Stampa Eng
Stampa Eng
Stampa Eng
The advanced system for
commercial and production
“The right product, at the right
time, at the right price!”
“It is not the strongest or the most
intelligent who will survive, but
those who can best manage
Charles Darwin
There may not have been all these “Grand
Opportunities” but at least there was work.
The crisis has generated a series of
negative consequences like the loss of
jobs, drop or annulment of corporate
margins, cancellation of investments, and
drastic reduction of credit for companies.
In short, nothing positive.
– we denote them;
– repeat them;
– transmit them to those around us.
Fortunately or not, the human being ticks
out of habit and repetition; this continues
in a comprehensive manner for good or
bad, in the way we speak, dress and in
every other action.
allowing us all to have electric light.
One day, in an interview, he was asked:
“Mr. Edison, how did you feel when you
failed more than 10,000 times?” He
The reality is very simple: what you are
today is the result of the
One of the things a businessman should
always consider if he wants his company
to last with profits through time, is market
requires a PC and can be done from home,
like that of the copywriter).
And yet…
A company is not a business without
clients. Let me repeat: without clients
there is no business, since there would be
no cash resources to achieve anything.
For the salespersons, this strategy repeals
the antiquated and obsolete acquisition of
clients adopted up to now.
development of the companies’ purchasing
This is why along the years, I dedicated
myself to observing and analysing this
situation closely. I participated in various
seminars and believe I have reached a
personal conclusion: there had been a
crisis, it’s undeniable, but I believe that
the problem today is not the crisis initiated
ten years ago, but that the current crisis is
the consequence of the fear of facing the
temptation of going back can annul the
good decisions for change.
The greater difficulty is almost always
taking the first step, setting out on the
road of transformation. It certainly seems
to be more convenient to settle down on
what one has and not explore the
alternative paths since we think they could
lead to the change we unconsciously fear.
There are many types of changes;
obviously this book analyses that of the
work field. The people mainly addressing
change generally possess good flexibility
which derives from professionalism and
competencies acquired, as also a
predisposal to constantly evaluate ideas
and new paths.
But the more change touches the emotive
sphere, the more difficult it is to reason
To give an answer to why change is
frightening, we should start from the
meaning of the word itself.
In Greek the word “change” has the same
semantic root as “catastrophe” and the
same inflection as “movement.” It thus
appears like a sort of distortion that may
give rise to unforeseeable consequences.
Change in itself should be embedded in
the life of each one, even if not necessarily
intended as a distortion, since each of us
needs continual renewal, both biologically
and also psychologically.
Just think of the unceasing renewal of the
cells of the body which keep us alive: the
cessation of this would mean death.
If it doesn’t change, it is because it’s dead!
The same occurs in nature: all that does
not change is dead, a plant that doesn’t
grow, does not bloom, and is dead.
How did China, the biggest production
power in the world and which frightens us
in many sectors, get to this level? I believe
it is because 10, 15, 20 years ago it
started to behave in a different way
(change) in the manufacturing sector and
not only in that.
We see numerous companies complain of
the crisis and then continue internally to
work with decades-old machinery,
and organizations.
In a world that is changing faster than in
the past, you wonder: how can we be or
remain competitive when we use obsolete
instruments and organizations with
characteristics measured to a now long-
gone era?
And we also have the guts to complain…
Looking into any field, from the PC to
telephones, printers, and machinery,
everything is constantly changing.
This choice led them to a decisive
slowdown, blocking development and even
making them retrogress.
Once you have crossed this threshold, it
will be even more difficult to introduce
change after some years, since if you
haven’t done it before, you will not see
why you should do so now.
Change brings growth and thus,
strengthens. It is fundamental not to run
away in the face of novelties, or renounce
the opportunities that come up, but try to
look out and face new experiences.
Oftentimes, in every sector we notice this
fear to face changes, and receive
feedbacks like, “We have always done it
this way, so why change?”
It’s a matter of survival: renouncing to
new opportunities means self-condemning
oneself to immobility, which is the main
evil of our businesses.
In applying this concept to our sector of
spare parts, I see clients who react with
enthusiasm to proposals for new Business
Flexibility solutions.
I see in in this type of company, their
operating methods, the desire to face
change and the remarkable confidence in
themselves, though conscious that there is
always a bit of risk. But that risk however,
activates the right amount of adrenaline
and brings proactivity.
However, I see also clients who perceive
only danger in the innovative proposals.
These arouse in them a sensation of not
being in control of the situation and
therefore, of potential danger.
