Welcome To An Introduction Of: Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (R.)

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Welcome to an introduction of

(A secular, not for profit, non political, registered voluntary organisation)

For us
Progress with values is a passion
Location Map of SKDRDP

Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural

Development Project is functional in
Karnataka State of the Union Territory
of India.

The individual family development

programme is operational in 21,000
villages of D.K., Udupi, Uttara
Kannada, Chikamagalur, Shimoga,
Kodagu, Dharwad, Haveri, Gadag,
Mysore, Belgaum, Tumkur, Koppal,
Chamarajnagar, Hassan, Mandya,
Bangalore-Rural, Bellary, Raichur
and Bagalkote districts of
Karnataka state.

The Community Development

Programme is operational in 27
districts of the 30 districts of the
state of Karnataka. Karnataka map
 More than 60% are small and marginal farmer (SF/MF). 0.5 Hectares to 1.5
hectare landholders.

 SF/MF lack resources to takeup

high-tech agriculture.
 Technologies
 Finance
 Irrigation
 Materials
 Labour
 Infrastructure – Road, Electricity,
Godowns, Market
 They face adverse conditions.
 Drought
 Floods
 Bumper productions-price crash

 Hence most SF/MF take up one crop or leave their lands shallow.

 SKDRDP started as a charitable organisation to assist this population in

Belthangady taluk.
The Mission

 to tandem with all such organizations who dream of a vibrant rural India,

 where in the rich and the poor have their needs met,

 where the natural resources are put to optimum use without affecting the living


 where everybody has an equal opportunity to sustain ones dream.


Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project popularly known as SKDRDP is a registered
charitable trust promoted by Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade. The SKDRDP is managed by Board of
Governors consisting of 7 members.

Shri D. Surendra Kumar

Smt. Hemavathi V. Heggade Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
President, Jnana Vikasa Women Programme Trustee

Shri B. B. Shanbhogue Shri Uday Kumar Shetty

Shri R.V. Shasthri
Trustee Trustee

The President and the Board of Trustees

Chief Auditor The Executive Director

The Directors

Branch Auditors The Project Officers (Head of Project Office) Taluka Federation

Project Supervisors (“Melvicharakas”)

Sevaniraths Village Federation

Self Help Groups (SHG)

The day to day administration of SKDRDP is managed by an Executive Committee.

Executive Director : 1
Regional Director : 7

Directors : 42

Project Officers : 163

Supervisors, Internal auditors, Coordinators : 1860

Technical staffs, Software Engineers, Engineers, Editor, Agr. Officer, Dairy officers,
: 278
Medical officers, Faculty

Managers, Micro finance managers, Assistant managers : 422

Sevaprathinidhi : 9717
Office staffs : 1040
Cashier : 1405
Drivers : 73
Marketing Manager, Sales Representatives, Siri Samyojakas : 52
Others : 166

Total : 16897
Grama Bhoomi Jnana
Kalyana Deepa


Jana Jagruthi Sampoorna

Of Micro
KUDCEMP Of Pragathi
SKDRDP Finance Bandhu &

Livelihood programme


Land Scientific
Development farming

Agriculture Watershed Mela
Extension Irrigation Environment
Programmes of SKDRDP
1. Village adoption.

SKDRDP works in the villages as a single window for initiating the development process. The animator
identifies the eligible and prospective stakeholders sits with them and identifies the areas requiring
intervention. He then promotes the Self Help Groups containing people from similar background and
promotes the federation of Self Help Groups.

The animator helps

• Agriculture extension
• Transfer of technology
• New avenues for income generation.

The animator promotes :

• community participation in village development
• creation of assets
• community development programmes
• celebration of festivals, melas etc.,
• escorts the stakeholders to avail the benefits of
Government programmes.
• Manages the Micro Finance
• The social health schemes of the project.
Programmes of SKDRDP
2. Empowering village community by organising Self Help Groups. (SHGs)
Promotion of Self Help Groups is the vehicle through which the developmental activities
of the project are carried forward.

Two types of the SHGs are promoted

Janana vikasa Self Help Groups for poor, The Pragathi Bandhu Groups consisting
uneducated landless womens. of small and marginal farmers.

