Ryan Philip Jajosky
D-Term 2008
Daniel G. Gibson, Ph.D.
Project Advisor
Dynamy is a non-profit educational program in Worcester, MA that sponsors a
Youth Center for high schools students. The Youth Center provides mentoring, tutoring,
and activities for the students after school. Because of the large number of students in the
program, many people easily pass through Dynamy each day, including parents,
internship students, maintenance crews, and friends of the youth center students.
Recently, Dynamy officials have considered security cameras as a way to secure the
building from unwanted outsiders. To assess Dynamy‟s Security Camera (CCTV) needs,
I went to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia to learn from the most secure
educational facility in America, according to Security Magazine. I also met with
professional CCTV installers from ADT Security, who even gave a free on-site estimate.
From first-hand research and meetings with experts, I was able to draft a security camera
proposal for the Dynamy Youth Center. The proposal asks for 8 cameras to be installed
by Dynamy officials to secure the facility‟s computer labs, conference rooms, office areas,
and entrance ways. The security camera proposal explains how to buy a CCTV system,
where to place cameras, and how to route cabling. The “Do-It-Yourself”
recommendation costs about $2000, while a professional system with installation costs
between $10,000-$15,000. Dynamy officials were appreciative of my efforts.
Thanks to my advisor Daniel Gibson, the Dynamy Youth Center, the ADT and the
University of Pennsylvania Security Teams. This project enabled me to learn a lot about
CCTV security camera systems. I appreciate camera security more after doing this
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Acknowledgments 3
Background 5-36
Dynamy CCTV Proposal and Presentation 37-48
References 49-50
European CCTV
Europe has a history of CCTV in public and private areas that stretches back to the 1950s.
During this time, traffic cameras became popular. In 1956, the VCR was developed and
made commercial CCTV expand. In the 70s and 80s CCTV began to spread across
Europe. It was primarily used in “semi-private” space until the mid-80s. However, it
was also used in urban public areas during this time. In the 90s, CCTV became a popular
tool with European police to help fight street crime (in the public setting). Regulations
for CCTV were issued during this time. Today, Britain has the largest CCTV network of
any country in Europe and London is the CCTV center of the world.
CCTV is viewed as “an essential part of daily life” in Europe according to a 2004
European CCTV research study. In 2002, estimates of CCTV use in the capitals of six
European nations showed that 29% of all premises (shops, stations, institutions) use
CCTV. CCTV use was found to be most common in areas associated with transportation,
government, hospitals, museums, and petrol stations. Learning centers and religious
facilities were found to have the lowest use of CCTV in Europe.
Several purposes of European CCTV use are cited. CCTV is used to monitor traffic, fire,
accidents, crime, and suspicious behavior. According to a 2002 survey, 86% of CCTV
users cite the deterrence of theft as the primary reason for using CCTV. 39% cite
deterrence of violence.
A 1997 market estimate indicates that the European CCTV industry generates 1.1 Billion
Euro each year, with between 10 and 15 percent growth.
Nations in Europe have very different acceptance levels for CCTV. The British
regularly report news stories about CCTV and how it helps in criminal investigations.
Hungary also uses CCTV to solve social problems. On the other hand, the Germans
strongly resist the idea of CCTV. Denmark is another nation that is resisting CCTV.
One survey indicates that Britons have the highest opinion of CCTV, while Austrians and
Germans have the lowest opinion in Europe. A different study showed that France,
Belgium, Germany, and Italy had the strongest anti-surveillance organizations as of 2001.
Surveys show that most CCTV operators tend to use CCTV as a symbol to deter crime.
These cameras are made clearly visible to the public rather than used to obtain the best
vision of an area.
CCTV cameras are used in two ways. Most operators say they primarily use CCTV as a
symbol to deter crime. A smaller group primarily uses CCTV cameras for active
Most European CCTV systems are small, independent, and technologically simple. More
than two-thirds of CCTV systems use fewer than 5 cameras. These “island” systems are
most commonly analogue. Large CCTV systems of 20 or more cameras are uncommon.
These systems are becoming digital and now being linked (or integrated) with other
agencies. These cameras are often linked to police and fire departments. This enables
the retail shop to communicate effectively with police and fire officials.
European CCTV systems are mostly regulated by European and national governments.
Several European councils have addressed the topic of video surveillance: Article 8 of the
European Human Rights Convention, European Convention on the Automated
Processing of Personal Data of the Council of Europe, and the Data Protection Directive
of the Europe Union. National laws regulate data protection for public CCTV schemes.
However, most operating regulations tend to be violated. One study showed that 51% of
all cameras failed to notify the public with a sign that CCTV cameras were in use. In
most cases, the data controller and their contact information was also omitted.
As a whole, Europe has a supportive attitude of CCTV. (Britons are the most supportive,
while Germans and Austrians are least supportive.) A minority are against CCTV
because they feel it violates privacy and civil liberties. According to one survey 50% of
the public are concerned about CCTV “misuse” and 40% feel CCTV is invasive of
privacy. The public is divided about “open street” CCTV which many people feel is a
semi-private environment. While Britain commonly uses CCTV in “open street” areas,
other countries, like Denmark, have no “open street” CCTV cameras.
CCTV is commonly evaluated and justified using crime statistics that say CCTV lowers
the crime rate. These reports are often made by the CCTV operators and may be biased
in favor of CCTV. CCTV operators‟ ability to measure and evaluate crime statistics is
seen as questionable and may not be scientific. In addition, crime rate alone is seen as
too narrow in scope to justify CCTV use. Several scientific reports to evaluate the
correlation between CCTV and the crime rate have not proven CCTV lowers the crime
rate. This is troubling because these crime statistics have a tremendous impact on
political and social opinions and policy.
Many recommendations to improve CCTV in Europe have been made. Experts suggest
making CCTV transparent by making registration of CCTV systems a law. Also, experts
suggest operators be held legally accountable for following CCTV operation guidelines.
Experts also suggest periodic inspections of systems to ensure compliance with CCTV
operational guidelines. The European Parliament and the Council of Europe also
recommend more regulation of CCTV, especially to address discrimination and CCTV.
These two groups have also supported automated surveillance (facial recognition and
scene monitoring).
British CCTV
The UK is the world leader in Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). The UK uses CCTV to
(1) promote safety, (2) aid in criminal investigations, and (3) to protect against terrorist
attacks and aid in investigations. CCTV was fist introduced in the UK in the 1970s and
dramatically grew in the 1990s. Closed Circuit TV differs from broadcast TV in that
only those directly connected to fire optic cable network can receive a video picture.
Although the British government owns many CCTV schemes, most are owned and
operated by the commercial sector.
Cameras connected to CCTV schemes can vary considerably. They can either (1) remain
motionless (static), (2) pan, tilt, and zoom, or (3) be placed on „tours‟ to scout an area
automatically. Cameras can be (1) stationary, (2) partially mobile (within a zone) or (3)
freely mobile to be moved anywhere. Cameras can either use digital or analog
information. They can be wireless or use cables.
There are a number of theoretical ways in which CCTV could reduce the crime rate.