The experience of these companies led me
to decide not to insist in trying to
demonstrate that the innovation we
propose is the right path also for them.
They are so convinced of the
preconception that I prefer investing our
time in working with companies of the first
On the other hand, I am not a preacher
and do not expect to convert all the clients
to our new Business Flexibility system.
Luckily for us, there are many companies
that comprehend the importance of
change in such a particular period.
At this point, you can also directly draw
the right conclusions to what happens
when two forces like Immobility and
Change clash. We believe that the most
suitable word to define this situation would
be “Crisis.”
Given that you cannot control market
change, you only need to do one thing:
transform immobility into change, so that
market change and change in your
company can work together and magically
erase the word, “crisis.”
And it is at this point that we can finally
affirm that, yes, great opportunities can
arise from crises.
Unfortunately, this “forced” strategy has
led to remarkable economic stress of the
companies which, inevitably were
transformed into occupational stress,
leading also to the social problem of many
countries due to the reduced volumes of
work or even the closure of their
by now, mistakenly considered standard,
is hard to produce in Europe and be
competitive with the Chinese competitors.
But we firmly believe that most of these
products can be made in Italy and sold
worldwide by adopting with our clients, a
different approach from the one commonly
adopted for years.
The new challenge is to adapt the
warehouse to the market level, riding its
highs and lows without allowing ourselves
to be overwhelmed by the wastes/
expenditures which a high inventory value
entails. This allows its value and all the
related costs to be reduced.
related to Business Flexibility, and is the
concept which is the title of this work.
In leafing through the next chapters, you
will understand and assess the various
ways of competing in the world of spare
parts, using less resources in the
warehouse and obtaining just the same
utmost satisfaction of your clients.
Enjoy reading.
MERLO, VOLVO and other Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), for the
supply of both original equipment and
spare parts. MV has also become a supply
partner of primary spare parts distributors
and manufacturers of buckets and
equipment in numerous countries
throughout the world.
are obtaining on the various markets,
thanks to this new approach developed by
Metallurgica Valchiese.
I would like to inspire you with this very
strong statement gathered from successful
companies in various sectors. I have thus
decided to share with you my over 20
years of meetings and visits with
successful companies and not in many
parts of the world. I can assure you that
two categories of companies in every
nation and culture exist.
In one, we can include companies that
complain about the market, customers,
employees, suppliers, crooked
government, crisis and so on and so forth.
While without a doubt, recognizing that
these are variables that influence
business, it is equally true that there are
companies that despite having the same
variables, are SUCCESSFUL companies.
or certified in the result they will obtain.
And this is precisely why they are called
CHALLENGES because the result is
stock reduction;
purchase only what the market
flexibility of your own supplier;
reduced risk of commercial
ease of procurement.
do not implement them are automatically
Of course, getting yourself involved and
evaluating new methods in Warehouse
Management, Purchasing and Products
Sales, and internal organization of your
company are tough activities that require
commitment and it frequently happens
Why is there a big difference between
those who want to find a solution (and are
willing to listen) and those who give
themselves up to the conviction that there
is no better thing that exists than what is
already known?
And so, if you recognize yourself in this
description, I can only tell you this:
Surely not with the strength of thought or
with forms of meditation but with real and
concrete operations, with the desire to act,
question yourself and to be convinced that
there are still ways to:
decisions driven by fear. But then, thanks
to the strong group of people who make
up the company today and new
investments in staff and organization to
upgrade business skills, we were able to
interpret the dynamics of the new market
that was taking shape and consequently
create a new supplier/customer dynamism
to boost our competitiveness.
- tool manufacturers for both original
equipment and for after-market
- primary OEMs flexible to the market
dynamics trends.
- guarantees greater adaptability to
market changes;
and above all it allows to:
Above all, with a wrong choice, those who
pay the consequences are usually more
subjected. No one draws any benefit and
first of all those involved are:
damage to their credibility and image, up
to the point of, and not excluding, the
losses or downsizing of the workplace.
Two kinds of pressure are triggered on
these people: a professional and a
personal one.
At a professional level no one would ever
want to experiment or include in his own
curriculum, the resounding error of a
strategic choice in the company in which
he works and which has also conditioned
his destiny.
Relationships with colleagues may
deteriorate as they may fear, due to a
failure of choice, that their future is put at
risk, and identify in the person who made
this choice, the cause of their possible
future troubles.
