Helicopter Operations With Exposure - v2

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A Discussion Paper by the

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Approved by the Chairman and the members of the

RAeS Rotorcraft Group Committee.

All comments may be addressed to:

RAeS Rotorcraft Group

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July 2016

Front cover: An Airbus Helicopters H130 foreground with a AS350B2 ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY
Ecureuil behind. Airbus. No.4 Hamilton Place
London W1J 7BQ
United Kingdom
This Paper represents the views of the Rotorcraft Group of
the Royal Aeronautical Society. It has not been discussed T +44 (0)20 7670 4300
outside the Learned Society Board and, as such, it does not E raes@aerosociety.com
necessarily represent the views of the Society as a whole,
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Airbus Helicopters H130. Airbus.


The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) has an interest in The transport of passengers for remuneration or other
ensuring that, where matters of aviation safety are valuable consideration, is categorised as Commercial Air
discussed and decided, debate is open and informed. To Transport (CAT); it goes without saying that such operations
this end, the RAeS has representation on a number of ICAO should be afforded the highest possible standard of aviation
Panels and is active in its support of many Working Groups. safety.
In offering an impartial opinion in debates, it seeks to employ
the knowledge that is present in its Specialist Group By their very nature, helicopters used in CAT are highly
Committees – of which the Rotorcraft Committee is one. The versatile and can be expected to operate in a wide range of
content and conclusions of this paper are supported by the environments. Because of this versatility, it can be too easy
RAeS Rotorcraft Committee. to disregard the associated risk of exposure to engine failure
on flights over a hostile environment1 and accept a lower
The paper provides a history of the introduction of helicopter level of safety than would otherwise be expected (by
Performance into ICAO Annex 6 Part III, its subsequent passengers and society).
adoption into the Code of Performance of European
regulations, and the conflicts that emerged. Resolution of When analysing aspects of any operation, not only should
those conflicts resulted in the introduction of measured the potential benefits and costs be quantified but acceptable
exposure, by alleviation, into European regulations. The levels of safety must be established by assessing: the
principle of exposure was subsequently introduced to ICAO likelihood of any event; the possible consequences; and, any
Annex 6 Part III, Chapter 3, by replacing a number of mitigating measures that must be applied. The operation of
prescriptive requirements by objectives. CAT helicopters with extended exposure to engine failure
over a surface that does not provide the potential for a ‘safe
As further issues arose, during implementation of the forced landing’2, and subsequent survival, is just such a
European regulation by member States, additional case; it requires transparent and effective management.
alleviations, for operations over a hostile environment, were
added but without the establishment of specified levels of
safety that could be used in assessment. The paper discuss-
es a number of these activities, in the context of acceptable
levels of safety, and proposes a system of classification in 1
A hostile environment is one where: a safe forced landing cannot be accom-
accordance with the principles of ICAO Annex 19 – Safety plished; or, occupants cannot be protected from the elements; or, rescue is
not possible within anticipated survival time.
Management, and associated ICAO Doc 9859 – Safety 2
Safe forced landing. Unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable
Management Manual. expectancy of no injuries to persons in the aircraft or on the surface.

