designing the driver circuits for various power semiconductor devices.

CO4: Learn to model the converters and semiconductor switches.

CO5: Analyse and design the protection circuit of various power semiconductor switches.

CO6: Select the pertinent power electronic system suitable for an application.

Module 1: (10 hours)

Power diode and Thyristor:

Power Diode: Basic Structure and 1-V Characteristics . Breakdown Voltages and Control . On State Losses
Switching Characteristics . Turn on Transient . Turn off Transient . Reverse Recovery Transient . Schottky
Diodes . Snubber Requirements for Diodes and Diode Snubbers.
Thyristor: Basic Structure . V-1 Characteristics . Turn on Process . On State operation . Turn off process .
Switching Characteristics .Turn on Transient and di/dt limitations . Turn off Transient . Turn off time and
reapplied dv/dt limitations . Ratings of Thyristors . Snubber Requirements and Snubber Design.

Module 2: (9 hours)


DIAC: Basic Structure and operation . V-1 Characteristics . Ratings
TRIAC: Basic Structure and operation . V-1 Characteristics . Ratings . Snubber Requirements.
Gate Turnoff Thyristor (GTO): Basic Structure and Operation . GTO Switching Characteristics . GTO Turn
on Transient . GTO Turn off Transient . Minimum ON and OFF State times .Maximum Controllable Anode
Current . Overcurrent protection of GTOs

Module 3: (11 hours)

Power BJT and Power MOSFET

Power BJT: Basic Structure and 1-V Characteristics . Breakdown Voltages and Control . Second
and its Control- FBSOA and RBSOA Curves - On State Losses . Switching Characteristics . Resistive
Specifications . Clamped Inductive Switching Specifications . Turn on Transient . Turn off Transient .
Time .Base Drive Requirements . Switching Losses . Device Protection- Snubber Requirements for BJTs
Snubber Design - Switching Aids.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Power MOSFET: Basic Structure . V-1 Characteristics . Turn on Process . On State operation . Turn off
process. Switching Characteristics . Resistive Switching Specifications . Clamped Inductive Switching
Specifications -
Turn on Transient and di/dt limitations . Turn off Transient . Turn off time . Switching Losses . Effect of
Recovery Transients on Switching Stresses and Losses - dv/dt limitations . Gating Requirements . Gate
Charge -Ratings of MOSFETs. FBSOA and RBSOA Curves . Device Protection -Snubber Requirements.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT):

Basic Structure and Operation .Latch up IGBT Switching Characteristics . Resistive Switching
Specifications . Clamped Inductive Switching Specifications - IGBT Turn on Transient . IGBT Turn off
Transient- Current Tailing - Ratings of MOSFETs. FBSOA and RBSOA Curves . Switching Losses -
Minimum ON and OFF State times - Switching Frequency Capability – Overcurrent protection of IGBTs.
Short Circuit Protection . Snubber Requirements and Snubber Design. New power semiconductor devices.


1. Ned Mohan ,Power Electronics,John Wiley and Sons,2006

2. G. Massobrio, P. Antognet, Semiconductor Device Modeling with Spice, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,1988.
3. B. J. Baliga, Power Semiconductor Devices,Thomson, 2004.
4. V. Benda, J. Gowar, D. A. Grant, Power Semiconductor Devices. Theory and Applications, John
Wiley & Sons 1999

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the concepts of different renewable energy sources

CO2: Explain the concepts of solar energy conversion systems
CO3: Explain the concepts of wind energy based electricity generation systems
CO4: Describe the utilization of different storage technologies
CO5: Describe the concepts of renewable energy sources like biomass, ocean energy and hydro power
generation system

Module 1: (11 hours)

Introduction to renewable energy various aspects of energy conversion-Principle of renewable energy

systemsenvironment and social implications.
Solar energy: Solar radiation components- measurements-estimation-solar collectors-solar water
heatersCalculation-Types-analysis-economics-Applications, Solar thermal power generation.
Solar Photovoltaics- energy conversion principle-classifications-equivalent circuit-characteristics-Cell
efficiency- Limitations-PV modules-MPPT algorithms.

Module 2: (9 hours)

Wind energy: Basics of wind-wind turbines-power and energy from wind turbine-characteristics-types of
electric generators for wind power generation, Single fed and doubly fed Induction generator, PMSM
generator, Dynamics matching- performance of wind generators - applications- economics of wind power

Module 3: (10 hours)

Storage Devices: Super capacitor-SMES- Battery storage-flywheel storage- compressed air storage- Fuel
cells–types and applications; MHD generators – backup -System design-industrial and domestic
applications of storage devices.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Bioenergy, Bio fuels-classification-biomass conversion technologies-applications; Ocean Energy, tidal

energy-wave energy-ocean thermal energy conversion systems applications - mini, micro and pico-hydro
power generation

1. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy: Power for a sustainable future, 2nd ed., Oxford University
2. Rai G D, Solar Energy Utilization, Khanna Publishers, 1997.
3. B H Khan, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, 2nd ed., The McGraw-Hill Companies,2009.
4. Sukhatme, S.P, Solar Energy -Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, 2nd ed., Tata
McGraw-Hill, 1997.
5. Sammes, Nige, Fuel Cell Technologies-State and Perspectives, Springer publication, 2005
6. Kreith, F., and Kreider, J.F., Principles of Solar Engineering, Mc-Graw-Hill Book Co, 1978.
7. S.L.Soo , Direct Energy Conversion , Prentice Hall Publication, 1968
8. James Larminie, Andrew Dicks, Fuel Cell Systems, 2nd ed., Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003.
9. E.J. Womack, MHD power generation engineering aspects , Chapman, Hall Publication, 1969.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: ZZ1004D Computer Programming

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Explain the various applications of data structures in computations including database systems

CO2: Explain operations like search, insertion, deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on various data

CO3: Analyze algorithms and data structures in terms of time and memory complexity of basic operations.

CO4: Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees,
heaps, tournament trees, binary search trees, and graphsand writing programs for these solutions.

CO5: Solve problems using algorithm design methods such as the greedy method, divide and conquer,
dynamic programming, backtracking, and branch and bound and writing programs for these

Module 1: Computer Application & Algorithm Complexity Types (13 hours)

Information and Data-Review of field applications of structured data in programming languages-embedded

systems- database management systems-Data abstraction for Database Systems- Types of Database
Systems-Relational & Distributed systems-data modeling using entity-relationship criteria-Normal forms-
Examples of Database Management Systems-Data Analytics- Basics of Complexity of algorithms: Time
and space complexity- Complexity notations- Complexity Analysis-Examples of polynomial complexity-NP
and NP Hard Problems.

Module 2: Data Structures (13 hours)

Data structures: Stacks, Queues, Lists, Dictionary- Linked list Data Structures-implementation using
pointers- Sets, Trees-Graphs-implementation using arrays and linked list- Binary tree - In-order, pre-order
and post-order traversals-Polish notations-Expression tree-Height balance trees-AVL Tree & Red Black
Tree- Trees for external search-B Trees-Basics of File Structures-Hashing and hash tables-Implementation
of Data Structure using C and Python-Exercises.

Module 3: Design & Analysis of Algorithms (13 hours)

Algorithms-Divide & Conquer-Greedy Methods-Searching Algorithms: Sequential Search – Searching

arrays and linked lists. Binary Search – Searching arrays and binary search trees-Sorting Algorithms: n2
Sorts – Bubble sort, insertion Sort, selection sort. nlogn sorts – quick sort, heap sort, merge sort. External
sort – merge files- Recursion: Recursive algorithms, Analysis of recursive algorithms-Travelling Salesman
Problem-Dynamic programming-Approximation algorithms- Randomized Algorithms-Design for reentrant
and thread safe computations.


1. Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, 5th ed., Pearson Education, 2001.

2. Cormen T.H., Leiserson C.E, Rivest R.L and Stein C, Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall India,
New Delhi, 2004.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

3. Kleinberg John, Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, (Pearson) Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt Ltd, 2014.
4. Kruse, Robert, C.L. Tondo, Bruce Leung and Shashi Mogalla, Data Structures and Program Design
in C, Pearson Education, 2007(2013).


1. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Mary Prescott, Fred McFadden, Modern Database Management Systems, Eight
Edn, Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. Elmasri, Ramez, Shamkant B Navathe, Database Systems, Pearson Education, 2013.
3. Mott, Joe L, Abraham Kandel, Theodore P Baker, Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists &
Mathematicians, Prentice Hall India, 2003.
4. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2006.
5. Goodrich, Michael T, Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2013 reprint.
6. Aho A.V., Hopcroft J.E and Ullman J.D, Data Structures and Algorithms, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 1983.
7. Chow, Randy, Theodore Johnson, Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithm Analysis, Pearson
Education, 2009.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2007D Basic Electronic Circuits

EE2008D Analog Electronic Circuits
3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Select the right Opamp for a given linear or non-linear application problem.

CO2: Design Opamp and OTA based linear and non-linear application circuits to meet various kinds of
signal processing objectives.

CO3: Draw up specifications for a filter design problem and design custom-made Single Opamp Biquad
cascade filters to satisfy the specifications.

CO4: Employ standard Universal Active Filter ICs to design filters for various signal processing tasks.

CO5: Design electronically tunable filters using OTA ICs and capacitors

CO6: Apply analog building blocks like PLL, Multiplier ICs, RMS-DC Converters etc., to build signal
processing subsystems.

Module 1: (10 hours)

Various Stages of an Operational Amplifier, Active Load, Current Mirror –

Simplified Schematic Circuit of a typical BJT Opamp, Bias and Small Signal Analysis of a typical BJT
Opamp, Bias and Small Signal Analysis of a typical two-stage CMOS Opamp, Bias and Small Signal
Analysis of a typical folded cascode CMOS Opamp
Ideal and practical characteristics of Opamps, Compensating an Opamp, Offset model of opamp and offset
analysis of simple application circuits, special design opamps, auto-zero amplifiers, single supply opamps
and applications. Noise Dynamics and Properties. Sources of Noise and Low-Noise Op Amps

Module 2: (10 hours)

Applications : Amplifiers for Signal Conditioning, Schmitt Triggers, analog switches, comparator ICs,
precision rectifiers, precision clipping circuits,Sine, Triangular, Sawtooth, and Monolithic Wave Generators,
Multivibrators , V-F and F-V Converters, VCO Circuits, Timers.Voltage References and Regulators.
Switching, linear, and monolithic switching regulators. Switching Regulator Control ICs , Battery Charging
Control ICs.Operational Transconductance Amplifiers . Applications

Module 3: (10 hours)

Active Filters: Categories of Filters, LP,HP,BP,BE and All Pass Filters, Second Order s-domain equations
in each case and their pole-zero plots. The Filter approximation problem - Butterworth Approximation,
Chebyshev and Inverse Chebyshev Approximations, frequency transformations. Biquad Topologies,
Analysis and Design of Single OPAMP Biquads with finite gain . Analysis and design of LP,HP and BP
Filter with second order response KHN (Universal Active Filter) Filter, Tom-Thomas Biquad, Analysis and
Design for various categories of filters.- OTA .C Tunable Filters.
SC Filters, SC Resistor, First and second Order SC Filters, Structure for LP, HP, BP and BE SC Filters

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: (9 hours)

Applications and Design Techniques: Log/Antilog Amplifiers and Applications, Analog Multipliers . Log /
Antilog , Transconductance Type and TDM Type .Applications of Multipliers - True RMS to DC Converters
-Phase-Locked Loops, Monolithic PLLs, PLL Applications- Direct Digital Synthesis of Waveforms.
Hardware Design Techniques. Grounding and Shielding, Power Supply Filtering and Noise reduction,
Grounding in Mixed Signal Systems, EMI/RFI considerations.


1. A.S Sedra and K.C Smith, Microelectronic Circuits., 3rd ed., Holt Saunders International,1989
2. D.H. Sheingold, Nonlinear Circuits Handbook., Analog Devices Inc. 1976
3. Clayton , Operational Amplifiers, Butterworth Publications,1979
4. Sergio Franco, Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, Mc Graw Hill, 1988
5. M.E Van Valkenburg, Analog Filter Design, Oxford University Press 2001
6. National Semiconductor, Linear Applications Handbook, 1994
7. Analog Devices Inc, Practical Design Techniques for Thermal and Power Management, 2004
8. Analog Devices Inc , RMS to DC Conversion Application Guide.
9. Analog Devices Inc., A Designers. Guide to Instrumentation Amplifiers.
10. Analog Devices Inc., Practical Design Techniques for Sensor Signal Conditioning.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2001D Circuits & Networks

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

CO1: Describe and apply general concepts of Power system, Load and Energy forecasting
CO2: Analyze power system and carry out optimization of distribution system network cost modelling
CO3: Analyze economic loading of distribution transformers, Distribution system reliability
CO4: Describe about Consumer services, Tariffs costing and pricing, overhead and underground lines
optimum design considerations
CO5: Describe and apply the knowledge of Power capacitors HT and LT capacitor installation
CO6: Acquire the knowledge of Electrical Safety standards and distribution system design aspect and
implement Earthing Practices and Lightning protection
CO7: Describe and apply general concepts of Distribution Automation System –SCADA systems and

Module 1: Concept of Distribution System and its components (10 hours)

Power system-general concepts-distribution of power, load and energy forecasting-factors in power system
loading, Power system analysis-load flow-fault studies-voltage control, Optimization of distribution system
network cost modeling-economic loading of distribution transformers. Distribution system reliability -
reliability assessment techniques.

Module 2: Distribution System parameters and design considerations (10 hours)

Consumer services-maximum demand, diversity and load factor-consumer load control for power
shortages, Tariffs-costing and pricing –economically efficient tariff structure. Overhead and underground
lines-optimum design considerations, Power capacitors-size of capacitor for power factor improvement- HT
and LT capacitor installation requirements.