People exhibiting suspicious behavior could result in police being called into an area,
deterring potential criminals. Criminals could be caught in the act on CCTV and
immediately arrested. Arrested criminals could be deterred from committing further
crimes. The presence of CCTV could attract more people to an area, which would cause
the number of police monitoring an area to increase. The presence of more police could
deter potential criminals. Publicity about CCTV or specific cases solved by CCTV
could deter potential criminals. The publicity about crime and CCTV could encourage
citizens to take safeguards against criminal activity. Crimes that take a long time would
be deterred because of the increased likelihood that a camera operator would see the
guilty party. In addition, experience with monitoring crime could help police better
predict the conditions under which a criminal act is brewing.
Control rooms, where CCTV images are monitored, can also vary significantly. For
example, some control-rooms have full-time workers, but many are controlled part-time.
Sometimes the employees have responsibilities other than monitoring the CCTV cameras.
Control rooms monitor different areas. And, their methods of alerting or communicating
the police when crimes are committed vary considerably.
Many studies have evaluated the role CCTV plays in reducing crime. However, major
studies have concluded CCTV is associated with crime reduction (NACRO, 2002), no
changes in crime (Phillips, 1999), or increases in crime (Welsh and Farrington, 2002).
British CCTV has recently captured images of major incidents. These incidents include
the IRA terrorist attacks in the 1990s, the Brixton nail bomber in 1999, and the July 2005
terrorist attacks in London.
with a different profile than juveniles. Two ten year old boys, Jon Venables and Robert
Thompson, were arrested in the murder. They led Jamie 2.5 miles from the shopping
center, killed him, and left the body on railroad tracks. The body was discovered two
days after Jamie‟s disappearance.
Public space cameras began receiving government funding in the early 1980s. During
this time, public space CCTV was funded by Safer Cities Initiatives (or City Challenge).
Beginning in 1994 and continuing through 1999, the funding was known as CCTV
Challenge Competition. Approximately 38.5 million pounds were used to develop 585
public space CCTV schemes across the nation. From 1999 through 2003, the funding
came from the Home Office through the Crime Reduction Program (CRP), the largest
single investment in British CCTV. From this, approximately 170 million pounds were
used to produce 684 public space schemes across the nation. Today, funding for public
CCTV schemes in the UK comes from Home Office grants, Safe Communities Fund,
Department for Communities and Local Government, and other sources.
In order to maintain the flow of funding, the Home Office recommends promoting the
success of CCTV at the local level. This will (1) improve public support for CCTV and
(2) keep a steady stream of cash flow to CCTV, and (3) deter criminals.
The British people overwhelmingly view CCTV as a protective rather than invasive. And,
surveys reveal that the British feel “safer” because of CCTV.
With the advance of CCTV imaging technology, the UK hopes to use the technology for
advanced automated analysis of footage. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
and facial recognition are two cost-saving methods of computer analysis currently being
developed. Currently license plates for half a mile away can be read by high-tech
cameras. Some analysis programs developed can even attempt to analyze behavior with
intelligent scene monitoring.
The legality issues surrounding CCTV were first discussed by the Data Protection Act
(DPA) of 1998. The regulations outlined in this act were implemented over public areas
beginning in March 1, 2000. One of the most ignored rules in the DPA of 1998 is the
need for CCTV cameras to be visible with signs indicating their presence
( Another rule that is often neglected is that CCTV footage cannot be
seen by unauthorized third parties. Some argue that CCTV footage is not secured well
enough, which could allow third parties to obtain access.
One current concern of the British deals with CCTV system compatibility. When analog
CCTV systems ruled, compatibility issues were minor because of international standards
used to make electronic equipment. However, with the rise of digital CCTV systems and
the IT and television technology, issues of compatibility are becoming more difficult to
deal with. This is because of a lack of industry standards for making equipment.
Specifically, the British are concerned about “the ability to pick and choose different
system components without being tied to one manufacturer.” Currently the British
Criminal Justice System (CJS) faces the challenge of playing back taped footage (termed
„playback issues‟). The CJS has had to employ special technology employees to convert
these files to standard formats (commonly VHS), which often results in deterioration of
Another issue associated with British CCTV involves picture quality. At the start of the
1990s, recommendations for minimum “performance guidelines” were issued by the
Home Office. The recommendations spoke of a tool that could be used to ensure that
minimum picture quality guidelines were met. This test is known as the Rotakin test.
And, the October 2007 National CCTV Strategy Report recommends updating the test for
new digital CCTV equipment.
The British are currently attempting to find balance in using CCTV for (1) crime
prevention (2) traffic law enforcement. Although the initial purpose of CCTV was for
crime prevention, CCTV systems are currently being used to monitor traffic lanes for
speeders and number plates (license plates). The British do not believe that installed
cameras can monitor both crime and traffic at the same time. They believe that “cameras
installed for crime and disorder” should not be “diverted to other uses.”
CCTV systems can either be used for either “pro-active” or “post-incident” investigations.
Sometimes the monitor of a CCTV scheme may miss an incident that is currently
unfolding. In these cases, use of recorded footage can be used in the investigation.
However, sometimes the blind-spot of surveillance camera systems can result in complete
lack of documentation of an incident. In these cases, police often use footage taped by
local commercial businesses.
In 2002 a research study by Michael McCahill and Clive Norris estimated the number of
surveillance cameras in the UK at 4.2 million. This number is in agreement with a 2004
BBC news article‟s claim of more than 4 million cameras in Britain, which would be 1
camera for every 14 people. It is estimated that a person in the UK is caught on CCTV
cameras approximately 300 times a day. These cameras are found in town centers,
transportation systems, banks, residential and commercial areas, churches, bars, and
restaurants (Christian Science Monitor). As of 2004, CCTV schemes were found in 500
towns. In 1990, only three towns had CCTV schemes. This vast improvement was the
result of more than 250 million pounds or 460 million dollars of government funding.
However, these cameras may not be found in the highest crime locations or be used in the
most effective manner. Because high-crime areas are always changing, CCTV cameras
may find themselves in low crime areas. The British believe that the current locations of
surveillance cameras should better reflect crime maps produced by the National
Intelligence Model (NIM). In other words, cameras should be easily repositionable so
that they can stay in high crime areas. Also, the British believe that current CCTV
schemes should be linked together for extended monitoring services.
The British admit several mistakes in their implementation of a national CCTV system.
One regret involves not thinking about how videos could be played back by police or
courts. Another regret involves not considering storage or archiving of material. The
British also regret not thinking of ways to lower the cost of the national CCTV system.
Factors that should have been evaluated include how building design and national
infrastructure plans could lower the cost of CCTV. Another regret involves not updating
their operational guidelines (published in 1994) to address legal and technological
With the arrival of digital CCTV systems, the British now believe that training, especially
for police, is essential. Analog CCTV was simple enough that police and associated
organizations of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) did not require special training to use
a VHS. The British believe that digital CCTV training will ensure that all processes from
video capture through court presentation will run smoothly.