On a personal level, even in changing
company or sector, the scar remains deep
in the person and could re-emerge in
particular moments, tension or stress,
hindering the work and turn into that
anxiety which could determine other future
professional errors.
Making a mistake in choosing a strategic
supplier today can be catastrophic for the
company and for those in charge of
thwarted in a moment, by a wrong choice
that does not allow response to customer
evaluation of the piece
manufacturing cycle because the
shorter this cycle time, the greater
the flexibility of the supplier
evaluation of the supplier’s
minimum batch production/delivery.
Today's market requires always
smaller quantities with more
frequent deliveries and therefore an
increasingly flexible supplier is
needed for variations of the market
and always less tied to the delivery
in relation to the number of pieces;
guarantee of delivery;
product traceability;
product warranty.
more precise sales forecasts and
promises to the most respected
more flexibility and therefore more
possibilities for Purchase Orders
from customers;
greater conversion of orders on
offers issued;
more reactivity to market changes;
increase in company credibility;
repositioning in the minds of both
active and potential customers.
If after this verification of the seven
steps you will retain that the right
solution is Metallurgica Valchiese,
kindly remember that we offer you the
formula of the warranty, “Satisfaction-
or-Money-back Guarantee” for the
delivery and Lifetime Guarantee for the
It would be useless for you to buy
different products, even if I know that
this is of no interest to some types of
potential clients.
all the phases, so as to allow you to
have a complete picture of the
situation, reducing to the utmost the
possibility of making a wrong choice
and making decisions supported by
certain figures, even if this entails your
purchasing from other suppliers.
calls begins, first within the organization
and then outside calls are made, in
particular, directly to suppliers, sometimes
begging them to help you to resolve the
Product purchase price. We have
nothing to teach you on how to get
the best purchase price: you
obviously aim to acquire the product
at the lowest price possible. This is a
good strategy if you compare the
prices of the same products. From
our point of view as producers, to be
able to sell a product at the most
competitive price possible, we have
developed an extremely flexible
production and sales process
including all its benefits so as to
meet your customers’ needs;
Purchase management. An account
must be taken of the time necessary
to define all the conditions with the
supplier, to contact the carriers,
receive and evaluate various offers,
and decide whether to focus on the
price, delivery speed, and type of
transport used;
Storage space management.
Depending on the supplier chosen, I
should decide how much stock I
have to meet my target market, the
storage space I occupy, its
convenience, the difficulty of
managing it, the bottlenecks and the
possible excessive handling time.
Inventory value management.
Storage holding of the current
supplier’s production batch as well
as the annual inventory turnover.
How much savings result from every
increase in inventory turnover?
Brand. How well it is known, how
well is it recognizable, how reliable
is it, how will it guarantee my
purchase and my customers’
purchase and if it is traceable.
Customer satisfaction. How much
reassurance does the product I am
about to purchase contribute to my
customers’ satisfaction, how much is
reordered by my customers, how
much will my customers’ satisfaction
be spread by word of mouth.
Without reliable forecasts, the purchasing
manager finds himself forced to make
larger purchases to guarantee the product
is available to customers at all times.
With these quantities, the purchasing
manager is squeezed between the needs
of the market and corporate efficiency.
This situation means that the subject in
question is forced to increase stock levels
to be able to respond to the market
This situation creates particular friction
between the sales and purchasing
departments of the company.
you are obliged to have more capital
tied up in inventories.
Analysing this new requirement, the
Business Flexibility System of Metallurgica
Valchiese was created, which allows you to
change the way you purchase, and offers
the following strengths:
benefits we promised both in terms of
efficiency recovery and waste reduction.
run the marathon, and then claim to reach
the winners’ podium.
And how do you suppose to be different
from your competitors?
I hope your answer will not be "with
quality" because it is now an obsolete
element. I do not mean to say that quality
is not important, but that it's a theme
which nowadays customers take for
granted and that your competitor writes
about it on his site, his brochures,
catalogues, and so on.
The truth is that in spare parts
warehouses you always see the same
thing: long and high rows of products
ready for sale, tied up capital waiting for
So, if you continue to operate in the same
way as your competitor, how many
chances do you have of winning the
to the world of spare parts, wouldn’t it be
stimulating to find a way to avoid clashing
with your competitors on the usual issues?
What we propose is moving the battle to
another terrain, challenging, or rather
breaking down the following points:
and loss of stimulation. You can try to
change the way you act, but if the
organization does not fully adopt this
method or someone in the organization
does not believe in this system, the
situation may even get worse. We have to
eliminate the mentality linked to
“inadequate” concepts, meaning to say not
obsolete by age but by conception linked
to a market that now belongs to the past.