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In recent years, when providing a Code of Performance in or of a service provider, as defined in its Safety
compliance with ICAO Annex 63, States have expressed Management System, expressed in terms of safety
difficulty with the employment and documentation of performance targets and safety performance indicators.”8
effective measures to permit the continuation of operations
which, while considered essential, have not been able to Within the context of aviation, safety is “The state in which
meet the benchmark standard for performance – i.e. the the possibility of harm to persons or of property damage is
provision of engine-failure tolerance4. reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level
through a continuing process of hazard identification and
This paper discusses cases of exposure to a critical engine safety risk management.”
failure in helicopters when operated over a hostile
environment and puts forward a proposed classification –
thus allowing them to be conducted to an acceptable level of 3. PROVISIONS OF ICAO ANNEX 6 PART III
Initially, Annex 6 Part III introduced provisions for helicopter
operations related to flight data recorders (FDR) and cockpit
2. ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF SAFETY5 voice recorders (CVR). Subsequent proposals for Standards
and Recommended Practices (SARPs) covering other aspects
(For a complete text of the original ICAO Annex 116 of helicopter operations were developed with the assistance
Attachment E, see Appendix A.) of the Helicopter Operations (Heliops) Panel. These
provisions, incorporated in Amendment 1, were adopted by
Absolute safety is generally an unachievable and very the Council on 21 March 1990, becoming effective on 30
expensive goal. Therefore, the concept of acceptable safety July 1990 and applicable on 15 November 1990.
has been adopted in risk bearing industries, including
aviation. The term ‘acceptable risk’ describes an event with 3.1 The Performance Standard
a probability of occurrence and consequences acceptable to
the society, i.e. the society is willing to take or be In formulating Annex 6 Part III performance standards, the
subjected to the risk that the event might bring. It is the role Heliops Panel adopted principles of performance applicable
of the safety regulatory authorities to translate the society to Aeroplanes in Annex 6 Part I – i.e. engine failure
expectations and perceptions into a qualitative or tolerance. This included, as one of the objectives of
quantitative Target Level of Safety. Performance Classes (PC) 2 and 39, the requirement to
perform a safe forced landing should an engine fail at a
“The acceptable level of safety expresses the safety goals critical time.
of an oversight authority, an operator, or a services provider.
From the perspective of the relationship between oversight 3.2 Compliance with ICAO SARPs
authorities and operators/services providers, it provides
the minimum safety objective(s) acceptable to the oversight The provision of ICAO SARPs for helicopter operations in
authority to be achieved by the operators/services providers 1990 might have had little effect on world-wide helicopter
while conducting their core business functions.” (ICAO Annex operations without the advent of the Joint Aviation Authority
11, Attachment E). (JAA) and the need of harmonised operational regulation for
the 43 European Member States. JAR-OPS 3 was
The acceptable level of safety performance to be achieved produced subsequent to the introduction of the 2nd Edition
shall be established by the State7. of ICAO Annex 6 in November 1990 (the first complete set
of operational SARPs for helicopters) and the first operational
In aviation, the acceptable level of safety is generally defined regulation designed to be wholly compliant with the new,
in terms of the probability of an aircraft accident occurring. complete, ICAO Annex 6 Part III.
It is defined individually for each operator/service provider
on the basis of the target level of safety set by the regulator. By 1998, helicopter performance standards produced by
An array of factors such as the complexity of operations, the Heliops Panel, were beginning to be regarded as ‘some-
the operational context, past safety performance, existing what aspirational’ and an unrealistic projection of helicopter
safety regulatory framework, applicable safety standards, development (although similarly forecast by the Federal
etc. are taken into account. “Each agreed established level Aviation Authority (FAA) in Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
of safety should be commensurate with the complexity of (NPRM) 80-2510). As JAR-OPS was the first attempt at
individual operator/service providers’ operational contexts, providing a regulation in compliance with ICAO, the JAA
and the level to which safety deficiencies can be tolerated States were the first to contend that projections made by
and realistically addressed.” (ICAO Annex 11, Attachment the Heliops Panel were unrealistic and that adjustments to
E). the performance standards were needed to reflect
assessments of risk exposure.
The acceptable level of safety performance (ALoSP) is
defined as “The minimum level of safety performance of civil Using the concept of ‘defined’ exposure formulated by the
aviation in a State, as defined in its State Safety Program, JAA11, risks were assessed, presented at Board level, and

ICAO. (2012). Doc 9859 Safety management manual (SMM).
The ICAO Annex which contains the Standards and Recommended Practices There are three Performance Classes used for Commercial Air Transport:
for Helicopter Operations. Performance Classes 1 & 2 which address operations for larger twin-engine
This includes the engine failure accountability of Performance Class 1 and helicopters with more than nine passenger seats and which are Certificated
safe forced landing for Performance Classes 2 and 3. in Category A; and Performance Class 3 which addresses single and twin-
The text of this Section is an extract of an article in ‘SKYbrary’ entitled engine helicopters with nine or less seats and which are Certificated either in
‘Acceptable Level of Safety’. Category A or Category B (or equivalent).
The ICAO Annex which contains the Standards and Recommended Practices A Notice of Proposed Rule Making issued by the US Federal Aviation
for Air Traffic Services. Administration.
Guidance on defining an acceptable level of safety performance is contained See Appendix B for the Case History – The Introduction of Exposure to
in the Safety Management Manual (SMM) (Doc 9859). JAR-OPS 3 and EASA Part CAT.

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published for general comment. Following acceptance by the 4.1 Setting an Appropriate Level of Safety for Exposure in
members of the JAA, necessary changes were made to a ‘Non-Congested Hostile Environment’17
JAR-OPS. ICAO was informed of the resulting differences
and a proposal submitted to the ICAO Air Navigation ICAO Doc 9859 requires that risks of all aviation activities
Commission12 (ANC) to amend Annex 6 Part III accordingly. be assessed according to a scale ranging from ‘acceptable’
In 2002, the ICAO Helicopter and Tiltrotor Study Group to ‘intolerable’. Activities at either limit of this range require
(HTSG) was formed and tasked with that revision. The no further assessment.
changes made to Chapter 3 – Performance, were objective,
permitting each State to regulate required performance and
to set the ALoSP.