The British also believe that a standardized training program is essential. Before the
issue of SIA minimum training requirements, CCTV operators had a wide range of skill
levels. Some operators knew so little that equipment was not used because operators did
not know how to use it. This situation was the result of a lack of standardized training
programs. To address this issue, minimum skill requirements were recommended by the
Security Industry Authority (SIA) License in March of 2006. Under the new training
conditions, CCTV operators in the control room must have a license before being allowed
to operate at their stations. Police and CCTV installers are not required to have the
The digital conversion of CCTV equipment is causing problems for CCTV operators and
the Criminal Justice System. Lack of a standard downloadable format and unique
software are two problems cited by the 2007 National UK CCTV Strategy. Often unique
download formats are converted to old-fashioned VHS (which results in reduction in
image quality). The initial expensive cost associated with storing digital CCTV footage
resulted in reductions in how long footage was stored.
The British are currently considering placing cameras in areas other than those linked to
local crime. For example, the British are considering moving cameras to areas that could
be involved with organized crime and terrorist activities. Cameras could be placed in
high-risk areas as determined by National Threat Assessments. Currently the British are
have a small CCTV division dedicated for counter terrorism, within the Counter Terrorist
Command. Also of note, the British would like to have their anti-terrorism CCTV system
up before the 2012 Olympics in the UK.
Currently, the British keep video camera footage between 14 and 31 days before
recording over the footage. However, the British Home Office recommends keeping the
footage for between 28 and 31 days. The British believe that a period as long as 31 days
is important to enable investigations after the incidents have occurred. The British also
reason that terrorist attacks take prolonged periods of time to investigate, requiring a
period of around 31 days of footage to be kept.
Storage of digital recordings is much easier to manage than storage of VHS recordings.
Old-fashioned VHS storage requires large amounts of space and temperature and
humidity regulations. Digital recordings, on the other hand, require hard disk storage
space on either CD or DVD.
The British are currently dealing with nation-wide variations in what CCTV footage is (1)
stored, (2) how it is stored, and (3) the length of time it is stored. The British believe
standards must be adopted nation-wide. The length of storage for camera footage will be
decided by the opinion of the police investigators. The storage conditions to ensure
degradation does not occur will also be discussed.
Currently, non-police authorities monitor CCTV in Town Center Control Rooms and
police rarely receive footage. Occasionally, Live CCTV footage is streamed to the police
BCU control rooms. These feeds can help police respond to incidents as they happen.
Even fewer police agencies are provided with feeds of stored footage from the Town
Center Control Rooms. In order for police to get access to camera footage, they must go
to Town Center Control Rooms and either watch the footage there or convert it to VHS
for keeping. Most of the time, police cannot watch the film before copying it. In this
case, the footage they record may not contain any evidence from the incident. To address
this issue, the British would like to create a networked CCTV system to make the footage
easily available to police and other organizations of the Criminal Justice System.
The British are currently working to connect their CCTV systems using IT technology.
This issue is only now being addressed due to technological breakthroughs enabling the
transmission of huge amounts of information. Also, costs have fallen recently, making
this technology more affordable. Many commercial organizations have added IT
technology to their CCTV systems. This enables companies to request a remote
monitoring service from another corporation.
Currently the British face the challenge of ensuring the maximal video playback systems
for the Criminal Justice System and court trials. Although CCTV has successfully been
used for prosecution of daily crimes and terrorist attacks, CCTV use has not been
maximized. To help CCTV succeed in the courtroom, the CCTV Audio/Visual Strategy
Group was developed to address issues of video playback compatibility in the courtroom.
The main problem with courtrooms is that they lack up-to-date digital equipment needed
for video cameras footage playback in court rooms.
Courts also face the problem of not knowing how to use digital equipment needed for
video playback. A recent study by the National Audit Office revealed that some of the
unsuccessful court cases were the result of a lack of digital playback equipment in courts.
Instead of unsuccessful court cases, Britain hopes to use CCTV footage before court
hearing occur in order to get early dismissals and guilty pleas, which could save the
country money.
8:55 AM Arrival at King‟s Cross Station
9:00 – noon Out of Range of Surveillance
12:00 PM Arrival at Baker‟s Street Station
12:50 PM Return to King‟s Cross Station
Figure 1 shows the CCTV images of the practice run of the 4 terrorists 9 days before the London
Bombings took place.
Figure 2 shows a CCTV photograph of the 4-member group responsible for the July 7, 2005 London
Bombings as they enter the Luton railway station. This photo captures the terrorists the morning of
the bombings.
In March of 2002, the Police Scientific Development Branch in England released a report
detailing procedures for managing digital CCTV images. This report was written with
the hope that CCTV images will be handled in a standardized way at all stages through
the Criminal Justice System.
Compression is a tool to reduce how many information is in an image but can cause harm.
Compression can affect the replay of video because image data is lost. In addition,
artifacts can be introduced which cause artificial pattern, movements, and outlines.
Compression algorithms should be tested to ensure image quality meets minimum
requirements. According to the British police, compression can be used effectively.
The British have several standard procedures that should take place before any CCTV
images are captured. First, authorization of CCTV use and capture must be obtained in
order to comply with restrictions known as “Intrusive Surveillance.” Rules of use can be
found in new legislation and ACPO guidelines. Second, a written or digital audit trail
should begin before images are captured. Audits should include descriptions of the
images, descriptions of the investigation, the storage of the original files, access rights to
the original files, who viewed the original files, and disposal of files. Thirdly, a check of
the equipment is necessary. This involves verifying correct date settings, sufficient
supplies of recording materials, and correct recordings settings.
In rare cases, police have their own CCTV systems, however, in most cases, preparation
and capture of images takes place at by third parties. Third parties include Town Centers
with CCTV monitor and commercial businesses with CCTV. The point at which police
receive CCTV footage is called the “point of transfer”. The audit trail produced by the
third party should be collected and made continuous with the police audit trail.
To help the police, standards for third-party CCTV centers have been established. Many
third party centers allow police to remove CCTV recordings as evidence. These centers
also allow police to replay the footage and make any copies they need to. The centers
often provide viewing facilities so that police can original footage.
CCTV images should not be deleted without proper authority. Accidental or intentional
deletion of images could become the subject of legal debate during a trial. If images are
to be deleted, they must receive the proper authorization and their deletion must be part
of the audit trail.
Digital CCTV footage should be recorded onto back-up tapes. Most digital CCTV
schemes have automatic recordings which rerecord over themselves after a set period of
time. However, creating back-up copies is important for use in investigations as evidence.
Numerous different methods for recording digital files exist. Magnetic tape enables
digital recordings to be placed on video tape. CD-R and DVD-R recording devices also
exist. Memory cards are a removable memory. And, computer hard disk space can also
be used for digital images.
Copies of digital images and video can be made in different ways. A copy can be made
simultaneously with the master copy. Or, a copy can be made immediately after the
master file has been created. Or, copies could be made only when copies are necessary.
Currently, there are many file formats available for still images and video. The main file
formats for still images are TIFF and JPEG. However, some of the best resolution
images belong to their own proprietary formats. Video from camcorders is commonly
saved as Mini-DV or Digital8 Tape.