Today, to be competitive at the highest
levels, you have to buy the quantity that
you sell, decrease inventories and be fast
in deliveries, for both incoming and
outgoing products.
Analysing this new need, Metallurgica
Valchiese has developed the Business
Flexibility System that allows you to act on
these strong points:
disappearing. Today the challenge is to
adapt inventories to the sales batches
required by the market: we must become
flexible with the aim of constantly
increasing the speed in serving the end
To meet these needs without the aid of
reliable forecasts, many companies throw
themselves headlong towards increasing
stock to increase the speed of response to
the customer.
In practice, the higher the volume of
inventories, the more problems there are.
Furthermore, the high inventory also
entails the risk of possible obsolescence
and devaluation of unsold material risking
financial loss.
others must also vary to keep the
company balanced.
If this does not occur, one is confronted
with clashes when, on the contrary, the
parties should meet to define the paths to
be taken to achieve market-organization
Unluckily the operating mode has
overturned every paradigm in all the
sectors, making things difficult also for
historic companies which were building up
their name with their history as a magnet
to attract clients. The result of all this is a
very liquid market where the requests for
products really seem to have gone
berserk. With this operating method there
are clients who hunt for products through
a keyboard in the moment of need, always
with less planning. Also in our sector, in
speaking with various clients to whom we
supply heavy-duty parts for earthmoving
machines, we see this phenomenon which
is increasingly causing crises in classic
production organizations. In the past, we
were used to seeing the client seated with
the supplier, drawing up a plan covering a
certain time span.
Today instead, the client seems to have
gone mad… but in reality, it’s just that he
no longer makes any plans!
Today the end client no longer makes
plans, and this is why he seems to have
lost his mind.
In technical terms, this new market can be
defined as “liquid” and characterized by
the absence of a reliable forecast. This
puts the spare parts companies in a crisis,
torn between enhancing the inventories
and the risk of not being able to sell to the
end client when requested, or not doing so
and losing the opportunity to sell because
of too lengthy delivery times.
Between the two options, working with
stock availability seems to be a winning
strategy, but in reality it is an operating
mode that could become dangerous
because it causes the following
purchasing system or your supplier does
not support you, the final result is the
inability to satisfy the market and losing
many sales opportunities.
We personally coined these two words to
describe the ideal condition needed to
respond at best to the current liquid
market situation.
easy management of purchases and
handling of products.
days for spot commodities. How much is
this worth as regards the time difference
in product preparation? If you reverse this
lead time on an annual basis, for your
inventory you can estimate in at least two
months of stock, the difference in pieces
you need to keep in the warehouse to
satisfy your clients’ requests. You have a
stock turnover several times a year and as
a consequence, results in remarkable
economic savings and extreme resilience
in adapting to market requests are
achieved. Besides the resulting economic
and asset advantages, there is the
possibility of having a much higher
corporate rating and much greater
Obviously, whoever buys in China has the
advantage of being able to buy at lower
prices, but what you have to do is not to
seek a frontal clash on the price. Rather,
given the minimum gap on the price
proposed, quantifiable in the order of +5
<> 10%, shift the challenge to another
ground, where the lower price is not the
main issue in the supplier’s choice.
then were a certainty, began to dwindle.
Therefore, the logic of buying increasingly
big volumes to respond to market
demands has become redundant.
This has disoriented and is disorienting
many big spare parts companies. Being
used to purchasing in big batches, they
were perplexed in the face of a market
less interested in large stocks, and were
burdened with the management of such.
This situation caused great corporate
crises everywhere.
longer on the advantage of the price, but
on the time factor, that is, faster delivery
even in small quantities.
Faster deliveries of even small quantities
started to become the path identified by
many companies, to emerge from the
crisis and regain the market shares,
abandoning at the same time the purchase
of great volumes.
Incorporating this philosophy into the
company, however, required remarkable
changes at all levels, both internally and
externally. Internally because it is a
change in mentality that must be adopted
at all corporate levels.
Externally because very few producers are
able to delivery quickly even small
quantities of products, having invested
everything on the production cycle bound
to great volumes, so as to lower the
production cost per piece.
Each leading spare parts company needs
to identify the right producer/supplier able
adapt itself to the Business Flexibility
System, which implies maximum
production resilience matched to utmost
business flexibility.
product/batch also known as Sales
Rhythm) which is more suitable to the
reference market.