Programmes of SKDRDP

3. Exclusive SHGs for farming community – Prgathi Bandhu Groups.

1. 5 to 8 neighborhood Small and marginal farmers are organised under the unique
Pragathi Bandhu Model of Self Help Groups.

2. The groups engage in once in a week labour sharing, thrift and micro credit.

3. The Pragathi Bandhu Groups in a village organise themselves into a federation of


4. Village level federation come together to form taluka level federation.

5. The labour sharing has helped thousands of small farmers to achieve important farm
works like fencing, well digging, land leveling, house/shed construction through
participatory labour.

6. The success of the SKDRDP programme is mainly due to Pragathi Bandhu Model.
Achievements :
 2,83,600 Self Help Groups constituted consisting of 30,54,000 members.
 48,127 Pragathi Bandhu groups take up agriculture and allied activities for self sustenance .
 Mobilised of Rs. 1,011.04 crores through weekly savings.
 Revolving fund to the tune of Rs. 9,266.18 crores provided through SKDRDP.
 Micro credit turnover of the groups exceed Rs. 10,251.57 crores.
 100% repayment in micro credit.
 Labour sharing alone valued in excess of Rs. 826.69 crores.
 50% of micro credit utilised for developmental / income generation activities.
 Self Help Groups takeup various activities like dairying, jasmine cultivation, vegetable cultivation,
non farm income generation activities.
Programmes of SKDRDP
4. Jnana Vikasa – SHGs for poor, uneducated women.

1. Jnanavikasa Kendra are unique centres

of socio economic empowerment for
uneducated under employed rural women
without lands.
2. In the Jnanavikasa Kendras such women
empower themselves with knowledge on
health, family welfare, hygiene, children
education, clean surroundings, better
living in weekly interaction of upto two
hours with each other.
3. Normally shy woman unsure of herself
transforms herself into a confident, self
respecting, determined woman, through
her participation in Jnanavikasa Kendra.
4. Jnanavikasa Kendras are now attempting to train the women in various production activities
like floriculture, dairying, vegetable cultivation, home industries etc., Here women, not only
find source of inspiration but also train to inculcate family values to a better management.
5. So far 2,35,284 Jnanavikasa groups have been working in 21,000 villages comprising of
27,40,410 families.
Programmes of SKDRDP
5. Land development project :

1. Un irrigable dry lands like hilly areas are cultivated with rubber and cashew plantation.
Special attention is given in these farms to different methods of water conservation such as
terracing, contour bonding.

2. Watershed methodologies are used to stop soil erosion and for the proper utilisation of rain
3. Cash crops like arcanut, coconut plantation, vegetable cultivation is facilitated in irrigable
Performance :
 Farmers have been provided with 15,66,000 arecanut saplings, 5,22,560 coconut saplings,
6,00,820 cashewnut saplings and 30,13,878 rubber saplings.
 More than 7,92,530 acres of agricultural land is aided in constructing border trenches and
fences to protect the field from wild animals.
 More than 2,30,000 acres of barren land is converted and developed as cashewnut and rubber
 As a result more than sixty thousand families increase their income considerably.
 The SKDRDP coordinates with various line departments like horticulture, agriculture, forest
etc., in equitable distribution of seed materials and other facilities provided by them to the
deserving farmers.
Programmes of SKDRDP
6. Agriculture Extension.

1. Need based agriculture extension

programmes in its project area.
2. Field visits.
3. Audio visual programmes.
4. Method and result demonstration
5. Trainings, symposiums.
6. Visits to research stations.
7. Conduct of Krishimelas.

are carried out in the project area on various agriculture and allied activities.

Sofar 40,491 programmes have been conducted under Agriculture Extension Activities.

Programmes of SKDRDP
7. Scientific farming :

1. The farmers having less than a hectare of

land constitute 60 to 70 percent in any
village and these form target groups of
the project.
2. The individual farmers are encouraged to
prepare a Farm Plan and to go about
cultivation in accordance with the plan.
3. Plans for cultivating sustainable long
term and income generating short term
crops have been implemented.
4. Farmers are encouraged to grow
commercial crops along with the Food
crops for economic sustainability.