Profile of PENN
was designed in 1999 for the purpose of “crime prevention and crime abatement.” Three
groups were involved in the process: (1) Division of Public Safety, (2) University of
Pennsylvania, and (3) community members from West Philadelphia. Penn designed a 7-
member committee before any CCTV cameras with installed to ensure compliance with
CCTV regulations. Rotating members continue to approve proposals for new cameras in
new sites.
Penn cites several examples of where in public CCTV can be used for monitoring.
“Open street” CCTV is appropriate for monitoring (1) buildings and property, (2)
restricted-access areas, (3) security alarms, (4) vehicular and pedestrian traffic areas, and
(5) theft protection.
Penn‟s security system, including CCTV, has worked very well. In November of 2007,
Security Magazine released the Security 500 list of most secure places, with Penn‟s
campus ranked at number 6.
The Penn Division of Public Safety outlines several key principles of its CCTV security
system. The purpose of the CCTV system is to deter crime and assist the police in
protecting the community. CCTV monitors are trained and supervised to ensure proper
use of the technology. A monitoring Code of Procedures was developed with
disciplinary actions including in the manual. Only the Vice President of the Public
Safety Division has the right to release footage. The locations of all outdoor cameras are
published by the school for the public.
The Penn CCTV monitoring panel ensures that CCTV policies are followed correctly.
The 7-member panel consists of chairperson, two faculty members, one member
appointed by the President, one student member, one staff member, and a member from
the Office of Audit & Compliance & Privacy. These members serve for one year. They
review where cameras are located and where cameras should be. Semi-annually, a list of
camera locations is published. Temporary camera locations are published before special
events. The capabilities of the cameras are also published in the reports.
Te CCTV Monitoring Committee allows for appeals to reject proposed locations for
CCTV cameras. Some locations, where increased privacy might be desired, could have a
“chilled effect” if people stop using these locations. To avoid the “chilling effect,”
appeals are allowed. Because of the strong desire for privacy in hallways and lounges of
residential facilities, CCTV cameras are not allowed in these areas unless special
approval is given by the VP of Public Safety.
In order to release CCTV footage, the VP of Public Safety must give approval for the
release. The CCTV Monitoring Panel may also approval release of footage with 5 of the
7 votes supporting the release. All releases are documented on a log.
The Penn report also outlines important information about hidden cameras. Hidden
camera surveillance will only take place with the authorization by the President of the
Division of Public Safety and the Open Expression Committee. Hidden cameras are
primarily used in criminal investigations or special instances.
University of Pennsylvania obtained their security and CCTV equipment from Security
Services and Technologies (SST). This company provides security and CCTV to
companies, campuses, and governments. SST employees are responsible for 24/7
monitoring and management of the security and CCTV systems. SST buys equipment
from Sony, BOSCH, PELCO, Tyco, and Panasonic.
Figure 4 shows the University of Pennsylvania school campus in western Philadelphia with locations
of Cameras marked.
Figure 5 shows the street locations of the CCTV Cameras on UPenn's Campus.
CCTV Basics
Figure 6 shows an old-fashioned analog CCTV system. These systems required a multiplexer and
Time Lapse Recorder to record multiple camera inputs onto one VHS tape. The video multiplexer
consolidates multiple camera video inputs into one video out for the television and one video output
for the Time Lapse Recorder. This enables the TV Monitor to have one video input of multiple
camera videos to document multiple camera images at the same time.
Analog CCTV Systems
Frequent VHS Changing – The standard 2-hour VHS tapes can record 1.5 frames per
second for three days before the tape needs to be changed. 10-12 VHS tapes are
recommended to be rotated in order to increase the life the recorder and tapes.
Require Multiplexer for VHS tape playback.
Require RG59 Coaxial Cable and BNC fittings. Each camera is connected to the
Multiplexer with RG59. One RG59 goes from the Multiplexer to the Monitor. One
RG59 goes from Multiplexer to the Time Lapse Recorder.
Figure 7 shows two different PC-DVR systems. The system on the left shows a complete system. The
system on the right shows a system with just a PCI Card which can be inserted into an existing
computer tower.
User-friendly interface and operating software – These systems are operated with
keyboard and mouse. They use software, which is included as a CD. The software
includes many features including: user-defined recording speed, alarms, motion-detection
recording, recording schedules, remote access, and image snapshots.
Weeks of Video Footage: Video compression allows a typical 4 camera CCTV system to
store 30 days of footage with a 80 Gigabyte hard drive. (More memory can easily be
installed to increase the amount of video storage.) These systems continuously and
automatically record over the oldest footage when no new memory is available.
Memory can be saved onto a CD, DVD, or USB flash drive on certain computers.
Playback on Windows Media Player and other video playback software.
Require RG59 Coaxial Cable (maximum length 600 feet) or RG6 Coaxial Cable (1000
feet). These systems use RCA or BNC cable terminators.
Figure 8 shows a Standalone DVR CCTV system with a monitor. This system is operated with a
remote. However, a mouse can be attached to the DVR.
Standalone DVRs function as PCs because simple computers that store video
footage. The footage can be reviewed through the DVR and monitor. Memory
transfer devices such as USB as used to transfer files to a computer to be printed.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is different from broadcast television because CCTV
uses direct circuits to transmit signals. No airwaves are used. Elements of CCTV
include: cameras, lenses, cables, recording equipment, monitoring equipment, and
Camera - All CCTV cameras use a lens to project reflected light onto an
image sensor. However, CCTV cameras can have dramatically different
features. Monochrome cameras record in black and white and are used in
low light conditions. Monochrome cameras produce images at a higher
quality than color cameras. Color cameras are good for tracking targets.
Day-Night cameras are use color when enough light is present. When
light levels are too low, they switch to black and white, which is more
sensitive in low light conditions. These cameras provide the best of
monochrome and color. Dome cameras prevent monitored targets from
knowing if the camera is being pointed at them. Infra red (IR) cameras
use color in the day and switch to black and white in low light conditions.
These cameras use IR light emitting diodes (LEDs) to illuminate the
environment in low light conditions. The distance an IR camera can see at
night depends on the number of IR LED lights built into the camera. As a
general rule of thumb, 1 IR LED can help the camera see as far as one
foot. Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras (PTZ) have the ability to move right, left,
up, down, and to zoom in and out. These cameras are more expensive that
fixed cameras. However, these cameras have the ability to move around
to get a 360 degree view.
Camera Sensors – Two types of camera sensors exist. The
Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) sensor produces
low to medium quality images at a low cost. The Charged Coupled
Device (CCD) sensor produces the higher quality footage compared with
CMOS sensors. However, CCD sensors are more expensive. Most CCTV
providers recommend image sensors between 1/3” and 1/4”. The larger
the sensor, the better the image quality.
Camera Lenses – The lens helps direct light onto an image sensor. The
most important concept relating to the lens is angle of view. The longer
the focal length of the lens the narrower the angle of view. Two common
types of lenses exist. Fixed focal length lenses are cheap are commonly
found in CCTV cameras. Vari-focal lenses are more expensive and can be
changed during installation of the camera.
Camera Angle of View - The focal length of a camera determines the
angle of view of the camera. Short focal lengths provide wide angles of
view. Long focal lengths provide small angles of view.