Logically, to get to this optimization one
would have to undertake a corporate
reconfiguration, firstly, in terms of
mentality and corporate policy, so as to
consider the supplier as a strategic partner
in moving forward in the market, and not
as a simple producer of goods from whom
increasingly lower prices can be extorted.
At the right price means not as the pure
purchase value, but as the purchase price
cleared of the lower costs which the
Business Flexibility system allows me to
reduce, such as the reduced value of tied
up products, less space needed for the
business, and less use of staff thanks to
reduced handling of merchandise.
The ideal supplier for every spare parts
dealer should have the following
characteristics with the consequent
So the lessening of batch quantities and
the line-retooling costs highly affect the
final price of the item.
I think that for every business enterprise it
is fundamental to seek effective solutions
to meet these changes that have already
set in.
Now that we have convened on this point,
with the intention of finding a solution to
the problem, let us examine why these
increasingly reduced quantities throw the
classic producers/suppliers into a crisis.
Take for example, the sales department of
a company which receives an average
number of orders with a long list of
products but reduced single amounts; two
dynamics have to be faced:
on the other hand, it entails an
ulterior burdening of the warehouse
with a consequent reduction of the
stock turnover of the same and an
increase of internal costs.
This system opens out new markets and
new opportunities to clients.
But to be able to do this, a stumbling block
has to be overcome: you have to change
your way of viewing reality, and if you are
not willing to adjust to this new path, you
must be aware that the situation can only
What do I mean by all this? To be able to
compete and emerge in such a liquid and
increasingly competitive market, you must
be willing to change your attitude and go
back to investing in order to grow.
A group of companies understood the
message, adopted it, and this year shall
close with their own increase in turnover
and number of clients, with a consequent
satisfaction on the uptrend in all sectors.
Another group of companies instead
responded by continuing their partnership
with various producers/suppliers, binding
their collaboration only to the price factor,
without considering all the other elements
that allow the company to reach internal
equilibrium and growth in the market. All
this was reached without realizing that the
market has now evolved and requires
adjustments to this epochal change.
assess in a different manner, the real price
of every single piece of the product.
suppliers of the same product, including
you, how can you be absolutely sure that
the piece is the one you sold?
Likewise, in the case of a high quality
product, how can your client be sure that
the piece is the one you furnished and
identify you as the supplier of high quality
(real image of an MV product)
How valuable is brand visibility for you?
Metallurgica Valchiese posed these
questions to many clients in various
countries throughout the world and the
answer we received, almost unanimously,
was the admission that they have never
pondered on this issue in depth and as a
consequence have no accurate assessment
of this point.
Subsequently the answer was that the
effective possibility of a long-lasting
marking of the logo on the piece would
give numerous benefits.
value of the brand and its position;
value of reliability and credibility
And above all, at this point, what value
would you give to such a proposal?
within 2 years from the delivery of the
goods and will be reported by the
consumer within 2 months from the
discovery. Such a right was already
foreseen, way before the provisions of the
Consumers’ Code, in the Civil Code which
in Art. 1490 c.c. obliges the seller to
guarantee that the item should be free
from defects that make it unsuitable for its
intended use or greatly diminishes its
value. This provision falls under those
which the legislator furnishes to protect
consumers from the defects and
deficiencies the consumption goods may
have once purchased.
There are two types of guarantees.
There are:
- legal guarantees:
1. obligatory by law;
2. valid for two years from the delivery
of the goods;
3. are binding;
4. can be invoked by the consumer
directly to the seller;
5. are applied in cases where the
consumption item presents a
conformity defect with respect to the
sales contract;
The product has conformity defects when:
the repairs or replacements must be
done within a reasonable time from the
request and must not cause remarkable
inconveniences to the consumer ;
a suitable reduction of price or
termination (or annulment) of the contract
Warranty” project which we were
considering to insert as the leading
company worldwide in the sector of heavy-
duty parts for earthmoving machines, so
as to offer a competitive edge to all our
The response in economic terms
from their supplier: no response in
100% of the cases.
percentage, the breakages are due to the
operator’s improper use.
However, this does not eliminate the risk
of the product’s loss of image and
reliability and as a consequence, of the
product and the company that sold the
We can afford to offer this warranty, which
is impossible for other producers, because
our history has led us to develop internal
management systems that range from
production to the sales network, and from
the choice of raw materials to the choice of
strategic suppliers, who have steered us
toward a very high and advanced
corporate quality level which is hardly
repeatable by our competitors.