As shown in Appendix B13, helicopters are used for a number

of passenger transport activities over hostile environments.

The number of passengers carried can be up to 19 in the

case of offshore operations to helidecks. While it may be
desirable to require engine failure accountability when such
numbers are exposed to engine failure, this is not possible
for reasons set out in Appendix B, Paragraph 1.1. In the case
of offshore operations over a hostile environment, passenger
transport is performed using twin-engine helicopters for
which only the landing and take-off phases are subject to
exposure. This exposure should be measured and limited.

However, there are other types of activities which, although Activities between ‘acceptable’ and ‘intolerable’ are deemed
regarded as essential, are not conducted with twin-engine ‘tolerable’, or may be deemed ‘tolerable’ if mitigation is
helicopters. These activities vary from mountain operations, applied. For activities considered in this paper, tolerability
where required performance is not possible in all existing is likely to be partially dependent upon the reason(s) for
twin-engine helicopters, to those in which complex issues that activity. Whilst the risk may be justifiable and therefore
of social and economic circumstances mitigate towards tolerable for one activity, for another it may be necessary to
single-engine helicopters. Operations involving ‘extenuating reduce the risk to make it tolerable.
circumstances’ must be carefully regarded when setting the
ALoSP. Because in similar activities the consequence cannot be
altered, risk can only be reduced by lowering the probability
There is also the ‘general’ case of the carriage of passengers of occurrence. In the case of exposure to an engine failure in
over an environment which varies between non-congested- a hostile environment, this will be achieved by reducing the
hostile14 and non-hostile15 and, where the numbers carried, time during which an activity is exposed.
and therefore likely casualties in the case of engine failure,
are limited16. Unrestricted exposure should never be permit- The conduct and documentation of the risk assessment
ted as it renders meaningless the ICAO principle of engine should be in accordance with ICAO Doc 9859. This will
failure tolerance in CAT. This type of activity could be made result in ‘safety risk assessment’ and ‘safety risk
acceptable by setting an ALoSP which limits exposure tolerability’ matrices which will establish if additional
without rendering it impractical. mitigation is required for an activity to be found acceptable,
or at least, more tolerable.
All of these activities require reliable engines to set an
ALoSP. Achieving an appropriate level of reliability depends In the absence of numeric values for setting ALoSP in
upon using the type of system described in Appendix B, accordance to ICAO Doc 9859, the ‘severity of the failure
Paragraph 1.1.2. condition effect’ contained in the Guidance Material for FAR
2918 (Figure AC 29.1309-2 in Appendix C) can be used to
In order for any applicant to seek approval for, and a State to establish the quantitative ‘probability of failure condition’ as
assess, the tolerability of exposure in an activity, a the ALoSP for the risk assessment19. This will permit a finer
framework is needed to evaluate the necessity, benefits, granularity of solution than is possible in a five-level
justification and ALoSP. qualitative assessment.

4.2 Exposure in Offshore Operations in a Hostile


For offshore operations, it is shown in Appendix B that the

boundary of ‘Extremely Improbable’ or 1 x 10–9 for the
The body which considers and recommends Standards and Recommended
The introduction of exposure into JAR-OPS 3 and EASA Part-CAT. 17
A Non-Congested Hostile Environment is an environment which is hostile
A non-congested hostile environment is a hostile environment which is free but where there is no third party risk.
of third party risk. 18
The Certification Code for Large (Transport) Helicopters used by the FAA,
A non-hostile environment is one where: a safe forced landing can be EASA, TC and other major States. The guidance material (AC 29-2C) is used
accomplished; and, occupants can be protected from the elements; and, by all States that apply the code.
rescue is possible within anticipated survival time. 19
The guidance matrix of AC 29.1309 is used in this paper because it
A more detailed discussion of this issue is contained in Paragraph 2.3 of provides quantitative values. ICAO Doc 9859 and AC 29.1309 have
Appendix B. equivalent qualitative values even though the terminology is slightly different.