Light Levels – The iris of a camera is responsible for regulating how much
light reaches the camera sensor. A manual iris lens is used when lighting
in a particular environment remains constant. An auto iris lens is used
when fluctuating light levels are present in an environment. An aspherical
camera lens is used to achieve superior sensitivity in low light
environments. An IR corrected lens is used to achieve superior images at
Cables -
o Coaxial Cable – Coaxial cable uses a shielded copper conductor to
transmit video signals. Coaxial cable can be connected to CCTV
equipment using a BNC connector.
o Cat5 – Cat5 cable consists of 4 unshielded twisted pairs of wires
and is used to transmit video signals. Cat5 cable can transmit
signals further than coaxial cable.
o Power Cables
Cable Connections –
o DIN Connection – DIN connectors contain 6 pins for audio, video,
alarm, and power. DIN connectors exist to simplify the wiring of
CCTV systems. These cables run up to 300 feet. These cables can
connect convert to BNC connections.
o RCA Connection – RCA connections are used to transmit audio
and video. Black and red cables are for audio, while yellow is for
video. These cables can transmit for distances as long as 180 feet.
However, these cables plug into systems without locking in.
o BNC-RCA Converter -
o RCA-DIN Converter -
o Hidden Illumination – IR illumination cannot be seen by a human
eye. This illumination can transmit as far as 10 meters.
Hard Disk Drive (HDD) – This device stores the digital information.
Digital Video Recorder (DVR) – Stores multiple video and audio signals
in digital format on a hard disk drive. DVRs can offer motion-detection
activated recording and remote viewing from anywhere in the world via
internet access. CD, DVD, USB backup media can also be used.
Standalone DVRs use the Linux operating system because of its reliability
and stability. (Microsoft Windows often contains software glitches!)
Some CCTV experts believe video surveillance should never be PC based
because of the lack of reliability.
Digital Video Recorder Card – Used to convert Computer to DVR
Frames per Second (FPS) – One image is one frame. Real-time video is
30FPS with the standard NTSC video format (America). Real-time video
is 25FPS with PAL standard video format (Europe and Asia).
Digital Cameras
A pixel is the fundamental unit of any image. Pixel, short for picture element, is a tiny
square filled with one color. The color is designated by numerical values (0-255) for a
red color, a green color, and a blue color. (For example, a color could be 44 red, 34 green,
and 133 blue.) A single color can be represented by an 8 digit number, called a byte (or
bit). An image made of pixels represented by 3, 8-digit numbers, is called a 24-bit color
images. Other images can be 36-bit images or 48-bit images.
Total pixels are effective pixels are numbers used to evaluate cameras. Total pixels
represent the number of pixels a camera‟s sensor contains. Effective pixels represent the
number of pixels used to produce an image. This number excludes edge pixels on a
camera‟s sensor.
The number of pixels determines the maximum image size that can be seen clearly.
Kodak describes these conversions as follows:
Aspect ratio gives the ratio of image width to image height. Traditionally, aspect ratios
were 3:2. Currently, most cameras and video cameras have aspect ratios of 4:3 to match
computer monitors 4:3 aspect ratio.
Camera sensors have sizes on the scale of millimeters. Unlike 35mm film cameras, most
digital camera sensors are much smaller. Digital camera sensor size is important because
the larger the sensor, the more pixels the sensor can put into the image.
Card readers and connections help link computers and cameras. Current popular methods
for connecting cameras include the USB 1.1 transfer at a rate of 11 megabits/second.
USB 2.0 is an upgrade of USB 1.1 and can transfer 480 megabits/second. IEEE 1394 is
another transfer method and has a maximum speed of 400 megabits/second.
Digital cameras use either a CCD or CMOS silicon chip to record pictures. The light-
sensitive silicon chip replaces film used for older cameras. The benefit of a silicon chip
is that it is reusable, unlike film.
Digital cameras frame shots using an optical viewfinder and LCD which displays the
image to be photographed. Electronic viewfinders are sometimes used instead of LCDs.
Digital cameras store pictures on memory cards or discs using a variety of formats. JPEG
memory enables image compression but could introduce artifacts during the process.
TIFF images are large files but do not have compression artifacts. RAW is another file
type, but using special software for reading the files.
Digital cameras display pictures in several ways. Images are saved in the camera
memory and can be displayed on LCD. Images can be viewed on the computer using
software or internet websites.
Figure 6. Left image shows an array of photosites in a camera sensor. Center image shows the Bayer
array, an arrangement of primary color filters that are placed over the array of photosites. Right
image shows how each photosite only measures the number of photons of one primary color (Red,
Figure 7. Demosaicing is a process where the color data from green, red, and blue
sensors is used to approximate the true color of the object being photographed. (FIGURE
Pixels - Pixels are tiny squares that make an image. Each pixel is made up of
three color channels (Red, Green, Blue) with numerical values ranging from 0 to
255. The total number of pixels in an image determines how large a printed
image can be without appearing blurry. Total pixels is equal to the number of
pixels (photosites) on the camera sensor. Edge pixels are removed from the
image that is produced from the total pixels of the sensor. Effective pixels equals
the number of pixels used to produce the image.
Bit Depth – Determines the number of possible colors available for each pixel.
Each pixel color is determined by combining color data of red, blue, and green
colors. Each primary color (red, blue, green) is specified by a number of “bits per
channel.” This number determines how many 0s and 1s will specify the color.
The number of bits per pixel is equal to the total number of bits per channel.
For example, most primary color channels are specified by an 8-bit number.
Because there are three primary colors within each pixel, the total number of bits
per pixel is 8+8+8 or 24 bits/pixel. 24 bits/pixel is “true” color. This can also be
expressed as a 24-bit color image.
Bits/Pixel Name
1 Monochrome
16 XGA “High
24 SVGA “True
Computer Display of Image – Pixel count and aspect ratio determine the size of
an image on a computer screen.
Print Display of Image –
PPI – Pixels per Inch (PPI) determines how large an image will be when it is
printed. PPI should range between 240 and 320.
DPI – Dots per Inch describes how close the ink droplets should be spaced when
printing an image. DPI is a measure of print quality and should be 360 or greater.
Focal Length – A camera‟s focal length is dependent on the shape of the camera
lens. A long focal length translates to a narrow view of an image. The shorter the
focus, the wider the angle of a shot you will get. Websites like allow users to calculate the required focal length for a
camera based on the distance, object size, and sensor size.
Image Formats (JPEG, TIFF, RAW Files)
JPEG – JPEG images are much smaller than TIFF files because of more
TIFF – TIFF images are significantly larger than JPEG because the original
camera image is stored. TIFF files can use up to 16 bits per channel.
RAW (or NEF) – RAW files contain the exact pixel information from the digital
sensor. No editing has occurred within the digital camera. This allows
professional photographers to have control over what the final image will look
Depth of Field – Depth of field refers to the range of “acceptable” focus that a
camera can achieve. Distances too close or too far away from the range of
“acceptable” focus will appear blurry. Depth of field is controlled by …
Aperture – Aperture size controls how much light is allowed into the lens.