But what is process capability?
the primary need of the company is to
understand how fundamental the continual
improvement of oneself is.
Generally speaking, continual
improvement of quality is interpreted as
the continual enhancement of the quality,
solely of the production processes. In the
minds of many people, the concept of
quality enhancement is associated only to
product quality and it is retained that this
improvement can be reached only by using
the best materials, best equipment, best
machinery and so on.
This way of viewing quality creates a
wrong trend.
When speaking of the continual
improvement of quality, we refer to the
improvement of corporate processes as a
whole starting from the production
process, elimination of the transitions that
weigh on direct costs and increase of the
commercialization rate of conforming
products up to 100%, to the
commercialization, sale, logistics, and
internal flow of the organization, so that
every process does not generate costs but
added value for the company and our
loss of time due to lack of
undertaking or accepting an order, should
“Are we able to satisfy the demands and
expectations of the client?”
If this question is not posed internally and
the main instinct is always to take orders
nevertheless, unfortunately it may all
result in having unsatisfied clients, who in
turn will have their own unsatisfied end
clients, with the consequent loss of image
and credibility spread throughout the sales
on the price, the seller’s pleasantness, and
the presentation of catchy advertisements.
These reckless choices damage image and
credibility, a situation difficult to resolve
Comparison helps us to evaluate the
advantages and disadvantages and make
the best decision from this analysis (but
remember, also NOT deciding is a
Try to imagine a balance scale which I
believe gives an objective view and visual
comparison of the two pans on which we
should place all our assessments to
determine on which pan the best
advantages will lie. These are benefits
which allow us to reach a decisional
equilibrium, the factor which we are often
unable to find, or that we have sought all
our lives. Finding it is never simple and
this holds also for the choice of processes
in our companies.
Obviously in this comparison, on one pan
of the scale we shall place the Business
Flexibility method and on the other, the
counter arguments that come to mind.
To follow are some tips on what to place
on the other pan so as to counterbalance
the weight, reach the famous Balance or
determine the greater weight and identify
its correspondence with the
counterarguments to the Business
Flexibility method.
It will be difficult for you to identify
yourself with all my points, but one may
strike you and clearly show you on which
side the scale tilts.
stocks, calculated on the longer lead
time taken of your current supplier
to fulfil the order;
Against Business Flexibility: cost of
merchandise handling in a highly
stocked warehouse;
Against Business Flexibility: costs for
failed orders from your clients due to
long delivery times by your supplier;
Against Business Flexibility: costs of
low percentage of orders acquired on
offers proposed;
Against Business Flexibility: costs of
image of products sold without your
Against Business Flexibility: costs for
quality due to the impossibility to
trace the products you sell;
Against Business Flexibility: costs in
terms of stress and in your
company’s internal rapports because
you are unable to handle the many
product requests from your clients
due to your current supplier’s
Against Business Flexibility: costs
generated by the absence of
business flexibility and the
consequential impossibility of
Against Business Flexibility:
competition costs arising from the
sale of unknown brands as if they are
the best;
Against Business Flexibility: costs
due to the absence of continual and
effective cooperation from your
Against Business Flexibility: costs for
the purchase management process
by addressing several suppliers
competing with one another.
warehouse, money tied up in stocks with
the consequent loss of other sales
opportunities, political and geopolitical
events that disrupt the markets… I would
say we should skip citing other problems.
seems to get increasingly complex, leading
to a total paralysis.
It is a total immobility, remote from the
always active past.
Complaints begin, starting from listing the
clients who used to order great batches of
products regularly even with anticipated
purchase plans, while today the market
seems to have gone crazy and you can no
longer plan. There were long transactions
even for small orders, to then find at the
confirmation that the client requested a
practically immediate delivery.
No client now wants to handle stocked
goods and forces the producer and
distributor to guarantee flawless service to
the end client.
This also leads to an increasingly tense
atmosphere in the companies. We see
great tension among the various
departments: sales staff pressured by
clients, production pressured by the sales
staff, management pressured by the
executives, and executives pressured by
figures to make ends meet and
departments to run. The stress among
people heightens, to the detriment of the
corporate organization. A businessperson
of an average spare parts company, so
frustrated by this crazy market situation
and by his corporate executives in
continual debate, told me that his dream
was to have a telephone line connected to
a magical supplier so that any type of
order requested could be fulfilled
according to the requests of the clients
and with the utmost internal efficiency of
his company.
Today, this is possible.