Module 3: Distribution System Design and Safety Practices (9 hours)

Distribution System Design- Electrical Design Aspects of Industrial, Commercials Buildings Design,
estimation and costing of outdoor and indoor Substations, Electrical Safety and Earthing Practices at
various voltage levels- Lightning protection.-Regulations and standards.

Module 4: Distribution Automation System and its Communication Systems (10 hours)

Distribution Automation System: Necessity, System Control Hierarchy- Basic Architecture and
implementation Strategies for SCADA and DAC systems -Basic Distribution Management System
Functions. Communication Systems for Control and Automation- Wireless and wired Communications-
SCADA and DAC communication Protocols, Architectures and user interface


1. Turan Gonen, Electric Power Distribution system Engineering, McGraw-hill ,Inc,1987

2. A.S. Pabla, Electric Power Distribution systems, Tata McGraw-hill Publishing company limited, 4th
ed., 1997.
3. Alexander Eigeles Emanuel, Power Definitions and the Physical Mechanism of Power Flow, John
Wiley & Sons, October 2009.
4. Handbook of International Electrical Safety Practices, John Wiley & Sons, PERI June 2009.
5. Ali A. Chowdhury and Don O. Koval, Power distribution system reliability- Practical methods and
applications, John Wiley & sons Inc., IEEE Press 2009

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

6. Richard E. Brown, Electric power distribution reliability, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC,2009.
7. James Northcote - Green, Robert Wilson, Control and automation of electrical power distribution
system, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2007.
8. S. Sivanagaraju, V. Sankar, Dhanpat Rai & Co, Electrical Power Distribution and Automation, 2006.
9. Pansini, Anthony J, Guide to electrical power distribution system, Fairmont press, Inc., 6th ed., 2006.
10. Stuart A. Boyer, SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Instrument Society of America
Publication, 2004
11. Leveque, Francois, Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks, Springer 2003
12. Lakervi & E J Holmes, Electricity distribution network design, Peter Peregrimus Ltd. 2nd ed., 2003.
13. William H. Kersting, Distribution system modeling and analysis, CRC press LLC, 2002.
14. Michael Wiebe, A Guide to Utility Automation: AMR, SCADA, and IT Systems for Electric Power,
PennWell, 1999.
15. IEEE Press: IEEE Recommended practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants,
published by IEEE, Inc., 1993

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2003D Logic Design

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes

CO1: Analyze and design a synchronous sequential machine.

CO2: Analyze and design an asynchronous sequential machine
CO3: Apply hardware description language in real life situations.
CO4: Identify the working of various programmable devices and to program them for real life examples.

Module 1: Synchronous Sequential circuit Design (12 hours)

Basic Synchronous sequential circuit, Moore and Mealy state machines, Analysis of clocked sequential
circuit. Design steps of synchronous sequential circuit, Example problems –sequence detector, parity
checker etc. Analysis of sequential circuit implemented with JK and other Flip-flops, Sequential circuit
design using JK flip flops and D Flip-flops, State Reduction, State assignment. Algorithmic state machine
charts, Conversion of ASM chart into hardware, clock skew, clock timing constraints.

Module 2: Asynchronous sequential circuit design (12 hours)

Design procedure for asynchronous sequential circuit, stable and unstable states, Examples , Races, race
free assignment, State reduction for incompletely specified machines, Determination of compatible pairs,
state reduction procedure, Circuit hazards, Gate delays, Generation of static hazards in combinational
networks, Design of hazard free combinational network, Hazard-free asynchronous circuit design. Dynamic
hazards, Function hazards and Essential Hazards.

Module 3: System Design using VHDL (9 hours)

Introduction to Verilog, Description of combinational circuits, VHDL model for multiplexers, Signals and
Constants, Arrays, VHDL Operators. VHDL for Sequential Logic, Modeling Flip flops , Registers, counters
using VHDL, Modeling a Sequential Machine.

Module 4: Synchronous design using programmable devices (6 hours)

Programming logic device families – Designing a synchronous sequential circuit using PLA/PAL –
Realization of finite state machine using PLD – FPGA – Xilinx FPGA-Xilinx 4000.

Text books:

1. Charles H Roth,L Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Cengage Learning, 2010.

2. Brian Holdsworth, Clive Woods, Digital Logic Design, 4th ed., Newness, 2002.
3. Givone Donald, Digital Principles and Design, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.


1. Nripendra N Biswas, Logic Design Theory, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.

2. Parag K.Lala, Fault Tolerant and Fault Testable Hardware Design, B S Publications, 2002.
3. Parag K.Lala, Digital system Design using PLD, B S Publications, 2003.
4. M.D.Ciletti, Modeling, Synthesis and Rapid Prototyping with the Verilog HDL, Prentice Hall, 1999.
5. M.G.Arnold, Verilog Digital – Computer Design, Prentice Hall (PTR), 1999.
6. S. Palnitkar, Verilog HDL – A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Pearson, 2003.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2006D Electrical Machines – I

EE3007D Power Electronics
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Model and analyze DC Motor drives and their sub-systems.
CO2: Select a suitable rotating DC machine for an electrical drive.
CO3: Select a suitable power electronic converter for an electrical drive.
CO4: Select a suitable control structure and control parameters for an electrical drive
CO5: Solve engineering problems associated with electric drive systems and DC machines.

Module 1: (8 hours)

Introduction to Drives:
Characteristic matching of the load and the motor - Criteria for selection of subsystems of the Drive -
Thermal consideration – considerations in the match between the Power Electronics converter and the
motor - Characteristics of mechanical systems - stability criteria.

Module 2: (8 hours)

Modelling of DC Machine:
Theory of operation – Induced EMF – Equivalent circuit and electromagnetic torque – Elecrtomechanical
modeling – state space modeling – Block diagram.

Module 3: (13 hours)

Phase controlled DC motor Drives:

Field Control – Armature Control – Four quadrant operation – Single phase controlled convertors - Three
phase controlled convertors – half controlled convertor – Converters with freewheeling – Converter
configuration for a four quadrant DC motor drive – Steady state analysis of Three phase converter controlled
DC motor drive – Two quadrant, Three phase converter controlled DC motor drive. Two quadrant DC motor
drive with field weakening- Harmonics and Associated problems – Effect of field weakening.

Module 4: (10 hours)

Chopper Controlled DC motor Drive:

Principle of operation of chopper – Four quadrant chopper circuit and its operation in all quadrants - Model
of chopper – Steady state analysis of chopper controlled DC motor drive- Torque pulsations.


1. Ned Mohan, Power Electronics, Wiley 2011

2. Gopal K Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, 2nd ed., Narosa 2001
3. R Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis, and Control, Pearson Education, 2001
4. G.K.Dubey and C.R.Kasaravada, Power Electronics & Drives, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993.
5. W. Shepherd, L N Hulley, Power Electronics & Control of Motor, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
6. Dubey, Power Electronics Drives, Wiley Eastern, 1993.
7. Chilikin, M, Electric Drives, Mir publications, 2nd ed., 1976
8. Vedam Subrahmanyam, Electric Drives Concepts and applications, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 1994.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2003D Logic Design

EE2004D Microprocessor & Microcontrollers
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Evaluate the nature of embedded systems from the basic idea regarding it.

CO2: Design and evaluate the hardware and software aspects of modern embedded systems.

CO3: Interface various components such as processors / controllers, sensors, actuators and other
electronic components to the embedded system.

CO4: Design and develop an embedded system as it is done in a product design industry.

CO5: Develop the Operating Systems, including RTOS, and design and evaluate various features of the
OS used in the embedded systems for practical applications.

CO6: Acquire the competence to develop embedded systems using modern processors such as ARM
family processors.

Module 1: Introduction to Embedded Systems (12 hours)

Application Areas, figures of merit, Categories of embedded systems, Overview of embedded system
architecture, desirable features and history. Specialties of embedded systems, recent trends in embedded
systems, Architecture of embedded systems, Hardware architecture, Software architecture, Application
Software, Communication Software, Embedded System Development Environment and debugging Tools
– - IDE, Compilers, Simulators /Emulators

MCU internals - Reset types, Timers, Stacks, Interrupts, DMA, Serial Communication etc. Memory:
EPROM, Flash, OTP, SRAM, DRAM, SDRAM etc., Pull up, Pull down and High Z connections , A brief
introduction to sensors and actuators and examples of embedded systems

Module 2: The ARM Processor (12 hours)

Background of ARM Architecture, Architecture Versions, Processor Naming, Instruction Set Development,
Thumb-2 and Instruction Set Architecture.
ARM Assembly language- Programming using the ARM Instruction Set in Keil Microvision IDE, Data
Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Branch Instructions, Multiple register instruction Programming
the peripherals of ARM using C and Keil Microvision IDE.
Features of a typical ARM 7 processor –Bus structure Peripherals: GPIO, Timers, Interrupts, Serial
Communication New ARM processors –Introduction to the Cortex Series.

Module 3: Embedded System Design (3 hours)

Embedded System Product Development Life cycle (EDLC), Hardware development cycles- Specifications.
Hardware testing methods like Boundary Scan, In Circuit Testing (ICT) etc. Networks for embedded
systems - I2C, SPI, AMBA, CAN etc.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: Operating Systems (12 hours)

Operating System Fundamentals, Concept of firmware, Operating system basics, General Linux
Architecture, Linux Kernel, Linux file systems, Embedded Linux: Booting Process in Linux, boot loaders,
U-boot, Kernel Images, Real Time Operating systems, Basics of RTOS: Real-time concepts, Hard Real
time and Soft Real-time, Differences between General Purpose OS & RTOS, Basic architecture of an
RTOS, Tasks, Processes and Threads, Multiprocessing and Multitasking, Task scheduling, Task
communication and synchronisation, Device Drivers.
GNU Tools: gcc, gdb, gprof, Makefiles, Free RTOS/ Chibios-RT


1. Lyla B. Das., Embedded Systems-an integrated approach, Pearson Education ,2013

2. Shibu K.V. , Introduction to Embedded Systems, Tata McGraw Hill ,2010.
3. Michael J. Pont , Embedded C, Addison Wesley, 2002.
4. Tim Wilmshurst, An introduction to the design of small-scale embedded systems, Palgrave, 2001.
5. Venkateswaran Sreekrishnan, Essential Linux Device Drivers, Prentice Hall, 2007.
6. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems Architecture Programming and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
7. Jane Liu, Real-time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000
8. Laplante, Phillip, Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis: An Engineer's Handbook, 4th ed., IEEE
Press, 2012.
9. Simon, David E, Embedded Software Primer, Pearson 2012.
10. Lyla B Das: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing of Low-power Processors – ARM7, Cortex-M
; Cengage publishers, 2017.
11. J. Cooperstein, Writing Linux Device Drivers: A Guide with Exercises, 3rd ed., O'Reilly, 2005.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total Hrs: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge of fundamentals of Electrical Installations like general requirements, design
considerations, testing, estimating and costing.
CO2: Design of electrical installations Acquire knowledge of fundamentals of National Electrical Code –
CO3: Acquire knowledge of fundamentals of various schemes of illumination, energy conversion methods
used in it and design of lighting for various purposes
CO4: Design, estimation and costing of electrical installation in a commercial building, hospitals, cinema
theatres, small industries, high rise building, etc
CO5: Design, estimation and costing of outdoor and indoor substations
CO6: Design earthling systems and lightning protection schemes

Module 1: (10 hours)

Electrical Installations: general requirements, design considerations, testing, estimating and costing -
symbols, standards – National Electrical Code – design of panel boards – design and estimation of service
connections – design and safety aspects of residential buildings

Module 2: (7 hours)

Illumination schemes – types of light sources and lighting arrangements – energy efficiency in lamps and
illumination – design of lighting for various purposes.

Module 3: (12 hours)

Electrical system design, estimation and costing of commercial buildings, hospitals, recreational and
assembly buildings, cinema theatres, small industries, Design of electrical installations of high rise
buildings: electrical aspects of lifts, escalators services, stand by generators.

Module 4: (10 hours)

Design, estimation and costing of outdoor and indoor Substations - Layouts and single line diagrams of
outdoor and indoor substations in AutoCAD –Design of earthing system, earth mat, plate and pipe earthing
– Safety of electrical installations – Lightning protection.


1. K.B. Raina, S.K. Bhattacharya, Electrical Design, Estimating and Costing, New Age International (p)
Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Surjit Singh. Electrical Estimating and Costing, Dhanpat Rai & Co., Delhi, 2005.
3. ISI, National Electrical Code, Bureau of Indian Standard Publications.
4. G. Ramamurthy, Hand book of Electrical Power Distribution, Universities Press (India) Private Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2004.
5. N Alagappan,S Ekambaram, Electrical estimating and Costing, McGraw-Hill,1999.
6. Narang K.L., A Text Book of Electrical Engineering Drawing, Tech India Publications, 1963

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2001D Circuits & Networks

EE2002D Signals & Systems
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Derive network functions for one port and two port networks

CO2: Develop one port networks in CauerI & II forms through synthesis

CO3: Develop one port networks in Foster I& II forms through synthesis

CO4: Develop the realizations of two port networks through synthesis

CO5: Apply synthesis techniques for developing networks with given transfer functions

Module 1: Network Functions (13 hours)

Network functions for one port and two port networks – calculation of network functions for ladder and
general networks-poles and zeros for network functions-pole zero location for driving point and transfer
functions-Hurwitz polynomials – properties - Brune’s positive real functions – Properties of positive real
functions –passivity- necessary and sufficient conditions for positive real functions-physical realizability.