5. Importance has been given for planting high yielding and grafted saplings.
6. Awareness about the preparation of compost manures has been created.
7. Creation of water sources through dug wells are promoted.
8. Irrigation systems such as drip, jet, sprinklers and other refined methods
are adopted by most stakeholders.
Programmes of SKDRDP

8. Irrigation

Objectives :
1. Construction of dug wells.
2. Installation of pump sets, irrigation
3. Optimum utilization of scarce water.

Sl. No Performance Since inception

1 Families assisted to construct wells 68,992

2 Purchase of pumpsets 35,659

3 Installation of irrigation tanks and equipments, pump sets etc., 96,293

Programmes of SKDRDP
9. Watershed development

Although coastal Karnataka gets abundant rain fall from June to September it faces acute shortage
of water from January to May. Drainage of water to the sea, porous soil, lack of proper storage tanks
are some of the reasons for water shortage faced in this area.

Realising the need for watershed programme SKDRDP has promoted lot of watershed activities in its
project area.
The plotwise water shed activities conducted

Construction percolation pits 1,34,152

Contour bounding 5134

Demo plants 1938

Vented dams 5,088

Check dams 24,450

Watershed programmes 7,234

Farm pond 6,343

Borewell recharge 12,711

Others 4,128
Programmes of SKDRDP
10. Environmental protection and aforestation.

This programme aims at involving the rural people and students in conservation of
environment. Nature awareness programmes, plantations at the school, forests and agricultural
forests are the different programmes of the campaign. Awareness is given through films on
nature and pamphlets. Conservation of underground water and prevention of soil erosion and
for improving the fertility of the agricultural land are explained in these programmes.
Glimpse on the environmental awareness programme conducted by SKDRDP :

Awareness programmes
1 : 4,970
conducted for the public

Awareness programmes
2 conducted for the school : 10,295

3 No. of school forests promoted : 754

4 No. of road side trees planted : 791

5 No. of Herbal forest : 125

6 No. of Devarakadu promoted : 240

7 No. of Pragathivana promoted : 261

8 School vegetable garden : 3,483

9 Kitchen garden : 21,116

Programmes of SKDRDP
11. Kissan mela.

Every year the SKDRDP conducts a district level agriculture trade fair/ exhibition in different
villages. The mela spread over three days gives lot of information, knowldge, skills to the
participants on various agricultural practices. The mela acts as a focal point for meeting
between the farmers, Government officials, agriculture scientists, machinery, seeds and
fertiliser manufacturers etc.,
Programmes of SKDRDP
12. Housing.
Objectives :
1. Repair / construct pucca dwelling houses.
2. Low cost house construction.

Sl. No. Performance Since inception

Families assisted for house construction, repair,

1 9,54,000
renovation, electrification

2 Houses constructed for destitute 24,271

Programmes of SKDRDP

13. Sanitation
Suraksha strives to make available health facilities
to the rural people.

 Cooperation is given to the health department in

immunisation programme.

 Medical checkups and awareness programmes

are being organised regularly.
 More than of 30,000 people are provided with free
medical services every year through a mobile
hospital equipped with experts and laboratory.
 Financial assistance is given to poor families for
advanced medical treatment.
 Programmes on health, hygiene and sanitation is
conducted for rural women.

 2,53,000 toilets constructed.

Programmes of SKDRDP
 Alternative sources of energy.
a) Solar home lighting system
b) Pico Hydro Electronic Project
c) Bio gas plants