Aperture size is described by f-numbers. The smaller the f-number, the larger the
Aspect Ratio – Ratio of the width to height. Cameras commonly use 3:2 aspect
ratios. Video commonly uses 4:3 aspect ratio.
Digital Zoom – Magnification of an image
Optical Zoom – Changing the focal length of the lens so that image quality does
not decrease with magnification.
Digital File Compression – Compression reduces the size of an image file.
Compression can be achieved by discarding image information. Sometimes,
“artifacts” can be produced, which result from the
The first type of CCTV system used analog and had several limitations.
Traditional CCTV systems consisted of analog cameras, a multiplexer, analog video tape
recorder, and television monitor. Cameras required and were limited by cabling. The
multiplexer had strict limitations on the number of camera inputs. The video tape
recorder required frequent changing of tapes, putting heavy demands on labor and
materials. Another problem with traditional CCTV was the poor picture quality caused
by the video tape recorder.
With the digital revolution, CCTV systems began incorporating digital technology
into old analog systems, improving the system. Multiplexers, video tape recorders, and
television monitors were replaced with digital components. “Backend Digital” systems
continued to use analog cameras but linked them to digital video recorders (DVRs) and
digital monitors. This change made recording easier, requiring no tape or labor to change
tape. However, the systems still (1) required cabling, (2) had limitations on the number
of cameras inputs, and (3) had no direct camera access.
Today, complete digital CCTV systems with IP technology made CCTV very
practical. These systems can produce JPEG images which can be connected to wireless
Ethernet LAN networks. LAN infrastructure may already be present in a business or
school, making it easy to connect cameras and add additional ones. This allows the
surveillance images and cameras to be accessed from any location on Earth. One server
and software can be used for all of the cameras in the system. RAID redundancy and
SCSI connectivity can be used as insurance in case hard disk drives crash.
A CCTV system consists
of cameras, cables, a
digital video recorder, and
a monitor. The monitor in
the picture has a DVR
embedded within it.
Mounting holes are marked and drilled above a 10‟ mark. Then, wall plugs are hammered in.
Screws are then inserted into the wall plugs to attach the mounting bracket.
Cable routing is easy with a dropped ceiling. Cables are often tied together to ensure connection.
Cables can be attached to baseboard with cable stapler.
Camera cables, network cables, and power cables are then connected to complete the installation.
(Images obtained from LOREX CCTV Security Observation Systems Website).
CCTV systems consist of cameras connected to digital video recorders, which are connected to monitors. Mounting bracket is
screwed into place under the eve of the house.
Camera is attached to mounting bracket, angled properly, and connected to power and video cables. Cable clamps are
hammered into place to attach the power and video cords to the side of the house.
Power and video cords are inserted into the basement of the house by drilling hole through the house siding. The hole where
the cords were inserted is then sealed.
Cables are run through the basement and inserted into a room by creating a hole in the floor.
The power and video cords are pulled apart and attached to the power outlet and digital video recorder. The DVR is then
connected to a TV or Computer monitor (Not Shown).
(Obtained from Ron Hazelton’s House Calls)
Sample CCTV Equipment:
Images Obtained From EBay
Images Obtained From EBay
The Dynamy Internship Program mostly attracts high school graduates and first or
second year college students. The program includes a 9-month full-time internship,
wilderness trip, mentoring, community service, and potential college credits from Clark
University. More than 80% of students completing the program continue on to college.
Figure 8-9 Left picture shows the main Dynamy House at 27 Sever Street with the Carriage House.
This building houses offices for administrators and advisors. The building is also used for Youth
Academy students and Internship students. This building contains a kitchen, two computer labs,
and a small and large conference room. Right image shows the proximity of WPI and Dynamy
Dynamy CCTV Recommendations
Factors Recommendations
Remote Viewing over Internet Not Necessary
Weather Resistance Not Necessary (Indoor Cameras Are Needed)
Vandal Resistance Not Affordable
Color Picture Necessary
Night Time Picture Not Necessary
Angle of View Wide angle lenses for rooms monitored by single
camera. Narrow angle lenses for hallway
Picture Quality Facial Recognition, 1/3” CCD Sensors
Wireless Not Affordable.
Television Not Owned by Dynamy
CCTV Monitor Not Affordable
LCD Recommended. Dynamy owns LCD computer
monitors. They could also function for the
CCTV system when the DVR footage is being
Warning Signs Should be placed outside of the main entrances
Dummy Cameras Not Recommended
Power Supply Either a Power Box or Individual Power
CCTV Presentation for Dynamy Youth Center Officials
Security Camera Systems
The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) records what the camera sees onto a hard drive. The
DVR sends the video signal to a monitor to be displayed for a person to see. The DVR
automatically records onto the oldest video data when it runs out of memory. The DVR
also has special features, like motion-activated recording, to save memory.
Dynamy Youth Center: Layout
Basement Layout
Main Entrance
RAMP to 1st Floor from Parking Lot
Desktop Sara’s Board
Computer Office Room
Lab (Intense!)
Laptop College
Computer Counseling Conference
Lab Room Room
Raquel’s DOWN
Lavatory Closet The
Office Bookkeeper Attic
Dynamy Youth Center:
Camera Placement Recommendation
B.Board CAM
Basement CAMs (#1-5)
B.Entrance CAM
B.Laptop CAM UP
B.Desktop CAM
• B.Conference CAM – Overlooks entrance, equipment closet, and half of the total room
• B.Board CAM – Overlooks entrance and board room table
• B.Desktop CAM – Overlooks desktop computer area and printer
• B.Laptop CAM – Overlooks entrance and laptop computers
• B.Entrance CAM – Overlooks main basement entrance to Dynamy.
Cabling from
2.Hallway CAM
UP 1.Entrance CAM
Dynamy Youth Center:
8-Camera Kit or 2 x 4-Camera Kits
$1260 $1400
1st-Floor Cabling 2nd-Floor Cabling
Basement Basement Basement
UP 1.Entrance CAM 2.Hallway CAM
3rd-Floor Cabling
3.Hallway CAM
Attic Cabling to
Storage Basement
Cabling through
B.Laptop CAM
Cabling through
B.Desktop CAM
1st-Floor Cabling 2nd-Floor Cabling
Cabling from
1.Entrance CAM Cabling to
UP Cabling from 2.Hallway CAM
2nd Floor First Floor
Cabling from
3rd Floor
Cabling to
RAMP from Parking Lot First Floor Cabling to
Main Entrances First Floor
3rd-Floor Cabling
3.Hallway CAM
Cabling to
First Floor
• Each 4 Camera kit costs $750 (including a VGA port upgrade that is needed so
that the two DVRs could be plugged into computer monitors that Dynamy owns).
Dynamy would need two systems at a cost of $1500.
• The outdoor night-vision camera system is the same price as the indoor dome
camera system. The benefit of weather-resistance and night-vision is
tremendous. And, the night-vision systems allow you to change the size of the
camera lens at no-expense. Dynamy will need the option to change lens size at
no-expense because 2 of the cameras will need to view hallways (6mm lenses),
while the other 6 cameras will need to view rooms (3.6mm lenses).