Module 2: Synthesis of one port networks (13 hours)

Synthesis of reactive one-ports by Foster’s and Cauer’s methods - Synthesis of LC, RC and RL driving-
point functions – RLC one terminal-pair network synthesis – Minimum positive real functions – Brune’s
method of RLC synthesis – Series Parallel realization – Chop- chop method -

Module 3: Synthesis of two port networks (13 hours)

Constant k filter-m-derived filters-synthesis of two port networks- method of Bolt and Duffin –Two terminal–
pair synthesis –The LC ladder development –The RC ladder development – lattice networks-Gulleiman’s
transfer admittance synthesis. Introduction to synthesis of active networks and filters.

Text books:

1. Sureshkumar K.S, Electric Circuits & Networks, Pearson, 2009.

2. Ramakalyan A, Linear Circuits: Analysis & Synthesis, Oxford University Press, 2005.


1. Van Valkenburg M.E., Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley Eastern, 1960 (reprint 1986).
2. Van Valkenburg M.E, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall India, 2014.
3. Bakshi U.A, Bakshi A.V, Network Analysis & Synthesis, Technical Publications, 2005.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2003D Logic Design

EE2007D Basic Electronic Circuits
EE2008D Analog Electronic Circuits & Systems
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire basic knowledge on digital circuits using CMOS

CO2: Develop design capability in Combinational logic circuits using CMOS

CO3: Develop design capability in synchronous and asynchronous sequential CMOS circuits

CO4: Develop capability to design state-of-the art of memory unit, PLL, DLL circuits

CO5: Develop knowledge on design trade-offs in various digital CMOS circuits towards speed of operation
and power consumption and power optimization design approach

CO6: Develop knowledge in data paths in digital processor architectures

Module 1: (9 hours)

The static behavior of CMOS inverter-evaluating the robustness of the CMOS inverter in terms of switching
threshold, noise margins. The dynamic behavior of CMOS inverter- computing the capacitances,
propagation delay-first order analysis, dynamic power consumption, energy and energy-delay. Analyzing
power consumption using SPICE. Combinational logic Gates in static CMOS- Complementary CMOS,
Ratioed logic, pass transistor logic, transmission logic. Dynamic CMOS logic design-basic principle, speed
and power dissipation of dynamic logic, VTC, fan-in, fan-out , cascading dynamic logic gates.

Module 2: (11 hours)

Design of sequential logic circuits using CMOS – timing metrics for sequential circuits, classification of
memory elements. Static latches and registers- bistability principle, multiplexer-based latches, master-slave
edge-triggered register. Dynamic latches and register – dynamic transmission-gate edge-triggered
registers, basic approaches-C2MOS approach, TSPCR approach. Pipelining - An approach to optimize
sequential circuits, latch vs, register based pipelines, pipeline structures. Non-bistable sequential circuits-
Schmitt trigger, monostable sequential circuits, astable circuits.

Module 3: (9 hours)

Timing issues in digital circuits – classification of timing in digital circuits, synchronous timing basics,
sources of skew and jitter, clock distribution technique, latch based clocking. Self- timed logic-an
asynchronous technique, completion signal generation, practical example of self timed logic. Clock
synthesis and synchronization using phase-locked loop. Distributed clocking using DLLs. Synchronous vs.
Asynchronous design.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: (10 hours)

Data paths in digital processor architectures- the adder- the binary adder- definitions, logic and design
considerations, the multiplier-definitions, logic and design considerations, partial-product generation,
accumulation, final addition, the shifter- barrel shifter, logarithmic shifter. Power and speed trade-offs in
datapath structures. Design time power reduction techniques, run-time power management, reducing the
power in standby mode.


1. E. Elmasry, ed., Digital MOS Integrated Circuits II, IEEE Press, 1992.
2. A. Kang and Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1999.
3. M. Annaratone, Digital CMOS Circuit Design, Kluwer, 1986.
4. M. Shoji, High-Speed Digital Circuits, Addison-Wesley, 1996
5. A. Chandrakasan and R. Brodersen, Low-Power Digital CMOS Design, IEEE Press, 1998.
6. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits- A design perspective, 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2003

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2004D Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course outcomes:

CO1: Describe the history of development of the processors.

CO2: Explain the working of a modern processor.
CO3: Develop a processor based system by programming the processor in assembly language.
CO4: Describe the architecture of a modern processor and latest trends in processor industry.

Module 1: (10 hours)

Basic Concepts of Microprocessors, Different Architectures of Microprocessors. 8051

MicrocontrollerHardware, 1/O Pins, Ports and Circuits, External Memory, Counters and Timers, Serial Data
Input/ Output, Interrupts, Assembly Language Programming of 8051.

Module 2: (10 hours)

8086 Hardware Details, Memory Organization and Addressing Modes, System Bus Structure – Minimum
Mode and Maximum Mode, Interrupt Priority Management, System Bus Timing, Multiprocessor

Module 3: (10 hours)

Design of 8086 based system, Architecture of 80286, 80386, Development of Personal Computers.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Processor Types and Instruction Sets , Microcode , Protection and Processor Modes, Physical Memory ,
Virtual Memory, Caches, Bus Architecture , Parallelism and Pipelining , Performance Assessing of


1. Brey B.B, The Intel Microprocessors - Architecture, Programming & Interfacing, 6th ed., Prentice Hall,
, 2004.
2. Liu Y.C. & Gibsen G.A, Microcomputer System: The 8086/8088 Family, Architecture Programming
and Design, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India, 2004 .
3. Ayala K.J., The 8051 Micro controller, Architecture, Programming and Applications, 2nd ed., Penram
International Publishing (India), 1996.
4. Ayala K.J, The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming and Interfacing The PC, Penram International
Publishing (India), 1995.
5. Trebel, Walter A Singh, Avtar, 8088 and 8086 microprocessors, Programming Interfacing, Software,
Hardware and Aplications, 4th ed., Pearson Education , 2004.
6. Douglas E Comer, Essentials of Computer Architecture, Pearson Education, 2005.
7. Pattersen D.A. & Hennesy J.L, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/ Software
Interface, 2nd ed,, Harcourt Asia Pvt Ltd (Morgan Kaufman), 2002.
8. Heuring V.P. & Jordan H.F, Computer System Design and Architecture, Addison Wesle Hamacher,
Vranesic & Zaky, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill,2002.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: To evaluate the economics of the management, operation, and growth and profitability of engineering
firms and analyze operations of markets under varying competitive conditions

CO2: The course equips a student to carry out and evaluate benefit/cost, life cycle and breakeven analyses
on one or more economic alternatives

CO3: To analyze cost/revenue data and carry out make economic analyses in the decision making process
to justify or reject alternatives/projects on an economic basis.

CO4: Produce a constructive assessment of a social problem by drawing the importance of environmental
responsibility and demonstrate knowledge of global factors influencing business and ethical issues.

CO5: Helps to use models to describe economic phenomena; analyze and make predictions about the
impact of government intervention and changing market conditions on consumer and producer
behavior and well-being.

Module 1: (9 hours)

General Foundations of Economics; Forms of organizations-Objectives of firms-Opportunity principle-

Discounting, Marginalism versus Incrementalism-Production Possibility frontier-Central problems of an
economy- Two sector, Three sector and Four sector circular flow of income. Demand analysis-Individual,
Market and Firm demand, Determinants of demand and supply, Shifts and changes in demand and supply,
Market equilibrium, Shortages versus surpluses, Price ceiling ,Price floor- Elasticity of demand and
business decision making.

Module 2: (17 hours)

Production functions in the short and long run-Cost concepts- Short run and long run costs- economies and
diseconomies of scale-economies and diseconomies of scope-Break even analysis-Vertical & horizontal
integration-Product markets- Market structure-Competitive market-Imperfect competition (Monopoly,
Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly) and barriers to entry; Pricing in different markets; Price
discrimination-Dead weight loss-consumer’s surplus ; Game Theory-Prisoner’s Dilemma-Maximin,
Minimax, Saddle point, Nash Equilibrium.

Module 3: (13 hours)

Macroeconomic Aggregates-Gross Domestic Product; Gross national product, net domestic product,
Transfer payments, Depreciation, Economic Indicators; Models of measuring national income; Fiscal deficit,
primary deficit, Inflation and deflation ; Fiscal and Monetary Policies ; Monetary system; Indian stock market;
Development Banks; NBFIs, role of Reserve Bank of India, Money Market, Capital market; NIFTY,
SENSEX, Financial ratios.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. R. S. Pindyck, D. L. Rubinfeld and P. L. Mehta, Microeconomics, 9th ed., Pearson Education, 2018.
2. P. A. Samuelson and W. D. Nordhaus, Economics, 19th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2015.
3. N. G. Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics, 7th ed., Cengage Publications, 2014.
4. S. B. Gupta, Monetary Economics: Institutions, Theory & Policy, New Delhi: S. Chand & Company
Ltd., 2013.
5. K. E. Case, R. C. Fair and S. Oster, Principles of Economics, 10th ed., Prentice Hall, 2011.

Note: Supplementary materials would be suggested / supplied for select topics on financial markets and
Indian economy.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Summarize the different types of errors in measurement, calibration process and standards.

CO2: Discuss the different methods for measurement of various electrical quantities.

CO3: Recognize the dynamics of instrument systems.

CO4: Discuss various methods for measurement of non-electrical quantities like Temperature, Pressure,
Force, Torque, Density, Liquid level, Viscosity, Flow, Displacement etc.

CO5: Illustrate various signal processing circuits.

CO6: Outline various sensors, DCS and PLC.

Module 1: Instrumentation and Calibration, Signals and their representation (10 hours)

Measurement, Instrumentation and Calibration - Introduction to Instrumentation systems - performance

characteristics, static and dynamic characteristics – Errors in measurement - gross Errors, systematic
Errors – statistical Analysis of Random Errors – Calibration and Standards -Process of calibration,
classification of standards, standards for calibration.
Signals and their representation. Electrical Measuring Systems- Dynamics of Instrument systems –
generalized performance of systems – electrical Networks – Mechanical systems - Electromechanical
systems –Thermal systems – Fluidic systems – Filtering and Dynamic Compensation.

Module 2: Amplifiers, measurement of non-electric quantities and Signal processing Circuits (10

Electronic Amplifiers- difference or Balanced Amplifiers, Electrometer Amplifier, operational Amplifiers,

feedback amplifiers, Isolation Amplifiers, charge Amplifiers, power Amplifiers. Measurement of phase
Angle- Frequency Measurement – Time – Interval measurement - Basics of Temperature, pressure, Force,
Torque, Density, Liquid level, Viscosity, Flow, Displacement measurement.
Signal processing Circuits – Data Display and recording systems – Data Transmission and Telemetry.

Module 3: Classification of transducers (9 hours)

Classification of transducers –Mechanical Transducers- Passive Electrical Transducers – resistive,

Inductive and capacitive Transducers, Active Electrical Transducers – Thermoelectric, piezoelectric,
magnetostrictive, Hall Effect, Electromechanical, Electro Chemical- Photoelectric and Ionization
Transducers, Digital Transducer, Feedback Transducers Systems.

Module 4: Sensors, PLC and DCS (10hours)

Recent Developments in sensor technology – Semiconductor sensors- Smart Sensors-Microsensors – IR

Radiation Sensors – Ultrasonic Sensors –Fibre Optic Sensors – Chemical Sensors – Biosensors.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Programmable Logic controllers- Introduction to PLC Programming-Distributed Control Systems and

Computer Based Systems.


1. D.V.S Murty, Transducers & Instrumentation,1st ed., Prentice Hall of India (pvt ltd), 2012
2. Ernest O. Doebelin and Dhanesh N, Manik, Measurement Systems Application & design, 5th ed.,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
3. Klaas B Klaassen, Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
4. A.D. Helfrick and W.D. Cooper, Modern Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques,
Pearson Education India,2016.
5. Alan S. Morris and Reza Langari, 2nd ed., Measurement and Instrumentation, Theory and Application,
Academic Press, 2015
6. Bela G. Liptak, Instrument Engineers' Handbook Process Control and Optimisation,, 3rd ed., vol. 2,
CRC Press, 2012.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify a topic of interest relevant to industry or society in the field of Electrical Engineering or
interdisciplinary field

CO2: Formulate and develop a design proposal and to effectively communicate the same and complete the
preliminary work by undertaking literature survey, case studies, data collection and feasibility studies

CO3: Develop a design or model or algorithm for a new idea/product through simulated or theoretical and
experimental approach.

The project work will be of a design and/or experimental approach in the electrical engineering discipline or
interdisciplinary field. An individual student or group of students from electrical engineering department or
other department(s) of the institute can do project work under a supervisor, towards the innovative
idea/social/product development. In case of interdisciplinary project, the faculty member(s) from the
concerned department(s) are also the supervisor(s) for the students. A faculty coordinator will coordinate
the project work of all students and will decide the maximum number of students in a project group.

The assessment of the project will be done at the end of the semester by a project review committee
consisting of three or four faculty members from the concerned field. After completing the work to the
satisfaction of the supervisor(s), the project report will have to be submitted by the student(s) to the project
review committee. The project supervisor(s) and project review committee will award the grades to the
individual student based on the performance and contribution by an individual.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Examine and evaluate the characteristics of different relays

CO2: Design and evaluate the characteristics of phase controlled rectifiers

CO3: Design and evaluate the characteristics ac voltage controller and inverter

CO4: Obtain and evaluate the characteristics of various semiconductor devices and choose the proper
device for particular application.

