Panni Carlo French Breads and Pastries: For Retail/Manufacturing Industry
Panni Carlo French Breads and Pastries: For Retail/Manufacturing Industry
Panni Carlo French Breads and Pastries: For Retail/Manufacturing Industry
Note 1 a Include all goods whether taxpayer has title thereto or not, provided these goods are actually situated in location/address at the Head Office of Branch or
Facilities (with or without sales activity of the taxpayer). Facilities shall include but not limited to place of production, showroom, warehouse, storage place,
leased property, etc. include also goods out on consignment, though not physically present are nonetheless owned by the taxpayer.
Note 2 Indicate Costing Method applied, eg., Standard Costing, FIFO, Weighted Average, Specified Identification, etc.
Oliva C. Mallari
Name and Signature of Authorized
TIN: 107-675-832-000
N/A 10,945.36
N/A 23,557.76
N/A 973,855.01
N/A 1,468.72
N/A 51,400.80
N/A 6,192.45
N/A 118,568.88
N/A 639.36
N/A 114,646.40
N/A 1,772.16
N/A 4,446.75
N/A 736.47
N/A 24,769.08
N/A 16,740.00
N/A 50,502.00
N/A 5,036.94
N/A 15,744.45
N/A 107,272.38
N/A 22,313.26
N/A 121,555.10
N/A 9,197.85
N/A 5,462.42
N/A 69.12
N/A 9,865.18
N/A 2,245.26
N/A 86,546.58
N/A 1,950.90
N/A 14,937.75
N/A 9,645.16
N/A 30,734.04
N/A 12,784.94
N/A 909.54
N/A 20,394.10
N/A 4,767.30
N/A 13,803.63
N/A 2,355.87
N/A 9,696.82
N/A 2,833.14
N/A 35,601.65
N/A 91,964.90
N/A 1,207.80
N/A 12,687.08
N/A 12,070.00
N/A 182,215.71
N/A 6,960.69
N/A 110,096.42
N/A 33,599.40
N/A 10,048.05
N/A 90.30
N/A 4,173.75
N/A 2,772.00
N/A 61,740.50
N/A 8,220.25
TOTAL 2,483,811.42