• Installation equipment, including a screwdriver, drill, and attachments are also
needed. This equipment might be owned by Dynamy or Dynamy maintenance
crews. Cable raceways would also be needed to route cabling. In addition 2
power strips would be needed to provide outlets for the eight cameras and DVR.
A door lock would also be needed to protect the basement DVR. The first-floor
DVR is monitored by a camera and can be placed in a locked desk drawer.
Dynamy Youth Center: Detailed Proposal
5 Basement Cameras with 3.6mm “Wide-Angle” Camera Lenses & 1/3”
CCD Sensors (a.k.a. 68-74o of viewing)
Basement Diagram
Drilled Channels Cabling starts 9’ up and
through walls so cable runs across ceiling in a
raceway can run along protected raceway
ceiling until it gets to the DVR
Cabling starts
at 9’
Cabling through Ceiling
to 1st Floor Cabling runs
along wall base
Cabling through Wall
B.Laptop CAM Camera views persons entering laptop computer room (so cable protection is not an
(attached to ceiling or wall issue). Low 7’ ceiling does not present a problem because cabling goes through the
in the comer of the room)
ceiling to the secretary area (a secure location where the First-Floor DVR is found).
B.Desktop CAM Camera secures the desktop computer area. Camera is placed 9’ up on the entrance-way
(attached to ceiling) wall. This camera has the most challenging cabling. Cabling begins 9’ high on the wall
and must drop down 1 foot because the ceiling of the entrance-way is 8’. A channel must
be drilled through the top of the wall to allow the cable raceway to pass along the ceiling
into the entrance-way. The cable raceway runs along the entrance-way ceiling and
receives the cabling from the entrance-way camera. A second channel is drilled through
a wall of the entrance-way to allow the cable raceway to exit this area. The raceway runs
up the wall 1 foot so that it can run along the 9’ ceiling. The raceway continues along the
ceiling until it gets close to the DVR room. A final channel must be drilled in the wall of
the DVR Room so that the cable raceway can enter the room with cables from the
Desktop Camera and Entranceway Camera. (The raceway could be vandalized and the
cables could be cut in an unmonitored area, footage could be used to determine who
was in the area during the cutting of the cables.)
B.Entrance CAM Camera monitors the lone basement entrance. These cables run where the Desktop
(attached to ceiling or wall CAM cables run.
in the comer of the room)
B.Board CAM Camera monitors the board room table and entrance (so cable protection is not an
(attached to ceiling or wall issue). Cables run along the wall base and then through the wall to the next room to the
in the comer of the room)
B.Conference CAM Camera monitors the conference room entrance way, equipment closet, and one-half of
(attached to wall) the room. Cable protection is not an issue (because the entranceway is monitored). The
cabling eventually runs through the wall to the next room where the DVR is located.
3 Non-Basement Cameras, 1 Camera with
a 3.6mm “Wide-Angle” Lens with 1/3” 2nd-Floor Cabling
CCD Sensor (68-74o of viewing on 1st -
Floor) and 2 Cameras with 6.0mm Lenses Cabling drops
and 1/3” CCD Sensors (42-44o of viewing)
down Cabling starts at 8’
Floor UP
1st-Floor Cabling
2.Hallway CAM
UP 3rd-Floor Cabling
Cabling From Ceiling
Cabling starts at 9’ and
(runs along Front Desk Wall
runs along Ceiling in a
Onto Front Desk in
Raceway) Cabling runs in
raceway on ceiling 3.Hallway CAM
Cabling starts on wall
and runs along wall down
the stairs in raceway
1.Entrance CAM Camera monitors who enters the first-floor and who uses the stairwell between the
(Wall or Ceiling) 1st and 2nd floors. Camera also monitors the secretary area, where the DVR is
found. Cabling starts at 9’ and runs along ceiling in a raceway to the secretary area.
2.Hallway CAM Camera monitors 2nd-floor hallway, where 5 office doors are. Camera also monitors
(Wall or Ceiling) all camera cabling on the 2nd-floor in addition to the stairwells. Cable protection is
not an issue because the camera monitors its cabling and the cabling from the 3rd-
floor camera. However, cable routing is easiest by running the cables on the ceiling
in a raceway down the 2nd-floor hallway. The cables fall through the 2nd-floor when
they are above the 1st-floor secretary desk. The cables continue to run through a
raceway down the wall and end at the secretary area where the DVR is.
3.Hallway CAM Camera monitors all of the 3rd-floor hallway and stairwell area. Cabling runs down
(Wall at Bannister Level) the wall of the stairwell to the 2nd-floor where it enters the cable raceway of the
2nd-floor camera. It runs in the raceway to the DVR.
Dynamy Youth Center: Estimated Costs
2 x 4 Camera Security Kits + Shipping $1600
2 x PowerStrips $30
Cable Raceway (120FT) $120
Cable Clips (fasten cables to wallbase) $20
Door Lock (Basement) + Spare Keys $40
Memory Backup (USB or CDs or DVDs) $40
TOTAL (Essential Items) $1850
-The Tutor
Hempel, L., Topfer, Eric. “On the Threshold to Urban Panopticon? Analyzing the
Employment of CCTV in European Cities and Assessing its Social and Political Impacts:
Inception Report.” Center for Technology and Society Technical University Berlin.
January 2002.
Hempel, L., Topfer, Eric. “On the Threshold to Urban Panopticon? Analyzing the
Employment of CCTV in European Cities and Assessing its Social and Political Impacts:
CCTV in Europe.” Center for Technology and Society Technical University Berlin.
August 2004.
McCahill, M., Norris, Clive. “On the Threshold to Urban Panopticon? Analyzing the
Employment of CCTV in European Cities and Assessing its Social and Political Impacts:
Literature Review.” Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice School of
Comparative and Applied Social Sciences University of Hull. March 2002.
McCahill, M., Norris, Clive. “On the Threshold to Urban Panopticon? Analyzing the
Employment of CCTV in European Cities and Assessing its Social and Political Impacts:
CCTV in Britain.” Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice School of Comparative
and Applied Social Sciences University of Hull. March 2002.
McCahill, M., Norris, Clive. “On the Threshold to Urban Panopticon? Analyzing the
Employment of CCTV in European Cities and Assessing its Social and Political Impacts:
CCTV in London.” Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice University of Hull.
June 2002.
McCahill, M., Norris, Clive. “On the Threshold to Urban Panopticon? Analyzing the
Employment of CCTV in European Cities and Assessing its Social and Political Impacts:
CCTV Systems in London: Their Structures and Practices.” Center for Criminology and
Criminal Justice University of Hull. April 2003.
“Ron Hazelton‟s House Calls: How to Install a Video Security System.” Ron Hazelton
Productions. 2008.
Dynamy Youth Center
Security-Camera Proposal
The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) records what the camera sees onto a hard drive. The
DVR sends the video signal to a monitor to be displayed for a person to see. The DVR
automatically records onto the oldest video data when it runs out of memory. The DVR
also has special features, like motion-activated recording, to save memory.
Main Entrance
RAMP to 1st Floor from Parking Lot
Desktop Sara’s Board
Computer Office Room
Lab (Intense!)