CO5: Conduct load flow and short circuit analysis on power system

List of Experiments:

1. IDMT Over current relay: plot the IDMT characteristics of the inverse over current relay, identify PSM
and settings required for a 3 phase 5 hp induction motor with 120% overload limit, Determine the
tripping time for 50*I.
2. Under voltage and Over voltage relay: Plot the inverse characteristics of the relay in under and over
voltage operation zone. Determine the tripping time for 150*V and 50*V.
3. Design and setup a single-phase full-converter and study its performance for R and RL loads.
4. Solar PV Module: Plot I-V characteristics of a P-V Module. Determine the maximum power point and
power transferred for a lamp load.
5. Design and setup a single-phase semi-converter and study its performance for R and RL loads.
6. Design and set up a Single Phase half wave rectifier and study its performance for R and RL loads.
7. Design and set up a Single Phase AC voltage controller using Triac.
8. Design and set up a Single Phase square wave inverter and study the effect of variation is DC Bus
voltage and duty cycle.
9. Study of V-I characteristics of Thyristor.
10. Study of V-I characteristics of IGBT.
11. Study of V-I characteristics MOSFET.
12. Study of switching characteristics of IGBT.
13. Study of switching characteristics of MOSFET.
14. Determination of sequence Impedance of Transformer.
15. Short circuit analysis on a power system using PSCAD software
16. Load flow analysis on a power system using ETAP software
17. Cable Testing: Determine the IR value, conductor resistance and calculate the leakage current.
Conduct HV test on 415V grade cable.


1. Ned Mohan ,Power Electronics,John Wiley and Sons,2006

2. Rashid, Power Electronics, Circuits Devices and Applications, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, 2004.
3. G.K.Dubey, Thyristorised Power Controllers, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1993.
4. Dewan&Straughen, Power Semiconductor Circuits, John Wiley & Sons, 1975.
5. Cyril W Lander, Power Electronics, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 1993.
6. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2003.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 3 2
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Development of mathematical model of dynamic systems

CO2: Design of controllers for single input single output systems

CO3: Design of controllers for multi input multi output systems

CO4: Development of controllers for dynamical systems using PLC

CO5: Design of controllers for dynamical systems using MATLAB

CO6: Real time implementation of controllers for dynamical systems using dSPACE board

List of Experiments:

1. To obtain the moment of inertia and develop the transfer function of the given DC Motor for
a. Armature controlled.
b. Field controlled cases. Draw the relevant block diagrams.
2. To conduct experiments on the given amplidyne for
a. To obtain the transfer function.
b. To obtain the load characteristics under different levels of compensation.
c. To obtain the characteristics of a metadyne.
3. To Study the FEEDBACK ®MS150 DC Modular Servo System and to obtain the characteristics of
the constituent components. Also to set up a closed loop position control system and to study the
system performance.
4. To design Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag compensators and to obtain the characteristics by experiment
and simulation using MATLAB®.
5. To set up a system for closed loop voltage regulation for a dc separately excited generator using
amplidyne and to obtain its characteristics.
6. To obtain the model of the Inverted pendulum and study the closed loop performance using
experiments on Bytronic® Inverted Pendulum
7. To obtain the characteristics of the synchro systems and to set up a synchro link position control
system using FEEDBACK® MS150 AC Modular Servo.
a. To familiarize the twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS)
b. To develop the state space model of the TRMS from the given dynamic equations
c. To obtain the linearized model of the TRMS
d. To develop the transfer matrix and obtain the decoupled system.
e. To study the effect of PID controller on the performance of the system
f. To simulate the real-time system for step input and sinusoidal input.
9. To conduct experiments on the Level Process Control Station and to study the working of a level
control loop.
a. To study the Digital Input / Output operation of PLC
b. To study the On delay and Off delay Timer operation using PLC

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

c. To study the UP and DOWN Counter operation using PLC

d. To study the performance of automatic water level control system using PLC
e. To study the control of Bottle filling system using PLC
f. To control the speed of the PMDC motor using Versamax Micro PLC
g. To study the water level control
h. To study the performance of a conveyor control system using PLC
11. To use the MATLAB package for design of controllers for a dynamical system.
a. To familiarize the dSPACE Control-Desk for the real time control of systems
b. To design a state feedback controller to be implemented in real time using DS1103 to perform
the closed loop speed control of DC Motor


1. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.

2. M. Gopal, Control Systems, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
3. K. P. Mohandas, Modern Control Engineering, Sanguine Pearson, Revised Edition, 2010.
4. G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. E. Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 4th ed., Pearson
Education Asia, 2002.
5. G. C. Goodwin, S. F. Graebe and M. E. Salgado, Control System Design, Prentice Hall India, 2003.
6. J. J. D’Azzo, C. H. Houpis, S. N. Sheldon, Linear Control System Analysis & Design with MATLAB,
5th ed., Marcel Dekker, 2003.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 2 1
Total hours: 26

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify promising new directions of various cutting edge technologies

CO2: Study research papers for understanding of a new field, in the absence of a textbook, summarize and
review them

CO3: Prepare detailed report describing the project and results

CO4: Effectively communicate by making an oral presentation before an evaluation committee

Individual students will be asked to choose a topic in Engineering field and/or relevant to industry or society,
however, the main focus shall be in Electrical Engineering field, preferably from outside the B.Tech syllabus.
Give an open seminar and submit a report on the topic after detailed study of the topic. A committee
consisting of at least three faculty members specialized on different fields of Engineering will assess the
presentation and report of the seminar. The marks will be assessed by the committee based on the seminar
presentation and report.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
0 0 9 6
Total hours: 117

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Implement the design or model or algorithm developed under EE4091D Project: Part I or Identify and
implement the design or model of a topic of interest relevant to industry or society in the field of
Electrical Engineering or interdisciplinary field
CO2: Synthesize the results of the detailed analytical studies conducted, lay down validity and design
criteria and interpret the result for application to the problem.

CO3: Develop the concept and detailed design solution and effectively communicate the thesis rationale.

Students are encouraged to do Project: Part II in a reputed industry/ R&D organization/ institute, if they had
completed EE4091D Project: Part I satisfactorily, in their seventh semester. The Project: Part II may also
be a continuation of EE4091D Project: Part I of seventh semester. The Project: Part II can be done by an
individual and / or by a group of students from electrical engineering department or other department(s) of
the institute. The type of the project can be analytical / simulation/ design or/and fabrication related to
Electrical Engineering or interdisciplinary field. A faculty coordinator will coordinate the project work of all
students and will decide the maximum number of students in a project group.

Evaluation will be done by a project review committee consisting of the concerned supervisor(s) and
two/three faculty members in the concerned area of the project nominated by the HOD. The faculty
coordinator of the project will be a member of the evaluation committee for all the projects. The mode of
presentation, submission of the report, method of evaluation, award of grades etc will be decided by the
project review committee. The students shall submit both soft and hard copies (required number of copies)
of project report in the prescribed format to the department and library after incorporating all the corrections
and changes suggested by the project review committee.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the concepts of genetic algorithms and apply the knowledge in engineering problem
CO2: Explain the concept of Particle Swarm Optimization with examples
CO3: Evaluate Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search method in the engineering applications
CO4: Apply Ant colony optimization to solve the optimization problem
CO5: Construct the optimization method for the real-time applications with computer simulation

Module 1: (10 hours)

Genetic algorithm:
Introduction to Optimization, types of optimization problem, optimization algorithms, classification, History
of evolutionary, Advantages of evolutionary computation, Introduction to genetic algorithms, The genetic
computation process-natural evolution-parent selection-crossover-mutation-properties - classification -
Application to engineering problems, Computer simulation practices.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Particle Swarm Optimization:

Introduction, background of Particle Swarm Optimization, Discrete PSO, PSO for MINLPs, Hybrid PSO,
Adaptive PSO, Evolutionary PSO, Application to engineering problems, Computer simulation practices.

Module 3: (11 hours)

Simulated Annealing: Introduction - Algorithm - Applications, Computer simulation practices

Tabu Search: Overview of Tabu Search -Problem formulation, basic Tabu Search Algorithm - Applications,
Computer simulation practices.

Module 4: (8 hours)

Ant colony optimization:

Introduction, behavior of real ants, Ant colony algorithms, Characteristics, distributed computations, positive
feedback, use of greedy search and constructive heuristic information, Applications, Computer simulation


1. K. Y. Lee, M. A. El-Sharkawi, Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques: Theory and Applications to

Power Systems, IEEE Press, 2008.
2. D.E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison Wesley,
3. M. Gen, R. Cheng and L. Lin, Network Models and Optimization: Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm
Approach, Springer, 1994.
4. M. Clerc, Particle Swarm Optimization, ISTE ltd, 2006.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisite: EE3001D Control Systems - I

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe basic concepts of optimization of functionals with and without constraints using Calculus of
CO2: Formulate performance index, define optimal control problems and solve optimal control problems
CO3: Apply Pontryagin’s minimum principle to optimal control problems for constrained optimization
CO4: Solve linear regulator, minimum time and minimum control effort problems
CO5: Apply dynamic programming for solution to optimal control problems
CO6: Describe concept of model following control and controller design for model reference adaptive

Module 1: Calculus of variations approach for Minimization of functionals (10 hours)

Basic mathematical concepts - Calculus of variations approach- Maximization of functionals of a single and
several independent functions - Euler-Lagrange Equation - Constrained extremals - extremal of functionals
with dependent functions - differential equation constraints – isoperimetric constraints.

Module 2: Variational Approach to Optimal Control (10 hours)

Optimal control problem –performance measure - Optimal control problem formulation - Open loop and
closed loop form of optimal control - the variational approach to solving optimal control problems -
necessary conditions and boundary conditions for optimal control using Hamiltonian – closed loop control
for linear regulator problem - linear tracking problem – Pontryagin’s minimum principle - state inequality
constraints - minimum time problems - minimum control effort problems.

Module 3: Dynamic programming (10 hours)

Dynamic programming - principle of optimality - application to multi stage decision making – application to
optimal control problem recurrence relation of dynamic programming - discrete linear regulator problem -
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation - continuous linear regulator problem.

Module 4: Model reference adaptive control (9 hours)

Model following control – Model reference adaptive control - Design method based on the use of Liapunov
function - Adaptive variable structure model following control


1. E. Kirk, Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, 2004.

2. B. D. O. Anderson and J. B. Moore, Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods, Prentice-Hall, 2007.
3. M. Krstic, P. V. Kokotovic and I. Kanellakopoulos, Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design, John Wiley
and Sons, 1995.
4. K. J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, 2nd ed., Dover, New York, 2008.
5. G. Feng and R. Lozano, Adaptive Control Systems, Oxford University Press, 1999.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3003D Electrical Machines – II

EE3007D Power Electronics
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Model and analyze AC Motor drives and their sub-systems.

CO2: Select a suitable rotating AC machine for an electrical drive.
CO3: Select a suitable power electronic converter for an IM drive.
CO4: Select the suitable control structure and control parameters for an IM drive
CO5: Solve engineering problems associated with electric drive systems and AC machines.

Module 1: (8 hours)

AC Machines for Drives:

Induction machine – Synchronous machine – Permanent magnet machines – Synchronous reluctance and
variable reluctance machine – Principle of operation, Equivalent circuit, Modeling and characteristics of all
these machines.

Module 2: (12 hours)

Phase Controlled Induction Motor Drives:

Cycloconverters - Phase controlled cycloconverters – Circuits and operation principle – Circulating and
noncirculating current mode – load and line harmonics – Line displacement power factor - Stator voltage
control – Slip energy recovery scheme.

Module 3: (9 hours)

Frequency Controlled Induction Motor Drives:

Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) – VSI fed Induction motor - constant V/F control – Constant Flux control –
Constant Slip-speed control – Torque pulsation – Effect of harmonics and its control - PWM control – Flux
weakening operation.

Module 4: (10 hours)

Current Source Inverter (CSI) fed Induction motor Drives - CSI - Operation - Modeling - Steady state
performance of CSI motor drive. Vector controlled Induction motor Drives - Principle and operation.
Permanent Magnet Motor drives – PMSM and BLDC drives


1. N. Mohan, Power Electronics, Wiley, 2011.

2. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, 2nd ed., Narosa, 2001.
3. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis, and Control, Pearson Education, 2001.
4. G.K.Dubey and C. R. Kasaravada, Power Electronics & Drives, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1993.
5. W. Shepherd, L. N. Hulley, Power Electronics & Control of Motor, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
6. Dubey, Power Electronics Drives, Wiley Eastern, 1993.
7. M. Chilikin, Electric Drives, 2nd ed., Mir publications, 1976.
8. V. Subrahmanyam, Electric Drives Concepts and applications, 1st ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 1994.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisite: EE3006D Power systems - II

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Model and analyze of power system components - generators, transmission lines, excitation and
prime mover controllers and interpret power system stability problems

CO2: Analyze stability of single machine and multi-machine systems using digital simulation and small-
signal analysis techniques.

CO3: Analyze Sub Synchronous Resonance and Counter measures

CO4: Assess Voltage Stability using PV Curves

Module 1: (10 hours)

Generation Control Loops, AVR Loop, Performance and Response, Automatic Generation Control of Single
Area and Multi Area Systems, ALFC loop-tie line bias control, Static and Dynamic Response of AGC Loops,
Economic Dispatch and AGC.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Transient Stability Problem, Modeling of Synchronous Machine, Loads, Network, Excitation and Systems,
Turbine and Governing Systems, Trapezoidal rule of Numerical Integration Technique for Transient Stability
Analysis, Data for Transient Stability Studies, Transient Stability Enhancement Methods, Equal area
criterion to asses stability of a SMIB system, limitations of classical model of synchronous machines.

Module 3: (10 hours)

Low Frequency Oscillations, Power System Model for Low Frequency Oscillation Studies, Improvement of
System Damping with Supplementary Excitation Control, Introduction to Sub Synchronous Resonance, and
Counter measures, power system stabilizers.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Voltage Stability Problem, Real And Reactive Power Flow in Long Transmission Lines, Effect of ULTC and
Load Characteristics on Voltage Stability, Voltage Stability Limit, Voltage Stability Assessment Using PV
Curves QV curve – PQ curve – analysis with static loads – loadability limit, Voltage Collapse Proximity
Indices, Voltage Stability Improvement Methods.