Now that you have come to this point of
the book, you will have understood that
our company, Metallurgica Valchiese, has
developed the Business Flexibility method
as a solution to this unpredictable market.
no obligation for greater handling of
no obligation to have more staff to
manage merchandise handling;
decreased inventories;
acquisitions only to replace sold
elimination of advance acquisitions
to respond to deliveries;
reduced handling of materials;
elimination of dysfunctions to the
balancing of the phases;
reduced staff;
decrease in urgent acquisitions;
reduced number of finished products
fast and punctual deliveries;
reduced and less risky investments;
easy management of acquisitions
and handling of the products.
The feedback on these benefits is
confirmed by all our clients who have
adopted the method.
“I always buy at the lowest price,
putting my suppliers in
with each other
most wrong things: total immobility, even
in the face of a world that is increasingly
accelerating in terms of change.
Initially not even they believed that this
method could solve their problems in the
market and bring the benefits we have
But they were convinced by our
perseverance and certainty in proposing
our method, our transparency in detailing
the system to the maximum, our
assistance for the start and development
of our relationship, besides our willingness
to face every doubt that could arise in the
various work phases. They were thus able
to see the benefits which they obtained in
terms of:
reduced costs in merchandise
executives who simply undertake the
issuance and sending of purchase orders
to the supplier. If the human factor is
convinced of the validity of the choice and
applies it fully, the full application time
gets really reduced.
We would simply invite these people to
reread the previous passages to see that
what we are proposing is not one of our
exclusive products or services, but a
system for the management of a business
which goes beyond the actors that apply
What matters for us is to offer some tips
for an analysis of your company, so you
can see that the application of this system
will help your organization to work more
efficiently and effectively, and expand your
reference market.
Now you have many essential aspects to
help you evaluate, so it’s up to you to
make the first step to contact our
company and meet with us, so that you
can directly verify our method and the
possibilities it offers. We ask you to take
the first step because we want you to be
convinced that this possibility can offer
you the solution to tackle at best, the mad
and liquid market that is challenging you
For our part, we will be most willing to
present our method and illustrate to you
together with your staff, the benefits you
will experience with its insertion into your
corporate processes.
convinced many of our longstanding and
new clients to choose our method:
different way from market
companies understand that the price
is what you pay and the value is
what you obtain.
I would like to invite these companies to
take some time to contact us only if they
are able to liberate the mind from
preclusions, presuppositions and
convictions that do not allow them to
approach our method with the necessary
flexibility and openness to new ideas.
They barricade themselves behind the
“I’ve tried it all and to no avail,” and no
antidote is of use. We can only wish them
all the best since they will surely need it.
to adapt that strategy to your settings and
make it work. Attention! When I say
“adaptation,” I mean one which is often
and usually not committing, or at times
not even requested. This makes
everything funnier since it means that its
non-application is 100% caused by the
mental inflexibility of the person, a trait
you will never see in the basic
characteristics of successful
In other words, saying beforehand that “it
will not work for you” will only help you
not to improve your company.
If you come up with a thousand reasons
why any type of strategy will not work in
your case, you probably fall under the
second group of entrepreneurs we saw
earlier and, let me say with all sincerity
that you are mistaken.
Do you know why?
Because this list of excuses (well yes, let’s
call them by their right name) could have
come from the first passerby you met this
morning on your way to work or the first
person you chatted with on Facebook.
Coming from this person, it is to be
But really NOT from a businessman who
wants to expand his own market.
Absolutely NOT.
And NOT from you.
Your role as a businessman is to: find the
most effective sales strategies in both the
sectors where they are currently used;
test them; adapt them until they work
perfectly, and with time, modify them to
make them work more and more.
That’s it.
And pay attention: I’m NOT saying that
you have to copy like a parrot, the
production/commercial strategies you see
all around you.
Mediocre people copy.
Talented people STEAL.
And this is where I reconnect to the title of
this chapter.
A businessperson without a strong
personality is unable to go beyond the
simple idea of a strategy.
A more able and cunning mind is able to
absorb and develop it.
And even more.
There is still a more subtle difference
between the mediocre person and one who
has a hidden talent.
And it is the second one (the talented
person) who is not content with absorbing
and redeveloping the same technique, but
goes further, in undertaking a personal
study which makes use of experience only
as a departure point.
It often occurs that they “steal” and talent
surpasses the model taken as example
and therefore makes what was “stolen”
bear fruit in the best way.
The mediocre stops at appearance, does
not cross any barrier, and remains
immobile at the same point.