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‘Catastrophic’ event with ‘Multiple Fatalities’ cannot be the geographical boundaries (or functional boundaries in the
achieved within operational constraints. However, it is case of mountain operations) of the operation.
generally accepted that 5 x 10–8 for the event20 (an exposure
of nine seconds for a twin21) constitutes an ALoSP for this From the foregoing, an ALoSP for ‘Exposure in Onshore
type of operation. There is no reason why exposure should Operations – with Extenuating Circumstances’ might be
always be present as the necessity for its use is limited to a probability of 1 x 10–6 for the event – i.e. tolerable when
those conditions where deck-edge clearance and fly-away justified.
cannot be achieved for helideck environmental reasons.
Indeed, operations in PC2 ‘enhanced’ (PC2e) are aimed at 4.5 Exposure over a Congested Hostile Environment
moving closer to PC1 levels of safety22.
A ‘congested hostile environment’ is defined in ICAO as a
From the foregoing, an ALoSP for ‘Exposure in Offshore hostile environment within a ‘congested area’. The derivation
Operations in a Hostile Environment’ might be 5 x 10–8 – of these two elements and how they are connected and
i.e. tolerable. applied, is relevant to the understanding of helicopter
4.3 Exposure in Onshore Operations – General
ICAO Annex 227 Chapter 3.1.2 (an ICAO Standard that is
For onshore operations, it is suggested that the boundary implemented by States world-wide28) precludes flight:
of ‘Extremely Remote’23 or a probability of 1 x 10–7 for the “… over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements
‘Hazardous’ event with ‘Serious or fatal injury to a passenger’ ... except at such height as will permit, in the event of an
be the ALoSP for consideration of alleviation to operate over emergency arising, a landing to be made without undue
a ‘non-congested hostile environment’ (remembering that not hazard to persons or property on the surface.”
only the forced landing but the survival of occupants has to
be considered). ICAO Annex 6 Part III, defines a ‘congested area’ as:

With a proven engine reliability figure between 1 x 10–5 and Congested area. In relation to a city, town or settlement,
1 x 10–6 per flying hour (reliability of most turbine engines any area which is substantially used for
should be between those two values24), this would permit residential, commercial or recreational
Exposure of up to six minutes – sufficient for flight over a purposes.
mixed environment (non-congested-hostile and non-hostile)
but not sufficient for extended flight over a hostile The definition of a congested area was produced essentially
environment (such as mountains, extended forests, or arctic for aeroplanes and is used in the provision of a ‘land clear’
deserts). clause. This definition is too broad for helicopters because
it precludes an otherwise safe operation over areas where
From the foregoing, an ALoSP for ‘Exposure in Onshore a helicopter autorotation and safe forced landing could be
Operations – General’ might be a probability of 1 x 10–7 for conducted – for example the heli-lanes of London which are,
the event – i.e. tolerable. by definition, in a congested area.

4.4 Exposure in Onshore Operations – with Extenuating In order to provide the necessary flexibility and permit
Circumstances (safe) helicopter operations over this ‘assessed’29 non-
hostile environment, the definition of a ‘congested hostile
Where exposure is likely to exceed six minutes, it will not environment’ was introduced into Annex 6 Part III:
be possible to meet the qualitative target of ‘Extremely
Remote’. Consequently, an economic argument should Congested hostile environment. A hostile environment
not be the sole criterion for approval. The criteria for the within a congested area.
acceptance of extenuating circumstances should be clearly
expressed and should include the case where real hardship This definition was intended to make clear that all parts of
and Comparative Risk25 is substantiated. a congested area in which a safe forced landing could not
be accomplished were hostile; and, conversely, those areas
For operations with extenuating circumstances (outside within a congested area that could facilitate a forced landing
of Mountain Operations), it is suggested that a probability ‘… without undue hazard to persons and property on the
of 1 x 10–6 for the event be the ALoSP. With reliability surface’ were non-hostile.
within the boundaries enumerated above, this would permit
exposure of up to one hour26. (For one modern single the Further clarification of this concept was provided in the
failure rate has been shown to be 0.18 x 10–5; this would ICAO definition of a ‘non-hostile environment’ – specifically,
permit exposure in excess of 30 minutes and, with a cruise clause d) and the note:
speed of 132kt, a range of about 65nm – probably more
than adequate for continuous flight over a non-congested Non-hostile environment. An environment in which:
hostile environment.) An element of the approval might be
a) a safe forced landing can be accomplished because the
surface and surrounding environment are adequate;
b) the helicopter occupants can be adequately protected
The figure represents the probability of an ‘event’ (hazardous or catastrophic) from the elements;
that could occur during Exposure Time.
See Paragraph 1.1.1 of Appendix B.
When the wind vector does not prevent an unobstructed departure and/or
arrival sector. The Annex that addresses ‘Rules of the Air’.
23 28
The equivalent value in ICAO Doc 9859 is ‘Improbable’. Examples include: in Europe, SERA.3105 and CAT.POL.H.400(b); in the US,
See Paragraph 1.1.2 of Appendix B. FAR 91.119(a); in Canada, CAR 602.14(2)(a), 602.15(1) and 723.36(1)(g).
25 29
Where the alternative means of transport is substantially less safe than that The matter of ‘assessed by whom’ is left moot at this point; there are two
of extended flight over a hostile environment in a single-engine helicopter. possibilities: a static assessment (by the State); and a dynamic assessment
This level of exposure is applicable when the reliability of the engine is (by the pilot – taking into account the transit height). Clearly, a combination of
1 x 10–6. the two would provide maximum flexibility with a safe result.