1. O. I. Elgerd, Electric Energy System Theory: An Introduction, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1982.
2. A. J. Wood and B. F. Wollenberg, Power Generation, Operation And Control, 2nd ed., John Wiley And
Sons, New York, 1996.
3. J. Arrillaga, C. P. Arnold and B. J. Harker, Computer Modeling Of Electrical Power Systems, Wiley,
New York, 1983.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

4. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1994.
5. Yao-Nan Yu, Electric Power System Dynamics, Academic Press, 1983.
6. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.
7. K. R. Padiyar, Power System Dynamics, Stability And Control, Interline Publishing (P) Ltd.,
Bangalore, 1999.
8. C. Van Cutsem, T. Vournas, Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems, Rlever Academic Press
(U.K.), 1999.
9. B. R. Gupta, Power System Analysis and Design, 3rd ed., A.H. Wheeler & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1998.
10. T. J. E. Miller, Reactive Power Control in Electric Power Systems, John Wiley and Sons, New York,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3001D Control Systems – I

EE3004D Control Systems – II
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify the characteristics of MIMO systems and calculate system norms
CO2: Analyze robustness and robust stability using and theory
CO3: Construct man-machine interface using programmable logic controllers
CO4: Describe large scale control systems like SCADA
CO5: Explain real time systems and inter task communication
CO6: Explain supervisory control, distributed control and PC based automation

Module 1: Multivariable Control (12 hours)

Basic expressions for MIMO systems - Singular values- Stability norms- Calculation system norms-
Robustness- Robust stability- H2 / H∞ Theory- Solution for design using H2 / H∞ - Case studies. Interaction
and decoupling- Relative gain analysis- Effects of interaction- Response to disturbances Decoupling-
Introduction to batch process control.

Module 2: Programmable Logic Controllers (9 hours)

Organization of Programmable logic controllers- Hardware details- I/O- Power supply- CPU- Standards
Programming aspects- Ladder programming- Sequential function charts- Man- machine interface- Detailed
study of one model- Case studies.

Module 3: Large Scale Control System (10 hours)

Introduction- SCADA Architecture- Different Communication Protocols- Common System Components-

Supervision and Control- HMI, RTU and Supervisory Stations- Trends in SCADA- Security Issues –
Introduction to distributed control systems- DCS Architecture- Local Control (LCU) architecture- LCU
languages- LCU - Process interfacing issues- communication facilities- configuration of DCS- displays-
redundancy concept - case studies in DCS.

Module 4: Real Time Systems (8 hours)

Real time specifications and design techniques- Real time kernels- Inter task communication and
synchronization- Real time memory management- Supervisory control- direct digital control- Distributed
control- PC based automation.


1. F. G. Shinskey, Process control systems: application, Design and Tuning, McGraw Hill International
Edition, Singapore, 1988.
2. P. Belanger, Control Engineering: A Modern Approach, Saunders College Publishing, USA, 1995.
3. R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Addison Wesley Longman Inc., 1999.
4. P. A. Laplante, Real Time Systems: An Engineer’s Handbook, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

5. C. H. Houpis and G. B. Lamont, Digital Control systems, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore,
6. S. A. Boyer, SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Instrument Society of America
Publications, USA, 1999.
7. G. Clarke and D. Reynders, Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870.5 and Related
Systems, Newnes Publications, Oxford, UK, 2004.
8. E. N. Rosenwasser and B. P. Lampe, Multivariable computer-controlled systems: a transfer function
approach, Springer, 2006.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3005D Power Systems - I

EE3007D Power Electronics
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Discuss the power flow control in AC systems and FACTS Devices.
CO2: Analyze static series compensation, static shunt compensation and different types of compensators
in each category.
CO3: Analyze the operation and control of Unified Power Flow Controller and Demonstrate through
CO4: Analyze and Demonstrate Special purpose FACTS controllers and custom power devices through

Module 1: (9 hours)

FACTS concepts and general system considerations: Power flow in AC systems - Real and Reactive Power
flow control Definition of FACTS - Power flow control -Constraints of maximum transmission line loading -
Benefits of FACTS Transmission line compensation- Uncompensated line -shunt compensation - Series
compensation -Phase angle control.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Static shunt compensators: SVC and STATCOM - Operation and control of TSC, TCR and STATCOM -
characteristics and control, Compensator control - Comparison between SVC and STATCOM. Static series
compensation: GCSC, TSSC, SSSC -Static voltage and phase angle regulators - TCVR and TCPAR
Operation and Control –Applications- Modeling and Simulation.

Module 3: (10 hours)

Unified Power Flow Controller: Circuit Arrangement, Operation and control of UPFC- Basic Principle of P
and Q control- independent real and reactive power flow control- Applications - Introduction to interline
power flow controller- comparison with other FACTS devices -Applications-Modeling and Simulation.

Module 4: ((10 hours)

Special purpose FACTS controllers - Thyristor controlled voltage limiter - Thyristor controlled voltage
regulator - Thyristor controlled braking resistor - Thyristor controlled current limiter Custom Power -
Compensation Devices - STS - SSC - SVR -Backup energy supply devices, DVR, D-STATCOM and UPQC.


1. N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC

Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, 2000.
2. T.J.E Miller, Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
3. N. Mohan, Power Electronics, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
4. K. R. Padiyar, FACTS controllers in power transmission and distribution, New Age International (P)
Ltd, 2008.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3005D Power systems – I

EE3006D Power systems – II
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Formulate and implement control objectives and operational constraint for optimal power flow

CO2: Analyze and solve economic dispatch of thermal units, unit commitment

CO3: Discuss automatic generation control and voltage regulation during normal operation of power system
augmented with FACTS devices

CO4: Analyze economic interchange of power and energy between interconnected utilities

CO5: Estimate the system states and analyze the security of power system

Module 1: (10 hours)

Economic dispatch of thermal units and methods of solution- Optimal power flow solution- Transmission
losses- B matrix loss formula- Take-or-pay fuel supply contract- Composite generation production cost
function solution by gradient search techniques, Dynamic programming methods.

Module 2: (9 hours)

Unit commitment - Solution methods-Hydrothermal coordination - Scheduling problems - Short term

hydrothermal scheduling problem – Pumped storage hydro plants - Hydro scheduling using linear
programming - Short term hydro scheduling - load model - Prime mover model - governor model - tie-line
model - generation control.

Module 3: (10 hours)

AGC - Single and multi area system - Speed governing – Generation allocation. AGC with optimal dispatch
- TG response - ALFC loop - tie line bias control – AVR: Exciter types - Modeling - AVR loop. Methods of
system voltage control-Tap changing transformer-Shunt reactors - Shunt capacitors - Series capacitors -
Synchronous condensers - Static VAR Systems - introduction to FACTS devices - simulation exercise.

Module 4: (10 hours)

Interchange of power and energy- Economy interchange between interconnected utilities- inter - utility
economy energy evaluation- capacity interchange - diversity interchange - energy banking- emergency
power interchange –Inadvertent power Exchange- power pools-Transmission Effects and issues- Power
system security - Contingency Analysis Using Network Sensitivity Method And AC Power Flow Method -
security constrained optimal power flow - state estimation – case study on standard test system

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. A. J. Wood and B. F. Wollenberg, Power Generation Operation and Control, 2nd ed., John Wiley &
Sons, ICN, 2005.
2. A. Gomez-Exposito, A.J. Conejo and C. Canizares, Electric Energy systems analysis and operation,
CRP press, 2009.
3. P. Kundur, Power System Stability And Control, McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.
4. A. K. Mahalanabis, Computer Aided Power system analysis and control, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1991.
5. O. I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed., 1982.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre requisites: EE3001D Control Systems - I

EE3004D Control Systems - II
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the characteristics of nonlinearities and types of nonlinear systems

CO2: Analyse nonlinear systems using phase plane method
CO3: Analyse stability of nonlinear systems
CO4: Analyse nonlinear feedback systems using describing function, Popov’s criterion and Circle criterion
CO5: Design of controllers for nonlinear systems using feedback
CO6: Apply feedback linearization for stabilization and control of nonlinear systems

Module 1: (10 hours)

Introduction and classical techniques- Characteristics of nonlinear systems – Types of nonilearities and
their occurrence- classification of equilibrium points - limit cycles - analysis of systems with piecewise
constant inputs using phase plane analysis.

Module 2: (12 hours)

Stability of Nonlinear Systems - Lyapunov stability - local stability - local linearization and stability in the
small- Direct method of Lyapunov - generation of Lyapunov function for linear and nonlinear systems –
variable gradient method - Centre manifold theorem - region of attraction - Invariance theorems - Input
output stability - L stability - L stability of state models - L2 stability.

Module 3: (8 hours)

Harmonic Linearisation and Describing Function Method-Harmonic linearization - filter hypothesis - Sine
Input describing function of standard nonlinearities- study of limit cycles (amplitude and frequency) using
SIDF- Dual Input Describing function - study of sub-harmonic oscillations- Popov.s’ criterion - Circle criterion

Module 4: (9 hours)

Feedback Control and Feedback Stabilisation- Analysis of feedback systems- Concepts of Inverse control-
Feedback linearization- Simultaneous Feedback control- Design via linearization- stabilization - regulation
via integral control - gain scheduling - Exact Feedback Linearization - Input state linearization - input output
linearization - state feedback control - stabilization - tracking - integral control.


1. H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, Prentice-Hall International (UK), 1996.

2. J. J. E. Slotine and W. Li, Applied Nonlinear Control, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1991.
3. A. Isidori, Nonlinear Control Systems, Springer Verlag, 1995.
4. K. P. Mohandas, Modern Control Engineering, Revised Edition, Sanguine Pearson, 2010.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE2007D Basic Electronic Circuits

EE2008D Analog Electronic Circuits & Systems
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Select the optimum model for MOS transistors, resistors and capacitors for Spice Simulation of a
proposed Analog MOS System design.
CO2: Acquire knowledge on basic analog MOS application structures in order to use them as building
blocks in designing analog MOS subsystems.
CO3: Employ CMOS Opamps to design common signal processing subsystems.
CO4: Apply mixed-signal CMOS building blocks designing analog MOS subsystems.

Module 1: (9 hours)

Basic MOS Device:

Analog MOS models – Device construction, Principle of operation, static characteristics, Body effect on
static characteristics and DC biasing, VVR explanation and use, channel length modulation – Early Voltage,
low frequency model – MOS in saturation –high frequency model – MOS resistors and resistor circuits

Module 2: (9 hours)

Single-Stage Amplifiers-– common source –common gate – common drain amplifiers, cascode and folded
cascode structures
Current sources and sinks – regulated cascode current source/sink, Wilder current source
Passive and Active current mirrors – Basic Current mirrors-cascode current mirror – Wilson current mirror
– Active Current mirror

Module 3: (10 hours)

Differential amplifiers – Basic differential pair, common mode response.

Frequency response of amplifiers- General considerations of Miller effect, common source, common gate,
common drain amplifiers, cascade and differential pair.
CMOS Operational amplifiers – Basic one and two stage CMOS OAs, folded cascade type.

Module 4: (11 hours)

Mixed signal circuits – CMOS comparator design – analog multiplier – dynamic analog circuits – charge
injection and capacitive feed through in
Introduction to switched capacitor circuits- MOSFET as switch – sample and hold circuits– switched
capacitor filters
Ring Oscillator, LC oscillator, VCO - PLL, Charge pump PLL, delay locked loops and applications.


1. A. S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, Microelectronic circuits, Oxford University Press, 2003.
2. J. R. Baker, H.W. Li and D.E. Boyce, CMOS - Circuit Design, Layout & Simulation, PHI,2005.
3. B. Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002.
4. R. Gregorian and G. C. Temes, Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing, John Wiley,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire the knowledge of basic principles of energy auditing types and objectives, instruments used

CO2: Apply energy efficient control methods and schemes for improvement of starting efficiency in
Electrical Motors.

CO3: Explain efficient control strategies, optimal selection, sizing, operation of variable speed drives like
pumps and fans.

CO4: Analyze Transformer loading and Evaluate Feeder/ cable losses

CO5: Discuss reactive power management scheme and Peak Demand control Methodologies

CO6: Acquire the knowledge of different types and schemes of cogeneration.

CO7: Apply Energy conservation measures and optimal operation methods for electric load like air
conditioning, refrigeration, gysers-solar water heaters, compressors, electrolytic process.