Those who run away from mediocrity
should follow the mantra of the talented
“Don’t refer to your sector to copy.
But do it in order to do something different
from the others.
Instead look at the sectors differing from
yours to steal something which works in
their sector, and which nobody has ever
done in yours. Take it, bring it over to
your side, adapt it and make it work first
of all.
Only in this way can you reach great
Euro-Dollar exchange rate in parity, or
rather, with a possible devaluation rate of
the Euro at 0.95.
Well, I think we all saw how the forecasts
were reliable and how the exchange trend
turned out.
After one year the euro was revaluated at
over 15%, making the European producers
weaken their competitiveness in the
market areas dominated by the dollar.
Likewise, the development forecasts for
the areas and markets then crashed after
the change of government or the
introductions of protectionist measures.
And these are only two of the many
forecasts which the small and medium
enterprises rely on for their own business
and financial strategies.
On our part, my staff and I try to interpret
not only the trend of the markets, but also
the individual clients.
As to the markets, we keep ourselves
updated on the economic and socio-
political situation, studying the trends to
define the resources to be invested. Above
all we try to know the definition or
progress of investments in infrastructure
and big construction projects, and the
approval of new laws designated to the
development of the sectors of our interest,
through particular special facilitations.
With regard to the clients, we dedicate to
each of them individual meetings to get
updated on the closing financial
statements and their predictions for the
coming year.
This is how we find out if they have new
projects, investments and strategies
underway, so as to be able to make our
proposal to help them improve, render
their organization efficient and optimize
their work.
In the same way, this allows us to improve
and optimize our internal organization and
our client services.
This mutual client/supplier openness and
cooperation helps both to boost their own
competitiveness in the market and
reciprocal loyalty.
At the same time, it allows both
companies to reach the maximum
efficiency and utmost profitability.
It is evident that at the base of this
rapport lies esteem and trust in our own
interlocutors and the capacity to have a
long-term vision.
We cannot create this type of rapport if we
retain our client/supplier only as an
interlocutor from whom we can draw
maximum profit, or if we got used to
launching an auction every time there is
an order to confirm.
This certainly ensures some advantages in
the short term, but can be
counterproductive in the long term.
I know you are thinking that this is not
true. Why do I know this?
Because this is the conduct adopted by
most of the companies, so we invite you to
turn your gaze all-around,
comprehensively, also in sectors differing
from ours, to realize that the more
successful companies managed to cultivate
a long-term relationship with their own
clients and suppliers.
Partnership is based on the exchange of
information and on a constant,
constructive cooperation to help both
companies be competitive in the market.
The invitation I am launching is to
dedicate our efforts in emerging from the
price trap which conditions us, that is,
detaching ourselves from the conviction
that the sole sales factor of our products is
the price.
We have many examples not only in our
sector to demonstrate that this is possible.
This requires sacrifices, and is not
painless. We need tenacity and a lot of
dedication but in the end, it will make us
stand out from the many companies that
tend to work with the same cliché.
your organization. Here again is a
summary of the steps required for this
quarterly briefing to analyse the
partnership trend;
after six months an analysis of the
results obtained;
after a year, an analysis of the
results and renewal of the
escaped, and to which we returned in
summer to see our parents.
Craxi & Co. contributed to impoverishing
us culturally, creating a population of
bumpkins convinced that they could go
ahead always and only due to internal
economy, and speaking the dialect.
Then we discovered that in Como the
dialect is spoken, and just two km further,
past the border, our peers who were
fighting to enter the world of work like us,
could speak four languages at the age of
The internet arrived, and nobody could
read in English or understand the movies
and we were, however, cut off from the
rest of the world.
It was a cultural massacre that pushed
Italy back into the darkness of the
Medieval age.
And whoever sustains the contrary, or still
dreams of those “nice” moments in which
we were just kings of a heap of dung,
wearing a plastic crown, is crazy.
Incidentally, few in Italy, knew how to
carry out customer-focused marketing and
sales, because there had never been the
need to do so.
It was an economy drugged by monetary
devaluation. Also abroad, despite the
dialect we could sell because our products,
compared to the German and French or
English, cost 30% less.
But then when the Chinese, Indians and
Pakistani started doing the same, we felt
they were breaking our balls, eh? And so
the cries against bad globalization rose.
How does ”this thing” really work? The
wrong things are fine only when we are
the ones who do it to others, but we don’t
like it when we are the victims.
Distinguish yourself, innovate, take your
share of high quality.
Do a good job.
Freely inspired by