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c) search and rescue response/capability is provided most HEMS missions, the potential ‘operating site’ is chosen
consistent with anticipated exposure; and before departure and confirmed on arrival36. In view of
d) the assessed risk of endangering persons or property on this, it is not always possible to operate with engine failure
the ground is acceptable. tolerance – i.e. exposure is the norm.

Note: Those parts of a congested area satisfying the above It is rarely possible to establish, with any accuracy, the
requirements are considered non-hostile. size of the landing surface or the obstacle environment
of a ‘HEMS operating site’. Thus, precise determination of
In the introduction it was stated that ‘when analysing the extent of exposure is not possible. However, there is a
aspects of any operation, not only should the potential reasonable expectation that, in most cases, exposure for
benefits and costs be quantified but acceptable levels of a twin-engine helicopter can be limited to nine seconds, or
safety must be established…’. confined to below 200ft.

Up to this point in the paper, the recipients of: the potential Any safety risk assessment will have to weigh the likely
benefits that accrue from operations with exposure over benefit of lives saved against the potential consequence to
a hostile environment outside of a congested area, are third parties. If it is considered that the benefits outweigh
the operator and passengers; and, the consequences of the consequences, it only remains to establish the ALoSP
a failure, the operator, crew and passengers. In a general for this type of activity. In view of third party involvement,
sense, all who are involved are (or should be) ‘knowing’ exposure should be limited by restricting it to the landing
participants30. and take-off phases only. An ALoSP of 5 x 10–8 for the event
appears to be justifiable.
With exposure over a congested hostile environment,
another element is present – the consequence to persons 4.6.2 Flights to/from a Public Interest Site (PIS – a hospital
and property on the ground (third parties). With ‘knowing’ in a congested hostile environment)
participants, the risk/benefit equation will involve a process
of assessing whether the benefit justifies the risk31 – with In Europe, and likely elsewhere, there are a number of
mathematical precision. For the third party there is no hospitals with heliports that do not meet the ICAO Annex 14
benefit, only consequences. Standard. This was recognised during the implementation of
JAR-OPS 3 and is now described in ‘GM1 CAT.POL.H.225 –
In those States where ‘duty of care’32 provisions are Helicopter operations to/from a public interest site’:
defined and used, the judgement that will follow any
hazardous or catastrophic event to third parties will take “Problems with hospital sites
into consideration whether the event was ‘reasonably
foreseeable’33. In view of the fact that this whole treatise is During implementation of JAR-OPS 3, it was established
about accepting and mitigating the risk of engine failure over that a number of States had encountered problems with
a hostile environment, it is difficult to reach a conclusion the impact of performance rules where helicopters were
other than such an event is reasonably foreseeable. operated for HEMS. Although States accept that progress
should be made towards operations where risks associated
4.6 Exposure in a Congested Hostile Environment – in the with a critical power unit failure are eliminated, or limited by
Public Interest the exposure time concept, a number of landing sites exist
which do not (or never can) allow operations to performance
Section 4.5 was concerned entirely with consideration of class 1 or 2 requirements.
exposure in flight over a congested hostile environment
and the potential consequences for third parties; in this These sites are generally found in a congested hostile
section the discussion continues but consideration is given environment:
to flights in the public interest34 e.g. Helicopter Emergency - in the grounds of hospitals; or
Medical Service (HEMS), to and from a congested hostile - on hospital buildings;
The problem of hospital sites is mainly historical and, while
4.6.1 Flights to/from a ‘HEMS Operating Site’ (accident/ the Authority could insist that such sites not be used – or
incident scene) in a Congested Area used at such a low weight that critical power unit failure
performance is assured, it would seriously curtail a number
In some States, rapid delivery of a trauma service to of existing operations.
inner city accident/incidents is undertaken by Helicopter
Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operators35. As with Because such operations are performed in the public interest,
it was felt that the Authority should be able to exercise its
discretion so as to allow continued use of such sites provided
There is, of course, a necessity to ensure that when passengers carried on that it is satisfied that an adequate level of safety can be
flights where engine failure tolerance is not assured, they are advised and
understand the issues. maintained – notwithstanding that the site does not allow
It will, or will not, have met the test of tolerability – as described in Section operations to performance class 1 or 2 standards. However,
4.1 above. it is in the interest of continuing improvements in safety that
In tort law, a ‘duty of care’ is a legal obligation which is imposed on an
individual requiring adherence to a standard of reasonable care while the alleviation of such operations be constrained to existing
performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element sites, and for a limited period.”
that must be established to proceed with an action in negligence.
Reasonable foreseeability is given a broad scope: to be foreseeable, a risk
does not have to be probable or likely to occur. That is a probability question Such sites allow a much more considered approach than
and is applied later. An unlikely risk can still be foreseeable. To be foreseeable, that for a ‘HEMS operating site’ because their dimensions
the risk merely has not to be ‘far-fetched or fanciful’.
Although there could be a number of examples of ‘flight in the public interest’ are known and the obstacle environment can be determined.
in this section only Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) is being
35 36
In European States, these are CAT operators with an additional HEMS Using a defined procedure that enables the pilot to make, from the air, a
approval. judgement on the suitability of the site.