Module 1: (8 hours)

Electrical Systems: Supply & Demand Side, Economic operation, Input-Output curves, Load profiling,
Electricity tariff types; Energy auditing: Types and objectives-audit instruments- ECO assessment and
Economic methods specific energy analysis

Module 2: (10 hours)

Electric motors-Energy efficient controls and starting efficiency-Motor Efficiency and Load Analysis- Energy
efficient /high efficient Motors-Case study; Load Matching and selection of motors.
Variable speed drives; Pumps and Fans-Efficient Control strategies- Optimal selection and sizing -Optimal
operation and Storage; Case study

Module 3: (11 hours)

Transformer Loading/Efficiency analysis, Feeder/cable loss evaluation, case study. Reactive Power
management-Capacitor Sizing-Degree of Compensation, Peak Demand controls Methodologies-Types of
Industrial loads-Optimal Load scheduling-case study; Lighting- Energy efficient light sources-Energy
conservation in Lighting Schemes- Electronic ballast-Power quality issues-Luminaries, case study;

Module 4: (10 Hrs)

Cogeneration-Types and Schemes; Electric loads of Air conditioning & Refrigeration-Energy conservation
measures- Cool storage .Types-Optimal operation-case study; Electric water heating-Gysers-Solar Water
Heaters- Power Consumption in Compressors, Energy conservation measures; Electrolytic Process;
Computer Controls- softwares-EMS

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. R. DeGunther, Alternative energy for dummies, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
2. P. A. Lynn, Electricity from sunlight, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
3. L. K. Kirchmayer, Economic Operation of power system, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2010.
4. Jean-Claude Sabonnadiere, Low emission power generation technologies and energy management,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
5. U. Eicker, Low energy cooling for sustainable buildings, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
6. A. J. Wood, Power generation Operation and Control, 2nd ed., Wiley, 2010.
7. T. J. E. Miller, Reactive power control in electric systems, Wiley, 2010.
8. P. C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk and S. D. Sudhoff, Analysis of electric machinery and drive system, 2nd
ed., Wiley, 2010.
9. M. Pagliaro, G. Palmisano and R. Ciriminna, Flexible Solar Cells, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
10. A. Mitsos, P. I. Barton, Microfabricated Power Generation Devices, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
11. A. Thumann and S. Dunning, Plant Engineers and Managers Guide to Energy Conservation, 9th ed.,
TWI Press Inc., Terre Haute, 2008.
12. Roland Wengenmayr, Renewable Energy, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
13. Francois and Leveque, Transport pricing of electricity networks, Springer 2003.
14. F. Parasiliti and P. Bertoldi, Energy Efficiency in motor driven systems, Springer, 2003.
15. Turner and C. Wayne, Energy Management Handbook, The Fairmont Press, 2001.
16. R. W. Donald, Energy Efficiency Manual, Energy Institute Press, 2000.
17. G. Petrecca, Industrial Energy Management:Principles and Applications, The Kluwer international
series -207, Springer, 2000.
18. A. J. Pansini, K. D. Smalling, Guide to Electric Load Management, Pennwell Pub., 1998.
19. A. Thumann, Handbook of Energy Audits, 5th ed., Fairmont, 1998.
20. H. E. Jordan, Energy-Efficient Electric Motors and Their Applications, 2nd ed., Plenum Pub. Corp.,
21. Petrecca and Giovanni, Industrial Energy Management, Springer, 1993.
22. IEEE Bronze Book, Recommended Practice for Energy Conservation and cost effective planning in
Industrial facilities, IEEE Inc, USA, 1985.
23. H. Partab, Art and Science of Utilisation of Electrical Energy, 2nd ed., Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2014.
24. S. C. Tripathy, Electric Energy Utilization And Conservation, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1991.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Prerequisite: EE3007D Power Electronics

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Acquire knowledge on operation of non-isolated and isolated DC-DC Converters
CO2: Develop analytical competence required for modeling and simulation of these converters
CO3: Develop competence in design of power circuit (including magnetics) and closed-loop control systems
for DC-DC Converters
CO4: Develop design competence in analysis, modeling and design of Off-line Switched Mode Power

Module 1: Introduction (9 hours)

Linear regulator Vs. Switching regulator – Topologies of SMPS – isolated and non isolated topologies –
Buck – Boost – Buck boost – Cuk – Polarity inverting topologies – Push pull and forward converters half
bridge and full bridge – Fly back converters Voltage fed and current fed topologies. EMI issues.

Module 2: Design Concepts (10 hours)

Magnetic Circuits and design – Transformer design - core selection – winding wire selection – temperature
rise calculations - Inductor design. Core loss – copper loss – skin effect - proximity effect. Power
semiconductor selection and its drive circuit design – snubber circuits – EMI and RFI considerations –
Layout principles.

Module 3: Large Signal and Small Signal Modeling of Switched Mode Power Supplies (10 hours)

Switched model of Buck and Boost Converters – State Space Averaged Model – Various averages in a
Power Electronic System – Local Average Model of a SMPS – Relation between State space average
model and Local average model – conditions of validity of state space model – Small signal LTI model for
Buck and Boost converters – various transfer functions – poles and zeros of control to output transfer
function – effect of operating point and esr of capacitor on dynamics of small signal model – the right-half
zero of a boost converter – Input admittance function of a converter – input filter stability- extension of state
space model for transformer isolated SMPS designs.

Module 4: Control Modes (10 hours)

Voltage Mode Control of SMPS.. Transfer Function and Frequency response of Error Amp.
Transconductance Error Amps . PWM Control ICs (SG 3525,TL 494,MC34060 etc.)
Current Mode Control and its advantages. Current Mode Vs Voltage Mode. Current Mode PWM Control
IC(eg. UC3842).
Closing the loop – feedback isolation -

1. A. I. Pressman, Switching power supply design, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998.
2. K. H. Billings, Switch mode power supply handbook, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill, 1989.
3. S. Maniktala, Switching power supplies A to Z, 1st ed., Elsevier Inc., 2006.
4. D.M. Mitchell, DC-DC Switching Regulator Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
5. N. Mohan, Power Electronics, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
6. O. Kilgenstein, Switched Mode Power Supplies in Practice, John Wiley and Sons, 1991.
7. M.J. Nave, Power Line Filter Design for Switched-Mode Power Supplies, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 1991.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3007D Power Electronics

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the concepts of Modulation Techniques for DC-AC Power Conversion
CO2: Ex pl ai n the concept of Voltage and current source Inverters
CO3: Analyze the working of Special type inverters and Soft switching DC-AC inverters
CO4: Evaluate the applications of DC-AC Power C o nv ert ors using computer simulation

Module 1: Modulation Techniques for DC-AC Power Conversion (10 hours)

Evolution of topologies for DC-AC power conversion, Purpose of pulse width modulation, Over modulation,
Square wave operation of voltage source inverter, Selective harmonic elimination, THD optimized PWM,
Space vector concept and transformation, Per-phase methods from a space vector perspective, Space
vector based modulation, Conventional space vector PWM, Simulation practice.

Module 2: Voltage and Current Source Inverter (10 hours)

Voltage source inverters, Single phase half bridge inverters, Single phase full bridge inverters, Three phase
full bridge VSI, Current source inverters, Three phase full bridge current source inverters, Boost type CSI,
Comparison between VSI and CSI, Filter design for inverters, Applications and simulation practices.

Module 3: Special type inverters (11 hours)

Impedance source inverters, Quasi-impedance source inverters, Equivalent circuit and operations, Circuit
analysis and calculations, Simulation practice, Multilevel DC-AC inverters, Diode-clamped capacitor
clamped multilevel inverters, Multilevel inverters using H-Bridges, Generalized multilevel inverters, Mixed
level multilevel inverters, Applications and simulation practices.

Module 4: Soft switching DC-AC inverters (8 hours)

Notched DC link inverters, Resonant circuits, Design considerations, Resonant pole inverter, Operating,
principle, Transformer based resonant DC link inverters, Applications and simulation practices


1. F. L. Luo and H. Ye, Advanced DC/AC Inverters: Applications in Renewable Energy, CRC Press,
2. Seguier, Guy, Labrique and Francis, Power Electronic Converters- DC-AC Conversion, Springer,
3. E. dos Santos, E. R. da Silva, Advanced Power Electronics Converters: PWM Converters Processing
AC Voltages, Wiley, 2014.
4. A. Yazdani, Voltage–Sourced Converters in Power Systems: Modeling, Control, and Applications,
Wiley, 2010.
5. D. O. Neacsu, Switching Power Converters: Medium and High Power, CRC Press, 2017.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total Hours: 39

Course outcomes:
CO1: Apply mathematical principles of digital signal processing.
CO2: Apply methods to extract relevant information from biomedical signal measurements.
CO3: Design suitable algorithms for the analysis of ECG signal with characteristic feature points.
CO4: Assess the appropriateness of various biomedical signal processing techniques for the benefit of
clinical diagnostics

Module 1: Discrete Signals and Transforms (11 hours)

Discrete time signals and systems –classification and representation of discrete –time signals
Classifications of sequences –basic operation of sequences – discrete time systems – Discrete Time
Fourier Transform - Discrete Fourier Transform – computation of DFT –Mathematical derivation of unilateral
z Transform– properties of z- Transform –the inverse z – Transform – bilateral z –Transform -power series
- region of convergence

Module 2: Physiological Signal Processing (12 hours)

The brain and it’s potentials – electrophysiological origin of brain waves –EEG signal and it’s characteristics
–EEG analysis – linear prediction theory – recursive estimation of AR parameters
Spectral error measure – transient detection and elimination ( the case of epileptic patents)-review of
Wiener Filtering Problem – principle of adaptive filter –the Steepest -Descent Algorithm -50Hz interference
and it’s cancellation –cancellation of ECG signal from the electrical activity of the chest muscles

Module 3: ECG Data Acquisition and Processing (8 hours)

Basic electrocardiography- ECG data a acquisition-ECG lead systems – steps in ECG analysis -ECG
parametersand their estimation – QRS detection algorithm -arrhythmia analysis and monitoring - long term
ECG recording

Module 4: Compression Techniques for ECG Signals (8 hours)

Direct ECG data compression techniques – Transformation compression Techniques –other data
compression techniques – Prony’s method – clinical applications

Text books:

1. D. C. Reddy, Biomedical signal processing: principle and techniques, 1st ed., TMH, 2005.
2. W. J. Tompkins, A Biomedical signal processing, PHI, 2009.

1. R. M. Rangayyan, Biomedical signal analysis, IEEE Press, 2002.
2. L. Sornmo and Pablo, Bioelectrical signal processing in cardiac and neurological applications,
Laguna, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005.
3. R. U. Acharya, J. S. Suri, J. A. E. Spaan, S. M. Krishnan, Advances in Cardiac Signal Processing,
Springer, 2007.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3001D Control System - I

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Solve minimum mean square estimation problems

CO2: Solve maximum likelihood estimation problems
CO3: Develop the Kalman Filter Equations for the given estimation problem
CO4: Solve stochastic estimation problems using Kalman Filter

Module 1: Mean Square Estimation (13 hours)

Formulation of models for linear estimation problems-Statistical framework for parameter estimation-
guiding principles behind MSE parameter estimation methods-minimizing prediction errors-linear
regression and least squares methods-examples- correlating prediction errors with past data-Instrumental
variable method-consistency and identifiability-Recursive methods- Matrix inversion lemma-RLS Algorithm-
Weighted RLS-Application in parameter estimation-feature extraction-data analytics. AR and ARMA
process modeling and estimation of model parameters.Spectral methods.

Module 2: Maximum Likelihood estimation (13 hours)

Statistical framework for parameter estimation- Stochastic processes- Ergodicity- Stationarity-univariate

processes-multivariate processes-Wiener process- Markov process-guiding principles behind MLE
parameter estimation methods -maximum likelihood estimation-derivations-examples-simulation-
identification of closed loop systems –identification of multivariable systems- examples

Module 3: State Estimation & Kalman Filter (13 hours)

Derivation of the stochastic estimation problem-Wiener Hopf equation- realizability-examples of realizable

filters- stochastic state estimation problem- optimal filtering-derivation of Kalman filter- Simulation-
calculation of memory requirements for digital implementation- -study of literature in control, guidance and
communication on Kalman filter applications.-Extended Kalman Filter.

Text books:

1. Ljung and Lennart, System Identification: Theory for the user, Prentice Hall Information Systems
Science Series, 1987.


1. J. Schoukens, R. Pintelon and Y. Rolain, Mastering System Identification in 100 Exercises, Wiley-
IEEE Press, 2012.
2. L. Wang and K. C. Tan, Modern Industrial Automation Software Design, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012.
3. R. V. Jategaonkar, Flight Vehicle System Identification: A Time-Domain Methodology, 2nd ed.,
Aerospace Research Central, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, USA, 2015.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the basic reliability concepts and reliability measures.

CO2: Develop analytical models for power system reliability analysis.
CO3: Implement and use algorithms for power system reliability analysis
CO4: Conduct reliability studies of typical system using simulation tools
CO5: Explain power system deregulation and its social impacts

Module 1: (8 hours)

Generator System Models- State Load Model- Probability Methods- Unit Unavailability- Outage Probability,
Generating Capacity Limits- Recursive Techniques- Capacity Expansion Analysis - Scheduled Outages -
Reliability Indices- Frequency Duration Method. Power quality issues. Load forecasting: Classification of
loads-Forecast methodology- Energy forecasting

Module 2: (11 hours)

Reliability analysis of isolated and Interconnected Systems - Two Systems with Tie- Probability Array
Methods- Reliability Indices- Variable Reserve and Maximum Peak Load Reserve- Multi Connected
Systems. Distribution System- Interruption Indices- System Performance- risk prediction- Radial Systems-
Effect of Load Transfer- Line Failures- Parallel And Mesh Networks- Industrial Systems.
Capacity state classification- Average –Interruption rate method – LOLP method

Module 3: (10 hours)

Deregulated Systems: Need and conditions for deregulation-Introduction of Market structure-Market

Architecture-Spot market-forward markets and settlements. -deregulation in Indian power sector -
Operations in power markets -Review of Concepts- marginal cost of generation least-cost operation-
incremental cost of generation.

Module 4: (10 hours)

Reconfiguring Power systems- Unbundling of Electric Utilities- Competition and Direct access.
Transmission network and market power - Power wheeling transactions and marginal costing - transmission
costing. Framework and methods for the analysis of Bilateral and pool markets.