18,530 Families install

Gobar Gas plants

18,247 Families installed PICO Hydro Electronic

Solar Home lighting system Project
Movement of funds

Assistance from Banks

Refinance from SKDRDP

Direct loan by Banks Sources of funds for Savings


Recovery on
Interest Loan to the members
weekly basis

Self Emergency Other

Agriculture SWAGRUHA
Employment Needs purpose
Programmes of SKDRDP
15.  Micro Finance.
SKDRDP provides easy access to finance to its members. For this purpose pragathinidhi
programme has been evolved.
Sanction :
• Only A and B rated groups could avail loans under the modified Pragathi Nidhi
• The groups having repayment capacity are able to get adequate loans.
• Approval of sub committee of federation, which is constituted for the purpose is
• Sevaniraths, supervisors recommend the loan. Members desiring to get loan above
Rs. 50,000- need to submit security pledge letter.
• The members could avail loan from the group at the discretion of the group.
Tenure :
• For Agriculture and infrastructure up to 5 years.
• Revolving fund for 3 years.
• Productive fund for 4 years.
• Construction for new houses for 10 years.
The member make repayment on weekly basis and groups repay to SKDRDP on
monthly basis.
Programmes of SKDRDP
16.  Micro Finance.
Rate of interest :
1. From banks to SKDRDP cost of funds as on 31-7-2011 = 11%.
2. From SKDRDP to the groups at 18% daily reducing balance.
3. From SKDRDP to the groups at 12.5% daily reducing balance for housing loans.
4. From DBCDC microfinance prorgramme at 9% reducing balance for self employment.

Service Charge :
5. 1% service charge is collected on all loans disbursed.

Repayment schedule :
6. SKDRDP pays to the bank at monthly / quarterly rests.
7. Groups pays to SKDRDP at monthly rests.
8. Members pays to SKDRDP at weekly rests.
9. All payments are on equated installments including principal and interest.

Till May 2014 SKDRDP has released Rs. 9,775.73 crores loan as
Pragathinidhi to groups and outstanding amount is Rs. 3,228.00 crores
No. of loan availed by the members for various purposes under Micro credit :

Sl.No. Purpose Since inception

1 Agriculture Development programme 8,25,859

2 Irrigation programme 2,05,610

3 Self Employment and other programmes 37,41,972

4 Housing and sanitation 11,38,713

Total 59,12,204

RATNAKAR BANKS ,SKDRDP is actively working in 20 districts of Karnataka since 2009.

A total number of 842 workers are engaged in mobilising the community as BC.

So far 2 lack SHGs have been promoted as BC,SKDRDP has established collection centers to
collect the cash proceeds of the SHGs on weekly basis.

As at 31-05-2014 Rs. 2500.00 crores has been

advanced as loans to SHGs.

SKDRDP has conducted capacity building

programmes on documentation, agriculture
technology, income generation activities etc., to
the members of the SHGS.
Programmes of SKDRDP
Income generation activities.
I) Farm Sector

The Pragathibandhu and Self Help Groups are engaged in various income generating activities
which are as follows.

1 Dairying

2 Vermi composting

3 Power tiller

4 Paddy huller

5 Banana Cultivation

6 Vegetables

7 Jasmine

8 Vanilla

9 Sericulture
Programmes of SKDRDP
Income generation activities.

ii) Non farm sector.

The operational area of the project was endowed with Beedi rolling as a major source of
income generation activity for women folk in the area. For various reasons the industry
started collapsing in the last three to four years. To the desires and needy SKDRDP is
promoting income generation activity in the non farm sector also.

Agarbathi plots SIRI Stall


The SKDRDP has promoted a separate company under the name “Shri Dharmasthala Siri
Gramodyoga Samsthe” mainly to provide market outlet to the products of groups.
Programmes of SKDRDP
 Shri Dharmasthala Siri Gramodyoga (A. Section 25 Company)

The SKDRDP has been promoting economic empowerment among the poor landless families by introducing
various income generation production and service activities. Self help groups are motivated, trained and
assisted in setting up various group ventures. These groups are given professional assistance in acquiring
the skills, finance, raw materials procurement, production and marketing of the products.

A brand name “SIRI” has been created to market the products produced by the groups. Fast moving
chemical products like detergent cake, detergent powder, phenyle, washing liquid, scouring powder,
candles, incense sticks etc., confectioneries sweets and condiments, packed foods, ready made garments,
etc., are being manufactured and sold under the brand name “Siri”.
Shri Dharmasthala Siri Gramodyoga (A. Section 25 Company)

No. of members working in Siri unit : 4,172

Total No. of units : 256

Total production in the year 2013-2014 : Rs. 1496.06 lakhs

SHGs linked under SIRI : 2150

Share capital contribution by SHGs : Rs. 21.00 lakhs



Development process requires continuous capacity building of the staff and beneficiaries. As
SKDRDP is expanding very fast, the potential for training is enormous. Therefore a separate
training unit called Bhoruka SKDRDP Centre for Rural Excellence has been established at
Belthangady. The center is well equipped with all the facilities to conduct multi channel
programmes. The centre offers dedicated courses for outside institutions on micro finance,
livelihood activities, de-addiction, computerization etc, Different methods of training are
also adopted like simulation exercise, field visits. SKDRDP is investing large amounts for
training and capacity building of the stakeholders. This center has facilities for multichannel
programmes and model training for swarojgaries.