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Thus, the extent of exposure can be established and minimum standard can be set and compliance tested. This
appropriate mitigating strategies put into place. lack of an objective puts the regulator in a difficult
position because of the resulting need for subjective
As with operations to a ‘HEMS operating site’ any safety judgment in assessing any proposal. Such an omission
risk assessment will have to weigh the likely benefit of exposes the regulator to the risk of submitting to the
lives saved against the potential consequence to third pressure of a solely commercial or political argument. There
parties. Where the continuation of operations to such a is also a danger of allowing ‘extended’ exposure over hostile
site is considered as essential, exposure should be limited areas where, following an engine failure, the probability
by restricting it to the landing and take-off phases only. An of death, in the forced landing or the subsequent survival
ALoSP of 5 x 10–8 for the event appears to be justified. phase, becomes almost a certainty.

ICAO Doc 9859 provides the basis on which to conduct a

5. CONCLUSIONS safety risk assessment. AC 29.1309 contains a mapping of
the ‘effect on occupants’ to ‘quantitative probabilities’ that
The ICAO policy of engine failure tolerability provides a can improve the granularity of a solution. Together, they can
sound principle on which States should base their Codes of be used to set an ALoSP for any proposed alleviation from
Performance. However, because of the necessity to operate engine failure tolerability.
in hostile environments, there is a need for flexibility within
the code to permit this if conducted to an acceptable level of All solutions will be dependent upon a common assessment
safety. of power-plant reliability. EASA has a documented
system which includes a definition of sudden power-loss,
Flexibility is already contained within Annex 6, Part III, smoothing in a five-year statistical window, and annual
Chapter 3.1.2, and Attachment A, along with benchmark reporting. To ensure assessment is based upon up-to-date
requirements against which such flexibility may be employed reliability data, there is a need for Original Equipment
by the State. The enabling text, whilst setting out the Manufacturers (OEMs) to make their annual reports, currently
conditions against which exceptions to the benchmark available to European Authorities, more widely available.
may be provided, does not contain the requirement for the
State to set an ALoSP. This should be addressed in the next The current EASA Code of Performance, which addresses
amendment of Annex 6 Part III. The actual level of safety performance alleviations, does not contain explicit ALoSPs
should not be part of the guidance because ‘acceptable risk’ (although, for offshore operations, the target was
describes an event with a probability of occurrence and established in the early work on exposure by the JAA and
consequences acceptable to ‘the society’ – therefore, it must is implicitly accepted worldwide). This omission should be
be for the State to decide what is acceptable. rectified by revisiting the relevant guidance and inserting
ALoSPs appropriate to the anticipated exposure,
Without an ALoSP, there is no objective against which a consequence and circumstances.

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Appendix A
ICAO Annex 11 – (Former) Attachment E,
Acceptable Level of Safety


1.1 The introduction of the concept of acceptable level of 3.1 The concept of acceptable level of safety is expressed
safety responds to the need to complement the prevailing in terms of safety performance indicators and safety
approach to the management of safety based upon performance targets, and implemented through safety
regulatory compliance, with a performance based approach requirements.
that aims for continuous improvement to the overall level of
safety. 3.2 The relationship between acceptable level of safety,
safety performance indicators, safety performance targets
1.2 Acceptable level of safety expresses the safety goals and safety requirements is as follows: acceptable level
of an oversight authority, an operator, or a services provider. of safety is the overarching concept; safety performance
From the perspective of the relationship between oversight indicators are the measures or metrics to determine if the
authorities and operators/services providers, it provides acceptable level of safety has been achieved, safety
the minimum safety objective(s) acceptable to the oversight performance targets are the quantified objectives pertinent
authority to be achieved by the operators/services providers to the acceptable level of safety, and safety requirements
while conducting their core business functions. It is a are the tools or means required to achieve the safety
reference against which the oversight authority can measure performance targets.
safety performance.
3.3 The safety performance indicators of an acceptable
1.3 Establishing acceptable level(s) of safety for the safety level of safety should be uncomplicated and linked to major
programme does not replace legal, regulatory, or other components of a State safety programme, or an operator/
established requirements, nor does it relieve States from services provider safety management system (SMS). They
their obligations regarding the Convention on International are generally expressed in numerical terms.
Civil Aviation and its related provisions.
3.4 The safety performance targets of an acceptable level
1.4 Establishing acceptable level(s) of safety for the safety of safety should be determined after weighing what is
management system does not relieve operators/services desirable and what is realistic for individual operator/
providers from their obligations under relevant national services providers. Safety performance targets should
regulations and the Convention on International Civil be measurable, acceptable to the parties involved, and
Aviation. consistent with the acceptable level of safety.