1. Dong, Z., Zhang, P. Ma, J., Zhao, J., Ali, Meng, K., Yin, Emerging Techniques in Power System
Analysis, 1st ed., Springer, 2010.
2. S.C. Savulescu, Real-Time Stability assessment in modern power system control centres, John Wiley
& Sons, January 2009
3. Eric Monmasson, Static Converters, John Wiley & Sons, September 2009.
4. Bo Bergman, Jacques de Mare, Thomas Svensson, Sara Loren, Robust Design methodology for
reliability, John Wiley & Sons, October 2009
5. Ali A. Chowdhury, Don O. Koval, Power distribution system reliability-Practical methods and
applications , John Wiley & sons Inc., IEEE Press 2009

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

6. Richard E.Brown, Electric power distribution reliability, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2009.
7. Elmakias, David (Ed.) New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability, Studies in
Computational Intelligence, Springer 2008
8. Leveque, Francois , Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks, Springer 2003
9. Steven Stoft , Power System Economics-Designing markets for electricity, IEEE Pres,2002
10. M. Shahidehpour, H. Yamin and Zuyi Li, Market operations in electric power systems-Forecasting,
scheduling and risk management, John Wiley & sons Inc., 2002
11. Kankar Bhattacharya, Math H.J. Bollen, and Jaap E. Daalder, Operation of restructured power
systems, Kluwer international series,2001
12. Loe lei lai, Power system restructuring and deregulation- trading, performance and information
technology, John Wiley and sons,Ltd,2001
13. Wilson K. Kazibwe and Musoke H Semdaula. Electric Power Quality Control Techniques, Van
Nostarand Reinhold New York.2001
14. Yong-Hua Song, Modern Optimisation Techniques in Power Systems , Intelligent Systems, Control
and Automation: Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, Springer 1999
15. Roy Billinton, Ronald N. Allan, Reliability Assessment of Large Electric Power Systems, IEEE Press
16. R.Ramakumar, Reliability Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall, 1993
17. Roy Billinton, Power System Reliability Evaluation, Plenum Press, New York,1991
18. J. Endrenyi, Reliability Modeling in Electrical Power Systems, Wiley New York, 1978

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course outcomes:

CO1: Explain different power quality issues and its mitigation techniques

CO2: Discuss about the harmonic sources and effect of harmonics on power system equipment and

CO3: Explain harmonic elimination, isolation techniques and power factor correction methods

CO4: Measure voltage sag, swell and harmonics and analyze the measured data.

Module 1: (7 hours)

Power Quality –overview of power quality phenomena -Basic terminologies –Power Quality Issues –
Causes for reduction in Power Quality –– Power Quality Standards and indices.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Voltage sags-Causes of voltage sags – magnitude & duration of voltage sags – effect on drives and
peripherals– monitoring & mitigation of voltage sags.
Interruptions -Origin of Long & Short interruptions – influence on various equipments – monitoring &
mitigation of interruptions.
Harmonics-important harmonic introducing devices-SMPS-Three phase power converters-arcing devices
saturable devices-harmonic distortion of fluorescent lamps-effect of power system harmonics on power
system equipment and loads.

Module 3: (11 hours)

Power factor improvement- Passive Compensation- Passive Filtering- Harmonic Resonance - Impedance
Scan Analysis- Active Power Factor Corrected Single Phase Front End-Control Methods for Single Phase
APFC Three Phase APFC and Control Techniques- PFC Based on Bilateral Single Phase and Three Phase
Converter static var compensators-SVC and STATCOM

Module 4: (11 hours)

Active Harmonic Filtering-Shunt Injection Filter for single phase , three-phase three-wire and three-phase
four wire systems-d-q domain control of three phase shunt active filters -UPS-constant voltage
transformers- series active power filtering techniques for harmonic cancellation and isolation . Dynamic
Voltage Restorers for sag , swell and flicker problems.
Grounding and wiring-introduction-NEC grounding requirements-reasons for grounding-typical grounding
and wiring problems-solutions to grounding and wiring problems.


1. G. T. Heydt, Electric Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications, 1991.

2. M. H. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems, 1st ed., IEEE Press, 2001.
3. J. Arrillaga, Power System Quality Assessment, John Wiley, 2000.
4. J. Arrillaga, B. C. Smith, N. R. Watson & A. R. Wood, Power system Harmonic Analysis, Wiley, 1997.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

5. W. E. Kazibwe, M. H. Sendaula, Electric Power quality control techniques, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 1993.
6. J. Schlabbach, D. Blume and T. Stephanblome , Voltage quality in Electrical Power Systems, No. 36.
IET, 2001.
7. R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, S. Santoso and H. W. Beaty, Electrical power systems quality, 3rd
ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2012.
8. G. J. Walkilesh, Power Systems Harmonics, Springer, 2007.
9. R. S. Vedam and M. S. Sarma, Power Quality VAR Compensation in Power Systems, CRC press,
10. A. Baggini, Handbook of Power Quality, Wiley, 2008.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3001D Control Systems - I

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify the features of satellite based navigation systems, GPS and GNSS
CO2: Summarize the guidance system components: gyros and accelerometers
CO3: Construct dynamic models of space vehicles and missiles
CO4: Design guidance and control schemes for space vehicles and missiles

Module 1: Navigation Systems (11 hours)

General principles of early conventional navigation systems - Geometric Concepts of navigation-Reference

frames-Direction cosine matrix-Euler angles-Transformation of angular velocities-Quaternion
representation in co-ordinate transformations-Comparison of transformation methods. Inertial platforms-
Stabilized platforms-Gimbaled and Strap down INS and their mechanization-Gyro compassing for initial
alignment- Externally aided inertial navigation systems- TACAN, TERCOM, LORAN, OMEGA, DECCA,
VOR, DME, JTIDS, FLIR -Basics of satellite based navigation systems- Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
and Global Navigation of Satellite Systems (GNSS).

Module 2: Guidance Systems (9 hours)

Guidance information requirements-Energy Conservation Methods-Time Conservation Methods-Collision

Warning and Avoidance-Rendezvous - Satellite Orbit maintenance-Inertial navigation-block diagram
representation of essential components-Inertial sensors, Gyros: Principle of operation-TDF and SDF- gyro
precession-Nutation-gimbal - lock-gimbal flip-gyro transfer function- rate gyro-integrating gyro-
Constructional details and operation of floated rate integrating gyro-Dynamically tuned gyro-Ring laser
gyro-Fiber optic gyro -gyro performance parameters-Accelerometers-transfer function-Pendulous gyro
integrating accelerometer Vibrating String accelerometer-Accelerometer performance parameters-
Navigation equations-Schuler principle and mechanization.

Module 3: Space vehicle dynamics and control (9 hours)

Powered flight-unpowered flight-Orbital mechanics- Orbital parameters- circular, elliptical, parabolic,

hyperbolic and rectilinear orbits- energy of the orbit- orbital transfer and rendezvous- LEO,
SSPO,GSO,GTO orbits- impulse transfer between circular orbits- Hoffmann transfer- other co-planar and
non-coplanar transfers- N-body problem- two-body problem- Re-entry of space vehicle- re-entry dynamics-
ballistic re-entry- skip re-entry- double-dip re-entry- aerobraking- lifting body re-entry- entry corridor-
equilibrium glide- thermal and structural constraints- commanded drag guidance.

Module 4: Missile guidance and Control (10 hours)

Guided missile - surface to surface, surface to air, air to surface and air to air missiles-Tactical and strategic
missile- Subsystems of a missile – airframe, flight control and guidance, warhead, data link, fuze,
propulsion, telemetry- Control – Canad, wing and tail control- Steering policy – skid to turn (STT), preferred
orientation control (POC), bank to turn (BTT) and hybrid- Aerodynamic and Ballistic missiles-Auto pilots-
Types of fuze, warhead and propulsion systems-Guidance sequence- different schemes of guidance during
launch, midcourse and terminal phases- Collision avoidance.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. M. H. Kaplan, Modern Spacecrafts dynamics and control, John Wiley & Sons, 1976.
2. H. Schaub and J. L. Junkins, Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems, AIAA, USA, 2003.
3. E. V. B. Stearns, Navigation and Guidance in Space, Prentice Hall, 1983.
4. M. Fernandez and G.R. Macomber, Inertial Guidance Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1962.
5. C. F. Lin, Modern Navigation, Guidance, and Control Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1991.
6. M. J. Zucrow, Aircraft & Missile Propulsion, John Wiley & Sons, 1958.
7. D. B. Newman, Space Vehicle Electronics, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1964.
8. A. C. Kermode, Mechanics of Flight, Pearson Education, 2004.
9. P. Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, AIAA, 2007.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3005D Power Systems - I

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Introduce signal processing concept to power system protection.

CO2: Assimilate concept of different types of relay, including differential relay, ohm relay, mho relay,
directional relay, distance relay, reactions relay etc. and their selection for each protection scheme

CO3: Understand the basic principles of communication systems used in modern power systems operation
and control.

CO4: Introduce the concept of wide area measurement system based on SCADA and PMUs.

Module 1: (9 hours)

Protective Relaying concepts - Qualities of relaying- schemes and design-factors affecting performance –
zones and degree of protection; Numerical relaying algorithms; signal conditioning- conversion
subsystems- relay units sequence networks- Relaying Transducers, CTs and PTs-Guidance in
applications- fault sensing data processing units -Travelling wave relays; Adaptive relaying.

Module 2: (9 hours)

Relay Schematics and Analysis- Over Current Relay- Instantaneous/Inverse Time –IDMT Characteristics;
Directional Relays; Differential Relays- Restraining Characteristics; Distance Relays: Types
Characteristics. Testing of Relays, Simulation studies with different relaying schemes.

Module 3: (10 hours)

Protection of Power System Equipment - Generator, Transformer, Transmission Systems, Bus bars,
Motors; Pilot wire and Carrier Current Schemes. Relay coordination. Case studies and simulations for
different protection paradigms.
SCADA system and RTUs-configurations, PMU and implementation strategies.

Module 4: (11 hours)

Communication in power systems: Different standards, Terminologies and architectures; Protocols,

Networks and Information Technology Applications in Power Systems-Wide Area Communication
Infrastructure, Time data communication, Challenges, Security Implications


1. Dong, Z., Zhang, P. Ma, J., Zhao, J., Ali, Meng, K., Yin, Emerging Techniques in Power System
Analysis, 1st ed., Springer, 2010.
2. Clark W Gellings, The smart grid, enabling energy efficiency and demand side response- CRC Press,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

3. Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage , Jianzhong.Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nick Jenkins, Smart Grid:
Technology and Applications, Wiley 2012.
4. James Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis - Wiley, IEEE press, 2012
5. Shahidehpour, Mohammad, and Yaoyu Wang. Communication and control in electric power systems:
applications of parallel and distributed processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
6. Yong-Hua Song Modern Optimisation Techniques in Power Systems, Intelligent Systems, Control
and Automation: Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, Springer 1999.
7. Badri Ram , D.N. Vishwakarma, Power system protection and switch gear, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
8. Singh L.P, Digital Protection, Protective Relaying from Electromechanical to Microprocessor, John
Wiley & Sons, 1994
9. Wright, A. and Christopoulos, C, Electrical Power System Protection, Chapman & Hall, 1993,
10. Walter A. Elmore, J. L. Blackburn, Protective Relaying Theory and Applications, ABB T&D Co.Marcel
Dekker, Inc. 2004
11. Arun G. Phadke, James S. Thorp, Computer Relaying for Power Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc 2009.
12. Kalam, Akhtar, and D. Kothar., Power system protection and communications, New Age Science Ltd,

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3005D Power Systems - I

EE3006D Power Systems - II
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Analyze the various abnormal conditions that could occur in power system.
CO2: Design various protective devices in power system for protecting equipment and personnel
CO3: Analyze various types of existing circuit breakers, their design and constructional details.
CO4: Analyze various conventional relays, their design and latest developments
CO5: Knowledge of standards and specifications related to switchgear and protection

Module 1: (9 hours)

Circuit breakers - principles of operation – RRRV-Current chopping. Constructional features and Selection
of LT breakers (MCB/MCCB/ELCB) and HT Breakers (ABCB - OCB – SF6CB– VCB); Circuit breaker
ratings Testing of circuit breakers.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Overvoltages – Surges and travelling waves – Wave propagation on transmission lines - reflection and
attenuation- Lightning strokes- protection against lightning - earth wires- lightning diverters - surge
absorbers - arcing ground - neutral earthing - basic concepts of insulation levels and their selection - BIL –
Co-ordination of insulation-Simulation of overvoltages using EMTP software.

Module 3: (12 hours)

Protective relays - protective zones - requirement of protective relaying- definitions-Codes-Standards -

Types – Over current Relays - Earth fault relays- Directional relays- Differential relays- Distance relays-
Under voltage/ Frequency relays. Static, digital and numerical relays-PC based relays-Construction-
Characteristic Functions -Converter Elements-Comparators-Relay Schematics, Analysis. Design of a
numerical over current relay.

Module 4: (8 hours)

Protection Scheme for Generators-Power Station & DG sets, Power & Distribution Transformers,
Transmission lines and Busbars, Motors. NEC and importance of relevant IS/IEC specifications related to
switchgear and protection.


1. S. S. Rao, Switchgear Protections, Khanna Publications, Delhi, 1999.

2. A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients in Power Systems, 1991.
3. A. R. van C. Warrington, Protective Relays, vol. 1 & 2, Chapman & Hall, 1998.
4. T. S. M. Rao, Power System Protection Static Relays with Microprocessor Applications, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 1998.
5. B. Ram, D. N. Vishwakarma, Power System Protection and Switchgear, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005.
6. P. M. Anderson, Power System Protection, IEEE Press, 1999.
7. W. A. Elmore, Protective Relaying Theory and Applications, 2nd ed., CRC Press, 2003.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: EE3005D Power Systems – I

EE3006D Power Systems - II
EE3007D Power Electronics

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Determine conceptual ideas of Smart Grid with a thorough understanding of various communication
technologies and power management issues with smart grid.

CO2: Analyze issues related with integration of various distributed energy sources to smart grid.

CO3: Analyze the operation and importance of demand side management, power market scenarios in
deregulated scenarios.

CO4: Cross link various inter-disciplinary topics such as policy, control, communication, instrumentation
and core power systems for better operability of smart grid.

Module 1: Overview of Smart grid (9 hours)

Introduction to Smart Grids – Today’s Grid versus the Smart Grid, Key functions of smart grid, smart grid
elements and control layers. Policies and infrastructures. Concept of Resilient & Self-Healing Grid. Demand
Side Management (DSM) and transactive energy models.