Laptop College
Computer Counseling Conference
Lab Room Room
RAMP from Parking Lot
Main Entrances Balcony Office of Joe’s Small
Office Office
Raquel’s DOWN
Lavatory Closet The
Office Bookkeeper Attic
Dynamy Youth Center:
Camera Placement Recommendation
B.Board CAM
Basement CAMs (#1-5)
B.Entrance CAM
B.Laptop CAM UP
B.Desktop CAM
• B.Conference CAM – Overlooks entrance, equipment closet, and half of the total room
• B.Board CAM – Overlooks entrance and board room table
• B.Desktop CAM – Overlooks desktop computer area and printer
• B.Laptop CAM – Overlooks entrance and laptop computers
• B.Entrance CAM – Overlooks main basement entrance to Dynamy.
1st-Floor CAM (#6) 2nd-Floor CAM (#7)
Cabling from
2.Hallway CAM
UP 1.Entrance CAM
$1260 $1400
Basement Basement Basement
UP 1.Entrance CAM 2.Hallway CAM
3rd-Floor Cabling
3.Hallway CAM
Attic Cabling to
Storage Basement
Dynamy Youth Center:
Cabling (2 DVR Setup)
Basement Cabling B.Board CAM
Cabling through
B.Laptop CAM
Cabling through
B.Desktop CAM
Cabling from
1.Entrance CAM Cabling to
UP Cabling from 2.Hallway CAM
2nd Floor First Floor
Cabling from
3rd Floor
Cabling to
RAMP from Parking Lot First Floor Cabling to
Main Entrances First Floor
3rd-Floor Cabling
3.Hallway CAM
Cabling to
First Floor
2-DVR “Simple Cabling” Setup Proposal
• Buy 2 x 4-Camera CCTV Systems from provides
a rare feature that other discount Security
companies do not provide – the ability to
customize the kit. Images Obtained From
• Each 4 Camera kit costs $750 (including a VGA port upgrade that is needed so
that the two DVRs could be plugged into computer monitors that Dynamy owns).
Dynamy would need two systems at a cost of $1500.
• The outdoor night-vision camera system is the same price as the indoor dome
camera system. The benefit of weather-resistance and night-vision is
tremendous. And, the night-vision systems allow you to change the size of the
camera lens at no-expense. Dynamy will need the option to change lens size at
no-expense because 2 of the cameras will need to view hallways (6mm lenses),
while the other 6 cameras will need to view rooms (3.6mm lenses).
• Installation equipment, including a screwdriver, drill, and attachments are also
needed. This equipment might be owned by Dynamy or Dynamy maintenance
crews. Cable raceways would also be needed to route cabling. In addition 2
power strips would be needed to provide outlets for the eight cameras and DVR.
A door lock would also be needed to protect the basement DVR. The first-floor
DVR is monitored by a camera and can be placed in a locked desk drawer.
Dynamy Youth Center: Detailed Proposal
5 Basement Cameras with 3.6mm “Wide-Angle” Camera Lenses & 1/3”
CCD Sensors (a.k.a. 68-74o of viewing)
Basement Diagram
Drilled Channels Cabling starts 9’ up and
through walls so cable runs across ceiling in a
raceway can run along protected raceway
ceiling until it gets to the DVR
Cabling starts
at 9’
Cabling through Ceiling
to 1st Floor Cabling runs
along wall base
Cabling through Wall
B.Desktop CAM Camera secures the desktop computer area. Camera is placed 9’ up on the entrance-way
(attached to ceiling) wall. This camera has the most challenging cabling. Cabling begins 9’ high on the wall
and must drop down 1 foot because the ceiling of the entrance-way is 8’. A channel must
be drilled through the top of the wall to allow the cable raceway to pass along the ceiling
into the entrance-way. The cable raceway runs along the entrance-way ceiling and
receives the cabling from the entrance-way camera. A second channel is drilled through
a wall of the entrance-way to allow the cable raceway to exit this area. The raceway runs
up the wall 1 foot so that it can run along the 9’ ceiling. The raceway continues along the
ceiling until it gets close to the DVR room. A final channel must be drilled in the wall of
the DVR Room so that the cable raceway can enter the room with cables from the
Desktop Camera and Entranceway Camera. (The raceway could be vandalized and the
cables could be cut in an unmonitored area, footage could be used to determine who
was in the area during the cutting of the cables.)
B.Entrance CAM Camera monitors the lone basement entrance. These cables run where the Desktop
(attached to ceiling or wall CAM cables run.
in the comer of the room)
B.Board CAM Camera monitors the board room table and entrance (so cable protection is not an
(attached to ceiling or wall issue). Cables run along the wall base and then through the wall to the next room to the
in the comer of the room)
B.Conference CAM Camera monitors the conference room entrance way, equipment closet, and one-half of
(attached to wall) the room. Cable protection is not an issue (because the entranceway is monitored). The
cabling eventually runs through the wall to the next room where the DVR is located.
3 Non-Basement Cameras, 1 Camera with
a 3.6mm “Wide-Angle” Lens with 1/3” 2nd-Floor Cabling
CCD Sensor (68-74o of viewing on 1st -
Floor) and 2 Cameras with 6.0mm Lenses Cabling drops
and 1/3” CCD Sensors (42-44o of viewing)
down Cabling starts at 8’
Floor UP
1st-Floor Cabling
2.Hallway CAM
UP 3rd-Floor Cabling
Cabling From Ceiling
Cabling starts at 9’ and
(runs along Front Desk Wall
runs along Ceiling in a
Onto Front Desk in
Raceway) Cabling runs in
raceway on ceiling 3.Hallway CAM
Storage Cabling starts on wall
and runs along wall down
the stairs in raceway
1.Entrance CAM Camera monitors who enters the first-floor and who uses the stairwell between the
(Wall or Ceiling) 1st and 2nd floors. Camera also monitors the secretary area, where the DVR is
found. Cabling starts at 9’ and runs along ceiling in a raceway to the secretary area.
2.Hallway CAM Camera monitors 2nd-floor hallway, where 5 office doors are. Camera also monitors
(Wall or Ceiling) all camera cabling on the 2nd-floor in addition to the stairwells. Cable protection is
not an issue because the camera monitors its cabling and the cabling from the 3rd-
floor camera. However, cable routing is easiest by running the cables on the ceiling
in a raceway down the 2nd-floor hallway. The cables fall through the 2nd-floor when
they are above the 1st-floor secretary desk. The cables continue to run through a
raceway down the wall and end at the secretary area where the DVR is.
3.Hallway CAM Camera monitors all of the 3rd-floor hallway and stairwell area. Cabling runs down
(Wall at Bannister Level) the wall of the stairwell to the 2nd-floor where it enters the cable raceway of the
2nd-floor camera. It runs in the raceway to the DVR.
Dynamy Youth Center: Estimated Costs
2 x 4 Camera Security Kits + Shipping $1600
2 x PowerStrips $30
Cable Raceway (120FT) $120
Cable Clips (fasten cables to wallbase) $20
Door Lock (Basement) + Spare Keys $40
Memory Backup (USB or CDs or DVDs) $40
TOTAL (Essential Items) $1850
-The Tutor