2. SCOPE 3.5 The safety requirements to achieve the safety

performance targets of an acceptable level of safety should
2.1 Within each State, different acceptable levels of safety be expressed in terms of operational procedures, technology
may be established between the oversight authority and and systems, programmes, contingency arrangements and
individual operators/services providers. so forth, to which measures of reliability, availability and/or
accuracy may be added.
2.2 Each agreed established level of safety should be
commensurate with the complexity of individual operator’s/ 3.6 An acceptable level of safety should be expressed by
service provider’s operational contexts, and the level to several safety performance indicators and translated into
which safety deficiencies can be tolerated and realistically several safety performance targets, rather than by single
addressed. ones.

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Appendix B
A Case History – The Introduction of
Exposure to JAR-OPS 3 and

1. EXPOSURE IN JAR-OPS 3 PR set to 1 x 10–9 produces the following TMAX:

1.1 The Necessity for Exposure Established TMAX = (105 . 3.6 . 103 . 10–9) / (2 . 1)
TMAX = (3.6 . 10–1) / (2) = 0.18 seconds
When the first operator (Bristow Helicopters) attempted to
implement JAR-OPS 3 and was assessing the performance Because there was, effectively, no alternative to Exposure
requirement, it became apparent that offshore operations under circumstances where continued operations were
did not fit into either PC 1 or 2. The operator could not, for critical, it was decided to work backwards and establish
helideck environmental reasons, (always) apply Performance what level of safety could meet an As Low As Reasonably
Class 1; nor when in PC2, could they assure a safe forced Practical (ALARP) target. The maximum length of exposure
landing because of: the probability of a deck-edge strike; or, was set at nine seconds which yielded a Target Level of
if forced to ditch, safeguard the occupants. In addition, when Safety of 5 x 10–8 – a challenging target but one that was
not applying a Category A procedure in light or moderate justified considering that more than nine passengers were
wind conditions, they were in breach of the Height Velocity likely to be exposed:
(HV) Limitation (due to the height of the helideck above sea
level). TMAX set to 9 seconds produces the following RA:

Alleviation from the safe forced landing requirement of PC2 RA = (TMAX . n . PR) / (105 . 3.6 . 103)
was necessary for a short period on take-off or landing – i.e. RA = (TMAX . 2 . 1) / (105 . 3.6 . 103)
measured exposure. RA = (9 . 2) / (3.6 . 108) = (9 . 2 . 10–8) / (3.6) = 5 x 10–8

1.1.1 Establishing the Acceptable Level of Safety – the The subsequent proposal to the JAA board contained a
Quantitative Target full explanation of the problem, solution and Target Level
of Safety. This hypothesis was accepted by the board; the
In the event of an engine failure without a safe forced landing proposal went to Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) and
capability, it was clear that the consequences for the crew was subsequently adopted into JAR-OPS 3.
and passengers could be catastrophic and result in multiple
fatalities or injury from the impact and/or ditching trauma. 1.1.2 Establishing Engine Reliability – the Minimum
For that reason, a probability that matched the consequence
was required. In the absence of a suitable scale for As stated above, the assumed (target) level of engine
operations, it had been the practice to use the ‘Table for reliability was 1 x 10–5 – in ICAO terms, a ‘very reliable
Failure Conditions Categories and Probability Definitions’ engine’. However, when examining the existing failure rates
found in FAA Advisory Circular ‘Figure AC 29.1309-2’ and taxonomy, it was not clear if this level of reliability could
(shown in Appendix C). In this table ‘Multiple Fatalities’ is be achieved.
regarded as ‘Catastrophic’ with a quantitative probability of
≤ 1 x 10–9. The problem was twofold: engine failures were not required
to be reported under the ICAO Annex 13 provisions; and the
By modelling the manoeuvre, it was established that the standard In-Flight Shutdown (IFSD) metric included
required Exposure (the time to reach Vstayup and avoid precautionary shutdowns (due to chip warnings etc.) that
ditching) was in the order of five to ten seconds. greatly affected the rate.
(Simplistically) assuming an achievable engine/helicopter
type reliability of 1 x 10–5, the quantitative probability of Fortunately, the UK CAA had mandated, and had been
1 x 10–9 would, for a twin, have yielded Exposure of less collecting, helicopter engine-failure data for a considerable
than a second – more than an order of magnitude less than amount of time. After filtering this information to eliminate
required: other than ‘sudden in-service power loss’ events, it appeared
that the target reliability rate could be achieved but not for
TMAX = (100,000 . 3,600 . RA) / (n . PR) all engine/helicopter types.