Module 2: Metering and Interoperability (6 hours)

Introduction to Smart Meters, Real Time Pricing, Pricing Models, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Smart
Sensors, Home & Building Automation. Standards and case studies.

Module 3: Communications in Smart Grid (10 hours)

Communication aspects - Elements of communication and networking: architectures, standards and

adaptation of power line communication (PLCC). Communication models- Home area networks (HAN) and
neighborhood area networks (NAN). IP Protocols, Big data analytics and CLOUD computing, Security for
Smart Grid.
Wide area Monitoring Systems (WAMS), PMU and PDCs. Special relaying schemes for Smart Grid

Module 4: Operations on Smart Grid (14 hours)

The economics of supply and demand in energy markets - Energy market deregulation.
Technology Drivers, Smart energy resources- Plug-in hybrid vehicles, Smart substations, Substation and
Feeder Automation, Transmission systems: EMS, FACTS and HVDC, Protection and control, Distribution
systems: DMS, Volt/VAr control, Fault Detection, Isolation and service restoration, Outage management.
Grid Data Management. – Case studies and test beds for the smart grid.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Text books:

1. James Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012.
2. Lars T. Berger and Krzysztof Iniewski, Smart Grid Applications, Communications, And Security,
Wiley, New Delhi, Aug 2015.
3. Takuro Sato, Daniel M. Kammen,Bin Duan, Martin Macuha, Zhenyu Zhou, and Jun Wu, Smart Grid
Standards: Specifications, Requirements, and Technologies, Wiley-Blackwell, Apr 2015.
4. Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, and Nick Jenkins, Smart
Grid: Technology And Applications, Wiley, New Delhi, Aug 2015.
5. Budka, Kenneth C., Jayant G. Deshpande, and Marina Thottan. Communication networks for smart
grids, Springer London Limited, 2016.
6. Relevant and Latest IEEE/IEC Standards


1. Sioshansi, Fereidoon P. ed., Smart grid: integrating renewable, distributed and efficient energy,
Academic Press, 2011.
2. Keyhani, Ali. Design of smart power grid renewable energy systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
3. Jayaweera, Dilan ed., Smart power systems and renewable energy system integration. Vol. 57.
Springer, 2016.
4. Borlase, Stuart ed., Smart grids: infrastructure, technology, and solutions, CRC press, 2017
5. Elahi, Ata, and Adam Gschwender, ZigBee wireless sensor and control network, Pearson Education,
6. Uslar, Mathias, Michael Specht, Christian Dänekas, Jörn Trefke, Sebastian Rohjans, José M.
González, Christine Rosinger, and Robert Bleiker. Standardization in smart grids: Introduction to it-
related methodologies, architectures and standards, Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
7. Shahidehpour, Mohammad, and Yaoyu Wang. Communication and control in electric power systems:
applications of parallel and distributed processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
8. Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai, Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric
Power Systems, Wiley, 2009.
9. Clark W. Gellings, The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, CRC Press,
10. A.G. Phadke and J.S. Thorp, Synchronized Phasor Measurements and their Applications, Springer,
11. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, 2003.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3

Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Formulate Communication subsystem requirements in an electrical system and communicate the
requirements effectively to the Design Team.

CO2: Carry out initial evaluation of analog versus digital communication subsystem alternatives in the
context of electrical system design.

CO3: Outline preferred communication subsystem structures in an electrical system to the multi-disciplinary
design team.
CO4: Evaluate the need for error correction in communication subsystems in the target electrical system
design and report effectively to the Design Team.

CO5: Design simple analog/pulse communication systems for non-critical signal transmission and
telemetering applications over wire in Electrical Systems.

Module 1: (8 hours)

[Review : Frequency domain representation of finite energy signals and periodic signals - energy spectral
density and power spectral density - convolution theorem - response of linear time invariant system -
sampling and reconstruction - Nyquist sampling theorem ]

Rrandom processes - ensemble and time averages - Stationarity - correlation theory for wide sense
stationary processes - wiener-Khinchin-Einstein theorem - properties of Gaussian random processes -
white noise - response of LTI system to white Gaussian noise

Module 2: (10 hours)

Amplitude modulation - spectrum - power relations - modulator and demodulator circuits - AM transmitter
block diagram - tuned radio frequency and superheterodyne receivers - calculation of signal to noise ratio
for envelope detection and coherent detection of AM - principle of single side band suppressed carrier
modulation - frequency modulation - deviation - modulation index - spectrum of FM signal - relationship
between phase modulation and FM - JFET reactance modulator - FM transmitter block diagram - foster
Sceley discriminator - SNR calculation - pre-emphasis and de-emphasis

Module 3: (10 hours)

Analog modulation scheme - PAM - PWM - PPM - digital pulse modulation scheme - PCM - DPCM and
delta modulation - base band data transmission - base band transmission model - additive white gaussian
noise channel - matched filter receiver - inter symbol interference - basic ideas of pulse shaping -
equalization - synchronization - scrambling and line coding - digital pass band transmission - elements of
digital pass band transmission - pass band transmission model - coherent binary modulation schemes: ASK
- PSK and FSK - multilevel signaling schemes - average probability of error - bit error rate - concept of an
optimal receiver

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601

Module 4: (11 hours)

Elements of information theory - measure of information – Shanon’s source coding and channel coding
theorems - discrete memory - less channel - Shanon-Hartley theorem - error control strategies - principles
of forward error correction and ARQ - linear block codes and syndrome decoding - elements of data
communication - transmission impairments - synchronous and asynchronous transmission - multiple
access - FDM - synchronous and statistical TDM - CDMA - frequency hopped and direct sequence CDMA
- computer networks - network topologies - circuit switching - packet switching - basic concepts of network
protocols - OSI


1. S. Haykin, Communication Systems, 2nd ed., John Wiley, 2007.

2. R. E. Ziemer and W.H.Tranter , Principles of Communications, JAICO Publishing House, 2001.
3. D. Roddey and J. Coolen, Electronics Communications, Prentice Hall of India, 1995.
4. K. S. Shanmugam, Digital and Analog Communications, John Wiley, 1994.
5. A. Bateman, Digital Communication: Design for The Real world, Addison Wesley, 1999.
6. B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 4th ed., Oxford University Press,
7. S. Haykin, An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication Systems, 2nd ed., John Wiley, 2006.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisite: EE3002D Digital Signal Processing

3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Apply optimization methods for IIR and FIR filter design in time domain and frequency domain and
algorithms for filter implementation.
CO2: Model and analyze speech signals and speech signal processing
CO3: Describe two dimensional signal processing and its application in image processing
CO4: Explain about digital signal processors and their architecture.

Module 1: Optimisation Methods for IIR and FIR filter Design (10 hours)

Deczky’s method for IIR filter design in the frequency domain, Pade approximation method, Least- squares
design method in time domain; Frequency sampling method for FIR filters, Parks and McClellan Algorithm
for design, Remez exchange algorithm for implementation.

Module 2: Speech signal processing (10 hours)

Digital models for speech signal, Mechanism of speech production, Acoustic theory, Lossless tube models
, Formulation of LPC equation, Solution of LPC equation, Levinson Durbin algorithm, Schur algorithm,
Spectral analysis of speech, Short time fourier analysis, Speech coding, subband coding, Transform
coding, Channel vocoder,Formant vocoder, Cepstral vocoder, Vector quantisation coder.

Module 3: Two dimensional signal processing (Image Processing) (10 hours)

Digital image representation; 2-D DFT. properties; DCT; Image enhancement, Spatial and frequency
domain filtering methods; colour image processing; Image restoration- Degradation model, Inverse filtering;
Fundamentals of image compression.

Module 4: Digital signal processors (9 hours)

Introduction to DSP processors- common features, fixed point versus floating point; Memory architecture
Harvard architectures, multiple access memories, multi-processor support, addressing modes; instruction
set; An example DSP architecture- Analog Devices/Motorola/Texas Instruments.


1. Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall of India

Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
2. John G. Proakis, and Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1997.
3. L.R. Rabiner and R.W Schafer, Digital processing of speech signals, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
4. R. C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image processing, Addison Wesley, 1992.
5. Jae S. Lim, Two Dimensional signal and image processing, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey,1990.
6. Lapsley P, Jeff Bier, Amit Shoham and Lee E. A., DSP Processor Fundamentals ,Architectures and
features, IEEE Press.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Explain the shunt compensation of Power Systems

CO2: Describe in detail the various Power Quality issues

CO3: Explain the operation and design control systems for of Satic VAr Compensators and STATCOMS.

CO4: Analyze and Design various power electronic converters used static reactive power compensation

CO5: Analyze and Design single-phase and three-phase shunt/series active harmonic filters and their
control systems

Module 1: (10 hours)

Fundamentals of Load Compensation, Steady-State Reactive Power Control in Electric Transmission

Systems , Reactive Power Compensation and Dynamic Performance of Transmission Systems .
Power Quality Issues . Sags, Sweels, Unbalance, Flicker, Distortion, Current Harmonics - Sources of
Harmonics in DistributionSystems and Ill Effects.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Static Reactive Power Compensators and their control. Shunt Compensators, SVCs of Thyristor Switched
and Thyristor Controlled types and their control, STATCOMs and their control, Series Compensators of
Thyristor Switched and Controlled Type and their Control, SSSC and its Control, Sub-Synchronous
Resonance and damping, Use of STATCOMs and SSSCs for Transient and Dynamic Stability Improvement
in Power Systems.

Module 3: (10 hours)

Converters for Static Compensation. Single Phase and Three Phase Converters and Standard Modulation
Strategies (Programmed Harmonic Elimination and SPWM) . GTO Inverters . Multi-Pulse Converters and
Interface Magnetics. Multi-Level Inverters of Diode Clamped Type and Flying Capacitor Type and suitable
modulation strategies (includes SVM). Multi-level inverters of Cascade Type and their modulation .Current
Control of Inverters.

Module 4: (9 hours)

Passive Harmonic Filtering. Single Phase Shunt Current Injection Type Filter and its Control, Three Phase
Three-wire Shunt Active Filtering and their control using p-q theory and d-q modelling . Three-phase four-
wire shunt active filters. Hybrid Filtering using Shunt Active Filters . Series Active Filtering in Harmonic
Cancellation Mode. Series Active Filtering in Harmonic Isolation Mode . Dynamic Voltage Restorer and its
control . Power Quality Conditioner.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. T.J.E Miller, Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems, John Wiley & Sons,1982.
2. N.G. Hingorani & L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC
Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, 2000.
3. Ned Mohan, Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons 2006
4. R. Sastry Vedam & Mulukutla S. Sarma, Power quality VAR compensation in power systems, CRC
press, 2009.
5. Hirofumi akagi, Edson hirokazu watanabe, Mauricio aredes, Instantaneous power theory and
applications to power conditioning, Wiley Inter Science,2007.
6. K.R. Padiyar, FACTS controllers in power transmission and distribution, New age international
publications, 2008.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


Pre-requisites: Nil
3 0 0 3
Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe the fundamentals of data acquisition systems

CO2: Explain various transducers and signal conditioning circuits

CO3: Discuss on different first order and second order filter circuits and sample and hold devices

CO4: Explain different signal conversion (analog to digital and digital to analog converters)

CO5: Explain various analog and digital data transmission systems, modulation and telemetry systems

Module 1: Transducers & Signal Conditioning (10 hours)

Data Acquisition Systems (DAS)- Introduction – Fundamentals of signals acquisition, conditioning and
processing. -Objectives of DAS . Block Diagram Description of DAS- General configurations - Single and
multichannel DAS-Transducers for the measurement of motion, force, pressure, flow, level, dc and ac
voltages and currents (CTs, PTs for supply frequency as well as high frequency, Hall Effect Current
Sensors, High Voltage Sensors) – Signal Conditioning: Requirements - Instrumentation amplifiers: Basic
characteristics . Chopped and Modulated DC Amplifiers-Isolation amplifiers - Opto couplers - Buffer
amplifiers. Noise Reduction Techniques in Signal Conditioning- Transmitters, Optical Fiber Based Signal
Transmission Piezoelectric Couplers- Intelligent transmitters.

Module 2: Filtering and Sampling: (10 hours)

Review of Nyquist’s Sampling Theorem - Aliasing. Need for Prefiltering - First and second order filters
classification and types of filters - Low -pass, High-pass, Band-pass and Band-rejection and All Pass:
Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev and Elliptic filters. Opamp RC Circuits for Second Order Sections-Design
of Higher Order Filters using second order sections using Butterworth Approximation-Narrow Bandpass
and Notch Filters and their application in DAS. Sample and Hold Amplifiers.

Module 3: Signal Conversion: (10 hours)

Analog-to-Digital Converters(ADC)-Multiplexers and demultiplexers - Digital multiplexer . A/D Conversion.

Conversion Processes, Speed, Quantization Errors. Successive Approximation ADC. Dual Slope ADC.
Flash ADC. Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC). Techniques, Speed, Conversion Errors, Post Filtering-
Weighted Resistor, R-2R, Weighted Current type of DACs- Multiplying Type DAC-Bipolar DACs.

Module 4: Data Transmission: (9 hours)

Data transmission systems- Analog transmission system, Digital transmission system, Analog encoding of
analog information, Analog encoding of digital Information, Digital encoding of analog information, Digital
encoding of digital information, Schmitt Trigger-Pulse code formats- Modulation techniques and systems-
Telemetry systems.

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 673601


1. Ernest O Doeblin., Measurement Systems: Application and Design, Int. ed., McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. George C.Barney, Intelligent Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
3. Ibrahim, K.E., Instruments and Automatic Test Equipment, Longman Scientific & Technical Group
Ltd., UK, 1988.
4. G.B. Clayton, Operational Amplifiers, Butterworth &Co, 1992.
5. Oliver Cage, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Int. ed., McGraw-Hill, 1975.


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