Looking at the dare need of developing personnel dedicated to micro

finance Small Industries Development Bank of India has joined hands with

SKDRDP to establish SKDRDP-SIDBI School for Micro Finance Training

(S3MFT). The school dedicated for research and training in the sector

conducts need based training programs on various aspects of micro finance

of use to Institutions functioning in the sector. This center has facilities for

multichannel programmes and model training for swarojgaries. It has

facilities to train 15 SHGs at a time.

SKDRDP has established an exclusive training institute to cater to rural women with special
focus on empowerment, skill building and attitudinal changes. Named as the Mahila
Jnanavikasa Training Institute (MJTI). This center has facilities for skill training in garments
and other trades besides class rooms and fields for theory and practical training. It has
sufficient facilities to train 20 SHGs at a time.
SKDRDP has established an exclusive training institute for training young women from
villages on manufacturing of apparels at Ujire, near Dharmasthala. Strategically located, this
center is very close to Siri and has a floor space in excess of 20,000 sq.ft. The center has 60
state of the art machines with up to date facilities for the trainess to undergo live factory
experience. Garment and rexine bag manufacturing skills are taught in the center. This
center has applied for assistance from the Department of textiles, Govt. of Karnataka under
Suvarna Vastra Neethi.
Programmes of SKDRDP
Sampoorna Suraksha Health Insurance Programme
First of its kind in the country trying to reach out the poorest of the poor the Sampoorna
Suraksha, promoted by SKDRDP is quite unique in nature. For a nominal premium of
Rs. 650/- p.a. the scheme, covers a family of five members against hospitalization
expenses upto Rs. 25,000/-, maternity facilities for the housewives, life insurance for the
earning member of the family and post hospitalization expenses. Natural calamity and
damages to the properties are also partly covered with lesser and additional premium
respectively. The scheme also assists the stakeholder of the project to get financial
assistance from pragathinidhi to meet the hospitalization expenses if any in excess of the
sum assured.
Performance sofar :
No. of hospital Amount settled
claims settled (Rs. Million) Total
Number Collected amount
Year of Amount settled
Members (Rs. Million) (Rs.
Hospital Addnl Hospital Addnl

1 2004-05 1,86,000 16.8 7737 4073 26.4 8.7 35.1

2 2005-06 1,95,600 28.7 8688 4611 25.1 8.1 33.2

3 2006-07 4,03,828 57.5 15170 8589 49.9 17.7 67.6

4 2007-08 7,21,203 106.90 25368 16804 87.72 33.02 120.73

5 2008-09 9,32,682 154.17 39156 28705 154.54 59.29 213.83

6 2009-10 11,77,325 168.08 57148 41254 237.28 94.76 332.04
7 2010-11 16,62,089 278.34 70952 63010 289.32 166.18 455.49
8 2011-12 16,60,185 364.09 - 5562 - 13.79 13.79
9 2012-13 12,72,019 483.37 50,791 4,540 304.27 11.35 315.62
10 2013-14 10,89,541 414.03 59,068 4,782 372.87 11.99 384.85
Programmes of SKDRDP
 Primary education.

In the villages cases of school dropouts are rampant mainly due to ignorance, lack of infrastructure in the
schools and poverty conditions. The SKDRDP through its Jnana Deepa Programme is striving to bring
back the school management committee and the villagers are motivated to improve the conditions within
the schools and help is given under Jnana Deepa on participatory basis only.