Where: In order to provide a system more suited to the application

TMAX = The maximum permitted exposure time (in seconds) of limited exposure, a joint JAA operational/airworthiness
PR = Power unit failure rate per 100,000 engine hours group produced a documented procedure for the initial and
RA = Probability of power unit failure during the exposure periodic assessment of new and existing engine/helicopter
time combinations which included yearly reporting. The procedure
n = Number of engines was adopted into JAR-OPS 3 and subsequently transposed
to EASA Air Operations Regulation Part-CAT.
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In addition to the assessment of reliability, measures were 2.2. Remote Arctic Settlements
put in place to improve the monitoring and maintenance of
engines that were to be used within the programme; this Unlike mountain operations, operation to remote arctic
included the implementation of a usage monitoring system settlements was a case where twin-engine helicopters could
(UMS) - (FADEC with recording and downloading facilities meet the requirement but where the economics could not be
was later included within this designation). justified. Travelling on the surface, by land or water, in such
remote areas was also seen as posing a greater risk to
passenger safety than flight in a single-engine helicopter.
On transposition from JAR-OPS to EASA Air Operations
Having acknowledged and addressed the complex issue of Regulation Part-CAT, the guidance which constrained avail-
permitting, but limiting, exposure in offshore operations, the ability of alleviation to the two types of use was ‘liberalised’
JAA was faced with two other types of operation that would by adding a further clause ‘other areas of operation’ to the
be curtailed unless the requirement for a safe forced landing guidance. The conditioning text for operational approval (the
was alleviated: list of factors to be considered) was based on that contained
in Attachment A of Annex 6 Part III with the addition of ‘(4)
Mountain Operations, where the existing generation of safety target’.
multi-engined aircraft could not meet the requirement of
Performance Class 1 or 2 at high altitude; and Paraphrasing the guidance material; for an alleviation to
be considered for other areas of operation, the risk
Operations in Remote Areas, where existing operations assessment, conducted by the operator, had to have
were being conducted safely; and where alternative surface consideration of the factors contained in the Acceptable
transportation would not provide the same level of safety as Means of Compliance (AMC). One of these elements was the
single-engined helicopters; and where, because of the low ‘safety target’ (or acceptable level of safety). The Target Level
density of population, economic circumstances would not of Safety on which the Acceptable Level of Safety should
justify the replacement of single-engined by multi-engined have been based was not set by EASA but was left to the
helicopters (as in the case of remote arctic settlements). operator to decide.

At the time that EASA became legally competent for the Because the Target Level of Safety was left undefined there
safety of helicopter operations in Europe, this alleviation was no primary objective on which the Acceptable Level of
was limited to the two types of operations described. The Safety could be based and against which the Authority could
alleviation was also confined to a ‘non-congested hostile assess the application.
environment’ to ensure that there would be no ‘third party’
risk. It was never the intention of the JAA to open this alleviation
to a purely ‘economic’ argument – i.e. single versus twin-
Because the alleviation was limited in its scope (both in use engine; from the EASA guidance “…where there is no
and the number of passengers exposed – a maximum of six) economic justification to replace single-engined helicopters
the JAA did not feel it would be beneficial to set a specific by multi-engined helicopters.” However, without the setting
Target Level of Safety, it therefore remained ‘unstated’ at of the Target Level of Safety, that appears to be precisely
‘Remote’ or 1 x 10–5 – i.e. the required reliability for the what the liberalising clause has achieved. The end result
helicopter/engine combination has been the undermining of the ‘underpinning’ element of
Performance Class 3 – that the ‘standard’ for passenger
2.1 Mountainous Areas carriage should be toleration of an engine failure.

Because operations in the mountains are not limited by the Without setting a Target Level of Safety and/or limiting use
type of flight (e.g. overflight), it was not thought beneficial of the alleviation by geographic area, there is also a danger
to set an arbitrary limit on the time a helicopter could be of allowing ‘extended’ exposure over areas where,
exposed. This was not seen as an issue because any attempt following an engine failure, the probability of death, in the
to limit the use of exposure in the mountains would have forced landing or the subsequent survival phase, becomes
been extremely complex, result in an artificial constraint and almost a certainty.
have little safety benefit.

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Appendix C
Failure Conditions Categories and
Probability Definitions

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