To improve quality of schooling in villages, schools are provided with basic infrastructure under this
programme. Part time assistance of teachers are provided to schools which are deficient in teachers.
Assistance is given in the construction of class rooms and providing basic infrastructure such as furniture,
teaching aids, sports materials, electrification, drinking water facility and construction of toilets. 830 schools
have been benefited through the programme. Massive improvement programmes have been initiated with
the motivation and assistance given by SKDRDP.

Achievements :
• Part time teachers appointed in 550 schools.
• 2500 school dropouts drop back to schools.
• Furniture provided in 2,714 schools valued at Rs.
21.10 crores.
• Electrification in 637 schools.
• Drinking water facility in 216 schools.
• Toilet facility for 637 schools.
• Construction of play grounds in 336 schools.
• Sports materials provided in 1950 schools.
• Assistance has been given to 185 schools for
repair of the building.
To create awareness among the SHG members about the possibilities in the technical
education and to motivate them to send their children to technical institutions for
education, SKDRDP has initiated a scholarship scheme. Under this scheme a scholarship of
Rs. 1,000/- per month to 100 students every year will be given for students seeking
admission to technical courses like BE, MBBS, BAMS, BDS etc. The scholarship is available till
the end of the said course.

Similarly a scholarship of Rs. 400/- per month to 900 students every year will be given to the
students seeking admission to technical courses like TCH, DPEd, BEd, Nursing, ITI, Diploma
courses etc.

Thus a total of 1000 students will get the Sujnananidhi benefit every year. Total value of the
scholarship is Rs. 1,531.01 lakhs.
It is observed that millions of children in the country are suffering from disabilities and have
different abilities. In order to encourage their abilities to enable them to lead a normal life,
several schools for differently abled have been started which may be handicapped by lack of
capital. To enable such unique institutions to access to capital it is proposed to establish a
funding programme to such schools annually subject to conditions. The grant provided as a
grant to the selected school to create specific assets.
Programmes of SKDRDP
Community Development Programme.
1. The SKDRDP is active in various parts of Karnataka State through its Community Development
Project, to provide infrastructure support to the villages.
2. The project is participatory in nature where, the local people form an implementation committee,
implement the project in a time bound manner with local participation in the form of finance and labour.
3. The SKDRDP supports such initiatives by lending its goodwill, grants up to the 50% technical
guidance, review and monitoring.
4. The Community Projects are concentrated in the field of education, health, creation of community
assets, rural infrastructure and community welfare.
Achievements :
Type of works No. of Units
 Class rooms : 5,908
 Buildings for Anganavadi/Creche : 976
 Rural water facility programme : 264
 Rural veterinary hospital building : 170
 Primary Health Centre : 46
 Milk producers cooperative organisation : 1,995
 Hindu crematorium : 366
 Other public works : 1,472
Programmes of SKDRDP
 Deaddiction programme.
Objectives :
1. Create awareness against alcoholic abuse.
2. Motivate people to progress without liquor consumption.
3. Prevent youngsters from falling pray to alcoholic consumption.
4. Conduct deaddiction programme.

Performance Since inception

Awareness camps 11,343

Deaddiction camps 691

Alcoholic addicts treated 58,600

Partners to SKDRDP
1. Financial Institutes :
• State Bank of India . State Bank of Mysore
• NABARD . Karnataka bank
• SIDBI . ING Vysya Bank
• Vijaya Bank . HDFC Bank
• Canara Bank . Corporation Bank
• Syndicate Bank
2. Government of India Ministry of Rural Development , Ministry of Agriculture
3. State Government of Karnataka
4. District Administration
5. Khadi and village industries commission
6. Small Industries Service Institute
7. University of Agricultural Sciences and its branches
8. Central Food and Technological Research Institute
Awards And Recognitions

1. FICCI (Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) award : 1995

2. Spandana Award for Janajagruthi programme : 2000.

3. Chaudri Charan Singh Award : 2003

4.Certificate of Merit from LIC for Jeevanmadhura programme : 2010

5. "Pingara" Rajyothsava award : 2010.

6.ASHDEN Golden Award for Global Green Energy :2012.

7.SKOCH Award for Financial Inclusion :2014.

8.Microfinance Award India :2010.(For Large MFIs)

9.Changemakers Award.
Thank You

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